a ~.; ~ i F ~4 - 't . :lttt7s„l) . ,. : tt',...r . ...ii i r':'::'.:'o: - ii'•i'i.i..'t,' - ' - e 1 . ' : ',!,.,. . . stir• . etOratITOSS. Liir?tiott (ijrict, .Fifik 'arid, agar Ridarad. • :' , lllllcoritliair WWI ItriernisaTlTAlitimas daily. eon 'Anledurg toe Latest NOW. Up to Ihn WPM' or 'prdslirAtlon.l Abra l iv.Addiorr—All, par armour In advance, or 12a. Per hten - unites ' • • :•itkwanii • Migas-43 pat annum In Advnanv, or to. per .writs from - • • Wff oopka,pre mlonag Ars ur snovr„ill 214 tea or noirArda. Al pir anhoso r Invariably In :lintikDirSltTifitAG AT REASOZIAZLE LiTTS . - E,rx-reos . cxsekms.= .. : 1 0 E.IDAV, 'MORNING, NAY 8, 1861. ' 7 'low .0 DlCtst, - taints malet•ON. . —We said yesterday that there is nothing for 1 1., . , vrbioh the Bambara traitors have boy respect •, except 'twee, b ravery an d promptitude in action, .:lett ' d every diy adds evidence of the truth of the ::.,•enti'ment. i Take an example, which we clip ' -, from the letter of the Washington correspondent ',- or the New York rain of yesterdey: "Fa-Boater Cooper. of Pennsylvania, is la natiee :or Frederick, Maryland. Visiting - that place a Cr two ago he vas Ihreitened with -- `: . iteleime; and ordered to leave love instantly. .; -' This tie declined to do, but mi the contrary called ' . a public mettle& nude • Union speech, which hrovght over to his side 116 men, who, tinder hie ...,, lead;resoued the amend at that place from the 13e : tieselbnials, ind ptit it to the hands of the Union ,teen." _ Another "ample is found is the present tem §r:perrof;the iieople of Annapolis towards the Northern troops Who are pouring through that ~ ,placer by thourands. 040 week ago they would • havii fought with them and driven them from ir the qtato, tad it bieeia their power; now these people and Rie troops are on the amide:in. llare ht.* sample_ of the kind ,of stuff that _.. -,passeauctrrent small the ignorant and barbaric : .hordes-who compose the army of receesion. A nisei who tors organtiing a corps of Infantry in !Mama* (as we are informed by a Northern •*" - man who bad to do military duty to sate hie IMP) told his men that they had nothing to do butt to march to glory and wealth. "What," - • said he, “could Northern army do on our Mine hillr—they would starve to death. But yod p " he continued, "base but to march to Warhingtol, and lay that in ashen—then to Philadelphia, which is rich in all kinds of wealth —from that through all the Forth ; there is 'Mege mil five miler, and every tillage has bank, and-every back has s vault of specie, and yott have but to help yourselyee." This, he irsiy, is but a sample of the 'vicars made daily -‘ to the troops at Richmond. Row would it not be a mercy to undeceive trim poor deluded wretches. They rush into this mad ;crusade became they are taught to believe thit the men of the North are nothing - bat it set, of poltroons, and that a very little fighting will put them In pollution of any ;amount of booty. The story is universally-cur. • rent among the Southern people that the clerks ofii:altimbre rushed -out of their storm die :sr ed the Seventh Massaohusette regiment, killed - 100 of them, and drove the remainder bsbk. The leaders know better, but they keep the knowledge to themeelree. The retieed of the Pecusylvania troops from •-eJokeyville-7ter of course _ they regard it as a retreat—nould and would be Lined with gent ef febt to confirm them in the delusion that the men of the North will trot - fight, that they are .onwarde,lancl that all that le required is a for. midable demoostration on their part to bring • the (motile, under the dominion of Jefferson Da vis. "Clue Kentuollan is a match for ten of thoee fell Owe," geld a rich, but Ignorant planter, speaking of the people on the Northern side of the Ohlio, and that idea has full peesession the brains of nearly. all Southern men. 'Sad it not been for the "military nem . • eity" of Marchiiig large bodies of troops through Marylaud, in order to reach the capital, Mary. 'land woLild bon been swept off by the 'drone ins flood of treason ; but the mere sight of the soldiers wea soffieleut to restore the ruffians to their eaten., It was well for that State that its lEfontturn border. -; L tifiTthluk thieeeoession movement is not ea for aildeble,se it looks. !Lis of mushroom giowth. it' originated intim hearts of the worst men of tee Soulti, and is sustained by violence and ter- It'..reete upon delusion and le fed on lite. Thereititothing noble 111 generous In it. Thou. elude litho are constralued to vote for It, and . shout it may be, fight for it, hate it. They fad ib their inrosat souls that it is the blitokeetlresson; but 'they Lillie not resist ; and thus .thair weight is added to the living ova lanebe.!whioh, like the swinish herd we read of, is welting down "a steep plum" to destruction., t Buffet no to go into the herd of swine," said Ike ejeited devils, and he slid, "Go;" and so did the ejected ruler of this country. bud fall, en ter Into the multitude who are - now carrying them Leith Inch velocity In the gems direction the pigs went. "Rule or ruin," was the motto /.. in. both cues. " . 441;:4 .~!.✓N.~.rr , ~ _ :.• , ."-!: •;.: K I r '~ r~..'t-~~ ~' :^:~ a:y:.;.Ev. 7 , 1; •11;• - . • • t - Thiele begin to look brlghteitind more hope. 4 (01: htary,land seems to settling down firmly '!in ber•adieenee to the Union, while every day adds eftninith to the government. This week !brings:the' twenty days allottal in the Peed - tleittl'proolamation for the breaking up sod die• paling of the rebel_oottiblostions sod forces to s deed,. when we thinks rigoront course of ;Desolates will tiegin, and be elootinued,:notil the work-4 done. It is leoponsibla to tell whether_ the struggle will be a severe one or not; but we •• 'esinliiitir beg the Want men - Who biro to freely offered'their services to lbegorenunentia mein tido their orginlestions and perfect their distil: piing, co as to be ready to ?reflood promptly to the nail the Previdrnt, sod render good set iv: , • ies When' they are odied. Tory may be need ' .; ed soon; for the new, in this paper indicates tbia the government is now sating with great r 4 r 717 .;\ Ttt-: t = 1 .14•; •• 4, h ` •••,; , ?!.!..;;;; ' . :,1,:,:,!:!';::N:4:. *.:i.' ,.- ..:.i:: : ; . .:;:,',..,c: '::;'l!i'.z . .t . .' ,. ! :,,,=:,.%,::-;-;-;it:* .':'!1-!: : ,. '.V,i. ,:.; -, i.::.'ii;...'7' "k.:--',:',,::::,!`-:ii:.',, MSS '•- _- '•.:.- • . , .! - .:.., - c--•-ii-7.1'..,':3;7-; ' ~ . . •: ..-a I . , ke ' - - ,f,•?..4:—,--1, „i-• _ :-.: :.•,-'-: i .. . ';. If C;-;' 'l' ,3 ' -,.. 4:: -i '' ~ ' , t., .' - : • _.„,..:rt 1: ' -- .__.__ . : f.,'..i! -; •'•-- 14.1 :. , . . ‘. ' -- , .. , ' dlyseillituni: bats .8 miiptf . s ~ r t h,, gosetsl n „ . kl" ' .' bopfel,'i lf 14 his tbi right 4. h . throb --I ,gdo...—T. tiOpli. ~ al lt oseigionil P 'int.lo anr-d anes,loo,r!„-- --,_ ~..,-gonnicl m o t, In ! . .f,,,,- ..: -,. . :,-,„' ~Al44:lsaaw d-, - 2 -., '' : , - .1 t . ~,i BlB24ijoAllar9, - :1•:004k1'...4-'' i . tii.iiiii i i er- ! ° " , • , :i .41 4. w i et : 0. ,1ik001,,. 1iim,;.6,,c-iiict*P..fpr. ; , ik ,...-„,,iti•# : r.,;14.,-1•01414-!419! r7I- i i i i,; ie. itAili°F.?'-;:-.-..-:-.:1'::' t „pm! • •3- • -,.....r iiivistor .. j... . ... -. II:7E1110) 7 i & . Eloparal Isgru. - What a Clump.* Oa ',rids; of list week Secession was trimp phut to Baltimore ; soldiers were attacked sod murdered In the - streets' and 1010 citizens went driven Stem tbe city. 021'Pfigdovidij of this week the stern and .'ntriPsit Mere bolded on . lb. CultbmlTotuie, the AiiefOffina odds Eiobange, amid the sadism*- tionsof the people. Sneakingi of the rafting of ',tbsßeg ou the Custom House, the Patriot is;.: soon as the colors were let loose to the breese, soeneof the wildest enthaetasm Wined. Cheer after cheer was given for the emblem of ibe Baited States, and arse climmt for Preeldent 11' Oleo Club was in 'atteadmice, and, after the deg was hoisted, sang, iblilitar Spent 'fled 'Sinner: and the *Bed; White and Moe: amide' the shouts , and plaudits of the multitude. Tht. Ibtile Doane ;I/11/1 one of latease intents • sid.itel:paitiolpeted 1p by all present." : The newtreceiyed front ilarrishurg, Wednesday, the lilt requisition from Penney!nisei* would clint bit required by the Goiernment, not only dia. ..Appointed the eatlinslastio volunteer_ who 'looked forward to the acceptance of his company, and'at '.; least„. one nen:Taiga against the rebellions traltars d" who taken op anneto subvert the Comultuilon i :and Buns of their country; but equally disappniuted and Mortified the grayer and len par. tine zed' oar citizens.. gee asked one !another, what:drum this mesa 1 Are we to bare a hollow - irate, which they will call peace, patched np for a while, till the whets find a better opportoniti . ,'I against their country I Bui the 'satiety, though • naturatiwas 1111111 C y. A toll espfanatiOn of the Matter elms yesterday morning, *bowing that the' insinitinication from Washington Was only_ to cation!. ernimederstanding of the amount of-the- ..reqUisition, and bed nothing of the evil signiacanee t • which had beeli given ta .• ' - - WW 2 5 112 4 1 InblirPPnU/9" an it 18 s mal -1 .ter et:OikfiseTto eielahlitiahist the supposed 'want thintient and energy In, the dapaolattaues—u4 that pompom It fall-Ia these gwlities 1 !Leta aboard Kai go tolled other. In tebom we'could place foe" island? . 1 • • - (S. "Ulli . Wge — i•erteir MoimaienaSitatesimsen." rThls is the mph - on of a bitter tirade ln a late number of theitiehmond Di:quern', in which the "editor conies down upon the "Northern of the South in inmeacured terms of denunciation, or, to speak more clusicelly, "like a thnmand brick." He first shoots at the shoal, and then singles out a few big fish, Millard Fillinore, Geo. Cam, Buchan. an, Dangle, Benj. F. Butler, and Franklin Pierce, each of whom gets a shot - at his especial turpitude cod bad faith. He then romp up in this vigorons style : "These facts carry on their lace their own prop er commentary. They clearly demonstrate the act stet the. Northern 'allies,' upon whom' we dual, relied, are as 'false as bell,' and that our only safety, is in the erection of a wall between ea and Mein 'as high as Heaves.' The separatum of the South irom the abolitlonized government of the North ustutkbe eternal." , The idea of that wall is very , auggestire. In the I first place it would be a first-rate job for the stone mmons, provided there were any cub in Jeff. ' Davis' locker to my fuidt. It moreover reminds is of that unfortunate job that was undertaken many years ego no the plain of Shiner, to build a .tower'uthit should reach to Heaven,", bet which '-resulted in-nothing, but confusion, and a dinolu. .ttion of the Ugrian. We would suggest that a ditch u deep u-- would suit them better, and that they can do themselves. We beg our Richmond coma:Term not to fly of the handle so easily. He is excited; those old allies of hie are cool. He le drunk; they are sober. They know what they are about; he dims not. ;Hold on; fur after all it may be only a lovers' quarrel. Trociblo 1 1111.6eart Governor • Jackson, of Missouri, has called to gether the volliateer forces of that State, for a grand parade to'be held in St. Louis, thin week. It seems a strange time for a military holiday din play, in a border State. We know that the Gov ernmeet are fully aware of the pc4ition of affiaira in Missouri. Geoernl Jim Lane, of Keene, is in the city yesterday, on his way•weet; should trouble 'rim in Missouri, we have full confidence in the ability of the Uaiou men of St. Louis, backed by the Government, to cbeck•mate any movement of Governor Jackson, or bit aidem and abettors. SPRINGFIELD (MAPS.) italsone,.—We 410 glad to learn - from the Springfield Republican, that there are ninety thousand ninskete remaining in the Springfield armory, fifer: supplying the States of tdassaehuretts and New York. There are three hundred and fifty men employed, who turn out about fifteen hundred mnikets in a month, and by putting it more machinery and running double time, the imount may be raised to from four thou sand to five thousand a month. The Belotorcement of Fort rteeene. The Atlarttio railed from New York, ender sealed orders, on Sunday morning, April She had on board throe hundred and fifty eight soldiers, infantry, artillery, and sappers .and. miners, together with immense supplies of military stores, ammunition, provisions, and two batteries of artillery. Captain A. G. Grey was in command of the Atlantic during the trip, and, as the subjoined report of the Pulsar will show, he successfully carried out his instructions We arrived and dropped anchor in the outer roads of Key West, three miles from Fort Taylor. At 2 P M on Faturday, the 13th, one of our hosts was sent to • Fort Taylor, conveying Colonel Brown and his stall; who had prolonged interviews with the officers, both toßitary and civil. At 7 P M we com menced receiving additional troops, ordnance, ordnance stores, and shells, which wore placed on a lighter and towed out to the Atlantic by the United Ethics steamer Crusader, Captain Craven. The labor was . continued without cessation until 4 A M of Sunday the 141 h, and at G A M we weighed anchor and steered for Tortugas, where we anchored close to Fort Jefferson at 2 P on the same day. At this point we took on beard mare officers, troops, laborers, howitzers, gun carriages, materials, &a., and at 9 P M were under way for our final desti nation, 'lath was now known only to Col. Brown and Capt. liaise of the army, and to Capt. Gray of the Atlantic. Dories the night and the next day great curiosity was manifested, and although the ship's course seemed tir indicate Yart Pickers, yet it was not until the evening of Monday, the 15th, that the secret was disclosed and the reinforcement of Fort Pickens openly an nounced. Up to this time all was conjecture, but now the countenance of all.on board buried with the knowledge of an approaching event. Activity and preparation took the place of supineness and uncertainty, and the fact thatcFort Pickens could be and should be reinforced was settled that night. FORT Fli:1110E1 BiLBTOECIFD IN BOATS On Tuesday, the 16th, at Gl' P hi, we anchored oir Santa Bose Island, (Fort Pick ens being on its western extremities) font mikes from share, clan by the frigate Sabine, the tag-ship of the squadron, Commodore Adams ; After comuirminating with the com mander and naval present, we took in tow the boats of the that, some twenty in number, and after dark weighed anchor and stood on shore, all lights being extinguished, and came to anchor within a mile of Fort Pickens, and in "direct range of the gone of Fart Mcßee and the water batteries, and three quitters of a mile from the beach, in four fathoms of water. ' At a quarter past nine the first boat pushed of for the beach with Col. Brown and Capt. Maio, who were the first to meet the Intrepid Stemmer and his command. _ During the em barkation of the troops in the boats, the sig nal from Fest Pickens for an apprehended at tack,was nude by the sending up of rockets. This Fit; * was repeated and hastened the operations, - Capt. Vogdes and other officers in the Fort were astonished at the rapidity of the minforcement. Before midnight, the ma jority of the affitten and soldiers .(tive hun dred in ail) were uslcly in. the Fort, and al _ _though se heavy surf was running during the night, no accident of any kind occurred. This successful- landing took place three days after the bombardment and surrender of Fort Sumter, a fact well known on the main land, but known at Fort Pickens, nor by the, trod afloat. — NOBS TROOP 3 Lerner , . Early‘on the morning of the 17th, the re maining troops wen landed, except the artil lery men'of Captain Barry% company, who re mained to land with their horses. At BA. E. we again weighed anchor and stood to the eastward, and. anchored about three and a half miles from Port Pickens and half a mile trot the beach. This point was rtelecteci as the beat placefor landing the horses. This dim cult work commenced in the afternoon, Continued during_ the night, and finished on the morning, of the 18th. I N ERE GERMS COVERED "IT RAVEL VESSELS. The United-States steam frigate Powhatan, commanded by Captain David D. Porter, ar rived on the afternoon of the 17th, and altar communicating with the nag ship, took posi tion just "head of us, In_ order to cover the future landing. In this movement she was followed, ?by the Brooklyn, Captain Poor, which anchored under our stern. The andotte was cruising about. The Stikine, bt. Louis and Supply being outside about three miles distant, 'I he boats of all the ehips of the squadron were actively engaged in landing troops and stores, itc., from the night of the 16th until the morning of the 231 , She Illinois, with reinfoicements, arrived at midnight on Fri day thti 19th, and her troops ware landed the next morning. , 'SOLtSIQUINT PROczEDIEna. Seven of the horses were lost—four died on the passage, one was drowned oidgalde, one bad his neck broken. in the sorl; and one died from exhaustion on teaching the shore. The forage light artilleri were landed eimulta- Mously With the home.- Oa the 18th the landing of the general cargo of heavy and light ordnance, ammunition, provisions, &a. Ac, wan fairly commenced and continued , with but par tial interruption until the forenoon of. Tuesday, 23d, when ebe was finally discharged .1 to the great gratification of all concerted._ ,9 potation of the powhatan and lkoOklyct Missed, that their gnus could sweep Santa Boss Idand and prevent a landing' from the main land; and of the name time" Shielded tbe hull of the Atliudic.. At no time was steam allowed to go down, so that in cam of attack or "gale, or any emc/gency, we were ready to.go off shors' On Monday °dead Brown, the Oommtuider of the United tidites forces In' Floridly gave to Captain Cray, in Fort .Piekene, . the nocestary certificate and 'orders and despatcheh for Key _ - Wed Ca Tuesday Captain Meige, the Indefatiga ble engineer of the exPildition, came on board, vadat oat we were palming through the' ied; saluting and saluted, on OOT way to Key West for cod We arrived at Be,. West at E;A. Of the 2 5 th, ttalkiPS,thkren in forly , two !Mari were here disappointed in pro Curing coal; ne Mr. Tifft, the only private owner of coal, re- (heed to sell.onal to ;this or say other ' steame r employed by; the government, he being,, of conne„ a secessionist. As the Mohawk and Crusader were ahead of us to coal at the government wharf, and to have waited would have caused great delay, we weighed anchor, and at 11 A. w passed Sand Key light, and at sundown passed Moro Castle and tato !fauna harbor, making the rue across In seven and es I quarter how. _ Having completed coaling at 11:45 a. ss. Saturday, 27th, we got under way, and at twen ty minutes past noon we passed the Moro, and shaped' our course for New York, and, after a pleasant passage, arrived off Sandy Hook this morning, making the trip In limo days and eighteen eat% half, hours. ==l • • Lieut. -Smead, of the find artilloty, who war snit by Lieut. Stemmer to Wathington to apprize the Government of the absolute neceisity of sup pliet and reinforcements at Veit Pickens, it will oe recollected, took Montgomery in his way to th ward, and, hiving rubmitted his despatches to the perusal of the Confederate authorities, proceeded to Washingten, where the news of his treason having anticipated tiim, he was struck from the roll of the army. The New York Times states that the'vrife!aud children of Lieut. 'Mond, with the !amities tifeeveral officets on duty' In the South, were at Fortress Monroe. The Lielth. hastened from Washington to obtain his family thdrramove -them southward, bet hie movements awl not so rapid bet that his crime had been reporte before him. When, therefore, be resented himself at the fort, he was refused admission, the officer on duty declinieg "to admit a traitor" *Olio a Fed ora port; the only favor conceded being that be might have an interview with Mrs. Brand without the walls. That lady met her buthand and In terms of seorching eloquence, reproached him with his shame. "Go home with Tool" she exclaimed. "Never! Our paths in this world are hereafter seri d. I disown.yoi. A coward and traitor, you are no beamed of mine. Henceforth you are to me . as if dead. /along as I live I shall wear moureieg, cud be as a widow; and rest assured I atoll ado. cite our children to execrate and despise your memory as that of a recreant sad a traitor." Turning with there words ' toe noble and patri otic woman re entered the fort, sod gave wey to her an oral feeling* We may add Olt tette Sowed is, like her discarded hothead, a native of Georgia, audio sow at Morristown, New Jersey. fa - tlitalp -NOTICE.—Camp Wilkins, May 3d, 'GI. -Alt perm. randlog mppllee tribe Catorulaaary Depastamot, will nod bilk of Ma and dray recaly la my3.lllt WORT • WEAVERtbmmiw.-7 fr . .NOTIOIK---PENNSYLVA.NIA VOL the. haring chime or bilis doe them on amount of the Penney iroolo VOlooteo., lc the city of Pittobure,h, calel trumportetioh of femme, ewe orders to morrh, nod for quarter.. fo*Mf 4 k. • at ported to plioent the ea me itomodlotolyi at the cake of it Hotta.. Co.. No. 286 Liberty meet., Pittohorah. plop erly itattwo Mated lar rottleoteot PAM LILL O. ROBINSCIN. • .1 . .711 tly order of Me 0..te4 Dor 91711909011. Awl' 19th. 1901. 10 • Tliro COMMITTEE ON HOME DE FE:in .111 meet at the My Anon y, City Ball, EVERT PAY, hoot 9 Rohl lb In the ratfrolarh tad from until 11 In the afternoon. whoa comptalee for Home Gamed mud Tarot tbstantroe to km organized, Ail rummage. themaidnered Um &moiety. ap2131 JOIDI Y. TIIhNLN. IteemttrY. Situ fitibmultutents. e u ~~: i laic i ---____ ___ _ ~~w Beautiful i o Color I Delightful in Odor ! r, .1.. t W. I. kla VKLPS. - Mauve Ink, Far Ladies' use 59 Market Elm* WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIR MICE ot Dlll3Bll 0001D5 At Unequaled 1 ow Prioee timing pareh..l renutty to Nom Talk WIC 111,5/111311CO,CASSII at sboot hat a tb.cogt ut comtiarsetttelng lb* sx d 4, mid •111 NU et Proportion'slly Low Pricas da tlist 4 appono4ry 4 f:r Ishosti, Cast aadlastety Tisa.assoltrtis GROCERIES -500 bap prima to cboi, Rio c,.&.; .40 hbda prime to abet, N 0 Sago: -1006 tibia palm 10 noires salt Packala• iU bbla ♦Ebbw emir, UN We eallool Savor. 1.4 di 'Rasa. Stmt. CO do itaaclud Woo. 011; 21 do . Taaiore OIL 103 bop+ aamttad broads Tabo:am 160 bttbasts Y. 11.01. P .Icopertal sad Black Too.; tot oda by 808 Yee a DILIVOUTU, m s Wbd.aWOrmin.l God IZJ mmod at. TwrrEtts or ADMINISTRATION upon IA am Mato of Call ISOM AU:110,1d. of Item» to, othly, deed. ban bead • (meta .to the uodetelgoid, by lbo ".clam of ailmilaallOosey; All posaat Indebtid to odd &tau ere quoted to skal• yeysdat beer mato', sod won bating claims NNW. odd "auto we h dotstad to yrednd Um pow, duly satbrot Wed, tor tottt• met. to It • MIL 001111 LT, - - lt - 01 cu•l/ • I= Ton . tb mt. OURT OF COMMON PLEAS of Allegheff C ay Cosoty.-41stbarlls• Slottsr ts. &Jars Ritter. 14a. 24 Orcomh.rform. 1102. Desorr& • Now. Ayr , ' 0,11181. ordered that do &WAS cum outkb to by published,fesuirlag Ib. 4.lsedast, tp appw as Us /IRBY 1402140 A OF JO MI salt on 3 abewsr the catobislot In Ibis nu& .1 AU O 24:411411141A21, elba 1e to2.4ttit 114181.11141L14 & 1MAM42.4t}y.41 Peer Too ROvtaitiiii- - 76.{.001blidoon shoulders; 10,0(00 PL YIN nalli,_,l *rat 20 *X& 142101[WD M lon KW &I OSS, CUEI224 MOM • farmak from scebtsbccur OX by my& KN & PARZIR,3O2 Liberty .t. MESS PORK —WU bbla; • LICA Davt L iID-1 2 1 0 1 0 otds , 11—tor Ws y 16)8anima& I HOY PARE (Abut, ut, rt.• Cbble. fresh Roll Butter ILdts lads &yob MeV. In don add tor ado by WDONALD & AR4LB, ' 5073 263 Liberty so nr Wood. BATII_TUBti, Lad B. Wooden Skills, Iran Bfnle Pludited Coyprr *Mks Aron Partible .Witah Statkao. 01arbt.477 Wash 0 4 144 • Lad tpo. • Matta Ti. Iran Hydrants, Muni nod Well Polito, • ,Hydroalle Roma, (istfleo Itoolgot, 641%611m0, Pendants, raisers For t.144e, elm sod repo. !Li Wits, hc.. r 8- Y. FARRICIALA & CO styi - No 179 rocuth altrot t emer Salnaiad. MII.ITAILY CAPIN I NADI TO O [ ADIS. IR Clampialasmyll•O with 011/1. NMI In dm Mut Noir and of Um 18N assUrlaVat rtoioNN?lariticst MANX. ELLEOWS, No. L 3.4 Wood 'street Hats sod Chides! lb' latest - 910U "brass Oa bud. mall Ricm9vAL. REITIORR dr. BROTHERS ban nozolrallo Nos. 120,and 129lArocx1 street, moils I &bows Irifth street. T _OO WIT, Loaniit Paste, torsi. by • .1 myt , were . 212 Liberty ot. SALT -200 bbla. Extra No. 1 Salt, far ML br . WATT A mow. Wll.llll FlBll - 5U b la. No. 1 ,Wbite Ebb; 80 btbbla tic.; far 884 bf m ; .108•4 T• WIL81011:488 Llborty it. EAU.-250 ,pige Lead rood aad-for sale hr ; -m72 , oilllllllllr.ll. OMANI!, QPICLTER-11.85 - olabli fat sale by mss;- • • aILNAT U. COLI4IIB. !ATI E 11.3---0.1 make in'etore for 'sale b • : tavan mom •.m B " -Kra_,wiLLQw8.455: bundles •no Inez (Ms arr J. S. Par I, for war be ,FEAgag 2 -_ s-so:eacks D in tore Sar • syn s •ea cu. m v f ,i . _9ooolt, B a ca. limns, bid it Osid stioakkrosi store tar sa.byi RIVO4 • DILWOII - blue 1130 sot iist. AOON 8 O.II4IARS I . ; .za rian.ti.issmo. o.4misse 1=11111Mil; Asti/.fn!ib : ofttors,,l lernesonalth May BLUM. IigOTICP. is hereby given that the following aroeootLof tsscurors, assseesestors. Le. line berm drily narewil to the eald Beattin , f . 413' = •111 be permeated frif thelOrphine Coact; for cordlrourtion And allowance, • • XIONDA, JUNE IL 1881. • final soroant eJimeePollork, adter of Ethsesta MBA. dried. Plied feb. 21,18 AL Atha 8600001 of %lucent Taggart ea'g of J,bn Taggart, deed. Mel Mama th VOL Acaßint of Augusta. Barge, ede.'r of Frederick raggen, este. - saw Brest 13, Ie4SI fluid eocorma edition* Som., crf of Money DOM.. d.c'd. filed Feb. 26, 1861. Dual lemma of Semnel Murray. acting oder of David Lyon, deed. Filed March 13 1801. Account of Teeing. Atexender, eer of 1 1 arA•ref Werarl. deed. Ibisch2o.l3sl. lint and:anal aceourit of John I. Loy, ex'r of Ilisabetb McDowell, deed fdedildereh 21,1861 Accoupt of Jireeph , Jiod.J amt. (i Walker, sleets of Jot. Welker, deed. Filed March 26,1861 Aroxint of ram'l M. Jester, .deer el Deelel Jorter,deed. Filed Much', =m 11181 i:bo l • ot of se Stemma, grierdlau of Alex. D. ldenorin. Plied April 0j 1541. Meal ervordaf Mary Botilasou, area of Alpheus Bob. boron, dee'd. off' 0, 1661 Final eccount of 4ezdee Courier, guardiau of the minor balm of Jarmo Albenrod, deed. flood Aprils tell. Amount of Castles (hal& adn'r of Jame. Ilverip, deed. rem £941.10. 1801 ' , &cootie, &mins D!lealth, ear of Cosh Smith, deed. filed April 12, ISM. Final wen:rut of Mergaret Gratin ilm . x of Beery if Patchett, deed. lhled by John Groat., her Weer, April 11, 1811. /Mal account of Jebel Grout!, rider of Margaret Grout!, deed.. Flied Apell 11,4161 Final acomot ofplenander Mehl min, gavdtazi of miner childre:to( Robert . McCune, deed. 111,6 Apfli 13,1861. Acoarml of B B. uses, adnex of gained J. Gem, deed. flied Amll 12, 1861. I Account of John Cutaingbaos, ulcer of 8. W.3lcfadden, deed: Piled Aprlll3,lBol. • Heal ICOoODI ofJarneeAlll.oe.gnanhlan of Be:write B. 111.1 March 6, 1801. Account of Arthhr Morrow, 'anteing ea'r of David Moe rem, deed. Flied April 73,1 0 61. aocount of Robert Ferman, mint elog .dm'r (cum tratanisolfr malign) of Chooses ninny, deed. Fluid Aprll 17,1801. • I Account of Goliath Ackerman, noting stair of John T. Benue, deo'd. riled lilay 1811. Arconot of Ora A. Riddle, shier ( 'e bonne ace cam for tameoNoeaexo)ofD.ild Mclleley,ueed VOW May 1,186 L Antonia of lira 11.11liddle, .doer of harm. ldoßelry, deed, filed May A, reel Aocouni of Alexander Penney, ex'r of Yearend McCreary, deed. Plied May.l, 11161. Account of Hobert Barr, guardian of J sent, 11oZreery Filed May l e sec •reount of Renter Carr, gcoirdiao cli.st phial. Wetmore. Filed By 1,16611 Areount of Wm L. Adams, ad.', of At sander Cetbeart, deed, Flied tr.y.t, 1101 Itnal 8600001 of Jam B. Bennett, adra'r of Am Garet, d riled Mai 2,1661. 6.141:30.er WM J. MCC SON, Register. IT IS NICOLL TO BE REOItETtED that While In the lso oner of health to Buie attention le to the paid . by many r•aer Talton of Ineettreable • bre.. wog, Loaurioutilei g, habit. of Ind fleece. ...poem" to sudden ch owe of torfatforaf tare, and oeglect of the pre sow !tory esuiptom. Of dlasoe--are the precurecrs ol many fatal maladke Table upon the AM Indintlon of au attack, Il rioytalea 1.111 relieve the eufterer. purify the blood, restore s rig .ther. mrcutetlea, and thoroughly rens vats the eysem, it te BANDe eAIt3A Patti IX*. Prepare:l and red lby A. B • D. BANDS, Dertgglate, 100 Colton .treat. Now V, rk. Bold also by B-;I4AIINICITOCK & 004 [`Manure., Pa. Bold also by Dr ; ate generally. mytdintalig pURE MEDICINAL LIQUORS, Pure Medicinal Liquors, Pure Medicinal Liquors, Pure Medicinal Liquonr, Pure Medicinal Liquors, Pure Medicinal Liquors, JUL /LIMING, cover of the Dl.Roof sod 111 *Mot et. ciao, of the Dlassood and ital:4 It. d woof of the Unmood awl Slasites at. auoor of the Dleo✓md awl ilorkot at. lIDOLPEO WOLFE'S 11.0.MATIC SCHINHAH SCHNAPPS, Tonic, Diuretic, N LI'DYSPEPTIC AND NVIGORATING CORDIAL PTIE2EII GIN kiUh MEDICAL AND PRIVATE USD UDOLPRU WOLFE'S PURE COONIAC i i 'BRANDY, pw twt had bot:fr4 by bloseell.waressited ham and lb Wet qastliy. Ith hie eartlfichte no Oh befits. had blemishl hp the wet. UPOLPIIO WOLFE'S rURE PORT WINE, impure. sal,beatl. blearl4 put .3p (Dr m.Elcloal 0., e.b Cie eerilgeee. rm lho boubu ...WI pen etal of the tiDdLPIIO litgLF.N'S PURE SLIXBRY ~ WINE Imported eat ; Wiled 61 bitesell. Um same as Port Wes UUOLPIIO WOLYWS PURE, MADEIRA WINK, imPotted .4teS;bottied ty hesse l t. lot plicate and leadithsel Dee the hest gets. WM 00014 se the trade ;e bot tles. Illseiter to warranted 'Weal, seta ._ '""' UDOLPIIO NVoLms PURE JAMAICA RUM; ST. CROIX RUM, SCOTCH AND LRltill All Mealtime lotpla led and bottled by Marl 1. wan sated pal frond of Lbe beet ;wally. I mill Mete my awateMan se a maw, lay Mandlng m a mercambel thirty years meldence to tbe city 01 tier York. 'Mat WWI pledge .04 atlfy to alth my mak my 1.1•1, 'Yd omlfleate. Le anted anl u. be talled coon by *WI tatfrbow. 1 !by eloYins , rttio'cleo Mom sod Upon. to their prartke, should glee the pt rtrimem to Mew ankles. For Wry ..11 • rerprelable Dtsmytant and Avotbmartm. upoLeau woLvs. sooli.x.r.-60.i tad taltortet. of lb. 10101 0m armattle lkloMppe. • . ' • 11,10 and S 1 beam am et, New To.k. /at sale P 6 O 110. lI.K ItValf.a, 1.10 Want Mmet. QUNDIiIES A P DfLIOLESA LE— kJ 1000 blade 11,0 Soo; [Mtn I. to strictly prime; • . Stolle bbb N paw Ifoltmertr. NYI do' Ayropeoarlette qeltUtle.: !MO op Kama 1104ava 1000 WO Caltee. from Mir to dolor. MOO I.fw 11104 mt Gleera or dllbmw alma 1000 1.1. Bella • 00 SIO blob...Li V 11 T•la 76 WI, Las leo 60 I.lbeeta Blatt Ter. Rosin, Orrtnao. Palm and *am) omm Mould aod Met 0 wpm: Pew!. CCOVOI, al.pkv,l Jammu., Morten) aa4 l!plrea, 01 all %MOM 0031141L1 all Illseoart Clays. of pits. quality. All the above too. tine -o4 armelog, in We by JOllll 1. 11011611 A 00, el *lf Ooroirlloltbflold and Watileta.. Plltaborab. Pa. Efumakof's Exuact Coffee I 04tattle• I. Lb. mul4t. IVlnfiono.thoillortgor Mucking! ; sow ()Ivor TitAff Mai • torso woktakota of Family G reeeries. epode ova. 0.11 fohloctol, oleo,. on hood prrd tar 90,•sPI•h!tfais!c- FlLROClirltilitlrocery, *now Wei aa4 Wynn dm. spiOnall Good. 4•llverrid whom ordered. al Nts— f lOU. bbla. Saint Family Flou A) 60 bbli Rye f.esb dreg od; *4 do ; Crab Wa; Ico keit Lord; bbli Roll Bolter. robe Mot Putter; 6 borketo Near d D.:T Buller; 4 bbli .1 rerlood Peralorr. 1000 lb Oraoler BUM clerks eller. 10 boa pr 14.4 bble Percher, balm'. - marred tor sp27 • /NANA VAN GORDAN. 114 Loved el. NSW !CONSIGN MAST Ur rttOUUer, 1000 boa elle* Potabrre AO bldeprima Perrier,. llolra4 ]o bbd rreso 01l Bette 40 tee ZArd• UM lb eleattr; Bacou; 1000 E Pry Antra tO baseUwe% , XlO des rimy !boom-10 *lore for sale by apl9 , *MINIM 211 letody et B LANK EltrUlfar- LZD2IIII6. JOURNALS, DIT DOORS, 018 U DOORS, ORM 110uRbi sal miry Ascription of Account Eloc4o,uo hood or Mall to cordon In tha t..t inonnar, nava to ail; pattern regard, Nth ay .Itboot i nizoo bond lags, by WS!. 0. JOIISSTPN & CO., ap29 Blank Book Maker& 57 WoOdst. .ISUT PER 1-5 &kith' Prenh jJ .hen.P Ostler, Joel ;bed per 114p1444 b , A4 prim Nol4 11603 , 141bthe Web Note APPLIIII-10 Dbl. limo Apple , . la gore for ebli by - VAA Nit VAN GIONDER, .yl4 , 114 bawd et. Wlirrs t.'ISU—IOU hrbbis. Wbito Fish; tats 2111211IN(1-22 htbble L• 22 Herrlaiy, Acm Ina Tarn bbls sod 22 22 bbls No 2. • .261,212211422212212: 4 0.2, A 0 Ma alma la Oar, fur ails 1 J. nANIVIIMTI • al. /Mg g. NU. bUOAR ANU MOILASSES— p 2400 he& Joey. Pliele ee fae Wedeln • •• 11310 bias marw. Pm* =leek at‘Plesepc 600141 Na do for @Glob', • IlAillllBoN . /11100PIR, @pleat.; 1 ,• No;losecond st..quetoomi, DEAOUNN AND HATLIENS— s9 tap 1.44c1ug 14 1.00 , 444b4n; DOW 14n410g rtt 4tioar 1.1134.1 fur ale lay , • splif • ' MAIM' DIUKIT 4 CO. ¢,t,113. will closeout their ji-! • • INTIRI sTomt or GooDI at aatutuall low mate DLAUK.WOI.I4 UELAINES jae tlataeou ' SlLltlothl;43or. bbl .4 1, , fl i tth . Se Flour; bbl Bliabernse-Ar zels by 0411 , I WATT WlLYoll,t4o..llllLlbetty s. 011: SAURELS-50 now landing from SO 1C1.T* 6 * 1 . 1. " 11111 All 111171 r NV • MI LA" Ii 1/-45t 1 packages White nab; toe& Tno,7a dro Wu an, qorAt_•ll Tomb onuNa 011,--40bli. Carbon Oili.beit qualit,y; - - ? '`'.! • UPFST.ZOOLLINi J 4 hhds. cif (lin ter okiby' alloWbeta greologst. a #OLL .. NI)TTI4N~ = 3°.DbIa primp F. • suss tilea , ter ril l• I • Seth !abatis:mats W. az D. DIJOU.S, Corner of Market and Fifth •treek AT COST. BUMMER 1311...Kel AT COBTI All of the Newest Styles NERAGEN AND NICRAGIC ROBES A Large Stock of New Stylei of -4pALiO os.l W.A D. EIOOOI3.,CORNIE AND !WIN= era W. D. HUOUW. CORN'S VIPTII AND; MARKET STB W.AD.IIDUVe',CORNIR ELVER AND MARKET STS& W. & D. UUGI US`, OOtD IB Flynt MARECIST BTB. np29 DR bViEBT'S Infallible Liniment, GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY! TOR RRICIIIIISIBII, 000 . , 171iUR1LDIA, LUAIBAOO EMT NI AND JOINTS STRAWY, BRIMRA. OUTS AND M WOUND& NLRB. DITADAOIII. AND • ALL RDEIMIATIO AND IN RILVoIDiI DISORDIRA. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, great u.trust Bon• Batter.. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Ti known all over tee United Ins. Dr. tWeptien Pweet, of Connecticut, le tho.attlbor of "Or. II oret's t.tdllM. Uolmout." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cares Ilboumetam oupt nem fall. - Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment mid n rflarrly for Normigin. Dr. Iss•eet'S Infallible Liniment Onnia Own. and &Ads 1111214 41•ttly. Dr. Sweets Infallible Liniment • the but known remedy for lentos sod Unita.. Dr. Sweets Infallible Liniment Omu Ileattaeo hotoodlately mud Ira looso to UM Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Atrorda Imumltato relief for Piled .od ret.lorn_ fall. to cam Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Ounefoothar he ID ono Wawa. superior griality, • superior quslity. supsr4ur qualitp, Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment CUTS Outs and Woosth. Immediately ad tom. be sear. Dr. Sweet'! Infallible Liniment I. the best nmady for iloro In the Imam irodd- JOB. ►LRMINU, JO& ►LBMINO, Joe FLIIIII/10, Dr. Sweet's lutalllble I Iniment In I.eo zonal by twr. than • istllloq µKV. sad al min 14 Dr. Sweet's Initsitible Liniment 1* knit • - Mead lb used,. sod every 'Arany ahunbl bat 11 . baud. Dr. Ascent's Infallible Liniment Is for We by all Dru.m•l•. 81 I4oprleturo, Nat ovkh.o dist/ blis IVIsW (.I(X)D.i receiving daily from New LI I.k al • NCW KTBAW 0001151 Ribbon!, Flaxen., 'inches, &e, he ; thew Tglonalugs, Ito brutdari.. Ho-le l, sod inner. Oenta' Shirts, Calibra, Cravats, Nock Ti.., ampoadors, &at thualkirroblets ao. at. ■elllas at Very Low.., lees I HOOP bilillttati AND CORSETS The Best Goods at the Lowest Pllces Horne's Trtanning Store, Ilboral dixnuot olb sad to Wkoloonlo Boyoto. CUEERS FUR TUE RED, W LIM •ND SLIM r Eaton, Macrnm & Co.'s, Non. 17 and 19 Filth Street. .13a10t," Nock Tl•.—.Yp..bc quality .-Usk , a^ N. ck lI- L. Lad .Uulos" N.cY lite "Cam^ Mioottoo—vo2ioao sten. "Unice Bad ^ oolo.lla and Paw [tor!, Whitt cad Blue gibbous, all widths TRAVELING SHIRTS air MILITARY OW P•NIGB tandlod txtrobblog Good. at Prd COG CHEAP GOODS! UT E WILL OFFER a large portion of our I* SPRING AND !VIM IR 00u0S .1 GlidT. LEIS ■uswue, messes . ARO oupeKe Honas-F'oroliking and Domaatlo Goods OARPRTI, OIL OLOTHB £PID MATTWOSI ENTSC ELY STY LIC OW Goons J. W. 11113111:18 a CO., 111111assur1, Virginia and Itercneky Blot• ay takes At to fell value. if hit. BAttlattlAle • Keystone Steam Darrel Factory. Thentdenissed blithe ettered the Waht Rd the State v..2=aranturrb.--... "....gziremat =4l,lore en. :Taint tP...4ralirwrikt data-awl 0111111 Alt SD la each a mean Si. It le bs heal, telll risen item arente 011100$ lesited. u= lre remetto lv t z tr r tri l u thees ui tan is tbra tiv ol :it tla r laji tte lltanict Pitman artlae so wheel: erode eta 101 l peered by • esateet.entedreir oar ode. against When • Oblate war be wet to do teetary, oaths el Wetter r:ver , toot of too. lor street, Moth Ward, or to tee r whoa. do. Whb Meet. se Astra OU7IIIIII • MM. sole at AittEttIOAIS wows, Ton Mil AT HUNT TOK MU AT sum It lIITZIVA. lob pima AT nun? AND *allows. oar • liberal dbiaoisat to Us. trade. Pees hate atrer rade. - R4D' MTN AND DLO* A BBLS. rtilldE ROLL BUTTICit: -0 4000 lb elms llama Elam • /00 bids LW" had), roan . ) • ' ddo Rye flow; 0 Obbi Cord Nod; In atom tormakl spdtzu U. *IDOL". 101 law*, IL 11011OUTIIILD &CO.'a HUZIIATIIIitiAPTI — IiIait - S •. .- . . • GOOD lINWS POS 111 I' BOO!. '. . IL BLAIS lissOttolip blibtioliii Wee* Asia, 'and le soirserrlatb , lfrigs lB . 4 th• PAULI "lib bt.. , " , dna ' : lois camast'AlD ILiIICFS. Pau szlndthlrstt bat/hold, sicklat - . ' , Willa , .Ke. II . jithipitpany; 1N 111144 1 4 0 . 1 ' — ' 1°° big.sAbuifyino; " " • D OLL bit grid 1 bbl. Fresh Aza adz atdaaattk_ratd a& by VIM atig. CiaNnaSig ON iltst arid, arrilrooat JIM OPENED ET I=l CV Alt P .Uuluu . (lath Mom. for Ladles. '.Union• Wash Oaards-4wo "Union^ Drew Button.. UGLY ►LANNHL ANL FANCY EATON, MACRON & CO , U filth Strwl. thuLlmwpices.mVOn Newest Styles of G owls ! 1,1 PACT, Desirable Ser flee {wont A . 1.1Akt.1.).--Being requiredvileavettto eta, for probably throe mouth. at Witt my prolimilloaal beeionie will boi eared la lb, bawls of Dr. 11.V.03 1 / I Yrt, wbo ha been amostaled wtth, me la the prictlal at triedl• One Ibr the bat year. lln et; *ad cordially cotimetot Midi tp the Ihrorable rrgard of my (Meads and ratOlifil. . JAVIId KING.,: AMERICAN Tria.A.Gler Armin. vim . .., . - valtalt • -- -- _ _ _ __ __ ..... .. .. ........ AMERICAN FL.MJS, CAPUNADSI AND NICOR.TDESP liorne's Trimming More, Iliarkeest. UIfANT/W...-4etive Business Men, taital4 yv Thre• nuns In a OW Ousopway, acid conduct Iti6 bedlam. Locatioo Youonpb.la Myrc. ImpturemenfA to rood working ordor. log particulars isqatmol • 000 I; EMIT S Wo r ker, C lit glair et. got ifrO 'att. FOR RENT—TWO ROOMS well finished and favorably located, •1111.. , rent,' lon for oleaOryr apartroanta. appl, at 56 arotormn Ur infleecenr.FlCE d story, rotnnorr 00.01 a, a s 11 Warr CIFICO soir oaropkd by D. lizabacit Neat OM 60 tor woonm, • 184IAR DICEISY l CO- FOR RENT—Tho STORE BOOSR, comfit' Mend end Wads , atreqs, City of Arlisbany,oi• some Indor Ow mane, sod Immediately oppoldts the Isom of 11. P. &hymns and J. Is Carnaghsza =M R. ' •• • ROI DATIL? riOTTAGE FOR NT.I—A ttagen IL) taakkance, (MIL.) R cout lC alobig aria.L Oo LN.ms• Than Is • Mite Ulllad oupply of 0m,...r.au4 th. D OM Of --cmd attactird .• .tctted with fruit treemal oar the flempfleld goilrwei, 4o - - Viegiota, conetating of one auperitir tithe horse poeir Stem Itegloo, oat BUIL IWO gadmia upoclty, BUIL 600 Woos. two PM gallon Tanks or .Itecalestin two 1000 gall. Tanta and out 1140. gait.. Tank, aline& of thieve, beat clean stuff. iihe. 12 11 Kearns, Lapseity of oleo Mol ds iamb. The propesty embracer, to ft* okapis, nearly eta lawmen:ld haa mineral I t{ilt Moon 216 MeTill Tbettii •vollf of bltomltonto gd, of ao eeeeeee thietnem of ab twit feet, otrlorlylog the precitmer WM 011 to Mood In am vicinity of them worts Partite dealroos of anabarkling In the Ltialtriaa of Iteflolog for Oil y m to bars an Op portal:dry of doing oognat advantare, for fontor pia deattro. 'EAT to trio atilecrlber, .1 No. 943 Booth /rent swot, Philadelpbla: 60162w50d T HE WELL-KNOWN encEsizx roVisuira sok nem?. The following looperly, alta.l.l lo theCtly of Galan., sum bo Wood to • good tenant for a term of 'ear., at slow mist. Thl. Foundry has been Is ewer.. for the lot 011.00 yews, on. I. woe oflerre to mot, In consequence of the deattpol IL. former proprietor. the late likholas Dowlifig. Tbreeetory boon. ilo roof; Donor KUOMI 25 57 1,1 0 ,11 lb by St 7eeß Oloanlng Room 21 by IS le.' lioulding Room 42 by RI hut; )1..k Room 'io by IL Lb. Der Lott over flask lisom; Pellete.Ralnee WOrt Shbli by 6. feeU Pawl. Doom 11. by 6.2'reeL All toe abbr. rooms are well Rented sod venni.... there le - alzo now la the baildinp complete-.of of (42.64, Tool. and P.M.., suitable for die wenn, or iscent canary, which wlll Ise thepoeed arse very low prime to .n 7 beetles limiting to parttime', es they must umt be Dos terms apply to T. II'OLOBR IT, Admlnlidnitor. Claleos, ill., ouch let, 1501. irnuuirunv IL THE ••HURIRA 111•HIVI." Patented July 30, 11$60. la now offered tha malt. econadaot of Its aux:10111y our mu other In a 3 Ptilallail4 AND DIPLOMA AWARD= bY allechena County Arleultural Fociars. Saudmiib . er. I 0 00 . V. Odin ars moveable, Imbibe: ila! °Praia , lu mauve the tams soneautior tha Comb. •00 realm* Um:: la thair aunt position. without InJury to Uttar U.:boor. &OM n• your is double. and unitise's,. atienting at MI dam an abundant soma)of fresh air to Ina body of Aim lily. Thee antamiber mush to all SIM cold behten tho aroteetor from eta moth. Itirantod by BeuriSU4l. of city. hie: Is 0 amid by the In:autos ita an 0 - Sfal-. ermantivi. Inolyid al or farm rights. $3 %HIM SDL Ellue, atm right to ass mid warm of Bus tmated.s tb. •, Addraes N. It 1301011t11.11: tcaltaw yo. 30 tialoo avenue. illairlualcilyb VALUABLE or IIACT OF SAND IS VIM. a. SD St Um tow oda of SOB per sera Welted four minks Wow Suva. os tiv uhto visor: 21 sass, 21 sorts sou W. AT acres nab:sable Ott Landp la the ninsa• boyhood ot ohltia • taunter of wells us ostog rook. Ths Itaprotratents so . two &ter, Vern pweillese. 20.21. llama e.r. 115211, flood Sts•no• '122 •02. 1 sod Me Osetiof *pole and Chun mt. • bow loot vote of pos. ts now opso sod In good' worklog ontst on Ow iltereterw. Thus tans is very destraele fa tarottneruthololl2l. - sto.od sast of aces.. 16s 0.• 2. tt. ft. MO= tAt02.22 Tb• promietor trookl rester to all • onerfourth toUnst Um whole tract bat •Ii I •01 tb• whale tt doting& Ur= oe-hatt cub. the balance to moderato pavements. , B. N'tAllt & CO.h No. NIX Fourth etniate NU ft INA IK—A 11010801.• ITM Ink • (Joann hot or ...nit bud.. ritan. On nmo Bet lobton Mad Tour mho■ from the city. lo'llom township. motarnineril Marc.. all of whiato to omi &nutted to the growth of 'stood. att.. It la lo &high anon cat talo sad ha 030 troll Tree. to good orionoloo. of 'eTtoloto neaten, lost rozoind into Martoooroontion; telfdr•rie Man three tears posoindo with • variety or email MUM WI no good oer. T riontiorit • triode. Mad Rood at aMor on the elem. rd The "lam."' divid. to good IMO Two Mt., and wlll h old al trier one half or the tetnios, may be dentin. Morin* of •431. IJAMPUJILL, Ott the 0•61401., or =Worm.. J. W. 1111.4.88.'• at law 98 Fifth elfsk. lOWA VAILMINO LAND.—Tbo enbebrib• era offer for sale on favorable term vela brofdred aura Maim Lauda, altarsed in Wrlabt and 111.130011 =pal.; tillacest m Uwe of ttaillotets non in cows of cutoffs. tico, and one Wart only too all leo from Wanly osta. Stu above oIU 1 void low for csab,, , or atebaniOd for :firming I=6 to ads or relloinlog connlbo. ; • nap Mara Nit l ANJICR. ISt itenotnlaf. 14 , uit thlLls--That.splendid fteendance;ga with large Lot of Ground, Prof Eamo n. awry, altnatsd within two rob:tote& walk of the Wale.. berg Railroad Stalk. ' Th. boa. Is large and lialatiel modern .tl!ia at,prewine cmopted by WK. Tbomp oo.— Wal b 6 sae oa reasaasttl• Wm. Apply'. W. A. ANDRE/10R. P It Batton'. OPLer.,pne NA I oir.g.ta LoOOTJATUT .CAT TO OEM Ir—tIONOVOLDIO f • aomfattable GIVCISEI Collage. flood, Cr' shthlloir and other out hniWloP.. with 6 .tree of rich fiettle. lend ; p'emotly el.sstett Se•ldtler..,• feu mimeo' watt from the •wpat. Ilipplf• of t - avee a. INA l N & UM 'matt sow. INK OdailLsting IGNOINS, of gnat Owe Lome F.:mowwtlb eylletlor Botler:About. 10 *At long mil VO loam &ruler. olltoble ke,an OU Mal, or other light , sort, Sar Ingotr.,4l .010 m 1.2111.4 a , int , TOE' JIMMY FOR SALE LOW-1n 7 ,1 rottdrig order. by WISLL f, !DP, :lb Meaty streeli rpsolle Stub. t• - 4nl UNINT hat our stair, Ina WA alt.ta Llb•rt ittnet 2111' 400.• of - 103. S. (MAR.& 40. bit ll44ltAbert, deniet. OCAT—To • ay.' .ton nnolt Inani, no.. 1.70 Liunts /Loft, to • liiTttik WHAM, qr %.118 , 1 Liberty ono.l. • BAYNE .1. NEEPEE, Summon to A. 11. Rewind Steam Book Bindery. ; BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, 'f Now. 72 and 74 T/erd sL. j Plain and Ornamental Binding, in ?:everY variety.: Blank Books Ruled to any tealcate par, tern and Bound In every desnablatotat skr All wwk warmaln4 to El. sailstsetka- J VI UMWIIIi la , . WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A CGOICE Iv AND DZI.JtOT NIGON. OW 00008 boor NPRIND SALM ebkii b... ben rolectsd 'Fhb more thin we, feel couedrut Wt in • ELICUESIOI OP PASELIC LSD STYLI Painless of P:100. they velll SUR P &Sp ANY GOODS of tbe him% heel before opened In (Madly, and weld reioectiolly eolloll /18 0181, cell from oar pekoer se,l the public, to eXemlee'th4a rune log thestkeelne. Samuel Gray & Son, MEROIIANT TAILORS, 19 101VT11 STILiCIRT. ATI! 0 .A. DiDL ti st 7. J41.1%1111i10N 411 4 j0.4 RICCEMPIif M Ja.ll'Fassa.m • Co., p PORTERS AND J088F4113 OF Itualga and Domeatic DRY . GOODS; No. .103 Wood at.. - 4.92k2at4 , 1117.4•U1411)1.1'•• TRUSS AND SUPPORTER. MAN,III , AU! r TOuY—W. W. YOUNG!, Nal;:9T w.a belga haw to cell tho Wootton of the ofalated to tbitiwt that kw I. the oaly gloootwatwo of TrIMION." Supporters 10 the tit/.' Ile bao bad as a:pomace of i.ao o la the antidaorip Ilttlog sod repot, of throe faitramoods,:atsd nla 114 bb them at priors nip fkkr holm. drag SW. ROM,. • All 1411 ordlolla4 to WI attar essadolag Tnlowaitlaa, ',here. oVYI W. W. 4013110. 07 :Nowa. • R6MUVAL—TILE P&KIN TEA STU'K&. 6u Wen from No SB /bth uR.* Ia - NO. SO BT. CLAIR Air lour Loon tom !ascii GUM -BUM- L) ALNU AN tiUltl lietitiETs *bleb mill .tend SCICP nbrestialt without 'Wm sawted, =I the rune eat! vrlll hotrlladolah pitalotli, you can pt at tbolaetber atom LANG% Lftwty tt , cppoats bald at Wool, 14400.1Lw Ttiall — Eltßstatria, of the best2estern _pew* atuse.e.eal iemeortkikieulnie Ileum .treating. atet with evaded Leaflet to Ittitatlley, at tba Leather Ater. of IL DI LLNQI. 531 Law t.T it, aPP:sitt Mad or Wood.'' ;t 11, ;- DATENT CONSOLIRATICLI•. R BBIR BICIAIrtfI, a nom And superior ink* of bat& SO I ed. I.by - - • ' - DI LAIUIII. - BUliellFt ELI) CU. are selling . . , Ilnderehirla and Prawn, . _ AT MST. TO VOLUMTISIO, DAirr/ PUL WALL - PAP/MS, ill imlfn latiou of Lomaii4 Daossokikapery,be byi apSI P.III4IIItUALL,IIIWood MEDIEVAL," Louie' YIV and Napploon lU /U.1.1•41v0i1, form& by .pii, - , - ; W.V. MARBEULL.II:WociI St." CIIMEN r- , 150 Ws. Fresh for side b '.T EAPLARp-4 kege:fregi Lest:teed for jUk . .*Oltl 113, titUS-6 bbls Fresh. Ew,just rea'a for isle epta ELOOLIIIIL i. MIME= ; .1- ' ••• VITTSBUROII THZATRZ.7I tiws Ind Manager Treanor Lutz fika omit Dows epee AA i; timat Ty 4. Untaa tomollm - btu , ' Betketi. Woolard to gr. WU. itcsorataom, by oar tightens. lbw ►realog. DON OS. &Mit DS BATAS b—Don Copia, Wr. Ltoiderrou. oapptrtod by the taro coospany. Dave. Wee IOW& Aft. which. TOR. 111)%51161401 WitZedBll o l To conduits With. Jibib/T LlNDS—tren*. ■ra lintdermi. Aee moil Wis. thanossorAtustF. ' NPR POEM.g/ 15 Numbem j,, • mtsic I WITH ACCiMPANYING DIES, i or I Richard Storrs Willis. ' l aEach Eurabor 25 et ti. gitt Publlstoel. &ad far sa!* by No. 02 NUM stavit. . A9ll Sole &Oat for ILvaVti Cestanted ' - SPRING STOGII.9FAiIm PIANOS W. hue Jut arrospleted eec flat Stolog impel, et the otolreled ETNA& W AY PIASOIO, whatt• tia to Ito. sin of the priaret dej. corapredag both (WAND. AND SQOAaII PIANOS, owd at NNW tOa& PRIOR& Thep are warranted toe 111ra %NAM Pewee NU and etamtne hakes purcluudog florid, re. D. ISI.EBAIt &IMO, h 3 VOth a. Soho A geaU for Stemware Derlteled EM AND SEUOND-[LAND N PIANOS, JAT 0006IIALLYj WW I Paicsese 0107 oit. Roonnead coo, elegnat Coma lege. lyre. do, mode by Henan, Butte a I.3o....aloadolecto t • 000 0% Od.Boandrotd one, round corona. do , made • by kOOOO. Bacon A 00--.... 300 00 bas?crc Ponerrood eeirscarZ a droit, pd.!, Pe 0 .7 Bala aCo Nair York, nelnerkohly 223 00 • One 654 oet. .11perruod caw, and desk, d 0... by 1156a1t0010. ... =3 GO Poe act cam Bowman tacc ol beatitibal det/00, . by one or the beet New Pork motor:, eery