ilittsbur[o alette. al121:114L 'APIA .0 nil CI? TtrEpia - moosura, epau. 23,:J861 'CITY AFF4IRS. _; itaaidaaaocacaaaria:Jodi aba (limits, by G. E. dim!, Opticiaa,,llartth ,aracadd daily : rssug; ni moms., 19 2 ° Vk k; a. 1: Baraaiitt: . j The Follywcul range! of Mobs. On Buoday afro/noon, during the excitement at the depot,a man happened if) mite some imprudent remark in reference to the'svisitin of the contraband ghods, ;end immediately theme of ' , rialto:" . raised, and Info/Mid Mob et ono* pre s sed apse him: "Haug him I" ohang bin/ I"; yelled 114undlud voice., and the prior 'Maw wee hustled it into an alley for.the purpose of "stringing him cm. ° Mayor Wilson WILI advised of the outrage, and /Behind into the thickset of the crowd, WOW that the lasi Might be obeyed, and thatte ra violent* might be dose reportorial strig by gle, ming which Chief of Palos Vrittereon arrived, the oasis was rescued: A bandkirchlef ' had' ones or this hien thrown - mound* poor fellorea seek, end the timely presence a nd' vigorous, action of Mayer; Wilsonalone caved btu life. The folly and dangler of this proceeding will ally appear when we state that the man was a volunteer soldier, and his duly . offloire consisted In axpreasing a doubt IV to tie legality of the Mauro of Ure scrods! Let mobs take wattling by this. ,tapt.Leonardlre tiompaor. This CoMpany Tabs Penn:Light Guards,) passed our ;affiCe at &Willey 'esealog, tornieg 'oat mime [dry fine-looking pea, men who looked to be sol diers all over, led by the dlOoongabirla; Artillery ad. Ceps. L:bleheyetofolo hada /pint many haivaidahle difienitierp to surmount in properly Miami:Mg his corps ; but nova, with - the eminence roof Military friend", Wni:ll. Silver, lite Order ly ktergiant in the Blues, Rohert 8. Muir, of the Bagman Greys,. and. B. Lod/rick, lormerly id a Westmoreland eteanty.irpaur,- And other Onatistint good fellows 'wbo names we caboot afari at present, he Ja sure t hare his 4olt -corn. plemaritit a day or two. We;hive no doubt but that this • oorPs, Os'ophoriailty presents,- will lire a geed 'account of iteelfr In this Connection jartf May be ti itetteidted to add that, some of oar dpatriotic el zees would furnish the captains or the alitraieet with a little Youterial aid" ut the dupe. of money, Ao defray the -ordinary-lair 6ther, tinder miming eltemmitancae, extraordinary kezpsisses Tor music, rating and;divere cannery Fyun! air, we ,feet Wit it mould prove acceptable and • useful to aiding , to 'complete heir required number.- Who speaks fiat 1 1 . iiiur. Oen. Jamul'. Nagler. We hear bet one express' a of opinion in refer , .. erence to the tact and abilitydisplayed by Gen. Kegley hi mini:len the Fin Salgado of Velma keeri.los Western Panasylvasia. It is doe to him cop that hie Waa a hercaleau lath, :lilt hi has proved every Way"; muted tto th e emergency. An equal number of lroopi u pithipe.isier or nulled io so 'short a tic ud while all - the mar. 0 1 Ardivate officers are entitled to due credit - in Seth. lerion the jorgieitationj el. compitilea;l the com manding Officer hu justly received .the , highest i commendation for the enstnyl, promplaess and mil- l lay preeivion with which his multibitiOno . dillies were discharged.' 'Ha siill'heirtmand IC ipleadid 'body of men, and hie brigade will doubt!eas pewit honor upon themselves Amdahl; 'lntone; old Key 'stoop State. We predict Without and 'their gal. loot commander a brilliant career.-' , - j ' 1 . ... Aid The the Itriliantareu ! iti ' - The ladies of the Seventh ward and nenoille, have Signi fi ed a willingnese blf render any assistasee lin Abele power in behalf ofpr glorious country. 'They are trillion to aci in Co ncert with the appro. ipriatt`COmmittseo, and - Suggest that al Capp!, of illsonel be procured at coat from the merchants, which will be made up late shirts gratuitously. . h is proposed to have the articles left at the store of" 'Eaton; Mecum & Co,,Eifth;street, subject to she order the appropriate committee. 'The HI/11CM of the lathes. will doubUesatie cheerfully accepted. l , Tads,: at- Ciatialiy. - j . • -, Judge Shannon, 9bilitniii of the Committee on }Home Defense, achnowledgiis the receipt of the 'followlni tender:: ':,.. i - " l ' iGilliksatii : .hfiring stideliacMd that: it. may be cieemed advisable to station detachments of cavit iy in* Suburbs' ol the tit upon the_ IA asiegton oaditheGreansbarg tempi a and tbeStenbenville urnpate.:..we hereby offer 110itiCti of the Penn,. ylvallitDraecians - for the, Parlous, and will post Itcpude at eithir . or' all 'thine .. points , whenever notified that we are eecdeecq -. i . - ~ .. , LeopoLD Saul , Jr:, Licht. Cote. 'Oa behalf the entire Company,- = . NISIII:WalD EIONI - Grriam-"-The Citizen* of the Ninth Ward, Puttsbush,l assembledU the In dependence . &gine . Honse; on Saturday everting for the purpose of organists/ a Home Ruud. and to have recruits for service abroad the ernerpecy Of the mate of the Governetent tequila them. Cap. isle Charles Roberts, -u elected President; Allen Dunn,. Viee - Pusident; Jamie Little, Secretary, and John Wqollen, Treasifer. 1 Aftei a patriotic ad. 'dress from Blr Smith, of Made, and the enroll :ante forty-eine comet, the meeting ',adjourned AO meet et the School Hon*. dui eveitiog at n o'clock. ' A EPA TAN Maraca... l 4 meph Weake, enfold :resident of the Ninth . ;Wird, tots threesone, each of .whom undertook to Celia', unknown tO the other. li'hey - did so separately, end when they mho to Idrill, the three . breamlnset in the room.. : They mhos concluded they would i aequaitt their nareate lor the tact: 'AI soon. ai their mother leMsed what Iher sons hid done, hasteid Skt ;rebtiklot 'them she dressed *no went to avolver, and comp exited .the'More Ind brio& eiellal Irt them ar them for their bravery. We have 'toasty e cictonheri i &mom . . . De4,11. - Friiaiel illy, his resigned the Poeition Sargeon cc the pi. S. Modem Scepital bare, in order to apply fors EintgemPs ConottiMion , le oae'd our Reghnebta forming hen 4 'Al "4,llll.ote the Mater mil receive the appoint- . 11114101;14. a is- ati itaiontStalool Mittman . and in every Tweet ominently godified for the poodle!. 7he Hospital, in . the Meantime, - under the charge of Dr. F. Irish, !Sao will be: the acting Burgeon, the department :not , having yet mad* a permanent appointsisent. 4, • even ,of pstruitiC-fadieir,licisday, met at the hoise of ._Mowry Melissa, fix the par piiiire of roCkitil Lances ait soldiers. ' Melte lea iso:PipAcir nimble lain oda maid the Shuttle of &Sewing Machine fly. with speed; their' berate weenies wills high pitriotic emotion& ttitre be dotter from the Soothrirc hregpdoeiiiit tow, tktttlpritauts olwwity oniln the free Nan?, eiriry.l4oll,*olrUe tea child, are' boating io 1111103* with MOWN:11ot deep and holf;patriotiwzi, • awl elitire desotiati to itai gloriostelitarszsd Stripes. • . • - • ;Con. Jona Bannotb 111414anall; • n four soil now volunteered for the ,dttense ot thafr:eorostm , and obould they balm a bbaneeot. displaying .tbetr bravari; no doubt tbey wilt tears their *ark. Jobs D. flarroa, tbf etdetti;ti . it - gradoatO of. Frankfort Bebool.'Kentaokje Pint Lliutimisat In thelaweencevUle company. - Say lbeVolamel be Spared to sea bit Jul bowl safe.afte the:wir over, - and vlotory sobilvialos Mak part.. • . 1 . • - , - . . _ .. - , .13 - racca.r. litoucciarmt.-..W0 molt dot overtook the fret, daring these asettkoedar,'lthat C. H. Love, the eaterpriabli Or '' G00d5...441s !dirket street, near Foartb bas)ast opanitir 4 .aa r, anassaby attractive stock gooda, , lwbiab ha offers at tba lowaskpficestak, *, itief t rtant'Virtiataildincinri and Hastatiy num at ailaiYarll;itot rafaitag Par' ralaiatrlast alrarad.;lQoa.tortrlotat. - thbr op. portatqty, bit call la at aica, , --; . . , . . -Nr.vr. Vatiggilwi.."oololoaso4. l :.:. A.'. Karr, toq.i al.Eleelsaa toilab ibisklialal a fooPillY atmaith M wlll.tate caisual. “Baatoalkig 11)- wars la au tfiglar 1 4 I.; "*" r" ' Copt: ti Molted; qtUtipar St. Clair; a compsay,ati,arrafgalAkiam: Ataiotiodied mat, %re L , • .7;p:Walkiashair c a;aft,Kaaapart,lis also get sibt'aii a aew 'efimpapy cpflimaitaitayt PiniCe• Halt Tatty Annunti.—.oe.Wedelisd ay more. ing tart, Depoty-R, F. Sent*, of fdenongattela -city; Srredetlii'yos4 MIA sewed.. Meereaq, aux . th e Weehirlgtos eisanty.Pear Olouseater Abe lareeny . ol a horde, coat'asit' from the hetet iof Andrew Levity, in West Rurtini.l Piteo.4 - With , horse; coat sod $0, 1 4. - WA*l44 ll 'benkifohireat • Newton utter- Tau AUtonawr fearthirser.—Mr, S,• Riddle, ode bide PropyieterC of thirippiir, has been tip , pohitird,,puu..lbi . l.slleghenyj vice Wm. - M. Stawart.whose term espiree....The retiring oMeer 1 0 60 0 11111 }Inielrlatthlullly :and. - antudaetordy, lid learn with The Idea 'Wishes of his fellow:cit. Mr. Riddle wilt eithatiolat the ogled about the inn el May ctT. , • : • decinise.:--m,..11pr, a lad whose parents Fuld!' on Felton , en ac t. ja Inc Math Ward, tell frotaraidder at the.earkile buililegyettenigoied received i snare strain of the writ& f•itiawu mad aothe Mlles ot Dr: [taller, wheie his wound wu properly dressed:'' .';" '"'• • ante tal.-0a; Saturday a large Sag au Iplaead over the pima% 01 , 81.1faillra Cathadod, the Wake{ spite is the c ity: , f The. dog. gad' wu hashed to the eroselyilt. g. M Stawalli-• naval adieu. who hummed pearl gi.•;114 WAS a dll#llg '1 . 11 . 141, 'admits P e c" 4.lizatti- is deduvu ofituchaudg elOp e rjo.,)Kofigsultable mettle; for la' A psi of .tisT will um* u protemrd. Apply at Ibid. ialeknik a l t irik = l lad Flanhiefte* . . - . ;',".;;;;-..ii i - t.O - -linilii•, saiini'of --...„..a.,.60/11411 Wiiiraiiithi‘littittbi &yes 1 it eo - amniviti , amoo. a tria indar - - - , ami tatzissaa kro *4ll4" i r a dian; a 1 ....p. ,- ,1. 4,-1 ' • '• '- ',., - - --- -,„ --- ~,,, „,_,.-,-„,--7. - :: , ,,A.,,,,, ' . ;" , 4•:;,..., :u .-:;,......- . 1, ~. nag.theillare•!.Rdeesenamerg, Oggeerer eta. Sir" . Negleyl,cillestianding the Ilintßtigade::Western Peonsylvaen Volun teer', bu istand ordere,for the movement of the Same Itiginnit of ‘Penneylvania Volunteer', from ible eitj toliarrisharg. The' troops com prising - tt . iiiitegiineet will leave this city - +t ten' orclocicon Wedandaj morning, bY the Peony!. Tanis Railroad, Islam the order should be coun termanded' by • Gov: Colin. This order is posture, subject!. ooly• to the Inuit centingeney. The Seer:cid:Regiment is composed of the follow -easiipanits: I • , Jackman Independent Bees, Captain .Mellee Wuhiegton ' Infantry, Copula Rowley; Duquette Grays, Captain Campbell 4-11. S. 4aueve Cadets, Captain Roberti; Pitremee , a Legion, Captain Stew. ari • W,Mthiegton norionibles Captain McGilto ; Union Guards, Captain Tomlinson- City Gu a rds, thptain A.. Hays ; Hollidayabarg e encib l es, Red fleecy, Z.naves. The -two latter nomplaies left for Harrisburg eome devitalise. bit the other companies are stilt here and Wilt leave as above stated. This ;Stand Regiment organirsd yesterday by the election of the following ahem. : Colonel, David Campbell, Captain of : the Duquesne Grey,; Lieutenant Colonel, Norton hieGiffin, in command pith* Washington Invincible"; M:jor, Alexander Hays, Captain of the City Ganda. , Three officers are all linemen, and their eleetkin was almost unanininue. This - Fint'Regiment, it will be reinembered, did 'not organise , in this city. The Second' Regiment will leave bare fully equipped, aid “anned to the teeth." Feline of the companies have their owe arme, while the bet ante Will be tarnished with get s by Gen. Negley .previons to their. departure. For this 'purpose, 1200 stand of arms were yesterday procured at . the Allegheny - Anteaal, by order of the Governor, and are now stored it City Hall, ready for dis tribution. • Theaompanies above named will be joined by two or three ethers, and the whole nuinoer going forward in Wednesday morning will be 1600 men, with sin ample supply of cartridges. This 'Regi ment *ill present a--most fortuidehle body, and if attacked they will "fight to the death." Reports continua to tome to rapidly from all the western counties of the State, and enough compan ies have now tendered their nerviest to form at lead fix regissaite 1 3 Volunteers are offling much more freely than as week, and many begin to apprehend that all the companies forming cannot be accepted. This feet statald not discourage any one, Let, the glorious work go on with renewed activity, until the whole of Western Pennsylvania, is under arms, The ensmierof the country are active, 1 and lot us not be over-conlident, as otir terrine may yet be re. inked it home before the straggle is ended. A compatijof volunteers from-Butler, under coin. wand of Gen. -John N. Pneviarice, arrived In the city and wee quartered at Hares Hotel. New companies an formiqg in the city with as. tanishing rapidity, and the military fore" is largely on the Menage. , The Aileahisty ConuisMee of flofdly The gleetitive Committee of the Allegheny City Committee of -Safety, held a meetiog last night, at which the following bgainess was trans. acted: The Committee appointed to confer with the fleeced.° Committee of the Allegheny County Committee ot Public Satetyzeported as follows Your Committee appointed to wear with the County Committee as to the best plan of co-opera ting in the. celleotipo end diatributing of Nada, dre, and whether such colleatlons and distributions should be under separate, city and county control or otherwise, it was decided that separate action should bi taken; that our city tones a part of the present. county organization and would share egeally, ds should be, in the common came. Fambermere, that the committee with whom we conferred `would . recommend that the Allegheny Cite . ..Exicittire Committee, those of them whose URDU ireienot already on thole, should be ad ded' le Ceinoty COmMittee, and that hereafter our•tiet had as only &aiding to the act. log of the Couble 7 Comatittee so fir as the collect. leg- mid distributingof fends were lobe concerned ' The appointinent el collectoti for the city of Allegheny ;-had'already beet made, and the rip. pointment al parsons-to make distributions to the needy led deeming would in 'due time be an nounced, together with the plan or made of dis bursement_ Having conferred with the proper atithenti as above indicated, and concurring therein, ask now to be diechairged. • W. S. Swam, Your' titviis. Tho report wee adopted. thr.S Bumali , Big. presented the following coot mittricittloll9 ishiCh.tral road andlieeepted: CensureEn Ituoma e April 22 lErn. S. Bissell: Sm—litelove I glee you the emplettione permed by the.Eimeouve Committee in the metier or year COMMaittee. Years, GEO. H. THlElatoal, Resolved, That the report of the committee from Allegheny City-be received. Resolved, That we 10C66115 od so the Committee of Public &fey that the gen Heinen named a the Foteentive Committee orAlle gbehy City be added to the Camara Committee of Nefety of Allegheny teounty. ' The following reaolution wee' presented, read and adopted: Baolved, Thit the eitineaa of the difre , eat wards be, cud - they are hereby recommended, 'to. enroll themselves into compapice for Rome Deleon., and Cott so Neon se fifty men are carolled that they elect their offieenk and report tbeceselved to the Cheirmau of the Coommoittee el Rome Detemeol the County, agreeable to the r viola Come adopted by said Committee. Oe emotion adjourned. City Armory We direct thisattentiost to thea ger:union follow• log, emineting iron) tite Committee on Ifinne De, Conte. It is i good one, end will fdoubtlea meet it eipoosie from snag citizen bitrog arms to 'ewe for the public goodArkiicisos, Mayor Wilma has deposited the first gen to the eitisees. stomp W ho will - be neat - Resolved, That his bouor, - the Iltayai of ,Pitu burgh, be requested, to proton lt teilable building to be occupied an an Arreary,Joi _the. Ilome_De fame ; inati;arrin depheival .'to be eibiact-to the control of the Mayor and this compute. Rentred,"Tbit the elliteni of the Brief . and mental hanapectrally rev:meted to ,dapoliit, rot tonality, , ell each Ceara arm All may be Itl their Oceanian' at the armory, to. be 'designated. , Resoltvd, Tint the Mayor be Caked to Live peb- Itchy to thtenrcsolationc - - • ,B 1 Order or the Coeimittee. ..,:,P. C. danoiallt *Mayors Offi City of Pittandsh.—To ecialorrei• liana:o.lor atuire, George Mayor of said city, do'bereby request all , loyafeitizene Asa leg guns temper*, to bring the sense to the Mayor , ' office, where they will be properly distributed. 'Gee: Wrues, Mayor, April. 2di 2861. . - AT A meeting of the citizens of the Fourth nerd, Pittsburgh,. held In the school resems, , last evening organized a fillome Cutter and 64 citizens ea 'Well their names. : • Demotion an eketion Was held and the follow. leg of elected: fdembirs of Ezecative,Committee-3 as -pr net lin, DrJ P , Dike; CJI Wolff, John Watt. laptain—W R Brown; . Ist Llsot, Goo , Black ; 2d do, D 0 AlcCormiik , 3d do, Wm 11:8peer. The Earollment Book can be i found at the oßoe °Mall St Speer, 166 Pena street, , -where those ,wishimi L to sign can do so.' The members hereafter will meat for,drill in the third story or the Fourth ward school house, neat -Friday evening, and regolerly thereafter on Toes. , day and Friday nights. Two Etmorasq Mecums of porolgu Literature,! for Mop, Is welt op to the high mark of excellent* , which ibis well known Mobilif has woo from all readers. It slugs contain' them, lehoiout rending matter, selecting for its pages the :bast—lt war mime the best—of the masterly e5 "6101,4 " 6101, 4 tabb ,from more than a score of Foreign . Aloarterly, Monthly Ond,Minikly Pablick thou. Loch comber coot/tine . two had cmgraviogs .on steel; and the twelve members form three vol. .omes, of aco_ pages each.. Yearly eubseription 115: 'Agents' for Pittsburgh Mame. Mont A Miner; 1:121=2 . . ANDERSON HOME is a alone &via td,lpl,.did corps of young sass, (named last eiiiiogio,t 0 homo deforms, and tbop rgtccti?p . offibe . Btttsand Clelpee.elirenbare, if paled epos by our jortnasuelit. Mr. George U. Anderson prWdsd. Parsons br 'shins .to enroll . thine nanig.can do so by calling upon Mr. Mowto• ydecrunn,artbe ortsbbalimant cif R. & Co., WoOd OS MO OMOiO lag to-night - 911 the Gyessasisoz... - l : , i GilfElol/111 Orrea.—The tollowieg resole. , Coe; entered upon the 'amiutei of the Committee ite Bogie Defebee eipistas itself , • , Thit the gettereiM,Offer - '.' , riiir;„ Win. S.Herest to inpply printing paper sad 'other mate. Kale to his lie‘free eberge,„ , to the • Committee be tome.Defesse, be'eSeepted, with ibe Waviest thin& of thiCommittee, nod that this resolution' be • ebibibed• •t; •- linacurit compsby km Lein.rai sed in limey borough sines Sottudoy throning,.and MOO wan ruboaribed In tun butts by nos chinos, to *quip thous with Sharp's ans.! The company was tondotwf to Oen. Negley by T. 8: 401 MIN " tiqr” pounds" analog, and t accepted,, subject to intake orders. — Tag its rutj to LOOtOti fOrthilltb• , . Losnit, Doanmos.Meterit.! Hostetter 103roltb handed the Committee or the Pan Wstdddr. J. N. Riau aid 10.•Adems Getty At - hick for one hun dred dollars (per) for, the 'inst . of the, funnies Whom 6abende era now co OM:, way, to the. ust of wu. .:41teurs. Kean and Getty will', eel -on 'our cititent for their donetions.. . . . . . .. PAW* AID SILIMNADZ.—TIio Daq'seine Grays paraded .pesterdapjaibeir aew!uallormi . aid ',pia ; naiad a eplendul spimariami., to the ASealsqf the tam 112 tarred oat with.Yosors bras. 61410 d sera. aided UM families of, it'Biddleßslits. - rs er, Eig, M Binkirt 'Aliniton. Mr Hobert/ ; replied in a Tory, ipirltad and patriotic o- , . .... , fdainiika Or Ctinseus.'-otrui brandies or Select and•Crcarion'Couieitaerest tbia arenieg la calm; =trymieltta. to take into; consideration t'lteste'.llefetuis,'"and is, a ibndy , bid lour membert farewell Met minoring with It irr.Wril_tly,balibted to see *every member pus. .51 bleemantrisid in time of need. Sairrauf ,lUMatifel sword. WU 7eruirdsylieste4d to Aetingi f ieuenent J A Low. ris e a.lbrs doIOOTWOOM Balla Altilslie Jain IkObonbi 7 4 l . Faatlialueitit Hampton. ams , .ll,Behoyili.U., ill. vpif.itiof as !lad! by Umlaut fi.%41 . . _AH.r. wags; Lew', ale bitiriAl.r ,-irati r ..:~z....~; - i, • Ifidtb4. • [how lb. kms9ltyli.ps4*.a,extr..l !alum Entliuriasm-4eins ptyalin, will. Patriots inanetst .anti'F.C l .4titll., Meiling on two, HoursiNetter—Votußtrera Enrolled—Famds Sub- - Lett ereaing (Tneada.t) upon a call of trio ci three board, the laije &art - Hausa of 'Johnson co', wasi fillet! to nrettileling The Washington Goarda marched in a body into the Court Boum, preceded by the fife and drum, keeping "tiro to the mime of the Union. The Stan mul Stripes, borne by En,-: ego Hawkins, were greeted with the viiiden and . long continued ebeerteg.. Ron. Ben. W. Club, Mayor of lowa City, war celled upon to onside, and on taking the chile made a epenti in behalf of the Unice and the country; that lent a thrill of joy through the rut multitude He was followed by Adj. Gen. Jesse Bowen, Capl. B. Mahatma, L. D. lugersoll, Dr. J. C. Stone. Hoe.. J. W. Cattell of Dee Menu, Judge Battles, Geri- Knox. Role..J. Dolby, 0. H. Jerome, M. Blum, A. J. Curled; arid N. H. Breintard The renauki of . Judge Battles, as be with heartfelt emotion alluded to the American Flag unfolded by his side, aa his Sag, brought the house down with that:Odra of rip. please. The Star Spangled Banner wee sung bf PILIE P. J. Whipple, with the most haling effeit, the sotiole• crowd using to their feet nod joining i tae chorus,. wile Star Spangled Banner, 0 lung teal la ware, O'er the land of therm and the ham Mahe brare." Yankee Doodle and other Netionil lire were: played by the Band, enkindling the liveliest patri - Mir jay. - Noi was the meeting a mere talkieg one. The: enlisting roll was opened, sod 40 enrolled theist selves for the defense of the flag end the coontryi the list being headed by Adjutant It I Bowen* A subscription was started for the support of the , wives and mothers of those who, should enlist in the sacred cause& their country, and in leu thin one hour between three and four thousand dollars were subscribed. It is thought that the stibscrip lion list will he increased thie matting to flee or . iii thousand. Altogether it was thermt patriotic, nulled sent. leg ever held in the county. Alter three Wain three for the flag, and the Union, and Inc Maine Anderson, the east crowd adjourned to meet on Saturday next in mass wasting, in Univeraiti Square, at one o'clock p. to The meeting am appointed a committee of Gya consisting of Y. Clark, Walter Curtis ' Dr. Murray, J. C. Culbertson , and T. H. Sheppard. At a meat', ing of that committee this morning, the following resolution wee - adopted:.„ ResOced, That it be earnestly recommended Or the committee that oar friends and fellow citizens throughout Johnion county, lowa, distinction of party, unite.with lowa city, in the effort now being made to relieve the neeessities of those enlisting for the war, and that we respectfully urge each towaibip to calla meeting at once, and respond to thicappeal, reporting their action to Dr. Murray, treasurer of the committee. J. C. CULSELIVOR, Clem. W. Court., Stc'y. CLAIIIOR Counry.-. 7 •The war feeling is high among the hardy tallow' of this county. They pect to make ups lull regiment In a few days, and take the field under the command of one of their most worthy and energetic citizena lie was Rio this city yesterday Making arrangement', but for bade the publication of his name at present, AS • meeting of the Peon Ligbt Guards, held 'at the Armory on Wednesday evening, tlat G. W. Seward was cleated Captain; Wm. H. Siir Ter, First Lieutenant; Robert S. Ocer, Secoeff Lieut., and Frank C. Olnion, Benet Second Lieut. The company has 75 names enrolled. kr a meeting. of the Home Defense Comniitteis to-day, it was resolved that the offer of the propti r eters of lb. Port Pstt Iron Works to furnish Jot the age of tbescommittee nix eight inch Columbiadis and tea nine look Dalgreen guns, be accepted with thugs of the committee. OIGMEIZED.—The Port Pitt Guards organised yesterday, and elected the following officers g-'s. Captain; W. A. Chariton; Ist Lieut., H. Lowe; gd, Lieut., Bruce Yoanh; 3d, Lieut., I. Retlpath. This is a flue company. and will gre a good account AT a meeting of the Third Ward Home Griaide lut ravelling, the followass gentleman were elected officers: Captain. T. B. Hamilton; First „Lieut. E. &Aureate ; Second Lieut., B. F. Tandem:4i. There are already 108 names enroiled, end men tions are being made daily. • Maraca PIIIICIMICD.—Mr. S. Riddle, yeaterJaP, purchased one hundred and eighteen rifle, for Pint Ward Allegheny Homo Guards. pie gain are now in the Ward Armory. ~..•1 1 11COAD WMIlp nO3lll GUAIII).-Thill company drilled one hundred and (meaty men last night. D. McClintock and Gloom. Bonnet - au pot the Men through the drill. A UARINIONE CONTIIIIIDTIOC—J. P. Tanner, - Feu , has generously donated $lOO for the nee ;of V. S. Zoos. Cadet., Capt. Roberts. Cert. R. p. McDowcia. ' of Allegheny, was elected Colonel of the Filth flegimenSast evening in Harrisburg. . FROM mm1135130E40 Oct reapoode oco of She riftstough I:lll.6ite !Unman:ail, Apil ILI, 1881 Eds. Gazette r Everything hue wean a war look ; about 4,000 troops are on drill in . Camp Cutts, fike Mote Fair Grounds, about threatocatbs of a mule north of the — Capital.) They are sworn Into Pit yin, and furnished with arms and the necessity egnipmenta Among the Pitteburghare are Capia. McDowell . and Frank Robiolon, Col. Trovillo Le not yet hens butt. expested today. The Pennsylvania ZOtlalrir Lieutenant Faith commanding, ie elm hire. Ali:- lobneton, coo of the Ex-Governor, is 0. El of 'tbe latter compang.-• The officers of tide company think they bare the righvmaterial for car. The boys 'of the Z)1111M11 are lively as crickets, and send the beet to Pipstown..z . The Attorney General has jut informal me that his brother, Gen. John N Parrissce, is raisingi a company in Butler county. • Twenty-seven oar load' of troop. bare jut' at tired from Montgomery 000017, and aro now on the march to Camp Curtin. . . Businese le almost suspended. I bad almost forgotten to mouton ttie Turner Rifles. Theodore Frank is ,with them. They, all know they will receive hard knocks. It ie a very difficult thing to gat a pus to; the Camp, as everything is usuning a military ship*. Yours, • r. 43, I for the PittalArgh Daily Ostettsl Ilium. Editors Why is it that la these Gates when the whole people, with one heart, are ready to give their all, that come Or oar buoyed robin teen are not supplied with money, “the sinew" Id war;' and others! are. Let oar Finance Committee give freely, without 'stint; put money lo the pockets of all our and no matter what the wastes, what the expels. If the Committee ran out, let them ask for more, like Oliver Twist, sod unlike him, they will get it: I learn that the Ehields Guards are pentylen, and have raked for funds to bay bead and could riot get - it. For God'd sake, and our country's, Flies them some. Cruzair. Tan steamship ;Cedar, from Liverpool April 7, arrived at Halifax on the 18th. She brings ono day's later news. The London uriuter }gee no Oath In Southern profesaions of absti bence from the slave-trade, which it- thinks were put forth flintily to conciliate English Prejudices. 'Warlike rumors prevail in Paris. Ali the French Marshals bad been sumnuitied to an extraerdliary council of war at Perla. The Austrian Diet was to be open at Vienna On the oth inst. France Offers to support the cession of Venetia to (tali on certain condi tions. Disturbances continue in Poland. The news friim Amelia bad given a great Im petus to cotton cultivation in India. Tee Directors or the Broach Bank of this at • meeting owToesderlast, placed to Gov. Kirk- Wood, for the are of the Goverment 810,000,-With Instructions to draw upon aim for the anima needed„—lows Brpmfdicats.__ , : 819-B,LooD Fools:—Attsiitioo is oalleit to Mb moat rem amble and eeleetlo i preparation, adreftfrod la another dohurus,, /Chian 4mtlrefy D,diliconry, sod Malt ens he mutoundid with en, of the numerous getout @maids'ns of the day. It So • oertalo moody for WM* dissameoperided, and ems:Mani than of a ohmage colors —of Meg Mending—of wooluensonthe, and mars. deffor; ore, try la ' • Meow. Ossoon I Proo.r. of Now York, are tbe Sole 'goofs for It, and elm proprietors of the worldreessmod Dr. ROW, Isnarnut Dome., an asulda which Oleg Mother rheold twain hir modlcltteeledet to Mae of Vsem and coo/aft:log, M It dons, no ponogorle or opiate of • Say klukft nso bo rolled spot, with the atomst coaddesser,und will be (mod an Inveloable timid° la ell cam of lufeatlle compialob —Odie drift Awned, CWlgainis: *s„dao advertisement. fortille hY 060.1. Nlflffin giesd.l4o Wood at.. Piftoberch. Pa. dolTeldwlndr "Sr Denson 0. Danl.:, Water Coro and llenice. patina Physician; also agent - for Itsin how's enshrined Tr= for Raptures. Corner Of Penn and WlOl2ll Bused. • ; Vir MINCH SERYIID UP. EVERY MORNING , Dom lOtltllY, by G. W. INIFIACKLIITER, .12. at Eli taaranl, armer Wylie smi NU du. ..18:17',, . '. C 24$ Petite street, attainds!tonll branettem 'of' the Palatal pinfei; don. 11 io • BEN''.ALL should pot fail to resit thocosot at Prof. Am& Ira toitie• vapor. DIMDI r w7—lto pi . Komi*, /m* i 1W 4, 23.1. Indent, at Atli o' loasesei olio 4 5 1 1 11 . 8 aiYV abe Ittletw. a tbailit• titrot Isavuer: ?hi funeral •111Ltak• •lao•on 110111 D /A. at 10 el.'0•1. •. from the rodelan• of lift ostsal..tit PeOlibt ..Thatrbstds of tint battly aro tespiettialf latilpq •to attaid. , I , . 111. ATTENTION, iFOURTEI - WA D, !A L. Lianas: t—all persona disposed to moll then. Navas ea a EMUS MUSD will nett at 81111.6170 We - BALL, oa WZDSW7DAY EVZNIt4O, at 7 o'clock—td &d an eat the Oominitteaot PatAlerealets. . 5e7343 W. It. BISSELL. Sow Whit. ST TLIKOSN Milt Wblikau, kluttekiebe t or • lusurianetritid of Bili;pre ears a box. of i Bel anemia's • - •-.Stlmalatiog. - ; Ongatint - • • • kar.l3 b wiattianted b the dislivi *groat. for. le by • : ' : 4 iISV) also" aniOroti, Drogr,td,,, sitd lo Chola family Iftdlelpl, - , ddmthhetd eaz. ,l ov=l , -;:ltS. . 71 4 o't ,1; • • THE LATEST NEWS. BY TSLBGBAPB. WEND AT THE DAILY DAUM OFFICE Weturatio, April 22 —The demonatreCoas along he Baltimore & Ohio Railroad vsre bat .llgbt. At Ilitrpot's Pry, then, mite .boat 5,600 Vir tiktians., Represents!iris ofthe UniOrlsentiment of Brooke, Hancock and Marshall commies sue soot to this city: to.dsy to learn what action the Union man of this city proposentaking, in view of•thidemotistri. dons in the easturn part of the State, aid to concert 0:1031111,111.; No 'Penis! action was taken, bat It is quite likely a Convention of the western counties will soon be called, to take into 000sidetation the propriety of II a divigletn of the .Stats. Lite &deiced from Morgsetown, hiencngalie county,' represent the Union fiellneas being very strong Nothing of special interegt hag occurred. in this city. All has been quiet. New Ov.r.sear, ttpril 22 —The free colored pop. sl meeting, resolved to tender their ser‘ vices to t o goeernment. _for the defense al the A meeting w/o called for to-night to 'dap' measures to clear the city .of abolitionists. Two kayo already been amated. The Mesmer eahawba, with Hamad dates to the 18th, has arrived. The redaction of Sumter reused great aeniation and almost a suspension of busioem. The Mohawk arrived with dates to the 18th. She left in port the Empire City, from TOIL, tab 600 troops for Hey West on the Mb. 'The Atlantic,lrom New York, with troops, itia, chored near Triangle Shoal on the 13th. She communicated With Fort Sumter. She left on the 14th for Sand Key. Toe Powhattan appeared off the harbor on the 14th, and exchanged agnate with the Cruuder. • The gatrieon at Fort Taylor Mad Key West bar racks are engaged, in drilling at the gone. The Atlantic brought commissioner' for some new federal appo4teee. The commanding officer of Fort Taylor has been appointed Poetniaster at Bey. West. The city is healthy. New (fatties, April 22.—The Tem line of ateamera is temporarily et:impended. It is reported. that UOlllllOO is about to speak at Galveston, announcing his determination to oppose Lieelon. The preparations for war in Tem are progress. iog on a large aPile. The remaining troops at la• dianola will prebsbly be taken prisoners. Six hundred dollars of the loan were taken in Mobile by colored people. The 'mamas Hannah hi. Johnson, leaving Pensacola yemerday morning, reports eight wet vessels ad the harboriit a mop. posed with reinforcements. Sr. Loon, Apnl 22. Quite a number of editor ries from prominent papers in the interior of the State express Much indignation at the action of the Federal Cloven:anent in callieg so large a military force into the Geld, and especially for calling for volunteer" froui Border Slave State■, but there is not much ill temper manifested, and there is leis dispostion to run the State tote rash and indefeesi. ble measures than Was evinced by some other States. There is • good dell of Secession feeling in some section., but the Prevailing eemiments are ummeationably for conciliation end peace. Macy rumor. prevail here, bat the city is quiet and order. ly. No public: demonstrations oil any character have yetbeen Mode. Naw You, April 22.—1 t is slated by a gentle. man arrived from Baltimore that a report prevailed there that soma of the ships now at Norfolk bad bees scuttled. iThe heavy derricks it thenavy yard had ban destrOyed, by order of the United States government. The bridges bavvbeen rebuilt, by carpenters pro. tooted by detachments of troops. Imarennvier. April 21 —There were 160 mo tets. and nearly 200 plies sod throe mood taken from the arsenal in Clay manty,sad they were only taken to protect the Cll3lOOll from any roving bands of deeperadoo that may attack the county. A bond was given for them, and they will be replen ished when dedondiiii by the proper authorities. Other arms there were not. taken. New Tons, April .^.2 —The brigantine Tornado war wised yeaterday, having on board • large •mount of powder for the South. An armed 'team tug his gone to pursuit of a three masted actiooner Which saifed yesterday for Perth, Amboy, loaded with arms. etc, The mango of the Mayor to be lout to the City Council• tooight will newts end the appro— priation of $1,000,000 in aid of the war. Lovisvage.,lApril 22 —A movement ig on foot and will probably be adopted in 1 day or two be tween.the eivik and military autboritiee of Likni. vine, JeflersonVille and New Albany, to prevent illY{ll.l by boatile troop. from either North or South eti long ti. Kentuelty preaerves her present @taws. Loorivraas,; April 22 —Saran companies of the State Guard, amountieg in the aggregate to 650 men, under Col. Tilghman, organised at Paducah, Kentucky. ,Zoirsaviszni Ohio. April 22.—. b. Eton. , Stoption A. Douglas tondo a strong 'Union speech here to night. LoorsviLLa.,April 22.—Theriser is falling. rap idly with 18 feet water on tha all.. Weather clear. ' TILEQUAPII/C S&HKETI. Patztorxerts„llpril 21.—Ploor dell at $5 :Nos ad tor aspotelea, $5 628.0 87 for (atria sl*6 2$ Ca family sod $5 5067 2S for Lacy. Wheat aura,: 7020 bra prime Pa. sod sold u $t 31 end *bite at $1 Pa. Coo steady, bnah Dew yellow' sal at 82. What) arm at It@ISX„ Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. DP TO 0 (YCLOGIS LAST HIGIUT Si'.Cil ARLBS—Clorner of Third and Woad •trotto. lilnat BEIM% PitOrlartoll opt N lIPGIMas Weahhig. .1 Palo*, do taa lavlarialea, 120 ma & Lamorm, I.loldayMorir 11. T Blood, Broollmill• T • Martha, earrisbarg T flood. Tana D 11 larrrliL Barlow 0 G W Ooze, do I T N Mom, Ohb J J Jonas, Phila 11 0 &Amy, Wagi Pa B Olulf,N Y I G Braman Stanbearmille W Gray, (hearia to P. J T Kirk, Waahlmitoa SI II LtalLaim, Pa I J O Lmis, WEemapart J Lower New oaatla J W Witaio A lady, Omioule 1111 Dapbarr, do tars 11 V Howdy do TN Williams A Whltasldaa. D,,1) if U Dintalsom Ps J wity, Wash co J Modems, Wadi Ye J B cum Likortwoo. to a Stain% Lebo,. Ohio I W Dewitt. P. I W II Uars t WM P. 0 Wright, Pt ' A Lmisv & lady, Near Lisboa • B Samen. illildleliarg Urie Chula, Wadi Ps T BLials, Watblutoti Pa IP B William, 0010 S B Adams & lift Illimpleta ft T AIM, 1 IS Wilma , Darlington 0 J • Panama:. Wallmllla 0 A D taboos, Brintiog Step l• U DaveLl, nth, e—Briarsota N orm T W Origami, Wm& Pa ) Dapsdm do W P West, Salm* 0 BB Itatbbarn, Ballast] 0 _I,W F Clamithers, Irwirecat SCOTT 1100812e.Clatom Dievamati Way mid Imila atml ii. O. musk vaohatern. ; W Irwlo, Nem Driabkm I B Joy, pore. I U Nkholvati. Nava 4 A Port, Alley P !Marianas, El ttatatteg I II Moos. 'Tomas W B LaMar, l'impint J J Cum*, Week Fog A &adman do .1 V Palmer, Eitt's INS a Body e minion, isi i I 0 2 Smith, If ratAllao P. Malls% 111 AV Papa', Philo I . fl L illeiliah,L 0.11 I W Miller, at Coal. I'D Peat% Dolma co U Ifilao,Bitql A W Pater, Berry Dili Ti U Onsa. Iliall've J Keittlay,Oladloa a Chaim, Little Talley .1 Waboa.Pallaavilla, 0 p. a t/• y 1 , PbII • T Chattm.ll Y 0 I Chamberlia, Palatial, 1W Bradlay, Whial lag 11M A Duly, , , a P Wood, Jamaurini T Tmg do I I Umbutah, New Lisboa .1 Bayaolda, 11104 4D Be a& Ballair . W 0 Calbutim i Covington & Smith, Wrilmilla B Allen, Warma W J Davis, B Bala, ilinama ii D Vaoltamp. Girard J 12C040 , 118101, Bailer PA nTi iht VI B Jack 3 W. ili Ballaevilla W Strata, Yraaltila A 11Jo • I U Cbliansa, Ws Bandy MANSION ROWS— , clOOllOO sl o. bii LlL•rty street. 1. PEPSI/Rua. tattl,l l mltttolUNls P"Ooteeil.Prgla 0 U Baron, N V .1 Proctor, Nome I Moody, Marro rer * B lbws, MP, N T— r flArdlar. ltdrrd router; W 0 Ulm, Now Plttrburer E. Nomitedstrart W Lehassa, Nerlllo W INutlett.lkotb Band 0 Molt Otarrland ' ? B Prddcck do " 0 Pita it lady, Itotdlog 0 Stetter Caton RH Muir Cdireland Natollorn,OrntropO' P Bort, P,Nor V BDavidson, Lunde • streft,tiowt3treuttr. 0 Little, t.!• • Hand do. . 0 !Mime "do U hillier: do . Ft Carroll' do tt i g c rl ' a • Stradattrall Itslem Elosald do , U Da It " do do 1 P 11endrr000 • do A • Itaukto r elaNtro r Barter , Prot. 1101* Barter "di . "IV ifOCuoi. &mu ItloNery. pine 0 T Kroner ' W / grata, illturitiereliarg T Tetrk, Wood'. Boa D 1 Bored, PhD. lir* Co., Ohio 1 O /Johnson. Mobile IT • Thins. 0 werottisrg B J Drell/ A family, PhDs Wheelot It son, 'report ,1 L loner, Om* - - •A 7 Botts do . 'A .1 Our do itolly do I/ Johnsia dp ' :Cons A IT Pendrely,Orrei 4 Lacy, Tenni= Harter, do 'a J Weddell, West Norton B 0 Cheater, OD utr YAQUI 110TIL—Ilbert iO Vr Nesbit, Elt Jocks= V Nesbit r do .W Dnities, Tonsetawneti W J Barr I do Inreampbell ' do . .1 Detrick, Briethhor4 Usihn, Job tiltOTT :I Dory, YO ,..7B.zt.t.tid.r y J Blair, ilk co r • , J Robison, do - 0 Inner do. W Ittgo. do' RO Chapman, Bakewell - Al m% Elk co' J sr do Pf RAY 110Tlit..—Oorner • G/1110 CO Jane Obrkety. Amiestoo J Rowilitos Brighton • W MoN.Deo, Warren • 'V Xidplt.o , l44l. 7 Wan: Illerny,Frrarktown X Mirth, WamTi • tlerrkk; Brent Valhi/ AO Bost, de:. 1 Itetts,aarice co JII Barite drt B Wdllemr, Yriniki la bituidgen (do Dire 80cip5;d0,.. .,. HABIB TIOTXIS—Lit- • • nix= BOW • sunn Way end. Ilaseock it PIOPJWITOII. IMy! Z r rllll i t tae, 24cr o are 1p J T Partertlil6,TPlloqta V J Mild Itb, Alititc• alba. Warns 4 D Motto, II OoTill. T ft ICsW Nampltb, Wfam. Cloday,thooport • I WM, MAUL g a a Pmcco, liblos, Ltki a aws o4 7. &xi isatort . =CE=I WOO O O. M14 . 101[110 . H Eagle Wiatdagion . 3 II Andrews J . 40 l i = y, yi t y l i thy I r.ll. Ladlr. 0 C: !, '2O belly. Wadi legion Wawa. Fairview • . J dtoa•OrAllotidetUo I U Myers, do • W Wavl.o.oolooo.od 0 r ." r swi - w•adealps' n .14 1 '0 1 .% , Wetwy.: 1 . :1‘07. , '61r0na . 11Prised tee-i • , I WOltddatim!,oloFet ~.. , W licewww3 l , _ J Batsman: , [Wiwi AY Hajit's.•l3 41. _ J It Aatiew, Ttwessomaide W-84,118.0saimsbargb L 1411,01 01 V 0 Drwthwit.. WishisBwd Veloolde, tlo Cbluabrello, Pslcalos. A 2111,7. (Winn* :T Di& Vo.Bl _ • .18 Maori Ni. oral. 1,10 8 Dwgbalt Felsmuld, ..1 P K' I,' P *wast. I d OITIPM$l l Wkille7 , - *A leCleiry.;lll* tH -11_11U."2,0..W°44. OtlakED troins-aintri T. X. 17191. BB Betalry.liono dt7 0 Black, do Nn Book D.TOCCO RIMMJ maw= ME= W Pay.arcr, Parryopulla P. P Ltarrenr- Guard. Ca?kt 8 Girarkand dA wag JDowen. K li Jbaroand. J. ff.aaau rr, J J Kreobardl, Now Caatl. N A 'HON AL GOTS 'P •011111 ■(llngtocs, tiro .n•tille T II MEE= J 44.cirrou, Jr&num 03 ..1 , Nrr., owl:lmM° c .11 . 1.3AL1,u, i las sou a F Perrick, do L Briosomo, d, .7 Taylor, ' , 0 J 0 Bort. 1,[W0.0 F. A Holl, i East Houdo'ph 0 a Hall, ' do J ChoW, do W Goodel:1, do J Sl'Dolay, du I? SEamerski, do 0 11111.31,11(11100, Na. tiortio 7 Sault; do 0 W Ors., lloooxl Co To }I if Bask .1....7 dl) Entail:dog W Butler, 'vevalt 3 Tamer, __do_ Hoodorooo, do • Poston, Rochastly-Po :OMMERGIAL RECORD ODIMILITtIi OF AItISITRATION FOn VAPOR AND APRIL. IVr.Run , . V. P. I luau Illcztr, I R. 11. tilgbaker Wu. 1111.13. • B. Claaram, B. Pamon, PITTSBURGH (ltsportsd apactally fora* ritfuhrircp% Gaata.l • Prrruussa, floraoar.' April 2). 1861. The amount mutes mutton* doll,eulted anl omeO The agent for the resales outtalk* le rather Maned, bet Golder. of 400 r and baton are eating an *treats , Orver la* oteel'equotattoes. Other articles tussle sochmitted. VLOOlt—le to better &mood at • allebt Mums sea Golden are vary him to their glees. Baled were: • Somer.! tetra. t ti. Vll/11. Panay 4, 0 4 SO ell fr COOS CO _ . tO bbie Imo Aare-- SD do too • • do 7605 go 000 •• do ...... 26 676 6CO 00 • • do 6 65 6(0 26 200 • • do . 5 76 GELOCIIR4M-6agar—qadet: salt. !of 10 abda at 7%•.. 5 do do at No; Moles*. steady; gala of Zil.bla at 35811.1 do do tomcats, at 374 a. °off. dull but ihrat at 14% to 16u. 0112TE8....113 good demand sod fiteu; aim of 4 bola Poll at 170317r40; tubed° at 111 W; boats do at 111%u. BAllol4—ln ,bettor atm:4 sod tudllaca gacerally are ukfog adrausat sale of 10,600 R,t bbooldera at 7)ic—par fundr. LOODdo do at go. POTATOILI—to aegular demand but Outbsugad; sate of 70 bath Mixed at 434300 do Beds 07 Ntabannockt at 33 mod 600. . • . °LTA—steady but unchangad; rata of 300 bueb from store 2.6 e bueb—rpar funds. BEANS—Io atties request awl Om; lola of 60 bbl. .t 65c; 100 bush do at 6734 e. The latter .to was male to tto, dor. tin:meet for Om army. p• BlloollB—asle ofd dco at $126 for common and 52,76 kr Noe?. aLEDS—sals of 230 bash' prima Clor,lr al 11,10—car lou4s 461110 APPlAti—lo good demand; nen of 96 Ink at nle or i We Itntlfle ' d at 170 % 3-113 good &mood; "to of 10 bblii at loc l do.a. 111011LIRABIr /LOW VIIOIICFMIAL. MUM* Moe UM Gams 'lazuli Aprll 19.—There vas t t e larseattendsoreoo Tce hen to en but Ittoloces way oeglettad beroctee of the war excite cot. By teeolottoo, the Board of Trod. coon ib0u430,000 t o .lee war fool, and Omet $15,000 stlaltlostal tree imbibed d t Individual mem. berm. • • Thorium • fair demigod for all kinds of produce, and Om tandetcyologarly every article witor entrardi bat mIY *mom In price. might to be quoted rhefs depreciation In am value of 1111coo1e. than o 0 •gensal:4llldg 113 the market. et to decline, am nonfidanto of am rotatirt oily to the banks become more impalred,ind there la • pen. and anxiety toommort bill. Into proposal'. Lags= Su chauga. Floor armored fully tap bbl:Slat We. of 'l6OO 0011 at $L,0001.71 for Span' curer labial admired ler 13.90. sod "skated grin -011th 119b1 01111114M.0041 at 93e to Parameters , dull 119)(490540 for Na I Parlor. rood 9 0 %0 b7y4o tor Nog Fpting—all solJect tole Morn.. Coro tea. In tairdentand land firm at 90)09310 In atore—do Mout. Gata was fa meths rived and 11311* atorage—clomog firm at 1.059 a to b. Them wag • good Inquiry for Frogislioa. and Neu Pork has advanced 114363 . 0 IDIII , I, Ilb edge of 600 bbl. at 92100 currency, and Sill algobeachang• cm Rogan. a lot 01 100 bblscountry Neu was cola at 919. Lard I. hew at 110— boys re gaming 10c. • lot of 10,000 hulk aides wag sold today MAYO tom., Tali meat wan sold* fearMsY LP ft , .Moan... to Ilamphia; hot the meat hire shooed it pro dens to rweelrit rather than Mat Its ehipment booth.— liribuory Mout at Ciwieo. April 11.—Tn• raceme market ..traoicky,” to borrow • Wall meet ph...., that It la almost Impounds to attach accorately lt• ersr-varying phase.. Porn. .0 the bank* sold exchange ray sparinaly at the %milieu et 1019 coot. Mors waters from the Naw•Tork Mork board:were oceirmt,most,lf not all of - Mom. refnmd fro gait truant tuna. Tattles, and we prearoma 16 . .11 mot ma paid outside by parties whom wants and whom - kg. and whom wants teem great. TIM buying prise (or th•day ills atontays.lol9 mat. Hostage generally hat •Mandotill. alumna lbe Intik* get Otago/ Remoter for discoant Gold ha Moat dlaspreargeL Vary 1 iltilo la drooping bondman moy tam, —Cr,lb. 911111•Eglarlito(ll'ititaGIUM:111611#1, Apia .19 —lb* wheat marketopanad fine today a au- the unmistakable Indications oft protracted warond saarday's onteld• Fl aw mem hilly Waged.. !knew merleenmo of to was omicetted. hot alum reCelpt damns, Mows, prices retaded do from thablobeat palm somotird Thircukelog offers was eflo kw No 1. to Demand 9642,98 i kr new neelpta hod and No I le Mom. , The war guillemot daring toe afternoon ego m !stns. darisg ttm aftarnocor that Malone was s, Ma swami) seglactsd, and hale ornO prod.. sold. The Ildreamfog toratima7 of exchange pn additional arum. to Gm flour maim, bet w• acid burp( no transaction.. Good country ;mane was held alum) at IRAN and fumy lirmodo•T P86,21,-Itilltatinel. .... li, ... Imports e 7 alio?. li • oac tAtl3—per 84 0 lood-2 'M di tape. 1 bbl Dr. Ibi soi* 4do soap. 2do Dd.., 26.1. carpstm•at A 11 V ,11 blip ditunts. A be.dlsy; 322 Ws tkmr, 10 as Itatos,2 bhd. do, 47 do mope, 30 tip Mad fruit, 6 661. oil, 16 62 boo oandlob tintham A Tbeed. - ; 202 6610 6aar.lo to.. 2 621. betaw,47 do robs., 10 Dbl. all, DJ 62..0.6,20 6160. candlea,29 bp. Tale, brava a Haligaarek; 61116616 Soar, 170 6611.30 to tad, 170 by %Drab 277,641.. eatta6,Clsek. •0: 20 big candle., 21 A ifsbaestart 21'w:77 litids row. lobo 1 dooms 1 co; 3 cod. line, 1 Es cads., deo 1126006 262 bide.. 2 IL McCaw; 9 htols tobacco, 1 lb. .amplea,2 31a0 b by; 12:1 bid" 1 bOl QM dllos, ta. cooaDos• ;SI Dales ed. toe. /Wm Palmy • eO.. 76 bbl. *6 lay, a do 01a., .3 P Uoledyno • bbl. skotd. 2 Pl3..tb 1 2 6.. b.0d 1 . 0 , 61110 . 2 It Olironto 67. L 1.6. at, U W• 11...; l• 6.10.6,12 gap tot. deka, i9/611. /1- bro.. - ST Loots-tpee Uareago-26/ boll ptd.k,e, 64'6.10. limp.? 826224 pr. Marto a .to 276 t 0... pig amtal, jag • Pahith3 36 balm tomb, U Oatirig • co; 30 bed.... 7.1. has, U.... 2. MOD & co: 24 bate. 61...,:Ja512.0101.9 • 06070.161 pereb...12.2.6. • ArJer; 6 OLD eloabola. Monad; 23 Ids 601 s, Spear A 0 mard: I DM co: T T:Tail Onvt 4 .stu . 886 do it, 8 11 laa 4 111 11 0•114 D ILxi. Nballm Deal. rapows a L k. ; 17 pltos 6 b pod., idgertoo 181.00[2.' 1;01111411T11-i , por addllo 144-12 40 Wilms, Jane Wawa; 53 tou Pa 6 m 4441,110 Loo 16 do do, Mafia a 40:333414 sbollod m4,50614w, Path • Iloichloaa; 1 la ads*, 40 foul legator. 4 bed* 0044,1 la b o gaao. Maio& co; It Ws oll,oortoor.lebto alai, 1 do tattoo, Oradea 60 ofl bbl o,- Taos Wawa; lido do, idioms a lamorl; PO 654 whbay,7l,os Boa, Imports ios Pnresuani-ain CMplaita B. D —.6p711 16 and 17.- 2 6614 n•Oddi lairevar 4 Dllraltbtf btdc balls, B allay; 1 *a do, McDonald 'll Anneal.; 'll6 .farie, 116 do icbsat. Ilacaghmill.eaDa • 6 % 3 MI6 4604 0 lidNktert a .14 du, bacon, A Boo1;6 lo had, inuirar Dimwits; 2 bbla map Iron, itmlia, McCurdy 6 c0;23 1:61* war good.. 11...)at Joan Bacoldatom 1 bbl madkl64. D B Salm. d 61430 bob Boar,ll Bf1o)d; 24 Ulla podli, T • bro; 6 tom 1* It*C6au, Plmltn 60;4 Ulla bowl, Roden • Dlleomb: US bp aborM,lllmpton alMahod; bbLe botter,ll Bag 17 Mu Pled holt, R 110bboo I cm 1 car 1,1 metal H. 11 aplt• Prremlaqa, It Napa • Cmcaod B. R 100 bbb aor, ID Floyd ioa; fur colocblowi, I Dielr;y • cm SO bids door. J 8 Liggett • an I dot hattboto; (Inborn • Tbatoog 2001010 lour, to IlloColly • co; 20 ohs busl2:ll Ldmondson; 1 we, Llpponott I co:1 cat vaunt, L matt; 60 tad. extr, Loyd • Block; AS dos bottom, I do yob Wards. 11. t Laywr; 20 do. •attouW, W IS bk. patriot; I all; 1010 i nu% bdta 1,1801 Toirosiod. =EEC . , She sr who yeslaiday ores uocosobsiobly warm, sad lost esplog ems woe stroog lad bubo"' of mop Oslo.. The rim mallow to recede slowly. Isle' p b.s I lashes to the showed bylaw pies auk-- Alta assetelo dace air last Voss Llso boll% Isks boo Posbiooothl Et. Med from New Osepaaolual Sallee,. foe, OlaeloastL Item woo not • stages Oporto', aide Dom theovisolor yetlets...4.«:.Ther, was ballitilo &obits soaollnleiat the wharf. the recelpta holey light whllo then b bat Md. elfarlog ay polo, Sho Argoosat.CaeL Pakten, •411,b. nod, to Imre tor It. LoofaY,wd lb. Uwe . Ilbalaelpikaa Tao ,Dloalood, Opt. llellostsu, la loading loathe mato* peals, sof win be amp Sock,. os so early asy..—...:Obe Limbo, Cpl. &Pablo noaltlaig Illosloootl and Lou Wills, aad ;wut have*, Woderlloy it 4 a. 70. 911M11,1 Lbt,thipli 6osestl,wlll''clest for Partascutb and ell lotsrosaMalsi eollattos WedussdaY as 10 a. ot: Hatittar venality .racket„ far Wheeling, Marietta, Parkersburg, Pomo. roy, Point Pleasant, Onllipplis,.oyandotte, Catletsburgh, irontart .anti Portamotith; IN new and elegant steamer IagA.BALM Lfgf, Capt. g.goorstoll Irma sill Inn Pittsburgh gligialt Sa witalg at 10 o'clock, for Porissultab sod gag Istermadlsta landings. Intl lam Portamosth i r Plitabarite *very faIDAY silt o'clatk nr. Poe twalti or pumpapply on board, or to volt . M ELA. Sag 004 sat's. N==l D ROULAR TUESDAY rAOK• AA; at IPOILIANZBVILLL—Th• 6. new Mum 61111•01ALIA4,00tAlcetsorltnA r d fOr the seen she ett eqUtedete Orb. TOlteDllr atfor freight at pawn, apply OP bout, or to MICH. hetlatE3 a M t Aitle• .41 iv . I'OR CINCINNATI AND :LOU I/MILLE-1U Poe name WPM, Cepa. T. M.' Harlaaa'aal Imre for the above alai mem. diat•Mta OkI,W4DrIPTDAT, 2 4 11 b o'clock p for Ilbelatt or pump apply , 011 beard of - salt 11.41.014 samara a CM. Aata. St. Louts, Vp -r ltlUlduippt etc. INK la. LOUIS. KC 6.11-Mb. a.. stroutoros: ROOK lelAltD, oacene,wusteta. [Ass MY lert i list• ens -, tatrit LOCI 4 Soso fluter; TM Nor so shore co 211011301114.260rt0d. - Par &Well °rootage apply oa bold or to : ,P 7 ',1r1A06.11411N1411 CO. Alia= 2 VOILA ROKIJK, 'GALENA, Dtt-IM I E- Brom 011:0 P attL—Thitstaszator ABOONAITI., Claptata Z.' Brisket!, will lita7=r'ttortt sae laturnestlars ports, at TEM DAY, the ad rairthatt roi fteltat bums. nik, b. 14. or to • ••-•• apt? , PLUM, Haug in col: Aim ,` LlOll ST. LOUIS. —llqe stouten.., tittiOND, Captalb IrMira* fill — ll him far abort, sad toterpis44 asklll oo # l r.rM Instant. at 4 o'clock 'p ay. for (Wed of par gp spit, ♦ jo bpi r or 0 apli, ITAO6: BARNES CO. Ansi*: APPLES! APPLA S: I--,ki.ibbl!. Pcepa ~fkr :t ;, t `""'"' t0&TR0L,140,111,-,140,1044. by' , by% • 4,• , DIPIERY ON, :IkAl AhU uTU CUEEI37 , 4 bozo* iit249,* an_ Mosukoli oUsenet ix ad• ; so ! : TAiliq7l44llt,Ui less!d . , ' • ENE= •• .; •• • tniThtedtbwas. - I . l.l: i r m tto. l % . l l glclty • It Ridball. .do J d° DJ Oballou, W TDockaldipo,L.,vrestre ./ Y lESlllip,: Oo Wloco, Jo J Wtikloooty;No• Castle W P ttom, .1 Prtenoon. ebal LION Z •Ilonl, N. Oaths J Qolgly, : do II • o It 1.11.•••/.. J Liabo,C Nn 13;. Wcor FROPILTIV,II. I;C=118= - r Zytors raorauti. wki Lame. clft. Ve• ettn,•• Llretarid, P. • • trouper, • .11 . 1:thilick,11111 1011. W. D 41144014 S Ado. %Yearn oo onall'olt elate AWhile, Cneant,4l. R . A Mfr., Miami 8 Bteelr.Plaobesavioe 0 J N Malory Oleek N Y S P Hartensen, • Beim earn d U Usgeo, OW los " do X U Adoo, Weld Greon Grreo, Washington 8 Toaely, :•do W Borneo, Neer Guile R 8 Poterriald,. L P Walker, Dollar 18o1.1van do , Hales for the Industriloas .... , ) , ..'l . - GARDEN STATE OS! TU E Wglll4 uamboatti. TN! ILLINOIS OEISTRAL 11/41100 CORIPH* nkve raa saut 1100.000 ACRES Rich Farming Lands! TRAL79 01 . 'Oat r AC2O AND rt? VA D3 l ll LONG oksoira 1 i /ND er LOW PRJO,F2i. MECHANIC.% FA ItifiLlS APR WORKING fiNl lb. atteulloo of the euterprieleg and loduetrildit pot. don of the community I. &toad to the folLdwini atet• manta and Mind ludocementa t tiered them by ttti • MLitt 0121 CENTRAL. RAILROAD COMPINi, *Mob, et ttre perottee,ndli enable them, hi valor , maw, perseverance and tudo.tri, to provide ; ,•• Comfortable and PorManerit Homes for that:melee. nod nannies, altln: comparatively footing, very little capital: L ANDS Of ILLINOIS. No taste to the Valls; of the Allsetatippl Wheal. 111.111 ( an Inducement to the *eater as the !tate of Inlet 1 . 116011 Is no whoa of the *tweet the boodle*, sof -- ak mate and soil so admirably °Whine :to prolate thane two *mat etsples, arra and Wiest, mates Pratrke Of Illinois. .• RICII ROLLING PR418116 LANDIti TIM deep deb loam of tho prattles la ealtlrated I.lth ouch itooderhal , fmtlity that th. Farhten of th. Bailmn salt !diddle Stalat • p •Iloving.lo Illinois in . great inunben. no ...sot mow. is most *qu at i to that or and lb* ts Ina flab that It oltiranort twat; allthons of xaars aA* .L.vo BOU?illtliPT JUARKSta I.usth takes end Mtn, thus ifordl ag 'llll unbrotio conimunication with the natant ad !Idahoan tuglets. , I . ..:. , ' APPLICATION OF- CAPITAL. ' ' ' ! Thu br itpttal atel lilac Wolters appllad 0 aanloce' 100 the bah the treat tesearceeet' Um Bute to 9041, ead. 1 / 1 011 are phone outoucliat the haeartahla Pelf that the keechaato arts glearba beet it.,. fool sad fast on cheep, eat, , eillollow at as early day la.llllsatkaad to tba tame of the Reza tea soars - the Naval lan sod same*, of the cam 111117112 t the beast that RV lead inns HUNDAID L9OUSAYD nont via 1.. iliglpit IA ON 1 1 4 , " a . [Mama I a the eartone , I , . _ Manufacturing EFlfiloymen . -- -7 ; RAILROAD LT/11331l OP ILLINOI3. Our 700,000,000 of prOsta upital ban been st pendia cm lb. unread system of Illioeht. Inasmuch as part el U. hums bu ds at thaw mOthasollo a eat usbis publk. fuad I, does to dlostsbft State its. plias% Us taxa us light, amt most, coasequutly, every dsydscreara 111111 STATE DEB?: Ihe Etat* Dsbt le aely sto,totl 83314,a55i I the hat Ihne years bra bor. rsatmat 51,930.74310, ..}l'N any essOosely *sport that to ten ysara It mill bccols siftum. PIIZEINT POPOLILTION. 4 Vas Vats Is rspldly with popubatoo. 803.1:01 persica. having been addsd Maur 3850, makbg tbi present population 1419,196-a ratio 441102 pm cent. 10 km pat. - • a13111001 . 3031AC PRODUCT& • egricalturst products c 3 eta dilutor thin those duty othu BGte. The pm:ducts seat oat M0.01E11141 put yea szetedvd 11.,6030120 tuts - The what otyo et 1330 apptoscbse 33000000 bushels; *llls the cornlrop yields Doc law tan lasooo,oGo bukete • - nevinnr or sou; Nosture con the Indattioni torraor Minis shah IMMO. Cate malts for ku lotor me open Mete ptablitolb, the 4 being ampoeed Of a deep. rich loon; the latlltty of whlth unanepeated by my on dm tbba. - • • 1. TO ACTUAL CU4ITCATOIIII/ 1834,wNan Guyon, Rota v 411,300.000 arch; no .ail early to acted catty/Mom mud wry conernertestatu atualnlmM to coldrom, • Tho road Au tom ;la Otallirh am Ludt at an-t l Totta et - 13 3 . 0 00.000. :14, 104 vpszatioe qffosty sfeacmothbattroush taUf Wyman mu only 833,691, Macs MCA 1175123 Umbers muck. . log Lts seholeympelatime Illeol,—/I pate of IP 'formica. •1 ATITATOIIII ay TROMPABITTL. Ai an evidence of the thrift MI6. hoopla, It may bigoted ' that f 09,006 too Of Ilthalt, tailmidag - e,cokoack,temb•la of L rato and 250.000 ban*. of Ikair; ma. tomentel mu the IDUOCLION. • - ' Ilechatdao Mil Umlaut Eon Viii ant the Via ikhool oyetOm amoursead Otte. Iltat&and•entamed e Wit cm= ear tha support climb Tear ahlldnen'Otallro ht eight of the church and othrM bum. nediPX ;11 Tab the4o pomperhy .of 01. Lai Ina !foto In ONG ~Stffil, 10 .4 ; 715p1711101.11 AN I> Thetle OP PnYmINT4. •., atio uf them lanle vary born Be to SZ Pfr. 1 1." SO' . 00114fillr tit 16catlen, haeltlVect I. /hooch= famine larafi orll for ebant $lO or en aotY. mud it* retattio Simms of mabdalog molt% had m compared with ormd Ism lo la the teapot 1 tole la farceur farbtor.--714 1...161111 of :belt QM balk tole. .:; ' • Otto ,ife meal intoisit ha Advaitok, si oft par coot pat eatumea4 Nm totanst Deisifst At per sen 4 payable remecurely In ono, too. dame, sonf,hre mad tan yews hoot taidatao: ate:sod lournotee toe glecfpea.. math/ In Poor, dm, Is mamma Seam from der of eghi;L the contract stapolmlod Met ameteeth of .the , et pup 414uKt AM to fmcod and coltlfsted each and i mum fordo tsars from th• ditto of aebeeo that at theme Mate Itabeeslbtalll shall is taco and nada' calttrathie. *welatryercalit viiu ibe 41.1i4144 iali.thivaisiiiike for. CiaLiii4t Mese be 11 ICCITIMITI tat KM Niot lb!cluO 4 Prim watt* if . #41142V, Niltilktg:iftatiPtift 41 , Ik. .oil; pi' oxima.siptta. lust term of• prms; ow Naiad taw plwma,m• - - r A*l '1 ciatturt.amars*lG --r ,quommsoyti,—.s..; , . iiii.tgine, ll 44 l lo NA Olt epa thelabot.Ceiltral 1411i0)Assi ppm /811.,1111P,.". IMIM =lll22ENii aty:~ V ' La~c~ s'OtT~biuw werf,~tr •~ .~, antD __: _ ::, - • AB-NUN 1.11 N Vir:0:11:11.- !".• eurfseprotii. r&Aut, ACClCialre C') ! M.A.NPFAcTUREit.T. OF Sal f ....13.4N0, • •a.l ROLT' :10ipligt,!,•PliSBED CIO ; r.l/1 corromb,R.i.a guti 4 44C.n:. SPeltatiair;h' Alm impottrai ltaa4iii; I. 1i rio.k. TIN ?La r: .41..KET • j No. 14M .rirahoui 120 Pitts bun tby riaaaw 'Si!, .43.VA 4 4.11m1rT. • E== f);,n.g p , (I , At r i, Wi..4low i e SOOth ictirr , l;4 147 Ctitidfoul,... , It h. i uo ogald 011 11111rd1. /1 , 4(I) 4.-1:11a., lae pc...tra of Ie• its t 3, vaita.tai.lbv -.10 a/lo) Pautima tru,'; It, 112G411t111, II gi t• etai te.:Lit on 4 b.ltti to yoat Intaaia rot tr.,tl) CAS.I .: a Alf . pravitutlau I * 111. .ua aSllial hula], PUrakt.tut la MA. acuitaud, uu Ito ....a.119 1 c. 11=1141TV :*.l l / 1 4.411, 41.••• • : • " 1.114:6 it nu b.& ILLi4 *lay.% 1,11 Saar of Di rtattry mai Matto'. to Cb11121",.4..t1tat It Anna from tutting or tro4' Ifia and barbcan be asmaatoa &UM 1111.4 C. 00 1 3 . 11 Ja worth tlaarolsht g 014.: •, , • • ' •- • 111111oui of bottles ars itillareasrlyaae , Glalta4 *OW ft la mold and arettktlad moody.' ' • . • ' PaICUI OtiLY 14' OMU At BOTTUM • • ItirAme panalzmoksa the Itcidelna &NW ill a t a it Naar Tart.. ta uo Maim:Ws wtsp;....!, roagboul Oa wage.' • - (30. Th rrilt th BEH, *motor o2laulvlbT UAIR EMS—HAIR DTI:I—ELAM DT", WW. A. newomar.ort4ir mita DTI) . Orisrishal aprd am 4. U.. World, AU °than are mere imitations, and should W avoided, din wt to amps rinook. ,* °HAY, 8111% Oa RUM UAW D sI to • andastural Emma nrens Rims AND HiPLOIW Ado ' od to Wm. A. Bitettelor ttieeltLd, iad taw Was ea.. win um; to Li. auraraL aural* oratita: le W 1 DT/I•rod d A. L HATOMILUAII HAM lir = not to kolor ao&r lottagolsbal trots notate, add k Otitis Intl•loontAtoosatr loot limn to attallasalAo 6 l 66, ' 111 aid/ of Ht_td___. tastraid thi.M4r trt11111:!r P riargirWiSZl - Petiii+ la4;0) aitti4.*ig d to alletdos sod lovas of the Hotted alitai, by Deet s . pm dl an Tla i rigulm has tb• Waal led lanai + Pide "41"1211°°""""Wi;OfEWILLI JiiklalinnoT it Hood larao.Nyo oak. W 1011-oiVl6lls—Wlo.ll._ BATOIDCLOPM AND !TO ;WIGS, „. _. .. 14. 1 .'zi0 =paw GU: Tin 's» elag,tllol,esne &al dual*: ' littlo. to • obans—Do lik ton up beldixo koktei of tbs head; lideoctibb Is 'they* _ irtan i bows tElap ia property "ndentood 164 Mids.. •.• feklydhler • • • • •te Ilhod strestalow WM- . . 0. imam . ROBINSON,- MINIS it-AILLEBac POONDRICUI OD:1111.CUMISTOI; WILISUINGFTO.2I. WO.filikt,. Pittsbarigh. Onimi,ao.ll itarlret strict: thaufacters kind' oi atom Inbar and ulli Mar.blia - Outtetp,ll27lzood Wcalrattssoz Basta and tlrou Jabhiß .124 ItaPartnir doss= dwirtootlur.. m hG7ydta -' • - bgrEracam.wasrr *TAXED' 140.' 64 `St' Clair : • - (Dr.istiteizi:wpandbir.. prrrannall, ri. 8: 8. di C.l a hIARICLE, PAPER •titf ASUtACTITRER pal Dmilmoln c 8008, PAINT, CAP, LAMA AND ALLNtDS.OI/ 1 :47 RAP P - I,N PAP R. Nu. comomel from Na. 11 Wood Mroet to N 0.23 SWAIM stmt. 141Mbargh, P.. _" - liirlAhatt or,4ndofw kap. • millltf to FLIDN/DIE Pommeling and leommitaion lkinTobsol AND WEIOLNALUIDIUMIN Qtmeise. Butter. SeedAD. VArat. , ♦nd Pralines thaorally. If Mod, If rod. MAMA _ sale ROAD COMPAZIY. Joospb (ducemors to Aorta, golfs i Seat) RAIL ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS AND BOAT &FMB. Corner of Wator Street and Cherry any, sattlya. prranantaz. Nara. JOHN coosmaix & BE-1. icor Rallis', Iris Vaults, Vii".3t Dave Wiadow. Ihntters,; Window. Willi M., - 1 ' gm el &mad &rut cadge Skirt Strat, (Samoa Wood sod Mittel'. PITZPSUISII, Pi. am cetand.• vsaill7;of sow Pattans, hneyaad Oda ganalgo for WI pumas; Particalat attiatioapskl & an sled ce Gm* Law Jobbing doe+ at diart mita. . WV Pittsburgh Steel Worki; 04/10201121.................10119 icin—.—.,—ciemurctia JONES. BOYD .ft 00, ILIANUFACTUREEta Of OAST STEEL; Di. the, spelt& Now ma B. eau SPRINGS awl AXLES. Corner Eau and )hat es, o:19 Fr:mums. Ps.'" N. J3O.I.4ICLEDB 6 130N13. /14/3.10J Foreign and Dotrisstic Bills of Hsiang., OBITITIOATZS OP 141.0111 p, 4ainr prom AND anovi, NO. 61 KASH= AORIM PITESBUILEIII. PA. itt-Dollsttlons pia oa WO. Waif pal cilia tbroa&b. Go' Qs MOW Instr. . Wallas WOODSIDE A. PARRY, DIMISIIIa AND minute IN 'OAR 33 O Z - co x 003 44TNA M I "! t. """ CleAltiaaWgz up OLPHO WOLFE'S Al:ZODIATIO SCWEIDMI SCIINa'IIB, rapes/Lamm Diuretic, ANTI-DYSPEPTIC INVIGORATING CORDIAL puREI 7101.r.,,,z7D GIN, FOR MEDICAL PILIVAL'YM . tr.= UDOLPIIO WOLTE'S PURE • , BRANDY. Imparted Zud bottled by hliarel4 warranted tali sad the beet quality, with bee mediate ea tbe battle, eat lids seal ea lb. auk. • UDOLPRO.WOLVE'S PURE PORT lopusted sod battled by Woad; yet up forsedklad ate, With bh cedllitats so the ballet arsenate& pore UDOLPSIO WOLFE'S 'PURR SHERRY ' papaw/id. tuna; by blhpdt. Oa Nose al Pete Wilt. ,Wows PURE kliicauLi WINE, ti4porto sro wow by blamer, le matt* beet wtowaret diced be the clew rn!'"1110.. trrittPno, WOLFE'S PURE .. - SUM, CROIX SUM, oCOTCH AND IRISH WRISBY s= All the &hare touauted sad bottled by lthoseltid • , pate mod dont bat . TO Till MISO: I mill stela toy manatee as • toss, ay etaaleg ea otatbaat al thirty pare residua" II theca, el lbw Tab. that lout i odds* Iwo Peary bowl* ay leelpoy sad my. caddeate, comae dad:ere be Pled wave by a •"a" " F thinr. ta4 111 C rbyelitmes who ale WWI & non ,ebould plc. tbe pstatintweo thew ardelea , Ite Mai kt W nabeetade Dmeeteadd twiletwitilta :Bole Naodaiturer and Ye potter of thziettledtta lreattide &WM. • - ' • -11 90 tad b ream ,Nat - Dd.Bdo.Ll NUM • sattlitle - ti!.7 . 140 Wedetroth' tp AYNE & NMI LW sup; .toA. H. Rowan9fr • 1` it em ! Book Bindery, • - - -t::: :7., • , MANUFACTORY`Ie. 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