'4:-.lil hit h ~".'i:0 - 11 .. 0t i: , _:„._ :-.„ ....- , NA d. RIDDLE Q CO.. - •• ID ?zee ziv oo office, : Fifth ntety , . tar ttatila y. eop vs wrs:y'ldCfa pin annum In Inlvancii, or 120, pei awl tio~dhMo4'._ o _ . Boalag ,/2210 & Per wean Wm*, err*. per seat frees Perrier Ted* IPLlk NelSeipe4lluple raptor, $2 pre sumo: are tr ron4apie let eepe!ned*, st pee ealapas;taerelsolp to elireLDT2il2llll.3o.rf ISIIASONA9I.I2 itrelrAH . . PZTrBBuRc3H 1 ...1401141NG, FEB. ii; 1861 ABr ...M0 . 001141TT1114 - 1. .r= " l:i lriquWad% 7St iiaot:Tfthrt. on ;3 747144%M 101 h. M 10 o'elook,s m. Pnnetnal al• 10 111101111111110M1 4 . - 11 Weal. of Impasse. mill to pro. Oitsa VIOL I. M 110111. Obalnaaa i 44, •Thi'llltitlitore mad Ohio itatlrood end the Pr4sldeekt Elect. -iehts 'l7.„Clorrett, Elq , the President of the . Raltimoie and Ohio Railroad has written a letteejoilioyoriterretf„, of Washington Ciiy, in 'Mob iii **pima surprise - as well as regret that Itir.!Lasoolx bas bean induced to abandon titelitio• of passing over that-line oo his fjejsral* = o the wakesl capital, through could *woos 41.14i:send safety. fie attributes the 'Aright* fiemtwortr - whiell caused this precool % Ilea ou tho 1,1.1_44,11m friends of the President olooti to* efforts of interested parties for the • porpoise, ef,lileligpstrooage from the road. Mr. Garrett, i iailiel7 wrong in his surmises, as • rsfstNgio a few foots will show. The well teeingiilPathrtik • Baltimoreand Ohio Rail liosd boo, a•billited on former i oooasions with the outflow pro-elavery feeling of the region Peseris, is of "Itself isufnolent reisamiteilla beteg 'voided, In times of extrs orlialii.urzeitament, by northern gentlemen sympathising with the leading sentiment of ...their. linden,— • Duil tin 'John Brown excitement in 'Vir gin*, it--will be remembered that the can of thus road wen in poseeseion of &brutal soldiery cad mitt epiesorho eubjeoted Northeri trav enntrii4o ail klade,of indignillss. The were twiipitled to - submit to ridlOuloue and ineuldng vstessaneslaitioni, and were denied note free dom frOnzlinpeitineut observation which every afen s tleMine denim essential to his csimfort. disperifild• citizen from the free Stain; in mine Ineimeel, were 'dragged out of the ears by then milttary agents, at obscure and loconvc ideal Way stattone, riektb - g4ojary if not lose of -life from the hands of an ignorant rabble, and compelled todefenerthemielvee before • j stupid, vikti*j.plaborzy, from a . charge preferred by Oitw'of;illo„Wiee'e enrol spine. The, ground work 61 Ude aeousation wm g Ily some in ationnt Temarrittered In We' freedom of sealed coalm, Time isconmencee are mot foriotteo, Medlin - MI theroffialain of the B•itlinere '. road Oust expert to hear frequently cif_their '11.00141 iiiellog-elennised by all persons who have nximanien to being compelled to satisfy ticket agerili;'Med,oUter petty officials In regard to their ilanihneiM *pities Slavery question, when iier I tainaLical public opinion may deem , each • a"eoffloutO'r . ike managers of the Baltimore sod Ohio Railroad ware either linable or unwilling, on thkomieition,,to piOteot !Warble citizens, tempo- rarily,under their oharge, from now table _ todlgnities, we-do not think it is showing en miasma degree of appnhensiou to suppose that 1p Meld nit or would not pretest as prom inent is toddildiel se Mr/ Lincoln, from those indignities which, we regrt t to ray, are peculiar tektaikkolding iromumni, wad its IFortineasloits. Vic Imes obisirved the ollowiag comumnica• tlantin thc . Neft York Ilex d, from au ollioer is W' mist . :41Sa his t. ntly returned from w. Clulantita. ' It oomplete y refutes many of the stnisieftti USA bare:been mode by novena iter;onsusgmadants, in regard to - ftis condition Of &Sabah Illai sietnity. Ills statement rathtr tal ftloinliften 16! bailor co of the military op/r -oil:SOU la Iler vicinity o Port Sumter. As an budnatria, might We to aleatory of the fifty gnu ni Made! Oren dwindling down to three. We Annex his statement : utleviag Jost arrived from Charleston, A. C wheraLitate beau for the put eighteen moothe . megitglittly ilia Mats authorities, teaching oar _ on board of the marine school ship, be lag obliged to resign niy commission or take up arms ',against theft of my country, I chose • lb.' former. , fissing:Un-firtiole i the .11ffdd of the 2d, ham the coreispende of the Baltittiore AMC/- . iiitir; , ialited-CtiarkstoM, Jan. 29, 11141, stating thartaitotare sheaf 50;i61.10 pimp ofordnasee, . 1 0 , ifeihitt • with several' bombs and howitzers tiooited OS the Citader4/012 and .= the Battery (preesseedi) of Cberl on, has induced me to 'subs!. toles a ftw•faCts, and through you to' - yen feel' isposed to give these few - lines ja space it your (valuable paper. Up to the: 26th of January 1 ere were but...Jour guns assisted en Charleston Battery, and three on the Citadel green, at bleb latter place there • er 'Plrecnonf ready - to mount, alt only twenty , eurpessden; thirst were neither bombs nor hewitiers.• . 1 - ==EI of say Betides against Fort - Bunter is pouting, , Polo. being only Mx-tenths of • mile. distant. --- ' Oa this 'point • shell battery has been !erected, together with cfew pieces of cannon the same as above- Fort Moultrie is the esooad place that isin be . of soy set violin reducing Fort Sum ter. 'This - tort has ton righblecth ooldmbieds, 'wited directly in rouge with Sumter. and le thu fort which has tiny columbiads Mounted. tat Jo:anion. Is one add • halt milei distant trim Stbler, sad Is mounted with • fel cannon of 24 .pared- *inns The betterlea od Light boleti Island are three an three-eights miles ItiMaati and mostly of em II artillery, and con sequently teapot reach Su ter. tleelle Ptokney is tie and • half miles Meted, andMikbring bat three tit pounders and eleven 82 poueden. spinet 13n reter-these with little sr ntr' iffeer. — The ' Oreen and Charleston beillitin arc . 811 miles mites _from Sumter, and -- era only to be used in case vessels eaculd get late the heater.. Fort Swelter has f0u,42. pound ere, Seeloluchcolomblads,and seven 22 pound- Na to bier on Fort blortbrie, the formai in bomb .'prooreestewilter; Viso in equal number against tract ihkesonind C01(16)11%4 Point. - • ~--..-'• „:111(101Miiiatietson has now nearly all kis gang mutated, having thirty- von mounted on the rawparte to swop the horizon. moat of them )', ' 82 ponders, and nun be so elevated as to strike ~.• . 1111 - st Nat rat. the distance of • quarter df • mile frOwiiii walls. Every part of the fort has been elivelitleitaWl so as to make ft bombproof. ' filawfity Wive! In New York I here heard a grant awl soy Fort Sumter cannotbe reinforced ,Wlll3Mut appoldlloa from the troops or I arattori tient el ChstioMen, and • serious lees lof life. Ittill.r3tillite - to p• altogether wrong. Fort S istip see be reinforced, and that, too. without ',hi kW at,* min. This, however, only be wettolipitehed,he one "way. Should opportunity slier I Wald' willingly offer my 'services, and ea ipoiddlasi,of ingots'. Tam also of th e opiti lit'Slit the "Cluirleetonlane asitoot Alike Fort fhtatar. Major . Anderson Olill, Irma With the Opill !goo et hie Oommand, repulse them, from d hitayai iener the attack may coma, as long 4. kw provisiesui and ammunition hold out. L., , , , 1 :iii. I: .. CAPT. J. O. illelds or Cemtial Auinlea. Wetiod Nor York Pon a letter ham iitt:!_titpthi. formerly our Charge d'Aftairs at. Yattsism, - In'&Bator Anthony, , of R. 1., in thigh hit doscribes the ospabillties of Central Ainendisinai cothtkprodaaing region:, i Roman 01#110,4111111ed to speak on this subject than iltr'#i*otho mut for malty yentrival resident of illtittihtlity, sod trim has ethos devoted to it eilittlintient liquify sad study. I. Rte letter irlhapantrfosit thee! points : VAlig ltd' , lltacitiasotloa of Dolton, of equal If coesaperlor •imuitltlos, sod It. his cost of laprislmstspitati,, Mos say portion of the fitfmtliCts,.otatatcl ads Upton. tie litrodnolloa of foreign JOB:. lad cmplf.al, loader cook protection sail stro4cilietic unitee . suites. 12'4 Groot Iltiliimi:MMLA 'Slim Omagh moons of treaties _ _ wAblite OP Aluflosa. Bllll4o . tbi acltin tiommtzootion; tho 'Wising - boil supplies o*mM *told .Im, stistalskid tolbo iztoot of _llltisifit!aitrjr par part of the &mood for Mai Otpli; *Hat mrfprospeatirs. „" - S. , 'not elm touctry omiumoUr _adapted Tfor:lCSSitioa artistic lobar; and that , osdei ttmiceotatoto 411 Almicad ;Dad UM 4/414,4*Ilitiottki aeon, socaiifroit 0. food' • WWI b 11114101111 BM .>1 .x+`~. ~:.:. .L •. F ~. Ems: - .1. - ~'.'t~v i 4 -~.u`. E=EME tqal4 te tamed., ay al t cotton timid.* (tom itdinej in 411(0 . '1;1 pl slick of local The Post says_Ceno.al Ainarican gentlemen, sow in that Oily, are able to oorioborste every thing Mr. Scoter has said, and they offer, more• over,,lon the part of their respective nationcihe most active ao-operatien with every free nation which will undertake to develops the marvellous resources of thelsthmiie. Now that the wastes and crazy faustioism of the pro.slavery leaden bu directed the attention of mankind to more stable colones of aotten supply than tha south era fitstes promise lel maintain, the opportuni- Iles Opened there eautiot fail to ba coos:dared. 0014 Illorgua'a Ana Wow to Gov. Browns or l GOoriglin It was announced la few days since that Gov. Brown, of Georgia, hid - made a formal demand of the patriotic Governor of New York, for the authority by which he detained the arms whieh were attired in the olti of New York, by the po lice detectives, and dSmanding their restoration) to the State of Georgia. We learn from the New! Torii papers that Governor Morgan hoe replied to hie excellency of the State of Georgia, and, informs him that as he Aar team as oath to rap-1 pert the Federal Govirnment, he cannot permit) arena - to pan thronghlthe Slate destined for the, sublieraion of the go rernment, or which may bet turned againetl the 'citizens of his State. AI correspondent of the i Commercial Advertiser says that; on all quelationii, relating to secession and rebellion, Governor *organ is firm in his purl poet of dlsoountenatioing alt disturbers of the Pattie. LEITEILS FROM lIARIUBBUIREf. [Fp.dal Oorrarpoodance o, the Dolly Omits 1 itsaannuno, Feb. 1, 1861. Lao. Gazette; The Renate passed grate a nem! ber Of balls to-day, bai very few of any interest. M. labrie called up Hots, bill to change th place of holding elections in Moon township, Beall Ter ',county, which panned finally and goes to the G 0 ,61120 1 .. ! kik Robinson reed in place a aupplemenuto arJ act directiog_the manlier of serving write of euml worth in certain camel In Mercer Co. Mr. Meredith offered a resolution, which wee paned, to print 500 copies, for the use of the Seal, ate, of the Sixth Annual Report ol the Pennsylvania *cultural Society.; Mr. Fuller called up the supplement to the ac to incorporate the Oreensburi Gm and Wale Corepany, which palmed finally mid gues to th Haase. The Bask bill repotted negatively by Mr. Lawt renCe, yesterday, was not Mr/ Inshis ball, as 1 mai. - deritood when I wroft, you, but Mr. Connell's billy to entitle bunk etockholderilto CPA one vote et elections for every sham of atjthlt held by them. I No octane hue need taken; by th e Committee of either House on the Simpatico') question. 16 the House, on Wednesday, a motion to tab up Me. Elliott's resolution to grin the militia of thh Stake, prevailed by k vote of 61 tv 40, II .th Holm adjourned without taking further action opo I it. To-day the subject was not retched. The lollowteg hind were passed A supplement to the act of April 3,1830, relatin g to landlord, end tenants. An set relating to readings in certain cases is the cootie of this Commonwealth. in set relating to intimated land.. ' • Au act to repeal . the act increasing the pay dl codamiulonen, witiemee and juror. in ceruiii cat. in Fayette county. 1 a act recommending Congress to make prows mob for the relief of the soldier' of 1812. An act to perfect the divieion of the towoatijp Of Unlon, Fayette county. r. Patterson offered a resolution to appoint I Committee of era to ;neon the President elect irt Wiebington. Mr. Seltzer moved to amecd, by id miming the number to one hundred, which wde agreed to, when the 'resolution woe postponed. The Committed of :Ways and Means in the !lonia to-day agreed to ropert favorably, with mime amend mints, the Sunbury end Erie bill and the bill to rri.. peal the Tonnage tax- 1 have not yet men the lat ter bill; but I am told it makes provision far eld in iinishing the Chartkfra, Steubenville and Connell"- Mlle roada,iand tflistilie aid proposed by the bill Or anguished roads le i various garters has been io 1 judiciously diatrib tad as to break the Corea, mate rially, of loud opp of to It. Mr. Marshall m eibil in the Rene, to-day, to Ib erian the Militia Cenalline by adding Iwo mem bers to lt, which wan agreed to, and Mr. M, wM, added no ontiof the pow member:. • Mr. Moore offered i a reoolntlon to appoint a emit nil Mite. to report a Congramional Apportionsmit n i , bill, bat the Hour Wm not inolload to Oonsiderlit acid laid it aside. 'M f i r. Marshall . 4 In plan as Act for the lb speotion of steam Ibbilers. ... steamilnilara. 4.-..-.—.... [P pedal Cbrrnponh ed of the bay 0.1201.14 j ; Hasnsavan,lieb. 5, 1%1; Nli, Gazette: ha Senate adinerned to-day till Monday, et 3 Wel Ch, P. M. The moans refueled so to adjourn, 42 Li 39, and hold. a reasion tin• .. evenieg. 1 - . In the Senate alonange war received from die Governor, ruclonieg • letter Irons Mr. Die, Secretary of the Treasery, calling upon the.Con monwealth to gin, nfetee the bonds or the United States, do the minuet of $2,737,000, being the amount of surphrt norenve of the United States deposited with th ;state in 10136, and which the State agreed to raised, when called upon. The Governor !is hi. accompariying Menage, , recommend* tie !plissige of • bill in accordance with the eaggestione of Secretary Dix. Mr. McClure Innediatety introduced a hill ;is the nature of a joint resolstion, goarantewing the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds of the Untied Sunni, to the amount named. The bill paned nunninnoaly. on • call of the yeas tad nays:-yen 30, fidesirtAllood, Finney and Bouib. ter being absent. ; ; ! When the billinched the House, lir. Winne objected to it, on [the ground that It was _a I.llllto rain renam e an Could originate, eonstitatianally, only in the Bonn- There use so much Awes In this objection that the Hours would have set bill wilds and paned • similar Otte of its own, h not the Senate skijcurned to Monday, preeluding oonetunne• in tin !anion of the Howie. Spindly notion being n, the objection was overruled, and the bill pa las it came from the Simon. aces±rary The Governor nil Gigs it promptly, and the Siete of Pennsylvania , lithos have the credit of respell& log, at ones, to thelappeal of the Federal Govern ment for penult; help in the crisis which Is ISO sorely trying its e edit and rectiones. This being petitthh day, most of the time of the Senate was oomplid in the prasentatlon of inwportils. The JodleGuy Connitne reported a large litiOther of bills, among width was the bill to elect an addi tional Judge of I:ie District Court of Allegbscy county, and quite !large number of bills mu read Is plain. • I Yesterday the Goose paned a bill, providmg that ii there i. mire than one Agricultural or AO. _ - - ..,id ii ii na ~ -.l or .11 r tieultaral Nociei, the counties of Green d Camb r ia, the cony appropriation ol $lOO eh II be paid to the . illama docility. Mr. Lawredee called it up io th Benno to-day, and paned it to 1 , ay third reading, vi n', at the suggestion ol Mr.: .' Hill, itiras laid over t il l ;Mond. ' 'ln the Hoare, t ii bill to authorize the elect on of an additional i l , ?dge or the Supreme Coen las takes up in Com uteri of the Whole and Destiny d, very properly. i An act relating to Executors mid other tramie, 1 was taken up and pieced. ,/ . 141. Butler, of ;raeiford, moved that the Spin, her be authorised to appoint Ems advisers of Wei Militii Commintee ' which led to a "semi." stela- Oleg most ol Wel session of the noose. Mr. il Bagbe moved to mend by adding that all theinemi bets ol the Comm neelee created Msjoi Genres, Colonel, and MO 4... This was agreed to, Ulan, whereupon Mr: , gotta ached to be encased lrhea further service od the Committee, declaring that he would hold a"^- -- - w.ho voted against very man personal excusing him. , Ir.+ Patterson, the tenured to be ix hod, tbeapendmeet of Mr. Peghe nod rejected, and the orig Mai I. this child'. play the Berme Morning *mien, the rim of the eri in the consideration of the riling the eurplue revere,. of be i--- . E. ' •11111111011Ca ' F.. 8,1861 TI lEDS. GALTTE L 11 -4Th. HOMO. held a eig ht melon mid acted no the following bill.. 1 1.3 supplement tin eat, entitled "An act relating to, szottatione;" p nod the sixteenth day of Joie, Al D. ono thousand eight hundred and thlrty.rlx. Pissed. H 1 I lAo act to intim the avillarisdletion o f Ostia" o the peace in this; Commonwultb. Negatividt JA eupplement o {the set; of one thousand elitit ilted and thirty-nix, entitled " Ar. act relating to ilia attachment of' 'meals." Paned. 1 lAn act to rears end continue in force the law Tel•tiVii to gradnating lands on which parallel' mbuey I. due theommonweath. Palmed. 1 'An set relative to misehanlee Ham Negatived. ~ ( 1 ''A supplement the set, entitled nAn act relating lei the attachment. of cowls." Passed. - IThe linen th adjourned until Monday afMr wipe at 3 o'clock. : g 00 motion 01 eased eras pastes. lest reconsidered motion adopted. .pant most of the thy being °neap; Senate bill cone Ithita-Staten. EMI • BAmatesumm, Fob. 9, 1861 parin g my &bosom from bon, of local :lateral, pond bOtb • .omo lows lEos. Bairns: I ilia - following bll Flonnos and bane • lite not extatwl dawn . to Crswfo4 An not extendla tin the sot Walla olSooto In Wontiad tot eountlea.. lb. sot for the protrootioni of m. 41tei Merior and Armetrong min es to salts by sbetll4 and other 441 and, Lyconnlng and Washbag tho, ant ralatlug to 11gbta pv tija Monongahela and AlNearly Tremont?* noble la the &dirty Ituy.kr diesel isoorporstiog nut tp.athisy, and to lasorporato AkplinoiAo 81. Mori's Co*: sod- Ifholoolppl' BWIR Pad tat cti r ipAlt !wool. bas.,re applicant Vait briars air An sot raging _ *f r.. sapplasalti CI we Panama Stl Joseph's Orplai tab. add 4 / 1 4 0 00 111 .70 1 q..1ki , 4‘1,. r~. I • FROILiMASAINGTON. 1: Wliamtnimmr, Telarnany 7. The galleries ell the Home lure deirsily erowded to-day. Among the spectators were the Commis sioners to the Pesos Convention. A wood like h the reverlserattog of &cannon startled almost ermybody. The members rushed to their feet, end the ladies heathy left the pilule. "L'he Speaker quieted itie fears by saying that something had fallen on the root It was subeeviently aseertained that the wind bad blown down a-small deCrick. Mr. Carlisle, weasel for Gov. Floyd upon the in• distraint agobast him for milfeasatioe in office, has , bitarposeColeantirrer in the else, predloeted sport a law introdunlidinjillPeaker On &whin the Matteson; corruption hitvesqoaDa . ..n, providing that any parties , examined before committee obeli be exempt from In diatment and punishment on say mutter testified to , before such committees. The piii - Mge of the Morrill Tariff bill will depend upon the vote of Senator .Douglas. Pennsylvania! hieing given snob evidences of a want of hitindshiP toward Judge Douglas, last November, it is likely, be will not be inclined to favor any special leghla tion In her behalf. [ . There are rumors of a hoetlle meeting between' Senators Johnson, of Tennessee, and Winfall, of Texas. Mr. Wigfall shot the brother of Frump 8.: Brooks,.in Charleston, 206111 years ago, in a street fight—Herald. henry Winter Davis, of Maryland , made yes... terday a powerful speech is the House of Reprej, ' 'optative', in which be said that "the Coastitutiob and the lave of Abe United States most be en-4. forced, and those who stand /C6o= the path of that enlorcement mint either destroy the power of the United States or it will dent,' y them." He declared that Maryland did not recognize the; right of Secession, and would maintain the Union by force of arms. His remark. created great ex-. cateinent,and were warmly applauded by the House and the galleries. He speaks for the American party of Maryland, end the Democratic members from that State were much exercised by his defiant and patriotir. position.—Tribune, Tue. Senate bill, in addition to the act to pro, mote the p(rem of the useful arts, passed the i . House to. ay with sundry amendments, one or which pros dee that there "hail be no extension of any patent when the Comintsaiouer is satieffed thei • net profits are 7400,000. All laws filing the rate of tees to be paid, end diecrizuhating between ushabitanta of the [United Otatesand these of other countries which shalt hot discriminate agaimt the inhabitants of the [felted States, are repealed, and in their stead certain rates established. The Com, miasioner is authorised to dispenee, in the future, with model. of designs, when the denigns can be efficiently represented of drewinks. Accourra from Charleston to the 4th ine4 state that Major Anderson had been permitted by the State authorities to obtain suppliea of fresh prci• Thieve from that city. It would appear that the chief reason why-Major Anderson has not hereto fore!olatained suptifins from Charleston-is, that the dealers there would not make • contract, tearing, as is alleged, personal violence from their fe'lew citizens. The gsrnson at Fort Sumter were ip cheerful 'pints. hid folly prepared for any emergen cy. The State troops were actively engaged in preparations for au attacktipon the fon t , Col. Day:sere Departure. Col. Heys,' left thin morning for Charleston, after having niesieed'Mr. Hole. final en weir, on behalf of the President, refining to der Fort Sumter or to withdraw Major Anderson, and ream:lg the re sponsibility of civil war on South Carolina. At II o'clock, six haunt after his departure, a letter ad dressed to the President by Cul. Hayes vies deli,. erred at the White iloo.zi. . It intimates the bad both and temper of the former Commissioner', and up braids the President for duplicity, cowardice, and other amiable qualities, charging him with a amble to precipitate a collision, and with the premeditated purposnto deceive the Siiuth throughout. After 'a earefel perusal, the President returned the offensiee letter to Col. Hemel address at Charleston. - Meson. Boehinan and Hon now express the se rious belief that an attar& will be mad* on Fort Bender immediately. I differ with them,.. already stated.—N. Y. Tribune 1 . Sotardoy. Sleepless, Crying, teething Children. • all Thaw bow - enptewet me them ecrompeokumits of Dahlia:mt, and most Intent/eat premix k war, elan, the and consequence to health, and Mesa lite, from the me of azio illtpi. oxalate, and similar baby 4 me reed to gals! thee, 11011 P 0 RBYW SP ROI lia 8011 COP •TlllO ten are PILLS, (a pleamet sugar pig,) which tea wet drep lute the moth at any time, atom Na reerythiret to to desired Irma modlebte. They aim raccnorat, alley the irruare ne of }Yee Alex tellers Ceti: and Ihn.l tbrapiercia, mad pre can Natural wed gain res%oilikrat the ahmarantegre of co. dial. or opiate.. They ham Wien Lewd for year., mod ars poured by MI who elm th.enivr Mau.. dabs. Mo., pires,ts per bra. mil, directive. bin hose, 11. N. 11—h Oil eel of lichroasak 110111.0P6.1C Deana' With Bork at Dlrecticae, cud tonne 016.m0t Brestallokla WO Male, kurrocco moo. 01 shun. In plain ...kit; meat *bra tam, sad Book, II , Da& beam, 20 nada awl 00 emu. There Itareadlee, by the stogle bar or Geo,fry peat by pan or .o men Ire. of charge, to arty &Agron. ork recar o e M the ynaa Addreee CV • 110111311a0aa ' No Uhl brudbay, N.. Tart &M by J. el. rog.ro V, WU , onrob, 0.40 dour Nom lb. Ow utyr., Ai/mg ler Plitabargb. JolEdlwtbq Wteewv, au experienced Nqr . se Ptuddork, o &ottani Syrup tor obildrou uhloth Frady tatOUU,... the pronoutot Uotblug ssa•utuit tbo pe e ,, noloolug ul lot! ottrattoo—USl ow .11 pale, mil to ours to row4lors II bootto. Dop4od upon h, utolbors, ortil eye root to yonntolvoo and roUof mad health to your tot o. Porfettlr tufo Io .n Saw aaverti.matant to iontho...oluom 441.41,P1PT: POLITICAL NOTICES. fFOR SHERIFF-HENRY U. LEWIS, of Motspiburg. Is • osadld•to for Ai.,ta of Alt.• glasoy coosty, sobjeet 10 th• liepot4troo Nonito•tlag Co.. 0•0110.. folloto .117 SIISRIFY:=-11 *RAY WOODS, of Pea biro tomorblp. onto to vote* of to. frtoods to oblola the littpablicao ounilootiou for Parole of Alleges., Moo ty. flit booloto. will not oltrr tam te. oppurtoolty of trporsios the Monty and ming thou all. lalratalto PROTMONOTARY.—RIOUARD DifITCR, of Remy* totruoblp, .111 too weipportod lot to. above oMoo, 0 00 40 00 to .p dovislon of flko topabil• Oan Clooron tl o. • oublu Actual far Om* Dlnntorn. of the Orlo Omni 001111441 pW 0.11•14 K ttelr Men In &dn. ea YOWDIt. eh. 4th nair of Nuoh or{t. al44l4rnlcsk. o. at. Li.. Lb. Oh. Ipl. 1. 0 01IIORIT. 0387. 44-littx44 Write or Y0.......0 fleesermos tkoreer. ,FlBtobergh,flaseerg leth.lll6l. g:4P' i raig DifegtOre of the donors ahela 24111- DIN Dof POllft tillt. Btxb, .of or the learelege ol :the hit Ks Youths, peyabte the Brock. holden or thelr; legaLrepremotethen, oo after the 10th Wet., to beekehle tondo, at the to of the Treasnrer By order of the Board. - yeitsised W. Y. 001 ,1 1 AND. Tremors,. A .00 -ertunnunrs S?. TIONBR JOB ?BIM AND NAKBINDNI, __,,Corlier Of Third toad Wood Streets. PARTIOULAft ATTINTION URVUN TO lOLINTIIW BM-heads, Lab*ls, Camds or Programmer. ,or Gower% ROI billow. M . ID.Wingr of ktf.dim DUBLIO BALg.-1 will expose to Public Pale, on tho mottles, on rail)* t, March let, 1011. MS propose, o• tehlen I resit. Masted In Kllsete.th toe/o at illegbeny count one and • bolt mead of 411 s. ab.tb Boroagb; o. lb . Uslontown road. T h os impart; ainal•U of, MINN 1011118 01 LINO, lo pod order, nod pleat, 01 STIVIII 0U41.. ts.th . eot•fortabie• two shuy PSAMI DIFILLINO HUMS{ enema and other on. woos's, wttb ti..o ofooe www se. a... res.'s,. abonSTO young , Appl• Ti...T tbersOnjort ronetteration to besr s hogetber web varlomictber kinds of troll. Th. Is Indisynbibte. Popeadon trill be given on theist day of Aprllbext. lialisloostimeas at 1 oldlosli p. es rube* . doe *Mad ame 0111 bsglee• and terWtof sale mad° guano, by 110SELT P.JOUNSON. Mousey Tel, . iy responsible YOU ARE 'AI • ‘s. 11101, or VIHMIN of • A sloe. Loa has beam kn night. It le oNortnal lo sl dtroctlons, or Money Mao Nom, rafonied. Pn.parsol only Prepared only by JOB. FUMING, JULLy FUMING, Corner M Ind drool and the Diamond. Corner losarAnsat and the Diainond. N. B. NON-11XPLOSIV BURNING FLUID, at Gk. par gollunzir• bond. CARBON—CAA —CARBON—CARBON sod COAL OW ORAL 01 SPERM 011.1 S LARD 1.0 CREAM CONSIONMENT:.-115 kegs Leaf Lard, 16 Obis Leaf Lord. BYO boa choice Earl d Pracbaa, Wallah BO do do do 10 hazes W R mew BB bbla choke Wed applo, 110 6o Orma Abair, BO bad lhaall Wh Belo; 14 bblo oholo• , 160 boa Potato.., 160 aial huh bah • 6010. Clam 10 Kola time deeper, BODO Itiarflepth abr./ lour, la who, 76 dos Broom, • Iwo, la atom lar aala by MIL L. O. GRAIN, 247 Lardy eh GUM BSIZIN .bleb will' .I .beW, sod lb. mend ty log cao .g• 94 the EATRIER BEL ING, of best gaiter:l ju cakk•taatod, 1 Aso, whkb will tint sittliaat tinteldag, aim/ tollti • • Works to the palish at the Lather /I.p p ft Y. DI 410$ 213 lll•xlyst.. motile 1•11.1.•. faint PAQKIdI3 All thicknewees, LAOS LILITDICR. BELT DOCRIE, DOPIER DIVITI.DO-1 la. WIWI al 22ti LI dreg. opposite bond orgood. 6.11:1* IL DE LAMM RA1801.3—.100 ee Layer Raisins, Minn assal Duch% 1091,r. de • 6:1641" • V ' 4 " Banal BROTH:aI.' : rat ILis9oo,ll,Blll.oastas ijle6l6 A alko blds Chw il i sr Uetr il: *wolf lir wy,4lo,,cpumestmorkd , . xanexs COURTSALE. N.,1 .n oilier. alb./ Orptutie. Cottrt of . bowleg date the Ititaenth *.y of Deem • dateletted, Executors of FAR will expos to .0e on the prataleee. 1. P 1011 P, on the 13P0 O.Y•OP MARCH. delta . m f 6.0.1 day, the A 411.4014 PAL RC ICL UP O o.ooh p, . . . R• ginning at • poitit or last on the fou It shoot rota. thence ht I.d. or Pptlagbr Rarbeogh bon tount.)-throe droirte• forty ele toluenes fort (a. 62 . 46' ) lones• and elghry-broth hundredth p robs. (11)91 ) to la Maori: Moue* loath two devote and larly.bv• m . w east (o. So 46' a ) forty4eo and otaty bundtedth perch . 14 AO nit. • point or pat; lb...chat 'nth thlrtyudaht deg be and latrly mhorteo east (0.18 0 .4 Y • ) forty.bre sod Is bury too butt dtabb pooheo (42 p) to polutor pot o Nunlrrel 11111 sad aalt Works Rood: rhea. by thesdat fq meet 11111 oud dart Works Roil perh eleven degree...sot ( 11. el...nu t, font end atabtbterdh pos4*. MI p)to • Ant UTpoll Ira the sold bqattral IFIland4 1 •11 Work. • Road: • hborebooth Ofty.one dtpeo• troot (c 61 6 ar.) toreutpoos • Are 150th partite. (216 p.) to it point or pan ou the Ta 0161 p Road; aware north alghty•ta degree. thirty utiout east (ere a.' ) thtrty obs pefebre (21 p) to • punt or •• •t ca said Townahlp Robb thsitre uorib troboty.oue de . too min ute. soot (21 0 tr.) toot brushed sod fifty nl.. MO Wan tided hundredth pathos (169212 p )to • pot for Poot on tits Fourth street rood; thence by said tour ..15006 rout north slaty three dealsoo tatenty.ono mtonte• 5.01 (u.Q . " 21' • )04412 wod Ur . .tooth perch. (602 p) to plbro of host/ming, sod toutornfoic 111X1T.NIN It 11011613 or there about.. Taus Or Rau.—Ourefifth of the !meadow money tot. paid on or balers the amfirmation of the sole, and the lob are st th e death of Ostrow the irrarlabd. widow of sold Jnoepb &crowd; tone secured by boat and Mortgage on Om promisest and to bear Interval torn the day of role, nod payable ta the odd widow setal natthally Moroi" her 111.. The said properly has been bid not lem of Nom three In fire nets each, .ad Wllll.lOlO altogetbet or In lola or parcels,... will be deemed newt adrthMersos au the day. .41 at the time of sets. /or farther p Oculars, ...leo for pieta and diagrams of tbe gronad, Imptheof either or the undereighee, at rut Liberty, klieg say awnm ra., or of John M. Kirkpatrick, rag , Snort. y at Law, No. 123 /moth atreek fire 'doors above Smith old street, Pthaborgh. DEL ROBRItT WILSON. WILLIAM N. 80110111 , 16 ICzoostoro ofJooopb ll' feltoottlo4l3 Lela of Nobles tonohly. All IRON BATHS, Owe" Baths, tooll &Atm B Atlas:Y. ac Cc). 611 Nn. l 2 tnerth irrwt Deer NEW EPRINU UQUDSI BURCHFIELD • 00 bey. already commonaed rocelelng NSW 00011 A. OPEN TRIP lIORNINO Bleached Muslin°, Irish Linens, New Prints, Chintzes and Flannel°. N.. Good. •111 W opened toto, toad.). 411 nitAN c iES--50 bus. Oranges, first of the ...is, to 1111r1.• ,d if tor Pak bp kRIIIIII • IHNOTEIItak ill 29 Wood oppodt• Cl Mulct Hots!. T ILMONS.-50 boxes Lemons, first of the IA sown, to salt• dam Osy it tab by Matta a aItOTHER3.29 Wood atttpt, hll • opdodtaW.Cludlto IIoWL 14 UTTER-10 bble. Roll Butter in — ofenTe Ay for ode by 1.11 JOUN H 0•1111 , 1ILD 00 . /Ir., et. E - bid. li I gis in store fur safe by J. IL CANFIELD • CO. Vim .C. fill SILMS WIENS'S I CIMESE 4L, For okta loareboun or 411 JOHN B. CANNOLD CO POTATOES -400 hue. choice Potatoes to arrive for mi. by G. GILA Ft :VI Liberty R. t to too mouthy stns ►ao trannaat . chtmlat that .. 11di oil I. eanenat•d'br h• action or Isamu boot tot bola of wear ( p ro p . ,k• h igh! Is attonloons Melton" and If this thaw, In I t larinababla that flea yaks of on tam to . fount to many of tho t 1•1011.1 Is thla attlehbothood. . . tor tbo porpoise of footfoo thoolottar.• comma), If bal. famed to comathaeo aho.mi imooftlattli lo the /VA 1111 Lull BON. ohlett Uwe h Tory shod diatoms atoms Um ofty. ornoto for to ► Ow M•foostoholh. Tboh capitol Is $ rhea 0. Bridal 'obi slum of Sb ...h but a small ...owl otll Do hoinfrod on oath ohms In ed. vgaeo. Boots of 'tibial pti al am Dar area at the alio* of tbff onderslonfoi. Po. fob to, Faorth stmt. who* tho 000. atfleftloo 00. bo fOOO hod • I too Amoy Inf.:moot/on olh Wood., tld B. h 11.4 IN le Off,. SAMUEL EptOUSON; Otte, No 9 Uand Area, Pitt.burgh book. 4..11 opo• him $4.101.• •-• QTRAY cOri.-4.nune to the farm of Th. gollottlto OMNI. lb. Dumontll. toast :le ' micron ottto Itcon rataboritto, &mutt. toottitklp. AllOOOO7 comitt;oo ttoolt lb* Snot Doootabor, UM • 64- g . ltiLtt 00W., .oppood to be about 12.0 r 14 faro of oitgg polo wt. olth tom toad boll); ,m atom matt. reeolvat. Tbe owner 4 . 4.1 , .. 1 rAt rt Y and Ulm ber straj. I.ll:3lita TOW. tIBBOO. BOW 18 THS TIIII2 I T O STOP 'IN at the eatabilatiplent of OVAL W. 11111.18LIC - N. 1,010 .41 . 144Ilegtogy, star and tioallos bl. i.e.,. rock of •111( • gamma Janet n( Ilome-/nrof thing TIN AND IRINA? IRON WARM, all at tbeOONAPPT NUCXN VON CA NU I CoAlta.! OIL! VALIOI4I Palmas bound for the OIL REGIONS Mould ruppl, tbemeslns wlte TRAVNLIKU Sill R T.B - " tfrutbak,lllhirt "—Mtn Red ilaundol. The "Moanllosahtet"—TrFooloarl Wand I/WNW TL ""•ratla 141dr{ . —Bark tpS Thie" Pike's teak E btrt "—Dark Spottad flannel. HAW Watt. Uodaratdrta sad Daman Nam 11414 Dada/akin. sod pravala. Haan Malik. Bolt All WOol Wa/111.. How Wool Plachlo.—to nacho.. tAa Haan Wool Llaid Ular. sod Mitt.. Ilumfoz 14. d Olovaa sad Usu.lota. /rin Nano, Oasbaapc• Waters Yawl. Wool Coal.. aad .. w. have mina roluctlon la Om prim of IJNDI6IBt T 8 mul Dworman.' FILLIP NOM. °Laird!! and 001401111. In arc/1.4,0m, out tb• main stook.ttforo tnw dining. ir, ==oond aft! or the then imds end ndy on btu Ls -r 4 , • 17 Fink ousel. I.IDIDSAY, Importers it Commhslon hlerehants No. 43 Park Place, New Work, Offer (or Sale by the Package, 011010 E STYLES OF BRITISH DRESS GOODS, &LBO Lack** awl Glasgow White loslios, ROLIMID PAPBII AND CAMBRIC INUBLINB sm. 416. rat= stifffb BY RATS, • y deeerto tlen, It_ the Rat %Ka— te the Elm Nato— len to destroy Ofty tots to one came when not occordlog to ROBERT LINDSAY 4, CO., ' 111111801D1RY HELM? ADD GIADDOW; ADD II AZLETON A SKIEPPARR,, LIAM. CaXIRIO ILIDIIIDIII► lARCPAC?DIIU, UriGUI. ISMAILI. I=l TOR THII Promotion and Protection of Trade. F COAL OIL! COIL OILI LA OILI O BOUM OIL RD W , CllillAPl GM& Over 51140,01)0 Dullness Roma Reporitods *veri 111).•Totre no) vtihNo in the UMW] 1it.M.0...d5; sod other Britte 6 IPoteseelow tO rt. •. 00roar of Wood and Win .treodo, Pittaborib, Pc ratstillahal Now'. York. Jaw, ISll—PittaVgb. *nub, lea Raw ......L.14115, DOYDS 00. Mbarlitt 0 800 ItOr.Yllnwkio.•—.-RO.Dm *Oo Pati.fisilildo —4 0 boo t Oo Now Orions—AA Duo It Co /4 0 Dna • Co Obartsamoo Don h On 010v01.04..—...110 Dos a ck. Loolinlito Daot ce. OettolL.--.......0,0 Ono It On It. L00ta.........tt0 Duo illOo Obkogo O Deo 00 NuhOW..»»»RO Il t oo Oo AND tiUhl oastins 00CP Vabrosholt with Out • • .111 me Motu)* lea ptlaoool. 8M .1 M. LANES, 'or WOO 4. 0.11:10, Asosalaie 11/IRedist —R Usual Clol Biltiooto D Co . tr a nie li t 2 111 =..! Dun Ckt 111 • i100473;t5ta - 'Arum Booitoothlt oottots of olootito, plata dant, totolosal sobitribotaJ $lOll ao. - _ _ Cloiloalltor pivotal/ ottoodod to In *II parttot lb. mono litolot matt Itritith Posnookoot. IGbtna.l. °Pwan4 of 160 noises fa Ilittobargb, Ibr wbou WI oft* took. tot. ' WWI of lottjtdootion to Limn id MO otauttlig sod nroptetztaly 10 torowy .der. of dm Voloa ottlbo. rota. tomb; Itroialtod to oatocrltooto raft oppllostion at lal• og a. Alto Way at Um oak= atrol oboe. J. 2 1* °I)3D3 IttUoNuonimp °MIMING ITOO= um loopoes4 WU". DE litfirdif=-15 maims primerartiols, fora* m 1111911111""141" ~~~iu%z~.~'y~ c3i-Ya'fis%;if~7:::ai._::=:e;~ AO) alibintsaven virtue of Colnat, IF6), the lalk. 1114 D, d TOWN , Lor Wood Both., Iron Muks, •U. vv.r Elluks, iron Portab4 Wrk Stud. Mastri•Top Wash IStaaW, Lead o,lp. 'Blass SW Hp, in , . Hytioauta, Pampa tssarpolle Rats., Uskrilast Iltnenea, Mandril. e, Paidsloa, .fanDy , Portsl.l.6, Ulaw sad Paper for ulo by EI:=1 00011118 AND P 4111.011 MVO, OUAL VAEIKS AND DOW, ►KN DIME AND ►JEK I RONA, '1 .TNA AND OUVOND BATTB.I Own Wool Undoroblda and Drawer. EATON & MEM CHITTIOK Sz 'CO.. InsPortoii for the glinfog 01%1861 BOiE AGENTS FOR THE MERCANTILE AGENCY, Dun dr. Co.. Proprietors. A. ARMS'MONO. Mnnq 0. H%UON 10 Y 4 wisbacia. to Illattrusemints Ani Partiership,„ Dits.Sr3Cl3 BINS & muNsorir. haying lon4d • parteer•blp wJ oponed an ogee at Ilith street„ (A - Tett leers the Poill.aolce.) Tw cullthe attention of the Public li"II =MOW lerililiee for theltomol►more and Ineartlon of 111 Mode of ARTIFICIAL TRISTL'ind for the performenti Mall othiir brandies of DRAITISTRY. Without makine • apertallty of any tine - Mlle they .1111 recommend the VULGARISMS PLATS TESTS .. lb. mmtl/1"1"11.;11orabh and Comfortable Sotiolitnte for the hatorid Teeth. They ere grisrauteed so be superb:or la every rearifet to 100 beet Metallic P 144 Tooth, whether mounted olld or ant of the timer meta% and mole forotahni • Y e met comblemhip Thoo. ti•' ' At Impericali attlosliold RANGan hem them replaced •Ith the V CLOANITI.. et small addittorral ptne.Wveitb.o.rnepftbe Old Plate. noTtlyd gXTR ACT& D NVI rrILOTYr PA INMI • BY 7UE Chß Of AN APPARATUS WHEREAT NO DRUG OR GALVANIC BATTERY ARE USED. Coil lo thellma wheit the apperatee am he used to It. bat Mlitistage. Medical ihtolleasee And their faitillise had their teeth extracted hyl m 7 proms., eod are softly to tretify ae to tha p. 1.1... a• well ate. ma lay of the operatloe—ehatemsr has Mee saki by persona tatentated to amertlog the 4434. Cram as baling cm knowledge*. my proms. mirrviciiit, TARTU (muted to every GO.. E. OILTDR:K. Dentist; bag 11 . 1 thalthAeld at. . . 0 S FP - it ADAMS,' DENTIST, No. 97 Wylie Street, Pittsburgh, rlarsd. !booy co. Bassnrir—Dr. A. IL Pollock Dr. Italic a, Theodore RulLltts. Mawll Emir. STYLES OF CAL! OES 'AND GINGHAMS !JEST OPENED NY W. & D. II UGUS, Corner of Market and Nigh streets , . Rlue, Purple, Green and Red BAI46IOII.AL:',SKIRTSI JOT RECIZIVED AT M:'4l D. !INDUS% OORNRIL ►IRTU AND VKARKRT STS. W. A D 15.t11109 . , CORNER RISTU AND MARKETKrd. i W. A D. EIEDIDS . , DORMER ►ITTU AND MARKET ATP: W. A D.IMIDR', OORNIR tura AND- MARKET ETA. k 7 WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINE! N. 27 VIIPTO S? I?, PITTSBUELGH FAIRS OF 18601 w - Hlegm. - klFe ag w-sr..scasT Itiarded the First Premium at the United States Fair; . Ohio Stat i l e Fair; Illinois State Fair; Witloo4lpitl State Fair; towa Stafp Fair; • Kentucky State Fair; Tennessee State Fair; New Jeriley State Fair, Vermont State Fair; Chicago Mechanics' Institute; Louisville Mechanic? Itistitute; • Oincinuati Mechanics' Institute; Ai!loheny County. Fair, Pittabiirgb, and of II °mot) Faith, toottmotolto to ntootion. ; WEI i)fror , to the public WILEELER a ly Laws 111 PRO', RD XZWINO- MACHINE, i At IMIDOOID PARMA : • with I twoOdooth to Ito m01t... the boa wad most tellable onally Innolog limb!. not to to.. It toms opal. ly well oi lb. •hlthoot .et Infant Wirth*, molten t h e own. sumo tentionble to num.!, with the onsoothil sthrothop of Wog links oo bop NM% foreleg to i Minor data on. tlx,nue4oliniOnoir , *.l,44l,MOLlMOtholoononrapthiii On nthownont, and nium double than nay other amebic,. ire it r twittOotrbotion. to enable the norebwor to ono otOloonof o. .tech, Own, Coll, quilt, gnaw , Wad and tact, all; inn the owns innehloo, wad warrant ' 1 ton throe throonnit:contsthloitioototwololo from 1011.. iUm blob. eat *WWI* lirl and Wool, giving init.., 10., Oi I. lor• Waned grotto, am application in wino or by lot r. gow,..sonloo nonemi,lllll, Tient, Motto. ad Oil co. ~. suatly op IrL lookl .1 WM. nIIIIIIMIL. .• ApratzeT. KDITION • Orlndli.ENS LAWIT-11 meths.= espy of W. .S.Totrouend • Ne opoendkl esllelou of gbo W •rf.of OHADLIP.3 DICK• ENK, by'r. 0 C. Doyley sod Jobn Mabee{ Nor pesey for examination. Bobeseiptlono roesippl. • Won ••fl.-Slelyk.. reedy Y.tob W. 13.0•1111 T R. DAVIN 1•251 I Na Wesel street • UNI HIKRi 50 eack a prime Dry Peso Oen , , VSS 3IO ADD , .. 40440 OrreS Appple.. .I.oltSol Piney Kfoom; 11.,bhies WoodeStoreS, lle•Sbble prim. N 0 bloboesea, bi,66 prim* Wblls Deans, Sibiolo Noll Balt., 76 bb. Flex llesel, In Pears for-ealo by fo7 PRANK VAN (Anton. ut rwoOd.t. 1. 4U1112111111 - WlllllO4-W.ll Sudan win lomat at far Verads um... BAOMORAL SKIRTS, . . ParVoi and Dfaelt,Cdaon isad Elsa, ikarlot fluid Black ! . and BoMelo° oad 810 ch.... NI 41 1 r PRINTA. • and other Dooteotier, toirr optottog. ii • , . .• —.-. . . -. kt O. TIANSON LOVIL 74 liorkrelhoo, R9DUOIL-40 bus, CForer Seed; P' 15,biss rLex env. ' Gj bbla ROLL RUTTISH" • 7kbx. w. 4 MI MS 26, tiro No.l LARD, IJ Les WU,TB BURR lo Mors for rah to IMIRIVIRR • DILWURTU, . •. Nur 113 Silli 14.2 &cowl rtreeL . B L V IK BOOKS— ' LIeIMMO. JOURNALIS, • - DAT BOOKS, CAIIII BOOKS, CIFIDIMBOOKb, awl every Oaeoriptkna of Ace„ouot BookNoo heed or made to ordeirlti the beet meaner, rated to soy pattern regOlred, with or illthbot babbitt Itetwiltim by I WM. G. JOHNSTON & f. 6 Blank Book Makers. 5/ Wood et. DR DOOR FOR SAUK— ' ' • JIL - 1:1)46-10u bap. • • Ofillt 6 •211141 1 . Flax &EL ' ~ -,, tr i a=p d bls . 0r...l Oore ien::: ••_• OOKE9E-10 b...... ja24 ; SAWL P. IFLOyD i W.. 354 Li.l.t7 oat. TEN CENT PRINTS—Bost in tho city; Bitlittoral Skirts, Shirting Muslin, - Linens, Pillow Cases, Shawls and Cloaks o. EIANPON LOVE,7I INPIA RUIIS . R. ROSS, of the "Itostqn .11iiitlag Co 'll^ . ninntanctore. • very ooparlor - quality. modatnitaad a praetors of from 75 to 178 ponoija to the emtaro inch. All sips ore for asla LL Ma India Bobber Depot, 71613111 SS St Clair anat. MI -t-v IiKKAO ES, 1 .4 4 .. , and mow B •me b l th ' s .I°"4 felling at very low prim, IN pLUANIZSDRUBBER STEAMPACK ytaIkie is considered by easharniquid ourhinrsts ledlepeessbis whitlow .t.I pilau IRS to be wade. It Is nude to be need In, sad is 'au ranted to stand st least MO degrees Itshrenaelt. All Os dilisrent aisia, neat, OASHWro, MANBOLS sal SQUARE ROPIA can slaw be bed st Isdia Robbre &cot, 118 sad AS itt. Clair Is. 7.A u. PHILLIPS, RIIBBKR CLOTHING; Flicilfg Rapadmal dal Rail sRRIPada,. dß.3a, l fillowaCsbi a o , n a soord Rood, Ga d dom, Gd d G PMA dd W ga psß b om t Door 11 .p, auf • great wady of otheritooda, Id tai road Sa MILLI Radar floe, alms. on hada at 26 aod 11 Bt. Clad `. AG J.41.1P1, INDIA BOBBER BELTING, 4:4 the "Bow ten Una 0o:rt" suenufactlue. It It etrintg end dors. t., 11,1 .1 itand • heat of MI degrees unalleottel. end no de. on. or I Bold or ern an Injure Its eteekLog.• All entrap oometoollp be hod al the ladle Robb. Depot of • fJf 7. A 11.PUtIMPS,20 ead It et Clair at, gill 7 I SUBSORlBERwouldreepeotfullycdll j tbiattootion or hti Mends and ouriomere to bto usw stork of IiALLs AND WINTER GOODS, comprimJg t h e newest designs to reniV. and tiolorotto!noodo, tor Ciallextree ArparrL Abo, roll or awtmrgrof B9irs'ond Youths' Clothing kept coilitobtly oss hood, sod mod. to orderdb. ter/ boot mob., by JAME! 0. won, mai ' =Prow of POMO sod 81. Clotr AL. ME and wall assorted stook of oil JAIL of OUTIAILV. I I SIC GUNS. PISTOLS, RIVoLV ARA. haLlta, RAZORS, I:iontal arid Surgical Instrumento, KNITNA: PURRS, LIGHTNING ILIUM, SCIIISORS. Mcchanice' Toola and Ammunition, . - (I main atrium, CARTWRIGHT *`YOUNG, I 1 , . No. 97 Wood ,threed, RP earner of Illasoad WM% C10N510N111101113.,1200 bt. estr %.,/ ISO btds Übe NO.I SALE. Pl. do Sixill Wed BEANS. .. EP do Wreak RIM /LOUR, ' . 201:i boo DRIED APPLES. .. .1 Atop PAOISED BOWER. -' ' .pogo RYE SEOILTSJor Ado Ai - . „., la ; • • ! WArr A witmotosetibaiyati. IYOU WANTSTOOK 1N , Al 4 OILOOII- POT. loodad wllbta =kat a Ilbs agar t~TB= DUPE WM, - ApplEtor Ss! . RINK! LIC ma, War, cr. gig,ii.je - ituLL BUT M--1 - prim • reed bi"rati7ed fprish,b7, - - AO - 1 - H. °Sinn; • 81q112./.2.t41116,111114!"'14.! w ;1' V v s p r f i . r i. r . r L iv L' . - „i - VTA Tr svnl' 1,A.! 111 •'1 -.4wib...lß.uem%ZrosegZ. 4 ttb at Ti DMICAF. - t t I I ta i-1 ,TWO BRAAA VINIvILZR#. , ~, At Vell(1 . 111titrA:11!1 1.”-tr II sla k.t atn4t; WANTED-- By calm in 'well 'paints' with Its Shipping Itivilinna.iiidrhy bide t....r0i1y. • t In:anon itt • 1.1 , 10.1 , 43 A I.K Kti , t city riertince• e.n b 0 given. Aditicv Dal AiPAKIIIKK Alm Maine whew as int•tviiw nay be hvii ASTEl.dc;ivo isuminess ,510, ku t4ke Thine Etiona .0.1 Company. and mono.* Om Wmlmam lomatloo Vonongsbala Moor. tinpAr , i•onl s ,ift• in good Waiting ardor. Via imrt - oular• to inki 10 exlh MUM, 9 Ll arr., c air 0 Agents Wante , TO CANVASS /OR SPEW AND roptrzaxa peons 61cla orAd ' IXCLUSIVRIN kY SUR3CRIPTION. :1 , . , . .- ...II • • • . THESE WORKS include the SIO.SI ...,1 BK- 1 ARLN WORN PUHLINUKN, lad At(0.44 .A. In Ilm" elatal urn Making i : i: 1 ' From $5O to $lOO per Monill. ' i' . I We give oar Agenta the alel.Uill VII Cittititeitof 'Mill groom N... ...), agreo to oeuvame Yoe tuft :OattlivileaM cod Oitalogno of Book., aailtron !,,ij Cl. W. HUNT, General Akent 1 Room 3:2 GI - Mt - Mt ßoontO) 1 • 1 i N B. W. tot,..N:ut intlillibial on Itigiitio of : I , FA.MILY , QUARTO RIK I.,KR,i , f• • I , 1:).l, • New and Beautiful Style of 13.fiding, ..', gotleu up trapritaay tar Agents and dativaaseia!"..ill mar Applieant, tney sae Mr. HUNT at ()Iraq Poi.. fijar 12 tot and trout 7 oa II p.m. i .I . l_ 1.9:4 Sot Zatt Sr Co 1.3 - :t. TO-LET—The Two-Storied )1 ttlbK H01:1811. with Moro !divot owl aloe Apikiwitiata, ' • good brick Coniage Motto, 1110010 sod food /Maio oti row of the lot. noose cootaluo oil Mtn towisin hopinto hitoMA mow tho Moos Yard, fitwohii wird. Allot oloty. PoootistAtt given iittowllotoly. !,..1 JNO M. K IRK MiI:TRICK; 5 7441..0r. , . of. I MTIM Ann OH. tcarair—m, ay* Mort sri* .......00., E t t. % Llcertnetrot. •r,ty to , 1 ,:i i ve'Air aj witaicw. let N. SON LibirtY Btn&t.. 10011. RUNT— ) hat oar Mtn griek, W 4 -4 1101/81.61tzate on Llberti street. NO, 71451. ~ ..In, quire of •Jun.ll. L 11011.& OW , pat No. 1144 Ltbirt, wnvnt. • TO gelCl—kine-hali cost if oor.audirbohl recond floor of Warebotau. tio. 134 *eta aqua- notf..or cooled be Adams er Co. There la it large, She C di tad op ea.. .4 for Pilot Oi WI Wars.; JOHN I. No des & 004 fa-ark. Ouriur Wet er and Bml dead area. DUBLie ,ALE or ORIZUA IRON a WORKS, BOPHIA 1/131iNACIC, go —ItY ars.Of..n• thortey vested in cup, Truer.. [...dein creature orrg- LuntrOdunce. lElpol...coot edacreriof the Diu rig. Jour- of Alieeheuy Coned), la thoCom..ol.o", of lieod• ey ',info, in N 0.3 of Notistaur Term, 1858, ere will egposs to Public Palo et the klarimuuse Preauarnii, oh POW& street; In the Gig of Pittabnrgh, on TOMaill'n the 436 day of Irebtuery, IBM, commencing at 11 b'clock ter m` the following property, to wit The Haling Milli-00d Nail Perturb e, known as the Mira& Iron WWI.. eltßini Their New Ch re afe, laurel.. minty, Perilisylpinha'cosl4l log Engle., Boilers late... Ballot Furnace., flee Bulb /Induces, Bar 8011., Small halo Nell Plate sad 'Bradt soll.l3quemare, Sheer.. Ba.r WRY POI * 24 brawa ob. Wrought Spike Medlin... Ac. =.l Also. the Blut Porous Bomar am .7npiioo anti, allth tegirialte mechluery,