9iw.biogt.....:oii,l.titt; a. 8106'03W _ •0111101• 41111, 11101:11111tOSI. PaWieatiog' Offia, . MIA strati weer Biiithfitla. _ Allossasig Siad•leveatair Editions daily. eon salaam; his Latest Niters lip to the hunt of - -$4 POT seem It senate, or lta pis Zama/. zdaia•—s3 per 45 . A1 winos, or. 4113. pa Allteaa;•1111ale aP6I4 .8; pet enipar. 11 . 4 . or =amp 34 to as'swinish:St estashisss.a.l7 Iq 4111PADrIIITIEDIG AT AIIAIONAIIII SATO. .110ItNING, 'NAY 18, Tests Ps it cuvatenso. The General imembly .of • the Old School Church Is :now in union_in. Philadelphia; that 'of the Now School in Syracuse, N. Y. Could . stable inform* is felt throughout the country in reference to - the setion of the fint.mentioned body on the subjeot of the present distracted elate of the, country, and ott the acknowledged inure of these troubles... In the New School no Seaton is expected other thso a strong expree don of 'sympathy with the joveromint in its present struggle with trillion. - The action of that'Assembly three or four leers ago, in rester , lag thtilostlmony of.lBlB on the subject of Bla ney, • drove int of that, branch of the church usrly al Of that distends% - clement. Its *came this yenistill probably be unanimous in support Govirnment, •":; IckilthOld.Saltool branch enestffithoulties and probably be encountered.: The ,'drat glutton of the daY cannot be Ignored; 'and ostlers all no more ardent:pain*. in the country than an the great majority of the mem , heriof that chetah lo the Fres States, no sued 'vocal or half-way utterances will satisfy them. And al Ithiset at all probible that there will , be any delimiter from the needed states, and se ume - stiotioni of the border states may be ours -I,„presenterd, a heavy Preponderance of the Assam bly will be anti-elsvery to thole proolivitleo. Pendalien mey dialits an avoidance of any direct Utitin on 49 subject of slavery, if poesible; but ,:.• de ne widest:onion have become so closely identified in minds of 'men, it will be per kV, • hiPosilble to _disci!' the one : without - • bringing the other into view; and if anon intro ' • duce, it voila not be ai all surprisicelf the numbers should follow the example of their Ntuatbool bielltreo, 'Detesters the testimony of 1818. A brief extract from thafeelebrated document will suffice to show its spirit: consider the. voluntary enslaving of one peek of, the human race by another as a gross ;, violation of the most and sacred rights of hue= 'tutus; is utterly inoonsistent with . the law of God, which lignites us to love our ' neighbor's, oursolves;and as totally irreconcila ble with the spirit and principles.of the Gospel ' of Christ, whir* enjoin that 'all things whatso ever ye would-that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.' Slavery creates a paradox In the moral system; It exhibits rationd, accounts :: his eed immortal being! in such circumstances • `'as scarcely to lea,. them the power of moral aculost.". Lrit Is rositiestir the duty of all Mobilises who tit light - 61 the present day, when the hicarasisteneY of slavery, both with the dic tates at humanity _Sedlrellgion, has been de . oronitesied, • and -• la lgenerally7 Seen and so knowledged, te use their honest, tersest and ' unwearied endeavors to. correct the errors of former limos, sodas speedlly se possible to ef ' face this blot 'pour holy religion,_ a nd to obtain the 'completer - abolition' of slavery - - throughout Christendom, and, If possible, throughout the world." - _ Ws was not the Arai "deliveraucV. of that - • church on - the, subject' of Slavery, nor was it the lest. 17 - 87,1he'sacre year the National Constltutioairisfinned, and before the organ batten of General'Assembly, the Synod of ' New York-: and Phliadilphis, then the highest judicetory therch, declared that "they highly approve of the, general principles is fr worst universal liberty that prevail In Ameri ce--and the lateresta which many of the States have takes in premotieg the abolition of elm att." and they go onto recommend the giving • • of leaves. suob an, edunion -as will prepare them for truth= ; the allowing them gradually to perchers their freedom at a modentte rate, , sad ths using, byaU ihsir people, of_ all pru dent mesas "to procure eventually the Hu* eb - olltionof slavery le America." In 1815; the buying and selling of slaves by way. of 'MSc, and , till undue severity towards them; wern - Junult4d -u5141,1421 a nd an eighteens conduct . , • • • -The next testimony was that of 1818; quoted above, white stood from that time until ISO as the lanthoritative,declaration of the sentiments of the Church on that subject: - ilut,publio opinion at the Saab in the Meantime underwent a great change. Slavery. *lack was nolzersally sdatilt ted to halo - evil from - do days bf tiro Rev du , the Until about 1818, began to be 'Verde* with more Mar. lila Sontisrbegam to outflows cotton Itoriplit abut thot bete. The Tho @etas gin had only * , • been bunted two /esti before. It was this Ter Glutton'in publio sentlmest at the• South, to , • gather with some unmistakable evidences That it was likely to become sigressivoin its character, that called forth the emphatic utterance of ISIS j• for it was only thereat year that the people of the thin Territory of Missouri applied for aduile*on to the Veen with al slave oonstitatton, and brought on a soattiver *kith shook the gen - ernotent:lo its fotriidattosi Ths nomProiniss with:di:followed Lid the question-to slap- for • number of lairs in thirtieth end still longer in charhe In 1846, attar considerable ski/cashier, the Souther* okurshote Imaged to get another de claration, which virtually reminded that of - 1818. 1 After the gentian bad been agitated for several successive, !Unions of, the Amtembly, It - Was settled for the time by the adoption of a re 'Poet and two appsndtd resolutions.; We have • not room for gbe report, but the resolutions are es foliate s SS _ . • "Betolood.lit. That the General Assembly of the PnebyterianiChureh in the Coiled States was originally organized, and has since con tinned, the bond of asionth the Choice, upon ohs •ooncededrpattraipl• that the existence of doorestio• slavery;" under the circumstances width it is fund is th• Southern portion of the country, is 110 bar to Christian communion. 4 .2**. That dui petitions that ask the Assem; I bly to make thor holding of slues in itself of decipilae, do vinosity require - this jafficatory to dissolve itself, and abudon the or , galeationunder which, by *millets's blessing, it Gas so long peoverted. The tendency Is eel- INTI*Igs ;the Northern from. the Southern portion of the Church; , a result which *very 'good citizen must deplore, as tending to the dissolution of-the Colon of our beloved 'country, and which every saUghtentid - Christian • will appose. sa bringing about a ruinous and nnusesmeary , odds* botwenr brethren - who =detain a common faith." • In the body of the Ills contended "that stony Wilted in the ,days of Christ and his lapcoslak_Thafitithydillnat denounce than itself as sinful, ;or isicendstent with Chils - tionity." and much mores io the same purpose. -;The history.of the 'anis:lllg power of slavery 10 lbs Church anal in the Stale, affords a still s -•„ . l,= . ,:,itithed steatites Iti weapons in both Itert.ilts urre=4htnati eif division; tilisolution, steuelen: Ceti :give way beforo.il. - making concession after OntellidOn, unW thetawas 10 farther room to', retreat;',:and noir', bothLtsi4 groppti with It se best they may. -- nit gore* ant yielded Sept ground IMO - , and heel ' b an givisg ba th ever since until the peat Pier, . sod thane. , has bees teas of the . church of which.we artipseldig. - With'* tremendous Wir its its buds, the country has got bath to tie Vend it eneopiedia 113ffi; sad, with a set 4 11121, of _disM.sabsisint; th• church . bee, re trod, seouldtPd spltike lofty platfirm of 1818. f With era on bettiiPron, sad ik'h more hope - 'l4 condition.. -•- - - - 1.• 4^•• • ::•‘: ' :i 4! • • '. Silll ,••• , • ;.: ,1•••••:., MEMO ~~. ..~: • ,47 11• • . 1 ; ;; 1.41%n; 10.14"".4:%; tl i NzAti:C LV; '4l4i 'tit S. k' • • i,:4•:,04."..." 1 .."' ' ...*`•;r11.• I • • '. ll-7 't • ••• ' t=E=l ii - _, - ' : ' ' ..i. her los bees I''-d-iftint:,l:;:it!-;:;4lslPATltladelptagi, his i --- ;,1;.-,4 , saa - 4;iotiotil Ptosiesetery:ttt!ti n t, g_uPt...ri !"-". iCoste of Pereglisib, id the room at , Its!teo:ry. ,l'Z',2;':',7 l :--,, ~,,„ ,„,,,,, I ,p futi .- i i:T l l,,, , :whpsi-seesnii,3! -.TAI. - -....:`• ' .4ro —7 --.-; . -; ~..--.... bls tabor th e Uri '0 -2. ',' *Ftoclinlistirender • ~...• -- 1 ._[_ 11. _ fik.. '4 , '::-:- --:, 1 the sortheri chalets soy lacier. Mz. tiltairal l P tad , by the grottoes sea -oda. jti" ,'. . r..:, i . i,-. , --fo rtiVi s itr ill O g' s ysi iria rlial ii wi th . 11 . Sli -- 'dna. struts 6 r Ogitt L lll' ' ' f.:'..:2 ' - d i li : tsl3lF)!4l4:orgteir atilliklPT.l..grd , 14 . irtalliii SelierC,l/1114. MEM .... _ . ~. .. -,-7. 4);.:.,;4'...1 - ; ;. : ~:-.k..,..;;:-.=•'..-.f. ~. -24,, • ... .:., ..y . , -'"'_!" '",;'"litOZeirge..." f 1: 4T:~.~GF ~ ~ Y~~~ r lirgrro373l:l*Cl 2l s Lmirssa, "non iniquinuond.' . . tOorroMokoos of thalittsboasA Clasa Htauf soap, May 16,1861 .. Stfs, geußr.....Soth House adjonmed-te-day, at noon, having passed nearly all the bills before it. The stay law passed with the clause to prohib. Wag the sale of collateral'. An amendment was added, authorizing ._a msiority of creditors -two. . thirds in intermit, to arrange with a debtor as to the time at .which and the proportions in which - The three million bill passed in the chap. it left the Senate, with the section added, allowing pen sions to widows of 'oldish" killed in this war. • The bank- bill paired the House with emelt& menu, in whirl the Senate concerted, adding two sections of the hill got np, or nmoottnended by the Plttsbergh banks. The sections.which pilled the Senate were not amended by the Howie. The appropriation bill contains a provision ding a half mill to the State Tan, to pay Om inter est on the $3,000,000 loan. • The bill- to authorize Pittsburgh to. borrow 650.000 for home defense,' did .not pus lb? House. This embraces all the legislation I have not be fore referred to. ' The Goventor .to.day nominated Geo. A. Mc- Call., of :Chutes: county," to be Major General , of the new 'State leriee...,Be is a iinulnite of West Point and highly "Wain of. His nomination was unanimously. confirmed. • S. irodge Sprague on Piracy. - - Judge Sprague, of the United States District Court, Massachusetts, a few weeks ago defined treason very clearly. On Wednesday lest he laid down the law against piracy. He says the statute on the subject, being enacted pur suant to the Constitution, are ¶mount au thority and cannot be invalidated or impaired by the action of any State or States; and every law, ordinance, and constitution made by them for that purpose, whatever its name or term, is wholly nugatory, and can afford no legal protection to those who may act under it. Compering the seceded States to a portion of a foreign country In revolution, and claiming to be independent, he says if the Legislative and Executive Departments of our Government utterly refuse to recogolze such new Govern ment', or acknowledge it as having any bellig erent or national rights; and, instead of taking a neutral attitude, endeavor by force to suppress depredations on commerce by such assumed Government, es violating the rights end Wring ing the laws of the . United States, then the Judiciary will hold that such depredations are not to be considered as belligerent and en titled to immunities of lawful war, but as rob bery, or other lawless depredations,subject to the penalties denounced by oar laws against each offences. There is another view, that mere rebellion absolves no man from his allegiance. Citizens of the United States therefore, may not only be subject to the penalties of treason, but if they commit hostilities upon the commerce of the United Starts, finder a commission from any foreign nation, even the oldest and best established, such as England or Feurce, may be dealt with as pirates. A Description of the Winans Steam Gun. The steam gun captured at Ellicott's Mills, on its way to Harper's Ferry, is one of the lions of the Idassachusette camp. it is en odd-look ing concern, bearing not a single indication to the unpracticed eye .- of its murderous purpose. Through the intelligent aid of Captain Picker ing, who seems to know what's what about S t° most sorts of machinery, we obtained some sort of a notion bow the thing was worked. The whole concern, which weighs perhaps five tons, is mounted on wheels. Externally it has " Al the appearance of a small two'horse power en gine at one end, and at the other runs off into a sharp nose, not unlike an end of the Winans rise cigar steamer. This 1108 A -,• however, which is merely the sheath to 'protect the machine and its operatives, is constructed of 11 inch a n ,,, iron, and the expectation of the inventor was, apparently, that balls aimed at it would glance oft harmlessly. In the opinion of those conversant with such matter°, Idinle ball would '"*" penetrate this eheathorbile a 6 pound ball would ykr of course knock the whole thing into a cocked hat. This pointed sheath or covering is divided 22r nearly its whole length by a slit three inches C in width, affording an opening for the discharges of the gun. With this mouthlllte slit dividing the sheath into ponderous jaws, and stretching from ear to ear, the affair has the look of some develish shark-nosed sea monster. Peering est in at thii openiug not much is to beseen be yond a few cog-wheels and a bit of mild-looking cylinder, which, however, is the mouthpiece of on( the centrifugal wheel, which, revolving at the tremendioas rate of 350 times per minute. flings out a three-ounce ball at each revolution. The Massachnsetts folks think the machine , does not amount to much, its anwieldiness being a fatal objection. If placed to command a narrow passage, ft Might, however, do good ser vice. esplam_. Pickering says they will give ' it a trial' , to-day, anyhow, to test its merits.- ' Washington Star. The Great Eastern. The mammoth steamship Great Eastern Capt. Thompson, which arrived at New York on Saturday. left Millford. Haven (England) on the let instant, and brings ninety passen gers. She completed this (her second) trip from Fngland to this country in nine days and thirteen hours. The *sage would have been gtikker by about half ii-Bay but for a se vers pie encountered on Monday, the 6th instenc - which compelled her to tindon her direct Amuse for awhile. Butthe average speed during the voyage:camas , neiterthetesa, to have been very.nemly what she was origi nally intended to accomplish, and what has shear been expected of her by the builders. The kdlowing table gives the distances reads each day. The reckoning is made up from the noon of the proceeding day to that to which the number is assigned To Thursday nowt, 2d instant 211 Toßriday noon,3dinstant 330 To Saturday noun, 4th instant 340 To Sunday noon, sthinstant 338 To Monday noon, 6th instant _344 To Tuesday noon, 7dr instant 224 To Wednwaday noon. Bth instant ........ 32A To Thursday. noon, 9th instant 348 To Friday noon, 10th instant 288 To Situ/day noon, 11th instant 344 - The consumption of coal duringthe passage of the Gnat Eastern was from 159 to 295 tons decal per day: - • - - - TIE TUACIEDY IN BIN LOUIS. A citizen of St. Louis, writing to a friend in Philadelphia about the firing of the mops upon the mob on Fridey of Jut west, of which he was eye witness, says: — '"After the surrender the loyal soldiers were 4iiirs op in a line Outside of but completely mar— roulding the enclosure of the camp. -A portion of .theioldiers r who had jest surrendered, composed of drunken, lance rats, mini um* - cilium, was lulde,end-aucti Matrageous abuse I heard, ending is the stonieg of the soldiers, so - -that there eras se alternative far the soldiers but to fire on the crowd or row with their arms in their band,. hio one ,regret) more' than myself the aecanty or &big on the crowd, but if it had not been dose the setae o r Baltimore would hare been re-enacted in. St. Louis." Amos[ Odifrisr S. U. 9. Z41:1•13 (4051/, . SKOMI MOO Wilkie.' UM; 'arab stoort.j fr:REOtIIIITB,I9.ANTSD.—This Comps- Du 1111 nosh. kforr axon abtobodird young toss to ell Melt rants to tWlloll anoptstosot. They now bira erriusty rand of arms for drilling. and bar. asrurannea {bey .tig b. among Illaptst trooobted. Amon open met owning Is tbs wittsjandst wont*. au. ltortfodtl] MO. P. GLASS. Otttabs.• Pittootou. aprli 19th. Mt. 11-111E,COMMITTEN •110 ME lnar 1111011 mat at lb. CUy Amory, City flaU, ZYKAY DAY. how ant 11•10 Ito tooralag. and 'Ma I wall a to tba attatnota, want talAratiol lot [Wm Got rd and uport Shattattrat to b• ontaattad. dU coamank• Ilasseddrasaid to Ma Iltorstary. • _ att2lkti - • - ' 101111 If. TURMAN, Pactstary. iloticis. fr&ILLE :FIRST_ CONGREGATION OP - DEPIPLV matt sbibidlp ut APOLLO , BALL. sL,betwima IRA VARA: .Presching scary LOAD'S 'DAY,,at • 10%ectock I. clad 7p. m. WZDNIADAT AVILAING;UAturist 7 o'clock. Toe public on 7• 1 7• 77 . WV 1 ..WWI oit COUNTY CoMMISSIONZit— ~ ; JOAN PLSIUMAN. of Wllklos toortoblp,lll l l be fourfifido for County o)6l6StiCalt. tatjadON Itopsib• Costrootkoo. lot Illafolfe alcsattos Butz or 10,77tookaa. Itoy 7th, ISOL fr&,DIVID.END.—Tho ffirootors ,of this !Ma Imo declared 11 NOMA of RUMS PAR CENT, la the hallo allot lig Az liteetbs, makes hoylawatotlt • - o.ll.llllltßllT,Cluator. 1111-1114i)IVIDE111).-41te" Directors si• Paoli ban diolwid dividend-of- TUBAS PIU4_ Olnii-on Um Own& ick, oat of..ttu prollai of tba isat menthi;payWo on or snares 17th IDA. ey111,4,34 . TllOll. H. 01%1E* amber. ntlesl3ol4 110 Ws, !SOL KrTHE :WESTERN INSURANOS 0001- _ 'Pad ( bee Ohl 4.tdOctstod s Dlettait of Roos 110.100 . Donut upon oat Stu* of to Oletal SW*, octet aboAsmodProtittofatolsotols ooo ttaMoroDo ttato Fs SW; of *bleb to torApplio4 atilt Sotto* Ail ciottototoot two sod &Mt loaloos he Mart to to yak! to -111aatteacts co or OW °militia's. " - „ „%mrloght,..=.lpLl74.iiticathein.h, 1168:13:DatenisemThathaictutity4. woo , booms Jam "InUidloomd. ”" • : SWIMS' " it Liit low bms -" ~,A.4:,•,:0t5ty,*,4::;d..'-:::i:.:.;:,.,-i:,A,.,.i.„-:...-,-:. - ,--.4.,,..*,f',:.r-A•gi:i,-;:4,=.z-i:1,',...-.:d.' .. . , -itib t iminunti:::: -. 7 - MAPS OF- Them Mardi, rts and Stations . 1 far oils it-W. I. lIAVE6 I I6- , axon Wood sad Third street,. N. B. Theo an war, Just sat tram tha pram. a Avoli ak dart I syS ND azuz mai!: the FI.DRILAL TILITEENTH LIST or APPLWATIONSI for asChia Ziorla, Slid Is tho coories Ws ep to May 12th,,ISIFI: I Boned a Rol . toms, hi wag, Pittsburgh; • Bailey Moss. ".4 do sd do do - saw daoddy4 - ' de Ist do lo Jischtoki ltgighh :Otos b oos. ad do de i 'B.'S Muhl.. other goods, Ws - Chows William, do . se =Ateb . ....ussl Minton WWlars, tom* -ad do ** Chou John; dl Ilaldura towsatip, , Clowliss Johrkr det mud . DOW, lion ,. ,do Sib de t' f=gt ZetertJAl P do McClure tasuship. MetkJorro, I do loop willimu, do Beldwis do no thadsib, do Lewreoeirdihi, . youtritiols lobe, do Subriug Volesilus. - do Birminshem, Gerbig Jobs, do South Pittsburgh, &dub *Mrs,. do ad ward. Pittetargli, Galway D. 21, , , other goods, Oh de • do Hautbotter .1,.. • do Sel do • do Ilaeltuloreadar Gee., taunt, 24 do do Mhos Au .asting home, Sth do do Memo II ti g er,. l42ol, tawilic Ild do do 7 . Kos P. ik W. Mho goods, fab de 62 Belly Monis. tams, Lower 13t. Clialt tp. , gollionot ones how, in ward. PhiaburP, Ong IL. • Mbar goods, Ist do do log Mich 1, tams. ilth do do • Lego (ho's do_ LOW BECasir st o p ' Vghtesp_g. , do Brae do Moor unory, do Maio de 1111=10 Dail, do Ith wad, Pittsburgh. M ME wimp 4, 'ads' beset, atil do do If 00011 hos, Mors, ad do do Iticilanspc . a . th •do Borth raisttri atluki'P a:Demo I. IL, estioghouse. litki weld, Pittsbmiti. IdeDirvitt 3 . Ulm goods, Sth do . do Peron La too. 'do la de do Phillips r= do 4th do do Illttmut . tants, Oslo most fp, Rotondo Iltodendir. do I LOW. I" 81.01lar fp; . EtlIT•611011 barbs, do Ist ward, Allghkby, Blactow Jl4 aging b..% to do do Wroth 3a, tooth lit •do Pittsburgh, Bootees .1 a. do Out do do Sauk II wa, pito. goods, I.* do do Toctwgzor suipAS, Moro, 11 lilies township. WOO J ri, do Lona at. Oishr turnip Warder 11 ry, other pods, idochestar, Wslibri ma, eating home. 2.1 ward. entomb. Woods Job morn, ad do do Yond Philip. do Shales torruhip Osseo Cbulah Mom MO Birmingham. TO Bou2 of Morro will sot m WOW, Bar TWAwear in Om oboe ems. • . • mu rub. an. W A. EISSIIO2I, 01414. --Clerk's Odbm, W.A. . . soltit A144110111.112 11 B• COMM To Mat _ _, IN TB COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.— ak. JIL In them t rap the Poets wino Ones of !Maros} No. 1741 Juno Tom, bld L for a Max or b it oratiou. . *am., llth dal of Way, A. D. 11161, lb. Ow going War at of Talus spoil) Mg thobilwth solnlsh ooadibous • d same radar which the sootwor. sad tor bobbin 5 t o i ts Chufth Weiaroth la Moo towaship, r• to its Iscorporetsd, prwoutod ie op= we Whits, ettarso tor sad pertiosad_ het or two period mad stambsed by mh aut it apporins to us that rot:both, articles od tiri Outdo so tots sad MONO sr* lawful end sot Inpuloaa to the community ws diroot that the odd softies he Meth Ss *Wu of tha rolbouotory the el BO Coati, sad we aloe direct mules to hek 2 ameted la Pittsburgh ,Wooldg Gouda to arse mai, astUng Oat that as stipMaticus Ito itors mad* to 110 Coot flor sash Charts? of Isearpostims, aull tbaCtl so itpisot moon be tbovu to the =dray 8 Me ro '=" s t oVukt & rth7: Uens a" "d reg it l :4l . in soll ikklaT 6. liguti `IOLTI3.ItRVOLVERRI i wire stsvoLvias II 610 1111111L11. athLgs. 02 SULU AND PINTOLB Ie greal variety MIIMO adIS atiortmatt al 800K0AND Ms rOLVI GE . P DR' GOODS szaies /Oa 64. EITE=I=I nod too Mao. 11 - lODINE-6000 lbs. Basun Haw, Sides sis shooldan In stars ardl AT isle try .181 lIIIRI V 11l a DILWORTH. No. Besse Stl awed stmt. v B&LAD U11,4_ fin alb "rquutyksbx , ... wi „ 1..4 i'dl.4 - JOUR A. 11131111lilli, porMe Libel gad Hig4 fresh au •at 11111thars Ow" 1. 0 nerd aid stib11"4111 (1""1" I VO. a. SIMI W. PRODUCE -18 bble. fresh Ens in store - el.l go ado by anma, prosorro, lb lias.l3o AM 112 linersd its Fin azia ammo strrimar or TAE Celebrated Gold Medal Pre):eltins PIANO FORTES. MANBEACTORED ET &WU 11 CO.. BALTIMORE. Lee Mt 1371v51. COABLOTTE BLUME, U i street. L 13713 S TAastivsa 1., NEW NTOUR OM PIANO R,. ! awns sure maw Tom MA *Mug et IV. 1111 . 1.1 JRAI sr abet CHARLOTT BBLC E, =TO Oa. 69 Mist 301111 M. 111133711101.----. 301111 : 13. 1 . 1 03. LAW PARTNERBUIP. TUE •lINUESSIONID DAVIN TlllB Osy tormed • 0:06669/ 81, 9 31 tha Mak , " lb* lal., /OEM 11.11111633111 1014 JOU 1113601 1 . 1 , 116sSurgh,114 09, 1 1111. WSIMPATIIICK & MEILILOS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW.I ta 133 /earth ilL,lbveaxsablaeladabl , E.____ iiTa r - 1 - 111 D' Puss A. OMIT MUM TO MIT AVDSOSII. nTIABLES 1101BIANN F.,, D. B}, )1. D., grero of mow of la Osonto wpm hi w *us= bentool.'alWo• • birri.zl;•••" to t Audios.% pOkloboot • wort as the treas.:la of all privit• Onive• of Os suds sad loon& pail °r totadon, pm .&114 streams as Merman of Omaha or it ta d V a rellty, Ino•tougao eloottnal Tadol=Oper /ft..osodog lopetang mod TWO ma Mot. Cla Febility. Lobo Wood wilik pasted at Windy mop mood sosotrattoo, sin Iwo oosoothloll p by' frothea • boat. Sodom two nil ramps, to gypsy titt otion la mitt to va.011•2113 Ilunilol, f -- essad Sakai ANON*, leados, Nam • tatelotows i wi use wens Jour INNITN—JOWII warts ' - WOVE= 1111110TIMIL I RWADDING AND COMIGNION NIZONAN2II, sod &awl Is PROVIBIONI AND Pa DIIONOIABIALLY,Na.II9II.IIterty t $ 0 11161--" Sin. RACON-20,0 00 lbs. lihoaldere. moos do Mos ' L T tO,NNI do. mow do Rotor c°" 4 re iiton sod for isle byWNITNad :moll -No. WS LlblofilswooL rfIORIUNUTZ.FRILEIIIA—eIhe 11, latest oaf mod .opyieirod poise oot—ivarriotod to moos lad& of toot "Mow • favt Moottod cos gurrootivid sad tar leo by ' JAO. Cml ylbo'tl sod Bud struts. flOttillf. QUOAR (RUED DRIED DERV—, $ tierce to item sad fOr Ws by WHIT* BROS, Azl7ll Ilfe.ISS .414rgyarset. JOHIPU F. HAMILTON /A CO., Comer Filet and Liberty Streets, PiTTEKSIIRGILPA... MANUMMITUIai OP I SUPERIOR STEAM ENSURES , 111•011111111611 1 134 /ilk I • COAIPHOGIINZO NULLILTIM NITRO STATES MINIM MUSKET . AND AINLI -"ALM emy .dseedpikes of -BAK= AND CONICAL SCUM ossoleetared to or der. Large Norte mitten, oil leeL 14", "n ! all.dlatellro26 138 OT CO' - Meet Oboe end Lead Name. , ...101 ead 103 Water alrfseei, Nos Usk. - - VARBON 01L-50 MIL earl No. •1 Ito- N.O loot Okrboo Oil,toi barslag purposei4-la stare sad mal.by - JOUR 5.0,04 amain, • Orin BIM Mame!. tau Weal. pliElit3l:--GO boxes new W. It. ,Cheese Jost name stun sad for by mpla , & OAS nano --- ATUINU 13.P0N011, .'II,IIIT 110 AMI, DEWING AND PINS - or.panto far hisasits 11/111, &DADA', ONGININt HAIR INITOSATIVID, 011134 s uromostar animas, alums II Nano iati) DOSINSIO 001.001/1 won. limos iteurrox eorsealladthDAD licortli 1 110.?&Kg.--100tddri tartars and for lab ;_~~.:;; GENWiLit OniquEts.. , 1 ' . ' Wm" DipAwrm PT, .. 161: (Mira } " ." WWlliNgt*4 ;try .../21 . 0 Maiden tof the llnite tbe States - haiing called fars2oinntsat Wormer, aid to entmessualt of slittarm sad the supreprion of Menreaction, and broom 02 agfWestse Aublmeats of Infante* ma on. Madmen! of 0414247. !inking a minimum ening* W—ilar2 tune. tinimand An hundred sad Ms Akers" and "stand men, and • mathnam aperegateof GutstwtlomaWand tbirtyr 'four. itkers end enlirtad nom rbe 10110 101 Op at arpsl. asters bra bop adopted. and it la directed to b printed f r general bitannation: Platt! cir ossunzarris. wag mown. Forms rafted tato Vit Xavier of Mr Vatted , . Marrs by Me President. The Phurteers ailed inta - aarrioe Peer afar palms° "loa of fare Pr...dada of M. IMMO Itites, dared the thud du of Play. 1244 will be alii2Z h _u the,. M 1 4 .1 ea n.1 416 ' ' !loos igoveruhzg the Amp of Ms untrue urk% moo lb. 266 Portion and orrialndon of ar22.111 b. ea toUoln: 1. !mane. i Thirty nine amelments of Tobestear Innortry mill Isa rabid. Rath lealoiont millcombt 01 lon companies, sad ouch mammy will be organised se poi .a: _Minimurni." ' I .04, " i IMaximum. ' Ovtaln dial. Itoot Lingual 1 first Lieutenant. 10400 d Meatmant. ' 1 i mond Lieutenaat. Mnalergrant. ,', ' . rt cm savant. t . Morpana. . , " 4 timyeemor. e oora.a• ' Muriciane. 2 Kuriebms. 64 I, ; M aga irage ' 1 W . . 62 Pr= _ P AlMwt.ms• tOl Aggregate.. Mrs conmolarioned offPre of tbe company all be ;vadat. ed by the Ciparner bt the ems rumbaing 14 and tb. non. comminiceed dam* until the aentPty shall b. emhelled to • BillOnient, TM: Ire appointed by tbe Capita: OW wards by tb Malawi, oaracommeoduske of I.be Captain. . Each Hoflm.nt Pit be organized el pima • • Minimum: ! Maximum. IMO company Dews and on- 1,010 comprioy alms and ea. DMA sea ! . • limed ann. 1 Oxiceiel. , _, 1 Obionel. 1 I Putman' Crepe'. I Lleateault Colonel. I Maim. '1 AdJutana(s Lieutenant) 1 adjutant, (a Livia) 1 Witementrd Q 11,01 Lt i 1 11ses.1 Q 11., (a Liani) 1 Mieireant laramm. I Mariam •Barpon. 1 Berpast Maim. 1 raiment Major. I Intisental Q: II firraq 1 Emend 02 M. 'Uremia 1 WWI Mode, Wei 1 linttsi skelamley tug. 1 Hogpltsl eiseiml. 1 nowital 114.nr2. I l'iladpil klabkians SPI It Maskisua 21 Ma4k2sai for !Wad. 24 Moab:Wm for used. sswi 4:11' WAIL t 866 daunt... i. toee Igingsta 'ibe °Mare of the aegifilftli beppolnisd by the Governor at the Stan 'blab nantlebie the teglment. -- The ibtlutent god Raglmentsi Qmmetmemer will be ••• tented from the mompany Mama of I the Regint by the Ookmel, and b• salved Mmpentee of Ma Om. RES 70TSTIID Ito De. L 01wWw.tiol Stab two will b. orpulud Idto Mr. [Womb, tot , &Kb Itrvbd• I.lllcong.t of fJor BorgN.A. awl Uw ilrlyiklier flialereb AbledrUwalp (11 tonwuL) Uw 111.131.5 t Adjotanta.bore, c.i.t.e.,) ow totem. on. Awstaut Guiti‘ fr. (a Caiwiw) Om/ Oussmiwary el flabaidelmw.(w polo ) AU taw Mien Mem Wywointed by lb. Pa.114.0t. by oad ao4 ciotoult of go Swab. wilnit lbw Aide di tissop, 'Po will to ...locte4 by tb• lirkpaur OlirwiaLtrom lb. Ounlyeay OfAt.r., and ono my to rear disiodt. bol Wiwi., at 4...0r0...1 Ito Brigadier Cl.o. CILAYILLLS 130. I .rat, SO Vigil® SOWN & TETLItY'S AT • 1 BURCUYIELD A CO.'S ORZT MUZAMBUICS oasis lIAIICOLOVBA. SILAVIttINCI 'LABS& MIISIARY 091aINO 110111, TEIOOIIB3, I - - Alb nn• , Tb• Bono= Wed nee eatfwN f » selected by the Col opal bola the omecosemlieemd effirert sod paw.. of the abilroyot, bud W yeeandrin carted w)Plie 1111p1 by bp pgettiont. as lb procrlbod Won. 2. Caratay. One ragininst of Valentin, Caratry will be ralaed. and will =mint olinar.livo, or six squadron.. Eseb otandroa old consist of two comps:de; au wan tom Pal .1111. organiani so tollove Utaloinm.Mailmont. 1 Captain." . Card". 1 In Lieutenant. Id Lientenaut. 1 fd Lieutenant. fd !diluting:a. 1 bit Sergeant: lit Pergeant. 1 0 0 .1. 0 1 Q. W. Sergeant Ckunpany Q. M. gargetnt 1 B a raria. . rti.dge• Corpaals. - 2 Batista. ' Raglan. 2 Pairliss and flackataltba. Warriors and Blackindtba. _1 11,daler. Sitddiar. 1 Wagoner. ! Wagoner. 'lll Privates. I pilaus* .-- WI Iggregata. nialtarad into th• panic* b 7 TO Aggropt. Volunteer staler may be companhe or .41,11101.011.11 1 . . Veen two ineadrous aball beve Leen niemirell,n Llsatere mil Oolemal will be e ap to their oomitimil ollil l.tolo' two man agnadCon snail hue been remand, • Colonel and *ldol mill ben ppointed, ea the Mee equations Will tis or poised Into a' bailment. Two ildeltsonal ens/ahem may be mustang into the lagiment without alreating the argue 1001100 of It. Regimental inaa and Wit rw the Ibleount am* mill be -1 Oulonel, - 1 LleuMwal Crohnel, .11laior / : • Allititemt, (a Lieutenant) Regimental Illaartennamar, Amattamt Inegoom mvibiLitreLniwinlilittliter..t...7, iw e O g... maezi,' ii.piusi sturanl. . Principal Illueletana, I tlemiclane tar Band. lad the miiihnom eggregake Et 11l be— LI the Llilegiment cocaina t tour equeilsons... 100 Ir She Regiment consists hi five eteadimm..- ale If the Regiment conalata Of eta sonadrona ... ale Avs 0 0 .."I.allai Willa. 41110— lf to. Ragbiner,t compete if four equadn - ne... IN It the healonekt voteless - I /1,..4 4 4.1...... ill It ttie Regimeut omaltteit in .qamirocia.-110 All abate of voteot., ch.do will b• i.pp 4.1.1 d and eelectea In tile same manner m gaol/ y °Mahn el like/ amt. Nora Division or..let±of es. most Ailsedra, and of unte Roar rated, Tera'Aratedimilemp, Lleno.rai Tan Roo Aerie. ant MUM... de. rat, I. Mo jo.) eboVe Silage rail be appoloted and eeisist so yre• witted above ex the actilitosed Galan . Brigade. • • 4.. litaionasoint. • i The odiceratt cceenramiedarad ogicera, nod stints., or ganged es dem at grab, lair, is all sepsis, b. weedo► acralog, aa to rosy eliberacra of almiter oorpeaf tM Insuim amp Precenett, .20et tura . el.rateMe tot oknalog shell bop RI per moats lofmato, and gi for muscat toe Osalry, end dot eitra nvoratoodadorad aloe, privets, mdles, rad abaft* of Cavalry W.I. tumid. ht. an breve rad Isle .solpeeeite, rad abed receive 00 mots Ira day tar Sara see and rtelOacept that, La pastas raise elm. twos. disabled.. didi ate, See Widow. shell seem wall the diatability be hosaved. .1.01 1 . 00 dons be eoppllcra pee) Oevalry VARS.; who abet ma' Mop Warta provided .ad. • aretradde bone, ehall veto oci ' fora • _ Merl 'deal.. moo srandslosted ajar, prints, tem Ades, 404 ertillau,who wire Me forme at doe Untied mous entbr Ude p1e..4 Mtn Rata at ad. 11 the rated.. crate, • Omar, Volute.. 2. 'orate radidobal to aleo of fon," t. entry nu miles of yr.'s& boo Ida home to the ptea of enster-vrait 4Mtamst to be co snored by to. rams era mcsdiy rente—and mono Loran 57 diaraerg ' SI, es odors... at the ettusl Wald ette left d diestargelo Me lame, and, sei o, ra use, me ram of ors homier/ dollen. Any vidantyee rate may Y. teeelv t d foto the ranks of Ss Vaned Mum toes tel. Plop, sad who tray be wound. ea or airman Rabbet In the edges, erall ha minded to ma losigt• entch Ora. brae* say be aindared pm awe domeled In toe lecolar Meeks and - tbe Sou brae of emra ato deem may be is ua awe" to radiates to all armed dn.) end allosrams Well ,140.41. Ste Ma of one t undyed dollar. Tbe geode cI the grgicotola of leen., end of the sqt- Rust at Wary sill belage Mums cos Worm of ems gads nein. Ur pi sod ►ellorattose of gargeenut dm gamer tiddlers orarloortb,racee of dorporratof Ito glass moldiest moll the remelaing bet, tame of piggies dl eras Dadra, al tbe 11l tiara 200 Repass sod goddlte receive Sae pay end al krona.. od Uorprele of Cs dry. Teo ltdOstrantd Commidery napes; sill strain th e e may sod otterrancen of • Plagaspotet Oergracts Melon Tb aramen gemming...kr gespeol, the pay mad Manama of it berpost Reran y. Shen be eilosed to Meth negtonet one Omplido, .homlll be spot:doted ty tie tli Oatemestler on beVoted the Meld Ofilosteraul ilospicoy Ocenaancetsue dot; Rath the WORK at the Nate in. epralndlosat la to be made. Unoldo to inane SI mud be a 005010017 mideldol 1110 1 der le come Oradea desombratlononsi • 01 I ROI. Re PO ofid.thdertade raChiPlo of Reralry. 0. I.llollL,S2t p lr los yea Reap, Ts mihirde of Use Goa y wan of en 801151010 to tte relied ander Ibis plat Sall appolniadra tee com• manmade of the sgeideWoo of ash Melanins; and the "1"4041{ ON , PH. 'ties the Regiment ahead baron. tan complement al men, •111 00 !vomited frotoibe sags to to semi boa among 000 Aspirate an ract renaßidemilim it.. of RS Waned of the Ropmeet, epprored by soradeo. seal romeassitog the Brigid.. *fug the ocrapiatiou oi orpalution of a liogimset of Revelry or 101104 n. one half uf oil the vacustlee slab opyoocur Winn grade of oonnebedoceed Sinus, p 7 1/94101404 Or othereilm, Ce app.:nod aa ebony from * filen ran Oceperals mill he tales% I from the Private% &rpm.. from porata • 'Pb. em Iftlet Pusan; raja Negate of the Oompray try She lispmestel some= ed tam Ina bargee.. of tt - O. P.Z. flog t 4• hr• liaptwo onleslume4 vlll tAt appoint ~ln : cu zin: ai nt . o,l Culoust. • Minimum , Millmaw 40.191 964 , 1,1611 19 llKlmwti of Wm Usilisal oil:411dg $4.434i OU: 13 pdi.O Divedou tut, ..... ' .111017 AB, Adjalaut Onand dilate al Galata{. 0. EWER. • o. 16 ORD ER IS. - Bt. • ' ' wait DIPARTIIIIIII2I, • „ . ADJUnit ONIMPAI'II Oplici. • L Wathlagtoo, Kay 4, 11161.1 lite President of the Mated States having dtnotolf so bump. of • • repaint Axe , ' OC• Uni 1:101114 SLIMS 01 Um a 61111160 of algOt illagttorda of Eataatry, olio 611111616 KlKTalry, argon. gagitong ot Organ', mak log o 11:13 1 / 1 16111131 aggregifit of 111,164 Kama aad aultnr4 ono, to be aogyoantod. Id Kw dlaraottan alba Preggist, to a mahouts atmatll 4 of 6%14 Mosta and sullakd low, :WW I LO &Fisted kjp.oni lagormikr9lad:tad. 1. ~' t , ?Lail 0 OftdAbIIZLTION. i Arai iPeltalg of VW arai of do looter Army of Mg • Vatted Sat/ AK Mewled by VW Prtifacbt.. : 1. Blount. night 1141111111111Sofl, Daisy, In addition to Mon wow In pro., will brawl - glob glto t dorittlit of two or la ban/Mgt/N. !Koh re battalion 111 wI aulat ol elftbtaarZLlK a, ,6-soh company VIII - ago:awl IA figkilir _:' Illutaista; Usirtzottoa. , 1 Captala. - 1 Giptalo.' 1 IN Lbodbolol .1 lob Liestabibut, • . 114 Lkalanast. - 124 Lkotteast. 1 14 Oorpol 166paant arpost. - 1 Ist thegsant.' 4 Orgasm a. 11.0orpresta. - -11 tsla. ' .11 Illootating ; .11 Itostelsna. . : . Ili Mesta , 41 Pllllll.l. . ~ - 1 2.4 a upts. 'tiik. faltalloo 'AI . • illeheom bli, pampsny Main, , Mod am. Ittitott .:lalatlit. 1 • Listitais T sausliab 4 . , atw itt ) l'AutriZT I Quetamosor On tact. 1 uomialsosnlacisant• 1 liaPPnal Sort ' aptw - _' I • lad. Riglasset win i tilloos to contltati is Illslastsa 1,16 DOW= On oil 1 Opboal. _ . ',.,. Lkstssiat am , •C 43 , 10 ~AimsiA• A r CsUirmaoL) 'Auto attiattunws• 1 I Wiliallid— Quarter . IlliOrnmatiliCttingta 6- , . nuatirstd Cioarmtem 7 Miff ililabillableir7. 0 1 thUt...at) (a Limatussatj I urine *Om , 1 Dram NON s r=cidelsoi. — s Moilvskaluacting: . 14 II for Boa. :Si Itaiklua Ibr SW. ;0 23 AUPPL., _ .. _ 1.4 62 a LIM*. .. " :, -: . . . _ ... • 2 Muslim :Ons additirnal Ismiinost id Cavalry will also b rabid. and Will ends% of Mina 6astallanin Ir.l bangles will numb& at tyre Rendus.% and won sqsadrun .111 sorniss of tlrocirninuiss,ssett at uticti stills argardsid sa Mow: t Malmo= ma. 1. 1 list LisuisnsuL I /tr.tdleotaa..r. IL lir and Linden:int. I tassitd Ussitsusue. 1 Vint Is . Mtn lisarsat. I CraiSlial QUUtataida , i 00114461 4 2martsrmsator 4 :Shyest.. • . - e: lapillits. 8 05cru5in..... , .. , `Corporal 9 illisiCissis." ' I Musicians. 2 Initriso • • ilitarriars. 1 Meddler. l'aniddier. 1 Mieriiil• 1 IWagrusr. .66 Prints& rz 1 111 r gas TO Aurora& Leh BaitsDols will lie orp ESSM Hasa I MO& 1 Sattallon AdJatant Inaba:o Q M and MO' misery. Unions:it ) Perrino' Illsjor Quataressiaor ennui. Ovenuilarary r.rlsnt. Boopital Outward. 1 Asadter Sugunt. Vedninay Berge,t. r-- SDAIWW4. E 4 liZ= VTlSBattalloiVils WI our Hated men. 1 Oakes!. .1 laingenismOolonl - 1 liegliamtal 26)1, (14101) 110.1266621 11. 1663 Oocualwary.(Lltat 2 Obld Baena 16212426 m for Band. WA;EMIL One additional Regiment •111condes of lot /Stone or/ranked se Minimum. COON.. Int Lieutenant. 114 Lintanont. Lt llorstont. Company 44, kt. ebrpant kergokota. Corporal.. Mutetaus. Artificers. Wasona. Ptivata. AO Ageopto. Tbo Itestalent w or O 1 tondos tausaiss, as Idle • 900boospavy Moors and .o• 41441 woo. ldistoomot Wood. S4dimaro. I Atntaut. 1 Itawstematal Q. Y. Com.lassary. (a Llitut.j I ifirgeaot bfiQur. I Qi1s11•1112•1114r birrtat kVocaoirar) &nun . Prtscipsl 1 ttorpital 24 Mambas foe Smut 6.900 A wept.. 1. OSMAL trewartutinow. Thi. Pa. VW he htlmitmd tato two Dtvtdom of two edged** each. Zech Dtmlow will heir Ilefor ilthareL 2 Akieede•Viamp, (. Oeptelo or SJ•ateseot.) Amleteot Aglat.t.o.mra, 11400 MAI the A6Jo test IhmereraDeperetwmay Quartermaster. Oros the molarot the Army.) 1 Uommtssery of babait....((rom Om Maim Lai of the Army ) Brigrfle will hays, 1 Orisedier General. 1 Aide tholhap, (. lAnotanatit ) 1 Llama Adjutant Amway (. from the Ad. jaunt Elleerare DepantiSeal ) 1 AzittgantQcort.)massa,(.oapialp )" 1 Isaias& thommtetery, (1 capteto ) tha To . Pmide far the torttlAss, them yfil edird to Adjothot Geoerat's Department— I tAmtermot ()Monet. 6 Crptams. • oAre the Oomotheety Dopertment 01.1ore. 991 lirlrag4o. • Ih. idiom nod solaced men. named is pentium Wawa. will mtg. the samo pay: ewolusenuoind allowance', aod be a* the mi. UAW& to iirep - ment: with loan of alit iespoodleg grades mod corps now to lb. terra* The totes of the Vaatmenis of Intantry, Mallory, and Cheery will to paid.. fallow*: cohloarth of each will be age th. ply lOW lakollallMl of 60 1 / I plol. l of angtomellob dim: oseastai awe of Oattotele of totplower licahme; .ad the reIIIOOII4 hat : two pay sod etholwacee ol rim Bold*. O awe bit alma The weipowto an 4 oaddlect will melte U. par old Omuta.. of Caporals at Cooky. Thl. Bolton= doiltwa 11.1orMatertmareeedetet,aed Oonialloso tleralletit, will 14.‘00 MO WWI ply 1104 el todinami se lbe teitot Ahla of tbe araletana to which La i g l i hri l loTbir Bialthat; Tatatlnory fargemata : Coispony idautinnoster ilinponat% aid loam 'Nor, will comae as pey sod glom - tee of deracant. of °neatly. The Batten= Mimosas end liattellou aosrterelsoi Id settOateaiinetty war melee api.owiOnlwat wmf pwaiiihd for 11.01owital Ilikattoote. Thor. will D. eitoet to the gots toraisdaee Depostoweit .. tow Wegrotsen, with the pay and oltodiace. of (how tow of Watch owl an wen, Ahem Wwwww".•••••ital the milk psy and ollowaicae of reepietta 01 CeioUr:•••• Ito eei l phihts at th• kap% ID the lota:mina qt ths Insidap% may aware. Tom wlllO. allowed to each afti MO Obl. °Web. wbo will be a:incanted ty the Regimental Comm oa am rote of tba held 001-wis laid thatpany Ckisontandocs on duty with tha Ihrintent, at the these the appolowaent le to he made. The tat so appointed mat bo a an atitdo.4 lirtallaf aoaaCtirtation danoodliatho. and will 1 ..site the pay allowance' of • Choral+ of Wahl. II twos loam to a nds, eta To:palladia* company ciaceth Od tho Tahntry tad Ct i, airdrilleittinci slit b. .s id the woe mow se Lid clams of a a rook in lb. -Galina% Arley; aod Oa ti lutists' owethi when a swittest shall, hoe. ha tall coidpileast of ea pen. will gii.r etc, no from lb. to tank., be Will hoot sowed the co the toms. toweetstkin of thie Colonel of the Hag went, approved by the tieneeal comouindlrat the Silgado After thecompationot bto negasteatlat, Ow Seemed of Iyri ry or Infantry, anobell of ell the 'wench. which may cow la the iulfat Veda "of coanotesiosoll .man. t 7 ~,,,F t ice gr Obterirllo, 11111 De appointed, es shins from 1611 . Mt. IMATCOMIEIbiItOOO4 omen will be appoleted by the Ciab ode et lb. Oa thoootninotloa el the Captain% op panel by tho Idlers cenimehang liatailiona °caws!" will to takes hem the eillieed men: dardeatits fromurpotole. The O Mg Wing t will bit taboo (ram the 'other fin pom of the ciespeey by thollaptato. - • The aidtelles imatecoll'ethdoood Putt wlll tio appointed feats the Wawa* alb. Itottalkia br tho 14.40 e cow m' e l i. tianissit.l nowcaosmlsalonsil !tiff ertil b. epeeist ed from toe iktgeent. of tboaesbowit b 7 lb. Coloo.li D1TL.1314 ul fro T. 111W1ICIATIOa. Ms. Vas 11+41cosols, (a battanot. 14.160 111,610 Otsslrr-1 Inimsat. (.Iscitudrom)...—.... era 1,11111 Astillsrs=l Illagtssaa, (IS 141 1.914 IT mug griV IiONNZPS. saw smuorts. saw 1101101 M. eoprie Rum SUNNIS SIDON& % BONNE! sumac DUES TllllBOB. DRUM Tll.llO ITiam. DRUB TSUI 1N63 /193 P 11Z11121, wawa ,eLoyss, silegotpintio UNION N TINS. UNION NEM TILL UNION mica TM. ORME MEMO SKIRT'S AND DRAWERS, Oily MERINO SEIM AND DRAWERS. OZET MEMO SKIRTSAND DRAWERS, 41.016 , "MARIE CHEERS FOR THE IttD, MIMS AND BLUE • • I Eaton, filaorim & 00.'s "Unto ° Nick Tlar—ozpolor quality. MUIIIOO . Nut Skala Ldfr.• • "Woe Nock no for Moro. Red, White and Mae. Ribbane, all widths 100 Aggregate TRAVELING SHIRTS dad at lolloo# Ompaii Ofdous and or 1 Wain - 44Jittast c Llootanuit ) wawa as WileirMiagr aisdOomdity,(e Ai/pea I Qaaranctiwer 1 taambrußstigeast: I . 1 Itotpltal eta , ord.. 10:11 SUMO , • ; . • • ifirSILITAAT 00111PA141113 sappllid 14adto isrubbtas Goode u 4 Prdie Obi!. BIJBORTIELp & 00. NEW DRESSciQOps, Puts ?IV • : itutimaso. 421.11sttilloLL Coigne -7 1 Untiddit OctdiM: .1=1"41114 oriosuAux Low MILO " XILYAWAS--Valions -wWros • • X suisjusram rol he :A 17 "MR 8. cosine. ANTIEO-410nd5 .a Mortgages- for an of SW, itincits. o and $2.00, buteglrces As to thou pars to ton. Apply st _ &Nintend PoT qt, 13 Clair stoNa W . T&D--Aetive tfuninere Men, to take Thou Mau lo a - ONa Ootopata, cocatat 133* Maims* -Lcaltio....*lmaarba* leatmuovirtai to gun =dam tkar. for patictasca [optima oelo titRILT * KING. Woke,. 07 Pt. Met IL FR RENT 110RELE AND DRAY VOA RaYsites. OAYLAND PROPV.Irrit FOR -SALE fiNE NSW FRAME DWSLLINOR ‘.." HMI JOT 1011.1.111 D, too Jaortsil bli,b. olsta MS* watt holl W. too mom, Matt sod tata WWI of watarodth Ins arcs of gromod oocicood oath poltag . . . Once. . kW, TWO TWALL TO Alt 11000,10, Iwo reocio oW I 4/ WWI. on Wu four litho Sam llt - AO°, *amber of Mao If ALUABLK lOTA la lb. plea oi"Lbodon ef