littsburgi daytit. B. azooLa a co.. of, 11,11101 t. •111 41110PS1 11101111 . r ot IPubliostio• Office, ' wow goyim, tb Blorntoig _aud Evneing • .I...ining unslomnst Blown up to tb• boon at P" 'inns& ; licralnp ' Va mown la odrous, a. Ile. par • .not turn carbon , &Was Stnino—S3 ukr imam Pan tudun, ' l3c*, at 61 Pt *c so lip Stiitnin--.Blnnle Wes. Wpm. 'minim eve or upwards, icpa tnoam. invationly In ..." rtau 1141.A0 1 1211401N0 AT, BIABOIItd.SI BATIKS. SATURDAY ,310RNIH0, MAY 26-, 1861. Yoe interedieilteligloietetePipiee see lostib This noble soldier has fallen, u did the three hiesseebrisette men In'tite 'tries of Baltimore, by WIN 'nation: Ile had driven the traitors hem dela, and had Jut hauled down their d tested'ileg, when he vu shot through the he rt by a wretch whose pasdoin had rude him reckless demon., - Th news has armed a profound sensation. Men have thought much but said little. The 'killing was promptly" and terribly avenged, so far as the immediate agent was concerned ; but if this Is to be tho way. in Which treason is to fight iti battler, wo to all concerned In It. In the;oath of Ellsworth the loyal portion of the coo try has snatalned a great lose; but to the traitor portion of it it will prove a terrible ca lamity. Virginia will be swept as with the bosom of destruction. Now let the leaders, the authors of this murderous spirit, look out for their nooks. =II Solt-Rel/Anoe will Maks Va Itslauds. Many people him been • good deal surprised at the unfriendly lone of a portion of the Brlt- job pros towards this country. That portion of the prep, however, it will be found, does not represent the popular sentiment of any portion of that country-7not even Leneuhire, where the cottonooratly rule, if they rule anywhere. It is only s oass--not s largo one either, though lefiaenUti and powerful leant_thOr wealth, be ing capitalists and manufacturers—welch the storessid portion of the press representai—a - class found in Menohoiter and London—in all the great ittanufsitintiog and oommercial but nowhere else, and not even there In euob numbers as to have enigma , . inflames over the popular eentimont, when snob a question se that between the Nora! and South—the question of slavery or freedom..-aball be taken fairly before Ahem. This class It is, then, and the portion of the press which represents it, which speak of this .country Ina lone whir& is eertalnlynnlriendly. It urges a polio' on the British government cal collated to giro encouragement to the rebels of this country. These cotton•arche and their auxiliaries and dependents are alarmed; but their alum is supremely selfish their very best *gamma war being its effects on trade and shortening their supply of cotton. They want craw they want Southern trade, they went fne trade. These British people don't lore • elver', but that dislike is a mere sentiment, and weighs nothing when -out into the scale against their manufacturing and commercial in s. SEEM BEM - :1•;:,::;.:'''4 . :.: - .1!•;!,'';;! . .,- -:..ii.,..1:1.:'.71:':-:'::...:4-!-:'!•... ..#4l,6pt+. ••:••• • i• - • • -;- ••-••.;‘--• t • 'l.• ;;•••• 1 •4'..•:.- •:' 61.71-,•q:` •I.:'.::•:4,::;::1-!;::.'7,. ^:.: NAM -b:.l - -;1-1:1;-, - ..7* : !'1.1,V.!:. 1 !';:-! , , ~ .-7::,ii..:-.,.. 7..'•,:::•-•::'..,, •.' MIME f• • „ . • +• - • t ..., , . .. . i 1 • ; PITTBI3tk'S3CfrMr.: DILOLTII OW VOL. . ELLSWOILTIL There are several things that mane up the ruling power of the world, and among them the moat potential in the love of gain. National ethics are yet derived more from the Ledger than the-Bible ; and where that points asthmal policy will ba very apt to be directed. There are many things wb lob command the respect of mantled ; brit In the present state of the world the most ropeacbie thing In tho world Is strength, combined with courage to use that strength. --trader Mr. Bachanan's rule this country lost its character for both strength aid courage; but them can both be recovered ander the Arm and energetic administration of Mr. IT 15 PULE I Tric Day of Retribution has tally come. Yeutter. day the wicked Confederacy had each a triumph u w rote, taken under a worse than Dantonien 'Magi of terror, could give; to-day the soil of Vir• sisal trembles under the tramp of irresirtalite riada, who will never COWa to adrenal ti l outrapd freedom is avenged, and the lut traitor bee fallen or fled. • the splendid and auspicious succeisof this morn ing was worth waiting for ; and If one hat blies,— ann that life emu not lost bemuse one of our an amiss emu brava, bailout:me one, who emu 'heady a traitor, could add Infamy to infamy and blouse 1171 SULIIi24 Ellsworth has fallen that, that his name may be • r watoliword throughout this sacred mu, which, thus baptised with the blood of onr brine, will* sternly waged against EU assault" of choir omintry, while one shall he footed under that eased banner, which cost tits life LETTER PEON .WASRINGTON From. Our Own Cartoon*tang. WALIIINGTOII, May 21, 186 The indignation of the people is Pesnsyl emits would get - too hot, for the plunderers of the State could that people see the ill-clad, sor rowfat looking men of the Pennsylvania Rest. moms, who dreg themselves about the strestaluire to a sort of penitentiary dress. As for myself, I acknowledge that I , have lost control of my tem per, frequently, when I think that those mean, tore, dilapidated coats, pine soled sheer end hod den peels cost the. State of Pennsylvania more mossy than undress of seen the New York Seventh Regiment. I am glad -to see that the PailadelpinainpluTer his taken the thing in hand, -and where hinging' fails, it has resorted to the art pictorial. I think it hes not overdone the ease. _I/Napoleon was only in Pennsylvania he would ,input the experiment he once tried one thieving connalseary, whose friends found him suspended by the petit one fine afternoon. The two .Peransylvartis Regiments, now here, will, Wear speedily rescued, become totally de moralized. . They are discouraged, disheartened, undervalued: . they: liars lost mote de corps, they are tosecious of. worth, bet enable to assert it. The overcoats which reached here yesterday for the Fifth, were of 'nine different colors end shades of color. Col.' MaDowell very properly • refused to receive them. They ere made up of remussue of cloth. 'Nis men Wilkie, guard these damp chill aigliur,aleei good °Venoms, but they are without them. . Emirs done what I could to bring the facts to the notice tif_:flon. Mr. Parra/ince, Attorney for Peatteylvania, who ie here to-day, end who will look into the matter as I trust, fentifally. Col, R. Biddle Robarte,Ailto Ger: Curtin; also arrived to-night, and wilt have a' fall opportuaity to see - ear troops end coulters these with those from New York and Now England. Mr.Cholla hrilifTillbellg, will take with bran, on Ids return Mine, a fall unitkria see:bl ip is won in filmgoers Rhode -liltedßApmint accompanied with a bill of particulars. Thai " uniform cost $B, and is neat, 4/11, eereteestdread datable. Mr. C. dots this in , order to show, by frailty demonstirs. tier, the min& which his been practiced. -Wheal ever may bete blame, the gorge grill hold th e Coy. I entor .be uneattlui the wire *mien and moos them to the merited scorn of • generate people whom they have robbed. ins tronOnn orcon.vossoson. The cemauts - ,ot this ralliat gneiss's's, Colonel of the nil New York 110,12224 were escorted with: imposing'ceremong and* magnificent parade,' to day, fronothe Navy Yud, where his force Leta: : . ...fiend, to the an, an route for New York. Tbs pageant was beaded by floe Spragade .Ithed• Island Beginight,' whose floe baud - poured forth the . dead match in Baal. The regiment wean a blue inflate, with a Enrich bat orumeated with Sc egg% and each here in a clop lOU, 02 his back; lug amidst blanket, Their arms they bore rammed: Nast followed the N. Y. 12th,.1200 strong, is ' ligkl blies etomasur psats, dark coat and cap—lui n ediataly following which wu the bodi.. , • This was enclosed la an oak, silver invested coma] ' stwended the hational banner. !Wass Its top ''tire ageless aword was swung, ita scabbard duped, and over all a wieltb of evergreens, twined with flowein. The' hearse wag bla ck by fur white hones, and followed by tin charger of the ed a mpen& garnet lad him. Then tame an mpempty iliterhich would have held the moors. iSg widow, 614 she beet ham - t . This Yreidant-ind 'Pecretarin Chase, Seward Cameo= in ine-carriage,. cumgeded, dam the low boLie, bat atoandsg noes el the /tat Begif2l2ll. The y4:27112 3 DO mos, bat each WON ,'-a Midge of Mosreing. The nu was _breathe'tip by the calibr'ated Irish ,Beglment Of. Col. Corcoran ..- thonsb. . TheUbole long llas of nearly 'ale — Mal intentlind with companies og uppers and miners conhaebieWith - each - regint_met, loseßs or meek and Ipmelemen. - A more impulsive array I savor law ' . The place laft. Tient by thiadegik will be Filed by lb* eultrancessat Of lisitt.Col,ldatten:' a gook Piezfian, fiingellyM Sakabee la oug Semi *gum jChas i teared thariippolstamot et s.fAnteL. ' 11. 1 Pla Nottiok `lioa.;Datfd'TadFarto of NnthelibberWij win fit calk the PattioN..ll "gyms's , ist the .lavy. juridocat,l4l:(op. Wm. Itoblosop,isibil . ofsatitiati imicat'and patriotism, desires as appoint.: meat le ttinareay. worthy of bialignity and years. '.llr. Chats:riled Bobb,.at Pittsburgh, hae„ U lam taftemed, received an appointment in the Treasury Department. Many places under Secretary Chase will be left racist by the application of the oath of Obligees on Saturday last. Some tweaty re fined to tats It I The Secretary is giving them their onintes in this way. very soddenly and effec tively. All who hare been poisoned by the bite Of secession, die as won as they look upon that Oita. Their places are then filled by Um loyal and true, • l'Ort All the sidries about batteries on igtoz Heights, raised by the Sacemioaists for bombard ing purposes, are false. Gen. Scott has forces at Osougetown.lleights,aod knows all that goes on in or near Virginia. Ile is master of the sioratioa, and will do with asy batteries them as was done with the one at Sewall , . Point. The cruiser Thomas Freeborn, Capt. Cash, left to-day for a trip down the Potomac to bring up the canine which she pounded cute! place at Sewall , . Polo; last liatorday. They arsdha first trophies. People hail mai,. letter from the South. Warn• hag them to look farther North for a Eruct. It is now alleged by . Virginians that not Vjuhington, bet Philadelphia, is the point on which the first terrible end irresistible confederate blow is to fall I Tremble, Oh, ye sons of Peamulvante Don sack- cloth and ashes, ye dwellers on Cheroot street, ye ! cocAsojourners at the Continental Withoutjeking, however, it is not deemed im probable that in their roily - the mad secession fools may make an efiort to pounce upon Ohart. barbing or Gettysburg from Harpies Ferry. If such an effort should be made, I oast that not one of the blasted rebels shall ever behold again the barren and glare-curied soil of Virginia. No ideation will attach to the election to be Wallin Virginia on Thursday. It Is 'foregone eon ! elation. No men In the tide water end of the Slate would dare vote for the Colon vivo eces. Mors- OM', most of as Union men hare been already driven oat. The population of Ale:andel* is not as large by 2000 as it was Muse months sines. That odsetable, dilapidated, slip-shod, mime breading, fishing cow, aims is dead as common thing, can be, is now as dead as • door nail, which Is sop peed to be a particularly dead article. The seen. sionists have all the guru and military orpoisation. I have no doubt the telegraph will have informed you, ere you receive this latter by doe coarse of mail, that ssousion was carried in Virginia by seoru of thousands, and yet the tom majority is the other W 11.7. John M. Kirkpatrick, Esq., of our city, has been tendered disappointment of Colonel In the regular army. - He will, If he shall accept, Pastand and detailed for epeeist Sallie' th e Department in this city. This appointment will be highly ap preciated by the boats of friends of Mr. Kirkpatrick in Allegheny county, and is only a fair and just recognition of his long and faithful lIITTIOCI-.-110t simply as a partizan, for partite &resubmit-god—hot as a true and patriotic gentleman, whoa* &Whin are equal to,any potation the administratioribui to confer. _ Loponcom. OLD 80DOOL OIiDDLOAL AILSIMILY loorrommidance or the Pannone Omaha PHILAVILPIIII, May 23, 1861. Aires's. Editors r The discussion of the Board of Minion. continued throughout yesterday and last night. Intents Interest, war manifested, the church being literally crammed mornieg r eveniog, and night. The following le a summary of the operation, of the Board for lest year : The number of missionaries in commission March 1, 1860, was 499, to which have been added, to March 1, 1861, 298, making the whole number 797, end more by 106 than the year - previous. Toe slumber of churches and missionary &tattoos wholly or is part supplied, (se far u reported,) by ruissiomanes, is I 239. - The number of newly organised chateau. is 52. The number of admission on ellMiLletioll is 3,. 429, and au certificate 1,689; making a total of. admissions of 4,118. The number in communion with churches con nected with the Board le 29,013. The umber of Sabbath Schools ta 439; of teach era 3,712; and of scholars 23,208. The bomber of baptisms le 3,255. Of the 797 missionaries who have been com missioned during the year, 251 have sent in no egvadal report for the Assembly-a little lee, than one-third of the whole number; consequently we must increase all the returns one-third to make them correct. Arramararioos -The appropriation. made to our minimums. from March 1, 1860, to Much I, 1881, have been at the office of in Philadelphia 278;126 25; at the o ffi ce Louirrille, $39,179 50; and on behalf of the Bomb-Western Adnuay Com mittee at New Orleans, $15,561; making a total of $130,866 75. The appropriations Mode to oar missionar ies, from March 1, 1859, to Much 1, 1860, were, at the office in Philadelphia. $75,011 57; at the office in Louisville, $48,589 68; bed on behalf of the South-Western Adviaory at. New Orleans, $2,212- 60; making a total of $125,804 65. From this statement, it appears that the appro pittance mad* at the office in Philadelphia were greater than th eme made the year before, $1,114 69; ' at the office in - Lonieville, they were less by 431 09; and on behalf of the South-Western Ad- viury Committee, they were greater by $13,348 60, thus making the total appropriations this year greater than the year preceding by $6,n62 For the purpose of further comparison we may mate, that the average appropriations made during the preceding eiglityears, from 1652 to 1860.wortir at the office in Plated:flail $54,055 84, and at the office in Louisville $33,9 82 34; making a total avenge of $88,038 IS. From the statement it appeals that the appro priatioue made from Much .1, 11560, to Much I, 1861, at the office re Philadelphia, exceeded the avenge of thou made during the eight presume years $22.070 41; and_at the cries in Louisville,' $5,197 16; thus making a total excess of appropri shone the year, in these two fields, above the avenge appropriations of the eight preceding year. $27,267 57. • An the missionary appointments are made for ale or twelve months, and are scattered ever the whole year, of coarse a large combats of the sop. restraints made during the year ears net yet fol ly sutured, but will be tilling dna Is the present year advances. Reneurs.-The total amount of receipts from all sources. from March I, 1860. to March- 1, 1861,11113393,87, to which add balances on heed in the different tummies March 1, 1860, $29,.. 911.29; making the available resource. of the Board during the year $143,305.16: The amount paid oat at the office in Philadel phia. ineleaing the Presbyterial trusting., wee P 6.094 37; at the office rn Louisville, $lB 929.76; and at the office in New Ch1ean5,517,387.30 n musk Mg the total amount of payments daring the year, , $132,411 43-leaving In all the neurone', of let of Much, 1861, $10,893.73,whieb in a smeller sem by $19,017 66, than that reported on the let of March, 1550. Of this balance of - 210,893 73, oily $16.70 can be appropriated by _the Board to the general bald, as all thereat belong. to, and ts held by the South-Wmtebs . Adulatory Committee and thisindspendent treasuries; for disbunement with in their 'impactive fields. The mouth. due the stheionarthe on the let of March, 1861,. hided's' $7,449 80 for eenicealuthich. had been reedend gad tetaaly repoited. was $28,332.71, which is more by 517,433 911 - than the whole um remaining in the venous treaserierat that time. From the above statement it appears that the ag gregate biasses, in all the treasuries, on the let of Martin, 1861 was less by $19,017.66 than on the lit of March, 1860. The,balances in the treasuries at Philadelphia and Louisville on the let of March, 1860, wa.517,291.66 ; aid oa the let of March, 1861, there was in both Treason*, only $l6 70, idle at the same time there was a debt unpaid of $7,449 80 for missionary smite reported. Thus @bowing that with regard to the ululate. at Phil , adelphia and Louisville, the ithaneial condition of the board was worse by $25,724.76; on the let of March„lB6l, than at the same data the preceding I year. :t • The aggregate receipt., from March 1841860, to March Ist, 1861, have been less lot compared with; the receipts from 31arch Ist, 1849, to March Ist, 1860, $5,510.24. There has been a &grew in iedisidnal or special donations and legacies, sidle tau in Philadelphia, of 13,499.06, an increase at the of in Louisville of $1,661.80, and a decrease at the Office in New Orleans of $1 1 693, making the total aincast received from individual or specula donations and legacies, lea by $13,630.26 than the preceding yeas. There has been a decrease, in receipts from chordate, at Philadelphia, of 1342,68, an increase at the °Cies in Louisville of 23,86542, an increase at the office in New Orleans of $4,19638, end an increase In the . ledepandent Treasuries of $402.10; making the total lac aaaaa of receipts from churches $8,119 92. The receipts at the office in.Plailadelphis, from all sources. were lea by $13;439.64; were greater at the office in Louisville by $5,426 92, and greater at New Or leans by $2,50228, than the preceding year. Bat, foryears there has ben-no little dismal". feetioa with the management of this Board among the denims. Twp Eleastuns at salaries of 112,0001nich, had bake *urged in doing what single ins of them ought to have done. Therefore, the Committee on tee Board recommended that the Board be directed to employ tat onsfbeeretary, and that neither of the Faint Secretaries bash gible.. Place Dr. Musgrave bad 'enhanced his In. ,thintioi to retire at the end of the year, menthe ego, the oiled, evVently, wee _ to pr the dean, of •Or. Befallen. This gentleman • need every Wan, tad his "Mende rallied to hie support to defeat the recommendation of the. Commthee. Bat, after fell disunion, the recommendation be by a vole of 99 to 68 . So now tberb is to be but one Secretary, and he most be a new man. Thu. the ; confideate At the chnrehes will be to. gained, and the strife in the Board will cease. Same men made thamealies ridicule's, by threat ening that the members of as Board would resign. But this availed not. The Assembly asserted its I tight to order and direct Ile own servants, virtually nyleg that it . nnwillisg to arse they might retire. lihui stogie the Report of the Board of Foreign Misaioda mas.-abl7nreented by the lioe. Walter Lowrie. The following le a,innumaryof its *peta -1 tins for the year Pacupte lion All eitorcee, $211,108 Ali Minion. I ivies sent oat, 18, vie t to the Choctaws, I; flew Granada ,2; Affica,,l; ladle, 8; Siam, 6. There WS' been impended in India, $63,875; In Siam, $6_,746'27; In China, $40,727.04; among the Chi. semen California, $1,114 87t Japan $1,146 $1,146 80, in Aida ; $13,248 .9 71 among th e. hiatus hi the Veiled Ntate.,1143,130 34 smug the $14,704 74; among the Jews, $1.200. Total en. puditeica for missions, $191,438 rri Tnveliug manses of the officers of the 'Beans and'velurs. Wined', $2315'83; -Necrotuieel and Treasurers , &manned, $10.648 33.. Wolutiona wen ,panted urging the claim". of this Baud, u missitiguilesare now ready to leaver but the fonds are eruthig. Qatsque. . stiarLoNoz• Bum. Ui! Emir 11f01111110' tram Weill „1.1. WO. w. soNacrwcw . rn, W Ant taariakFaMir Walil anal NW is. : - adidylint -pirr:ThIMMITe-Dr , elit. N0..246 Point aYae4 4etwn 4a all Inwoilwi of thelkiele past': OttUm Soticto. fr.WIOTIC .—There is a company of arttro moo torms4 Ott ata eadroa.mact MOTO on thattootior, who wiet to arm Std pap them' whom alt Use outdates of the blonds of war roasts, All pendia or. reqoastsd to arrorar4 Mar tatto to Mayor WI GAON tor Mom. . tat2llrarr . . *most Camara B. O. S. Satan Malts. Second Story Attains' Hall. Vomit Mut. j 11'REO !WITS WANTED.—Thin Comp oy wilt mein a hw moor sbloptoakd young ms to all Mar maks to Ma fall mattAramit. Thy nor bine onsat, stand of, arms; foe sod hate limascrii (bay will be pals' Us* ant .innory opts ens, Inning In tawneWllutuisTo ad. (myltall0) 2240. P. (mu& Caltaiu. • "I Ittitiol43. &poll MI6 1661 0 Coidiirrns ON HOME Dg• 713811 1111 aiest at tto Cu Armo.7,Citty KURT Dl.T.ttom 1); atlll 10 In tW =Wog. sod trota atoll II In tha altursoonorbao mapantaa for Lime Gant mot upott theoloot to to orgazlzod. All coausouslcir tiotoaddrootd the eacretart. 11000:1 1 ' , I Juan Owosso. - - - • • - • • Tr* TO TRIO RADIOS OF r fie3WWII Amp Illt.ltill/112.—1a Orin to i s oar Wen. , 10111111 bests* articles tot the swam ho the orloti Palm are =r i le . than oawal ,,camg u is s , ElVlVlltif)oNe.. team 6 *Watt. Claosre f Clo=perdes are topteelel to report the nee& of that. tact. et the aLa • coal pimp Mr. A. MTLu6O. nail • I . Prep of Lactate Mallet/ Ilubtic *Longo Me I FIRST CONGREGATION OP DECIIPLIIImeet a Ostadly at APOLLO HALL. tib el, toilwornWorkot mil Wood. Prtocblok awry LOMA DAT, st 103dp+alock I. m. sod P. WILDNIADAT 111711SIWIL - 4turo es 7 o'clock. To public on rooptici. tally loolad loattoed. • nutklk fl .'":.. I9loi N. 01.01BONI haring retuned we"' to the oity..lll muse hIN Irmo Is =LIAM, Bmitintatlflasion LARGUA(II3. Ai Ws method V tirobr& sail not 100 Woblailod, Plies =7 &Ern fsi 4 d adiranosakent. • Ina abolnes am old be ham &MO& lug for ..112 0•11t0 01.11119.11C0.. 44511ks1ti *III germ cell at Illaws.ll. KUM is 8R0.% Fifth str&d, to further Int?rmtlf.. , myttftwrimiaol , LL 'abbarigtlTlOttli. WETstri BEAT or WAIL!, t Three shall, .bovlng all the Worts said Stations the PEDZILL Afip Ruin ATLUIIa for sale W. S. HAVkili2lll, corner Wool Imo third streeia. N. B. Tbri* !dapr are new, put wet from Ws preeej • n2SO need on eteel. ! ALLI.GEMY OITY. U.l 23e, 161:11. ♦rrllral and D of Malls. iaOlllWl4 TM S. do Thema 1,1.11 arm5...__.... ..__.._... Mb p. ra. Watteau Way 31.11, leaMdlos oolamboa, Slay. bad, Wimp aadßeecthosti, p. co, Botlar.MerceradmitatllNTrankita,&o.opriven 7.30 a. co. Throve, Wastaml4,ll closes— ..... .........1110 m. do ltaatarn Red Way Nair ..... MO pm. Way Western and Way 31.11010 ma.—...—...— 1P.30 p. m. Way Umtata nod Way 9. 90 10 . 0 . Boum, Planer, ileadailla, lmaklls, Jto-elsarea 900 p. my23.3td PAWL PLIDDLI. P. 31. TUE WEEKLY GAZETTE, adil'altllNO &U M] A , 'E F. St NEWS fetOli iiii• • SEAT COV WAR, KIMILTA, CAW BELEilligd, 10, 10, , Orow sisaulr. PRICE' Js Wll,Ptik2 ....FIVE OWYTS• ir-ro BUR NTT'S 0000 A NE, Bury's Trieopherona, Lyon's Hathairen, Airs. Alien's Zylobalmunum, • Bellinghata's tangoed'. Wood's Hair Ha- wrath*, Wright'e Hair Tonle, Jayne's Hair Tonio, ileimekeet's Hair Haelorer Aire Allen's do do Bailee Eau Lustre.le, Rosemary and °ardor Oil, French, English and American Pumades, Bay Rum, Saint Crain, - Cologne Water—Domestic & imported andkerehief Extracts, All Perfumes at prices from ten cents upwards. Pearl Powder and Puff Boles. Rouge—both dry and liquid, Pine English Hair Brushes, Shell and Buffalo Dressing Combs, - English and Peen& Tooth Brushes, Boapaealbraeing all the choice brand, of foreign and domestic, at low priors• For sale by SIMON JOLISTON, Druggist,! , Lad Dealer la CIA. liasally licatalaia, toner szaitbadd GOHS, PISTOLS, RIPLES.—TbeI 'Oen or gam I. mud, cr fIIVILICI, PISTOLS. tz. e dlnnited to ow Visual:s atocl. W. W.. YOUNG, (mars to Carl Edit* • Twins.) No. 97 Wood &zest, .01,0rotsxio00.auo. AZlZiniti soismt, BARBIIIIIO2O, PI. 'VIE MANAGEMENT OF TIIIS t i iVELL r .1. litiown Med balm bees howl bp MOWS 001'Ll it UDR, the past proprietor. beg INFTO to I the plebe. that the borne la no* twee teanclibly . weed, refitted ape Improved With edm to the peeper ad orts. boiibb. itatebie wrommalesio aat three *ha wee brat ate.. Hamra with their mem. Pawls .01 mite writ er} doe owl roost:am sad ow expose sill be gated asp «mut. to Millittaill IMMO) 1111 1 Int dew etc . latielee entrothere drairise to preortre to • II re dories the flanial.ll.oll.ll l will dad plasm' Nina Imp awl well wasted rooms at oar ortelehhelete upon spaPer.te tame. 11001 T COLL malikletwe a.atrantre peen OfYIUS Ulf CONTkLOLISR Of ALIA. POMP Opt doparineast tieing now orstabod, the yobbo ere haloby nottl4ol Pot Vin or bill. velem the county snot be wended to Wood for robot. atm artiloossat. Oaf= nill be aro to tow Mal. wan eel paid so eapeelltionsly r WIZ wore otli planar. bot so bill will be @MIA oe the day on which it hi pnoosted, g.l the amount Is dud by law sal apes not more serntlay. Octioterslgned vonants will be brad In Itoo dl thou II MOW aganeelneg aftee tbecu r...i mloPited, and wine others - 110 horeetter be peel by du Ph* boots sad mend shim aw..o eau the b i p oopertio Pro of the iloottolier and his WO elert,ldn at all thaw daring tido boars, boas: 0 .Votielt Alert p.m., to the loopectiat of the borpaysia All OUP sad slalom will be mated free of mynas. MOAT LAlllllllsjpostrollor of A 70a Pittsbarsh, Idoy 20, 1841. . • Sr By cautery of the Prothoootary boilsols will be by in his tillae tea. suitable Mos le Imbibed by s tab Doo r Coosoda ntylltdamett dlifYB - 13ARSAPABILLA.—Ilesith 1.7 icas ua ra.7 b susloat by baying as biked par ad % tad tbs lissr, Mum* sad boasts boo basalt lootbta w ba" mel sod elo stomas scsaseuistioast In - We - .ant earbof &sofas WI rant dorm% =Mama of esubtice, adds' Wm s vitiated or Maud etzelltlon of ,tlis blood, tau ituadsefully verifying qualities of Ws calstastoll tratb sod its prompt *Aim apes the Steal Ulf bass atm. at toy _it narlibis Alma Ifinenas tEIWCSIN bras yore inset tar moms rissoebibillty sr* tbs bat eirlasosa of Its mat value us Ms care otalseests wblcb It Is ream. seabset Priiyirea and obi by A. o.* O.IANDI. Ifeaspete, lOC ifultou stmt. Nur Att._ _ Bold sleoby PAIENUTOOK 00., Pialsbaillb. Pa. Loki also by Dreutelsea 111124wfaliff Onus or sns !Atha or itiroal,, es lomat et, ritub.t i ol. OPOSALB WIL L BE RZOBLV,ND AT 4 1. bis thicis until SIIISDAY la th ; hut% for supp ping ths Mouth or Ileitis With HOW loving 7". 1130115.111311;01116•11rot ley of lune, ISSI. ',Win tguth Idol of SW to Ds *pidgin particularly. II zotathltd Mathias Ooisailltro on Supping F . Id.' O. AWN" •03;i1vz 108 WYLIN STUNT. FLOUX--1000 b a le. Extra Yezuilyi • . 900 do do do ;lot ode by WEI JOUO B. id 00. POTATOES-s s Ug tr. N a4 l * br gofti NLW ArSELIVAL•L-_ 1.1 26 MC Brits family Whits Vilest }trot; , 45 "' Rol , 23 trot. " 25 94 * kisd , ItS 48 * Whits 45 0 Rea • " " 5,900 lb& coasts, sutoksit char oktr*. " 10,000 0 eboelarb 100 bur. DrM Posschs.B mules& Ma% • sslsetsd stock of Growla la stove sad fur El. ILIDDLII, Al m s 1 No. 1111 Maly aunt. 111ELP WA4I.III.P.E RIIr. S for sale by I Prli 51-1 v mos - CLIZEND-100 bee. old Ore= and Goshen; 103 do new do mylld . J. B. 0.11314 D OM Pot gabby tae. Davis & Co.'s btigar Cur. LI. ad Ilimiourdlhhdo. Plan Bins, la ssirs sod foe 8•1• my 24 BROWN • RWMPATINOKIL '{'ANION WALL PAPER—A Paper for 5..0 the WOW for oh by W. P. walsmaic, s- 51 W9olatzeet. EAUTIFUL GO m 745 UMBER -150,000 Set- Piss Lambe! , ibr are br mytil DIORA A StagrATIZOIL LOWER:- VASltS—Viricius patterns AA 'WOO non sad fbr Ws by minta: 001.1,1111 L i 00 bble. - man °MINT bi 4.ii:i . r . :''' , :::q." , ,'.' ..,,-,L.,:_1if,1-.:,,,,-;•;.,:, of Joan abliatusepunts. ,Tilithfilißill'ao,lllloll,lLLlOßlST CA. PA,... I . -.- `,.. __ ~ thitsittwit. 4l .l, 2l _ls, Ism i 11¢Y TBLEIIie SECTION OF AN ACT OF L. AlthalißLY. Weans _to .1111.1thintip - ommtire Pet." - buy 1.4.181111. a let;required ttth the. Tatham of .11 county atoll attend patheolly. or bY &Mal, at Woo i."' dap thresh thatUboratuth, townstdp; or the:kW district In mid meaty, be thlopurpow of nealring ETATAOCUIti • TY. MIL MAIM - wil 000182! POOR TAIL/ from thy ppmmua Mins the eras wooed of taws ausesed &gather Main Momper Markt, law • lelhol.o of 5 per oral. allowed by odd set of ithertabis Beid act of datustily liottnar worths.. .. Pilaw, viz Pad. IL If any perlowhall et tea Massed place appoint. .4 se etena or at theTrawarroes oaths berate sash time pay the fall 111110.1.1$ of hia tame withal% toe the dedecties• be shall be ratitlid to a dedmilou of An par wet= thaw% end odd taws way be pald to the inoonsir at M. Width suttee to the dadagton of ore per dram ea aforethtd, at soy time within dine manila error the time and as above, the ths math& dorsal In the proper Morin. lbw U. II any amid roue eball roman unpaid to any of add &evicts fora period of their months atter the dth Seed as atortheld for tbs pay =Mtn tio proper toric y . Xue l. iThloll(er .belt ale* hie warthat eaconspotled Me of ail unpaid taxes In es* Markt awl tee names of the S . pew= respectively by whom • acne are Ms., directed to any dawn of the wooly, aa Pins adoptable; Matto demand end men from the namettla the witodule ths nuf thwela charged stbaos noisectively.tageth ' ...lab An per outran, in eddifilith thereto. eilthb the.' tie literostioutiaroblawsaa for the oollithlon therro4 lin thither p the Tresthrer nor the dallectie appointed by him rebore sbeil st any tilto. Mtge (.Ise. of aid tha rests be notified to rewith from saytenon Iwo tithe th e Wrath amanita MM. amid agabsettitts or hie to any ow. want, borongl. or township, as lactilarr r Z minlatted by the drid=4 ,th eddltione Worn below pro. Wad is. The collestot.. td by the Tresiorrerjahall ba ropier:Ms to the T for the isithfalpatormance of the du*. and for the aintents collected by them, and doll ben all lb. powers cmitemst on coliseters of Moth by th. tersatiptret section of the act of Oltsenth April. the thousand eight hazer. and thirtplbur. In pennon of sold act, I, 000DAAN I. 000LTIE, Wm.= *timid county, Mosby gin notice that I will 0. Wed for tbe purpose of wraiths taws in Me several welds, berausha, tosthiblith and product. of eald meaty, at this plaits of bola tag sonsthi eleelitho thateth respecidth ly oil the paotrios days, too.. Ilito•cliok a. is until 4 oPlock P. 1., to Wu South lajetteolnowden, Baldwin; Peeblep (Lit preeduct) Sawn. township% Zest Birmingham sad krEeeeport, Twentito,ddenchester botriuthr, In wud, Alleibsey, let end lob ward, (id pratinth) Musbuigh,on MONDAYoImo Pith. boats layette, Upper IL Mir, ILLallo, Ytheeillea, Lot Dow, abelar. NOW., CM dbdrith) MOM. toweaddpe. Bitheleethem, (let precioct,)24l ward, •thisheny, ild we'd, Pitht uoin. ieul flam J d. Pittebarsh.oit TOZSPiiliinnethtb• I lathy. Qeffersou. Pastan. 1r1i...• Roth UtiiiiN thil• Iles thernablpo Dirrainthaus Soon , td preclott,) Id mud, Athesbeny, lid mod, Itictatntrab, i(lat werlact.) and 7th ensof,Pittebutpb, an se staattasy , Jaw With. Goethe, Obartieris, Piaui, Meet Door elethollew, Sa ville townships. !00th Pio:thumb. Real alltsbeth, Inc.' renewal. Po ward. tilesbeety, (. et pnriact) 141 ward. rittatorgb; (2-1 precinct) ft ,!wow, Putthursh. an THURSDAY, Jana With. I .wed ikon. Pion, Inflated, Pine tiiiriLhip ; 51.123 n cabala, Temperancertils, aliatheth Ethichley. Itherothert tot °nabs, Mb ward, Allegheny, (2A precinct.) eta .04 Mb thuds. Pittabursto ou Palls I Jena MU Itobttoon, Lower fit Clark, tits Stern. Wahine. fiesta. ley, POI, *adieus and hotline i township. Mew Moe berth and Dequeene Boratudie, 6th weed. Pittebeirgb, 04 wed oda en MITUaDA if ~lons 22112. aoldliti VI Y. COU Lira, I County Trasenrer. corwlAtdila j a euitTsztera tier or aPPLiturioNs AS Belling Llgscas, Bled In ithe Merles Ma op 6) 1 1 Mm.B altineyor George, Lama; 81181 In toot:Map Augur toe asitual, do . , West Pittsburgh Boyd Jams N, otter c 005.,) 11 wad, Alleiheoy. Bohlen John, . do i 4th do do OonnollY John, do 4th do do Ownensy Petal , , do j Bd do Pittsburgh. Donato IL & 6.0 , do , 4111 do do Bonbons, Petal, ratios W 144111, 6tb do du Ywheheu DatheL• Unto, Lt do do Ebbw hUsbael; ' do Ith d. •Ileclieny. Gannet Joseph, do Ball= towurblp. • Hulas, Willtaa, pilaw rods, 81 ward. Plttelourgh, Jamieson bands, tavern,. . ad do do Entnpfhlothe, do i 9 0 do do Unsay Foltz, do, 84 do do Latstd•Jr James, other gouda 4th do do Lang insderick, tavern, 1 84 do AUK/mi. Leta John, Jo Lower at Clair Ep. Kau James, do Mika Toiriatdp. Idlers 8 00.1.8., otter pods,. 4th ward, Ptttebord,6- 111olwlittan Henry, do Bth do do Ballade /1.. do . 4th do do N ardi Joloo, - Wait, 011f0 TONGBh I p. Nardi A , do ' Ist trod, Pltahorgh. !Wroth adonis, do la do do m Keith., co 3d do do Paranoia Thomas, Jo lot do do Paul Janes, do lth do 111.ahroy. Pentbuirot Paw, do Wilkins Towovb.p. Rankin Jobs, do Lower It Cnal• Pp Mar Tatman., eshog bozos, WONT. Towsohlp. deem Paw, do East Ilhoolnithant. Bobalbr Jam, town, ' Tetopwatinaltle. Salon Loot, dl 41.0 ward, Allegheny, Berms Jhn, do • Si- do Plttabowth. liabot 4 Johns, !Molds Partici, tavern, , P h do do Mime* Albert, do j itt Townehlp PletbellerPredrlct, do ' Bolos . do Walton Orlah, do 1 treble. do Wall Lath*, abut good*. Id ward, rtwatootah. Welded Henry J , tavern 6th do do 141 Predsrlek. eatirg horia., - tart Otaolchbaut. IQ. Bawd al Llama. will Utah oo Woodsy, Jane BLUM, to set or, ltre env.. rand. Mani- W. A. EILBRON, Mao. • 011ert t o Oldohlday 11.8. 1641. ___ ... -- ZAPOLITAN SOhN ETS, 11 mum aossrre, STRAW lON NMI% 14116bia" r maw ELM Inair ORAL) II CIS, 15011011.21 HAM &mat Ribbon*, VlOll4lll and Ruched. Drees Trimming*, then Trimmings. iilosee, Usuallota, Lac. Mitta and Hosiery 1318801Dglin OM. LACS Sin lv:81 ISOIMAIIBB 8 I* Jacuut Edging. end InEertingi Maltase Lace Sets and Collars Maltase Lace Sets and dotbge. OOP BRUM AFL count. Silk and Merino Undeishizta and Drawers. CHARLES HIPNERIB. Dpi r UKTII ARRIVAL, OP STRAW GOODS ANL. bIiLLINERV GOODS, HORNE'S TRIMMINO STORE, 77 Itarket Street. Calm Fa! Nina, fi.4.1 nail' riotous ilawittA, eotlnli am WIN. Wins Pamala, !nay, Pwiat, Ocbeil, 11 air .011. a.. (limp aad fancy Naeows. • ChilArime Fiala • Cohan Wald awe Ana. RA. Nolo' tllzaw Caps. 1 ,4 , • email EWA Pine, iloaWi, • Dolga in* isoo3s. Nat NOW al War Prito Yana Mama Mahn as t few. Plaid Inks is difwast mica* Om da Napa tad Mirada! failetanas,lntr Mott, (Nowa LliNag. Doewst frawaw.Onewii. Mutat, Wirt. Down WIG., Aa, lc , Ac Alirawatiy itarcluica at,A 191144 to as. mesa Dar stock. which will to 101,1 at a small Games an Am Tack cod fin CAW. , Wyllaww? PII FlOll3l. 4. W. Barker & Co. WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIRE MOIL ca Unequolot i t Low Prices ibeci iductani mead, di dos icrt at about ball of um au of varaitactuvas ttv suoi, vtil Iv Pxoponlonally Low Pile's All that tr cimeatery le let Lorna to Call slid lalllff Thamaselv ol tbo reality of their theiroireer. . C AV DR' GOODS • T • BI7ROIIFIELD s COAL SWUM/ INUIT TOifbio. I VILLAS' von am. OTOANDT LAWTe 001114tP. UHnY 1107.4101C01S OULU% 411.0allsed an them, Pail iirreismaar. annocke• Ikady Loitt, ANIMILD a 00. D PAP ' or Isla by w. P. MAIMIALL 2 esti choice Weitern 1101kopkar0;• 11,00Dtbs.Oonoul Bac= • goo bar O . IMOLiatessPWAN; 6) 46 vr, Apples. .19.1101111 1 1' . 1 1 0 .11r,timottl OW; - -..; :IGdes.i.fmrSioose,- lei stela - *se 0. a tdlnmet. ad fbr 1 I I GOWN New E . tyle Dreee Buttons. Ouipateand Brawls Lace. Myna Lace and Edging*. t.IIZ. 410, 11 AIN sill. LIMAN lINM p L INT LACS tot,Lai.g. INT LACS LOLLJLRIL TS aanum ATILS.IT 59 Market Street. DEJISSI GOODS 01illi UVIIIL4so 0611611 ftsb) IMmmwfts. GOODS W. & D. HUGUS,' Coariss or Fare LIED 2dLigsr beams II VI SUET 111:011VID TILEIR SUMMER GOODS, Which the offer very cheap amoral their amefzesol will be bawl biLLUTIRIL LAANf, 0104NDYS,116114(112, OBAPII DUBS GIOODR, GaNY MOZAILBIQUI, Bun mozabilupu, GREEN MOZAMBIQUE, RIOWN MOZAMBIQUE, -DUP/Tlll CLOTH 44 sod 64, NOWT GOODS Plit 0111.0111411 i AND DUrfllll. torA good stook of Silk and Cloth Coats, Duster" and DWI& B el •Y, &KRELL & CU., Ytt.ACTICAL PLUMBERS, GAS AND. STEAM F I T TER S, NO. 199 FOURTH ■TRRST. NIAlt IMITIIIILYLD. WA IMP mum tco.t a Illaurlsla always ou baud. sayl9 "'PUREE CHEERS FOR THE RED, 1 MUSS AND DUMP. Baton, Zdaorunt & Co.'s Noe. 17 and 19 Fifth Street. "UMW" Neck Tie•—auperlor gosiity. ••Union" Neal This for WI.. .Union" Neck We Ibir Nor• 13¢1ou . ' Rend DTMNII fat tea. tleker Vesteh Ona ale—two style. 'Taloa" Droll Buttom. •thaton" Easetta—mion Aryls& 'actin" Bair* an Bilk, Nu ace Paver . Kurd, White and Blua gibbons, all width' IMEr AINNEL AND PANOV 'TRAVELING SHIRTS liirlll (ATARI 00 Waralablas Goads at EATON, !SACRUM Q. CO , a Pith tow. FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. AT • REDUCED PRICE& James W. Woodwell, Nos. 97 tad 99 Tkird strut, 1.11 1 4 ' 011 R /3 ttl GOIMMIIII Allf IMMO Of Itylos Nod fluid, 1108 Hotels and Mesta Dwellings. lir All ardtt. promptly ottoodtd to, Lae tho Iltoroltmo 51=4 . 11 ILI ttrittabild el short maim Cabinet Makes ppltot with am, article la On Itro. tellklysta 01 RD OPHINOS. ik 0. AL:#i respectfully informs the 41011. • poldlo that inctl Iroteldtatirdrusa par gar Intro se p•Ka Woo, lar iterption sad accoomodatken of 'btu" NM 04 test ova thp lel ot Octolmr. Prooto oiddag Stlntillto MISCIAL 10 ALM at WWI id dr Syttog Ow folloulog priors. Thu Fur coo ben el 00 The MU do . tantltorn)--------. S 00 tar half do ..... S DoWo. Ludt ptal, pow 1 60 Partio Nat log rooms or any tatonOstk* la Mutt to do plot will Wire tb• 11211104 D 11115 1 / 1 /11. MUSS CO.. 1104ked, Nod. ALLEGHBAIT lIISOBALIICEI CO., or lITTSBVAILOII. °Moo, No. 37, Fifth Street, Balk Block. TNSURBS AOAINST ALL KINDS OF Vial AND MAIINI MIA SLAG JOAN& Ptlldent, JOIN D. UEDA% Vet Proakion4 D. U. BOOS. Duntatary; Copt. *ll. DUN. Chkormt Ascot DOsmono—lamo Jonas, C. D. tumay. Burry ChM, CL C. Gray, idlin A. l L. Ilahnestock. John D. McCord. Capt. Adam Joohobi._l P. faXritsyr, Oapt. Wm. Dam. Robert D. IlAroar, InAt. Dmit opal, NOW 0.0yD131 NNW 0007381 JAMES C. WATT, Corner of Penn and St. Clair •te Ilespectfally WOG. poblte attention to Ida 00W Moot of SPRING GOODS.. comulmi MI the anon stplem of Saab• gamble listerial whom% to GINTIARESPII WAAL, mono. Mos an early all, mil trimtlog In 148 a601t7 to *AGM to thine termtua him with the mom • Mort of nem {cods equal ban) In this 0211, nithont rand to the and of Wm* ben infreetimaiman mania LYON ARNSTUAL. IMPORTER 4NP MILER IN WE con wee' tavvif oasoros 11AVANA AND ALL MOP OP 81:110KINO AND CHEWING TOBACCO elv u TIP, lAN Olf UMIIII:CIIA0 a PRO, TUDIS, la-a •, to wet variety, Cutler the St.. Charles iota!, Pittsburgh. N Theta r • •pliad on literal term. m Mira MOM TRUsT IND SAVINGS BUM Corner 8 th and Wood Stroeta I Dean Of MOUNT SIT. 0.611.3 T TA.I., 0100,000. iirOCIIIOLDIaI INDIVIDUaI.LI( CULL - meow= apoursn Ironware, freeidiat. IeV I I a.rbstlth , . I Adam 144uoman, I 1. Umtata, Joripb taag, Christian Maar; lluithozy M.ver. a. troyeafga. 'DISCOUNT a 'war DAY. my Melt JOll2ll ITSWAIIT, Galata THOMAS MOOSE. Ik4 ANIIFACT ['BBB OF AND DEALER /U. to ill klcdo of onntst-Dthuu.ati YORK Big VIM! MID FikILT Nos. IP, ill,sad 193 Gnat stree and 11 ts, risubeugh".ll9 'tad, betna lhattlißtld /Whinge origin sollenad. BOW Pea kg Bic /Whoa OH sad All ofbef polecons topedionts cam folly • •WI fry& promo pas mod Imyrovid. oal2 WANT PURL TO ART ADDRICIIII. CMILKS 110FMANN, F. R. 8., M. D., V Proton°, et LI ot tbs Gotta' Orgsaitts thy Mutton Yam= lostrettta..bos;st • Imp mows to the Imitate, published • troth on the trootatoot oil perste Cameo of tbo ash sad 613:14111 petal °rpm •Is.o, • Troths on the malt al Osuiloss et Illuturbatkm. Baud Debility, lirroltuttary nottatast 1s span , mstarrhoo. tatiotag tispotaas7 tad Meta sod Meg. Doblllt7. Wks about tuft pistol or Must/ *GP mood tositstrastiosorial bora statottdos bx•msalsg tor, • boot. lactose tworod stomps. to prom pnt•P• Dtteet • to VS. 01SlIttatl 40rUktiltOtromd /WOW ZasUlutt, Boston, MIAs. tottOottsrl CO: ' ANT OIL CO • s• R. U. DOI& Ptteldent. JOUN lOW W, Jr., doadiry inn Tteeepree. nuunto trh. U. Data T. U. Novia, J. L. relabel'. A. Omens, John kith, Jr. I lETIIOLEXIM fs h onnoepfy h h a e n aelp e e s us; an s o4 wand, 14111 ittsn. ervelt,kt V • Co WI Woad Putoogb. o at T. U rrlle VOLUNTEER ' S - MANUAL, eon. J. islalue NU lutrattloes for lb. lamb fa lbafcbad for Ob. scam aad fool. by Una. Cot D. A.C. DIM Tab. with splibttb of ICOllsocrerlogo Is bulb llailbb. bed Oman. Pilo SS aiste. UP b bibbed lib* cob bald tot borates Is MIL ' "• • ' - - . . 1 .. aatimes klAlill&I,. Tot tby Valuation sad WWI of the tread BUM, ecobtelbi II ascii 0 1 1. as nano at un. sooty sad Oyo a . - an noggeits.ll la UN MOW Ilan Anay, , sad oak +Aber vabuitab lostredlos tipm etbay atom a t eon! with. UAW In 1 TWOS% 1. 48 1`,11" , II!,: _ _ . . 000P1311 , 11A001111V 110111311. SIAS. Aga ialgemigallltgga 111901411T0 el!!ft ' • - toy23:/vt wants. WANTED—A feii Young Men 5 feet 10 •vy tncn.. men tt...IIIBI I LAND OBENADIIR GUARDS, fwd Oot. Rotiertaktit. PLUallelphly the Cr. mnoo .reard Ms mat aim. Apply .4 the Itead-Qoat.s. So. 80 Wood stmt. ser,3td R. ON gsrßa. o.ptain. -WAISTISI,--Mtive daftness Men, rotate e■ Mr. iharts rn • Coal'Ouutpatty. • ti n contlart the maned. Ltvatlon :toooophota linter • Impronrentitit U good totoottlgx order. tot yazticular• toot:lnt of nelo HPy4KY l SING. Woke, St. OW et. for *ale K tro att. FOR SALE:—The Stack and Fi*lea be• keen' ht the celebr.ted ..eoet U. Ixcb■aFw" OU Belithbei4 ecteetjatoledt.t.ty uppouto the =dam Hoop are Dos tllded We eele ou them obtranable tengleom r. the owne ire shoat to ohms teeth heehaw liecielre at the rote of Basirrr. m)=l ed Ith Wu:de:WA. OAKLAND FKOPPIIIII FOR SALK ONE NNW FRAME D WELL I NG HOWE JI:InT ?INV litat, two stole, high. night room, with bal. in tbu matte, rata and goon wan ot watar,olth .n• ground enelraed with paling knot. Also, TWO SMALL ga.%lg LiOligiti, two booing out, &onto on tba roar Mite Ross. Mao, •ntunbar of {tits.. VALUABLE LOTS ha Magian of .Lindan coat& alas Icon ON SA LP MIRE to !EXTERN MAU aeon, r..ry do drably handed for pante Tana for lb. lota. ON li.l r. , ;11:1 cub, Ku eetraloda la tau opal annual papataia W 0. LIALII4 - At ollicsol Pill•bamb a East 1.11.r1y P.Meriger Btils.y Co., romlb otrout. Tom` WELLALNyWN PLIOLNII WOUNLIth V If 0 Lt. LLS6II6. re. ibikrarbog proper% skiteusi Ist the iaty of llama, MU be land to • gm 4 tonent tor a term of Imre, sit lOW e• 114 MU roundly kis been lu operation for the but Mem moni, and is now ofiend for root, In conwflormot of the bath of its former movie:or, the late Nichols. Dowling. Tbritestre7 brisk, tin roof; Boner 5009 26 by 265fe Hell teens Boom lb by N het; Olmulug Hoorn 26 by 16 hen tielloo L l o d mukl uk 42 Room; e e Pa t M ter a n k o a ßo kusme e k b W by k e l E f h c L p ris by U leek Pitt.. Boom 25 b 5 25 foot. All the oftore mom ore irell,lighted and rentilMod. There Is elm now In .the buildings conthlete ere of Toolosied Patterns, Imitable for the wants of t h e a& istrat country, which will be Stemmed deg ray low prices to saylinter la ling to purchase, DJ they OKA DM be sold. or benne apply to 11 C. irctosKlGY, Admiabtrolor. Colons, 111., Merck let. 1561. mhltamin VALUABLE. TrtACT UV LAND to r►aa• iSD at to. lo► ;flee of illau per sera lout•dtoor e below Were. on the Milo river: St masa Mew stared. al acres valuable 011 Land, In the Wet. tattood of wef•e a onootor of 'Ws on beta, Mak. oeleh• tourrormaals Bel , Boon tro am /nose Dwelling, Dela lame Bun Bela deal BteleUlor for torus sad cattle ; Me bearing Apple and Clam tees. • lour foot WA Of Mel • my ow lo good toorilog order oo th• nu Nod Is my derbable for farnlue or eardleolar= et eed Is easy of s=ses.. he U. a r. It. B. rsallee The proprietor would pride, to ntll a nue-fourth intermit the whole ttsot, but will sell the whole 0 dealred. Tar= we-half nub, the balance to moderate par adenf a. irtrAlet a 00., aROI% BALK—A non nowt' oITIII INN • Country neat or Fruit (swim attosta on the NSW Basilica Road. Tom cone. from tlts city. to llain covemhb, 000tolmna Ca sass. all of nide, is mod astapital to the growth of various fruit.. tt ta In • Men Mato of mil tan sad ju s tian bruit Toms lo good cooduloo. of &iota tuna." toad= Luta Imulett coalition; ICS amps Voss. Una yam leaf d. with a sarlyt . of mall hafts, 111 le goolontsc. - T so Doviltoss, a Ina and goad eater on Co. piton "The place . divide to sdnatao hro ettelk itod .111 Ma mid either ono Lai! or to. whole. aa may to dodied. Soculcs of ALAI. OAI/1111111., on Um pmsoism. or J. W. LULL. atri It Law, 11:M74mm. 913 11112 t street. lOWA FAILS LAND.—The subeccrib! ars ear forage on favorable Mow ids hundred acre Chaim lands, id:naiad In Wright and Hanonck =MU; adjacent to how of Itallroads now In mune of constno. tlon, and cos Mat only two mike tram County rah She above will be sold low for cash, or exchanged 44 tiontog lands to this or adjoining counties. soda PdcBANII A ANJILIV. 124 &woad qt.-, FUR BALE. BY 200 bLla Led brsude tin bus Fatale 0 4,T.4.. 14 1 0 R tf ALE—That splendid Residenoe, iffi Xi with large Lot at Oroond, troll Trate and lihrut•= , ' e.s. demand within two miaow' walk of th• Wilkins bars Itaileoad Tha norms la lam and senses to m. rfl " 17:2: 101 . 1 4 " : Tb"*"r..ititnriaw:- W. ANDIabOII, • 46.2111.vir Affirr. 'vv. la 1 .Irlral VOA. RENT—The bTOlig iIuUSE. I: Federal sod Water drama, 007 of .11lleataftg, Oroi , moors below lb. marlat, arid lintoodlataly oppoduf the' dermal U. P. Brimarta uhf J. L. Carrogiunt Uo. ft.EL. DLVIH. FOR RENT- BTORN B• 1. 161 WO3D STUNT. 1101181 AND DRAY 70N BALE. Swan. o INK BALE—An Oscillating riNISIIN.C. : I: of shout Ors borer powsr with clibuisr BoUstabout to .t O long mut TO kwhile diameter, .ilabl• for to Oil ar other Ilsht wort, k. par cheap. isquirs Is &li g 1420.taalf: , ALIOUT 15PRINO WAtioll FUR &tag on AP, or /melange Mr Grocerte.,rl7 Goods Matti. Le s 0e Leather . WELL, RISIDLZ .11XL - LAW 2U Marry drag, awaits Slath. ATOP BUUUI fUK &fx. Lovv-lii mullet/, Li WELIA, TUDDLN & 00, a betty meet, cm:aft* With. ' ttinItIONT bat oar awry uric* 04/00. IL Amulet* vs Liberty wisest.. No. 1142. Lot ut a¢tn or Jull. 3. 1.11100. 0 00. No. 444 Gtheirty dm& VOtl ILKJIT—Tat a.. non Amex atan, rso. 110 Urn., stmt. apply to WATT as INILOON PM Sae 'Abort, prow. ,3 DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment, GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY. Mt MOM kTIIIII, 41 , 1DT,ninna /LLOII, Ltninueo arum NICE Aso JOurro. aPRAIBIS,Daunisa,: OUTS Ono WOONDIS HIAMILUaL •••• allU ALL sazoliano UIS. Ant) nu, 1f0133 DUSCIADJ • for ill of whirs It Is • ssmar sad metals mom % tad met. tad. this Idatesat Isce from the modes of Dr. Stephen boat. of Cloamettht. ms Oaths tom add% sod ban boa mad to ids meths for some lima Moir rens witetoost sstosdaftra t : . _. .. .. as an deviator" of It Is amass dr. sai suosmism stye embark of w the most deadest an, es etantared trr • dads trlaL sale M . Mb Latham Old ather, oars raj ataa afili !ad rathmt= l. = of ..aad to of mans same aam bees am/ d has odor boa Swam io , WI. Veer ihrandahh It will aTord *^^o4l4lo eels( is army oath locrsemr mu ss ..' *li willteam do worst mess of Headache t o thee Waster sad Is Tatham/ tom IL ... . . To dm ettl It the Ithsaur. • , Woe Werth= /Debi li ty sad General Lass!. Male sitstastrots towidthe or moth Ma thlassat Is a mat 00001 and sthrerootr. 'etas Moths sad the awned thous. it atmestath sal rersalbs the shr toa. sod modem ft to sisidatlT as Wide. ear Pileso-la sand:am mien we dam mthat Ith dot apeman/los clothe re the wali tp_ r 04 .93 M d. Treed 'lath of the delisted/ow oreatesmt saret ere ft atrial. for It will mirth to asord Imetallata rehL4 sod fa a tasind i a. of asses will theta rafted cans •.- lissfmsy lore Throat ars sosatimes edrath• hr matiessat dthisresa bat a tilil6l7 sthlostdoota UM thassed wtherschtll tomes.. me somdtosss mar obstto. sad ealatihr ro i stiVem plats fs hada to mem U ambetth Ilts worst sass Om Se samwed to bth Llrdimat la ,two:ds terse ears. ; :. Bru= s eats, Ntadidsa. Thoth Etthas mid h mod , totas w lkmee oof slid heslaw . moms II /thidath UN wasa Sadsoccoharlo airestioth Maw chilblains. Shosted Wash and Lamed Bliss and altistithX Beery .Owner doold Yam Mb air at Ida& for (bath ad at Ms hst WOomeas of will effsotthlty mama thou tor /moth Mows to whish all th em am Ihdth sad whfth radar so mum wstalt thaw pooh wertalsea • • tow roar hundred wary to ths woods,. fu 111311111•111 rasparthe et am =ram boo nothrd thaw tee hat two rears. sad tow of Mom Dom maim la Um b shot nate of Lida . :. Cannon. To &mkt towel Don. oteuro the Elenatara I.llnsial of Dr otoobto oseot on onto Intel. ar.4 lOno ^Ettalisp sweet's lofalllble t Info:tear aotob the iLlso of of DWI* unbent if blob none aro main& 111011aflDEON t UM.? Bob PMPLie.O3I , Bari*, Ot. 8. I. *sumo 910•;'- Dols Agent tor Pittoblitift M!=) B ATIJANO .15PONtili, t 14113. GLOVE., wawa BEIAVING DEWING AND IU Socau COMbi§ lIIILLN6HAIr4 Oi.iGU . YSI . , • HAIR IMBTORATIVIS EUNDBIIIIO - lIIN7 EXTVACtiB, dikloas INDIA RUBBER CLOTH, Era soi.Duate BLISPiTe. Ahab. Int Jost mitred 1.1 the lice. Se sad Bt. CAW sts.el FRESH ARRIVAL OF FISH,— • am DOM No 11 Lap 4ACHociv4 too do No 3 do do ti,011313316 Largo lineLoroll -' • - , 100 OW. No I liertios 93 do Itsltlatoro Oo 4.. • .• 0 do, do nook 100 tigiblotroko Mts If ertes; —.. ... .; SO do Whilab—oo odziolinalent No• ealiiii Esekro prices' y _ . .. outtt cosier fil Lai ILL D—now: Lon,- lbw , ' m a . 4 5 Lu. pecium—jait pabßeted, ow tbsßotato,Bresi. . _ ma ROW Ctrs of Bytribtek, or armful set. oak Esau& DibUtty.B•tosseesess, laroluotary 11•01.1iti sa4 Impotstiey. resslttioi Thom Belf•Atous, gm By Bowel j. osteerweti, PI: D. Bent wader m4lO • Oda =ilt% to say oftess, sukiyaki, on recstpt or two etatemby 'Dr. COWL J. COLLINS, LIT Bowery, Bow Tort. tan Me los. Bah UM. dow TORREY'S 4 MINUTE iRSEZICIt=-The UMW aid mod approved pitat t:4l4.Wllifillfil 110 (mem.= Inas of Iwo sdastow-siss Jut realm and for Nib bi 170. A: Wing% loylf I Cocoa Liberty owl Rawl WNW& IREBIL SALA I 011--Juat recasivedilvs aim =put. r quality Lesion OD; i!loo lkordatz On, IR quat bottloßaor mu t, / DOHS L away:We', ' Bale • - . orair Lanai ea Hand alias. nBTIMMINSD 10 : CIASE OUT their gat of DST GOON: BURCHnna • from Hal &anal tladr satire *lock of Goods at W. • Greatest Buzau to be found! 1134' NDRISS-30 bbis. fresh Bytl"l9F i '• tommeets mat . t Sbabortim4ir aft gal ; Wan !ilitial*Mh_See ;St .~ !~v. ~.~.:_.. SEEM . • ERGO TIEIZATIRS. I 1 TON TAIAIMAND ` B ANFO I RD ' S OPERA TROUPE, Tax ..ANOTAT ASSOCIATION VA TUN WORLD, troller the Amain of A ISt iIEL S. SANFORD, ~:+1 MONDET ETTIMEG, MET MEE. 1161. . I ADS Entry Ersaing diming U. net, . 'THE . 1110IIPE. DIRECT PIOM SANIGEOE OP .TIOUSE. PHILADZLPHIA I by Act of the Lothaag" - iiTLL APPEAR LS TIM* OM. DUE onrior COMPRISES THI GREATEST NUE , 818 OP TALENTED ARTIE= ETES AVG. ; I MINTED Irrooosowerrair. IT MI TEI BEET QUARTET IN MMISTRIESS. QUARTET OP OOMEIMAN3 • OECUNETEA OP MIISIGIANPL QUARTET OP Lanais. Tar - • LUL • PR* as nd. Loon one at 7; COllllll rfon iaat4el ht it* t 11158 ADA IS A AOg AU EN : tIATIIRDIT IVINING. MAT b. .. .. .kb, vlill urppess ea :A.. ,I,N, IS PARIS, RICHMOND AND TRENCH EFL i , RICHARD 111. •_. • Rlchaid-. -....-----.. ;..m. Eiluders= DANOR...I. . g ...-. ieLLBRARIR DLITT - ROlt ABOWIT I o — Ia 7 WZIT OIISH 8733D11. • 1 SHE SMIRCH BPT. Dary5tLey.".......... ......--;-.-.--..,........Wm. Berdcricra. LAWfiaiiii-ariiii-iilia"42.- J° ' MI , - e l IA NEW STOCK ON PIANOS, Liiirize BB.O! NNW I= PLUM. Mid WI? sad 9i RI cub. Ind upwards. Just rw eatrodi OHARLOTTE . BLUME, I. ms 7. No. AS inhastr.t. FociuTri SPEUSG SUPPLY OP TUE Ce . 4briated Gold Medal Premium PIANO FORTES. Jthh _ CHARLOTTE BLIIhtE; EW AND 13/31.T0 N. 1.) tai D-.. N'H - PIANOS, .'• AT IMUSTY,ILLLY MOW MUM& a On 7 tot Bannon can, nowt and lam lyni, do. node by Sam, Bacon & Co.—s ciagnincoot ingtanunt 00 oct.Boarwood can, snood cordon, 00 , mode by nu, Boson & CO ZOO Ono? Boninrood aw,aned don, jinn &a .by Bo Co , Sow Ton. roloartably anon . 216 00 Ono Oct. Bonorood con. arced don, it, by • tod Bro., N. ca Ono 7 on. tarred Bowmen cashol boaatinal dingo, by Ono of in Inn Sow Ton manna, 00 :7 clap. TO O 00 Ono natondnand7 onahnovroodonahoU tAalnn, &a by Chicknios & Tan ?ay chug— :.11g 00 Ono anointand 6%, oct Boxwood cain, fall iron Bog" 00-, by Chicaning & Tona..— • lab 00 On onantand vet. Inowcod con, non car ono, by • good no= los 00 On. iocood dud Tat Cprign Tony 0 7 000,00 u. intit Bonn tworly did de Ono noon&hnd 6X Uptight /Um by filtibori--• Id MO do I do if on .by lon & --... 0090 do I do Sort, by &herr _ 60 In do. do oct Gliontan 00 do 1 do 0 on. • y nos SS OD do do . at kf...Try row—. le 04 Tbnio ninon at purchanng a 081 AP TIAN% nnill nes tall to cull and nand= the non in. RODGERS t DILWOHTII, to tAberts street: CHADWICK A lON, N. lit Wood amt. JO= FL lILEILLOX HO.lll WOOD MEM I ' Wagon Diamond alias and tonna do:oh &Oa *seal for Marlin AS Pone Grand, tlptightuad Bgaaea Planofortsa. far Pittsburgh and Wastaris2La vabla. . MippdPAING ISlollliof. P1.A.1.70 8 1 • WII bate just aompUted ara. and Ilpting i oUo ri ofil onriadal STEIN WAY PIANOS, igser sdadV ad sa ao Ws NUT of Me primal din amapcidog both - GRAND :AND EQVAND YSA3OB. sad at YAW Int • MINAS.: Stay on aornotal for MI 11138. pada all {red maim bears puebadog Wowb too. H. HUBBY. it BILO, 'obi{ 8010 Agents to datforsfo lhoinded MAW UDOEPHO WOLFE'S PORE 0013 . NIAO-. i BRANDY, 1Pi1.9014 sae bottled by himself, wurranteri pars and We best quality, with br anitlicate Wm battle; and • CORO WOLFE'S PURR PORT WINE, impamid sod &add by himself. pit up far ardidnal care I arttb has certificate as the baths wartahad pare and of tha bum quality. otinlpao WOLFE'S PURE SHERRY impl WINE, ort ass bottkd by himarit, ins mum as Port Wins. UDOLPHO,WOLFE'S PURE MADEIRA ; • wniz. . Imparted wad bottled by bUSINSI4 for pirate and medicinal UMI4 the bed etthe mr dim! to the trails ultimo Shia wine la warrmatad perhotty yaws Ono no WOLFE'S -PURE JAMAICA RUM, ST. 'CROIX UM; bVOTOU 1 AND IRISH-WHISKY. -- Lll Us shots tmpartad and. bodied. by btmastiorarrantod . pm 'sad of thtbest quality. SO PUBLIC. atato ou mutat.= ea • man. ay stmidirit all U. in than of thirty ywers reddinioe in the city of Slew Yak, that what I pledge mat tetti., to with my mai, ety label.- earl mjr oariithattse to cupid awl cam be toned opal* Mote= Via dot WACTSII sad Ltoogrrs Mots motto, suld tine amo ptiterroot to them antelso. for olio sl , l reoportabla otbf a I - ODOLPBO ROLA% - lots lianntecturer and inpartsruf .. ii, sal and syn c urvor let Altrefotit.' for ado tv alt. IMBIII4 • • 1tc..110 wad Wed DAVIB raiburs, Itrais Founders and Manufacturers, 1 ravasamag, zuw .firrsdusr• FITTERS. 28.4CLL1N6 fLM113,14 OLPBALIO PILLS, for bee. 41,0, CEI TNPOSiTDO LND DOMED* COLOGNII WATW sums 401110310W4 . comer Elmittitald Ifoprth •ts INDIA ROBBIEL LIMO, .I.a U. vaiLlara. .10110 I. HOME 4,00, sla awl Weir sti. FlStsbaribl.s. Proprietor wail Illanavr MQ:=I DOLL H° WOLFE'S AROMATIC SCHPIDAH SCHNAPPS, i onic, Diuretic, NTI-OYSPEPTIC k i VIGORATING CORDIAL. .I.IIRE/ 1301.:1. AND ULM I FOR 2dBDIOAL A , • VID parramn SD. ILANINACTIFPO:# III) DEALSIt4 IN GAS' ITIETIJRES, pa 111211 B r ass Work- Oi sma DIKIILIPTION WILL FrCrIdCPB Dna, Cboom lrom wi th the. mom aprrinciamm• A MA Yam °fel klads.aal vormatos to gtro oat* ktasumeroaT. 0.110 I/7liter and 1.04. "Front at., tobl9:ll.t.dtog . • . rllll3BlhBld.ln. • .&T BI ~ 13 A P.O, STRAW GOODS, - BONNETS, ho: &o. I 'tiTTaT RPalsei !MILS& . 1 2 MVINID 4co • I_ - ;131 WootIBL: Pivab SE4I4ItW - LIVZB 'PILL& :: •' :' •:. - .11371d1UP um PULL ' ..-- 1, let Lhir Cbalphin; Millosiiben 1611 Lbtigastai.' 1 Par I.lvw-Oodaybbi4 Mime= and ladipstion. atr lbx Lbw Golabbant,lollloblues saa Ibibsbalph tyymnd by v. IL- *ULM t 00; 111bobado Thilii MOI3 coma Fr box- ' _ main?.-. . ' iwNKS, - TRU Ka t —We hate siow - ,'141.'- cbeldist task LOUIS ?Unit ramtla • . 1 -I. ___LitrititstawroaasitailW id. 1112.1 PalirllG - Mig 4. Lama liazi imam isitiiiit; Norms lax• GMT, 1911111115' AND 'TAUT , • - firy., • : ,i•.;.1 :, ...