The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, April 23, 1861, Image 2

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-7-7- 'l3. JAIDDLti. 4II q CI •-•• . . -
~ . ,
. ,
1111 l 1 l • •61 71-oSetlf OeS• ,
4 - •
P/Alia:o4ft Op., Ape. .frut; ;ifaxaiiiigad. -
____•• it.disbag audricir.nthe Calderas daily. cow
-' tatulnd rue Latent news up to the bays or
- :i - rbucor" _ ....- . -
--../elalli4l4l7la put assous In ian.e, to 124. per
...k,aotsL:wl.l u c ..• 1 ::.: : .. .: :
111-zinorail6l4l-ill pa sass= In USICS, .itr lio. per
- lass frosiserders. , _ _ 1 ----
.. ..._ ,
. • ' !WI kreko—ignill Mau, V *ninny, Iles sr
. mors,lWils us or ofeards, 11l per swam, laudably la
si.,II,MnITTI lit El AT anpvtints. iuTlis. : .
, . .. , •,, 7/Erri , .el3l3L - F.c3• B r.
. 1.1011,111N0.. AP IL. 23, 1861.
T 1 .1- c.Tarr She - Comsat . Deelpeste.
Th *plinth!, of ' a mighty . nadoo at' the cell
of it Olaf, es einlblted ell tiro:ehteat week ;
- wee 'tt se-has ',
no exempla is birder,. It le
llaponftilelo arrive : at oven • prosy/late esti•
men of the number win, "laying all business
and satiates whatsoever," promptly enrolled .
themselves as snifters in their eourary'e defense.
'All taint of society, all sine luxes; punt',
sod conditions sin ananted by onespirit, and
pziriotiens has beau' a joroisthecilten a sett
listr The reroili I , that we this daY Iteri In
army ofnot,' lees' them two bunditeand fifty
!hothead men; which. any.
b e . doubled In 'liras
lbw' stern's/Ad,. I
Tirojth!!!ff e A ita tri4"Pirellinalf this mighty
-m ovathent otnntrienied *bleb' have fearfully 10-
tensUltdthei'fileliag of theltiortaisgainet the
Sontli.'. -Pus is the attack Pon 'tan troops. Is
Bablitiori, *din were proeseidlng Peaeliably on
their . itiidifenee of the National Capital.
That !be first biondnhouldbeshed in Baltimore,
in Ilisellink,:lißtste that pUfessestro be Salta
Staii,iietalthat'Siti lied° ‘ll4 rooreeient inwidds
thumb* tiseAteited si fo a ling of-Indignation
which tha,lihnitilrill have' me sorely to rue.
Thiel! no b le fellows from Id °basalts fell be-'
.. ninth tie. shots or blow ,of the = , Baltimore
. ' crab 7,' . lonkneattre as ever effect followed clue.,
ten thousand- men will rant forward to stooge
tindastbCTSialt., If Maryland cannot menage
her own :traitor!' aud rowd'es, others will . do It
. „ .
:Joe her, a nd thily will' tenth her that f?ropetby
withitralterSis Maine.: I s - • . -
• . _
The other plethrof made se which hoe given
'eternity to,the Isidlgnallou l of the pedploi of the
loin I_3 , ntee IV the proelsonation"of the Preeidenl
of the confedersteStstes, annoueoleg : the issue
of Litters of Afar*, under which piracy is to
he legalised Co far ,Se - a Ogee' gthernedent can
[twines arly7lloing. Ily_:thls barbarous . edict
that'arin outlaw wintin to engage na many out
, throsbi as may venture to toter his service, to
prey upon the commerce of tan' high seas, es-
Scaler/ 'tin' Gilt - Of. Minis:G. ;This ligation,
' movement on • the part of the Southern traitors
• hay, howev'r, beeri thoroughly eheckarated by
the President,win has, by Procibithelottand by
'substantial - force, blockaded every pobi in the
• - seceded/dune. Bat, baffiad sod define dse that
' nett of traders, robbers an pirates have been, 1
. .
the, mete., attempt to -do al thing ee atrociously
bubseous msy bring thin upon those doomed
Stites a rePeleal at which the hettri elckens. Bee
what the New York Times,;a paper noted for the
temperance seen the ooceerenierri of . ibltOile
heretofore, thys about Ili '
irWe have already alluded to the bearing of this
document upon the general principles on which
the pending contest is to be waged. Preeident
'Lincoln has already proclaimed to the Borah his
purpoeepot in any way to interfete'with . le tt ing`;
r ic e properly. Jefferson Dine ,rrePonde by
knee every, pirate ho can hire, to attack and plun
der the prorate property of citizens of the Coiled
Stites. He may rely upon it he will not be per
_ . - milted to play this one•sidedgamefor any length of
time. • The greatmass of , i the people of the Carlon
*is cons mmmm five on the • bject of Slavery. They
lave not the slightest desire to meddle With it in
any witytior wend they tolorste,under ordinary
circometasees, any intetferenee with it from any
Tuner.. -It wean be perfectly eau today, hos
. tde aid intolerable übss been the conduct of the
-- ' ' Southern -States,'to raise e forte:in the North to
plat daunt a 'lave insurrention is 'any one of the
Swabian: -State, except Soeth Carolina. But Oki,
temper' will sot endure i the tests to which Mr.
.. Dana and his fellow-conepiraton are inclined to
-n t, , Yhaftrit seizure 0- ',. an Amman cruel - by
- • 'on u e k. o l l 2 Als privateers will let bort; spots the eolith
;mere John Browns than hi cap hire-pirarrs to a
year. And Who dotibtethe aliment each as inva.
skin uposiltbe people t I the Southern States, Gov.
Wise cin 'enlighten his mind tnolithat subject.
• . ' rgsffesion Davis might 13,114,11 hate thrown a
ligh.ed match into • powder Magazine, as menses
the commerce of the North wittyprivamem. The
effect of Ma proetuutfon upon our community his
1 bean only to de e pen and make tenfold more intense
-1 the_hatrad and Indignation of the public. Our pep,
I ple begin to realise thereat chaster of the fo• with
' wheel they have to deal: All the illaslone they
' hive hitherto abraished about fra4mity and kindly
feeling towards thdr stater States bare been rudely
- .dlepelled: 'rhos, whoull they looked open as broth.
Lem prove to be - pirates; , The men whom we have
. HusooLated - with ourselves, se eberiag with us the
, -eyries and. blesetegeof. our common eiorstry, turn
',- 1 • Out to be -the assualas Of the Inpublie.• They can
net vivo mete war le the spirit at a civilised Da
-• tins; hat go hack to the habits and pramioes of the
' timbals& of a hundred yetreago. .
'There is bosons tibia( dealing 'Watch people.
' 'We sin to ,niessitre our itrength with theirs,—and
may Con defend the right! , 1 •
These are awful W i erds to come from one of
the; leading 'sod _controlling Tjoirusis of tho
~ . , .
- country, and they as eo blunt,* they are true.
Itaileybs that those penploatarre been given over
- i - to sheer madam and tit lereniedlable destruellon.
: -• ,- ' , . Still' lip print,' for : tient.: of our 'common
humanity, thin uSendotirsgeetent will be siren
to servile inearreoilan, inlet', if. ones started,
might:become uncontrollable; and Involve ail
ages, isles aid conditions in one common del
, struotithi. II had pleased "ha South, for a loaf
.. ' series of years, to keezthele 'servile population,
down is sear to the leirel of the brute thee.
non 'as 'they could; but' the terrible troth
.• • still remains, that a was '. who is a mere
animal in peace, le s savage,* demon, in war;
. ~ - --astiiiciiy be 'het: Piovidsiei is about to exact
' !
terrible vengeance ior 'lingual arcing. It lne
Sitio)kipieseo, In the sadhlstiry of the wend,
that nations' hays suffired en mule for-the
(whose of their ria ITS ; 1)0 ' lee 93 not forget
that the Judge of i'll 1 ..$ iintalf aiPT 6 Pail ted
tr_ldiatelf the seep:dee of vengeance:And at
though Jeff. Den* Ina dono" ill he can to let
' • '', tithe "be - Pirate riper! our 'prople, that dies int.
joidifion oar pirs l tbi letting : footle the uncoil- .
trolled sieve upon bin people;.ldadiefke naves
-. ' - . •-.•
of thildinth in . thls. war an voldiere,noder etdof
diselPlhaii; eroold b!santirely'jnitleble.; bet to
iiiktitirai end 131rib14g 41
41d0 tbilrbrode. :pa
i#C4OOl - Prt( #: commit lfbaieTsr.'firli,e.
thenLianip n a ture . Might *meet, .IS'ept,' foe '
".. - -•.--_,. ktetheent to bethought of ; end if, in tats ter
. rilininifilid, It'sintlfbeivithe !netts*/ ' fo e cur
_ -.-• " - troops to invade regions' white staves
,are 11U
' merest, we , trust-that the tomes . and Children
of tboni pieces will And ; -- ite • faithful guanNalos
". ~ •. In thsm Al In 'bele own men:— ifi Ines Pe
quarrel ''wlib ttnianileent; the helPleie, or the
' ' _ tinthined.•: , ; -: i• - : •
• 1 - ---AttinsTaowo covert,
The Wolin fithi - are :burning ar_brightly
Arne/Jong coanty , !is they are in 1107 tocitai of
which we haeo all? knowledge. On_ Toeadag
wu enibuslamic meeting of
all patties held at t he Court goose in Kittuning!
On,ilaturday two; empathise, -the Brady Alpiemo
10111rittianiug Kezar, left Kirrisbmg,
hotidninbetat. one hundred and OM men, and boil'
cadet the iodamaiiii. of Capt.. Wm.-Sitwell, unt il
they Let lei'llitmisliorg, when: each will acute
- :frail. The ladies" or Kittionlag presented eic
member of these compinies with a handsome •
We' after a feeling addrua by the Res..ltr.
That done, they-Pretested Capt. Sitwell, through
J. K. Calhoun, - with a splendid silk flag.
Judge Bufflogton responded On behalf of the eel)...
tarn and his cotorsoy. The'jddresus .ol Lot h
readmirable.':Coaapicuous and, an
tive-ed in eiz r' w e
s iuteaesting ceremonies was the !en-
Geo e eril ions: clas; who was an otScer
in the war oflSli, and who Is as illithazillitc. iu
114 taste d Itsis oar ewe • ! • Patent Arens. •
ishig, of
litauhis hag
large coneosuse . well - oederateed that Colt, and others,
' nee la seaorivaaied the 'mot to th e Railroad holding patents fret the pelted Spites, have
o f ,-? - ea the Rea. t been se piling& Booth
deiot,, wag,. .
reviser pray y for* 1014
pas p
Dr, IlionaltloOtlli111g!'' asd . ' l'"Fr ,Dime - Of the Meat :effective Wad.:. As
harined.latime easier(' Ord the seine.- - thorn are
protected fntheir mannfacturn
Tb e pppl.orKittaaaipße de gpro m p tI 7of arms by letters. ateat
tp ieted, hj a r s it a l e in s t
jaiiigatocinsl2°X: 20 1 3 11 1 mzumfac
s-atf 114 11111461 kii!!.. 1.2 !!. " 1 "! too of 11-i tent free. to Among the :
Blaataare Erin acts ofthe next .000 should be there.
ocidgfna-oftiii,-Palinta of ail who have supplied
loi it balt. .r 4'p yKekjierg Crag
- iretfOri'wit T rebel with mom. There Me men In.:Hafitold
At and Havel iiha - *mid learn - I natal ka
t r 64*- ft u mts.* ldli4ed;:r: 4* foratilo aa at (11041 ins Let Do hiiio - o
to be delivered' fkae ,rax
foe tins is 1,Ballit• 7_w,
'Var. DOpOngielli 0 41 (0 1 1 4k. !" 11141. ' I 417 7 - 7 A -:
_ .
. .
npii.treToirmi inciATE.4.
. Odor have hewn noised from the Nary Depart
meat at Itee ishlognin,f:,,e the ofßeeti of . the various
linifed 13 . vessels, that ell persons found sailing
%tido Jahns= Davit' letters of Mamie and re.
prhal be treated as &WWI.
.. That the eenurmaelbas be itnesediatetikeng from
A. yard erna, and -Un ' t mew and more penitent ofd
ear be phmed in r irons to await their trial as twain
This sammary method Of dealing with,the robbe rs r
.. will probably be wended by the &tropes° peen*
who hay jut as mesh emus to fear a fleet of Doi
. ,
boohnw infestiog the; seas - and, molesting peaceful
eeenneree as have the Northern BMW& !
a ctt E
We had the_pleaiare of a eall treat the Bon.
John Coracle yeatereay,from whoes we ears
sorry tileare that Baltimore ma - Friday exerting
iritneued the butrAiatitg .ipeetacle Cf siteulon
moeud.iiey and terrorism, exhibited ist the abed*.
Mon - olf.:Or. Ellett; What a eight it was! to 'zee
the Gochmor of Maryland, wholu . ,aetaao self
'imiortatit a mai at home aid abroad for_months
past, o
. 1 ohm:Delo" for the Union , ddreaming a
mood lath a Beeeeiion Flag flying over. him
We hare loaned that Thomas A. &tett, 161q,.the
abl Eva murptle Vioe Ptestient of !the Peanut.
outs :ft, B. hu helm called by the! Bo' er:tor to
Sate eh ge of the Telegraph Boei of the State, and
is Died. logege4 Millie Important and
esspotie ! .ihle lisps:teasel : of the public Unica.
Latest News_
by Steal.
Important elisittie (tom the U. S i District At.
•• Gurney and leuirsher. •
• .'
Sontailla Dielltier or New Tone !
Clines tar *ea Munn Buren- Dunne!
Arrennitr, 'DM 00 IBS U. B. Daltallit.
The i wndersigned eolicit information as Ditty atH
tempi to transmit; by sea or land, to any . Eleuthera
port he plate,' arms or Munition@ or war; or any
facts tendirfg to implicate any person or pinions in
recruiting for, or in slay manner aiding th e rebellion
against the United States Ooventrielat; or In Falai
Sonia am. fitting hut of privateers, dr other oatenl
fol i
terprin. Commueleations will be treated,
whet de sired, with the strictest eonfideues. Thome
who f roisb reliable information will receive Immo-
oily tiod protection. •R. DrileinilLD Sutra,
Gaited States District Attorney. ;
Bonsai artralily,
. .
Belied states Marsh al.: r ,
Anti Yin 1:, Aptil 20.1881.
A hignifficent Feet-Large Number of Sinn&
i 1 era Under Charter. , .
A Commissioner of the Federal Government is
now in New York, making arraogennots for the
traosPortation bi water of all the New York troops
needed at Wothington sod .intermediate ,statiOns.
.Yonteen conning steamers have already been
eel:Witten:illy chancre 4 to earl when required.
i • Deimetore of the Senrinth.
Join Rimy, of Adam" Expren, last evening re
ceived a dispatch from Philadelphia that the Sev
enth ,Reginient left there at 4 P. M, pree.sely, for
Aninimilis,per steamer Bottom. This is the latest.
A-Private despatch from Baltimore says. in ref
erente to the position of the Untoo men, "Our on.
ly hope is that the Government will occupy the
city with an olarpowerieg force. , f
The Seconlobiete is Maryland followed up their
outrage is Baltimore by dinuoying or rendering
I twits. all the railroad bridges between Havre de
Grace and Baltimore, so that ea mote 'Northern
trooper:mad be sent through that city to Washiag
ton.. The Seventh Regiment of New York, and
Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts, were corne
r:Dandy detained in Philadelphia, until Satur
day afternoon.' when they left by rail for Havre de
Grace, at which point they took • steamer ;for
Annapolis. Ai that city is only Blunt one day's
march from Washington, they will have oo .1411-
catty in reaching the latter point, even thould the
named be obstructed
'The BalliMOreßOvernOd 11l POSSOSSIOO Or the
• 1: ,
111LADELPOZA, Saturday, April 20.
The government has taken poneuion of the
Baltimore road. No trains are leaving here' for 1
[1 • Diapaten Dena Philadelphia. . I
The exciteatent eye enthusiasm bare is totem,.
Jt_teir gran, bra been received stating that Sec.
Wiry CAOleril o threatens to brimbard Baltimore, i
totem the feritgee in Maryland are restored.
It is rumored that Washington i. td he attacked
to-morrow. I
Philadelphie ie 101 l of regimeuts, but they have
been funinhed anther clothes nor trine. Bed tope
The wires between Philadelphia aid Baltimote
ere down, anwell as the bridges, and all comma.
itieation i • cot oft Maryland has learnt the first
letter in the alphabet or eceenion, and by. the
Engineer! of Jeflerson Davis and the deviN will
Soon be able to 'poll oat uDeetrUctiov.' ,
: ; •
C. H. D.
1 i Position or Atilairs in Delaware. --
1 tallenitt,illia;Saturday, April 20.— The Dixie°
pain in Delawareans in a bad fix. Though the pop-
Abadan le largely for the Halos, all State arms are
In the poinselon of the Seeessioniets, transferred by
the Governor, wee has not responded to the requist
Din of the Preeident, and Will not. The Union men
hope that the Government will tabs posseseloa of
the tippet part of the State, in order to secure the
powder mitts at Brandywine, at which the nine
,elanists evidently alto. _
-.- lira nor* Arms for the Boutin
The- Hartford Courier publishes the following
paragraph :,'
' "He anneunced another morning that the Sharp's
Rifle Company had refund Cl., sell their weapons to
go, either directly or. indirectly, to the Botith. We
have worths pleasant of stating that Col. Celt bas
notified the proper authorities that his revolving
some are for sale, first. to the Suite of Conneetieut ;
next, in prefereou, the Government of the Halted
States, sad; vane at all to the South. Further than
this, CoL u.z aid announces that be makes no more
powder tole., to the South, lentil buntline hare
oeesnd. Gina (or them ail!"
TIM Birointitra or Holeoei.—Thei teleg aph
this morning announces that - the negreee of Kent
county. Maryland, have already commenced the
work of !ineerrection' tin the State "by burning
the bone! of the whiten" while the lotatjeursale,
both le Barth and tooth Carolina, and elsewhere,
bats lately given accounts of innumerable Damn.
ces of daegetoue insubordinetioe, manifested both
in this sad other even mo d e ominous ways. ,To ex
pect that the heat of the conflagration that now
enwrapethe south would not pierce even through
the thick ikoll 01 the :blackn, in of a peace with
the incooeervable delusions that possum those
madmen. It may be that these are but the fiery
initials of a chapter of horrors from whine con
templation the mind sfirinke aghast.
Jeff. Davles Privateers.
The proclamation of the rebel chief which
We pal felled yesterday morning offering to
commission privateers to be let loose: against
our coMmerce, naturally arouses the indigna-
L ion of ill classes of our popedation. There
may belmen base enough to accept his lettere
of menthe, and probably a portion of the little
shipping owned in southern ports has' already
been miking preparations in anticipUic6 of a
I ca for this nefarious service. But such pri
vetoers are elmply_pirates, and they will stand
an excellent chance of getting' their deserts in
the pirate's - doom. They cannot take any
prize they may capture into any ports except
those of the Confederate States. It, must be
ad judleated upon by the admiralty courts of
the oojealted Confederate . States. It happil'
that we have a mar sufficient to.blockade
their ports and prevent both ingress add egneis.
Ile United States merchant vessel is seized
and attempted to he carried into Charleston or
flew Uri sae, two or three men of war at the
month of the ' , Mississippi, or. the entrance of
Charleston harbor, would prevent their en
triner4 and very likely home theircapture If
raptured every pirate of them would he quite
certain to get his neckatretched. I
If the rebel privateers capture any of our
shim, it will be within the coming week or
two, by cruisers that get out of port beGore the
cenitzubler of our Tassels can reach the sta.
Cons he whichthey will doubtless beordered.
The Scum which is now most exposed, and
would be the'most tempting object of attack,
is the Champion, of the California line, hay
ing od board 81340,000 in gold. 110 Sonora,
the steamer on the Pulite side, whose mails
and piteengers the Champion tikets at Aspin
wall. isiled from San Francisco - 04 the 'lst,
and the Champion would reach this port, if not
interrupted,. about next Tuesday. For the
greater part, therefore, of the ensuing flue days,
she will bo exposed tq piratical attacks, and a
United States ship of-war . should he immedi
ately sent to meet and convoy her. 10f-other
steamers exposed, Ile principal SIG the Daniel
.VirebSter, which left this port on the 10th '
Manna and New Orleans; the Quaker City,
which left MMUS on the 11th, 'and jhe Bien
villa; Which sailed brim New Orleans Got Ha.
vans - lin& New York bn the 14th- If the ves
sels we hue named escape, we hope that ar
rangements will boa been completed for main
'Wrung a strict and rigorous blockade of the
southern pasts, and preventing the sallying out
kw ilia return.of privateers. If they can't get
hick , they are in a Worse cue than if they
Coiddn't get out.—(N. Y. World.
waveloot or Prim-
Thom who have Opposed that New York
City would ahow a divided !tont for the Union
may have their doabta :emoted by teaming
that the Common Coruna yesterday unanimous
ly purred patriotic resolutions, and voted that
their Clerk, who has volunteered, and anyother
of their officials who might do the same, ahould
hare their. eateries continued to them while ab
sent. Alter adjormit, the members joined
impinging the "Star-Spangled: Banner; and
gave nine cheers for the Uoloo, nine for Ander;
sou, rind nine for Fort Stunter:...-[N. Y, Trill.
Tes Cloatom-Hoine at New York refisea to
grant dominoes for ports io the &cede& State".
ThaTs right. AU facilities for getting supplies
crom.the North should be promptly cat off. from
the rebels:"
Jou •C. Paccenernme is -trying to drag
Kentucky out, of the Union. ll,ehe could be
!dragged out by this cold-blooded demagogue,
Mahe is not kt to be
CA= will probably be made tbo base o
operations on the bliesiselivt river.
Ir . WWAR 1 WART WAR I—Wanted Imme
diately. MTV ABILSBODUID MIN, to pl. Om
311171114.1101 ILItLIBILItN, Boadvautats proems
Amory toutte Area, near limithlidd.
• . co VViL.
F. I
1112017/11 , -11 . • 13. 1111011 BELL bu extehllsbel
lieedotuirtori et the dee* of the Cheuureiol Znonle4
'bin be le ready to receive wane of V, lontoers who ate
toto Wend the Linton, end to CO their honor sod
Urno support tn•Oorabletlon In Its Intatrlty.
The con posy .111 be tamed the DINNY OUARDII. In
aorepllntant to MI6 throw Danny, of fide city. "PA
e c , e gin b.49f riorfit ig e tt iviv
Mierean Guard kaokg. OA aornet of GM • on:
di . • 11111111
• oA.VrAittli JOHN. YOUNG , . We almaPpod
yot/Asale. ft [Odor • eato•ul'of Clawar7.-
Aisodentandi Ili, &111, havin• eotanuoded • Geom.) ,
[.tar soul. Itailaw
1 -7- '.°,l3tM.,p, LALPoribie l : I L egto;
Sanwa Apply at TOWEL mill, Alleeway.
21 • n. 8. nesnso.
. OPIVIIIO 4.11.0118 , 3 will firm , t TO
, at SI &cloak r. m-. at Iltrostregbast Towiik
II Ai. for the Tarpon IA fan:alms •t te• rff•
tumor HULI2.
nemurais te•ylailliTTßll of WM rt.
.3 appointed be Wm . Witt at. Pneatot of the uorn •
swam. gime calla& the oak* C rb o c k US
Enh stmt sod aka Melt amnesia th ;Nowa for
THUo. liallll.loN.
thantao. $ e order. am Mem.
AvalPl 6 lfrttohiplfiNtil -, ff 7 .:Li
lervleme to tvo Ooverror. AI pram iris inr to e 0
roll moat omits to Dully! Annetrom at the It lo the
Court ligage. or to D. Visteon. Liberty street. The
Dommimioners ban generoner given • room for drilling.
D. gltitegnOriCh
• Or 0114.194, ADD At irninL • •
2to De It net V Whoa sae IPDADIA , TO 'dart •
1 2 ;•MV. to Walla! the
illabland Grenadier Guarder
to trader teem ounce. Dribs (Grange for tonaratate sc•
tin mein.
Book own tor 6111•01Dmiza at Do. 1110 Wooi stmt.
Weft Onl•Talt.
• TiTAIDA 'IDIOTS sssss kw to Do Ita DIM."
cryTinto OIT Ott&It011. 011atetoUtt /ILL.
180 that. to Um oar oomplammat. for lb.
roman of toodartar Olaf, wrier to UM uontroomot.
MB bars tttalr Aroma opat for th at IMMO* arm dm toga
8 lielook m ? matt l 4 o'clock p. m, anUI do& roll Ir
able bodtal. arattarrkd mmt are taritfal to Pio tam.
Bt adarof &Lill. flea .
Jaa. A. looms. &melon.
"Aratorrt!llmtra salt—aprrtf
y'sr. TOE DUQUESNE GREirs. mm
loorromo that roU to th e cow 'lemma."
hereby you./ tuottaortoo roso - toOlUllaWr for that
b earo lona
'" u b "*" '1)17 rila n tlaL C l :gi
k email. , Or order_pf_ _
Jana b. Kidd Y. 4. •
--- • llttinoto4. ISIth.IB6L
. - ex
snag win meet et theartiat of Wane at A itlppi,
VIM DAY. loom 10 until II In the morale& sod Item 1
until 3la the afternoon. all cam amalcattens addromed to
the Ikaretety.
JOUlf ?Ilan
07In pursuance of Public Notice to the
firemen or Pittsburgh to met to organize a Toluo
teer Cavalry of Rome Ruud. the tumulus was duly or.
plaid and • number of nacres ens oiled. _Uses oth maim
Resolved, That thil areerlog adj.ttra to amet al the
Roomed the iffseneva'a AINOthil0a,011"PORODall AVER.
010,51 VA delta, to comoisia the Roll. us order,
I sous •• •• AW. GA /2•11, laced. y.
-- •
gr. wewrico—plifinst fro
tagospat• surto& Apply pt lb. Armen of lb*
al."141 16.1"11. 11. 8 15Vil "" W tr h .llP d"" ptsl t- lt.
W. THOMPEON.CiAL ' ►ytitt
fubltc AM's.
ble to extroortlicury maim. TAILA (r...e•y). ll ve-
NINO, at 7 KValcck, at thalt Gmaberr, to tab*
tato consid•ratloo I loptxtant budneos
4n:44M:stair &lea Gonad'.
A.G. tlaoAlo4.l o ll.
PreslAnkt Gnaw:sot. Goosen. •
1(.5T10E TO 811IPPERS.-- - - - Tbe Corn
mu.*o Dlooltioto of W. fitting wla Bob Cow
totttoo of tbi flown' Ootamlttoa of ital.ty, is slttlog to pen
maggot rdon. 1
ablppars pl•lue noon goo& ins ppoted to be caw
trabatoi father of dm vodorolgoad ,
Joofpb Dilwo Water autos Doorao 1111 Cd'X i j No. 1 5 . 1
rfo4 1 .W. .
D. Gaunt. Cbarloo Ilotok J. 11.11...
Mistook. Paebb a towntblto 'Loney, Water stmt.
n'. CAUTION ' ---- ritAIiNLERS. — The
Aqueduct Clootoalttes • (Add hanky *aro all per.
ems tot to efola tha Aattedua OM the Alleabauy era,
ANThp city, aa lt fa now
order of tba Cotoodth e
aphatia Jollat ZOOM Malmo.
r~sPROPOSALS wiil be received at the
wer .m.of the Lecoreles Regulator, le lb. 1..k.1h
WIGNILIDAT. Ytlh h.b..t. I , T
stroolLes •. of • PUBLIC 1111111114 from the east .id. of
&Withheld street.
Firth street to Wool etrreh,
1.01 Wood WOOL AO 13ecznil etre. The propoole
state ihe price pv thou... brim Waded sod Istd, the
Wee pre cable pain fur excavation, allowance bine
tosi• gur allh4 loon gavot mover 14 nuoovieg the purples
matrrial Centre. and templet. furnished et the esteem
of the COllllllOOl ,
&Dikter/34 15410 lIIORLILT. Recording ileVebtor
Ado ntibittuitintnts.
Delightful in Odor I
lor We at W. S. 14 AV 6 N'a.
Mauve Ink,
For Ladies' use
Bellingham's _
Stimulating •
Onguent I
Onguent I
Ongnent I
For the Hair and Whither's!
• Hair and Whiskers I
their undAli'hiehere!
- -
OCIDef of tbe Dletootel mad Ileftet f trek'.
0 fuer of the Dimmed fled Mutat fltstee,
Car/aro( the Mame sod Market lisfetf.
16 4M 684 Q...t Mateo;
1 do petalo Oblo roothoo. Mayor..
10 bbl U D Ayplog
6 bbl Frei& Pod Battu;
30 key Lard:
lost lo.d Pototow;
bbta /46116•11:6dr—for solo by _
.r 30.011 4 I/14 247 . Idborly nk
9ST—tupposed on the whrf, near the
!la face et Proo ort o GOLO ATO% yellow fro% Ito
'guard or (tan attschod. The' Order mtil 'two ria•
,trardet by ballog It at,D.ltattgory'o, feet of Liberty amt.,
W it data Odra op13:11tro
BUTTER -73 crock' fresh Packed; .
tanker, Itftb Parted:
4 Midas 11141,Prim4
bbl price 11.11,-Irat recaltad par Swear,
POTATOIII-2 tar lbadi Bab sad Willa baobab ,
634016" VAN 001111111.114 3.004 4t;
0111211 P, Of I. chimP.
.tor Orponio,DnOwlla
log Of ie Other.' WILL% ILIDDLIg • CO.,
splfor stu , tabats dni.i.ol>Pc•O• alltb•
• V a5...1w0 mrddi VoldateittCoatpidelvdtb BOOT•
AND 611011 int Pallid COST I .
sputinar :von Eons: 'swim .1.
RODUC bble. Eggs-
10 bbla prienttoll Saltrr; 17110oxin Climber. '
• 50,0001 b pima baybrVand o=4 • _
1,0 bbto Wyt•Abent Floar—to arrive be eau by
spit SS. 111 - DDLIII, la:arty at.
•It e,too tb 4:Wm Bacot. Sider; .
10,003 lb Bacon abouldam
100 Obis Is family /loon
e do By* Flour; I bbbt Coro bloat'
In eon for ale. • • •
apntan • . U. lUDDLE.IB3 Wacky at.
A &RD.—Being requiredea to lime the oily
Iproodab y On at kat, toy notodonat
Animate I'M boyhood to
In Unb mantas inds of Dr. It S. 001118Y,'
wbo Maboaaauoyud with ma In tbil yuntka at midi.
ern for Oa bat - Iw.tnely and cordially coma:mai biz
to Wt. lkrotabla maid or tay Wanda and patrons.
.11041211,1881: Wale •
SUbl UtilEts A r IVRULEtiALS—. '
woo bus et o supr,
_flocs to Aridly labor ,
4000 pow NO pawl Ilolsaim
SOO do Syroproartoos quirkier: • ...
301 ao Itriced Sum%
1000 bags Clorlbe. from Our to rector'
1000 Immo Wlelowalarm of dillareatdama
10001usp Sala.
--1130tiladadi 11.11/4%-- do
74 ratty Imo do
blebaft Blast Tom '
iWo cknxua Pena add Palmy Sirrapi
Woada Nod awS radlrra
Ponpr. dOwe NOUN 166 Poked, of
alias thmillmaNtamerlol47laoSPo4*: 17.1,i
Alpha above somplaM m.BOO OOllllO ll. tollo oT •
, . IMO L 1101311LAted
awl . cane' i thilibisto Raiff - 148.40ittatralib,
- ~ ~ :~
Acta abligctustatenqi.
NOTICE —II . ; nrsiiio'
ai •o} other amts., outfit liltoy lins of botiLe4
WINK BOOKS 7— ':, 1 . ,
. .
181)1 raft 301:MN A INS.
DAY BOtififf, CASII Roolls, OItIAR Skilifii,
sad ow.) , •itt-tiptfoo of amount Boothof, Land. toads
to ardor lotto Lott macula, rabid , to ao3 pattern c.f.:di...lf
With or •Ithattt printed befullo f t,by G. JOHNSTON It CO.,
ap2f..' . Blank Book %kers, 57 Wood at.
kJ! ..b.1613 •111 ZutP Vatrentwit with y t a bel.g
attected. Ittul atow.ttotcold will not di 4iul.b It. t.
ty, you an g‘tikt s4or. or IM. Dr Lira; t,
Sal Mai Li of Wood. m
LEAttIER BELTING; (S the beet Eastern
make, oak.taaued, all diet, w bleb *lll rap without
Matz CANE, and • Ith a whet bearing to the pallor, at the
Leather tr x t of M. DC L Ny!. 233 Libel y at, oppatilt•
Wad o! por4.
11. BELTING, a Per and inuierior ertkleou band, and
lot wilds DE LANOIL
&p 421• 1:13 I.ll3artv
^ •
ajt OTTEtt--3 bbls. prime R. 411;
11118 firtiaa pilaw Roll,
11 front W. 16.1.
DILWORT 291 11,1 , 19 t i
01911 ,
• 819 Liberly.“.
pe teirataF.od al cost pa. s to coassakec and o 1
1013 - • : KAY & 6 Wad 6t.
M ILITAta l'aitYll43S--
Ilk teat, Oxptr, Hardre;iod taker stead rd Idlima*.
on batd'and Wordy* by espielm
ay22 KAY k 00 , Wood H.
nu, LEASES—BIoIts for Leasing , Oil
WAlls or-1111 Locations uroluily ptirpareo lona.
printed Mod for Min 1.7 !
arm. O. JOLIgiITON A M., Pobliaboia,
ap22 atationaio Goa Printers, 67 WrOct.t.
_ .
BULK [TAMS-24 t.iisks of Bulk Liam, to
4 . l.sMer MliMockt, on reaslgnmrt, for
onla.hv L 1111.15 A TlitelOLE.
• 0 . 21, '
1.1 ASIB-9 ;Jen:v:4 Litims in .Ivuot pi.kle, t
Itti•O on 04.111 ,W11:1$1, for •ale by
' 1.111 LE 1 Tien,
112 ye
SPIRIT OF '76.—Statues of Wadbiogton
Lea) att.. (I ddes• of 1.115.7, &o. tato
0i.22. WAT.TKII MISII A LI., Wl' Won , " et.
• —
11 Art LE SUNK .'.Moon Vecoratirn
.4. by
sq.2l W r Wuulstrea..
ALL., P.IPLKS, tit new and de.tra e
Wttyi,u., ALL,
raa.letal lei sae at low pal-ea Li
ep flW. P. 111AllillIALL.
tiff:N.—Particular attentioh paid
amonlastullog, ToOLS /Olt Dalllif 0 OIL
WiLLEI. tool. wart.tsd to Leo! to. boat .aaleFla
lad arofkalsoolOp.
110.1101 . tAla I AUG an P l y ems
. 111/04E101 R16.04E1191 11.1,e11E1141
furolstv , / the awn.% twat..
(saccaiapr Weed aright a Ygnoy,)
No. 97 Wood Streit,
: °etyma of Di.. 110 alloy.
_ _
Arttr AND Ma.ttl3l.—A Ttentieti:on the
Camp and Ma. tk :m om le contacted, the ma amt. in 4 Military HaCyr', fur the oft
Of the litlaeteers Cod filliala la tee Coital TIMM.: by U.
D Orate., U. S. A
Klimeritnry Trestiril oo Artillery owl ' , ltilAntrY,
sdapAnd to the or :die tat_.!. for Kiti coo of
teen and M Ilittsi By KtopLony.
.tom KAY A CU, 64 !Fool et
Octideo trysterti of : Atottroctioii• sod Ittitoistions ti I
lb. 1U1k1..01 Volootrerit of lb. litatiii,compro•
beading the exetriee• c(iiiKAiiiiitoroto of ItitAnp). Light
lotairitsy Awl Itill•rioni. New olitkin
[ WI) . ( KAY 61X7 , '.5 Ploirt st.
N NW-410605e
For Spring and Summer Wear.
No. BU Ork - olt S
. , Nam Jost refeived a Or-00ml of
0010p.0.0* one d the lOwitt assongonete to te !ousel.
LADINT. 1110 EN, ANo
BOOTa n tet; , llB, fietT•da. alppotto
etir tIO ITC.
I aLtior Cab? OUOTO 0M1T.11 4 ,
;AVOID Tlcs :etaNui /LIMITS,
800TOW:800T/10 Maui&
ustit•tit , , IMO , CM.
aloes of ~,re mitt, atdateLe, wletola lOU IA
odd et L
Suit thA
dos 'Oxon a tedvalo woeld do well
to a rarrer eiVitto IN Owe at 0 Natal attest, .. tto
Prololetor It. i.tumimA,to.. ll
ADEglttiS to o:14 in the Isteminntion
Ine rw.ttr viDlitlei*NATEgg etrPSoAigo nu D
theguirritrolfrta anrpf Oz. igrrcy
0,11111..• velebrstrd VlLorktarslollo,
I..oViesg. cDtgilOirtaf. Prierfa! •
Wm, .111 tb malgred4t tb•reln. rf rade six a CO. vas
Lit:wiry strort.ritubaemi, and or lb* Drag Mb,* of Met
ii•gr JA aril, Foot Allertouy • tme *pea
mans may be oroo. of
M. Grauer Illco:latilfesilloguN or Cotoptet. Blit.,0•1
or.trdr.l.4 loCur pointolsort ontl
grower/ aro smppn. 1 to rued. :urot.bed dna* nob.
speclui AIL A. it6BKL/.. -
N. 8.--VOLUNTSVONIpptiodu •hate, Aoki lato
Nsw uoorks.i: Dam coops!
EATON, Swum= OL Co.,
Beautiful in Color I
French Kutbrol' Ila*dbet chichi
Moot owl Tblyd.trwtr
Gents• Ehlttm. l; ollnr., Nt 4 o l ,g , a le. ;
apis :
1.1 What epoond Eitreet,
ihnitietONllllll4 Met,. t,
Star Candle'; !
Lars 011, :Pesci Soil
Pope/ Soaps, ele
CAND/.111141:4L0 CT ACTUAL,I tretaitT.
ti • diaglll4l.4. owl slop to OIL 'macs to Doti
espy so 4 It the Cabala* see bossOt
osteloitiso of trw.ctors . iptr m. from the tapa of toe tiro
outteler Thai; -
A bozo! "flees" biota wsfoir anti/Ids 1440 Caw
"cu, Raab 104 fm l 7 lba, it sae IS *iota St_
A bn of Sessosooatilnlog tba ma. ohoitor of Oise
ales. atm ilia fascia fir St Ito. 001!1L is slostif
5 e.......... ................
TlMalmo In bodal , bastes by Idea is
And th is dtSesenee um snalca de
As the o. AdOss.A4
It In obvious Old retailer am set no moss for his I; 4
lbusdlas Is sons nap lbws le. do s, and cosmoses:ad of
sin, Modred bossier . abed Aslstit s' be" eels. be
Im losee
.roan nobsAlus. -
'nib WEL': !FOUL?!.—To Manufacturer* of
Baring Tails so.. for Oil and to
other consurniMs of superior Sexuality of Bar
Iron. ti_ I
Wa Ira minter? tip our note of tt Huspyi tat Iron"
lath particular Warm& to Wm ethatutiel Moll for
borlait wellsotal as shall tar be 'Wonted to
ernurthr nuroir thik • man 4 for that Pluton. for *bleb It
hall beta math rind erol pronounced of the mod. ItlPlTiat
POW. Qtr Wareham§ I. Nur odic, Mai - DOT
wows. streets . .BAILItf, 0110ifti & 00.
'prim •
Fitt CF COST. '
. .
. .
911104 J. , 51. brn . gglet, i ,
corm . r Banes 4 4 nud Funrth • ..
AY G Co. EIS Wood, Ors.
g'ATOC OF 110111,1tV AND pLOVE.O.
Nu 1* /Mb street
' Tito 01000 to Dar
cOirdm oustm
ORA .141 . it, EU PgINDERS. 4.4
heip for par ',lonely.
010,10 IAN so*r,
N xw CROP TEAS! 1:
Eltustuarra Extract of ccffee
TABOI BALT; Kincifordhl Min; OI Wr11101.1;
Illsrxes 111LACKLISO; New 11Aldli,thd BlIOULDBItr;
With/ airoTtmeot or Family GroCeriesi,
. "4 "" " et " IP for
t ,
ea;Dor Mgt, and W111..0..'
Good. &Mural .ben adored. I •Pllkati
ToinisniFifilar.l ,
Outfits at New. Yark Cost!
TA ti s
NEN rtitcr :
Silk and Linen Hand archloGl;
ctivires ;AND woo ins bOCKS
lad instital4 Ow put la isios
MN 'Vat Coet.'q
• 1101141110b Tauuau
• 11111 Market. It
1):17.-Urilog Ooakades for .
altimoto.lor. sal.
a: sown
MEE fibbattlitiOdO.
rrl4 undersipied being about to leave the
teemllth the Met Isissae of Populism:de Yams.
teem hex lot Ws perlaseklealbmione with 15 $ MOVIE.
IsBl. NO 139 /mrtb stmt., •ho Wend la all
'matters commesA ILetewith. .14151115 A. LOWILIIL
opt: tonl
bl liarrAltif MOUS
llgnatt l . 1 . Volunteer. and . itillag 1 vol. Peet
ti SO.
Sudo'. Ws and Light Lamar, Tactic.: a vols.
golth gillitarr Tulles ; vol..
eastir,i.eveSr 3 3 , 13.
hithillatura agnotht liztrelegg: I boot for nu 'Logan.
PR alto at
lETN — TIII 6 AIeTTILIi. or ro • atifJUUBT tit JuaN
J. 1111011.1 t. 'and J. 1.1.1/Ai.gaduilaistrators of fl. B.
BYIN. drmind. No.ll, Deem:char 5 rut, lign. the Ia•
dltcr appetota by the Orphan.' Court to distribute the
[mid to I W tino^s of tia sounsatiots. to and among the
partits Walls autittsd to the man ha onDirld BIS Mort.
and Os earns asp be isararktd and sisteicals glad *Lento
it the amts of Maishalt t Brown, fio. 116 gig% strait
Pittsburgh. Oar to B storday. Asa MOSUL
opts It . A. Y. BROWS. *Oiler.
JJR Tim COUSIT OP Alascratris:
601014 No. 19, ccerlaer Dlntmeigid Alley wad
importiors hit with Aleph Rua, 12 Esmond area, will
Le promptly attended to.
The atteention'of the trade Is reapictfully called to the
followtos bedtime of the law, to rrprd to larepectlone.
Prom Purdoes Egret.
Section 12, pegs yd.-11ml hereon shall .spot or We
for esportetion, frem the Port, of Philadelphia, any distilled
ephituous Nun, liable to In se storesald, Wore
the mime shall ban ban limpectad and marked acconilos
to law, such person shell Moat and pay ten dollar for
ore, 1.00.1, end twenty dollen for mow; duble buret
Or other auk or Telma COutaLutagenalt llephW
we expiated or l ed/ m et a
be recovered bill. Inspector afore.
sal, for are city sod aunty of POllmlelphle, for the 0.0 of
the Poor of geld city sod moray.
*Section 11.pageEtt —all 1 quires sold by inspection at
the Port of Viols& Iphle, stall be losputed and gauged by
the le.pecterl of doroutho aistilled spirit., appointed aor
donut , .
Pullen use 260.—n0y persoo who shall hereafter
act es lutputor depuiy loopector ot domestie distilled
Katt., to the city or aunty of Philadelphia tot hellos
legally authorised tor that uremia shell, am every snob
offense, forfelt and pay tba anon of ten ty dollatkone half
for the nee, the Commonwealth and Member half fur the
be de oemod f any autos for the army and shell,
guilty of a mladernuoor. and upon rouble.
then& .0.11 for story unle
ter,. an impriunmeta
to the moray jail foe • period of day..
It/MI.3C page 410 —Ever y p•reun woo shall 0000100'
let, forge or terudalrotty pe or maks the brand
mark, or say camber or e m othe muk of any each hapset.,
or anittkor numbrr laltattoti thereof upon any arty
cle subject to Impectlon, or upon soy cask or other ousel
cootatolos such article, or shell trandolently alter. deface,
conceal or emus soy lot;," clime mark, duly made, as% for
every soar attain. be deemed guilty of • misdemeanor,
and be punishable ' by • roe not eguedlng three hundred
dollars, or by imprisonment not eau:dins al: 610131614 II
the dirczetion of the court b utegjaa Milan not the armee
Section 10, p.4o4E—Every pesos who shall counter
foil, tone or f.oententry hove. tt,e7p any article 11.115
to Insprolluo, or
matty nub, or
coutadolos such
articlare brand m or other marl of any to.pvtor, or
shall frartokutle alter, deface or true env such meek, or
shell franduleoPy boono the brand toast or other marl
ofany Marcia', upon soy tech saki. or veuel, shall I.
doomed sooty of • ruit'enreauor, not shall ho poutstrable
by a doe out almedies three boodrel
A further lupplerreot, tstall. to the Inspection of Noon
uproud tee list dot of April, 1115 e,
21.1 all domeetic dherilled Golan; tee saes et the port of
Phitestipble, whether far esperratton othersion dish
be foveae...l sod pinged by the Only appointed 11:aperture
of docorstle 41.010.4 'pills, or their depatiee,to the num
oar now provided by lsw end It any other person shall In.
race enan home Le or they shall for .0 ry both offerme.
U. liable to all the On,. sod ought. ea forth In the 1111
section cif the dot of tee. 10th 4.1prd,1119.
An Set sothorlalng the Go , . root to &puha-ea lo.pecior
of Domenic Derailed Liquors for the county of Allegheny:
realm 1 h It ensurer by the Saute nod Contour Rep
resentrinvel of the Cosulttettereellb of Pennoyivulo,
Ofiteral Atmerably met, ws.d It le bereby touted by , the so.
throaty as the NOW. 113 00 the O.roerour is hereby author.
!red to .ppolot toepecior of DI M..ilC Dunned Lkicrore
for the aunty of A ilealreuy, vase done. nod comps..
tion shell bo lb. same as those ordial cipscror of doweatio
distilled noun to lb. etet-ete(uty m Ptllnielphla
The undersigned lutector, bring obligated
Lerida and.bnond ander were p.a.. fur the fa ith (l
performuce of hl. duties, totem's mat reepeelfully but
Ormiy to enforce the ease eectioniala apt , Mbar laws rip
pertainie g to Ile loop or.. or Cutout lc honor..
apala • Jolt N ISSITLRY.
Prom Ow R. FelArrfagot., Pariorukey:-1 hat•
Deep trooDlol arltO I+•fut« 4ar w heath of 11¢0.6. 1 •n
.oraultlog Dr. VON 1110rODZIOEIR. H• operated cony
do ao anociattolly al to rotors my Imarlos r011n1y...1
thlok It. Glemfore. my dirty to tho.o atilleed arab dafecUre
beerlrcao at ao aoloorrledaturat of DOctot'agrott
sot tetras, tomato ca, urea knowo. and to
Mrootly recomstaal all sot:farm. to atoll Oatmeal's • of
of MN rare opportunity.
CANIZIA1:18 pABlv ylf3 MT, Polemist.
Itrnitszt, Diralhighaak, 4pil 1116,1801.
Ttil• s o dt tbst I beat. Warn' fur cane thud; Imo
larektoesa,that I have bre, greatly located by the
atilliol treatment of Dr. VON aillauULtelf
•LOY811:111 00.1100, Pasaloalat.
floraaraas, Intralughate. Apelnith. MI• •
TestSaiontals floni Borne Sonless
From yultn MoClua•ltey. Wag..
(Of atee liras at artnoex•r.Ocevace a Co.)
Poor Poet, Allethant
April lib, HAL J
I'4 Da. Vole bloacetrolca.l66 TUN at. Pittaborgto
lam happy to Inform yto thl.coy daNiner who
boi Woo oils dog for icor per bac. titider ,otar
treetotrut, asttrrit reo.,vered WI saMded that bet
holism woold Dever bare beta tatored b 7 itidural MUNN
but to your ability alone!. able Indebted for Nita I would
coat earnotfy riconocaft.d ; all afflicted with Patinas to
courialt you .t mco.•
lacepecifolly yours.
AtbsellnT,Apetliith. ism.
Da. Tr* Mu' mallegal—Drur Alb . .: It bi Lot justice that
ray gratitude fair tb••relief expel Dam)! hum your Arnica
treatment shatid baprreslou. /mama time put my
haulm bad been a belteat I diegasited a *ler regelaluit
It, ibougt (be balil.o of .v.rst phyla/ism tea lariat!, Ll
- I ea therefore boll grateful to)ou,tand Mg baggy
to awl flat the operation eer formai by yea ban !malted lo
the perfect restoration •.1 mil baarlug
Gratefully your., ' IiODNIT BUNTER.
-Wore p.m..11y gequaiottel whb Mt Houtarowed bar*
perfect rougdoure la LW watemeut 11. la aUdtrOUt noea
lidos, to lila empley 010, t P it H C,
dullti BOVIIY.
• , •
'ltirengh rebk b be WO twee **ebbed turn.. the 11105 T 01-
MINATO OASES ult tillefilheller In Witch every
ether reams Osa talie4 had ell hereof relief Oren op.
This to on idle idelemrsit. Its truth battened by hundred.
of guillemot whet 1.0113.1.11 sr* fientllsr throughout the
llelitio.-8T ATI luls, kIIYIIUTANS, LOW.OItiN Male
OVIIRN and. JUDUlth,ifitusew to the hid.
toti to my to all watt gaffe elthei it=
Deafness of any Malely of the Dye
that Iti g. obattld AT (MGR COi4AULT HUI, to order to
of las treilmeot. '
She &Mooing am sows of the 'mew .bogie teallasorklals
CIIO b•ezamlned id Or.Voo Itoecbsist mesa:lea ?boy baT
beat sollnly notated o their bearlog by blai:
Jtragni P/11880C1.13•11fuot It,
THOM All MOOSE, tint
I/ LA HORAN?, no!ttreut =Ow of Disman4 and )7,61
►et •trt*t. 40461 ittitd
4CrTo tbio 1141 haudnxls wog, t
neat th. Dettoe. 00 106 .
Cacp, mo. 15$ Thud street,
(Gatlin; Smithfield ILO enut,)
where be esia Le 00NbilLTID DAILT Crumbs. so. m 6
o'clock P. 03, - I
visetrocio AND 111$110 lIN{RIEBS, PAPILS HAM.
esainuss sidoesauerii;# all Ida&'titillate
t•I orders WI at Ka.
P a
a. streak et doom MID
w, at Pattaas'a Wall Para. elated:loqt Wad at,
arta. lakatatitailttettelel b2O
jaeL for m& by
in ta-r stdio
lIM-400- sack* 1/01 "
itallbreak " DlnliT CO*
za a n ls
WANTED—Active Business hien, totals.
Ins Moto In • Call.Goatpony. ono modal tho
Posthorn imam Ithoonaltola Most. Itoptossoonts
P 2 good working °of.. for portfolios awake of
..dote 11r11111 P.' VIOL Broker, 4: Pt. NAP O.
W 4.NTEI)-1000 bus. Clover Seed ;
b* L. O. 91141 P,
W 2. 247 Chatty
Sat. salt 6: CO La.
LAIMS FOR SALg.—rlbci best Oil
V lands ever disesm% I. the Celled P.tatre. The
celebrated Smith's F*rr7 CII bands for elle. eon. m
elation of 14 sire., c.dnineeding a lorry au both shiOf
the Ohba Mfr.= which Is erect. d a Hotel and fint4to rid
love also, th. Teapot of the Cleveland di Pittsburgh
mid. The tandlog commands the met tag =Nay
'On both aides; ofi the river an that there can beboopposition
!to kr meth* ferry I mdlog is concerned. This property sill
:be sold tow thee or It 1,4 a w nit perchasers. This vomit,
e known as producing the beet Oil Wells that coml.(
c hewdisarmed
to the ;mid tin propetli Is on edified
line hempen this cloy and Pleadend• Plum Pittsburgh
there ars bite daily_ lite. la, Dun tom Cleveland
two from Cincinnati For (+ether partivi!M Inquire of
J. Atilt 11, .
No 10 Market.;trost, or to
J. bindles Pm y,
VOR SALE-1 he son , completo and value .'
I:Abi. Works for Regatta rg Coal all ;floated
oear 1.0 Hentrifkld kOtrad, II milt• art of Moeller,
conahttleg of one warvllur eight hone. power
IkettorrOgt.4ol.o atilt 1000 gallora equelty, one EMI,
600 pitons, two 100-ss+ton Teuka or KtosProe. two 1000
lotllon Tanta end one 1:01 nation rent,ell seeded the arr
brat elem. staff. 0100.11 b nworat. teptelty of nine tmea
h phropoty
smear., 1 0 fi • dap., marl, 11..]
wear, - ono al:00.7.11 inht on &boat 216 arra There
sSelo of Intanaloona shale, of a mane datelines dab of
far feet, underlying the premien. Coll Oh to totad to
the vlcalty gibe*, worse Polka dedront of ontorklng
In the badmen of Befinlog Coal 03 mei now bare so op
portal:lly of drag Do to *rat actrantsot. for further pea
tlealart.spply to the antwoiter, at No, 113 loath Front
art et, rhlortelphla. ,
epl6 Mead,, JOl.lll Carr Boll .
UniANJAWS.—inuutcr the mat.
ter of the Partitian of the &Saba of JOHN EOM
dammed: Byl*lrttor of sn Order cf tha Orphaneamet of
Allegheny °dont], ths rinderrlgned Triages will expose to
ale, by Tondo* or pubilmoutrry, at We Conn Hams, City
of PlttabbrgiVon SUI2DAY.P.thIo day of Aprll, A. D. 1861.
at taro reelook p to. all the tight, title and Lateran of
Edward nerd, Thateal nerd. Winton lia,, Beaty Ward,
Wm. ltmna Und Marsala Erana,hLo. villa, iota blargstet
Weld, Wm. It'.Ookey sod ..fons Wtlookey, his wife, late
Jen. Pent John Pa.teroon sad Gauls Patterson,
late Louisa Lima, and teary !lord, ail of fail age, 0,10 bad
to all th.t Lot, Phew or Parcel of ileoundodtaate lag tale'
Stsih Ward Of the City o Nit•barett,ind bunothal cod de.
=Wed Ea follow., to • • In f
heyloa • (root ott Oran fora Mast .
of 26 feet, and eaton.llol In depth anent 125 feet toaards
Tecoyhtll Line, lying bens , en nedforl Ind Crawford no;
owl haying! Memo ersele3 a titre. *tor BRICE DWitle
LING in boot,and a two•tory FRAME 0 ELLINGEOI7BII
mod • ;RAUL suqp in Cho rear—Wog • agate pram*.
ai Which the •ttd" Job* Hard OWseised. nod undated to
be ecil be proseedlez• In partitiOn Med to N0. , 3, June
Term, 1010 f
Wfd. A. ANUfUSON, Trustee.
firma al 'lsla. For prticulam logalle of
/WI a N BAUTON. Attorney at Law.,
Atoll lob. 1F331/-10:3.2.• Pittsburgh, Pal
PtiCßstx rourenttir VOIEL RUNT.
rbs following ptoperty, eito awl lo lila 834' of Galena, will
be Ivied to o gad tenant for a term of 'somata lOw real.
Tble new:try has Wes to operation for thelest gltaan
pars, and to buy oflersd fur rest, to comequetwe of the.
death of Ifs fanner proprietor. Pe late kkboles Neat&
Three.. Wry trick, do roof: Boiler Koons 9g bytkg her,
ingthe Lim 94 by lb foil Maalox Boom 211 by 14 Awk
Moulding ltoors di by 35 feekilwith Rpm 30 by 411 Lo
Loft veer Swot Kowa; Pae Work 99
by 68 fork NUM 0 UOOI ttsruAlsb
b 4 49 ber ate
All kw above
moms are bell Ilibtog and ventilated.
?bop also Bow la the buildings a:. complete set of
Lathe, Toots utEl Petterce, suitable 68r ths stoma of tbe ed.
*Pt country, whlcli will to disposed of at yew low prim
to any pollee deeirlog to part-bus, as they must now be
wild. VW. terms *opt, to
it P. Ire 4086.11 V, Administrator.
Oalsoa,!111., Harsh Pt, Pet. sottltaktss .
T161*.1”-TO-Itlf FOIL BAL./G. : . ,
. r Tall “NORIKA 1111114111 , 11."
Waited:76ly 30, 186% li ear oifered te Me puha&
tionlblent ef Da magically om any other in i e.
by the Allegheny Counts gialenltnral gaiety. Vatembia.
1605. She anal sae moveable, enabling the efeala to
minas - the frames antainltuf the Cache and apiece them
in thar seat Mar to atber Combs or
Bees. Tlreleo.r It danble, sod sat , lettoe. seaming at ell
times an stimrient awl, of fresh air A l ta bode of the
lave SO emanate. lan attach to all fold by him
the attentot from the with. manta by Denis Stall. a
jam. 01 r. ebieb is e attn.* by the
es an luta
tibia nreatitia _.
fir Intlivid tal or ism ash). 10 a Ma. Ilea HIM
IMO ;tat to ea ens.. wm of Bea monad-eta. •
, Adages 111. lig GUNIttiLII. -
apa gswitter Fe. 36 Union ennui, &fleabag ate.
Ilver. the loft pcloo of 1160 ano. boated roar
atm below assntr. o tt.• ebb thstr IS some IQ acts'
astus4.l ST acres valuable Oil Oslsh•
borboodot wed. • enamor of away* IMOC nob.' Tai
Onertminads my a two ears Ina* imellbas. la nal.
Immo taro 1.5.11, Wed Stadia( far Storm and soda;
leo boolog *psis asuf Than Ina, • font foot oda of da l
Is Marta. sod In soc• worktos seta oo ttt• sroodas•
rids mos L. Tory do.bablo far famdag or oar& abe
'Land Omar of soma , hs O.& r. Wang t
le •
Ths Patriots would inter to yell C nartontth Intsrost
ora l w l b h. l i
b. b b a at sa. l nm otbes t o
m d o s a d ta r . e
a lams
ot 00..
odd 3! • Ito. lilt Fourth anat.-
avolt. II Ai—h lieff POWYS elTi IFJA A
' lleitelzy best of haft Eleyden. eitada on the Nov
14 led Do Road. FOOT 1510 OS fOOl2 the city. is Son
tOwoohle. eoutsedni 11 atm. all of which la wed Masted
to the growth of mil,. fruits. It le he • high state of cut—
tan sad hu lAN Iran Tress is wood doodoloa. of sleeks
rwistleie, Net maths (Ito bonded madam t WI tilLO
Irmo, three leerlested.wlto s vetSof met =tS.
all de good The Teo Dweillsew s u et sad
02 the Ve. 'tees will dirlde to Mtaw
Two el sod will be sold slum orie half we tee whole. se
way tie rim& Anoint of /UAL VIAMII/1414 ea the
feweilede.ot J. W. WAIL. ateyet LAN
while:dm , 90 Mb Idled.
este es the comer of Solattd =III Weft Corn
esosuw I buty city. ad
the spachnte reeldanee of
t i lleva eet dr.Lothrolefogegedigx = t it reruns:l . lU
la waled 0 tad mon twasto.y Brick trindlint tfollew.lll/3
sad 06,441 re.w. 4 e-
low; Loan ivy.- Only to
J. isOltUulll ALAS&
. , ,
fable-lw elide of 'Whitest' Worn.
Webs:se street. Alisetwey.
MF* UAL.E.—biti ilial. 4Y tl Non wo. ea
t t taaat
Nkr NN townebtmo the Sae of toe Plttatansh
cann ot inn Tessanrer Ungar. Ints le • mon Weans% ht.
canon f Country Meeefloactaa awl whl be *old to lots of
two or mon wee ot. aa • holt, The stoned contents an
azontent Tirt:Psten Donator won • WT. Mamba al nun
town, Terms wt. Tot partiatalts leelYt9
OM*. ot m ot lob Works.
• &Wow . &testa=
101 NA FARMING LAND.—The Basalt).
ors off. 4.r saloon Womble tar= ds betroirsi saes
Mold. Lands, Atoned In Wright sad Usneock empties,
fotacerot to lines of Railroads oow to 0000 of construe.
llon, Sadono tnet only Coro wild form County was.
134 aborO .111 b ails kw far cub, or anctotags4 Ike
fanning tangs to this or is:joining counties.
lorlo I ticliglig al V 4.1111.111 Second er.
eiutt. 4e.l..k—Thas splendid linsidenoe,di
.11.21 hags Lot of Grontui, /rut:Trees sus libral.=
bartsd within two - minutes' walk of tbs
Itallrosd Ptatloti. She bones Is largo and lislatisd
gybe, at preerut occepled by Ides. Tbompson.—
sop co reasonabls terms. Apply to .
islbigutfr AI bortan's CrStak, soy W &
TOR BALS—An Oscillating SIVOINk
',of *boat floe boon tower; or Itb cOlcolor Boller about
10 Out long .1 PO loam dtaimetor. Imitable fx:o. an 011
Well, or oleos . light wort. Ov mi/o amp. logalro at Goo
sit! Om
.tea Weise Weds, Oty of Aliegborn ono
below ttos = act,tratostit.tale 'opposite*.
sUwee of 11. P.Basserts sod J. ibumagbasz W.
motkti b. EL DM&
OFFICE TO RENT—A convenient Office
In second rm. outran. an Idde, et SI Water greet,
no* mended by U. UnehnelL Rent $ll2 'Apar annum.
orpf 0101ISY &
VIM ILIKNIC —112. r 'Our mry Brick W6llll.
MOUS.. Musts on Liberty iltmot, No :442. -
nice of all& Ltsbe. uo.
11:11‘ , 11114 ban, .ImA.
VOW aILIGAIT—?M Sy. awn VMS store, 04
•JO !Abuts ouroL •pAy to
-SIOS Lastly Isnot
78140rk0 Street.
etts• °Dahl Bits. Ifirsuiets I lea., Lists
i -
Etobroidero4 Oollanl
I mbrol,lorekl 8061 EcutriAdual liszakereblaiolo I
L•a•Collitst L. k•elit Leo, Ilindtercbt*4o
t Black Ac . Mitt. f0r61,50. j
Leas do .17%e... do, 16e.
A !all IMO talent of MM.' 010•116 Ganutlefilind
• 0 ,ut.? Waite ynd thin d Mono. title Mdtti 1
• , Neck snd rain.;
IpC • •
llnderoldrtsfind Orman , - • • -• • -
Mit end Linea ansdkeretalsk ILM Moron /14.44:
All aro t ly log Itel to all owl exodus oor a sk
botor• parthartug oho. e. splikdo•
/14.'C.A.V151... EMS. 1 - J A.MIGION ar,
Fuego and Dawdle 1
DRY G-00-DS,.
;z4llw csoons! NEW GoonEit
Corner of Penn end St. Clakr Met,
iteapetifelly hetliseitiblie attention to hlitiett smelt . of
gram° Gomm. a optlatag all the hewed 'Wei af ituat,
tenable Material adapted to 01321.61111 11.841 th 6 ,
idea an effly can, and Mating la his steltzte sztadt
three iSTOIIIII km with tiLa Mall a stook of iatiriactlii
twat to any la this lay, withautreatetto 14 614 . 0 t ums-.
LI DROPS —lrby irtlf 7. ettlfett are uismuotag
um. than I dtstinealrhat remittal &nada,
. Ton, Dem. Mb. MC ,
idecre. D. Dende—Oentletose: 14 mane of
tar pretties I -two extentirely nenitant Clan Asap*
, trith sigh mom for the relief of lta tootherteketotaal.
onstantly revealment' It to my pollee% Ldmva tmoimim
Moldavia you of the bib bete of
:ieotenleo. 14mtoork moo reepectaghti s
Ty ~
Premed tamt solif
lith. ;a A.D. DANIA DIMINO. hat
Bold &mob" LA. fAUNIZTOOS Dam Pittehir r eyleh
Bold alio bg Drattileteattartar., epUtilwatita
pard•Al Ria• 0 04 ISU Ittruitt7 Tswelks, 2 vnta.
Dotes banal Tialtaktivis. ,
Magri Abstrul GilobututTattke.p. •-
ghtpbon on
__......wog a an s .
Cvics. — TiiaTririaia — tnia ll' au tbil
, 1013 1 4AT In. , a* wo•Q
-- 71 4 .1" 85, 2,7 liQ_ BALLS
P AiN A ET It A !
Or, 1900 GARS AGO!
rni. ppg o!1
ritelay, april 12th. 1861,
And Oontlinue Eveiry E'venilllf,
• UNTIL nr nicamnics.
Admission Zia; OtaldnaL Doors cps Lt 7. to coma
um:mist . 410. i
no IT;TSBQRI : Tli IS Art R
"'semi sal Ilifsampr
- 17x4 - s cOgs' Ll; , par tido tbs• t for grow:lWO Indy or th.Amarirra sax,
Mr. J, M.. rdlirdoet.l
Tel. ...taus, WELD OSTBlttorith lit liordoh; John
Dors, St ELatielteth Hiridi WY: Stamm Moos lilis
Darla To ;coasted. with' O.' sew
ciaistital sod Starks' .ittsustrgt=
• DMA I—Tiittsla besittlitd • Ism=
f illivallift*
i fx*Ve‘si
minion Just pisfokour Grit Spring 'apply of Os
lITS llWltlff Wlll3Oll. gssorally schinb
fed ro be tits B of tbs rad dap; orrnpritint both
(MUSD - 81 . 21404111. 11 IABOS, and st IMF TOSE
PRIOns. I The ars martini's' for WWII ISAR& Pismo
salt sad Sisal Wore obrotornag *lamb sr... •
1 . •
U. 118fIze. a BIO S U Mk ' 4 .
glabi4t BoU IVOI• StginwWs VallTaWd Prom.
_• , ,
AT,,usiusvAliuy IttiW PRIONan
' •
Owl wt.
by woo: oN'IN OB 08224 I .g.ZA
an,man by R• l l , n, ipcte I " -a 29.24 00'
Ons *act & :01 etas, trod . mem do,
by NM% Wean di
Oso net Rowikol stsg.*** s dna. P 555 1, 50,21
276 GO
UV Co , Now Yolk fianstt Ably cheep--
Oot n ot. Roiowowl Wool. awred Ilea
67 CD
Bs ton Ww. N.
net mind Rostwoodwas,o l busied dads., •
by onn of tb• bag NO York onsionosry cbtopa ISO 05
Ono wOodAuted otl4sowood Maw: I
ko, by Obkission Woo, way
100:111d4IIX1 631 eta, Rosewood cw• tall Wan
from, do •by Chkuslw Soos—. 184
O stspadtwal ate r Rawrood cww, — Toosd oar. _ '
nom by • pod sodas 180 00
Ono woad WWI', cetaptisbt P 4130. by Obtain .
log 4 eon• newly
Ow wows:Hasa Of, Thint•bB rinol bY a o b."-•
do da •an Os land Al 00
do 110 • setiby Ikbsta-.-..-----. 00
do • do 0% wt. ammo Plano-- ..-- 60 00
do do 0 oot.Rlsbonaol 25 g
do do llli WA. AlsbniostY wao----...
TWO dodo= at pin:horn/ o anie PIANO, shodlA
0.1 WI to all oad collar tbd sboss
Mime 10ab,ac
Joconot Tdglogl, for 11e .‘otth 10e. pr yet.
do ed.. do 12, do
I do '{ Inc, do - 11130 'do- :
Einc=lSL. 20 74. 31'O . anim'a Co"'
103; Wocid "tat...!
i =l-j~tBIIO~~=~QIISIC.
SOW* B. ramlizoa.
w a yk :
, 011 i wooristatsr ,
Dim &Sig sad Nautili stmt.
We Iva for loot Onod. Opelematta
154 „ u. Plaecediel. A'lltaa 7 ll4 Wriam
TO BUSINESS DIEN--Anexonllenteau6e
J. for nliebae tositfearistra to more ••profitable ateatt
factatieg braiorsareqattlsi bat a mall PLOW to tleastab•
ibbefeot sad promote=;
The man4neture cdwelst. Itt the sPialleetkm of a Pechl_hff
cosaixoftioe or unreel to common reif bstclu,sad ;rover
of other bongos ofalartal, areamaotal arehluacturel
lags;osillate, tiles tai !lei= and to rooting.
this mama map ta tleted of ear color. from the pored
ladle to the decimete*, with all the colors awl shoo*
betwate. it basorts ti,tbe articles tombiet &maid a
herrings. apt dumb tr y .. lum, Incredible, wad a beauty
sorpaedeg that of the ntreat:toad sort *NAT of the mi.-
, (Mad aisterea eat, *Mut there.b irapersiose to moidare.
awl *III MVO fl" ittehl or delerkestra falba bat atria
Wool rot of the ratably cattlaary marble.
It le alma valuable partible sad daub tope, taatttelpittoe.
stototatentiousd aft endear irarietp el ether article, of eta
csa Tbelsteeed IMVOtie Ow sigma is
the "Aides fostmet4 command a ready eabaafforellog
brae meta Itespapethie pledge sury procore Mimeo tor
aseauftettsing oodet lb* Waft tor ass city or proothsent
town In the bloried;liteter, bp.aal7tntto tbereilleltriber.
k small tut( on theardfilea ma ss vtil be rroutreti
tor tea is of tba 10aatioa.7;'Ciroalars dreg toil partioe-.;
tare .111 be extrenietto all appikaata
The soperior snail ehb Wats of this imitated bandies
materiel to ma bee the tuiptabbot
Meteor many at the titortesoteeat architects ant scieetba
rear of this end otheir elite.: for parloolate whims
PRA" ,
Gitiarai Ageat4 for
Enameled Heading Material,
, .
aptt3fad • ;Mr If Watt at.. new York.
w. & impiaFs,
, 1
Corner of IlLoilrot and Vdth titters.
. •
; I :
Grey. ti!ripect and Plain Silks!
. Figi4;4 ,Pianoh Chintzes )
Plaid preach Elioetama !
Silk Coats' Goth Coate!
Cloth riatia ra ; Cloth circulars I
14-Etalp Skirts
w. a D. num:lit. aorta 111 rITLQ AND Id LIKE? STIS,
17. A D. 111,04, WEWIDA. WITH A 111:: stAisir RD.
WADAHNlUlriintlii EILEI AND NARK!? 1711„
iHydrant_ "Hie.
• 1 .„,.,,,,,ii,„ on DADA 637 lAD 67 ;
IA A. 111174*. WlliftalrLas ea CO.
'UAL !
; l.
i 1-- GAS - ' I 1
i ' .
AND : 1
: :STb.IAII4 1
pe.i.,...b...4. .s.ithigbi:
V=^ l
GAs' AND ;111T.ECArd' • FITTERS.
• - I . '
Pomilo'`, - and' Brass Work, .
OZ) WELL ..;
" iHtit 11;mM aar Ohm:
!' t i. l atta Tm 'al OF lamb, sad mamma l ere "M
. Nalco. I
its4Nucirort, • -•"
_,3ol:*Mfmy.. 4A
and /0' /Prank at.
miAtAsNaTese, !PIS:1101DM Pa.
wkitt. ' OW ESOZMNO Aauotec
_AnD IMAM ItIOCII 070001111 a: gat SUMO
laa4 ll / 1 4Idt bat* boa allecapt vita oars thaa umul
peraisai t i 1 coallasal Yalta the
stcusras 90, ir11 . 11113 _tau asir~o,
: .1 . •
I . I "";
: 1 ,Obeli* .61
thq vat itiper,l6 AST 000 DI
bare s py/1q Width end mostgral* GAO In
eetUoeLlem'ds Nod die pabl. te webs to
' • ,
BMus' gray' & Son::
51a214, so rirria seaway._
- dri
ho. 121111 iit to ' '
; • - -
toar*brl*T-8 ".• - ,
Rgor -
. -- WtballtlliltteitmoO Vats Strict to the in - V
mom stletoba t 4•311/EIPA otoooo* - olimall
. •
. ara b avt== quivr.
galas* ' - Smug= a - •
AND J: -
.tilbjkoolliedre -
ag. Whig fetitliliblig Lfttris htsibiarinr
lo mei),
-^." t ri na jwit*
en • "!
i H
1 F