The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, June 11, 1861, Image 4

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po l io* alkeiadeottizetii6uthern wags.
psicids. ;The
blor . - 41.,e4111064 it not - -cp , piper is past
ceitaibly p e r be
• ntembefed t t4cre ili , Jaatcely a YotOzttgeii3i:
~o F insMutpulti
740 Aid thaiiine4iiktable unnitlettot disublint
•'bntcale hire pe ia the debt ot.beitint do
some debts down,L,.***lngh a
alga_ :Oil* Metiothftit.Tl4o on
bait beets, some4l* cuilvt,iceOr ,
twee times aweek; alma, °nisi *fitui 'iad
stir ti There , abundance of the= manilas
for pinking good leper at the= Smith—raga
--cation-waste.- hemp ropes. and the - like; ;bat '
daidierlAortheru skill and , capital an now
nay to - regenerate those arlloin, ert fa te St
them for receiving•t4o elorioni-truthi 7 of i the
• (Tharlatcm uldang,!! tee elegant sentries of
the - -Atlanta .I:lonederacy," or the *Maim
. " teachings of the Richmond "Rusthiner"- Mat
Ottpltal and that, skill • are not prthoorle4
ainnethe rebels, howler. 4 .
- -- 4--loen -aa lithe Insorrietion sulght iin
.bioaild wiler.tille a prairie far; - fill' tad
itrttellan of ,that • In&mulable nhoa
lawn as white - paper. Ari Wadi. o n an d
ditehildies It will be melee alive
-.- hese going tall at , coca, arar_geodually *nog
-:: until it shoots up Rend honed nez , There
' - are piles of dry - salon atone , nrnriog,whose
lea* tent retzthat- linos for hmk of „polar,
'4t0t.014111, that the flre went oat You reel
grateful for ibriuglertetved in th e g
. - 7.erei.".eria entertain as abiding faith that at
I.;.thblatas will spin-forth a mint gro
- .:lty:and!.by. which may be husbanded' nt,
frt.Wine& of cattle instead of being Int la.
ISturriettra. destemilim as at prank - AEcittr. -o - i
r; th ese ispiringlinoend
mete pi-, the South, will one . day, comet
4 jtannls i liblelt. will `contribute-.somewhat; of
t-dan wealth to the South, rather than
met . eblif principles that harp hitherto
• beerLdellared < through their columns.: Hence
we lia r shed save see _some obi
-'_.- teams flickering mid dylog., - Nor will
world have occasion to regret their speedy
tlleaPpearacce. 'Amu amines ! _
. .
!MIA - Elaratora to New Tisk
Not Withstanding the rapid growth of -Now
Yak as a grain market, the intainy employed
in trims &Wag and Weighing grain hark until
-now; :bet of` the moit_primitive charactet
very slow and'expensive in their operation,
and wholly inadequate to meet the require.
'• =pita of so large a business as is now going
on. Neretolbre a tub of about three bush*
- capacikr, a horse arid pulley to raise the same
from, the canal boat or barge, 'Winces loc.
weighing on thoileck of the receiving veep
bare been all the facilities for tans-shipping
from a quarter of e million to a million" r
els of grain per week, thet - this city'_hu affitio:
dud. Of emus° very capacious elevators had'
been in operation at the great grain wane.
herpes; but itis not usual for gr ain that now
=least° go through storage—it puss di ! -;
rattly to consumption orshipinent, and the
- rWiii"'Citilinagula the delay in loading ;a
ship with ...50,000 bushels of wheat by the
. -Weise pleased to be able to say that Iles*
thaw, Zander & Co. of the Excelsior qlorelk
Atlantic Docks , hare taken• stair to °Witte
thie difficulty, by mons allotting Elev ators.' ,
The Bat of these, the Brooklyn; goat(intop. ,
oration` today, and will be followed in a abort.
time by the "New Yak; The_ Brooklyn. is
tianty-two feet beam, and a hundred-kat
ysig, and is capable of team-shipping,.acm
ing, and weighing throe thousand - bushels
wheat Per hour. - Thus, with the aldp on one
aide, and the canal boat or barge on the other,
the work of tranashipft is greatly faciiiia,-
tad, aid can be done ln the stream as wall as
in the ilk. The smemdpg of the wheathermit
it is &divas& te the sea-going 'russet
great dtsideratum, as the expectance of our
u c i tat.. l . 43 * prove, . Than en:"
pgaiin-thelothrtrisdeiarOs auvippiLlate,
on the!Advent alba
. 11.341DgArrat,prs.--
Y. Cour. - lrling.. _
_ . , -
Proposal for a Umt of 53,000,000
to the Comnowealth of.Peonsylt
pursuance of the first section of en Act
of the General Assembly, entitled "an Act to
• mute a loan end provide ter minium the
State." 'approved Itfaylith, - A. D. 1861, and
thoeixth section'of the Act entitled "an Act to_provielefor die payment of the m embere,
Moen and contingent merman of the Revs
Dassion oE the Lejudatare l improyed May,
nth; A. D. 1881; and' by the iinuty of the
• NOTICE isherebygivni thatpreposale
be received at the oNoe of the Secretory of the
Gunnumwerdtb, until. three o'clock P. of
Wednisday,:tha fifth day of June next, far the.
loaning 'to- the' Commonwealth the • ram of
vuuke HELLIONS OP DOLLARS, for the
Purintele'sit forth in the - before named Acte
of Asermbly.-• The said loan to bear an•in•-•
tenni of BIZ per: cint., pm annum,'-payable
sendannnally 'Madelphia,- and the In*
to be rideemablain ten-yet= from date; and ,
for the payment of the interest and liquidation;
of the principal thereoLit er - oicial tax of one--
halt null on the dollar haste= directed to be
levied on all 'the timidity, in the Common
wealth! taxable State purposes. Theca.
—tificatai of loan shall not be - vetted to taxa
tion inept/4os. whatever ;and all cull&
oaths - of the denomination of one handfed dol
or less shall have coupons attached those
oft brier denomination will be issued either
tt oi mi tt uzl d tion l or coupon bonds, at the option
The e _ l pnty r xiiiale Mud elate explicitly the
anima proposed to be taken end-the rate to
be Pia1.7711 - e - Sfitis right to to
. cept the whole or.arty part of theamount at
tired tole takentmlesethepriposArmitulates
otherwise. No oreeritionel proposabi 4 will he
Upon the acotrptanatorany_proposal at least
ten per anti of the amountmust bepsit!
tho tf preferrod--by-thet--bichierrin
thitt7 and„ainty flays, when ,Certilktateenlha
nano faiL the same, bearing Lumen , from the
tiche'cif thepayment _ ,
The&mairinustbe'direded Under 'seal
to the of theilimetouttialth, adore
ed "Pripoiale thr
The bids willte opened at 3 O'clock in the
stbinoica of the dityabove imbed in the Pres.
enoeafthethivernor; State Tremoiren and Au
ditoi,9ekere ichtUteelethel parsons As me,
seeproper-to•hisfresent,- when,atter exam s, .
nation °Elbe mune ,the Governor will award
lb. loan to the bleed bidder or bidder,.
By order of the.flavernor. - , •
- •
The time of - Bearetory the-oommonweigth:
• , proposals ingbidslortheabeloan - !e xte nd e dlithireby
the ilthinst-.0 *box
B" order tho Governor.
macs or snesartiax as till Offilatiiiirte*
Goal viadyworsas "Pao u era. a
We hereby dee notice to all those wan may
he te feirrandi s tmliee to the thaw,
trader the recent appriponstoort of: throe mil
lions, that, hiving reetived the power under
that not of appointing Lorne of all nap
gas, and other power also reference to the
settlement af -which not
to es ander the -whichprevious Ant of Aril i g, " we
shalt luad every ecotractar to the p mod rigid
noooldtability in tbee settkanent Otis claims,
and the 'inspection of his supplies moat be of
that character
dull prevent any impo
sition upon the Stata, sad protect the volun
teers whn have so nobly responded to its call;
and no ira=l l l be= for mail they
have been who shell have
been duly appended b in. thatpumose.
State Treasurer:
Teti; Z. °duties, -
Auditor Genera/. myelo:2wws
1:011 , 0DOOZ-41 bbla. froth hie in atm
sadurditsey . Sall l / 1 11 I Dna 0.11.111.
Vu Adds sad 319 names seed.
k ilLaWl4l, - ,STBOLIUM,aI3O. bbia.
- • • - - -taitaamistsr, 00.
N EWS Peki—ittOtt Abbe; • • '
Dad? amossid te emus —ft , as. by
11, 14111:11:11, nee Lib/re&
RAIIII3-111etrod street llama fa pinkie, to
evrho 11Va
DASKIT WiLLOWB-45 ,bundler now
2.1 Imam bow OVA IL BIWA ' •
ICON.-80001 ftataiLeict!, Ag essiad
111!mlber,!iiapprtr ar dr a g
apt 777 7 77A14a1l w t/it
S AlT bb l l.lX4no l *
as •
• ; &
. • .
•oN . tt zetramiuji
..• . '
- Destrisiplailantly '
mar ram, aPaidaior
mow miirs.dca, ii_ol44i_au own) Bit
a•a~a ~e i , ~4pi imli
11011 1---tho 014 Pcut Ottir
Many—the City . Priril!sad 84tion Homer
tlmi fitsatairrs, Ethipsi &e.
Used by.—...ttit City Hospitals, Alms Bowies, tra,
Used 6y--,the ". City Hotels -- .!8t
Used by—the BoaFdloi +49.
Used by—mote thin - 6%00 Private Palate,:
411/. :Ste lasi, 4 PNoplr, :Pin iusd..Desite4 euy
. _ .
..MART 1/... - C_431.-0 UM lial.liir i 'him
low tam a:L.lmb liodolo . sew Woe, -1 ow attoehr
_.kbaboaeboolro ma linashaneoererboq : e
woe eed Wed. to ,oo la
7 " :: , WU :
77 - 4 14 " h .....IFYin"furls._:" ° C.-P4.%a
'.._. . iiolllnk..!*!i_4l4:4l,lbita±, istaitalOod be
7,4l:lWallVaitaVa k k r.. ,vv.:
. 7 , t . t . m t
~t . .....0..p . 4 . 1 „ ..... w
alla. an d Sedans. eaßi l abilg n eosio sub Irvin
allotooloolehobeear aka etXstea ,, ddeboa th Vcloooloee, .-
...r:, ::4
.. Tar la KAM aahantsion Olednened. 64t1:
la uouter ,Wvireto. itra Iroa l l PM , ter tat" t
,Ola ea leakellihae,-Lileasee. eliateSsnat.: t , .! I -
. ~,,,.. 4rd -, ::,,...r . F., 0 t ....-.., .1:c, .7 , Af I -..• • ' "- I . .. "
' I
tillilaltio s a 7 COSTll4.4 — roaelitteiso dm;
bobale neat ototbasobt albetia.eaebees 1 W t -used
a bud I. sad too orto the Rate sea 11100 moat
i ll
::. ii=ditleogitsliirmaizabz=itu
O&M: -tam situr.o474.
aitt,' . 4 'Aka= " 5 ,, 1 117.=7 1 'uf.'
• ;., Anis eieraina. Drosuldi, New Wisotwet; 01.14
ro Distrik—Rate; sowla, t.o.
To : Destroy—Bad . Bup
To Dattroy—=-Blettts, Flat*, AGO. &O
,Putrl—lastots on Packs Ana fowls.;
21 ! Dew --- Lutual as Masai. B‘ll.
go Datroy—Emy farm sad spectla of Ver.
alto. •
l'Casuies" .Bat.,-Etaaohr&o.astarmlniitoi
!Costar's /W. 134 Floianifirator.
ficeetare 4 tisotdo Powder tor• lessees.
1.10:6an sbu Doti.: . Wank
pa- sa!di Evervar..ker•—by
aliwics." .imnm.iys wg:
b 06wAnr ,11lagui isid Tann.
Wholl . oWe AwiiTifthlffivw York Citil
ribilikacuter t y ~ aU ri MLtbs".:
tinZ " dr. ' ihOoDlais &Ow *
wawa" 'Eat r wadi Mar •
."" Juan', • 00.4 r
voi n2l v l4"4 4l= l ,
"sa, 4 " .6 "'•;iionir'..; • 588. W
EZ4;rus, 4 4l/i;:.=*eoi'.'t
• Solitpri. , • Wise..
iticalphl Cifici and Vista in '
United States.
jPITT81114 . 1 : .: 14
B. L.lldut_eti*k4.Co.,
'td*nyAt.pirruu*a i;
As. 07•Daioutrpoiaxama WI annum cinunuritl
ceTanaomtai..„ ' •
a 4 cedar ad itqr.;
Air jrnert dind.,os tz 14., 4
4w4.8 tretecraU
Italia*. a. Caii2 . 4 kW,
• -
fmnia. Dam No. 111 irosehrsy, (opper; N il . t:ll,li,F
.11110011/ - Male 0111.13111 i
Wholélß:F_ ggist,
No. 140 wooil Ettrooti,"lPfttaburitr'
- - -,, .- Oft•RUrrilltit
, M , 1 4-so,q4dif:4o ' ,
lartireo.Dateirt Smog- • ,
DitoinoS9p4riet; Truro., .
-Dr. 'Bernicel Laois - or B6dy (dr' the
' ati• .at Mart rado, , roa=wo onarposor.
• • ' '
Al3:v*Vit Shy I :;.„
Dila Props, forrho support ipt °crept illor t ,
_ for Srpooigtfriiiiiim..ith-L,
Masao Knott Cam for wealeknee joints:- ,
:MA P fl a PPG, rle r:f ur l".#
Tkii4o; l 4 6- 4 -
fielf-tedingi span.kind of
r: -,'_;; •
Kim' h raieo ;vim. whisis.du ;mail
°ally Fore llernib tii Th tar 6
Off " 41" .I*lttbiTi, - 24 , 14Q .Wooli et,
ofsti of ihe tioldonilcatar.• •
SLlllTlBlltrooderitiorte cioroot OttROMODIU4B7A
oa4 bar. Loaramonto for DiAlEnn suf: asiostonef
Moro regablag irosbaolodsTS 7 • "
GALVaMIO re,,111 so NA
01115118,t0r toodlail joi% L cera am* ontl
Ent reot frond raptor 'llll*in:qui sopfou 110,
owl ronottarze or Toe addling "
. •.:.. ,:.,:rroaf4 Void rond.firtdrullN
tilled an pr. liebreek soma atria /gala ass of -bal atelta
21tretargh. at tl.e dace et , Lai /WINK, tre.l4o Wokat.:
Ifa ant r yattarla ulna !nag ntreamo, pima( fey.
lunge ana the truncate' Pleas Tent bend robe ,11.3V.61'
.a. 4. alma I ecagltal /4rxitimtiel
sad rettrar In lugs gasitlrkel. 1 ItiatthW• await a eget*
gr cutkitb. war yea greatly &WNW Vr.ilebtamela
praaelltan ids kts.Pucatosso lhatny*.ezeircio We.
. - atUaloseßl PAW +
and ataletaltlag laminae e pe ttt
r bare on tar rearmed 4:t ant egetyv wear •
or mt: : cr t •fllkilleaellalitiaa 'ma, lap ma— lly• Clo..
lamoliaa etelller.lltaltyjoienebly;Oble: *habil T ro Te ll
anaern..,Taa art y paelkil rata Ityou "" `'l '
Plttabargla *agate $11,1630. NUM Ma
N. /1:, Maw thtettarre wes Irritant. Illr. Saab traaeattrely
reeolerakaitt? . nytnrual melt, paring tegalzed • big esesal
Seri, Wassix W. Aumuntill, reerdin4
Aim tenet, Allenlmay My; do neraiy mill tiara
tem a antlarer ham Weis mitt and bolo ao Ua Enrol
tio-about arglit raze Dothit tbd_otlol4,Of 144 (bib l
detaliio6l doiootsion 4.4 444 tow
mnr.ocattuen I mead War cf, but malting took iSilh
dame. I baud of Doctorhpittiataltratife
bot to/Masao otripolotoilly *Alt Mid bond, I Lit ato
ocaMoca. '.1a:Amt11,4115% fink a arithroold; ac.
compiala with a TiOSAIIII conglnaticolty of ructrukos,
and matt sweat; ehL-b pruanona ma that I Dar tow
Said to my room for tiro months.. ~` • .
lama of %airbag who calla th em. s.. 'jai Moor,
ash pram, so tiny know idiot It had damn Sly pnattsta
condllica'acoMithorMs onaldonday a .sad DP nip
mind ea mato no Mato coney Itordeccon dr totaloto4 bat
trout Mk* Mu clonma has •rar dlAtt I ha imam Nog
aid Oat tat ;anaptotaly 41matondatL , Rosonrirodarr
naiad *Ma lotrmalohroonts ina'2lDnnah DlidolDV
fatandarad to'dtta Dy.lkdomeleo modtclus MD UAL Ind
aorta Marl, two. parr alfaraman I in
to= l l l. =
tato. sag ths. am &dant north of , Dr.
dam 11, onbootaiblity Ma u WM , it -toot Man aisfrian
cars of am I am • roll naocasod / ottrioariagdood
boollb sod vigor of oonotttutlon windy to Dr. Schmoden
andlotaa. I.yoy Nam Bram to ahr. - re.. cwt nea.
I km dna* Le treaty Toon poo. palms km. Ike
nT lc
ani ri Dr. backi tneinhainkdrestedink der web&
ot halists to Mall MB as Massa Ms ploon I
Ilk. among .T. 17 p 9990. to cell 0 ,4 19 W 9 9/ b.', 4b 9
atotoet analeepas W ons3kinen, An y , moon 11:101uf
to tom tas lacia ti 1..- sada ma Call on ma hi thy alio.
testoms, Itachklylstab abhor al
my mkt Ann stmt. Allbosbaby 40. •
'aitledleinen are sold .
Sttiftz Atictutici.
No. 21 FITTS BUM, Pisnig44ap.
ri.zas or iseol
• Ell% de Na - xx.sora'
awarded Ike /Int hand= alike
United States Fair; 01/Io StetteFelr;
/111n9ii State Fairi
Wimemein State Fair;, Tows St ate Fad;
Kentucky State lair; ••, '
Tenneesee State Fait; New Jemmy State Fair;
Vermont State Fait;
Mechanise' institute;
Lonierille Ideoldnice Institute;
Cincinnati Dieehaides' Institute; .
Allegheny. County Fair, Pittekatgb, •
tivA albs/ County him sou Nauru on. to telivitoe.
larrt oar to dui publio MINIM= &
mums .utraorso sttinno maim,
stilt luestomil atoltiaosta Ito warm the boot and mod
totiotio lbortogitocidao tow lb mo. it orts Imo&
bp mines the rtktrt sort tittout tatakts mats tin btle•
lora toposdbbl to garnish silk the sourathi edemas.
ot boalo sbler alike Co Wit obbo,terostog Molts Willson
Pa ; gni* to tointrociltoomintopoody
ioarsubratomblwaro duabio Ors may other morbidt ,
Ws toll tbatocticul to mob* ILO bilftilaaf
Stir2-mu % otbebiboot, bll, qtak Wait , bind out
at Ito OM 408/141114.1m0 itorrtat •I t loe Ibroo
abbsitit,tolgob&lbobstoodOlatross ottio bbek!
sot mama% Int Wed. &lag Wooly ill. vill bo fin
abbot gut% on soblitatke to Tema re by !odor.
- Boot °am WI cat*
ma= itirFlacit ros Taw sin taute:
PJUIZTS 1i01146 ,
.I.DICILX773X2 , 7O , MEEIIIarbd£II%,.
.1. - Itoottititig, pot do etirtillmostiit tthrgotloti irsprowi
t loon mutt decision WA* Maud OWN Coorld
g at oE . thwiskidity of gm Wont dt, SOW Ompoorw
Tithe% this oticopsay toy Zooid' lbotr *mos H.:
chi iww. with Imporaot Improtowilmtli. as IiaItAILIF.
.DIMM NUM.' Tin otipiolartty Vine litochlnho tor
.11tootlf mood far ihanoifortatere, to tip, sow= ig
satpht• oaltastertal. wthiotol by disuse at '
sob% thria, ADO the toodorsto plaio st , witkit Kw;
them ii,ki - exCei tairtth to tho neck at 04 *id olittotm
all emir. tioapetina with thiotioNlinforand low prk.ii,
ioactilisowebkili km* sr Mut ' , Wog tito,
otitis Lwity tosithipt Vold toitio - •
, , •
• ' •
Wetly, githolthlotbiti tru ct ettOigi;tif
toottaltto tOolotb nal4rti:43ootilitor end
RAC* t7N Ittioiltiookloo.: • • I • . :
ArairLdblirg aks Do YaA of alst yeah Ito! , ot. distA
ltrolytiag oiLlitetbarsola or by AWL .• •. _ I
itooltloor, tiadlos.
im Is nrra Mike, tITiBOMIGB,
r;C/ 01.06 411.4 , •• V IMO. 'lll
• .. ,Rio , 65 Fourth glases, • •••
a Ll,f. a 0 .4144 ,• '
9 ltY2 'O'CLOOIt.
111* es irecrthe am tiue.e y ttos mar
Nernabr ant. Dw rto delocki azi fr,a)to
miter tc d n i o trim • lb.•
=wig" IPIRCP•OX10114
dm rratti airams Mks 11 MOO
abd Dame*, ,Larrrid.liaLtriaa.dockired isBl4oll
Jam red 17ircarber, alakpisquiro
not ; la th. rake eft pi* mat.. tro, - „,
tra4 snit.
c t t n izhwt sc ritilttifillififi
M inr V A
Jur Armscanyrepeamplholleler • year rib.
tronblirl i lkr 4.P.akr NU= =" "
boril. rtlarierprosrl ikra
rpm menu ha oppritaim PIM um= SW no PM
• Lodi awallias tba Ckinot.' By lairs; ital.. *if la*ir
IL :17.38 tandikel vat* an .Cu, ' •
rrakkok.—gazgini LLIAXE, '
. witi L d . AMAIN= , Amur L L Mod,
jani worts. Was Y. Prarsor..t,
PaLlll.l9 111Pmerzcii- IL IL Prillcdt, IC
moppet fek:Oark.- ' ;iambi Plekb,
/sew lierlaudd
hims 11.11.7, • • • Akimdet SUL* •
irrAlry, Job TA =e,
BMA 11. DaeltAlp.
amp Waal. Jab. L Kelm,
• !Ala OtrariL haw .16rAir/ap,
„Aka= ,k.Lirrirr, Jab. himPlud
UNA, a.tbllorh ' frattar P. Wryer .14/,
111111sarticeplia, /au Orr, •
:Aft= library L. Illagralt.
Loki libenontr,
Cit il l a h=t s ; • •=1"". •
Ilkerrid Sok • •
• exptlirry and Tharuns.LIZIAALLO
=tams , sctemo.—Tbsund
rel haring bion amain tad Orr .=
diem It wandssoury b rata tab wry irdieSse .4I
Cher Ibrefte.ltsfarry but moor di OW of Wit, Om
elfr eatairmAir siabevart war alai, of why
111101bbrg from plOgliv • lwrireacin cox rrilifloaL
fa Pik et rilhastabWmf Pk*. •
Clartyrtrkt rotint,
4 ,0 1 1 , • -=figt.,..a....liamesestisi.
SUNDRIES -34Y bble. fresh Rye Flour;
nab pito hit.b64*Tharav
SD do Pored
1101 - Block tddra-1 . by
sul - Ifard• WILICdt, do 2611LfborlyaL,
~ ..
ILEUM—GO , isiudi. our,;B. 4. eta
Jastnestred lepitoolsed tot mho by ,
) surlll, - .4,11 0.0.71111.0 &Oa.
01:1081 UITII+i t . Pawed Land Poi?,
w rit* vitas
ir . 4111_11:90:440 bble. Na 1 Lard
orailiadia amt. non pao brads (‘ •k,
4 sass• • ' AO*.
4 YIB bMAIL Whitsll*
goo _mg
iniawai•Ot • •
7 - Tor.. nrinuf.)
in smtmiztatedgiazdz.nital minry *Agog li'L't• •
•4/ 0, "of Italin complaipts k Intaldralablo, sal it i• Awe.
fore of lb: vttncd . folppitaao. that . atria teutiosi to the
leatll3,Sgat litteltly t togly alboadda . lonia b. Mit far
Manisa of tba:badj - pmatably skCoat the mind. DL NO-
ArtYPanaPlX igiol#PAßazga to 9...7 1144 ."
Min 154/7,badiOdedaktAdmghbr am& have Tannin=
Atta pintas* la almons AIM! dlrarailled Adroui Ebb
talatddi altacti . if fact,
u'oldarsallidied fiat the:omi becOaudolli Oatato
llabed ad am oidirdaby, etrimd pa:fac't itual• °Edition!
am. Nand fd gbepabag ar. c -r., I a
Have now
.beon before the'pu o for a pep
of 30 'Tie d e; and during khad tdintijiiie. main
maned a titan cumtacrza in almond' irmear
MIT •Or raiment for the 'extradAhriery'car-.
ativeproperttee which theonicenees.• •
- hitanr4raotriarni
cittlaila hal:kap; teity' have overiwocute iimlaris
int "AiiiitiTtE . giiiiiiskier kb*
.dotittlisetottettila - ttidsalbatis fiat% , S 6
strar,todoed‘lew- Moir aleseptenaistay WWI Intallll4
atm& that it bakat .11tga4 alatraallt hal thaalotracilaug
' P
Pale +rr ia "k i ' d erie'±ttal•Yllfah4l7 Ph ha
oiatlettl pmitelpisi trit Witte*, !Ito- ecloiooutarFiad
was which Va., Vzhisitinify'saf it iris to Limb Jim a.
feat end vitiate wtheiti inwifilziihisiiiitiiiha than
tuts 'at
sad oudelltir them vrtth monad toni and
liarzt that Ma, weloWebtod. rex tbudtmaeo.
::,',.' - Ati!t.t.4 . ll 6 :Tir -- "ii.iitili ,
• ,
Are composed of - Ticrimutlniaarrs xx
mamma% al earbe adedatheo7, TIM Of 'liar_
gedeluoki ream kltilii. So sitivi.ocC oo o rmmi.
MesiM o:trails:WM ozor4 l l! 4 kAk . *t r iiri . 4
- 14. 1 4 . 1 t#0xi I ! 4 44.tholc oooo # l !Privosuoic a
en!m foricso4 l 4rlPClMor nth Moen exeMeided
d li 4eUebtfot pmethceithao.ezethoCetheetheid the
54 wan degeathe, uth thessidg the Wed WM
geettld dm of Weeded bedth'whkb Is mantle
Widow Whip door eaters.; - , • ' . .
•-, ;,' ;',', '',: -, 4-;. , • , -.;. - - •
I 4111ErsifIlITTERS !!!
-4,i.4.3414ter:161.41,1z, 61;toaletilai Paws of , ordthlCS
Mee tho oed ittedthlho!‘ It weilreeethe nary added the
sal Wilddidiet. emethationa-ew wee etreasthkede
end: ammexemadletely tadgorettes.thee the Ptlth ewe
lathing theesetheedee Tweediest:Wes el the Lett.,, le
oedema nwilealion. . Wtheteth'redfileseesdeutlothth
'the= of Pita, theX4iertitelelei 1/Vll to claim the W.
inoidgr7 do* WWI wined OW %10 Oi!iriktioe
*Mae !die th.fddruidi, god .le o4 4 l olka -4 •4 l 'a "°.•
or 'flair " r:o.dii, Hied isCoMnsacc, end whtheadoiai
rdza, iris in lee tlia !bill,th.b, ...... 1 . .
Mlllsoliono *labs Med. Sick Thadaotni or
Morrow Llonlacanthroe Mb will be toad to pawns the moot =man , onleorg•
,moyFArs 1.1103p= BITTERS!!!
Have been happily used tor the 6ure of Fiyei
AND "Eras lillbit*T.ANA* l ardczall
. .
1111.1cT4*.eoat pia 4. nous
ArirA yelloesrolated and prommtdocato qtrabary. of Ws
't ern AU dumb la always. fordeito for *b prosiotko of
soared ettentstes dlaamtos and Irsimerths Must!.
.nst aust had from-ad otattourous. , *bee therele dad.
eissorof tdim, elsk body leamstsatly castles. 4a thatabst
bah% ernrabsodisse of bLlo mow fregomiaaseses to
the etemehh. Med often
promotes nap arm! attach,. of Ms.
whkh sersetheme sad he th.
' th, troetraliatiAbhloiaiatii.
. . . •
ems it pinwand b strisuly ',audio& to cUrpotjais. wU
*bib r.rwri ior shit most Oktrosingoodobattattobribodlr
blot I'ibETAIII4I 1411 11,11DiCaNES desan.• dintna
sod ialbtutlo riCabitOrtalliXt:' ni114114141)01t11 io Loo-
drods to INtif7 WO lb • tormoryroyrfotor of thookrritoro
Moliodktoos WM himself stbicbot wall IhY ooroprollit bar
arrarstotitratrtr Yoe start; bodl2lobYttiod hivoin
Mood/ yrroalbor in the trholocompookot goo Astoria
Zebus. - Ho ttottlbe it tortitbibloll tha blrodkino trolett
It as droved to tai trobito, orol voir totrOS to my
*owl dr,
D U Ida tsoorory OM bore porecourpoioctooly
.Iroptotorbto, lot abottoody• bapiotblo, by toy boom
,r4O .
Life fills and Paste' ll' Ix Bitters' 111
• .
Cab In.brlNN, by lb el..6loHig lbs first 4.4
Ole etebileb., =a been aI. Jlow Fur.; Imaby
losteed, at Mb übi mid 111.4114ulbutET. Or
ilinaria. HAIM QM, Illibufab, basnambswi Lib Tay.
aaa Azzurn, Lwow% al,: I.ldob us lb.
isberal ',mama of .I)..sbpsborlll • warn%
.. .
lailquotiia, lon Ciain.usay ,011 tatir.mor .. 11 -
knows muethab, illlbeee end See. y am, Ai mad
Oppresarbe ielter_JEate, CadeaSat du,
Sass of ppoites, as acknowledged to be eiegy =pda to
wobble ow belbreallead tote* public.' • • •
- -
- IPaiom "Mei amitatitleon buy toast layabut by tbo
latridletccs sr at !tutus; trill IWO Mori media ot• • per.
toot *ammo they Mut 1•11 to eradiate from the •Istect all
tbo Watts of tf rearry. liglalititrotarna than tb• aunt pow.
re, mot boreal& atm of der•frao, trt ortikb Uri Tao,
Itrom sod Wats of ttarmietba bort loos preyed rapoo by
tb• lo o otioblo throw% st, Ponld by riorimot•bl. nattbosity
of tb• sallitar• theatint•••• to bii• brut comytorlall met
bp Mao 'WAY V•Ptabis , ttettteltiSs. WW2 Ind
bolo aba sots tbart ••01.11.
. .
Aeate or Intlammat . ory Rheumatism!
Inca, onnolic
Time'disisem,••4lth are eatabg tib• boot palnfot b 7
tome! etatems, the mattloveSersts to Ca,* guttering
lesmaltr - Haat., ere cm" *easy and sreimoty
twinkby &Wm, covaeot. ttu , W. PALO addl'lrsions
Ba .1$ Wilane.tessirrtoeanraat4Wsissy ass ta
Wadi Uwe only tenetat4s msdatananatit StMes esstOre
tasak~pOtat Ist xte - teettate. St . lay. atr ilko so aWU.Os in Watt
7 iniw tbsy rtatevrus ELOOD,anA thurgamP
Was di Oren in Ms slogan. • L
HOa amm tliryael,rattay wall* iiisionarea et
i t . traolatttr UN tbr "nL i. bat Invisoests
'—lane Milting no restraint from pleasure st aaattwa
WU. 111111113.:
Tar si.'l4Vriiinili lE
• on Guam)
335 Itsvadwaxillow York,
lad 000 MN by ill Diner* iiad,io,llatto toilet. ?di*
PlllO. 20 auto pa 0004 11020010 00 .V 0 0 bg226
rABI,II4.INEN4 , , •
• Towele;tpliiae Dlap . Or,
, Pthioting - Mullin; Pillow
PIO* ,
FLSEI-45 tbls. b 10,3 bilyikerel;
• - „ddbfatta.
101a10. 80.
10 da lii.llll/kkrikk •
70 hladda. dal . do ; •
kir do 'do La•
kw isl•br aryl° , "WATT a 70 MON, 0 7,lbartrat.
/ 811- 9 5 0 rj 0 .1, 616 4 . ...ecte1;
'11040.6313m. II do ,
100 id Dbl.- Whits 714;
..wydd , ,
IMIVIBIUI.4B-75,000Tb 11141012 Moajdere)
"Mal 'harp fiLLIIRAD Olajpll9 HAUB, - -
.I= l b 01110 LW :
ha sale inookstsoliss
t 1 • r .4tllol' imam übley
VIEMINNATI 400.1,04 . •
hH law Wool of Imam • Oiabtes °Ws*. 0 0 1040
011211111 lorr hotly Bow; Oro,' W4maa's, 'rime .m
me mop, kook it the tra or or retal4a i
'ant • •• , Oreser Litany sad lard aroma
L 6811 84 AD tfIL--J.ukt received five
awe apertrr qaeletv totboo-e Olive 011; goo Wow,'
eotavems Otiib gun botslai, fee ale ey *.
_ -awn( 231111111 W,
KW • ,• .. .oovesredevrty esel Head stmts.
MUM 'IU4W , WALL • APZE—Mado ex
/Weft al aro/so* by .
-, • , 11411 . BALL. If Wool 4.
4 41 Papqr=tlt, Wiktbromboort. 4 : . Lyn"
D A • i BBER Mad ti, ERMA AND
RUM PACIIIO, Ito bed NW* tar ode it lb* Ili.
" 1141 ,:N,* 211 . 101 1L C .:P" . • ,
X 5.400 r ;
• 14 . .:12:,11:griatkak.
OTATOSIS—One oar load Neshaanooks in
• t for sok by • • .1.21. - 0111113.LD II
. - . sae.
Jul agaves
ntlAl4O '• • 00 beiL - Ilenina (lare.
t;Otif i lllBSloNe-2 bblp.'freih Roll Batter,
i•steListish i t g i Immo AllIVCIti, •
• stva • • ii3libartf IL ear WaaL •
a 41118 ANDOOTTON—, • •
Sabo Ups • If atm cbitcai;
pow lweltag Ova eV, Mute% kr sae by • • .
I stag . 1114 1 / 1 11 DISZWIII. •
1 HITS /1511 —5O NAL: 80. .1' '1,114
:Ilato SO ISSIts &ph, MILOT:I_ '
• ; WAIT wrgaini,l63
I OLI, 'BUTTER-0 bun'ond 1 bbl. pith
Roll battenpane& Ur sas by
spa) .a.iLabinneta•Olertill Mio Eat. W. 04.,
.1 •foottakeper, ElLiedr, redl aim albadal
a Ira all a tar al . Wolk 100.. 11 wand
: • IA f•r p 4 • wed, A.
bum' ewe. Llibitallutokrimn Fn. da!lasi
_LIMA unus f a,unitora '
A °arl-pc-the Public,
Try but a Blogla . noe• of 41:0
Ilona iruci.l) a cio
~tnbca; ~ ~Cgis , r t~iat~ )s,"Yic:
as. P. 10134;
Duquesne : - FisiukilM
ItsattinAare MACHIN R.-LIOT ~ R LAST . sad: ROLLA:iO
A_LI/F(I4R3 ;4:34,03.1'144ES •^l7 dlse°
Bass, wagon. Boxes, BAD ARO DOG TRONA GRA
Cider. lekvich . IV:NIF. TOOl4l, earnerd.
and Mama& worn prompt attuitkin. toti
GRATE 1 0 110ir/13. . I S.EGNECIEiC4,,
-Sole -Proprietor of the celebrated "
P.llitfirr 6A RUMMY ABD 831011200111WW.N0
Oidee ' aiLdSambm*
Pro:ciiWooct zoreet.
ikty, c , . nrreatatait..i.a.
• -
. 41 - A N- - &-13
• mertreectrunes - •
coOsic...P.gariArt. 33.1641:11:E/G
Warehouse, Fedetal Street; near New Sue
aussouerteee; emeaceir OWL •
We ea the attention of. &Was to ottt btre asoorttottit
of &atlas and Hoottosittorto,for Wood and whJ&
wostosollutgat tY Wood Wow.: Timm vtotitog oat My
tlod It to Adz adman. ittt WU owl await
OWN** totes patchudog olootasit.
Oatloot flotoi Yramtl iv ltte Mb& sofite, Honors Ware,
•Plek and •.Fartey 'Greta mite; redden; eta,
171ttlyd— - - D. Da HAVEN It
'ALUM, I , RUMOR • • CS it .00.,
".14.14 Zetle • , Ml 7 . MO R. le. '
WaralloWles.WSN.liViat. Clair streat.
My. LI3R7D4 utYilxa SWIM Paler aed IC ltiben
aratissOlorintilliateAte.; Steel end taw Mod* Rollin
WM Clesaogsildlikarifing, a Watar mad Artisan OM
Batt kW., Dot trot"; Wagon Bow rattleNP:a
104 nuttagli Obapltnin ana Cagan" pure.
any; £t. Jobtleit and Mal. Quango maid* warder.
Pttoutall .Portable zaa.l„ Ihowo nr I.lcave ?suipt . .
skatticad. • ' ,
10 .
‘ ` , g .
BI al A:4 : . : 41k • . 12!
. .
NO, yLitra .I..xEsukrrx sz7urarr.
mAiANUPAQTURERS. of 1411 naill49f COO •
lam Pastor zaa Viattai ts,no, O,king Bazgss,
a and Ontnaten Inginaid Greta Fri.. to, goadorn, /id ika
Tin odeiwintail COid Cookiwg Mom,
'l7.iaiiiny" and "Tritmpli," '
.ad Wood Cooking
Enact Oaltr'i and "Forest)! erne!!
The "Capifor "Eagle" Cookingjtangee,
with *Mow gydwatillo or Open SOI.I.Tot
width sas moo estoodoely In uo in Um ca.) ssd vidPll.l
elm other
The very,
..11111ahat EGrattaxteled Eiiitates
that tmaa be coada,ituidiere. Porno. building Pia. Saw;
witl phmo.o* tbta taihalad "
seat I?toeUta I path): Store; ,
..*impian,"• • '
the'vet7' lataidlta meat In the eray Parma . 410,411
TOiSiber ridth :Ana, tie - Plait &we; ',/iertiag
Shaw; Laussibt ota atood4, Pranktua
~/ patta, Alaimo pia
/5141.1r/l /LA Witte Irony; TRIS VOILZ:*
MOO, eattorab OA Naar., Sanyo.., k LIN HING.I.
81,Velf10;,InatIllighge. ,
' AND I' tIitRACU,
Um had atratyta , u. ukt44./...th00 neir to tuo
aratee,Eltabsa Grata, tea Kett Ire, tl4. etc.
petape z!nelrpSett Invitad al- WI and exataia.
aVaELL a Co.
' . 9.einfrjgark. fibbnitistlynos,
"111116013 smoitgrula
orr i , 'rut ..EUROPIIia-PT' P 1 AN
4117 . 0/ NNW YORE.
Slagle Room, fifty - WU Per Day.
Ctty,Ball equate, corner of Fratittort at
_ laapaalaelt7 aiU.J •
blatla,aa 11bb pi May 6110.14nd. la th•apacloom Raloctory.
Thera la • Ba~2 Zhap satd Bath Moan attached to the
n. IL—llsware of nonusers and naokizion
who oil ha on ton. •
R. Van= Prorohrtor.
• .....04.0.5:K5,,-Diargas,
iNS, and than &frau of obtaining tho MUM
OuLltdr, &odd GA that the altdes Putchata nal .
ad with dr NU unto of the Gm,
J. N. 1110=1.114138, BOND 8 01/DIN,
as •Boanahe ot U4BlBl43•4saad darabilltyof Its 0=4144.
76Y 4.440305 34 ni184•0 sountlally necosarl, 83,18 rte.
cossaStias of toSetioe' and ,defaelly• Utmeas 434 14,414043,
woos tlbmi mom and imand wi th tbifllms• • or 1110811111.
881:1414.18.8318, vistao, , regardlm or lb* Wary CM
8111•48 Lb' 4844= 04140113 sad 18•888180
1 of MI rizredur 64414 1011181 may' shidos
so proStabie, slab parthropel eau be Impaled co
0304, of • 800,14144. cbaracta. -- ,
:138 , . Amts. 34 Made Blest, N.. York.
I ( 4 ' .
. .
. . ... .
: 7 .•
1 GE
e ;
. ...
',' qb -: .7 .'
- ''.
'"' 7 - • 0 ,.. ..,; 1? -7
..../ , .
- 0 - ' ... \ i , '•-• 7 . " - . '
' '-' • Ili - • : 1
GIN As A. Eitiesaroua. asimerr.
, 4
E -
SPEOIALLY_4pied for the Ilse of die
Medical leefeaebil Slid the lunar. hull ,Tr'
dead the so-earled eadute a/deadlier .oordlal. edi
dded • Akba l V i le lied ladanad by all' of the
proWned ph ' . 'thienbta adf caseehemadu,septedd
deg all et lame. ale seedkittat blialltleitteale etal
Omsk) yodel" Weedy, .0 old sae ier• - dlik.: P.l op
I. qautbutelea and did by all ended.. ammo, std.. ; ,
• ' '.• ' ler.lllo. R. d SYBIL lea Weed et . 4geati
:, .- , - • - ,A.ll. enotriand6o -
(lbtabllehed la litti )• ; • Pole 14,5$
_.l.tea;e . e;
. 41 :P.T_ . .. .. _ :. . . I'l'o.l4Bmill atrial.N. T.'
LI Vital/RUNS ; FAULT-T*l,SW* &c.
Wa !nail wattage attend. of Mom tato arres•
decorating Mar grounds lota Ornamental lharream,
Tram, ahrshicao, to for ametahrarolkealoa, tom miens
all Me pea hardy vetriatlea. Jonowee Noway
apram, Arantart, leo** Whits, Ilmolock, egret and log
111 / 11 A , Cs PC ,OO,II MIPorx, god Cedar. Comma C4,l*,
tight Box, Mori= Arteinitaa, Toglith Taw sad Maim
Arbon Mot. 2000 Ening plants of Um BitrailLll Artorritai
sad Uptight Dm oa ayartiel, Invaluable for loaldi
twasatatboaaty. Mao Ca Apple. Poach end Chewy Trees
of good oloNamil mug wars Mae. - 24 1 0 trealaromaimm:,
tag to Mew, of •tho odotoamet !WM' dr ChoMeSClbarry.,
at=from two to Rh Writ Mgt, In - ralMtg. Mwbot
as emoted, se porthem: Tama itlrata
of ihamplamm,Mmglkt f r om Itor totem Ms% far glattfloggi
tmataidtata mfgatorbowVat wary lowerndea ' " • 1- • - 1
• • Itatemirte" 800. Soap irifkba,*.loba• Parkw, Le,
•Itagnooleek, WM Sam% Dr. Dranya. - Joilea •
'Unmet@ Oar addrado *maga WilglorpostodloOlC,O
Ong totaty,_gi..,pmaMalg attaxdodtca - •
.• • • •
• tittabtifigli Cato Irma Ileirem,roltriatof
P l ar bt e g s .
arm algat ew at i taater walk . ftsmtbotlimil,lMaag
•%1122 . irisrho W P ' ? • • • 11 • ° , 4,11,474 e. stenvoc . N.:
2 .- RUIT, 01011111S.NTIAL TALMr!4,II'
aoear - hi rstataing Omsk" to Ur pottro for tbiti paramage.
Mutate so Uterdlyalliledid./ Omutal. ett . iatlota
to at wry brrisearratTßlES Oh Aut.- .•• • - •
•My ekol INK, Pier, kid ollwatfaheib and
ebony tweimedrirstldagl live 'Mad. All alas
isze=d valeasik irniqrbt pilau [min i tall
ota i r.
rot lbw bamboo, sad way apPliklrf to hol.
:•, 01 • App Otw
le Tnor alcoolii heti 11.110.1:01-4kakiot ibid.
ito thriwystr okir, Itmeil• to V het: To•sch• u'ltakt
lIVIRSIREI3II,•troIurt te IV **M. Us 100 a2 a 7o , Nu.
F . 14- :antra Wigs M at. t
1101 k ' Cant , /limmtras• as 4 •lvehb - Web; par
10111 r as , tat; pea prir al a "k 11;•• Mte•
, r
ia. •,* - 11 Ter ilti r464 4 ,'• , • 40 1 ILN Sin PII M
' - - lathrileatinoH .
T XIII LOw" .. -
flit ,-
Litliiicittilow 'll . • -
colum. coutsuus so Was:Afar iota by
kotbe 94 2 1 11 . oro niiii 116 oationd cortlfixotco ..
_ ''' I ' Pristina it liny. ar,isto.'
__.- B. IV& J. I:liorralu Gents-ht.. Latotegabig
on ono 0,114 frfti ice wo Ind to bo tbi 1, mt for out
11. two ore toolt. : TARIM 111.ft.R. MA. Clo,
C 4. nur Coax., inLACk 6,g COS&
i 4 01241(11ied ilie entilittaiiiiii . of
. • ::.. 17 : tia ::: 'PSltBerl iuuu.s.tmoaket:lw7 L :er ga ordmth La i:r:,Liaaht. o: yemzw..:s . ga*. lSAiie ir.LTt7t..d li .
• "• I.lllKilatc ' Atailitil4,
I . DAT MOas, cam OHO 30014
Warm dairsipskuver gmcquas flooksonlinad or nada
So orke la lb* bat Souslimmtlai 40.447 PIM , " MISPIIII4
!Irliti irittpatos.tualialbesdlap,_by - -
i 7 RlAtakikoi Maltirs;s7 Wood st
lbe. Shoulders
zo,oco do usgoo.r r'r
leigoo4p: Otma
store and Sur ails
Y Winn.
133111 .. /la eis Ition, gait.
EMONS.-10t) boxes ••,Mr.1044 - ti4lSOnis•
Juift " .4 6 " sla amen ii a mums,
ISt Wood swat.
AWN LEATlMR—ldarshalre'llaw Hide
Lies tolatkari s *way W.% for male al 4.
Rar,l444lat trona *Pr allTir Watic Rae 4414 by
4 ' Nos HO sad 11386:044 lara
U1T118 7 4 bbl.. froth roll , this ds reed
w*IV aims a ourrw
6 - 7)47 1 . -1"7 - N..,.: ...-: • I.
A , S -- atsap nil&
A 4:amanita - item!): &rig - vial to the most_
t effeetusl atttereare thar-canctosialdri . llt is,:
a, conortitratedyextract Of aVans Samirparilla, _
so .rombicuid with I other. -sobstsithist of ;still
%treater alterative. power-as to afford amerce.
tire antidote :fez the - I:Use:sad Bareapewilka is
reputed to cure. At is thelimled -thatiruch a
remedy is wanted by "those 'ho Vitkrikattl -
&TUMORS complaitie% and that unC rothieh will ",
accomplish their care mtd'ykorte Of illttleinif '_,
service to this large &Mot Oaf artAled fhllowl
--citizens. ' How compllfety4i9X4 aml It
toltlizt.Shemit proven by on penny
Of the worst' caws to be fouhtr 4.Ailgwing
complaints; tt . 40 , i .ir. ,
Scaoroxa tan Helmet-V.1,ml esturtiuirrs,
Haurrxests *am Haurrute DrawasaM, Ilrearss s .
rearm. Marcum, .lfaxons, t litstitare, .
Scatirlir.iii, Samaras awn *eu
TICTION.B.III23CRRIAL . Dte .ISI sear. i t .
RALOIA Oll`TWDotrtotißisoz ittttitrt; 111.
• PEI4tA A AND lanlonsrunr,llla i Ron
OR Sr. ANTIIo NV 3 FlRWaria ' ..u*dretliv 3 re .
class of complaints arising lona tliTimrs Or'
'tarn Broom.
~....- Thin emapound will be found a Ont,tall.'
motet of health, when taken hi the,alumg. tO"
expel the foul bunio' ;whirrs fee* 'in 'the
blood at that season of the year. t BY thetirdeV:
ly expulsion of th em manyiranklingtilimuders,
~. 7,
are nipped in the bud. ./Irdfittidelt eano IrTi
the aid of this remedy, spare themikelverfrato 4
the eaddrance of foul eruptions mutt ulcer= ,
sores, througb which the• eyst:ett will thrkve to
rid itself of •corruptions, if nor assiiitellto, do
this thro ugh-the natural mf ' th e body
by an alterative medicine. oat the
vitiated bloodwhenever yott tad its
burstin i h:u. rtifa ,
g through the eldniiipimplei s ' ,
or 'sores; cleanse'it when you Wit ii ob
structed and, sluggish iii the Tani; it
sibeTwieritis twit, mad FM feelinga lullten ' '
you when. :Br= wleranopartieular disorder
•/3 !CIL, peOple enjoy better , health, mid, lira=
:longer, for claming the tblood.. the`
-blood healthy, and all is wells bi 4 ' HIS'
pabulum of life disordered; there an be I no'
lasting health. Sooner or later imxictlabag
Oust go wrong: and;tiMseat_thaeldhery of
life is disordered or overthrown,: ' l'l ' •
Sarsaparilla has, and deserves: ninth, the
reputation of accomplishing these entis., But
the world has been
,egregiously, ilei2:'ciecl-by
preparations of it, partly.breausa !the dhig
alone has not all the virtue Iditat ll° 'claimed
for it, but more because many prEParation . s,
pretending, to he concentrated, extracts of it.
contain but little of the virtue of, Sertaiparillas
or any thing else. ' 1' il
Duringlate years the public have be= mis
led by large bottles, pretending te, give a quart'
of Extract of Sarsaparilla for ancidedlitr..Most
of.these hare been frauds upon the lick, far
they not only contain, little, if any,,Barsaps
rilla, hut often no curative pre:Perna wilMter--
er. Hence , bitter and Nkful disapPtintment
/123 followed the use of the vittibus extracbt of
,Soraaparilla which flood theuradket, until the
name itself is justly despised, and has betaurie
synonymous with imposukmand cluatt.. Still
we colt this compound Stramarills, andlntend
to supply such a remedy as shill ;rescue the
name from the load of ;Mosul which niter
upon. it. And see think WC IMTO . gratra .
.. Ai ,
behaving it has virtues which are nrealatitde
by the ordinary run`of the crisemes kit mtreitii .....
ed to cure. - In order to scenes tacit to- I
eradication from the system, tharemedf anal
be jaditioway taken according tri on
DR. 3 . C. AYER, 41r. , C O.
Price, 01 parßottle t Sto Bottlof for P.
's Cherry Pectoral
, ,-
has MO for itself such a renown far the cure br
el.:Ty variety of Throat and Lang Complaint. that
it Sr entirely unnecessaly for us to =aunt the
ev d eece o f its virtues, wherever ithas been am
plosed. As it has , king been ia . coastant use,
throughout this section, we need not than
assure the people its quality is kept up M tito best
it ever has teen, and that it may' e relied on to ,
do for their relief all it has over been Itattattrdo:'
Ayer 's' CatharticiP, s,
, von Trce aniror ,-' , i ,
Costiveness ' Jaundice, Dysprimo,., 1-'sulkiostiost„ ,
I) ysentery,Cond Slorrach, _Erriptkillt 1141:420114
Pile, Rheumalism, Eruptions and Eau Dipsrra,
Lire: Complaint, Dropsy i jeer., naturs sulk
Sall Rheum Worms, Goa, Natlegta, aa a •
Dinner Pill:out Ifor Purifying (As Blood.
They are irugsr-coated, so that the most mod-,
tire can take theta pleasantly , . and they are the',
best aperient in the stolid for all Mamma of a
family physic.
Price 25 coats per Box; Five hops tor 113.00. 2
1 ,
Great numbers of Cleitgymen,,Sliatta.
men, and eminent personages, hove lent their
names to certify the unparalleled tilefuhunia °Mese
remedies, but our apace hero will not went the
insertion of them. The Agents belt/far/noted furs'
nisb gratis our ASIEILICAN ALNIANAC in which they a
are given; with also full descriptions of the above
complaints, and the treatment thatahoolithe fol.'
lowed for their cure. - ' ' =
Do not be put off by unprincipled, dealers with •
other preparations they make morecl,dt on. Demand AVER'.,and take no others. The lick '
want the best aid there is for them, and theft Mould
hare it. • •
All our remedies are for sale by .- i
I. A. IPAIMEROCEIM. Pnbawris aPi s araola
Mall DM :WA sad Dealers em714.1n. -, Oblier
Restorative Cordial
_ .
pi TO PR Ib E r CISZIM p WiIiT
t lV lb. A3*.vir
gx. Q
to Illion. athilmatlng am! stramtboatok to tbo Taal CI
H wlt abormfold*rotadatm sad Ms Id
Wad ows
la all Ito minimal pinitiromool Iloormataroo roan*
sod Ld'
ftmodem Us mum larataarablo Wag:fats M. +Ma 0
....: I. 0 , tlui ooly proparstionaver. olhavd t o 8
amino a popular form so arta be 5l ha the nut
14 g. war lal totrand st
wit no
.. i i1 . i 11..
0 to aol i act faparom
i. = 0, 174 ,...
E 4 ftwoatalvoinalturl al
900lm all= a ir tr . 1
011 meta. aml 's a me It la ma r folholmOtbi t Zfolft or
Pt =:l4'"gorte " b "ft r s omb ft
it foolOomh motbana suod • .
19 norm Wan: end. a rimed: to lood boon Mk cobs ii
a &Mania= la the eadlcalwatid, bota by moth*. _
in loallblimallad la medical 'doom a:oddly brialetroo rl
ham onefond from dolalny; fbr It mint no math* 0
still to bolooloOPl Mahe on that MMIZIIIPOIMI m
H . 11 esmicke ot dk•seetaad /path swards:l natio LI
C to MI, attooko m may of . the wait
e to oda* poor bormanlty la matmaly llobtal So* 0.
... roles= seam IbllooloiP moloilapdaa btoMMI-
0 tla.ladiputloa,d, popola, tom or p, odatoms
m , x
yna I reliability,- eirdreldtac of tho
Owe. rommorholl::lgooroomme ma% bra el
poor, OMNI., and Metes' clan edam ea lhozfoltt 0
fatal a` naattooded to la lima Oallod Imo* onlimm
ct halsodamthoa:A Ma gm amattkondonto or loor• p
I. pidny, goo Mom morptdata dbmailooof Ihol Woof*. 4
. maldlog or Modolloomoo of the lalma army POW
AI doomP ooo t of.i l O_orloorz.MtanaPalli fo da lele - k,
CI ski s
d c e r a w irtting t ta t Imm aeMe g h i cal "=
o , door ddleentr of tommdadiaad mow am mow
It moments mailtinoro stnl. WA,* boa . s oy
o to
to,, It %U. -ma moll can Shoat{
Al *MI mot haat; but Imam al Milan i
a Mama' um cora tha 'it bac% It
ready otfacoar.--And-ao trams dimly Mod patioaddlyi
motto M & oo a Ms ero ammnond eo t U al a lo l o o n s O l ratmh, w
tom;tido tabilbly praml 007 domalow moodop e mmi
%Poo 411011.M.01150 Lob* Ml tfo:
oll i r ig abrand ham • ammoolth theroad all .1041 to*
alablo spoonful Wawa %foram**. Ott Plototto 4 = 4
UM... itingibm. Ms atollffa_Millooon ahead ba ta
am Model owl Wzoona of Nedelifedl le d t d loa
c 00, allhtoedad ,llhlßod
mlf leilm m M md et r *UmmlaamiOaattamh Tt ,
gilMaleaoralablaplmantantoha a roMaradah ,
Ulm WI which rob Wm of tboir boatithrltajamotrima;
cot POOttrlttmat taaltho Mot .booluitanamaxlm oohma lb.
Mires Irrogolarllliaconarrus TM!. spola L tho .oordlot to
's plain merriest Miff: Takoaanft'Oir Probodal fha
,Illaal lotit,./66 will pow - Ma damlblipalat tray pod*
WO and maty. Thom 111 Uri We tialraTtlhAt.'
Ulla Cordials all we itashina florlt o : Other%
try itl ,iltal to war irsagamol! hi 'Motet Mum or,
tooeat Ooltoi l ooo datlghtmloibollas ft hawkish
bat Mary paw sonar aml . latteba2ll2/Wbralblllf dm,
foram, from ham delicacy, oteuer t domertephieSedell
MOM Mbar AIM Jot thdroandl I. twat
11i lather STD Mks 'at adral srpvl theft:l=2.
Putnam Mat If,. It, worn ma forhotallory kof Madh.traml .
1 la tbe mom doornail:A pith, mama last : to arpM nor '
1 haat MIL 'ant
.the moths+ la Meow ModPatt o, aill
am maldanthr appal; kr . VG 1111 sano yam.
afbetloa IQ - asonlagls point wa So Procwasrsarm:
IlmOordlal mot .111 am steno;homo tbalmoody :orldch
Micah! bo slims on hand In 1150 armed.,..___.; : . , ..o ,
' MirVel --W°43D l3 -4K luor i l n alf t i n
~ lecM to by,lk Tarralusoatookli 04 JAC lab
to lirAllert• . _gee.a. ik dellepeLdegoi na.litrik.
mama a Cailompfr main': flhapo Jalloolos,Chaa .IL
RY PEA.O S-U IE9--4 eaas;
• DRY APPLI ado; PM ' lll-.15 OWL.
Fri 1111115-100saakir-la stew: foe r Ai
QMOKING TOBACCI}, 101.x.bales
AIL= 20 bbls. Linseed' -
vaabbis W Inds 011ibrres by .9
"•". "" WAIT I MISONINet taiiti
fIOTATOEI3.4OO bas.:Bed2oaw
s- riliklallOan 400 WI • •
Joolsoy4 Film for Nasty
0 A/S—ICKN) by!: Otte ifr eterefea vstpA
t AR _CURED - LIABIR-40liaroarJ.Ik.-
6j Itliett A ex4besa4 rued for Md.
, • , • • lAimprr va,'"
' -'
oes. FOR OIL '',lrda
by . • •.• - •av0a40.04
; Ambit
TuAorraATIUSR4,I44/ 1:404-0,1111'
biltabbyrDryoi of .eu,--4.411114.11.11147Paitn,
J: • • • in-
hi 40 +1 1 4. 112 0 146 b7 'AMU Si
011illedju. ,
asua selir
ImaT, ILP '76 Latins ar.
11 1
. _
aim= oz •
Jens Chi 401.14)
6161),44 two
VllRafk Nadi-, siert MK do
. _
No *awl aWrlnllßOFPla*ft_ , kind Windt,
lama -. anhulatiarthr ad • •ala al - „Alizta• a •
rerrisraAamirai c l aolTMlXV7clin4llll.ool
lan a *,, /10 • a lad p a .
liatipmac • pat Inla•ea. : ~--',' ,
Thi. . Acme to aroduiaclialidlii &Wu
• .new -iconliabsseirr mda,", alpha
r gill
ah a v ag suaabsdas mil Thaw -,'
:' i -,• . , .112461016 /ad 111IV:1 '
Lams- - Antarat-/Inliaaa•-. Archie* Mihail*
PgralrillaMillelki smirs. IMMO
s& cut ~1 401 1,1 1 - 1,, IV ig-^ 4 4: 01, - I/ 7 • II
dm la' I * Itl li *:- lauds .ga
1114 a ol= pm, Lair. an 1 lip , a
~:c.. . 11 .. , , ,, .,. ; . 47 ...„ „....,..:zu,
Lan N.
amnia i=ampapaxljal Medan
' 4WD:AL g/
.: •.:0.,,:•.-4141dapplk ILis., , vo.«
' " ..Yrfrataint ,:, ~. T. I. chgvnen
•,:'., • - iltill**.:- : , -:, 1 .0:110•4‘,.
, • I'Ll Itlirroa: 4 ' ' i .:.`:''
. ..1111111 issii was: ere s ociailseatilpaisar , 'line me.
oriZ tandiar eutp. Stisaress arsaa&A
~r ‘ Auso 81 11 1 1 =0,431dea
Za. 2 14 ek.lMil s , l 2ll' iktialtilit' 0 ifilakesis
. ..==. , ,itii v i slie linNAMEtlootaliaaa„ -
Ai:C.A r if*, . , ^ •,' liiii - ...r -, 4 44,
•,- , ilitha byiejaiiiii(o4lltill
4 SW at. a it
~. •:, ~.......: , rja,:mannivisorit.
~s lfigitittir
'1 , 73 f, i TI C,lt: 7 7 .....7LX,..;'.. r 4 ttr
-The proprietorsted mutt hicettere-drifOS
t tr.B.S.min. , perdmith perfect weefideitee to
physieltute eitiztuistreserelly dt.theilnited
' Btatuti,-becattee th 4 *Mick hat attained it Witt
- tatiott.lreeetototertektrimM ill 144ISces. upon
: this' tole vin' - iikienfaii'p;itittblYlian
7 ioltitati ot baro hsicittolVoiblititelUkrilrety
The coisthimtion of Hostetter's Ettsculillit
tent for the lest year -assented to over a bolt
million bottlek•zastd , DOW its -manifestweedy
• iticredas intim* pukit Is erldsid. that during
- the , tenant yettethe.cortutmptkawilltricach
. neaten , : !About:stilts,. This Wmkultspount
could Deter ;kite Luca eolff but ter .t.hit,tatti
atcaleinal 'motet:fief contained In'iltifiiiepare
' Lion,' attd the saiictibiteCtlittlo3ftreaffilent
phycleicheln those sections of; : country
were the iibeld .ow n firli9 Aok- 401 7
' tecoMminalho - Bitters Yo their "patiuttit,,lutt
1 Call nay 4 Ill;times to gleetestintenisis to Its
i efftcacy.itt e/leues of stonnwide.derangaments
' and dinesei :uniting therefrom. .. .• - 1
ale lona& temporstrytyopuLmi#,obtained
.,estrsordinery efforts in the may -it:4mm- •
..:pctieg the , qualities if the Bitters, but ti solid
eslitttetton of en' invaluable Medicine; which is
.deitifiedlo be as enduring Witlioe itselt: r t•
1 1 Ifestitieri ptiniiiicli. litters ' heir iimired
a GodsendAo regions mhero_terer 71114 . 'plus
NontLjeciouevother. cbiliousecemphskuschsve
counted .their Actinic by .httetinsic .iTo be
... ale, to tl** .FstillgintlY, that:the 4 Attire"
o'o ketifitun Mare,fer„ tbe ,Dispegsisipa. Like
''diseases, Is to proprietors a eou'ree'ke In
' iilloYell'plesettie It femoititilliiiiitbld blither
• 'from .tbo• stothitch. purifies • the. -blew and
iniptues renewed' vitality to tliettettaTs,
giving that. totle. Mid turf larrisFitath
for tillOiMsferatitMetlielffth: it trtWil t ' * 3l
the stomOch; liter, And .othes.digestivetamet,
mildly but powerfully, slit woo eabirtmtimin
•to accalitionsuenlisi to the ititill IV ant
4.thirfeticliottistaittute::, it c_ ..i.'! - 1 . ..., '
.alderlypersotte.muy use thellittem as
per di/Seth:oi on _thi. bbtils, sail theyirilt end
-, IZ it eetimulexit psienlittly.adsptedridailbrt
declining yeaticas it he ideticaneto ' itlile,
incigoratingtothebOwels, excellent ' emetic,
and rejuvenating genersliy. We have the evi
dence of thdainutts Itraged,men end women
wbokrie experienced thebendet of eget this
^Lompsestiou =Offs" suffering Wok' steittibli,tio
nagenteetsamtgedetildebilityt uctimpunder
, tki tutrieti , of tdrysielens, they taste abandoned
all , deleteriohs. drugs , 'Mid • - tirrly theta the
merits of this article:. 'A'few - `iitiedst.La - -ths .
gentler ' sex.' There ere - cerlsii tettl:Affit When -
emit tareoste m liszeuing . thot manyetthem
sink under the : ;T he relatiois 4Sr - 1 - tither
'and child is so' ShiilibiesTY tecidei;lihet - 49
';utothei, i etpecielly.if AsesbeloungiJoNtito
fursthet ova Malik •itu km scrlntuutsuMity
_far Intent, ghoul* the period otatteleralty
_write dating then uorouseasonithe weer of
- body and =lndia generally aggraret4Aierr.„
7, 4r ,gi
then, isa necessity farts stiniehmt m
ratathelinerties of the Ay
• ,•164 e cho
' mother to Übli up ;Seder kir , . •
itd-respotralbilities.• Nutting- '
rally refer Chi Bitters to • nll - 1:41'Or 'to -
tots that retATiiltrir . eNrcifsgmiLaf p yid
ciani,•bektuse it' is - a greeable tau* as
well' is'• - eittetiO, to give - Opet:Usnipt increase
of bodily etrit4th'.'' 1 - 3 • ` 3 ' .- ' ''" '
' , All those persons, to 'whom lectitife ;Millen-
Iszly referred abere.,, to. with _ sofforerstfrum
• fetst Ami ogee, ,ostosed,b,y malerkh.ditrdlisil.
dysentery,, indigeMioti,,loss of
- nff''itsiuumi ai.aerangesunite 'ef . the seesaw),
itupetaiinuateCintalldsc persons Ur •tufffittst!
.oocupetione sad nusiistmothers,.will,ecomit
their Amu physiesl velfitro by, kivilfg Milts
lettet's.Celatattted Stomach Utters atrial' -..,
CM:MON.-Ire amnion , the pnblionviitnit
'taint in,* or 'tha *tiny - imitations or COMart ,
felts, ..but ask for Borrirrisea-CatifitnrWti
liroaracir Birrici4ind aro tlintrnebbrotiirbdie
blown on iiiirnidisAtAlidttlle:nd,id stamped
on therinenalla. cieleinig..ils i cork, and
obarryisi.luiindinutograplindßudurn in Flab.
. • r- , Sa- Pilritred andsold triaosTirrrinra
"Zrniegrs*„- ) grererg;:tienl.
tfiktesei*.t the Viilo#l,oE
prim Plaatolat
- marto& hiona ifyropn'
iho lak=efod uu =itoomi t.... .: , I 1.7"
, GO ailla =An, ;41,S a°
- . 01 11 3 1
.1100 bbalatni and Ida anaficia .i&
ktectiond lbe Mott Peatr , LIB CO.
larenreser ,
142 . ** Is t i - 10 1 1 V45diblieid .L tais
intbr= ll.llolllll rittatil
aildr"lll lepha m t siecAtibr
41. 111
:- lb. othe r M ith ,
minus ttlit!
IPONIiiONALUT4 I 'ft ;in-' r. 7 r.71'7 •
a st.pluukrimPt4l49/05,
Zirl i tedaftg; 'k
UM Its. - ekolke Saxe kiftilirlitarkr•,l7-,-1 - , ' 'c,
IDO bosadooltimmilANl,
..? i t
riCr a iAtiVi m i ' lii,
.:3 SI
a l b a ti:MM . cit ' r'
;', • - ;',,le.'= - 0
silo ! 1 /44//& - lair 430 '.
~,m ai __,....._ , .... ~,,...,_.• - sic lid delded ,
I)I3tIDMIV-lisigiliaioift% Viesteni ?OWNS
so imp Len
- -...- •', -. . -_, ,
• . bull% 14.1it.7.." . . ,- •:.-
itiriiliatib ' " "IL . . tally% .
Ir lia'S - , 0.: 1 1.1:10*.&._, z 0::!..: .. .. -,..,,..--.+- ~ -.,.• • : „
'.-, -, IV SM .. Irarki,..,W '-. -1 ' -••• ,
4 04
I'3".fib .110140inA. fi _OO ,-..-.. 4.2„,y4 :.•,-.., .....
alltiliiTtislit. ' - c ..,'' - i .• .
Ail /await* er ofteiatosaiisess io inn', lifttk -.
Nstriimase la - - ONUS 1 11 11 1 / 1 16 SOX 6PM. 1 . ' .
. Ism !.- i' „.: ----) aillleder Filatailalebankt
CEIBAP WattikTALPAR atr sae bi l ' a.
SibilattrOith-dditlitittlrlMEV .
.2.::,......... :' A a 1ripc491;,,,
11 . i ~ ` '.7 -.-
Viiiii-saavy&Luoana-asztstiasi inikvia4 ,; i
•Aniaimill. !Jim my brysta N ,
i c ii n k z.. -., -,,,:.:
flilL _ Laraktinl,ol4aks liar .. imiaint
%., Wotb or co 4estkaa. anilkll, pcopusill~
11Nriotiel and 1bri5i5.14....--.....—,........ _.
. , .,.., 1 .4 6 , 0 . ACM 414110apiancr
egilk=eepteal MaPieli.s7.fied 51i. , 1 '
QUl4Vaiiiii.m.. ' 80n1111+05bbilita , 14 .
p ; 1. scanamh, „ i•arifirimosb; •-m r,- . • • • - -,-
' •• ' 4 Litri110.14.151191/Pilltet7l.l
TIM* •
'La Wassail fk,at was kj 4.41341iiia11i
`A' - •^- ; Nall" Wesaatsist.7-,
VAMttns4m- . man •
14 1 -Kfq"lz: '
• --7,V_:;714,44,=,
gtipixtfugmfala r Ag)4xraw
iti c adepru l V.,. l
VB/ONIZt aldE 4.l O Ol V,lNb i
evendexio plinirat
ima• D Oar UM
. A.
LTfVi'a•-~~~'.R?3YIWNm '~ yiY
L ..