The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, May 25, 1861, Image 4

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I --...
simsimortifOltiftse;- -21 go.
The. Advocate and Journal" says the
roareedings"Of the late anniventuy Of the
Weide:fin" Missionary Society, held in &Teter ,
Thdl,'Lraidon, Ailed twenty-nine columns, in
small type, of a London paper The total
ter the year' had been $703,390, and
..the eipanditine, was- $704.605. The Prod
6,ntor the onfercuoi, Rev. W. W. Stamp,
is his speech on the Brat resolution, stated
when he delivered pia got address.thisty-five
years agi., at the annual' meeting - of Sod
, - udi. there Ware : ls; iniaskinaries and 33,000
ileinbeis at foreign itithitla. Now they had
1315 miesineuies arid 135,000 lumbers at
foreign stations, and the income had advanciod
• uPwaid of 84-40.000.:Among the; °rakers
' on that occasion was the Rev. John Melia
_ took, D.D., formerly of-New York, but for I*
year Fat minister of the AoTtaticarf-Chinek in ,
r Paris. Ile alluded .to - the present crisis in
Americo, and begged . that British Christians
would not surfs themselves to depart from
the noble line of scam pursued by their f3ro. ,
When, which bad malted in the ennuicipas=
lion of the &ave. Never, says the editor of
) "Christian
the (linden - 1-1
abinet,p have we
seen ,a more stirring, effect produced on: an
• Exeter Hail andieasso f than that which follew
ed the spnelk.otthe tranalantio ender. Mats
- - were ralisslidoft,lutilkerchiefis wirrivigrrous• '
ly waved,- and the'ebeering was epergetio sad
prolonged. -•
---Tres sou Bap tist thein s convent•
sanabkd in ElTlntuili,.GL, on the 10th inst.,
Bev: -Richard: Fuller, D.D., of Maryland,
President. Mbar the -President's address; the
_ report of the• Treasurer was--reads Receipts
for the year $46,28417 ; disbursements, $40.-
_, • ' 294 - 4 8 a Win= on Ina 24,990.30. The
Comndttee: Ocmatitutional Changes - room=
mended verbal clings in the Constitution and
Minutes as laity be neerssary, growing out of
the recent formatien of the Southern,Confed
- anarrY, ae follows :
In the preamble, fir. "United States," sub
• ditlite "Southern :States of North Americo."
In the Constitution, Article 11, for "United
States," .stabstitute ~ 'Confederate States and
other Southern States." The reports to con
form to the above Changes.
—Bev. Sainted B. Dunlap, formerly pas
, tor rit'lltsver street' .E. Church, Alleghe
: giumy city, died in Baltimore last week, after
*lingering illneis of several months.
—The Texas Mark:San Advocate" says
_ the _
_opinion, is_unlitinsd, among white and
black, that:Texas, - " unrestrained by Divine
can whip "a ny two of the Northern
States. •
—The promissory notes of the Southern
Methodist Book Concern,located at Nealivalb,
TeMleane, have been protested recently.
• a recent meeting of the Board of
-' • Managers of the Mlle Society of Charleston,
S. 0,, kluge sum of morierwas appropriated
• - for the pure/use - of Bibles from the British
tand oreagn Bible Society. „
—Accordang to a letter recently addreea
; ed to the lruaboy of oxfort% -- 'litB greatest pos
._ - sible lifortanri - should he given to certain
linudities of religion. ft says ;
1, processions with - Cr:rams and chanting in
- • the open alr; 2, griper altare; 3, anises reseed
, ahoveihe Lord's table; 4, stone altars, and 5,
extessive decoration at the east end of the
church, as necessary to the fadfillment of the
apostolic injunction, "Let all these things be
done decently and in order....•
—.4 southern paper states that the po
- Utica couvulsione occurring about the period
of taking the amnlifinay perhaps be explain--
*I on the groundof Divine'cUspleasure against
the pride which numbers the people.__
At the eighth 'Anniversary of the
American Oorignstational Union, recently
-held in' 13 iookrip; N. _Y., Rev. Dr. Thompson
dative:id an address taking the ground that
Christians rinds the Church and not the
, Church Christians; that individuals entering
, a church organkation Infeited no pawn&
; 'that Christian fellowship was on the
basis of equality ; that each local society was
complete in itself and independent of all au
- thOrity except of _Christ ; that its alters did
not_ constitute a hierarchy; and that the egre
t', of the Chundr lay in adherence to- these
principles. The Union bee_ bunt
chuzihes, and expended V 8,967,83. • It has
aided - sixteen. e.hirrchei and promised to help
twentisix more.
-1--:The "linden Examiner" says if any
*Amity were to sweep away the whole -Epis
copal bench, and the fitst twenty-four clergy=
men that came , to band were to be promoted
to the vacant sees, the change would - probably,
be neither math -for the better-nor for the-
Anotheepaper saYri theirtinade of.ths,
hist:rips againstthe Paws end Reviews has ;
brought about a ctusede in England against i
-the Episcopal bench
--=-4t is rein iced thibthe Aogfi-yotoioto:
tar Mission Schrl triliadiss, India,biebeen
ditamtinued. hi** American Board_ for , thi
want of herds. - It, was eornmenced
years agoi and contained --it the last Publi
examination two hundred Puldbf, Mostly.fin=
.!~•- ...
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—The Baltinume "Ifetleedist Advocate"
--that hail named an much trouble in the
Border Confacentis of the - M. E. Mirch ou
ttie Glancy'
imilienard. until God shall deliver na from
civil war."
" Trumptet'l of the 18th reign; to
the, common idea that the these:sabots are
we Elena( payer. eAmittin the fault is I
serious one, it :sap :
We wish, then, to see the religion of river
among us ; prayer in the home. circle ; prayer
in -private as well is in public. --If we 'have
hitherto neghoted this duty, it is time:for us
to Straka, and begin it anew—wpisitnal life.
This is our want- 1 4piiitual life; and the'ritore
of this there is among us, the imam , shall we
do for God and for Christ.. God will ble - siui
with sphittueineressil: and -grist .'shalibe,
#O2 peace o f t h e people, * = *.
'is said quite •a. controversy has
stilted respeding
the mind tar SOUS time in
- progress at the Orphan Asylum at Zlberfleid,
- - r_Germany.• Trip work commenced with a lit
" tle' girl, and in a short: Mnot* whole wheel
was elided, witi* to, tbs mato:messy.
The asylum beiriasmuniOlpal esteilishment
the eaperiatettdant has Veen :upended for
.tr.losgressiteriful!t. l Pni b 3 / 613 8 PraPi
-meth* - -The w9rk
aC tiTivalll - 0.07- to extelal throttgh the
, a nr
The Britton "wantiter on the SlOCkidio.'
ofrom a
The fidl Wing la an tract letter by
Load Lyons to the isouth osnud at Mobile,
dated Mai, Bth 1
"The best wirier ypa can re British 'daps
fa to get tees cost as powO . trithOttt mien*
Mccorrecinwe. After the effective bloCkado .
bart been otronownied.: they will be allowed
Wawa days to take gad; delostare;"bcd
will not be Wtgwed to carry oat any cariptr,'or,
part of a cargo; taken on board after the ,effeo•
are blockade:wasa -..Mr.begr_ity: Indeed,
according to th e Mel of—wodtadest boom
the, will be liableto 6,01,6;14'Pr:.1040%.1
ing to go . out. with' carso_alupri Anse
annnwoonlattof &blockae., ir„p•
diog Knodrial ,00ttWoPProrlf off the
-The rasid•Ozra prodimation only 44'4413-
'; bastion of ast.tittelltiontobbwilts*J':
, •:-Z•libtailfln- 614-;.-
SUNDRIStif , '
—DRAW Pit ,
Erik' ommai, *wive at Flak
" bi 1° 1414"4"4 "..: - .- -
1361.1tra ViSs 9-
D = .Revitzs Apy.
~, i ;'.- - --. 1 .1';, i ;.:i.-:',:ii,,,, 1' '', i '44 1:, ,x 6 -t!45,,v .a :''',1'1;::. ' ;11:. 7 : ' , ... 41;,',',... , . 3;' ,. ,
.......,,, :
Homes for - the Industtions
OARDES ETA.T2 OW Tillill.WßiTt
1 sioo cwo ACRES
Rich Farming Lands!
rtracca or roarrAosia JIND rrwA EDS/
• $
The steal:too et the entenretrei end ledeetcleee per
den et the eesSonolt7l &meted to the follactlag e tele
mate and liberal indasemenul !fared tam by the
will* as thou etU pairstre, will witabl.ilea:, by props
wwww, gersowerwwwwoll to4uotry, to gravid*
Comfortable and Permanent Homes
for tbammlns sua tanilpss. wttb, azopartaf el/ r;eski ag.
very little capital
do 13t..• in the Val.) of the .Ileeatippl calla to mat
an haste:me to the Isttlez as be State of Illinois,- Teem
Ism patios of lb* world what ell the candle.= of on
watt lead won elhaWahly Cosobito to proffer.. those two
Met etehltit cant sod !OW, la th e PreWlee et Meets.
8708 80LIJIWB41111 EZAND.BI
Thalami , rich team of is ta . aids i• calttratal rhlt latch
wow:halal htottitl that ISt /amen of tam Eastern and
tilddla antis n.
Moving tolilinois in greatnumbers.
Ti* moo of 1:111re.19 12 494141,1.1 to that of Logtaa. ace
tb• soil ta so Mb fast ft Nu ampport twang colld.Wi of
plop,. •
sAsisairAlrD sorzase.v xatarrs
tln ,•ih l C ds aro contigooni t. • ialirosd TOO iallso I
conactUortstt other roods use -LaTlgib
balm and etre" thno eibellizkg
an unlm4en communication
eti thi lutM d Oca Wuu mut etta.
a* ter egad and lobo ben boa *Wad to develop
tag the Lilt the great repootoon of the late to GULL col
MOM gee ihDreg aniorlud; the tavaelable rate that the
samcglage attallotarbtve - lbageot feel- en sheer
est. odd falba at ea early day la Malik - gad to thew:rev
dee watt laa yew Oa enfant WNW* seeteettlee of the
me mom* the beltig that et - Wet - POI Efflf Dahl,
MODS* la: OZOPhrerill - bootagegeo to the glide of
Waal, la the vattoat v
ilanufaCtiiring Emplopiientew,
sau,Roa) ai=t or =NOM.
OM 300.000,000 of prltels - capital ban boas os•
prod as Ito taros( opigtotot. -Litssmooli as
port of theinDXoskoss word of am vain, with a n
=blip pabtio fitott to tootis, goo to timbal& Ma Stara si
ppers, too two aro tlabl,sad puirt,ooslogsautiti esse7
b• Ita4D,bl L et 1y it0.108.24/ 3 Ikanti with!. the tut
iltre• peril boa tneerreenabel 1NN:14666, uOl U, may
Umlaut], t=
,that le Us years U will toccust• extinct.
SL. ste' kirsiadkiluttagisb . pcirgßext;
pence. bailee team Wed AU% mem the meant
.mcilatiea 1,119.06 W tep,0f,432 roe' Fehi. la ten rim
- _
TberigritmiteriVpio.ttats - 111000 an miter fr.hais
them oieul otbet nue: ' The volute me ens aorteg the
peer pat esseeded 1,00,C0) Wee. The whoa heoli et IND
VereedieDl l6,o 4 o . ooo heltheAlqii4 the gm. TIP *las
USTILISII. 016014.
Nowb•r• kin .11* lodastriose ftztur mtcure inch Inam.p.
646. maim f0r.166 lebor se Cyoo th..e prat:Sesalts. they
b,161071606001 01$ dep. with Waal, Oil fatally ot which
11 / 4 1 ''.A0 1 k 111
sacs Jag. of Pops* hint lot 4 2,366.000 aria:
an ow, es Egad /*wow* wog cm* 'astral etottgoit
aPntwitta to otttosto....lllo rood, kat tem toottroutor
(bough Otat kph tit se upon V. sphooopcp. 1160
ObtPaPOVAllVAlnilitutottatits arookph loAtet st faun
wow poly tatotoo.4ltoo watch 414,4931t0n bets eddo‘otzt.
tog Dm solloti pgpstati4A tsl4,49l—agois of napes_ wit;
, Imassoss• or titesnarm- r •
Amu ihe thrift it ghtp•ova, be iistri
that WA CO tents Wen, Ineleatn ',moo° buslals at
clbal y r9lX . )
~pelses , wir,srist °MI*"
4 .114 'Wittig NM vitu dad We
spins escohntrie by Memo, sadsairmad WO' luso
zerrasolbr the support of =boobs. . SW/ ;thine caa tiro
to AM at ILI* aural and Waal boo., Edpaw tip Ildth
m.S'").Oll tau 414/ilal4aut lW 9!'ke lOstins
;.i.- - ~. 4113118 AND SARIN DP PATINAS. -
' • `lto polooo4lloodoolands my Dna PIA $25 por Denote
* *NOWA !doodled, goillly, te. , StriNtou Doming lump
ow,* sIDOANIT por se" sad Os niggly* expolor
./ .poloijois doisad so comparsd INN Fr.AF DIAAIo DI
tA• FACIA al 1 Fa 1010 Fame at tb• Drew. 'NA Immo. Cl
Wake Do of gum lOU AN D•'_ i-' • 1 • •"." . • .
Al ;
.. ? oila' AAA% i ift Advance. •:,
'.24,1.v. , 641. warms. sod oft Marna Ado 4 'taper
Mao MIN" ruPoNIIIT FA .11, 101.11111, sour,anund
mu 'ars Dols tbe datoof WE is 4 Dar pats, AN princlot,
made lakinr.llNo, di sad torn yawl /oral dew of ask.
NA XrAtnlFletopolallat 1053 5.04.311 of du DIN pm
cluoped o Sl • GANN mod eatinitiod sorb AN orriNT low.
br it, y DM tliartioof oslitoootbst at No ad of Aro
.poo A IFDASI DA INFIFFAMI !AO!, eultlrattol.'; , - :
!w•;• 1/'P Osat'7t4)l.lls.diu4ucliti
tiiilbirlailiftitibr mak etaiiS die isilisbaidd - bi At
paw dsocripttro Cl tbor Isal o i. roll, clttailaart•
NINA•oIIIFFINFAAA Dna CI p 57 C 60 , 1) , 1 , 103 . a s SP'
a, N,1108168, LAND 00111111111110111111,
r„E.Lnrois caurrau;s4lLßOAnr
' " .17M.Itysia4 '
, ••
7gi tat sinus ca tits itnnis;Viilspi si2d Okla Mtge
—11113111,11M1M1111 . 1,14 - 4 # l,, re ll AML 94l.
ir? 00-- -RIO- ,i
ff ,....
riCilegale - DrUggiSti .
' I 1 AND
Ba l .
, :14 1 0 ?..rood ettost, Pttabtirgbj ea
1 1
1 ,
sl i
- , 0 '
.pss S IVOR Tim CO OY fiEfiffld[
' . ! OR ADP! DIM.
, •
':sl.tinsh's Radical Cure Trod.
. ,
gato P,etent Trate.
. *ltch's' Stipporter 11 use.
, Self Adju'sting Trues.
)r.. Bulonirig's - Lace or - Sod, braze. Air the
can i,r Prolspaciii ui..i. Pule., 4113darsinal ..1 141,6481
I': S.'S. Fitch'e Silver-Plated Supporter.
41e l'riops, for the support aiad Mare of Pile&
.ItfiatiO. Stockings, for weak and varicose keine. '
Elastic Kneoceape, for weak knee joints.
Ankli Supporters, for weak ankle jointe.
Suspensory Bandages. ' ' _ i
Self-gjaotiog Syringes; also, every kind of
Syringes! ,
Da, Kat intaaleo a Truss 4rith4t wgl rat.i
. —,
cally Berms or Rupture. I :
Office at ids Drug Store, No. 140 Wod et.,
. , • .
ago of the golden Mortar. •
VIL [Una pristribal to *woof 131WIONIODULIALBS 2
mad - Ear
n roonto for Drain= and alnico ivory
dhow airing nseedoodoll fripwrl„ . • I
eats ID DATUM or 1,P110T140 Id dOWITIO IL&
CHlllW4lnfoodleal puz:dfi Imo rapoior kink ffU!
be rent ftro of avow observar en ISOM row,
nrin nonfarm of Ton
Kir i n
, N 0.140 Wood stmt. Itlttotongth
scrpxoTnes Otru ay Da. Scuriac.-1
celled of Dr.' *bench um time ego to am of bleMaita to
Pittsburgh, of the °Me of Dr! Kelt., No. 1161 Mood rt
Hoar aumning pinata with damn. Ode of nag
Imp Mill the bromine, totem axe Nord te be badly Ms
wed. Oftectimee tato I coughtel 1 expeotorated blood
end matter to large gunning I bed sight sweets bbd a
ancll math, and Ua gently d.bUicwd Dr. Nana
meecrlMA tame hie ..2171noma Bnar." "ssortab 'Mae
sod .11nuntein Puma' and after' Wing them ode month
I lam reconared Mat 1 do not spit any mote blood
or riunter, and Om cough km own len tog' I NM In Oo•
loinbiain county, Malty township, Ohio, mbar* II am well
known. lola May pnbliall WI NY= with.
Plaaburgh, Aaiun 27,1660. Nannillent.
N.Y. Sham neaten vas writtath Mr. Each hoe mainly
trarramd, and cactinma well, baring mined Ms zuml
se m, vv ILLIAM W. DS; resifting OD
Ann street. Alleghany oily, do hardy codify that I have
boon eerer frota mere Gone. and pals la tie Nowt
far . hods eight rears. Daring Uwe whole ot thls rem./
bass hod plural ismati sad oevreedon olsidriti I ohd
mry nostrum I eotilll hear of. bill nothing twit bal d of my
&sem II - loud of Dodos golommitY “Patmont Bum"
bat koaalag to one peronally Out It had oared,' boa nn
candassee la Abell. I lt. ll • ssolosesili
tonspealid vitt. a Molest cough, dlitlealty ot tabitratlem,
and tiled 'lnset; 'BM& a ptostraUd toa that IWa• cos
god to my nom en too =Whs. 1. I
Wont dm; hinds sixica ll all to mallsebsPokb to !e•7
high mai" se Um tom what It had doss. Illy ptadrated
analltiol w. dlaccaosipd nos considerably, and I mad' op soy
mind to no man mow Sir domain or msdlie, bat
would the chance; Ilbs wed* se I had bosh so lomt
sick that I WI completely- dlemrsged. , Balmier, after
traded *Meal advertlemmate tb s.Plttshargh Dlspatale
I fait Inlliced to give Dr.dchmsek's go
d o Meal, sad
now, weary Om yews gllereirds. loafs
Lotto' lin than ten dohs& math of Dr. nthesarle indb
eines. tothedtathagly sato that It Us tube a prrfect
care ot ! and I ant • mall ataa,stal I attribute ay good
Width MA Agar osostltatlas =that, to Dr. tcheack%
an I *Joy bgtsr hea ll h to day. Yell Mb, 1361.111 an
Ilan donel fur Mealy year' past. II pansms Imam the
Woe a' Dr. Icheack's Inestlntable Helios, ilbsy would
cot bealtata to tall on him Ids rialto to Ws plats I boll
No alelatog every parson . to coil oa litnhas I: have the
almost coronations to kis inettletosa Any piaci wishing
to tnomithe fuss as has stated ma call= atr h y plam
of Wm. Y. Faber% Methinks, to MU y, on at
it; nekNosse, Awe, idlagbany city.
Dr. eralledlolots are sold by
Bit. U. II 011611,
'as ; 140 !cod M.
t 0.27 Finn SMUT,Krathl
FArRB or /8601
Warded the Fiat Premium at 01C
Unitedl Slates Fair; Ohio &mit) Fair;
Illinois State Fair; 1
WiSNOISitt Statet Fair; lowa State Fair;
Kentucky State Fair;
Tennessee State Fair; New Jer. ay . Suite Fair;
1 Vermont State Fair; I
Chicago Mechanic s' Institute; )
I.4 Cu uisrille Mechudes' Institute;
i minruiti Mechanics' Isisellintti;
Allegheny County lair. Fittaluirgh,
sad after Musty Paint too numerous to mann.
1 , .
1 010 'offer to the public WElKilla &
etth lainsised conedmite to Magnate as Um am sad Mott
relabel Smalls rontagNsentai Om to as, It Mrs equal
ty mall ;au ens diktat end Warn barks, males the leek•
Mkt Psymtbls to tuustsl, mint tlis mean& tidnalsti
or Wait
~, sUlte cm bolts eirtim lonian no Moor data oli
base 4 • olA .—is lows 10 astaracttos, eftori.fpody Is
mwereaurat, sad more dusants taxa say arm rosnaros. •
Weirs MI InetruMbras to amble Ilopurctaisr to me
Onslnso etatai,stneti, tom. 'IA eat. Pte' Ural one
task, std au the suns mac*" sad ersirsat t tor tlase
OratlMs,ooltimmejtmittamtlmstrom tam tens WO.
est idapdhis, Lis uld West. 'Orton prices, Se, , tit 0. far.
Wool trom on applkalks In palm or by bibbor.
as Mathew Nredlos,StM,WlM, Con= and 000000
stautli ea hand.
atre4lsdknr 11.
WIT MP itiAoll OP ALB'.
1 PAWS! 'soli sts TD suct. .
ct.Z.l{772lzsTa . 1-ramna Ea.
ftelania& end the carlailmtnt of Inept mama
ameeptot upon recent Pennon of lb. UMW OPP OPP,
einnotag the validity of the Omer IV liells= vr apinre
Pitepe ruble this company to tong& their Pr
chime, with ltoportent impronatecip GRIM RR.
DOOR POOLS. Tbenyttiatity of tame Padden ge
Walt ma sad • format Lamp In Me Pies pep al
promo sag tenurial, le emettoll by the MP of thalami"
mien Mem lad She modereti et which they us
non soldgesam them PRIM the reettief .0. Pat ebf WO.
Mt Mane for tempting 'nth temp tefettor end law gibed
monism erbkh hap as smith ppodicen the ing
Oble baliamn: Rvery tesettlite role by on it
WO W° ere lastsvottoweree of charm to bortheeere,
to oosblo uwol to Rotor Iritt.llather Tam eltmbrohlet,
all cot the ism mates - ,
SiParcalaes cep be hut Mier alio% tree or charge, b 7
eerie( either to plum or by reoll ,
g ffitebless, treedke, -Mk 14tot, WM.
eta,. =lt; on hand.
zio. Is nria RUM, PlTTilltritOttr
ticrt.t.aa 344 v 31403 B
1 No. 65 fourth Strom.
. 'o a AAAAA AD IN.lsele
iiiPION. !
a ck DAILY BROM 9 TO 2 0'014:108,
Ny,i,aso CO Wtetzeodee as elsoroir nom MO
dra to tioroatbsr entail= lr to Inctgotttra Ova 110.
rather ant to Itse illsiktrceoll tit It e'elect. - .1., r . - •
Dsretta toottrat din =hit art ten tam Dottie.
414 a 01145434. 0*1tr.:1;.394.6:4 0 2/6 Mi. 4 IBMs
Ism not Deomothot... W _
arm ;Des too thoelaeolvesteld •
tulle. tolooe etd•tglr. ideot the .Dattkose, moo.
teee.ot , the rel. Otett Dor tent.• pm
kunst. Wool d:swit out, tiptoed to the acealtot t. ite
.tor es twloolpdalootheatithe scaetoterirotethp int
darter /one sad Deamibor a tompoundtps i - feer.sBlW:
oot hroobling 'the 'depoietcse to esU'or.rree preload bit
put toot. .' At fhb tetea - mOtoy. VD doable MI:leo thsalle
321341423141113 tai !KO A! la= 4/43=4 Oa Bs BB
. 4134 E, , „
Boob costetetei the Cooler, 111.Linee,li k iiii lieie;
lettcnie MAMA yet% Oa eppikottoliet the
I .. rruhum—firsoßas AULINIFt'
Willtua I. 4344;n0a . , ..• • Jam 0
e it: D. le - ets, , •,• .
._ thkiemla L.lshoottoek. , - .1. M. Youmlµ U. V. ,'' .
. ~, Dopeo=a. , -, • -- Robot Iltik , •-••• .. ~,, ',
• .! 11, . POT. --- - - 4.l4 lll tdorrbial4 -4------
iLlittizolet ItAaht 'John B. 8 41 3 4 83.
10338 IllietalD, ' /WO A. *Webs, '
._ Sob. s Week, lobo IL Yellie,
D. Ctin34l4. Jam 34443137.
-. 403340 *Manly', ... John Mahe%
Otestlesl.ooltoa, Watlrei.l4:3,
I=iWag= Jobs Off.
rses. . _ _ ...-Ileare I. RI ht. -
, Ngt &MIL -loin IL ithoistotew .
47ter " .H. li nTr- • `drutiVii loge.
- -4% i.'• '
: /44.414r4 ma 3 rrosserer•Katit 4. fOI.ION. ,
VAIREIANKts' SOM4o.4—Ttie imaerstga
:* bobs umm appall:tad !aol• r apat tot Irostor.
.Pootatronto tot ItAIaBANKI , 117AatULDJ) BOUM,
demo it otroocamoty to flow foto any Waited oat:* ot
Wit mita, ,Ibbt Ml* mod lb* toot of ttiltty von.
Thal outlaw' latallatto tom Matt' ott'Athith
int Wog Irmo Old Maki to • loootOottro mkt.. Ittlitold.
tot woo at lattir pl#loo. • • •
IC W. TOON% mitetworo alt~ , Yaws; .
; 97 Wood st. pottier attobod lam
POltil-200 bbls; .
Ltd' , 141a—soo vs, -• •
Tine csarsoad HMO and llib.-fat
Habt RIR= Per r i rov
BGOON.--90001to .Bsoce • HeiNs,l Sides end
JJ/ - IlliciaLlars, la stars ax ads br - 1 •—•
0,41. •-• Hai 110 mad Lill *wad st.
1114M3KE'r WILLOWS-55 Wadies now
J! Widths Dom per 3, D. Yard, b r ya -
ISAIAH DT . • A4l.
:1(1 AM EV-9 tierces sweet Hams pickle, to
JJ. I uteri= ccso
t US Illuxma
Olt .10.-43tatues " ulkington, ~aaar, !Fa?' prime; Waken',
bratfkgodi by I Y4ll-144W-4 keg, freahlipon
414 a W COI .14 ; < RIPB• •-• F ar i nrkElSTaukr
- _
.1 - ' -,, - - ';'',.;',;..'''''.l;.: : :;::.f
A Oat diWihei-Pitblie.
tut emtßp{ of 6iv,lQ; 9.4 1 .11W7 uldt , ff
ofglect be (ism
Gin of the ettnat Impo wore their, kirkt elleotloe to the
beef and: wirer trialeg b.JdiDrwete thoold be Led; for
Moore.* of the hall foeulebl7l6egl tLe fetel. DB. Y.LOP.
.PAIO ILIABLC LlFElltinetNeti: l l3 weer Inetsono
mbete rho big. btetith ate 4 lore Till
°VIM DIPIABL 10:elmo01 dhrefelCA fumy. The
felarery effecteof the Life 51.41chen bete. to ffcr, bent eo
rereflTY 'et per frocrd , that' they here lweree lolly forge
Ilabed ea lb. toga eary,refe and perfect male of treat wet
era offend to the public.
Have now been bet° a the public fur a peridi
I ,
of 30 reeve and dur lig that time have main
tained a : matt au wren in almost
rxar or via GLOBS or the extraordinary cur
ative properties whio they poems&
.. .' .4...
IN 'unfair / TrieutlityiNpl3
of oertatlei Ll:Menem, they -Ittsb arena illiOiliD bilillUlal
bow the i eery nans or as winner sun, attar all Ow
dectertbe Pogroms of du dey bum Inverishly ream. Co
great, indeed, hes their !Obey bearishly and totellbly
rote& the* it hoe appeared salreely lees than blestutous
to those 'who weinf r 'sorreloteti with tbs beautifully Yhike
sopbteal priorlptes upon wttlebiliey ere' pompom:4d; bud
upon which they ecroseqtistali set. It was to beat•
Est awl sehelltts ',Ocala purifying W. orbits sild dui.
OAS of lili. and *Wilgus them with mowed tons awl
Aloft di/ the/ web tottoblett'br their oboe.
51011AT'S..L1111 PILLS!!!
r - •
Are 00•Opuistm 01 e • idilmittdi emaltiDLlSTfl 11-
. .
fodolinti,e• on be moottalood by (16OXICAL urn noir
poadsent quelbilee et* thmeof en ectlys end morobbid,
tbonsii perfectly mild and egiMablo &impost .pmt nth of
• pads lopatfli,presimetnetbe tweak pembisitiam
• ykomont. etande, bmisontlist the tinnily! and bladder;
aud of it &Weal tonic enable, sidling matte by the
bonds at actin &potion 'mid Mosflitli the siallwilh
"Mat pater& manse of recanted tomitb which Is onei tb•
mast ilitUona foellop of our inter..
So d.s♦o oilwu Men their aanyttahlog power of 'assails(
am Unwed strength, et It wets grain tbe my whoa of the
Mott dllikpidated ointltotloin—M. more Money tooth
and morn lattnadlately Inelgoisting nun the PM. Ooir
Stinting the tenon choice rigettdde Animal at the latter, le
dlderent stediallOn. Altbo6{h feellllenotb.rtio than
lb. Uri Paut,they am:o4m been to darn the .11•
menterY 'mach sooner; generally slightly operating
within throe or tonr boas; and producing a dectdid acne
of racy to flio Head and Ehnnath, and exhilarating the
Wind, ma in ten time Suit thin
In Ltrarollona of Mr Mad. SUM Headache or
Norvons lloadocks. thaws Mat Will be round
to possess Um UlOittotutary
Have been happily used ter the cure of Farts
sir A. v•111-setalsted sod pumintior am quaffs of bile
opal as stomach Is amyl regulate fa the promotion of
soma beelth—ft stimulant agleam end Man the Matti•
nal oatsi me front ell otstructiorm Shen them le e dud.
dem Of DU*, the body le constently maim. On the other
be n d, au_lefentbuodenc• of bile masa frequent awes in
th..sch. and dial profane yap snag enacts of dis
own vlatisoutaireen end In Oath.
Or. Moffat's late Idediotnes It I
libonLi Us Lan In ills WIT of Bilimm complaints
and ll' puma..U . lu mrictlpamordlog b dirsCtionik mill
minium ream a mall
Ai • mud! foe this moth distrembi and tbettoete malady,
the 1/111ITABLII LIVE MEDICINES deserve distinct
end empbatio recommendedon. It le well.kmthro to hat,
dna in We city that the Anther proprietor GI them vetoer
the Kettichtee it. himself adlocted with this thmplabt fur
upwarda of thirtydlea years; mad that homed ln train every
moody premalbad within the whole coo:meat al the Mattria
Mali= Et. Minim et length hied the Medicine which
le arm altered lo the public, that Itte was cured Ina very
@hart time, alter bit recovery had Was pronounced tut only
Improbable, but absolutely Impossible, by soy human
Life Pills and Phoenix B it ters!!!
cm [nu., by tharoyehly tlegustas the OM end seo•
we stouseehe, awl ensiles a 10. of pare, Maltby bile,
Isslasi of the dale sag acrld Mad; Twangs Loual
Haeireumi, Hammes; iteensesesse, Tam.
tai, antety, Leagues, ant Mumma:era, whirl en the
mend eyetyleate of Dypeigete, .111 estgeh, as • wheel
cousegarda of Ito care
for Maya sao Llysa Ochiespers. with Matt neatly well•
known' etualdsata, [Moat and Stch Heads:As, Peas awl
Oppressios :41cr Jiladvolliddintas, .IXisleutt, liarnbans,
Lou of Appatts, act newlalyea to to vastly superior to
lusytt4ag ever Patsy odered to the
Periabiwbbobaoolloloo La. bra= Impaled by U.
Injudicious loso 0 Mow.; 011 nod tbril noodldneo . pen
Oct ooze, on dm noym tal t 0 anollont• tram %bomb= all
U. Wads dr Ifereary, toldtholy 1100011 th an ttor moot pow.
ettal goopsiatbon• of lanwpald.
The Most hortible mem of . /krefitla, la .biro IL.
ea Limbs or the slabs WI been armed bp= by
l b. Wadable Mama% sra proved by sac:treble authority
of the sorbs= themseiree, to have beta complatals eared
by Steels plenty Vegetable IdedlrJam, slim all °them tied
hem band Atom Man nasholo
Ainite or Inflammatory Rheumatism!
A " nn° "igfilATl2ftia
Or s CllllOllllO
Theo alierno, which ere essaag tbe mad painful, sad, by
breanast fahlismai the mat taseteret• to whirl Wrath,
hassolty Is flab* en casseopesday and pcsitasettly
eased, by s prom mums af the Lin PIUS 0114 PIM=
• HO. U Ii vatteamary to imazowits tW mu) cars to
mbleb lbw purely votrtable medichet ba» teen seem&
fat bat lii Oa Insleklllky,axii an ITETSSuuI *dr
b a l ms OAT p96U7 TEIN BLOOD, sad tlnt. rrsors all
cages of dleir• la the ma to. -
psalm they act sainregil s
oot== loorIII". th.
body. saissamil =IN •
Ilecame UM , do pot Wan Out spasm, but lmt&onta It
•••bus npoklrtug 'ske ralistal :trpm Osman a octatom
dosizig goat opFstlan "
• . •
TRY MY 11111.DItINES Its
•7'iry but a 81011e,DOse of the
TUT 11 . 1 Mil $1
• 011.• WM. B. MOFFAT.
• 335 Broadway, New York.
A PA tIoLr
loya pe r D b
A an de d o3 le p.'
Towels, Napkins, eraSh, Diaper,
Sheeting Muslin, Pillow Muslin,
Linen Sheeting, Pillow Linen,
• Furniture earoo9, at
QUN DFIES-1:1 mks Feathers;
06 adz
d Dry Pathos, tospoolse;
I o do , pooh ,
eo Dry Non, do
Ido Dry Apple*, do
I Sly Meg *0 Wei Rap 1 bolo Cott.;
11 bolo Chelon as emolguasoll ; -
'on posmor Clammed 'Gant,* Ow We
*Oll ; . Intel; DlCelti • CO.
aftwEßlEs-7.5 bade. fair to prime - N.O
VI San i
SOO trbto r a 0 llolooma • 20 166111'V 0 Idslamr,
200 do abated Om& alrort - •
100 hfctiPla I %lard sod Blida 2.161
50 bblsCrodnd augur:: 20 tddd (A) Ocire Bogard,
= SP 6o LANA Tolll Sodom.
20 do c 11) Caw dagine—lo ea* for
BURN a 11111112/221/121114
412 • 101 and 103 at
PRODIJOEito.-L-, - - '
DRAIIB—.II 'oarsman New:
tIOKINIr...II Obi, White Ain': •
asavessaris-2, bble choke; ,
, 0 . 61‘71600 tam •
• 849 Lfwenl lL
StO QOO TO LOAN—On Band Bonds
' morteps Prowl" Wadh dafk
es: tau imLini, to aim. from $4,000 to vox°. nittoos
from tOmo to On faro. nK6w""""t4
'AAA Triply Mrs for only b,
1w:dill - do Owe st.
*W Purr wauMasont,iin action. ,C 9 ,9919
ed br
nti4IWEIS-400;',40. Messina treinges,
'Li wain greiro,Jost rove tor Ws tkir -
• • 1/1111tIt a ianataa,:'
Imo • 1 tte sad 111 Wood si.
VOldtdlBBloN.--2 bblo. fresh. ' o . Butter'
lON &eh
In ft* male I AILIMOILE,
ity3 j • r .L 215 lamely sir oesz Woat.
Rees ANDePM. II ' 4 ::
"V 12" 4 4(1b5Pir 3114 %14
.plp st:r MTL4,'I / 2 irlill"t4l" W bie n:l 7 4 ;' vb cl 3.
WHITS , Flalt4-50 . 'bblb;
;.: ilk so %tali 67. for We - •
- nye WATT A 10111.60141 65 many se.,
ULL BUII ER-9 bze:sid Fresh
son Bottsr.lamt rsed for male by
sign ." IL OA Itinat.l:l* 00; Ilrit WWI
Scott, Cooper, Radio, sad Oat standard Manisa%
ba load aad to walla by aipresa
• ' - ILATi 00, 66 Woad at.
LIJORIOATINCI ,04L. art, received, 56
bbb ebakik fabrtalbit trospu cabibroba
Walk Old*. .
, 'Arm a Hi Doi:obit U.
' APSES,' of - pew Alakirsbl
' itrfas.Pag !Wand ft ids st la* prtisiby
,-. •• 11...9. 11111111111 ALIA
/1111111NBTITOP13.=-2 25 Oothi!! tl!unmei
4 .lTotiivipittekA idrosi i • _Z
~- - ~=
556bu5, - Itiiiittiii, Gratis. at
au • imurst—.. • - imam
T 015116
Duquesne Foundry,
Libeirty at., near Outei - tiejpot AFL R.,
PITT6B1:16011. Pa. • '"
111motte , are NIAULIINN, I.l.ht_AlL/Idr...an6- AMAMI°
MILL FORNe.CE,42.IVtiI i ANCHaI,nr. snit, doccip•
Olg; Pit% poi ottnri•cat,nittivgiOnis,alLAitN
FAILS. W•Govrvorerviaollsl.ll:6oaefts
Attu GRATE' 'RUSTS. STOP opplugagr.k., shwa
on band and for Wt. lot,
or4cre left. with. W.41,4(11.1t41. eznp.74,Wood Arent
and Diamond elliiic•Bl'et.oomtAulatbs; L. 40.21
A.. • I*. 1 - 1 ro •IL '"Z .
liasidtbetara bt" .... -
EirRAT& vizoi•rs.
&o. mo.
Solo Promietor,of. oolabrattd-
PA we? rtas sdArriff a RAANCIEMENTS. AXLE SitOXS OvlrHumtha
Office and &let Room, - -
No. 4 Wood Street.
ja4:l7, • PITZSBIIKII,S,
STOVE'S. sTolrne.
.11 11. A E N,i? 4.
• itAgUrgegggitiMi i i
cowl.; PANALiOR nmerit4G
Virarehoure, laden]: Street, rte . * blew, Su e .
penden brats% aLtaIGIBILDY CIT
Wort the attention of dram fp aarlarge emorttnant
of 'Ocokrag awl Haman atom. for Wood and Oral, which
we are telling at the tweet prima. Thor alarm{ am city
'Mew It to thrilr edranfaffe M ere us a cal and ""tlr
oar war tithes yard:ming
Cart Iron Hann fronts, Iron Sarno& Fader, Hollow Wm,
Wage . • .
Plain and Fancy Orate Fro* Fenders, eta.,
Outlay of all kinds rags or corner.
jyliktyd • • D. II HAMM It $O5.
ALLBA, &Ioaf:M.IMM; a CO.,
-Warehouse. No. 5 . 2 Ett. Clair street,
LOB and Hia.llso TOVfI, 'ParlOr oral Eltcbso
enure, Hollow Warootoe Med zed Dime liford , ls,
ASJII Orstangs,Mlll Clearloo, Gas, Water sod !Minn Pipe,
Sal Imo; Dog Irons. Wegoo.Dowis, Butz Keille% PIL
lays, Mugu; Cat Wheals, Couplings, ate Cartlop veer
ally. •Iro, Jobbhag esCastlop mad. to order.
Pasaotsd Porisblo Ms= or Hone Pores.
4 0 416'.
MANUFACTURERS of at kinds of Cook-
Ing, Pavlov and Eluting Stoves, Sooting Ranges,
/roe and than= Esnensted Grata fronts, fenders, lso. So.
Us celebrated Orl Cooking Rowse,
and Wood Oooklag Starr,
'Black ()ale' mad "Fort Home."
The "Capitol" and "eagle" Coohlag_Banges
with atba Eiydraulto or 'pen Dollen":
whlrJa me more esamsleele ib me In the cue sod vicinity
Men say other Banger
Th. very Finest Enameled Grates
tbst aan be sad. sayvber. Perms building nee Baia
'all page tar Ibis la ailed
rho, the us. ad beautiful Pub. Sta.
the very Meat loapront lu the way of Parlor atoms
now Want
topther with Bs Rom, Tot Rate Bloats, Heaney
awn Laundry BC1)01; Proothn Shwa, Jrataspowlby
DOR& amt. and Poker., F. ot Scrapers, /MYR LUNGS,
Store Ply“out Moan
VW kat Arras...Ußl for ok. Wash-Eltaim Mat i. nate in
Jamb Onto, Knaves iiratu, Tes Rattles, etc,. eta.
The public, az* respecadiy torlud 10 all AIM orismlll
car Wand» .took.
iteD=VOrt abbationnents.
ON •rmr. /CUROPE.A.N PL .N
Slagle Booms, Piny Cott Per Day.
City HaU equate. contaxot fiatiktort at
(Opposite Oft,
tlealLa. May may b .dared in th• apschros Relactory.
Than Is a Barbee' bop sa Bath 110011111 aztachad to the
N. —Rewire of alll2lllllll and Hackman,
into oy n us
vain=thaws data= of obtaining the -431ZNUIN1
d Utst addr they paschal* ers sat
ad with lb. runtime of the drat,
J. N. 11101101 MN, soma a (MIN.
II • aura:awl of ths scsadacts wad dassbllltyof the (kott
.1 . 11 casaba lo nodand sawathilly ortassrs.: l =
- Qualtlea inferior and ad=v ii. - Ulnas
oe zra
a rs
8" by Irtalt Ettanwr t who, rogardias of the Wary into
Wanted antes s the Alsaicas carman sad As mambo
turas of the pinata. Goolis wlll not mat/ *budded •
build proi tbla, whfle pardahan can iss Imposed ow
with Goats era woredowt camas&
asklid again 84 Bade Street=sit
. ,
. ,
---1 0 1 1 K
QIN A 8 A loatinDrAz A.dictirr.
USPEOIALLY designed for the use of She
.1.74 indica Pretrssitop nal th• 7m os. 4.1101 lolp
Wed the 'pailful 'lnca! .Arodatkr se&
mad..`actiotppe eta, Is rum oorldsed by 'ill of lbs
tootalmat pbyddaro. domiato slut aostobitarkoo power
dos all of toad Wrimarc modidad quolitin (lank owl
addle) which Woos to so old end pure 0t0... Dut
In quart Dottier end ißld by el drtypolout_groods, do.
Dr. 050. B. 61111111,140 Wad Unit,
- A. H. sus toi
isse am is
W. would nil the atisatka of nom who an
acanthi/ awls annuals with Omasmatar Innperes,
Snot, Ohne% .to.,m for samonn collection, cow taisimi
iii the pinalpel body waziediskow Mt= Noma/
aPettsi. netinee, &Maly Ifidte, nembek, Nest and Bev
tib Win ream.laidnrs, nal nedn.netialts Box. UP
right Boa, Liberian /Awnless, boglith Teti sod China
Athenlisa. SRO snows plants Cl the intense fistonlfea
sod Upright Box. oa wMeti at • tinaltudds few mista
limif ma Mahn. findandooAppili Poch sod Cherry Tam
of goad site, and soapy entre she. 303 ew, emaiosao
lug to bra, of the celsbrated Belle d o Morn.
Pr erimum, nom two to Ine fed high, to Tann, peeled
&hipped as dlrocted,st SS pm then. • Boom thousands'
of Inentreno,raostais Crum ihe to taw Pet, fee plahtleg
the hosiedlate aelabtarbood, at say low maw
/wen Wilkins, Jae B.
fainkestock, Wm. lialsose, Dr. J. J. /tom
Wien to oat oddims through Posioptiii Ans.
ahrey cocien,ffe., proontlysttehdiel to.
Pleutiorgei Ueda. Reno flaw% elost_.d Itlllitoa
I =2; l l3: l lUtich. sa v g . , M.Ty,"l" "ink
mbniledarlosT WM.! IteIoDOCK.
' DtlllCllllll.O • 00 •D
in retorti t ratila to tha pub= for Uerfr
hitherto U 12estooded,1 trade mit thott=t
to tol vay hap mak Tll2B for so d Tall.
ltf etorkof OM* Pew; (etandertl sod drer2)Teitho22
Cherry tar am= esyttdhg I hero Ow rare. Allele*
oat= opyrovel =done, incept porroos having • fon
krundiare of elk
in every con baba t
every lard bro• to on= •
Or Apple Tree. =ono vro have Ui2000 , 412,000 of wham
me threw aids. from to 11 laeL •To ouch re west
1117 ,trot 2 to 11 het, by lb* 100 ar ICO3ibto
11= would to T a Site barge Maple, for shady per
CI, Retro Amerltert a= Ithe2l=l lamb, per .
U2l, ee. , tom plow glee se II 'pl. 01,04
tome mot free as . ,
addrvic Plttibergh hod fleithatl Hariterlek Eltitargh,
. JOHN 11118UCK22./s.:
~ .
• - linbrietialfig ,013,.:,....,
4+116 GALLON, coastargly ea bark arid kr WA by ,
' Alit* ON quality, iro nobly to arata*l ooditlatt • : '
. .
' : - - ProolatiaakSov. 241820. .
anon. 11 0. b J. U. &Amos Oesto..Tho Latakakaa
Q 0 Vs an gottleti from you ma end to bit tbo bog for oat
;myna vs bars ark ,nood. Tao L 6 IL R.' &Lea. . •
• Doikat ' ' . , II7 Wu. Itan~:
COAL, au? COAL; BLACK a coma.
VI /XING • titaxtued the entire inteiosi of
• AA: ay PM pottier, IX Mr armor Bollor.Wilibo a'
orornto fandolk s r a rror fonaor inistomoro
inictilip or (0/114 ADZ 001 A KAM mil WrAi
to ma t ai maatiMo, Orders mat Omit tbo Rook;
Olio, SIIMM* of tbo Itcoostrhoblk ,l o, .9 6 "
X As WatimorM be World to Mb proximo,:
Cool Works sod Omer looted to Boatis PM WP, ono
mean Moro Mr IlloologAMAPM. • " • -
lirrieurt Ludas sCoAturr. '
Bred Warns very cheap
qualltvs •-•
verrintei gime* ill:Van Oa* 'l= . • spl3
VI, Obtr Wood
T -AO6 LEATHER—ldarshill'• Raw . Hide'
Jul toe. laubat, a 'Via aillabo., tor rho at*. bdia
lI XTr ir. "O .4I RLE 4g 41,24 , 4 .. 101401-4
wlnv i t hh o dhrod .,
111141 MINIMA etre* .
UT • TUNd-'4./ae tat load N mks iri
dots Ar ads ai n. ausnama.* am,
TtLeox WOOL rai4uNfs,
straotorcuy* crom. -
UAL ,-200 "`No. 1 rattiVtidt to etre
ag o • MANUEL SLEW= 204
PlTnlilliUM, PA
0 ti&T KIS AN,
''Victory" and "Triumph,"
is. /MINOR, **Oda
ScrofillaorKing's Evil,
is a constitutional diseaso,intotrucitical 61. the
blood, by which this, fluid ,becomes vitiated
Weak, find tpoor. Being in the circulation, it
pervades the while body, and may . 491st out
m disedse
on any part of it. 1.:0 organ is free
from its attacks, nor is there one which it may
notffeshoy. • The scrofulous taint is variously
•.r ivactl;by mercurial disease,. lot - living, d -
oor unhealthy; food, itlgt4e filth
and filthy habits, the ;mug sites, and,
above 111, by the _ im -am- 1 infection. What
' ever /IC its o rigin, it is hereditary in the con
descending.. from parents to child=
unto the third and fourth generation;'indeed.
it seems to be the Tod of Yen who as
will Visit the iniquities of the fathers pm! .
their children." • . . .
Its effects commence by deposithm the' '
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, "Irld , in'
the lungs, liver. and internal or is termed:
tubercles: in the glands, awe ; and on,
the surface, eruptions or sores. foul ear.;
raption, which genders in the blood, dep
the energies of life, so that scrofulous consti ;
tons not only suffer from scrofulous; -
plaints, but they have far less power to
stand the attacks of other diseases;
quently vast numbers perish • by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
are still ren der ed fatal by this taint in the
system. . Most of the consumption which de-
creates the human Emily has its origin directly!'
in this scrofulous contamination;- and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain;
and, indeed, of all the organs, "arise boat or
are aggravated by - the same cause. .
One quarter of air our people are scrofulous;
their persons are invaded by this lurking in-;
fection, and their health is undermined by it. !
To cleanse it from the system we must renovate,r
the blood by an alterative medicine, 'and in-;
vigorate it by healthy food and exorcism',
Such a Medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,i .
the most effectual =Maly which the medical'
skill of our times can devise far this every-,
where prevailmg and fatal malady. It is cam=
hind from the mow active remedials that havc
been discovered far the expurgation of this foul;
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of, the
arstem from its destructive eonsequencet.:
Rene it should be employed for the cure of
riot only Scrofula, but also those other affec
tions which arise from it, such as Rnornve
Rose, or EirretreLse, PIIIPLES, PUSTULES.:
BLOTCHES, BLAINS and Bons, Tirstons, Terme'
and Slur Itneust, SCALD HEAD, BENOWORSI.'
RHEUSIATISM, Smuts= and lizacumat,
meta, DROPSY, Drarersta, Deuttrrr, and,
IND o hIMPURE BLOOD. The popul ar belief
in "impurity of Me bland" is foun in truth;
for scrofula is *degeneration of the blood. The
pertietilar purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa4
villa is to purify and regenerate this vitalfluid,'
uithatit which sound health is imposer& isi
contaminated constitutions. • •
AYer's - Cathartie
are so (composed that disease within dieof
their action can rarely withstand or evade
Their penetrating properties search and cleanse,
and invigorate eray portion of the human orgsti-•
ism, carrecting.its diseased action; and restoring
its healthy.vitalides. Asa consequence of these
properties, the invalid who is bowed down with
pain or physical debility is astonished to find his
health!or energy restored by vremedy at once sct
cimplii and infiring.
ot lonly do they cure the every-day complaints
of every body, but also many formidable =4
dangerous diseases. The agent below named is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,.
containing certificates of their cures and dirks!.
tions for their use in the following Complaints;
Hostineuess, Heartburn, Headache arising frtim
disordered Stomach, Nausea,lndigestion, Pion
in andliforbid Inaction of the Boccie, Flatakney_
Loss Appetite, Jaundice, and other *kindred
cornpisints, arming from a low state of the body,
oro .....ucticm of its functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Counting.
and for the relief of Consumptive
Patient! In advanced stages of the
So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu
merous are the cases of its cures, that aluusit
every .section of country abounds in persons pub-
linty known, who have been restored from alanit
ing and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its
use. When once triekits superiority ovet ever,
other medieineofits kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and where its virtues are known, the
public no longer hesitate whit antidote to employ
for the distressing and dun eroui
.affections of the
pulmonary minus that are incident to our climate.
While many inferior remedies thrust upon the
community Ws failed and been dasearded, this
has gained friends by troy trial,' conferred bene
fits on the afflicted they cannons forget, ind
produced cures too numerous and too remarkable
to be forgotten.
DR. J. C. AVER & CO.,
O. A. /ANNUM= at 00., YUYstarigt,Aputs, .0104 1
by sn Druggists sad Dialers strerrnisre. ' rsarsITYMIT
WORTHY 07 AST 00771DINCII 107.
The Bald and Grak.
hlany, . since the Great DieoetierY of Pieh
WOOD,bsto atomptobbot Waste Ids atotioativy
bat pc to boo dlaconiod stertotbing VIM would Ft.
taco milts Idoollta.4 Wit that ban on 'wow sz.nit
'Wag tartlet may by too wortortol motto& trot. moat@
bad bats bon *nod to bogs Olt bold to Its
=SlZray. tbo toUtrottir,-. _
. . ,
Puy. CO. Woos &Om Gonto—Moo War 1 weans you la
INK cowman your minable Oar goonoratu, sad which
you brow f..fobild bo Mir Mstsity and aboxwboroOtas
ens rho to. mamma InqutriostouchloW th• hogs ht oho
cass. • Tbs thqultiao arm Ora, aft a fact of my hatastion
a d
mos masa 'ln the communicator, socondat. ft
Moo of foU tbaroia cantata:id:VOA dom bth. Warm
clan to bs goal coda sada:MUM colca .Taal/ Gia
end do aura laudably, yea. fdy baZ.O awn bats: OM
Is saystau of my Uto Sr forty yoms wastissusof~X
sad Dams colon.: Oho sum to trao of -my wlorkommod
the only man why lets not ismoraly trtmo U OM SU wt.
otancota Imhof MY by frommat abtatfoa of Mo foam whir
If an mu used by wiping the tam In clam amarawl
MO: am whlawro, the same result will fallow u ;he bait.,
bon bora to lb. rocapt of a gnat •numtwfof ham hom
W pate a Now ingland, lok.Mr mo If uty bldr ant coo
thous iota so aryls to much hand fa atoms:Mho
tan sod sae of tutus compoomtus well as this. It Ms,
no doubt; Um bandy Wharf. sad been used not only .
irlthoutany goof data, but to &bolas tajory. 1 bull not
mod say of yoar Roottosihs of any koala facausw
smalls, sod yet my bar to so cud so nor, and hasdrads
ban oushood It Urfa:ryas% so / me =maim= old
sta I
Dot sgray hairs fay bead an mynas and Mums
Ws Oct. mod you • tent of my bar tam off thous
west. I reared you tumor two quit baths loot Imo
nom for which I as wary gratatth I Pm It tomr fotr4 ll .
and tbmsby ludsood them to tqf I; army wars airy
tmtll Wes trial end then psochaut and toad It adtb. atdo
urea auccois. I will sat as a favor, oboe los Ma las •
tut 14 which lan dbotaur bud In iha itostursami add
by Many, I tar, wilhout sathosity from um A pats ad
asoolU wars sue I benne whom goad atolls dd
ell nollow,lbo Wan Y mama by thatuurosztlas,Mitaf.
sans. the. Ineutar of the wood. -1 dosta It ml dotNto
Umtata% to Mop you apprhal of . maraud shut as
my bairom I sum all who Imalm of nosof tayuckshator
Wan onto valuate results I nuolln, Oar orators,
AnoEa km Ey, Nue. 110,14611.
Nor. 0. P. Wore Dear Elr—l would cartrely bO Adel
w onder fut es wall see zumpeeted roma 1 ham raferi.
mead Dom lapdog on bottle or yourilek Bator lee. After
Wag mem atoll of Restouthat extant, bat Wittrintrate
ree, end ending my bead twiny desfatute of WY. rens
dually (adman to try a bear at - Ear Hair Beitorithrs.
Now, Enka sod Enke ocaupd m. to.annownee to whee
mu may reed abr. Mat I bow Emma • new end beautttal
mirth of !err, wheel, .1 promme &Mt ind trandrymor.
&Malted Et, was. , I OW tbraftwe take ooterma kr
a mosurrand t a his lavalsablrremady to art *too sir MI tbe
P. ,
aatiLa• Ilanatryti 6 se Itio &dour
e: wade retbrontal ot my erfrobatiou for your MM.
bit made:nee (as moot aware of) de aperldtrlbleut it
you think Itworhyb Eacarturomf the rest, loser! ff
Wbb—tf not, destroy. and say
ouredin, 4-L .
Tits Rastorsttre Is pat up la bottbi or Woo ghat Ti=
WE, median end Email; the mall bolds Ulf Arland
Matte for ono dollar per boulm the o.'°s'!4
aant7Er Mob men In froportloo tharnalli Mar
ton • two &Dail par bottlm Ine Mir bade • Marti !IC! Pa
amt. mom hp proportion, and urea *up • bottle.;
O.J;WOODAI 00..Proprators, 441BordweblIsurYsek,
and U 4 Parfet mar, ar t . tarberlo; add gad t7A/4 lOW
aDt111247 6.00 DOW..
bold to Perabolan by D. L.lstenerook a - 00, J.Y. Pal.
too. Dr. Gorge 8.. Koji var. 11.1 24.12 * Co.- AL Ma .
mate* I cop ,Jcerph Plautog, ii2IOIIJOIDITONAL B.
DRY:PEACHES- 1 -4 aidni ' '• •
DRY IAPPLIPI-111 adv. PACIONE-albte, _
MIA INIIIS-100 mkt-to was it okl•by
MULL= =int 4050;
bf. V:Kb - LA . .6=114 rowed
LT -- ;' •_.. WA= WlLidlOr4
ILL-2(tra; Limed 0i17,"
•16 MO W.Wfial•oll, la. Wally : - •
446 - WAIT At WINO% ICS Iltertid;
-DOTATOKB-400 bus. Red Potatoes;
OW boo Arksasoelw Itgbaßigarg4 4,44
Jag roo'd,to gore for ago 114
&DI . /RAU TAN 6108DX6,114 . 60 . 00t' pi A.
ATS-'-10,CK) bat. Oats in store fa! isle
,TLy• , • • min s.rurrp aOO
Q OAK - CU •CD LIAISIS-10 tiarcm J. P
L. 7 1011ott 4 . 00 bniod rea ro. We by
obi :t 1 1 61 114117
OVA: FOB OIL WBELS on hand for sale
it# by QC°. 2408118,
L 4.0 & 14EATIBB—Of IfflPfifior flugdY . ;
JJ ego. UM MAMA of Takeo Idooftoa bond star
lassolabbse Der! of, J. & araUJAPS.
ASE 15.11-150 , packages "bite._
100 a. Tram los do Sint
BAUTIIM WALL - PAP/LW. in..ia4tl'ti
jo num at Sam ilidDemadt Dripayobrisisti
s op : . W.AItaASHALLIIIIIIO44. :
QUOAR 01061 , DBLISDIEXU-4...tlerbk,
gp aimenii4 t t rao. . ' wat t
s . ss;
,14.1.1alnek -ir
ttY - .. /901110.- - 760': •AV - 101014'
litti ~:114114.1161011.1411r,i
piunlcuaND s rrrsamnaigiAL l er
N era a ft er Mol i tit
. 1 i. 42: I :b: k gstre l it.emetreeeizearteir, te ritte` - '
ILrgb, slaalogn: _ . . .
. , olar*, Otn4 sad C 144410 Las. . •
t,..,.. Lean., _., % Lists -,. . Lakes at
Pl;tl . lr,an ourvivp sousnoll-caroeeo
we ... a , , ARS A 1::;.. ., 10:41 ALL, , ~ : :AlO AIL , .....
I,^ r. t 5.... -, 610 4 , .*:. lokla A ii. : • LIM AA -
~ .6 P .f.e. dwathittO* ; . l4ll ‘adaskA SOlotto; CU= '
...rot. wett. 4 o. 4 :Thl,,A toot Do particular to sok
Tk 4.1. via. hagos& ~ '.. .
.U. Th e doe t o Oilrap_by Mb raute Is u gslot .
vt4ifert. Waymmq
.. -.
.I , ,baTO, Clainebus awl andadiait 'Eton -iiii, • eie :
, L., .p of ca. tAtvoto PtttaboistAiiitt. •
j ta
to Arrival . &Ayes at • Armee iti- -UM.. '
PI r2;1141 COVIIB'd elbh7ll. IttiPtRODIBIZ lIXI. ,
. I. • Do. Ilall aim 4.1:3 it IA
I" . p,to MS pIA DOD ato I -•_ - ,;. - :. - ,
Ills tout. la aoortar to Ctoctotatl. LootnOlts, Waal...
.4 opl . pohati - Bootle, atm In attar mato.' Bp4AA
Plar r plogema stlatheal tooll Ilitat Tralas...,: - .: -_,.. ..., ; .
_ .
n t;,,,,m4 An at• • A or attm at _ pl e r At:Arrtnit "
I 1W: U oi .s:os n a ai r - Ilia •at - &lila ta, .4344 to
IMIL p a Zia pso ItaS pto ILIP•p , Pot OAT pEt
lath ot •11.0 oat, 45:43 sta. PIMA m Ittalloct•
•iioo4 to fell, pal CDS jp_ m
',Vat, t-00 4...ri. indl.l.lo t a.. Takao. OctitAWA with Trlbl
or (DO !IS-; .Du Zaaaavala,lattesetto. &0... ,• . .
Two iao . p. m: Troia 0t0f.. 1 1 1 0 . 110, " ."9"aniitPtadl'•
Dar+autt Tiding" . ' - ' ' . .
-TDrootak 'Pickett ca
Da post - anal al Oa LtlnFrj• knot
. 13 ** P P t4 " 4l ' ' JOLIN BT2WAIRT,:iIetaI 44111. '
• ' WlLLlAMrtswaszltia.
At Ot Onaptara OtIk• la holed litattca, Psoatt ; •
1 . P. It. liTlLlttykotraa Tklltritg ;.
aplletf Qttr
1651.1 TBH
1 tail/LUCIA-D.
TO! tal:POinte In the Soutk-Weat A North-wok.
I I AMOUR AllatT6WlStrt.
rII , IBIE TO CINCINNATI' aa quid . , and to
j 1001.t.p0u... at. Lo,:ta and aScago quickagian bl
wzorlFitto. raArisa.
AST LIPBIMILLDIL-IPlttgare. l4o a•
Amino at Croutoo..llolo 8.
• • Mali' elcia'connKtions vitb ClIt•
tat)l, untneatio and Clactauts ILsodt.
Arriving at Indhunpolfs-.- - .— . 4.11
it ar
- • •-••-•
Chicago —.....—... IWO a. u
ei. 11.--Tha ties ta Choctwiatt he the woo ae ?Jima.
TIC.. Trans on teak roe& wet at Colwohoa, purr
pea on go I at* einialltal together." ' •
"ICUS eil TRAlN—leasa - PtUabergie.4...lt6o g.'m
Antes al 0rate10a...;... SAO a. al
Ink.Wg elos coweenou Sabana. •
Aunt:gat Wl= WI `r
, •
&Si .
1 Clocionti ..,.. InXi a. U
Chkago 7.00 a.
B. 111.-Th • time to Claciumati is the mammas b 7 liteabar
thie. Saba en bcth road. that at Oolumbus, and pram
gas ell go this Cindnusti together.:
Ohatnag Oar" ou thts trap Coca 'Ptttsburgh to Cando•
s.u. telathanspolia and tot:bingo. •
throngh Go Cbtago without chap of Cars.
Leave Chicago, Ta.o a. and tab v. la. Anisfag
Lan, 9lO e. a. and 3:2) a. tit.- Otlnmeettsqc arttarratarher
Dayton and Cloth:nth Antibes st Quanta: 6107. alt.
,aopp 0.96 .
atth tato Caltuaboa.OtnclaaatMere-.
imnd, Bahia and the Cat, and stuns; at tthatargli 4.1.0
a. It, ri at. int lan av. :dm* - ammo
Cobs with trams.= PamautlTlLltill Itstinted as the Maim -
else altrAlimatoant gad Phdladetyttim. - -• • -
Acamortodattem lambsa, frau lataral. etteet, rategaray :
Poe Sin erttua; 940 a. a, and LSO . •
= -114* - •WO • - •
Artiva at Allegbany,B,lo - tlO -
Allasbm sad Itcomanny Acoomoolatka tad=
Loam Allegheny, 12.1%) noon, cod WO T. r.
Arilaai at icanomy, -100 r a 4 7:111
I,,:naaajoatcony, e:sa taa •
&My.* at milinros.•E•ss - • 6ed
614111A11 -Sualt4—Leavoa Ilaaalkra at 4:53 4. is lams
Alliance at 1115 a. N. ula arrives In Allontany at. 11:00
in; lan Allantony at 8,05 It. at, Alllanc• at 100
.teprtag at W Inadono for tanuantora aBal loarbatlait tad
crirraa to Plaallon at 11:10 t. - • ,
%lands at le odd for thaw talcs al minced ratan
tar - ,14:10t iznatp =maim tray— . :
with tram s la tta
. lanlaai a Pialatargii a.
airras , ,Phio, t°4 l from
at Moadatd,' Obi; tow Mt. Forma, Cathy, Boadaahy, To ,
Credits. low Dadvars, ftrmarad, Columba, Canotasur , -.
- i t in tM ei tar ti rdi= a B=, Low=t i c i
• Mc,. ._
h ".
a Lima ka eldreiy, Dayton, Otachnatl, ota,sto: . -- • -
A lt.Wayas Ike Ponclargotto, Ind., at.-Lada, and toot
rowdrato ports la °antral balm and Made.._ - -
at Plymouth rot Lydda. • .
dtMF.,hika all potato oti tits Moe M y , ..
tda ;Wt . ltdwil
. .
.14=ato,p, with tabs kr in Wats hi !Mud% LT" '
*Woven sad MlanmoM.
!tot luau latasaalrou mid Ituchab lisksta apply to ~•
I J. 07MWART. Tlchat Jigsaw. .: -•
1 ' plodtatiaa,Plraixdati,-: '....
1 • OlOllO/1 I , M, Mast
1 limurps &Mks,
?Ildiwyb 'Maas for ad. at all who Mud Cdtaio or Ms- t
04:apsay oa ttai Dan of do woad, to , all piutw of Um Usitt*. .
ataioh : - - 6.
_O. MIT _ .111,11... ,
laylS .. Omani priestrr Ageat,Pubilergi.. l :! ., 1
a ial—atiast auttuasaauSsilSOC—lsst
Ilftor MONDAY, April Mkt, tbs . SHtil •
IitALVILLIJA Isms tbs Primps Matto* wary storstoc ' -
01101Matr)st 2 OXs u. i n tst4=oll l s at Ritootkisl
tionsraxoseSitoss at ore thus dirset kis ea* , . •
MGM Isms daft sit. •
t;L, I 7 at prioetpirtyMiti• OultcidtNctcow .
51,1Suoisbnelbir Baltlmom sod stetting IS Pl 114".. '
YHtPAM Isms tees Utica daily temsptir.: • -
af 9 : oll P , • ll, 4ltsliOnis ads at Eimustsoe, futrob• robot
two, Willsotos,tisflitses, Altoona, lisoisSitrestog
telsiplas /MO&
Jollusiburs Asxmoculstiou •l.i o tsar NIS • •
me Slimly) at tat r:lt,Myrmnstsli /datioas.
:I rut "Mita Sulu Stie4aaseses Oar stUM*l4,
loos daily front BMW) st 'MS Us, stops' at all us.
thread nun ow is Sr so Closuanes. - • . -
ACC= Wars litsUos Wiles
essoul Tub lisMUlSlStatkaileuSidter . -
(ousel thoods,p) .
u tos Wars Ratko taus
(Sserpti Sudan 14410 • - •
So Xis uth Asal
y)sts tl~
P. mosa S. talnior Walratalkio Issue PEI
Estiosolog sate
ULM =Slit Mufti's% 1., toucan
1280 tau t.lO ALI Nu 1240.a.5t.; ,
Asunalotestbos; tsl Ise.; /flu Vert {taloa,
emossoodtke, &AU Wood Waill BMWs Asaosp* - •
Bo USN Wslitilltatka•Mbussiatio;
tit e ; • Wars Stain AsmossokiMmiltli•JU:
Tress its sod ladle= usimet se Paula a
istuttetfoo lshuSoss - Aissostoolstios
lersks thin WoM asitulth TIM irderstisst:
- 1 Ouiudhisift Tram; Stormiest all
Ss ea Ocessiiihnilliniatd,, lons Mity Clieultr
=1) Tniselleg illanostiarttlis
. litoorliblierattol CMS ,Pfstsbasik Ocuosills
*Mt ilauloutos stilttlibusibalkSo,•. U. sod SUS r. u,
trati rtti to ir
tc= l ,lbe Sccostlo al
ter eared minot tis asp oth
ast• •
g l i tm=l4l,..l3se l tai . dbilallostossigo'
t act all SU sty War iirg,76,!•477,iiittft . "MM..
tart_ —.......512 SOITo P.
• Pbeladtriads........., JO It
3.... lbrd.barg--- 170 1 alwoo totthwPwons. loam:
luta . alronothaptdo,ltolttmoto and leowZ k wt b.
dom l'inse r i ww=umw tnetted ti addltka to the ir to.
pos tatot,Wwws toot 13,cw0 'lwo, dui Cotoputy low wo
I. jajw, tho P.W4lly .;
Warr nwpOntiblo 111:t void bwigtgo Doll . itool kwiew
11 1 -4 a Oosalboo aattMLi l ifool km boo - outplayed to tang
Psotiajort Mod Stipp to end Wm the D . oss. ate obrio ,
;wilt , rm:NW .11
Itto P. 11141. - Wwtopt . oto Lewttp otta ll*
lin bit& H.O.
SOO *Was Planadon Mow s • .
- 100 . 4 . t. mond broads prop; =
I'RO et Jank Cotroir. , ,
WI mom! tzaneillsbeCagr.
:I.l2=boda Yoesayses sod Mack Tow
SO catt, boxed .do . 4 ,40 do do :
" • -
au..4 : •
111=1. 004 A. •
" - - •
eal a 00:.;
zitranupsa. , C.BILMICELI . z
^ TOIL f3..138011 CO.Orightneto %ciao -
ity tbstr promotiEt=o/Aot thott permit stock '
silo at Oa LOW PIENt& tAnt moo 'Alibi to
tutu Into z name would luny am ap•
or &ha ., nattwibilawslioas h parder.
ereackoiatiWag thsive4,lrol at the Inaph...
.L, etlik ems maple wassuoveu gruplurr
towing Lamm ..,1054ttotii
.1200113 - AND SHOES.— • • •
XI 94410 Ilnaiamid Irma lad! Dear,
11l suds Mita Dec =tubas sod.src.DNdtotic ia
for netted at 0 CORGI ALLIMIRIMON CaM
was I IDonisturVatia sodiWei eresta.
trigter • • •
tutu.* tx imksaltaiiceskia-
, TAN 0001:11:...
nib , LEAMl—aanks -for LeSaiDA
VL,,, Wets: custall7 rponlilarSo .
• wm. li!Nitarsior oci,i4amida m
vso Ststkoat W Petals.% Wad it.
W 111'1% lISANS-2AO White Beady)
IT `IX 001±.57 • • • -
• sot , . so Mats Wet
Onekiejset lICS %Wads by .
my? 11,17.1112 ItIMMULLS,II4 sal US Wad
OTATOES-4 car loads of 'No.
roupostraii)by,l•;! L. G. eau!.
•-• ~N 0.117 Wartystesa...
DINS 4PPLISS.;-41 , Taime lot , of •
Ptaitaipplayjast add 44-eartrr. - -.
- 1 411 'MMUS dt BUrrailli426.l*Wik,Woo.4l
• 77..
. T s ar& rtiA.
1114A00 N -- / 00 . 011X11141. Pictu/dearl 11
134 ,r '",
la noose and dig"/"l4*-W %g:
r 1
floutui.NOTW• 7 2ooo fresh thooliA*l; ;--
REBl{ :BALL 9DTVAIt3 pb? ! : fOk,
Vr i, "" l ":* -. ' - iientvirixfitaXlo II:.
I 1000 Mr. JIMA . AUBWAQ IIII .,.-=` 4 ' "'
- •, - .!**1nc9 6 04 0 , 3 * %% Iv .. • -,e,;•;li.
__ . ..4;slisura: q . , Irtjlitwabstai4 sorriest i t,
t Wait - ILUlti.ftl"-
I .arcarimpie . Atorm il i ,! t4lct•z,
taw ten thmopo ,:., .I ,
pru ,
invonur,, , ,