The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, March 14, 1861, Image 4

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The Irbr^t ;Se sr r• nriloy -rnto
i4AIR ;au T
.- rhe u 6 n l4 , rorMMlylWrltOliel hasb. "e o tS ihTkinereases • the not . the
Territories of the United
gitstot to 'every lachiding the previously ex
ur. Ones or Wsehingtoq , liehrethe, Utah
and merrillsti,s ,
Thisfbat of these Territtretee. 00 i 0 rAdO•
lu 4 e 4 ii_SlMPAliptanks . pixt Eastern
bOrrodrites - thri as ' Be
ginning at =int arbare the 102 d degros of
we 4;,1 2 0 tulip Greenwich, croups the
Iritt g t PASO of latitude ; latitude; thew* PQ
a - said par4el to when, it late:seem
the 414 degree of north latitude, thence wort
along Odd Um to the 109th degree of west
longundei.theisce Muth slang said line to the
37th7 dame of mirth latitude, theme east
along* 37th degreSof north latitude, to the
,1 ol bercirming. he Territoryrontains
theta 100,000equant Miles, and at tin time a
pritatinn of some 25,000 persons. The
uesky Moinitains divkle the Territory into 2
puts, westward fmni them flowing a large
pußber rivencbilastary to the Voloreito,
sou eissimardAtharti, equally numerous and .
Inge, tributary to the Arkamius and South
-4 Pork ;Platte avers. It Modes the humus
c`mlning oleo% Tikes Peal, rich in Sold :Sad
other mouth; cut riff by deesrts from the more
qestik Western States, but destined to to the
borno'd admiring civilization, mid to give,
up itii treammil at the ammo= of enlighten-
Nevada is taken from Western Utah and
Wrongs. boundarierrirei ea follows :
at' Atallohit . or intersection of the
tack,divires-of north bake& with the 39th
degree, of - 4100*e ;lostfrom Waelongto'
thencethingustiontb; on the line etch* 116th
degree , westlonsitude, until it intersects the
northern berutdary of the Tiirritoiy of New
fdeXrob tbanor due west to the dividing
tidge:itepuseting the waters if Canon Valley
-.from these that flow into the Padlis thyme
orilitht; dividing ridge northwiudly to the 41st
degeer of lorthlititude, thence due north to
the; itoirtfiern boundary line ortho State of
Opigen;;"thenne due east to the place of begirt"-
rung. I ghat portion of the Territory within
thir,soment Naas of the State of Cebtoude is
little he inCluded within Nevada until the
State - than to the same
by an :act insirroodde with Out the consent of
the - United States. The Territory includes
the ,
,loviisy Queen Valley, the memory of
whoa lowly lingua with .be traveler in his
• jounia r throughisid plains arid over ragged
AuXintitims, wluese wondrous fertility, even
raider the rudest cultivationi-shows what may
ilO expected ,them 'when intelligent industry
has ftektoinit. Great mineral wealth, espe
cially of eilvtor, htirbich it le richer than any
;other part of ilio world, and unlimited capon
br the nielesof agricultural prodeete,will
Aonitbipolit an early day to transform this
• region into aiich and populous State.
' •n *end terms, Doostati lies between lat
-42 des:l3o min. ard 49 rein. north, and long.
90 deg. 30 min. and 103 deg. west. It is
bounded or tbs.troth by !frith& America,
east by Ll* Blabs of linsnesota and lowa,
south and yam bylf ebrulia, Its length from
north =Oh is 450 Wks; its average
breadth is about =Dude& and it has an area
_of 70,000 square mike. It was formerly a
part of the Territory of Minnesota, but was
detached-when that bed/MS a State. The In
diantbelortglatto,the Yankton, Si:4ton and
Saint tram antruunmous, and live chiefly by
therclusek? The - Tenitory includes even,
giseey-telne„,'. :ultras prairies, gnat
no hikes and_; ponds,. and varyrumor
out'vehlakitirivers::The climate of the south
is mild; that'of the nurth - severo, thorn* lees
so Ituustnight be expected foci its high lati
tude. The bind is well timbered and the val
leys ambigbly prodoctive.- Ooal abounds in
some pUts, and other minerals add wealth to
- the sown. ; The sune plentiful, and of
, gra_at +tabu for its fru&
' •
' '7"
Amur is jar. ago !Thos. B Mynah, a dep.
at/ Win& Snot and 'lied, upon slight provo
.'eallett;in'oltir and respeetabkicitizen of Mem.
'10115, 4 *Ethel:Junes L Webb: - The murderer has
bees in pain sinOtt the ocescienee, until
dai,inst,i !ben bewas anointed to tell, having
obtained a eking° 'of venue. lie retuned, to
Memphis on lilatardaj last, and while walking
the striae ,with Some (tie' nols„ wee shot by
Morris Webb, abrotberof deemed, and John
I2Wetib, a ton of the igertiemao killed by
kiyeatk ,Minatt'swotubvit is tbought,l•lll
.prove hist, Thu younger Webb surrendered
While the other wu not arrested.
1, -Peo. 111. Keymer
Wholesale Druggist
Ir '.1.46 '
Mood 13trooti Pittsburgh, Ps
• a
laareki Radical bur, Truss.
Ritter',e Patent Trim.
Belf-Aojustkrg Truro.
Dr: r Rai:Ling', Lace or Body brace, for the
1306 af ProupsalMk ; Aallosatarl sal esdool
E:Fitrall :Blur-Plated Supporter.
Pge Pope, foe the ennsport and onreof Piles.
Eleatic Siockings, for weak and varicose veins.
B ltath .3l -nie Cape, for wea k knee joints
Ankle. SuPparters, for wea k !Lnkle joints.
Sueperourry Bandages.
- - Sr.lf-Sjecting Syringes; also, every kind of
OPringes- '
DI. Kerisaluss also a Toss which will radi
rsallymirtHansia or Rupture.
Anwar. hli Drag Store, Not 140 Wood et.,
alga tithe Golden Mortar.
sywasisupn6oo"lo mud canourantertaars
rad Ms "Xlidenoopata kr DIAPIO4III sod /AUKS Miry
OMNI' 01194thilli itudiaaladroppoit.
• --43 11/O.,ASUO t&ITSBN or ILIOTRO /1103111270
1021513.114 isidlOporporokof vary sapirlof 1010,1011
• taiiiittaraii-up7 ! Yugo, Wismar earrpreof nor.
o niiiitiiseo NI 1:15011111.
I •
DL GAO. U.ll
1: 4 41.7 rt. r
1 51°. Strad• elgt.t=
4 - E
sirAmmaie Con irr Ds. Boaucz.--11
• •• . • .- .• •
• .• anal em lif. thillittrao opt to Dora btr Ara la
•.. • Paraborgl, ll
Dr. Myna, o. 1 a Wood im
• edradraimg prairaft lark Pug Mom. Ope amg
tmJaP ••• the braodraa Labor ore Mural to to badly LW
• lint . - Mbiatrame OM I congtod I mpaccoraral blood
t gad geettor la Amp qwwl. Ida Idtit
.orloll mat* sad •as vyaly
prigerlisil it am Cro • ..mmc Ittare,..Aaarco Starr
• . allmaraodra /tura- .ad mar taluag Mom or moth
,••• , / Moo ea kr nomad pbat I do oar rps 2 nay mom Hood
' .or maw, sad Ormatigh kN at I a. 1 Ile to Ora
DAMP. ortP ,yaitts rbig. O Duo. orlon ar oat
Miaow • Too may 111 goo vita-
Madorrik, MOS , UM. Murat Worm
_Jr.. Waco Me me written, r. Irma kr oratory
momora, raid meadipolorsp, banag reproof Ma local
•,,:ar,4 WI/124 W. Al.u►>rnca,rebitiig on
het Mtltlwf.,lfligi.•i JeD 7, aa raft malty that 1 h..
Iz .oath and pas la the broil
-pigsl 11 )Mort.Dart. g Irna• of Mir WWI
• MOO liMgoldril darn, art doormen ambit. i tried
• bay) ammo I coma Mora, bat Dochlar toot kiglet
Omer I Mktg al I:l4.lair acteackcs •Poteof
an koala' was. portocary ma it bed omd. 1 hap Do
- cosikrao• Ia ti, Ia •prl4 DM, I ark • ram oak ma
compashol with • Orilla torgra,lLScaty reranakm,
ood rip weak .bleb a mamma mo that I way cam
laid b/7 ppm kr Pro IRMA& •' • :
Irma Ow trlimers cried to me rara Kaki tut orty
Met so Dog kayo bad Mom lay • roamed
mailtka di 000riW me maadorabig, mad I mar a, rag
• .radad *a waft ao man N. 07 for dolman urmarry. bar
Mkt Om thalami, Poo ot Mk al nod 0055 b
mg dam 11.13arayW
y Honmir, Lbw
.. Amara mnriki ad to la IMO Dradatakt
1 tat Mama to Wm DrAcboackt edictal • Pia. sad
L imy. mark/ mow. Om parr pArmyd... N. a goal Mask bp
• Pala; kr Ms as Mari worth a Dr. narmalto med.
ova & Mom • /imaormardpy aw. Mal ft taw ma* • mart
I ma • viol orsaoLad I au:Mara wry good
Moil* sad tiger at eratleuao ado.y to Dr. bloom'. MoDarm okra/ bra lon health to 47 , 1. 41,A11.• Pr tor ty marl 11 pram Pam tbo
roam d . Dr. Mbeark`o nwalaaabi• rnrdllds, Map woad
- ram !MOM IM Pal ou btu to MI aria to ills glom I aa
Irto.4ltldks amp panto to Cal MAN .9
slam MO
or to , maktra. •ay pa'sm Vaasa
lasartbe IMP or bore mum cm car a• cm as my pia
ortairMaikal Moran. /MeV., Una this MIAOW
niria=tn i : wtral. Atiogbial rgy. •
lifflW 001511110 CNT OF I'HODUCR--
‘: xl - - Jilt& Roo Pori,
10244 s raid. Sou 84.1••.
F' a4 .ra r" :"' Et''"‘ !
hi boa ea W
Das 150•1 glo .
Mb Am** . m.
"•..".V.X .,. a d• Revel ONA, •
VOA bee hininfßort said brubiza•cli Pam tes
-4••••• to
110.1 R• lydAarHetf ie "cki.
- lb des Marcsa..woria4llo.l.
' ,i-a4k"
•1"-1-"7.T. Q MUM uric:diet
11.,4; N-,59. balm extra. Las 104
ratinseby an sun ir. 031 ind.
ii <i,
- :it
o 4 4.5
* 4
. , .
8 I B Co. , _
AO. 285 LtsEirr-sr EIT.Et JIG iC,I".
VAN 0 FAOTILMERS of all kinds of Cook:
Iv(. Nike awl thmtint -Stow.. NOM% Lath.
PL. 4-tattnain Cgamelol Ono. ItnAut., Fowler., as de.
Thn ratdavtail Wel CkkAing Sun..
~ , A r tory arid
An s a Out" and "Kiroiiiliiime." I
The 'Capitol!! and "Eagle" 000 Rah:gm
slta atr#. TrAnirMl3l l o °DMA BOlialrlaa
mak& Ara mar. as wain!, to m.l. tau city.atal r ltdatily
Mau say *MO HAW. . • • ,
Sti• t yeti; trilimat ~1 1t AMAMIMleal kit!'"
tart caa midi atm athAitp... 'Amu baHdiag P... &am
mu puss* taarlbb In mind
, tlifs4 tat. to .ad twatallal Patton Litava; ; - ; ;
the rery l 44“:leoprototsons tba lam Pialoifiaratt
paw extant,. • t ,
taiga* , #ftb 134 &on, *•PA ;a IDatia irm
alattatLarnadry -Atom, "realm -atste.-',ltamista'nP
BARE , HAM. tumr, HAM ‘IIOItHRS, °Val
0001,11Jbantaisal taken, W. at &Tom, /UM
-* Wisalliodas Cauuntoirs, AMA Faasacaly
lAitiotsrtgiiimho Ma 11114.11ossithai am toot
Jamb 0111004 littaboa Wawa, Tat Iletths, •
Tb. pabiktino:rommettallylatttad :mil ...l 1451111111:14
aar Amman Mack, -
REs it, A to 1., sr. Y .
surnaketurepnar t Tulip ot
" °K . lIARLoa •AND azarinci
etßa•iir. I pßozwre, stiorwasaa.
t ao. ao.
Bole riopriator theeelabrated •
PArimr,olll JOINING 457)111101117019DONM
Way 14,
Wood ertsittluiritaa,PA.,
. 1 152 1 0171111..
D 11. A V lit N. k BCo
iiarrumorunna .
cooli - ,•PAR - k.cift, and XLICULTENG
Warehouse, Federal Street. near
_pieF Bus-
*encamp,- ALLTOOENT . .
w• the eneartea ct doolon 44 OUT Luxe NosaNiuml
CoolliNg and Ocatias Moved, for Irma gal mai. !rah*.
'a • aro nllimigof Uni ions[ prior.. Thor Tilffilla M. CRI
aal eta HID thetr adesatio• to Tito co 'loll sad gaiotoo
me Nock before NorehanioN eft* ham.
1111111 nm Nooor Trouts, boo halthig, lash% golloir
Plain and. - .Edneyarang.Frontin - ,Fenderi, eta!,
' Sada male to cenier. • - I
.1116.110 HAVEN C BON.
V P - St; IP 011 Dux,.
Warahonaira. No. 52 Bt. Clair street.
..Lu:I43a nal , /210 Parts, sad it Kase
sinew, [Wow ste.f Stoma sea elasolleal Saab*
MYLOnuaws,YlUtAoaiap Or. Wstsread , Astzsellpe,
aid, bsiss Dat betel NW* /Weis esisr Koala, ha
11 1 1 . norm. Ctepletp. sea Oselags au*.
slly. Also, Jobeleir sue Meta. Melees awls. se Order.'
raaaad iSma ac Pa.* Par..; '.
itedlghti abbaitStrltittli.• :
lotbior • ludas sad &Maga pedalo*,
.1.4 be chapsed kan•• — •44 Goldae dila wia to to!odotse
- .Bovniro of
.1. 60..tes misbrand t roan WsDelsoi3Oilsii
th. mad 8a 22 / 0 ••• 1121 91. 1 4.K.2.K422••2•A0t• Primes.,
tut Um Toni sad Onas. ob• OM 12 all nop•••••• 4rtit
and 2•227 game in t the MAW 84lov.
J 11 . 111***1•704 Nam. , 21 sad 21 Du.stseet.l4•• Tat.
Viatrwripaitibr 'maim;
, can or swims& -
.84gle bomi, Eltq Cests Per Dip
City EMI Equate .conierof Frankfort4t.,
I LOPP O6I . Oki Ball I
Med; pm they Ingle onSored, le th•spar.kas Reedm.
Ther•ls • Badmea /Ow tad /Oa th imam maws bibs
11.11.-111•Iiritri •11.1tisirseri and USelviea,
Rho saw ari
- :04 hi 4884. prAps B B,.
IJ.ZN9;•s• thasio &dem of obmhb[lh. OSMIUM
WIZ& 'hada • • Opt strattleti• tb.J Maar =vial
01,with the roll awn of•lar . • .
ra. N. atapsnaus O
. soma 41 WD141..,
=pl ti =eitaddarsbillty tUr ea lVg.
littxrditts• of ;lallorkx mad &baba. Mow asser t
mem aftim led ••484 Ida the masa AID.
Irlitfooss. vba, impalas t a tbs a rr,
tours fla• ire= 1•111. sot rookilly *Unto&
beeper so proiltable, ablls pordierra CAS P , ! WPM? am
iv* filood•of ••vaillam .
su clotrir. a , - 4, 4 , •
. • SiScorlcausliagewitili;i
W• Would lalgataatillica . of -Man vim rata
moorsthog tbar artgas4o mtsk_Otwoomial. Irmissea.
Tot i ghTlaeohy tO iialimihnhoospitdos
Miaalma :hardy Vadatielly; as 1141Jogir,
epriu, agodoimi. Ps4:l4 Eacalocklaram sad rue
WO Larch Wsoma pus, Bad Os dm. Comma
sigh dm Maim ,Istsardookioattlblum
itbentilli. WOO law phata of lb. allomialiArtmathea
Loa Upright PAL IkataortictiVolaaalaablebermaS•
ma wad basely. Alao,loMsolpplak, Pact ard CbanThms
aacd mal masa M. ann. aMa. , WO Massmosamoo•
tog 10 task' of Ma calabralad 11.414 de Waist, Obaml.
Wam=W=ll , o So Ara lag in'aftlas=l
as Wrosud. aS ja par doStil..
ff fi llsirrnmak maths from ha So taa balt,lar plastipg
ImaremaastalMorhood, as vary loWnlaa.
Itahaame Um_ tloaa• Jobs Path , . 11,
hhamscols, Wm. Hamm, Smam.J:Joaos.
Lama co our Wham tbsaoab water hatoWes,
coaoly,h4 Mammal .d
Phatamsk Bmlm/ : 1 ham la anamalsalad. .WWitai
a ftomal, matt iv ftsm Om lima Übe" 'humo
sm nary llopsb,.Ar end Liberty.,
M61241/mbamT 1 : .Wll. J/11.11101100M.
la rotwatag la the fablk:Eir'Wat
bllaarto aa Morally . .I
Weida call lbalr=l 4
to NY maly bap steal or ?RISS
r d hal. •
/balb al am* har,(oamdard and • anj No band
awry ezawda saythbat I holm afar Wall. aUr
toos opNoad aimed b'S Palma bawls/ hp
amilo at lb
I * lo a w , and nary asso tot" so Ufa
Cli AM, Slaw aka* of lava tickaasasoa 'whicig
aro - ltaloyamr aldip, from 610 II bre,. ram& Imo
17114102,111101, Irma 2 I _PA by **l a
abia tad, tomb
gdsa maid to tit , labs. lery dap* iluiat. Pel
Slb. 7 Sara ilowlean aad barb& 'Loeb. pia
IA al, it. Taw leak Plmoa aka al a abni: o4 l lo
• Aildime cal tinkled
milabma? - • JOHN 1111400011411.:
•- , ...Lubr eating- •, -
A T THE LOW PRI - 61002S CEI4TB 1 0 4
cum um, boemtly os Wall yid far tea by - •
As Se as 4 11 slity.sry sYS47 iaaomra7e.ouiClaC
• rezuass,Nor. 41secti
• Instay. Ab J. o.llnysli: Clauth—Tbs LqbyleaUoir
00 my ant piths& fno you ye dad to be tbs boa ovy
rhyomys W. !tan syyl end. IVIL' 8. IL, IL LOS.
osb .n coitu, Amaaz..-coan.
1 - JAY'S° piatiaked Abe:entire lutenist of
tap lots pirtomi to tbo Ansa .Balley,lll.lCols
Clo. on now ptopotod to totobik to our Wow Common
soil. SW, dtistwo uf .Pitbloulb tad vlohdly poorallyA
impost or ot 00AL. NlUt 00&14 BLUM:wad Wilt
learn of toot_iumittlot.. OrOutt rot et lboTooi
elk* IA st ToU Wow Of th e Illooaoitattelo Irldio, or
st'ttio Wortm volt to Wooded to lath
041,11Peols sod OM. olnattie to Booth- I' into
Noire Moro tho AlonitOlugo *Mgt. •
AMIGA . ; • - - JAMS it.suurr:
04-Tiumed lonabor
ecru ezimuro or • uesonallip • •
Limas, arvere 'ADKlNS . yens moss.
,A0)4• • • •• =a rr. uxos.rai taleityaLi.
PAM?! 81140 sank% eery
' - • agauLtrilUX*oo.lL'
Lawns and !mica aellibik cheap of
ens ' • 1' • aancaelso a 00:4.1
0 , 1140.0EX1%-, 4fta.LaTie Ilustr-Uu
u tgr Web, "..• • •
obi NOXVlNlBElll4Bo9l.ltiortyl4•
e : :SAN_
s •
VUXP !.3.41411;i1.1. a iimunt,iaii Libya/ ft,
00131,1 A 11UTO. 1 -2.0 t 00 hest! 9ocolv
Na te just
intannata, VraZi Wood .L,
abl ..1 1 Oppaduili.Obrim nag..
TON PEACIIES-37 nets , now . landing
Jur tram ter . ta Dorimacr r
L ies . • INRIAH OIMIXEI hart
A111)-4 •bblsi • IVo. - 1 Lard; -Bkegs dJ;
: reo.l ea drlgeomaoorasio ;
°LAMM—Z(I bbl a. oak cooperage; '
'so wet. oat cars% b .
9."l . l.' .. sn Zittgar • li6S. 0 lab it.
?ABP-130,/tAtA %No. 1 Lipkin store ,
ft :2 11107 A. 0 0 . 11 . A . 71,1115 . Ott.
350 i LlilaS;Oreen. Salted Counts%
• sibi• lll . 1412 .
• De 1. 1 41101: e. ibr
. .
toy obi cbuip by •
.• - w.e.massuali;
••INSGAR - 10' bb/e. Older Vinegar, fup
V ode enr iota • 11111fittlf.00LLIMIL
s 4 orr4iNiqn buipaiNa MUSLIN'
]art oceimd, ter7 ireportor
Liaen tolt l Fialsh Bleacbe& Malin
111.1. raertb awl Wolof sta
PRODUCL-200 buil. Bye; 150 he. Vs •
.eoesr . eust; 4oat , i.rotaroes;
Wt K esee LU. WM , . la POI a
•:` -.olfusitint,tatis.
ilAtt — roimbart!,
. .IEUGAILI IMIr0111211.11.7111)!
COMPOViId Fluid Extract Hoehn.
. _
rositte• sod
.Tel. Uoldlets• 'nausea Us evref et Dhrellte, net at
eta the 4610111N1N re tete htallti. ado , Plokl the
ul•0.1 We St rya. d , ,,,,eni t 4 .01 ad UN
n•rUli se de
Nil* Atilt INV. aWY vlde;eoN Nieto, terl.
eras as
• Alen,ViSouttis And Children." '
n letireours , verrtce cc 80910.
4dtthil from nevem. Habits e 7 Dhoneetlee. lade
Attend With - the fallowing Ilintilinger • ,
htlitentee. to htentd• - et wooer,
e on of
Weeittrane• •••• - '• • Tr 1 27.2111:
g=ari n. of tholleseufat Vtdrat t. i tl, th.
Het Nude.' _ lloaider et the Ned/.
UTbas el the dela. IN dinner the Mit
.P• 111.1 countenance.
:Theis inentean, ft /Motto le roan *lda
fondant senetinsret lobar* , • • •
intitOtoweNt Medellin Apelentle QUa.•
• le mut/ • which - the Patient may .E.raiet..
. ,
who awns that their In hot hertentir fettered be
titeset•enrod• .
Rene.,. awarntr thatriaitattar;
• i HUT 00110 WILL 11011/12d - '
TUC gyp:min Of VIC lealffile AI7LUXI4
And*, dia'asehols Danube Cassaten
sacr•lnde Wass so Ma truth of sae .Aterrilan,
I Tat costanrorion 1.1•01•17.11371 D !ITN
Rendne the aid Of indict:. 1, tea and
, macerate the andeta.
Whlsh Nalisboldra Extract Ititeba tarariabir daa.
• • Tidal Wayne, ill Moat diertiest.
4-3 , 1
inn on young:Jun(4W sannium. on oonTnr
. .
. .• •
to mus 7 ANgoileas Peculiar to fitomolesi
raos of Macao la eaubs4o by mutably nand; boo
011oaleoraeastka, lireatalulty numb.= or
maim ot ao.taeour arsoutioos. Ulegestet or aelnliosa
state et the mania beaborrbos at Matta aterility,
ter PI complebela todient tobbe mu, tartar ottani boa
tadastactou ilbablta et Mialrobloo. or to tbo
• ' dsmatomt above.
!gem more Salem.Me= Is. or onslresaat Mollelo•
tot oarleesoot ard deeserear ample.
11•11 U 1• COUR? °MCMINN
11 : 14•16.114 At HMS SZPOCIM;
Llttle or oo ohlase ho Irotairtorree I
. 'end so favorers_ -
.it New • faNwtSt haft sad /PIN. *trees lb to OrloaN
*hush, lamortos Ohio ortker.
rorresuos sae caries Striattuaref the arethri,: .
_illartne Passed to giIiMSISSAN... d. eras is Nast
al disease, sad eirellloe AU stfroars, Dz. end ma term
• . - mp iugn* opte
wao.RIES BMX ruviorzys ur:Quiczil Yid
oho bare ma been tarty a* cane to a awes Moe, hare
the u th o e r r e o rveerat ilne dead te . harts*
"* " POIS a O
d N
res. br .
NMO al a s
s mate
* h= 4.114 IS h the
P!aaps atter et at a
• Vie UelialieldNi . litatleset liitroStir Ht all anthem'
gad Cameo et the' • -
whether sztelloa
cram whatever GAM etliciat.lar. as • ..anthrr cog
; lIUW ta swambiau. •
leiraide of the Orate rash* Ai Oita a thestaci.
. llehahold4 Wmtrecat'Borhu .
• is the Arad 'Ain't if
And II ad
lsh adds to Am Um tedrotellus an imams
lt Reessentesded.
Me mos raulaiti . nupourta Chstalltr
actioaiplity tb• 1114141iftts,'
GLILXIr4O , 77I! • 07 CUttail
to 41 , seat thanes
toles St Per Walla er ide - for9s.
AdimealW aor amnia toltretreprieted hens *own* Ithe. •
Dramitazorktltillis IN AL au Men Ittattunia
Cures Gmareasteed I narks Use to 1
hileasatlr. ersitad betas w.4lll=t" IG ehr
•et Chtlehtliam hatmeitzt, Ida maw mum
Soth tar eh prelarettoo immtalat so esmata, b attairt,
or other Wm/oaf titre bat an po.dr earatta
Mtlditint IL '
Svontattl abide! tip t Lola. mt. Ads flit *a it Norma
ter. MI • W. BC. Mona W.
Slab unit. ab-ie Had, rhthaleirtam
Addles" loam lidonnadta to coaddemee to
2,1 B. T
.. B eLau eLD.
hCebaomnai.. t..DBZWARWUaCACtWC.WALITS.Ma ls
•0D 171.1111111CIPLIO
bp altar** to Carom • a tab owe!' aid . otttio aF
that "on Mt romitatloa .teaser
Uslm AY trifiettai Pratrailmo,
do _ du.. Attract bacon,
do .do Aaron* sae Waal.
*Wall Untritots operrobors. 'Aft for -, 0t01r0b0140.. Tato
no onion , I)oloot Lao Womble:ow& oat sow for it. and
moil' Wow:Um cod osoosato. ' . ovlll.
SUNDRIES -40 hbda. fair .to Prime N. 0
tt r i• htrisO . N o atotum.
6d do . swam* Saddal Rostra
•do do ••-•b -Spot.
• 100 toms rabid lbrand. pow" Tara% •
SO Mt, Via do • do do
MI chow sod bkluoto bad talked Sout
110 bap MoCtaltrodttr trodo, •
•OW bbli dace INV, haat!" Wblbt Wiost floora
6tr3 boa Irtilorr Oorn.
• " Oyri d
Morolti [
is . Ir a .
de. ion bud trr"I . OWALDt dat
• • tit Vb.. ty et. amt. Word.
t)RODULIN-40 -boxes Chem;
Wks Cbot • thevileculps,
Mit* Orolu Orton ADO,
.10 an !frt.!, punkah Itiro, •
do -hcook• 20000 lnu stud.
LiN imp; • .
COIN MICAL-16 bre,' CUM aleilitle—eitble,
BOLL BLICTIC-41 bee. 141.c0-3 kerk, ' •
DITICO APPLII-40e lel L basprbei,
•• PLAXIMCD...Ii bar, ITN SMINIC..IO bap,
latO • ' 4OIIIII.4DALLLLL *O p Liberec /.
MOLAtins Abu sutiduriuu. egia.
kill tar. Wars- .
So !horthi pt openi Whom find Ont.tornOorealiy
Df i t„T ur P ip ig i a_ES AND APPLZB-8 bags
tOP AtT £PPL tdi
ii;slZ=Zerer . 6../J•bV
. 711.6411DlatiT &Ca
MID zetwersass-;
ObJA-VONANNII2II3-43 btAv. • .
end. gab by /RANK /AN 1111111:411,
. • - I IS Um/ as.
PDRODIJOZ-30 bbla. Rye Flour;
IMIIIUIP—NO bane Wm* Oottivil Maw.
tUrtILI64 WU Rea 1101 *sum
- ,74066-3 4WD inalk Zip—is lift by
B . UN - D=18,400 Apileg •
_ Pt MIZI-460 btae
§ •
s 1 . 3 4 j auccwil mar PLOO II2 DINSC
Obbb OEM IMITMPLI—Stak*: ,
isle by
.- 44 1 L. 0.011111%03 Üb.4ty
APPLES -400 1 bbl,. Golder Mims's . ,
Jo° Lbla Contend—ls non fm Ws Lip
at% GIMP& eOQALID.iY Ulna, M.
DROOMS-50 dozen sunned ferule at
JJI - Ilillsecondlat..l • - •
GR"N OSA 'ltd—al boxes choice linen
waves sad' [NUM Ocalm. aeoknew Ise
paid 10 astiliut,Jtert mod pilaw °Meiji. Ws y •
. OILY* su [PAULIN] Warty at.
4Kd rutty •1 arDONALD A 1110011"
• 213 Wets at
WINTZW.OIIII)9 . goiOis of . •
tIOR SPRING EITO7/ VIII to wool tirar 9 . /Xlll4
. nitisom LOVII, TA Mak.* S.
r:~~,'s:~.t►~~,~ e 9 s n-~.y Trr r rrP~r*~ 1
e ~~~~~n
31 ,
Ptir heath 11410.11.0.
pgare4 Ca‘bemi—Jost lied id •
OIdLE3ES4UO bble.. New. Crop N.
WI .11ottae,to why qr st 4 !lethal*, toe sib/. •
• • ',wpm* ranta r.&hand *,
IS • =, 'en ' • ones,
:p dl roeut &As, Wwww.adszli
roe? TOWN. as 4 Gala Paw. fw oh by
W. A.AVXN, Kink Wet Manafctuisr,
Iri I . I" • .nto .1 I " our,
-lte tatitOok dron, into noir; • . •
4IAICI. a TECID a CO. ni
1;1 4 )RIED FRIJIV -50 sacks Dry Palates;
Howls Da APPW-4 sak b,
- - MOIST 11:001418a.
QIL=B bbl,
Aso - 1"1""4" om il e Ouu tixaY br.
uwan MIRY it 007
TAIUNU, APPLES- 7 -10 nob, 10 bbls „twit
Jifi toed kr lob by „ .111114106 dkODWritri
OM' comas' Mal aud,Wstar ans.l
EANS.--a) bble. Small White Beth* 4 0 fed•b7, • J.L aOl4 1r
CR u trIRR . I 18-100 s
JLUQ log , for
• TS Vitas sad VS frost al.
ROOMS-1 . 24 dos. Fabay store
• M=M I ' /11•P[ VAN amass. •
didt . • • 314 Saud
osm tlollefilarrlQNS , lo goes Ayres
Ty se see try • • JOUR Ma/IL& &80, r.
.14 pl.:KWIIICAZ:81.01M-128 — catika cboic*
IFNU•a, ' , KMr. a. WOOL??* COQ , •
it; sad 01 hostas.'
ntIEESEI °acme Ir--223 boxes Prim
w a Cuittna Messr s MI de Regilob Denr.loo
Efamberg—jed reed Gar SW f
- Glelettir R. nottrin
PM URIS sad SO Intl be sold Ai rodomtpitee, by
11 . - W. P. WARM& LL Wad W
AX.466D--12 bags fur sale '
10X-5 tits Primal:ow Hun- ,
ODIMMI-2.lkt eits•Seth—ta Wm* le ell•kt
, sawn - 4 onaroare,
D' 8 COLLIOU *d ay : PiNti,thsh.
hal nOL wit G. /0111100111 &
447 him Job mains so& litiffery Writilid
rtarsip ,LILEXLA Qt.
L 00 . A i1t.113 Glrrli N,
JACKSON /110W1Mark, - ,
1i0.12 /aura stmt. wer Llherly-
~~... .
bided. by which thia - -enid - beccunee vitiatedf
Weak: and poor. Being j 11; the 61:111116312.
pervades the whole-body, and may burst on;
to diseasinu any Put Pt it.No Organ is fred
froutim attacks, nor is theienne wluch it may,
`odetroy .Theascinlcum taint is variously
by mercurial
disease, low living, dis: _
ordered M. u n healthy' food, inspires air,
and - My habits, the depremmg andf
above all, by . the venereal infection. What
ever be iti engin, it is llamas'', in the con:
siltation, descending " from parents to-children
unto the third and fourth generation; indeed 4
it seems' to be the rod of Iron who *ye, "I
will visit' the iniquiiies of the fathers upon
their children." •
. -
Its effects commence bY deposition frocri the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous maffer, which. in
the lungsliver, and internal orshr termed
tubercles; in the glands, swe ; 'and on
the Surface, eruptions or sores. • foul cor.
rupthan,':whieh genders- inithe blood, depresse4
'the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu l
tions not only suffer from scrofulous coin.
'plaints, but they , have far leis power to with:
stand the attacks of other diseases; • coffse.; •
quently vast millers 'perish' by disorders
which, aldsough not scrofulous in th&• nalure;
are _still rendered fetid .by this taint in the
system. Most of the consumption which'-dei
cunates the human family he's its origin directly
in this serofuhnui contamination; and many
destructive diseases of the liver. kidneys, hraM.
and, indeed, of ail the organs, arise from or
are aggravated by the same cause. •
.One quartetof all our people are scrofulou.4
their persons are invaded by, this lurking
Eition, and their health is undermined by itS
To cleanse it from the system we must renovate
the blood ;by an alterative medicine, and in: vigorate it by healthy food and exercise.
Such s medicine, we supply in
Conponud Extract of Sarsaparilla,
.the most effectual remedy which the medical
!skill of our times can devise for this every
.; where prevailing and fatal malady. It la com
ibined from the most active remedials that have
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
idisorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
system from its destructive consequences.
,Ilence.'it should be employed for the cure of
'not maj Scrofula, but also those other nat
l.:lima which arise from it, such as Erternys
rtiME, HY BarsiTZLPia. Runes, Puerretas,
All Bunts and Bone, TONORA,Terrsu -
asses, Throes; Drumm/4 Dummy. and,
TED. on Lawn Bum,. The popular belief
Inhermit's Vat, blued" Is founded in truth.
far scrofula is a degeneration of the b100d. . . The
Fort/Fula purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital Auld;
Without which sound health is impossible in
contaminated constitutions.
flyer's Cathartic Pills,
are so composed that disease within the ranges"
their action can rarely withstand or evade the*.
Their penetrating properties search and demise,
ind invigorate m portton of the human organ..
inn, correcting its diseased action, and restoring
Its healthy eltalities. Kali consequence of these
properties, the invalid who is bowed down with
pant or physical debility is astonished to find his
health or enure, restored by a remedy at once so
simple and inviting.
Not only do they cure the every day complaints
or ere', body, but also many 'formidable and
dangerous discs:ice. The agent below named fa
Pleased to furnish arena my American Almanac,
containing certificates of their cures and direc
tions for their use in the following complaints:
Cardamon Heartburn, Header/to arming from
disordered . fitossach, Nausea, Indigestion Pain
in andiforbid Ineetion of elle Bowie, Fiatialeirey,
Loa of elppetife, Jauodiiw , and other kindred
complafitts, szhanir from slow awe of the body
or obstruction of ita functions.
Ayer's. Chem Pectoral,
• raft run sum man OP
COngim, Colda,. thauenza, Hoarseness,
troup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consnmp
lion, Mt for tieirelief of Consumptive
:;.Patients In advanced stages of the
Idisease. _ ,
$l2 wide is the Sold of its esefubsesn" and ao an
oint= an. the CMS, of its mum. that. almost.
every section of country abounds in pintons Pub
hely known; Oho bans been restraci from abmn.
Mg and teen desperate dieeua of the lunitabylbe
use. 'When once tried; Its mperiorit' y over emir
other medicine of its kind is too appareat to escape
oboenation, loci where its virtues. are knohn,
publie no Mager hesitate what antidote to employ
for th o e distressing and
are dangeronsatfectims of the
0 miens that Incid to mei ate:
e many infirker remedies *test clim the
..lame failed and .been. ed, thia
'has pined friends by every trial. confined tone.
turf on: the afflicted they can never target, and
voluted mom too numerous mid too remarkable
tube forgotten.
De. J C. AYER & CO.,
lual oragibt. :all'' ' lCllK ead Dram a) "•*rt M ,. '4lf Al°'l,oilit.rylialr.fil
Q t NDR1123,-
110 bkda.
30 WU Bawd eaten ) 1 ,
0 Mow Ptintstkoi ohm%
' tO/1 onorbd too* Poop%
; bogs lUoColl.K._
soionod triads Totaxat
Ida lid Arlo roans Upon
do do and Wei Tell% "
• cony bozo do
bate &its as do
id 0 Swam &NIX
110 0. .MaW Ciddisit
Rut. do
bldi. Rank tad inn nadir noon
Is'sion sod Syr dais by Nlattt *TWILL, LIU ICO
POLL tiMIK "Nargogrpiesk
16 011ADIRCI : v eOD4
10. 161 Wood 011.041111114.66,
SAbi ES-9 kegs Butter,
1010 basoolUf IN ZAN /bebop ObTfk
Is ads fa ate by
__ 44 rs ALD/ sumacs. ZS ILlbm
x :AM rots 0a0170N4 halhOi
186 kei -
100 tea mat. app I
I. " n"
111."4 70 do
goadep—tor ado oy
: liFl6 '
runlet; Blankets, ' • -
Ehasla and De Lain.;
SS the, Of be balld fo7 PVO►
BhMK L 0191,14 414:114414
pPLN• 0 bb4. Vet State;
ten tie Tarkealeadd, .1
87 do, drab. 0050 appieet4 . tee nee hr
114 Ileoood. • I ,
. tele. TRANS 1,,
lye a& at "mottos's of ' I - • •
b l G+. JOMIti. CANTIRLD a CO.
4R11—.150 PAU. abd Leaf lard; -
1001 up Leaf Lak tor sal. et ,
.tev, liostsom 00.:
WI: DOW .:CURTAINS—new paittenuo,
• • :carob Ir.itrARRItALL.
taw.oa it
"- ' A ' • . • " `ow an. —olee
psterm,butrec.4vA by. MARBIZALL
- 07 Wood Ai
Two raiedvii nal ad
w. a. pavan, Pau ' ' ( waft Wad sae MA sta.
O. sUGAIL.--6 hhd& ow landing from
set flocks% for ask er. •.
617;-. - AEI DICISIIT • 00.;
I=l4 Dorketi,Tess Boob.
# l. e• P
r lkoks aad litano
101.8.11Airlit r
.Woodard Ttdri
JIAt marmot to Oak Ps, WillbaP". o2 .Pr2Ltv
taiteedl.Pay Mar owe.% AA opppdt• • to MI PI
foal.W0••& 0 1keto Viva; ' • --Mir
ROOMS—nI2S dos. assorted Corn Broom*,
D toy Mb 'pr . • WAIT WILBON • .
~ _
, • I Fa 261 !Abuts gLi
A ATIOLICS QV AllagtgliNT for mating
oropsetiouriess tompiimed ina oar
. _ W &JOHNSTON au.;
dALII--On hand sad. to. arrive,2olo
PRTSOLIII7/1, from Issavhs.
• Wart Amt. PlutbarsC
O 9 ia--700.bbla. Zits Family nioniar
; 3 bbb Matra haft.tsliaotabkk"
itir id • d t4IIIIII4 C raPTO " WMlsnisti
GUM PAO/Latta—All thicknosees, Lito4
%.71 - 1.111111111. HUT ROOM. COPPIa ItIVIIM
ao, for lola ei 233 Won, slmi, %paths bad of,
hlt:Vir 1141(01..
..11ArABILLA;lita g and Eitraw WRAPPIN
PAM, Worm, ud WV* loaner bau l
Tao P•xrr, do , age low Itt Paw" TOR .3 1411
r t.
til Wood gnat Pittgbasik.
ARD .OIL-8 bbla. to arrive on Moamar
117Wad ' br 861." rl4rae troarra6.!.
VXMiI Sli-25 loam abate Okio
148i6,1"1 Vieririnctiuts
meta haLians I. balm Slum Pet% Do* lawitag • •
Pvlos Dopasity MOO,
uta EWA a orairtroo
50. Ul3 culoys:o fur .
riED 011,-23 bblis fussy:JiltlZ4n.
ATB-2441busprimeOess,reed formals
. - • 4 114141144 • 00.
fib. i~. , .
N ivE
4.N APERIENT.AND STO!dA01110 Pro of - thinrm and farm.?
it3o A ca... thortiorma by the Matted M.S.
kof Authoritim, both Ii &dope and the Undid runes, end
pmecrined U 1111414. parade.. .
The upstairs. ot ihrirmarmidelly 'Kom dui no prep..'
lOn. or I run am be armpared *lib it: Impurities of the
blood; depriarka of Thai energy, pale and others de akkly
unnalexhmekrdicidattrmormo in adout *ger" Orlortirk.
. hie ans, Isdroi,one in', all, mewls in rmlch it...ber bolo
It hart'proved absolutely curative :le each of the
krminicuroplaints, ear , • " • '
Detail sy, A A germ (tidie r It faint
eldia. Usspepstaitiormetlitattarig Dinerriliaene
11gfermatney alketpieutdrierudesrmotirmai,,etaraf•
m lOl2 B Trailloroarmolla. Roil ktbaraziegkermarmill,
"""gibilb RIM; ektfaarillir•ll.l vs r Cont.
pietisti c C bionic Hanilins ties, Itlasiuna•
11111104, - hetet ted tens!. •If etlitibi PI topras on
, •
In awe of General Detditgiirmathar the handl of sane
dame or of the confirmed diminabloncfnersone and Mar
War rmord• bins ebroaddidayasinte„ anatairm of Oh na.
koU.• ham pfauArwviou:49N....aket %lath Do 6 *
anpuou nor grata% ardniation naiad ,rithder meditaK—
Irmaiklens tong bikididden seta Zara' berme Intgotten'is
theft orb tong
rO4l;meareri ID the
they amid se Upset retorad boa . protrectathrrmel in •
enrol had., kin Isryelgnal lostendie of this kid are
altered amain ahlirmireed ,names of apparent
swarm saageliniona exhanalkm,dritiosi 1 damps and
Chat on of airman and dyepeptlo aversion to air
sad agenda forrabich the pbylician Ind no num ' •
. in bletronerdietthme 01 W Wadi sad mrscamas bath
SUM tbeidrmetkos at thie preparation of
lain Mud be mintary, tor, oak. the aid cat.
dea,ltlavtgutoally ko.nl4.lthont being sacittng and dm.
Ilesticrm sad genfizi sporierth - Mal in th e most
obstinate cams Of adithriners, without ever hang • owls
pagaidr, or !bidding 6 ilisesnrmarmeenradon. r
it le this latter property, among caws, alarm make. It
Vo timarkably arming rim permanent • remedy for Para,
upon which ft' also warm to awl 6 &rllOl - end madder
naiads by daps:alas fbe load tendency 'Orb brute than,
Im of lospepaiN "i tuir=se sr.
tdbmtearnse,rdd : 5.. l doge hoe
habiti th rl cam including fide &Morbid CLardasa.
In unchecked Inerhau arm when advanced
rY, conga:led, rtnachrog; end examen, malignant, the
sada harm Leen ennui, garbles and ardoulahlng.
In the had perm; irme ol dab and strewn, debilitating
cobgb, and renduant hectic, which genenaly indicate In.
dpleut Crmarimptlon, thy. remedy Ima albino the abroad
Wen& end pbr alciene, to Memel eery gratlfg lug and Inter
Ia klcraialau Tabarcalima, Itilicrwwlicated taJa has had
far man thou the &col aCraci wl the suat coachman 1.1•
mei preplan/loan of kidluo, • Ithaat Char Intl
' '
Ttia Waidlmo( fignilliroatinutLo too tooddaralp
lad to this wooly tad. :wont.% in the OWN joecolLuly
sillagingtbara. . .
rthantaatlion, both clinmia and ludatomatury—lti gas
hooter, sacra doikkagy—tt has to,. Invariably
wog regortigt 'both agatialig pain and iradoting the
- aeaillpahNoti Kiribati of joie. and much. • • .
logotadtlitor 'Rama It -mon nicastattly to • wart
monody and asiorgatic irtsturatita, and, lui pogrom In the
now atttlacianta of the Wes, . 1 / 1 .01.011 bo ono. lugh
nnowland atalttint. 1 • - •
No moody bower beta Macon. I In L.
of/wing.. Wadi tants oath protapt,bappy, and folly
it a rglys tail 4. Good 14.04.. liontploia
acipilsittoo of Wiciath, Wthan aatianal divan*e lot toof
On and dwarf. tow., ,lannadtataly foil., Oa ar.
Pot tip la oft& flat meta( bolas coatalatag 00 plllgwice
1104ehl Fir bar, t trWl Drugs.. sod dhow,. Will
boatne one to sop add... tao Iptof p.m. All lattan.
wawa ate, skald to add... to
Dr. OEDItg IL ILLY/MX Wbulansla Agent Weitens
R. B. LOCKE t CO., General Agents,
nap MIL DWo Y. N. P. '
Voirrar OP morkcoNewsti6t
The Bald
and Gray.
Many, since the Great Dideuvery of Prof;
.01.1Nbatre stlemplaroot only to Wilma ha Bealondive,
bat prohao to have dissevers! sow= log that wadd pro
dam melts =what bat, they have all come sod gow,
baud essii= array by Ova verelanol meal= of hot Wood.
preparadea, and have beep timed In team the !.ld toils
noese away:, HAW the foltowhira '
•B.TI, lardoo. IprillBth. 1101.
Paor, 0 .7 Ma= ACV: thole—lts letter I aroma yea to
=Pt amsendeg yew valuable Hair Bittorative, sod which
• you hare pothahed la tab atalatr one elewhos, by
alma .1.. Im 1,1 1 2241111M511411100011 tOUt lung Its ha. Is the
sew Ilte impala' are: Bret, it 11 a fact ot my Wash=
sad came, m mated fa the soreamaketkno mond, le It
true al as thereto =Male* third, data my hair MU' Ma
itotio to be lia good order sod of Naomi cokel To all las
mal do smarm lavariably.”.. My tow bar.. butt thaw
my stags army lire for fifty years Pm; more mdt,thrifty
sad =tam Mond; Os seals is true of soy whisker; atm
ate taly onus why Ills bol momislly true, la teat the sob
Asaat le ambadeff by fadeout =hallos of the Gus, Word
Items S. awl by . Weeny he has in blow maw , dos
with ;be abldurra, awe roma • Ul =too ae dos hair thave two la the n celyt of gresi number aflame. hoot
W ;arts of Fish yawl, lollies am if - toy hair still cos
thaw to be goat. ea there ti we much hind la the masofea
Mot aad sal. of radon conposaft as moll sofa* It bad,
In doubt, bun bowl/ hultated awl two aged sot may
without any good of/mi, bat to Mango Wary.. 1 his. to*
Bed bat at Pr. noborany• .or orkr_oorooorbosom.
anallm. sad ny bolt to au good so our. sad butalrodi
have slamtaal It with larprilerralt Ism ... 11 al Yew ad
sal wee gray hat Is sup btuo or on au hog, bad to prows
tbla hot. 1 mad of my hair tau ..d the put
sun'. 1 ramrod your Gni et two gumboil/Ulan mum
mar, far shah l sat very arterrok I gave It to my !deals
and thaireby =dosed =ma to try 14 may ware skeptical
as maw trial and =wpm Mudd sad seed tt wlth
twrW iaccau . L. will at' us • fuor. - ittat too load no •
Wt byelekt few demerit tread co lb* Itootoratary and
by mut, 1 soar, irilboat satbortryliora you. 1 penal.=
els Wit town marese, sad 'I Warn wham good edema do
iseal LUow,tbe Wore le maid by the Impure a:7, which
mem lb. lavestor of the goad. I deem it at duty,.
burato , ota. to loop got oprotand of the mobs' aeon oa
my bah, as I aware all sea =quasar ref my shah..
cmloba si Ila valuable usulta: I small., dear .1.4 pion,
- '1 • Zama).
• . , • A il's Elm Hy, Nov. et 4 16611.
Paw. Wome Vier ft—l would amtaialf be doing
pm • grist lajmtko tot lo'atak• brown to Ito amid. the
soadorful so Inn thonaespoial haw asps=
Maid room Mita OW boats Of yowl/Mr Butondlre. Mkt
Wag ovary aloe of hastmatival *Mast, bat *Wm& alb
olatt_tealf Manna cal Wet , autly d5111.1. 0f Oak, I sag
dray Wawa to toys baffle of goat lisle Butoestlua
flaw, csaJor and Jostke ebospel tort to satoemac to who
ever may rid Ina Mail soy gamma • saw mad limmalled
=i bah; irbith 1 gaboquar Ittrbas and headwater
be art last Ira. I artll thustere •take romsloa to
recomeacod Ibis Meal sable tamed, to to who may Mel tbs
weemety logretryaocue„ Mar I.;auas ewe.
P.S. Mb fant/saaidal ot rly apto probate= tor yoar as
medkdoe (se you,sts au of) Li au/soltotok, 101 it
yes think lt worthy a plats mon the rad, lama It yea
Ith-11 MA, 4P ,On and my toothlaa.
Youra./te.,: arr.& A. B.
Tb. Scaeretny is Pat sib bathe or awe elzat, via:
largo, Radium sad caasl4 the sad halite bait oplat sad
MAL far au &Mar per bob* tbo amdlata holds at laset
twat, par aria. tun La pregortkot Una Ur malt, nuns
tee two dollars par boat* lbw law bolds • qamt, 40 pre
mat mare is propartkac, sad. nails me tottbt. •
a J. WOOD A W., Promos" 41 111roodsoy.lferatat.
nod 111 fdarkstatrool, St, Log* No; sae sole by all woe
gensidecesol Ihracy OckeleDeelars. aaWalyd:thlat f.
ix Tee Lummox o, •
a am s IsT .
Ina Cart alai Hal Lion natal,
- ruptirroa.. .
fIAVINOVAREN and fitted an, l ie g i
u • gnat avow; With all thiaahrn
hapeavanante i thh paiitarnaort, thantaarlb
tit a pawed to a dionsiata hi hands UM tta pa da
with lb. bat Um hailed 'dada
date tat be wad iWp hi ovary attain: alto
d ad MIN IM • , . .
tlQUOßlituid A' ICS la late wbgd.atln nicataniendiat
to the pub&la tali noithina. •
• XlItiLS vaned op all hoard, ind DAY and NIGHT
lklanDilid aka. asdnAlly • 141011413 WON. i
MS SU BSORISISS would respeolildly ,
do Osollos of tdo MOW. sW C11111 , 0411n b6u twir
compitilak Um newest design's I. hug. LA
nomads Woods, for Galisisin A 1.... faints
ammo ot Boys' and. .Itouthie Clothing
Mat sou bast, sal ads is order a none,
WA antiwar by
• Lassa a Peas sal Pt. Cat Os.:
RoLL Burrsat--lu bbla. •
- NO.I L t RD—IS
SUJILWLISAI• /Lollz-.200 bap, . •
bOLJD aorraa- r 2O REH and lb kegs.
- "mail:aft a co
im • swarm:al said.
N1116 8 :P N; ,O: Ailtri D
GO khdf O. ITO , ;
.idtnka ilia ISO trhabloioisicciastze; Itivar 9 —
to arrive tie weak by wasanai Nalland•—•• DPI,: kb will
W 044 at • airy p•afraaltAror.._
MUM 1.110081100.,
'-i • - 111 P AR ta& •
ClDll4 et.* 131der,
-DAT PI 011 e1q140.: -
- DRY AP hop*. nit
014111122.00,_ • Lt.
C.. aXaten 'n.a4/ ina mgoek ; 300 mai fresh.
all , , 247 I.lbetty it.
PlimuNt -
ATAAOII-76 DozM Woute. Starcb,
1114 01011A4711:41240 lkotiiiacas;Asscried,
LARD-221w Prim..
DIM PiAO lllOl -10witDqrs44eA, prize,
Itore toe sel• al 114 Pecomf sf.
.31i/di* TAN GOADIL:
', , 11 1:114.1
- extiiivridtb; color,
C LOVll,74lfartal r 4 -
pENNsyt.yANIA. ttE !pays-- 4
ame, vouga.
Own. Tams 12,p51 recilvollty • s
NIY,I Siva wocast
rrOBACCO-75 kegs J. o.vririanue Prime
14.1 " . r r*r i l tricr i MUM-
Ao. ROA Litwly Ela•L
PUTATONS-- car laad• • prime . -Nestiaa
=as ac mica at . r.!L: ft. '' • .;
%Jr Neyr,f4t 4111 le ,'
cud. W lb* imp At. Li Oa* kr Mg, bjr •
„ „ ,11.3..ierw-atet.;
EAKLAISH—*Icasks firs bora Tearl
.Mb In Von Sur silo by J. &cameo a ocr,
• re • • nib Pinot aser - Mbod• •
Di SAN 37-61) bup.timall , Whitazeo'dEklisla
yip ' 2.11.14101erf &ON , '
Jen' '4 4 " UMW*: astlerrostalL°
• • by -
corTON.-15 Wee itt store far pleb
• - -• • --• • , SON,
112170A11-5 -Ude. p!imit O
N. - . Nopr rtold
1 1 .7 -
fon • • - - • -•••••,-
Einri74 bbir. lltm lor sale bv..,-, -- I
f ; OD -'•' . " lErMeWitiesitesUessyle,i
F uotil
atwakv biuy the iNtb-iegeOimly,le teopcittulty etlclact
tathemerttoot 01.11 - h...110d pr.p r.thw coutelstailreso,
Salpbeer- and rboapbOolt•. au+ Oda tdeoßal
In Its conspodUan • . I{l. Ins ficenti_c,pirPoic, 0.0E . C200.
'4o a climax. 00c00100:0.1 ,
- - ,•••=0131111111rii • CM10011...C• •tol_mcoviwaloicrsonosisot, iimelyeaka
ate Mow chow .ajdonclooey'of,Ato•ctAlgloooloi, Enda,
01 mp:osloie BM+ tray dot. tho stin,ht altes3c.loOli it let
w.ltk ahltiva .pal.<*at•tilla atttslittil tiabOt—
•hl, h maws • Octl.ietity Ot• thO' Cod itottahio...aMtapa.
tit a dloeramarganho. - froperatfocatillr oarbtombeca
'heti for . the purloin of Ltaolii44o.ohtdolQ hat Ot •
cAttott Ana Irate alone, petlpheakaleae, cr VOW,-
pharetalpseue, will not wont obodid/clattif In acit7'clae.
taut that a Judltions coMblitailon Atttbeas .!hoer tc
macaw to mama tee Nand to its niOnal olatatard. -TM*
Point, - tour Otis &Waxed, has btato.roo to the
Blood Food, and It. dlameety rook••• °boot thotocot
oclontino fuel Impurtut thltste.. /to rthch In
• • • l• C. 0 art! 011
am to none. the **Sob, brew' the ;Derma, almatlbrb N.
mama allay ate. pasaallog Wahl swum. Incroase., the
- paymal sad mental it.,s ' India lb. Hood hy ranorlop
the leak. cad olobalos_loawae Oa appeal*, castors lb.
colorand clothe theateliton Nana *Mb Ihirth 1 hillaltio4
road aril Mr hands sporlde Inall -4C Uri:nate talialle
sea of the Throat or laspaar,anch so Ashlana r Ara.
oda*, Graphs, yo. Pea Co Spialarr ebn4tom. o - 1 qud II
W gnat stalky In Meiling and .try Wag lbsacoal
octane. in Dyipepria, Liam Cbrephttria, , spry, tfarPty,
.1r ....
!only U, Possfahl, Groat, X. VOW- Aver on 4
4 0 0 , a." No aka? la Malan
to lostat ' ,la us
clam of. dam. &man. ma ate tirade elfecte ob tblo
imnaly ao consplmma ma In thoosharanif ". , . . -
- FINAL& r, 0 4P 1, A.l NIB - -
to tba adatlar rex are Ilaba,arei arida' tend towadi
OWsozaptioa, oath ea Supper-tied or Lliffleattionsirantica,
Gras Mama, 'Wham. deo espontally:aben 'haw tow
oblate sr* amoropagal withWarners, n Woof hat or pah
la of.the lath, deprisalen of spirits, Obblly, balpltallon;
want of appall*, and nammts pnattatloo: • %Own as
almost amid/ma th nrotomendll g.lblitilood.rwed
to all who may ba salacious eta am of alality ors:are
and to tbow whom Manta or t odlly - powirn Tr:salami
tbasgh *Maass alba of Ihn Mon or Nal/. Ir. drilla
It our duty tom: that 10 all cam of Nara Ras sad Emma
'alai, sod le all ebrire of th• . Eidarpf. at • Bkottleei Wan
prepaon bas a clam spoo NW idleilloti ol
111104 1 ) 1101 ra over.seUmaed. , a labblla luta salt Di
km ad Ils most marlorleg proof, to agard rola . . Bii cJ
tha;conld he wad for. P lib a* &bor. rainaltsanal 11l
triccOlUerol32 trallanlolahr as haws In Its hnor. vs* 'oNarlbh
aVouol i vootv —,---
Lo the consideration:lot the Mkt, d, "newton that !twill ba
aranolardaeo as prminnlasat om r all "Star otsparalloie,
Pa1..01 IV 011:41DIkk I. poLohoyinanhams. jarculas &wag
MeTheory upon• Ittiti MIS veined.!. Iwooo4llllo aria.
eat. of remarkable 'norm. will be sent are *alio &aria;
We forward the Blood Peed to any party( lb. Claltan
States or Cabadm, man recap* of price—al -per horde. so
fur as tattles Be careful to all maw to tras mem bola's;
taring, our raadsolli asaanzo won the rrrapper, Nom"
„other 1. gomliol. Prepared o.o!, by - It , •
outitica 4. i treosivr, ..
. _.
No. SOO grand way, NOW TWIN,
And mold by them and by all rarpreable thogslar. ,
fill by PILLOW . . 0.. M0N% 14Claccol th, Pars
Mash. Pa ~ .. , .. .. ',' htlydawl
. .
• - • -•--
.63Ernilanieu i r e ' 10PATIlit±
• u
cl - .klq : _ j .':
• 'ea, - ri ;vlo 1 - • ' - i-'4 '. g J,
- 1 :-GliPt; . -:....'.:::,, *
.: 7 _,...
.... t .
Pena'- ,___,.,,,.,.,-q1,,,.-(-,i:
--_:.....____,,.,,, A ...„..„.,..:
8:13/113 WHAT THE PEOPLE. SAY. . .. _ •
The undersigned !miring need Profesaar.:IIIIMPIINETIP:
with the moat anWhetory revalta, and hating fall.MMlll..
deuce In their geoulnettem. partly, and altar", cheerfully
recommend th em to a/t permute who wish to hare tote, r..
fable, and ealcaclona remedies at hand h* private or do. ;
The Rev: Wut. - Werner, editor of " no:Northern War.
meteor," auburn,.N.lY.; the Nev. 16. Ll...Cnsery, D.D.,
armor of St..Peter'a Church, Auborn,N. Y.e the Nev. B. I.
Ire; Chaplain of the Auburn State Priam; • the Re,
Spencer M. Mee, Nectar. Nes.Sedford, Yam.; the rim .
Allen Steele, New-Tore Conference; the Res. Sameeti
Nlcbele, Eset-Oenesee Ilmfereate, N. Y. ; :.;the the Ater. P. P.
Pratt. lhoset. AL; tee Ines. John E. Roble Buffalo: A. C.
Ilan. EA!, Caen, N. Ti the Han. NealiElow,,Po . rtland,.
61a. ; the lion. Schuyler Colter, Southdlentlllnd.: the Con..
(tears Uomphreye, N.I T. Henry D. Cook, Etot., Editor of.
The Ohio Stale Journal. Colonalmus,.oblo .- the lion ,8., 11.
Graham, Moline, Ill.; We Don , Thontu J.
N. WWI.:
cello, Fla..• We Hem irseph Benedict, Ude., N.Y.:: Wm'
Bristol, EA., Ulla, N. Y.; A. N. Pond, lat, Mica. N Y.:.
ment a l ,
Eel., Nashville. Tenn. . ', ,t. • 5
I.—for roar, Otagentoo,'' and tolistimation.
No. 2.—gor Worm Feer, Warm Collo. Wetting the
No 11.--Tar Ma; ChTing, Teething. ead.Wakebalures of
foram. , • ' *.'
4.—Tor Martha, Cholera Infandani; mad °Camel,
Na 4—Par Chop, pings, Dierotery, er Bloody An.
No. 11.—Por Choler", Moira MMus, Tonaltlng.
Nat—Far Cough; Odds, When; sod Sore Throat
Na r..—lrce Tostloghs,,lsab-acto. and Neumigle.
9.—/or , Restache,Tertigo, Bad ant rani* of Ms
Nao.—Dturirsai 161. Weekend Derailed
ilhetTieh, CbeiMpalem tad Lives 41/omphant, •
Na 11, 4ba Mout, lusonteennos, Reatty„ °OA or
Na 11—Tor Lemorrbea, Trilbies Kama, tad Oaring
Down of Pemel.. P
No, It—P.., Croup, Roane 0040, Bad Ereathlng.
_No. 14.—Rate Rax[ll Itua—Por •j•dpolsolt, &0r10n.%
MO* on Va Tom • •
No. 16.—Rnamearo Paut—lbe Pats, Laasemets„, •
ma In the Oben, Beds, lola, n Lttrala. I V •
•.—Tar gem art 0,40.5. 01 42 Deice "
iltomumd Aloe - • , J A
P.—Poi PUer, H 1 Laterna
0.--Iw . au*. W.A. arias:at Zvi , J •
'og. Welt or r••WW 4
• , ;
Artnk-11.41 or swim-
W C —r,er Whoopin,
alauteiolag Its rower... 4.
to 4U mute die.* soch Fever; i
17 , .o ithvomatha, awl such atm ,
duraou of anatlai:r i er„ ooze% and plalpelial. the.
achathlaga evlng propel' fromtleo pumplly Is ob.
etam. and IA stelt the *putties my' like a duns.
The entire 411x4,34 , le arum anamo at aloe. an,l In cu.
the Motet. ors , the stuck tuuderatel, the °sax Mott
toed, tad rendered tea damrma:
Chamte Colda, which are of auk; hegira occurrence,
and 1.5e6 sia 011 at lay Mt GumMaka of dimed hank
bruncialle sod' conaunplkaa, tuagell b• at l ice creel by
the Rem amt Cough PAM 1
In at throat. °saner, auk se N ape West ottoo,
Claulpatko, Lnr Omnialaina. =ale Detillty, anti
ild Hesdathee, Sone4ar Weak Ryes, Caarrh,
Lilt Ethigta. sad other old erupt** the eats 1.101d6C1.
Crows paper oppllcallon uill sated • aim ttnahohe re=
Inner.. Cana the cunt of a single
o r as Cmpepele, Pike or °slant .
Headache or =Noah.'
tea, moree.. pald for Me emu lea tlatosuver
j• Intel. ; '
Cate or to oaompl
_ttib comages, and bat ...
,Can of Ii sod plabs..; „ .. I
Cue of IS numbere d
c j
&ad Rook. -
Cate or a buses. • rodßobL .
. . .
nnenbeTO bases, dlrealotig ......
angle lettered Una, WM ervetlone. .IYI Weft
Large cant of atm Cala, tbs pleatent es 4 0066 100 .-011 1 °
6,1011 •'
goo Onsili cc Permixt—eharaged Labored
Breathing, atted.dled with Ono& 112411tqwtoraltom ArlCo.
cents pet box.
Poe 6. LOSanal.Thl /1.14.66111.: from Mel
trar, the retain Is Boarlet N or . lalootatds:
nor Cubes In Ike Read, Cadmus of Heutog , led 612.401
In Um bin, and Coombe, 1 , 040 crate pales • '
goo Nmorma.—Calargid Q atiaged lodurata
eel Tooollo, Bolan. and Old anoteloosOadager , 01,
Foe OmutaUOUm or Ceram' Weakens::
°Met th e rant of Na,.., Zerative Illedleadart, or 12z
bluttlog Dierbumm' Piles, Wends per box.' .
Deam.—ituld leamothtloas,"hdd Ihrelll4o,Mth
&only thouotiOnt, PrICI46O orate per box.
thethocnas.—Delahly lactates, Vold" Na m e s ~
Tomlang, 191cIuma Tom 1 6. 8106 . ?Cab
Pw rueter DtmalliM, -,, .2 Camel, Renal Cu
colt, Painfol Crlnathm; Messes of thephinen. , ettee,ll4l
cents per bog.l .• •
foe Bam& Iltmomi—involoidam phohutes
Ounsequent Pratratlon sod .Mtj ited tektite et
HOW, Tbe mat romatful and W. , .1 mead, u
anti elm be rellerl arch a • cart t. Mot, withloll dine.
?mom Maid* to pl themselvet endel , tha proem ••
decal are. or to seek advice of Prof. ihninterna ear de:*
No, Ai .1•11 alike 662 ray, dolly . teem 61.11, to •PA
ork7 letter
mint ism fly !
look over tba latt '
mik. op • Mae if skid Ltut lee
ciao" and Indwe the mimed lo • current a-ole or 101
by mall be oar Manua at Na 242:11raediray, New•Teet,
sod the megrim* iie Ms duly nannad.l7 oa es ttigtn%
41.0125T2 WANTED.— • Carew; mtive.elleladAgat
for via late of ter Remedies In map tam et commally
Co the Oohed Caen. Adams Dr. V. 111111T1IIMI 11. Qat
• • INo Ball bactauravarma.Toz.,
J. 11, HILTON, !lab C (Dligolcb Itandborjoaxed
dose from the Poet 01141 r abolemde, aped Ilkirtituterth
sad Tidally: alto, J. lg. MON 04... a MUN1 m; J.
P. /LTA ENO sod J. J. . Allegteaf,
UN DRIES-150 i tiza. Prime' Pearl Star*
§2 MU prime 1101,1110tion bze MAD W. IL. ftempl,
00 dos Brom; &01 Mist
11 /00010V.
103 labls 0 1001000400 2210 i_Awo4
100 btu Dry /J
1.. 2000 Gal thole* -1:011
• .100 Ws Pdo• NA- UM choke fsitbarr. + •
60 Ms Wet Irlawer.:4ool***olo Gf
QUNDR I E t 3-450 kggi_ L iOjeti lard;;
~„MPUG3 * •
APPLLI-40 Obb On*
Br4/ 03 7 4 9
- 4,P,1rbi?1[12371.17j) aialsvaitz.• '
',7obbailiqui.ollo3 Mil, al.,
BOOKS-- - ' • - •
itpuits: max.
DAY Foos.. .oas suutti, ORMIIt BOWEN 1
and net doicrtptlow Acectmt Soh, on bstel at mai
fo redgeln ib• bet ataxime, Mot tp say petals tititital,
"Mb - et uttltyatrbtod •
fe2s Blank Book Makors, 57 Wood at. -
QUNDRIL4-34 aacka Dz 7
poP sick DRY eIIACEUIS, PR : • ;
Snicks DRY „ do, • •• -
6 do 'PHATB2II.I3' '
mane PM" :' • „
on straw Ida
al4 y . Dtad,. thir
UAL oti7t.t2s,
SORAPS Full 115NT- 1 a Lafts , Lad Cal=
Iv, cooveelout iMeslley at SO I
alb • • • 111411bil Minima CO, •
btas... - choice f*uh
u.autr. 1 ,
• - Mery stmt.; r.
lARED PgaoUl3-450 bua.faboim
for ail* by I :
4 . 1..0.0/LOP.2ll3latray
4tPLASSEJ32OI4 bble. CI:. All
- !ssiorreed ter. ars JFattnp OSO ki ttrtattby I
pp „1-
RSX uovs
Oak, Ca bat;
mar twtat.ttatlatrit.
- - , =1
R Of ittlia IIIIbbet?
Nat IMIII7.Ibr Mls a W 1 1
• dal* J.! IL PIP , . t•
mix f1911.-154;r, packages
,g 4 104 do 'Mpg; ' ikamertu.);. nogew foi sale kr . .
mum Cottm.)
PANT. locatid "MN lbstot- Or 04,02111 W
Pi WILL. Apply ' , " -
[natal , 0. INO.Bnta R Buthlrsi.§
UGAg.;4so,bbla. BCoffeelpgaa';'..?, j, •
Via "QObhbiCbdwaaair
:iiin:•,!:.,L-s:Plo .aftWoodst...appolt.•ll.obatiatUda4.•;
pastit - _ , APPLEBI=-151111. Al
ph.,thbubtrieaby -
Ear & NO , 1. I e
..411 bus; -
,AS 0.. ,
lost - - Zeta
et sosp eft#tacio
_ • - o.All.lcOlua.
To 01 'Nine* in the Sotati.:Weit Nalthirest'
vI I$ TO
. r If7mat xxxravultr. --
eINCINNATI *cid to .
i.u.... 1 44,111. Wes sad CZkno quitter &Witty
1121517,A1LD MALTA"
— ran MAIL UM I.—Leataa-ilttabis s.
ithALIA4 ciaips goonectimo ALIA BelleATlltalao &ad CM.
!mrl.Amt . ns onif Mame 1/ANAZ
"'TITAN at IsdkcakAaa...;--.-1116 r. ar
"!. Is
• • . it
: it.• Dow
nab road. mat at tatunibunlind Plum
non all go low titadsiiatt unman.—
RIEPA.II , 3 2741.111:44aw a , 1,4 0 p.
, 1 An
Waking Oka eanations im ah a in " ...-149:1 • P. •
. laiiii-,-itle a II
Chictanal•-:„ LID A. II
• " ' • ad.ite-••••••••10.40
N . lima to ettclaiati is Da anatabylll“bt4:
411.. Italia an barbbarb roads teat at Columbia tan t ea.
ptaali lotoCtodnaint-tontiter. .
Diathis Can on ats Iwo h oto Pittahutab to CiAcit.
ll:dimwit:la and it Minn •
.111.1011tharials to Mktg* without clisuA'n Dicta.
• ;• •SADTWARD T/411.V.5.
listeolDhicago. 6.10 a. it awl 1110 r. r. /hating at
Lluit..Vgi aW. awl a. r. twatallog skit trate
Yid . Arran's at Chwilina P. it.
Coutwillog Win irate hr Culombuti Ctacluwtl, Claw
hind, Mato asul tai La, and attlettif nt Kalman'.l.2:l
'a. in and, tit) that Ail nation claw want - tit= with
tram ohDolastylault Railroad hir•Phtladaptila
Acoonhoodttkin *ennui s ham Indira Aiwa,
Tor Dui ihinlitorh ;US and 1.06 T a n.• •
Aalto a! di, 't 110 •L , z kid
+do •-• DSO tun u • •
AM aat AI leatraly;l,33 7 ,- • • ,
Mitten, sa4 ltdoutay 4460ealiMallaa:;
usytAlkihr ..! MVO Dian; aad 440 Lat. •
Antra at kw 404,, 14:0' r : ' 3.00 .7 • ,
Lam Saaaattir, . - 4:90 Lai - - 3.33 •
Attire at Allqgbaer,...- , 663 r.• •
•A WAN= 1014Sitt VIAIN-1.4.484 Alliance at 0.00
4.11. atia anti* fra alleabsay it 110 • N. , Ltaris Ally •
atm) at IMO. T.: iia,l alarms Anibal at 23 P.
•43104 it all .lathi er ; tar tatterapts apt alaskstlns. :
Starts ulp i zattla 63r esta tram retem.64t - rit6a, • ..
Alllatats,}llk tralan ea lib Olaiataid t.Piiatarat D - •
At M 1321 4 -964 taaalllitti63oll4istwg, air.% ct , S9v ,
as Ihux6•l4 Otl..krtlL 64racat, Etheibriltaadalky, 94 , L
Li tateuttlaa Tar thea ' i - 411.44 036lasbaa,1311telatta.
li, Zia* Dayton, laftaalt. Lou* Littlavilla, att..
Ikaati for Madatyi Darlcia, Olactututtl.
Wm traria.% D Illactatiat *tan Ma. ,"
Wym Yam Liam:* Sdd.,St. Lod.. imd haler -
..strallat• pada I. Otani halm mil 6.l.llatia. I
212 " ittu n r3A i r tin tit 'natty aid ' llaltit
AW at fiblialthttatas all ploy liltlllao44,
',MYrmda am yarn. farinalarmaattaa and thraaab Tkkita 410;
entirAltr,,Tlol4,4 Aptat;
- • - . 1111:1313613 I =4. B =tAtz .
Thrposb Slaw to aW st all the Steiti Mos al atm
Mornay pa Ow if,tbs matt, to all 4.71., at th• d •
!tams.; ' G: o.lHallitWAY,
" ' _
tilii,epaiagi sea,. itialloardpi..lo..slireSsi
Y,oniaces mu-wurnui, tworr:-
cii 'six! slier Llifoya
ta r,
ifouisber lekly , lllM,
bark Us
Mk Depc4 114 U. REUM.liix 4 ll44 l aNti I. tin. ,
I r: _
rtatatanTh" I; Otaottaa4 Saiectaitia tame: ;,
Niue. argil* u-'• /warm •Antral, at
Mani! OLIVALT CLiVaLlt tillittlett •
lAO aoa TAna, a. 1130 r.a.
11:40 ar._CM e. . 7:40 e. - 'lo= ;
paseeigere awning to go le Saadaat z Takao,
' crpalses Watt, eitterteblat. wok plutt..g Llerto uk 6i
B. The-time Colt:tamp 'l4 GU Nato ' to as valet am
Alutbantil. datA:ried.i.ti - Mort Zikat. ate
; urus :Airriso -Aram ss Antra at
poi.uusur, crtracirmar; ter. toms.
; LIDA • ti at. Fit plt '
tO . 420611.11.13, 1101thithe, COW liana
aid ail pasta :South, t han
say caw roma.
Hl doi Claratittothat Coal Ttataar
..airtatatda Ittadtar /dm •
Ammar &Mao at , 'Arstm at Arsine az
1 1 / 1 1.11111, navy; WHIIIILS
atta: I.llll'i MO •As , • itt Ole ata
p a1 , 8:00p , flta6 i '
to ll4OO p,m Sap p
p m 410 p etoo p ' -
Stu. 1.50 a. naiad LIO r t Train naiad with Tashi*
rac.orot Losaeager, ie.
to 4 1. 1 x=Treteelepe at all ortesloca berneo itaitkew
Vint : LT/A ia • caa marl at Um "arty Etraat •
JOILIF Elitittn-Tatkaa/Igall!
1 1* 0 .:irtba10imiiskmagn
• iiiinrist
tet.t*OiMplinea Miele !Matt fitatice, halt at.
1/.. 1111133,11aaarat ?WM Alla;
villaltinistixestAiti mmi
cm,trp.4.ll.llllLiOAlL • -
e !see
=lt * , 1449141171674311....
'aao 1111)apalTi. tam =a, 2thi Tmargitati
Kath a llUlLDF ) kmara staut at i4 . Ituatarit "aka inalr manias
ill regular maim
Lilt. .
- 7 111111 IFAULIAIhataI tao anon Amy oialealkaao
111 alai_l6ll4;ll44,ll4llraulta, aniaabargaataandsina -
rrwYb.bra; WWOOMOWISSOU, Anima; gaiamailag Haa ,
..6,:rialtnaltlaa4 fala9ta7. - eadaroyfes al Pat).
, i -,Tbs aaaslaura•eddial,Tradi, lama day (a.
:copt S a ada y ) staaa.t.i.aciataas r all, babasa• able
"aLit Ateamakdoka Tanta be Braddock% In* lama . •
(;4 . nog) at afaa A.: ' •
, Zar.t
(slava babani la 1 *alai. AMOUNOpd . rtilla kr Thatli Craaa awes daa)i •
_L- - •
auxed AteammatattgaStata ka Tostufassabe ORO •
• •p Atampanksltatabr pwrlgAiltr:
- (naps ean4=llllll r. a.:
; :Jamatater • Efts, fa: Platibustial ma . -
Prak.LIIP.II;, MAU° IL at ha layllea.a; &au. .
win Aamaasaaa=u, rast TanioSaraalt &taw •
• ikdiaka. tea a.; - had amommommosikalb •
Bawd Tart Is Owe Atasamaamach,l2llo!. v.; Thad
Troths kr, art iiaatat
• ,asownsafti wlthJobsearai Acali.-Zsprou aisa,
. litaarg aiha Paaapia traititiacciatat saidias •
.420 the a pansainak.Era4,llkiali dilly Mamba
Azimptad) is owe* z—min nub; IWO 1. 4111. asPararolalk
Mara& liaondoczi,tas tram a Come/
/111. 204 min at: 3010 Woe. U. •
i ausitai woe am Pad Is graft what bane.
la pft lealt Wtal,, Sul and -by ita - Amohalla - aaIl; .
tookiiitba dared tams b; iorgam;
is lay War "maw_ ~ .rlhalaad Is Waal* wall Now ma •"'
le ammo buena disc. ampw romasiahrimpoodataa
la all rho swim, Wa mad .atta auk pstroa
To new &art....a..42 WM 100130 x ~,.....:s i 10
I ' 1.141364bb........... 30 00r. L0r5m5u.........:,.... & s
a ~,,d
30 tligividaphiab.a 36001341 s oft the &ram 1433r050
s • l
a latt4o• ft& Mow lark- . i .. , ( . '
. rullapnscritimunrsia•mysl3lbsetarpottoi
Widow go( &Mal& • to *a. mum,nits. *sew
tram [amain stun Moss ier
Os gain& • .;- - ...'
, NOTIOIL-la osis orkao lb. . - amour" yin 3 .304 Ws -
mhos 113 33&00110. tor _prodaid N. 17.1.., to la
attoott oat aletottag Slaw -; - '
it. l &.-133.loonotos131•, him - Oolioild lo Omni,
13010ogeti aod lownio So 004 1133=03.,atacbalt.
sot to szcooll6 011331113,304 toasts.
!hi Tielotespply to' - , J.f AWAIT apat‘
At UoP. KR moor, MOON 013,1toboty and Orlot 33,
RUDDCM. , -.lsol3bla.atioine Ureen Apples;
• =bug
sw de Dry, Pima* cbak. ahris.
S nr~
tesistibuss77 • • 1 -60 LIU cli,*s Odor, :-
-• kap Lord•-/ar lib by _1 - •
24 Liberty 4.
.e, „ ,, 1C1P11121N2,1
10, Elyl/111D 5t2X.711 . 8X.A 1•214:1
_lllt,lalllV-22144mionirloile •
tweezes a DILI/01‘
FLOUR I hitUUR l'• -
tee We - linieir e lUir. real% . -
• t•• liskse• 0.
''62'0d0:- •e
-t ret:
ItODME:ISO beef Small White Beau;
GOMA Dry aptai—do;a-...ap ?fah*
2 1=1,1114,21 •
bill 14 /4-. ; 00 2 Its !Wait L' •
enitvautaiiinaroavia.• - --
JCS Nos. 120 sad 1151111expisibs“.
MIRODEICL+Str bna - CloTex Seed;
Jr.•.o teiineXellA n. :
25 Us W. IL OUSEL% , , •
62 bus !its!' auk :
I N =La s a aturoatti,
Itingr-13 bk. let& II
4' 4 1
A ur) enstrunorahis num*. ~_- t
so besnax sup; , —l4 bus alumin • - <
• tbOle Illtailk len bee Kiri ; - ..<
no b i . miatay r - 1 boo boom IPr9iB;'
ih t .rb l , lo L. a. OUP/. ttli Liberty et
Dusan. saxness.
ngs biibe
Lank sad Matey Staub,
fwgkl sw l 7 kw Pnwp.
as sulicanzzD a bop's.
#1 , 41.0!E ALL
- sad, ad
witt • si ;
su • •!,-.."!"."esimW • -
.1141134 - 11.11118 agolf. ther ltßartoet,
„a. &tuna covdminiflietars. kotry remain 4.4117,-
rah tonna a mom. at town to IT& email" tataa
ontnattb. aU doe an tor Le at BM pato
roza,tilead Sanottstroot„. -
aria alrAdifiaminacs4nothisOliWilOODA
t :PNewlPthitikreinnt* zee and ranch.' '-
iglY-PRINT8,1 ! 0119
8111ft- P ,333108h 0 00 .4• 13 / 00 4, 1 °(.:1.
A: • - , k .;
)BALMjuL BILLR/14. --
S .
) - al: lbbl.••: Ito •
r ,36111.^6 * 111111 0 1 ._
,; : ; • t
- •
_ 4,..,