II ' - • - RNO G. - P63. 9 Bii*i%toAY, rl4, 0 • 14 °1 i. ein .77:1 U. 34 • _5 -NlllBa~3Tf p aur y t o; i ntio; . lo dodOtlbt td4 atiOrea obiwpt, btiltliarl.ASTAf Not Ord tl, t mbrocisokojltAitro Stooot boottutitp,• font. tWIt lames; 6601 live! Soeb WISP, 011tbo ofltoti Tbdrorfol pr.ototiko d..! soh work sot rotas. wain_ t , Aod Owing tod maff.r t ;.." Stood toll* tot tiltooNto orlafiedfot doe evbcb'etWel atioiroittiijr.r.tiotriboo. Th.. olOsso Mialbidfbabscrodloc. , ' ' Oat of eliiroittb-4fil: titekbey; , Oa totitlV+to9lllo ' Oat LC 'b ?'hums. Soi4ottbi - diOilon. • Noy 'Obeli is eh obs• Alt notrooor Ito, Oa ig ivro , /Up t0000do; pub** boos bo Moo, And fattl i z e lptt tba Toftytor Wel o'ore lob It m. W I LortfoirobtOot te. St bkAtootoo3 wry, .11 lo bro.dl ‘ l b sgsrgo lea n d ' Oot o:lttard to APTI P (Woo tivlo i gt . o7:ll%ht *Oho post • flrotoootOf &DOI. i I ti oath ofhtl god* btielb Pori troittmisoot 1)-Itot Woolf to tltltOurfilkit • Itoe• brindled's I.llll—aut duo wrist glorrowort from It owl. down woo ilooo, WWI* *Kota sefottooloot, bat mow drocoot ItodoitOtbitdOlotool000tio• of babbebtoeed. Vadat' bat dmAe.e.lidd.of Mb corm gitoo- Primo Of - Wit& de. bops Itoot. Ant full of oft* no boo tau t deed(' hoe %met dedwe•lbios wbout ibm ebbe ban attlebn Soltioeold 1 , 1111 Ito& tote, Tho• ott4oiro is A stays:mod (bey ore drtrect bylbal,7, all deo boomed to late.- neybod the ' of torth, totood the poor. ollmmo I • . t L. 11.1faolvo. liiii -11111491 fies INTELLIGENCE. t 0., , ni......••...-- The Niirrorie giersid" contains some in isreMinflitlintrudiele of the church accommoda tions in thiar . tist city. It gives the follow ingoompstiviefiiber Of the church accommo• datilnieqVc*.}tila 1860 : 1850-Number of church's", 214 ; number of seats, 219,098 ; value of•iehurels property, $9,098,700, In 1E604-Nitsia r: ;Ot churehes, 253; number of seatei;2s3l33;4ratue of church property, $ll- 818,400.1 w T ,4) fiePolmititin in 1850 wM . 815,547, sal-in 1 . had grown to 814,254, which maim Oii,xiiio of Attach accommodations in 1850 about forty-one per cent; but in 1860 but thirty nve per vent could be seated. There aralitiii=9.peopLs to each church, against 3,409 in 1850. -1-4.oooriling to the New YorSundaySchool hundred and seven Sabli faint wards of that ci labelers !is seventy thin and the ;number who do bath licliooltt is thirty-fii drill and nineteen. It i of neglected childrey age vtitStin the bounds hundred thousand. ----TpsOerman MAI at eitkatPatti. , has a ci 'mild axing s membee sand German Methodist for every two members, ~---.ltev., C. C. Huss nation ofFriends, was, pastor 011ie Unit•riat. ton, recently. l _._,writer in the " Southern Observer" shows that in 1750 the proportion of members of 01_11001 churches to the entire popula tion was one to , and in 1860 one to five ends half. Si es 1809 the relative in crease baa been oonatant and rapid. —Says a correspondent of the "Christian Chronicle" : ' Why do men; jump up and display them mires in the aisle hen a woman conies to the pew edilin: they aissaad; I have traveled over . more than 'a ozen European countries, mia niftier saw the thing done. Polite Englis hmen *lmola us for it. That this practice dis turbs the solemnitty of worship is clear. That • it givis the lady; advantage is also clear." =-J-Tite con gationalists of England are agitating the question of selecting laboring min tthoronghly hued with christian prio ci pletitiledligitith for evangelical work. --The fluters se rmon of the late Rev. Dr. . Sips", peeler of he Cumberland Presbyterian Chlielli„ Wei pm lied tut Sunday by Rev. Dr. Pratun,,ofilie i' ebyterian Churoh. --Rev, Dr. nous, who, after a brief so. jaltrii i i iiihtlfraoo of the Episcopal Church and retina o' Soothe Mathodlem, has bees ap poisAid "gest of th American Bible Society for Southern tested . . ---“Thi Patel; Pitt sbur gh Christian Advocate con ' taistite followlig , i ..M. a nagh cis "says a writer In Prater's Mag . salad, others may be Ave thousand hymns to the BORA illignets. Watt" wrote 600; Doddrldge, Marithie Meilen 369; Cowper ao&Newton about 400 ;_allontiourery, -256 r bathe doubts ° whether diereihti i mots than two tutedred that caul take their - plar moot . *Lelasatter of oar national poetry." --LTiiii - deatit of Rev. Henry 'Whitley, report ed by n p the Ceylon was oocasioned by the - see)ilandliall of • wall in the mission compound. 7 1 7 --The Eleliefter 0 lof Eagland, Sir William &Mertes, lately laid the foundation of a Piitehlv! Methodist Chapel, with appropriate reddikii. , lre ie the eon of a Methadtst minister. --T6e.Wesare Minim Advocate, of recent --- , wages an *Demist on " The Object of ' illeihodlem." The influence of Methodism upon -'-' ' ethitrineibes of the Church of Christ le thus alluded itie: . , . oTheolitie, perhaps, to-day as mach of Methodism In Faber absinthes as within the thatches of Metho diens theaselne.- A little eubdned and somewhat meddled In Inns, it may be, bat still Methodism, - ettiording to its alien! Idea and type, a llrlog, "areas; zealous, active Ctuastlaolty. Such a Chris - dully MU bird to Sod beforethe "great revival" sailer the Wesley, said theffiroletwers. We rejoin ' • *11.101%11%4.nm common." ,-. I--- Rev. H. Grattan Guianese is preaching inP•W•riasl4,ll4. 1" --TheTrecielpte of the Amsrioen Bible 80- . ' Katy for December wire $28,419 26 , the Issues, 62,718 volumes. - ..='sw. Dr. Douglas will deliver a lecture 1 otilie•Ortgiaamil Progress of Sabbath Schaal': _ _ .... i, falba Forst Iteferwied Presbyteriaa Church, on ' Mild:4th, 10th Meant. 1 ,----___ The parleh of Mertaannehisrg, In the kingdom .; .. 4. , of l[lololl7, Kr. Banes, pastor, bane • anualwar of t foirokr"..i=se te their employ, and • misdea iiiiiieWl 4411/.. Tbe k last l k o eep 3 ' a ra e ind is m frr l iO t .. babes, wady $24,00e. I t I. said that the pastor not ask for gifts, hot only gives thanks. 1,75.-A•eopy,of Begeter's Polyglot Bible (in - iligiitY) In folio, Is to be presented to' Gianni& lIMil be delivered to him at Capron tii'lMit ,gattlemat, with • suitable address. MagMeableAre the words of Garibaldi himself: 1 "Ti. t ilffils Jo the asuman which will liberate' 14 fie Islands to etreegthen that minion. 111111 L 1' lirri ' t its from Ballad that the Rev. M. ,• ' - Naafis, pootoi pftbis Old South church, !in a ----Witlfseltysitt miulonarlea WWI recently ;•44.11jc-siereeposdest of the Advocate and . , ..i OtirtiWIIIII np the National fast 'Undid to the 1 , ohms of our p 00000 t difficulties in a etylerthat i. bmegitt dews the boast" Be sitysl: I 1 AfteliArnl6oo4ili iinpreidpi, end at its clue --- gestlemes arose and proposed three groan. earJuseellecamin ! Something probsbly most he atatesal to theta old revolcuonary spot. For r Kuno Wanes, am/ Waseask, sod Otis harangued. tr theta too the Brame made the stable for lbw . ~ germ, and Ms-radial 4thool, is the bruit internal 'k hawses Kareoeithr eepoleatte from Samoa tied I*sir4ws." "4"ll4 f ltsverPublish d lnlhelan -Ig4*4llrr'hsbee:iseuedbythe lAsntaoßetlthieeoeerlee. - i ,----Ake,Potalo Pest en Friday, January 4th, t rigri pospged by Prettiest Buchanan, was drily l igowe es- by th e Americusn la 01611015, Italy, -: t t f la • day Slibelleilletlea and prayer. Divine 'e rste. was perfogmed by the Bev. Dr. Lyman, '-", 1 istrelisteller of Trlsity Episcopal Church of this i 'Kyr eke It our officiates famous oar wintry " I I 111"11lc--taMssirk4e. N. Murray, i"; D. D., the wall-known ' "- died at his residence in Unbolt', ' - 1 " KIWI^ 4t • InitS,L. . 1 Neel Jersey, on Tuesday, last, of A-disease of tai --- Ti e Oh' erkem hula says: ~,.., 1 1. Ire are bee to confess that we an strongly) in -6 1 I le ot oCsMitsf we Benda, whorl children • Moe. t" i - ,: g ekr Kodak literature, wad that 11111 a OODIS. . 1 tilliaeltirli difillit 44 41 1.01ths formation of Delon 0 . - ' 1 " b° "' " ) , • -p;ro", • Atlocutico styles Lb. ____ss'rsseh A lt, .1 so i ers y,' rtl i- - .441 1 , Ifisiof thralls es ' implant .-....' I leothiLlffiteruotate. teemsaves the sous a dot 0.-Giiitiikailii win' ein um mole of .=lotpxf': ‘, F f...,:c.:.'.....:V , - -- ' - r • annual report of the I Union there are three th Schools in the dir ty. The number of sand three hundred, I, not attend any Sab- e thousand five bun supposed the number .p to sixteen years of lof New York is one I " °dist paper, published in:dation of ten thou hip of twenty thou . making a subscriber !..y, late of the denomi !ordained and installed Church in North .Eaa• lIMMI .--The frith:tering sirsOtaif aospiiis as O. bulimia° of psystnicol Christianity that should prompt ester sitere preressor of reilgion to carry oat the tiiio (plea taught : Soma ',airs ago there wee a dry.goode firm in Note, York wbn made theiManda of dollars every year by selling I Celtela Medlar fine aioth,umd only for covering billiard table', lAfter a time sue of the Over said tu the other, no* do you feel about sell forsooth' for each a purpmer lam not satin lied about it. and think we had better 'Live it “Agreed," nisi the other, and trout thug ,ley t not an other yard sees cold by theca. -The Banner and 'Baptist (afire grouad against those who think that a ktreebytery oi . ministers is absolutely uedeeeary to the coned. Lotion of I church, and holde that the preity tery.is designed simply ior ad•iee, in view of Its experience mid wisdom. ' Mrs. Winslow ., tal An asferlsnord Nana sod t • Physician, premat• to , We *attain. el meth.. het SOOTHING 'SYRUP, FOR CEULDREAT TEOTHING, .bleb arestirfacllltaw; lb. tlaaorss of;hathind. IV lone. Irsi the gorris, reducing .1% inflammalkm—.ill allO7 ALL. PAIN and iipasinedle action, td la SOUK WO ELICGIVILL I It, TONI BOW ELS. Depend spoil IL soothe; It vriil give rent to yourselves, sad Mitt and ilealti to pout Malts. We have'pot tip and mold l ista article ter Ow tea .Y•erlf. Ind DAN SAY . 13 00Nro 1011 AND TROTH of It what \ aro have parer been sbl• to my deny other nedicla•— w , g m ° vw ir NITER II AB i gr t WAILED IN A SIN- iou aim , - PiL3 INSTANOI MIUTISOT Ulna , giv gut,. ,hen II al •11 014. Never did Ira . --- base art Inalatioa of dDiettlsfattion by any one, ,arb• Wad IL On Lbo oentrary, all are delighted wi th Its - operation% and spank is terse el oomnrodatlon of Its wagtail seem and medical virtues. We Derek Is lids waiter "WHAT Ws DO WPM . after tee yeers'esparlesco, AND OP ua OUR 113PWEATION VOW 9115 lULVILLMIOIT W OAT Willifill Dlt• OLA PAL In lamas ant" !Oat.. where the lalaus la aut. bring train psis and eshailicion, cella will he kelad la Ilfbara or twenty minus shit Oo• •yrop Is adadatsierad. This valuable preparation le the prescription of on• the moat 113PERINNOIFD and MUM. NOUNS iv Nee Iland,sad has Ikea umadrith 5 191111 /AILING 800 I o=3 In 1 .. T 110USANFIll OF IDAIWIL It oot only relieve. t h e illitifd from paimbut hmigaratte the stomach and bomb, Mikeets ocidity,and gime tom mad mom, id the abate orient; Itielll alamettnamatitlyrelleve Griping in the Bolide and Wind Gelic, and omortomeelimVDU. 'abloom, *Skit, If isotspeedily as-I cHI IL. DREGN lmetind, cod In " dh * . IW° t " . T1E114111115111, lire It the BEST ANDSOBEST 1.---..--- ABSIBDT IN TUE WORLD, In sit made. of DISENTSBY AND DIME BUOIA IN OBILDBX.N, witether tt &rime tram teething or frocasnyotber cam. ' Wetioald may foamy toolbar who ima , sand atiebrtair from any Sit the toresedmo oompblitte—DO ' NOT LET 101111 P811300E3, NON. TUB Pk.IUDDICILS OP OTHERS, stand tomato jou and your muesli ettlid, and UIII relief that mlii IDe oiNtE--yeti, A 11301.11111113 11131.15-ite follow the am tit tbla medicine, II timely toed /all direct . tot want *ill accompany each bottle. flow gmMuli unless the ato.eiaall•- et OURTII3 a PERKIN& Nom Tort, la oo the outaeile.reopi . r. Bold by Dragalatathrowilatatthe woO4. Prltatitynet Office, 13 Cedar 0000 t; A. V • o ' extol ONLY derrs emit para.& . Bold ty B. L. 1A1131.1f00 1 1 A W., totaar Wood aide 'earth:street; alp, 060.[ K. ILSYSSit, 140 Wood .tm.t. cm.r.honsirT , ' xtobsts, *tango, Grata, Su. ETNA S WOVE W 03.31.5. [;. A. • 33 Fci A D Idszalidorm o'er, ruitty COOK, PALLOR "JAND HEATING S TO V E S GRA.Tin vaorrra. irir.N It: ltd. Mo. deo. Bole Proprietor of the celebrated : , P.snrxr 04S arma AR rrna Apra SMOKE CUICSUIIINO S:4II.NOLIIINTS Offioe and Sates ROM, No. 4 Wood Street. PTTsIIIIAOII, PA. STOVES. Emoving. I= • DOIIIAV gN a. SON.I ik kIANITPACTOPERP OP COOK. PA.R.I/oiir anal .3a ma ING Warehouse, Federal Street, near New &le mmas,. nrstse, auxon SST CITY. We est the ettentsas;at ,kalknk to oat isms essiutimeill et COoklag sad Wsetlait Moss, far efca tad Gal. voids irri ate ielhaa at the loped prices. Mom krittdos out cold alit guilt to did r to si•• •• • toll •••% ••••••• oar daek Wore parchillog sine lasso °set iron House liroatlaroa team, HOOOIP Ws..,oa Plain and o o F d a ion4c. y o r lolt a kt mdnto F , ers, etc., O. Ds ti AV SO ► WIN. = co 041.13111, Sil.CGOkilidlGlE Ilt 3 _ _ VIALI_, FD 1.1" IP 0 U Dli V PITTS BURG 11, PA. VVltargthoo.e, No. 52 St. Clair oCrent. I!VIANUFACTOREitS Or COOK, PAK LOR and K ILI, I LNG KTOVIroi, Parl yr . and K den._ watt., Ballo. Wera,,Oc.: Stool add lila. !Walla aKutt 111,4 Mill WWI." atilt o•Sdins,a, Water and ArtmMrs, Bei lota., Dlt InalS, Wagon Basta Sugar Kettles, hil• ILK 11.4*,.. C. Morels, t...opltris, •04 liandoill 4 0 .0 11 Alsc,Jaibirm eel Mschlue Cooing* dud* to cadet. Pim:Wad Poruble 11111.. voth Stem or Don? , Poser. nolttp.l 430.,j,r.TE3 SAL 0 • 4 , sisal:lLL a Co NO. 235 X-.ll3l4:Fia rl sTle to'r MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of Cook log, PNIOT SO Meting Suar, &motto' Ilaetna, MO. atm/ Common Itilbro•le4 osate Fracas, food.r., Am Ile. ?to colebrated 0.1 'o.k kw Saw.. • ! . VietOrly".'. and "Triumph," sod Woot cknlchog &Ores, "Black OA" and "Forest llome." The "Capitol" and "Eagle" Cooking Ranges, with either Bya,llratelle or Open as s which en more extensive, au wee lo Una elty sod Odell, thee any other Bach. The very Finest NeuesiteleAt Oratee amt.. riaMomprhera P. 1.101. trundled Plan HAM eral phew ben Wed Lieu, the 0.. sod tesstilel Fedor noes. 1 i"Olympian," the very latest IcoVrovenseot th• way of Perla nines • dew esteoL Topther . with ah, ren Pleee Storrs, 11141 --- Sows. La+sar7 Aim.; Preetkirn — Seem Lew.. Top Reid Melee ewes, • 1 BARK JULIA Wee. Imes, BOILERII, &fSN 000Betiborge end: Posen, P. of &Tapers, PLUG RISGII, Stove Pipe, Veen Dike , • WWI-110951 VaIILDRONS AND FUNNACNII, are erresereere4 for the Wash.Renos the ft neur A.- : Jacob Graho,iitabeo hratekTes Itettleketo et. The mete an reei.edelly !helmd co call sod ell *or excandee areA Aveiro • BEL I TI/44& - PACING. Oar GUS IlitleTlllo hoe strength Wetted to Ile porpree, eel vereely ever require' tightrmingrtoore thanonce: It hem , *perfectly smooth hod even misfit* end will ran Straight stih • portent bearing on the pullets. It Le mennfeotored byj a porthole , process •bersby it broads to withstand boat of 800 deartes Fahrenheit, without be affected, and the wrens& Gold • LII out diminish 111 ph. hhity. It I. therehr e not only satiable for sheltered apse. onions bat aperient adapted to withstand armature to the weather, sod can enottenny be ran la wet places, withoat falsity. Oar Lar.ATegien. eIeLTING Is•atatut”ly iiews to thie oenintailit!se the beet .mach' of the kind 111 I" to vow erelela tee sap Weeny SODA* r of the beet rellettnews OorooolP ui iwUV that made by thee Neel York Goropetty,;osenaiolored antler Goodyear's paot, hod le well Shown to la of ropmior quality. It Is rowelasted by he wlg ot• sad Wochttos.• todhpeto•ble wherever !Avant Hot. are io toolother oritotance DO troth iolch nand K. 010 h • der. of heat, , • M. DrIANGE, • 2331.4berty13t...Pv.iww.4 of Wood. kryfluni tisegeia Lora Leather, hell nooks and !Rivets deep• ou band , JWINSetYIT. W holesale peak] to oaotj:4'slota, - 00s, Wrath** 1141 Liberty Pitteborgb. all.4.....riliwona.eirnatplatkotioe SUN ORIO-50 hhds. Fair to Prime! N. 0 Engin , 1 76 17610 Ptime N 0 bloluma. 60 00 Elmira Radio d Purim. 60 ilo Wetted do 87,01°. • 100 1)“.11 broods obotoo Tobacco; , 60kotly Apo do • do do • 125rbmis hod lifslmois b.. 0 braco!a Tem; 40mtty lioxsa do do • 160 hags EMOiffm, fair to diem 000 bids cliks Eats* neatly MOM Wheat 000 bag Ta l low 0.111, Primo, In Ear. 1101 boxeliminie Cuitl o Cilimmac. A.; 16 •lori and Ei Ws by PPDONAL k •NBIIOmLII, Doti -J 263 Moir, BA, war food. LON Uttl 8-30 sacks Ohio Suri-Dried 95 o.rtostocky Pmcbm, kr‘a Mims Lard, J. 60. FMati Roll Batter, Presli rim ILH prime Onb I‘,o boa 014 Bead, 10b..F 11, Cbrar, 6610 70 661000m0 Applin,..mortor—ln Mom EA nabob) /ELME VAN GORDON No. Ili Mooed strog. }LC' LUDES AND FEATHERS-46 Dry malto PILIMIEUR, bow hailing thus orr tbrry. lidrl. lo by Jobb !WADI DIOOLUI OR. 1.) LL iIUTTIER- 4 3 bble. eboice Roil But -I.t. tor, Not too'd. -It DkLZIII4I. - kCO. CIIEES4 I !CLIEESEII-2 25 boxiiii Prima R Cottlog-Cbooor, 100 do /Weigh Dab; 100 do Ilitso.borg—Rl4 “o'd Roo rap 01 aV IMMO' H. DOI. DRY PkIACHIS-5 sacks Prime yeac Jost vied lor slap by Jat EIINKTELOOLLIBS. O -114 Actri-75 bags pnmetrata, sate by : Wig , • CIO .A ppies Ple tORES-160 Kontticky; 11 1.81:11.1)-40 bo% 15110101VOZAT 910111-70001 b; WS tt• nRM4-10 bblc gaol. yzAtimuuN--, mob; mu. , 11 , 17. oa.nr.m.utora k. . . A PP LES--- . ; 100 bbla.liolden ktueekts; .11") Gab Cpcks reorted, • I We blita Commas—, a awe for 64.1.1 L : d ao ! COLP & 1.116r.112D,11431.1b4ty 4. BIWO • *-L•5O desalt' assorted for sale at 114 a. .a .1. 01619 da KENN O 13AIISS-4e boxes choice Orem Caßmikni and Imamate Grapea. Oink y. 4.2 flI sA yarly.t, pas ne4 is KIN order. tdr tale by ' dolt. • tICILP Mort, N. Isrie sesoltmeat of "Skim . saillteps, sia,llw ada tcy , - _ WOLlFfasi . ' ''' ,. e - ii' . §S'*afyrilla A compound remedy. designed tobe the most effectual .i/treatirc that ran be made. It is a• concentrated extract of Vera Sarsaparilla, so Combined with ',titer substances of still grezlier alterative power as to afford an effee tivet antidote for the dheases. Sursaparilla is repiited to cure. to is believed that such a rennuly is wanted its* throe.. who suffer from Strionous eomplainte, mid. thliOne which will arelimplish their suit =Est prove of immense seri - ice to this large klas.s'of our afflicted fellow citiiens. Bow completely thjs'eompound will dot i fuss been proven by expeributut on many of the worst eases to be found of the following cotplaints:— • • . ettOPUCA AND SettoFULOUtt Custebstrets, Paurriorsa AND L'Nurrivr. DititiAtat4 Uremia. PittpLCA. BLerrellNJl, , TutIOLL.4. SALT 11.11Ettni Sibit.la Bess, Strunsts sari SYPHILITIC Ae vertostli, Mtincontltel. DisEASN, IlitorsT. N NU -I:Ni.nis nit Tie Dotet.tiottot e si irtonit.iTtr, DNA rilt,st t set Ivirmewriox. EitYsirol.sa, 'Roan oil St. A, iin;tv'sVititt, rind indeed the whole cliss of complaintrarising from btreitiTY OP Tilt. Wiwi, This compound I will Ire found a great pro moter of health. when taken- in the spring, to e/pel the foul humors which fester in the b ood at that Sea-tin of the year. Ily the time ly expulsion of Allan many rankling dit-nrilers ate nipped in the bal. Alultitudes can, by the old of this - remedy. spare them:ayes from the endurance of fool eruptions and ulcerous sores. through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted•to do this through the natural Channels of the body ,„ bi' an alterative 4nedicine. ' Cleanse out tho et Ohl blood whenever your fi nd its impurities liu tine through the skin in pimples. eruption.% our sore.; demise it when you find it is ob eirueted anal sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it Whenever - it Is root, and your feelings will tell ton when. Even where nu particular disorder s felt, people enjoy better health, and live bonger, for cleansing the _blood. Keep the lood healthy. and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life ' , disordered, there can be no Lasting health. Sooner or later something Must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disitrilerett Or overthrown. Sarsaparilla ;la., and deserves much, the reputation of acconiplishitit these ends.: But the world 11., 'veil egregiously deceived by PTsParatiotts oft s it, partly Lecause the drug I atone ha. not all the virtue that is ' , lammed for it, but more because Many preparations, pretenditi,;„ to lie concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla or any thing elst:. Dining late years the public; have been miss ltsl try large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarramarilla for one dollar. Most of these leivt• been frauds upon the sick. (Pt' they not only 'contain little, if any, Sal-wiper. rilla, lint often 1.0 curative prop - rtfes Wit:des , el% Itylue. linter and painful disappointment ha+ followed the rt.e Cr di. , wriiitts L.:la:Let:l Of Sinoipaiill.i nliiili fteel Oa: ono fact, until the 11:11110 itself 13 justly thopio .1, vial ha; become splutivnious N ett. imp', -urea cud elem.. Still ne call thht emu:route' sarsaparilla anal intend to supply such a rvittetty as dkall . rescue Ate name from the load of obloquy as lIIPII rests upon it. Anal sac think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary ran of the dist:else. it is intend ,' to cure. liorder to Secure their compkte eradication from the system, the rennsly should be judiciously taken according to directions on '.... bottle. : PREPAIIp , DR. 3.i C. AYER & CO LOWELL, MASS. t• rice, $ I pelt. Bottle 6 , 810 Bottles foe $3. Ayer's `Cherry Pectoral has woo for itself surh 16110011 for the cure ri,ry variety of Throat sod Lung Complaint, that it is entirely Unnecessary for ea to recount the vvidetire of it rirtare, wherever it hos loon em ployed. As it has leapt been in e-onetunt use thronghout thit sectice, we need not do more than inure the people it" quality is kept up to thu best it ever has berm, and that it may be rttlied on to du f..t their relief all it ha's ever ham,. fouled LO do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, 'TOP. THE CIIILE OP Cs sin ems,. Jaundice, Dppeptia, Dyfentepy, mid St' oemeh, Erysipelas, Headache, Pak', reh011141}6.711, .Eruptions and Skin Dams., Lir., Complaint. Dropsy, Totter, Tumors end Solt Rheum,: Worm, pout, Neurohlia, os Dinner Pia. tool for P,O-ifyioo the Woad. They are erigar.coateitt 60 that the moot sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the halt aperient in the "arid for at the plaposeitaf funnily physicl Price 26 tuft per Box; rive boxes for si.op . Cheat ntamhers of Clerdymee, Physicians, States men. mid eminent perwmages. have !eel their 10=61 to certify jhe unpaialleled usefulness of theta remedies, but our space hero will not permit - the insertion of them. The:Agents below named fur nish gratis osir AntelCan A in which they ate give n; , with also full descriptions of the abate pLunto, and the treatment that should be fill lowed for their Oure. Do not be put off by unprincipled tiealm with ether preparations Uhl make more profit on. Demand AYE" il, and take no others. The sick want the - best aid there le for them, and they Should have it. • AU our remedies are for sale by L. 11133111PrOCK aCO Pnoburet, and DoMos es. mnintlaim'T • El SON-DHISS;-- iao and. 11.0 1016611 60 1,610. ItAsed 1... F: 600 pB.. Plweallos Holum. 1 00 " ' 1 . 1 .1 0 M10;41 1 0;1 10 01F0D 1 1 Me CA1 6 .4 wi3 Net 664646 000015 flfi°,244Pr l / 1401b. n ...... 26.1166 1W holl anota.Yonair,ll)wo aod 81a6.6 . ddo do 50 Wane 11n10 60610 26 7 0,...11.0K7..:71. Country Flannels! Vilitte and. Plaid_Flannels I 0.12 C. IIiNEICIN LOVIL 74 Iltrkot .treat. UST OrENFai TitlS DAY, 1 , 10 , started Prints, New etyl.. A 1., s la*. lot 01 Ntw Igts le hart Mot., 'loa , ust.lly wld I,t 11; 1317Z22133 1•23 a. KLEMM LOVE. It Idotkat at. A Iria. - 4 STOCK aRa and ;Straw RAPPING PAPER. Mu; HA It RN ARK PA PRE, loalnom wawa. (MARWICK A PON, No. 161 Wood straat %ROME •_ SKEDS4-16 bbls. Flax Seed: - 2 bbly 21,20 - by► Petd—lor at. by 1.21411• RT SHIPTON, rio.lPiabb at: SUM) ItIES-9 kegs Batter, 1000 tnieoolol IN NAN; 100 b.Re le Mon kw ode by 6 , 11 1111 . N ALM II A RUM% LC 233 Lltee If 14._ CIIEEE.-10 00 boxes prime W. R.; loco boy.. Ilmabery, 200 bons 12.0014. *try , prim...aging Merles le me CANVIELD►OO. Wet .2r.t. marlAnn.o. fairly by pitzsu CONSIGNMENTS iv- soo.Cond P. actuuS 105 do do Apple*: 200 to1;0 WLIIO Beitor, 001. fre.L: 00 bbl. 02000 Appal,: 10 do EL.Kdor—nor L 0 0R.PP.210 Lllldrty st BURCHFIELD tc. CO. are selling =123:5 ALL KINDS-OF DRY 000DS .11Iag a loy 64 tl.l au W loou•i .07 p APPLES -60 Vale. York State; 7001 W. rarloa• 1d044, 8T: do chute :0,10 Apples-I.d toed 114 Second d. WANTEW . D--1006 bus. Clever Seed; NO bus Timothy Peed, by L. O. GRAPY, Jab , 20 Mberty LARD -150 tAbls. and tea. Leaf Lard; nog Imp oats Lesa, tar ts b 3418 Y R. ROBISON I CO WINDOW MIT AI NS—new p atterns, sir .14 wP. RPM ALL • I,ll,Word MEW WALL PAPERS—New eked choice .L 1 pittunt,Put **mite.] by W. P. MAltellALth _jai • 157, Wood st. 51)0DONE AND W. i sLUATEN, °°. ° i .i t : corner Wood ..eland 1 5 1 - 0. ais StloArlt.-6 hhda. now landing from • lAAIAQ Tbseke4,lor la by T DIOKIST • OM. • ENynups,! DIARIES, Memorandum Dorkoto, Pow Bootie, Copy BooIto:ond Wool* Voogd. tor lido by . .. W. B.WAVIN, Jon cower Wood sod Third.. • EMOVAL.--F. SICLLERS & CO. have JUla Kr:cloyed to MIN Wsrobrmik orr MIN St, Wood aborralWay soy lard pp U. to t‘o Pliterangh, Poi Wpyma 01Moso Nalkood spot- nol6 N'SOFT FINISH SHIRTING MOS tna„ PrlstaOlogbia, 10. jal? ; O. HAIIIION LOT& T 4 Markst.d. • Sire, NIL I ATF. ( It , .Plr2-4000 inni! from 'lair • . naxnv n ;ooluns. 0.11 ' NXB,--500 :yrhola mace 00: bl eses realms 600 11.164 ew 16,diso '&1(6. 1 Minn ANOSfLIQN, 66 wood N. ind ilack-UT4- twAls. 3Aa. A zi t ri aiti &L 5 •••• =MC= 01w4 1 1445 bbb P4harl Uovibri 1114 f raUftllMito. TIM skipel RICIJIB91.4013 . 1.1111MlitillaW 11 • 1 1 024 , _ • Compound ,Fluid Extract Itnein. • A Pottire ant 1141.90 e Bernell to , ; DISEASES OF4IIE OLA LIKK. K•ordae. GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, Tide Mullet. Inure.•e the power of Dlreelloo ant et- W O al rU O 1 e N •1 I D to m e b oa a e oo a. , bafn dw 055 h UN-- NATURAL II L i nfl ItneN Ts ale tedueef, is well aff PAIN AND IDYL Anil sTltle. ens el. cowl for Hien. Wens*: and Childress. UldlsßibilMLlD •3 Tr 'TRACT LIUCHU. lig : tattlers knobs from IsarawL Habits of Dtesniatioa. earn' indiscretion or Atitor. • Attend with the following Hyosipt ow n intlepoelnon to Steal" lee. ower. of itentorr. Neat Noma. efflrrulte of Dot rower . Tresobtlow 0 5 00.0. Dino.. Wakeful... . 011.4. of V Iron. Pain fa the neck. Ha t Hand beatitude of the ilusculor Pesten. Hat Hands. ;tondo, of the Dale. Ina .ttosie of the lace Mynas of the PAUL Pallid CCRIMMIMMUCO. Time Er mptems, It 1110.4 to go on. a Was this mot Dino tarnish's restores, soon lot ems Impotency, rated. y, Kpeteptie Pile. ofn one II which Om Patient may Expire. Who can Mr that they are not freenscOr followed Dr ttinee • Direful Diseweceet e _,, '•• Insanity and Consumptio n ." Many ere Mare of the cases of then softener. e BUT b ONR MILL CORPUS.' • Till RECORD. or TOG te.AVE ASELCIffeI. • And the bit Death. by Dpionony , Beer Ample Witnele to Ihe le tab of Ma Area rloa TIttIOONETITUTION 0001 A lIIIIUTraI WITH OKOANDII WEAKNESS. &cam lb. aid of thaltehate .10 11000 a& • • Invigorate am rotten, Which Helmbohr. Extract glin ormrlably dote. Teta Oesimsoe the Bunt &erotica. ran ALE.—rtl Attn—Flll A LEA, OLD OK lOUDO. 01101.1. llgaltirD. OP. OONTKIL• PLATING DARRIA DI In molar Alrecilooe peculiar to F clualoal tar Zs me, al Rothe la ancqueLed by auy ocher cerreCy t. In cinema. or Itrention, &meet/011y Painfolcess toe shoat.. of enamour lesenalant Ularatel or Panto& stale of the Mama [Anew neat Or bite.. Eternity. sod for ail complaint. Magma t io the ma. whether inalolog Loth Ingot:ream habitant Dleeloetton or in to. DECLINE uR ClO GE OF LIFE. bee B) mpto co • Above. . . NO FAMILY SHOULD BE watiour IT • T•ko oo mon Balsam. llorcurr, or norle..ot • r uorlo.snot .04 Osocoroor.dlsourro. itC44IBUL.Dri EX MACY 11%;11(r• CUM, SICCILET DISEASES 1t In all their sten. At Little or so chorine l• Met . 14C413”..1. end na Exposure. It canon a (rooms'. desire tr i ;tl . l.vor etreeith Urios B"'"i'' lt i p b. ar t luTi7tn . oturee of the Urethra . I cud tientrostnet. ro forgoent , !. %n d e , ; , ; ,reallos oil Pabronco& Dana. en Alfzi anus& and or ut iltutar. TeoCSAIIPP iirObe tEnt WHO HAVE Maw ricnite (2u.cfca stilt bars .aid beset Inge to be Cored In • .b ts thus, have foUnd tbee lretereett•lPlßOO Ust tbe PUlduti " boa. by tha naa of !powerfalotrlanall r been dtl el up le the 'oats= to Utak out In no Yummy-till (a.m. and Perhapearkr IllArralg•. Ti.. 'UW6.40141 . 11 Extract Huchu fur all affect& anal dlemaeee of URINARY OBIT ANS, whether attain+ us AULD OR FEMALE. From whatever t O u W ILIJna et feNIC4 NTleattne. ANDI airs eo NmO. at ter of R Mumma of tame Oraule metre Ule aid of a DM a rue tilebabald'a Natraet Ruche. • • I. the threat Dluret e. Dad I. oaten to hare the flatted elect In all plume For welch It le It iretuneueuded. Yahoo. of sae moot ratable eat I uponetbfa "."'"`" Vid7l7: l P:A: or CUR Ith Dem luau tee. athaullar IiMERMI Price $l . l.Ar bottles ors ix tor S. HeetoTto tot 'Oars. wo,nrsly Maul from obserratior 111801111111 ATM rrous IN ALL 001111171111.1AT10101 , Cures, Atuarauterel Advice Ge• hol 2 •k LLAVILT. Psrsone'lr appesred beta's me. on Alderman. of the ril of rhinoto*ehie. H , Le, who War Gob dote sas hi. erensr.tcon comets* no uttrolle. un.marent , L 6.1.3 0 ,1.10 tbuus but an to al. uturr.bla d. T C 1.111101,11. id Bobo:00e , before ms, 'hi. hid der or Nosed W. e. HI nIIIBAT, aldermen. Nxe•ls o.st. ate,. nun.. Phi ledstehm Address lewrs 'or intol . 6ll,,Plito cohildeere to e T. H IitAIROL) L. Chemist De d, 10* tbuett Tenth rt.. ttba.inut. BEWARE OF tAiIIieeTKILVISITN, A• I/ UPPRINCIILED DE kt.r.be, Iltbo soden"- In diHose • ol their ORLI sot "other 8111 .. on Ilis ..petition attained he rind , d'e non.. Pr.ptrul Is l In du Azure. oust,* cis do do Msrsene'llte, do d 1t0dra,..41 tOge West, bulb) UT 13F,0 g.l - i AM 44:, KELLY, EiS • kod•11 rmluora . AU r.m. 141•InitraId • TAN oo other. Ull unt:t ••••••Ivartlbetneut ata ea. far' It. and *1.4 r Lt.( DTMi ' ' ''' " '''''''''"'• r • PROF SION DEALERS 8110 PRODUCE C MMIsSION MKRCHANTS, • Ha IEIS j. -aria otErt. Oncesoandaf Roo, Et.v,..4 afloat( Pluaburah, Ell ell arcari far 9astAo.l. am aIiCE, ahviahlera. Drlad raw .OWE Eta • /sr& rd Oil. Yen Palk. Pluto, t hem aral Vann Ed atop. f ta..canaleat• al errata.. *a Of tadyaaraaa • ~....sarttax—w• or,. to for Yalrbaat 'otalattratarl r.VI. alraratarfallana , Kama es. hand. AD.O •grata for anbn• I atiaallat Eivatolli Lflaeolvent. tar Oa. proleatlan .r 1 H. Walton nf Var. at na to 18.11.11 Warrant. lo rffac , Orta rtayt bon clod. oar difentauns lafaa DIS VOlidl , llllST, k CO, • y)Ny c44.)() , 1is /409. 75, '71%19, Si, and SS Doane etteet, Would walty Ow Tr... Mai Ora, N y t and b..olital thr STA siTTTA PRINT s;: A Nee hist. t ehlh excels every. PO. Is W. perfeet/6;• of ea,-attlo. east days Is Ina Oi d.IN tArnir— Our Prints ste amsper them en, Is and tr....pos Irttimltatistresels. Orders ploo4po, attended to 1.31-14.1' Bloc 40 and II I Vern, ' PI fTrlififto fl, PA . I !MASK 1/1. WILLI/111 k, I.KftrltlK UV. WOULD call the attention ~1. FAN NitS, 0a1,11,10 1 , Palma., •otl Ottawa, I,..thii C r lyrate.l Telegrapk Day, Straw and lodder Cutter, of which he la powmanorarlarlug • large tion.‘,..i. , ~.1. on. else., fa usss 4vs v.v... A , ^o. Star Corn Shellurs, Plltter Doo,le or Sloe* for 11.11.10 r Pow, Ball's Improved Ohio Mower and liefliaf, llorss Powers and Threshers. , Dog Puwers, most Improved Pattern. I ngersoll's hay Press, . . AND °TUNIS. AtilllGULTUttat , kIA.I.NII NUBS, wbolegalo nod retail. Cur f orth.: luta assl onll.2, a 1 :* 'okra.l,T. OEM DRY ROODS Eslaoketa, Shawls awl De Lainon, boo 0. lIANPON LOT!. 74 114thet 4 ►RANK VAN OtIRDVIL MA, Wan*, Lkm Phfit lkir me, W TTABUABIi AuluiULTUa&b Wiflii ULOUR*3I I O bbis. Film?, the differen gratis., In .to for ule by J. n. CANFIKI.IIACU, ct etunt. n...r FRESH SUPPLY- PA RtOVO Of JACK...ION, r..1...pt1c0 KAY a Cll.. IM W 0.41 B ALMORA SKIMO,OS, 11, odor. and rnry =I o) . 14 QTAKCLI, Stare l 7 m bx. Prop. M S , artb, b..510n1.1 e.db s. 100 [mon r o, Polro .1 11161. 14 Ay, for .1 JelB µ0111.104 MESS PORK-300 111 , 1 Y. MePEI Pui k lb bt 1. Corm. Me Port, tor mild by ItOBIRON GREASE—In barrel+, kegs anu mpprlor. rwtcle f.r earl-Iw, .aggte., - 11•1100.1, fklr . vislo by jni.T/ IT , Ittl .1451. AOB.BD BUTT B}{.--1 1 5 bIeThWITIO nuked Untimr. ATT WIL. Ni 1.19 WAIIOI.I/Y .0 A P r i. BUT'rEK 7-5 liege nice App But: Am. ter, for We by WATT& WILAON. N.. WA 1.4‘...A, N',iiilioAft —33 hhde. prime N "sr. 0, salve for mly. by 411 'DON ALIT A Alt 111.101(1.11kZ13 Lit Line/ALUMS ND L' ark. Irrothers; A ShAep el EEP o lAudlost frula ""'"'""'""" ISAIAn TUMMY A Ou, CLOT!! CRUMB eLoTtIS,--of slays •nd atyloa. for toile at the 011 Cloth roomay 26 . and 24 Bt. Olalr at, oFS — 'lCifial:ld 'ranch L whoa v and lb. Blade of Solforloo, for We 1, 7 P MARSHAL don LARD.OII-10 Able. now landing frusn elt'r °4' ple b ) 4411 for IP AI Ali Ilftlft UV • evl bbld. CARBONOLL 1 CARBON DILI-100 , No I R•tloed Om bon 4 , 11, for tale kr toT .1 , 'UN Me 0.1. 1, & ON 1831,1b,t1 ORANBERILIN6--2,5 bbls. prime.Borries, kJ in sum for sale I:y JOHN IL 0 Attrtlllo , 00 ail First Most, war Wood. DRICINEm-5 cases in gime jars; e owe la fatty fetelted M nag by I:l4lthlda ANDRBRON, 39 Wood at. .6(li I BUS. ?Huts BA MAY jnet rea f0r,51.1., M'DONELD ARBUCHLS, 463 Libottv at. NBIY CROPC VE It 4, 200 200 bun, ral.lved for NNW by dal2 ("IRAN B ERII,IE6-120 bble. ime IV Aor 1.1 reed to-day, for Nilo Pr by J. B. LIGOZIT CO., • doil 7E Watrr anti 91 /root on. MOTASSES-200 PrimaN. 131 twee reed per at . r Reeplre Oly. 1: oda by 4.11 • DALICLL 00. CIDER -15 bbIN. Sweet Cider i¢ More for, ..Lee ' JOON 11.0k1+VIV.I.0 kCO 3 del° Mot street, oeer Wood. RUILJKWIIEAT SkSigi Pale b 7.7 fl WO RlOlay N mita.tsa V SULIA.H.-- • Nvier Ihnplre City, tor dm. by A. DALZALL * CO. laurriNu Tas TIMES. -WALL PA PIS/awl WaIIUICHA will Go phi prlem, by W. P. MARCH ALL 1 , 7 Wood at bbls. Champap er, in WI N./ l ib, J. H. Win /Inn W. Finest , Dant Won& rlllllll , APPLES-1 0 escEP, 10 bttlx jai ..ILY reed far*. by MILANe k fel& caner Wad I.l,llaler itts, L'lltat-Kitetera . and Lake fink !dew! ee hied ifergioerot o _ emirtteoe on. ti 10101.1. In - * 4 : III "T.ER- 5 J." "", b ?‘ * " l -' •-• DR ck l / 4 ) c\VE CHA' T IRON. A N APERIENT AND STOMACHI CPre)- piration of I IKON purified of Uzygeistid .. t ov~ l wttou le tlydriken. tatenlioned by the bigtiMt bind , kcal Authorities., hoth to Iforeps and the United Mato., and pre.crioedlo their prattle.m. Tee ellen lebee thoneentia dolly proves 1114 prspar. titan id iron conapar ed wi th it. impurltise of the bleed, depreesionloi vital energy, pale nod °thereine sickly c o mplestou•indikate Ito ommenty I. Mowed every conceiva ble ea... luons.,oni Is ell mataillas in vrbleb It b.a been tried, it has pruyei, mamba/4y 00001100 in each of the Pl %owlet adopistOktim Debility. harem:. Affection•, Km•cia hots, llysiatpela. Certification. Diarrhoea. Dyeentery, incipient Collettinpt lon, Octet. alone Tobercalbsle.S•lt 11M,SlatIorr, Inltea,Chloroels, Meer Com plaints, Chronic headaches, R ttotatno• alorn. Intetimittant., Felr•es, Pimples on Lb* Ira/M. ID came en-Others' Debility, whether tbo result of Mute disease or of the motioned diminollon of nervous and mtush cedar energy from Chronic complaints, ow trial of Oil. rim Writhe , . On prtivrd eucceseltil to ea extent which no doe. crption nor writtenattestation would render credible.— Invailda ea bog bed•ridden mt to bean become forgAten to their own neighborhoods, have suddenly reappeared In tOo busy world as If Nit rettertad from protracted travel In • distant land. gond/ very .Igool instal:co. of this kind are atteeted of female Itiffeiers, emaciated victim. of smowent roaraththe sauguideou. .:Lannon, critical change., and toot nerthos and dyspeptic aver.km to Mr sod exerciae for Crhich phyalcith hs. nO In fivrto. Affeetion. of all Mo., and edi remoras broth Ito to roonicalthien, the operation of this preparation of Imo Must neetaearlly be .alutary, for, indite the old oak &kit is rigorously tonic, without being exulting sod over bvelich sad iffietly.regularly, aperient. emu la the mod Matinees caws of costiveness, without ever Whigs gastric purgative,or indiction n disagreeable setunition. It Is thit latter property. among others, which Melee It to it effect.' and permanent remedy for /Alta noon which it aim soprano to s t art Matto , t and ermine action,by dispersing the local tendency width forms them. le Dyspepsia, itinumerable se are Its mums, a tingle bog of tbemellialibmite Pills hat often suffered for the or et habitual esterMindieding the al.:Meat iffiatieeneu. to nocbeckeil Die/boas, even when •Lanced to Dymulie 17, confirmed, 'entaciatleg, apparently mellsomit, the need. hem boot equally decisive sod .tone thing. lu the Mud halos, has ul conk amivitten.th, debilitating cough, and remittent beetle, *bleb generally indicate to Mploot Cooromptioo, times rettudy has allayed the Alm:out Met. end Oltenia., Ix, .curd very gratify log end Inter. eating inatanto., In &redolent Tuberculate, 01i, ot-dirtied iron inn bad br e dora tbet. ale good ethct of the mom or he ii saw prepared - math( lodine, *Remit any of lbalr know, iltibilitita Tn. attautien Of-,families