- • EOM NM - . -- ESTABLISIIE,I) IN 1786 aommissaan g at 0. GRAFF, COI MISSION MERCHANT, and .111LICROLI1ND/glll Bails ER, — No. 243 Liberty St mist, PrITIBURO TI. P.. CEI 3413 444 . 1 4 bitLa irCal4.l•ll sawn s...carmi. spvta 111 1 . I A lirß Vic , 0 0 I" IN. 'Wholesale 'Grocers, . CORXILIL Woodiantl Water Smola. rrrrinantan. e. CM JOU 1. Ituti BblrAlb ROOM JOR.N I. EOUBt4 6t; CO-. .W UOLKSALE GRo,CERS AND • COMMISSION toraer - Of:Sa tithfield'and Water Street*, lensd . PSNNA.. DILWORTH,. • Arardabg iferulants, etur,oes MAIL Q•;11:4, PRODUCT valerally, Na. 349 Liberty street. Sitcmory • 00, Pitt...burgh; Joc Dihn•al, iq,440• , •• • KutPandl..63. Leaf., Dctcdt Oa. d.c Bbrivee-• Ditrnob, doc Twang • Oa., et Laub", J. I. Vika • 430 410; Weida olt Audessoo,Cludiniact: Tract 6 Abner aOo. 40.Weimt.i. a !talcum, elmatv.r, fterwood • do„, do, Poidiserh. Moat.; awltimanoN.n.ll • D1.n. , /,.•t: ItIcharboi&OTOLISMI, 111.14 iniphtig 00011.11.111 t Brotbeca, da A. X. OtaAa, Now VOL f2.lyd EDGERTCT & 6TE/WART, Wholeaslo_Rieceni lE Commist, , ion Blectuukts, " ` l'o7 - WOPO STREET.- • MEI 5 •1" & Op., veakidistia •xdlitig Asie liwau, - Wboirsla [Mans la WEST&RN-11$10AVE CHEESE, OMER, 14.11,D„ Mall, tiloL+h, )goon. TIED, 7e, eetiryeal llalrealau, rammed k Lad Oil, Prim) ..- .,,, , all and Prodnce Keuecally. :.3 ' a, ' I 14 I A 4.4 1" 7"IBLII,IIIA. C3=2 ' atria di: ielitauum MaittuANTS, . . -41 a. Itt .EPL.otra."-riimuLut ei ?nap - cram: 10. 343 Llborty Street. PITTUBUROR, ohorA.inuimiic nous, far Bases isod .lamlly ' constantly ma hood. lftrticular aUxtillon paid Lo Offing otdon Ifirchandbmgmerally. octr.lo aanwitcs t sots, CWIMISSION MERCIIANTB, 111LIZTRS'IN I'APRR AND RAIN. And Apt for Ih• We a 2dahming Fire Brick and Pot Clay, 149 and 151-3Fcond Stmt, roar cloth, Pittabarah. ilS.Wrappgag. Paper at Mama atctaitief priced. Orb NI Ins WKS. • Jot wean. mamma—am:um. ..rarrre- 1 / 1 4 rtutaau 1111PININGZIL WAILHAVOIt 0 0b1MISSIIJN, idRECLIA TB DratIAILS IN Wool, Hideo, Provisions& Proiliioe Generally, N 0.209 Matti Street, int:oiSElTlSh jail =MI 1 110M,..41.ACKEOWN, Illunimanor eatArlits. - tor tthayer's built! , ixsiriflaid Salvias, Na IC [Adak, meet, Pitt. buok , g — E. • AIINVITOCK & - W., NS' tiular,' • sa•nclsou Ind Manntasturon. of Slate L. 63, an4llllbAuriqtr?suer Woad awl !twit inr.is, Pitt. .01.0. .. wch7 ItGadao4ll YSTLIL 114 2141f1i 4 11BITKIL, WIIOLESALZ AND Al 118411 Droggtets,oornee of Liberty .0 St. dtair gricuutroi 10 ..PII — FLEISIIN6; ISUMESSON. TO L. ta Wilcox a 004 auracr leterkeimreet and, Diamond, keep. montantly ban 4 atoll and onnplotommeteroini Drug., kindiciken, Midielsin Okada, Piptaraory,and' articles . per 4Zliipittax, liefernili °ma I.OninioiMAll Jews. DdtlY RR. GEO: IL .KEYSER, bRUGGIST, 11 1 1111 rood arm; corm of oxi roast .11 Vlrgin ./Uteri:m/114Pa • UtIN •P. bOOTT, , AVlNdesalii Denier in Itnirt'Papti;Olts, Vauban - '124 Diestad., N 0.296 Liberty wart; Pttotbargh: • " AU criers 70 . 1posITtprotapt attention. me. 24 . .. . . . . • littiti linate lignite. • •..,,,WlLlatill i WA1127 A d% LZR:_: IN: Rgobilssciat 'NOTES, *po Sforigsass Fed all socurillai trig ammo,. 1 . 1 " P nx n". loth ß9l: ll" Oti../Ww. 7rt`k.. loll, . :Se..iticidiza $o Invallitstrotoasy to koad adssaisp. antalsragailad drat mud mogul el...ysistt,st la, Pak% fai : . 1 till Cool.lll2killtir.M. sod iIASI,IO.IIII strictly conadidtill. Orßos GRANT ISTlLERT,appcalta St. Res Oatbsdral. Yazd it ...,:....,•..- totem Staten"; • • AMES UOLMAS & CO., Perk Packers ts ' , sec Arlan Ila CroebkO.. 611.1 01 ilirtet a. 41 7101 A L lls o l l : 4i ' llf:PreltiliSOkii ',{Jonuninnion ineihicirwardhig 'deillerolia Named Ea' sand Mow P10ur,../dli, !Mam e Dias, Linseed 01, Put sad Paid dads, Deed; dreidi, Dried. /rad, and Peeedemi gamerallx. deal brand. hauly.iflaca Menhir OD hued.- o:An U tirrett . ; 6. llo u'd lirsoCaso Itaulaklt 4.41, etuaborgh. agalyel 021.1aSE .11. ilaraLDIA, rurwwi■s' Oulaadeutiou iteraanhand Uhdrim, Saatter,Lake sad Prtoduco vnarsaiy, 1111ffood .4.stionflgatec f Pltistrzargb. m 221 - ~Clßit:' diet 101IN).1.'bilLLL6R, No. 81 WOOD -ST., bettroes Awl Noar A. ritAnti &A. Aput furCIIIOLAARIO A WNW Vodoct)PIANO;IAALTZA 11011 lIILAXIAMI -MODAL. ALALICAMONII AAA OHAA24 91 . 131 MOMPEAMad Doshifis9f.opms!irrozdavoe. . KLEBKII ft 'BRO. 53 Firlil . atb.Rokhrai 11444:15cd• Agora kw/YUMMY a C.lllkNl! ' r.., York) aartullad aped mad i t iu mz .PI .ANUB,asktIAILLIAIIT kinitDll4llll *maim DBOXS sad 41111A.ML HAJIXON/UMA,Deottrx la Mosicruml inIARLOTTI BLUMX, MLEI,UFACTUR -4.1 /11 ,t /14. - Porica, sad c uaado jAid MOW innitrazdada. Soh Asset kir Um maxim a° riOroei.Notur HAIM. DAVIA 00.11 amto• PLoay fib awl without .MoismAttaebsoruL US Wood ectsct. aqints. MITADDES;',Vgatit Metropolitan, 4. , 14.04 , Oymeseicla Illusraloo• Comp. 31., SUCRE, zooretary .Alle l . eny men ',Werth:gummy...l7 p I mb , . ow Agons North America no 4 Tiariford : Sltrr2f.g i al 4 ;t:4cretivr eilzene mnen • - -GARDINERCUFFIN,AgeOt for Fronk ittlacteltita sqd ;Impugn, efuelb-ertt, 4a4 Ththigtrods. 1 I? M. 001tDC/N T lE6mtary Western Insur x j ihsoi•Coempocay,ll2 Astor Wrlet. A. MADEIRA, -Agent for Delaware '.O- , s wami mos •Groobo. , . , --,..ice -------, . • " o}go.a. %mum -7;,,,,,,....„.. to m a i : BUROIWIELD:es.. '"""^ v''''''''''" • . ..„.... 'yids opd itacei Dealers In P h / a all n as tli ^....- •Inasatnorner Anirth slut' scsplased ang/ Pm cads, No. - . . , lerf Market at..! Pftntlnrlln. ' C..LOV, and ien — eY .'DealerS iu.Sta ~ m i .. i r o l •lital am* sip ' of the original Pee '7 =rig 1) . ,; U. PALMER; No. 105 Mai i ket Jlassefa, am, ramiosi, =ID ME Vskontims., AVIS; inocencir to Johri 9. Aar Dulletturthss4t soot,, gistbusery. go No. WI Wood trtrprt.-corosr of Ithuboug aihry, Pittsburgh ruggig 0.-461INSTON & 00., Stationery, Illiuutuuum and _Job: PrOjtork No. 111,W•idod.rest. PlWlllungh, Ps. , sa3o . ' AND ,STA 3101110.110toi' At Wool ttist do:glottis oce• qtr Inttemith.tc" Saud and Law bodlumoto. • Lc READ; BOOKIALLILR AND-STAL '• TIMM 114 •MbeIt6 OL. Apollo DaDenis. —*fanners. rc sw Fl. x,., 11011111 , ,!AIGN . AND:O6IIIIIhIPITAL PIINTBIL " No. 61 Parrs emu"; oadarettOvisi•lassit. - PITTSBILIIOII, S lan work:done for tho WIPLOGINEUira • • • t a ilLtiON',ljsitiNa FREELS, prammeeed eRP.S. imam lIIIIL • fyili Cllalr ItitSSEMVI. .8&LLINIII SELIAING I Wass .arazt fAna L soatiss,.sawort 490A1.911.1 Cs AL 9 L et?is. -INS SCAM allg, are li• • FRANK V. P ROLM COMMISSION CHANT. Dealer to roar, B•rds. Lard, Phew, Pot L. Dried abd Uneen Prole and rodtxce pluerAlly w....ra Cash Adraxas =a an Cionignme.b. Warehouse, No. 114 Seeen. Street, Pittsburgh _ & Rehm, PlCstnargh P. • Ifrn & Co., Pluottnurgh Shaun& Cotan, Jo IFh !vet L Pihrorea, no oat. Apriotor Cartk.o e a 0., nscs, a`DOZL.n, ur ind:lscs m C , W,JIsA I 1 D. • O. •I'Le.olso.l • O. 'Mtn Attipc[l.2, ak..Potkl , gla...-Utati alitOrini. Pauli,. 211 , 1 AL I 3 at OVAL A 1.812 . 1E1.14. IV lIOLESA LE CIROO I IV., Produce and TT Connlaska tterchank,in aa. isf N.O Ma... ma.l iduls..ra, Rased !kiwi and ay pa. /kw, Macon, the, Men, Awls, •c. No. 2.5 .I...iborty an... ~. ' Polkly VI arathallai 4 . alaildlAillallt . . unAlUtrlon LAMBERT e?r.. t 111 1 , roN, WI3OLESALE GROO 103, Produce 0 ea l• en and Colowinka Plera at.. No. 6 6122 - a etztet, , . aoltly • Itusba ch htt IaiTTLIi. 4 T IMOLE., 1 IarIIOLFSALE 01101.: 'RS AAD CUM `TY AIHKIDH BlICIIHAIN: Mn a. lo Proda.., Plow. Bason Cia••••• 1 , 41 A, Oseb. sad 1.10 OH. 1602407 LAE% CM: A. 4, ....1 Parana,. 41LOOk.nca "seam!!). ''.• akla - .. - !OHIO) E. Pr.'. rriTSILILIBOIi. •h. a 4., r006T0r...-..........r. a ...I+ al . .n ITOrt.t. , k.'"_ - .7.. - 1 4 1 AT .. 0 N t C U. , R•, -wholesale ropooi-s. •-- -.... AND otott.o„ IN Rope; Oakum, Pituh, Ca, - ancL, Pittsburgh to i Manutuoes AO. 13 W 4 . 1 . 10 iiii 11 'llitFlT, Adana Saulabaeld. [..11:1)1i/ PI rtS 13U r Oil. P.., WILL/Aild 13 IGAL.EII 7 , • V7Y3C1LEM244%.1.34 Nos. le duo . aod wooer., Joll.dd PITTSBVIWIL , nail a'ol/1-............--4.lsanntil. -...---wa..-z . , imiutil.. "'OLIN M 'OLLir, & SON , Grocers ano gurn ey Miliddli MaSettantli. Ageauj U. sale of 9P14.1r0n J•=l Simms, N.. IS3 LiLerty streo, Pitt.i.0.7.4. felS:lyd . a. JONES, WttilLESALii of Boat Parnlaher, Dealer I. Pioderwl and Pitteargh Mundicivxes, N. 14.1; Wst.ar street,mear am') Way, Ptsaborgb, Pa. , cnyZe W'll. QIIIIIVER & iii-firdß L O. emenale.lX) sad 1.131 .42404 artlVeLli WON/ JOON FLOYD & OD., WUOLESALE T." .thoceriand CorozoiNdas .MllAkats, No. I:a Wore rod US Marty ftrost, Ptttmhargh. sows Wart ,IJSZII7 • WA. WATT & WILSON WmmlWop liZtiOuLon.E4SAL!.o,,,lmto-. dam and Pittsburgh Illanalharma, Nn. Lit.rt: creek Pittsislrgb. I • pa+ Panft arwiLi........».-.„ ~. ...a.. 2. LIR-j. ..... ...1.1. A MEM., LEE it, CO., • WIIOLESALE XIL-Irrocers. Proda. and Oquituleudott bivr...kuta, raid DOFrsto Pitieburgb Maantaeturrii. No 11 vv..,4 at ...i, t.. item Wider and /hunt ai.. ITbdith 4 i S. , nose. loatSat . - . SAM . I. 5 4.,... i p - RdiISON a,. CO', WHOLESA LF: • La', (Ismer., Comsh.fm. )lerr vms, nod ts , ..ims !:. si. klud•of Prorlilotts, Praichu, .i 6,1 tlttal.orgh Niututsreng.., No. 11115 Lilrorty ittn.t. Pittet.re., _ _ _ _ Seam Dal-UAL ..... ..... .... ..1•11Be C. :Pt t• OBERT DALZELL k (1.J., J 1.16 BMA Grucert, 13oitamiteli.ti tvrw not .c . e.banta anti Doskrolt. Prod:m..l , 4W Mail' g•. Liberty strt.l. littlburgl4. ra. . . ISAIAiI DICKE} & c(l., L G;0cat,C0mmi.....1211..15.4,ty;ma 1.4414,.4. NIL NO Weer 5tn.4..1.1 14te el stianucr.clut,z.. SUYDAM'S LINSEED OIL I B. S U Y 1) A M, .Mu.nularturcr mtJ th.c.r in LAIN i7K.ECL) ()IL.. 1 ,14 W s b”. = . note. tor ovv..n. have 'bey.. plaiTyl at thy Ivory. er Mr ' Wu, bagaloy, Wor4 sty..., hurt • Llboety ht. Urdu. for Oft mud ...Ake. vi VI.A Xr. e.Ht. S&L*, left at the. pia., rill evletve prncop:•t.u, watecitrese ....a lint itiILIKINTOSH. 1111 1111P.11 et Corner Pike and U l FLitwit ell Newt City Watec °tee, ' 2' 2'B B llt 0111, P A . , MANUFACTUF.ERS-1 SI ACK I N (t)::;11 111.1. • illaiPifILLIAl ildratAft CATE.ItT CILLAT LAO £111) iIL IC VAINCe mei Lest style. Meting pet awlischlner) , itige eapiewy Ind WU we are prepared le o beery Jobber,. owl ew licit work la Ibis lino, trusting Licit, by ieleceptei.w•eil .Le character of ear. wink, 10 moult pot. petrotiteo We In vile opecial eiteetbei iwout VALI' 4 OcCi 1411TL440 NICUINFA as memoi It ,wituiteeee bietttto unattained In ibis claw, of En% . sir haute .11i wee. wow, good I ebt. To LA Palely! CAN. -IN laisdaiii, iflueeeewr. ,Nkil AN UfA CT URVIS ,end Ila T.,Arter, fts e. Arid Teble 11.Lteiy, tierxlcal wed Dee.: l a Wan:mote. 01101. Ptawla, F*lalry, .Ta.go-Ca• /Lc, NO S. W 0,14 tryt. rho, OW. 4,1e13.1 aliataialtl tee TaLecacturlug el Tniaran,, , aw.lore. ac. Jel.terso 41.1 Rep.., wall 1.141tf (1,1•14) eed despatch. 4.16e11y . _ lINLLUIN a. Bora. WILLIAM 8 . A11.3101L1. A CO., 61 Penn sit; beluw Martubj Pittsburgh, I. •QTEA.24 BOILER .11A1cEtiS Atil) trc. worker., Mara Itarottili . . Loomautive, Fiord red Cy Oiruv- &diem t. 2.2471.75, belch., the bed, ittrwa i'vnt, I Wndmunr., hah Bum Pala, I.lvp Yawls, A lay Illochswithe W. 14 MAP. sad Virliact Ina Led dhoreola. the. All orders from a dist... , tir , mptir artnedr.l i‘. laYf ,jlFutritt - Uic JAMI~B W. Cvp6i;ci.K.a.. FPRRITUftIi=a4D CHAIRS . WHOLESALE AEH RETAIL, latbraciog *Teri Ityl. of Ti tri izt .E. ROSEWOOD, /CANOGA/0 ; AND WALNUT,' statat4,l4ll PARLOUS. CElAllohael MU) DIJKINO 'WAIL Yqual to sgylin NEW VORE AND Piii,LA DEL PH IA WAHIIIIOOIII, Nen. 17 es,olo TRIAD &maim =Volt! :„P1TT311(74711, PA„, wee*. f ouste--.yeana . .... •Cs e. VNO & et „ 111.11.1147AUTLIW lURNJTURE AND OLLAIRS Of Eery DeHqipthra. /A hSollY—Pnioral M..,brtertan fehiso and itr.r4l. Warehouse—Nos. 88 4.0] Smithfield Fa, QTEAAIBOAT CABIN OORNITITHY.--We . nj ars constantly monnattainsi CIAMII /0814.121D1A end WBILLEL3, maul itilite the ettehtfon of Woe Interested o filiTnithing Watt. tann+ll/rwT • Tv. T 4111411 ACO Quack rostrum®. MOE NEW YORK DAYB OOK Part A Ti..° melte 10 of Hew Wel, Hair Lin., lieir Toulon, Hair Owls, mon the ntamberta preparetiom which am ape before*, noble ander a tau hYPo holiest and fiattiotie lithe ewe we me paneled la show +hi ded cart% merepepor headland, ea bele nrepinallone, are ell ban:lrmo of the Mat wow; lb.], weal merit, wilco Doff Pm.. wiTo tL rkm Om, Ain ,'h arm. 1100 . 4 Lento, WHALS IL LAIPOIL, /Mita COL, • earated and col and, make up, abort to beantinal Amami sod whitening glue bottles, the e1e.11.41 thermion at t 001. ., and •Inta time axitly, are bedtimd wall 0w , t0 ,, t 3 trisyliable term, and m might at by Tendon. ;eg wet botn means stab la not thetharxtecid Drawee leers 11.1, nedonetire Shia aeollemeo come. fore M e bee en rid erisboot miT blab faintlb" Xlifiptdolaciato, or any 0411.1. Ntoratlimit. cud startling estchpitttay ger= he el nply reiersakers • Mir Rare' rafter—DUl Iterpreeres feria•ly— end to a teeter ann n ante. Boy flefemor W... 4. Mir lteetonalre, cod en you Taineyour .Delp, f.. yams .err te nth., er,,r, aeth log TDIVS nosy he then yea m II got Nomp Won. cob .ma Orrunud lard oil on oar Romero ber, Wood's Reelorallee iw to. le the b pi Article ex by Nature's;t,a ti Proem, Etliiigore Way Bair to Oa Original Color, "pa pus. Dar Grey on Debi iiproDy• the lestoral 8 a, ."4l prevent owe all 'table., I wii ,CatffeCla aAI Dandruff, "AD anlitplinue—even Dna I Hitt, Witemmite $4l .0.1 01 .3, , 411.00400 1.104 al% Wittiest. tbe Will Primers. the, ' . io o of OW le old og, cad eta, Ite WI " °l.. f ° r " i ' n n n. A lin umr 1. And le enact the beet T. A ril. "o end wid`Wholeaale Eannherfcred by 0.1. WOOD A e e k. end 111 Starlet et, fit Load., Mo. , Bold in Plllabangh by Dr. 080. ibtl UTTAR& L TAD. DISITOCK • 00., old all Ornesti laulbdly) 11.1 NOTICE TO CRUDE CA BON OIL COL , LICCTOII9,—The enbealbet are dell hewed and offer fwilittm to them beeline milderl for rake. to &poet with dote. They beer one of the Li at ere”botter. amt col lan to the city for that purpose ,They wwwlii-moolve, don ASA dolor to (Tiler, or anti oa commission. .I.ltllid 111.1111 nolydocm Tee, oil ales rennin and dare reflood Mi met frill no csll3M6 wt.. dedred. To Dealers in Carta. 00,17: think we Call off.r Mealtime very mach to their edeatd delT 1101,1411 DICKWY •IV, Mantel 11l Water rt. N EW DRY-00 OPS, ALL RINDS, sail 011 for the prmeut menwein, Wiles ea low utbe lowed. 1.30 1111NRCN tityP. MArkot know/. NEW PRINTS, Nl:Anil NOIIMIS, Cheeks, Shirting M4lina, Irish Linens, Balmoral Skirts, Shirt Bosom!, Shawli, &a. Jost cameo 113111120=1 _ QUNDIUNS-47.bales use' a; c.t ky• 2 bog+ vv.. I bat b, It well Anti* it matryeoled r..% -: . 'do T00th.... to D., . 1 1,,,,,,. loud'''"l"."-C"I!!* . "1. ! '" 1#1/ 7 11DICLETI1Ock, 11.1"4"41ads thigrdity reed for alga bY. 8 Ainiar IL COLLIIIL /1/1 - i . . '. ': -. ' ..'.: ~-,.--, ''._.,..:'.-.2.....4,--:.,'....,-:,;;;...1i.,-:...--..i,,,•ei.,t., ...-- ALLY '..TITTS PITTSBURGH, MO ti DAY MO RN i Cg,, FEBRUARY 48; RDEIR, 1 1 / 4 1 - 4,15 , _.A.NV POPULAR BOOILS fiItBNIII.B PRACTICAL T&RATIOS on Coal. Piave Isom end ether 'DIPTILLED OIL& PertorCe Lite of Jackson: three vole. et...marl'. &nee., Reviews mei Mbeelleeler. Blear .11c Elitioa, 6 vel. .Carie la's Critical nod Sliacelistieone Reeky. do. Tb. Mete of Ltbarlea Lamb: RiVeraide edition,l Fargo el kits .yarata, do The Wt.rta of lryaurta Rao,, do now laming. ant,.,b L.tnr Ifir.ay• and Poem.. berea'r.tad...4 !intuit' the Ilerret,'• Lal. Itettluna of Ck ntral Afars lee 'a (1,101,01 of Urn. rit.o.Ve itiloott and 61141, e: Rem 641111.1 n. Tom Blown at Oxford: 0,,, 1 Hopes and ft.ata by the author of thn Heir a Bab rlyrk: 1 vol. Seullt.'• Witt! fitrgratthl.sa Mottle Yentlan.h 47 Utast. tirt.ntrt.l Th. Chord of SC. If lry . • - Iflltta' Nem.: Mux and gred . Now Milton "Myrtle r.wtoott Mae a..d at 11dt 110 j.eyt gave 01,,,16 Weed arrtool. IBIIVO ISI t'u Wl' A:V T Hu 0 6 from the pia.. of Tlt kn.., J a c cei..J. A I,A , nal 11.mory of Lord thaws. from ufspubliihod Aotobfort.i o , Dr 11‘,1,1e, :11114.1, uf L. rrek , r-ootalwlty li, Mt.!. of ht. time. Jame. W u i Atldi•OU TI hU.,u Prlnebing, by J.M.• W. how I ut adol•on A new ocpp.loa of IIP• Idlolliog good bo/h•: • linrwm at 1 mill, 11 Too Pr.litra . of me A,A• Yre.nA arfr.l ISAKIPOU . .l.1“i0ac1 of L.. 1.1 t.f Nato:el court). arl..rer era 1 ,, .ut for salt. 1.. B. inNtli LPAVIA, sal ' WI Wood at, rpnE NEW A 513. BEAUTIFUL EDITIONS ut toe ettlgt6ll M Atitttl.gre ceit.go, LE'd tit 4 • LA it ti'S 4 d, SIALLAII'd Mldele Ages, 3 vole. dd Coo.tautiettel 134.t.3, L. pre. • .10 illetats of Regd. LltsntuM , tg pees.; 101911413.113Coti.ittes of do CON'd LIU OP .3 4IIIIPON . the eIritIVOIDIS ZDITION of WabLogtolt :Wm., beat:Ohs:ls pd... doted paper, frogs then!. p4W .a the eo.ll.lNrer [.august lttfltkrt:. Ceopleto, 31 Chltl MA bolt calf B 0 LW 11815 NtiVZIA One Inglkh Edition, , ...ohplet• I half calf. b* tLKP7t COOPRlL—Thissnlend'd edition of Oonpas'i .Novolt,lllostrated y th. Inistotly band of V O. O. Darts), soar 44000 onoptsted. nousotolons ran d. - • Specaal emotion gboos to b•-dis of norsoansat vile. Chnd alltloas of good books ...tautly on band and rsb orlving. A PRETTY LITCLE LIBRARY—Ten Volume.; In • nor Inks $1 CO W,lttee Tro to the Or• Monti Lade Monne for Unto People, The Mutt/err; (101; edr Grandmother; My LltdenrhoUnobt.• My Beet /nett ' • trade. Three Teuton,: The 1.1111. Potions. ebb: Decries Net Mtn: Itudiab Mary. AUNT IMIL•OnOn I,IIRART—Ten Velour.' one. 111 O. Club and Iler Ountnt Jeannette: or, The Oust Mistake; 034 Montt LIMA, Ikerdlop $.00101.1.: blur Illnlohy TOO; Happy etrlsttet One Ann,: thu of •Polmn Mary, Ann. 01111N1•••: bb fire Abut the 1.114.. et1..0/1211 Loa, rah bl•bty of pro", eta use. not ere ...Only nut Tor oelo by 4.23 3. 1. KFAO,79 Otrin at. NEW 110uRSI NEW EUUKSI— The Onest Progyoretlarn or 17.1 onsprkt Inerreth Myer by Orr. Onenutog Hun" Bilbels and Pane. by Mblttin. hlt• 011borl • Cunt klutledg, • Scheel. POnall H. awl toll . Inner el..yraphtee, by tanturl Tote Q... of Aunty : holy In Trunnion: by Arntr. T Cott•tron4 the Alp.. Wunvell CI Mont. Mem wt.. hes, Iltd.eu The Whl.• Klrobnot. P-r et , 1., Jl.lP:s , I. /I RAD, 7.4 Fourth M. Pock KT lIIARIES Plitt lAOI. lr 111 VALK ANA' V 1.14.1111.41 /OK POI ,`IIVAICIAN' 114 ND 110 , 1 ['KC:TICK 7 , 111.141 013LD PAPICN:AIe tt - 14)Kli run 18C1 K • Y • Co WOO.l I)F.:NNSYI.VANIA NTATE REPORT.-- l'Auntel2.Jual ticrived I y J,,7 6 s tee fie %Vont eel uok E TI NI 1.1 - ! 7-- feesr../ 1 u n , 5 le t:e e 11 , 1 , e ,11 Ile , ee •le Llee 41r - re n 1,1 A .4.one ear %Mr le, $ T.l Vlr., 3.14 eLt need mg - - I )ENN INti .1 i .1 n Nexr. smA, p.NN . - .• ..*..41.1 u(SEPIK4hB4 43coN 3:1)or.. .104 .10113 (AM . 11 n ANAacn t.,1,,E,z kk ~ JAMES it CHILD- A CO =0 SEAMLESS LAGS, 0."1N A iI_TIIRGS ; 312 talt•hyt. 1 r10.4..f1 111-IPr, I. ft at U. '«, I 3 Wn.xi Prs...smii. o{ll • (litipl , N D G o tim y.:04 iv6v 0, Bfairin GIN AA A. RE6OdE.DIAL 41.131.10N'r. SDIu D6l.lo•Web TONIC ATEMUL &NT, • SPF.CI ALLY defugne,i fur the u-o of the irrlic Pr./term. owl It, .re, r ...r...111.,1irc.4110 911..1% . ••Arumel.c.' • P. 1.41. rater" I. note br .11 r.l the promln..t rhetnisle xrd n 1 lip .11 in( rinve gosh.. (folk sue Illtonut) srluth bekete to uo not pure Gin. Put up In gcan le/ul.O end e rl 0, .11 :let, rt. , . Aro,. rd,, °IC Dr. OM/ II Kwtenx. 180 Agent. A II , MNl:‘ol..ft♦ Let. [E•L•bikbed I. ICJ Cele ernr,.l.l, oGrkir Itr N. Y. F OR LA DIES ! FUNS! FURS! FURS! of all kinds and qualition Frill OLOVE.S AND lIIIIrFLERS! lIATS AND CAPS, APCORD & ..I Wo t. PITTS EMI RGEI (*Low WORKTW. — J. C. BIDWELL , IL.IIIrTI.I !C!INUTAULLIRICIL OF ALL TUX VARIITIE. ,•, PLOWS. TIAN/ CASTINGS. Cotton Scrapers, Cultivators. &c, Adapted ta'the various Soils of gm Northern, Western, and Southern States. ItirStaooketury, Stamboul. .41 OPIr.; Coiner Dow... 'VP Ey. 6'.) t• sod Gar mon.oli•y, (oon n,r.n puny. Iron .11 111. , Relempul _'a . ..347 PfTNIIPItIe 11, Pi. AJE31.14.; ,IIVI PROV HNT In atm:sand Atmospheric Hammess, ETTETIS PATENT wers . grantal Bepti Oth.l/13. Thome,. for • very elchple and, etc ant I to pm, ninon 1 la flrnson lau•11h""Ilt: I larnalara •bierby the full stroke ol the lwed., ie.:WWI - lon% qu mat ter •het Le the thloy.hiros of the, on.. of Iron to be #;—thervtir effitotthy went tooresee of power where I ' r ' yteeee of nutlet ere lb Le opereofi opoa coda WM/. 1 . pooollna ..ring of •Iffofla. t0,,...1,,,,fiber• .old rtfailt, cod Rae deel•;, ' tohe of rltht. 1mpr.r.,,,0n/... I taMwryeel.roldpetrel A [mole' Of mid improvement , Ls left at the office of Mewl* ityltewell A Culiblog oeye et Lew. corner of (trent end Dinnuend mere., where yerties to '*red tuny cell and ion. It. cud learn Men the Pflug of 11.11./..1" , . An. I' R. r. epurt, A , m.Uaoe re m P.. FAtiff DrIESS !ANTI' RI/MIA, MAASS, UIIRNUtA, ano,o phANNELA. KW , AII-Wa.ll M , Th , 1.,t0. noJ $l. tormoti, Maur' $l4. , Al.O onw repeelog N ew and D wlrelew Doewwt , e a.tel lift pl. Gond.. JAM a /I ANPON LOVN,T4 Mario.* et PRODUCE. .1.43.-50 bbls. Russota; IA bbl. vbs.! SEND, A WA. Proh 2003. 4 blob ROLL BUTTER. -1 Ai 2 TURK ILYA, I put P. Imo VEAVOI4 22. 201X12 w. nook hors BRoqqA. MO b. 022 P 2001122. GM ntio by ,VRAN 2 VAN 110R1.22, 202 11A i FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR,' , vruw~r; ATM OTI% fur oak 1,7 RODORRILIt DILWORTH, eat VW Liberty st. ROLL BuTTER—s bble. choice Itollaut. ) ; w, far We by • J. , L. 0. OItAPP. Ype - Lihrti, R. 0 lIRESS-100 hoses prime W. it. Cheese:, twa. a. nattiest:am. C4°Vsll packs „lint rcc'tkir •.I..by 1.111 MID NA • 007VIR. IXTULTS , MU!1 , 18---7 racks New-CropAusti v ”Jrn tor rM by balb 111114NII it °or/tic . ) 'qj GRAIN*-4kateelo.soo bout.;lcyc 300blie kr WAS ste J. IL imierertoo, • • • . . Attu 'toots. Inn= DA V 18. noon. STORM. 93 *ma bbaoL I=l ~ buttrgil 1 - .1.1 . 'MURAL , DAILY AN WiSILLEEIP . Ii I LI .1) 1. C eirru vasr. 480,E EZ ; BEM MONDAY MORN i NO. FIKO. 43 ~..,, the fie.l, gh Gaze., Pelmet of the Minority cl ih o Committee on the Ipneage Tex 1 . 1 TTMIII 7 i n. Ilth FvbruarClF6l. To the tent told birtrtorr of the Pitn.buryA hound ,/ Trude . tlarermuen—The undersigned, a minority of the committee appointed by your ifoarq on the subject of the proposed repeal orthe Ton nage Tax, have examined the: "21v, far the Commutation of the Tonnage Tax,":with she provisions said tm have been added . for the purpo.c cf securing your aid to effetit its.pas sage. The sulject to pus of the grlivest im portance to the Cotrimototrealih of Penuaylva Ma and t. this c•mitiumunity, and demands your must carenil considoratiai and deliberate ac tion. The Bmll has been prepared by the exec.. idea of all the ingennity and ability which the Management of n great o oporation, seeking mi gain of *300,1100 per annum by a more act of legislation,.m.,uld bring to bear, in giving plausibility to its , J ttiect of getting much and granting hit e; bunco the tinders-geed du nut profess, the. compa-s ot " a few hours time, to here . unin_yeled all its bearings. We flowerer antral tfie following reasons why it should not receive pow endorsement. • -The first paragraph of the Preamble is in-; evrrect, in that it asserts Clint "raid tax was intended to compensate for any probabledimil notion in the receipts of the Mau Line,"only, from which it ie afterwards inferred dint tam Line being sold, the tax shall cease. You haves held the opinion, and shown conclusively former Reports, that it wee also intended,;tes, compensate for diminution in value. Thenext; paragraph states th4 . tic , t that the Legishiturpi which sold time Alain ine required an addi.' tional sum of $1.,500,000 as a cumpeusution for the release of the Tonnage and all tither taxes; (the latter bearing but a small pripor lion to the former.) This proves your positiott to have been correct, and we see no realm' for changing it. The third paregrtiph of the Preamble we thick gives erroneous imprei.sions of the rea sons which led the supreme Court to decide the proposed release of the tax to be um onsti tutionall 'tv e submit the following extract from the opinion of the Court: "The amount of tares proposed to be re leased is beyond calculation. It can only be conjectured. It would be greatly increased by the tax which would of course bs levied on the property about to be sold to the , Company. - .fudging from the increase during the last five years. and the constant augmentation of trade and travel along the route, it would seem reasonable to bulieqe that in five years front this time it would lie double its present =wont. Rut conceding that the tax to Iw released will hereafter amount to no more per annum than the sum paid in“fififiv the amount, according to the admissions of the Railroad Company iterlf, be5280,"139.2 I per annum forever.. 'this sum is more than equal to the interest on Ff's,6oo,taX) at' 5 per cent. the rate to be charged the purchaser. In other words, the Act of Assembly proposeeto give the Railroad Company a consideration equal to &i,GUOiltal for if l, fir 0,000. and thus give that .Company on advantagi equal to $1,100,01,10 over every other bidder at - the sale." Thin ,h.ru • I•d . tb : draisidti of the Conti to In S. ti.... 11, 1111‘i the /let or Motmbly 1 1, 1.”...1 to giro 44 t he ei:te mon wealtte,. g00f...) I rit • ..,•;• •m,te eop-nidera ikon. R het hor tt. Coot • , t.i:, , ..usent that it be gtr,•n awuy it t,.. , • .. po.ed, rot . troth. tug. ronmins to he cu•n Thu tarrth••siheress•''a••. ri• that thp Legis ;mule meant to 1... ftaifiNie 'Tat for ilie,c.Aosidera;ici. n 1 ivili in lidnd• at_ riAly paid; old the no ;ba: in contradicted by the .tat iteve! - r, and Ito entistrection given to it by the Court. It also ray In tax. tails indireedy produan•;',lon ithai due,. your landocs u.s , thu tax on :,,utL (dile and farms; hot it JoiititdMitairtherurrtir . ov, it Oatuld be repenlcd. Wo releri yuui fo your former arguments, which prove that if It oes fail did darue•tio productn, the lault dial ith the Company, nut the Tunnugo Tax, and the Legielature ha+ the rowur to PupplV remedy—not, hinoever, at the experegil Iri amry, Lamle, prolific - ob.! iletitei the ric,lit of the state to euheot and threatenb lother litigation; a Sandi 41. oliuian at is of argument. which we al uuhlh to believe iv jtt holly unworthy of your ninio;:'. meat. Toe fifth and oixtb Tfirerersy" culls this Act "compr cmaiee'' and -final settlement"--lasislues abut which ra of litrle, or C) appreciative value, to be a proper 'commutation" fur the icemen.% boon received from tire State—agreeslto pay ardiunry tartek (which it cannot jvoid s ) pad -to aid in the construction of M. owti branches, (which it has bees heretofore doing' with its own mosey)—with the money to be given up by the State. It fixes upon the Legislature the appeurauce of "a:tenting" a benebt, while in tact, it is giving away three quarters of a boa now accrued, sod ut least three hundred thousand &flare per annum forever. ' Finally, it speaks of relieving certain property from "the payment of Tonnage Tax, or.duty to the State,' and this short paragraph sets forth for truth 'three important errors: The property named does not pay a tax tctLhe State—nor is the Tonnage 'lax a "duty!' in the commercial acceptitien dthe term. [See Report in Senate, 1854.) There is no law •of this State imposing ' duties or tonnage," helve this act cannot release any such duties. 1 he whole is artful, special pleading, which is not only wrong, in itself, but which w i greki go far, should future necessities of the State require re-imposition of the tax, to preventing being done, and will greatly embarrias any future efforts of the people to gain relief from the discriminations of the Railroad Ccrenpapy. The proemble, it is true, is not the Act, but it is a part of the paper offered for your en dorsement; and we have shown in this report, and by reference to your former reports, thatit is a tissue °farms .whicb, Whether wpm to deceive, or merely the result of accident; is en titled only to our condemnation. The first Section of the Bill provides in a special manner for the making of a Written contract between the Company and the 'State . , and we think places future legislation' in .re gard to the subject matter, out of the power of the Legislature, except with the consent of the Company. It changes the mode of paying for the Main Line. By the present contract the State will receive this year $10(1,000 of principal and $360,000 of interst, in all $460,- 600. Next year it will be $455,04i0, and each succeding year the sum will be , 85000 lees thautbn proceeding (that being the Interest on $lOO,OOO, which is the annual reduction on thit principal) until the 31st day of ifulY, 1890, when the whole balance is to be paid off at the rate of $1,000,000 per annum. On the 31st day of July, 1890, the State will have re ceived $12,725,000, leaving a balance of 83,660,000, which will be all paid on . in 1894. The State will then have received an aggre gate sum of 816,385,000. By the proposed Act, the Company will pay $460,000 peg an num, principal and interest, until 18011 and then pay $2,075,000, making au aggregate of 15,645,000. This change is, wo believe, no advantage to tho State. At best, it is but providing, tbat in the next generation she is to receive *;200,- 000 —half in small instalments and half in one sum, instead of receiving it in four payments, with interest. 1{ the Act does not pass, the Coratunnwelith will receive the present year: Payment of pain. pale( Main Line debt $40,000 do do of interest of do .. i 360,000 Tonnage Tax estimated pOomo Total $700,000 If we estimate the increase of the itax as only equaPo the annual reduction of interest, if the tax remain unrepealeil, the Suite will have received on the 31st of Julyi 225,000,003,00 (without counting the interest ehe would save in the reduction of Ver debt by the tonnage tax) against $15,645,000 which she will receive if this 'Bill passes , The bill, in point of fact, proposes to I apply money due to the State tram the Uomptiny,, to the payment of a debt due from the Company to the thate, in other words, to liqtddate Cotoptinredebt,: with the Commoteweadth's money. This Is perhaps what ; is meant . by *thaimutatiost."- fie i*iiscooo to oil.eltailtoiA4ViiiiliaxidAiiikinttsiiNiti gationtlomfatheitMlownotchroottiof4toin- • • , 'll 4 A,: - . i entice of the State tiiisents off we do not know, 1 bat we presume it world not be in the. bill if it did not *conciliate" s mebodr We submit further the:following one why the Board of I Tnulq should not fay ho passage of the Act : The tax was ire toproteet the pub . lie winks, owned by too - State fit 1816, from I the decrease in revenue, 111:1 , 4 depreciation in Ivalue, which might bli caused by, a rival ; and to compensate for injirrics to result from its erection. In is:inflect:lon with other taxation, and expected Sandhi'~, it was dketned to be a reasonable charge for Valuable privalegeligtosted to the gawping. The depreciation caused by 'be erection of I the Risid chartered, and its ac tive efforts to destroy the Main Lino, has been greater then anticipated, and the Tonnage tax, when the lain -I.ine. was sold, represented the differenbetween its cost or original val ue and the p ce it brought. If the tax was imposed to wer expected depreciation only, it falls oho of behTadequato ronrinevi. :- r ? o , The Main Line cost ''0,000,000.00; it :::.+4. tor 57,500,000.4 If unp)aed as a pried for the benefits anilsouroe Of profit granted ..to the Company, and enjoysid by them then, the. fact that their net prolltln lei° has been 12,296,- 493.00 'proves that the monopoly of the traffic through Binnsylvania is more valuable than could have been anticipated, and that the tax falls short of an adequate. compensation. If imposed for both these maims, who can say it should ,be lepealed;oKonght to be comp red of -a,4 union or buribete3oniely.o the.Compiany? The acceptance! of the ',flirter, with all its conditions, undeniably constituted a con tract. 'the aecelitance of each stuxessive modification of the ctiarter,many of which were made at the solititation of the Company, and especially that modification which changed the tax from 5 mills tnrs- mills, was a new ratifi cation of the contract. Thtr Company in that, it urges the repeal principally on pretitxte which concern others, for whose benefit they are greatly Badmen, admits the fact of the contract and the justice of the tax: The Flamm Court, inits holding upon the disputed tendons of the tale bill, con• firms the right of the Legislature to impose the tax, and shows the wrong of releasing-it with out full compensation. The camas of the Commonwealth were in good faith pledged to her creditors, and the •roceeds of their ettle,or their revenues, ought not to be divested; but should be most sacr ed ly devoted to the use of the creditors) This Tonnage Tax will- in a 'few years .amount toilhalf a million of dollars pei annum; lithe einkmg fundfor the payment of the pub li debt is deprived of ;it;tlie rum mist be ra'aed from direct taxation. 'The people of Pennsyl vania are now heavily taxed, and to place a new berth= of thisamount upon them for the benefit of any corporation, or under the pre— text of aiding certain, special localities or particular branches of business or industry; would be an unjustifiable act of oppression up on every other district or pursuit. The Tonnage VIZ; added to all other taxes paid by the Pennsylvania Coil:piny, amounts to lees ad-valorem, than the tax paid by Bank ing corporations. The Bank of Pittsburgh, for instance, pays to the State absolutely, flay per cent. higher tax on its 'capital and prbilts, than does the Pennsylvania railroad Compa— ny ; hence if a change is expedient on the ground of inequality, the Tonnage 'at should be increased. . , Th,e repeal of this tax =licit be legiti "Mately called for to enable the Pennsylvania Railroad Conipany to reduce its local charges, and foster home resotunes of the State; until these charges hive'llrst been reduced by the Company to tk i lowest paying standard. That this has not Wn done, is shown by the iin menae profits th thp Company over and abon tlin'tax, and the ektravakant, expenditures it annually makes. Nor can its repeal be alleged as necessaryl cons , . en le the Company to co pete withris . o, b while its rivals are bank nrpt., Penni colppany . readelleriFF the year just clo ..'4496,3,:fncreasing ins earnings over al . ! review year', $570,316.27. .The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in its present attitude of resistance to the obligations of its contract withthe State, is in no position to demand favors. If the axis inpealed . j then the earn now withheld derL:which hi,4 professedly been col lected from iincittrede, belongs to the I°- 611 :kack to thew. The send, sec tko - 3 .7 lrirj e i nißianibleirsaa - We. understand it, Watl)3o. it legalizes and makes the State a : party to the injury now _being done he 'steamboat interest of the 011ie riv e tby compelling even the owner of a steams if if he desires the privilege of stopping his produce, in Pittsburgh, to ship by a boat in which the agents Or the Railroad Company are interested. In other words, it is making the State a party to the discrimina tions of the Company against steamboats in which their agents are not part owners. This discrimination is now the subject of loud com plaint, and has lavished transient western boats from the port of Pittsbotgh. And be-. cause it limits the time so -ten days, thus put ting the produce shipper - in a !Worse position - than he already occupies by - a positive agree ment made with the ttimpany by a committee of,your .Board - ....... This section also fixes by contract with the Company a certain Freight Tariff for local trade which is largely in excess of the rates charged to people of other ktatee, ant thus puts it forever out of the-poser of the Legisla., tun) to prevent- discriminations injurious to Pennsylvania intethik. , The Tonnage not imposed op the individual shipper ß O his, freight, but on the Company,. 'I he taxes itif freight were named only•to ploportiori tiftr-tiii' to the amount of business done-it to paid by the shipper bit'by theiConipany mit °Fits gross earnings, and bears no clop! relationship to Abe rate of freight, than does the Wiry of the Company's efficient. The cinipling*tvith higher or lower ragas of local freight, iSinerely an artifice by 1 wrh to secure its repeal. - The . proposed re du don is so trifling, .as compared with tho sum given to the Company, as to be unworthy of bonsideration as an inducement to pass the', Bill. the. insertion of the word 'gross" in thi pretended anti-discriminating clause of the BilLmakes it grant nothing. It simplyememas that, the Company, when charging 90- cents from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, shall not 1 lee thati 90 cents from Philadelphia to Ci =di ; nor shallthoy charge more thin 90 nts fora shorter distance than between P elphia and ,Pittsburgh. The Company ma charge As same to Cincinnati as Pitts b h, and the effect is to carry between Phil edeilphia and Pittsburgh fbr the Cincinnati merchant at jest half the p+e the Pittsburgh rue chant pays . The operation is the same to poihts east of Philadelphia 1 1r the Legislature itont° prevent any future inteference with f rimination against Philadelphia and Pitts buigliand the local trade, the Bill 4Si it ef fectually. 1 The rates named on fourth classgoeds, even whin the three mill reduction is madeiwill not 4 1 3 be as low as the Company' has forme y charged, or as low as local charged on t e Nov York roads, and even these rates may easily evaded by changing- the classification. In the third Section of the' s et, the Rai l ib Company directs what shall be done with . e Main Line money when the State gets it, an assumption of guardianship over the pu Bs interests in keeping with. the rest of the Ac . The 4th Sectidn is, Pipit,. like, the. 'iv le i t bill, ap evasion of a constitutional provisi n, in that it proposes to do fa poses rail 8 indirectly what is foruiddep - ur be done di t• ly. Fecund, It offers, seemingly in the spirit of a bid for votes, a portion of the money t 4 he taken from the State, to ten other corpora-. thnis which are expected to aid in getting it. M Third, s7oo,ooo—divided over the- O miles of road' propoeed to be,boilt,,,ia but $3,000 per mile, a little over half enough to buy the ilin. 'Fourth, Them roads being all branches of he -Pennsylvania Road, it is but another mod of getting the State'etmoniiii for the Company's own aggrandizement. Fifth, some of them are direCtly adverse - to the interests of this citv " Most of the roads named having no money and little. credit,, cannot build the Ste miles necessary Ocotillo thern to a share in the loan. Consequently. those Companies witch hive the tiostraiedit and activity, will soon absorb the fund so the exclusion of the others, thus falsifying the promise the biff• makes to develop 230 miles of new railroad. It the benefiti promised by the finds of this Bill, to theedocalintereablor the Slatei.l'o 'iffy its passage, then a 'release of the sum dde from the Company for the Maine Line, would be' equally justified, rind then an appropriation of is alt a million 'per annum Isom the Statel ThiesurY might 'be :!sustikaed on the agllla i _<;n. IS6I If the tax is,i'ealed, the Company should pay into, the State Treasury at least the sum of $1,500,000, tinned in the Act for the sale of the Alain Line.lif hot the sum named by the Supreme CosuZ. PESNSILVANIVS MIL'ItatTIEL req ire the ut , most economy. awl of all limes to dissipate her resources,none could 11 More inopportune than the present, when abe is being called ou to en dorseithe bonds of the, deneral Government, and When the necenity is becoming daily more imminent to arm ; in defense of the Union. Let not advise her to throw away her re- , soilthat she may become a borrower at a i time lie this ; In fusion , the Undersigned believe that 1 rwoc even-if he repeal of the Tonnage Tax were I justif6;nle on the ground. of "moral obligation and Sts to policy" claintedlliy these who urge it, the ;-a.awige of en Ace like this, which ylr fete, + on the one nble, to 'demand a? i 1 I IT- ~we • compensationl fur doing justi , and on the otter didti to offer conside rations to influence opiiiins in various districts, would be wrong in itself, nil alike disgraceful to the Legislature win& bunts, and the Com pany which propose+ the Measure. Certainly it is unworthy' of the approwl of your Board. The undersigned, • rekintting the neccesity which compels us to diger from the majority of your committee fully believe that in viewer the pant position of 'this hoard of Trade on this sObject and its admittedly uncharged opin• ions, in regard to the merits of the iiinstion, to say nothing of the ntltry considerations 1 Which this bill offers tui eninducoment for your aid—it would be urns* es well as wrung to place this Board r befere our fellow citizens as advocating its passage. ; /respectfully submit ted, ' ; Fez= It tintrsor, E ' • War: H. Ill'Ossner. X fter the rePOrt was read, the Board pootid a resolution rescinding thn actionor the meet ing which adopted the majority ; report, to the Board of trade is opposed to the wasp of the Act. elertulttt • - METROPOLITAN, , MEI INSURANCE!. coed PANIEIS The above titmod velisel• Inectran. Ctitmeolowlonatrd In the City a New Yore, are represented to Ibis city by the Imbeds-14M, who iv pioppyd Pt W. 'kullcilw of loentence mrshavt lod, or decusgohy nrmid, rates WI boa snorter...et h.whown 10.11,40.1 an b 3 dowa, with a doo rogerd to the safety of tao Compeny, and tblePersoanont Poway of the Ineuret, 1..3.Y7. ()Mee N2 . .,..9.5 Market. e 1... Kilit..4.letr.bz. Nsiro etza.o 1.1144. INBUlt.t - NCIII 1501.1PANY. 9,149 Co 4.414111 PlOrart 414,40.14. tho Contyro ili,¢no, enpital V210;16.1-11tisols $41111 , 18.. W,41 n 4.444. nil toloda of looranco„ eta.' Pnrpotnal hicktty.t..4l4 ntnry .Inocriprlnt. of Proport., Or iloro4tot.l4 4trnsoouable raµlibf orntolOtti. . . aokarnT. P. IClnta, PrAnt4lnstr. '- It W A ALLIPIII,I/10, Ptootdont. DISSItr444-•.4/1,. Bap. It .6 - -\.r.. Y.. 19. KneLth, (1.0 W - • IP ~ 0 P. P. very, 14.i..11 it. peal, Et Ah0y...4,1350 Cla7Yen 3: .1. Ile, rye., i. Illlor I. at.soironont., ...4.14.-t. . 44',, 8. corroa, n0...44, 44,. , .. ,4 'M.i;:r: t - ....ir0 4.4.1 W.., ntr...te. 4.. . ' ' ALLE;(3BCttY iNet:FBANCD COndP'Y VP' Pi ' tT4uvKU U. 4 .1Ffif.:8.---.00 37 Fifth stina, liank iNSURFS AIiAINST ALL KINDS OV It:Ate.. IMAM Pn.Audrut: JOIIN U. M. 1011111), Pr.44.3 , -;U.M 1304 , K, ...s.nrretAry; Opp 4e.rar igt.tit. ' 41MKTin...-4... Jou., J. O. Has4L-), Harvey VAII,IA Cs pt. UrA,,Jobil A Wl:+gari U. L. FebusilL4k..JuEn U. 3.".t.filia.,§WlMA.,ll4A.lTtiliAA: Roll I 14 Lavoig ! • loltl,rl - Pac t • Marin owl Inland lasurance. INsuitasux co. or,NURTH AMEULOA Fa/LAD/am. • lutt rFaxted Aar tedaotisry 10,. ... t . $ 1.160,934 87. TIIO ,I / 1 1. PIATT. WS. idion..6. COVVIN, Pt Mr: -•—• • INSCEIANOE CO. OF InE STATE, OF rENNSY.I. VAN IA: . . . locorporatd. I:n4—Caita] ' vuo.ooa. • 1.e.t4 r.t.n.ty F .. ...... 43. naltitllKlM Wn.ucin , Prectdent. • IrRITOII/41W.t r iUltANCE IA •it ,carp7.rateel, 1810,11sp4ticl $500,000 M.y /, .. . Tla o. U. Jut/M t t/..ey. • I .ircluanianct• In the ann.:lol4 awl Flel4l.la Companlat an t, °0wn...11.y application to: MEI • Citizen's Insurance I.;omiinny of Villsburgh, Office cox. IStariret Ce'Water Streets t (010.0,n ISAGALKY, Itooloto+ • 4..tontra Ilto. Secretary I Z 4 ORES 'Ante casa ,, as. oral 000totoot Woo outt ihtlt.{,l> ,the Dinefgallini of the .I...otttna otoi 4"...teee 6.eors ; Lobo. stet retyteoN owl the :iftehialnot k( [Le 11.SL • /WU Pomoge by Hew. none - r4tl • W 00110,1,1. LI, Lime., J... U. Covet, Ja. t , ..re. C ' • S. florhocott, It F. Jones, _,IAA. o.ofoting., J.L.l.ldwol I s Jr.. t-redo elenets",' IE. aket, John e.llihrottlt, Jobe BLlphis, Freattin • ‘ 1 . 3 140. . Indemnity .I.o3ini by Elio franker.% fir*... of II IL • r 141 • • • Offive 435 and 437 ehe4titit et. near Fifth. eraternont of Amin', Jotting' ha; 41W, ..publiehod avow • bly out of A f ookblyi Anna. „ : ISS lit.ti4 Estate (preoestromuu j1bT.,30 81J mot MORO 23 To to porno, Loon., ou amplecollateral n 0...... ...... , . ........ soars te Stock. (p , ....nt nlne $38.667 t/) cwt,..,., 69,186 ea . Notesand Uili .. • LTA LA 1 $2, 208,0L1 GE 1 101.2" ht only Prof te from Polio:item, whim thin Comp* itycao divide by law an &vie RAIs which bare , been, de. terintord.-- I:menaces made on 'Tory Etorityttors of Property, .1. V. ror sad Oonotry, at notate.. to lli are eatielstent with eecority. Since their Incorporation, a period of titirry yews, they hart pai3 Weems by fire,, tl ao eici,oct eruneellos Pour Millifunanf Loiters, thereby, atrordlby , irldemotof the edraotalpe of botursoon, ea inn no their ability anti Neje. dtios to meet wilt' promptoemaall liabilitite. ~. *. watts at brile. , Lomas odd Ewing the year 1858 i. —....—Stal MOS :07 DOMOrOlo—Ctiarwe N itentArk. Ifor.lacatL, Leiria:tablas Warrior, Dark} EL RroWn fitor.El Arent, ream Lea, Jazol. R. amith, Edward C. Dale. 44 - 'llc , i Richard*, Oro fairs. •OEtARLEY N.' •NCICICE, President. • . • 4 WARD Q. CAL', Eire Preelarot. Wt. W. A Brast., Cary poi fedi. J. MACNEIL corrs:i, },Scut, 124 6_ WI. Neat... cut, Med and Vera ate _ . Pitta issivu.lAxu.. . ~. ' I , ,'' By th e &Out, Mutual. ; Calumet compLl, or'rnhi•oct.pate, . , Oa Inning*, Lladtodor P4r/wasaLlnachandlna, fondue. 10., In Towu or -01nantry. Office ' Nu. 308 Wriinut Street. • 01011AL5i20.610.-0.5301111430,1,14 41 C6.—1nine1ed Ka 1011.... that Munigageou lo.pronnelt2 6nuen7, worth Oval. ha the sanortut . .. 2166,060 00 Omni rent. flant ;462 60 Ponta.. Hallinod Co's 6 per 1.61. Sr it tog. Lon, • Cllty 41 Plalladolpidn, o per oration.-- ...... 70.000 00 4316401.0.7 awn) apercano.Peol:. It. Len.... 10,000 00 0011.1.1.11nani .. 2,600 00 111161laylca rnal 6 04 d Top 11666 6 - 11.elnoad Oatopany, apatgago 4,000 00 Pettnallyanha 4,000 06 81st of no Itellatre.ltadnel lonian:l6e Co 24,360 00 dlock 000013 , Tin Inennuan 101. . - ... 1.06000 Musk of Culawnre M. P. InauraacolOo 700 CO ClocamorcialUaal 6,136 01 14eohnuke Dank do 2.012 00 176106 M. /unmoor C0'5...... 160 00 1101. Resalral•lo, 611 .4 -. 4 .--- 00,867 14 took Andiants, onru.d .... 4.2,6 72 'rib on linad and In herd. or' 4.2114 - • 11.2e5 1161 MVOS 1 6 1 CLOW Prooklnt. On 00001 Tingley, Pant Mi. 8: Thump soa sows Biwa, th..t.ru.o !th.,trt. WmMow. U. Ate. ,1.113614 Seal. 22. Tinter Jo - k 21..dlilforrelL Hanball UHL • L. Carson, L. tartarop,OotdTalann Maw !Aunt 1n d'o . , Lonnie. led.A. T. Borates 0, 02WOodi Senna tar'wesa,.Jaa B. Wept...rd. /..On P.a011.1.1144017.1.u. P. • " ,22.11,' , .... ". I.A0 1221 0 1, vi Sorrota N.Av ri ui 076 Fortlkawl notroitTliful aed Wood Wane u , Wositerzt .lglau-TiOioso t.,:rapasali . • I I' I" T T t 8: 01 rill il . 1.14.14,di DARIO:. ProtOgittea. .itte r. if. titimats, saatclaro' i ' Capt. It It latCll KA tl, fie I :sottt. . , . * 0001.0i,lata oiptioact lam ttl'aa t. • (.0.-1. Wt....t:lSW • op awn. Tutiorgh • An htlt••00"• 00 • 40 . ,'"Sf Itlto sin44dinigs dial I ROW MrnittatifM. tticatt I ati fairvaas. *lop ors emll 4.4sselt was stwoubansty, .1•4. Ire tteLavailbed, bp' proanposoci Lai totroattty, folio:1,0,1 •ittt. Marquee" Nada . Noy haw ammo a. as oftnapttot , I—t,-..i...„ to theta Wt. tow< to ta mon, 11. . At t , eta , OCII,I 0 T.P.: t£, IMP. .4.......r.,,a 2, ......_....t..i....4-..—,.. 2100 01 4ipea low , . ot . .a, 0.-.-..,„ ~..,.....--.. 1,000 4 .. " 1 f.. 1 ..1,............ 1,4 k; is ' !.:,.,,,..4 bor. D150c5m,.44.::0..........-, /71,04 14 • I 1 • ! '. 3,2e0c1 70 imceiticu . • - Waxes Dents, 'p ;Wrok. Mcinigtm, A. Miller, Ar . Atelcest.tcl Ileivece, Tlex;..," "I' Al..c. tillurcA, • ' , Q.- IF.".l,Alums, 11l "Niel& IL Lail. ' Juane McAuley, . ,Ir iWilUsa 11. omit\ .. AleYeueler Apra. ; I, ',4llfi. Stklytuou, ~. , • tue.ce• Ackle7, ' ,1". ' , " ~ prilr: ' ,' ' 1:' it: at. aOatoini;twel: UNNY—Sltaraweriti. 4. pi c•lf. - • - 0111.111 84/I:. LIME LXXII 7, -,N LiAi4tEll MI IRVING sad 0015151 .63 RCI lEEE] rY Loy N WTORY X0:8 ` *PA DDISS '1• A K nti, eak T ,14 -11.014,'• . tifui Ltobby,jaist. Lieriy. by ' `4IIIIIILO a 00i, rig' bi-., EM:M .ftibAc“antuus eat'ox ft J. Gol7olll2ii, 67. . 14. A N 14 TR t i.e. LI •YOUNG “EtpTaans. Duquesne FOundry, Catmriy . neat% ()altar Depot Tait X rim tintimigned, hating perzliesed the L VvU N OUT I IMrs. till/%41,1011 th.ne , la umilot.nnr• WACO tilitlY wary .1 thy rmta,., Ro•itiore fa all in Aviv. balord.oo Ja*, e.:toera: J.t. INAS**. • P cm* mum. CI 1.413 w i przik f 34475... DVALMiII IN ' : Paper. and . Rags Nor. 149 an!) 156 Wood Stria, - PITTOBRICR, PA. - ••••Preprirkii. N., al an•••Crchucia . 4 .,6 fl m. 0... rk. mkt., mom tor K. 0 21 is4' 14 le driCIL W C• RD CUL. riAA vete:l:limo or ALL illte OP Ito/7118 AND TWIN/IL 4 3 ADD DIALARK /wens nay 4 and Mae 71eh1. , Gahm, 11r, root .on., UR t It t 4 be t.,Nalt. P.es N AND IFLUIet CO. T. , 1 4 1i , l/f•• 104,. P, Pt W • C. R. D. boos Noe, Felr3lolBll. 11. I.W le Li.n. Lt..AG u.r.U. CIL &O At 00.4 rt astspo 11 as ~T sa amp UDR PIP. arms AND n; 11 411 1 31:. VINIS ERS4;LL KINDS or BRASS:- WORE, sod GAS airQrros AND Rooss, _. SO. 124 WOOD Au 4.,Q• • tn. 1141 airtaaw4l.7. Hailltlfra atom, Ivo dm" Waft Vier Skrucegitmois Ilimas.batsimm Wood asditmitidia& • • . • *TALL 08L1111143 rhomrror ruzialig HA'IsS, 'GAPS, st 8R A - W' Cir O o ; CDICD6ZM+! VAINCY 1:1•Tp; . . fu wroot aband.e• cid at modont• K . 1441114 J. H Si'llerman . FASHIONABL;I FIAT WORD. No. 75 WOOD STREW. I P^'E K 7 • pitrantura. -HAIR S 111'0 it N. ea kith et._ next door to bitaiatclt an•For.l.ed.•e....slogLatma..lll/20.111 Plktl/1111 MT, I LNA D II &11l DRUeIIA,7OOIII and. NAIL IMMO eS. .bleb a 11: Ire- .14 enespeorita lu`aby titbit titabilo. meta . and eX32llll6 , llibeibtack TcLUsiZilid WIZALL6AI Practical Litlicigrafiliet; Nee. 17 ii)ad 19 Fifth et, Pithilmigh. 51 APB, 1311'LOILIE :MOW CARDS: P0W111.1179, ST crow( L iiEL.K.OSIMi; C_ /IMF AT C 9 0 . biLl. lign 1).4, DILIM Ac. - • sot-bni D(DiNDR IMITATE AND NARDI?: F1TTA8UD011,* . A....7.1 - Clo Artun.S aold wad SAT.. Penciresamk, WbAlt- alit Aid Ruth - . P. Acd 12.,es CARDPOLI.XIINPAI6D.D.4e4O.IO J 6 1 ,11,11121. 11. r. TuteirssnagD.... P.OIt E P A.IC IC .R 8. and • DcileTa in. a-1 . , . . Bacon, Lar 1 DriedßinfAviiiuid RumP Fmk . ' No 11 Fourth street, war• Lltp.rty., Pittibeilk. • . Y. JIARDHr3LL N W WALL PAPM4-:',*()IIDERS,, No. 8 Woos DEtiLNE IN ,PINer&L. WRAP IRON, raoictins, SCRAP STRILL ...., CANADIANBTO_, - Arrorrics--comixttv,PRORYARD ITU Yl BCD MSIiY,CSM.. 1miki.A.C.F.1.11 . 1i4 , 21t. a pt".. thsecemn.t • 111pol...rasa 't HARDWARE- 'AND DUTIES' Ir , "- No. /01 Xilarliet, PlTTaliVia.atii PA. . tibyltultJ CALIMIII.I--- ...... j 0.2 aimt•lty_ z s_ AL4WELL & ‘ 7 ; . IOAT VITILIISLILEIEWAND ba d L 7N liwllla limp and Cotton Clordwa j • • •• Z • - °sawn - Tar Walk IRoldronag" Tai id w ei n , 1 4 u., - ~ 0111 id +Prd-la •• • ptimidiUra T U 1; C O . W. O , R . A 7 aw~ss o • • lILItAND 11,7Z1E*12111 . 714 - . 7t' , is_writOC43 hasno t y °ran. for work In toloilty. • gi_OENTRZA an 7 V , RY4MliNrll i ofilt,t4vis • • baton JoBN6TOOI, , rt.EALER 1N MBE DNUtlil'AFD.unim, -&L) , temAyperituxiiim r/u2:07_436c414 aurnt.g. BetedA• (AZ au . a*, ot stricpj , pea or qua*, orb .131 oil or cowirzaczonrar mai 41W .roomiitiTst;l - IT rirroncham, PA. - emertrfau catefully comprarlir. et att !wormy, 0,81:13a HLLLL+ttMA.N & CO. . _ Law •'laro .bet et Uents' Drees hats. Oenta' and Yoatbs' soft Bate, Gcnti' s .Touthe and Bojo? Cape Ilidsee' Beaver, II ate,, • ' Ladies'Taney irtirit - ', awl a geo.rit annttment 7e . tbsit has, thump. HILLICILUMI st,(A),lf WOod . rA5l6$ BALP#tio.. .."wKoaiTb . J Oe' sesfsteot to Ches. pn fi Pl. WIT 15111.*WINOtl II 0011.C.ATIUne TOT Mode • et buildings, nod sosierteletelf [bah ereetke, ap teessweby terms. °them 08 Attonsoorialtir, ix-1...0 Lea& earl Itottmon streote, • • ~••.11,14,t,'4 1.12• • ,ALLlCOlinsitZ: ... r. ... —J. Y. • . i!••• a; MN! • RIC•t: 1•414 . . 11 -IC / HAW, ta • . Rzpini 11.0LESALE DTLALER§:IYIOREIGIN ! • TJeklllllk, strrs..o 14 . icza.costmonosl ATGARN, PI PR . 141 1NNIL/110, N. 3 0:WINN NM spi No.: 413 ATNEF.T. t'IT.C.N. EL Pltuemtich, • • -li29stfori I.iikt.s,s,,i t.ii tiou c o , FitFuertfi Street, PitW3iiisti - Ti 1,17 nips, LastiES.`AND-1. VT 'lmm-4410:iv! LRATElglt'illtAiato , 44117Dri.0n ealititat "rm., i..sl trulo, übd prompill"1" oa,t • '' 114.14 N lit' &KANO it k i.olE.S.K,.,foi.the oak . , J—L or loorrom. of ?Jou?. Carbon. Oifi•literkitoadt— b.... h..; truk., at. • §1 odei.ta for oink iogrootractri. rale. intll4 Froblorrrol'. No. 47 - a. C 1 it iireet,.:: • pirreauseal.7 CCM • 'Watt Paper VII iiresikamile.e. ! , fY IA:1v ALTER; P. '111A118HAI.1 7 :- . tilq4.6e— v N.L.4..; "mow Burg bauleta..toarta, crest • Distnond where May be a:4W akeztesedersesPree. mem of pv•ry descrfpnom PlialrAligi 'IRMA* Poe! Ism INN i:Wes „Booms, sted,. CbAmbers,i4lse,Mireale is pest vareeiet) . ii leeicert prices to codniffikeiress: • -•-• WAL131111%:214 _llllltieUw:,- -v rk; PSI A - 'ANL -4JUN bTIeATIOBif4'. DVeih•pe thereto no ohe thirst*. efAcight fit 1 11c47 1 1:1 silmehhithe• toe sliropte tat= labors .14 the PM... rr*l*Loto.••• Pod% ttloothii, iiibt otos •110 and hl44ty '3oraleatilAkitclietjlior the `na.• Pea* hrtpirtles et hotleinet OW:UM 01411116.L0f 'better quail,B3lll Joan. pleb stm:4,44n bets tit101.1•TO 881kkr.10,10.D. • . _ 'HAVEN.* twepisted-ti) , lntaiell - TT •.FILINTIMI SIAtICSJAIN yut italk oLZch's iMPNU. ty-111.1S*3'IISG JUL R. iti..UtAl. ".!littclohritio , .bf "lIKNIFf 61K0:`mobil, 47.8k.0.00.', I(ji ltsig ands A{RltAp rrNO Pa PM, Otter Maslafilt.m. a Take*,. o„lnter, Th. bisheit .art"- -.,P'Puttalswitx eiesl.txAi-• Pv. , ..2.1 wsobcoo u 3 ~... t wont einem, Mtlittnirst IX.RODUCK-4 'ATHAbIriT EH X.,40, 4,144,02; ion ~. - t 1231 II