_ K -~" , Z:; - ':': .).1.:1 , ',.A` 4 c7",:-: '.?:4i1..:.'',:5. 4.litts6trgii_ '6B2f a. te i rriisti3 et CO.. .111 )/10.1.S.i'11T01111 F..itiostios 0_ jig.* it'S#. Bft4Y.4 • Editions daily. eon up to the-Lour of, I IQ 9tt lulu "' 14 e,17 . 1, .Q /20• x .].-Warftirxi , . : 1 4 r.caltv 4 or 64 Per attar arms ' l . 0:4401/2 c: siuninr. Iva . • . ox 519:4 tee Si 13 Untribi tirearlibt7 Ix! 0 AT 81A80314141.2 arms. 7 P=TAE; 3 3'CIiGiI , Z3z WEDNESDAY moasTa, JUNE 6, 186 k The Ciiiteal.nouxUala Itegloas. At CPS wiU for the costae of the Union that ti thillbibtOttid - Oonvention preelpitated Vire* Jeto the ableio ltetlis Qs, treason and TM we estitmaitsell, beams It ore to all aldiii la:the °nitwit* unequivocal positions; It to.' '. I t shied ts' to', tell lost' where every Man stood. . ' t Prior to Altai let theresoy quiddity of professed !Batista" In that Stati, - . machtimmd ,tiniondits, Itithlo'hoot we iiiii4:ackirell Atuirrei :.11. -. !°Pril7; but tr* eritri naori_ectsOldeeoie,riten -; - ibe;/I)ietti:cr paititeytietter were or Gould be: ) • We knei.therst So be foes; and we felt their holt ! z tilltionirthe More Inertia they professed le ..._,.. .... be our, friends; end the' Mend. of peace aid Hulce. Bat the preelyicatiercifent of the gum of fisuntei separated the true - , from; the false in that Btati, - aiterisithe Tell of hypocrisy from fitetip.,teiliclisltar...l,l . Portmtatsly, that eeparstiou -ii:iery nearly,. . ' . livogiiigibistklßest of the Blue Ridge thie •• . Itetmudon Matte is almeafitiversid. In some ,:. conittisti law volts were ' oastat the late oleo ' "lionigiinit the ordbmnoe of ,secesslon ; bat In many others there *as not clue.. It Is In this . socUsinfluatlho, F. F. o'e are found—the oris tecriiry, the tolling clan: Here, also, Is toned • the Emigre pirt of. the slave population—that •• detkloattiLdiassinpou which the atonal/id ails. 1 toiritiyle bill( 4 for were Elembe removed, they is ' .' ortiuld. -ma ?titer then other people. Thia ...,•, ,- -s,secure cbOtisites s, little more than one third - of .'llicitemitcryt of the State; end were It not .. tilbited;4lllfEllaisry r would be one of the finest ".- . -...-.. ,- ... -,_ -',..,'' toslettroit Ilia continent- - - - Srthlt. 'Shia Ridge and what is coned ..P.:..t,lii jr*Stglilotthil illeghany--both of which trivesieltitiFiltitefrom its Northern to Its .2' ,- .4leuttotnitteredimfeta direction nearly Booth- _ WOO, and fi:ont6o to 75 miles wader - - - logoi 10 .., 1 0 8111 III;Volloi, sometimes ailed t%'ll‘alallat!lfhefiheneadoata: In ell MAO; coil, yitpr poser, and beats of It IS VOrhapS,-„unrlnied. Titls 'greet annoly I, dlsietoldett lei* alternate mountains ' .." 12 "." 11 K . 1 41.0! tb!kbitsits being very Osten else and fertlll4.otlntra.notdined and antstmely -: • romantin. - , TheidbOttion of slaves to the white piipt4tion le this Talley than ill'Elitero Ylrgl Ii This latter - sro, for the most Slit, `rude; Ehrifiless jria inenitivited, and In their politlial Creed 0014 follow the lead of the Santora sentles:, 1* scone counties, however, thetraloti sentiment to wank. This valley, la the hesids#.itt,lneldlimtnt and industrious pis, aoniCbt Made Immeneely productive; for, to additton4S Ile iseeitent nil, It Is ens of the • riziteet idnerairsglelle, in the trailed atom Al present, its AN products Ire ems and argrpee. . I .. - - West of ftiit:jgbaniee I, what ii known as Yireirteia -onmprlsing about one-third Ike lartiorj , State. It I, made ap of • every variety unease. Irma the moot • fat and fertile lo the inotd`rugged. ~Tab It al!. logether,ft is alongii:i4gl* but. healthy, --- and rich ha initietalg44.l 4,0' very 1141 . 1 mm bat orsonc , A?-wplitirs.brase, haat and rash attbstatuL- DistAkor--re freeman : of the right _a . tor- the petige of, the Pere Stmetithea tor their; iitraient fetio*Vireltitiai:Ust`Of' 'the Thatatideiti ithe6i tbej have beg tett te . , orit: aPPTWawa. In kkair Mate pap:haat a dies • • upore•the prorperity• or, their neeilon: At tbe Ws . elution. Western • Virginia. wire an o res- Irleelming arajoelti Of .veter spinet eeesuion; and einao Mit slhur,.etrey have taken up arms, and t _in ootaatiadoi via ta" - • Obb; bare from me !wt.?, to tbe hal eseurred eines this intifilog and more bop*. • !tle patriatiass in Western stitcht.- h:INCre iciJuU to OTlN•estienster the value of - mi. Ottilonletked 'by' Um Ihtion in" Western 19irglala ,Idotidtti It now needed buf the re- Rivet of the obstmottion el limpet's jetty to Stag : am toree►lainitootelon of the most 'enable sertitegic voud lithe trotted States. Harper's f r etl7, which the Point where the Potomac breaks throttgii the Bins Ridge, is the key 011ie 7thlstral'ialley width extends south wut, t rough Virghtleiyeatent North"Carollni, Eau • ton Tenneisett,'ln Northern .falabams. It Is a great esountaln telt, pinups 110 miles wide, healthy and Pleittant !n climate, and Inhabited by a hirdi 1410., who have little eympallry with the alayerprldden people of the Missile slope, the Gill Odes, and the bilnisslpplvallsy --a people of elndlar triathlon and ftelisnee with those of %stein Virginia, and who do not need to. be conquered, tint - only vacua from the grasp of theirparopend oppressors who an now at war with the Government. That Is a region_ Is which operatlints ciey.be coiled on'daring the Sommer and 'Autumn with more safety to the health o a f the troripa thin If they Were kept lying lava ive in'oasip 1 and let them ones get ' 'possessicticf that =imago noge, which, Ilke groat keit; divides the Infested regions of slavery`Sad sad the sobjegetlon of 414 •treason bob regarded as_ anomp li sbed. • From nliat iiedle ations we hereof Gen. Foots's in the movements he is making. we thick • that-this is what he Intends to do:" . ACENTLIKAIr of this city, on Us way bocce from Wishing!Oit,l, chanced to pink Up in Erna of tko Balthnorn4ritibh•can, one of the nioneet Secretion orgentiitt that city. Glandes ores colorour, - , ye are Ptroppled to ark-Whether - tic Plig.l4llie and &ask, ciao old dpuisty,. and the Gorlltse,iund - Iteeeisen, and .bricypt burnieg etabtutan bletii=en, of the new dim. : eh did not melt;br oonobrre, end elicit by scale. matioi such en opine could without faltering eopeqt *Waiter a dozen !Diet facto latest lyeat as many nedniout fairel;oodsead by this pre. pees supply that:mitres with the present editor of the Ropi6llecort--1 . The =Warr a:eft' lirellad 'Weihtossam The forcuithat have hitherto beep protect ing WashingtonCrum within, are now guard ' ing it from Without On the heights which . surroistsif the`city; there . _ a chain of • camps forming *greet circle . of fifty miles in uixtromference.' :They are at 'distances 'from each otherivirying from halts mile to three Standing to ibe,ioicie of the Capitol and - . looking around, on the Maryland side, the ob. Seem will see a einiciession of groups of white teat dotting the Idaessed =MMUS of.the hills 1--mi Georgetown, Heights, on Brilontina Bill, on the height!' facing - therroidelife houtel'en Meridian Mill, on torouth street Perk, on'the hill atTAkington c en thehillso Eoldiseallome; on Capitol Mill. it the Nam Yard and an Asyltun Uestingthen Ms eyes soiree the /tier to the Virginia shore, he will see 4* ono circle , continued andprof o nged by • miccOwite pimp - pear Aleanddit,..as Your . Mile Bun; at tioneh'efipting,..on the hill over - looking the Long Bridge at Ailington Douse; and two or 'three more at interrels along Ar. lington Bele* thus carrying the circle clear ' round spin to Georgetown. The enetnyxkostiyancee i p im,de'of this circle fella into s: trap. A sigoit T gun , tram any one of. Il s :s s a t ro ec rs will be initinily -taken op' mid "re around - the entire *ring, aW the w tan. be older tams at - •= 7 ten minute'. notice: . • _ Betiid*beingariadrantapous strait - tent 'the 'Asfince*..of theifity, eminent.. lY healthful far thetroop... These cool end cloy heights ire all s u mmer long. .. , ,sail are 1410 (MAW 10641 fa theoonnirl' mute of citiorw :Mania kithotarolettural .woldstios is 04er larzeountol bj.the Beg read echoing to the drain, having been by the for: L., lobo elver ibddepiy turneit into+ regimen. ; r • - • ~T ~ .~. ~::~ A sinu4sAlut ingir Ahe Prfratertse ' Piney; , k Mr= 4,4 14 e 6 iMi Ik-must be b,p thilathind those who take out letters of marque do not pont" at honorable:'oldie' re or eallors, meaning to Sght with am regular troops and ships , of Ile nation against whom they are commissioned. Fan& bly, if 4v:cannot escape a cruiser, they may fight bard to get away, but so long es they can they will avoid armed venels. nog are auras 'and reward, by profasion, as well Olt fears. What they g, out (or le. °Peal/ and' avowedly to prey on the weak, to pleader an. armed merchant vessels, giving a wide berth to these whom they cannot take at a disadvantage. It is bad enough that any nation or power, pretending to be civilised, shod) encourage its own citizens to engage in privateering. Bid to enlist foreigaerg, dame of neutral stdes—to go alma anizoksiosoig name thsseormirst. (cat of the isortd, and Ameidhsif dm as againt ales of thsir ism 6loodasttongste—this ban atroc ity *Aid fins been ramrod forgave States tapers paerau, APa wer—nation we will call them-- which founds Itself exprmaly on slavery, and hangarates Its, birth by the attempt to re vive the emethm of loaning bitten of marque to foreigners, what part In the world's history are we to look for from such a power as thla t , AS to those Englishmen, II any each should be found, (which wirwill not readily believe) who may accept comudeaknui of th is kind, all we can say of them *that they will have so who!. ly mistaken their work in this world, that the sooner' it lel rid Of them the better. We most heartily wish every one of them a short shrift, straw cord, stid a"jump from the yardarm of the nearest man..of.war. We cotiElvvish that onr, own Govemment had spoken Msore strongly 02 this point ! never theless, we ; feel sure that this attempt will wholly MIL The publth feeling of Europe is against priititaring • and the principle Euro pean States have agr eed, as between themselves, to abolith It. To that agreement the United States would not be a party; but this is 110 time for heaping coals of fire on their heads. Letds. us see what th ey have deserved at our han The treaty of 2794, between England and the United Butts, provided that, if any eitiins or sub fat of either , country look a eovunisston °slaters ,of marque for ph:wearing against the other, from any power with whom as other was at war, A. should be treated , as a pirate. Vaiaoall7 , Ibis was'one of the provisions of that treaty which, expired after twelve years, and has never been' renewed. Therefore, as Mr. Wheaton heislakt It down, ' , any prohibition on this subject which; may exist, beyond the obligation of neutrality required by the law of nations, must depend on. the internal law of the respective Statea" This, being the law, the fact remains that the' United 'States fitted out no privateers against as daring our wars with, the French Republic and Empire;we were at:war with them ahso. Again, during the late Russian war, in answer to a dispatch of Mr. Crampton on on this subject, of, April 21,1854, Mr. Marcy . replied that, privateering under Russian colors .would not be allowed by the United States, and oar. abipking was wholly unmolested by Amer- Icarridannglie Russian war.- ffir therefore. otos it to the UAW States to pal down Stith of high hand any privateering against Mew The istUmi Unto pea= ?1011. Tha &dame from - Emope, and more eanceisili from England,nre of vital ilnenttlacn and Terl 10. tereetiegr It is very evident that had one Foreign Ministers been at their poets c month earlier than they were, they might hare 'laved their country', interests Moro essentially, and dealt . heavy blow. at the aiternited' ■cbievements of the Conleder- 'Beforithe "nisei el the batch of Representauvea at London, a small sinciber of Americans were in the habit of meeting - at the • banking haute of an eminent_ Americas firm, that they mighi together discitee . .a, if possible, thwart the 'themes of the vrilyegents of the aeceden, who, with every app.. rant avenue, were preeecuileg their traitorous pro. Picts.' To these gentlemen affairs were asrenoug a very serious aspect, and one ef .. ;fttorritiag to a friend L in Washington, asp: "I feel "utdigritat when I see how misrepresented my country bee been bereometattlwAssag alelaY of the nerappointees to take their places. A mischteu has been done that will take the highest diplomatic energy and skill to undo, o;te preirceUtiefollaw• ins of serionireaCialiuenceer bet I wilt out writeof it now. It may he that wiser and better cosersele will prevail in the administration bete, and I entire you no atone will be left unturned to toduhe the Foreip Secretary to take the back track." A:isthmian* ea thalarros party, dated London, May lath, °ratites .Custes Clsy ealLd upon - layeatarday andtpent an hour with no talent over Wahl Um, and also dm 'treasonable and damnable rebellion' al ha calls S, at Loma. Mr. Clay »joked and strangthaned all our hearts, as ha told as in detail the intentions of oar Gentranianst, Kr. Adams has cam. here none too qackly to save is from thesahames of the trai tors, who . are as thick- as boost and as active—they ply their treason and Stair sophistry as s thing ae• oomplbhad, and amity, I bailers, bad not Id r. Adams wind just uha has, the Government would hare &ea eountenance If not reoegaltion to the South; bat sow, with active ort-operation on the part of Adams, Clay, Fremont and some minor spirits, their plans hare been thwarted, if not cyerthrown." In the same conetrpondent's !attar we Cod the following additional isteresting Items: :Cotriemont returned ham Paris yesterday, and in now making every effort to go home bythe steamer of a peek hence. Ile has received from Government an intimation that his services as a Major General will be veryacceptable, and he re prepared to nolo the war with all his entree& If we only had a retrench men as Fremont, Books aid Clay to lad oar troops, there would be no halting anywhere short of the Gall, and this Mr. Clay 'nett Is the intention of the Administration to do - anyhow—go from Virginia through to the Gulf by three columns, besot the east, another at the centre, sad a third et the West . Mr. Clay tell. tee, be le ready toga home at any tmoment.Frem , ont will probably - take with him 10,000, ri les and a putt of artillery, say 40 12 ported gees, rifled. 'The Adriatic can be bought, and not • moment should be lint in merles her. A causautectia view ar Our Mbar'. Mamma Ssnowft Wszewatoar, brokers, of New Yorlsthire the following- paragraph ie their Saadil circular, willch they dispatched by yes traders steamer to Leroy*, end which in all bast. aces Mattes there will have considerable influence in shaping opinion: The matures taken tip the Government for the impprattioa of the rebellion la the Slave States are protrudes stiadilyind sumeasfally. The blockade of ttapeonpathot.theObeupeakeendlntheGclf of Mambo Is sow established ; the Mirsimippl is ef fectually eloaed at Osito;and Ptrglnta , 1:10ie become the hiadeuerters of tbarebels,le beteg ocenpled from out andwait by Govorammat raoBl , In-each DISPOIM astimmt-make anomesfulreitstaane hopeless. While it hi Ininouible to antkipate events in a political situ. mimeo novel , as owe, there' Is a seasonable assur ance that UM. human power now displayed by the .Government, and the almost embarked resources of the loyal States, 'coupled with Ins effect of tiro privation. insulting from short aupplles of food, clothitig end money among the • rebels, may bring about a healthy tension in the revoked States, end shotteer the dateline of the pretest struggle. Meanwhile thitoue of itie Qaeett , s Proclamation arid:the debatein toe Englims beam of Lords on 'American affair. ars not regarded with sane. faction here. When - oar new Minister's insulin. ;iota are nide:mood . by the English Government, teens- will probably be a change la- the tone of Me firitbh public government docamentm bat yip usthe date of ourJamad axes the Engine Gov. crenteat.bcd evidently misunderstood our national position; otherwise wo would busily be to receipt of a Qoitea's Proclamation in which the line of demo. cation is not as titivated, drawn as it yam between :bee Majesty's Goveniment and the Irish faction of the dayof Smith O'Brien, Mitchell, and Meagher, Whets right to ranked with wrong, and true men with :imitate, the porpoise of the whole document apparently being to sublime politieal jaalossy, or tat induce a abort•sighted compromise torsupposed tantrums, and place 'England fa a position which will inaltify bernationat policy and character. Jeff Darla, WlafaU, and Toombs lite Washington comp/mint of the "Press" avitei v.— • NOrillerti - mu% jot arrived from Rich. wtond, who waited lia way through by the aid of passes from Governor Letcher, and whose stratOgraphr of the 'Southern forces is by no means flattering, flays that Ohl trio of Southern leaders were at the Spottswood Rouse, in Itiettutoad.7 Jeff. - Davis and his aid. Wigfall, arrived onlVeduesday, and reviewed his troops on. The soldiers are in three en. canto:nests in the suburbs, and dui not exceed 8,000 troops , In In, at Diedunond., •The brag. gad leaders *credit! Wad, fat!' ostebtattoo, and - asserted the any one of their men was quid to Ave NOrtherts men in a fight. :Ton Loribrilie ' , ..lbanoal" Is reepondble for ;the Wowing: ' , , ,collector from a New' York dry goods hams mot a debtor from Meinphis In this city yesterday. and Insisted upon payment of a bill of uncur l mouths standing. . The Man plttan treated the-demand with Indfilereuee, as. sarlcgthe collector that he would aettle at the close of the wan The collector, however, dis covered that the Memphis merchant had.pur. wed a hill of koau in We city, tor which be . paid cash, and, learulog that the `articles were ready for:reshipment; ha lost no time In hirlog an attachment lamed Open the goods. It is nomecessary to say' that theAtemphian cotuplimised" iettled his New York se t without neferenee to the termination of Y++ 1 ~0~ I Wail? mann CeSteirr n MIL IrMeTivateme.- Sexeollibmijeintostifift, fecueb rem*, BILECIWITB WANTED.—This Vamps-, ay will reogree fm - rene~ollen rem met be tbalt nabs to Metall eabsplasest.. !bey tobe hoe mutt* glad et mete tot drafts, nub Awe emenewee they - will be 'mime Um Orel ecoeptel. Amery epee w iltq 3210. en mains le the P. GI veil (arylk _ ON HE CONAUTTIN ON . lONS DS. 11721311.113 oat et. tie €ll* Annan Organ, SUET DIY, ham 9 oath 10 in the loolikapt has =WS tittle ifterzooh, irltinestalooke Ater Babe Owl most meet theateetrot to be tephh d...AU causontpl tlarieind to the becrabßY. - WNW JOHN awmailsokencsai. trrDLO THSLULINIXII NNIBUZEHI o AN aLLIIItinaST to lodate ust eI attse rat likes eh melee foreleg. seam for the melon to the vargooi Games are tosturtod to mod them tufts Coessolthoo goy latent* lhattoee oir-141110At sat TitUhe• Day airtgamonte.. basil ottllll.Valedt. Clam of Uomesatee two notottad to mutt the mots et dote shof, et lb* above Uwe oaf Um& I Mrs.& INCLUILO. =fa '• • t• ' "mot grow seems. WE. D. GAZAJiI romnianor roe IS OTATS aIINATB Art abbrzusannUs. MAPS OF TUE szaer OY WAS l'hnn aborts, thawing all the Porta and Statioxte of the MEDAL AND MIL (RIMS for at W. S. BS SKS% center Wood and Third 'traits. N. B. Them Mips en nun, Jut wet tron the prase, en. Rawl on anal. znyll CIIRPET SALE: GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. .11.W;, , BARKER it CO. 59 MARKET STAKE Will cloto oat. the balance of their CARPET STOCK AT EASTERN COST, COIEPIMING BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, IMPERIAL, TIBER-PLY, FINE, EXTRA and SUPER,INE INGRAIN HEM? AND BAG WIRPAIINCI; OIL CLOTH. COSI MATT/50, RIM, MATTI, Se, Se, lc. Japistrlair COUNTRY MERCHANTS. CO , UNTIVi s , 211t 10 111NTS AND FED uttb DRY ,GOODS OR EVERY DESCRIPTION AT EASTERN r 8247238, AT J. W. BARKER & CO.'S. . _ . 211414 ET :MUT. - re,A0049 cut for the trade at the Oars and and package price. jes:aawf FalloY t coops, T • IMItUNGS. QUARLES OIPNER'B No. 78 Market Etreat °tura, Demo's. Lease, Dame sorrome, VADICIT BUMS& ELI OIEDIJJ, CLOAK TABULA .m,.ta, .l. STRAW sOeuers AND 01T5. BONNNT 11.11180 NP, PLONZAB AND 111:10IIZ0. ♦ LASGIII AISOWININT 01 IANCT LIMB, GIIIMADINT, V 111.% al colors. CHEBILLII NITS, nt AD DAMNS cl dilatant styles. LAI; ILITTICOLOVEII AND GAILITLXII. GERM ILIIRTIWAL/1118, 11E= TIZ4I, 1.1/1111:10 crupseaniara AND Di &WI& RELIEF! /121.111/1 Stu asporim co tam, Mittens of Mb communi ty mom to prom tad Atli ia ILION [[MOIL la Om moat aerated randy yat dlmoyored for Mu me al Rimier tlam. form &otor. Boom ACP last; PaaraleA mid all tloaaofta.rtoi. Oman mbar Lithuania and Pala Con» an la comparison mortAloab Bold by all nroclA DM /Monism at 21 coma. SIMON YOMPIiTOS, Bola /.purl, _ - . - T HE ONLY ARTICLE that will effectually Bubb NAN, MK, AAA NaHltse, NAM Nab. Ilk* sad Butekta, lisobh kW, Alio *Ad 114Actua, IS TEM AT TANTS, IS TON BAT PANIII, 14 SLIT KAT TANTS. lAstrar.bul I. oms. rtopumi ouly by • WarrAtuad an crow Ify•pAtetl ably by Wurtsuted Ha ell aro. hopared Ably by PLIFAIMO, • JOl5Oll illiAltso. • • JAHR% /LINING =KT of Om Nboucad slut st. cower of lb. Mama sad Basket at ;Auer thil Dim:roof sod Maga at lei anowmiss— ILA 430 btulet s.O. ilessaetlelr to pima. 600 bole. do Pleolselos Mcrebeet lab do !swotted Solldod 'mold IGO tie do - ststelsid togem ;00 bap Ro felrettebolespe Clothec te do setiss do 100 lose. sottoetad broods Tolman so any tow Amoy do do 100 bat chats T. 11., Oonocirder end t...r.1a Tog, 200 Dose. Rada &Ara , 100 do Mao Id esboleat "' 1.3 SOU. Winter &ravel Whet* Oit -40) - do seesetod o,. WO do Lora sod ltz. Fatally and nosy Roar; le. Yet . and anlelos sad toe ed. by Ii'DONALD • •811131711.14 .let .tad Wooly et, user Wood. NIOWeTBkW GOOD.. Just Recrisived by .Exprass, &NOTE= LOVOF ntitnla antaw. sonnets ; 7ASCIT 01/01110nlint - l; Warn RAMBLA ; 001117110 AnD intDALL SOISAIn; CallanAn SMS mil an Witiw Hari; non In In 14; AT HORNE'S TRIMMINti STORS, jel 77 Markel; sheet. r.Y;irt. , ) , IL L'"_o). Hoßnop - ' t8Iiild01(1 STORE, iv Market street. Ittit,ffiestrit bf 2 1 / 1 1111.110ther tot el Mom Figured and Plain Ribbons. el•matlr TO OISTAIL BUTOOL .TOSEPIr 'HORNE • 1714aritst Th it, • ch rzo•• iillirsa i prlmintainr; 1 W1216.14. 0 tersik liantitarto Wisusilat n". dt "L 9 / 021 " 613 . 90 YRILLifirLLIISSPIT &wok I• 000 do bran do. do , 440 do Cosoordia - do Oa . 100 do ,Depot alato, • W.Psata, 000 do . Calais *Moo alma, dos Ali or lb* 'bon an dole* 111:11odo " ty broads. fla, tetrad load for ode by J.! S. I.IOOIIIT • rkl, 16 Waist awl 911 heal Knots. $.1....Q,000 L I S 10 ° Lrk ill — lN:4; 1U" 8" km Y eas 4s . fa two or three roes to num :ow ' $llOO PIM& ).tai kt. (Pak Mott LAKE _BUPEILIOR-WILIT/I.IIIBU-400 bat Lbla. lost rewind and ke tido try _Jet . ' - , B. Qatar. 811, Meets tt. jou g aptattir pit Na Lila, RiagfOrS ,, ILCOLORSDLBOY.Iio - Oild to lho Wootton , sr as anorectic* as tbo Waft tot& toot,..;Wbotibo Labatt ow dui doctor modblialtkat moo to no swab MONST.WILIftiI. Tbsplatilk Woe* ootiLKI boob. pt w.. 0"- triebdirdirbenruoir to ay' palm touting to arbor Wm.. 8 411111 E,1. W. BLACK, arms 03 1,13111 erns% Oppottt• the Itstbetist Prctimbint Cherreb. NOTICIL—The cepartuarebip Immolate teethe' midis the firm MA/.-11.Beali Lev thle day. by =teal eeeneM. Leta climatal. The Imeleeet in thrfetete will be ixeclected by 11.013M1T MI. peteme obeintom thmitemete telebtod la mid firm um ows romp, malt their yetyeetive anymatt sad air to Robert fierne,le Ds bee the =eel of ell books sad to mews amid Taman*. , key 261.6.1115L—jeittas Om= of sae Oestaossetaaanzasear Ce . Pe, Alitietarglaatate WILL Itad. SEALID PROPOSALS WILL BR E adnd et ads elks ZEIMUIDAY. the 6 h lest, Sit etithut Gad - a Depth:amid waste. State. Poet lad Watery nate V Depilates Lc aneadtdocierif Offee. The matt salt be dos la the sae. ',Sidi la be sada et 'a melt the mufti Hai comple4 dam* beam cea teem as atebackai. The gala to be dabbed by the /gilt hat. Ste a reams of-the duplicate mon be peco bated bear* want we laced hi mama.% /eland j'extuir - t. ....... nmsinater. A COAXIAL= Nos A 000 COO &TIBIA - ITEM LOAN. pint SUBSCRIBERS 'HAVING BEEI4 as authorised by iba nonynor and nano ttwcar aq nenclir• bias kw the Loan nantily unboctin3 by ta• Lett. Islam of Peannyhanin wont! rneetfally synod na .. ,tbi pntriotbis sad St* Ode of Penosylisnlane in thin bow of trial,this they nom loyword sad manila their tar •of UmClomaamesalth d Peardid end' Owed ripe n Yobs : calL . . . j3ll=tent deur noting of pr,trb, there are of eiggniareed .filth sny be 'eeddereed be rebretios m &Wake:A. It $ s eix yrr pal. Lootiltai from say taxatkin whatever, gad bidden oin bare the privilege of bdelaitCsAilicatas of glA,or VOL gide/ VOW, at bum Am. Lod either eaance or toneekvable loss. • ePediel tux. toeboat Wren t ab s liandrimlTholo Dollen per sands, la this LOW Bill /MA sad le applied teethe Mama of the tato:tat en the Loan, sad to 1,0 purlieus el a Band !linking - ran& Ito Isin nun slibPuilY gunk *gated any bat an woo:Alai iodide dots expenditure of the looney, sad Wows 'around lie de tanienent, medal be won by the annev d and of the tote Tromare., tbe mod ouldadcary dude and surd. The number of Mixable leaddanta vein: the stet. Is now beady term tinedeed Timouseng—eta shooing tint the. above Loan dad to our dolt, only wilauld. b lbs tilde of roar dollen sod arty cents for each taxable, and ixtinte It is toefklentlyexpectol that neat of the fade now du , bored, telex really la aid to the Avowal governeoeueorgi tele doe time vateurned to our Treentry• : Phase advise lie on ov before the Mellon., the enema enbecribe legillgt, A CO, gi *oath Third Street. JAY COvEll A CO, lit flonth TOW Meet. Jetties la Jane Lisa. CITY TAXES AaD WATER anspre, ALL PERSONS LIABLE FQR CITY and Rodrier Tazwraed Water Rents loWl• City of Pftos barna, an busby so uped that be sbonTaxe• and Water Rims an now doe and payable at the Clip Treminies Odlos, /bomb stmt. Os all payments made tafr,re !must first • distant of Ara per amt. will b. allured. Regimen As set Prat and botembirr fift•antb,'• dlecomat of I. per cent. Raturein Oboe., era and November bete so sddiffflo Hill b. abbot OM present, and afou November first, all rismaloind Impald aid be pot In the !modest collector; .100 a farther addition of give p.r Pilaf WM. zICREAIItI. City Timmins vAYErrs SPRINGS HOTEL, ALIII2IO, MIXCLIIISAND; proprietor of then Fprings anneoners to hie hiodearld rormor patrons, sad ell other. 'who map desire • nraltby Boximer parent with orountehr .lr sod notoirp, that th. Hetet at this place •Dt he open se noel trolls and .her the 20th Jinn ante. Th. Waters of abase Bptlop bare be: mac co sell known to the Teak that It Is not thottabt =mart to ascribe theta. / Tot paillostane. safaris. ALFRED bioULELLANP, Unkintown,lr!iyftte County, Penna. ati codas BY .EXPICSBB JEVERY DAY NEW GOODS, TRIMMINGS—New styles for Dresses and Dusters. DRESS AND FANOY BUTTONS—New style, ali sizes. BONNET RlBBONS—Elegant sighs, very cheap. PALMAND WILLOW MAKERS. STRAW BONNETS AND HATS FLOWERS, ROCRES, PLAIN AND FAN CY SILKS. EllEtp SWISS AND OL MDRIC COLLARS ser~ cheap. LACE SEDS Ali A COLLANS. dotrimmea EMBED;: Harp PLAIN-LINEN-O.W - BRIO HANDRERCIIIEFS. LACE MITTS, CLOVES & GAUNTLETS. LADIES' &CHILDREN& COTTON HOSE —Estes cheap, BILE, GINGHAM Arm COTTON BUN UMBRELLAS-50 cents and up. GEIIILEITENte SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRA VATS, NECK TI R 9, do de. ONDERSHIWTS AND DRAWERS for men, amen and children. CHENILLE; BRAID, 'CORD AND BEAD HAIR NETS. Call and buy our now "DIXIE" SKIRT, and other makes. MILITARY GOODS—Orey 'Shirts, Blam• kale, Balla, Gilt Braids, Batton, &a, de. Country Merchants and Milliners will b 6 'applied at'a small advance on eastern cost rim calm. 'EATON, MACROU CO., Su oftlacinT IT Ilfdi va. CHARLES GIPNER'S No. 87 M Suns,. one TRIVISItXGB. camp■ Tillial!NOS. .431.11PU11l 11401. _ - LADIES' AND 42ENTLININNi BLIOWA KID GLOVIS, AILN, OLOVIDI AND GAUNTLASS, • LIMA Ta ARAD OLOTIA. LT.~' 4 GENTLRIIIIN'S FURNISHING GOODS UNIMBILLEITS AM) DRAWItR. • COLL.' .0, NIIJO. OLOIPg, OuThre AND 111ZEINO =BUM Gilt Braid for Military Trimming NVII;TE SILK FRINGE TRIMMING FLAGS liOOI , IIKOM, CJIMETe, a &o. AIiPX/V.S WEE t EY; LgattLl reS EMS II sod ri Y. /LLOISTRAMD NE% ft, with Lindy. RECOaD—it, Diary of ' Amerlem immix. Athol b, Fmk Abort, tabllard eraekly. Me. aaty IC gents. liAri of IBS WA% MILITAUT.IIIAPi. Aa. unioN LItTIa PAPUA AND tao7ltarlitE—ot do• Wpm. ONION rms. aoarrea, 1741111-1.11 sizes • awrna LATR HILITART WARER. PernitrUo UMW! EOM:M.I'2RO, WI OP OAKUM. SCOTT OM PLYTX.4ztiLinstla . . . - 'rim le tent, • PATILAITS QQyP MAJOR ANIMISON. Moe 12 ct.s. PPIRIT V YUJI NORTH.-A rpisentlia Ecutrailm ALL Tilt Lida NEWSPAINIIHIS. MAGAZIBIS MID LIT PAN= eso be b. 4 u lbs Immo code prim, Arrisde embed: ntwr ds 111.1Nalit, as)4ltin_ ' - • It aa , Slll :cepa. NAVY OttaßtallteT, Bunt Otittsvants. ltitittlost an Ma MuT i lryng NAVY DEPA . II,TaINNT RE Y hittiOPMdeib for Wafts ths nun MAO UM. :IR of a Ranh* of Rae. Clutasoste. Rae alubusars of eat Ornaßott It tossist Otto turaettors - boresontal rt pas visa •coarstarts, es* of tot tutu* water tato Oceans -Tb• as Ratters to be tO hare dlstater sat 9. sunhat *ire la tubas. BM t. bob. town. WOOF mare Masi Eras sot Its sad 3,100 attars bat of 11 Sal Imam' Mt/W oath*, "No proposals " ROI Nersd steeps . ..4AM tallalts astabllsb awe pulite detrbia to promo tor Um abase ow:Man RIO opal, la WO Barest, which wtil Ittmisb thrto the • torepbat spaetticsilat et UR Nam sot awe *atom of tba rem; belabor ettb lb* prentoots sod assa y asta of tbe costrat Way was Istatrrt le swats: . • . • JuuN'ti ister stasit. soyut.ami M the Ronsa. . Lars as risi Moms Ilwcis Oat mil BSISSMENT NOTICIA—The Etook xis, Wain stalk Simaitithaw Osisisey sth horsiy aesssed this sat Isstslusat of If elf 010111(60 thou) pa dist* bils bith WWI op the GNAW illook,pisibls Of Lido it Jab std, as the onto, of Us thaptsy, fa lb" silty stratsbonth:- By cedar otos Dtrittoei. _ . . 'JAMMU. COUNCIL, Sees sod Truth% la BEVER/130A • ' /Jo ''- N 0.60 RArnErt„Pltt6BoßO H r Masketaier .liolura mire, w4otion 11E1154 MHOS AND RAILIIOAD,of oftiideNitokis: Pulkrasi dial or abspod Ansa AND RIVATS,Iarp ar man; mos to Waist short oak*. • 61/1004 sotortasst licaointly on Wad. wean Etogua °imam Ta i oa.itrasnella aoX IEB, 11 , 11kBigt* and ZoWareeasts*ta. as- Nom boldiointp Y mass st prim hem 06 faL X .11 I R. 31. U. JUNES, •103 .I • • ACOATIAFT WITH . A - GENTLEMAN ' ** tleCtmaattilla Out an to obtaload by proving property sad ming tar advanlatat CM sans. Apply to iattl4l ',IL /nit t CO ditdaral at. Allatbray. LATH.-100 bWu Star of the west :,our Itod do Torte Mina • ' . ' litdwl4. Lamb! [■ etas *Ott Ur molo'by mill a. IL POTALTOBS-1 car.prime 111inoL Neenrii moakvasuar gut ftadvid mad *KIM ' " • . ' . 0044. EAZ= ATTOMICV AT LAW, Bet raft liadtlalleLl and @rant Stria% SIAS UP.IONTOWN, FATETIII 00, PA. wLa PEUOI.B. NEW TRIAI3IINOS, PITHIBCSGIL bus. , tildes lariat's, zA~y I=MMMM== MEM ,^(446 JIIINPREGEMID TIUS MORNING W. ik D. ;nuou A 1 1-AbarliLltir OP ItAUTLIA. -27 f. r !- T 4 X ; 11 74 . . . au i Kan . uL rawer saw 1450114 mi, ws. ma a ornup-Duantits. • And the teetsad &semi amarbeleat at "flat wit ewer affereA AD the above goods we Si. eeIIDA at vastly Waled pekes. DAseer • F. sD. 111701711. T W. BARIESit'a 00., `lllO 111AHILIST sl;asics, ♦BI OM:RING GILT BARGAINS 111 Daiwa 0001/11, atioatiss-iN TaAvimmG,ooope, r Willa/ITM) 1211 HAV3AItiayIDUZI2II9, BANGAINB IN BILE kIiNTLIN, BiBOUSIII II 211111.01DIRIEB, BASGLINS rs HOSIERY AND GLOVES, BARGAINS IN rams ANDAIBIRSINGS. Jatasvi i pORTII ARRIVAL STRAW GOODS MILLINERY GOODS, BORNE'S TRIMMING• STORE, 17 ',luta Street. Crimped itraw, Pollal and Emma. lacanidia . I Wt tam ail. Whig Paula, Straw, hall, ooeaa. ads lod Gimp sad him Cbea raut Iltraw ßoum hits & . . • Ooting.Hodel and Rine Bits- Boys' Straw Oula. amdtewa Shiba Boil. BONNET tiro *plan at War Priem RIEBBONBi - 'mob none, IL wino and Rabin Plaid ebb 112Prouricolorn Cleo daßannandiloroodom lisriotonon Natt, Orown Wing. Roma trunk m% Ribbon Woo. Bone{ Wlio, Li., to, aiill-Ootutry Marebaste mA killtlzgars an lorttsd to az maw mr stach yth bp odd as • small aim= cm Pm York coot CAIN. Met**l DAVId & PHILLIPS, Brass Founders aid Manufacturers. PAIIIICEZZIRS, %elks _barb exmArd sirrrir.as. IAO2IINNIM AND DRAM= IN GAS FEMELES. . Pura • and Brass Work, 0/ STINT DRINNUMI/I. or*. WELL pianape. at DPW. Oop r ri m lron. with Co toad sprnmd Ohm. bon and V von of sU Um* mad inalubd So eft Nab. funks. IIANIMICT)InG N0..110 clAirater and 104. •F`ront. at. wain/ • • niTestrain, PA. SPRING GOODS I . Avt, , , , : NOW liril ) fIVI 000 W , I1pIOIC ♦ inn 0.. NUM.! ■Ol wee Om mad aim aud euatidial thas ta IM ' 11,1Cni II OP rkitillo MID . STYLI InAb ioNoods. as sea a PokuMedftbiN Ow will IMP/111S LIT GOODS of Ita am Wm Wood to Mb tit% aaa wade nipsatelty Waft aa sad, ow ham aar patrons sad alto pablia, tallartNr, Samuel Gray Sc Son, BLICROLIANT TAMORS, :Autos • - lIIIIPTII s t raws. CORNPLANTEIt 'OIL COMPANY. 2. IL DAVI& Present. JOHN TIMM Jr., drarotary ma ?reamer. • Outdoes—lL 11. Dade T. IL Nerla. J. L. Lbraostmet, A. Neuron, Jahn Info, Jr. • PETROLEUM of noel IMMO. atom the weir of the armour, oa 011 Creel, to Venezia reality, coastaally Co twat eat far Wit Clahre at T. IL tants • Co,e. mill me Nor SO Wood se.. Ptteatura2. asproan ePBIIDoe. AO. ALLEN respectfully informs. the . Wile that this toll sitablittre sodpopstee miss his plus It sae open tbs teception sad accomotaistios of ebtfore, sad will tot kept open instil ths lel of Ostobse. Penns irShlng 111D11.161:1 - 111A1111111, 11/ AVM irIU sattetal et the Spring et Us bUostag ptioes,Sts- Puss* terwel(seki.........— 00 %squat So 3 01 Par half do fte Sotto, b.ltpiny pie 1 IA Parties 'Wog - vases ea say ishinsitios Is lipid to the pates will Wet OS the aIDIOBO illAlll.lll, animas Oa. • myt&ede Assts. H A TB AND tiArb, STRAW GOODS, BONNETE4 &a. ho LATIM FPGING BITISS tti'CORD Ec CO., fisztatactsurora and Dankrts;irtoiesals an 3 Retail, 131 Wood st., Pitteb pDIA Rill3Bll4li CLOTH, rola sounzav ztassris. AgoltmriaJuat rccilred at us. :oat:ions' amit: -• Rm. 28 ead 23 At. Clattrti owl • . a IL PHILIaPS. (1.1.1Z3 : Pane l 111FLEEL—The atten a cis, airbus, visTois, so. to, U Croctsd to out causal Mod. W. W. YOUNG, • Isicoviorto oirtintot a young.) Ma. 97 Wood Streik aoeoa at Dlisrall allay. 'TUN • T•ON • 4.lw2m4dina.buie Limn nem TIIIINSt We have now on LADLti PAOII/11//11/1 1 t/ LW 1"a"lia "Win LAMM /RCM 1 ftUIgZ LAPIE3 RONNIT DOM. .I.lA!gli OUTS PROMO AND YAIJIIN , . JOHN BILL & CO, tb• wies ' ' UN LATESTAUTIIORIZED RIAN UAL 8. IsTASTSIV San= AND atria TAO COSI TLlTie—SsiliortSeS 114 1.lasil SS koTe•lstastrs TsetteklS SO The Nero TS emlandlo ihotket cz TM Rl Ana,abl lI.r.TA • • ladeatra 1 - GO ttoiptamel!Astpn and 1/4k lot ad* by - iLAT 11 CO. ULNAS/ IMANHOOD—How Lam—How Eib AIL ottUs..4aB y66tl s.a alifigliti" Met ea Wiest Cereal lipertestasebethee BeaTiret. beittrilabesi Debility. Kneammeeb, levolastaty Doibelome estimpoteacy, teeeliblit hos ,Lboes, to. •DIF sown 0•1•••• n N. D. Mall asellseemai; fa opal yip.so ay . Klemm, pcetiteb4et mese! No atiapa,by Dr. Ortilt. J.O. UDR. bpi Jemmy. ?Saw Tart. letaoDab „ , WOOL; 1' WOOLIi 1 HE HIGHEST INARKIKT — PRION IN IJAMI greet et °Mit wuasq 1.111k1i1.. AND TUB WAS WOOLediAlswid WlWlls m ail t ri t yllll Stabsit- ISAMEN • rAMl:l=—Aiiiiit; Bminesa nen; to to rata Ears la Gag Ceovicyord6l wad= lb. Militusan. Landau 7.loroaiibreas Alex. mpameaseette .111 i rood waking order. roewortleesu- treqdre MIN% 11* 41am. ia fit. Clair*. Sox Zatt S; fro ' N X W M r pOlt SALL.—d bright bay; seven dd. trot' In bassos and ra-NA =ldiot She ad 4 aroAtavidtc elzeltuts Antal - kg* by by the BatecrttAr • - ..JuEIN A. R.IOISIIAV, ' Carwr Jibed, and Iliad steerti OAKLANDI'ILIWYJITY - FOR SALE. (INS' T it'AMR DWaAnd I UP ROMJIIbi 4 tOri.e eight r o om. wittl talt tas tents.. cella an. Vx.. au wateroitth es• scrba 4rcluit caekned puing ettati re AIM novais . , l;:irrizio' i'eacta; *woo. the Parr .Ithe Eva. - ; Abootursober of axis VALI:MILE - TATA tit IMP lam ar.Ltader tiror tostrinlag from ON LEI 41.1 t 41!lt It is MITIII,II ACHIM ratty trri &alto:M/11=CA tor Orbits Torn. tor tin lets. OiIOTEWEE can. the I emends, b ton eqwel sannal napoleon' • --• w.O LESldlii- • • _ • • lit °Shoot llitteborgti c l i llen Llteerty milkatoe ► boveaser Resigns fourth atm& T ips wyda.„Da,w rEtueztut souring 7 von. RCN* a 62 to. te=Laatr.atothfl; Qty cr s7. 4 . L re wro tiL Ttill "Au teen la opereiloAr Oho led knee* lo Raw offered • for toot, in onsigneanot the In termer propristor:tha Ninbolla Doering. • Tbreeetory brick, tin not; Enda Amon by 22)4 fee; Bait.. Boom 211 by 84 reek Mooning Ream 26 by Le Ask Mantling Boom 42 fry SO ink Mut Room MI by 114. Laub tor Lott one bank goon- Patteriollatern Work Mum bp 23 leek Patera. Boom; 23 by 12 tort. All Cm stare Toone mo weillightediord vont:into& : lbws te abet now to the baltlings s netplets sot M Lon; Tools and Patens, 11111:1019 for tea mon of;tho ed• Mau country, inkb will to distenod ot at owe kir prime bb soy porde• dobing to oweluie, as th.r mat now be sold. Nor Omni apply Mu EL to LIMAN sr, bininietrator. Gatmo,ll., let lbl. . unlinking TRALIIITOIIIII MU& MAUS. Taa--*nual =O2M=l PIITILICK AND DITLWIL AWARD= : he the d/Ceasey. amity deritattarat declets. tgeptsmbet. 11800. The mama» mammals. enablterthe operator to =the frame oantmotne the Comte and mdse. Mena LI wet podtleo. without titian: to either Comb. or 841•11. The cam to doable, and evatitatted. monaing at WOO alnontant =NOT of tomb air to tee body: et the Mee The caoa.r• ibsr."lll attaati to all blew sold bp lam P=Latta Coe:lbw eroth. Mamma by Haw ewe. of itt*, Otte, which ie Galatea by the Intenter al so` Chit- OW lndividual or farm :tat. $3 s Flthe. $5 it El.. , with ght to WM and 000$$0 of Both lawn:L.li 6. • Adfirall " 16 9146610 V". Ipsl by eh). 31) Mane lU II i ew 10. .w.,grer,3:r&J9l3 Owed. 1117 acg r ea %tumble Ot r r Ladrritie N age•- basbacal e. ibble• • manner at *eau we Plat Ma. , Ste butaavemesta en a two story inane Lareillag.• Put& 'bane Butt 23 0 1 t bawd - Stabile" fur bane. and C 4llll . VI Wooing Apple Sod Cherry tram • bur foot ran of vont !Aeolian* and & rood worloug etch au the Iptatabm Malaita In tarp desinag• for attutto• ar_etratabli moor Kant Is swot taxer. Lbw C. ar. /1. swing WNW' proplator would pen to 811 a aue.taastb }afar{ the eta& Mist. but will apl the whole LE austral. tam !mitt! mesh, the Waage la coodavatepar eleat• • • • • • B. MAU.. • aehto • ; • Ito. SW /Muth L& straeet, itIR OH. is A 1.6—• JentrUSWlll :.atra : J.R. it Coantry bat or hob birJrn. altnntir en U. 4111 •W Mint= bud. 'boor salmi honk the e/ k i r t /Scort brztilp, cootallalas 111 arres. int st mlboars nod bud of various frank At Li In • Wet *teat. Cry ardlVtiOt Troth SYwte boon conduloa._ , figam broke ; I ttr . Ina econtoir Onto bo., brolltloo; 109 Mb* mr• no& nits a Tiallot - roma an Is gool oft*, T r io Dwatlior• • bta endow! water on Um goon • o* bill dITIO• to advantage tato tlo abr. Thrh r. sod will •• 4.1.1 either orb ball or th• *bolo. •• ow to darlood. !nobs of £1.11J.. _0•112831.1., co tbd. Iteedult. or J. W. KAU.. atbr at, Lan, . ibil-bana 9 II rfila bred. rorsit FAILUINQ LAN - D.—The Babe/Sib. ogee far oak oo favorable., Immo hundzol icon I. 'thaw In Weight ord. Hancock .oeilities, orfloonet to now of Italboade not in foam of oninnee , thea r ,end cm* tract rely too miles froze County lltto atom will to void low, for oah, or onchanipet me dMode In elde tie.BAN r* snob:dog conning& none N • ANNUL 11.4 Boma it, FOR S&LS BY RODGERS A DILICHITII. 1149 Marty opelx ZO Wb bast brand. FAMILY la, )1111; 1000 bu. Ddeo• 0 I'U. vua tie,LE—That eVeirlid BesideneeNga with large Lot of Groung, Fruit Ines tad Obrub.... berg, ritoberd rriblibr tiro ml ra tee walk of thin Wake. her Barkord litartau. Tb• home lb Urge sal grabbed to loaders MIK of prat cceopkrl b) -Moots Tboesporgto- WM be mold on reggonabb lama Appl: to . , w. 4.w/1.4m Alt IllokrtneL Nam Ith a'Sleamot RV. LANAI KENT—The bTOISE litlUtiE, corner L , Nedra sod Web.' axons, Citrof Allap o , ca. mitre below the paid, . .A lcesgedllately thi Marmot 111.7:14frana Caront.s.a pit . . 071111111 Er° 20 41 N D. Tsu n it s dais. WOOD maim • STATE INSFECTOE or DoatiTio-DtSTiGLOO signirt ion tal oorOtit - =wax= • ZOEIN SMITLIft. 019844 No. Is, career Ditmosel Allay. }ltd ellrOolen lett loth Jenytt Ittits,l2l4atieed.xtess . 4iriff be promptly Mended to. ettasUou of. the trete b reereetfolly called the sietfons of the -bereas'irepre Illextojfege. Yr= Porlao% Motet. • Salem 12. tmito aprik or W 7. 4.r exportetion. temthe Port of Peals...looy* se7 d:StUfett iistle to lopeetion se akeoetf,e, te km! tee ca.e.tell have Ls,. Ipayoc, I .0 truzi0.....1.411g so Lave. sub prty ,, a shall Soften 111.1 piryieD dam fot bam.l. and Mutt, dollen lot seers doable Meted sae or other oak or vowel ountakdoe =eh float se ciparied 144•13,ts be mound bythe Inspector *am std, for Ile city.sott =wag of Yhtladaphls.kii the ewe the Pow angle chy Auld =mat,. • 1. • Seel= 14, pep 204,—A1l lepton tioltl by isepeethe it tbe Port of Philo:kW., in b. looporbelhatt optogett by =ctors of Ocßoutlx4l.:lll.d spirt% aygratetie ea tad= 111: gaga Zgl—Jtay tom* hr abaft turto act.. larpoior a dopey larfactor dotaartio dlatWad stldt, m too city • or wady of Pbtladalpbb, rot tabs %par actborisod Una puma. ottani pr army mob ollaama, tartlet sad y the aam of brainy ftftra arabalf kr the marl tba anal* sad tbocator ball for air atm at mr prima eabiglOr the tams and shatldllseloac bo acoW_ _guilty of a allosasaaor, and area ctarditloa teamialiall for away 811til arrow maw an tosyslarsdatal gb•folvalilall for sparks: of' thirty 6sys. _ _ foilcctloa alma fal—dory pima sap costba , , kap or Inaldsbatly. hativab or Atoka Ma brand martor sal =sabot or abseil:tart _of say wadi lavartor, or • salt or atusbar Wall= toad Rpm say arrb. tasiPekna. a tsma_ sq . caskar *bar ravel ostaitabag sorb srrlds, or shall oaaasamt7 altar.*** coma* or arm say baspectkaistart.daly • shall, for miry mob cask to lesaakt guilty of • mad Os yaatalkable by a lot oat stoodlog USN • aallara or by trapdassroat Dot mambas sax axsabl at tb dlaralkarcf dos court tuning) arbaktlas or Idealism' bacticabl, padellfb—liry peace crap fordscr latz, Mao or fnautslaanyt mar coca say ankle Ugh tovecil" or epos =yam sr banal castaltlag sub attic* the bend sant co other mut of any torpactor,Or atoll Itiodaliatly altaarrldwoor sow on mob taut, at *ad traadalaatly hamar Ufa basal • nark ar other mark of say Laspactar, aim say soca ankdo or vend, atoll by dataked goUry ot a ralairmootor, and shall ba ponhbaby by o Mama. arcoallag than Modred dOr.ra. . • . • farther llappiroaat, Manta to no tropoothas abo Idol day al 1124 k ralVdeateekt oausi ptilwargaii *law r aft vbetbor lar azporlarlaa. or atbecisiaa abr. b of e tospostad cad mod by tho dal:appal/dad laspectors of &motto dtdllled witty, cot str Ovalle, In Unman, mace prodded by law,' and asy odor pars= shall la. spat soca Soma boo or day alma. Oar awry nob abr. bo Sally is all the dew sod pomades wt Rob La the . ISIS a of tb• let of tau 10tb of lard.lBl3l. - la Act aatbaridag Ooraraor to=y pcdat an laspector of flcancatto Dbrolltat Lidos. far tba costly of Allagbaar datum It matted try the taut* and Homo( flap roatitarlw of UN Coacarainaltb Posasyrraalsi• fa Noma!ambly wt. nod It to handy mood by tto so- Oat* wt. e roe, Thu lb* floisanor brrebyrrarbab ladto a tots Impactor of Dramatic Distilled Livia; by 15 Bonny of - Allqihaily, whose dada. and mamma doe atoll bo the arms at *mot the laaposor oldoaaido lirtalad II kettle COI sad musty cs Platladalphla: • - 1!las Iropactat, - Was °Wasted by bony bolds sad beard mass sorra paaafttlfor Um Wilful co or ha diatom, Weal, mod ropectfally bat rag: Libras rho - Marro sections tad all Win Lima?. partatalag to the larvasiaa at droaratla ilocara- • .; stead • " • Joihins The great English Remedy. SIR JAZIIII GLAILIKV. OKLEBRA.TED FEMALE - PILLB. THIS 'INVALUABLE .MEDICINE 18 manilas la ea coni of an Ilicualatithl and damp!, oa.diataans Inethent to - the amnia enabilualon. • . • II moderates all ',loans 004 mama on olatractkinn, from vintage bag" mut l Month/ btu* Matta belled az. In all bum al tanvoni mad Slang weal.. am II 06 Boot azut Innate: Marine* /nape on Wets *Enka, Pal boducbmanta ot yrs fit. Lannon of B&Bs. 1:=1 albt e, Manila:id all painful daints aelthadand rpnam these Pnla.vlll .Boot a my ate all other am= babe Sub& • Pull Ablations In Mb pamphlet' =And each vathare, ebb* 'Wad be cannnlly prunreaL • • Wale mandate; 60 PLUs.andaachclad with the Gua annumut lamp cf Snit Itritoo,,asz Wiest pat tree tur St and 6 postage damps. Jul koace. Ganasl •Agent. &Ouster, N. Y. Both by all topethable Denstata. CLARKE'S FEMALE PILLS. , Atul bll bear rad Patent Slanansu can be bad la • /061611 • - earner Stattel nasal Ualliiamobel.- aaaean TART MID WINGS Corner Sixth and 'Wood Streein HANS Or DIDCOUXI. AIDDDSPOIIT. ‘1:1411 2 /2*Aa ft • ATOMIIIOLDUI INDIVIDUALLY At/092f= 110 . 1191 CLIPS, Pronint. Pniegernatrutith 'Adam 11114rass,: I. H. *pd. - J. P. Iliaveltotrs; - . tl= ilu tdort,. Antintty Ittryn. = A. Irdatit4.• =COUR! Arm:rim?: JOH* St*WAIV. Ptsß W UCH." •Fq 24 41i MY GHDODO.I • . • . JAMES • • - Ociraer Penn and St. Clair eta s Boomotrolly loatoo pabUil Wine= lo b 6 orw pod of IMMO BOOR 8, ampddesail the sum& ityhot locate Ntaketat shifted te.eaarrAticrni 1117da, Meg smarty all, sad tmitlna fa blo lanai . to exhibit io Theo brans Ida with Oa lona ••'dock of my golsi . ovul a r= ayorltlgiat newt to the itif Raw SANDS' EIARb4p.4 ;ULLA Hear vas era Inteceinad Mit Po vrernet lbegeisacceistal am Ibis fiat parffily blo baoru od, lot 1. Vercr7ger f&ol PUI, Mk*. Dlieweyeatizsousltrnpilmifreelnaplatat. ••• - • OftimainSocy hautloClomplants.Ltio al .11ipmft*. • . . Dobill=ltir - spudfly realm Os yam qmpisi Pi‘ted andicia egniatrialii, tit sou by A.14111313:631;li ► 01). Plttitnymb, Pi, Sold also try Deasslits aserally. yymillyryn gy.s: gUNDRIS'S.—BUTTE/1-sbblstatu,aftolli . , 6 4 .7 POIAI9II-4cullsasiumi: • DITAD P III4 MIS- 15 obekresumireir -- • ounizummiroaxtr.7.- wti.' • - ' 4110 Uttlty AU IeGOLD PAPITIB foe sate b 7 'AU R-= :due ; 11111,11V4 STOCK OSigfi#Elimi l we tem Jest etelpided ciarilirstgpft orypppirct Uri twinkled WAY PIANOS, geoendkr adult. led to te the IBM or the lomat astpdotos bath . MUSD AND SQUAW/ PIM& . /11111rIOIL 2 / 1 10141. BUT are warranted Itenva maw. Plan . - callat4comaiegobeibrewassingsbnities." Mitt 110161 BalakorBtettarsealnamilidrissos.. , • 11111111141111 Tonic - 4111 - OY - S . _ INVIGORA G VORDIAL , -' PURE H S lIY t - -COLDWICIE I Solli la Wood auvo. C=2:=ll 17DOLPITO WOLIT'EI POSL_COGIAL&O ['.- ~ • - . KRANDY;' , ,-. _-".; - 1 Fasotted sod bottled /via:eel; ersereaUdipme sod the.: tat quality, wlth We esettlese es the bertha lad - • .:." Ids seal oft tbe owls:: ~ „ r.- ' ' -- ... rnakftm UDOLPHO WOLFE'S 'PHDS 'PO i WINE,': r - &amt." ea" bottkd 17 klmeelf,lat bats' belle. sub We oettlfeets ea tb• bathe . sod o f the bestssality. upoLtito WOLFS' PUBS . WINE -•- - •'- y.sibeted ate bottled. by hboilif,ll4 sun Przt Illse. ...... . PDOLPHO WOLFF:S.:TURK BIADDISA Impeded ami Unified by lama, Lw Paint eatid Medlobst ' - SR. %tubas: was OW Callnd to Os trade al lab -, LSI. Tale wine le wernated Iselsgl/ Ms , - ,:„ '-' UDOLPIIQ WOLYE'S :PUSH .1 JAHAIOA.) , .. SUM, ST. .CROIK HUH, 11100T011 .......;:',... 4 , AND IRISH WHISKY. - , .. _': sa!tbs shire Imported Auld bottled IT idseeletrictst..4 l 4. - .'• . - . plus seed alibi tad saellby. , I will slake ay reyartetem seals.. sy abatis ea • ~ emetaset al tbasyysseradisme la fteettyst SireiTsit,, - -. 4 thee shag I stodge ead.testlyy testa mg sual.my labe4::. sod my mettibats hi eased mad ma besotted vacs Or. '-'.!•.; Pbythesai lobo me *toe - it - sacl Ltioice be tititr peatilea - ..,: , '.. &add ion tbe_meemato to to ankles _ ._.- . saw by ell resseMble ead ODilLPHO.ltrasulas. .. . - . lore Illealdeetaxer Sad lambs of tballeldedim duffs . • ti 1.510 lad 923eitar ifteet,lsSet.T*. -7,, :Fr - lois& by ' .. • . - OJA.GEO.E. IMISIOI, .•."-- '., B iSitiLT, FA8.R14.11../t W.... . -.- ...;.'.4....' aara tarp matimia et iteterteie YRrjt op REPUCIED MOE& , lames WoodweW Not. 97 lint 99 Third 14tet, 141 ,FO s .IV — a icteaktii6atcciii' EntoLhad at anti Yollp, , rappttiel ruk . . . - - Gatti' ena reams' ems Miter lisw Ware • ham atloissaccav motion stem% admeg. oar ladmammutholatme be • Antirlint 1 30 Teso.ss—Mbusi= m eatiannctekv re - - - J a wed eau* mai ln 1?1.01111.-400, bbis Extra and Itctralltiii' Or' ' • tlt i lr t " . =l l itipaauss• • Ft • IZi 4; • shis7iiiiidintel tot watt* ILIXNALtriik N • • • . • swaywrisihrotbr- =NO IL I 1 4, AP 210 btur. in ',tors - • - Arias* vita • PlUill/119111Mi r _ • - • _ • ^ . `-'4:71- Zig i znl:•43,l>e4eA,U4.g Z4V;;Eift7-5,-W,:j - 7 ,;', -- : , '',.',"!_':7:-:•:".' ,4 :7; .IMUSEIENTS.T PTITSIIIIRGI/ INHaTIUL, nut mica= mmino - mU'-VMu' MMSI SA 2 I Er z oarAtostthar nom% 'tat ' - - Aid irrcriitthwthithwthw riul Lllll RI nom. moor. "mar salueiin ;'• Lbtbrienbed by as wt. vac APPILIZZA SBO am; • Sfla DAYAIIT COMPIOUS.STIII OnkIFYST 2111 M BIM Or SMANYID AWIIISII aril 4,11 N. 11 ill TBIll ILISTIMIZIFTp!IIIIzakrif.._ , QIMILTIM OY column owenumoW siminciass. TUB NO•111i AST . - 12:5 :_2llll lIWYLOLILIire onvithoaciaaima. • - erns. Gniii.o.w.wwwwwwom with woo: mane maw) loan:maw. rit th is "brfa2s Viams=lampt. eu.s VINCI, A Lanai LOT Jun UCILUD Et ADAM& /illii&e. 12=1E13 °swami sums. NJSW...&ND 15.15410/10-HAND PIAZIOSoI AT VA VISUALLY AuVir cam . ens cot. 8a5.004 mo.6ligantterred i Z r a Az. AA unt A by Asvim,,Ass 0z.—.6 tortmo Oos 0310.1.1toorbood oroosod mom &gonad* . • by lavas, Nam Cb—..—. • - POO GO oho oes Itoomedeido,cozotd dadr;podolOas,by • thy. Co, Now York. notortatdy Ili 00 Os* 13% oot. Boonfood eido coned "it. /bo.. 0 7 - lilabotft Brea, N. Y .236 00 One 7 cot caned likdowoodamohot belittled ttoolym. by coo QUM best Now Yott looltoto, vary !Mop. 50 00 Ono tocood.tuoad Yeeltliamoduted"totlltbalhono, Ai, by Obickastoo Sou. Goo socoodhand o.act lorl Om .laoo frozoo,&o, by Cbtaotteti d0e5...—...... Id Mot ti,toW.sl 63‘ octavo:wood cosootobad don arm good mod= motor 1.17 00 Ow- re e d baud I' cot. UMW. buto.hy Chlek log it Bons, soirty OD oteolotatad FM ptight. Maw. CO do- ' .66 , si.Loid a Sew SO CO do do • oet,by 00 01) do do efoct:Gortosartno—...—........ 0.11 do do 6 oet. lloSapos ore , OS do do . .03,1 act. Mammy 00 Thou dorms of yorebaotog a CULP PIANO. dbodld not 811 toeW U. =mho the am - 7011211 .11431ILLOIL NO.II WOOD Immure. bobrorst Disacood spa rad 'bola , lOW. Mr Agent for Chktertog II bore entrod,l7prldir add aqua Ptsdorodm e z ilstiberiA mr l WWW:=l* rug. lIDOLP.IIO WOLPE'S A4w/wwrio SCR AM ...-:. - , ' • FOIL, AISPJCIAL -.: . l ii iift: .. tifOr' Avg: : : *iiii•-::".,::-....---,..-: PAuLtrmice.x. PLUM JEVE It GAS AND NT. P -,_.'17 --- .:I.: - . 7 -..$ - i . .. 4 - ', - -: . ,::;81; 1- 210. 129 ITOIIHTI/- MIME AND CHATIIB; "Aar , " " llarltlles of fillies ant U=3 Rdtsla :and Privatii KNOV • - TUB PSICAN biabmaparytedntoialrii.2s SINEFC - r e p, • • • , . NO. - so '=.II3LC. • •_„•-: . ftsr bus. Ws to mein sodirorsolii;:,-,-,-.7, mot - . IL S. PIMA* IXt IMEN