222221= . 7 ' ,. :1',: r 1i - 27 . !';'4 ',- ' ',, 4 ESTABLISHED ININ '1786 eatanussion, ASOBOYER, , 0011111113 ION MUCHANT. . Dodder !zi ends and Stifled • CAUTION orm,iatma, ntox, L 9, 10, MEM/ NO. 133 Liberty .r. tr. ORAFFVoinstaos MICYCIIAXT. and . 41 No. 1111111:11 1 / 1 11 1. D i all i. 11 t r e E l lat, =ummn p u t p i n. togno se= ' , 'AL Ira & inumsopoeplAwrkaans,iniiill•M, 11 LIOLEtii # LE O . ROCEREI, Wood .E 4 .Water Stroeta. ' ' ' PITTSBURGH. PL. r. L BODO. JcpiNll.ol7Blll ' -.. 0, ;L it A R• O.RpCI6RS 00191188101 V 41ERCLIANT3, Comerof St*thflold and Water Streets, . ntl PiBMIGH:Pkig.n. Doris & - DILIVOILTEL it=hasu, D3tISISSI2I tWIII4 (1114111 sad PBOMMI go:Lonny, /4 -' O. 349 Libirty street. : • Arreeiream A ON Pitubwa; ' • MliroVtbditSr , trots I Flirt paid*, do, Itrulibiell "A 00.05 . Struse I Dilworth, dog Team I Oa;h Leah; - 4. Mt lOtAal B.aW. t tedereon,Clachrosth Sneak Morin I 0o: dce Webster it DarlariSibleette Sherwood I Odd AK Pint:ors I Hods, Baltatts4 Darnell t Dom% An I.ltlohableterl Oewnean,Ahlheelotig Cookeren Broths., A:X.OrtiliMew "Sort. !Mid & BTLIWART, Wholesale Oiroeerei Coramisaion Morohnnts, • :107 WOOD' STREET. 4510 ' J.' Bi CANFIELD & 00., 11, forwardlr. alerikbasts, Ana sreaeigt. Veatessto .WASTERN.: IWARVE OnEESE, • eurrsai LARD. -MR, -PAWN, 41.i.R1P., Fat! ?foal dab" Palaratary Wand A' lard OR, DA.) troll sad Pradnakderierap. . es., 141: AI L ad 14Z ',rout Stew's., ard • , 'MUM% PA. • - -CUL! 01313P8RD O_OrdbIISSION 41-EtsuIIANTS, • • . - AND DIULLEKS IN G RAIN Pixo.vuoir, No. SU Liberty Street, PITTSBUBOEI, PA. Choke brandy of ?LOUR, 'for Bator'. rod /saly um, =dungy .0 hanl Piiilcdlar attention , paid to aniar 'order. Par liondloodloygedaally. optlyd • I. W. ... 0111DWW.L. UHADWIOK comilisSloN BIERCIIANTS, pitmans IN. PAP= AND mots. AA:iambi for the Naha 2datiOniffg Fite Briok—aud Pot Clay, , 149 and 101 Woad Atm; DM Sixth, Mabargb. is ly ftter u hugauctuer . rico. 13... b /WPM 11.41311:06-11113/11111211 r. IMISACIS 0/111.11AUSII 41, co., COMMISSION MER.OIIANTS, , • creatame. IN ' ' Wool, Ilidea, ProTisionsic Produce Generally, •210, 7 ;09,1.1berti Street. Plttaburgb. filAtilUNt. B. klhall & - • 001011.133101 lIIROIIANTS gad dealers In inou, grab and Produce Gettendly $59 LIEINBTY , BTILINT, Panama% New 810a t, Opposite go Nampa. , PrrilwillEGLl, PA. BR A. FAB:NEMETH & 00.,-WHOLE ahl•Droggist. lad KannNotunres of White Lcal, sad Murry Maur Mod and hoot dna.% PIM, andel et „ =IN & REITZ.% WHOLESALE AND ZetsilDnaggias,ccrnerof Marti and U. ear its, USEYII. SIA.SELLN 0, (tiUtAIIiSSUIVIO U. Wilms* 00 wrier Mazketstreetead Dbinuadi Loop icloshadly, au Wag atoll - and =plea asearlannt of DrvA, ILidlcanes t likticleui Chats, Peatameryou4 Aracka per eun ar OOPFSIV101111:Raar 4;;C.PiUndidat•U R. GEO. , ii., ICZYSZR, 15111700113 T, Lir. 140 Wand strint,eannz 41 Wood- str444 sad -41410 -alb7,Atbbarsty pa,: • . • :r•OHN SCOTr, • Wbulasale Dealer in "U • Din; Palate - , osl2, 'm10411,95 nal Dyad:ls, 80. ZS Clever /1.11 orders will nadi, prompt am% twit vomit 'sinus. ==l • Z.LER :IN PROMISSORY Bons, f buds, klortgotoosiao oil occoritloo for maw, pc, proems loans throagbfoy tgoomos raretr l!bon wishing.. tom' their MOM blood eduatolli, W lalmj, dud Errs and mood duos popes at my affirm, for All Oixiiinwicatkoso sad Iniartiowasfairay amfilloang. Me GRANT SIMIXT, opgadfo Pasa's OsthodroL iltoptut j AMEB 110IA1ES & .Pork Paokers et sad Wallas la Paroirakona, corner of biartat aneltimi 1at170., J)EOH . & :HUTCSON, mmiesion nd forwarding Ilarc HlN Co bants, daggers In Warratit E. flont, Bac" BrUdar, Wand 011, Pot ind Pied Poky Grain, Drkd Pratt, and Prcaloc• innaralll. , Dart Slimly Ilont *Maya on BAW— /waft lor the Salo of Madly= Oda celebrated Patel:dad Pearl Blush— Dm. 1111150=1,1 and d.bprat or, bernata Ward and Sadtbliald stk. Pittabustb. Pa. aPILITO irgiEgst WAREHOUSE.—HENRY 11. aiLLlStb,terwarding and Commission blarchaut,asul raga. la Chan% Butticilbaks "litb Produce gausrally, SO Wuxi K. gum Watur, Pittsburgh. suril latisnOtre, :101LN IL MELLOR, No. 81 WOOD 872., ii•twora Monad /Uhl sod North drug, &I. *gd •11105/111140 &IM' (fiarton) PLANO MOt?EB. Mir PON • 11•1=1111 MODN. 'MODS/nil and 0RG4121 SILI111011aMl• /Ind Dodd In kiosk and Mackal Goods. KLZBBN a BRO., No. 53 YIPI' 1:11.0 Bay APO aftb•Goldisinstp,&As Opal kr MERIN CLAZIL . 3 New ifork)•eusrlysllot Grand aid -• • • • ' ILLARLOTTBI3LUALE,' AL&NUFAIITUR. 163 M ,1131:334-13.331 i Ma. 1t0r5.,•34 boarteref Medi - and aikal Lestistaanta Lola 41031 for the HAILBOBO RIA3OB, oho far ILALLO3. 33313 a 00.'3 Bost= 31.3ce. 3313333 31133333331333 - 313ae3osiat • 1.111 Woad West. "bunivanctltgents._ AL BOOK, Secretary Allegheny kin rSOM Cam pm v, 117 nab a es , 'P.' JONES, Agent Nona America I rt 'itotriim" Paford Insanum Secrotax3reitizens' hum 14, noes 04' mita Marti: sad Wain sts. Tj IiaItDINICROOFFIN, Agent - for Freak • U41:141111.111ds sad Rdlsocapantaa Oompanlay Isato.wrscroesitscd -WM/ft ittiate. WI ALGORISM, Secretary Western ltestr -1: • seasaincosr, es welcomes. • s A. MADZIRA, Agog/ .foe Dolawase 600135. - - - - 11111CHMID::... 410.14 11111111164 & CO, (summon to 'Blur A., Barehteld..)Whobals sad Dealers bi - sad fancyltty .Owds. Nartbaast coma Tooth ma g n :2 4. 1;, LOVE, Dealer in Staple and alloy . , ..Cry flax* elpi at the WOW BM alloy !L PALLIZNIIO., 106 Markets . • 0-10.81sr Wißasuirti, 11.44.ttraw,b1,ignoterydtrn ~LlnnittngS,,&C.' •TOSEPIL HORNS, Dealer in Trimmings, erTalbtattlerlos mad Krim pooh, Tf li6sket it. Fats butt!. - •t6 i ll ARLES Ul EN ER, Dealer in Dry Goode, Q Ktabsoldortimetti v Ta litultet 41.Pittstrerab. BUtiiii:Detiler in. Ladies' Dress GOodit,l jUkji - li.dcomote:; 2ll nth *I, Maar:wet: • 'it'll - ;F44ITON,II.IACKUM &CO Dealersin Nur proldatisai Trliamlogs, No ISaa. 17 glut IP AbStastristiPittabnigh. . ' . • aplb • ~ooi~rtas, ~. - - , G. JOUNSTON Statiotare, - Maakliook. Manufiictium afql ,!ob . Prinumi r lSo. is eel ein*Pittebailtb;ti. ' se.3o lcAl it CO., BOOKSZLWIRS AND STA. Iscerses,No.l3 Wood 'trot. taxi door tO o ablainsbutgb,P. Ochooi and Low &Wow!. --- •"*;l74mbssilt ., ' ; - - . ! kV L. READ,_BOOKSELLER AND ST imam gam Ilberth Ipolto Ilatkftg% Vatntets. J.,91§10V7 IL L. #(115,, Sign apdOnupental Palntei rr 11 , a- tr.,&l2t No. 61 rms. Brun ' Opposite; Odd-IreaoweEsalz. - ,dtiaiiivar .4 1 5 - ' : id;;;~,ti.:;;,.;~,, DAI Grotto. . PRANK VAS GIORDEIR, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION . MSS °Tk7,lll=',.=.3.="4'.%; Maul auk /imam wadi on Cbaapasie: - Warehouse, No. 114 Sewed Street, Pittsburgh. KOSITO Emus I Ulm, Pittsburgh P. Bohm Ock, Plltsborgb gloms a Ordto, do Mullis I Dilworth. do odd --Bprlowsh !Urban& • thi.. atraux RURAL% el Ms lot. Atm of D. it P. ArDenatd - W•IlirtIlle. O. fats 10.1513011.2, 3 1, Pittelftti—csis £1300113, • . APDOISALO a ARCIU - CHLIC, WIIOLESALE GROOESS, Produce and Commhalou llactatits,hoPon 1. MO' Engin and BAlxtecl Boon .td ATRIA l'lmeatsconiltla., ;hew, geed; to. !Tc:). 283 Liberty' Fr merman 5t..9. .1..41241.11ERT et.. BECIPXON. WIIOLEBALF. GROOERS, Produce en end Commbeitat kterebaots. No. 6 elate stria, Maim' Po. nom. uma. 61 , -- • nalOa LITTLZ — a. Taistatao, • WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COM -IAIBI3ION 1!4118011ANT8, Nolen la Prodigals, !lour. Iliasof. Claws, Blab. Csrtou aut. LaM Oil. Ws. Nary Gun, °MON Yana. tad PnTlll7aS a !datritturauu putridly. eslo 112 BICCOND ST., P1TT8111711613 IL • J. VA?WA & J. WATSON & 00., Wholesale (}ropers. AND DIALIRN IN Ropo, Oakum, Pitch, Oils and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Pi O. 136 WATY.II,IITRICIIIM, Abon calthfistd, [sollayd I 1 , 1178131160/1, Pa. WILLIAM BACIALEY, W1301.£313A-1.33 131100E11%, gittlfftrimtvutet, VEtirti Groat%No:UO and.l32 dezoond amt. astword Wood and&nitMeld, El ttabarlds. SIM 1MATD....1111/10TD.—......... 1 . 11 LUX non. OILN FLOYD & CO., WHOLESALE. U Grocereand Oosaiairian Mirthaat., No.lll Wood ood Jolo MIN WILMS. WAIT a WILSON, WHOLESALE ORO, CERN Oommthgdoa Itorobanto ond Notion to Pro. 520• Pittsbaigh Monoloctoroo, No. 265 Marty MN*, 115Naborgto. Ja2.6 ur.s & co., wiIoLESALE: anxius, Produce sod CluouttWoo Merchant; in 4 Plitsbargb ILLattfactares. No. 6 Wood 4reet, Cr Mom Water mad Prout it. PittAborgh. . 11P1 - 1; RO BISON CO., WE u ARAIS =i. ls %lmam Oomaandan aerchanta,and Naha la al Cada a Proialaas,Prodnee and Maw& %mahatma, I%.266Llbalyana, Pidamah. fahltd • D °BERT Dd 7ELL & CO., WHOLZ; Otis Groom% Oommtaxiot god Forwarding kW , *sato and Dl...limit Produceand Pittsburgh Slanufactants, 140.1161Xdberty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. myS 'SAIAH DICKEY A CO., WHOLESALE A Onzon,Oammboloolferchints,sad Nam In Prods ~ No. S 0 Watar stne, 611 Proalstnet.Plttibinth. Jetamitamurs JOHN OLIPHANT & CO., (marinas e. a aupaixe,) MANUFAOTURERS OF ROT PRESSED UU. NUTS AND WASFIRR,CbarcooI. 1101polboo Iron and Nall Bola, BatNr Iron one Illvata. PAIROLIANOS IRON WORKA PaTILIT4 CO.. Pa. Jy3l:l3d Wanbouno, No 11 Wooi ot. Pittsburgh. EXCELSLOR MAO WORKS. ROLFC---7. T. PLUITILTST......T. CAISPBILLL WCFL FE, PLUNKETT CO., GL.A.93 XIAUFiCTUBXCa. Warehouse, No. 12 AVood Stfeet, (Garner of Ent) PITTEBUBOU, Pa. on. SIOIDSHIP.....JOISH S. ADLIS...-.0110. T. leooB/12101. H OLDSIII P, ADAIR it CO., GABBON OIL /LOD LIIISRIWITIOIO . OIL. Moine sous to great expense lo buildios oar Callow) and &bog It op with many I.prolseleDLS...s /et horn 110 other Beflissee, we feel sure MSS.. Olt ®vat b etr• pare& It is clear lead brzilLat, with eli othroelve odors retooled. The beet Vloodoelor oteele—eaaataati, e a 0.4 cod kir este at ota. office, In Breen% Bloch. Stith Wesel, between Idultet ”d Wood we. apttled ILIWt. MACKIIITOSII, RYIIPpI6L a, CO., ,Corner Pike and O'Hara Streets, Near City Wooer Works. • PITTSBURGH PA.. 'MANUFACTURERS uF MACKINTOSEI• ..13LL*1111.11PIIILL•8 LIIPROVID 1./PUNT OtICTGLAT. Ida ;MIMI ENGINES AND EILLDI VALTZA of all oboo sal boot style. llsatng pot op Ilfactdaory of lugs opacity sad of the blot quality, we. aro wowed to do !NM Jobbing, od xi. ' lbdt 'wok to We Wm, waiting that by prompt:am sad lb. ,etwaler afoot tort, to omit public paNsuapp. Wo litiipecial =gallon to oar DALANOND TAINS ClOll, GATING ENOINNS, aa cosoblolua advantogeo bendolbro loustialasd to Nato claareld loglaeat Lir Doom tette dada poorer sad goad 1164 To Lat. lablyd =WA ...Poo.* M. ISM WILLIAM! 111/1.111111111.1. & CO., '5l Panel it;, below Marb , Pittebleah, Pa. QTEAM BOILER MAK RS AND MEET I Icon Workers, Manutectosors d C.roblU. Patna Lommidtre, rod •Ad Cylinder Wins, Mame" lridebm• dm rod, same et" .ceeeme Paz. ;flow P..., Iron lt•ds, VA Dodo, eta A 1.., BLcbd Mart, Bride ad Vlodcd Imo; &me d the 'Dorton oo i Om.. All order. from • dlatanc• promptly .tbod.d to. MN • fittonteps at tab. JOLIN D. KING, ATTOIANALT AT LAW, AND ORNIRAL OOLLEOTOE, DU:lyd WANRIN, TRUMBULL 00. 0810. T UQMA LOWING, ATTOHNNT AND COUNSILOH AT LAW 08IAe, No. USD fourth amt. 001.0 l Cherry 61107. Q SUIiUYER, JR., Li• ATTORSEY At LAW, No. 139 Fourth et , Lowrie's Lew Buildieg, B Y. LU U A B, ATTORNEI •T LAW, irealco, No. II Grant /[rut, mys PVITIMIIIOII, LM. of Bud.; P. p URVIANCE h COFFEY, , . • A270111f1e73 •f LAW, eltiobozgh. Pa. Ofboo In Mellon% Sulldlog. corner ofltb awl Iffy Ito Boat., apa C. B. M. abIITEI. Attorney and-Counsellor at Law. 11405 11.1MOTBD TO LAW BUILDINGS KUHN'S No. 13 Diamond Street, 016:41y.r.1 gliznitnte 806118. nnrielL—.6Bl6 s. vows -aims L. Irmo 11/. 1. VOWED 6 runNrruns AND " CHAIM " Of Every DAsaription. cu yinT,_jus v a 1116tirti Rom. 410 Me• Wueboau—Not. le 40 Smithfield st., WEAN:BOAT CABIN YIIRNITURIC—We Ise toostactiy assabeterbs irriumour ono IMTMOl ' o nd MIMS; 6.4 wits IM attaauon of naa bastatid to Iters6hll6bo. 6 . •4661wr - T, a. TOl.ll/0 • NI 13 tnuatumat. PENN INSTfrUTB, • HANCOCK Bt Nssa Wal 'worn on !SUNDAY, Woad (lay of IMPTtlittia. town: VIS Va Ineloo of at. months 'l. IL 0,111%, scaly/ _ Pauly.) idoots & Mots. 301111111GAIIPISELL, MASUFACTUREROFB9OTS ''and 11110112 of rimy "dasciiptioi, bro. Si lid VALUABLE IMP ROVIG IYI/G Etat In etesith and Atmospheric Hammon. --tETTENS PATENT wore granted on'F eet Ajr. 4114181:0, to Thomas Beerb, tor a very temple and Eerier% lanninveient to Blues eve A tocepherk Uemmem • whereby tb• Wit:rote of the' hawser Is ebteteed, semi , tar *bit re/ fbleimes let the mem of • boo to be barer etlealeg a greet loctfee of poem abet,- 2E3 g o6,;;=d corn* to EUrfaitades o. .. an . • .pooPtra ostuzof esprts.. Itadanbacittera moaners of add tadadd r and ars dud• aaa of 'Maui liatua to naa old Improruarla. la .111 Me 4111 auditor* ondar add out. A modal of dald Impronieudt La loft at tba ote ' Alum 04..0 a Canalat. Aft"' Ind 'al UM . I Grant Lai 'Daimon& dram, yarn MU . '=toll 7 Cali mss ' omit; ind'hara aloo tat um sali4/a. IP. O. WILVEI: . Frundort. Arsatrodar 0.. 1416 M Ay UTTER-3 crocks fresh Packed; buskato *nib Plaid; • I bbl Wet —lust nadvati per CSAIOOK ' murex's-9 au loads &num Wow sisssstesxim 4 ,10- - mums Vat GOIDIE4II4 ,&• • """ / 7 1114 OIL! .01L1-43 bbd. of.tbe Yilitz4.:,ritiVAlS4-64M-04274:6040* ;•'! 1,71 D C I PITTSBURG 1, TUESDAY] ORNING, MAY 14, 1861 omricAL .- NOTICES. FOR SE NATOR-OANTEL L. EATON will too • cabalists toe State &aster, salad to Lb" •of al. ILryxiblter. Clensfy OcusTeatko. sverta • All4lllO . V dsll .ll A, l itlnikk a llopobUcap •ngOonyeedon: ' - - *pit* TOR 'COUNTY TREASURER—A: noYa of the Seatta tate, PftlEatabOrtU te • kir ea alms eke, Wan. tba Itepltaaa Noel. ' Clatvastke. lON TOR PROTRONOTARY.-DANIEL ABUSTRO.IIO will; to • caredidate for ettmlnatba mat Rapublkse Ocravastlft myCla PROTHONOTARY.-E. PATTER SON. dew Borough ct Stradnittam. b • ansaldsts cane of Prothonotary, abject to the cleclldoa of the Ilea Ocaringlow abate! 808 PROTHONOTARY- ISAAC , I WALILItt, Jr., of Bobinson Toorastifp 4111 to • ate for Protttoootam, ootioet to tto Ropublimo o w mb2foto PROT N OTARY-JOIIN 610 X ItlBo2l, of 411logbosty, orill be • couttlota. Fatten to • ••of do ttopobUeszKloorratioa. • • • PROTHONcrrAai.—z. PATTER SON. of Indians Torinbfp, la mats* tat Pro salieet to. the decision of du Ilapabilean Caw Watt°• PROTHONOWM-JOGN G. OUR- Ste, of Alleeway olti;li n emidtdeta tot Praha. • ot to the thstelth of the ilepalellan Coma, • Ittrox. • Mate • ; P.MOTUONOTARY.— UAPTAIN u. ZATOg, et Upper BLOM, tiverntdp, sl. thy votes Mends to' *Tato the -Itspnbttcsa otsslostlos tor ilrataLti m ugar.ar 7-4 , 1 :,:,:° ° ,212 01 MI sad swiss (boot stlf PP" S.Relsesto PBOTIIONOTARY.—D. O.II.ULTZ, of Snowden Tomblp, wlll csadldste tot oomlustiou above Mak subject to the &clam of the Repub. 6.121* PROs HONOTARY.-1110ELARD DLNUI.a Ammo tow=torn tokopp:atod atoms dna% obioci to tilt of it*ltopabll • =atm jaftOto 0001.1T.Y COMMISSIONER:4OIIN untie,uq, a Attaler,vlll b• =dictate fee the efhoe, subSeht to the decide:s of the lipatindus Cba :. a ! fehhto • 'FOR et/WE . R.—FREDERIC BEM, .4 , -710tu.nird ward, Pittsborgh, .111 ba oaidklete tar Comfier, subject to the declaim of tbo ItepabLexe . Coast; • • 'orlon. . loblikto FUR 811BRIFP.—ALAN WBANT: ' al the Peeeoth treed, Plttaburgh. mill offer hhesell ae Mats ter.Pluttlfr of Anat.., want). rehhied to the . Waken Coolentio. bLILUsamiT - FOR 81111111"—IIENRY U. LEWIS, of ISturpOurg, is candidata for Ilbeigr of it.., county, =Neat to tbe lispntglaka Ilesolaidtax Oati• tontiost , tolLio )174ibusitar.—HARRY WOODS, of Pee. Woo towlublp. mkt tbo tau of Ida MICAS to Maio lb. BrpnDlkao mooloolloo for MALI of .11110gtootv 0 , 4111 fr y.. pol beam. 0111 not elm Ws the op i portattity of • SHERIFF.—JOUN ASIKSN, .of the - Elgtith ward. Pittalovib. will to • canal:kW for Um ofIle• subject to to. dinotaloo of itt• .floyabboso 0000. •opotigo. =tato, bILLLSit,Ior Liberty, Conine township. it • caodittainfor Stolid hen, escint7, eutifeet to the decision of the Hooch • • • ey Oonventios. othlite fr:". *MR tit! gRIXF—Th• friends of Gcn.J. & ssor.ns. of Osillas tossablp, raiptctially sego somlostJoa. Eil. pabils seniors. bothto moot' sad party, wslllotown sotto and inky to etsst pablic rsoptjLt, man W tis his claims to elm coodtisratioo. the MIN time, resides to the district saililed to Ll:Abaft. FOR SHERIFF-11Utili S. FLZMINO of WChor• howbetp,stakxt to the declaim of td Repo • loan Coairsatioo. feltto ElentenetD. --- . Dew Dental fartaerehip. o p o D 'B. 87.1CIED3IN8 ec maneesos, be log fartoblo partberablp sad upend so onto. et no. UM Fifth street, - (A few deers above the Postrefiles,) Would cell the ettrutlos of tbe gublto to their euprtior fr ellitk•itr the doutatecture end baratke of all blade of = ILL . /DATA, aid for the gef.dateure of slather of Deetleby. 1/DAMS maktug_s epreltalty r f aey cue style. lbw, .111 imA 44 VOLCAINIVID PLATS TICICTII ea t met Maltby, Durable and Comfortable ebboUtut• fort illiftsisi teeth. They ere guarsotne tots superior fa • respect to th e bed motto plate teeth, •berber Irmo d oo gold or an olf : lb, bum atetalrodal ran be torn at • 1011 could aaaaa ly lons. Tb baring tosperhotly Oiling Gadder, au banning rep with the Voletretre. el • salad eddittorst repines elarrelibe relorka tbeold plats. baltlLldd T :ETIIEXTRACTSIo WITHOUT PAIN.4II ' HI 052 Of L5l APPARATUS WEIZIIIIT !21/011 02 OALTANICRAWILT AAR 11211 D, mallow la the time whoa do spiorelos Can b. nod 6. • advantage. - gentlemen mad Utah boalliee have bad doh. Med. !tad by my prom% sad and ny to tautly m to th. :N.ty sod patalemna. of tbr aluitiner valdorm funneled i Wi t 7l a = Yp' Iol=l aevery eyle the cow OTYDRIr, "Dentist. 136 amitheald at laMi@M l ll 74 First street, Pittsburgh 'scum ....IT. A. U. POLIWk, Dr. Ualk.r.k, fluxion • humid Itrrett. BNTISTRI.- .Da. W. V. VVINDILINNICRO, NO. lot roawra SI . IaNT Wood ald Nodtee.o stmts. Eke bows Um 111 tot r. J.lll sib Wools. iTT"S INFANTRY fACTIOS, 3-1;11;.; r ARDER•R RILILB AND moor INFANTRY TAC I TVA 2 Ida.; RSCRUIT: VILANDII BAYONET MAC= • NOADORY ON ARTILLERY AND INIANTRY; • RUSE'S_ INFANTRY AND RIFLE TACTICS I I ,13111S11 MANUAL for Volunteer. and 31111th aza lIICATIO3B—kot gab. by ./OPER's MACOMB% TeKTIOS—ai eyetam of lostructko• sod Reguhutone tcY Was sad Votuoteets of the Uubed Mal's, compre qt the eleecteee Ind savimente of lufsbleyilAtht xy nod RUlemeo. flew odltiou. • RAT • 00, g•Wee.4 M._ W BOOKS! NEW BOOKS I The Ong Prepetallou; Or, .Red nuptial: Dr./Fell' .en by lieT.l4r. Omusatog. LI 11•11sde sad Poet= by Cattle, Mee 011tefVe Ciereer• Rutledge. Neiusefe. • Mat Poet= blue end gold. fOss B Bistroblesc by Ws& Basils* • ~1 , • Quests af &duty. 1 lo TrbitalUoss: by Antini. S' asigeia tbs. Alps. Women of Worth. lybo We Rbeu. The White Illeeel. F.l l O . 1 1 ' JAIIIII L. aIIAILTS rlls IL rlO YOU I WANT WUISKERB I ....TIMM J. min Less of loilass, Ps OU WANT A MOSTACIIigt DO YOU WANT A MCIRACIII3I BBLLINGITAEPS IMINATING ONGUENT - For .1110...Whiskeri and hair. The eolocrlbent teal plosion In sononatha to the QIII. zoos of the Celled Nom, that tog Owe obtained Ms door/ for ' sod an now mobled to cam to the itmerlata thesbors Jowl celebratod sad amid nommard r Ai. so . offrat4N7 ta by rm. O. P. Dthatrassr as etolotrot pbysklan of scads warm:DO to Wog oat s thickset of HIRERS OR A MUSTACHE In throe SO Ds vette; TOD skati h fo* adjoin, of the fad oard M the heath, sod lo London sad WWI it Ai* a thauttfal, ecoacetfral; soothing. yet I stlanthstbta comyoond, actles es if Or - malt .poi Oa roe% toccata • tiounlfol growth of luso:int bath. If applad la the math, 11 , 149 cam tetarea.madosnse to eyflog op let piste Of the Belp.Vvirth of Dew Ur, 'Wm tenor kV, sad 'ratan o "— */ OT; —. o.th fts offend ,eotrei Omens 11 oot4 smooth sod InDia Tos'fOsenthel tams latingtensteds sitict• la; ginalansre Rolle% Oad aftwass. Intim they nano! bot Dr say thaeldsn Omatoa without Thiiisbaerfbers'itithik. only breath fee th e to the rapid Baur, ko 'both ta ll orders mast be additemed. , =;C:o.est linerwettl*aa .dietpd *Dag will to NZ to soy *be *WIT% by. m s W (heed ..) n ear.!/ secorely pada, ou retelpt ptfos sad , postage, ' at. 4PVII. , "° II^m t j . - • j • - •.„ D9ll4lollT*lllolthfalt 00,', ; • . .• I . prtzgatie •. llLWllasse timektflort Tort. i zl : 2„irth, 11,{MINCl i eerie! sedwrtbs PRo9lilioNs=4s,ooos &murders; • 40001:6 PIAUI 81114111, • •• • 20,0001 b Estn SUOMI MILD MOS I • 200000 IMO= lIIDT4 kr pals cram mot . abonsibl - -lay* • Knox k 'Min& ittAtAberty 0. UNDRIEB-400bilLfrahAlennIn 26, 1 lie iias NW taidiesollalviar ' ' - 114413/Kkbeasto awaso nO7 :..'...1114 .ito. — .oollBT.P9ST§lnappirKl 103#0;t: A2rl 11 1 10-:- - yrailuctik r, (.7 . - egg •