I !~ •- I' s iitsblllll_,A9 t . ?!i ztvi Pcalikatios 1 Office, 411_1d, re sear S'efi iti s eid. letara~ wad sieleeeli skeat eau hour of AtOwadif iiiill4olll(litsltsim yak from aragy k-43 mama la adenas, or So. pa oak Mak Si puma.): las cr nark St ilk tan or ap $I pin mama amiably a Jar itaIIISISISUSG 11•138 - L - 21.437 Ar. Ir. A, LI REPtigEIPiTT A C 4 {24 El' FEB. 1.). 1861 ii,, 1 . .4 •,', ...,VAIDOOISZ/iNGTION.. , ~.., ibil trio,luttous of lb. Detnoorstio Butte nelliain Slate COmrention on t 221 i, l :41taliti 0 - i declaration, that " the II ion is , i • , .:. • 1415:must be reconstructed on demo '. . The ptiOneW liitolisEftms this dealer 'too at convention ofthe.22 3 , sod make It the oar- WWFIFIII4:' !Cate-411liter= of-. the . reotigenised t detimeil eperty. u , I say oraniaajsetle! for the - old deMoorstle la , 11:601i$1141-61,0110 OP. never to ea)ot spin es‘ -ner,haelit • , Ito-new exietknce will dale ttinthe minuet month of this year of our The erapeolattot thryilmi-the new iparty_ will : 1 , Wilitmtlitikintki lilt& ociemertstir• element in th , ItWalliolltl,oettealtileptint—. - .the eteak•kneed, ~ wesi , tlbtethres las tremble at . even _thrill—a:4o4Wl3Onth, ma Welieve in pnrelwalog posttest way riot; '. ?erhipe it • will : and It le s set tatiollocilSAnsi net_im improbable that Of 411 . prAt le .0e u . ,Teottenstraotion...of patties—the. 'udlpurfAu. r !itlik ?he no n iereailve (so called) Ai Ptii(illityfibliosti'" lie "litterWseive piny, liiiftillient ' etitelle Wle possible the . ..aunt. tlemr . iiiii!iiiii . but even eo, tha"progressives" istkirs, tiUittpkuntOn the long run. ' Obeeryi the aoolueee with which the - diseolo• Wei ll'accepted be in aeuempttelted flset4;Th*ii thigavernment, is BopOblican ,hands, has had . time to measure --011rolititAh'Ilie rebels &Odle/ ).te prablem - wimpier, the, power to mitinteld itself iisitteK!.,3 l lo- ' keit 4 ,4 11 W°!f!°L 1 4-;- but liking the kr#osesy . „ilecessiois as unßuestionably wulausfol,,Anticomiludieg that the ge4erement ti, filhout'dotiiit,'oierihroW o ; ll . deplores 'that "tilt V t nles te;dlwieleedr doubt the wish Is Whin. the flibuiltt'; 'end it must here af• forded the CatattoretitiEltatiCommittee a great deaVai pfeastin record, piantatarely, fatii, sittaidolois so welcome to them. • - :2W4* tarter, tlyiboolims with which they "the'-government must be rearm , -Straitirdr.; . aad -mmoutrueted on democratic priniipiiit Mow db het iabaht aseessity .o.llleteolestrelettoo; at. all, Gum eidatitting, for 'argument,er the that the' Union is reoill i 4disoolied,- mach less do we admit an; ai " 7. limits menstruation on democratic It not follow bi , sny massif, thst if the Milos is itottlilly, dimolved,lt must be reorin . striteeed.:-.lf. the government fails to bring -iitederit revelked'previnabil; If It into! west to meat ite, supremacy ; if it has fallen' err low *Oil whip donee of the Gulf Elates can ono- Zimieftilly'set it at defiance; the country will so• apt tha fact, (shod it its foot, but not before,) as inorliable, but it will never seek' to hiring back rebel Stelae it was unable to conquer. Mo ettiliAe:steclig soinglito f o rm ; an lodepen- . deaf gitisrumeat of oar owls,- without them and • in of diem. - ybu 'tiiitiinttlon, evert •If 'should. be deemed iltio,muet not, of consequence, be .4 i " I 1 that term upon emourat, _ pao p es, eale understood by the men who nee it. 'We • refit, in 'do - , no timid, a large majority of --- the only to Odium to the 'prinelples of those -wile framed the Cesetitution. The moiety of ths_detnomatry to throw oil', those, principles is irloo:trsnspiren t. to deceive. - " ttilledosetrultliiii open - democratic principles" amlui reimiudructiou upon pro slavery prinol lane, lit *eons is omit:melon to the Cotton States of all they "mad. It mesas alt ibandotimett of the deteredna lion of the Fatherr, "not to admit! Into the Caustitulion any idea that there -Amt ikpropittjr in ml 4" and the incorporatien • intoothat instrument of that " wild and guiltr It means that slavery Is to be so t 1 • stllitlitually entiiro' Add the supreme power in the . gurseumealfthielliareholdera shall rule is = of dials' eight ;that the 'North shall be opened, of minters with their sliies ;-illottidhlat for it tinte or be traarita ; !hut every tromp shall blooms ousetitutionally stoker, that. the aereitories shall be gives wit to sitter, ; that sew territory shall ho .t muluttmLfor ; and that, if„needs be, the far ' Ilgowlimilreds legelived. Is reeenetrueilia -- uPon 4 10am:ratio" p r rinciples This le _Ake. Wu* lupon,Whicit the Is to ow-orpoke , ' sad which wilt be twisted to as, it meet We must meet it, and , itis p.m' ilet,4nahOuldicatoillarien cuiseiveti -1-%lihit-itiiiVi.-.,T,Old..itteneti-are„duad,-0, dying; • ads Is the onsfiving iseuebefor• us, upon triad • pairtlinarito be formed, s.d tipen : whiph the pee dead...Allot-ter Mabee pink - ineigaldeasoe betide this net one; and - we nattubtjlettht that, whewitiklairly mode and met, the decision will be emphatically ,r; eddi at trillgool., - 11 1` 011 " - I' ',. a ttr - geheldeo,--Tbe bold and patriotio - S a VintivefrOm ,fititiessei, the 'Wank Jonssni, 1 , 2 li(hie liie,.'ilieeebnlinded la no very Saltering teloie to lite little rottlentilnillingdonf widob is I I nom asking snob a Tampa/ io the neighbotbood of Chariestoa. _These remarks oomlng from a • - •-::,-, .oldo r atiern demigod a •elavattolder, it is to be lipoid will . , . c r e at e - • " not e the same fectiug of horror on the port of our Northern alders and co ",forers Of lthason, tbat they would if they mot - - sMsted frOm a claim oftito North. It is bi t• - , 00=0 feshionsble now for demaoritlo politicians • :,' to meet every offer to extforoo the laws and pre, •.,_, stem the- Colititutiott_whlCO panel boil t : emboli of!.aor Snothern breiltres." •-For t I dostagogues Mr. Jobneotei speech possemtes oo Ittesetietr , - -1u basest old faabloood devotion to - 1 e Naisst r itotaver. palatable It may be to the isititoiliiniseeirof Aft country, well only excite - .4+4,lln4iii . iliolli :Vim , believe lo the right of stitfrotetllloa. We 'roots from Senator ir m i w yt:‘ 'pea r ~..„4, -1, - . 111111 Mild that South Citrollnienili bad • pre -' Jiidlotragaloat p• goreramoat by the people, and . shot itimistott, lies ne now Mot la that Stoat. ... Mallifernd to the early history of South Cuo - '• • ..... :. :.4 11 _, 11 , 14. Ithere thipeoploel Stet Statti FOOlai , Med hft time that they-were ready to go back ,ruder the dominion of Ilitg 'George. ~,, ~gl.rilie an addresa'orth• peOpte of Charles '';•,,Algosts Kin George; lo 1780, asylog that they ....---11111Of tolsodod to-dissolverthst. Uniosc f &mint ' 4 4 ibi .4400 4 for ladependenos, profs dog .'''..%'" arMatitif the Govertioant," the Iting;&o, &O. ' . ' file otaria to --. thoettuopt to brook up the Geisrossmities4Bl3 ll , by Bouth,OttioUns. Thin :._ 2 .IIIMT-.. mete restrained sod their pridelnimithded, ''' - •••• swot wbospnk Ii their Convention now gay , ..o,4tharybaye. had'as !steatite to diattlivs the 1301,0 3 , ,...lfror.ferty . years.. -The question now is; ore the ~listikriltionie gotog • to allow theresolves to be '''7lgehillphisdad IntiLllaia by Booth Corollas?' Whist •-?.totesie :fiewilvearollia Propose. to goes to Ken- - ..;'44lBllWold'-Tornsessee ? MI +South Oarolintri .. ~. i Ortsms.of JEW - Moak; Tenuous% ied the other' .-::'t .MOM et thoworthe portion of the Booth, Is • , gettisioisit Ai! and only. When we Sod her -iirollitioll.m-Oestea tor Mexloo Of olourbire, •, Imiloistwad Ile ooklaes will be very de , .......litisobirrtilslp to iho battlea. What protection Itteelltrell - earillins , vs 'Tonnages sod Ken " rwito4.ltheolivo.. roperty seeds protestion ? „, ,-....1:',..'11f00rwr got' 66 me sad we will haver LO pay ''-',-;. -- ,ftlt -1 . *Oiled Bona Clifollll*, which has bolo .• , kf;'t_„„, , &N + • ot disport i thisCortfedersoy from my '.'k.' ' ' tieelhathill I. 4 tido timit ir oompleining.of isl i -- ' - 0 ,14,4 ' ''.' l ' 3 l , . - issol'aitis ad With notting.”- 1 -411ta-04:1011?--: Witl4dla last Mow )r . 4.fpg st-Idassaohn• , 1;.it:;.:4- - •'±,n 722,. jhycd dories; the'lltextess,vor. kV, rag toots thoo.lo thihrtor r 61812 INIr tkotraistioiritieo Ibeleitiottui ussitt4 the , Gash try, sod thus afford(ot 'aid sad Orator(' to Ragland."' - , While eoefess our inability to perceive the pripristy„ of indnigiag, particularly at this time, end on tkiii neonatal', In disparaging • remarks against a leading member of the oonfedemay, lamer offence, after all, seems, to have been a tender of its savices - lo aupportj al the Imre Vs' the regnlaily constituted authorities, we at the ; la Amite I 010 feel compelled to deey the truthful: I now o the remiaisosenes which they aoatalm 1 Itlow If knowatthat id the fdeilenui war Mess 'mime to furnished a :regiment of volunteers, sod do idles e would ire furnished "more had r their s 'vices been required by the government. 'Nor la i t t true that the "State kotherities took growl against the country" in the war of 1812, skims h many of the people of that State peak abli,d' object to, the manner le(which that war was no dueled, in their section it the elmatry. Bozne` ao ti Lti ple imagine that the only way to etes elate e South Is to depredate the courage and patriot mof the Northern Btatee,and we pramme We meteCattoept this thrust Mt the-old Bey 'Mete; ankiii and uutrtithfdl se it is; as one of the may .offsriags" by which thli Union is to be Nrad.l _ . Wearisome, Fels 10, 1861. Until-the Border Slaver - States tin agree smug offusiffirea, so as to be able to assert authoritatively to theirepreventatives of the Northern States that they aie not only for the Union, bet that they . - are did constitution and the enforcement of the laws abut ill violators thereof, whether of individuate , . ~ States, and Cuss their cry s mut comelon.st try attempt made to' 'inform the laws, thereby —olleg the tight of • State to secede, they eon never propose any plan of settleminit thit the North will accept. Tbe Border Mane State, &elate; by their tt ablates in the Convention, sad by their Sen. , .ton land Representatives lu Congress • that they .. wireitifi Settlement, thaS the Union mis t be powerved, i- ' ' be it the same dins they otiose to !nettle ono& any . tains that do not admit - the vight'of a State to. wa. oede,t by dinging the right of the' AdmlnlattaGeo to earrr on the Government within the hoiden of snob ,State; wherever . the Wend law is 'Weed. tam satisfied that the Border FlMtefe will'beve to yield this point first, before the North will eon , sett 'to any antiques nt. Northern men of all o, and some of the ablest men in the South,' pitthat when-it is conceded that a State can, go oaf of the Union at plume, without the eorment et the other States. it up'admitting that we have no goveiciaent. Rattier; than yield tote point, the North will abandon all nonsenions end eoutpreent. sae, and go about the.mors Important work of Auer mining whether we beve•govenuseet. end Whether, At is Worth preaentng,,and tf so, to pruervie it at all huarde and whatever cost. Thlsto about the polui ate,hicilt we UV° Wile& &lease number of delegates in the Peace Con. gime are in levee of a natiosal Commatioa ; sea many of the ablest men 10 Washington from dlr ferret pars of the country, who. us mere Nutria oi is . Vienna," favor the project. Should the proporition now before the Committee of the Gaol 'tuition Leif, that body will nadoubtedly'fall back ~! upon a national Goinvention7the releommeadatio to be en the fordi of .• resolotion summon to th Legislature. of lie difr Maws the propriety f asking t magnum to take preparatory Maps for call iog sucks Convention. In view of thia euggeetton, the Western delegi lions are aireedy prepartag the way to have-4, election of •detegatu put let enough off to Mamie the bole of Gm curse el 1860. i Commissioners !rem all sections •ites become confident that Peace Measures will be,propmed ti lore the decision of the question is reached in Conroe" on the Coinpromise report of • the Coral mime of Thirty.thsee, Mr. Corwin, it is uaderstood, will accept the Peace Conference prOpoeitions in prelereace to his own. When the measure is proposed, debate will be cat off, and a vote at osee had. • The Massachuseita delegation in the peace ooM: mission is Sled by the errivaL-of Judge Alles. GOvereor Andrew has officially eppoilted damial 0. Unham, Esq., malinger of en Goyernor Broke *and of the menet Governor, to act in k the capael tier Commuteary to tbo COMMilleiolo Tho Committee appointed by the Olice Confer ence will - probatqlmale their report on Teensy sent. Various pla i r are before teem. From has privately trans redthe bonier States resole • abetititti touch Lear, and it is the' - general - ' . pression that the Conference will adopt mime sletil measures of compromise, including the division of the Territories by the line of 36 deg: 30 minutes. North of it slavery tobe prohibited, end Sleuth of the line neither Congressional nor Territorial tate (artifice with the subject, which is to be left (or the determination of the people when they ions their ' State governmente. The acquisition of future , tiecitory is not to be so easily cosaummated as. heretofore.—N. Y. Herald. ' As the District Attorney here openly sympattu ses with the aeee4ion touverneht, the general opin ion ie that.Gorernment should employ addit i o nal ... counsel. to aid in persecuting Mr. Floyd and his coafederates connected-with the greatrotibery of the Interior Department: Legal steps have already beentakes by these patties to avail themselves of every technical exceptioa.. When Mr. Reeled was before the Committee, 'he refused to wa w a; whether he had made any paymests or Drumm to , iimisonelittached to the War Deperillieet, -le eon section with his contract', or for Other purposes. Suspicion points Clearly to savant *ha werelarge; ly paid for their official favors. Mr. Bailey gooiest, id in all his statements to Mr. Thompeos Sad , others, that he-never realized anybenefit Trani the abstracted bonds. •Yet - hte account with Alum. Boggs fr. Co. shoes thateloring the months when he, was *pent* with Mr. aeleili, his deposits mu to three or four times the aggriliate of . his whole year's salary- lie bad been known lo Wallet:eel as the negotiator ol Florida bonds for Mr. Vales 'Wad other secessioniats, aid of the Chiiiqsi &deep. Lances issued by Mr. Toney, and which Coniress refused to legatee. : , , 'lbisAbout 11140,000 of the Indian fonds were invested. in Florida bond", but Mr. Bailey knew their Value too well to Conch them. le -fact, several batches ol 13riuth Carelina bonds were tried on the mallet, and eiithdrawn, became purchaser* :could nat be fond... . . The bonds were ormacted at vanes time., commencing with $150,000. The design was to extend the time . of discloeure Ail! the 4 disi March, loan. this -was_accidentally frustrated by Aiditor Filler, who refused to pass an account for adipose which was not properly vouched in consequence of the abstraction, and mist have led to in expo-' I sure bad not Mr. Bailey preferred the cosisestem. That reseal precipitated the discovery. it is clearly eatahlished that at the very time Mr.' Floyd was 'suing million' of dollarant aceepesstee for lifeeers.,Ramell, Majors & Waddell, they were serially receineg their pay utast as Cie Movies was rendered, end the goseranuai woe astec he their debt. Nearly all the witnoter e woe wee. best informed of these transactions bed remaikably defective Memories before ties Committee. Jhey forgot every throe that was emberrassieg to a war. But they nut branded so, es to be f eellretie4 here eller. -- , Col Harrigan Bitable tar anderWof. Weal( 01‘ to sitaib bin tilit "foritieb'Oestetee. If ti-ClotetWent. 'Oa lir At `oni sorratallutelte Iru diF • , FROM - WASHINGTON Despatches received ,bare to day, state that the. Montgomery Convention have elected lererson Dana Mandrel, and Alexander fl. &opium" Vice Prerodent, of the Pro: 6. Would Government , ens ?ear. It is believed that Mr. Mannino' eledtios is e forced one; that he did not desire it, aid will r rept nonly for the toupees of exerting his lo ft este lot reconstruction end fellolo9. Of #ourse, ‘ to ot.j.ci of Gee . Dais and his ilk fa electmg Mn. St hens is, td . secure to their policy t all tea con • ter tore eremeets, and thus prevent a revulsion of sentimeet, Which would ultimately rorarthrow thereselvea.. . - It is freely stated m Mali secession circle* here, that Fort &main is to be attacked some tile s tn. „,. week. Tidal' not probable, in vises of the fact that.the Montgomery. Convention his just idoptett the Coestitation of the United State" for the South. ern Confederecy, which devolves the .war-makieg power on Congress. Cul. Hap, .before leaving, waskiecided le the declaration :hat no annuli on Fort Sumter would be made until by order of the Southern Conlederacy. Nevertheless, great anxiety if fait bete ere the millect. The Tennessee Delegation are in receipt of dis patch'', to-doy, showing the molt of the election, in that Mate yesterday. The Union men have ear• vied everythieg before them by overwhelming DM. levities. The Union men of the South hue "sprees great .sallesction at tbl. result. In Mr.lBtokers Olanict untrcounty gave 6,700 (or Union, aid only 676 for Secesaion• —The Union members freer Ten- 'ranee, Means. Stoke., flatten, Quarles, and Nei ; son, bare been warmly ,colgratalated he DO 11/1 band. upon thin victory. It is regarded here as a Strong indorsement of Andrew lobasen,l against whom the fight bas been very hitter, and often. times grossly insulting. --; ..- The news of the election et Davis'as p visional president , of the proposed southern con ederacy, was receiver( here this morning, and giv e, greet ag encourement- to tire Senatorial /seal honors. The election or - Sutphen' as vies president was volely for. the pewee of drawing in the o opera. 'Sonata, and giring streegtli to the new s ch ema pat very little countenance te sires to a move. rar7samone,border Mites men. ^, .., • : • . .. _ . NosalessaMahrunas:----: :.' L Ti 4 li,orklegnen of , thii Urn -0( ,it psi A/A-, biers, as we' Jelin front t Unlit Written ikon on Ili 29th Jsetiary, and pibllstied Allure 'shrill* &wend, mot le the Public- Sgeart,on Salarday night, and !'fired thirty-three guns for the Union, and that Berndt wares at the.Courthenstl,.oo insralej, at Mentinmery and disunion' ir ---- where 'rieliiithstaudisto They then p a so nen. knineton, who ' had Just retut ed• I mi t Washingtos, where he many year* represented 'Afloat gAln) district in Conroe. -Jibe ash Resume( 'a ' sarroposidoit nays: o . 0., 'receivedlbe anion too! to luefiseal Jul FP e 3 0., .Me .hopes that thisitlitients Union ma y in 11 be served by the working Ilnion-raers,mtd. An. nor litilt_work In the :r Unatleclred, glad Plod =With hearts "sid:cirllirrt hands to hal is a Alistbt.weed: -'ficuthing lease or the al wursaluted with a vanity of otoskatry and t aeon for the Unica." _. ::~. ..~,s_. akiiiblisolTri r . Mamas. EoliikelkiWillilklfi h M;o l lPft li * , the following question thrones your papaw have-our—litepremstativesLia,iliartiehezt been to slow t - to follow the good .enample l ot tke Republicans of New YoriOwho Mnienifiee: wham mrappropriation cIPIXY* at 0.11.. by that Rate fur the relief of gasps t The vindictive and ef4tefriey,iii4,V . 64,11r: 5 :W02(0i ban pre. veiled for the hour to isteicept and beneficent act contemplated th eie tludfacticin will pot king hare the Minfipb which they, are.alatmeiesit `vieough in.,The hamaaity of New 'York will vildicate itself feebly *tie many dip, we erfafidgetlY tioneand of prinking 'families 'will be reemsed, sad live to bless the ...Empire Stae." ' Now, Pennsylvania tan:. some to the roes," to 4u hoer of nesd, , es well "'Fitt York. One prompt act of patriotism her tegialstere have within a few days past dorm, Which you base noticed with wares ipprvoal in the Gomm yesterday. Why not soon to sidd to this seothie Lot of patriotism and - peones hesaanity, this& ;will be interpreted noir. and ever more to mesa that the Keystone State rerepizes and performs her duty to the whole' matey sad , any pert of it—that the holds not her pioad place In the glorious Avila In oath,. but of right, and be neath she will bear a full share of the birdies of the commonwealth, stid understands that lowi which, In W relations humen aid divine, . Id the "bond of per teetotal 1" . Let no hops ihof en 'moths!. 'mak puw,'Ponn glaania,till bare done bar part toward barrens-. set meta. Beats, and by. rook an appropriation u she can will afford, add one Madrid tbooeand. dol. bars to dm fond' , for ths . , pnwinrration of gmataai About three mats a head d ea amessmant on- tbi lishabitants of Psonsylvania - wlll. he all th• oat of f this noble sit sver-blosnd sot of thusly bug! Sleev'e's. Crying:Teething Cldhhen. All know taw nitisment m &bow scanspushwente 4 !Opted, tad swat traltkpmat pennon bear, Mtn, the is 4 I itotoormoo to boot*, tad nft•li !ma na van of soci dynes, ernitals, t..ddmlhrbaby A we Ind to quiet dot lIMAPQRST APICIFJ 1103110P811110 B &WO ILLS, (4 33146000 t lotoofitt , l 3 altklipto may du:pinto tint atmilk at any thr, giro pot two., thing to to destrod hoot jitAtchtik. '.,ttrOp. eia IN eicicmat, wilty. Cryingint Its Mpg. Mkt. t4lio - Nool Bowl UntStitts.And Pn ttri isatotat wed vatt rts'ontbont tbcdtpubrastmet of etl dist. or Opiates. 'nay ban bow swAks Stork and IV meat by all who we than or Want Awing.: Moo, 21 tout. por botoritintlinwilom B lidttiottif ilosegoraNuoilmancif with Book of liotivettoot, awl tonne, dillaolit iliwsodlowjh tarp tido, entocao ow, $l4 'La to sdan nowt balm, as 4 loot, $1 thottio Woo, Si coat, sae hh. • h. ' Thar Itiosiothoo. by sag Ought coo or cowt. no oat bi moll co mina woo oil doll% lo whim.. noole of ths pow. Athirowt. ...11.USBIlallfd Out., , • No. 669 hived way, Ns. Tart.' lola by J, It. roUrovttft ciroot, okis.u.i dour MO Ito Post Mot, Arat.for .11,01Atrib. • J.littlitwilli? W - nrethw, in expeTieneesi Norse sad Bustle Peldebta, bap • bootbb., E)r p [al dab** Whim stab 'betty bebbab yrbiossuf te•thbmi by liontabkg Um! 'baby Instw.b" all 10 Abenf•tk••—•ill allay all yaloobAls sossia tbgalat• tie buer•i• ovoid epos Itabstbars, , It la give nib t• must,. aao baba lad Logi b your taboo. • Ilholoatbe •••• b• •••••'; Ilmbi•allban•ld Is Ganger ••••••••, 11.11•46.1•1! POLITICAL NOTICES 811tRIFF.-AD-Ahl WEAVEII., • U . ',af the Rev.* thketh Plttaborgh. DUI 011-r Mown • se • maltase, her neat/ at •Iteilteay county, ettitOcti So los Itopeteloas Coavettle • - Frw.rott 8111.1197-4113. N KY it LB W IS, • candidate tar Plaraltr of elle. gladly rotate, altbßet le the Repaelklat leasiseclee faup 10%sUBRI FV.--- 1 11 a itnY WOODS, of No 4. tomboblp. saint till /owe of hie k 1.666 to 44km lilpabllean Sawn, at 4111wgbaty Mils tr. 111. Prism. will i o.a allow him tile alp , rtatilty traw.ndue *be bowl, sad on ltu m all. IsSlJßasto nPitIaTUONUTARY.-JOUN G. CUR TUI, of VW mull. Attethee.l...k. the tollt• nod votes at Ws friends to secure the oreateell et for abeam, of atheshool Counts. anahleca to am IteOhbit Convention. (at • .11-7e•PIitYMONOTARY.—D. 0.11111.121 of 4 10 7 , -6411k.061.11•Terirosildp, a oesdtiote h. • uce/leglan. logo show* ate*, sablect ach. decision et the Ikea Ooacendue. c P ROT 110NOTA R Y KUMASI) tmo.. .Doso OR, et here ee imersohip. mill be ecnorted. he the above DM" eobject le the declecoo of the Zepehlh o.h Ocavestlee. jehlkdie, üblic• -°tugs MRS. TE:fICDOUX' SCHOOL, ."•-•• roscroomo LAD 15.14 a TIMID Frag i t: TIIs ICON AO TAIII iv comasubAar w1D01111147, IlArsoo7 Übe NANNOII sod LATIN tAvight eat. chary. 102:2t ------ n-Nuricc—,The executive Vommittte of Weir the /11fgovir Cooa, Oempeitte Cab we esqueetsit to meets{ the Whet el Banal h. Weever, 11.1111 /earth streft.on W/ANI4pAlt NUIIIIING. et toJcted. to Mahe iMnit.ol.ollo.t./WepriOg the trwieloOket. 14 ltdl NGede.wG deettid• telttteal it nem 'cloircOs... ..JTICI6 meows of Iron tlrr • Of Itothol Sad Itooversoes. an *kook to Bost • settimit HALL' of W1D1111211 . 0. (todat) ot doloon Not.ohtho room' el Broths, r.itro. Minton of oast ttsiotto or* iittoistod to *Wed. let T:4 ILIUM 118.11A1. 00111PABIT.—L 0014. Ptiostsze..of _Um PM Casa Coiwa RN be bad 0414014mit 1a,8kie.44. MOND". 04 4u ,del st Much melt. et AO ellost, s. s /11106 r.b:lllb, MM. _ A , . B o 'pant Ler. .41.0111/ta . tIMUIt ar 11404111.11•121.• NAVIALTINAILMS•aIi, ri.U.16...1 1 0. 1181 72 .4 1.111L1 tii T Directors' of the Moroi els Nes. Ins tido * day i TOUR ?St O!!! .1 U. Opitol Iltook,'est ot 647Yosiotwoll poriblo to Molkook. Widen or soar hcoi rognoworioo4 ea Go 0400 itto llth look, Sookoolo tlits - fit Po 01 ..00, TroolaMr• Dl. order slao _ , , W. IL COMO% Tmoilin. = • STAMM' 103' ?SIMI BD Boouniiii, of Wool URr•4• .1TIUMILL:AtIll1t1 1 12 11 UMW ICU raiptau 01114,0 0 111, t?ikala, iciarasuirrNogrwaiss, !troor Pitnia. QAN DS' ,SARSAPARILL Thiel ltaly valiabla pu.siusils• I. asirsetui kola •iiktoi sows lo • pownial sep•n••• *bid dimaiss la• INadk4o3 plle aVVl. in s tastili cm loomed loca; -4104.stlecOly new - Mies otba . r nest•l4•gnxtacto aos roe.* itAllsospd eitact fa 00.404 - isdhdt4f angular 010310bit d Partyled tha WOW sad Omni 0 So of.da. Poo,llUmman. Inc.& Sow tom, Minim Oataweili 110•14 1 *•!, Lnon Qmodslo, linloadtkaanonvoolol,l4ooo /MVP Wham. Low .1 4.0•141 a; and Canna! Dealt • • Prisorid sal 00 by a; II 0.11/ADV. binali,titi, ILO 111,,,., strera 14... V. 0_ • 1.0d0017. Or*. talial MOON • 00...119110or" 14d D11.04P. MBA N NW OLKID4I NSW .tiOUPSI riOLIAII AND AM ARRAN . WAWA, lb. l•gat sad best duet U u • city; BALUOR 611.1411 MID iVIIRT tiitio GOODS • .10e2 °PERIM. 0..i141111110N 1AV0.14 114.1144 et pc?NLtAtita*-51aako for UltraOg' (Ai IN or Ulf Loos:toes, “rsrally pisowd tsd sod Fa NSW by a. JOHNSTON f 00, PoblUbin " NOSMikan,* mod !Wows. U Wood st. . AAm. RT}CLICB Of AOREgallifiT foireadn progsqty, !ratios" brows_ priserd we or mio hi' w.*.JOHNNTON *vu . MlSlsstorsarssesd .stoma Ms W wsr. A AP tby i e lit-15 (Men Ate l% or. this day . r." lIIINRY H. CIOLVANS:' Pearl lHominy, r 4 Cola . 1111 VAT '114: 0041.1 U — V — Viat 'SALL ,J.IA it Ab rt,i A - °DUD Ninth th'Weetatb Peeeeelesetalte 01 • hh extensive MAINDItY 'ICIAMILIIIIIIIOtIT. bran the Wet loatibite Is lite gantry, (lb. impart (WWI b. lug *boat 2$ WIN Illethat) which I. no. eed het hem Iti tecesiehtl ciperatioiltflaorip tbetimetee 'yearn: It caualste of Imp !hick Behdleit, ted M Ito het, *IA Itietai, Want Room. Illaehaselth hbhp, lMlw Boom, Plow seep, ,Th D.. 1 lap and thetwet• hubleq Tondos lathes. fettante, fliels - sed Uwe fue wood .pd levet thelleetsa; Nevem and atteees. j The burets. oto-be eselly mieleged Islll eell eti• thane the 'Weyer 'AU bsMelwt t o awry hem soh. hoslatet. The hreptleten ante, Mt hI. heel* I. host*, goatee pa the beeteem nod W heePette r We. ferootlenel for lath Yoe farther infoesseloo, • ply to 1.11 IlleLAIN• 00, low 14)4 • Mel. SAMUZI.patOUSON, SILLS:IOIP 111111111311 ii AND ilta6llll6lll Office, No - . 9 Mind' street; Pitteb,segb /WAD 'Orville dailies Me minim Cl, tad! upon straluEss CS*. GE. / TOS S. Lt6OU & CO, wishing to; o loge ,to peewit .tishos o sffer *II astir Pro Mal for seta • t the um=ale rg Vint& ANT a* viddleg to *Orr lots the 01100X&I SWIM letwoold .r.. GO op• rew d attizi- atiltsin pub* r.a re•110bq11%: web(Me o AAnodtousssoruar r enus MR MNT lw to p ortydt C;4ltist ON" 11611LibeO. tr... I 1V AY 1iP411 , 10 UOODS I tltl 11011121111.11i.1i a 00. juivimiltubay cogouvrad;Alualrlog - ono pusitomm, , ~„ ;,Bletthigt Unsling, Irish Linetw; iNmetzinta, 0010041141dPlinblibl. rhn ism, As den. ' 11.11 , '::; - 4".• -.:•,-' • • - rum Atill7 s h isl ; o2 - o , oomrn e o p s* ”ii: :16,6rel iiii..._,i 001616 :: sag , P re * r" 4, l%.tv g lwatisti dooo* , ii .i• 1 . 4^ , Abe, itli Air--.7.7„-- ----- ~---, r•-.1-m, 1 7 ot ; - 4 , ...i , ,, ', , Y tvg(Atrimmi tairtll4-11606 1144 , ".. foli • • , 1 1 4. 44 : TA .us ilall liali o 4oo , ...... e nz7 ,_ 1ii. ... . 1 A Ati**.: 4 ,q o z4rs 04'0r1i5.1. • xis obsiiiiiertoi OF ion Ifirtso coiirriTuncli oP 11111 lISITO OOP[, • pt . MO, worrip.opor.44. IT THEM OIN? • O3PT. For lab at ' ' UV NT is HIRER'S. ♦ literal discount to the Olds• le n t von r. • A Pt. 4 onal4 . fell R ostwr s. DAV 15, Booßsztaar,K ARO sTaTlpmett, 93 Wood atOroet, Pittsburgh, Pa.- • 'Ailing on band, • rill =keen stook of rrANDARD TIIIIDLOGICATJ, ICITIOOL sod A Until La BOOK& • Mote WOW say ensisses ninon oars Clir-1. VIA Liberal Provost keen roblinsor rime will. bo gins to All - roardersbn buyonois veil M to norepros, rodents, be., for can. • , - OW! *slut 4.011.. i PIM= boned for the • OIL REGIONS . . Mould pent, theishellis with • TRAVELING. SIIIAT.S- • •Ibe.eirlbaldlikirC"-Plals Rot 114 . 11meatlea Matt . -114.eolaved honed Emma. * - • 17.• "Ants thlrt . -111art IRANI II&RooI The 4 1141 res teak Ebtet "-Dot Blotted Man Wool lAtisaddets sail Drawn. Mien Maim Ilebashirta and Drumm • Hear Bilk Uniecildm and Damara. - Maim HWhar=oH 4.1111•61 Half Ram. • Rain Wool Itioakkags-terreeh one tie lummo. . Hien Wool Lurid Mims sod Mtn& awn floc Mod elans =a swum. Milan Pane? Oadulas Matilus. Smarr Wool Ckpagorts sod auto. f . W. ban mad* • Ism reaction L tb• inboll of UND/1111811111 sal OBAW/AS. ROSS. EmPiiia sad CONLIORTS. WWwW O afaa oat lbs ortifOldfrOf bdoe•tb• Swim: las Uwe Paws chsa•. who INS &ay of , thOsboro goo& *an r•toos bar . EXTON dr. IIiCRUM, tebakr . 77 Fifth sweet. DOLLAR IA VlllOll 11 11, No. 65 Fourth Street. LOB It rliS.o IN las a. OPZE.DAILY FROM - 9 1 0 2 IYOLOOK, Moo as Weabiclay and. latardcy cabins, !Taco Mop lit 61 throisbor Ina Crab Ito 9 protect - and has So ..mbar mu to Kay tut, bus to deloda Deptolb 1.98969 of. ill mug cod bra then coo 8148119. NO a illbassca „of tb• mato &data, take a 1. 6, 1 18 low mad Dbastar. Webb has ebb acclaim] eastaa: loath% laJose *ad laccabber; deco ibo back *ia boa. ba Ow rata arias pat boas year. sof twos oak *nod to 166 malt o 1 lea 4e. , "Pdia 4 And boulik• smodi Wefts/ teas thstint aolJana Daasacbctobbiabadbat tbrk6 • 11 8 / 119819168 the aopooltor Galls urn to prowl hie imos boot at tot rata easel .113 dsbloti l th" Il pon.motlag be We Mine* OM Amoco 0198 mama bocioacacablag the Otabiar. by-Laaridiales and taw • balm tarainihal grabs, cm affUbabccd tac OW. Racadcal—asoses 4z/upri. • 1 'Jame B. D. lisedi; tarns Y. Pumas. ..' 4.. M. Pulßapb. kds,./.1. I. Robert Isizm ahldla, kluander TletlK fiat WSMill J. Lamm WU "worts.' Womb. 1. ismai.J.. sopreeil Ji•pgmL. Jame Hardicao, Joao D:164116,, E!fffMi P Ak o org. Black, A . Jka OusbA, Alosiu A. OArthr, • Maks A.CkAluo. intim WAAL.. Juba • Jolla Alaimo atmrm L i Peat IL—llasior. iltbArd 1161+, MMus IL Larigy Atedr, and IMlststre, Illetamor Justus 140. 1 .1, P.IdArMOW ea Jan Orr. Weary. L. 111.4a.ad. Juba IL fiburabaciet. Aloaaao.tot ?pear. Wl.llln &Imola. [tee Wtofttlor, • (Wrialsan T.46ter. liiiPti. A. COLVOIN THE MERCANTILE. AGENCY, 10111, VIM PromotiOn and Protection or Trade. Ortiesl4o.6ooleetnenllouses Elepert•d. Eaabrudo4 • _very City. Tulin aiad Whip to Mittel Blair. Cambia aipl litlior [tripoli Parregiona A. R. G. Dun Bc' Co.. Proprietors. A. AtnigntoBU. finnan. . Con.' of Rind' old Virlb st.rets,: Pqtrbargb. Pa. • N Y.k.Jsoo,ll7l...Pltiaigb, 11an:641152 011111.14. 'NSW vex. SOT 1)11 au Butch Ofitus. !titan:46 Don a oarTha.m...—..a a Don a . latwaitiaa, . - 4.110 Don * Nam.rnhola...-R 0 Dan •00 10W601.—....ft Dua Cborteetor..-11.0 Dana Oo " rm. a a Dan ao, 63 Dat5an....—....11 : 0 Dna it Ou M. 1 ... 0 Van 4100 RO Don 000 y -l • • .000.061 R oo.il imateditioa.D Pratt /I iiittilko4H:•,...Prat 0? • lhatelsit Mims. Smola fonsrocuergoop.4 - ' O Dana On London.lnts-101010(lo . Itplbnet• Books. pp eet!oPli of ctopses: tirt Ord 4117. f.., .d to sawmill% PA* VW OIL • • Octiottlooo promptly attantiod to to all part tof she UMW, Natal mad , WWI Putionakao. sad RO I / 4 1.1401.• tdopnants of 101 Maws ttUaborab, for nbam the ofaca mtke• lonkits. Lotisrs of Islnglactlen to latriar. eye atatteltag•ad intwatalll.l . am, not cm of dm Colo. will to east- ,-, NW) la to o artbact , tont analog anDcalion 0. •-• O.O.:I *too to out t Alcoa oson 4 :1 atom JaYr..lnt LINDSAY; CHITT-ICK. & C 0... Importers &Commission Merchants No. 43 Park New York', Offer' f or Ssl.l)y the Paokagio. CHOICE B,TYLES OF BRITISH , DRESS GOODS , Imported fai Obi /pang .11801. • • liimiester mi 4 filler Mite Islip, 'IIOIIIZIO PAPZR ANDCASIBRIOnumms. As. Ao. • BOLE AGENTA FOR .. . . ROBERT LINDSAY £ CO., imioL l ookim smintrAcrynuoic ,lu.rast AAA 9AS(.I4)W; AND au AiListoN4. - - Unit 0411111 , 40 IiVIDIMICIIIIIII/ LOIRIAS. D. I=l • Oils! - 0141 ORLI , • RE' ST MAONIO the repasstke Is Hi 110 I Ism psys dr 64.4 'pod* to Ass OM, esdadurrllsloststlsasam, sit Was may Idosirted r . , lilac Naar* 00 MGM Rheestatuek, . af~c ee>lladle 012 Ma epOstd.dtfselow • - Ines "4001; Worn .11.ratOri . ' • - Noes abirambe 10.1 ones Orslt Yeas"grosaie pa Quo Inomassel auras • Yl.dsistrume ohm Nold.o.lisodde 4; . Naga Narrate.oo nova RH; • .rode Nag,eoco4 l ors. intik WWI r/ • Imola lavrota 00 awn: saaatari soil ilsgedse Od mem &alum P. aaCk: Yam's ~ow oai.ans Norma ii.FLawer; /ores retie 04 orris ger die4taed Tate a.; ige•Any sec riewasimee tar eh kw &am Nod bier/a 1.1.1/ 6. osallimrsd el....ISMad timid.. • /or A4abordo e • 00. It IL ewers AIL rows vrea scam.as, notagirgr, Rictus a tab. A 1 101 1 1") sa 0. a 1 .a.4 tambour. ..a; by, be , ski i4 111 , •01 / 1 * :etNON_ 3011NIITON, Dtodisla. • • assilaisidoells 01(0101 ealalar usaaamsaa.; LeOc sorbed dottelleld sod Poosslts Its.. Solos /pd. rYOU Agt ANNOYED' BY BATS, Id MK .or Vl2lllOl of ',Or doocrlidlnd, " ' • , Vas tbo WI Iraolo• ' ' • . ' . z Ara Or ltat.Pado— a. Mails boo lois bow hoods to drortrojdflo tats lo auo *IOW It Ir .oltartaal la all MIMI whim wad akaldldn'ki dlroctloa, or, . ' Kota, rotundal. Mauer ratundad. PrOP•ted *sly rroparoo wily Tuixtrel. l . A LP JOICIIILMSIOO,I MTh. I' YilAnolo4l6• l lthl 9 fthaisd , Omar . lierk.4 Ansi otii tie Dismad. 8.. NOS•ItYPIWAIVII SUBPIIIOI4OII3, is Mr: Or,. Altar on Mal: • ' OAIDON--011111KRI,CIAMIUN+ 04111 # 0X • 5:1041. • 011,1 0444 : 011.J 00AT:0111 COAL 0111 illti SPIRY 0111,1 arm" wt. . . LAIID UILI • • Luivpw • ,) cuakii . 001111 101KIMPI, 611:111 ONSIONDIEtierO.-11511to . f Lard; rli Ole Lod Lot&' •, '''. ' IN Per0be5,114..4.• . 1- • • - SO do do • r.t.d. ../1.... „.. ~ , i as b,zeo R; Obstwh OS 14.1..bc.k•JOHod Appl , sa. , 110 do Moen . J 1 i•pleb, I SO by Snell WOlOilOmO. - la bby clacks . 100 - . IMO ma hob • • • .lii lbs Pomo On% 1 10 bbli 'int wafer, ' ' ' ' '' ' DOM lbo Otolioripil Niter, In auks* , le do. .. Ildloortml am., le. tors lOr sale by • •Mt • . I L. a.aitrirtil Marty µ Partpii god Block oilman sod Sack, • sad lluthilise sad U=M RN 'dims. Rua Awe lioascatio.; falcon t0vg.*416a4a.4;.4 • •lIIRODUON. 3O but. Oluvier.:Beed; 6 /114/ R1)40 BUT Cias , , • 1 2/ Mrs W. 1.081/1/. . y, ,;„ 211 top N031.4110._ , /um& io Mon for Ws !' ll l 1r ! 1 1 1 ! tesrvs; ssubworrit, • :LNG. 111 22lSimed *lst ikil'* ir . 4411 . 4 :. ,5-1 .: . : .1 1. '''' ' - nivitxru4 -. tan soots„ , : wii mint at- maim arra.* tido tiaiwritorstot* ......._ . Ma er etillasi ~,, .. „, - • aillati:,l o ii. 7 ,--liopf.Rgagettstur • • • • .^+.1111111WiLGOI&I LUES-200 b haat 4101:.` 1.--....11144Ugia,-lantti,*,..--... ----* 1. 1 2i.,-.--...... --.4tiallii,4"-- ixwii;i as • Dula! PartlenktP• ;As Irtilat4, 71 ,Ti1,=.1 1- 4x41 44.1. nni, It , tortletell liiGe - viL? , w ma -4.w . as.. -.. 76"4 —: gis -- ii iiia ,..... ,- -I , ,ri . . 43F°- 114 4 1 nth libilit • ' G fe lli"A"..m.:MuL 'LW" '3l" 4 : 4 1e1d BR: 4 : 1 i 2:) wrzElinras az Brarrsorr. ;-- (ik ' vilm6k irsnAmii it.: Pat-miner ) . ~.,,,, } ; ', ,„1 i ISe Met pevne.".t. .7:::::ther-.6;4ll4"ll.bna...:l7.lbaila::::inri,:pip.::::::st..teyiEttlif:litiOdi .77677,76.161.47t,::::tiipiy:-:;h74::::0.7:::::;:tr.h.z...rwari.efr0.y:1::„.134:.;‘ ineeribee 1 ell Ithehe ell .&11XIIIMALINCTII. sou tor ttle M. ~i . u o. ~.. 8 . 0 , 8 , 13 mousy. . a. , rereemee ebi Intab A OUTS !WITS TX/OPYI ff""' '''-' 1 en tbe te WeedtbY,ekarehlletbd tbatfortebie elabajltate ' S. the mei Tedel They are Veinafeel to be superb* In every teepee to do bra Y.*Wla Mee Teeth. weather mounted de • 'Oa edi* War (b Lew webee, sad OLD be haretshe4:t a wet ebesiderebly kr Titer lies lieyerbeel 7 etelageoldßete,esa We th em milli:a ill tbe VULCIANISe. et. nexell eidfikenel es. pease oboes the 'else of the MO 11 , 1•••• oat lyd TEBTII EXTRACTZD - ANL f ' wrrami i r PAIN . BY RBI USN Of AN APIPIR4IOB . WHIRNBT NO DR v• R a. dAt.vkitlo, urriarpt trio, .. skl nstho .., . , Odd. . rlo lb. dab *boa tile apparitional be wed to to winnings: . , L . L. hi ijoutleineo sod that Ihtelho bad - that tooth *sancta! by aid promo, oad ono - nwty to Notify so ti t he Cron; won coins oldoty of hbo err stlre—Lothao .int WO lia donor tatoroned In - ilmorttn( tha . con. j t, leaf, Ali ballaiLso Inv:mbar. ol mg ptscool. . ATIII/1011.TAIIXII hanortod la *IMP i. • I i •• Iff. 01.TD1W, elitist; ill AS Onltledd et. OS • Ph ADAMS. == No. 97 ,ViryNe Street, Pittalmmti. i ... RzraturriDr. A. Y. Polio* .Dr.llollack, Tbrodora Bobbin% Rl:min tryst*, , my 11.117 & WILSON'S SEIVAIG MACHINE! 110. 27 Film' Edam, Ptrisstraen. . . i 't• 111 El OP 18601 . . , "OifLa 3112.1361. -.So 1771.7..130N • , • Vial the first Preminma the United Statee Fair; , Ohio State Fair; /I - Minnie State Fair; - Fi'ltoonein State Fair; lowa State Fair; I ~, Kentucky State Fair;_ i v Teheeeeee tate Bair;-,New - Joreex.State Fair; L .:„ • ~.`1_,.... ' Teruieria'Staterairt . . ID iesgo Mechanics' Institute; 1.,," • iliefhteoliftaicia' Institute; ~ • .0 . limeti hieehattios'lnetitute; , Atte eny,PohntY Fair. Piithbiirgh,%:: =Apia Monty Ake; too =immortal° 11/11111101L . I V Ig r r;; . over to -the publio W4IILBLER & I TT =ewes tureov err pawl o saaultte. . , AT IVIDIJOID Palau, • silk lac oyaddeure la 10. 00.110. .. the bad and moot f ly body beildsgldschlue taw to or. It seen equal. ly wall „I r. and thtunt fstalle;rtudlot ea tern. snub ha leto nurses!, with nazi:a advantage of Wing ali aon botn,aldes, forage; no ge or chola 00 the undar , sltopte In conau waren/way Is wovemant, sad wore dust* than any ottwir . usarblue. orieltollnatraoldbila • to' enable the yoreltpier to mew ordinary' ac me, stitch, halo, felt, quilt; other,' hind sod yook.ili . opa ausw tnachloe, aud warrast It far three clan arcu oontalning 4/Ltationlalifnna isdien'Of ths WO. :t stood% ;soot .40 groom. oiling vow., do .111 em VIII , DIA../ diattePes sppllostlos la panne or by leinw. balsa rtw ffetllea,nllk, Taint, • oottOtt sad . 011 coa . . ntly'm . sy ea lyd at 1 Iva 1 : ATLI& • .. : . . Copper BN6y L.KI Bath., •• Woodev Battu, , Ir. liluks, . ' • Oppper Alokr, . iron Portable Wub Mood. • samtts Top W..b 8111441/4 lard Pipe Moot Till r 1 4' hofi erhares, . Pampa. ydraallo Karns, Gordon angina, OtAck4.ll.B; , Poodsoue, - /gaol Portal , las; Wan and Paw, Ohadn's de for W* by ILEGY. FARREGLI , tic CO Na 126 Prat stinpot wow Polllblhold rZeTrteis eig /100118 AND-OTNOHAM JOST °yawn) IT & D. lIUGUS, rl==Z2Mii • . , • . Blue ; Purple, Graz% ,Ao.l.lted, B 41,1d0.11AL•-.qKIII,TS ,t, v ylaß!ziopiqvul am. i.. .,. 41 .-,. f.:> '' -- ''' .. .. , i . . "- -..-Hr 'i,' vi,ri 0;4:4 9:l*isop..o iiiirrp.:aitiiiii4tigtrr ere,, ii,M4iigi;a6liWll(ll*l4*liitlin ITC. W .OrOtotri , ,ooabildil. firrd*:ll.ll.l(lll37fi . wAiiiiv7ar,agtxma-ripa-mair ieilour me. 44- • ; ..r.::.'i..-v.:17,••-,•••, - WS RIVES triik/Velipialifally call T om _..thaacatai Air taiDeflay aintolleis so bag Der `FAIL AND WINtEIp3OODS, comptiittn the neweettlefrigna to . 11'orikliL god Dourstlct 'Good% toe - totieroitee Apporcl,. _Ala, fall ea ancient of Bove and .. * SlOntbie Clothtn Up( WhablAnt4l so Mod, &of made td Ando? tolbt wry bout isiotog.byAMU O.IFAIT, • .1•211 i •:coti , or mr rm. NA tt..otne ! LARGE , aseottid stook of ktl .a..lo.l.44carriaratir. - /38.A.MES. . • elms. tient" auvoLoso.o. WfYl, ,sARaI, !MYNA ,Dosita 705514 ..i.leiT and SurgiENll4o cal loetrume . 01110113 .nto r , - ROW?: Iffecheadoe Tools and Aininntutioo, 7 • maw 'Limy.. ao. le. to. /le. .40.. I.I.ARTWItIOirt - 4 YOUNG, No. 97, Wood Street, `t . • . amp,. of Diamood tIONSIONMENTB-120 0 LI 160 IDS‘. Him No. I MALT, 16 do 'ball Wall %MAW% 20 do Ptah ItTIN HARM, 100 bop MID Arius, 6 kryp PACK ID DUO. 20 bap RT■ ANORTA. for ado by . (OA 'WATT A WOLObO , 265 Llborty AL A.PEMOT NDITION OF _DIOKENS AT.LisTi—V•pihelw so eopj d _W;l:Towesend A lOolodid .410.1ryboW - ral ot-ailditAß DI04! us. Illosuato4 ort 4 t ROCK W Wood otrook.. Au.nl OAlNUitlii*--Wikaks pritro,l;:tty,pilagihter',. - 84 • prii. th'y appt.; - 1.• obi& Oneo appla. - • " Re. Irma orootas, 100401001.priiki el 0 0141•44ok ; - 0 0414 prime Milkito_s• L ans. I 4 ebb, telt Buttsr, ' • Ti be* lies Sl.ts 'ton to i. by r `'? rius • vAn ooitoilm,o - 414wo's .11.9 ITLUANIZRUKUBBBR STEMAVA , eitNurs si.Aisiste ludt.peemble twit, Jam! fis• tq to gado. Ms too& to be um! to, owl to or at rsob.f! to stand s!totat BOtr &Wes! toilitollhOt • 111 1 22•1111Aropirtims, tor 01181112 T., 14211110 LI: mod SQUAW! 'ROPI. coo sittat •be bad ot. !gm!!! 1/142bet , Voput,lllstp! 2! 22. . J.l U.: TIMM NDIA -1411k1BISK • OUIFIIINGO Fishing Lana., sastsestSsEss. B•Iii MUM. ellibloom.d Mod Pau, Oasts, RIO* Cl•p hot% Loge•tikoOt liburt 1100, Vs* Onus, Cosby. OM tables. WM ibtiosto, I:••• laptop, nod • gnat Torlirly of -4••••..0.4 le tb• brats tubber pa., always ao• immodlltill mitt KIM& ft. .. • ^*, J.S PIIIILLIPIN DIA-AUBBIIII,BICL I °VIM '.93041. - +11.2 8141.12 E Oe.Y.Bissolktara...l6 is ettosialmi dais' ' et I Mad ► lust of. MO demor• emitted, sad ad ds co of 'cellt mat out InAuf• Ito walla& An *We 52.2 2 5120 be had 4 the 12514 Rubber Depot of 14 • •-., 21. !MILIAN. 25 •24 52 51. Clair it. 1014 RODUCE .FOR- 13ALZ-- OnTd.-1000 bac • . SISD-16 Ass /lax Sad. -••, Aptyall—so bble Goes AppioN 11RoOM8-26 dos Toro Braman Ullllllll-10 boson. n 24. Bain. runro\ii On;sse NDIA. RUBBER, UOSof the "iloitiA. saitai r 0050 1 .teastaMootors. A . Tify oopiliqf qaol4lo • to Mood o . prounio of from f. to lie poloo4 I{o Of, oto lode. All slue aro for solo at Um lodls ROW food ill 11,01010 drool: UAL operBCUTINO"t 1! 4 41tT 8 ,„,..-;;u , tL 2n d; ai wir.to4 Tut adiit 11s phut** tba s Lridow.'llloM . 10111.11 G bowl of Wood. W BELTINO, of the best.ltutent oak% oilltaararld. allsoodl l 4 ito toe *lwo*. otorsatimaalt pith•a ortfloot Lariat to the pollit, *I the 'Lather t. to of Y. 011,14N011. us Loopy et,* woo ar:Worat.- , 2AtIALNO—AII thickneeteis.'lAo6 1101". sevtionamoolterkiutfitrit for ado al laLborty street, apposite toad OWL& UMW. 181/1*.410" Jolla taus! A • b mums' ta,thi ~ alipow•ol a. —l:k illamees Valsodi LAMA .4 'io biNtirOklideltair c=4 EMU • - *woo ge.maiwica 5..4) - • 11 °OWNS. bleiti f to take W On* thitro to otbuid Cohlifrosty. sod 'conduct the :Laintioni liodoophols 'AMC, La good,worklog coder for pan.colarm lawalro o • • 1 ,1 ooltlj.. 43114tY B MO. Water. P t t: Of.tki _ _ ,1.00 .agents Wanted! NEW AND .sortrzAa ixot.ustym:i ursuinc.aati44. - HESE WORKS include the 5.10g1 4 sou BOOKS rgetleingn, ...VAlgont. oar I. r , employ on soatot rf , - = E • From $5O to .5 IQO perMotkip, w. Btti ow Ay... the uptittrnitit 00fitaft/. fey 1rr0.04 %how sow ogres to Cl nn • For MI punkt and Clo l tsfolue of Boas, &Miry E ? G. W. lIITNT, General Agent' ktoona. Girard gone; . N.B. Vir.t,i,ejosi.pabll.i.lonitaßflon FAMILY 1:11.14.4 . T, - 0 - 'Pl_ l3 Otis. New and gt, le of B,nding, goer far Arra. sod •-• ArAppllcukts gay so• 1111pej4(ilraryflou.s ram 19 to I aud.from 7 to S p. ./.31# Alb , On averr=n. ?•/°.. LI T'P'!!"vrAT c wtaomi” • SON Lit:NOT moat. tras. a d i g i lo w ss — Vielsy°%"°l - • . - ,s 4 8.443"5t. ofs.t. ." Ho 51411. y ttnNit, TO larer—Onrtall Ilia; Il.war.•ud ewipad: ilwrOf Warsboom 112.110.attrAtriet pow, or, envied by admant a Tlureis • Laic. Ens. a if,kinlet.a ',""P la mTV ° !l / ! l ?!lltarrHOthii 41746 M ' ' Corner 'Weal and Sadtbliaillatrietp. Tq•L&V—Tbei- Arwo•StarieiL AR ft! ! K UOIWL with Store Room arid nine Apwrtn ents,jlW A greed briar Oarriet• llottwAlhtluAn `rear the lot. Ileum contains ell the 19040[11 Mont. lel.ttilite Wes , the OroveNerd.,•Sweind_Wwni.'AlleJ gheny. POS6o4.lkill glreh - into edlat..ll. lolinlre of t, JNO. Id. KIRKPATRICIAti - N-4 Feerrthwt. • • . triiRPIINNW . COURT SALB:--Itrisistiio 0 radii of tbsOrphstuf' Court of Alloiome7 conntyl Wahl; dots iba fiftrantti dsp of Throriabsr. l 6 6 0.666 • .* 0 1 6. * 4 ZW:att.. Ofittob•PlincialltLAND; Orr Papas , : T st: 1 - 3 pittfa#l;'hbitegif;;h- ; otchicea :or nadir; it.. orwwirKtdiodtia PA ROM. OP C11101:Itab • Irrintifdy at lapdog or poaCon Shahs to IsOdaht PIP hidatilbarnidetarpll6lCfarantplaW o dog .a forty- firo. .aniousta a5p.6.0.10:44!1. - ) fcititNiffOrl aigettlhattti nuOdradth alialV(116610 1 6. 1 0 1 /6 11 11 . tbanossouth two doors. andlsitar626.6ol.nb4 anar (16 . fratliwo and aixtyliandeadthporobr#4 l ,4to pint or pun; .11sw era nth thlrty.44l46jirros:" 01 6 tanner *sot 26°14'*),4566,12rP. yd f#a on. bad drt 4 ' b Pevh.( 45 . 72 P) t0.a,Phi0194414.6 64ofits11111 • and Bolt Work* hood:- tbanerropri....6a Evan." nal Akb. Balt Worka Road south liftman drpiß.ost (.1l°I) fehr and favastriothparotair (241 )10 dfi'lh , %Do ••14 tgal_ml Iblt sod Prattirorkarlsodi thou M @ona dogmas mat 01-6Viar4otarantralmarnand_ : ap a paorlm (71.6 p.) to • 'mint or poet oo the . rottja' Whim north sightrarls dew.* tbitt7 ,6lo n o a!_lf., )thlrty ow Pordad P 41,0 VsVP'tPw•. 6 . ll !" l Ithrorhip• goad: . Wm.,e writ" toraty..arrasitsaa ten4alcs Pa Inas (Wl6 , ) sue hundred and Illapsdarrand:Ait tr-taro• bondradds sca elms )Itrhpfinst tur sods .tl4 /Garth street mad; slums 67.10 lichrtbstroarrowi datpShree dove. tereutrOoe Waldo. soar (OM. li'.) shard. apd torptardlt, percher (662 p ) phos of "lonlag, ind'hontsiniog 813.114.1111 f 10261113 oetw." 7...1 or eta he tba potshot. massif (ai i m • paid on or Were the conarmatlon of th• ado; and theta& oohs at thscmath or Cettoutoo OVParlando !Mow of aid Jaipph 1111,Parband, castled, to to meowed . hp.bmid Sod torhtterge "the,pretotoei, awl to bear IMF qtifitio dar• of ado. and Oet.hte to tba .add widow r dote r g per 116 f lba proWt*hesbrthi .Whittlit *to of from Mot to 1,. acme 6618.6114042116 orlin load or paroda r sor r ill tro Osgood woad mdsEthaffna6 eau's day .nd at the Was o(Wa r for Adair P 6, 6164 , c5 aeabfo tor phdiand diagrakas ot - 12i6'grptiliflOnOrs sabot of th. undirrhina4.66.ssat lattlf Atlikaft,t Law if Pa.. or of Jobe SI. IL fritpatideli; SW. Atmrhri • ht 1 , 114, No. lea /mirth Watt:lw Adam; ingolio 50 " 644 Plhaburgb. DR.. ltd/LUICE.WILZON. .1. ; 01 . 111.61•1411.-16:611111Afkrift1D, 1; • Eirenttis 1513,64 , 611 OVlirisit6, Ilmastabla Lao otrecoblos toPnifbie. Alkabray so; !. I= , Lf B.L. ÜBLIO $4 , 4g--1 will. elpose I? t abho P I on tv. Pitonliee,"on rema s,' rahe i 1 'la ii, taw property on Which 1 radio:minuted lo Ylleabeth twin- " 1 .1)p, atiesbinw!aptlty r pele and a hell mite. wa . of 4114. en ria grantoth, off ther Thalonhorn ra i d.. Th inpropee . arenthet or . tiltell - MMUS Or LORD, lo goot orderoWn plentr'of STONS 'WILL •with • ereatertehrte Mostar, IrflAldlt DWIILLINO IInUISS sresima andothier 011T•' lientillEt. with • welt ot goodrester at the dot*, .7 . .bert; Knout TO young .Apple Ti... 4 :6,n f.../ 1 -k .L i rrl a '6d. bear, bagethir with ,shed other kto •ofto t. e le •ndlepotable.• •PoweesiGierlll ler give4ort Owlet, d. l et APn"'" ' " -- ' i . .r. lb dsui itteLd dale teem:mood et I. o ate P, loir rm. ; 64 twee will be Oren tiottlertnent wile mad kilo*. o %/1.0P194. -g, JOIN _ , Feb...7 11 g Pon, .• :-. :,.-, 1, .. telt la! !FOR itSlNir Oil 'LISAISK.,Thit v , e ls ' large end corourodkots WAItE1101:1811,' So: . - Ater street bur arbrlee in blilbt,thlety . ..dre feet Opttqatt, entendlog IrotnWiTer. 0 F r P l ?" i t" Vnet7l l 4. 49. • : ur Lew at revor•ble• term Tt , a”.: m —0 , occupied by..blaterepeleh plehb7 llo o.l ATM.) ri ~ ~ . d ..tf, . ..... ! Stotilla . SZIOIVINIOm4 map: I,COR it KNT-:=_The thresetorytriakiVALß .. E- Botlix, Wei. Os- Irwin .tmeg boyeer .Itiiti ett i*d Wood slams, mor ticstiplotAy Ilootbemal /k 6. r . ,—, ~ , AU*. the Amor tlinraltory bradr-litalti ..k 1 ,,. skred., 0.1 ow . ner of 441/lark/ I.l'..lojaire Olaeg. In 4. th e .1111,k/ ward : 'Pam,. Om gim 1 / 1 1/!00 .... ...- NK ' X llsolfiims poster. with eilltulei • 10 bet law alit , ' :H1 Jamb** diaoml•ol.4oil6da,* 01 WI, w ,'her Ught wort, Go cbagyrirpoiSafila t a loa daLt-rThat-splendid;Aesidenpe, I E vita WP Lott Gtoood, o'7oll Tin.. Wt. dtootod walla.two pltwitts. Inn o aapwittb. itnaititaitaa etotioo.' She hottot.to U 4 01404 . 11 0 60 to Imam et* a pares gososbd p 1 Mows 12 .41° - . iWW te .rWs rituvootto tout. Atilt to.„awe lOWA' YARMINO-WD,=rhenisdnbft a. fkiroial.oo ,atie taa4raildilietta man ots„Allustollo "AIM,W.:A."Ii. to” stlootot to Ulm of' Ralltroott - 001,ft , t0Urii CIF Moo, sod ono triketontftwaitftlis to* County mot *boss will 11... odd low_ttirootta..ot; act 4.1. 01 for Walt" lOndt %Ulla orstitolotoitcoustior 241 MonttAtUitt, ISeW r otal - itiuotricas Aiitic.ci - SzlingtiAliti. ---1--, .. - z-:-' ,, ,----r , - - - - t , „7 , -7. - 1 4 7 ------ - ilf•Ap°TeLlsilspi."°thlP:ou'—'l"6"-,l.T..titbsdr:lini".caPe;:l6B6thel.i.rilait 1:413ir1iet°281,71,,:t Aft ary..,...2ba - .taata.ul ttu - Mt at, a*ltirttattl at their 1.,.. 1 at plice - of iiturfatia, Tra , , llolVOititr'' A •t" f .! ". - ,--". -:: II : , ' • " Thjyt a sigan i fitta ".. " •, .e.,.:. ''• 4 _' • ",• -. ti :I.lk II - . . „(- - ' .1..- .-.-- vi 4 ' • —1 1 - 1 1 - 914,1 aAiiiiiS,JAltnAdifa Q t{ , 'k-, 4 ios -- I;ip4lC6atf rltl s -11 s , -oall, r: .9 .Ste utithataval will voltam Dillf GOODaloisiml strislwf t ..l l4 _!!!'" , ! l : 1 4, • , ca Ii , 4 --,,,, "•-• - 4 .'. , ' , la I' JA lIIPON, I. ..; lyB4o4 l3.l 9 2l irli.htt&O S F U Wlt* h46' roar to lio log.l"tyroto Um ufweriligoodr tt4 il!te soilLoo4bre Osoinfos• wk. ut*-...4.•.- ows. OCVMAr _s nu CALLDS $ CIV.Ino vb.:wad ei -¢opftleamoons. Elba Dionewraltiaxr, tit ttfo : ortWOhoril . xit ,Iloo4t. Of & . form. Ititherof - tbo litivoi Mrs I. failir . itutdeistailiii tbs• lmothiwi of 6 tlsopdiprodlici inuf•Uottl out C I I I tr set* jvaissioo ',foto WO livirlY,' it i 4 , ..: -., el 7 e/ • , ~.. Putoverwitalic 4 tv:., ',.....LA44.01Fiu . afire.. , 1 4 MIN EiNDICILSIONI4O:Ativi.tIiier4PT .2.-mi ivelipoolniallp ololdr.ilael t ri . !COLl or a VaTIOX I III)AIbillNi, o.lit i :lr li c C toto l A i kArigiON cant, rivalargb,-15,-, ,-. ~ 114101/0 .013114i1y :-...lfftooloovittuJoa, lollactet- ,111,14 , 141 val II QIULO*- ; s Oatd; brPW RTN O:SMILE; "otletihg. T bAwt..l IR. iusikirsigAid jai* the AllioNs.ll4 IA ADI 433 t .A.A 11Aaesyvf lore 31414•14.30.13AAAAL 31 71) zia3s4 At A .4011.1 r. 44.• it". ..33patilv WA% AbAIIAAAA, giiAlfo4: . p. p s'recut lb' • I.L : escio. AAA 110,01,:koowing thmottees to IA • ladtbu.4 A .III gA•AAA'AdAII ANA 1.111. l3.o NoeinAs,.: . TEA .1103A3c ; J COD OLI $4 , 3 WM N:/At(. y%,...... 4•l3diul. • - JAIL '!e , 1111 PAIR ' . c . P .e " l7 : - ,ll' • :- .:. ; _-:.' tat :,... ir ~ . .! k 1 ~. n u i. : 10. 13: 11 piu I te r a :,.., t L, :o t 11 4 i 0 i 4,1 i... 0,1. 414 : : : : i . : . riTsAMtO A.I• ote•S l!ritsr : ' , • er. Louis: tax. . • .c.,i- KO — Promit itasOstaL littlV.U. etirea #',..lopg . se epol . Adhaattnar in.rtot. - , . i MHO.' ; 1 RABger ' 1 ' '' t:',l,rd. ID uHES, Bg i _.it s . ~.,1 1, , , . 11-1, .... 6.11rk '"!"”q . ;' -' ...illi r estviri'kPi. l 94 1 ,1 ,'.t ' i . riii QVUMt--50 bble:' B. pttfes , .. r ? :,, ho Obts 1:121 A .41 ` • clsi,":sa ! 6 111151,4 4 l'"14 14 74.ebulaibbi." 'f.YQU WANTASTUCKZiN ANV Op. lire•t64 %lAN kg bed of as' WILI, • Apply ; ' • .1111511 T I_EraoN s.-50- boxea uutivng;TAl'ff J u l Yaw; to anivr ibis dit fotimiloty I , _ ' a-ra ulnsAlt wrootr•st, 54 1 • •rptaa. ilt-C90446. J..-jostr.e4b CRA 'able. , iprl .e fit male br, I rl, ! !agsaY n CLOVICHOZAD. reoi Sur {ale • et , DoN}LD xottareci*, fa‘ • - • ; 14.174 L iIA4 - 11B‘WI - 1111==t1 0tt*N.....„.....1n5nt5. W 1 %.10 ii.L IEW 1 4, 0 0 0 6 cri .. . - 1 8 1.1 14. 11 SDICI 0 IN u. ; , • THI ULM AND (1 inntllL____.„, - Po UNSURPABSOD 111 QUilitnlr &MD grw..... _ trztsa ring urn!! ermarsarrare• . , '--- *Seaton af m oan '.., II Wei nrlad. WO Ma radars 0 dor o orgasm, tralsanne tn• 01001.10 6 6), % CZ 4 .2 1 4 ' 117 1 t i s " 4. Aldnir vil l e dzsg e . \ .... -. .tbaa aonals4l task" bad bees "I 'OO ll n L "i saorlaanon ".'" bi t ** RI M* b " rdp ar gi bes ""r""e sa ublm".B Odatte . I . to awa remeltrd totandrat/o Immo rink Iltdln II arial , Par CONAUxerros . a4 11/0/117/flus, At --: ...I , br PRIMPULA do ell Ita Angnonionn.: 0 , / tar..WLIK2M3S. Marine. sad ow ana l . Q inunitY,lll* meth. pagodas we 1 1 - CaataaidoOl ad , banadlandlatt by thastotlaid ' ...). ow pa I; and Mama! *Mona Aiwa b i g., am M a - eaddins staintilL'ilt• ospertaig Isitdasod - Important etwaseterlatlea of omousbalow lir 1:4 wad no It lb. aosinendation of the moo oodanot fi/ 4. (1 " 5 " 1 1 oral . 4 V0 1 "c 7 a uh* lbibult ft " l lead a tid . "" am lebsete l.ll 0 ill ___,_. ___, CNIVIESI I 7; OP - Pillr.Y. SYLVANIA, . JILITZIRSON' COLLINS: OP PHILIOLLPRIA. ti. di. P . H :t.....ll,:bu i na LAD td.Th iL =.l.7t P: l6l.lo : : : :entf. oo_ 7:o.l.,64.o.7: ll.l , oo : 7,l o .7.4= l : .,7 P tb L ieceswasui SD A co nI1 .017. 11 :: ::: ..„....., i 0 Imparter( and p!odatAtd • DtlalSAlehm/10.4 4 . a. LI l - tottmes.et - -- -.• Plo Mika di Mr* CZBISNT 110511NDALIf CZ- Liogiost Via- kx, /Wag. at kw wi al t ai sA, Nartb•Wata carat haatis& MEW WWI% ttieart „ rainakiviria: . . DIPORTIOUL ON; -;; ASA. - 1 7 / 4 3.41178, ". 114 v- ft** arortmer .004,6111110 , '•-4111211111 1 / 1 1,- DIPS FOR OILIFLIZEKILIIBII JOINTS, waoriont nipzt 'rum= svilu t tEslriztam amnia • • • • • r ..moßalopriazza a co., ‘, , m , iits.nithamaNituh. MULL; .111=13 ri STEINWAT'S - PIANOS:- : 4 - .6„.. *•.!1,4 - :;'.Mbck., q . W. G ii.b W O STEN • Pfr; - 404 tili l 4. tr: tununt.razo, is mud. - -5...7.*.e Untvaled P b.. 0 1 , Jo Srtilll Ja3t Bole Ageoli I MEI lror':B9f ;;D~- "ii , ionoieo* . et a vut 6 4 114 4 141 v eabbriktal , .108. .. , TRLIVI IRV! ......: . __J.. e IRA NI) - - -P . 11.A:N:01 fer po -. , ..'j31 , 21. V ~., ::. i '..• ',. , ,-"' • :.,. t 1 . • At;9 --- .f. , ,,,/ .i.: :...- , ' i ~ . •'.....,:.:,,,':''..-,...,::.,,....,....,`, .: . i jlikr RECkEIVED,', a siiperb farad BM ,13!. 4,14! GRAN_D .13038. 116lahe 0611 of tholeNEW IMPROVID GRANDE' for .tkeituoa time *eons elm No reo•hodui.ebLo 1111WA6 at the Isheltzbititlati , et tel, bleseeeheeethagle '..,==warn.x..s • J..: • - • ltoraw. a• blfoon S.IaI 4 .11ame °lir 1.1" Ags" Piebbsral "."7". 'A SSW 'Piano for:Wa' 3411,114111X111,;,:, itiV StifiSOßlßEFitas had left with Lim T abberrir , lan• wm. tattoo" 4-- & •Sonie - t/ Z. - • if'NIEWPC":?C.4I4TMO .X 11111015; - • ClOat onighisay4soo. 1- AlpasilistiliOßVissynaTuatossimt, labile, bad both &bed peseabest setas tare Wee ern. et toper. tett enter, tlym end tontlture—ta hot, to ea goon - Aa MEW L 1 / 1 1 tatet be Owes, Wei so% it is *title eltitATRIDUOTiorr 1111* Fiat Plan - aolimr der,„,wipt. - Si Wood Street. ta it - MIISIU=3:= pi= r,97flat oninNApowsoingilteli odaaplay.lo6B.; laitiss and aba ft Was% AMOK beaoa 4 l 4 . tes l . o fg.i S ‘P a , 6l4 ' Baira ..v4Low.timoont.tr Aiwa. 201111W196111~.. Mime Salaawarilagaa -atm Sacommals Too* Gam t 6 *kW at ail ralca,tatibt OM 'l.: I tal *soy Mattis sla•ThowalaSpan. • e • pisimiojijapt ss bey strogr; icor. :--- 4 111.1.011:,11•1101113.11& -THEr -.3cuizoismaag "-P LAN. -4 -------- '7l:ltTtosfir'laii: . • `.--, :'.. I qiiiiiiiiiiis, Fifty-61'411i Bay. : i cis.' Bill liquainiof Eltankald:ll., .." A :' ' '' C: 4 odi tt 1 . 5 1 . 11 I 1 ! 1 9 ' C....:,.."': 1 t 7,-Z .-,,,,,- f•--' , .`" , , . . _ . 1 - `..HMll4'iitii - T isOs''trifiribititbi spicing ier aciom lure is a' Ilbagrasil 1444 gi was at,,lrdi to Os - 4.41,....igiirAM• ltilAsuppore lust* Alias Num, ul "l" 4 " , " l— '''''' '''''' . 'leiraikeicai`Proposur. ,A 0.44 y 4. --, - . .- . . . -';'HicHikaP l ll.o l lll. --. l'l -, R t - KIELLIME.IXA ; ---- q2ailiAlltg; DUMB, 40. - . flONSIIMEILS70)11130111RIMOWS MR.- . - ;:tiv, i FtTuretilleil °l4 ,llrrrewa gh. 41 = • —,---.1.41, summusw‘aoss a ow 4: , , illa XVldkailiall Of Ibuourbiam sad Iltaildats l 114 . 446 TM. mai= 14 hoilses& famsnlially . ej!ne -4101444141.444rwi. adiablialhiraaalawaailadaladarith astral al &Will: Mk ba IrlallgUdarmai Irlow.ropedlase of PM Welt 7 41 1 11 4 laaletiod salsas tba.lsadaax aconsiaarlarl tbe mosibi. ftwenvt, inutursoodir,wlll sot- inmelll7- - 41.4•1444 • L i m utho.i. -14114 paretonca aa, biallalealail Oa 3-4 t 925° 1-k , l Cb. t i. i ' J. if; ..ipmlitl %-';.':: • ' Agent*. 114 1406. Pre41,144,4 ' pixstx 11i bOLLI & • T s MONO land 2441014ida' • „ 013 ielloWslifidlaing;„, _7„OOTAYE IVSITIORY.7 II ... 1 ' OWNERS. , : Olt - - DRAYS, °'. A 3 -41,048. a. -!ziouci. I. '_, hereby &ea taill, swam of are.Th aerta:Ckatekl% 'GAON. de ; "gather K aaanikleat, la Ike 01.2 of gatateref‘thealkile r = .6 aethe rae Naare dm tad wage et Oa Truant% Oak*, Mr*, Papharab, .1011MIIWITIL lo eeemaaao. .alth ea/Act A66oo44speretell klatch 00.11(a.6ad ea °Mime* a lb* Oolisera of tkeelte of Ittlabaagb,ieresd , I all Lamar .aiwa on . iat.oee m, tot s tut, yin I. . ... plead *the banded the Oklef Of Pollee.fot efidaVara - 66610ci to kat tee of eft, mob 100 tee miles d* tweet. 6aa ea :rums WOO weed or taus * take not Llapeere... - . wilt ;be aukleW tot petal% to be neoltred, balk* Um Mew, dell WO ON emeat due Lloetreg . ' , ' :; !boat email plow *tendon rare moat be Marred at tketlaa leaven sat tekes 8/Tdd Of Mora atatlepaldfilietex. kali Oneltoteelfehkle-L.,:-;..........-4...l46Thiliira. , . , • ".. 4 do .'llear - 46' , do '' .....6,,,-......;.........tea ~ do :. ',Pang**. 11.616..... --Tea do • Oman.* sad limber Wheels aceas at TOallersee, -' Twelve Doi** eat,. Zoo eeth,./1441616664 ROM ark la soy of the Oa* nage... OD* Doane. ',"- • , . " , "IL .11/08313711, Oily Treee*Er. urrA TT' Lira- • Tllll MOW MID rldtfißD.lllll.lllinTlekut taw pro *Woad toodidat 600tootokott lbr Ohm/ on the dome wlddlo I t wands likidmidodo • toodottd Ibsen's' prod*, ol oolootataoos pellet sot do* uocamporylat usuilby of -Cola - Slier - warms bf their fruit% thole wood warty Ibr doom dad Illoop • ' dodos tot by Us doldi ofillocoodukNoi: II anedooder times; Propoodis,. Slam' dud Un, daddolook 'not I ibonsootlio. Tirroefaall 'Arr. obathoolo Thad ha" moo 17 . 9olooirsl llaiddholimerldobtooloresel• i.. say woods souls sad touts moody. •11* ee l & tdd idle o 1101,1 k 1011, toolood lh. row* a, aospooka the •.• arzsckm. - t. in tim - ierweemis Etrad itch*, tio !Wand to Itossloo Paola, god kid irtoltorti of the Dlipsdosa. tal a 10.10 . . 1 2 . 111.11:iicrv i ir ite.ihno, war • COalliN, SIM C0•44-01411.C1C COMM • - thei "end - tell:Meek ‘ v iokire I. tbitn99(.11•1197,1015 1 / 1 . Itali s P 1.1 14,64 Is tuna** owr brim 411/1419119 494, .plOsea4 of th.t*,gli sot Fopoic9012111,14001114•NUT131)/4 - 11Liegiell I. lags or maallAusaUtlim Orb/mat t 1111990 - 9901 1 919 , :. 9:the Tal Basis .4tstivistavirdo lb. wed" .111 be ailiodid lowloi 0.1 wefts tad Mat *IWO I. flosilk ktireibmpaUllll.9lKilieksla 111140 - - jaltlized JAIIOIII , 801 — r - Irreu . 1 0? , • i iusarritompitown____w•-•, .het list MIMEeMI l=mpatigaia to K,tln . - • . • II Ll ' I . : '—: : c• 4 II 11 WM BEE