:-.- :7' -- iD - AtLY--------:.PITTS VURGH:: GAZ ESTABLISHED, IN 1786 emmussion,- l•-- SeflOYEa, C 0111111521011 MUCIIMS? . Niles to Orade WO Rs!lso OAILBOV oaf, 0 L 1138, iltili, tuns, go, mendi :: : ' :, NO.` -.1 filiCitabert yrs,. 111- U. OKAFF, COILIIIMION Millen ANT, and Li . mranaminunisnOntr,:::, zro. 293 Liberty Street, • rsolkly • errrilitHia B. P... IitAAVZ:I4II.O373/14. }94-111.71P.:41"":".."1"4. ii Br =cols= mecumumotuita a cO. ; r 110LtSALE OR.OOERS. Waal and Water Streets,' ibYR L EIMMDI/01312. JOHN Z.710178E1 & 00.. OLXSALS GROONRS COMMISSION JISRCHANTS, Corner of Smithfield Mid Watt? Streets, j•74#l. PENN& 110.1)01148 • raziwowzm . .Forstarditi g and iixortisrimw•forchasr, RALF4BI:( - PLOCItt, ORM tr and PRODIRID,IwooraIf• 349 Libeity street. - . I ntro es,- - rota, mee k Meer** Cb VOW:a& Tot, tilworthr pe, ea ewe. iltilatzt et, dot Low* DobaU .00, ow,: shover a Dilworth, dt• Tot= • 00., et Leah; J.OW. diir Prattle • •oderooo, Olnignoothittsok throw Wobitrr a Outer, Mew; Bhorwood ap. Ow. Marne, a Dodo, Dolthoorto Oorrioll rDone ,dcr, Orchards** Orrewsao, Pttiladolphl•Coolasti M a.ll.Oolitra; Now York.. • • - ' falyd • SpapaTon a STIMART, ,Wholesaki'GrociriaCommisaionßlerobante, 107'W0O0 STREET. AI MALMIC/Vi. J. P IF. 14D illirebants. AiedinelaishoDosietstir. WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, 1 arum LAO, POSH, IMAM, FLOUR, Mu, Isx 4 hstrt, 'mu daletims. Waned Lad Dri.4 mad Prod** prstrally. gag. 141 sad 148 Pront-Ilre• all • 'PITTSBURGH, PA. MUM. atrial arizapAzuo, COMMISSION 51 ERULLANTS, AND DBALMIzi IN IPLOUR, GRAIN' ac PRontrom, ;43 Liberty Street, . PITUBOIIOII, Pk. ()bolo, brands of nava, la, Bak,esond 12.2111 aM coustantly oa hand. Par/azalea &Mallon paid to Antos aid.. go Merchandise generally. I notlyd n, W. CUUDIMA. WILADWICIL i 110t1, eordmissios - BIEBOUANTEI, DCALERB IN PAP= AID RIGA And Ittlatta tar the Balsa Mationing Fire Brick and Pot Clay, Ettta. 141 wad 111 Wort 2 Resat, near Sixth, Plltabtaita IS.Wrapping Paper at Idanatactarate pica Cash 4 for 4444. 11.111111 as eassaSee—Wwll3lll .1111132-11114l,TUZUCal SPIUDOZIL HAILBAILIon liOMMIBSION--MUM LIA•N T 8, *col, Ilides, Provisions& Produce Generally; No. 209 Liberty Street, Ffttabtirgh• „WS s Ampra. B. FLOYD CQ, OUIIIIIIIIIION .1418011ANTa And dada, In Alm, &Wu and Produce Generally, Ha LIBERTY BUM, Pattersoies Hew Blocs. Opp:vita the ['imam DeDOIS. ravnuusiM,ts. Oguggisis. 14 A. FAIENESTOCH•it CO., WHOLE • ate Drosatsal sad alsoutsausas White lard, 4..1 sad I.ltharge, amass Waal sad resat Ittnel/, 1.114. barga;.. =Ne=a! RAUN & REITER, WHOLESALE AND Rog!! DrngeNta,oontar of Men, wad St. OLLT temzet. • OSEPII (SUVAIESSOR TO L. Fur Wilcox A Cto.) corner Market valet end Ittemooo,lteet• ccomtasall bat band • tull =0 complete neeortmeot of Drop. itectlelnea, Glatt:lee Closet!. !Whom . ", ead all er t lelee per. hjettans preecrlpckam clentoEly oampoactledit •:.11. • .DR. GEO. 0. , VINSEK, = DRUGGIST, ltd Wood sOroot, comer of Wood Anti and Vblto Pfltsporgla, P. OaN P: . . SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in Paints, 011.1, Varillsbur Dyellats, Ltterg sucet,fluabirriti. • All orderli will smite prompt allwatkm. 0ar.21 litstattfigtnts. W ILLI/ . 42 WAILREN:.I nEALER IN PROMISSORY NOTES, AJ &lad, Harter* and all amides far made,. itwoora nn prccom loonothrooigh my 1ii.0.7,01k rem. We tome. ; Moo wtoldqg to Invott du& roomy to good 44v.tago, pia olinyo end arta owl wieond clam taper at my din, for tala . commagicano. sad Intarrlnutrketly al;itll4. Mc. (HUNT =WM oppodtellt. Puri M l •bideaL J.bitt . - • I =Swims 1 AMES 110LME8 & W., Pork Packer" el sad Nilo. ProrlakmomrpilarSintotand. rival trowts. ' a. aaaaa L&SOH k HUTOIIIN SON. . Conunizgriofil and fialeardladi Merabiatd, deals/kb Inaba - ft• larva Cana% Flow, Ma, Baca, Butler, Woad Oil, Pot add Pout toatas. Atoll% (kaki. 14104 aad Produce etharally. :SW brand. family Mae - Always *a .kaade— aimnia tor &ma* of Madlou Oafs rel.taatodl Malawi N.,' titan& Nada 1.1.0 Sawed and l 4 Arad au.. between Wood and Wmltti.daki eta., Pitt:dogrel, Paw— .ap:Elyd CiILESSItc- W ARKHOUSB.-11XN AY IL anuire, Iforasfain* and Coausaadork Illmrctu4,sed Dealer ID Cbefte,pasier, Lte 11.6 aoa Prxioa t romally, Wordedabove Water, Pietabazik. - ' moa - isuothaT. MN/L.-MELLO% No. 81 WOOD BT, 110r(Brethrli140 HERILIPB,,IIOIIXL'atILIDEIMI sad 0.1161/111 EAILMONIUM2O4!IP,Mr la Musk and lisokalCiacds, KLZBYII4I 8R0.,,80. 58 4117.11 Mantelta.`="uUTE rtattosomeuAlifiANPAr D~bpDIIB•bA OW' ILWILOPLYIIB4O.IMIstMceitma4 riIIARIAYITE BLOM , MANUFAUTUR- Ji.ita Nile Plosolattasond [tomtit et Mode sad lookor botromont.. *go APIA Ike ttn LIAMBEIRa NADIA Woo for lIALLTDAYIB A - =lt Rolm MOO* tin and lab6llll !takes attoelkoireLAll !opt stmt. gnat. ' lIIIUTAIiti M; BOOK, tiedetary Allegheny Caspar/al PPM is WP. JONES, -Ageut. flustailluneries, , • pia. of Peoraylvasu, !ad. Hy* . r . ll :buralsoce C4rapoallAsi,lll Ma' • • . • • • 411ABIUSL RNA, blecretarttlilikezie Insu IJ novo Co, cosn4rif lute. awl - GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Frank. J . littl•deleta sad Rtllancol Cbuipiceder, nonbereome. outl sad Thlnf iamb: I V -M. GORDON; Sewing Wegtern bear A: • .131*Cbuiiiany, 92 Muff street. Agant.for.Dehmare J. • matwittangsse•Cle • 42Wataitsoil, . ink opPbs• 1r11011RIELD.&•00,(suomooro to Mar. pbrosarodio44somoomuloo: Malt Dab= b istapbarulO= t lh ,avi. 7 Goobillabbowicankar !minima CH. 'LOVE, Dealer in Staple and Fanny 1 7 :z.ea ck t =ft ? ti g hw 4 1 ": 1 4n. Nora 11-.1".4.1451/14 No; 106 .ticreet, Dlldertw.Boandai lbw!ltmr ...51sitatetr, alb. l Of , " a ml fPWS l . 4 * . - t. '"r". •:Zsratiningui °SEE% 'MORN realer itl Trimmings, szbrowris. :La anti 6c4.;:5, t 7 Market st., Pita r 4 Wel 11 & LEB - 01 PEER, llealerin-llry Goode, jUstuoittsrlas,sts.,7ll bistitstst, Pittsburgh. Iplb BUSH, Dealer in Ladles' Pres/ Omle, lidtkfog„stc.,,24lrlfurst., Pitesbents. • t• - spli rvni, &COM & CO, Dealers in Ern- TAusid,o, Olot1912?„ /ICra. 000 10 in !Irma,' rituburib; =X3III °BERT S. DAVlt3micleessar to 44 - gin S. Davbasoicalt In Dedklathatisorryte ,1t0.93W00d Omar IN.:mod sllay.Pittabargh. - uslkl WIL JUIINSTON4t, thationerr, Mat Ikallbasiletan, JO, !Map* lei a mid itnw, Pittsburgbal.- iT-AY *CO. IWOLSELLZED D STA. J. L.ll/AD BOOKBEILKB4AND • TKlNlN"fsFaiNilr, OP* MEMMIMI COO -w. .-'..- ellonse; Sign and (Mumma* 1:44 . 110i ,1424 :ifittimii 'STREET, Optima* Odd-Fellow. EOM. ••• PLitIMTIOA 74. • • - .1' • ' -, • • • . - PRANK . VAN GORDEN, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MEM on WM, Disler In hoar. 8.0.1)34. Brads. Batter, Lard, Cbeanarark, Dried sad Grata /mita and Prodocit M?iE3iEEMI 10111 TO • i - Kramer & 11aMoTritteromb 11. liellen t oo.,,Plttabomb *sesta:4a, do I Bbriam & DU/Mill, do oelb Springer, Ilarbaagti / , mum a'tofaia, of the late arm of D. • D.llcl•Donald Co , 11144,411 e. O. JOBS aiilXll.ll, Ja, Pittab . gb—mus assaccu!, Ntuteigh APOONALD i Anevestar., 11 HOLESA LE -GROCERS, Produce and Oolatoladua llarcbaata,Jobbera lo N. 0 tl agars LEO Ildolasel, Bella& Pawn lad Spam flour, Dawn, Eke, Cheer, amia, ae. Np, 2453 lAttertir eotl•lri Irrefillitti U. PIITIBUR,OII. 1.11/113.112T.. Eakmiiiaria; ros. WIIOLESALE GROCERS, ProaticerDeal 4ws wd Ociauxisdosi lisrebsata. No. 6 eixtri strut, soltly PiStstseet, • • LITTLE el• TILIMBLE, • WWHOLESALE, GROCERS AND COM- Ty • 1118310 N SIBIELOLUNTS; Dawn In Produce, Mimi. Bascom. Cheese, Wish, Carbon. and Lard 014 /log. Nana, glum, porton Y wris, and Puteanana Ilfasnreired an generally. sale I 11113E00ND ST.. PITTSOUBA3II. S. • aeriLLß6ll..-.... MM. rano! J. WATSON 00., R. Wholesale Grocers. Rope,: Oakum, Pitch, Oils and Pittsburgh Manufactures, • AO. 138 WATER STLIZET, Above 88111108 liik113)8 I PIIIIIBIMO P•. WILLIAM BAGA.LEY, vviEtor..ms'4as..3a ca•Boomrc, ■o&. if sal. .0 Wood st , ,QHRIVER viriaE w ra Oroado,No: ILO US Second !trim, (boar= Wood lad amftbSold,Pittaburgd. _TWIN 7LOYD & CO., WHOLESALE Chioinandtkownimion Iderchonta, N 0.1711 Wood sad WM LW*, streot r inttobergb. Jon MN TM .4021 011.1.00/1. WATT 1 WILSON, WHOLESALE ORO CEIEBB, otottolnien Merchant. end Duelers te Yr. dove sad Pittabargh lienufacturu, Ra US Liberty street, Pittabargb. Jul 3 AnyWELL, LEE a CO., WHOLESALE Groom, Proitoco sod OcosorUsoloo blerubsilisturid In Pittsburgh hissioustruss, No. 6 Wood stroot, twordWritai on, Front et., Pittsborgb. apu nmitig4sl7--65:,-WESIREEL Grown, Commis:los Iderohnote, and Dealers In Oa lands ol , Prolidoos,Prploos and Mob:4h Bloooloctores, No. Ell Marty ottiot. Pittaboroh. ROBERT DALZELL & CO., WHOLE BALI Grams, Oommlasion and Forwarding Mar. dont@ and Deakrs In Produreand Pittabargh Manufacture& N0..251 Liberty steal, Pittsburgh. Pa. loy2 ISAIAH DICKEY a CO., W UOLESALE orsimeNckamot.amllerehlatkarta Nal. , Produce. No. • Waist itrest, awl 63 Front Meet. Pittabangb. ago. V. 8uLD5E1T.......11)1111t. 5P01L.....0110. T. ae.oulot. 11 OLDBIIIP, ADAIR. CO., GAMMON OIL AND LIMUIC&TI110 OIL neslig rum to great expense to haildtne our Benner, andrittats it op WOO =Loy lu prolmounti not let known to other Reimers, we feel sore that cur On tenant be ear. pomade It is deer end bnllleot, with ail offensive *dote removed. The beet Ilia teazel. msde—constently on bend and for este et Oar °Moe, to Brewer'. Block, fifth arrest, between Iderket end Wood etc ephlrd AIACKINTOILI, 111 M PUILL /lc CO., Corner Elk 6 and O'Hara Streets. Near city Water Works, P T 78 . 11,C1R 0 If. Pd„ ANUFACTURFAS uF MACKINTOSH - a 11111XPEI I LLII 111 PROV KU PATIN? tidel tiL'AT• 0 lITSAIL22O3INkiI AND BLUM VALVESet MI alma and baitt.tylat • • • navtag put op Michlitay of !arse capacity and a the . beat qnsllly,4e aniptapred to do ball Jobbitig, and eo. Lb:olNa In this licts,trgating•tbat by ptomains.. and.tb• character abet wort, TO' merit publta patronage. We i. Mt/taper-la 'attention to oar DALLI‘CIaD VALY a OSCI le LATINO ENGINES,.. entabititeg advantage. It.ratetws 'astatadnad In tab clam olicagit.,.. UMiiMiii==iii , ,wudams OAKI•11114. Co., 61 Penn' at., below Marbury Pittsburgh, Pa. g.TEAIt BOILER MAKERS AND GREET xoaw),,,4rcia; Wafters, ahatifactarc Paent Pronietin, Floed sad Cyti al..Wean, Chimneys, andthe4 hat Pula, Illegsr Pao, bon Yawls, LIU Boats, eta Also, Blacksmiths 'Work,Erldp cod Maul leen; liens al siostost tw tim. Ail miens from a distance 7. lllactop nded to. . La[t!. I 101M11-.....1•1.1i l 7090 11.• TOON°•CO., ' I'ORNFITIRE AND 01.LIIRIS Of Every Description. dt,talmatat iirys /rut ithas. Atone* Warehouse—RaL.lB 40 Smithfield it., QTNANDOAT CABIN FORNAURE—We ast anaatantly manalktating 611141t80AT CABIN RIWITESSI and VHAIES, and Milt* tba attantlaa of taboreatad a rantiddni boata. aduadalraer , T. I. TOOKO /1 CO. Sttarntpa at lab) T 110 . 2 d A EWING, ATTORNEY AND COUNDBLOR AT LAW OSlce, N 0.160 IlroarthAU•st, earner Own . , alloy. inalltaloTty Ift•vmsmait. P. Q ideal) YIGH, JK., No. 1 3 9 Fourth at., Lowricem Law Buildiug Y. LUUA 8, AITORNEr A? LAW. ilarellice, No. 7' Grant garage, mph PITTODURGII. PA. maxima a. J. corm Ws of Bader, Pa. Llll,O Of Indiana, P. pli#VlANOgi it COFFEY, • • 4270811178 •r LAW, eittabarigh. Pa. 043 c; In Mellosem Banding, corner of Vlflh axkl Willelltreett, ap2l nolgully C. B. M. 13611T8, Attorney and Counsellor aeLavr. KUHN'S NO. 13 Diamond Street mylitdly.o) DENN INSTITUTE, 1111101)C11 lITRUST, Unit PRIM Win magma on MONDAY, the &I day of PEPTINBICIL Taran.:l2l par WILLOO of era mouths J. M. ealTtf, • salliya Prlocipal. boots & Bijou, JOON C MMMMM ltif-ANUFACTURE R OF BOOTSt eadenozeot every desalptice, No. 4 Sad urns; Ilhittobargb" ocauly4 Td YOU WANT WIIiSKERs? DO YOU WANT A hIUSTACUR? BBLLINOIIAM'.B STIMULATING UNGUENT/ Fot the Whiskers antl.llllln..: , The aubemihots tote &more In dnurmaiweg to the MI. _zoos of tho r.tat.., shot Hwy harilobliened tb• &pool L.., .ad eh now ouebeol offor to tbeemerteep pobUo, tbaabqn J arty .oelobreted sod arterl.Tftlecomet!. ..dale I TILS STIMULATING OMOUMMT'.: . :': to powered by Do. 0. P. thmulto eon ea econoteiphyolciezi of LetAkt, wad le otomotoof to Wog ons tblck'oet of - -WIIISKERt3 OR A MUSTACHE la inns tbniajoilw wok,. - Tbl. welds It lb. oat? wan of to bled aril by lbo ironed, sad fit London .4 Fort. it Is fa - aulairnt toe. It Is a: bosoillaVicoootoloal, tootling. tot •firoolatlag bolopollid, settee •• ft lie attill NEM,n tho toota, °ital. • beautiful moth .1 Worts', t hNr. I (*polled to Wm scalp, It will On ilwa•sibso4 ante to opflor ap to pl.. of The .Idd apoti • fillilahlartb of D.. bor. Appall.' &timid log to dlrstalitao, It will tans rod. ., low" kW, tau t sad mune goof/We to 111 "orltia•CrOlori looting II sal, .moots sna Co lbll. Tts•liOnatat . 11 Ao laillopenn ., l* article . to , maw Wmtintootim toUtt, •lbit:obt they *Awl Dot * eseml*.ttota 1* la, iliairtit It • WillAtetwal only Agootokm the With, lo - 141404 WWI* to woo ul catt•ta Matt be Eldreated. ll • POO AM Itt Op Dollar • lxii-4or ale by all :Itragilow sad t (..matt 43 lb• iblitesdl ',Salami!! Ito oral to soy obifflttlittll. by moil lattwaQ WWI* What ab ttafigt 41 . ArtaeaW PAUL% Alf, +Apply to or *Muse - • II u Ifilltl=l...Ell:oll4AN I CO. • Druszist-. aol. SW NUllas wort. NM Int; . 4.,70S PLIIMING, ems. of Italia skeet awl MA bble Xstne, *Ltd.ifi 1 / 1 964 Is taro *ride iry ' • • • ; ..„ILUFL Gums. PITTSBURGII. r'r'-.-v" , =l nianutacturgts MLR UFACTOILLI OP furnttuts. . 0=! RA 11111110VIRD TO LAW BUILDINGS =ll 18 b ut at i o n a t , DO Y)U WAN? WHISKERS? ' DO TOO WANT A IdINITAONit 1:123332E3 MORE PII"I'SRURGH, MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 22; 1861 POLITICAL NOTICES. fr...FOR, SENATOR—DANIEL L. EATON we , will by a owodliate ftw fitala &moor, satdect tq th• &dal= of lb. opablicaa Claorty,Coovantlow. . oPMf HUNEA-MLLTON U. M'OAS ' s ' of Neville township, will be proemial as a toodid4to for Corotior'of Allegbooy month tutdect to the Ilepabllan Diontiooting Ocatentlati. FOR COUNTY TRISASURSR--k. ••=, FLOYD, of Ibe &arid .►rd, Plitm argb, I:41 candidate for the atm. Oda, boron the Republican lidepl• mating 0 wrention. op 2 Erp. PROTIIONOMRY.-N. PATTSR BON. of the Hamlet of Mt iro - iighath, Le • candidate for the °Sited Prothonotary, subject to the dietitian of 0. aehablken Cionventkoi. thh2f4cy Ere. FOR PROMONOTARY-ISAAC WALKER. Jr of Robinson loarneblp, he'.. candidata for Pnabosiota•y, rubject tot.ba Reputuican ventloo. 0d125.{i, um,R 0 TllO N OT ARY—JOIIN MOB.- BISON, of Allegheny. will be •tendidete, eablect Uo thi declelon of Lb* Republican Ooeveelloe. ortli:W rPROTIIONOTARY.,--Z. PATTER BON, of ladlana Township, la a candidate fur Pro thawlam select to tia. declidanot th Republican Cob. random, intalkto, jr..PROTHONOTARY.-JOHN 0. OUR of ialleglieny city. la • candidata for Prot/too . . Guyon:o4.a to the do cid. of tbd Ilipabthan Manly Oontention. Mtge, frPixOTEIONOTARY.— OAPTAIN ii. sATON, of Upper AL Clair tolnehlp, eats the eots of Hs Mende to obtain the Republican nosoluatton' Pfathonotaty of Allegheny coney—the lanrmify of 'his left bend not allowing him the opportunity of trweeralog the country and seeing them all. a =mate If"...v.P.ROTEIONOTARY.—D. O.IIULTZ, of- Boowden Township, will • eaedldate for nomloatlOn to the above office, subject to the decision of the Rep*. Man Ocoosention. PROTIIONOTARY.—RIOLIA.RD ININVER, of Dream township, ollt b euppoitad for the above aloe, subject to the decision of the kepabil can Onprentlon. 1•244ei fr. FOR COMMISSIONER--W 1 LL1414 Ho&YO,at ealtbles tavinatJp, subject to the declaims of the Republican Monty Oonaention. aplB:W . 11713uUNTY COMMISSIONER.—Jouri wftr !mum Req., of Shale?, will b.. ciadldate loathe "bon once, .abject to the dead= of the Rapublimos k2B.a. FOR COtiONER.—FitEIARIC BEM ."..7 of tea Third arm!, Pittebarah, will be n candidate for Coroner, 'abject -to Ur doc/sion of the Republican Ootioty, 0011,01111./13. mhlitK SHERIFF.-ADAM WEAVER, , ==.7 01 the Seventh ward, Platabargh, «111 offer hlnioll aeie candidate An ehetiff of Allegheny county, walled to the Renninlean Convent Joe. tal2loneaWr. .rf".. FOR SIIERIFF-11ENEY ti. LEWIS, of abarpebura, Is a cantikints for f burnt' of Ali. `bevy county, subject to the Republican itominstioa Cou• reution. ..v.SIIE6IFF.-11,1,RHY WOODS, of Pee. blue townstelp. stke the routs at lets frt.& to obtain Mt Re publicen remittal. tor Bletriff of Allele., Coate ty. Res buldom oral oat slicer Iblm the opp.reouliy bi tremersico lb. county and nosing them 41 talusaste WSIIERIFF.—JOUN AIKEN, of the eraid, Pittstergb.mlll b• • couieldat• Ur stile above tete, subject to the &cube of the Republic. Oczia. t•Couveuiltui. tobele' ..1;" . SUSHI Fr.—Jll.OllN 'AILLLER, of Epat LtbriSY. Colllu tono.hip. is • candidwe for Sheriff of Are4herly tenthly, enblect to the decision of the Repute Ikon County Converitkm. mbelle NUERINT—The friends of Gem J. h. NIKOLZY. of Collins township. respectfully min hi. notniasUon. Ilia public .misses Loth to hi. country end peety;wellAtioern erwril end weekly to west poblec respect, entitle hi. claims Weyer, coookteretioa. [teem mow lime, he rand.* In the dhetrist entitled to this Whole le2fite FUN tiIIERIFF-LtUO II S. ?LEMAN°, ‘MYof WClors township, =fleet to tho deciaLo of*. Republlesn CoaTesillo. %Ire, Attu It cm tic JUST RWEIVEII- TB.IIMPS; BY OXALIS WILLIAM CUBIT 111, strated bp Hop, lue ap3 El= NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS I - The Greed Preparatkm: or. Red amption Draweth high: by Ilse. Mr. Cocom..g. . . Homo 6111.4 and Poesy: by Whittier. • Misr Gilbert.. Barrer. Rutledge. ti emerge Will. Poems. blue anti gold. • Bile Biographies: by Um.] Omit.. • The Moosup( Society, Italy In Transition: by Arthur. • . Tn. Conk.. or the 110 Wooten ut Worth Mau who trare.firren. The Whit. Elephant. For eerie by ' . JA II Crt L MAD, TR Fourth st.: -..a ROBIS R T S. DAVIS, ' (ineumor to Jobe, H. Ds•hoirt,) BOOKSELLICR AND lITATIONIAR, 93 IVu.l street, Pittsburgh, Pa kilts,. no buid, • srsll.lseto4 stock t , r BTANDAO TUROIAXiI l o •CUGOL •cd JU itt4ll.lllootiik Hooka melted any Olstattro without aaaaa la.& Liberal Dm want from pobtfottare prima too alma to all cooaldersttlo Ma'am% as moll so to arromeo, mamas. AC.. for cum. ' - *l2' LEUAL bTATIONZta— le,sl Cap, Rec..] ~d Letter P. 1.1 I,gal ONO. ufsll 1....r)01e and .18111r.11)orkie.; THE lIKRCANTILE AGENCY, roa VIA romollon and Protection of Trade. °ear 240,090 Bit•lnticia Hoaaa• H.porpd, embracing every City. Town and Vcitag• In lb. (railed Nhitait, Canada anti other BrNadi Powatinskroe 1u N IL 13. Dun dr. Co., Proprintop.. A. AILUATRO:4O, floammo, Oortor of Wood ad fifth otriets„ Pfitaborgo, fatsbllabo-1 N. Y.•rt. Jon., 1641...Yittab'gh. 1i55/ Ilead 001.1 oEtt TORR.. Dramas Oaks& Pittsburgh RU boo • CulMit.. la..—.R Duo• c 6 Philodephis 0 Poo 100 N.. orlosom..-110 Poo itro Cfochussil.-..—lt 0 Duoa Co Chariest., .._..RU Duoa Di. Clevelsod--.--14 Doo &Co Loolsvi ...--.R Don APO Ootrott ..... --ft° Dosi &Co St. Lot.is v.& co Chkago it Pan *Cu Slob Poo &OS ==! Rowed a Col N•tttwon Przit itto Rkiuntod...— Pratt 00 Foreign °Mess. Deo it ,n 1 dontresl - Londco. Ras-.-.R 0 lam* Oo Reteretm Books, old. notice. a cb•atn, petaled dolly; ..Wooed to otstacritero. Nice flOO 00. ; ; OollonJou promptly attendad to In all puma the United Stat. and British Powerioual and Ratanocut to oporatet of 150 Clow* in Plttabnrgti. to tbom the o@oa maim oni Welton& Letters of Introduction to I..sayarkauf blab standing kip rompactattlity to amp meet ou of the Onion till be int( tautly tarot:abed to wdakerbars making application at lb* aka. Manta env al lb* offices named Wore Jekklddlit BUFFALO, CIiETELIIND AND cniceuolM Ara OE TUE ENSUING SEASON OF LAKE F /NAVIGATION. Gm ttetann“ of inn Hoe will rag in connection .rd on WWl:tate with Moat of IL. Wisi ern TraneportaUna Octopany. benne a Cleveland. Ilelltvankle and Mileage, Taochlog •t loterroodlato port. *her. pr•ctiroold., torrolog • • DAILY L1N.114 Bon ngsnl.e.optoe, for tbe trapsocalltu of freight on 4 Plow P.A. •O. I In. Bleamerri--...W. T. Co BUN...a loootafa .--Tuaswanda -Ply -,atb. =Z Mal C6iu ivergreeta ........ Rum comtectlati Clevetend Ufa the -L— KAMM Cleveland & Plttetangti Flathead. The summer. ta imbuing thia Line are of tbe larged elas: end of great strength 0111 .peed, with anpetiorsccenouraln,‘ Ilona la Peettengera. With lb.* unequaled facilitkw, th Line to premed to contract to transport property from Pittsburgh or Wheeling to all points on the Went Phan 0; Late blichigen, and from those polute to Pittsburgh Or; Wheeling,. for Wee of freight cr Peerage. appl.a to WIT. BTIWitILT, Ariel Clineloud • Pitlabargh R. Pittsburgh JNO. ORA CL • P. B. 11... Wheelie& . Va., • 11. 0. li'DOWlLL,Fpeclal AA.oI, Olerelaed, U. J. J. IA &LAI ADON. Agent, wank le, WI. BICH/40ND • TOTTLII. Almon. ilhiesho, 111. A. 11. PBTXBB, agent, No a Astor Homey Broadway. New SIIELDON •111•8 E, fiLwagleir, rigout. Icot 01 likhloo Wee& Buffalo. N. Y. mhZB:6•n CAD INNICJILLIf Denali:WM . , CA TURIN. AND LIVED- L, -., : 7 lf.. Magus 60 =battles Plusronno at QUIlltielOVIN, (Irelso4.) TM, Lmiroool. ow, or ao• : rkl. naladillyldsfltomitilp , Oompanr Icaong . ar t paagl i tr thitt,r, , hi M7r(ICAr "" I" ISI. 4' " clatol7ta AIM ', '• SILTY Ur Wholltritriuti...tutootar. Ith no. ,VlO.O ea alder. M. IN,. , . Sad MIT atnntar. It n-oz, from Pier 41. Multi Rim. 'r, ItATZO. or rho:mot: . . . MST 0111111 r 01.81'11111A1/11 do to London iY 0. do rto Inodoo Em Manus Mann Ticked. ea.! for Ma Month. 00 essmoreva torrardect to Yuba Uswe gambarga. Sri m.n ,11ottardasta Attlee% 4,0 • it ttkittatt ttimnirb fur 11, I 111, — Venom idol hut to briar oat tbalr trimmer am lay tleirata bete a: nor followtoe rata, to Nem York: r.lll LWOW! or Plotee.toen Ist uablo. 175, Pee mot $24., 'terry, from Liverpool fib Prom fitte.o.toeo far Watt ann. to ule 0.1 1 / 4 14.1. 1 . belamb euotlasal sod Wake, Tame Ittafiaelf bare imitator matooiroodattootr for rut. ram& mad earn elpertemed dareeoa. Iltay_ are butts lo Walstvtlabt Hon &atom and bore Pant /In Lou. bllatora ea taaro. jatirl DMA, agent. 15 thotketrat, 11. Y.. or fitiVt.r. " Zr ritraCglt. TRUSS AND SUITOR:MR MANUFAti. Toar—w. N. YOUNG. Wood /net, begs hare to WI toe atteolla of. the aftllered to the fact that he le the oily Itroofreteret or Trusses gbh Supportgrg I. the thy. , Ito be. bid haPeneoce yeesubt the tesouterterti, Meg sod repair of Moe that. aromas; end estelorehlt them at prkei Wry &r Wow drugstore drum • All in ankind atl alter nuatidog Trnms whom ape W. W. yous.o, 11l Wood 62.1 - Cllllll4O - 011gliSt--450 bolo, 411, PHIII4 W -14 - s km bah trj flux WU • OILI-43 of: the' Mepoi, NJ Lubricating °Wad rued by ibil /gait, - spit /WOE itku - 0011DYIL lid &cowl iILI rennin OHEESI4II-50 'boxes prime emmospe,Jus reed, lor saitingto ;.`µ~ ":. '~; - i-___ 'lltshuro t3acti t. .PIIIILISEUID DAILY ANC WIZELT BY 8. RTDDLR Sc. 0O ; . nreu Aram. Allots unanas. F•rxrei3 U 2233 MOND. Y MORNING, APRIL 22. F• 9 3 " I•. Antrlgintur, April Mb, 1861. Row Thanday Passed an Wouhlngton. This day has been more exciting than any of its predecessora. What with authentic reports, prob. able theories, and moat abetted rumor., every hour has furnished food for the conversation whidh the city with ill; ham. Early is the day, the mend ard rumor of the taking of Harper't Ferry was set afloat. It M supposed that its foundation was thus : It i■ known that lut night all the locomo tive. and can, except enough to draw the morning train South, were aunt away from 41101111111ril down the line of the Orange and Alexandria Road. It was supposed they were to he taken to Richmond for the purpose of conveying the mob to Harper's Ferry. To do this would, however, require some time, inasmuch ay the rebels, alter putting over the Idanaseas Gap Road, hove a march of 18 miles to perform. The Secretary of War has been in consultation -with loyal Virgins on this matter, and it is said on good authority, that the arms are to be removed directly (Zola the arsenal to this city. The Super indant, Alfred Barbour, has been superseded.. He tent in his resignation some time ago, with the un deretsuding that it should not be accepted, his only object being to steed better in Virginia. He was elected to , the Convention es a Union man, and had been regarded as honest. On Wednesday, however, he telegraphed to the Department to have his resignation accepted at once. This was dotfe, and from that moment the gni,' at Harper's Ferry wore considered as critical. There has been ,much anxiety hero to-day, be cause of reporti that 2,600 mon from Virginia were to attack Washington to-night, and vigilance, to prevent surprise in. doubled. liverybody is on the qui rue. even private citisens supplying them• solve■ with arms and ammunition to be ready for any emergency. The belief is•very general that the atm - a will be made within the nett two days. Tbi. in highly improbable, as We have now over 3,000 men here ander arm., will picket guards stationed in every direction outside the city. The Lang Bridge, con necting the city with guarded constant ly by both artillery and infantry. It bee two drags. which can be thrown open by two men. The Georgetown Aqueduct, arid all the other np prolate', are equally well watched, and the distance to the - city by any nthe: route from Vir ginia, is .o great that any movement of a large body al troops would be ifiecovrred, and reported in ample time to concentrate a ranee for it. de fense. A good deal of apprehension is felt that •ttempla are about to be mado to barn down or blow up the Capitol and: other public omitting., a sospi clone group. have been seen reconsoiterrog to the limit. of time of these addle.... All apprehen sion may be duipersed, as vl. ottempt made must be entirely abortive, elute these premises are no thoroughly guaided m they are sit present. The importance of Maryland to the strength of the Government at Waabington his caused mno ally strong MIMu to be made by puttee In Abe Admituatrallon here to indtice her to remain firm. All required guarantee of aid to Golan men in Maryland barubeen made, to enable them to Ford the State loyal to the Colon, as .he will undoubt edly prove to the end. Governor flecks I. to Wl.lllOlllOO, 1104 1111 using his influence here and in hi. 'own State to ramie the Adrotnistratioo. Senator Jim Lane, of Kaeaae, him formed a corps of volameers, who hare been accepted by the go, moment, and appo•nted for epochs! guard duty at the White Ileum They !tweedy have aevent)•five men. The Kart room is their armory; one—half do risky while the others sleep. They were received ■t the White House by the President. A largo body of New Englanders were at the depot to-olght,awaitieg the expected airrivirer Massehausetta troops, and their. non-arrival in the regular train which arrived on usual time, created mach surprise. ; It is supposed they will be here some time during the night. An Mao regiment and the Seventh regiment from New York,arealao expected tomorrow. The Twelfth Regiment of New York, I understand, WOO follows the See, each, basin been to-day accepted by the Secretary of War, Cams M. Clay, Minister to Roma, to day at. feted his to. in Secretary Cameron, tither a an officer to raise • regiment, or a a private in the rank.. Mr. Cameron said : " Sir, this is the fiat mounts f ever beard ri where a foreign Minister volunteered In the tarifa." " Then," said Clay. "Jet'. make ■ little history." He has been sur rounded by friend. all 'day.: shales band. arid enngratulattng him. He will ant leave the coltatry pint yet. The connpiratom truant that they bare taken complete postersiou or Virginia, and that the Con virotton ban paused to act of secesamo,-the con narrative members having bees obliged to fly from Richmond in order to escape attack, for their Caton sentiments. Alexander M. Ba!bour, caper intendant of the armory at Harper's Ferry, tele graphed Geo. Cameron that he must accept his resignation as eurparinteadent. and It is , asserted left immediately for Harper's Early, to order to antic in the capture of the public property at that point. It is reported and believed, on the Strength of a telegraph from a high authority, that nearly the entire line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will be torn up, in order to prevent the GovernMent from protecting its capitol, and in order to inter pose an obstacle to the reginasits who are on their way marching from the West to defend the capital. It is also reported and believed that in secret me.- elan or tt!eliiptiiciond jams or Convention, gover nor Whin prOpithed that the Virginian. ahoald take therrallread for Aletandria in force in order to be nhiet to seine neon the capartul of the country. If the Conventionbas pasted the ordinance of sere.- , sionithos• in . the movement will hardly dare, in violation of the eat creating the Convention, to re lose to submit their work to the people; but wheth er they do so orator, a revolution is certain to take place in the Site. The tiliioll memberi who have left the Convention will go home and rain. the banner of boltility to the disci:Kilian that is meshing them down. Tiler will, if overawed in the popular vote, or it the Convection ranee, to allow the people to vote, proceed et once to orga nize a government in Western Virginia, and ap. peat fur recognition to the Coogrese of the nation. Morchapts now In Washington, from Virginia, say that business is reined .1 Complaints are at bitter against the Booth as against the North ; and Jet. Davis Is severely blamed for grantlngthrders to Bra upon Fort Sumter. A high aloha from Richmond arrived last night 13 Washington.. He nays that after a easeful many of, and inquiry emoug, all parties In bb city, ha la assured of a stringer Union sentiment now thin be. fore the Charleiton victory. (7) The citizens of Richmond hays to desire to transfer the war to their own fitath from South Corollas, where It right. folly belongs. le this event of the eenmnicn of Virginia, the Ad. ministration will. Issue a call for 160,000 additional troops, and battialss will be latmedlstely erected on the heights around Washington for the eimplete Protection of this City , against all invaders. EE1=110:11 Measure., several days in progren, to cot off and Mop ill soppliee i l from peasing.dowa the Misoissippi, will be hastened', by the ism of letters of mutiny on the part al , the Souther° Confederacy. It is stated, on high official authority, that an agent wee dispatched by the Executive to.day,to make the pre liminary arrangements to atop the supplies thrritigh this avenue to the Booth. A military company orfecessioaiets auddenly let this city last eight, under the apprehension that mullet law wee 'about to be proclaimed, and that they would be arrasted end dealt with accordieg to their deeerts.!l ° This gallant officer will report himself to ihe War .Department here is Mutilation immediately. . it is a eourceiel regret that reports derogatory to hie patriotisit tare bets pablishA, a nothing eta be hirtherfroue ttie untie thao charges ',Maar the azu thus essailW.. '• Hit noble aid heroic tithed to marrieds , ' his itandfhl of slurries statist teeo*!iare eflayed rijaiioit of three% sod toad*/ a dialect to entreaties Wore easuaitiesiiiiettof essii, kis sable tetiniiiii *Wile an, - - was to names, are potent arguments agtinat soy dereliction orduly ou the part of Audenos or his s The moat; istansou• calamity that kas yet been circulated is s that thin genera aaaaaa a, who ueites the glorious Past with the progressive present, ib tend. resigning him communion, because Hear, A. Wise, who threatened to tem the uniform from his battlosearrea frame, may carry Virginia oat of the Union. Very mini officers in the army and navy lroui the South are resigning. ?hie do"oa•not alarm the Governmenq as they regard it far better that all who are dialeyal should be out than in the service Fire millidne of dollars were tendered, to day, from prominent Eutorn baleen., to the Govern ment. 'The most exaggerated, accounts of monetary and millitary. support of thi,pauthere Confederacy are sent hers every day by thesgeots of that Gov. ernment, butabeir character ie.readily transparent. It is gettled that all persona .ha act under Jeff. Davie' letter of marque, for priratecripg purposes, wdl be regarded as ;mate., and treated as such. A Good idia. with Fitness and Application In It-Col. Ellsworth Bestulting Awing the New Work Firemen. The extreme danger to which the FederatCipi tal is low Mowed, and the inadequacy of the available fortes at command of the Governeient to afford it protection, have prompted no •ppeal to the New :York Firemen to organize into Regiment of Ztuaves, , to assist. in defending • it from the itirnatsned 111.8100. nieidea of form ing a regiment from the rank* of the New York Firemen ws•Wriginated by Col. Et. E. F.llewortb, of Chicago 7.)i:ilea fame, who arrived in the city yesterday, accredited with fall power from the Ad ministration to carry the matter to a successful m ews. The emergency to question requires men Mond to hardship—those already accustomed ton soldier's life—in feet, soldier's ready made, which our firemen aie knows to br, and appreciating the compliment which is paid them, in soliciting their services for the important duty which ha. been designated, the greatest enthusiasm was created yesterday In the Department. ' Col. 1111sWortb only arrived to the City at 3 o'clock A. hi t , but before noon he had made his puiposk known to the leading member. of the Fire apartment, who entered with spirit into the plan, and lasi evening offers had bode made by fire dif ferent men of companies of one hundred each, one fire centpany- t -No. 14 lingine,it is said—volunteer ing en Mate, While Brooklyn came forward and proffered 300 of her hardy sons.—N. Y. Tema. Major Anderson's Dhpatoh to the -War De parlment. ST/4111111? BALTIC, orr BANDY BOOK, hands', April 18, 1861. Cameios, Sees of War, lirarAiragtos, D. 17.: Bra listing defended Fort danger for thirty four hottri, aotil ••tbe quarters were entirely batted, the main gates destroyed by fire, the gorge wall seriously injured, the magazine, surrounded by flantem,, and its door closed from the effects of the heat, (Our barrels and three cartridges of powder only tains available, and no proeislono but park rematUing, I accepted terms of evacuation offered by Glei. Beanregard, being the same tffared by him on the Ilth Ulnae; prior to the commencement of bostililies, and marched out of the fort on Sunday afternoon, the 14th instant, with colors flying and drumslbeating, bringing away company and private propel (.I , ,'and saluting my flag with fifty guns. KODKRT ANDISRAON, ?lope Fiat Artillery. . Officio! Report of Allerrj . t the Gosport Navy The .ecretitry of the Navy despatched Commo dore Pauldiei some dayesince to the Gosport Navy tb ineptet the movements in and cheat the yard. The Ciimmodore returned here this even ing, dirket from the scene of operation. Lie reports to the 14cretary of the Nary that the vessels report. ed sunk across the channel at the mouth ot Elite bath rifler are. only three light boats; that is was done on Thursday, and that they will not obstruct the passage of vessels ; that the Merrimac is not outsidenfthe:sapposed obstruction, hot inside, bet will remove the irraaels se easily arshe would re. move a iweb. • One or two war vessels are moored • Aral distsnee from the dock at the Navy Yard, and the i r gum will protect the yard. The month of the rver hinleo carefully guarded. - tsusttusa llottcrs Sr, epangts. ------ CO-PARTN gRSIII P. The undersigned ....kie , ed R. J •NDARSON orltb Qom so lbo bosm. of kteDip/AVITIUNG MAILS. TARIKS, BRALSo. Ro • oss SR. arq 4d.syof '..horsars i t Th., LIMIIIIOI wit* bo eon.. &word 066, itsi, old tiama mid .011. of MIR.% /014171 CO.• -GrasDAVIDCR IBS, R. F. 0111(111, R "'" "' raomtv 25, I£El. 1: W. 0A1Ut143... a. I. ••if IL-. V. 11.114051 CUES, & CO., I• BIANOVACTURERS OP NA/CAI, TACBI3, BRADS, eto WoNibouse, No. 111 Water ■treet, PITTSBURG% PI MEDICAL NOTICE. DA. Z. 41017011218 i AOEADTIATE OF TILE UNIVERSITY or NSW lORS, nod Bloat of of Proreaora Valentina Moos al., an ifoatatal Ntadoot rt Prof. N. It. Smith, of Balttatori, bat !posted hlcurlf at - 107 F'i F 7•11 8r re n rr. Tint doot bolo* the Oalbedral, Pittsburgh, Pa, when, he ♦ill gisoproropt art...igloo to the elimination asd throb Groot ob didobio,do shish hobos had randy game expert. cons In treitloy diem., LC2PRIOITY Is one of the rem. dies te•orhul to. The Invostirdlous of Philosophers sad Chemist., closest dectiocotrete that tbo eles trial current le deuticul VI lb the Demme Eafd, c r if not Identical.•l II inch refure the male Parpowe. This b.iog so. there ebould be • boustaut development of electricity tor the eusteutudon of Ills. Kaki, org4 should be supplied with It. etotbd there, [bet life mey progress 'frith the 1414/111ty touveeary to health. If there is • cleratigemeat of the eat.. leading to toy fou , antler organ, by whirls the berioae fasts la suppltsd, Chet grim will oecesiduily become disease,. Thu., it the gold to dlutinished,Abs organ decreases la ectloth while, If the quantity de too great, other symptoms will moulted them. sweat wbkh would De Indicative of au opposite electricil treatment. If tho voltaic current toll. proper appikottou le really asubetliute for the nervous fluid, them Is Mete/. city as Ulm egetat with which to owlet nature. . . . . The Motor •oold out have the allileted tutor that he deprecated the oututtre powers of other braledlre, but .111 wee of Malaria Medics whatever proudest octet/. hat deter. mined to bud* bloat effectutl ton means Mawr. • Particularatteatiou poll to DlSRAdind OP THROAT, LITXR, 6PINE had DISPRPHIR. Term lovarfehly oath. mhTttly FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, AT REPIICED PRICES. JameS W. Woodwell , , Nos, 97 nod 99 Third street, ( i AND , 4.12. li . 0 :17 - R ri" El S 'l' FL V .IE --. : • : CONBUTING DA , All Varieties of Styles and #inish, IMIABLN Voi ' RO4ll ' awl Private Dwellings. Arso dent: prdinptly attended tn., and the furniture Oiretally, ANI.ANA WANE knew and /dowel famished at gnat antics. ']Oek2 B.l, bloot aketenupylted with wory arllcla In the Ilea, ' BB ING &PAO/LING. ter 4 )13ELTINCI has stranith adapted to Itir pa • • • sod sorely ever requirw tighteolog more than on* t ho. a perketly entoott, and even eerie., and will rIIII Wean& with • prtfbat bearing Go the pulleys.' It b: aratofietutodly • putt Ler peon,. whereby It le wed* to withstand bait of 800 degrees Irehrenbelt, without Loin; alhscted, Lad thei unrest cold old not dinthstah to plia bility. la to theratot• not only 'skiable for sheltered over snow. Int specially adapted to withetand expontre to the weather, !sod rag constantly he Inn to wet places, without ildaU• 'Oar LiliCATil IFILLTIBIG Iseateneivety known hitt& odhatenelty es the beet 'Mole of the tied in tinf, to ptove welch we inn (Weeny number of the bee:referee:ice& 'Our ape! PACKING le that made t 7 the New Yttlt Pompeii marofferiured under Glcodyear'• Weld, nod le wMI lt:iro to be of eapnior quality. It breath:tared by weenier and )ovabilaw. Indlepeatable wherever atom Mute to be made, a• oo other eureteroe One much elunfolti whlati will stead et) high • degree of bea, M. DsLANG 1233 'Liberty St. e oppotivehrod of Wood. ItS.Odeo Osoltete. lace Leather, Halt Hooke sod Rivets eiw.leo6 handf patanuatat AGRICULTURAL WORIA; Ned 49 Mad 41 Inorry A PITTABUIWII, Pk. 'MIER 114 wiLLtatts, PROPRIETOR. WO,ULD; the attention of FA, Pirkinan, frionso, and abr., to tha calabrate4 TeleimPhMay, Straw and Fodder Cutter, of wbtrldEla fa now reannr...tarlon a tarp tomb.", of rut oar altar, for Hand aod Power. 11.0, StarOorn onbar arillo or Sinai*, lot nand or Pzwar. Biagi llmprOved Ohio Mower and Reaper, Morita Powers and Threshers. Dog Foram, most Improved Pattern. 1 Ingersoll's - Ray ,Press, AND OTIIII9 AOILIOTILTUISAL 111101119119 T, etolarsla and ratan. For farther inforaretton„ a-drear aa aborrk. dr.2141.114. • NbW".UI4 8A898137760 eightAboop in renelnr 0114 by 13.5' WAIAO W. rlMm-4 bb4. - 01wbuidlimpole4lbr: Jika ett PS • ota . , - • "4 \. '-- T 4L.. ;: 1 ;: ;:& :: : : - ;'4 ,. ; . ' - ;•4='ll, -1,,44.•;'',7'.i';i;'.,;%--,•,•:i.,:i.z,v.i.‘t', VOLUME. btre n1:10 Lib • le11101k•Snil N 0.119 Mom nelakt, opposltio the Custom tiottea. Capital VlEtti,loo—/mmta 07,00. Will make an thaw of harm...mow. either Peretrat. Llmi IM, on every dmalptkai of Propry or itero4n4 •treascasbl.e ratea of premium. : • ROMP. P. IMO, Praelatit. IL W. UALDWUf , View Prodding. • DmaCloll3-I.Thill Rani& l R. Copal M. B. Poielak. W. br ws. P. B. Wm, Jomph B. emBLI, o.Bhern Claret P. J. Ilint Wilor. P. IttaolMeMacaacratal7 J. 0. CO/10N, deltkelyte grcnar TlBra tnsurante ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COMFY OP PITTNER int.GEL. • • . OPPICI—No. 37 Fifth Street, Bank Blooki :. INSURES AGAINST AIL KINGS OF A nail AND MARINI Luta. p l , I - . MAO JONIA Pratldett JOLIN ,D. alcCO . thee Praaldeak Dal 130011,11tcrttary; Copt. WILLIAIN•DZAN, Otntial Agent. I 1 . Dauttitaa—lssat Joata 0.0. Flamm Damp ClattA Capt. a. a. am, Jot.", Wilma, B. L. rahaeaaclr.; Jab. D.PrOard,Oapt. AA= Jacobi, B.P.BUidlag, Copt.Mllllaat Dam 11.6 t. L. Palm, U. um. maw:. , Citizen's Inturanee company 01 Piitsbaribi Ofece, , cor. Market & Water &tree* (lunge 'mark) WM. DACIALEY, Prue Amt. Bant= Ras. 8 tar .• INBOIIXB BTICAMOOATB AND CAIMillIt. • Inures arena Loss and Damage in the Nartgatitni of the Bouthern and Western Mears,' Lase and flayneou I ,; maths' Navigation of the Sem. lances against Loos and Damage by Mrs. I WARMLY: Wes Linsley, Non. T. Al. flows, Jas. 11. C4oneli. Jas. Pert, Jr., o.Zug, 8. flarbannb, V. Joe., Copt. 8. C. Y. pg. • J. LUldwal, Jr, '../ranois &lows. B. U. KW., John 8.. two', W.O. Johnston, John !RAW% Dante, • op delfhltd . : t etre, Marine nun• lolizail inintai*.] .' ..i. . I NSURANCE CO. 07 NORTH ASlEiclak; PHILADELPHIA. . laccrparatedl794—CAPlMl—...wcout Lr _i Armada, JenctAry 10, 187.2..--- .. .. -.—..51,15 IT Tama Pure, Beeys ABT/11111 G. COI7IN, Pcurl. iNSURANCE CO. OF THE STATE: OF 1 PEN NSYLWAIVW PUILADSLPHIA. laorporadl7 04—Cepial....-$200,000 ' Meet.Folloary 1, IHP..-. 411 1• : di i . EIIBY D.BIIBIIIID, Wall lan, tleey,, Proddd H ARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE!: CO.: lIARTIORD. . I • ' Incorporated, 10L0—C111a1..—$50,000 .‘• -, ' Mosta IL.; 1, 1300.-..... ...... ....., -- . ---.4005,7 :61 • , ' Tato. C. ALLia, Etey. E. ipirrisamt. Prlkit- , 101.101rarance la Use above Old amt, Reliable Couli4nled, Nu ba ouuduod by, •Policalo. to . ri c; W. P. JONES, A pdt, 07 Wale, 1., Bwitley's Su dloie. vans By Ittr, telianci Mahal Insaraiti, , OF PUILADILPHIA;. On dulldlngt, LlMlted orPerpetual,ldentniudlia, Fa !turn to, In Town or Country. Oboe No.. 308 Walnut Street. 0u nw ,5 1 29,6,0...m e rr e 003,608 96.-1660 tad entollotts, lint ortgagoon improved City Property, worth 4ouble rho amount .. . .—5160,600 Penna. Itallroed Mee 6 per cent.Alortgsge Loan, Oily of Phlledalphle, par cot hum.... 30.000 00 AlleghenyAlleghenywb, county 0 per cent. Penna. EL It. lAlan.. 10,000 00 Oollatend lame, .41 morel. ?,500 00 ttuutingdo and saved Top llourdain Railroad tAunpany, mortgage 4,00000' Penneyleaola Haltom: .. 4,000 oci : Stool of tbe Reliance Mutual 1n5ur00e . C0...... 21,260 00: fltoct of Oonuty Fire Insurance 1,060 00 4t4wlt of Dahmer., 11. B. Insurance Cb---... 700 00 Uotoo Id. Insurance CO. 1/05 BillsFteMvable, bualmaa i r , „s goob oo. Arc...tx,accrted loterftt,ete n 2'o 72 ;hub on [1220 and lo hands of %rats ...... Il t alb 11 -- inrl 960' OLD! riNaLuir. Prmi eh Dissatozh--Olam iluBley, natal Bommua, Wm R. • gimp ma. Robert Bmen, Fr-derlck .rodo, Wm. Blamer, • Sta mono • O.J. n W. Tingley. John R. Worrell, •• • I UM, a. L. Clinton, b. Lathrop, Sold Toland, Ohs. Leland, d'h Loonlg, Jacob T. Mumma. C. K, Wood, dmlth Bow ti," Jos 8- Woodward, John tna,all, Emhurst,. ItLNOIIMAN, • •1. O. OUITIN, Art North-east epruer 'Mira mid Wood astern •nanranoe lloipy• • 01/ PITTSBURGH. (MOROI DARELL Prat: I. M. GOLDoN. &Demur". i Capt. H. D. UOCEIDAN, General Agent. Of b.D3S, No. d 2 Wain atrbee, layany a Co.'. WII ' ay au" Plttsbobgb 4 MU !Inure agontse all hats of An and Ma Bose handndian managed by Dr... N. • I known Ike cnanansty, and ea &a on • - Frompffieu and Lsberalny, to wain/ nu the charade. flay ban ainoned. al lUbring tha Frrclogton genre go M inured. Amos, ocroona 80, labff. gnarl . 63,060 o lf artaalid • --- 2,163 Prato._._ut Note. Nate, a n Mira Dtannantad---. - traw.mse. Wm. tititalght. A1.*. 1 Nat!=del Holm*. ♦ David M. Lon. wintainU. 10.11t0 CL W. 11.1c1sablom Clocry. R. httiller, Jr_ Ran J. Thomas. B. W. Jaekwo, James IdaAuley, Aleistadfir SpOr. •Androvr.l.i. mr9o V. N. GORDON Indemnity Against Lou by Ft: ruasktlia !Ir. Islaraau Compan of , PHILADSLPEII4. Moe 435 and 437 Chestnut at., near fifth. Ilutecurol of Amway January Irt, ISEe, publlsbod agters bly to au sot of &Numbly, befog tint Mortgagee, amply Ileallf,state (proem: ulaloup $103,31.861) con 1024195 , 16 Toonpurary Loons, on. amply Collateral 15 1. • cantina ... . 119,11 1.6 Illocts(prramt na.e ss4"7 80iga ak. Notes and Mils DOI g 14203,081 88. ell.. The only Profile from premium. whist this (Swipe ay can divide by law ere from llhis which have talon de imadned. Inenreores made on emery demiption of Property, he Town and Country, at raise as low ea are consistent with security. . Mons their incorporation, s period of thirtyl oars, tbey have paid ;Are by Br., to an amount expanding !bar Midis ref Dollars, thereby affording erldenninflhe edvintagne of insurance,. well se tam ability and diapo. did= to meet with promptnem alltlabllitles. • . . mos= ar /M. . . Lome paid during the year 1658 ....$106,808, 8I Data nosa—dttariwe PI haneter, Mordecai D. LetvinTob Wagner, David 8. Brown. Camtkel Want, law Larei: l fecob ft . ilmlo, Edward O. Dale, deo W. flirJraseis, Geo II N. OLtill.Ed N. DeNcata, tresident.l ILDWAItD C. CALM, Wine Preekhint , Wm. A. Breit, Becrete ry pro I .1. daittifttfl 00//ni, &gent ' , Jaye Once tiortheeet, coo. Wood and Third sta. - Dt!aware , Joututo tinteii morons tompaa) incorporated* th. Leggrialtsi of flotimyharitia,lM3. Office, 8. E. Cotner Third and Walnut te.i P11144D111.P1111.. MIRING arßLlNattegs on Vessels, (largo, sod elabl to all lama of the sued. LYLIII'D. 1N3i761.V,A8 on Goods, by Bleeds, Oaraile, Wee and Lend aimless, to all parts of the Oaks. . 'l=l INSGRANCIEZ on Merchandise generell Mores, Dwelling Roues, en. • A15515T8 0! Tilt COMPANY; Novelises I. 1440. Called &ales Tress.* Notes end Interest due.. 51111,963 34 Palladelphis car 6 percent. 123X1 87 Penneyirarde Slate .... 117,614 CO ..-..--.. 171.A6 43 Bonds, Mortgagee and Neal 06,1361 88 Penna. Railroad 6 pl. cent. Mortgage Bonds- -- Roo CO Tenon,. Neal per cent. Loan ---_ 11; I ci 00 litadkeln Penna. B. Oms and Insomnia Co.. 60 Balance doe et Agenolea, Premiums on M e r i n o ( 6 , Internet and other debts doe the 00 - Orb on bane Mad In Wild!" I . $904'134 in MIL= Mutts, E.i.a.4 L etan idroond A. &Pads*. J.S. Parnston, ! 1 Theophflos Paraffins Henry Moan, John R. Psurosis, I 11,1mird Dunne., John 41 Dub, IL Jones hawks, .! ham Trans apencsrMr.Thrsts. WWl= ArrssJr.„ Than. O. Dn., James 0. Marin, Dobai J o Jr., WWI., O. Ludwig, Jacob, P. Joss • , Sossph IL o; Junes B. Mctsrb Dr.M.llostee, • Josh. P. Dm, sorgs O. Ldp., lg. B.Bronpls, 11.13 Only. D. T. Morgan, . Charles 1141., A. 41. Boras; .. •, • WM. AMIN. President. THOB.O. WIND, noir Prodds l Hint LW.sunr..iscreary, , . P. A. MA.D.II.IIIA, Aign4 Vb Water atnnot..Pht.bott gralyd-naß 3:lrntistrg 4E4 ntw Ileaten - Triattship. BTICEIBINS & MUN/ZiONt having formed a partuarahlivehd opened ea 0111 No. 105 Fifth street, (A fair dieots above the, Post -erne, ) Would call the attend= of the tuba° to their etti,e clltt:ea for the matto•ctur• aad ham tlou of all It tide, of IL Writ I.IAL Tie IsT and for the pa bruouvre of other tovericitee of Ifeettstry. Without Patina a oprelalty If say otatitt)la. 11111 !room:Rend Abe VOLCANISM FL/Mk] TILIZTEI uo the mod Healthy, Durable atoi pordlotteble athetltote for the natural teeth. They era 1114(1.4110 to beat puler he every napeot to the beet roetelle plate teeth, • lotto* lamb d ea sold or soy or the ham, metals and too t. lurobbed at *coat conald•rably hum. ltoprfee II) 011101 0011 raft am blifitbsa mils/Awl null the vulcanite, at a tm.o additional eaptuer above the, value of the oldpl ate. col -lyd. TEM'. EXTRACTED ' wrraotyr' PAINAR BY THE 051 OF AN APFABOUS woenny, B 0 DEVOE OR GALVANIC BATTZZY ABE WM • . - , Cohl teethes le the time lehep the epirsrettiecen 1?e, used to tie beet __,.... -- liad - teal_aantlentro and lbetrAmllta bap bathed. laot — b arrested by my prams, and are ready.to testify it p tba U. Lately aod peaks.. ea of Lao oitarstlon—• Malta. h. t.ett ~td by p.n.. Interated to - .wilt% t a ;ca. urn, bovigut no aneadedebt toy prow,. ARTIPLOIAI. TIULT/Ctuearted Inatrou a3ls, . ,' _ ; _l - • E. OVDRY. Mentit; - I L 13.11mittale st:' - OSEPII'ADAZdS, DENIMS No. 174 - First street,-P4tsburgt4 • insuick.-11. A. IL . 4104 Dr.ll6llxlyinder§ art" 11.1 -• ' • . 0241. • TE. tEVCIV---NUMBER 122. nitattlapous Cactus. HlD !Lf2iUti, ll r,i l Sg . E; itirilleiD MR A 011:01:11,A11, GIVING PULL INiPOS , NATION. T.T. SEELY.II.? "f:inbtor. CIO LI) PENS, WILDLESALS AND MAIL. iVene and Cases Repaired.; . DLLS'S& AND DUD pLATINO Duos at the shahs* ootics, at the corner of Fourth sad Market streets, wood atm. Per Hying Mot •theeltY, tuftng Paulo mak.= mod them by mall. 4 • tnbTl:ly I FITZPATRICK & CO. I. W. 011ADWICE—........—OLIARLI/ 4 OBADWIGUIL CHAD W /OK 6G. SON, DIALERS Paper and ling., Noe. 149 and 130 Wood Street, ' Pirrantracrn, PA. • p4-Tie • INTWrapplag Pa at cipaufactariinf ‘. Waist market price per paid fa maim Bap. - Gi29 8.A . 1 . 5, CAPS, 111 •x• 13. .A. W a. 0- 02) 01111.DEISIPS vAscv 'MTN, Io areal aeeodanFa and at =bents gate% al Z. H. Hilleiman & Oohs, PABBIONABLE ~ LtAT STORE. No. 75 WOOD STREET. • PITTSBURGH PLOW WO J. C. B.IDW.ELL fa.. to Omer ItANCTAOLIMIIibi All THE TAJUMICII 011 . PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, Cotton Scrapers, Calthratrota, Adapted to the Tit-ions Soils (lets Northern, --- Western and Southern States. eirilaaltaiary, Madam gad - OM= Corner Ditqaosaa Way, Vaiyetto street sad Oar. neon anon (may UM. squirm Crain ell tballisilas4. Depots) deMl7 ummuitaa.M. viri 4 alun s T auciamair,_ Practical Lithographer, Noe. 17 mad 19 Fifth 0t.., Pittsburgh. RAWL DIPLOMA BROW CARDS, PORTRAITS, LAMA BONDS, 01031771CATES OP STOCKS DILL BUDS, DUSTS, as. j etolfttly . WILSON, C*Rli a OQ,, (Lars Vinoir, Paint a on) Wholesale Dealers Di' Fol433ll.Gilsr di' DOZZ:OI3TIC3 DRY GOODS, no. 9* Woad 9t • id nom* s'oinro Diamond ADO, apICIOU' pirranusairl JAMES, CHILD& HOPS oorrog mliz. ALLICOMMY lillaSlNACrftralin ".< SEAMLESS BAGS, OSNAB I ITRG-S; 32„Inahes t 0,40 inches Orders. kft at 11. Childs it Co.'s, 1J Wood atmry Pittattarsti t itill receive attetitlo.'Geke.ll JA1.450111 TOWBINICSID. PORK PAO:IKE:MB. \and Dealers tp Bacon,lard,Driedfteef, Ideas and Ramp Pork, No 13 fourth strtet, okr Llbeny, Pittsbarab, Y. DI ARA NALL ' AnnooKi• the arrival of - NEW WALL PAPERS; BORDERS, to., AT No. 87 IV 000 Siit,crr el DLtLKE IN °\ PIG 75f:ri inoN, SCRAP STV. OIII. 8 AND CANADIAN GLASS SAND SWIM ~ T ~ ~~ J. N. dr. ao. [aateason to H. Dawlap, Jr.] . larCla.:lll.s AID IN SARDWA.RE AND CUTLERY No. ILO/ Market Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. [¢1217t141 •. CS s-- ... --Joan CA T, .114 • CALM ELL Twil, BOAT 113IINDILIEBB AND DIAN= Elistip and Cato, Oakum, Pitch. Ida sad ONA - Tartatithi, Dock, Light and Hwy Drilling., Az. . , aps:l7 Muer and 78 Prom! MN& SIMON JOHNSTON, DEALER IN PURE DRUGS AwD L./lOALB. Perfamerjr,,'lranerr Good's,: 13arnixific Maid, On., Etanily Medi. atrict4 pram email', "'Lath hood**. •aF UMW' PUNKS. CORNS& BMITIMILD ILND ATY)URTHOTI, airrrtraripliana casiefairy ampaandest at hourvlal ar..3l:lyd r. ...J. a tartan AO D. iltlll/3 [lads at 111111. r t hiskstsoces-i BILOTIIEIRS r [doesessors to ItsrNsa A Ansi:mm.l - 'WHOLESALE DEALERS IN-FOREIGN VT TEOIII3, Nora tad ikeicati, coNracrilNza7,' BUDAILB, WIRE WORE% Bo.; No. 39 WOOD STE3/10, sod No. 113 BEOOND STEEL", opistslts Ft.Chartes Dote, Pithdrarsb. Ps. • A. falte ri e ;h of Valuta and Hosistresta, " PITTI3BUION. PA.• Agent for the roceict man nals at R.130N OILS. Hens sontesolr on band end Is resolving. Heavy and Light Oils soluble for labrleating and roaming parpotas, ratan 101 be mold _Low tar Cash, wad cash Only Cm lr La.., ILIDDI.M s CO., . 20 Liberty at., opposite 6th,Pittsburgh, P s., ;WHIPS, LASHES AND SWITCHES, and every description of LICATIIitt• BRAIDED WOES. _ . . ANS-Orders solletted hem tam trade.. sad promptly •blp tiIwasOIair.VJWCMU.R.A.L. II - AMES _AI. BALM, vv tote witistaut to atm Rartberger, 6Q. prawn RV PLtCIT DRAWINGS and PROINIUATIOWs tot WI kbodo bolktinp, And atiportothodo Ulf& erection, on twaossbio :term.. 011101 ON ANDINSON nun, balms Lava sad Baths= masts, lel2 ALLIOIIIINT ..cUTL,ISII.)—.DOSISSITIO UMW W 11126 . IgUr W. YOUNG. (successor to CARS- Iog • ouosi A Tour%) No. 97 Wood ogroolo ,eornor D IMO =II •Iby , &Wain all II Ina a . - GUTLEILY,, KNIVIS, RAZORS, ' ' SCISSORS, . 11.1111.35, . GUNN RIVOLVIRS. golo ' • • ; 99-a lugs sagotoont 0192 s dove goods tondos - 117 on :band. sobt virP. hiIithSUALL, having returned . from the tut, mill omfo reecho magolDorar ... •• •• Paper Bulging:, 'for adorning torn and country Come, Ito misty tell bo so grant no heretofore, nod pekoe loser, Nutting lb* .flume • WO . ' ST Wood ft. YtieEPSLA AND (.1 NSTIPATIOI.I. Ay Pedigo domain no, we Was 10 efildest m relieving mire allaileota as tae drop% lad= Immo by tea same of lirealeola. Facile of dlowdoo. light Iva; lb* alemath, iod highly balritkosa Oleo, Oa strain:to Cnelnr t fa tea Name wov.. Fred% ropplie• of Octal= ree.d. !lea - J. 411.161.0.711. Co stmt. NKr S. KING, • BOKER;for the sale • lot porch.= of Meal, Out= Oil, Katbiesdiri. Eloct,Motes,az. Moderato ccarpenult= thole; kr making cootnetcluiles sod prim*. • No. 47 St. Chit street, floral ; 'l - 1 B. IF.HOLISON,. L. C at 11 1gb and INylle SIGN RSTAIL intopektra, PadDtall LID LNICOBE: able . . - A DAMS A CO., Manufacturers of FtaLST GLAND WASE. • • li, corner-Wood 'ma Arrant Its, • rItIAIIII4 PAL. • ". • Atm, Oreem sod Lb: J 1.113, of the met tom;' • - inevet ettletc •• • Wale' -•' • -r 6: - : fI AYEN _is prepared to.lurnith , . T 1 • PaLITZWS AMISSIALz,et every deattiptiohl {wow. Wocd and Tbfrd l.ll • • • UOLTINO OWT US, of better quality end 'Jj at kreer aAae'Nan NwwArn I utb• State. ue2CLIF 0 battle IL LINO. Broernetitle, 'II4:A.TS - I.ND OAPS, STRAW GOODS, LATEST Prillhe styles M'CORD e, CO., Idaanfac tanna and I?ealeta, Whalonala and Bata% niti3o 1 131 Wood st., Pittsburgb.7- 761.13.&13t. a; I. mpuovJaaeLicrur In Steam'and Atmosphiptio Eiammiirs. - . - • . 7 . : ETTERS PATENT worergniiod *A Eept'• - •:.'.., .1.4 411:411160. t turn., Desch, sv i vvit—i.linOwisi4;:f-_ , ace Act bapfuresaeat to Bunismol•M•946:"2.! wet. Dy tho fall exo•• DM* Nam& 64401140 ..,,. - tr ilia'''. do thickens in' the masi oft frfin.l.* 0,..r frutral-ibereby ellgr.tlas fi gnat Ifserefre of rant n WIP Ideal .f gide et. to 0 °F.I41 4 ° P °° •!!!"!,. , • 1 ,,,,,,this asslug DI f•I• 11014 - - 4aze• arei;••' , % '. Ai N . - fan •01tIngli•Dfe I* 0 " 11 =r e .r. aim s:, Imill:try snap. mad patist: • if fr• mit Os zekffi of 4 1 101 n. i , °nag sad Ing•Keft Amato. libel,' : - -..p.l.Law. caffla. . d i o pt NV ben alio the; MON Mauls/ 1517 , . lIIN2 . . w", 0p05ty."••i..,;,...fr11. B•M p :7:y; : ~..... fiffilOC' --:-, ..-:,lfigikk!= o ol 1 07 ,85 ...", - .-' ' - : ,- ..':';', l - -- ,. .:- ,. ~:::;,•;-,--, :-.7,,,,1%., BONNETS, &a..&c.