The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, March 16, 1861, Image 3

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    . .
V,ittsburo .6irqett.t.
arIfICIALPa esis OP-ras err?.
EIATURDAY MORNING, MOOR 16, - 1661. . , entklial
Dlttsonocoatcet, Obeerestlatts for the Galati', by
0. E.Bb m. Oslol u, i 8 tin Be—eorteatel deny:
9 o'clock, e, sings'
Barometer ..:....» . : ....... ..... IA 4.10
• ThO.LateTaasedy In Jetsam county.
A fair dayasgogrempristed the brutal murder of
HearyAniiker;an old'ottisen of Juniata coiroty.b/-
Iwo azaleas who metered the hoers, for the repea l .
ef. robbing him... The old cams was UMW 11 4 ".
• ' to be al wealth
ofego, an repute. ..o y. 11. sold
one of his - fume eouna time. ago, sad It wee sup
posed that ho bed misidemble money le his pat:
• senloa. The d'ulaticautfird glees the folloiring
putleelarsef the terrible tragedy:
.Between armee and: eight ‘..oveloce, Saturday
erameg, two teen game $O,OO booms and,aaked for
-- admission:. There wen, tketime, three Pereone
in the house , Mr. Piker, an old lady vibe acted
housekeeper, and a grand daughter of Mr. Asher,
seed about fourteen imam. •BlKAidier widths Old
lady had retired. When the two men knocked st
the door, the girl went to her grad-father-.sod'
told him that two men 'desired- adatimieet ism the
loan. Mr. Aster told thegirlgo 'duds them.
. Al soon is they entered; ens sat on the wood-box
- • Met, the ideme,sid the other sot oh a Chair .aear
the door at - which they - entered. The) OAR in.
ouired fir the girl "bowers in the house, who told
thetii,but said they wire both biked. They. then
told her that they . , wished to see Mr. Anker, who
got up sod - came Mattes room._ After. comearing
with them on Tutus topics Sir. about fittoesmii.
.oics, he aimed them what they wanted. The lar
M arge
• yin told l bim that they wanted hie mosey. r.
A. told them that therewas not $lO about %helium,
and that thy might smirch if they desired to. Ile - ,
Ma got up' rad' West to the door leading to lits
'bed roomicrier which hang Itie'lida. 0 11 1 *
the: door sod *.reackedfor hie gun, red as soon as
he' got it in. his .posemies, tIIe tamp west up :to.
bangedlabot:lnsi with a 'metal through • the arm,
ant tha Failing to prostrate withihn
pistol, be drew 'from under helpmeets ehatchit,
' itniek,hiii three times on" the hild,„Whteh.
.eatind him to tall on the floor -in an issea
condition. The nifilisa, u ikalaraind tatted/
work, itentebbrielyfitedi without usklag any search
lot what theresma•zeliti.2 The little girl tea
once lathe named MOW , * and gate the skim,
and atut the whole .seashborttOod wu apprised of
.the atrocious murder. Mr. Mbar- died m atmut
en hour and a half after riteetatap the YttetTi.itttb
aut beisgableta
• upul a word.
The nest tooreute a" man upon okwarsiag
131LaIlleltdilltft13111. At tease, immediately Said .
ihat one of the pten.:.,sras John Lomat. Simi:.
cion iinmediately rested upon him sad a mu
, named ,Zimmerame, and Ines started off in par mat
el tiretta,"-Zitoteurcen ' was amexted but:at once'
. prated hiellllloCeteir and was discharged.
mg lend a :maw tamed Samuel klowder bad. left
Znareaticedita ritsidesten' 'ahem, - air &dock, on
Faturius.:-SILLILIfiI.,-.llowdig Was anested . .
31.!Ailisteni1letho0ttia O'clock on Sudsy eireamig,
Sad said be had left Ziturisrmses in camped with
. : 4.oyertig the evening plesioui t roots. - It
was idopmedgbef Lovering, if in the Mainty,:urae
' at the, hams of Rater 'Vs:llo4in 'the Shadtglap ef.
-Shade albumin, about four mills north ef
M'Allistortille.rldhott eight fiftieth it patty dates,
tko. .teeth;. proceeded to .the bones' at
- Verne , Which they ' , immediately earioatided.'„
inquiring of Niroar whetbiWitoiresial the
• house, he said be was Opus atimewhers. - Some of
them entered the house sad Saar searthisg, found
L overing mouthed' - ceder ' ' the bed. loedlad
pinta mu thud in'hi , pomade& ,
tidy '
After the capture. ot.Lsveriog„ Re Mind
- thaw& esidence against him sad related estualie
tialirilie se -4c.-lOtile' girl. who was st
Aaltaes at Airtime he deed was committed, se,
b.tioglit into the ialles ef the lestioe.where some
• leentirfire pentium! were - congregated. and She at
- Once rscognized LO'TIII ill LI the mile IlbOblalbOt
her grandfather, although she swore' be had Mils
here whoa he committed the net:.' Verner than
int67B ritt.lit bed • thiwid Luariag es Sandal
inoreing, .floth.Loyeting and Howdea were then
Unleaded to jail,, to answer to %ketchup were ider
,-i -- - , - : - A Mbroadterly - Peaty: • - I .
. 4 Tisterday, morning, about four O'clock, toms=
---' .' Minted Frank Ottis, Milton Davis,. Jolt* and Sall
„ - .
1.-. . Frsderiek tide visited the bakery of Fritz.Nibel,
5 - on Pain street,' in the Filth. Ward, end demanded
, ,
some bread ' As thybed no money, the baker te,
fated to . fur nish-themm with the "staff ed life," end
one of the men; Frani Mb, committed miasmal%
and battery opcno the baker. The whole , party was
arrested by the ftigtit, Polies; end Jecket
d el
• bar
sp. It
--subserysenilf ippearedthat • they hadleoll
- ' /allot cider from a store during the - ligh Wr
t, mid
tug plenty to drink they determined also to gel
something to el;' without the trouble of. paying for
it.; Mir wo's cwoolitioo to jilt for assault and
bailetis and. the other three were sent epic default
. • -of Irmo for disorderly.conduet. ,-- .
Subsequently commitments were lodged wised
Ottis are-Da ns,by,-Aiderntan Taylor, on cemplalut
- orehtiatepkir Lyotisi Whorehirget them with Ahe
. -
larceny el a vanity offend soap, which 11/101".th ,
ken nom his store oo the night ot the Sr. nt - Kelly
or j Gime' beard yard, on DammamWay. Ms.
"-- - Lyons also made inthrraltiell against Ottia tor as.
salt sea battery, and • commitment was lodged by
the same. nrigistrate. -, - •- -
• are itiforined that a,hill nu rerthill rend
id the Lighisture, for the atorprwidure of
rryle 'Pevyles • Fameosar = RsilMay Clomp!,."
. email the coiporstors pealed are several maw
= snot ertiseithot Sittithargh sad"''.:The
- ifikpriiivtdee for the toratmerton of a his el
*by thoi coma-Smithfield' sod .Water
'eta, aloogyster easel. to Libe rt y, rad • slag
Liberty to tar Fair Groarthi, es Caries street.
disi4the tonihectiOn of a . Ilse . ales; Sgeltlideld
atreei;froMLibeity street 4. ifs •Crualo -Marti&
-Thaprojemmill depend upon the removal of the
rtaths thiPirassyltakialtidroad hos -Liberty
streetyand thi Ccriapeny, is -authorised; to any
• - freight over their Sark. , We have not pal. seen the
hill. sad calinot Speak :thsfieliely:is tmierd : to its
Moncornaunt.a;:'Airsacirovann, thicscrir.-4lio
asembensortlihrnoetsti,Jrave slatted the,following
Itticont fonthe ,
President,'P. ,MoConlyt-Irir:er:Fritahluts, Col.,
Jump!' ajlor; Jobs King, W. Wiekerhaoi, W.
Fulani - John Wallace Vutoorbis.' Sterattriss,
W:.11.•-,Wilsins, Itassara. Torannor,' W. Jr
Anriander. avoiding Becreurry. ind Libra
rian, Ard Moore. Auilitorsdoseptt:WilsoniC. E.
floarbi.: Board ci Managers, Daniel Flores, Brio.
bon Will, James Wanton,: Moos ScoU, John
Atcrrisri g. Belting; IL M. Snarly, Jain Magid',
'rho orenipta laat year : lore 5011,18, inn thellS
-I)filtditUftlll666,7l • WU!! SIIIIIbiI,Or wanes last
lair 1002, esslusiro of volantsry contributions.
,• . •
~ Anuls- sr TrimciA Aiirtmaisota. -- A
eard b . Nand la oar adratiolog minsish how
tho p.o of,Tbotaas. 0: iMihorford, Boptrls
ii loot of the -BOSS of Sofogir,,in -which bas*.
atrimoss a Whir* ::City" Bill, oa • Wildman,
ormihri Banc , hir• Bilthg , for d tut bon 1002,1 11
In the sash under
,thi Wink, .Tho Iraklion*,
and ho,morr ults a hassles Jo this community,
rams his Musa is Walla to any , ohliunt;. Tim
subject :is 'lrlson DiSdpilnir • sad . tali pro:alum
tarillog diselospess," gm! DPP/ which
DUI'S or i r Iblota..Or -Mmice.-_-Mtisi up
ht.cesitip .theil on the
/sit, Inst., tbdtkaffloltoVP•ili.**kbottS
the taanti-linn,laar of bar agt maw
.--Slts -
datlabtaa of Titootbi biallitligattbnOt
tonea til and... bola:toss educated manly by
the Sista" ot•• Mercy, abe soairbt as sally motto.
nity to - eatSrlbs sutabood, mid wet tdolttad to
the Coavebt fp ; Pontoon, who'll barmiltictra me
amine n -Prey se -consumption, 1 !Oleg, sb•
_slowly:wawa away,
Wager Psostici...4lrk Jahnitoiri /Op
Tst nix. present stand lb by tbgbe whoa
inierele' it la taleep books& sp tit Seeli'mattesr,
to be an cite/Magi, favartblf thtt Vier*
of' the wheat crop. do for u Its ban lieuditbs
abut 'gelds - throasitott ahs- Stata.pressat I Tell
tlaarebisi applesauce: , Peptidases stilt sullsiesp•
Oa our land. notwitbattoding the Polidealvolible s
which auarosuil na."! ' • .',
- • .
Bonnie AT Moicterows.—TheMoblistient -CM
colcipani ISt/Mit* talainetil• imtudiatalf,
or the arm of Orke I bad
mile* fins Nohleetoirn; The - eiroagest` . :entibes:
indlcatiens aie atid .to be annuals— ;Another
company bu been rarmed with • the Intention of.
boring en the land,al - Mc. Basting. one miii Dom
'Asioiti Oa. ooitikis°,,..We *en. that • am
rimr at bee bossed - it' liurts4sillle. Wallets=
laud euutilY. f ' Or the potpose of bales fat oil hi that .
Locality; sodubts epaulet° 1111 be eomatesetd.i•
• °bon llipetieutea susai matt,*
°outlast the naive bidlestlape as tootable.
, .
-"Noisy; tbo eolobratod mutt bow; fonioay
oraad; by Sean. Xoafibly of Joins•
owo,.orao troosady sold to dlr. Chita, od ' Obsokniad,
fay $1,000; • Toot, bad boataallosa Temple
tidied to bts Ms, sad wao one. soldpor tbabsadsouto
oaoa of rt 70
iitto to 8a5a....---Yousg iscoatlY armartid
opal ibargo of- . robbing dis sans of Mr. Lutists,
Wood strut, w oo taloa batons Mayor Wawa Fti•
: •-• • day, dad admitted to badAm t h euw ofdddd—bis
- otharistatotiag utersquislis- .
- •
isi-dieluthedrai;citi'Snadity CT
Tana thiPatriebtsleedirs,)tbn probands of eaten
will be, applied for
ptatate ne dua befit of tbe:41111031.
-.guelogni4Vterr.—'llii.iilligbeny ire PAU
us e, pildt Oreetwbuileatt the Ste
otT Ze..titathit;
tulPg. is " so ma of WeIV
vomit by e
' MOW."'
4 0 ;orlinnaArtrsds jf.asoesisiliteireziir
. - 07tF t p:iiit, by tits /Min er...
•t adMetut
70kott** 11,
41111°W " ...1— ' 7 ' Wool to ttiorlittlf..."
• lotisitOtiottolotita _
C1S11 0 1:haa
We SpOili s a Door - 7irraY, Teri PWW I 9 O /.
looking:throe; these extintiniartzki; eltaste
..Konongehela Borough. The new metal faunae,
rented along , ttie side mil 4 which wu so toxically.
Alkaid by oat matichloioiwst le a complete roo
ms; Scree* Ira n ng ills rich Irom Mountain
Orb from
by dl the Supetior ors, from gnaw
Haul and by prtuttring their coke from the latonott
gibela Valley, are 'cabled to predate about sweaty
too of superior and uniform nig Per de/. at • cost
dollars par too lass than the woe quality a
phr could be purchased hat-
WU were itarlideed hi Ind a- hoop mill et work,
..kete some sight or ten tons of hoop Iron, suitable
far ail bine% out to this proper length, are turned
out daily. This Ii mother item of reanufaoture
which the "oil Lem" hat litiotniated amasingly. Io
the n o atul, where the pm tom out SOWS fifteen
, bendred tap of milli weak., we woe shown a
I aclynehOg null .-toigh n though tomcatted, sod
much more uniform—with* can be sold much lower
thin the wrought nal;
The Clinton Works are ander cordial mantas
went, and offset credit upon the management and
the enterprisbag proprietors. Math. Ora, Bennett
Co.k deserve the credit of having Stet etionuftilly
muted one tha experhsteat of menufactaring their
01111 Wag at their own - work', and by the use of
coke only. , i •
ir4lllllll Finro.—Dliyot Wilson acknowledges the
following additional. tiontribatlons InLOA of the
Rams sufferers:
Masons of Marini/Ca, Olarion. noisity...s 02 30
.Livaruntss, Wrstmoreland co. 10 'OO
" 10.00_
- " Go 15 0
• Cash . lOO
fitamand.. . ......... ... 500
ailiool of bliss H. Maw., abater tp .... .... 6 00 -
A lady of Penn ip.l 2 00
Employes , of Canis anon mill, M.O.- 62 00
- Amount previously repotted 4,392 SS
Total tosteibuiioat to date
The Ott. kinaxer.Criade Petroleum io New
York is in demand at 3S and 40 cent* cub. This
price most afford a very handsome profit to those
who purchase at ttieWells, and accounts for tho
eagerness at home on the ground. The Voosogo
Spectator says, aside from treight, the actual ea
pelmet of commission; including guaranty, does
not exceed 50 centa • per banal. At 25 coats por
'gallon at the wells; 40 eants In New York leave* a
margin of $5,50 per barrel, for freight alone and
pleat. Matzen are is proves for an upon tads. ,
which will increase the demand and advance the
price. ,•
.111soanmx.—ThenototicsieJoheny Mali% was
arrested by the Maya='. _police yonetday, on •
charge of disorderly conduct preferred by a Kral
Kul. lie was_plioed in'tha lock•ap in company
with a fellow prisoner, fork. hoarier. It eppearel
howenr, that he did not like hut -company, for he
had ben la the mill bat • short time WISOD he made
• vielent attack on hie companion, Rho he used
pretty roughly Worn .the police interfered. fie
wu then taken oat and famished with lodgiege bj
Diebnonmw".--li.gentiernaa Dom Cleveland
sad lb to-be bride, of Tonagetown, Ohio, were to
be monied a for reader One, and bid -progresi
ed so far as to call is a Rev. Dr. to perform the
ceremony, whoa it wia discovered that the setae.
sail lege documents didn't ant (hit totality. The
impatient taidegroorit bid got the bosom from the
Probate of - Cuyahoga instead of /Mammies. Upon
being inf ormed bow the matter stood, the part*
started for the Forest City,where their papers were
duly honored.'
plttrtea court.
. Befo th re Jodie - flatipton.
la e eta or ileum & Barton vs. The . City lot
Pitiaberili, a pariontoty tou.solt wee entered by
the Coon, on motion of Mr: - Kuhn, noose' for
detente. A moth:4 to set aside the non-salt vise
made by plaintiff. :.
Ort Wzu. banes at the well GI
Mum. Mead & Steele, on Oil Creek, Pa., 'trick
a vein of od the other clay, which era forced lb,
the ps one hundred test above the walla of the
wall. The got uhweocently caught fin, busing
down tee derrick and aegis" house, and injudeg
one of the hands so bade y that his 111. is despaired
lios Cl* Coutoe, new 'boildings, come ot
Pesti aed St. Cute meets, open day and even6g.
Students inter at aly • time; minbiters sons had
pries. For mitalogne of eighty.eir mu, had
epeeist= of Prof. Cowle3'a plain and_ ornamental
peemansbip, enclose Sheen cent', in stamps', to
the ropristoni.
Iceettre & Sulrnt, Pittsburgh, Pa.
• 1
:_finatioaron. DetPe Mercantile Colter, A. P.
Heath, Jefferson. Pa ; J. A. Caw, Pittsburgh; ft.
Kenyon,-Itarlord, Ct.; J. P. Ftederie, Cornell",
Pa : C. flolmes.StisrpsboTn, Pa.; J. Stewart Lowe,
Ettiabenvi:lei AU ol whom will no . doubt
hereattai co tta
the looghtstabliabed reputation o
this favorite entableshmest.
Furet licitirea.—rdeterehke, explicated in the
“intanat =tibiae cass, , .! bad a final hearing yes
terday, whichsesulted in hie being 15.:4 to bell in
the rasa 0t.51.50 0 for hie appearance et Coen.
A amiss Emilauts.—Ttto belief Pin Company
us taking tbit prolitottlary stops for the purobro of
• now Ham itogioo.
Mliattita.' of Malt will*,
wboae IWO noticed a day or two glom, dliat on
ET. PASalCgtilMi...Satday Dail the; Ansi
'velem of tfka!astal day of Ireland's Patroa Salsa.
Coacher Ilia.c-Brinef to r. and M,csio.
bear, cot Monday . arenas. it
Marc M h leth, on lu
occasion a great feat is offered. The programme
consists of an Minya* talent Mr. 7Lyne, who
will deliver,Openiaghtly address to "Our Plag,"
Prod. flambe* an d Sprig, on Magic; Madame
- Ilambejar,ri the - nap Porte ; Sig. Borah bur
kindly volunteered . and will perform his jhighly
trained. Calory Bade ; Mr. Cbariwned will, lava
'dace a Mechanical Figurer with imitation of a
School Boy Moos. De Ram Big will give =mita
poee of the i,Pretieb • MOTO. BOOM ladies and
gentlemen have also volunteered ; the whole coin•
bind will bathe best eatertainaorot given hers for
mac Teare....' Prof. H. rill slai glee en illoaratice
of his seedy invented Prevenutive of Railroad
Trans conning in collision whichwhen brougkt
tato practical nee will be the canes ol alms
thoesands of lives. A Carer Trumpet will tie pre
sented to the Fireman as this mu/ion. Tickets
only ep coati.
Ttreavea-The osisbisted Lloyd's Minarets,
cuspidal Afters Wonted pat:omen, will appear
this runlet la coaltmetkas with the thearkal tom.
pan,. The bind la made ,air or some well knurl
eann-mosh, for Inoue*, ea Cool •White, Billy
Binh, D.I B. Wambold, At. 'Lloyd's ilrass Band,
tad by Anglia dacha will give a balcony sereasdip
each estaMegy Prior to the performance , _With the
double 'easel:aim:4,w , would not be earprleed to see
the boost ermined nightly, as In fact u should be,
for if am Dorian itnanaho lOWA ladtittnowtl,
to glee& lint derv. eatutsiument to the public, Out
mu is tliepament , leasseof the Pittsburgh Theatre;
and for Ibis reason, la parader, we would be plata
fel to seellni welt eastalned by our Marna
Tiec pacratece Fltellirimealit at van Nonuse.
:-The following is to attract from a letter written
by the ilia C. Z. Wafer, to the OrMato Brforel•
Msteriger'at tlhasebenbarg, Penns.:! • ,
Stersacrsura-Titirs la s WOll3lO to lb , /
public eye, whole name bed all along beau taw
Mated, tapir mind, with the aYaskes,""Qusek , "
- and “Illatsbeg.P .- Bat it Is , so so loner, and we
desire tO WNW her 'name . from all suchwupieloos
saanalok is ell otter wino. .Whattiver satins
we may Dare of woos snly denim end propriety,
we Waal admit, that aromas slop is the Bane
-the soon la's-thir scar nuns , Whether
shall hate female-Pereilesoer not is a question
width WSW bit decided. by time and principle, and
am as I mattered' taste. Pride, prjuttice, uprise; i
and cut*, may as well behave themselves, los U
those is really a weet,terre well high' hi a.eupply
-it Buie be "a calling," there will be • mune.'
-Nate[d and llamas Smutty sre slaws self.aapply .
in, and though Art nod -Fashion may hinder, they
culla lianan;: ; •
. Itrinslow . doss Rot Want alum you, esileas.
L iltru:doite she lawriabe a raglan You yens
wives;' bet , . modortlyi spew, sa a massager of
beeiih and beipiness to your MARIS In the
Is there)payttdag laitirVer. to that? _A nurse of
o.los *We! figporiSsos ass -boldly say what is or
Ice tut red for s based aught to be listened to.
Optima heaon- tier linable bat happy samba.
Ohs la the most sumitstal physician and most afro.
I teal heeefitotiwe oar. little one ever espied-tiler
40114 parents sot estayted. -"Jost opal the drio: tor ,
lea.-. end Mrs, ',Winslow - will prove the American
Ilmeau.Nightbageiti; Or :the narscry.. Of this we
ere so ids*, that we will teach car ."Screv".
"A BratilDua Phu. Wangle-for belying bet
to sitirive and ices. the .gdping, calclang and
teethiet Mega We tiollifto her,iorth
the Proht4o" IS• reffOria/ WOW". Whitt
lOpostern:, every gut eflt4nothing loss.
Away with yora-mOurdtal," "Paraguay," "Drop wh yr
"Lmulatitioa "and ITO every otbrii"Weroota,"by ich
the babe b jugged tato sapidity, and reirdered dull.
.We 1100
baie nerer, o hire. WlitsloW,-hh9l , her
only the paparatioci at her "Boottilag
up fns ,; °ldiom Teething." If we bid the p
we vela - mete her, as she is, a ;shirtier , ' savior:to
thi ____ ls44l/1141. - -------
Billr"NSWllLen.-Palaraltlf lerrratroroa" for
- aromieutrea CO% litotes Cat and gro u p
Sfsf Nub Moist bow, by el
Doaroa l eitesna- •
. . .
C. Boeie - , - wetor ctiri and Hocks
pp tithie Physician; also agent for BelaboVe celebrated
True for Eupora.. N 0.130 Smithfield Bt. I
,4110;BinerresT.--Dr. C. Sill, No. 248 Penn
.ilirway attends to all
,branches of the Ductal prate.
altt. 1 - • - I L
ehoold not fail to Teo the saver,
oortmor . to4tor - o pew. t
thmtuweeYntaO s o
nilt. a .;-
eAaden ti
paanm e a d
b t e o rt
for soothot. cofonnt low Witlroly new Otawity, and
WOW as cowhandd w a le any or abs numerase past
mastered the day. .11 stouts rowdy WWI th
dWWaapdad, and Opeth f lbw of s ill obroulo nature e I ,
-st looft.stindfog-•W , soaks, osonifis, 7ovo. 11 , 4r0f"
re& Oat= * twilitT, of, NW Ifittkoro
mato foe %sae also onvolrfotofs Worthassoauld
WC; 'woos% Levan u _ -Oresta, an t'a:Vas sobb:boslay
WOKtifitmoW boo to tor median, claws tn castor ewer
ose. oaf:tads& as a iloOk WlWWW"ooihr. of . 1Z
k~d,a rag W inT i tirw= I sh u*- oi f
rilattna Was son Ztei%sa.:rg !xl
soframr"f- Ikeosloo7 0 110 ./L 11 " 8 "
kom7-5t.101,04 ttlibiffsb: Pa • Solfaffildo.7
41 1 ,00101144141:1":2
3 :Y-;4,arteruciriDvxmalltr z z •
ill Vitas Wadi
, - I+ llTUrri••••777-7,810010i1V1,!:;'
From' Wastileatou.
fifteen' D i l leAckftrewoetelevaalmef ledttlent.l
- Ittiatateoe, llUatl tb, 1861.
.The Cabinet, after two bog slttlop yesterdeyr
formally rlooldral opal the totttoletwit of II•Jot An.
*WI epproved flee, Seott's orders In Om%
Thom Wit some eteptnitle dismal nom tett polio,.
tWa the tensility was unatilentualy 4418111 mi. ft
co l eld have twee 'avoldinl,Aed proper otettotse boo
taken avert s few Wale tin. '
A 'Memel will "prohibit be met le thirleeme
n remote the ttoope to Now Volt. %hot le tlee‘
emit Stott.' pmeeut Intestine ctennah It stet he
No answer has bees siren bs Mt. itewild the
doothein Commislatter , I—hor, Amish statement.
I to that street have appeared, has set assorenee se
lathe purpose of the adinieletratioanelenisisit the
tette and the like; bees oonunsileated to thew.
Mr. Corwin still holds the fdetioastalselon **der
eonsiderstion. Costittastios has bSes dalassd at
his inquest, si-he is at p 00000 t unwell.
The Senate will adjourn nut week.
Cael inbuiltis hen urgleg bb appointment, but
it is o• Dowd for diplotnetla reasons: u.
-Wannzetoti: March 11,
'81.8.111..—Mi. Meson, of Va., offered the lob.
lowing preamble and resolution t ' -
• Wlurreati Tim presence of • milder, force con
centrated and 'permanently quartered 'alb* seat of
government is a depatture from ell -termer nage of
the goiernment, and dangerous ter', the rights Bed
liberties of the people,
Therefore, Da it itsoloed, That the Prestdeet be
*squinted to beans the Seeds *hat Dumber of
troops either army are quartered la this city, the
respective ants of the service, and' the perpoee of
which they were brought here, end fartherto
the Serrate when the said Imps are to be
withdrawn,,aad if they are not to be withdrawn
tor what purpose they are meinteined hide, and
whether it is his purpose to increase the add Wm,
aid to what extant t
The conaideration of the resolution being object.
ad to it was leld over. • ,
Mr. Douglme resolgtioal al iaqiiiry were then
take* up. 1
Mr. Douglas, inidvocating the rigolution, Welt*
bad already muted that he did not believe the poll
•oy of the Administration wee warlike ThD con
struction of the Inaugural had bean disputed. by
some of the Senate's on hie side; while the Remit.-
Veins had regained. silent en tbs subject, neither
ii‘sottng to or dlsiguiting from Me laterpritation,
Belleville the pottery of the Adrialidstratlon looked '
to the pnimrsation of peso., be relieve
.the apprelmetions of the candy by obrdMilli•PlPl.P,l
to his resolution, which be believed of seoh• a ober-.
atter ea to give quiet to - the country, sad restore
good *Diana feeling among the &Mout tendons.
He proceeded te. glee thirteens-wit* be hides:lest
at the eancluidon that Mr. Linegle does not =ritual'',
war. It must be midget that the gevellemet tusio
potter to collect the revenue in the seceding Ma ms,
our could it Mill oat the militia alms to set as *
pone Sainifaftis Ito the Federal :Meting in cases
, where the elocution of the laws le obstructed. li
• it should be this dings of the siministratios to
node tha forts Lod other :public property in the
seceded Suttee, it would be • necessary to employ
as army of 140.0 1 30 Man, at a coat of Oval . $300,- -
000,000 amicnily. In conelosum, he advocated
' such amendmeme to the CoasUwtion as would hold
the Borderttetee. This would thane the eventu
al •regnion 'of the flutes. He seogratelated the
Republicans that they bad parlament . &handseled
the attempt to prohibit slater, in the territories and
had admitted the pnociple of POpularfloiereigoty
in the Damages of tba—territerisl government for.
Colorado, Nevada, arid Dakota
My. Wilson, of . ay., said : th e senator from
lbnoisinqatazioaably a man or anxiety.
w President bad scarcely activated his Mod and
genie lasegaral when the *easter stepped forth
unasked, to give his tatespretation of it and settle
the policy of the administration. Nobody on the
Rapablicui side had aothattkop either to suede's
•or disavow that interprotauon. Bat •tbe newsier
was not cosiest to Wiled ovaa — On Ws owa iatafpro.
bitten of the lathiest!. He wee Dot contest tint
, the President sod all Cabinet, which had just taken
paseasaioe 01. the rein*. of government when the
political system of the court'' , was In ruins, ebould
' have time anodes to tut %boot aid see what prin.
• 'Mole and patriotism tomtit n quire to bodes& No
bat rushing with rim one speed into this chamber:
be brings a reeolutme asking the adesietswation to
deniers et once to the enoetry what it intsode to do.
tie would inform the eseabsr that tbe administra
tion would mate known its policy at the proper
time, through gentlemen in wholes% bad confidence.
fdr. Douglas, to rapt', mid he could modes Ile
petulant, of the Seemed front Massectmeatte, who
had only - gees evideecelhat be wee hurt Tee
*senator lad pictasea him es runtintgisto the Sae.
ate Chtlatics !abaci it wee evident it was the hens.
Wes only Vernon to stale a petaansi Wm& upon
lam. He referred to Mr. Wilson. as balconies to
1 the war wing of the Reptiblicie party, en influence
which the administration 'fill be obliged to ann.
I bet it it would reel herniae, end swami In the
country, goo whose smelts be (Mr. Douglas) was
• prepared to receive from whatever quartet Arty
might come. Mr. Doegles retorted that some par.
eons could pot eederstand the teeth rhea it was
told to them. Courtmy nqgired the Seance to
accept Ws esplaostien.
--Mr. Pemeaden. ii farther capitulation, said that
in callieg emotion to the itenstorre remake be
tbolight that he hid made merely a slip of die
tongue io pot the Sagami 800 Mums.
Id r. Doer's—When I mike a correction the
Senator is tioend to actspt it. .
Mr. Yerwedsn-1 ds accept it.
Mr. Driogith—Yee duel Baum it, Itemise I say
the statement is file.. slid the Reimer ought to
know it. (cessation.) •
Mr. feweaden said the Senator seemed deter.
mined on a personal quarrel, see be could sot ad.
mit Mr. Douglas to be a geetliman because be bed
seed ungentlemanly isogrisge. He thee prrictitd.
ird to peak of Mr. tioustes re crony, lied showed
why the resotutloo Emilia not pees. The teednecy
mid design of Mr. Diregleel Speonli .as to iedoce ,
the belief that the coulllCY is ghost beinc plunged l
into war by an act of the . Admisistration, and to
lifissoce the'suipiclon Of the people: 'He did not
'know whether hit. Douala" hold to the code of
honor. i • •
Mr. liveglas said Mr. Peessedea would be in
, (mined 1 when I e made r Wiwiry in the. proper
Me. pessondee *aid that. bi..• Donee,' :bungs
I was well li noire, bet int aced not bit feadel- be
would send him a • challenge, or words to thin of-
feet. ,'
Mr. Halstead he ratesttlaiid • perdue of the tem
1 lOW of the Senator train /Boots as intended for
' Moinelf. Ili found already prerrired for Mina little
sPeleski to be friend in an uld book—illfteenth chap.
tar of Mooed tomes& end font* WOG This sestet
his prepared to his ewe outdo Ideas. .
Mr. ! Douglas . promoted dud die quotation would
.bstra greet ividght i • -It only showedthat it withreell
to avoid argument end to webs a mowed ,att ack open him. Deem be would say, Cow on; sake
muck efres stuck; get per quotattooe In advance.
I am reedy to nog ycm i The Senator fiim Melo
ebtostts led off la &miserable personal otthek,lbe
buster from Maths. foliaged, and thee. the Senator.
from Nair llllMpahlra magi in with 'whet he abide
written speech. I upset, to glee these geetlemet
wee !trouble - dude; the session. I knew their .
KUM& "I do Out mean that they shall Meek up,
the Vain sad draw the country into sly. (4.r 1
plating in the gelleriles ) ,
A &gator suggested that the plletlea hi ideated;
Mi. Doesisii—Aif the , galleries will Didb• quiet;
I will say no more.' 11l abruptly took hie seat.- ' •
The limits wont into executive ettralog and aftir ,
wadi edjourned. -: • •• •- • . -,. ~ .
$4,261 24
.Latest trove Outirerate ,
Fear K zzzzz r, Hatch 1.6.1.f.The PonySura
palmed at 4:15 restock; p. m ;brieglos the follow
mg am:emery of none : ; . ,
13111 Fasscoco, March 2....-TIO Potl7 ExPriorr
with: dote, from the Atlantic States to , the Ififtb
ult.; is telegraphed from Carson Valley to-day. '
The Rarmeethy case for alleged Mildest :0 in
the San Francisco mint, in 1556, le on trilli lb.
U. S. Circuit Court. !
nods Marebautt,
A. Austin & Co., retail dry g
recently reported a* basing failed. have resented
boldness. ' , •
Horace Smith,. who , billed tb, printer Atwell i n
Sat FraaCiSCO on the Sit of January; being Selsead
a change of venue by ,the point, has poltionsitlie
I,,gigarire, 'Beene Abet - he caunot here a : fur.
12111 in San Franifecti, and salting the passage Cl*
spacial act removing his tri:.l to Oster county, tile
place of riddance, nittattly ening - the priniatin
tt f ,
of soliciting Webers Sad • endive,. Both Amos
oldie Legolature haSe mom the prayer of the
ear by more ea _two-thirds =Orilla*
V i et is so - me 'wapiti hat the Goverelo will yen)
time of again passing it by • tenabirde rata: •,.,
The Clallnala oftSA Sreeklorldge State Centre
bu milled a mewing of that boil)0 at
Sacramento', on the , 61)tb ii i to comfier the perilame
into in our national aft re. his ogee the felleW
log reasons for the Meanie; :':Let no hare Union,
Wire cas;-peaceablie;diteolatioa, if we must{ Oat
enefliet never. If peeceable dinfilathin conies,
why SAS
not California remain with the free
States; if a bloody operation, why should elm not
mnablialt a Pacific nationality; is:she wlllintlo hi
diagged into a war 'grit a Southern Comedian:
Goo of her Meteor - ~ b
_ould mob Confediratlinfibe
irrevocably establobid, ought sot sh damatia of
the other free Staten te torment to a . peaceable
Nagattai, ii liefiiiint,eol"; an "' uslialding
condition of her rouisaintag with them , i Dorsi - not
Lincoln's .foreahadowed policy of exam:tier ; : tbe
lbws is the seceded really
imply faCsi coercion,
war Are our people really Applause into iiir..
ibp ta d e au the mimes of each a Warr Vine
are the momenteno gelation' to be emeildered,na
Whlcli,:it hr feued,lelll tee foes re attics.
Therefore a fall meeting is requestod. , „- ...-:
CI .
~(Sign ed ) --, Cue.- Lwow', Cbsinsa. '
', - Tbge are .ue ail futons is the Sanatoria
• filmidon question Ware Ile legislaturs , ~ s- , . '.,
: , Tb• beams yestirdorsibmilo tbiltrzftlityibls.
tin yisrlously "slob In the Allaintal• babsdipted
the follerVby • tots of 2? to :1 ,- 7 ,the law •
iii Tat" Ali 0 13 0. 7 ; , .- 7 7..i,T.Pre:t- i-1
-- ,allaillai tr• - -JlOlOl *144140, AO el ,
.eitlioses kg the sablibi dactimb blot* briars
i ' pawl. trobobbd by Ik. lisi.: - .1. it,' Clelltimaistr, IMI
0110 -011 . 1 ; 114 0 1 'l, ar t ;1,4.11119
aad IP* qoadess ,thir*ea of taLlitary force to
oge e t h e p e ople, recoontondlog ooncillatlon and
tharneaaten rattler than veer, rad cornmeal* rather
that dlearatf ,
gnat at ff eraof partici! *hi State sailing sees to
about a* toast at Oar reason of the year, The
foray deorired *leer ohne In Nevado eounty,
11,111 are* Valley t are fotyl C o
at g c ell,
are sod es
grea pe t won .riencea
MOON from ll* Wady* ht
dertes In theta, '
New Yllll6 Muth tb.—A fire broke t thin
within in Thorp l ii Unto% Square, Hotel b ou uilding,
outiroly doattoylog that bulictiasi sod tha ward.
robs* sad 'toxins of theifolland, Pacific, Creosol,
— Howls' stid Awns' Wthoonle lodges. Tbe Me.
repoliton Chapter of thd,lthyal Arch Monona, Sad
of the rwor'da Moe, endi CoWM% encompmact
of the Knights Tenfplare. the total lon la eati.
wiled at (Mtn $20,000 to $2 5 , 0 °0.
'the building of the Moorman Hoop Nkith Coro.
pony, pro Maga droll, In Brooklys, wu destroyed
hy Me thia moralogo Miss. Saunas Wilson, a
duelhlor albs faniturotimpod from the fifth story
to the rem!, sod woo mound, killed. Mins
Anna itahier was taken out of the buildieg In as
Istentible Ovulates, sad her recovery Is doubttul.
NSW VOSiti Match it0.....T.4 U. 8. steamer Mo.,
hawk, th e lidre'ship iiiipply,Ml the steams, Km.
Vol:Litt= Va l i: tot(' the
el .try The
a g l O s if i t i f.
Went for tr!krisporksolico. 4'
.W 461 1 114. ToSt Martitt IS.—The Cabinet WI
another Montag this nornlng et which Genre!
Scott war ornent . _ Tihi strengthens the minima
that they were le conatiltation on military affaim.
I s
.1. 11. Wheeler, Crier to Nicaragua, bar
Mtn mined from th ' coition of document clerk
in th e 'Merin Drpart nt.
Accounts limn Chit ton ny that am Pickens
and (lart.i Beauregardt! are decided on erecting
fortincatitme at &ono ;thud, and it all the thlem
leading to that hirbon.s.
Col. Forney, in command of the Pensacola Navy
Yard, informed the Onunaoder of the United
States steamer Stook! ,on the Bth, that he could
get no MOTO water or al at that Station.
. .
Blowseouser, bill Imo been
introduced In Cougreid to estebligh en Admiralty
00111 i In Mlllsitsipp I ; the Aide* to Mid, at Vicks
News kayo bone received here, from an appar
ently reliable source, that five war ramie lath New
York mi Tneaday night, well armed, and With a
large slumber el matinee and ample provisious.
They are: b olieve4 to be destined for soma southern
80311 March lb.—Charles E. Braes and
Ephraim, Evans, recently arrested hem en •
charge cobessling Penneylrma' Eta Erma tick
in, hero been honorably discharged, the Grand
Jury falling to nod a true bill against them.
Annum . a, fastelt 14 :—Vica 'Prelideat sp
•haos passed tbrotigh. this city on hie way to
:mania). Ho will received with a military @slate.
Louisyttst, Mueh• 15,—River failing slowly,
with 9 that loch whtir th the cane. Weather
chart m•reary 44°.
_ - _
Smith Plltitabsursh Election.
A citizens" ticket'—petil.dy Republicans, we.
eleetettilo this borough yeeletcley. The following
nti/iiiai. •
12401. COI
01.01 1 :4 1 .
Almilkiktati;i"iy• 1391 AO* emightoo...--
N. El Bart
ItranD222o ► j0ar5.....,..121pawn ft. linty; 86
3.22 a Weedy •yam.. 061.1.2 tlrom 3 42
J0b1' e, 7$
2.42111rimma2.• 1 3't 11.2012c2, 1 y'r 87
.11.1 1 rirt[e.Oas.
Km 6..6h6rrvr01 , 1
pry roVen_—.—...
• i &mad DS
Jl763llcs' irs.arnom.
.133rtipm, ......
rtc s or Oxen
.....4..-1411/. a.
P. 6. 01. ' 1 •
II IP. Csua4l3.•
• • 1:01130 e
II ear it—Olt th e otentenen et fttcley,the Utts et Muth,
ofdhorl% IN ILLta It L I.SVISNCIS .I..ern , • 0 . 01
Mertes B. mid Muth , . VI rtP, metth, eget wiiht yells.
Maim, tom the teddents el hie weals, at 3 dclotit
Important to Families
- ,
Save lime,: Ternble, and Expanse.
Os* pound eirial to to ponds
rm..w& tt W 1.4004
i'enn'a. Salt l llanctiaot'g. Co.
And 1.7 au De&ir&& & Oroacre totl&Vnlis& &OM&
k4lls9ll3;fd., , liliiiß;fLTril
1011. till
Promotion,and Protection or Trade.
Over 1140,000 Onstrieee Moms Roper Midi
Iliebreetsei roar Qty, trews sal Village q thelted
.Stare,(lsosure,ser ether MILO Pooeeders bar*.
R. a: riun it co.; Proprietors.
Orsm er Weer err rtpli IliTYl4li, /Mtn.'" ft.
Otelabit id !few Tort. inee.lSO—rtiOder.,l/reO.ISE3
NEW TOtt lairD o °.
MiZtol Ars fieo 1111 ° In gli ro a to.:...-1 1 0 Dual 11o!
oblo -SG DoOlOo Now Otistos.-11 OD= I Oil
Zrb:L=rtillb =re 7:-.lo l Anlta l '
_..61.01)50 Oo AL 0 Doo tlOO
U0k0t0............11 6 Dot OD Noitivilto...-..U0 Doc 400,
ailittloto Motu
ltamil • tki 11461011i0“ Urrotl t
rotas* Oakes.
...... Into •-an Dna ill
looloo,lag—So too ICo "
itftrozoo WM** mellow of &not pOoto4
Ittntistot to ottos. Pato 161 0 0 CO.. 04 4
051WOl000proonpUtattoodtd lb to ill patio( tbo U
F 41144 sod British Patootoloos, sod 1t0r0t ib c......;
of 160 Unto la Motion% In whom °Soo to
Meant •
leettofiof Istrotottloe Low* of b h otastlog one
fotootlibUlty to story wit 011 Ot sue : trtlittvito}
Smolt faro
soboodboto aut ppllcauso at thy
C.D.ffl *Hob sa, of Um tam Domed atm. tottatO
DO TOD WANT 101131.12141
BitLfzictitera , s
Tor;theMblakers and II
-Rhetatotodint Ploairo soltoOOttOd tO Us,
II sOf dot .tloltol htttsy [tat Ott, obtaldlottho.
Apooy forj &ad on tow soablod to odes to th.o. Atoodsatt
toddlo.tho *Woo Platt. °#!fl t f d wPt i4 " st.w ," l
• nut STIMULATING ortortgivr
Is prporsis 51 D 5 P. BIUMIIIIMCSIISZ6OI4 pkidshe
alprace, p,firtmatild to Ml ea t
la (rows IhrOsi.4T hu 'Was la esti oil.oWii
ttss kind lewd by.tta !nowt". sod to Loudon arid Parbl it Is
U las te•SUMI; Kpp om l ial ,ilOotido&lN
cosapasatf,actlag as If by mwol era roof; assolaa
besatttal porta of lasartaws WV. soaked totbsaasly,
l •
tsdll.wara Waal& and taw to *Wag vip lw plies de sin
ball owls • em growth of am balr.. *palm am~ ,
dlrocitoriri It will two rid or tory All, dart. ma mars
pm kW , fa hi Matta coke, kisitait sort, =Mb sad
araibto. Sas wOssorwe ., ft au - 1 satopossawle artlrla
Orrarygostleasies BS:.
_allot ow inwslOr ,; *yr
mad sot est wiry masemkum bg Withala tt."
tto sabwarlblaWar• itokoaly Agate for th e article to the
Untied lastokfojaboat all odors anal be adi tv l a V!
Prix Owe - Dmar • Ws by alk
ISsaloral or ohm theAkirtrit, OFIMUSONO
&Wad .0511) slit bi nal fa 010 st* - doixs Ili by, mud
(thaws') instil 114 0 4 00 roc,IP 4 of Fke one lo,W!.11 ,
41 • 11. Jiyylyfo' 110:191orr" - 4 . • -,...
, - .7311quichote
- • IA Wllnalet esnst, Ifew_Yari.
.3.l=l,Antouso,corelts algid* tenet tad it;
1Q01.16 .131111101;=.10 ,Wsstreiatsts
iiitertnisrorkPint.ts-'.. Deu
ttTkq%Bitirreskhgrc. •
• MM . rig IITTS&00 , .
- ...1241a10 ,111 r.: say übertrattest.
til Elll,/,‘ •
in. SIP
jr 6 *-04 1 1.9fkiii:-
WM IC& abialite
- 5 0 1 14 .1 4!4* ,,
mai,waeitid'eor rl. :,,e-:
fWG — 4)aal"Vill'Atire o=6,
‘iit•Aioraut , tJ eahts - umwrrh
V "
• o o.llfAf' ERCIAL RECORD.
Col4lllTrill UT LI♦BITIULt7.OI/ /OS 11•11011 MID
Wu, iliquicaT. V. P.
D. CAI/ , Twat Mum,
n. pus 0,. P. 11. micturmr,
. As. Vsum. •
PATTSUVIIGII isisizscaire.
112parfeel especially for !Ai rittibwrgli Quetta-1
• l'rfrommod. Mott. dm* 16, 1861.
gebtrigi atukt t twouto• gait end doll. w4lO
ao 00.
or uoportmil baton to owlet !be tranualcee
booSibb• gilts limited. while rates b••• waterloos ort tow
taut ctismil.
11.0U8-tewatlooes laugold sod hat oddbutrd•
Oaks wavil
dupe. : gam I to. two. 1 O.M
WOW. 1r,!.06 250 5 86 --
Mt • rt-.W wea • 0106 75
3tl do be Iv 40 b stab bp
•150 'IWO% • 76
676 000
63 w da 'A
GELOONEUIS-tate• -aerbaapd .with • far ugaws.
gale of 60,1410 at 6 3 ,147 r. 16 do do at Tc,Wad bbl• rook*
ta Wawa door with • fdi ragout. We 0110 bbli
at 360411166e7 Itg do do St 2043271(r. 12 do . do al 3755 e.
Ooffoo ondboompa. Bide at 230 bap at 166116141 23400
it i t t 34154gg1c; 2 do do st Ako-tislo o ft flu=
Off k Co doom doll. solo from 0 1
5/0/ 60 biesh at
11 1
d t fTtlit: 'l. o:l f l i l t s4itt fr e:t ° 6ll l"lll664. ' °a : A
1" 0 - 13tt it. If t 11006-Ibutat catwous la %ludo:no '
Witb samplit ale of 6-M4O mime' Roll et 1342
hble do 14 laud dodo Wt 1214111.24.6 dodo at 124515 a-th•
!attar Igen kb cboloa tuts ham twitted 141510 "Ott;
wlo ol 6 bole *1100;10 de do at 1010 h do do 51 Mr
Dtoo/1-42 1 1 bat twanged; 'aloof 9.000 fb. &outdo*
101,1hiAlf,f,t0 MIMS is /0140, 41.0 60 80150
iiiittittfte condom doll; solo fpm !Italia of fidbrwb
plate elgttg ss 18 hi s.o7oorolfwel bad OM.* h. , *
iforewrod; ego of 140 butt to offiTe, $ 7
111111artaagat, eat. of 10 ball bbl• So 4 llowksral
PAO; St dodo Wblbellsb *at $1,76.,
rornots—sate of 203 boob Ittebatmocit at 1&i 60
do do atll63lot-botb from atom •
DBISO PlltOfitt-be f•lr demand: we of 20 hub kilo
drlol alr76, and 93 do iros 4114 at 5.1.33.
Off r old-omptomod; sal* of 160 hu it et 100.
nnrNt-Itale of 6 blot, Purist it
APPlillt-In goad dome ;solo el 20 btls a• bbl.
. _
II MI SITATAT moo cureskaus/th.
Now . tuutre Muter, Much 12'-hoar hi good :demand
sod di • harlot loot et 16.07@6,40 for napalm. • Prot:*
W. Pate to better demand, and prks•tult•oclue.
Wee o 4,300 Oat 114 • Lisa elesay dad la fan dessod
.t 11%idlOifs Ica pnaa In tierces awl kap. Baum dab
nd p s ernotang. !hoarder. twilit, at 7%oana Ufa at
1 0 /4.• 1 0701 IIIP 4•11.110001 any damn to riots BOLO
onto. AI and Ole demand her at Week to frilly far do
choke.' Mohasco to god denwad we Sc. blew grade hw
Garen ' to Sea for chat. / then oralstagol and the CIO
moodwood at 110 tor pow Rio..
Urfa slaw, Haab 11-The pored =rheas lc-ley
tetra gala and rather dull. There wa. • Onto toaatry go
Oloor.lhat molly at 10@160 below the Woo weed, and
the mated oes Inure,. and bray, wltn berthed maw at
$1,1400 40 to amalata to very dab gerlog earn., and
$110(01,001hr fair to good toper: To. demand laretbeat
ens Iree•ctlys. and ander Ilbtast receipts the =abet ara •
&mired sad boyan bad the ailieutego-Prin't h"vkqr 4o.
eller:NOW 1 bagel, with light Irsotacrons st /WOO
for old mei pal No 2,160 tar new receipt. arc and TOW' 0%0
Or oetr rewipts No t. Opting. Corn We. Ara doll woe •
dude twer-Weld inallog at glo toile, and IT%02!0 Si,
•••-alanag h.G.T. Oats dolt. Ity. 46. 1. tract. kali , /
enteo Tb• maks% for Tlneotbylbod saw • .bode want to
aey sal the tales were homy et 12.6002.7166 for ammo
to per Oa. There Ilia a Nader &wend tor Carretsted, polo
dpell on nolia• 'mount, cod about ill ache.. were
wald • dtd140,213 as ta quallrY. Ttopre are hope" of Ms•
wed it SIOI,IO, but the apply le Very Itlbl. 1
rmiwal wow uqui.toma 1b...1x 4..... 1 5 00
eepo Tb
rtel it • mall la at tattotry poked WWI Pale at
glo;bl3f. Uwe In tome betel?, to Balk Thaw on booth.
era *valet. but the suck 1. now very mach named end
tbantiertet Is tooxworgy gala. ' Lard It oegletted and rcr
Alley, vomitiet.
~ i
Cialbaoo Mona MAWS. Lamb 13-Stto cheesy manta
Is wi boot marottal chaste 1 Bottum pawls etilldectdob
iy..• no; tot too moth to eate97 lb. 0 1T 00 . 10 ' 4. 1 ... d.
el Ole beaker*. We hear or' • very tittle wore arcing MO
the eturontla as small Met It metes imo tepreWloo eyott
the 4oerkee.
Xubenp le doll.. blerchioti di not like to bayou • dol
alaveg market when the mho are ea economy Mgt, 1W
tboy#r" qn , t•Wllltag to alkto2Or II 111 coat • week, 11 they
Callc they•baretore pot or pardnetng as hag se tote•
Ks 'The natal.' rata '1.'1411 I IL tea; bat we doubt
t. w mach (1 soy wee old. stays 1131. Cumtautare o*
rased lota otaatoott antorelone of % below that; The bar
ms dare yam 11134 4 d *oat.: Very teary piarlanor would
Dot barstools ands awe at the lower egore. Th e hapreth
winfl. estop* atreogto that It SW go each lawn throe*
tkowTa Ware Meld at Sprtl.
Bold awaited, harlot; pram 6%4111 wino; T * an L
-11 alataaul
. Brea eyrie a Lorszuou..—Mt.P' A. Chi6caonlet T a
goo mtat fhb yeses genial.. Gape etc.',
per. a wlthollarneer yew'. winuete* avect.“ , to r
bonh.. mi - ...t.... title youiaof 1410 S WI , 1 203 A '
000 4.-) agebept 'ai,lllo Mara la 11.$0, or oily eta bads all.
tereot treat teat rum. Lb* production of Emblem he ebb
eettbate• • Ms. tenter thou lad yaw, asthma:lag It et 10
Italian. to the 2,000 Lis of toast; the product of lbat talk.
41455 ellons n 010.% TTA0.10 0 11. 110 .• Wt. •
Imparts by Kiser. • I
lIKELING-eder • C blob W )114110.51 , 12;
12*,b do. W P Wootrldge; 11 *a do, Wdoot * lereel;l6l
Mt, romtb • be , ;1 do Broeowellie hoitibi empty
Lb , Joe • /Neer; ll.bts ea . % 10 Ostrom; Ido hope, tio•
-Sete! •ejer;,2, bleb,* pa boa. U bideeel* 076 One pee.
pai„ M Ideetikes6; p do lON. JR lie*Sime: SOO 001 ay
Oka W Ida ego, 6 do dolga. Thas bcOlettesd , 26
6,l.pplea, Jobe Omen. [ 01.1.1 is eILP. 116,06 & C.e.l
nate abed, W I ore 1 661 cedar, Jos YorrlotteE
tl map 1011. Opens • co; 67 it. pastas., 10 b.,ls teekete,
o ;me oo tem..
Imports by 16811 road. V
l'ocr , sodas ass eisrumrs. 4 11—aunt* 12 —dad. less
gess aro,d • oo; IS cis pods, 1141144.01, Paws A sr. 226
tots 2 so , . • W Rabic 1 csr Iron ors. 1241.12.44. Isim A
ca,. 112 stoscalroo.l6 tobcr bogs. 48 WI. weep Ind. 112
mos do, A mut 2141 W
stops Cody • bros 4 rtotdcons. CAstko to Irmo: 133
.41.1111001,0 W rco til/ doctors, 0 do rakirs.l WNW;
4 tolls aom, U.S? Molds*: odo 44 11.1111. 1 0 4 .7.
tat 2 41.14 sip, tomb t Iklatoildroal 0 1402961.44 Jr A
donor,* do 40.3 Weston 1 41.1 bib. Atwell, up* lax 16
kll dread
dl 57•111.111.40Ad'ir.L'417. I t =b ol 41 ' 4
csuts, W 1161.111.
yirbsoos, Yr. Worn 4 Caw old 11. 11.i—Idirri
sass adeoahlsrs 1 It stood U LANK 1 dir odors. 1
9 *55
.I. 6 IVIVIT : VwI. I . 9 =
00 zeta, A 114a4714 a,
*4441 a° boars. 16010 rigs, 3 do WWI', 2 ao d2PII O .
01414 4 sic, Jabb dry spplos, 11cDoosil • Arboolid
toos bus ors, ifoorsbesdt 10 bid bid. lens* 11
bosnoti; 1 pis trots, A U 10411.1.; 11 6.114 Papa, Jois.
r oslor. 3t.:41,511. s. tv c24..31
541 2124
' ltt: rasp foryti • tos4 • bid. noutwwd.
3 ' 3;nd. 3.0.8 1 40d500.0 3 41. pser.b3d3 126
Orodi: 1 141111crstor. I.2sbue 11214prator co: 1113 bib
boar. Id 11.8.1146:w. 40 de do. • ' Wallops 6010 do. arslisol
• /bows.; bOdo co. ati Data 100 do dod I Ll•geb a
as UT do do, Jos Ideally 00. •
.101V10111. Xi WS.
Shs Oman, yoffordzy woo Ow. warm sod pinatal and
• pushily sottiod. Tbo tint nibs: otwapiaadis comma.
tat to stood oolinnoloy wapitis. tad lan *Win WI nap
lot gone wet about 10.1eato—Sbora iwa mad ten • alarm •
snivel Woad a,. twain pockets awn on to.. Ito
0.000 from Wboollia onion with Sal tonna don-.*.
IT& .1. Dan tor Unapt& awl W Sway bit M. Look
'oontitoto tW debootatia.. Tiro Win WO a fadaadWl trip,
halos loaded to the goof& with Venlig, and hod wpm&
at lao tostostra---Tbs bialoao Owt. Tom Town. I
• toohoi Long aad linkot. sad topic& to Man
nowt tin and al an oast ua api.W.
awash Y rowdy to reams for too Illawowl
anit&-,-Tho Clarks. of footerdor.oan
Von of On fiat of twol . r. from littWardb. bate or
find with twin tumid tool snag tin Int Watatoo,
T. to tlanow. Woo &Inn Orono. Tpa Pito& &ado*
•Jon wino tin Wow Wolk.. sod to 1(01 Wataaa to Ow
• wad far flow thwaaoar ratan Imam boo Pad to thaw
twooo..ildpourato of taunt. fifth tin brood clltaafaa
Et: taa , to the 110.121. WWI vats 116611
Tto throats. lb* 1611 imam of." 171108%
sa iwnallil=itl d .VlNCrirwriro t A rairrtortsgoortag
at tat ri
.. .t e at. • Lit:Z s =
boo banal:nat. It woo 6 anent to J:4l. BOOM to..
fan& to het Othatia.
lainvino—'Tin Mot% for blows Orionis, wawa doom °
latatata.W. sup the tallOoltit bon bleadarl atahlibWid
Tha atiolata of bones dubs So aatl 164. MAW
166:1111.006.1".166,611101366. tb• altintwata duly tto
non won sit Maw. t.
• , 111114.. '
To Pew Casein tHa
at. ton&
To Amhara bolo% altaloaton 01
Total ,
Traxonitrivio laginiarrs.
Nior Toss,llatoti 15 —alba bon Woe 1000 Was at
11% Ykrat Snot ado 14600 btu; ebb $ 4
Tams olio Ohio $5455155 it; Soatbato 3505 05...11baat
arm .i.. la,COo boa :at Si UM II ta uslame sada&
st get 15 r. 1114ini0ltaa abb. 65 is rblts Razdocil.
•I 541151 tot rat rattans sad St 4511150 is wats inst•
ore. darn staid,: albs AA* Nub; old pillow ow.
lathe bootbara 5415. oar es. sad Bcathers yam.
at 50A. Mot basil at RS 1515 *arm sal SU RI
ar palm.. Wbldr Arai at II .11* , •
~c gadonrah, March noobassad sad !star dr
mud at 114 115.1 tor supstasaf theta pad Omani
for rd.. !wait Stmt Raba 111 1 1115diT best. bid Is
1/I.4lsbittow,ls46lll:llo.l4suittuZi lau.rttort Y. dossizitOrizi.
to mks so otairdas rest to Abet alter maul sodas
of Moan st T, Wet% Salk Mast at 11,113i(0% sod of
Lad ' Taus lasso:4 dewed for sow: win of
MOS& as 63‘01)4. Waive bad inns ge
lOadlss Soma tanning; WI WS* YNM lUD
Odra arab at BOIL• . - .
Taa.mowty loastmatts sostistvd,
Roar quiet' Was atipMloest
ssosl4Virl4 4 Cor 3.13 la was OdalbSS 211
Get. roe gusty. Lttbeas tii'dassad 53 001.11 Or red
sad SI 11501 ID Ex rare. Offs Stra ado OM briwar
oidlur. st YB5l. sod old al 1451101." NOS Poet bald OPT.
Duos stud, iiilbalifar Rasa; MOO) IRA 530114assod 10
451 is Iboaldits. Rio Oahe .all. at Mena legasyta
5t1534,50 11ma. 51Fhlally4a11•5 1410/1* , .
. ,
' Ittibieds..slsrob 111. 4 / l oor <tall Sad Imam Ohio and
.flosard st $512)40ty stllls SI. 1 40 1 11 Wil_lol
Dirt *btu SI ROI dd.. Co.. starly stemma to EU
ad, sad 14041 tar. Pro4*te Cal sat saeltusid.
111i00001 615 5 ani** lB 3 4 ' l n*/ 01•41 " 17 fe ,
Do soy win A urreAce;
Magnin -Weakly Paoliat •
for Wheeling, iMarietta, Paikeretturg; Pmie
soy,- Point Pleasant, Gallisiolia, - 07andiate,
Cailetaburgli; Ironton ' and Portmiontn. •
'VILE new slid elet stognierAff e k
saws Limoges. J...trotOti Itturoll
*VI late Ptuotottlb nun WAIDIZADI
st 10 dolock,Of Pottootoott and *II luttomodlotottaidogo.
tiotanittot, liot• MMus* b loc PUSDOOSIO .
11111/kT at IS molt
to. Ita tote tvt_Poologo OPPIT
bard, or to molt OA . AIM
SO WAR 21IdEOUlt1.41VSEWpit
iL :Amman. -rmarnror Loma
too,ll,llnatbladePeamoNlWww, laiwnions. sow%
ISt. 3.epb, Ica AI liitonsedlit• laillsp- 4e. *ismer
.I.W. IlkialfiliEVOlptiln W. W. Kat* on MOM%
tle NW ballots. P. ci r mi r
mffl".l. .litil:16.111E11163 4 CO; iffa? •
amuses. UNA Ci1tA1LM0444.143514 4 /141011_k 444 ' .
tee Os abm, wittelf latirmUste. part% way
!it 4 4.41.5.yar 1 , }41,1;41 cif parese owls 041_baseAtor to ,
.444-. • .1. -,--I"CLUM'WSW"I6I''
HIORUK:—The steamer
... At l i
MADILL OW. , T. , 1 - 64.11
abo. 111.11311 DAT. inmuckfi 4i' F
Y .
• WI • A.004/11 8011 !
• to sa.
- wroxsaa
SUfillBl6l3-1 tack Petal; -=
ft doat Y DAT EUDII I,
23 do 15AT11323/.
To Knits w ateemti NfriflOttayltr W 27 ' -
=us -A 3 LIMAS mato art 3.
vassa BUTTERr Ati 0 ZU9S= _ •
J. 7 bbl. Woe o totl Istter. 4 title Tokrat soli!.
&lob son maw ? 1Q ktis, 12 snit
To ~ibtWh7
„ a bly , . -• • NEDDLI.IM tat,
ERRING--1 00 bosom: g;;.
Jou tufd ite Nab
ca 1111
bi t . iraccal%k
intal OW.= vil. .01milui
T*4llol FLUII-4 50 bf-bbis. White risk
soentotairt 16 ,0bRabb,.!batail
1111*.01 SetkiP!Chka tir 2NT
rIAWBABOO,. Ouri• 42 14 1. ; - ' os omt
• ' al. ' . "" -i " I Iift:CLUMUILD co.
Vermin Exterminatorsi ABUP----
Ai, A.;.,
'ONLT INULLIDLE amain's ormiwN:
Malvin Instantly'
671 RY FORM AND 81.80(S.4 OP !!
Thum propsratlose (mars all uthas) es%
Nut dangerous to the hamaio ramlly."
Bats vomit oat of War huts' to ate..
Tan-Tuas end mort eyt.abll.layd to New Ycrt City
Used By—ibe City Poet OEtios
Used by- 7 .1.04 City Friona and Station liTisee.
Used by—City Stesaeeri, Slaps, .to
Used by—Welty Hospitals, Alms ii011114,&0
Used by—the City Hotels -- "Astor," "St
Used 6y--the Boarding Mouses, &o. do
Ovid ay—more them 60,000 Prlyste FaMillet.
Air Eu who/ tie PlOll4ll. Pltif etad 1143144.1 eoy
FIEIRY -11. COST 11.11"—A11 tns sarnmre:)l two
ban trogirri .h rrpr
s loseker sara Kim Irmo .irelvArli
p=l t lioroirikr t tetrisstoe lwCMe Lfill a t Is
owe work thaw wan oot Each or Km. in tar tram.
Joss IL litwresi No. 50 llm prat
HOUSgalettPliKtli—trontind"with ennaing,'neett be
go srs lonagn zbay oge "Oonnante . altOtawaVg .— W•
hely alga ts to est iongfaz ail it • toz tont - SO. ern
would nave It. We U. 2 use ct d +o pcdarna.but teen rand no.
t bet oostgalgartigls knoetztta broth oas of sat.,
Wen and nedbegg. quieter Wave eat onto r.ll. Is
Von eagnind al, over Vas egantl7.—iottad tO ) Own .In
=RE °Rum am Drovlslites are eartebrely
b besot webt. by bre. tbs. lime 4 Hens sour of Ws
stand lomat Islbb—lebeletse. OS 0
• -1 •
TI WHIT ix. GOITAII—Yout tufty/abater Ls Is.
csiv•S. Ibid. sod Tobobsobl abbot boars ;Ws used
• bra of It, semi tb• eau)* gab mitt Les •rocui4:bur ptie•
Milos 11•1" Mit ObbYina Wadi - urldmal.
Lbws tbs.a• f, a AO ••• Wive US beta bsart la reh..
gillar...aigreirr (DM Una. A ‘ i
aorfir. B E szursistk,T.lxtiiisolnatat
be td Lan Towhees as. basil Rabb dkt wiry Vuub
-4 tab 501 Wm. tt eo Gab • eisebs tassamee..t
aaa si a Boss, Dbgessi 0 a. 0.
iiVE ARE INELLING—Toar jr..le&/&127.0117.-
97barnar Iburhairs Nat& Z&&31. 6 . nata
Terns& Cunt& .
!MTh & sittorrsa.Druitql, Sow Atm*, lid.
Durroy —Usti, Bose
Destroy—Sties, Motu,
To Destroy—Bed Bop
To Dostroy---Sabo. FlooO, AOC "r
To Des.roy—.—tdooquitoeo
To Daddy--Toscoat oa Piaata sea toils
ro Dopy—tosiow CI :Animate, .k.4..5.0.
To Destroy—Every form and epodes of
"Costar's" Hat, Roach, &?.Extirminator
Coatagta" Eled-bus Eitlrmindtor
dostat'a" Electric Powder fcrr /atecti
L. 13, 54.,. 41.5. loin. 1141714 ,
p LLD ss wag its Tirstanon..
tann,Boar:Mitsui&le; • .
'Cr &old Erairwheri4-4.
au Winsuix lade
111111. Dstioattry4, -
Ootstrr ralsiu sal prim
Wholesal• spits in Now 'Work Ca
. .
. .
1114141Ealta &Mims it Ca, , nan• 2.40., & Bautaa;
N. a. sakarteelt. man•• (*. B.A. - -*awe. aoaaaaa..-.
a. v. •p. ma die. . * .40. Okra a Oa, ..
Whit& & Sul. 4 ' •• &Alia' 4 rattles, -
eirrrl. l " . "' — ' -' licattAaW„#a c .” l 7,
mu w e r t z4*.••,. ~: e zr a tt_
~... I. :
`Ptinatilpbta ,-1 * r
Liremci arnmbawaorn
1301402. 21.5& -
OWN 4;:k sroiaa
All the plintrip,l Ind Town
tatted Statist
, sr .1
B. L. FalinesthOk Sr, , Co
Principal Wholabale an Be
AM by INCroga4 C*3l,
areosnitlaultici 7 eNtoi 6ol.s " ,r- •
OrsatWo or4;n4N r
Fur , Fut Ditos, Ka fat ILI (.ki!!.7:figep994l? 10%*
"1"411.0-• •
PORE .13.0L.Lata•rip
Imported WA bottled by himself, warraebd pai. awl lb.
barn villty, with bs eal le eortlfeate
rt tbi barb, end
,bls ee Om o:
Impetbd and bottled by Wove% rut up 6aeiaedtlnal mu •
with hi. cannote au the bomb% warraated run
Kea of the beet quality.
• ' • -- -
Imported sou bottled 1,4 tibiae), the Am as Poi Who.
;" WINE,
hurtled end bottled b y Waived for pelage iddleisdbilell
sus, tea bans elm glue eaten/ to the tads to bob
ties, Tali Woe is warranted verhelly pars,
AU the &bora imparted sad Doted by hilluadifiarddlutitad
• ' pate had tithe best qasAy.
• ; TO 1111111BLIO. ,
.1 slit axiom, ousiatloo aa • ma, sty u •
serCbaat bi thirty lean realdoss• thimay - cilThirtrek,
that sista, pledge sod taoldry OutlL sa7 d,e7 lebM,
•441 m 7 mratiate, U corns anti as WI Mid Rpm bl
nary portbster.., ' -
Pbodeuta lobo an Wiest sod Uccle IS MIS prectloi.
&hula dee tbi outerano• to tbas• utkies.
l'oe,iale by all sur•otabbo Droltlttotosid / 1 0 012102
11;MOLI.110 WOOL
, fola tunufuturO• end lbpertaiotlLa OdsSuilazo arcaistie
Schpapps. •
• • 1140 autt SS Bann 5112.147;r4t.
for •• • !D5.611110. U.
otegteado 1a0.1.40 Wood RIMS
etas L{, ta • al, 'WOO WARW..
I'lo. 95101,01 Street:
-084# rzszn JA 18'66. .
also on Wednesday and Satoriey ensentiestront lW
Eat to Noembd iret, trona' T to 9 ecissin Ind froth Wa
timber dldooMq Lr.t, Rotad to teeter!.
,ranee or sU these net lass Lb= one DOW,
and • dl Wand of the podia dadesst Moe •
Jaw awl December. Intoned bee both itenlaredeemist•
In Jane and Deestolarrs einem the rank 'nth with.
100,_et the sato ors= per mita year.
Interesit, Unit drain unt,ispiesed to the credit of tlie de
r-Atha. ea prizethel,ai Donates assitriseedittmtbettert
Gaye of June wedjassether,coinsoisidias twicesyser
ens tronblisse the depositor thrall or .ten toVitit 2 11 / 4
gas bock. at tete rate, mow, el* doable Is Wale
ream =Wag In the se arefinto ladd4 llol W 2 siS 2 l- n °in
Both. =Abitibi thoi Mirth!, Brieve, lab, and itherd•
ieVoas thrashed pals vialowas siss ales;
reB'al:o-OMM sLEUS.
nol ru --
Walls= J. AtEaltra .
Denim:Ma Laabissidoedt.
atop:wen SeWisina
Jesse Hardman. , I
'soul D. Medley
Alexander Bradley, .'
JeAlx,* 11.1 , 0 2 %
.p OA k;
Jolla B. 0nn.8.14, •
Aloof.) A. Wrier,
Walt= D.aVas.
' 3,nbit 'Eut+4:
Joh. Koko.
%%Cam B. Cavan,
P..r. - EL 1143 ates,
Witibua 8. L 0 .3 v.
Iteiall.v.t . •
LA wit, eurzatoa 1111 ILL
T N vionne,
aruner.s . , and BOLT oornm, fl 1D clop.
esn' Garrott, wed WI Hatton', 13paltntnallint,ta.
int; Itarcrtarr and Nolan LLISTALS, TIN PLATiI
4 .7= MON, W INS, za'', qbastantly an to ream
ulna.* and Teak.
Wardloille, No. 114 roil 3 no.
ysryeclslunLn orativot eat to itni &end PoSWIR:
,ojz:tta!lsi' • i "
micas' 1604411 mm attroffitia
Don't fail to pmditro
tat forCatloirsa T* . alat. It tals taolualoutit4 l6.
D greatly factlltatta prams? of tai Molted* 0
Don, *Wu aU Inflitmattantll allay psta.asi
Ittri• rlNiatata the boe.L.
,Depatal spout' settallut
"HI give raatto toursatimtosid asalbaaltli to Tait
Dent& reliectly sib In &Ileum
ratmlaibla prryfFattaa ttur PrattePtlea
aW at Oa 01,
maiteipatincel and skated Gm & Pblddmala JIM
lagland,amat bat Dian iota, with alwriztaLUNg ammo= tit
teflltana ot maw
We tram tt Ow bort sad .n.kmoody fro. wand, Ls
sarsoor OrDpsairry and Dbuttors "
error trala restraLos or Loom sip arbor Mao. .
WM sad hultll en be ai:misted dathus Oarlossrojli
Is Stith Its estgbils pi& • •
WO= or barrio ere Kid sway you fa tbs
Storm Is le ea aid sal w 511421 133
• 11110 1 Oril4 IL OUTS • . _ .
joimiltado gossisoWso rho fooderdleatCOZSD
IMO, Stow Tort. ties the =giro - "
Sold by Dressiststatossboor the world.
ADB.O H. Slielp,agil!!•kr
7 771nstu . opt:YereCirtgrnal"Aare . "7" 132 ere'bilikiitati‘Dad:W:tijaaa'lliiiton1421 7
trinwnrv,4l.llll),""lol66a suatcrwamaildiNlLDyedl;o#7.. .o.
i.ortilbi ma clime trews. or Meth *thief' se Ith,leittlap
ted4 tO MOS!! Wale ' '_: - -'
IrUMN illmiali OD Diniawl tone tad Ma
0 to Wm..l. lOU* dace nth, end thee th,ooo ethUen•
Oath ththbeet!ethth to to. Uth *We methane! amts
'it W. A. aixenlewillilliptilecdsm s odor int
to be Othgeithed than meth% ithilleithaths th GOO
bdthe thweithechajiner bag tivuo be thiththildelleiths
Makes et Bth I:o7:llithpalth to. Hai tithisthea Ith
KO o ilGks o r
OP the le "distil othl9 the rifle
5i 4311 nro c s i b tth ray th a l e t w o Yeros ofthl tha w.
Ur th •
e '
N• thth
psalm hoe the mop sad stithethiepth II sloil
Pigi, ethmtng thi Ibart=imbef .,; _ ,
jAlidihnef :' ! It 3. lien
- - -••• • .., .
=wino. Tba=savuoilVd. 4l :lFrkriiiikr
MU LI diokrit-Aio tuninviktridett=v dritaaps
a tile boa ; bawl tnis b lb* aft ditabitriamOnen
lbw tblage- --
uvtrunee lima A . l an Tett.
. 141te au '
,t_ -• • ia& Irrnillintralani, •
'ItO.6TU3ZZT UMW. Trrnaminilla• - te.
c jteo z =tai t
a t* I 1 t - Ss Pla !Or e
kult apap , isPnni Caltra.)lre.
Jell elm belleirth 11141ftre311
tzbecisp mg; d• item. .11 . 44 0.09 .2
'• -' - I iturautainini-4-- !!":
AND BOAT akllllllV- - '
.o=er of Water phreeliandatt
JOIN',. ..v•J
te air Itsatiliiro
litdtti ,Windea. .4044
Maw arms ode ifkintarei4 f•-
Wood spa 112:14)
arad anal of ore raPonoralo7o
20114 LATML•3II ,I
Na 44 St. glair • We"
O tt ,
4 - • "••••'
Pittsburgh - z tea'l' arks ,-
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