The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, May 03, 1861, Image 3

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    gh — Qsitititt ing-44-trzue°"" of
I• ur . On Tim y!arenoon, a man named Lotus
Ittairetan, in the use of . pedlar, mated thel
house of a prdenela i t ‘ ned Frederick Lachman,
residing on the Frank] road, throe miles from the
city, and offered for sale very cheap, a lot al goads
; which he represented as of very superior quality.
Preseatly a couple of men drove up in a buggy,
and joined Reesman, pretending to \ be strangers to
him. They examined the goods, pronounced them
'a great bargain, and alter some parleying offered
$lOl for the lot, conditioned that Zachmaa should
tarnish them the money, us they bad int the
amount with them. They agreed to fears\ the
goods with Lachman ' who war to deliver them
store on Ohio street, Allegheny, and receive back
the price of the goods, with six dollen additional
for his trouble.
Lachman was completely in the toils of the
swindlers, and promptly advanced the money,
tatting the number of the store on Obio street.
The men in the baggy very generously paid Zscb.
man the six dollars in advance, out of money he
hadloonedtheos, dad they departed. The pear
dupe aeon discovered, on examining the good,
carefully, that tifff were almost worthless. HO
hastened to Allegheny, only to find that there was
no store at the number dee'gnated.
Ills next visit was to the 'Kayoed office in this
arty, when the whole matter was laid before Mayor
Wilson. The polies were at one* put to work, and
It was soon seeertathed where the boggy had been
hired. Farther Inquiry developed the fact that the
buggy bad been hLi
berty couple of Jews boarding
at Burkbut's, on Li streat--a place not an
known to the pollee.
A visit was at once made tri this place, and the
police, alter a vigorous search, succeeded in ar
resting Konoman, together with his two confeder
ates, who were reiognized by Zachmao. Their
names are Phaeton Keyser and Jelin. Meyers.
Most of the money 'was found opals the men, and
together with the goods, ma, taken possession of
by the Mayor. The accused will have a hearing
~0/77014:L PAPE' -OP - rIS OIPT.
FRIDAY ildoBBl2lll, MAY 8, 1861
Iffiniotaimpcia. Observathros the Gitseue,
g. paw, Optician, -68 Fifth Bt. - -etorreehut daily:
t - ' =aux, or nuts.
60 r _
f 36 46
' 9 o'clock, A. At.; ... ......
12 " At. 4. . ...
a u- - r.
• DarocOotti .. ... . . ...
marrsgi PLATER Fen THE cat:array.
Crisisliana Of - all denoinidslians meet every
Morsels at ninworclock, at the Lecture Room of
i tba FinriPreatiyter ion Church in this city, to pri.l
f° ,, the country aid our brave friend, who are leer
int as ever* dnylo defend it in this day of dark.
ens en peril.. : , All are cordially invited to come;
for uestept the Lord seep the any, the. watchman
*shells het inlvAID),
A4joneaed .31eithig or Volunteer Captains
• The rattans 'volunteer Captains, when, services
. -have-been tendered, bet not yet accepted, met in
the co'mmon i Council . Chamber, yesterday, to
take !Rome farther setion in reference to the coarse
• t
to be panned try .them hereafter. The meeting
was largely attended, Gen. Snodgrass being in the
and.C'ept. Rayne" Secretary.' -
Capt. Chairman of the Committee sp.
'..poieted at A ast Meetiet,Jor the purpose. of forming
• the:several volunteer companies in this empty into
!Independent Regiments, • reported verbally that
the - Committeehad duly considered the matter, bat
• in vier of the feet that it wee almost impossible to
tell vital coniPenter were likely to miiatain 'their
. inganisitione, no 'gimlets was taken, and the mat.
lee wee postpoited for • few days.
Capt. Armstrong favored a postponement of the
• orgiratution or reginients,*ae Ablate were not in
proper shape fay that anted.
Capt. Johnston had seventy men to , report to,
sod- be• thought
.the meeting -oight-to take some
action.; .
Capt. "Meting roared the appoistment of a Com.
• ,.:inittee of Three, to appeal to toe Safety Committee
of'thtiee? compute...needing aid, nod to
proilide for tht formation of an liedepeadent Rye.
meet. • The erotica Ins adopted.
Capt. Wilson
: mowed that the Committee be in
creased to five. Adopted. •
The Chair thin announced the folloiring ten.
, llemen as =Maher* of the . Committee Cap%
Bayne, Hay, Armstrong, Wilms and Bahl.
••A very spirited disunities followed open the for
: tuition of en. Independent Regiment: Several
Captains were in favor of tattier the Elatety Coat
mattee-:elide for the .pregent. •If . they, had any
,-- money to tiveiitalte it. It bad been reported that
I.liry' bad-not leant hi therticasaryeallithere wu
,rif tatting. aid from that quer,
. Janes proposed to hire wagons, to throat!'
.lbe epee* tutoilbeg as much u would support a
segimeat.uatil it should ho called intoiservice.
• Capt. Rubs reminded the meeting thaCtheCoui •
• .mittes previously appointed to form regiments wan
.stnliii • eximeace, and that their determination was
- _ - to - form tie regiment..
-- The Meeting then adjoined to meet at four
• O'clock ie the altaraooa, to pear the report of the I
•, Committee.. '
, Tlie meeting te-hasembled at the hoar deeigee.
Lad, to hear the ;reports of the Committees!.
were not able to be present; but-we learn that a
spirited discusalon tuned between the 'captains,
sad theiesult of their , action was—that two Inde
pendent Regiments *ball . be formed, and se aeon
u the field lateen; are eleited the brisisess of
drilling will bo 4igoroualp proireented ; so that the
uses may be in reodieeaa lor aetion'or Masser call
ed upon. We ere heartily rejoiced' at - this result.
Th• PesansyCliail.a Misstate,
moot -Coiiieted.
Our attention ban jest been called to Out follow
ieg paregraphOrbieb has found it. way 'into en
metros,a priata in'abe a/eat :
We learn Irmo one of our eitisens f just returned
irons Philadelphia, that the managers of the Penn
s, vaistaCentral Railroad have notified the public
usat passengers avid ; freight must look out for them
selves( that all the powers and facilities of the
road - are tolls first at the service of the Govern.
meat for the traulpoit of troops Ind munitions of
vier. These will: always hare the preference.--
Pif burgh Gaz44,6.,.
No each article as the above ever appeared in
our colnmes, as our flies wilt show. • It it tin not
beta - oforgid,” 'for the put** of tojering the
road, it is , at limit improperly and very unjustly
credited to us.' 'Wit are sorry to learn, also, that
the publication his irjared the. Peausylvania Rail
road lowa is torrent butanees. shippere bi the
west have been alarmed by the statement that the
PenoirylvaniiCeetral haggises notice that "pas-'
ranges and freight must look out far theasselyeaw
On the emsruy,,the line wee never sotharoughly
guarded wt now; and the puseeter - and freight
trains never =wad with gritater regularity. The
troOpe and marritions of war carried have
_; been so
transported as net to' interfere with: - the;regular
trade and Inset, and this line is fully prepared to
more-an increased *Mount of tither, for the Gov
ernment and tor the public when milled upon.
vismmm Thmbr.
The patriothau iX.tha Penis,lnnis Central Rail
roa , 4 . is pieiTbjained lejtar :
Tailastraxes POOL, R. IL C0.,1
- Pturaummratit, April 25,1861.
Aaixasntit Hamtriesq.; Major of Philadelphia :
Dealt ster—Titeri will be dui to the 'city -or
Philadelphia, on the 15th proximo, the sans orone
:hundred and twenty thousand dollanr being the
eeusi-aunual dividend on its shares of :tack in the
petinsylvania Railroad pompeny.
Presuming that heavy demands Us being laid.
On die CityTtetatiry (owing to the exigentles of
the tinsee,) and that this city will require all its re
vouite,we are prepared, on - yoli request, to ad
souse the amount to .tho. City: Treasurer. '
Very Titecti, ll /r, - - ' • '
manerdarrfilla Blare.
This Gacrempanp - of stoat, ittormasloolrleg mean
under command ef;Capt.llikkle, delved In the city
yesterday, from-.Payette - coati.; _ came
=diva to Brioton'illlatlon mt - Wednesday; whore
..,;:thro !iterted to take theleare of the Peaterjlreala
Regailld - this - ell). -The wsr• inforaledilry
-- -semetiody, that tb•road could not cony Maio, sad
moire dont to Port Perry they were providtd with
virtue at • 101 hi thatl
peas. ght they
' - belled the Miaow, At midni ßruusett, who
forilshed thins with free penalty to tbritity.l Thep
• are cow making arrangements for going Into camp.
Tint DoOozes c CCiIITIULGUARD hive. completed
.their organisttioa by electing Janet/Parke; iCeq.
Pieeideat, and. Mews.' W. H. fleeter and Jacob
Mother, Secretarienc Military ofnears.-Gov. Wm.
, Jobuon," Captiue;'. iet Lientelant;
Zahn K. - Rithirta,2d Lieutenant; James M. Bar.
ter,3.lLlenumant; let -Sinew, John Sather; 2d
SergeautObaries Grpnary 3d Sergeant, Thomas .
'Brown; .4:11: Sergeant, Wm. Selectman; Sib Sir
geint, O.- H. Lore; gib Sergeant, Win. Churehi
let'Corporal, U. Smith; 2d Corpoint, J.W. Ar.
• row 31 Carper'', 'J. -Robb; 4th Corporal, ;Both;
gin "Corporal, N. ;Beekman ; 6th Corporal,:, John
I:myth, • Thcabore company ha, now about one
' b6adred and witty, thembein, and is:competed - eb
molt - entirely ed bileiless men, who will spare so
',effort Jo Mike it 01121 tit. the vary beef companies in
the city. 'Their snooty, for the present, I. in the
room adjoiming 'the Common Council cbamier.,
Tie. dons - 414atai—Tee number of ' Boma
Geste compimies taffeta, reported to Ore Commit
tee- on Home Defebse, ',Seventy. These ' *Mold
avenge at least lariat,. five men eschinahlag an
aggregate of :5,250 Men now organized for home
'defense. When the distribetion of mos; wokh
wilt probably to•aly, is made, the com
panies will be formed tote regiments sad ea elect
. 1012 bald - for. regitattatel iofficerni Oar city cow
. Pealf.ieafs kind t i f f s i' fi t if4mil go tl ia•
is e
it aprictedthat - 'ohm twriertike .
will be able' to tern 'oat at least two tali miments
of uniformed 'Some Guide:. :The imports/me sad
affleemet of isbis mailmen: meat hi resogoiss,d by
wllb soth s(foses ready to tern oat on'the
Ittorteit-a'otice,: ere seed (sir so /4444 bP!revel
:initteloi itaftmommt ud.
liege 13a :=lt , •
will be remembered that Mr. '
idiSeigirti3nos, the enterprising bareher, Mat on
M ate emt4tagramithe Prisittent's board on lain.,
atantion day. o•],has monody remised ea
- heowlsdgraorat of tbi some, wllibb- appasra to hue
bons detained ea Made, ire it is dated—
fi• . lizscaMva fitaiijos, dpril 42,1861
r. Sao, WAtona:: • • •
Hr Dsial Ota: -Priddiat desires toe to: re-.
tam you tharta,' already too !mg delayed, for
the very fits iciest which you sant him kit month:
.1 -
loot 001E4 91#111114
JOY'. B. iliT.:Aniitilkt Beep'
- . • ' :
Diassainsa .
or-mg Ism Vourwszias;-441
meeisag of theirish:voissisers, Wednesday . , Mass
resolved that they ihotald disband. The officers
had sailed•that jbeli,,CiPliallpf heist: smepted bid
been urged si far se'rias possible. They Mated to
their men that by't be tight ofeadority they sbbold
tare bonn aSeSpisolmeeethe daystiori of the Oat
regimint froM Ole Isity. - "They ,'marched 'to the
Iblayorbv office lad iOer giviag three hearty cheers
-for. the Mae and stripes,atabanded, the 1 0 1 . cam-
Pieri•t of seventy men bids,
Tan Rargogia attains, ,
of, Hisiningham, exhibit
;ad 00111011111414pluet lo the following trawslation,
Jost adopted hy• thus: - •• • • -
That notwithstanding thodissppoiotznestsithiati
,s biv ow is* twtopany, la not beteg . astagtad
to - rti/nbitions ; nsadvs:akftaitel fa ll
argsaltsd;lol: vs . wilt not dWwits4,lns hold oat✓
eels to roadlawas ib mvsb , at is toomurs Warning
to raitiono s'eall Of . thaGOTIWIIIf.".
, . .
'Moos Totritiorr—itirito sad istimiiistla west.
rota wars ball held to blooßioariuddpiwbati tbs .
war w discinal, Itititad ladass :adopted,.
bows ittard wrglewd, waiifiesal fig ntiecussd
tie wbollosir4tod --- latt Is a 'blimp - or gleam:mt.
Wa basil lealtbrrsportsTrati'attastirs conespea,
data irbtrbilLwould life so pleasure to to patdiab,
-bat to do 06 abald - br titilajoiro teem ot valuable
rad iateratleit war sism
or. Jai ;tin Itwoixiirwhe-Erie
ashnent,mder command orthd. McNeil; archa.'
cith l .,-Yea.tantaYr Ind - ehet Fared lee 'hi
pn 14,12 4? .I!*** 6 o:tia - 'eanip
They an a die tiodXer:Wlol.;Oid most of ;be,
connyinien me well equipped.: They were 'ac
,licanychiedlFlPLlUCeo.llo.,l‘ P41,41•0+4a.
"ai ma a pa.
7,4 ayalteli airs -
te .. Wee Rea itatatati shat Ahoy hu e
*Wale IT : Lin n j a g* Bores Batik &at :the 'Plar•
:d ipeal- q tri l lNkel; the good wari • cr ' l 7 faidn i nba
j 'p os , ~f + • ,
• •
This camp ha. at Iset • been openeo, and now
contains sixteen companies in all—ten companies
composio! the Ella IlOgiplellt, Cal. McLean ; four
companies from this city, and two from the
ity. Tho men were burnt engaged yesterday in
fitting up their quarters, and Col. Janett wee pres
ent superintending and directing the arrangements.
The men lest night slept for the tent time as a
soldier sleeps—apon a bed of straw with a blanket
for a cowering and a knapsack for a pillow. To
day martial rules will be strictly enforced, the
usual. orders haring been issued to that effect.
The roiTtine is about as follows:
The reveille is beat at fire o'clock a. m-, when
the companies lona for roll call. Drilling Item
half-put five till half-past Aix o'clock. Breakfast
at moron o'clock. Between nine, and twelve o'clock
the severaleaptains will be principally engaged In
lestmeting their companies. Dinner at one o'el ek.
From three to fire o'clock in the afternoon, inatrtio
ions will be given In drill. Supper at half-put
six, and tattoo at lautpan aloe. The lights will
all be colloguiabed at too o'clock, at the tap of the
drum, ad after that hour the strictest quint and
order man be preserved.
The Commissary Department is under the control
of 11. A Wearer, who is aided by several experienoad
°Seers. • Notilthstanding the eonfualon incident to
organising a - eamp, things .are moving on here with
great regularity, the rationito all the soldiers being
satisfactorily tarnished yesterday in the abort period
of two boars.
A Prettiest Suggestion.
We commend the following to the ennsideratlon
of at:4lo6lin :
To rite ennui. or Prrrestmott .—An there
base been rational plans proposed for the purpose
of keeping together the several volunteer comps.
Men now formed, I would monetarily offer the
followintmethod p and am willing to put it in prat.
tiro! optralion at aate. 'wish a ware-house large
enough to accommodate' my company-77 men,
rank and file, and officeri—for a barracks; we will
cook oar own provision', (and attend to all the vari.
one duties of a soldier,) if furnished es, and which
would cost mach leas than any other method.
would, in this way, be enabled to maintain the
morals or my company, and be ready to march, it
required, at a moment.* notice.
oar. Cetera',
Captain Highland Grenadier Guard
•Arrcmer co BaCall" Jatc.—On Sunday lam, tsso
prisoner., named John easfield mad Thos. Bleisa,
.succeeded in making their way to the roof of the
Kittanning jail, but were detected -le the net. They
were_reptscrd in their cells and handcuffed, as a
toward for their daring.. They had been commit
ted for minor offences.
Tat iteaurnorm Ittracs.,-Thia comp- ity, onder
Capt. L. R. Cantwell, has over the Mil complement
of men. It wu expected to leave on Wedneaday
for the rittatietruti Encampment, there to a watt
definite ordirix Once - in active aervice, there ie
te'dotibt that this company will render a good ac
count of itsall.
FLAG Puts roc.— A beautiful flg will be
preaasted to Col. Jarrett, Commander at Camp
Wilkins, this afterooon at !Sur o'clock. 9 his will
be the camp erg, and has been prepared with great
taste and care by Min belie Johuston .and other'
patriotic young ladies of oar city • The occasion
win be one& great interest.
V. M. M. ialdeAllt AMICIATIOV.—Tbia 'ameei.
anon opened out in its new quarters a few days
since, and the public is inrited to viett and see for
themselves. Piusburgh ha. now a Library and
reeding room of which she may justly be prind.
The rooms are located on the career of st. Clair
and Penn streets.
Marano Cowrann Dtasainen.—The St. Clair
Gourds, CePts Eipy, who had been in the city for
several days put, to hopes of being put into sere*
were marched home yeiferday cod disbanded. The
inenlreas obliged to provide for themselves, without
soy woranee that they; would ever be called Into
A Gescaovs Act.—Capt. George S. Gays and
Lieutenant Gallop desire ea in return the hearty
thanks of the Anderson Cadets to Capt. .1. T.
&numbs, of the steamer Melnotte, for his kind
lier and generosity in furnishing maw:sue, corn.
forte, eta, foe the use of the col:lvry at Camp
Bonn= ht. Saurus 0.--Oe Tuesday het, a
young man named Michael Edward', got into a
natural with an aged citizen of Sunfish named Otto
Yarmer. and daring the encounter the latter wee
struck on the bond with& club and killed. Young
Edwards maned.
BAD Wonst,—.oae-half the men at Washington
are complpining that their clothes are &Wog to
places from their imperfect manufacture. We hear
that a great deal or the , clothing of oar volunteen
is is the Was eoudiuoa. Same one ought to in
spect the clothing, and see that lilt properly made.
Dan Nootsi.—Lsiten, it you want dry goods, go
to Barker% 50 -Market street. They lave been
making Urge additions to their former eiteasiii
'took: by purchases in New York, and are saltine
the um. at from
.25 to 60 per cent. less than the
cost of making the goods.
. A Gems Rosaarmee —We are requested to sag
grit the name of Col. Write Holtz u a suitebto
person for Colonel 'of one et the new regiments
about to be formed. We have no preference, and
Ira doubt not that the good sense of the volunteers
will prompt them to choose the best officers.
Nor DIIIIIIIIDIV.-490 or. phmsed 'to state that
the announcement that Capt: McCombs bad die.
bailed his conipany, the lodepeadont Rangers, la
net anat. Ile resigned his command in flavor of
Lieut. Galway, and the company still maintains a
Comptes organisation. •
, . . .
Core tract ,&11nORY.—The Committee of Mine
Deleitier beg leave 'natant ;that the ladies mid chil
dren of tbe cities and vicinity will be admitted with
pleasure, daring this ' forenoon. The anna are
!united, inirwill moon be ready for diatribation.
.011..—The Economy Oil Company, New Galilee,
Beaver comity, ,wised, from the 18th to the 261 b
aIL, 1,167 burble of tends root oil, from the Eeooo
- oii we/le at .Tielotite.
Aa a a sss o.—Three demists from the
camp at Colguana, Ohio, -
were arrowad on Widnes.
dayott_Bridaepon, opposite .WhooHaw, and soot
baet 4)T:tartan.
STARS /LIT sireirte,—Buy your Ans. at mama
Gerard'. Orli.* all sans, at Paitbargb Flag Mon
glaciory, opposite Ono 'Fbeittre.
Aruba New York denial of Isar evening van be
bad a; C9ldetifensra Negri Depot, ; opposite the
Theatre.. Joh. W. Pitlock. Agent..
F 14.4111, all sites, for, poles, stoles,-Sce.. it Pitts
burgh Flag Niettflotory. opposite the Tbeetre.
birß Tooo.—Attention is called to
Ole mod remuseble non nebulae proparallon.a4rer Wert
In soother , colons. IL han antleely new dlscome 7 cod
. In
sot conionarted with any of the µ , dont
weertklspla of the day. II M e eretsta emmely for all the
abearetpaelied, and me:weeny them. of I chronic odors
Kannlng—of weeks, menthe, nod )eye: Barter.
Wawa 011010:1 fIUtOST, Of NOW Yost, are :fiend*
wane Ike It, nod elm Ompeleleira of Use warldwenewned
Mother thank! bared, her medlopee closet In tome pf pe ed;
and containing, an If dem, on Denmark, of opiate of aim eau he relhal moo wan the MAIM eD1111 , 1•OCO.11011
Wlrt he hand an Invaluable eposlde In all net of Mtn UM
complalnte —Ohio Soft lowseal, cbroatnit. ;
• 113 J., arteertlmened. for ode bj rtno.ll, KITRIM
Apes. jakmeon or. feleadeedth. P.. delfalindarl/
LO/!Doctoit C.. Basis, Water Cure and Moore.
wale Phielelan; aloo agent fir Ralabou'i celebrated
_ftu for Raptures.- Corner of Paaii tud .Waen•
from OW 12.6, 0. W, rarmcauertiicra..atbli Ut.
tounak earger Wirturand 74/IA OH. • -,ollly2aw
-! Or. Disirrfrar:•—Dr. O. Sill, N0..2U6 PonD .
ittett, t o all braziotiot of Um Denial protoo.
dr slo•A aProtW t, should not tail to reaa the adrer
ama al to447's
To Horse Owners
. . • . ,
MIST VOW IitIRSI6II Is a telyeled by any/ In ad
llAmor Loaolles4 AbinertriAllktehdiernnes or Wrench•
ant:retie menial amd tends.. lime. ortieddle
6 en . . o44o =ag.r. do, It sill as ruin epeedlly.
sod Won Amy beeully prirentotendenred In
their lodylent inept bid nondirmar awn are beyond tho
posaltlly col nradiod core. Din awe • f tbe land, hornrer,
Sri deeperste or bopders bag It may be eileelaird ;by this
Miami, sad Its hdtblol eyidiritlon odd slereytremote
-tbs Lesenesinnd *idle the GOO/ itetrovil ieltit compare:
- Ilvervibrie *rob boob hiv• fhb vbvidr at laud. Cot
asevly tht Orb tawargoes of lobbing •111 cab
usity Firm, Wig .hinbasto' burp bootboe' b
*WA id Utmost Webb bpi WM& rvbbrviajbui
—' •
The War Feeling In. Nashville and
&c., &c., &e
Wesusoron, May .2 —The President has.made
the following appaintosents : James Harlan, at
torney, and Alezander H. R. Weed, marshal, for
the Diatrict of Kentucky. Hiram Wslby, attorney,
and D. W. Carr, marshal, for the District of Con-
liaorteroue, May 2.—The steamer of the Norfolk
line which left here on Tuesday with the mails and
pusengers, expecting to be permitted to enter Nor
folk harbor, was net allowed to do en, and had to
land her mails and passengers as Old Point.
The steamer which left hers yesterday has also
returned, without going to Norfolk.
The blockade la evidently vigorously enforced
against Vlrgtois. The °Margot the steamers say
that the bay Is dotted over with government trans.
ports, going and returning.
New You. May 2.
Tho Paris correspondent of the Times gives par
tiexlare cal an i ttttt iew between Mr. Faulk
net hlioister to Paris, end Thouvenel, the French
.the subject et the recognition of the
Southern Confederacy.
Me. Faulkner protested moat eaergetically in the
name of his Government, against any recognition
of the new American Confederacy, until, at least,
his successor had arrived. Mr. said Thouvenel
thet the U. 8. Government need not have any ap
prehensions of a speedy recognition of the South
ern Coofederacy by the Government of France.
Sr. Lours, May 2.—The Cairo correspondent of
the Republican cap About a doses 01011 belong
ing to the Chicago company refused to take the
oath, and left the make.
Major Gen. Buckner,' CommandeciirChief of
the Kentucky militia , haet a. contort:ice With Col.
commander of the forces at Cairo.
Much excitement prevail' at Paducah, Ey., and
cbmpamet are commit!) dtilling. Fear
, piet es of
artillery has been leceitedfroM Saukville.
It is understood that tha Gomm of Tennessee
trade a demand'opon the Govereor of Illinois fo r
erns* acid eminuaitioe taken from the steamer C. f
Hillman. The boat has been given up to the °wears
and taken to Paducah.
The war feeling is high in Hubeille. Several
companies are drilling day and night.
A twenty-tour pounder and a considers We num
ber of troop are stationed at Columba., Ky. The
town is carefully , giarded.
Stranger. are closely watched. The - people fear
as attack firm the Cairo forces.
The steamier Julie. IL Smith slipped by Cairo,
and landed four hundred and fifty OAPs riles at
Mr. D. IL Denlvan, collector at i hi. port, for.
'warded Ma resignation to Washingtoo yeaterday.
Sy. Loom, May 1...... The election hold yesterday
in Marion county, to Gil the vacancy in the Legis
lature, resulted JO the triumph of Mr. Lipscomb,
Minn candidate, over Thomas L. Andemoo, sects.
•waist, formerly a meinhor of Coos ssss s by one
hundred sad lonyan majwiiy. Maughs,
'here:Wotan, was elected in riclann county to fill
a vacancy.
berisrotra, May --The Rhode Weird Artillery
and the Fifth New York, Regiment bore arrived,
but are not yet landed. Another rummer. I. in the
bay, thought to be the ;Baltic or the Ariei , with
the barmy, New York Regiment. The steamer
Maryland and Kill Yon Kull hare arrived from
Perryville, with locomotives, cam, etc., for the
railroad. The Rimy Ninth Regiment is mooned
along the road between here and Waehiegton.
The mead are mationed within hailing dtatence of
each other. The captain of the Sixty-Ninth arrest
ed a epy oe Monday night at the Annapolie !auc
tion. He wee just from Montgomery and had im
portant dispatches with him. lie• gave hat name
as Henry Grum!, brother of Granny of Hoboken,
who way killed by a Cuban some time ago. lem
informed at headquarters that be will probably be
bung: Therion of an indoential family here in alao
order meet to a tab he lbaying opened dmpatehes
delivered to him at Washiegton. The crampon
dent or the Baltimore Sun has lea here for fear el
ante- It is said that the.popalaee was also
ready. to lynch him.
The night alarerwaa doubtleaa a rime to try the
It la uportad here that the Legialaws w
donbtlen call a convention to meet on the 30(1,
A Bandsmen from (ha interior of Maryland say,
that the Union (soling Is gaining ground: daily.
Ono week of secession rule has disgusted many of
Its former advocates.
4 o'clock p. w —Too IteaMerOshlG bu arrived
with the New York Zonves. A rut &mecum
lion is to tdmade of their I.odlog. The plulen
g r. report that they bad a lively time on 'board,
bat the ZJUITIII were really chsapPolated 'in not
being permitted to visit Baltimore. '
Tb. Battle reports all 441.1 in the Bay. the gat
boats are eneiziog outwardly DUI op and down.
The steamer Catalina haa jut arrived froin Now
Yolk with provisioaa
The Fifth Regiment has not yet landed from the
steamer /Cedar.
Sr. Loon, May 2 —The Cairo correepondent of
the journal writes as follows We have been able
to &neonate the main points of the converention
between Gen. HilC4oCt, Senator Johnson, of Ky.,
and Col. Procaine, which epeeists of additional
guaranties on the part of the former, that Ken
tucky vas determined to trinetain a neutral poai.
boa, and that she would not allow Con Waste
troop• to cross her coil to invade any Northern
state, nor COllO4OOllllOO orgarovng any portion of
her own cannon for that .purpose. le recta, she
required guaranies on the part of the authorities
of this State, that her territory ationid sails no in
'anion from Bilotti. troop,. They protested
against a blockade_ of the rivers at tbie point,
claiming that thsjuradietion of Kentucky extended
to Minces inhere. Nothing but monition• of war,
under We pascal statue, will be interfered *kb.
The Penracola correspoodent of the Mobile Ad.
valise?, node, date of the 2bib lam that several
Borbette guns hare been removed from Fort Pick
ens, for what purpose Is not known. Aleti nine
tntine. bane been erected outside the fort.
The Montgomery corteepeedent of ttie name
piper mays, mach anxiety exists relative to the
present conflict to the border states, especially
Maryland and Virginia. Great activity anima in the
War Depannienioind troops are being turned into
tht? Geld. The Cabinet has decided to call out
14 regiment. in addition on the 30,000 already ob
tained, more than finable the whole timber, who
have tendered their mane.. Six of the new re.
&ante will he Wail from Southern State. not
members of the Confederacy.
The Montgomery., - -government will en-operate
with every Southern State, and iotnish them money
men end mneitioes to aid them to resist every
force brought against them.
The Legielature met at Jefferson City to.dity.
The Senate organised by Elm elation of old ofii
The Governoire fiteseage will be reed 10-mor
WIMILLTAG Alley I—Theurned meeting of
the merchants of ibis cityi;to take into oonsidera.
don What action mould be taken In regard to State
license, met this afulipoun. • Tho Committee made
a report, setting fortb,the laws in ?granges In this
matter and anbmltting the following retel [aloha :
key:toed, That whilst we cubs to be, as trip ever
hare been, true and, losal
,citiseps of the State of
Virginia, obedient to the lairs end all the demands
which have been made or may be made anon:at in
sumardanott therewith, we at the same time hold our.
salves loyal oltheimet AO Salted Stater, and will
maintain our illegisioe to, the same as we 'have
Rewired, That we are willing to pay our license,
texas, to accordance - with the laws, as long ari Vis
tula shall reassin one of the Vatted -13 tares; kit
we are not williorto pay any reasone to the portent
usurped government at Richmond, *blab, without E
the wavelet of the people of Nirglials, and in Viola- ti
tloo of the Suite Constitution, bas assumed to ati• "
solve as from our allstatanee•ln Use United fitatu
&minimal and %minder It to the Othrediustedlates. 11 '1
That we recommend the mercharite of pa
Wheeling end Ohm counties to withhold the,,psy- ed
meet of mei on their boobies* for the present, w
The resoloilloas Were unseimously spopted,'allair ge
which the Chairman -ennoseted that the commie- b c
loner of the revenue, to for Ward his patriolid
dertakieg, had resigned :his s olSceptonsequintly pi
no'a9manentilcolild - Ire - ioade. 'Three cheers ,
were given for OM and a resolution
wee adopted to reimburse blot and present a Mlles
testimonial of their a_gpreciallon of his CLICIEft, The
=toting hem .veryhirre, Mid adjourned with three t o
cheerefor the Opine, now and forever. The he. t e ,
Goo of the meeting has crested a good- deal of. ex. -
eitement, sad is improved on ell aides. •
Tanner, N.4lay . M 2 =The Lag Waters com
mittee bits been busily toasted in pedsetlog the bills
to emu into street the recomnindations of the pny.
This Moraing, in"ibe A Mbly, the Judiciary
Committee adopted a bill fork inn Orsl,ooo, ..
000 1' ,
bearing sir per cent. intermit, and appropriating it i"'
(neutrino ol defense, and to support the militia °:
called into - oarlike.- The bill wee ordered -to bet
~ •
printed. . ' . . , ";
Id theSenite, joietritacilutionn warn ordered-at
third reeding, declining the unalterable parttime
leaned 'bf the Colon,' and instain the Cenral
Government. A bill authorising the city of Newark
to hOmm $100.090, and Trenton to borrow$10,000;
liv aid the fardilles'ef wilnateen, bare been paned,
sad a bitlasibling counties to borrow money tor a
like purpose wee madi, the special order for Ton.
day ant, .•... - . ~. Oi . '.t. -: " '.,.. - .. . ,-,1 ~.
/be members of ilia iiollllll heti! a caucus to-day
/trend* 'Spun the Jeedoseekteeeeertto be tikes.
lie Meth% wo , Plinio. 1 • ' • 1
Sr. Louts, lief 1.--iPeoneeolaadviees to the 21th
say that loops ere }working day and night on the
batteries. Toro COMPiiilo hare Jan wired front
Nee Means, and are erecting a three gun battery
for the Wiese of PC:1411120i1.
aid T a t o data to:the 26th say active military pre:
panitloni ire going on; thronghoat the State of pr.
aa. 3244 112•Cellorgh milmaata for the tiontia
fah mostermi into sada.
8 12 A n i m o o , , April 2011.—Battarbas ant Wag
ere - 0W at Galvanical. 'Forts Bliss old Qultman
rill coon be garrtional by Tew troopi. Moan
huedred wolustaats earolltat at Galvalton In four
days; 1000 more (n the country ban offend their
Is tllO. '
Wroguratott, May 2.—The National gag was
hoisted at ;noon th:da over , the Interior Depart.:
meat, for the tint tints. It was elothasiestioallY
greeted by4he dolmen:lass of 'plasters and by the
Rhode Mend mistiest, whole appearance and drill,
together with therm imic, elicited general praise.
They werimmompanted by Gov. Smarm and suite,
in fall uniform. iTtle President, with Secretariu
Seward and Smith, were near the staff when the dig
wu belated, mud after Saluting It they wire lo turn
cheered. The regiment then reentered the building
where they' are quartered, singing .oor Flag Still
Wain." I.
2.4—The steamer Stir of the
fireriloon for Annapolis with the
gident, and received the 13th
authority from Annapolis
isctiment of the Gib Niw York
mai while attempting to 'draw
rail, and abut him in obedience
i airmail two spies and stopped
tie r e, obliging them to return.
dri tie is below. Her adpiees
iee, iced from St. Jame, N. F.
Arm Year, Ma'
Booth, soiled this I
28th New Yeah ft
It in stated, on I
jeoCtion, that a d
regiineal might ■ t
the Spikes Bola th
're order. They al
two Wald, (rote Ba t
The steamship c
have been already i
- - a l
es I
Nitvr Osit.nas, Ma 2 —Col. Heuderson; ;with
right huodreeter ns, captured four hundred and
Ility•Federal Dori, o der Major I'. Sibley, who
were from Indian In, lad uttetopted to escape in
two 'male' verrelst Vitt Dorn pursued them in
three small steamer. add shortly their route sea
ward!, was cut oQ bla strainer horn Galveston
with one hundred rod went, men red three pieces
of artillery- Sibley in imparted
tbot the men will he allowed to either join the
army of the Confederate States or take in oath not
to serve against it.'
Binmantlio, Mel .—Co). Kumla ermmind,
from Potter'and Mae a coned.., arrived today
consisting of 150 nine backwoodsman clad in red
shirts, and many arme with rifles. They're ac
companied by a bran l band. Two hundred and
fifty So!madam a fide body of man, also arrived
from:Bradford county. !They made a great display
of thga. The arrrtal Jul the Washiegten idles
from' Mount JOT made lop oearly a rum:lnt.
Loutivna.z Alai2.—iltirer falling slowly wilt
6 feet 9 inehea water inlthe canal weather clear;
.; ;
The Union, recently in Wabash River trade,
which was under repair at New Aqua', was beret
this *outing; cause! unknown ; lees $9,000. The
engineer ia .ouppoind to have perished to the
P Pater, May j2.—The steamship United
Staten, from Glasgow. bnand to Montreal, is ashore
on the Bird nicks. U. boats ant gone, and thew
no person aboard.: The sea is roakteg a complete
breach over her, and ; the hall is breaking op. dace ire, 114 . 42 y —lhe schooner A raminta
Rents*. for Reetani reperts an loser/nem% In Yu
tstan2: Capt. Duman, o, the West India Regiment,
telt tor the slums on actiion.'
Bosion, May 2,HTtie steamship Cambridge
sailed to-dav with semi! volunteer corps, inclu
ding Major Dudd's batnilion, supposed to be for
Fort Monroe.
Prom tho N. X. gethin* Pao, et
•Wastmbirroe, May I.
The agent who wl e dMpatcbed to Canada to pur
chase arms for the Government M reported to have
been atieceutol In his Minion. The Government
ban received admen that elarg• enormity of Kw
glint arms has been 'pcmcbssed from the Canadian
authorities. Misers stitigoy is expected to arrive
here soon, aid the diotributioe wall take place im.
Governor NUM, of North Carolina, writes to a
friend io Wathlegthe that the Confederate troops
will woo attack Washington.
Lieut.; Neiman, 01 the army, mon his way to
Washington, and it M end that he remade to
offer his resignation. ' •
Senator Sherman, of Ohio, has been appointed to Gen. Patterson.
Gen. Scott will soon thane his headquarter,
from Washiogton to Phtledelphia.
The Government ititeelle to concentrate a force
of thirty thomand men at the Capital- [lordly
oneamilf that number, hiterever, have yet arrived
at Washington. Detachments no the way will
rapidly swell the originate to the 101 l contingent
It is reported that firnAll.
,L Denham, late a
member of Coupes* hone South Carolina, is to be
created with the commaed or the Confederate
troops ia Virginia. .
It is certain that lot every officer who has resign
ed on account of the 'troubles or the timer,-there
are ten applications for their places trona retired
officer*, who regained preheats to the commence.
meet of the aetenion fevoi.
The Coilowin . g istelligsn'eeis hereabout reported.
Whits the Abode based troops were coining to
wank the Arteispaiis janerion their scouts arrested
an armed brarylaad observer. lie feared for his
life rad begged for meter.) The scoots took a rote
whether or not they should hold him as a: priaoner,
and generanatr decided to sat him at liberty.
Lord Lyonsithe Britloh I fdriaieter. Janie. the re.
port that he had solicited the great of an armistice.
There Is not a word of thrill In Lb. former rumor.
A rivet■ from a member of the Seventh Regi
meet m hi. tither, dated Washington, April 2Sta,
etas. that the regiment out that morning received
an addition of one bendred and nasally-five men
nom New York, alt in `rod health aid spirits.
The writer 'Faye: "Ala secessionists were caught
yesterday in treasonable acts, and two were shot
that morale( at' the Navy Yard. One is to be shot
to morrow _ monies'. Ile was in the employ of the
Ordeance Depinment'cand bad bees eel to work
filling bombs; but instead of charging them with
powder, be put seed is them. Several men have
been arrested for tenni( op the track of dm rail
road and they will be sealmarily dealt with:,
A privets letter from A niapol is, April 28th, say.:
"And mew to give you is example of the pun
ishment traitors receive, we can see from where I
am writing, about tied miles Irmo shore, on the
yard-arm of the tinted titian brig Caledonia. Moe
men Aar:gas—pa* for smuggling provision and
powder to toll rebel* at Charleston; the other For
pilotmg the Seventh Aregiinet on the Chesapeake
bar—with the intention that the Baltimoreans might
get possession el Annapedis before the Seventh
could taud,l4 was hot rite chirp enough for
the boys: -They respected his imentinne, pot him
is Woe nod coneyed him , on board the brig, mad
now be is hangieg ror
A Monotone Prolix Di imposer —The dial, stets
dated it Richmond, arinorincing, on rebel author.
ity, that the (overtime& bad asked for rrart armis
tice," wan'atenoneced le the lieensog Post, at the
time of its receptina, its a Ad, kittens canard. The
following offieral conned ietioa from the Aatietant
Secretary of Suite team r e ceived to-day by the
chairman or the Union De eine Committee of ibis
“WAIIIII illOrli May tat, Ifiel—
V.E.smon Drepsr, Chateau+ : There is sot a word
of truth In any of the newspaper reports of armis
tines made or proposed. That sort of buitness
ended on the 4th of North.. P. W. StWAIIO."
Artaarotis. r • * Md., April 2 . oar companies of
Norris Cita rifltlf have km erased from Perryville,
by the steamers 11. 1.. Gaul sad Maryland.
The simmers Montieellci earl Irmo zacoaleci Ire.
In the barber. ._
Ac Albany reerneal.maiched this mauling to
1 ,,
the direction of Anna Poll Junction . Furti fi ca-
Con. commandlog the Ana po l is railroad and - the
country road, some two ilea front AnnapAis,
were thrciwp aryeaterday. ,
Annapolte sue made I military depot yesterday.
Brigadier Gamma B. F. Better will remain here.
All the movement, Ire al secret se possible.
Orders were giros yesterdaY to arrest all newer
paper correspoodents. . Semething . impartial Is
gong on. , •
1 ,
Ilatnesna, May I.—At boon the fitar•Spiingled
Banter • was raised, with Out demonstrations of
enthastasm, frets the Poit Office and autunite:tie,
by order of the newly appointed officials. •
A large crowd assembled In front of the Custom
Roams to witness the flag raising. A new flag stiff
was eroded ever the portico) and at precisely quar
ter to towlrireaptain Freels', a veteran sea-captain
of Fele, Pettit, who was enlaced the honor, drew'
up the flag, Which, as It spread to the brew, was
greeted withlremotolou; applause, waste* of bats.
cheer, for the Raba :and the old flag. The crowd
than joined is singing thp"thar.Spangled Banner."
LETTER *Ron iwiutsuuaa.
Clornrcondinee o! the Plttabutih Onattc]
- Itaimissona. Noy 1.1861
Eds. Gazette , There in come confesion, here, in
ofGeial rankle, at learning totday from 'Washington
hat the requisition upon Pennsylvania is only for
in o • .
sent regiments li o ! Instead of twenty-all
tgim nu in addition to !been tint called out. The
robs Mil , is, however, that ell the soidlers enlist.
ran not riga he'd to Gaup the quota ordered hoot
rash gton, will pe retained in the 'orrice of the
stet and —empioyed yin the 'protection' of the
in be Senile, ; to day, s tufty petitions wee p
peso Lodi Stay laws were read in place by two
mambos, cad the ;Todiciary Committee was author..
lead t report ,opon the Slay taw by bill or other.
A hil l was mimed, aothorin egfiebnylkill county,
)bor ow $30,000; to supPortthe families of solos.
yrs. Similier bills were reed its place by several ,
iemb re Iron other counties] and Mr. Penney Pro
t: -
oiled the Viethion:of the Connell. of Pittsburgh for
nitwit it to borrow mon, ler boa. defense. -
In the House, 'the inject or tbo Stay tow wan
to erred to ciipeelel committee of seven, of which:
Mr. Duffield, or Philadelphia,' Is ehainolo. The bill.
from t e Semite, reetrictieg the lettelittion of the yes.
ion t the 'objects,' embraced ,In the Governor's
Ira e, we. peered. Beier , this nothing was
The piioeiptil meaning emending 'etteetkta
ries this 'stilton hue rat 11 8 , ben
tit t ity Bro. - thew sill be but little dame.
cAmrSanT.V O 4 l .
Met I. Oa yoratflay I found - i t impog,„
siblo to write yoa, kr two , ,roa;oaa. t*
oh, dull aod parade Oaring the atiro (orb:boil lad,
illtiliti.Vl34lka •
atabste, Wflidriisa ix to'hid the isle which
' -
*.:' • , .
fell in torrents; theyall being a choir* spi ri ts, yaw
may isitaginelhat all your Sean ot &idles woad
, be fully Terified. 'ls one corner, some fellow
ing his neighbor for stealing a blanket' another,
for singling a bayonet, a thud., blaming his next
neighbor for stealing his bottle of Sea Eye; tear
others playing p; one or two cleaning like
blazer; another ringing the I left behind me;"
two bad been doing duty uletip, with an empty
bottle placed along ride of their pillows, known
ore commonly as knapsacks; while our artist, is
his line, drawing portrait. o f steeping ones in
his folio, which, by the by, are first rate. Vi e are
all artists in our special lines al duty. Some as
Cooke, others is singeog one can play on any in
strument of music; while cub and all are good
fellows, The Shields Geards raised tighludy yes- -
tarday, on account of one fellow claiming more
than his share of grub. This mooing the mine
thing secured, varied only by its being coffee.
W. have men of all kinds from every porton, of
every branch of society; but op to this time no dill.
gully boa occurred between companies or regi
ments. Health rood, and gpitits in fine condition,
and feel the soldier all over. Time in up, soil I
most close. • Yours, truly, D.
The Craps
Recent intelligence assuresoe that the crops
in England are improving. To some extant
the same is true of other portions of Europe,
Should peace there be maintained, and should
the season from now till harvest time be ar
onble, the leilciiely on that continent may
not be grog
rage there a
eon beunfavi
With ns, wi
hand. Who
It requires
army than
The destine'
wake of an
tending war,
and less owl
All these col
to put in I
well, thong
promising c
strong pro
may be un
supine now
thews tea
On tie other band, should want
, they now threaten, and the ma—
rable, the deficiency will be large.
is not problematical. ' it is on
var there is war there is waste.
ore to furnish the rations for an
feed the same man at homia.
ion of crops often folio* in the
army. Serious excitements, st
emma less breadths to be sown
to be given to the cultivation.
• ,rations afford encouragement
breadths, and to cultbrate tham
we have a surplus on band and
pe in the ground, since there is i
bility .that the &reign' demand
, dentedly large, and that oar
n hard may be frittered away by
destnictrons of war.
Arrivaisltt the
ST. OUARLEEI—iIo:oer of
.'rinclpal Hotels.
I Third and Wood .tint..
Newkirk. Wadi, 0
111rptonal, do
11 P‘LArga,
11 B UwwlC.f, Mod My
* T Nobleman, do
0 Our. ElandOoky, 0
I It 8011, New If orthisvilla
A Boys% ao
Ulm L Ctawlard
Lincoln, N Y
J Grown; Wiwi
W P Akiorw • lady Boon Bt.
ft A Young. W..h, P.
C W NoLaoloi 3 Ooo 'tubing
Clout J 11 Clark., Bri
.1 Jostles, Arlo
J A IJpplocott, Bleubouville
J B Lome, du
AI.O Whits, Phil.
Itobblua, I.•
1 0 Sim,. V.
• L Marko. Ptilla
afro 1111 Abr. ohdk , •Itoooll
Aboar/6W, . do
I V/ B boot, Woob ea
J ilcretnr4 Philo
111 80b..,. Wash
um* W. 7 sod Irwin atroet
Wodwl, Clay.dood N l
0 U Pacsoba. do
• Witham Watt, p.
OS Wilford,
Ilalaisad, lictripbla
' J Thompiron, Ida Liverpool
Id Aiwa, Loa. co
• A.E6 , 13, Allimace. 0
1 , . Klitanolog
W Hooter, Jr. Pails
J W Holey. Walachia
0 Thome. LuziOs• 0 •
W Maim, Lowlatinro
0 0 haloo, Cincinnati
A 0 Lott, N
A if Ocosibm. it AA, Phil.
111 Narks b. do
0p..% Ounevatbatir
It A rotor, PiHno..u.
.1 Non, Richman& 0
J lez.n. , ,estanongbdrg
11 Florard Woolter •
Newer, do •
laambard. Idd
U 11 Somow. - Padla
J W Young, Ohio
BOOM 110UNR-6oinc; Doi
a. O. K
A W Uhler, Yrleodeblp, N Y
W 8 Noble, J. 171.01) tti
A U W CrWab, Phlla
JAI" Uall/000. do
I P 111oCalwout, Praoklld
Ikodool Uodlaray, do
JT P Wawa do
I W gavot, JaaLotolan, N Y
T n Austin. Capt. of Co. d.
Wayo•Onawl a. trio
AN D Lyon, Ist LL do
Bated 21 "
8 2 booth, Ord', &rel. do
U L Ben•o, ISO. 00. B. do
J P WWl* ho Lt. do
UraworY. 2d Lt. do Joel:101.P, " do
J Dowdrim,Onry FeLda
Jno Oradea Copia)
A /I Val., 14. Id do
20gora. 2J Lt
0 Woodward. &I Lt. do
11 JCL Ore, Eng% do
IldrlBloB U01:181—N.
'N UsennothOationauiville
Chu J W (lunar, Rae
II D eragan,
Jana. 111 limiter, do
Jamai Rola, do
Alex Ellice, do
Walter N Deader, do
D D kleblesp, do
• el Caraming; ancinoall
8 J Pandora, &Unborn, Pa
U Berchfield, do
J 0 Parallel/at, Rinllntoe
W 0 0400qAtIorg
Dee D Grabens, do
Jobe Brett, Sat Liberty
itise Lather; do
J. El MIII, do
Nis Hate
I erg, P.
Pollock, Re. 00,11 n, ID
Js I Jobftston. (halation
U Robinson, New Phlik 0
las L Onibarn, Up o; Char
.341 Liborly strict.
Ure Melaka a eon, mot
J Fl elmp.w , Wheellrg
Gloometio, x Y
J 11.7. Molylsol
a Omer., do
A Tyler. do
0 Ilcilooan, PbII.
roar, do
J 8 Bwwa , Polveo, 0
't Cm, Ihoodooky
.1 8 Erick, Ps
0 0
0 W Illrloroid. o..rmestildo
W Daogeest m y, do
L Tattoo. do
CWtlt 8 Elyneo. do
J DI ',Con:moored].
A Limos•
ferollie -
J1 , 111.* A.Loon
U •
J Mama. do
CI /Cliff , . DeltokAdo
R 8 Wood, ;auto:Moira
W J nom, Johnstetro
IS O Smith, Winitooriiiiml
Lsn LLh , do'
OW ag moo, t:
L Orem, Ft
W Pamnia, Altlan.
f Ik3rtakk, do
I L Gramm. Mas-lulos .
Cboecy, Ooargallmrple
D 0 Mier. Wogt Heston
43 . 7. 7. HoftWiPtatleds
A 8 Chow. CeozolliwOle
• • WM. nO/013b340
T T Eleflozetr, Lwow se
H Poydor, atsdrt 1.
0 W Ratter, Ilabuto*D
W T Coda., CloacteilinElo
y stra4, below &oros4E.
Joss Tay
Rowlo, Moir Watistov, 0
a Broom, lod ro
J a Goan,
u o Ulaboll. oo
firiComior l
la sad, ilonooo
U D D 0.0.11/. SlUanodlos
fawner,. r,ons
R T &ItOonti, do
d JH
U Woo, Allosbony
Cnuato, oalsollto
J Herr, &alit
tl Oook, ilasotiertor
• nava man—ma
• Wirra. NUM
a arable. llllnobr
.1 Neel, McKeesport
a llllUaborg
I II Masai. do
Ocular. Wet Newton
I I Poishor. 1114, n
.• • .
L McClintock, Latrobe
Os's, Warman
A A Ilegroaa, OL IO
J grams,
D Lamer,
J Dredrnma, Arandroog
A Oaetaer, Anartroug
O Lm DerAlarelebtram•
• Ramat, Vapitta co
8 A ronld, Oa 000sbarg •
.1 V
L Adam, do
R 11.1 Rom, do'
.1W Wall!), do
Vf Reoohan, da
retaseken do
0 Malty, ee
" co, Pa
• Ri'cLuma I CAW,
I' WWI, Beenlllo, P.
I II e.AAeß•Jefenoa
JA Atnutro•O Prmipon, P.
■ U Menlo, Clotryrrllla
ikm• 90 .1064 DaLlacco
0 Ullimang.llllaccb.aler
J 8 Canayboil, Ilkko(pP.
Bactannan, do
T U Atklittn, Carrollton, 0
ler%*knea.,lC A Wa New d
• name Way and Hancock at
El William; 8010 co
ILVArra Shapborg •
Copt B om4oo, e B 14.40
J Porn,
04.124444 B B Xtbo
03Rano, ikever co
L J Bought,ady. Besiar
Rltongt RBI
a M ausioso. Brookylato
RIND. Warm*.
0 Malmo% do
A • Gard%
A 8 Nesmith. Warred
•8 Moons, do • •
Jottsstas .Weetesuisslnd
wet; tUtfteates
litiOr.eNeetos to
f Maths& do ,
/co MUM sad Third .Inch
',lMoreartell. •
I flf b eaml n aTm a r t A", '''
0.. woody, ehe ter Co dg
OCT• ankh, While
A 0 Weak, Allegheny
1 A Miller, Mcgomport
I le.
to NI Liblf , , do
W T AMER. Moose ity
Joho Aitep. import ,
J 0 Tholatoa, Famtteio
Wm fa lima, do ,
Bill Aim>. do
(1.0 Thorodell, do
De J 0 Loog, do
11 E Rook, d.
—No. 137, Water Week
oil/IVMM. ,
T Beaky. Brow/ am UM
II inder, do
W Ppm Ir. d o
B DoeLloe, do
6 Wood, do
W a L.k, inut.),in. -
J V Dealt, Mow, oily
• It Illiiiev, de,
IR Read, IIcIE
, No.lly Bt. Olair Mmes.
le Baarauthal.
J B Ruses% Wood., co
U U . 7.1, Temp to •
4 W Paterne, Brookville
I 0 OalbrOl. do'
, U t i l=brare c rot l ..
4 R /Rabb,' do ' •
1 A Beeldr, bee renemille .
Jobs Gordon, Malmo, 0 ' •
W threat, Team, Wait, Co
0 IlePeaL, do
0 A Pe:M.7N Totneyavllle
i P Will Carlos
V hely, do
II II Wllbelen,tharkm
II Thomas, do
P omaa, do
0 A T Cook. Marlette, 0
Mn lan, Omtmville
II id ZW, Limailone,N 1'
O. L. =Mtn,
Boom D. Pcatot„ Otodobbcodf.
B-ay Rump, Ewa Volley
J It Wirt Notts co
!I Baker fort* clty
Vm Earkoo, do
Um A I PortroOold A moo
U X Hazlett, Oleo
A OWN do
W J Vats% Woo city
W Oneoo A. 1.090.7 .
II 0 Almond. do
J U Pell, P., of oo*do
W E tato, Clap Maim
EIW 81000, O 1•120
Ilmbeio Stood, Broormilllo
W &Miran, do-
W Boni. do
Robe 'abloom. P.
Vb. "abeam, do I,
flom't Woad. do
W Wlliaa. do •
W !Wm;
BED LION 110111 . E . ,.
L P. 00111 , 01 , ,
- - - -
J J Wyllie, Cootie orb i
wll Ie J F.Fc W• I
80a1116,t berry Valle
OTBmIIb, Donato
I Took, linollantoaw
J L Bodily Clanoti co
L Bi 01, Boonton co
N Baal, no
D Nelson. JrForson oo
Wm Noliam, do .
Oslo. Franklin . 1
New Caul.
Boot lace',
John Look,
B kl hooch Bock. co -
A B Kohn. Boller co
Iltaolo. Franklin
Z A Banhck, libarpalmo
F Fighain,Oolatabanas
Wm IS UstiCep.Bialre l r co
Pear% Harmony
to. 0)
t ono* or.Au.soota D1A.02.. Kay 24, 18M.
lAN ELECTION fur, President and 'Di.
rector., form tbo mouths bo bNdat Use
oMco of Om Alkoboop Ou Company, No 23 Dimon& oo
MONDAY, My 143,Dotir000 tba boors of load otkck
p .r. toyald • JAL POIRTAR., Topoitoor.
-OA..R B, 0 .
tea. AIWA STRICT, between &Dal sad Watiiirodi
NiALIA pirreitlLol7.
St. Louts. ltpper•Sllsslssippl.elt.
/1 :bata
a. , 1 711MIGTOlL ROUX' MAIM, LA.
01401111, WINONA:LaiI PITT. AHD. ertlL, i ~1 MC
ano etteaser SAM lOU'S. am Muter. wal Ism at.
amino TIM DAP, May a I.
W. Waal tetwaaattaala ta !mord or m'' • - •
AO PLACIL ElAattellECO. Aleut&
%CVO AND PT. P*171,--The Oriamer
at Cuptalu D Z Brkkal, With.. tor awns .
and hoonoodlato port,, TOW CUM, th• &I hulas*.
for freight of . prop loply el boad. - ot
-spy , ' PLACK, BANN GS CO, Agts,
Ti ' AR' • , ,•
Fcgt, Coops, llsrde., and o ther stspaapi Idanalus,
" 7 1 ". bi. ! Pl"s it AY & 00. 136 wour
PILACLIES-32 riteks Dried
111 l Porebes,,fist mrd, foe ambi by ,
, • 0101111 , a on,
_ .
B ATTLE MO X••••A Saloon Veixattion;
NUMB bFrr Waal ittrovl.
DUTrKit-,3 bbm. prime Rljur
olcrea'd to:
Rini. by MOIST 11.0U,INR,
bbla. fur ego by
I. , 81,1111 r U.0U1411,3
~. _
comiturn of atterrys. 'iits9a Judi
Rat. MCCsuu
r. -
V. _ '
o=, • I Mr s = I ,T
wig. thew. I
W sskl, Wavtaw of Me Pittsburgh narisa«,
I.l4ortedepedittifir the Adams% aultm.i
'the week utak baa Ind dosed tod not twin marked by
okr new or Important testae hi badness' Tbs vadat]
meld condoms dnil Is alsodat every department, sad tits',
trasesetkon as • geworall ding do cut mostly ot•
Leal thwarter.
In mousy welters the traneaelknis Awe mat hut hive
been on • somewhat conlowted aisle, wad time wenn se ,
tablianed mu. tam taw modes elan operating ocrasion ,
al.. but In general, lenders we tat dlepased prewint to.
fount on any aiwelitiona Wuhan, romans unt►urged..
stale currency U sumttled. .
111locir has be KUM, WWI* titre .bare
art . trifle. Oran andOroceele• cantinas exceedingly datl
but prkee tomato unchanged. Proyteions continue quiet
at lest week'. quotations. Plutons t. low astir! with •
drooping Undone,.
I riots—She quotation give. he the Wowing! Review, It
meet be nodeortuel, are the whohael• prim* map' whew
otherwhe hoittwl: red that to ell ewes la the EMlleg et
mall order. to the car set coltotry Inds, u I adraace of
Wo three
I to nee lit wet will he charge& 'orer thow 11004.
o •
APVLM—er• beeeralog ewes Old prier ere Om nod
edvaoclog are hots email Wee at prime caning from
$20: 4 453.20 and $ 2 . 50 .•• qt quit/.
ASEMB—qulst anti deli. bales Pearls by; &NU Ash F'ote nage trtatt 444*
ALE—llttabatilt wattatectaredcoatlehee la Gar awasad,
with 0%4 ablpreenta to allputs of the country. Ste ee r
ahhahed Wee at sewer are:
tads. 6111660 . c
3.0 0
s6o6—lb. pain corrals of Krus. Laded A Darker. for
Fisted logs Is lia folknn t• floor asks, 12% Ds, siten,bo
qt lAA 25 de ShOOIEr 00 0. 166®76. 0 2 , 41110001114 milt
boo.--6 Ds ${12014-10 do $22,600211 11 do 05032,0 do
BMOC% 26 plol3/105. Mau and beet ba6e-12 Ina $54-i 100;
16 du $1,76;12 ao 0,60, 10 do 025. Drain 60*-2 ones,
moallo, $lO 11 101;2 db. &Clio& $ll5 2 do, Dotabtaries, $l4
012;3 do do, 1110524. ~
LIKANS—are to better demand, and ate note a fair nom•
bar 0rw...4 00cell,00 for 0 10 Walt.. _
11,2000—qolet hot Ism lista • 11414 dam 504.. *boulders
comound ils,lll*. 10a, Nolo Dams 10%010%, and Bazar •
Cored do at 11%011%, . (boars Bum is annautles uth
so o los a
for t 707% aus. a tor linooldess, 909%0 for 131dee.aod 0%42
14 H
BUTTES & BOGS—The demand far Botta tl4l fallen off
olneldrrealf. oosoequeurly • stigut adios boo te,ken place
Prim. la dullatll4ol , u Nal haws decllaet Ne, nom res
animal salsa at 7354111 a Pala
13800673—1 u ouslonw request trlth • supply ample to
mu It. We tots sales of Common at $1,75012, 5.4 - $2,60
051.76 for panty.
BOCKATS AND TOBS-40 tutory price* (cub, par
ands) .t Ballston and Nen Iltietton am for Docket. $1,60
00,75, and Toln, 11,7601,76* doz. Promisor, Owlets
sell In Ow ma say al $l,l/412X.
lifinills Rope, cal, 10 a * 25 Manila Kam eat Ito lit 115
Hemp Hops, coil, 12 a it lb Hemp Rom, cot, 1. o It lb
Tarred Rope, mll, 11 a $Ol5 Tarred Rope,,ent, 12 oli ID
tocklos l'ard,ens, 12 o ti ID Picking Yarn,cour 12Ifelt 111
WM 00816—Idsolfis, VA% P. 2 ,61 11 4 . 0)
1 .
I m p /3 11 $0kid
eta *dm Ilentwlba.
COTTON TARNS—The toarkekle .lead; at the following
quotations whleb uncorrected to dots:
, Nom.' to I.ofoolcolvo 20c 2119 N0.19......;......--..-22 • • 30
Nos. 11 a 11.............21 alp • No. tr..--.---.. 29 o • ID
N 0.13...-...-....-331 o • lb Na 111.........----37 o • ID
No. 14 , --.....--.320 • If Np.19.------23 o• It
Na 1i.....:...........--.21 c • •1N0. 20 -----..-29 9 . 119
oozza 10a.
No. 400.....-.-:::....11 o • dos No. 600........-.. $ o • dos
No. 403..-- ...
-.19 o Ni dot N 0.900............-, I o • dua
No. 690—.—. 9 alp dot Na 1000..-........ 9 a • duo
No. t 00..-
. --... 9 o • , 4ac I '
Carpet ellshi, acceol. 260 1291 Ti0100..----........210 • lb
Do do ortdto,33 /*wog ._ Ida
to 34. cots, 320 0 Fitally Natthig.- -140 0
Do dii ite to 44c 240 . c. Bottfog, No. 4...,,,...13,, o
Ooverlot Yarn...-.. Wo 0 Do 'No. 1,........120
N. 1... • •••••.• - - I %c PYd
No 2 -.........-.........................-..................44 o• yd
tIANDLCIS ADO/IP-MO blidcdoit quotations coo tam.
Hod . so belts strictly dorrett: -Mould sod dip candlio,
110 q No 1 Paolo mop, 434 c: No 2 do do, 4q German do, T.;
Chemical 011ie d0,44c; No 1 Toast (tlawycec coat.). 10c;
No 3 do do, 741 Felood to Nonage. coop, To; Butler's 000 p,
MIAMIANS—The tolknrlng an lb. wholesale plias:
mates 7 . hars, 6c ltc NNW,. 7e; sugar 8c; Dodos, 7c;
Woo allot bread, $4 V bbl,
COI Iltaltc3 segasaL W. otcattoool Nabs
salmi at MOM $1 bash. • ,
1.141136614—c00t100rs dal sod local's, while pact. re
tool. anchaupd. W. hots occsioual sale. of WR at 934
®loop lb.
MUSD liir.r-44 moderato demand •Ith actaslonal mks
" freetnil4 . —Pasches are in Ws. [soon at Mks.
rackaing froca $2 to 52,N) tooth, as to q. 114. apple.
715 to 67c V bash.
Fl6ll-10 fair &mond .Irlth a supply lo mutat ample
to toast It W. quote No 3 Large Mackoral at $lO,lO
14 bbl and $3,60 V half WO; No 3-do at $10;30011,00 V
WA and $6^40,76 $1 half !Ali Whlto gbh 1,60 t LA.
Honing $3,10.
YKSD—qolst hot ouchaopd. &la of Bblpstutf. pe t
114Iddltai• at $19413,6011 ton.
P . LOUNIKt Is& &mad with a slight *dna. ID prkes.
The receipts an ixoprovl.calthoogb as lot thl , Inatl,•7
mooot to "ailed otoridortar — TtisGioetni"ara Lb* co.
root nag tram store Favorer*. sous arrant NUM 5. 5 2 3
WAX; iota /sadly 15,4006,61; Yana $6,04444.24
ay HON. Imo. lo Spasm %Mat.
Ottallt—usts more area at 214) . 30 from fiat lands,
and 20077 s from story. Coca dill at eon, from first
hoods sad 4444410 front stors. Rya normlnal td :080d .
Buis). 'waft Mat. ea wawa lean about oar. - What
~ . r . 5Y 21 81 1 . 11 % Imhof 1 414...Nonliyinterst CP bat
41,114—car tombs • . i.
OfitaNtillid—.4all bai eacisagad; Raw milady it
Prim ar4l l ol taw 6 31 7 3.4 4 14: b. w §LaosittrJ' . Mohr
Isfvary dull; vs mots sat dal aS Us sad .117)(the Id.
lfir to sonata tads. Catfiat Ono fhb. Isodaratodvaaad.
Ello brines at It% to Ite. gip bat adasmad. 1.
NlATElSisel—are ',try doll. Prima w. 1.41 at 47 4 4 D 0
afoot 30040: Pig, = lb, .ad CLietse•lo. •
Ofittalde CLAY—is oasiord at OW* . tea. '..'
Old PIPIO—th. hallowing ante. taatatioras far arnragfit
tarn tabtfig:
Par Fool j • Pet Toot.' .. !
11 loth Mu Pips—. 7 ats. 1)4 lora Gas Pipa...Bll ail
• ......111 •SH " ..4,60- •
•-- 9 }4 : IX : --, 9 ° ' ,
kr , • .._,..,,,,
. 3,i
.. .. ,
1 - ...-17.44 4 . - •_ ...MO "
1 . 41 • • •"
........76 • .' . . ."
Boldoct to dm customary discount.
tioni—Adir of Caters wry reported at 1743114 j .. . •
130 1 111MY—antasaged with • rajahs. demand Up 14 bbl
—for Prarl.:... ,
ILAT—Ia moderate dstastrO a good dud or srfikh 4s bolarr
amnial. We thots • tor' aa'asant of sates trots also at
p to 10.60 la ton. ,
ulDra—lui• of dry Minot 114i5143i; area liat'ed 63401
LISATIIKR—Itoagh *miry feather I. don at Wl=
a dd Leather
dl II gloated us rolloir
tar •
1#3 1 h" •
Marna Luther:lkb
cut Ore m!
for cash:— '
111,1 1, 01 b 1it ., ,V1
au - rdlrby . 4
to 1 ,
. Nob
Pi• 3 34 y 2 36 a, 354,4 sad
. I . b
3, 3 d r iad 41.4 by Kaad .2. ,
. a
21 4 20 lad 13S by 3.,g !hod
% KT! 2 by yiatal v p
burly 21no,lcaad at; ' 4l
) , (0.160ual
ilonorhoe,/ arid 1 kaki
Itta i a •Ty
+ 2 • 1 272•ia l idf -a
43 M 6and; iiy by 1.1 {
land 1% 434 ate
Ltryby 31daadlictLa
3.16 aad butt
3.l3aad Wok
• • 3
" 4
I '"
Iltaa Al{ a
/14 20, 23 • 21— Y ou
tad to 4410 Nato LII--8,00
131 to at 0
At Plea
ad Td 3(33,1113%.....3:1
24 —A3S
Cot 1441t0t
. to
Promikl PAN (4 - Inch
all I lawittw—,..
416 o .-11.110
aces{ Juno •
(ma Ptow Whip
io Nabs .1.-334
11= 1. 5
Steel Olato--..1.-664
LlNE—Eroctsogod. fobs or • st COS 111
Thom is oo &Ism's= lmei iu meta. 7 • •
• LARD—quiet with =wets' ft= of dig AI at 10 and
country et PAID4c. • r m
• • • ,"
LUISSIR—T4 tombstone= O tow onsm • ally bock-
Tbe mares front ',stove ties bun onspesttirsly
Ileltsdood foo sem= our looortosico ton as yot beam
naumgmmilviiikballlNl t eal° 846°I T • t b u
of bees Isms Walk 0th0r4414 minding Dols Nock to lb.
Altionstind Latina= toristatt l• !'
biggi PORT—dall bat Ore: ale of 6 lee Oiler at
SID to. canarr is told al tite.16.25. •
OIL —No I Lad la doll wok • 'belted Monad Sit les.
Linseed—Ws of ofb bee Milk 16 ptl. Rock OH te yes". 4011
.1 23 to 26c, so Si • •
ONIONII-4ull 41lb ocreakmal oreso at 450124.0 both.'
• POTATORB—In red =DOT batik demi= M. =out
equel to It. We ftwe oar as =OA* br Roda, ttualipe N.
/Mod, sad 60,0650 br Ildennocts. •
'POWDIR—Doso all onpeesemi . 4lll o to set= de
um= Mk= long. Bletiogiend seldom Is try 0125 ka
I. oelllon at SARA and Rlde at SIX 11 tog. Doter fa%
SILO= test,St..
• RTI 111.0Ult—quIst tit Stsody. Ito aussottsts6 Dow.
ate 1 3 .6203,7611,61.
SALT—tor declined; *Dote mil= of No 1 at sl,l6,tad
ond Neel Atm= $1,20.
lIIIIDS-41111,them Wig on &mood shalom.' In the
Monne Graeae= molt qrsdotkors. • ' -
STICATUNE—shdI sod bee deciland. We qua. at DX.
gi rAMW—lue dordhsed. Pero =tooth st Tyke,'
comers nude= at nage,
WINDOW ULM-, 4.4 on Ank, mad vo repeat oar.
FDxations touts small else% dry asa.:—tus smi • IA
OTI SIM lags AIT and 10112. $2..61% Dtl3,' 0114 Dad
14, lAN will and Wee, Atli tot ol 60 bet;-4 "coot
discount off.
WIRTZ LlAR—lllos ika steardousso4 $1164
Mean kr pun, Its EA sod dr" So $1 Itu sotte to Its a• = AM taeds.gam be ;mud Liam's. S
SR. •
lllllBRl.—qateti et= new as mots Ono. IDer k.
tell al 16m, Ractlasd at Mlle; Noe Ise at 53c, sod Old
ity• at !ikett,6oll'
. • -
- PamoomMEM Owens IS Atoll Maingi
of Sod Mottle inns 19th moot than WS, maths
sbOat 1035 Mott: moat of 514 M mos dtsposod . of at paves
Wilda tbo mop cip to 4560,19. tattoo roc sum quells;
It» bin of Um Woo mom 04 dto 100 St Tb. model
mu Mill. no lUkkeln sot taa partleatarr . ortbe as4a
mod* VMS* tiktoy at Ur Amami moot Tank
SS Ltocaoter mt, t 1461 *P . •
es zit 0414408 W to, 14cQuoi4 SOU
. 34 Mosta co o lloott
r .11 04**4c to, IT.Khabli 8 40
SO Cantata to, Itsooedr t Mre . " ~.- 79m05.. 4413
• 45 Lmcottor 5 459 M
litomotos an. P
ittuado. e * MIX ,
-70 Um:Wm ea, Ombroo
95 tiltsolo,4 Itoldocatidtt—.....'*„..«.4 Wel
ISt Obto sod llk a tmm 4 It
30 Lotommoc tro; It
IS Foamy }I
Idiom% Malor-5
12 Lommotcr • • — : •
LaacoMar co, Sotttb I TS
4 Lotomm at, .1 Mit
4 holm co, J egg
g Imscommr, oty J SUIS
TO tamootto akClAinata4--;:.---;—.:...:. T. Ht
lawattot co. Iltsmakti a 41434
- Macaw to, Li sw.
Lumen co, J 7 Mi
• ' " • •
101! bead.' • • " •
• . Ooly &toot 4.0 Goer wen dl.pmmot of of from 12i 10
.$0 - to pl for cow. 'DS`tune, so to
About ilk* Mop arselicrud soLl.wdbla snip;
of 49a/XL ll _OO mu 100. " • -
Salo OW InoY, - . thry et ouoX,o, and rboiirof .at
ito R?
' l' n "
• :Z ., . -
ablistut Nristialin.York tiodnal
?ft inised.Oß sail csalastaMV tight
afLoa B II3IUR4LI Illitt4olllofsboat •° LW+ IA PA
X34lkir toomNaiar to rot ypibtt Irb..t
low 4 .412117. a fo r rm &Mud 4b sal *rot .
MX* Nubia: at 96a No Isp lo g .oa vt , r 't
rEetyg esure—iabjeet; to Wags
17474 . 121 e ttl clod Jet deft—. Raa . Tn. ' ow. KO WO
tni•ittla thaesed habil. at 3.334 e Ibr River NU". -4108 r.
OM eat 'Mixed storg ante= Sacarjetted
. D 1 atom
• Sitspart& by 111 T 441, 4
Alba •119 . bdli lover, Pal
74bolek & co: 47 bbh rpplet, lefr oho . cora, Jotl fatagy
141 bbh 011,1 do emp, Clarke & cc{ tdo iii pfs, ittrotboot -
.11bitaltool 32 bats piper. totter & flew= sh
au 41 b0w, 36 ako rap. Muth & co; lot prlldoe., owner otf
CI .atamerz—per tr.d 6— toEbhaPPL"_ &
suanonery, /lack, lIMUM /Var. obi* Am,-
Obrdlocr; 730 do do, 1,44.4 b & llotobia46o:i 3 bbla kP hador,Cl Trimble: b bbl.
r ttot& 1 . 1 1: & & 11 ",.;
L i r thi. 11141‘111 7 .7 4. 4 : 4 444 ILD " P do, .1 ' lli elm • 1 kt ;
boloka, Jll, Woklin. • • • ~, • '
Imports by It itliroatt;
- -PreTtnotoe, h,Wkls. t . CmittO .111, SL—Hop
1116 tr MK IS BtO P Mut let 6 ads bean ?rook Tumor.
dot; 11 tie bbl., Rt.ltte t Ttooter; 3 Otte old Lltoo,7otoa
b., 7 W Phillips: 2 LW. lot.tort.l do 6 . 16 . 6 . Ilr•
!Maid A Art:math.; 9 t Mee torsi., JottWood• ell; T big t apt
plata kgt lord .Orthem Stouts; 2 Obb mto, Bargees
Waste); 6.1 bm toot, LI Ger *VI X 46 006 La Graf; 60
tide aoor•Zast Potwar, woke, Ji7 Totter "S tot
kfals. J A Kettebeer; • I bbl motet, W ItetLeet d 0. .,
tub; W Alrkpotrick; 5 do do, A II Ittaltbilrl - rlot.'l At
seta., It Townsend; 2 .1. Pow Loot 11611er; 6 Me Meese,
It V notor df ;8 do do, Lord) a ihmllitsc!a; IS do ro,iket t - :
Labe. ,
tstrtattend AND Cicittito IL a. 6dhi
eltidre. Pratt Welk.; 316 - trestati. J W,itmptosc *tibia
obtli t t do beater, T L tollt lotbeir,Wm
k boon: I bo totter, 8 bble etre, a 0 WIZ.: LIMO 16botto t
Jatonso;'l empty ale, kg, Abodeek,TentAtt
tha weather yesterday nuclear sad : plaint and Idopd , .:
c 'lace continues *boat atatlonskr,
"lib a feet fall ta th e.hati Mil by' thiephit
oily amval• al ono we lint nom Om hisowitsfrois Wheolitat4;
sob Undlnii from
thole and giver Ways frtim Now OrionW hen hails ikon%
Mat alight Aryonatit be lar unable tee wi•Pkta:
bek hip lamplight trill positivel Cpperatwbalppl today. y leaks lor Et. Loillitantithel,z
Venial . ) Paskuirvatton —Captain • Mirka;
. 11ak;iiis
Chimer Valley the well ItanertOttaaltitallit naafi%
praiented by 8.319 steamboat rehab hith ha rken *anal abient, menblir. at ths Maui afilsolt, Parkes *
ha pennotalloa la behalf of the domaill Ina Mae by "
Contain John W. thumb... late of thalathemar ••
Ul'36, hot eon II member of lb. Pittsburgh Ilea Ch. ko
fan. (cello& ..I well-tiara kennukt, to stitch Captain
Barns. responded @towel:lily, thanking theta tot tbalr ben.-
[Kat present, and 1 16.0rillg them that ha algid bear It sa a
Pnilan memsoto coheir rented sad eat4l24
Captain 11's Clomp.) Mon du!! at CmlllkWirki...
hi. lit.Ptbali Glenna feel absurd] that lot will prove Moi r
ital fool - thy alto floe Company km bh eOlestaarak.
T1C.L.W.541141.6411G ZULUS EIM.
Pstrazsigara. Way 2.—F7our I. fliis at; $l - (C51582
,superens; $4 76430 00 kw extra; $BOO 05 ,tor Issnely,'and
JlO7 60 - for henry. Mast a-tare and in goad Orland;
:Mellor 6,000 bath tall 43.1.36 for red, .hlio $1
4001 CO. Pota he wanted at the. sdrartro..Whlaky lia-
Jabanged at 1 4$011o. "
04dramaer, May $ —Thare le a fair denalid foi Plonr,and
prions hareadvencsal; Wes et 200 =la IWO &W 76 for
4rperiling lit $10625 for extra and ,fantlig; hinny breads
relle - at $606. Wheat higher Lad In good - dameod; sales—
eliding red at $l4OlOl, sad Wm' traileat It 1001 11.
'fro change In Corn or Ont.. Whitey declined 'to 174, with - 7
eller ot 900' bbtr Pork gm la store. Thera I. nothlog
darn in Proridour whatever, and pries. ano *wily aornlnsf.
11-si pork den Isrboaght at $l6 lg. gal ilsoas at 6030.
t /IMO lea better demand for firocetirst vales of 303 bap of
Wreeeat ikslol24(o and 90 bade of Bayer nelson*,
l e
ame 'toady et doitalcc. '
II nosy easier. sod good mar ill waited at l lee En.
'4lll age drooping at 23.401 c for ftentnagy piper. . _
1 NIT You, May 4.—rtoor Mac 18=1 Ws acid; anthers
,lower with wk. at $5 0 7 4624. - Wheat ddelinlog, 70.400
hush 'Sold; 114 wen keo °lob at $1200125; whits 400170. -
and nal western at $1310163. pore ar.K sales of ed
hemlimleed st 67028140. Pork evade; Prime at $13250
1337, Leni heavy. 'Whitley dint at 1141141. am steady.
swam jacncts. - -
LA It Ir. al Vl. aim. t Vlt eta Flo 111% 11114.
ti) IL
• PITTIMERGR. j - ' • " '
&mutiny & CO.,
Oa. sour ooPPsta, rfirsarn - oar-
PLR iIOTTOLIP, Baia' !data! Bottom; Ellieliter Po th er,
Ahoy 1111tiorters arid Dalikra La 51 STAlai' TIN PLA
4;11[17 IRON. Wlll, ie. <lobe tam]; on band, Dram
Martithatatia Tool. ; • r . •
Worchosso, No. 149 lint aad 119 &amid/frail
• Pittsburgh,
rearM portal mama of Copper cot lathy anF.Nspitinat.
111PDhiiiiiiir itanrm-1411 JaUWaliralLiiti
Dc;ti't fail to procara. M.Ti,Wirialovee Booth".
, .
trig Pyrap for Children Teeth(' rig.M Si b.. rioaqual on mirth.
it greatly firDltates the proximo( thettithib.4aoi!lantag tha
itizzaa,raltelag all tallartimattoa—aol alley paha, ail
tare tOtmgalate the bowel. :
iliieaa natio poormiltra,aad - Mkt 'read bitallh „
Dahatia. Partial, tab In all risami' • ' '
,hl4attiable amt.-anon La Dm prOscrlpthai of oat it
alit atoithxperlettaid sad skofnl romal. P4yddan.lo Nair
111 / 18, 04i anp bat hem lard with arerier.tiallag Morons !a
ant uremia. . • •
; tiers hitlema It the liaitaud lama remedy lathe aorta, to •
all taloa of tayarritery sad Dthritomita (thlktriaLMbethar Si
Aim him Witham CI from ace other maw: ,
i lfllteanattlialiii am be amiltnaa4 114°051460a cams,!! •z •
amor!!! Di weight la gold. .....
11111loasor bottle. are aol4 everi par fa lb. Lialtaiti,
thaw It ti so old and arell-trfadretaed_ .•'
PiLlOll ONLY 26 001111 A &SITU.
Nome canine maims Um Dioalsolleotol.ll7lo
litlatom Ycrr,uoo tba °amide antler.,
ikaa-14 nru c t.t. Um:mahout the earth.. .
Dll.OlO. fu 1 111I41111,Agent for Plltebriryth. 1 .
fain Dlrt-:-EI/Ult DY.I3-43.63:11 DTP -• •• 1
754 , 0145i5al and 444 is tie W4/el/
'pthers me mere imitations, 'lnd should
~• ~ _ _ • .
biLaval44 l r.lo2 INA to :
. 14611 insisalty to
boikatilbl aid &ilium! {limit crellhek.trilloiti lbs loritht
10, toOlottatror I
thrniss swam also DIPLOMAS haul
Wza.l.lllabzbalor tinat 11 , 35 1 ,1iad oarSOX . I mks.
bas made clw War Olds 'pntriii o f
mkt. - -
,t 711: A. tuth i eux6thanitairthip;Oms4s. r;gol
tole dlitlngaldhed Erma mammy and la Twain* got -to
Wu. t.lboonfr keit is my berceottle the
Bad led; Dim d • Ito ;tilt torented tat
10•_110thisplipadtd - - : I.
144= 4
spplild (ba IP prink rocute)44 OM wig sus , -
Told unmans. and tome.a. o.ll. 4 grim! Miner Gm& Draws. . '
mates hair Ur sow iota saltemirra a Mel
9uo . ..couvlttg on Ibtriskiaatoodkia4.o
jacly4immel 16 Bead itnh0t,416.6 Tart.
W -101 --WROS—lnflef.
'UMW. sili• TAY/ a. 4 .4i.t1idit...7 and dixiable.
1/14i*lo charm-09 tanangck boida aluipkbas
idla aid; Lama Ms . la Um call, ettabliskinoni,
tbde lams AM propayarkamod ea mad i
loardloT , te Amod ;dna. Ala York.
4 / rr.mbray Et. cor.aaNa.,
and' Connals#ol2 iltegeban4,
Cadada.s. Bizttenr. Eteieils.Xiata.
&WI Prodsmi. ,
dia.* ' AA, ea Imre etiebterigh; -
inf.& X. caw
Artalow Doom •« --inuice WWI.
IrCkDIiiDIDI.I AND. atafilliNlSTll,
I,,Pitisbargb.. , ,
Market Otrreet. '
tt ardictar.lll bads ofßleam}DtlMl44 ifin kfacht.:
red Corpo"Bollroad Work, Mira Saki% sod Sheol hot
Jobbf4 WoWdrinit dot* on ihrrtni.trooosetalrato
- "
No. 64' St. Olarr. Si.littftet,;
(bra l.rrnr7ttli. PA.
0. 8..* c. P ma'am* t ;.
Air 17,1k1.-P . lN'ia PAPER.
Elsie n+kovetitra No.= Wood .treat to N o BmilLOi
' • Stmt.
Sareith,or hide kw 8.0. • alliattrio
.o.4ur. 'man smarmcomma's':
(Sweetes to Itriti RATA d Alinettl ' -
A c bit
Vetter Water Street sad Merry alloy;;.;-=-....-
saittrak P1199111.114U. pittiVa.
JCUI24 , COVELL'iI.fir /6/4(4
: lIILMITICT.32/13 03
Ira* 161,4!11aji. Irmo , lialts Vi 11,104 Deer
• •
. Caddy Shatters, iffindox, - Onarit, at,
y *in ica*sig reetat,Ase liar:
(atwi 4 is kuut,) -: rumagauni, ra,,
BaN pg, We a, IMMO Ai tl.t. Rttens. tisqaut plaft
salt*ls tar ill pomace. Eattlalair aUsotice Oki to 09
1 / 4 011.13tarip Lop. Jobblandah•atabtorteatiwi ,
'ittoburgh• Steel Works:
=alumi *am r0t5:.....L..-v467Azumai---1
JON,. nOYD dr..004
alio, Aptint, Mow sed A. B. Steel bertatiols , -
$O4 AX LACIS. Censer Ben Mot/ Irst m.
N. 1 101.Aelir./3 AS ARAN ti. ,
; . muse .131
foreiga sad flomatit Illit of
eirrincAfte or moat,
; ' • suit: irOnar - AND'AP*TA,
yr mazer spumy, nirestrgini PA.
eat the M s st
19LAnAitkaiateniado s o°•a . e•
, ipat tibiae Munk:
IntLittimhroestiketi bad
selfin hem's
- - - Otrkuvatt
, ~„
ib .otod etr.wisoirt4 gket •
alxoa JIMIETON;*I4.O;
pp Rnw . •
D 1:41101167 .8,!1'1P1X0444 si 13
Th h r76 ti
Y 4 02 31
• 1,
Ii ipint