The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, February 16, 1861, Image 4

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dizai4,,, Nog (kjea.
mututtit • L.l
110 a
.. ramarkb*ls*.yirttent:lima dis
°"esn netdet with
an iniciription7 :14iiiretingitte - religion of
"To Sim (Chiredaratycin 'China." In giv
ing thol l okiwterkih hivir4be:diseiple of, this
religiort baiktititoilewing pose& : They
kept asiti!..RO but place upon equality the
.Prasbyterian" reports
in alsie, hViiiitas* that - eleratt parsetui have
Tutor thi Chirefi:EitenskM"Committee,
(N. they have inserted in
their tegbOrgaciett, the Committee. , The
same pit* announces, that Peter Dongliva of
N. Y., paidorartwenty thousand dol
. / 0 9!1 1 1, 3 9Citaek !.to.ttre agent of the Theolo
gical Seminary, tetrthoutand dollars of which
7 vets totttellwelogier4 Seminary'at Auburn,
and ate thousand to' the " Trustees
Of ihe, Presbyterian House," Philadelphia, to
Csmstitute a perpetual fund the interest anon
idly to lie' expended. for Elide Tr,iefs. Sub
bath Schools, &u.
Aecording to a recent definition of the
prase . "chunk words," it means, when a
rmaieter is embarrassed or run aground during
thii` delivery oT a discourse, to use lame
faveriteFord as teamsters do chunks when they
place; t4tit behind the wagon wheels when
arendiks prevent the wagon's ra
ing Matt bottom - of the bill. Some chunk by
clearing up - thrithruat, spitting, folding up the
lutinlitigehicttnroing the leaves of a,book,
eta. An 'old `minister's chunk word in life
was, ",brethren, antler-1e to remark." Anoth
er"! "end im pith ; and so forth." flare is a
case in point,t-,--
A minister in Missouri ran aground while
swab elevated' height—he remained some time
in-parfeet. stillneaa, not knowing which way to
turn. The meeting over, an old 'lady sai d to
the-minister; that she admired his Sermon
greatly, but most of all did '• that Well•timed
andemn sol pause, produce a powerful effect
upeithermind I"
—lt is said twenty years ago there was
'n otn one Presbyterian congregation in the city
of Boston.. Now there are four.
—The revised edition of ' the Psalms Or.
dared by the Generel Assembly of the United
Preebyterisa Church is in press, and it is ax
, pinned to,lbe randy Sir delivery in March next.
—lt is reported that the Jesuits•have re
turned in large number* to Naples and con
apirseY is rife. •
—The European correspondent of the Prep.
bytatian Bomar, writes that the "Holy Synod'.
of Russia are now publishing Is Russia the
• popslefor general circulation, and propose to
pull ether portions of the Soriinure. 150,000
Sitieetiou from the New TestaMent, base thus
been WOK!. The Britioh and Fireign Bible So
eietSecmeeds in finding etitrancla Into Russia for
unsicrous copies of the Seriptutes.
is stated to an exohange that the Rey.
Dr. Rice of Chicago, has accept e the call to the
Piembyterhen Church in New sort, formerly
'under the pastorate of Dr. J. R. Alexander.
= Raw. W. F. Johnson and D. B. Wyeooff
sad 'wires; Presbyterian EllielliCM. , l.o to 'adjs.
reached Calcutta, December ffodi .
—The Presbyterian Boa/diet Missions, in
aldretdar Issued from the Mission House, New
Toth, tippet& for aid, and report that the re
osipta ham fallettelf. $15,000 from the corres
ponding menthe of last year.
—Aeootdtng to the Educational Journal, pub
. lisped in Forsyth, Os , the total colored mem..
htinhip in the Southern churches, belonging to
Am different denominations, reach almost half a
millien—about one of eight persons, by the re
- .
019 . 11 g 111!M1011,
-- •7..-Titcciiarchntan, (tpisoopot,). In Os fol
lowlitg language, strongly 'meats of the doc
trine of the Papal Church on the gift of heating,
It Says:
*lt is certain, than, that the gift of healing.
Was elle which Christ himself esproially moni
fatted. lad by which he proved his Divine
Moa, testae Due whialt has been ,transinifted by
hist to the Church, which is authorized* and
empowered to do all which he did. It is also
,s foot that there are men lit the iworld who are
spetdediveind•wri by Christ with intuitive
powergl of healing. Let but the Church once
qdalify Wulf for the perfusions. of these
wnegskriiiretqui to her primitive organisation,
sad by edineehislier instrumento through the
putout)f disaiisteg the spirits of men, and she
will•AdallAittabbi tO manifest all the wondrous
works ihibh were 'shows forth I by her Divine
jc, - j
Wityleveath unmet report of the
Now :froth Saeloty Mate" list 62,314 Tol
ima had beta distributed Marini the put four
feu utratlar,l4,4lBB - of which tiro Bible. aad
the umithodee Saehnseats. Itebelpts, $16,869,
oaf, $2 . 000 of which had bead realized from
—A »emit number of tie Pretbrerian
Barad pie:
"GSTEIIOI Gist, of South Csolins, who hat
beta so 11011,1 i hi the INIOUII/812 ' to ovsouet, is a
meadow of the Methodist Epthoopst Church,
tit. 4..
Soo To which s Methodist paper, the St.
Leeds Advocate, toys : ,'. Jost sot and
Masi" Tammy, alio has bees so wive in
Ole - oa motearial, Is a ;member of toe
Pnebyt a Church."
—,.... Dr. Henry M. &odder, of the Re
formed Dinah .Chureh, sad fatally, arrived st
Madras. after II aot implement r voysge, on the
10th of Deeearbsr last.
—The Mingles of the New- York (Baptist)
—oerampatioa give a Ilse of eight, hundred sad
Drialpelght Baptise dudes la' the State, with
wen Modred and einipthree; ministers, one
headrend and three liessattates, and ninety-three
themeand two huadr id and three members. The
biplane' within the year were three thousand
'kilt Iradred sad sighty-five.
--.—Tiso Yikanken. says fifty penmen have
alined with. the Balked Brethren Chuith of
Dayton, Ohio, within 4 few week's.
—Dr. Alex. Campbell and Rev: Mr. Beret'
are eolleitlag peonnial aid for Bethany College,
.Virginia , ?
....41 . l e ,11011essso,B•ptirt regrets to be cam
• - palled la *malts 'seeding “against the Amer-.
mar Bible Uoloo's revision of Paul's - letter to
Pilßliatra, as also egoism the Tinkled version of
---ifestkeiv: In both remain dosada is translated
negrstrgadr, liaised of staveLda only piimery
4ams isrelltinifgaldeatioa. Ti' Signifies a .bond
,14140.!:1 0 0 114141 ." lurid!, Ole bora 110.' Wher•
iffliF,ll.4 and I. the New Testament, it requires
-,.. i estina, and other teitroys the nose."
...L4ll . log Bouthera i Jourash; rake the same
.. 1. Liagatinad loreshado* a prettY . strong deter
-1 mbeittna it. have nothing to do; with the new
r' ininsleit, if II does not giro the 'literal" render-
lag of dorifor: -4,- 1 ,
—.....11 onereipeadent of the Missionary writes
from Baltimore that Father Rosman, a self-
' &Wag and Indefatigable missitinery of the 57 . .;`,
E. Olinreh, gives the following items of interest ` ;
. la Ma rigors for lie year IB6o :Miles traveled
*rough streets, lanes, alleye, & , 3,000; visited
2,4110-johorere; addressed 161 ands, Schools
and siietinge ; abated 7,894 fa tiles; distrib
ntei 125,000 pages of trams; prlyed with 2,100
fandllie;aad performed other works of charity
not eamnerated. i
—The Second direst Chitin Reformed
Metal. Musk; Bahlmons, is o of the oldest
soltegntleas in that city, having been organ-
Isimil 110 'years ago, During tie ministry of
11.0. Dr. Behter, pastor of tweet five yure, he
C lasiolessalsed 610 marriages, b ;sized 820 per
seen, octanowl 670, and burled 1 660. Of those ,
11111111.111111 preseat at his ?rat c o mmunion, onli
elxteca - aro left.
:. - .-lie - i 'natal" Ilaglish treatise, "Diving
m lia, Easy and Pleassot, h mentions Oh eau of
• ItoMlaititEpliospil Chuck which ralsecto a
leelleyik, `on the 'pew•rsals arid subeerlption
p1iggp414595, „sad the next kiIt:JOST. on the
. speilittllc.:mystent of weekly glviag-11,090. It
mealleist also, of a Baptist: Oiciroli, which oi
Abeliellsmaystentralsed an average for three
yeamof.o66,md,-/henent7l4 on the latter
..--.:_- t.
L . .i . ,......i1ig ppm of ~.urtmmls a recent sermon
gellOrlia,iiiillill 49'ffiidl;44•1118 4 :il , :resent cysts.
aeltiliNt4llo&:.iii Claret t Ragland :
*assp.atletdittfs ens of thesaddest though!'
ob ed
- - ...ikalig3 - " . ape/it:daring 11 71 141 . 14 • 41 4
As- --- ;,, that wietr, - people built Mee
y tere cesilish built the.
fee: - *my , er - :cloes -erio-.444,14 pay. to,-
Zig iii ? ; latthiMS'ettio ammot-pat , vial
-..- it Itill 800 f - 6t4j144 lAO
- 1, , i,.,...:;:-.._ ..7...:'_; : ' , .L.- .-•- -•- ' - '--- . -z-- , -.;:....... J.; :-
menlettieceasy;-lent ilhe 'le me letult
11.tiani t ta , the Cburch of &ri
bald DI awokeßleg to be trod aln ttie muter;
le brask down Der Dimwitted. and atm'', open her
ohnrober, 'bar the Gropet may Do ttreaohed se
hied 3 , 1-0 ate. - rhe pb•nbi ri...rt of euppoirtiog
the letting the perm is Themoat
beggarly contrivance tbat leer entered the
mlodo of men.
World dtqo •lthin twenty five learg.
an of Eli oo 0 00 , if n $45Q000, have teen fur •
Wilted by American 21:111rObeP to help on the
work of God in Eorope.
-In en obituary notice of the Rer. Or.
1111110 D, mention il'inadelthat when be went to
Pittsburgh in 1811, proyer:meetlng were very
unpopular, sod it wet pongbt by many &breach.
of the Sabbath to ooll,ct children in the chttrah
on that sacred day for Sellglocis ineirnolion.
--• -A correspondent of the United Preaby
(l ial.. writes that the Pope bits three pahmes--:.
the Lateran, which in never used, the Qoh!inai,i
where haliose in the Summer,.and the Vatican,.
his Winter realdenos. Is pretty well, for
the saeoessor of a asher Man, when we Timm.,
ber that the Vatican shone contains four thou-.
sand four hundred and iweety.two rooms. Hs
"The Qtirinal is a very pretty afar, end
Quite extensive for en old bachelor's houlchold.
One tbtothere I observed, while In the Pope's
cionneti room, privet. mud, bed room sod die.
log-room, or soy "'here tilso,.l found not a sir.
gle boot, by way o library ; yet lathe billiard:
room lase c very oe table, whereon His Heli
um and the Cerdiosts ere acoustorned to tele
their game of billi irdi.",
—The WS: ill 14 . 1! of lb. Congregational
churches of Ntwilhegland, for the year 1860,
have a net gain, dein( all the Males together
u t
of one huitdred an liixtpeight--rather discour
aging for one tho 1 fogy boadred sod clos
ing churches. , I
—The Nem* ' !dread 'aye the Foreign
Missionary Society . the Northam Bspilits be.
received in n \ the of their mitsionary
year, only $32,000, Mu they have epproprie.
tad $llO,OOO. 14.
. _. .
Mr TUN DAIL roAZlrftUoidest .Thospoper Is the
Ilkstorad atteenpars.stenn De ono% mopes the Magoon
satyr, wad reasattep all dosses, lei @fern wotreeneeas le Giver.
Nam as Chelan arthasa Growl . Aid to read IN pablie...
tfirrnic RoTBK-Llr tIAZi TIC ts awned wrap Inds*
tapered Sateniay. ow a lane &onkel shed, and oestodas la
adstinssa to Me toms of lA. ark, a earrially prepared surd
nimble report of the Markets, almatornal sad wonsetary gof
foofro—esothoor it (A. bestCb=kii Newspaper is t 4 liere
T s
DAILY—Sts Dollars pet eb a, b payable In deanery ow
1934 Lena per week, payable th e Carrie
r. WEEKLY—Ike Dollar per mos, payable In advance.
NaCl , , sub ire. to pone= w !
o 1;4 op a elan reseeding
•TddvaoFe oaintents an atrial, required. aad no pa
per will P. seat altos the time is op to which It was paid.
Rate. of Ad*ertlellafg.
Sqnare or 10 HEIM, 1 in 134....; 30
1 o/-
" 2 " 74
1 " " " 3 " ...4
. 166
• week - • -
[0.04- 0 0
-I 00
Yeerly adrerthereeredeolltlecYtooto. winern,chalajp
CIA e at oleasere, per •0011m---------..16 ea
YrAdeertleements %rah Co tt. treble nem
Mrs. Winslow,
An tapalenecel ricr. and Fel .iw Plky.lan, prememts
the etheutton of mother. her
• FOR cH/LDaLat TueriiiNG.
which groatly f.etlifa4. LEY order.. of t..L10n,. by botteo.
log bgam., radottog lalllYaLtyatton—wo II allay *l.l.
PALM wt rprLoandle actloa, sob I.
Dblit. l WY= It, mothers, It alllialvo rya to yottroy:ros. cod
Belief mut lienitlVo your Infants
We hero pat cp Aral mold MIN erttele for Geer teapot;
mad 0111 NAY, IN CONNIDENO6 AND TROTH of tt what
we hew. rover Peenl hLLf *blot° say of any
o Ch or mndlcbar-I LiO NVI6IIII.O Yr
I/444D TN A 81N-1 7a 4 1,7,4", OLE INNTANCI
used. Neter did w:
of dleealsfoacon by any ore .He wee It. Oaths contrary,
al ere dellgeteo sal Da eswratene, tad speak la uncle el
coalmendaurn of Its magical . Tatasad auetteal stone.
We speak It leo matter W X DO KNOW,. after
ten yeertesperumco, AND PF,IFDOM UDR EItPUTATIOX
FOR TFIN rulinu.snor Rs , WOAT W 611666 DM
MARL It aisle:al:ray trsatA. what. the Intent DI De .
eel/361MM pole and eahaleaticio, retie/ CIII 1.. Fend In
Cheer or Meaty mir.llltd atarYbo eyrep bmminiturnt.
Tlik tellable preparsUca W the preartpteos or no.
Ole Sawn SCILPERIRtICED azaililLYl3l. ?MUCH to May
yagt.ed,ecej ha. be., tared "'DX h 6 V166 V• 11.1111.) 1 , 110.
Taut's* sue: by ce,sica.
It not only relieves the chits i Plse.hes ihnteeles
the isoloechosei b4orle, Cllrrecti •cidtty. sod Om loisetod
maw, so the whole system. isle! elonatlessonsle sellevie
Griping In the Bowie sad WiOd Colic,
tad everetaseettee rub iehlaloas, •hith .
If oot rcisiim, R iczq towitir., et to
dant. We be- Mae It Um REIT
TWA WORLD. lo .ti cocoa of &MINT KY AND DIAL.
ItIRSA CEILLDBIN.shollair It anon from teeth/agar
from say other one, We ateltl , ry to enrg aotberatuAn
• child eeitertag from atly at a, 0t...50ft,/ tom ate—DO
OF OTHERS, BMW b•teatto pet uld goer gattertag
eed the relief that wilt to 1111801.111 TILT
BOAS—to toUrne the ne• of thi! slanduei S tlonl7 seed.
Pall &meats AN Ilan wtU sataispany esch bottle. Now
melee mann the faditelne OURTIS • FIRKINS,
New Tort, la oo the outset* c r t,per.
Ndd tp, Draulat• throughout • earl&
Prima pal Mare, 19 Strest, b. V.
num. ONLY w CENTS rift torstx.
gold by b. L fAILINIPMXPE a CO.. money Wood gaud
frontboyroong •bq WWI 140 Wood Wawa.
Stebto, igangcs, Gram, &c.
aT to 4,,b
0 .4 l e
0 4
NO. 235 Lamc*inc Err-Ricirr
MANUFACTURERS a 311 kinds of Cook-
Ing. Pastor sod Mama, Copttog
Nina amts./mom Beamlad 800. heats, bowies% he. &a.
Via calibrated Oval Clook log 0t05.%
"Victory" and ''Triumph,"
and Wood (Woking glarw,
1 .
"Blank Oak" and "Forest Rome."
The "Capitol" and "Rails" Cooking Ranges,
nub rilhar Ilydranne iv Openßoilers,
whkh aro mow oswedrely In thiarkyand rklulty
thee any other Wove. j
The very Finest Enameled.' endow
nano be reads anywhere. Plawaa , *adhiralers norms
plea. tow tale mlud :; •
Also, the mow and Weariful OA doiltas.
' l olympikn,"
LW' miry !Wet lorproutarat 10 16. way of Parlor Morse
iferttbot oath Lina Mama, fen nal , lams, atattagt
titatata Laundry 4toves, - Ytnnlque Maas, Lettlotatottlap
Wood Cbokiag &ores,
BIRO MILL& Wallla Irma; 11Ahl BOILCBat OVCII
DOolld. oho-vol. owl Pokers, r 14a dome.., FLUB RINGS,
Bono Pip., Vooll Maga.
WAsu-lloraz Cectntt xti i i te Ficasaoci,
eh , bed arraaptootat for the 19.4b•lpfsze that tt nava is WM
J Atot, Oral , liltobea Uroutat,-Taa Bottles, ate. .to,
She poollo era te.c.cdolly twitted to call and eastaloo
oar ratenotas stook.
achhcl• or Yam milieux, a 00.
A. 33 R A D L It Y
Idanatuttrei touiety of
Ato. fie, dem
Sole Proprietor of, the celebrated
Office and Sales Ro,m,
Na. 4 VV°9l BtTPet
r.rrnaQIIOU. P 4.
STOVES.. sprovms.
D.- D . tl A VE N &• S.O N,
Warehonea, Federal Sttet, near New Sus
peirana 141w/A LIW
We ask the attention .1 deet to our Isms assortment
of Moines and riesling Stowe, for Wood sad Mal. ankh
WO ore tallier, SW she lowest prides. Thou 0141104 000 city
01110.4 ft to .hair sdreetese vi'stra sea ralt mot examine
oar soot tutor.; purcbaslag al here.
0.4 Iron /louse grunts boa K Scales, Rollo. Were,
Wayou beam, •
Pluitvaad Fancy Orate Ikronts; Fender% etc.,
Casting! of all Made to order.
1116.1 yd 7. 7. D. DO HAVEN HON.
. AdoCOLtidiCiE a CO
V A LL EY sloubrDßY.
POlBl3lOBBll, PA.
Warehouse,No.l32 St. Clair street.
Lea eye. ING.IIIOVIES, Pert ar stet finches
insushilellevr Walk, elas SisrCutei tibias Waal is, Miter
VIII Oasttript„ Mill Gettlac, sai, Water stet Artlaso Pipe,
INW Irma, treas. Wassnit Botruiltagar Kettle, Psi.
Ilealassiono, Ca Wheels, Oadpllom matt Owtlass . parr.
WIT. ales, lobbies sod Marbles Chattaira Weds loved r.
Pat:_stea Puruble *I 111% •111. siege or Run 4 tower.
FLOUR —Extea, tamely and Xxika Super-
xASI3-141. Turk Buda &dll Whits. n
CILIAABE—Geoh... flasabotAluml Woolens tisirts.
111101011063.-Bsgar Mew .rd New Chirac 1.
LIM E—Lonkrill. Whits Lima.
All Ih shore I. Jos for*. bj
diA J. P. ciOnrromo 1 On Innt
D ROLM 011-100 siackOtiktakwhest.Flou'r;, '
111-90 Man TALLOW,I
irnrre OlCANS—U'bblOrt#LelliralVairr
ap MMQ 1.0‘.6 bt44V••4iik.
1111L,T1t1V-39 kegs raw: 1141—1a1,0114d don for..ti
- I,9aNtVlll biLWOWUr
w_ 2l firurs„,..ail
ocatyllll4KM:T 59riumule't"•°7
~'~< ~:
HELM HO ,inkuiL,_ . O”..IVAI,P,AN AMON.
Compound Mid Extract , Buena.
thle edfelon toertese4 the cow, of Nowtleo eel w
rites toe - a Betittlltil rr , '.too b mot. 101 , 00, .f • ilk& the
W *TOOT Olt 04h0 /IReOU• 4.wehlone. awl el utr
lt•TUß et. I L telt 11.11 eta etti rtdevol, ma well am
PAIN ANU INPt . 1 11tl•TIO•o0o fib good for
non e WOmell ltd Children.
- • •
sesTaAcrr auctiv.
for esketee.
*rhino from !zoom, h W elots of Otweetion Early!
oilimerettoo or .how
Attexid with the followhaftliywielpstit
Indloostwo tot:oral:4 Lew of Polish
km of Idemorr. etiloultr of BreattOW.
Week Roma. Tretobther,
horror of Dleesw Weigefolowt
Dlrapeell Of Vista. • • Peto to the Beek,
thitvereol tweettel• at the Naomi. Frahm.
Rot Baal.. Sloshing or Body.
DrrOwe of the Otto, ant dlow of the leo%
Thew orasotems. It allow& to ea po. loofah this wdlattle
haute* roman& won fotow
Impotency, Fatuity, tipelootto Fite.
In 04/ of which ilar Prit‘rof way E.reirr.
Mir D iref ulD g ea sarse
"est ( foi:oed br
Insanity awl Consumptlo oe"
Moor ere mote at the wow of thetratlismor.
And to. Illwanaboly Dastb. by Oconmr. too.
Derr Atopta WU.... to £ho lytaß of au 4 ~,,, kn.
Ractarg th. aid of modliloo to Ntraogtnoniuld
lowtooroto IN
Which Rolmboll'. Extract Bacbis tovatiabir
A Itlal orla Uooruo► uko MOIL tlaa►tleaL
PIM Ai-rs--tiltALCA—rt if &Ltd,
• • •
is many AgeottOres pectinate to goreatles. the
Its not e 1 nacho la mem:abed Or member renedr to
()Womb, or hoteotten. Imonterfty Patnealnere or cus
proalso of reetentarr illesoneUess. Ulcerated er foltrboos
etaio of the Mem. leaeo, rte. or White.. Sterility. sod
for ell noorplabto terkleat to the az, whether analog 1.010
lalleemloo. Kahn, of Utedettion or to the
• tee hmetrotte •Ixne.
Take no mon, BaliOaa. blerearr. or ueolawsit YWlae
for ampleasaat and daegsroo• . •
. . .
lo nil their A _
yes: at little
Little or oo change I • Piet: riu Inneineniance
mid no Capone,
It owes • fretannt dean. and g ua elrerigth to Mingle.
thereby iterneving Übetruntiorec
Meaning nod eating etricturea cf the lireihrt.
Allaying Palo ead infl molar , nwe fr-neent . n. claim
of illeealien and impelling ea Pilaw.; Dl...gaud wane
our Metter.
. . , .
irllo HAVE. Bffiwrti n riCTINS of QUACKS we
who ha. peat hsa. 1... to b. cored In • elpaa Up., have
Nand tatty .. er teoelvedaad Maths " POISON • ' Owe by
the oae or • ponettal eettlapeele been In the
Mt... to bre. oat Iv no mama.. W.. and
Perhaps mLftsr
hurt whatever ALE
os.ose oth•riOß-aGFiar a
Dta••••• o' Gm.. 0 -otos require the WA of • Sisal no.
Lleltabold• Extract Boebn
- . .
in the Wrest Dliaret
Lod l• certain to turra thili &salted alfict au sus Vidaue•
For wolott it to tteoommenthol.
KrAtoms N the MAO ratioate and ruponeibte [haw*
too stoompao, the oreKholota
roam to AU pears mtundlog
.WlLta tomes known to
tatace AVID F.llll.
Pero $1 p•r bottle, or •l 2 for $3.
DoUvotol to .51 Wanar rcpt.. potk.o Duro
C 0... lawmanlead: Adria° Cita Is I I •
Perm.le appeared bel.tre me an Alderman to the any
Of Phllade , bhla. 11 T. mare .1.0, who bwag ua.• sworn,
doth ugh!. a/Amato:la <mttos no bucolic ao memarp.
or other lalarions dlogn. bat an no el, von shin
rt. T klEtrllttlll D.
Ewen, and enbeerlt• Wore me, Ws 41d day or Novena.
bor, fss4 ' W. Y atqtlilar. • !demur.
Rio.h curet. alterva Uwe. Fhllsdeipefa.
Adb.6ll Wt., for laforroselgro is eopflisrere to
H. T. HKLMBOLO. Chrmist.
Dep 1. 10 {Ron Moth n..beLrer Cheernot. Phlia
Who endeaTo• todlapoao • of tbeir own" end "other's az
Ices" on the mmatation attninul to
Helmho flynollon Pirrploalt
do Misuse& taketol.
!OLD I.!
trott l e D Z ' agt:7l:7:lTlLsatt a a:jjko i roWt; It and
avoid foosssOttos sod so ...ors. rill
161UNDEINS--50 hhds. taw to Prime N. 0
IJ 5
b . I. Prima lc 0
5 • do Romero Hatt. d Yoga:.
r 0 ro do.. By ape
100 boxw sanartad brood. uta.... Tobaccv.
bo catty Pl. on 4:0 do
12.5 ch..* and bay.b.ta bast brim.. Tn..
AO catty bola* do
160 ..ags blot:1,0w. fat aboty •
13.1 J bbl. cbob:o kitra fame, W Leal in..
LOO Las Tellotr Onro, Mt.., in C.r
tte bonen gain. Otntioa , an Jo
atnra aoJ Ynr .a/a Ly M'Oi.SI dI.D I AlkEtl , :g
m.. 11 Sul 1.1.2 ty K, new Wood.
+men t I ni•il
lomat tratance
DKUULICE-4U boxes I:hefte;
ko bus Cbol • Ho coos4oo,
tOP on Ur,
TA 14.14 Pop. Ofoop It plso
10 do ob Po. 0.1 Eggs,
Pot.w, 19ton U: , ;. 11.1,
la viol • to. oat.
bl -
.11 LU.DiaIT , vAI Libany
Q . UN it I L.l—lIA ES--72 hags;
a 3 CORN UE4I.-15 to•o, /114 /1111.1111.—'1, Lida.
KOLL PR TTPP—O PLI.. 1.4 P D-11 Poo,
DPIPD A rrLlll-10 o • o , Uu Rt. p—uoo
LIXPERD-5 by., attar. 11453 P-50.148.
,1•10 ill/PERT UILZKLI. 4 OIL, atom el
mu. WI, two. polo. &sad a.. Paolo; 4
100044 31 U 11421.0.:
Ire an'. pr Wrs Ronald. aaa P.m te r . d . by
SMUT= a DI ,.
la3o ram 130 aad otroa
It AOB-41 um:..:
sus tusdlog Imo WI Oats Perry, 1.4 owls by
DloglT A CO.
• Uamotteant, at
300f5 Atli-11MM W
kle i b lIA:1! FLOUR;
J ut end Eity NW FILiNK us CIORDZB,
4•14 114 Same a.
M-3u tibia. Rye Flour;
an alillf,l6B Imes Mum filattlsi Cheer.
BUT7IIR-1 bbl. Fresh Boil Betti r.
1000-3 bbls "nab Igp—for am& by
dal 112 Mama al
§IUNDRIES-300 bus. Dry Apples;
PS 1014.11-114 btu Aeotactr.
/ A Kl!g111)-40 114 K HUUR1V11111? FLOVII-2 , 001b,
WILTS 1.11106-14 bbl. b 0 HOB FUNllllll.l—latlb
for ads by 4.1 L GI. 08411%/1111 Lib.rty
AppLgs-Riit blgs. Golden &mete;
am. sae bbl. Cella imported,
100 bbi•Coam.—lo More Yer W. by
d. 29 CULP • Piat %KD, ZVI Liberty •L
BROOMiId-50 dozen Reported for Bale-at
114 deco b 4 41.
0412 ' FRANZ VAN 01/11011/1.
GRIPC.II 4(1 \ 1111t6-38 boxes choice limn
Waal. 4.1 I. hello Orap44, dem% mead .rid
probed 10 sawdad, Jost teed I. rime &Arr. for 4414 by
6414 CULP • AN APIAID. s43Lflwtr .c
SKA'rt:S.—A large aesurtraent of Skates
and lltrapa, at all Ptla.a, for gala by
New Yrrueb Malmo, New M.D. Lent%
N.. Ili-seed Caotiewerw.—just .ed et
1U °LASSES-100 bbls. New ("sup N. 0
*lows, to tirrirn pot Wt. Mrlootte, for Well
LITTLE ritllllll.ll.
111 &wood N.
INKbIANDS, Pen Raoke. third Cam,
POTinlollo.llio, Pocket Ceske, allemnrostam
ori Tablets, sus Gobi Pose, lot sal. by •
W. S. HAVER, allot Rook Statte.starar '
d•Ri wetter Wood sad Third ate..
DKU-Nte-6 eases in glass jam;
to ass. GI fancy b..l.4l=tblei ream fur mb• by
aen NTSI CR it ANDMMIN, la Wood .1
CANBERRIKS-100 bble. in more for
ode Fr ' J Y. LIGOWTT
I.le TY Watt, nod Wi Frost at.
BROOMS-125 dos. YADC)I3/00U18,1D store
.1.22 114 asstend N.
vAmiL'ir cuucuLATt-2.5 b:.4. French
No. I. for .010 by KIETBISIt A ANDIIII6ON,
as cu Wuchl al, (+poke Nl.Otterioe Hotel.
AZT 1.11N.M CON FEET lON.I-10 gross Ayres
•10., hy JOHN MoOILI. • EON,
4/44 No. 1811.0.417
DUCK, WIISAT FLOOR-2.8 sacks choice
118844, re,...1 kr oda by I. 8. L 1110•71. • CO..
114 75 fever and 0/ hoot Oa
fIUEESit I 011,EESE 11 225 boxes frimd
w e cottiog too do 8 . 401 ab Wry; 100 do
lialaborg—jost re.r.'d foredo by
PAW BOILIMLEI te sold at radtm.ll prim, by
7 W. P. It.IIISR4LL 4 Wood
11DIC R-5 bble. Chain ague eider, in Mrs
for . d. by J. IL UANfIZLD t 00..
First st war Bind.
ItE its. • rime new Klee;
in Primo
RIVIR oc3lolll-13D e.
1LW02311 ash by
B •
da 130 mad 132 Pomba k.
OLL BUTTER-5 bble. etrierly prime
ma reed for Ws by
J• R /1100,1111.116
DRESSED 1100 1 3-10 primed Bogs-jun
reed tor ule by WIRLIA LD • ARBUCKLE,
fen 253 !Abut, lA,
'IX • Ilse iotitts reed F+ ode by
WDONALD aqiumisuaksas Liberty et
ROLL BUTTER-75 bblu. prime 801 l But.
trr, mer ibis dal b 7 editmil• lb. W. lg._
OLIASSES-25 btax. sad htbblii Molaa
- 'HIO}f 011LLINPL
T'"TP OI:IVER' and Ceiling lle"ra.
vit. P. MAILIEULL ST aria
PARED PCAOHICS--50 bus. choice,
' • - ut.4o.
15 k ego Ace; tretedfor ulsbss
weifitalipt 'lOl 110111111.001.1111,
Scrbf la , or IWO Ent,
is a constitutional disease;li corruitlon - of the
blood, by :which' this,fluid becomes vitiated,
weak, and poor.-:.sing in the eirdolation, it
pervades the whole body, and may:burst out
in &same on any part of it. No oripin is free
from its attacks, nor is there one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint if. li . rtriously
caused by mercurial disease, low living,.,dis.
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the "depressing vices, and,
above all, by the venereal infecticin. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary , in the con
stitution, descending," from parents:to children
unto the third and fourth generatimi ; " indeed,
it seems to be the rod of Hun wh o
h Says,
will visit the iniquities of the fa ers upon
their children."
Its effects commence by depositicin from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, liver, and internal organi; is termed
tubercles; in the glands, swellin and on
the surface, eruptions or 601 CA, This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood,' depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far less power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases; conse
quently vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in dicir nature,
are still rendered conl by this taint in the
system. Most of the consumption; which de
cimates the huriian'family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination; ;and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and. indeed, of all the organs, ariae from or
are aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter °fair-bur people are scrofulous;
their persons are invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the systcniWe must renovate
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy food and exercise.
Such a medicine we supply in
Compound Extrict of SarsUpAtla,
the most effectual remedy whirls the medical
skill orciu'r times can devise for this everzr
where prevailing and fatal maladv. It is corn,
biped from the most active remedials that have
discovered for the expurgation of this foul
- disorder from the blood, and-the rescue of the
system from its destructive consequences.
Hence it should employed for the cure of
not only Scroful but also those other affec
tions which at' from it, such as 'ERPPTIVE
BLOTCHES, BLAINe and Bolts, Temoice, Tirren
TED OR IMPURE. BLOOD. The popular belief
in "impurity of tit blood" is founded' in truth,
'for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The
particular purpose Mid virtue of thiii Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate this' ital fluid;
without which sound health is impassible 'in
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's CathartiApills,
are so composed that disease within the range of
their action ran rarely withstand or evade them.
Their penetrating properties search and cleanse,
and invigorate every portion of the hunian organ
ism, correcting its diseased action, and, restoring
its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these
the.invalid who is towed down with
pain or ph l
ysica;„debility is astonished to find his
health or energy restored by a remedy at once so
simple and inviting.
Not 'only do they curs the every-day complaints
of every 'body, but also many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The agent below !named Is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
Containing certificates of their cures and direc
tions for their use in the following complaints: 1
Coseirenese Ileartbern; Headache arising front
disordered ' Stantaeb, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain
tend Morbid &ark.. of the Bendeds, Flaiulearp ,
Lars of Appetite,' ;twitch.. and other kindte•
'complaints, arising from a low state of the bisdA -
or obstruction of its functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
da an i'avapwilla,
a. IrnaNrld e coo Wash
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient
.. .Consumps
Bon, and for the relief of Consnmptive
Patients in advanced stags* of the
Bo 'ride is the field of its usefulness 'sea so nu-
MCCOMB ere the cues of its. cures, Mit almost
every section of abounds in pOions pub
licly known, • • MT'S en restored filen sin
ni • • . desperate diseases of the l4sngs
When once Wed, its superiority isVer e
o er Mediellia of its kind's too *ppm:ratite escime •
observation, and alum its virtues are known, the
public no longer honatate what antidotelto employ
for the distressing and dangerous effectlens of the
pulmonary organs that are incident to of& climate.
While. maninferior remedies thrust Is the
communitybare foiled and hems di ed. this
has gained Mends every trial, conferred bene
fits on the afflicted they ran serer forget, - arid'
produced cures.too numerous and too remarkable
to be forgotten. . .
• DR. J. C. AYER & E GL I
•-• °' LOWE-LL,•.
rartio•rrocK • O. anttams immi beitlen. g•o-
Xll7. oelgardihr.
... ,
110 oda.. N. o. 8//was:
00 dbl.. Ilseadd Samar, .
, '
100 " otinta Plants/64 kfolasssw
• 100 “ wwets4 brands Symms . ''
800 bags ilio Csaftws
92 poass Java Cabe;
100 ramrod brands Totoncon
satlys do • do . ,
, 160 ball /bon . Yam, fly.. and lJ.ok Twds
' 60 catty bozos do do do do
SO bonds Bolds &own
111 .
, ..
• SI . Mem 4./ .
60 ''' Mould Candkn;
• IS 1 . Stwr . do
e 800 MM. lit.. and Rolm Family nom ; % . .
10 M. 84 =4 8 9 1.1•88 )41-dtf ATW ILL. LBll' a CO.
C. lIANSON LOT& 74 116,11.4 stn •L
Bl•eir and R•at Plinte, Now
Also, • Woo 1.1 61 Now Pty
art Pr •N• 10,7, osnally ••1.1 at
A FULL STUNC nf Rag and Strait
SBEIiS-113 LW& Flax Seed; ,
. 2 1.1.21m0 , by feed—for ealgiii
1•e . No 2 Pl.Ol ist.:
Q.P ,UN 1)R1 611-9 keis Butter, -
moo boo OORN 11.04 100 Wile OLTO;
10 sloie fur liale by
d 0.91 NI'..N.NALD 1 Min MK LI.. 26.11.11,..rty at.
_ _
auto soloCurod rtocto.;
ISS do d. Applon
200 boo WIAto Moto% 6 Md. ?go, (rod,
M bblo Orovo ApploK 1. do 'llomlop:•Oo. ludo by
La °lo+//% 75101..1,m.
B URCIIPIELD h CO. are eallingi.
nory cbeep
,IPPLES-60 Vole]. York State;
100 1610. evict. kitetn.
07 do cholas 0410 Applte--Joat rec'4 l fee tale at
111 Rectal in.
IVANTED-1000 bus. Clover Sail;,
v 1 LOO Milo Tinboiby read; iy; 1.. 0. DHAFF,
10111 RV Gltionty 10.
LA RD-150 Vols. and tes. Loaf Llrd;
103 kep Lent' bud, f or. all, II
,1•10 n.uosialiN 1 co.
WINJDOW CURTAINS—new iipattorns,
&Iv vale br W 11i1•11114/1.1.1.
Jan • 11.7Wnew1.1
NEW WALL PAPERS—Now oid choice
patter., Jest received by W. P. Id
Jell • aS Wood at.
""J TWO ilteiSibut reed for elle bt
w. el. Zr,
weer Wood slog. mi.
N U. SUOAR.-6 tilkds. now lan4ing from
478° ` 3 " t ' f ' ma. " TRATAff IWKRV & 00.
E VELtati, MUD:6, Memorandum
gooks, Doekete, P... floats, Urpy gbedidd h Minute
Odddd, lK by W. S. Q 4 CN,
Jell ' ember Wad bed rd rd.
RitmovAL—F. SELLERS & Ct have
Moored to (hair Now Wareborow, *PC, N AT,
ImmodOnly soave' Oroooo. ow/ opP , wHo to t" Pitt.. 4,4
rat Way. if COlooso Railroad Depot. ' •w 3
. ,
1.141 WOODS, Linen . ebb: tltonome,
Mats, Oluitiato ~ Chia.. Au
Jal? .I.
a lIANSON LOU,LOYI, la !!arks{ .t.
STONE WATER, PIPE-I-4000 'pied' from
2 to 0 limb dalibre,for deb) ,
riIOOP VOLES-4000 tight nod girt& Hoop
Polo, fpr 'We by AAR. A. 1111116111,
el ion*, iturbot awl Pint eta
4. 0111NY-1,1 bbisPearllicatiny in ttore
CAN /MILD* 00. PIM M.. war WOOL
LP mu* s warning, sow lesuit *so sir
ows %gm *eras a. Nos plat Art DIG" sr a on,
_ • "- •
Country Flannels!
White and Plaid Flume's!
No. Ibl Wood otrort. Pithdough
Flannels, Blankets, ! •
Shawls and Oa Laide.a,
Wilms as low •n they ass he funwt!any pl•cn.
ilioks is
_NiV ini sialsbi
.n-v-1014111 • i1)144.4)
, ,
c "os3E CS ATE
L - -
A O.O X - At'ERIENT sromecuno Pre
paravou 01 IKON tOniti Or Oxygen and 1..0 boo by
C0t0.10,1 to Ifidrago n. din Woad tor4t. blandt M.d.
loot Auttoulaltax blob 10 (Lump. ade lb. nutid. and
pad.] iu prantid. ,
The expel land of ihoutmoda'daffrprovi. o.od prep.,
of dun du be Odupded alth it. 11111 , 11ti . Ne• of tton
Woad, dolor rafflue of odd tbargp, pale and othadrise sickly
coropfaxtunt fathead Idneceday In alentaft ennefflXo.
tete c.d. Inixospfus In all waddle. 10 winch It kin. too,,
tiled, It hd protect absolutely curative In Olbat of too FA.
lowing tumptalotO,
Debility,t•riroaa Affaction•, uniacte.-
lion, Drip* *la, Cinanilration, Diarrhoea,
Con•nmullon. gcrof.
miens 'rob*tuloalla,Salt !theism, liftmen.
stria•tlon, Itilt.z,Chlornsts. Liver Coin
plain. a. phew:tie II aaaaa hes, Una am a.
slam. !nick Fe Pimples oa
Attie Vaal,. Le.
In came of llama Debility,rithether the result of Ronne
dlremie ar of the coolltmed diminution of ammo and num
color energy tecuouhrocie complaint, one triol of thi- res
torattve by proved itucteseful to nu extent which no den
cmption nos written nit...lion would render credible.—
Invalid.. no long boa-ridden se to have becomi loygttb o In
their own tudghborhoode, have euddenly re-appentl In the
busy world am It Just return. d from protracted trivet in •
distant laud. Boma very Aged Instance. of thin ilud . are
attested of female Ml:fere., emaciated rialto. Of apparent
' marasoins, longed owns eahnnetion,crleical canal:a, and
that compilation of mama sod dyepeptle. aversion to ale
and Curdle for which the phalclan has do name.
In fiervone.Affections at all kind. hand tor ruson. famlb
lar to medial men, the operation of Mb preparation-of.
Iron Mat netessarily be salutary, for, unlike the old eel
da,it Is vlgorousty took, without twin esultlng nod over
t...4llin and gently, regularly aperient, +men In the mat
obetlate awes of costivenea, without ever being a gastric
porgatla, or indicting a dirmgramblesenaatlon. '
It le this latter property. among other., which makes It
so remirkably,effectual and permanent a remedy Poe Ales,
open which ltedeo appears to exert • distal t mutt specific
action, by dismantling t he local tendency which foals them.
In byspepsla, inuomerials a are its noses, a elogle box
of tams Chide beats Pill. bse often aft red. tor kiss„ neat
habltuil mon Ineludlng the staudent
To unchecked tilarh.ea, even when mammal to If'yeente
ry, cotOrmed, ...dialog, and apparently maltatant, the
effects loon been timidly deaden and
In the local polo., lom of Ilea and etraath, debilitating
cough, sod remilteou hectic. which generally Indian,. In t
ciptoot thinenruption, this remedy ham allayed the Marinol
hands and physicians, In several very gratifying end toter
noting inatatica.
In Scrofulous Tuberculous, this mediated iron hes had
farname than the gad effect &I the leon anhously bal.
aurae! preparations of Mcrae, without au; of ihetr sell
known liabillues. g
Taft attention of facullise cannot be too confbiZi l ly flab
ttd to this remedy and astotative, In the ca.' iecoltally
althetice them-
In linen Mariam, both chronic and lollatninat r x—ln th e
letter, however, more derldedld—it r. h Leta overlaid,
well reported bo th as all. elating pain and acing the
Itlnp and Wife... of the joint. and muscle..'
to lotarmlttaot /aware it mast tare.wpartly be w greet
reared, and auergetla n curative, nod he prripipelo the
new uttlemeola of tha'Weat, wall probably he 001161 b4b
reworrueor4 neefalares. .
Ho remold, bee ever been diem... t In the arbible hletory
of beedlclne, *bleb scat prompt, bsppy,lan
aortal... elf. to. (twit spco Ile. ceniplete dig:btioti.laptd
acqulsltkin of btreoptb. wilt. nu anemic .11.tpuenton for oo
aye and cbceital .=none, Intruedlately below It. tele.
Pot op In mot flat Metal baba rinctehilbg SO pill. price
Weenie pre bent ter este by Droggteta nod dealer.. Will
be bent 'Yee to any whirr. on receipt of pries. All letter;
order., etc, ebunlit addreetert to ,
Dr. 0 II.0110.1: HEPAHIit, Who:cosh:Awed .00 IV tot. tu
. R. B. LOCKE & CO., General Agents.
1120 filuo4l W4V. N
The Bald and Gray
Mritty, binge , the Greet TieoLrery of Prof.
woJe, have •tiefUJILI4 not only to Inntste tn. Reaturat,e,
but plofem to hare , 1111COVeT.P.1 etnnottelog that would pro
-1116.,.,41411,1 Mena et; br a t they tinve all .00 at.d nen,
l lnl.lldnr , Wrd nere, by the woe...tern:o r.atalunf Prol W 00.1%.
preparation, and have been (hod, to Ito.. ;On 1:141 to lto
ril4l.llPas .11,7 U. no e hp I I ie. In.,
nerti. MS., April 38th. leo4.
Poor 0 .1 ir, it , * CV : elente—Tho letter I wr dx ',el,
10 coon. t.log you,stostdr 1.1.0, Ite,Le n l l re, nod . h,ol, yen aye ouhnoleel In thta rteinlty and PIM 1 - , b.,...
Wil4 ,
AIII. . ime in enrorrenningotrien tortehlng too tar... to the
' TOL notolrna me: Met, to It a tact of my hot..lL•ono
'. d nut, so stated In lb. commoolcstanot ase.od, 0 It
tattoo: Ali outtotod; ttotd, dwe .3 bolt .tltl.n,o•
Linn- wt.. 1. good ordsr -nd of tistaral COW.? Tv all est
sod do •ostrer indsrastriy, yos. My heir Is even bettor !lisp
lo soy stop, t y my Ilse tar tt rty jeers paat,lnfA, soft, thnft y
sod Ostler ovlvred; the seal. Is true of mysitbl , !WA
C 1,.. only coon Why Is Is not sitostAlly Into, RA that Ins sub.
sten, le wash. d off by frognent r, triter.
II cars wows tbied by •tl.llg Ivo hies In eh.. coon. Hon
• •
with the ehlthera, th e same tomtit will Allow ue .Le hair.
1 have loom Ita the ...lid of • great Dom.-rot letters noto
all parts of lat ttogisud, salting toe is my bete sail co •
Duo. to be gad, that.. OF. IL. 11 Amur loth. moth ofth
tam sod tree of a ati. as ...rotunda e. well ae t 11.. it bort,
no doubt. been oely; itrateted aul Mod, med 'DO! only
without atty good t Met, but to attaeute fujory. I have II GI
mt. I au: ol yourXoattweilire or any account for eon,
nelpthe, aod )..alosfr tat se good see ver, en.thontltals
•Ai eitioniu.l War nirottee, ea I atu'now el yen. old
• ttot 0000 y bakin toy ht Al or on 11l y Doe, mud to {vote
• •Is Act, *end PAI • lock of my hair tobeu itto
tweet I tom-nod your favor of tun dotal tattle+ last slim
mart, for etholch 1 am ted9 grateful; 1 ge. It to ety (mode
no.l thereby Induced than to try it; malty 'were skeptical)
soli/ atter 01.1 mad then pneettatari and toed It with ono
venal tames I will ..tai a foto, that yen tend me
teathy • loch I can titerovor fraud Its lb. Kano, bare, mold
by many, 1 leer, without authority hoot yt,at A poto sett.
cle will Imamm thee.. oar I . :believe when steel .gate do
not (Aloe., the White la canetld Up the impure art el, er blob
...en the Inverter art the gm.. I deem It my duty,.
bervtottles, to tarp you epadtreel of the coulleued effect out
my I,lk, as 1 -.ore all woo toonEre of rhea my onsbakto
oplalou of its vatuattle rtsulta I rinialn, dese,air.
A.o , ltarsosto.
At Rms. K7,r(aor.oo,
. Poor. O. J. W... wu.old rertatlair be tatting
jou a great Injustice Cot to make known tolthe world, lb.
wooderiol se well a. tbe nortsprocted result I Woe experi
enced from using ona Louie co your Nair Itestoratire. Altar
tteing every mo no . 1 Iteetorativee vatted, hot wilhOut nob
eud evilly tndo fing my bead warty tleetltote of hair, I was
U. Dy a bottle .1 your 11.1 r lteitoratlve.
Now, candor d Pardee =aped roe to aunounce to who
ever may reed MIA that I new pares+ a sew sod beautiful
growth of hale, which I prOnoonce rt.ltetteod twodsomer
than the eel Intth . 'Wee. 1 will thotefool take mask, to
recommend Ms InAdothle remedy to M. who mey feel the
te , vvellY oil.. DeePavil . l room. 11."8. Attnailtsocs.
I'. 8. TOIII testimonlai of my approbstron fire your valor
tale medicine (se you ars onliro of) re If
yen think It worthy a playa amwatt the that, Down if you
wlett-41 not, dcatecty, and my notkang.
Younute, Ras. E A.ll
Thi.Rdatorstbre IsNut op 1n bottlea of three' site., 010
lamb tneditam and math the mall holds gall .7111 and
retails for Opa dollar per bottle; the =anima holds at lout
Twenty par cent tome In proyArtkro than the - small...lath,
fox two dollen per bottle. Um large holds . quart, 10'per
cent. mon th propctUon, &LI nand. les3 a bottle.
U .1. WOODO W. Proprietors. 11l Broadway. New Sorb,
and lit Market arse; ht. Louie, Mo; and mold by all dotal
prude.. sod Fancy illasdaDeelava. ataltlyeldhl
sir rmar, Dumont",
s- ST
-- •
Ctoilate tof Um Red Liao Howl, 6
rjr AV I 1 TAKEN and fated up,
ILIA% • ow ell p.tßati. Illmidero
re Is s ortimid;o:•1114 Irtebdo reer pool gc
enerattli, With ttaii:lieit Reg riio, io ifford.
UltiliTillttl Wllt Ni:setved .4 nay warinly of wlyle
durin tbe mum. ' •
LIQUOKS and • Etlib4 co
retta glldeutlupcomm.ading
ilievabllnfor thalrinq.nsoclb
wense4 Op boari..nd b SY and NICIIIT
UIIARDIMS Ukkou. .011411* THOMO bTON N.;
ROLL 111.11" CE R.—
NO I L , 1:411T—16 keg..
PUJN WII SAT If L , .0 R—MO b.
b °LID bUrralt—.7abti , la and 15 kt gs
In .to C.r axle by
70aN PLDTD • CO.,
fa!' Na 773 Wnext .Gent
htiAn N O. SUGAR, sad
10) bele and 101 bf I. N. O. moc4ssE3:..x,+ Oroo—
to arrea`tal• eivific oinidier inellatic•—an Qf er.. Joh 0111
te nil,' at a very areet decline, by
nein 'nun t norriß i CO.
DKO6UO4-4uli bus. kuuttoem,,
rr Pr L bbl. Breen Apple.,
DEANS—FO bbl. White Reno%
KR-10 Wee Readied Mier,
DRY. PR WU 621-160 hoe choler,
DRY APFLER—WO bus chaf., Tot State,
OHItReR —CO have,
PE.l°BkB-400 bn. get , trhAY; 300 cent Freah,
fonds by • L. 4i.
J 05,24 7 Liberty .t
-- ON — DHIK2OI.I hue Small White ileatia;.
10/ SOU boo Choler Inr•l4 Amin!.
bbl. Float Hominy, ntl obln Oolong!.
100 Orb, bongo, Extra MPdi Family Flour,
ZOO bx.plmeW fl..Coaue, for role by
fold 11 ROufBON A CO.
FLOUR. —3O) bb,ls. difforen,t,
grade% la &torn for a.. b)1
$414 First etrtat, nmr Woml.
l'A RTON'A LIFE OP .1 CKAOIY: 3 rale, infra V. -
J. 17 ' AY t CI), 55 Woad .1
iaitALMORA.L SHARI ', , --
=la all Ara calora and very t beep,
rrte rAI at ••
10 9 atincop. 141 a 10 'a
gaTAßell, 443.-75 boa .a Prarl Starph; .•
Lj 10 be. Prepared B.arch,
60 , toca Naiad Caudtra, .4,-3 :
• 100 bee 11,11-u; P.lnt and Plaint Saaoa, Inr.alb OF
, Jald h. 11111113IIN 'A CO.
im E SS PORK-300 btils. 3reel-jtolk;
;LTI 15 bblaOlear Me . PorlL.lbr eala-bi - • . '" , ,r, '
Jald ' , 77e ' • 1 EVIVZISON"iI , 00.
J ., •
aREASE-.1- bi.trais kfigaragd cam, a
1-.11 na ,,, lar .ra.i. , r, - r! cast! pa; 'lntgkira, diva and
ll agame, For aale by Ja.4,...,c ... pm a v itittill.T.o.7ll.
P -
ACKEDBOTTKR:ZIOtee Plinio Packed
Outer, tne r•al.a hr. ~,,, : WATT teWirs4oll, .
J. 1 9 fro. 269 Meaty st,
APPLIK BlJ'rtiCit —5 kept nice Apple . tiut
ter, for solo by
.1 419
WATT A WiLRIN, No 249 1.11 erty let:
NEW SDUAK-33111da. prime N. O..Ju
pr, to artlYB for ply by
Jail M•UUNALD A AMOLICICIAY,.. , 2t3 Liberty ot.
• flak. If•stborr, lle Sheep Polts—*o. landing from
nramet &Irmo for We by
OIL ()will CRUMB CLUTUS--Of dir
llama •Is • end stiles, t.•• 14. et the Oil Cloth Ware
n:ow, le 2.1 21 Rt. ohm. et.
dt.2t 4 U. PIIII.LIP9.
lirlitiVB of noise and french Landscapes
and Om &talent Bcdferino, for ale by
I W. :P. 4EB BALL.
t - A - RD OIL-10 now landing rival et' r.
Ohrs Poe, to r . ealo.. ny
r - lOATAit tIMMT on
CAR BUN 01 L t vil . BRIM OIL I-100
Ilt..llll.eaCtirboa - 01144 , by • • -
PDS. 183 Merl,
r!agUtainatlit-25 bble.• wine Be
*MO 1AN4611. ° it se k•
- 1114314.14>
f ....,
terivol y . I, o T: ii
1U6 6 . 6.!
Tito &Wall/v[l eirlhne C:eegn men. Iv, re
Isle Men, ll4r I•ntme*.t.raily. s.eperlinll)
tbe ne.fiteol in .e,l prep nth. eet.taltang Iron,
li.sar nrA 1 . 140.p1t0t us. u. d.ttlrtt I. 1411.,vc1al
4 nn , le+n , n`n *lb , red P.emai
In dl•en.v4
etUe roootecence and t.etitto• derattgetftent, steep.* of
tLe elet t ot thaw • tota s trhey of the uttl glu,otrat' ktruttly
comp extuu atat • roo)ltot the slue, fe woa• Ifaitostiva
of health: while a 00, wottotilo mato ta! (+tout-teat.—
..bleb fa lora •a dr fllet,c , i/of IL e ft ft,g•thota. — .••?"”f".
•hw • di•elttwi fag - sat:a l'teittretlonauf Iron Lave Cat n
Oleo fur the porptwe uf•optu, too the rcti glattoltee Nit Or
rut fond nnt Ire. Coate • u Iphete . •Latut‘f P L O , '
photos alone, will out heel the tttlouercy to retry Oaf,
oat MM. • jottl;fous rtnytoomiloo or al attae elettetit• iw
to. ewer, ristore th e tt Lt no-•••latarldentl. Th u
taint, octal Ueforo atteinid. has /e'en reached 111 the
Blond 'Wood. and tut dlseivery rants at nor of (hot:octet
•clettlttle stet Itoportaot II the age Its ellocts to
are to *Oleo the clues, trace the ow we, eiccogllten ten
•yrtent, allay the torratralteg niche esteem formere the
phyotral and maul. enrriky,enalch h a Motel 1.7 maim log
the Lowking red globale*, incrrate, the • pretlte retterd the
nelor,•nd clothe the otrle to ir testae wulttile.ll. 'I ha blood
Food will lee (Lauds sptc4Ot h. all Chronic Maim.
'sea the Throat fir Lon gatowrlt a. AC/Wm, ereit•
mitts, Cow •c. Put Inc ewe. leta at.d Hagen It Mandl*
Uf greet nettlly to cleating and Mr. - title wag tho wool
errata. In Dampluia, Lire, Dropqr, Einkltry.
flaratyrot, &valuta; Genet!, .17. D.M“, filer and
Apr, ge Ila ed..) roetrk. nod leatnotaneons. too
chew or dlreato botenter, ttre the benefit Id effect. of ihil
remedy . dmrpicuene as lit ihrt.lyrre•lng
"nibs t; (I M - P T LI I'NTS
to which the gentler to Psi le, eon thigh tend towards
Consumption. such no Morperiril or D(olculf olleastrantiont o
Grans Arekorst, Milites, tic rapociaoly wino , he.. oem.'
plaints; are arrompanied tub iotetre., n ding , hi.* of GO
for of the akin, deprnalon of upirits, do bioitl , voltam/on,
want of appetite., and ntruons rrratrinkin. to Piave the
utsputtoorontidence In Tetouan.ndh g the Cloud Food
to ill elm mop be conschnta rif a logo of vltoilty or eulogy,
and-to those whom mental or I osliiy powers ore prostrated
through re, ttre.rlttirr of oho Mind or Osnely, end are dorm
It oat duty to say I hot In nil root. of a . ..tor, and Reuse.
<Won, mod In all di-.sera of the Kidney: or Bladder . ..Ude
preparation lona a claim upon the ea:cation of sufterera
which cannot he over pollinated. A latibful trial will bei
fond the moot oonvlneing timid In iv gard to Ito o flicery
that ...rid ho mkod it: With tiro ahoy. reroulohaud with
'We tinnurrinld teminienisis we have In Its Stub, we offer the
to the ronalloratinn of the afflict/0, loco. log (hot It will be
asionovoloilgod as pro-enlinrnt Iwo r ell other preparations,
ipatetit or olikelogii, In point of usefulness. Circulnta dialog
the The:, upon which Ibleeeniedy la halm:led, ilancovilln.
rates of remarkable cove. well i.e mot irte when desired.
We toward thw Blood Feed roan; putt of the Units."
star. or Cared, ripen receipt of prior— St per rmtria,lls
r in Win Pr cArrful in all doom to tale none hot that
h•vlos ; cur fac-almile Ago:stare noon oho wrapper. Notts
other'. genuine. ProistreSl only by
coveter' & mieorok,
F r
8 )
En ring Ili:ell Nor,,r 'WM ITYY.
EPVCIFIO 'IIFAIKZ , II , I , 1, nr.r
the rn.mrt •na.ra.ort:rtnitg, nrvl 114,1 n: ILI4
1.1. e In ttwlr 4enninrnr-4; rcnl
• r..011111.11(1 174,1 tn nll pe,...tr0,1, AI.I! r t r ,
n.bne, an 4 ! 4 lo:van. .4 .t..
I', It, Wt., llnsm.,,prlhAr Nortkirct. in
r— 11 Cr.... v. P 0
t .
nr .1 ~.n Ant ,
uirn, 7 ./7 ,. h I
M. FL It.,
" 11.-v
S Vtf, 11,1 P.
NI. , thr let 0,1.11, 1 1, , , , , 1• 1 -, 11,1, 1,1.: 11,
1-1 • k lirr.ry 1. C. ql
f'f Ft 11.
o -4. 11.... T:I t , r444 J 3knO.
11 VZ!,, 1..• 4, 5 Para, I
1 , 4; , 441,iP, Teftrn
1...!=T OP 81901,11.10 RPMF.DIES
• P• , C.,,,,n144, 6141 1nP.,4•114a
• Fer..-I.l , vrt, 4Vvrrn t 4 ,• 1441
No I e C&', Uryl44, rettAlug, kcJI Wakeluliwte 0
• —1... 1)14,11,.4a.. uPera rntvatton, arA Sommer
04,4414141 a.
No. 6.—For C4tlC., Cirlplaka,Dventrry. or 14.40dy Ma. -
No. CL4:era, Clhoteta.4l4rhua, 94Eolttriz
N 4 atall °!nntartma, rod Bore 1111.4'..t
arhr 4gr04..014. 444 41.43,1,11 a.
N 4. Clem wri Pls!lnegn of thl,
Na 101 —1 . 11.•=1-.1. ism Neat and 11,rsag,1,.Cnrr.4..4lJor.. mll I.4er lloni.l.dat
N. n. B. ftnty. P Oilfol, or
• NM I'T &fp.: 11.. , 1,4
tlnsn nf
No. 111. Cro.ap, 11.54rn• 41.•;:gt Elsirt•Urenthi2g
:To. 14.—M•rr Itectv rtt,,,, zry.t"i...,,
Pimples on t!... F•too.
1 —llutott.rzo Pala,
ow.! In the clloot, Ll , hx, I.lroba
. frorr a.r.o ...5016. Chill rover. InJe:h
P.-For Pur. 1 , 1•• EnnVilo.
~,. ~,
In ell ewe r.r Fevers, 11...14 •
11: 1.11,, r'•l ele
aye Fee-c.l.le,Jes, F... • tl.r '
advantage .4 Over • ,;.1
end In all ees•h csena .1
The ebaire dieraee often emit -1..1 et 4 e•..•• t v x
the , sinletree nf the etta.A ate!, e.l - re. 4,1:•
exml, end ren•ltred le« ierleere..,
Cn•acts awl C..;!•le. reltlen eerie , eeear
and erhi.h re, eller, _Jay let• ot sa•rn.,l
brutchltis atel er•neustrirti..lo.3ay •11 tre at .......,•tze.yl et
the Fever and Gore,.
In Illidirotiiii op lid Wow: Fl•,
Ciinslipatii,n i Liver • roniiiir'ln•hi:ily, sod
11endartiow, inirr or Wonk rw e 1.., Catarrh,
ball alien', and tither idd ouni has- •iioi•ifdy
aninio 1',.,r aid is nip ainire 14'10 11 • cq
Imo e. inn, a ainair ridonln knoh
or Ciddrrti, Ilint.ludir nr FolinCir
nes, !saw noire Coin hnll for rarnaiiet.n en,.,
Oase of 20 vials cnrn,..le, Itt aintree•yan.: ..35
Cse ed 20 rt.t. and 11 , ...).; . . . . t
exst, of numbered boar/ sol - • 2
cam. of G hoar., number..i . ,.nrof .....
&Dale number& tw.ant, irith dire, <taw,
Sinct. let,re.l boats, with egr • nti.
LarKr earn of 2 na. ols:a, amd
ALSO Slt.!tanCl.,.
via A51 • 111,1•11t Pirrararo,—Qpprnwkl, Billieult, •
Breathing, Yttemle.l with Cirugh• an.l rapecturath.n
tai cents per
rum era 1 1 1!C.IGN AVG Saarssas,—Pleel.arass.fren, the
Par, the result of Scarlet Fever, hr./odes, or Memel . hda.
For N.lna In the Head, Ilardness of and rtiontug
In Use gam, and Far.arha Hes, G./ cent,. P e r hot
Pisa Senorrts.—Enlarged Psilarml anrt
sl Treadle, threlllnna and Old Meer; Sr . .rotuloirs Caches, el
Chlhlren. Hee, SO ctn. pri,is.m.
Eon figural., IStattrrt.,-Phyalcal or Illtrenua 'Weakness.
Merin. reault tf elrhnep, alnressive 17e.
nanatlna rnscinsra.S. hies, CAI ern!. r•er hon.
Fi.. Ihtontr.—Fluid Aceuronlatlnna„ Turnhl Sselllnan,
Scanty Seererlnna Price, pi rasa., per hem.
Pox Piallhcasesa.—Deallelsti Sickness, Wertlen, Nausea,.
Pinkness from eldin; or m 011... Prlre , tt) cents
per box.
Post UN.Akt —:...tflravel, Ronal exlcull,
can, Painful Ilrinxtlon, ' , hear; nt thelildhese pries, it
cents per box.
k tones - sac Earattroch-Involuntary Dlashornea and
Conte/cent Pr:lineation and 'Dehlllty, Of LW
The room taceerefol inol efficient korna,
and may be relleal noon air a, rare. Pelee, all. 101 l
tleala, $1 per box. • •
Persona ,ho with to pined then...fives ander the peeled , .
glocal Care, las to hark *deice of Prof. Bonroaava, can do
orxt h. ...flirt 5M neonate', das2. fence 9 A.M. to 5 P. 111.,
by loner.
. '
F 3 •
Ora lIVIIEDI Of it &IL. . -
. “
Lock orcr th e net; make tip • 'Bute or whet kind joy
hnnce. end , nritwe the ammo% to • current note or stimp-r
•ky rn•li 10 our uleircvt, at No. 501 Broadway, New-York.
and the recdicine •111 be duty Beturo«:1 by mull or e•preas,
tree 4,e.
~ .
YNT.llevire nn nett.. etecient . Afent
for th..o!- Reintenee pi every town or community
N 6; 569 Ettoeverar. New•Togi,
J. At, VULTOSI, Fifth mnet, (bletnetch
door from the Poet (KU., Whole.. Agent for Pittobeiret
mid vicinity; Moo, 3. M. rol.ToN CU, Itinnimehim; J.
P.111.1t511N0..e 7 . ICKIII.,' Allegheny City.
triturF, UKN A
In ralornlos thank. id tbir,smblle for their p a tro n
Mining, to ;merrily exhindiiklrmald call their inttnktion
to my vary large stock of TARES for Ibl.
611 stock of rpidaprieiii;fitlnilard eel drarc)Patch and
Cherry f.r." 2 " 6 . 4 . 6 k/thief than...ter r.ixA. Jill of tbs .
mon •rproed rartri.e. uNeOttt ty pointa hierlops fall
Istiorrlrilar of Me tritium; : and aro takes -to hare
nervy kind tine to bailie.
Or Apple Tree. ilsoe nri Lite 150.000—Zi6,000 of ribkh
are tbraayear olPi. from 6 la g tteL ' To rock a grim'
RVlSlOlftkerfil. from 2 art g feet. by Phelan xl6OO, SNP
Seine rionld be Oro. Estrin Jame 67•p14, for obtdos per
100, f^ 6. Extra largo A aaaa.rkilati hargllal Laish. per
1166, far, he. Tree•PL.ters. plot', give u• n call. Cab,
Inger. tort fern on applientio.
Addreek Pitte , tiro and urklaiii ifnrarrlek
Pa. (ne11:11t,l,t) , mutmocin.J.k.
SUNDRIES -150 bra, Prime Pearl Starch;
2 EMI. Prima Roll Hollwr26 ba. Palma W. R. Cheraw;
100 clocillroorim • 26 rloallarl Piano , Broom%
hf MO. N D Irolaamis; 220 labfirPilme Nu. l'Applra;
~100 boa Dry A 000 He choir. Dry Palacbar, •
. !to br. Prime IN. Peed; 60 Mao!. Pr...then;
601 hi. C 1 irr Vineaar•-rrao'd fora& by
J.l PRANK CAN 60110110. 114 Pecrmi .t.
• ViSti—lOU packagniy bbis. and naives, No
I: I..yaßluclbtrol; BO do do dorbio. 3 Median; do;
TB pigs, bbb.ud Medium Blackent
Ed Ao do i • ,1011116 kbb dad Trout;
• BO bbla cbuleu itayit Llama' 'Umbra
10 do No. I Waif 15,00010 ade'
err sale by iol • , I.AHBBOTI BIIIBTON.
800 ur n Flint and Orem Salted,
Irtnd old for sole.! Mob,
SO3 Dry Hides to arrive dui. for alp by le Da LAI4OII,
jag ' et.
INT HMI Li in 15.. .3tlO bbls. Ltrui
JO.I . 3. B. CAN OLIO.
SUN BR lES-50 kegs prime Lox i; .
bo nu ITER. d. bit. Bali. 006.-11 M,
LAPPLCS-20 bbls (Imo, ORAN IVIRRIS -AS blob; .
SI NB-1.10 bar Whitt-dust reed for r 1 by f
kr DON AID &AR Malt •
JAI I .Tobbots ft.& Greer; &A Alto,ky .t.'
HUKSN tX/VERB, Of Indio, .bber And
Oil Ciotti, the Net qA&lty. for sale at Ib Indr:
Rubber Depot, el. Clair at. .4110 .1. JAL PITILLIPIL
RY FLOUR-1,5 bble. Fresh or sale by.
E JIIO WATT • , WILSON, tarty au.
11131."rER--10 pkka, :Frrah 808 Butter, frir
• rate by late RAO BON tt CO.
11011111KO,RY • bbl. ju.t_ree'd toe
L L male by UNA& 001 , 17 N
t 'IRAN B &BM bble. in. ;, order,
kJ hurls by )a2l R. Da I
A it
Ukth.-3 musks Betted Yolk for sale by
A Jag " 4131114. A On ,
141 AiStirg
I' I TSEniktfiF
l c i. A. T lin gi;l z t't r. others°
all in the South, West & Noses:weir.
Time: TO OINCINNATIaa quid, and to
lud.n-wks, rt. Laub and chbmip quicker than by
other mots. . .
- "I•: •.• _. .
Pair ?[AIL LlNK—a.m.- Pitialatintt...... ...:“.1,10 /1. It
A1(1,04411 etfaiill. ............ilkio 4: 111.
Nlaltlus <loop connectlonoaith a,„, tanitiba• and itilvve.
1. 1.
..1. ~ .In tub. •arailccinaatt
I Antall:lint 1ngt•aap..11a.....:.—.1.35 V. 11,
i •
' ^ . Cinchnnti1.......—.......130' V:111
1' " .
~.o Chicago .. • —IMO v. N
. N. 0 —Thalia. h. Clacionattbatha WM. try Statham. ',
villa. Train. on loth road. toteaatCointobna, and pump '
gars all gointo'Llnainmata tognittae. '
ILTPKIC-11 TILAIN — Lone• - fillablirgb.—.... i•II P. •
- . Arrival nt,0nne•1ab........10:1*".,11
Mating close connactiopaaa abaft. . ;
o . '. Archiving' Li4kaivtallgll aN'
. • . ` _ lt. 10anin....t..1t104 N
. . o
_. Olnelonaal LID A. at
... ."
"' aitantv»......10.10 a..•
N. 13.—Ilia lima 10 la taitlil•ti i• dm atatelem by Mao.,
vl iv. - Tntina on both r0a..1 meat at Colonalau, wag p...«.”
goto all Re, lota CiNclaNati towbar. •.• -, -
filteplog. Cava on this Irwin Dal Plitabingh to 'Nada:
natl. ta traliahapolta anti ,o Chicago.
Trains throaph a Cninagovaillearcitang• Ot Cava.
Lea vdChic'sgo. 0.10 a. at.A.iid 00 P. IL grahring so
Dn., 228 r N. nod 3.10 a. N. Cliaanaling with trahnt tor
Daton and Cincinnati Arriving 'at Cvnatlin. Slcal. P. 11.
'And &lb a. v.
: Oono, ctioig with trains to. Colootana ainienatt. C 1.,..
'land, JINEWo and lb. Burt, nnd arriving Ain vomit two
',.. K. sou 3:40 r N. All malting chin nannialCalia, Val
traits - an Ventlaylvaula -Wined On ratlndaliAtiriall lb:
Itgabrit cities.
M 351
1 0 2222111
/saes do MO » - 12.30
Mlles at Allrgheny.• 30 ° tOO . a .
Allegheny and k coaoray Aroonimodiatkan
Leave Alhaheny. 12.00 neon. and &00 0. E.
Arrive at °sway, ALAI IL IL TOO
Leave Reohonly, fc3o ME
Arrive at All. ghee', ' 463 0 • .
A 14.14000 MARE IT TAME—Leese. ARUN. at ILOO.
A. IL. Mid 'arrive. In Allegheny at 1 L3O -Loma Alin.
Own) at 230 r. M an. .insole 1. Alllkaroal 720 P:
waging at aii aration• for pamenger. and Ma, h 1141411. •
Tickets will Do ..l• for these trshae al mimed rat...
ThrortgleTnelne connect .4 folkar.—
At Alliance, elth train. on the OlassfinA t Pillabargii
At Orrsille, Ohio, toted froze MlUmbeng, Alunn, Cephaii •
VAAL ets.
At Manafield, Ohio, for ML, V. 0.0., Shaibe r
Isslo, Detroit, sta. .
At Creetliaa fur Diatrarevßpiingfleld, Oolaistec ►
12. 7 Xenla, Dayton, InSlamwlki, St. LOob„ *M.
•t /meat for Springfield, Band
.tO. etc. asky, Dalt.M4 7
At Lima foi Butrioy, Daytaa,Parlseeigate.,
At Pt. Wayne for PEn, Lafayette, InitaiL Laski, lailtitsio
yntontb for
atrAlate porta lo Orutral Indies idel Weep.
Al Pl Laporte. • 1
At It anstah for all plata oa Ulm Ray Aibaiy 'pa Rah=
And ar Cheap, wltherriere Rain polaieji UMW% Igor a,
Wheat em kllnnaiota.
Por Omar latarrairkai lad Vast,. sipii to •
Painumpir ihoo, Parigh
01:0911ZMILIWUL,'Tiekst-= lierb
Through Tickets kir ial.fat tba= 06110. Of •
the line of On road. to Raw. 0..11.- 1111011tWilli
01 ` General Pil..enavr Mtn;.rtatinali.,
Cle•elapid and
CHANG* OP 71112 .1P1NT11-411114110 . 11301:11%.
tN and after MONDAY, sath lB6 oi 1 1 , 41
rileara Um•Depotol the reupsyl :FA !, •
- Piltsbwrgh, Cllockout and Map Liu ;
Lett» a nt» at , Lauri A rttvaat
PIT rhfroall 411.1VAL'D • CUICAGQ
• 1.40 a. et 7:10 a. it. TAO 4. W. 71i 0 P.n..
1:40 P. .e. eke 4 It. . 1:40 P. ' 111:511 /Lib
Parantras death," u gp t" &adult", Talt4lo,
Punt West, catnevelatd; MOM be partklger3ll=.
tkaet. tlr Cie laud. . •
N B. The 111111 b, LO C6ICAVII4 ciaktt ad
vat Pon '
Pittoutyk, Clduibto add rtitaddiddl •Wrt Litt, , MO
obao go of are Mammal Pltiabwmil
Imsoma Aritoem al -
_Antrim at
prrrstillitol3, gowax acre. ouganulan, Tr. wine.
Lto • M p la° p . m
f:4O p m m nr" kW a ' _
'AM I. Matoabater to Cfmciiiiime,Amidarfllo. Oilambeir
.ad all point. floottgthao aim other mt., 1 1 01Mdfal •
Hlmplom Oars olfaction lo flfeht •
• • PU4lnfrph molt f/flatlimp Adam.-
Loos.. 1 - 1114. AftiVe• at Atrimiat"-Apfiret_ ml -
PlTTtllre, accesen,',lnKtum • Wea.
160 a m 3.115 m • ma Melia
1,40 p m &CIO p 8416 6.06 - p • '
B=o pm 4:10 p . . ; - .
- The 1.10 m. a. mad 140; fa. ninths coinict milk Tiffs' .
.2 C. t) U. 12. Ibt Lazamstv, Me.
The 400 p. m. slops at ail atamoma
Mr and Wallavilla. •
Tbromrb Mama tun b± Foam! at 6k-a!n'Mt
.1111 . 4 ., t
... f)011 4 011 pia .
- For !Miller Information appl.;l7 . .
, • JNO:1 1 111 1 4110.1)1olual AMMO.
Lo'D) LIM it:drpOt.
tomb.- 1,4 1 AVT tt A 16 .1•44144141.44411 . 4,4 *iv
'rug PEN NSYLVAtilAsi gn a mi
Oa and atter MONDAY. L NM * • .
HAIL TRAIN laine• l Possiier Phibisa ;ONO boridat
vrirmg le Philadelphia at *AO
THE T111101.4.1H =PURR TRAIN leant daily &TA
P. 0., idappnig only At priacipal atittioakbastfpgtlitprislos-
suction at runia.r g sb:tausiwy.., si r s anwhygle tuts;
dead* or lialshisore as &Mi. it. • ,
THE nar LI/4E4mm use Radon AMY (azactimideir)
at mapping °alp at Gesaasbarg, LatrotraleAss•
Willasore,UallEssa, Alitooss,44, tosaeclthE it flab
,waster with train direct far italbsaar4 awl anTelby Plaff.
..dalpkia at 6001...
TIM dotimovro Acetaimadatba Than Irk d.lp (a.
Dept sada) a Sai r, , rs at an sauaa, wit na
Wog as rat as Casistaaste, •
qrst Accomsticalstloa Train for Itrailkiesklillaild lama
&Ey (except amide) at AMA,
t Accomnia •adso Traln Ayr 'Pattie °task Dallas
( ' tart banday) at 1190 a. U. • • • -
&sand Acmmmodat4s Train for TartleCraikbasaddally
iszoisit lioaday) at E*o v. M.
Third AcearatoolasliatTlldi far Ton i. Clank Wan dal
i(exceptliituday) at 690 r. a.
&throbs' Maim arrive to Pittsburgh as tollowsi-114
fresh blap.a.; Ilai,TAop.44 lad Ihrallitila.b.; Mars
tram Aecaltalnadallog,lolloA.ll.; Ent Taseleerra Amos: ".
catatation, 440 • bit Dradantls Plaid Aceasmitidat4s.llllll
A 4 Imo! Tattle Croat AtamsztoisdioasLlA4l PAN '
Aroma:44dt^ 110 P. a.
Trains Ito •Trillsi and luaus moat ) le
Intersaction with &Magma AakisModatloit Maria rat •
pistabaryb A libithetlarilb Traaa: attar 1 4 41141 .
on tbe i sl tiahurAAßbabillstil4lloa4 ve
.x400.1)011' fiaba Trans. 110 E rip. 4 WM%
eassro Tabs , tam Plabbardb A otabilho
sills Road, ant,* atßUAftsylb 11410 a. a. sad WO fl It ,
The maenad public Till tiial it greatly te arir I.N 1,.
in gobSE Emits West. to Trail by sba pnayba s Rea,
road, am Ma amottatAbAbair Dicir drawl' mad ba maw .
ad 00 ally %Ahem roots. The tailliballaitattwith Abaps bad
b aatbaly has mai Quilt 'Ws bat pinsibbsedaty, V/41144-
comfort tO W who nay 1n,., Wass& with ask papa ;.
To New iTo
• PbAstliiptite . .—......lo 001 All
4 : 1.1 . 1 r : " 8:1 11
Paaentgere parebeideg thesis to ear; 21110 e camera one
half mitts? le'eddltion , to OA eteUee rut% 02,12
from Moons ml .a lb. Asa neAtooL
NOTlAlll4,lneestallm, y mil hole Seer
nlme reepteettee for penned beams slily, rie4tie se
amount not ex renew: - • •
N. II —*lt Cennibut Line' bee bite • ilinieloYed tq SollTo7
reeeeegete , end 2 416i20 to and frollitho Di Ve• " °a m
at to exceed 26 mete etymon sue engem •
For Ticket.epple to J. sWAlTeieeeL
At the e. &IL Aurnotter nation, ex Liberty rialtheal em
1 /ZATIZEIM-43utigs."
DM" APP1.1279••••k., ,
nos landing hum •Ve Ely West, OWN& bit • -
412 , • _ mum planiTiai
pRODIJOE —l5O bb s. choice Breen Appleti"
2u3 15
t bra n
Du lElob
20 do I 7
Boon do Ma m
BO bOzoo Cbtooo,' 60 LWeixdoe
.0) kegs lard-14 sal* by
J• 10 L. O. GUI% SR Dimly
/kill LT, =Taw A up strPguilEß
utio nir b s i rg o zyczweikarinanu .4-
11 ht. natD-2o 1100.1. 1 / 1 1ifel
for al. by • apvaisa f>
L UNDRIES-250 tad& .tlioicit , Itatestsand
A 7 Gratiln" . - '''• - - ' IT, ' . ' • .
srulumg—i so we done hasiltiscrii,"•llll •
' STA!, 011-200 bocatWoades •
11911111 T— 9 balm Mal /14441%,, , .•
• Iteea:,s Ws Pm& la. • t , .
DAY PX90111141-203 bail* Nattbas • -
I n Moro Ilk =So at 114 hand..,. •'••
FL0 . 4.1R1 . .1141./P.KI -.-
_.":::-... •
.. . ~.
. . .
bw.s.Ktnr.xX Itstrs rikiatty,
lk• 0 do Tbolcs Bidties lead%
3'o do Grociail • . .
400 dp Este-ria @tor*** 30414
Übealti ie..
Ew, VutiblONMEDl'l73. ".-
DhY ratoass—ice bin hitt:tared doilh
1ig(43 , 10 bus tr.h lam ,
lkitr bbli "'NIA Batik', Ehokei , '•-••
• 8 0311NY-17 bGht Voshp); -- • -
Wain EtZADS-40G lAD AMUNoah ,
• FLAX SIDID-40 boa Mho.* •• •
TALLOW-I WWI . • . ,-.•-•
hy e. cusr.. 2satibeit"se-,
lIIIDRIEI-30: sacks l Uhio
, 20
901 saclut LantaoirPosebee, I •
g ". •
Lt e os h 01/06 -
ub LI tuna.
• 150 2
bus Ma Mod.
bans Prseb Xstie. bb1117,5!15
10.b01. 000102. •
75e— ••,.• y
bbl. m Auk!. luicritmh i 5506, *iamb bpi ;
-22711512 vAit
--150 AU
111 ,11 whiwa inall OA*.
bue,Dry P5515*,;
1.15 i
2 Ptimetted Mobil; i•
ifars prhaup 41 005•11atter, • — •
10 MIS 1101555: bble Zak
• 50 2 115 100,Lstd. 10(4 Ito T. 55054
.5, 555459%y
ID *tors toria o teb -
- -
bla. fresh_ Zs"
33 etaka...num 'NACU% • .
resx surf bble U 0 , 1 173,-'
8 bow Busk . • ' too w. '
ioo emisestarr; • -
&Abu iluktnellty P21,C33888 • ' -
by *do u. a -outran'
1177 818388 sad 1.,e0f
tor al* by all "ristio,
• 18,18014313•81‘
&if) mrimrlog.wmr •
► 10BAMegB HMV Mae'
jiAtlrldfdbecettominMeig trash by
, watrikimaair.,
jpninutkit Romeo isea!rmkaparT).
t 13121