EMI • -: EMI it#Aburtli act orraotAr. .17API t ..9.P:11,R ratpax MOWING', F,Fll._ 8, 1881 AFFAIRS Ji ll' s — 141.64n'cat. Obeirritketallithet2aserti;t7 , •g ; gg ; shale s pptielaa, 66 Fiftlailt=aortteeted daily . : ..:Yr . ,.,..:,, ,- . i ~ ,11 nit. lo 11001. i Al*, 4. 11.......'i.... ~ .:,:-;';"-., 00 33 at.t..i...i.,—. . . . .. . :*OO . 19 ..,6; ; ;..P. . 1 r. ii:.....4'... .. . . ........... 7 'yt f nattitutater ~........,..—.... . . ... . ...... 29 16- 20 .-- Tits ____,.!c,. Pe __ 7 Westeest 'ttit estelary —demount ItePori c,,.. ' . for a s•U.. - ~.w,, . -..*- 4 .#044„1.0cept. Jolla ilinniasham, watidtle etille,Weett:rn l'eaiteatiary, fora copy c i ' 16 11 ',report , 9 r o,.lispectorm for the year 1960. Fives it Ise .Seadease ' "f ollow.: ' The,* Las bete tio • it pausal to mark the mau agessieat *Cilia Woos d ring the past year. Good health** ptinrailed to • usaseal degree, And out offs 1. hnedred .and . Di steel: prissier', but two 110 , 1 led:/- tbie hie re arkable ezemptioss from f ib e gisa b epetati : ..i.i a rtmi, ad iaiii - well a s i ll i l y t er. b . e ‘ :: o t w ra b les n 'ar c h a i n elt ied ese.e . oeweiil:l - :w is his separate ee I. Dories the patt year it . — s h e " ' r e :e l444H l l: : Te tis t.';i e ir d ibe e : pa paP rt a M ed u ts te:4 e ib t ae s: • iinn au lion fi u e mil t i n ect r th e Yrs :a: lb : e,a tidoiaohjultry anw.kipialinerlaider. TheElts. Ica , od'okill. —velar. Theßiate .; .,i4 - senoriiirnialted a dollar of capital with which to y stitock,” machinery cannot well be adapted to e separate cells, and MT. opechamica, oily ;se per ceeriof the convicu seer here koow aoy lhe t m c W r otPft„l:saed i c ;i l fi th co e rt, " , e tki T e "ir o ed o .meant work be cosi-- le rom the counties, in. Opened and four do lam and 56y-eight ea les. for the past year, ;hap the year 18.50, while the number al prmoner• was forty six More in 18 than in 1850. ''Tha are sow three ha Bred and eleven priemers hf ettelDeleebt, in the tw hundred and thirty cella oflhis prison : or eighty to cells containing two 7kl ~v- mob, while by I w each prisoner should be ' meg" ly nonOmml. It Is predicted that by the last ' , „i,g:: Jeer the excess of filmier" over the number I t. in be onrihno ad and twenty-tive. By , Itiat date; kowever, with e proper eppropriations, see cells lo the extansio of block ii can be pro vided for all the prisons and aa appropriation of 81 6 ,0801 a asked for that _ upon., i itlf , th e ta2POO appropri PO in IKi9 and 1860, for making extenlions, $5O, 46 have been expended ism the work. , , ' ,• Owing to k-the hicressekof primmer', the Board i i . have toned, it )meituary to appoiet as additional Overmer in tbe Waaria Department, and as ad , ditional; watchman, au the appropfistion asked , this Yea. for salaries, e , amounts to $12,1:00. a. e, - ...TiiiWArdeui p in hie r • rt; sap: ..The conduct „...;11 Air ners th put year has been very ‘...aldiwri Ow .for 41.011 mi lettuce sly, have I been forced to •L'` aviiiii,telesmire area --. at, which proved salotary ' s , -I,lllMighat the proms. - -7 ,-. " - okletbe istose of they.l ~,," ribirst twoibutdred an• li. , taimia t yt sod slaty-roar •• ' ..,:kawwirttelted 'lnes th t 'i arry-four, and disebarg elgetymight by explr t 1 pardon; two by des ; ranee mpty Berri; le 1 v !iii day; Deem , tiro malts d pint fa • at. -f gni eleven. "The whole towbar o prisoners received mince the opnlag of:the prima, • ly, 2828, up to the close of this Year Vie t whim es, two thonsuld and sixty live; white females, fo -four; colored males, ; 4wo hundred and eightrie ; colored female*, forty; VOW; tee thousand four hundred and thtrtpitz." Of. thou cow it: coo ement, 82 were temperate, 11 moderate drihkers ad 200 intemperate. Mar. ried,l49; unuornird, 54; widowers. 8 . Native. of Peonsylvantai,ls7; latid, 29; Germany, 37 and the beim, from boost every State in the Union.' I The mien of the Ph l or the Moral rnatrae •r emodo trothingof The following 4 '1 7 salary of each: 'Jobs Bt Bar. Therms Crometo • Julian Regent, Physic Clerk, 11,000. loam lA, ricireibtri4r. Stewai James Walker, IL D. St a salary of 050 4 each... 116450. .Watchmen—Jami Wle.. Rill, S4BO. each. " Total for salaries, .912,‘ <- =.tiwo ME ...des mad one female. We It period - one hundred and d one bondrod sod eight ; r oo of seatence; sixteen by and two by error of Law slog in confinement - on the alB6O, three hundred and les;e total, three hundred Belau, Dr. Roger., tad that .Ir, Rev. Thames Crampton, • 1 fatalist - ea I . of the officers, with the to Bi Ingham, Warden, $1,500 ; I• • Moral Instructor, $600; 'I ' ,$.OO ; James Alexander, 1 • re-P. Reymer, 11. Erly, It - R.,Caskey. A. Robb, i wan, aad J. Johnaton, at ohs Ottoman, Engineer, tm Calhonn, R. O'Neal, • erter--John Wall, E 360. Vague vs. Riatephe -Naeriew Escape of to Comet Edior. Brady biaepienion, one of the editors of the Coal 'City CArmaids, (It Caille,) lately Paid a malt to (hde smoke-6 immed city, zed while wenderieg aboot . the I. rf ".eeiag sights." he 1 - attracted the attention of oar worthy Chief of Police, when blisinem it ere look lip and "spot" att saapicions abarutere. We cannot jadie of the .-, 'appearance or thit dame nor bf Seedy, but there must base,; been some og ix hi. personnel that ~_merked biol. from the map rity of his fellows. The , levee is a 1104111:111/0 plee to loiter aboat, at any ` - .l.lseiri aed stringers jpa alarly couetry editor+) on in handeent Queer w Ile dodging about the freletreathitollowi g incident, so graphic. sllyvi rthroithy Sindy St epherson, will amply demon te c. , --? haulm; . January Si, 188 L 'llnow 'all reading men, • man and ehildnn by ity . .. thsilt sate. that one i •be more puttee .. the (oneness In thh Liielst . lA'S. gdamed city - and tb purlieu thereof, that lot a mseeZ,ltausw - in hie. bonen petty has self-as. named hallow Ca-de, via : C ief of Polio,. -Tr -, Wet, it ettittil to pass this morning, u, having • ~ -. laliti advantage of 0n .idle ho r. I was standing no • _ the coral...eta:Water and Woo watobleg the ".7. W. ' liailmao.". as sho attracted for the Buoy Smith. - 'jay mi. limit inks maned t wards that districted : 1 11kinica of cur - one. happy lie Ony, and I wondered If the niany 0:11)11.16011 barrels which crowded the atiatlifeecleekt . yettla ever Dome back to usi fall of thew earettatine tweet:mu: ,I thought, too, of the . many indignities; aad insultiog ,oressexaminatlons Ruthless num and an Jena to la that milder climate, - ...and then r thought of the time when that Ron and gas istadtritiohld Ile down together ' sad the aix-year .. obi ntrfpling Ripablioanbun , should lead them. Aliening alibis time I observed the Chid eyeing me - vary Intently, first from the treat and then , from the '. -. 'fameard, but I supposed be was paying more par. theist attention , to , a knot of noisy - stevedores at my left-whowereltagrily- bickering about their wages -fearing, as I imagined, • fee, that is, I mean to 'say, an tufractioa'of the peace. lint my migltatlons inn. soon Interropted and my nemins brought, to naught by tho Chief, who again confronted me with the question : . , viAre you from Philadelphia ?" ' ' "No," I replied; "I am •Yesident of this oily ?" "AM" said the Chief, "I thought I had seen butix philidelphia. I know every body here, but I don't remember seeieg you berate." • - "Enda , 0 , 7 betdy r' sold . I, with en leered,- * Mu smile. • I • My eyes inadvertently wandered to the place .110610 men use to carry_ their brains ia, but I could • disci:ins no particular, pbreeologicai development - _ that would seem to warrant tido approach 4. Mb' anciince. , _ "Where do you live here Pi he coatieried. I gave boo the number and the etnet,'aed invited • him to nail at hie leisure. - ,- -- "have yin lily visible m es of support I" was the neifquesiion: _ 'I told matt hid ' as t er b to the Poor Roue yet, bet I did riotithow how o I might be. • • - "What did you say your ame we. li. before committing mese( ay fortner, I-thought - I would elk a quorum or t o more to convince • . thyself that I won out mill) ittiptketo from juffitioe, - , ,.•thatt from any burfit I, asp mad _,to derive horn .. , -_,-thisr4siterrogating.: - . . ' -...,--• "11.sa anybody steeped fre Philadelphia, whole . ' .dieensann I answer pretty ell?" I Intend to -,„ - t ' 2 ' 'Bryon ono that I Maori be enswend. •v'..-. , _ , ~, Zhu slay are you so log vs I 1.1- .% basin righe to ask these dons," he sold. , ' lanothe sea Sapphire bilked • mane way *bong ' -• the'aile..and distodbution oft pampa effects. Eiverthelese„ muck a, j doubted the extenne• of anierreb rights, I Was not ashamed of my paternal - ' pOtrowygele, neither was I aware of having messed, ..tillallinvisshavreed, oompromised, emonaltted truant ~ ..bt itlind'aild. sad comfort to de 4011111011 of my '"- motoirjribuor I was not sfraid , ln unwire his last thtilltogethel. which I did, upon its renewal: ::"Bliiineritanee," I replied, "my Dame is Mac • ' plienioe;lbjtCintelasn beptlsor, Sandy. Seer since S lilVilos bookie braes of my utive heather, and -- swore allemance to the Contention and the Nelms, -,. _limn bees .e honest, tom abiding chine." .. _:.`Tile Chief - Seemed to roll hi. great grey eye! away bitek len the hogati.s Gallery of he memory , balm* Wile could and any of that Hauge or descant therein. 'f- , . 00 - "-I I - . ' ,Thsliasultisuft hare been sitialsctory, for upon • _ bitting liiikpay lord. ho left me to.take up the - . thread-of lety-paths de meditations where it had been n natality istpped off. _ . :AngkitillWaltila-The Theban*, Puelsaurd. 02,10461m:tax erasing, a Seedy looking Caul named Jolin,gleyder sipeared at the Mayors • • Yelfieir la Allegheny. and .tiked for.. lodgings. lie _ ‘lses permitted to go below, aid nit by tie more la Welt-Op. • 'There be-found a maple of prima simid Charge- Darbae and „lobe, Asides, - the ,lotwev hartng been arrested hir drankensees, and the latter fur dhanibieg a eglorad «mirage. tins. Snyder revolved upon 'Mar ir liberty to the oaptires,r_ead witb a hatchet la bis good right hand beAtteda removed the busters. a hap. -- plaid thria,l. revise bad a sum of mosey. on . 40M1e . ,,i-e - ritb she , of6err who: arrested him, - arail hierielf . of. IM bbertyi ,jtgydenj:lonerreetre;bad no bemire laid up in that erg)oe, aid he and Studer sneaked off to. 41101erhey had , bot bean gone loser until their maws wu duseciveled, and before • woralag they martsarneated. mod brought bitel-Elnyier going be bbed -disbars this Mrs, Ia default of fine, ha wee rent to Jairfor I - yeast day., while hi/Coking, part. i;';iterftlet batten days. 'Devine paid his dee'sed :wee. Olena Am son Wassail...A few young mat dohig Liberty area. In n few haus tubed de $126 In eld of the Mans sofferen, wit& '4l;saibeesi paid omen Mayor Wilson. D. fn. IL Oil uLl.TalotViiiimain $2O; W. o...lisCariby, $0 ;Italian -;.-Alassr,all),vidt,liintployeir of Olnas, Moos -a 16101 %Titian boa mat =odor enaltanse to Is'alt about iVrtitt . . afrierAM.:_i=" l :l......, .:00144' n" • ~~`~ ~~ -. °~~` :y . ' i NEM BM Old ftffisigigg i b.,... A meeting ot.tbleffiffiiimalof Fraskffe Coen* convened' iii!ChantheMbeig, on itedn7 eyestirg, the 29th alt.,-fer 'the perpose f considerlag the 4 .erojeetel einstructieg • !same from Chambers berg to ! connect at tome !eligible point with the Saished.portion of the Pitphargh l and Conaelleville toad, making a direct and contirinone railroad from Chamberabarg to f &Morita., 0 1 , the Sib of April, 1853, so act was palmed try the ..trgialature incor porating the "Chambersh*rg and Alit - Rhea, Rail road Company," the act Sting a time foreommene• lag the work. Tha time eapiren,ithe work was cot commenced and the charier wa, about beieg for feited. when a supplement to the *et was palmed, granting additional privileges, among which it the right ta extendlo road "tba Gettystiurg,or any l othar point in Adams meaty, Ph., and t connect with any road mow made, or to!be made, in the counties of Franklin or Adam... ! 4 , TIM time for the paymeat of the e °lament tan, under this ant, expires on ;the 2d . 0( April, end if not paid at that time the charter again falls. c , Wm. Seibert, Esq., addressed the meeting o the importanes of a railroad Manection with the reat - West and the advantages It Mould opm up to r sah ib:l-county as well as to those of Fulton, Be ford and Somerset. Mr. Seibert farther remarked that it was only necessary to build a road from Chain- beriberi to Beret Cabins; that the Nei Yorkers would mambas the roads i, this State, *ow under their control, throught Shearinan's Valley 'to the Burnt Cables and thatch to the Omit West, short ening her distance to Bt. Loafs some_ two hundred miles compared with her patient railroad routes to the. Southwest. By Contesting at the Burnt Cabin, with the New York route that road would 'be Made tributary to the Chambarsbiarg and Allegheny road, and afford - the citizens of 'Franklin eta. a eontiouous railroad to Pittsburgh. Mr. .1. B. M'Elroy, Engineer, read a lengthy report, from which we extract as follows ~The Salter that was made soma years ago, frolia_Chamberebtarg to Pittsburgh, baring all 'the iffiportance that the authority of-the Commonwealth mad the ability of a dimingamhod Civil Engineer -could give it, lead, many to suppose that, in rasp i Otthe building of the Southern Pennsylvania Rail rood, that part at it betsieen a certain point in Talton county and Harrisbilm, most neoemanly be madlithrough Cumberland! Valley; the is a mi.- takes; view, as could „bit shows from the remits of the recent reconabisance had surveys that have been made in the sallies idiacent to tad parallel with CoMberland Valley. ! These sallies, Instead of being surrounded by inannuoantable harriers of Mountaras, as has generally been supposed, milord °penults — between their 11101Uallille for railroad routes In the right directioTt that are entirely prac ticable. Seeing then that the route via Chambers- , burg will be hrotTght into clam competition with the other routiffil leading from Fulton county to ,Harristiorg, it taziecersary !to examine the resule ef the old Survey Irma ! Chambenbarg to Burnt Cabin% and with the dale obtained therefrom, "mink for a new route of such charieteriatica a. may 1 went present railroad reqiurementi....The lino that win surveyed a few moths ago, leading from Harrisburg to the Obio rieei• moues Sarni Cabins, from which point westward it take. a beady direct coarse towards Bedford, and being locaMd on high• er ground it has a confines:me emceed tittil Panning Ray'. hill; thee haying a, adverse gradient, and a ghree at' sawing Ist the length of this dif f icult port of recta." The report concludes s:followe :I " The gee.- tine of a railroad to the Stroth-went ha■ settled dews on the.merita of the Idffierent ' routes, and that yours, though having Many good feature. ' a misrepreiemed as anfasorbale, and that much of your success will depend! upon yo'ir promptly taking such 'ciao' as may Ibe considered beet in getting Mit desired isdonnation and in presenting your claims to those parties!, who with yourselves are interested io the completion of the great en. terprise—the Soother, Penneylvaaia Railroad 1850, we had lo confirm einty-fi!e prisoners; two AU eghenty Coos:tells—TlM APpropstattnia Omit - attune—City Taw* for led! A. regular monthly InnettrOf Alleghhnitona ells was held Inatinrenieg—meMllmrs generally present. Ia Select, Mr. Atwell mthmitted a report from the Finance Committee, faith the Oily Tax and Appropriation othinance.: From the report we learn that $21,000 of the i 560,000 of the city deli; 'which matured come time since, ler/Nuked to be paid daring the present year, and neat year, some $lB,OOO more will be added. The ,Committee recommend that these liabilities be prepared for in good time. Alter theii nettlement but little of the city debt will matuth before 1670. Another matter of great interest, is the position which the city occupies in relation to; the thbecriptions to the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company. All the legs) defense that could be made agathat the liability has been . enmity:instal, cod all toot could cow he done would be to lill!back upon the equity" that may exist bettieen the bondholders and the city. In order to manifest: a oisposition to act' jaetly, the Committee suggent4he appointment see a Committee to confer with the bondholders. The Appropriation ordinance fur 186.1 ; was thee read and adopted. ft levies m tax of ten otithi for city plateaus, one mill ior , pner fond, and half mill beneath tax. The anmdment is the saute a, last year, exceptieg that the; poor tax is one coil lase. -The total appropriations forth, year 'meow to $92,619 ,23, an follows - _ Interest.— • Engines and Firemen...4..1.7. Printing— ............... Streets and Rridger—;.....„. Wharves and . Landinp, Realm .... . Contingent fond— . Poor Farm.. . .... Water Werke.— ...... ()emending Wammusi...,. Gan, Tout.. • • Mr. Brown presented the 'report of the Daket Committals, recommending this remodeling of the garden stands and the removal of the clam hones,. After discussion, the matter was refined back tothe Oommittee,,to report at next meeting. Mr. Wright presented the import of the Select Committee, With resolutions for the payment of $341 to She Ataaatester Pusenger Railway Company, being the city's share of the CT peons in the construe. Lion of the bridge .over the canal on Laooek street ; also,. in favor of A. Davldeon,lfor $7OO, being the coat of the new bridge on Sandusky street. The tosolutlons were adopted. ln Craamoi Commit, Mr.' DOM.:bon', bill was re dined tn $075, and the nsointiens were then pealed. CoMmon Council concurred; w ith Select in the penile of the Appropriation ord inance, and after deposing of the Peal amount or tontine busines, 'adj. urged. '• Defers Judges Mellon, AdLiToaiid Parke, Hitchcock, McCreary & Co.i vs. Nm. Orin se doa on a book accoont to recover $lll, the nine of corn delivered to -rieferidink mitt. macho not re. turned. Verdict for plaintiff . * $66.02. John Marshall vv. Fred. !Weigle; action to re-. cover the aloe of a note. Verdict for plaintiff for $2l 65. Walter Bryant vs. James A.l Masnrie; action tr recover the lam of $6B 75, rent due. Tee define, allege that the landlord mad n k verbal agreement tokeep the premises rented lie tenantable order, boa which be-tailed tc do. Jury out. - The following twelve ewe are within reach of trial to-day : '- • I No. 37, - PeterFnek vs. 2olin'ireowe. w 38, Wm. blay.for nap vn. l l'homas Bell. 41, A. A. Mason & Co., na. Kernan and wife. W 42, Wightman vu. 111111 4 43, Speer vs. Gallowityl ; fl 44, Briggs vs. Wlghtmen. w 45, Batts & Johnewn vi. Morrison. •tt, 46, /ekes 'v a. !Salford. rs. 47, Miller vs. Hamilton.' O 54, Genteer ve.-Snyder.; " 55, Commonwealth vs. !Admit', White. w 56, Jones t Co., vs. Samitel P. hon. awn Killed tm • xiout Coroner Iketwiek wee called upon to-day, to 'bold an isquest upon the bid, of a coal "miner named Ephraim loses, whe weukilled in a pit be longing to Robert Torrence,Lower it. Clair township, back of Mount Waiegton. Jones was engaged to "bearing in," whey ' a mass of coat fell upon his head, and clashed ;the skull, producing speedy duck.- fehow.worktuan reached him immediately after the accident, bat ke was dead before be could tie . eitrieated. tree deceased wsi forty-me years, of age, wee a satire of this country, aid boarded with • meter who resides in Pooch Pittsburgh. Releases aolaniily. The jury fiend is verdict of aneideatal death. I • Tag hum AND na 222. i--A meeting, tom posed of delegates from the urn* dm !mementos of the nth waahild on Wednesdiy,for the purpose of oonekterlog the propriety of oilebratiog the 22d of Wohtultr7 to elt antoprieto manner. After fall dis content, It was deemed Inespedieht to make prepare_ lone for a general celebration, end the meeting 'ad , Josnod. . A COLD 8h0.—% A woman ealliog berself !Nary Tboinpson wu picked op yesterday on Liberty at., by Seer Keep, sod committed to jail by Alders man Vonaldson. She had beefy lying on the pave. anent far "boot an hnai and a half, no glorionily dronk'tbat thai:biting wind enacted to hare little meat upon bar. Ransournalou are being eiranloated (or signa tures against thepus:gm of an !sot to abolish the Board of County" Anditon, and change the_ mode of maiming taus.' The prinalOal reason urged *bud the am Is, that It will mope Inktriou to the oommulty at large. . Pitasuar.—John Rubor Waslyeatatday bald to butt by Alderman Donaldson to'autorar • eta, of perjury pressrad by We t . Itlhttla. Tbil part ha a Salt about a horse, sad dab prolocutor aUseu that Rubor alms • MAI* stronger AO the Puts would warTast, Dun.—MeleitYilliata Flinn, art . old reebient of tbta 002 0 1 .7, and at one dote, (Malay Auditor, dl on ths etta Instant, at Benno Yin., of paralysis: Major P. bad &Claud tbe age orel g hty-tear j ears ; sad leene may relatives sad friends in ibis tri. , Fnte. - -AllatHildettwand, of Ohafthwe township, oei of the perdu who sold ilgooi,oodor the whew. Ity of the Yee epes of the Arhilterst Softy, el the Ter (boo — isle, wu hood we dollen sod testi la the thetfLof gatuter Sosoliet,, so !idawelay! Ta~pooplo of Totopersoortillt or* ea Taring to lave on sot pout avtliwisisi do oroottoo of a loolt•op'tollist botocitlie - . . • ••44„.:„ Fti ' - :'~h , !E=s l l -.11 7,690 00 30,000 00 ,„ 2,000 00 600 00 3000 00 1,000 00 350 00 1,000 00 15,000 00 4,000 00 15000 00 8 079 23 5,000 00 REM ISEE =1 Coact of Costui'!l:ri Pieu. .1 • 44meistallin- Congaed gpatallylgor the Geist. by,ileeini. Yield Lori, if the 'korner: -.1- I;Prrrumrsaa, Feb: 7,1861. Nomust ' Disosanf. lugsallltst.n. /Pe Attwitiittarl—•-• Now Jotatty,(osal.)... IDv per " t Pita#Byl•sala, (Ird.) , pu (PIM) Ipar " • OP. fts) par " - (mist) / I .7laaa, I 4. awlor.. K rth 0at•0iT0a........ garb mot, ag w t 2)4; oa uo, main at It% astir Dal I , Arrest et a Maas per. IA keen looking young fellow, named Jobs It. ifieditt, was arrested yesterday . aftentoon In a beer sa l. loon, for acting in k disorderly manner, and after •hearing before Alderman' Taylor was committed to ja for a few days. - When taken before the magis trate be exhibited considerable uneasiness, and when a Nrorable opportunity offered he endeavored to rid hiking of a package of letters, by titivating them info the stove. Theta was not enough fire to coa st:na the letters, and 'upon examination they proved Wlbe notes addressed to different gentlemen la the of y, for the purpose of operating upon their ere d ft. Among the number was one aff dressed to a le ding dry goods dialer, on Fifth street. .Itedits wee evidently prepared to prietice the "confidence" game, and his arrest Tres vary opportune. IL to CANTOS, DJ—Messrs. Shriner . k Dilworth, ofj this city, have leaked the farm of MG Schwalm, D Canton„, Ohio, and are now engaged in sinking • Well them.. The we ll Is Dear &Daze stonenuarry, I.4l . rbich the indications of the presence of oil have known to exist for some time. All the rook • quirried near the apol,.and the rock has been blast ihil out there to the depth of 20 feet, is saturated with oil. So abundant is the 01l in the sand-stone that when a piece is thrown into the fire It borne with a bright flame, like stone-coal, Until it decrepitates and clothing but the candle left. The oil has lived ut In considerable quaatitles it some of the crackle in thi rook. Many yards of this surface are cove with the oily substance in a sort of coagulated eta , which, when scraped off and subjected to heat, be .. s with • bright flame, nod emirs a carbon oil "odo ," which to those fausiliM with It will not need any . a scription. • On. ow New Litson.—Mr. Peterson, -who is baing for oil at New Lisbon, Ohio, has sunk- .Is well to the depth of 480 feet, nod no oil yet. r , e inlicatiove, however are encouraging, and . a .liMing it geiag on, Ay and night. Another co.. pay—citizens of the, place—are making arrant menu fora search after the greasy element, a. will have the machinery ready for operation in a lei) day,. The imprecsion seems to be germ I that oil can be and must be found under the freer . lathing of 'the Little Beaver, sad the matter is t, be folly and burly tested. SAT.. Accincirr.—,lo accident occurred in Car role township, Wuhington county, on Friday lest, which resulted In the !Math of Simon Eagle, an aged gentleman melding &Wilt three miles above Moisongahela City. While be was hauling aiload of wood from a field to bin boon the wagon einght by Some means, on the bar-post of one of the fehoes, by which the lesurhiarsa become frightened, and in eedhavoring to quiet him, Mr. Ears -was err vio lently crushed that ha was unable to mole, and lay patiently helpless sintll a neighbor, who was In-I faulted of the accident by a lad who witneurid cud. to his aseliumea Tba-crolghbor inquired o him whether be was' bidly hurt, to which he replied, lim hurt all over burry and take me home, for I know .I. s um going to die." Ile was Mooed in his lesion, and Sled before reaching hie residence. The: deceased Ina aged betireen fifty and sixty : yam, and erna, highly esteemed by his many acqnsintances. lie a large family to mourn _ hit sudden de- KILLID.—Tbe Carroll, (0 .) Fria Prat says that rta gipay, one, of a company encamped hansoms Canton and bulbul, wa• kicked by • horse of laid; Wednearfay, (23r4,) which termed hi. dea on Saturday. He bad !put bought the home, au wail warned of the boners kicking prochvitrea, be thinking he wu able td manage htm as wall as an body, fell into an error that ramified in his death., Okras to previous an y iigements. Prof. Hambajar k the 11:limitable eriserd, Will not exhibit until to , knot , ` row t Fatarifay) alteration and *waning. Children wilt admitted at 5 cants each, and adults at 15 con . Eacti_porehareriof a ticket will receive a gill in 'ikon. Disearsoina Deein4—A boy named Web°ha, living in Pao towneeti Stara Co.. 0 , ucculentally ehot ; b:mrell through gme bozo on Setdrdny, the 26. h lultonn. • A iCPOIIP•trY is orfulniting in Affiance, 0., to dig for oil ina,de the corporate howa el that Lowe, neilliassell , . mill. ; Tilt WATNINERIIIG EfAIM Hoorn.—We 11011 ti ru mored in the Whesltsgiand Pittsburgh papers that the kermets & Drovers' Hank ef this plane has faded. We are hanpir to' be able to correct this rrrodeous statement. Our Deckle sound to this core.l-:,Waynesbure H.P. • A *amen' offieerlwritiog from Teheran, Persia, to thiLecidob 'Veer's. remarks: "ASathertie I'll 4 mantlfsentrad by&o gaterican Chttd*,' (Dr. J. C. Aye of Lowell , adage:, hex cured, the Shah of a r Cemplalui that 'threatened hLe life. This gra phs fire, as might be expected, tenders the Amert. crepe 'musenooly popular.,, hem while we English are overlOoked. Doubtless our own scholars made the which he ...tilos e. and thus it is in every thine: we do the labor. theeth• mousiog An:mamma pat their mark on it mod the rower," Doctor Ayer is id:lllrd by the Court nod Its retainers bore, which wilt 4n:daises be reflected to him cs isgold soul!• box, lor dlemood.hilted sword, while not the name even Dory; Chtistienn or Drodic—the groat lights by witch he shines, is known."—Xs., York Sum% Pope 4,. DOCTOR C. BARL,L, Water Cate anti Homes patiin Physician; LIM agent (firle• celebrated Trussihir Anoints. N9;_1:10 Smithfield St. iiia-ALL should not (nil 10 react the &deer- Weconipt of Prot. Wad lu tErlAy** Pri"DxsTargar.—Dr C. SIC, N,. 741 S Penn street, attends to all branehee of the Dental profess lion. r'ooD—:Attentilln i 8 called to Oda tuna reamitable sad arleutldr tooptaration, advot Mad It =One, ado.. It la an entirety mot din:over), and mad stht'b• cottioninlod with any of tbonumeroor patent no &dies of Mot de). It It rt-frott ranody for Mai tat &own° oparifird, and orporthlly Imam of • amnia nature long otandleg—of weelfa, month., awl pont. 8s .• era, tri ill ' - - blee.ra Oscura • Duro:. of Neff Tort. are th e sole &g oats ;for It, atol alma pro p..tara of tb, rrarl4.renowned Dr. Urea's Israartos. Oottopot.. an .Miele which lintbrettbenld bare In her ntklido• closer ID eons of nt and norttalolng, no It does, Do prreorte or °platen( any klocUtleau ho felted upon wit , . toe stators eobarlenno,arid wlll hr fount an Involonoln +perrec to .11 carol tiflnfantlle toteplofeas —Ohio AP, Joarms/ (Worth. *Wk. orlverraer. km r0t..., swat.. 11. II UYhIR Amer. Ito Irtoeu Pa celird/I elm/ SAPONIFIER! Important to Familia! Save Time, Trouble, and Expense. 211 E TN BEST MEET ARTICLE vox IN MAKING .SOFT SOAP! Ozti pound equal, to nix mods IP , S ! ! Fee lAD at 11.4..14 'Tv PenO'a.Salt Ittanufaotlg. Co. pITTSBUItOI4, PA. And 11. A Lortgesb • Orcires teut• Mast Nista. 1 1 LIODSEDE & PORY, RIMERS AND NNALIRP IN O A. se 33 co iN o omm, dt cNA !STRUT, Wiped Naval ..d Water Work; PAW PIVIIRTI,RON. PA. N •.tu trwm.Etts DitAYti, N HAUS, do—Roth* NI hereby alma Wren 0.1911 of OrayOlarte i Chrrleger, Bootleg, to, wtostbor ree/deat or nordeldeett, the City of A'ltteburgi, that their Lkeir me for the ymr IBM are dos sod oerobtfoet ih•Tineoutoet (Mee, (My ot Pltistimob, frueerowlenee wh h an Act or Assembly, approved March 80, 11103, and an °Miami* of the OosisoCe of the City of Pittsburgh, owed April Id, tem. All IJEwor oot peLl on or before bfily let, 1801, will be phowbetici die hood* of the Nal of IMIco, for ostlectlork outdid id 14. fn of Ahy teats for IL* collection thereof; .ad all rote Who urithci. rem to Mho out Limas* to object to a penally, to bo recovered before tin Mayor, d lootbe amount of toe Uremia n. old usetel plats. of overtone years mud be returned at the thee Liman Sr. totempat,ol2l onto pakt I herflor. • • BATES OP pauses: , Noah Ope4larre ..... :Arm DOM" do Tiro do do do do NW 'do do do do 1106.11orsit -.-. Ten do Choolbitem aml Timber Wheels draws b TIM Bono; Twelve DelLtere each For each Athinnn . Men and 1. ! oboe* Cloe "I of 11' 1 WV. Eloellil.o3l, 047 Treasurer. ' PittebOtgla Feb. led, 1111. fetter CEPH LIU PILLS, . Cephaliti Pill Ceibalio Cepholict Pill. CaOlublio 1411 a, Cepbalio Pill Cep Italia Pill*, 1 . at JOS EPH FLUMES:PS, at Joan% FLEMING'S, at JOSEPII FLEMINGiS, Omar albs Dlamood mai Mutat 0414 • ; =IC AR,PI.IO=-136 slut. Mem Dry dp by , r, msfte •• b tbri • A c e,4 . ' • •-•%, r ,-;%. • - - - - t 4 ym-'LATEST : I-NEWS. I ---- , RECEIVED '4T 111 E DAILY GAZETTE 0 Garai* 1 1 1 X Loalliaa liaartaap ----. Troaersua ladil r. ava . 6.67 ler Ntrrouri 2.403 important from Washington 1;11peolal Diva . trom . olll.r sJ.mst rdittoza. WAIIHMGToW, The Peace Congress use much agitated yester clay by the propositio'n of Mr. Seddon, of Virffittia, 1p adjust the controversy on the basis of the CriP. tendon resolutions. Re said d a estipliictory adiusterent was not made promptly, his State would secede. Tat, 2! aft-Phtladel: • emit. over Oaokabia Sunda. • kablo foodp. Caleb Smith, of lodises, replied that this, so far from leading to an adjoitmeat, wee tbe molt drew• teal mode of breaking op the Unbm. The• came hire to deliberate, and moot praarod cautiously W. C. Rive■ eontett4ed that the demand of Vir ginla wan reasonable, and union eould only ba pre- ginned on that born Mr. Guthrie urged modcratide, and concluded by mostog that Seddon'. pro:Toad:ion, and all others of like character, be referred . to a commutate of one frpm each State, which waa carried It le well andererecel that Seddon le Hue exponent The Border Stile men role.° p) give ■ny pledge conearaiag the. onfoiOoment of tho laws paCeding Siete.; oven • if en adjrnteuent should he ngreed twin in the Conventio.n. ribey tra for lerting them Moue The President•. answer to lilayee, which was giien through fr. Ilolt, ialorraa him that he b no power or disposition to surrender Fort S fttrong efrorte ern being made to continue the warehousing system, the lime as under the presets siiitr in the new bill The dircunnion in the Senate yesterday on Bleek , m nomination to the Supreme Bench nhowed thit it will be rejected by a large majority iVire are without our usual variety of teirgraphie isers this mousing. The wires were not in-work ing order last night.] • LATEST FROM EUROPE Arrival of .h. AskirlaSairoa PoITLAND ' Mr , Feb. 7 —Milnigkt.—The steam ship," AngloSexoti, with Liverpool advice. to Friday, the 25th, arrived at that pert to-night. An infteential meting ha. been held at Man chester, to devise measures to relieve tee 'cotton trade and the anxiety resulting from its depend• eau, on Ike Southern States of America. Rego intimns were paused recommending that the Gov ernment men such aorta •as a commemor ate with rho danger, and approving o hthe loops taken,. for the fonnalion ul a cotton supply company. • govern! American vessels have been registered •in Liverpool-under the Britiati'dtg, to enable them to nary nit ao South,Carolinx, and return with cot .tone without, liar al capture.. Fiance is said to be making extraotdinary naval preparation.. The exam is friend in the seett• cut sititeda of Germany towards Denmark, and theispeech of the King of Freesia. The batteries of Gaeta unexpectedly opened on theboornaig of the 22d, with n heavy fire against thei Sardinian. The latter promptly replied and couipellesi the place toremain silent. The be. eeigars enintineed theirlre. Fourteea vowel■ of wan were before Gaeta, end at noon on the 22d the Sardinian fleet got into tine. The Fardinitne were actively erecting hew hat- Wine. General Ztir had returned to Turin from a to danbaldt. It is reported that the latter had sent a towage of conciliation to Carom, and had given tip the attack at Venetia as inexpedient. Another version my. that Carthaldt decline. to ,adhorn the work of ;delircrance, unfelt. the Italian Parliament rehear.. him of his wilento en gagements. Sardinian troops have hasp dispatched to Abruzzi and lealabria, where they 'appraised the re►etiooAy moremeota. Garibaldi calla for fresh donations to prooure thit nocaavary .meaoe fur facilitating the enfranchise moot of the rest of Italy throogli the agency of Vtotpr Emionel::., • The vigilaueMenotruittue r. urged to penetrate every station with the id** tom to the spring they most have a million patrol, outer arias. Den KANN —The minirr. ',intuit, has ordered the equipment of twenty-two steamers. The resolve corp. of .I{P. have been ordered to amenable on the Stet of March. A !committee had been copiloted to porches. 1024/mats. ml'Poof CotiOh MeAd, Jon. .5.--The broken. circOlar report. the mire of the ,weak at 87,000 bale,, ieclodiirg 29 000 bales to speculator*, and 17.'000 balee for export. the market opened' bony aot, and prices advanced but this was subse quently lost. The market closiag dull at last , . . Liixopool ma, tips... A Co. report the .13readitoffs market as very IduU, and with& declining tendency in prices mixed Cora is quoted at 375. Flour doll and dm' alined ad; extra western is quoted .ti ts 6d. Wheat doll,lbot prises - steady. Corn doll odd ail quota tions bare slightly Jimilned; holden were pressing on the niarket at the dere, causing • further decline lo all amielea. Liverpool Provision Marget.—Mattis. James, McHenry ta. co., Big Athya & Co., and other antherittea, report the prOvisiSti market quiet. Baena:id Pprk are doll. Bacon quiet. Lard steady at .14460 a. Tallow quint, but steady. Uttar gia Londonderry.—Lonnotr, Jan. 214 —Thb Para! urrrespundent of the London . Prig any. that the opinion gains vatted that the terms indiested by the friends ul Garibaldi rather giro new gaarantms of peace to the world than they tend to diriturb R. Ao' immense activity prevail. at .the Toulon Ar senal', and It appear. a. if the French Government intend to sand three or roar Seete to ma, together with twenty steel clad frigate.. • Sailors from Shanghai on the 17th state that Lord Sight and'Elr Hope Grant bad left for Japan. 'Sanwa, Jan. 24.--A powder magazine exploded in the Sardinian camp yeiterday, killing twenty Mitt The fire on Gaeta is being vigorously continued, and lirslonly replied to by the,bealaged. Purrs+, Jan. 24.—The Emperor announctu that ■ general moan, will be proclaimed when the question of the segnesuatinn of the property of the refugees is settled. 6r-Lows, Feb. 6.—Tina citizens* meeting of the Col:citation.' Union men, convened again at Verandah Hall thin afternoos, to-Teeive the repot .01 the Committee of twenty-fire; appointed at the previone meeting. The following fist of unites was presented by the 'Committee no delegate. to the Stare Convention and en•nimoudy accepted: H. E. Gamble, M. L. Linton, John How; Grief Wright, Geo. B. Taylor, J. ti. Broadhead, F. Lotig, F. Mercer, H. Hitchcock, T. Maddox, 1. Busch, S. Booth, W. F. Caddy, Andeorin E. Bridge, J. H. ;Shackelford. Thei meeting wan eumeroualy attended aed - - a 1 street Union oiler:04o were made, which .srere entheinasfically spolafided. Among the speaker. were V. pi Blair, who etirdiallyapproved the ticket and aged all Hie Union loving men to rapport Two handred and fifty troops from Newport, Ky., and ope hundred from Ft. s tiny, Kaman, .arrived today, destined to the U. 8. Animal of thin city. The latter company was ender the command of Coil. Lyon, who was appointed commandant at the ;weal, ale@ &Nor Baltimore. There ate be. twenty five and six hundred troops now at the amens!. ATCHIII9I,, K. T., Feb. d W. W . Jerome, of. Irriag, Marshall deputy, "ilk SO mules from Atcblaao, says that the cattle 'end bogs in his neighborhood are actuttly starting. The inhahi tants are destitute of tood,aed must perish unless ratter is speedily afforded. The. desporatlon ot Ms. upon them r their teams are giving out, dud are too mesh to mike their way throtter, the mow. Some have been four weeks fit 'rpm& to get Irom the Republican Fork, to Atchison,ti have tinned back disheartened. The populat of Marshall county is about 3,000. Mr. Jerome' hes hurried to AtChhoon with all possible diepatifh, fearing that lbs. people upon the Little Blue :0111 suffer before he can get back with aupplim. thh coadition of the roads io that region is low so bad that only about ten miles a day can be traveled. aROOSEIE B,4hit. 8 0 he de. prime ILA Hi bble ima WlO. 101) bbk prima N 0 bbb 11) rum. rite b.ll. M. C 45." 100 hlabeela Teal, li 4 tti pierai .tork Groatim isle by ' lee . R. 11.0 mona 90. eilliltttllTTS 8 begs Obeentita in store fur aat. by , • PAT E . & WILOON, yalo 203 Liberty it. EANti.—; • for Ws by ! 118.&Ntt--80 bus. Smell White read fur Ws D" * J.3.1.117011TT it ON 10111 76 Watered 62 front ot. FA LILYO.IIO4;OLATE--25 bxs. French c 1` In. fi ' a t Z. al glist 91tPd MIN PSC FAUNS-1U gross Ayres v v tor aslo by JOUR IfotkiaL &Bah, sae ! 80. 1113 Mom en. OLL BUTTER-5 AWL prime Roll But te}, reed dm, de by Ndlrood, fur Nilo by - URNAV MCgASSES-25 MA I. and br-bble blobs& 116 9 , 4, Oral. by rritexsu- ouVfiRS And Ceiling Deans, Was, kr soh by • 14 • W. p. 117 Wail Urea mss,oatreo , e n~ Ht ...'..:- Hi~inTa . wcrua for Pa* .4111)- 7 -30 toe. No. 1 Lard for sea by 1,0 - DALZILLG it CO. fiZi.Z..." 7- ....::..7 - ...1.:E.:..... 1 .......... ::::::::: , ...... _ BAkba-7. - - - 7, -- :::-;---7 --r-: ijc,,r 2 Dirr PEACHES. ABU A PYLE 2,4 Val b71 " ;: " .= I. :, —.... , .. ,_ _ , 17,...ouggrzzaw,'Lizt-':.;::::c ''...tit-ko:;-t-;-,-----'-t::::t , TALLoW--tbah; , N, • , .;'_, llf•,':, .2%ffini. 7".2 ' 10 4 t A :d4 4 4 , 00.1... v . Ll' 0 . 1 . bY 'Ti wiIITS BIGAI4B-7 mks NeW„.0„ ... , 2 1, . ~,,,,,,„.„,.,=.,...,„ ~._ ,21.217 ~ . , , 1., . ~,, , atti.tr. imlwr . oz " ". ills" - - .. j"' . ".uU" . 116"4". 4 " ." '" ' --'-' '*"/ Aillaw SI/rag...ll)W atilir d i ii i -- ,'- A; anajigt , ..44wVooagetus.; ' , IteiNfahsvirsiirsiordemA l a 4 un T ,Isediroitay.iistvv,,, t ' ,- -.7077C7'- rl' - • ' --7 T 7- 7 , -.. , ' =_4a tf ...? l, :-.1 ,-; 5t,„41,,, ,-- 4 --._ t ..r l :44,-,„! I '2 - .'''''_l',', l .-4,1-: 1 ,6, - ..6 1 0'-,4,_.. . t, r_.,•-"!,..:.,..--,-.4.1.- 1-'.filvfor&44ciA'rio.l44.4l::.••;_., ~ -14 -4- 4t 404.4W: 4 -: '-',-4 ''--'-_. '-.-- .- : - =‘,, - f-f4;-' ,l ::'i Limo 1 --7,..."-- - -;C't ' - :.-.... - --..:--. - i.-:-. .7, - _ , :-,=:-.::„.,1.6-iv,,, , , .- -9,;,-, , .-,...-.....,,,::::::.. :-., 4 ._ -:-....-• , ,,,,A- i -. • , -.--•,.,- ,- -- , :vf, 4 ..z--•,•-.-.. ..:::-•-•••;..--,--4-: ..—•-----7,-.- -,,.., ~ • - 4 , ;16.-...-C:-. 4.,4 ,r,' •'''''''l4.44:.'(-b,--A4',"4,1."3'5-4-:t-.4,..x,i24 imaiiiiwisvoy . ., „ .., •ARIP,— . 15 keg° leo. 1 reed &title by La, - /11111161111.0014a118, V IMS-2tXl bbln. Frei& i .reo'd and foi ..ILionftlin.• • am tlimit IL coLtum. • BY 21E.LBORAPII bbl.. Small ' hite Itesoe a. a. OLNEUILD a ou'., VIM duet ermlWoott HINFLY O. muse. _.5 ~~?.y.--. R. ol ,AL,,fiEcolw I. COM, liiiiii2 I! All g e r i pt u Tr u ll rit TANITART £$D Daarquiret .7itasisynt.. I, Jam, haw= U. k U Jae P P.c VVimaktyn' I litgarterftl low Of tem Pietist:nalla allarlit la acteffivifbr t. Pr2/Sterrydt. C4/002 , 41 ' . ~ , Frassmuta. Tswana. FA. T. / 3 0 1 ' The week walch hr jut mare It.. nos been Cherac.orl• Vd by any toor le hutentaut femur. In bainae. The get. mai ...pen m tho mart. al. lam ire stre .pititke• while., tar se} in We Cotit.lo4,l Illere ha. ban no aorta flak chease naneactioa to the aggregate ban Men 1 4 . ma. Diva' , l'ir aka fare aeneraily ul a lout char...Ur, taro being a total at neve 421 4 .11, 1 6113 g like e epronladve feellog. The melte, trade will goon I• be head, and the I provvea for .;tlftell meson, .., regret to toy, ate um very Bettering, , Flour n melte dull but unchanged, chic rata era ebtady and 111117 . mainulnali The nava 1t.., Mopped off considerably, oar Orman nut trollop elepami to earthen more than will apply their Immediate waste, stills as• change rake a blab, Groan.. are Mad, with • fair de mand. while paiee are Arm with an advancing tebriencr. In Grain there. bee berm comporatinly nothlog dons, with flare... Won of &animal salmi of Gay and Con-In .malt' lots: i i Coney matter. nue& without., pertkubr change. .Ournocy and Barbee/it may be quoted as Wren. Gold commands 4•14 Viet on par. The oak Mahound. for the week Ahoes ophtinued dames. lu loan. and eircalatky, fad se Increase In vale, though the aggregate leaves 0, meal differenentimtia•t the bank.. 01111111 AFP,4333-Tho sales donna the week' have been large, hot priori reotale unchauga I. The currant rates now ere 51,40, 0,50, 81,75 and ST-As per quality. ABll6B-qo WI and ;1011. gala Fterla 64; Sada Aab El@ 714; Pore reogelte , m 44434. ALL-tlttebefrab tromallectured feedings. in fair demand, with .tady Mantuan to all porta of Ws conotry. The ex &Wished Wes at present an: I I bbl' l half Ohl.. limmett ' I ......„....14 I $4.00 Porter BAGIII . - - tire pail, current of ears flerat a t .. Barker. fur printml hop. Is evfollows: Sour mak., 12% $334437,60 ft /CM 26 lb. $511054 50 Am $650475; IN the $ coo no; ..1 t baa-6 An $12414 10, do 5TA60025; 14 do $0653420 do 533.445; 86 do XXIA34S. Item and beef bags-lit,01.0•11 GA le do $4,75; II de $41.59, 10 do $4,25. Grain b.g.-2 bah, media, $lO II IOC; 2 Mg drilling, $l5; 2 du, Gensieurah, 514 Dig: a do do, $111024. 84:458-are alter dull We note sales 018me11 White at 8754Q00,1111.h. alto /316-Th Merkel le well supplied and prin. herr • &dialog land a y. We note mite. at $1,76, $225 and SA7S for comma, no mom 1.14 choice. EXGRIITS AND TUDA-The today _peke. (cash, par urea) at Valletai hand Nei Brighton are for Burardesl,so * C38 1 , 77 , and Tute.{5 4 .766740.76 * ear.. 'Prom stars, buckets sell a the mail Vey at $1,76083,00. BACIGN--ountihnes in lair reqoat, while rate. are Ana, and fairy melotalued. The cement ratea cow are Bc for alteoldva, 10 dud Okra, Id% for p 1,1,. Hams and hater Gored do at 11%411%, Umtata 13.011 I. coking 6 shed. lower. BUTTER & ENG -The receipt. of Butter have fell off eqbaiderAgii,onteiamteedidg which prices bare not loaro red. Gotamon 83,11 1. solllera at lac, nod good et 12340 Egan nominal at /2412 lgo. • Bocitwawor, rum h--000hnoes doll without a single traremtlan Medea the week that we could bear of It Is held Cl $1,01234 fain store. Otlrett-lha' Armad bee 101 l off considerstly tut rata • trochanial. %Cadens Racers cernmend. 10 ants, and mhos, 11.1 3 . 00 MGR- I 1 Caudle klepeocoll,l to 0 hi 1151/lanilla Rope, cat, it e fill Fr Reap Rope, coil, ,12 1 * Ito Iletop. Rope,, L ont, la r: II 11) Tarred Hope, odl, 11l o $1 fb Tarred Rope, cut, 12 a *lb Peeking Yard,fitte,ll2 0 I lb lackaglfarn.com 12340$ I. BCD ODRI I B-klea/11., AM* 01,U42 , 3310 1 4 .14 e. •14eal sl,7lsaoe 17Map eon 3 7, Met. hi .Ib. PLOUGH LINX/7-Pdanille. Trete 11 dee. Hemp, 7th,. agITON T•ltlife-Tb• larked femme, at the following quotatkon which Fee corrected to dram 1 1.. roma 7001 Noel to 10includee 200 'lib No. 16-......- -.7.6 r* lb Nos. 11 4:12 IMOp lb N0.17....------26 .* lb N 0.13 ~',..C/ e * Iti No. 78........__........27c SAID No. 14..... ....... ....l.}-23c$1 lb e0.19..-.......---.-.28 e*lh 04011 -.. .-.,..2. cln INN. 20..-...1.....--„Ti re *ih , I cone yang. No 400_._.........1.11 a *a. hcosoo . .I o litho Nu. 000...-.-......410 c tlil doe N 0.900 .. .. .. 80 IS dos No. 600..-.-..--.4 Ita 11 doe No. 1000 ...... ..-... 8 it. Ihdo. 00.700 .. - ...,. -- . ~', 8 oleos Ord Pet clodo....rxd. 26c 0 lb , Tvloe--_---.-....21.: lit lb sae do white,;7B . 'Orealkit%, tee to 33 cote, Tic I os, landly Ratting. leo . Du do 86 to 44, 220 . " Ban No. 1, 110 a Coverlet Tan * 34. INe .. fen, No. 3,---120 " Clamilewick I . ammeaus. No,l J. l . - No 2... 147- .1.; :Th 34 C A NDLES •D,BOIP- al have deellued. e fol. tam. Baum. can t tie retied on a mrktly arrect-mould and dipped II; ailitotaatio• nod *tart lefaloe; Opal 15( . 4 170 soap-Itodn' }34' 0 34 Ito No. 1 Nat, and 10 for Toilet • Gertlirea ~ 0% for gawara Ghemkal Olive: 74For Sawyer's German, and Woman'. Mead 7e 004 N MEAL -golf with o vainest gala at 173500 * ~ bah. Glt•G/Ilitte-hary declined. 11111 e recently, and we now coon a. follows byrthe Idd;water carbon. 6c * Al; butter, 7c; after itg mala.7.; pert bread. $5 hi tdd -, Go DRIED a BEEP-1 o the mamma of mle. ws omit rinota . I , FEATHIERfIar.'. ry dull. adoe are held at 4742750 e; raised 30040; Pigeon 3e, sad Mama 10 . FINU-ere quell but price. me oncluagef. Tla*per. 1 a bare been f4W 40 1 generally counted to meet the ~, ante of the city trade DRIED FRUIT-IPvadv• are in :elf Willett, at trice. tang tam $1,76) , :. $2,22 It ttob -for kiln end ma IA pared an at4l , get 12%c alt ID. Apple. call .0 750 870 10 bad, Fleal./-hell but +bonged. We q'tote n,id.illage at 90 *l6 II ere: tamp. a 5740/c; Ban et tBiXtem ay male ofroa. ' I , title IN--').a. matrone dull and laognid erlth more me. ters 111. Ircuers. We. q tole at 23024. from Ant band. and 2646260 frees more.' ,Vorn idea dna at 3.000 e hem ant 'tomb and more Ilia to aoudad at 604.78, from not heed. sad store, and :me same au ber aid or Savoy. We quote Spring et AO add gall at 0.. Wheat I in good re bast; Ida oneuralig amen tetrlpl4 at $l,lll tor geed Hee tuna., and 2 1 .4' Our White - FIA)118,-goht aul 'pilaw vellteat thaege lu rater. Saimaa...Goo. eintinue to be lintlal. sad are aluma ex. cluelvely of • local lodated' er. The !wintry is generelly tor , the beet Deane.. Wegtoete. Burt $51543,25: Eau. hall, , $5374055.20 sod !obey.. $6056,28-the laid< datere It.. Naha Wheat I 011,02CRIldt-S , I ligar Is la =upends regale', while alert lea Arm. Oahe et Paola ranalas 'tam 6734734 he lady set A fur choice io A21.111Vt4. Moho.. Ann • ith a fair de noted t 344026r, eel time. Coffee unchaoged. Rio 4 14VIMIVIIdg 1434 eel . Mee needy at 1,14,4651,e. - til a LB.N•N DLAI74- • nominal at 50®6005 ton. 72,41 1.12 X-the Vol owing .m 1te.q.0413,0es toe wrought -, ' 34 lecho.• Eltml- 7 del 11 1 41 ° .4. 1 .0 • IP O " I • 0 ... 7% , I BubJect to the catenary dheorat. 111)P15-ball.of Baden, were reported at 17018: GAT-Regular sal were mafiosi melee st prin. ~,g Ilig In. VI to $ll too. 6044 ore. chafe , leer, mei goad enamors cdrethand $5 op.@ li. kola% aro , sod 53506.711 rb dowsed. 41,3311eT-We email aidee at prima r•saina froml6 to $5,60* bbl. ; . • IlloEr-The folk. og are Oa earned rale, ma : 1/12 , nut 11016 e; (bon isaltial• sfijbc, Dry &Dui Ifthilic. LMATLIXIt-Itough conutry lather is doll at 2067:f. Bari B Dressed Leather it q att follow.: Upper Leather * der....... ....- .... -.......-., idle .--.- ...... -,..- Wayeut Br Skinhaleother* lb .------- 3204 IRON •NA 1.1;;;; swathe rola, or6* cat discoull or add /LAT SAII. 1 , • 114, 11 r :4i, iji. 1 4. `AG, aX, 41,!1!". ..... ........... a, . 4% by :dr a I . e ._. 1nch.....- ..... .L./.....2%1 bv 2%, 2%, df, a. iy.Z.4 had 474 by % 105_....3..1. -.2% I, 8%.01,and 4% by Wand 21„ t rf ..d .. 2% . by A1....1 y I . s . - ie 6 by 44 .... 110.3 { .2 34 1%,13 1 , and 2 by ki and 316 - DandlTire,Rand Nby . 34,.40 and % 10ret..t...-2% Iteveshoe, 1 and 1% loch - by %. 2-16,4 . 00 7$ I" 2 % ii to ±ktrulya. .i.. litb..Fla . 1 1 bj Ised ,iText..ll Ilaildlearee,l34 sad 7 % by by 1%. - 3-18 eal 5 . 3 100 t 2 1.1 x. 1 oco 85.‘ by k f-t* i 4 1 17-ie7.lll . lin 0" by 4 + ,3.16 and leas% by %11.111aod Rich a% 1 11100 n sec eaviei. ita.... -:-.........1.% ayt 1 Sic I.IIIII3XXL4c fair Idemend Mat it. The price...id lave r ma lvit l s2o.. t Tinther 7 TAati-eDocemou leriber. la do do ts ak vi M. fee , drys fat. abinalec pritult 18 lac orb 53,7611 1000. In In $2l latttlf--toectmoindi Ilkilear and Maryland at Pla i t ILARD-etesdy, and n 6 however, to Iludad. I I $llOl PORK-Ord and rate hoiden !ova -rhumba tbair Ostrtr. ¬e:aro et $18041,25 hi bbl. I, e 011.-Ne 1 dad) at 0011690 city am/ cortatry, end. No 2 at 747180; Caudal Rock 3uo * gait. for 14 gravltyp Reflord Reba t0065r lubricatlog 6065567, and Waal 61174690 I Gm Wile-lull aritti armload tales at 401E014* boeb,:' I'OtATOXS-Thero d.. lova a feirdematol chile poke. tor, tool quantity :4.011 maintodoed. Hada mammal EOM ear Nation 5:655. IN , Fla CTAL- Thera %meat tern a Goal* operation that w.muld bear of Mutat:be pas t month, la the-same. of m which wooe quontl a. 1 17 TB F L OUR - lulls atelinlog. Tile piton 001 ear rent are $3.5003,76 ibilb) SALT-The daalmo; tio &Ilan off but pokes ant onobang. i. Bala Of lee lat 11.10. and No. 1. Nato et 51,26 $lOO4-"Clover moo with boo a =dare. argued at t i e l s t 4 411 r ,0 n rgrb . ..1: 11""7 h . °ad' "Pd. at 12, and SITIA•ttIN.44 10%. , :.TALLOW -hut deellotel. nal of rough at 7946 170 ; and canny nattered at ihgetlite, TINISON-Wa nottoi moral sates of Psalms halal at 100 * lb. tAsi - IVGIDOW G 'lagare Inn, mil we repeal MY forth. ' Oda., city Make :--an and 1 720 0314,52.70,4 ISISS2 .91 m. 5t01 ,. .113 . 211 ,02 2, $2,14b 0t 60 ,..1ia " 18, o , ol4 . ati t flisomett cdt. WHITE Li.. a &mead at $9,1•0 is keg lor pars In allot tattle oriel diaconnt. Ilealle. Alborg. 1i34, . • WHISKY-Ikon' monde l'l@ltto ip gall -orb awl Iltuo. 'O3 Old Rya 7641,60 se 1.1 ear sad r rM; 1)420ch eta 2 !Si • —Lao _0 4 woe COOS. " : I ems" uo l. 1 6 ".. 13 , 14 , • Milli, 21 4 u • .1241 ISOM. Bost gonlity..--. l il gl:A lis t:'ha'7" :1 115:41 ' . 6 1•1 11 118".4.1‘ 71 : :: : ". 0. : 44511 : 63 : ta ta 0 - —var. 3.1 0 0 -.:-/5:23 9,1 .....6m Oat AM it to aq lath , —*to ,Pmwl gplkaa 5,4 lath ~. all lanktha.. . !....5 _. 0 ra — " SAO !Mllat 'Rine. IL lb —a% aton,,C. lalion Plow Wiwi " ...34 0 0 Slab* .• ...854 RAIL UM • • • • Heat ,! 6 Strbt•Plu• " ft' "...PO, 16. ample to ukt,--for cosmott.lol6ll 61. elk 11 cut , io CC- Vll!ugiel azon44l„ 114 V M. fvet '0144r !Loring boardel4Bl l. b $3.26 *1000; 6044..1 111 RM. rating, slb V MO, •f Leakvlll4 VAS* bb ( at 11”401034i, The docl4d lAbat be olijaPao'. ko tcottite bid sblpmeots of flour :bill". Lb* 11 k. Prowlitiony Ye, by all lA. iiittlimbr *Molt ouzo( ebb city dodo' lb. yogi rick wary kaltrycl Maar, bblbbl...' 4 . . .... iiaceinta ' Cor, ba .... 110,11 a .402011.700 .- . , .. .. 'sow; ibt..—"...- 67,868 ' 7.120. Pork. Oat Med,7l7,Egm. , 119y3it .ITalleS 14,T/2 Live Bog; bin - Triad lloy.„ 'Bistoiblbb 11.3131 jI I ' blatied. - ,Wbtat, b tios d _ 1111111 1.134 - Is.afghtkolit .• ' ' Patella". agthist 211734 Ittiii4S' 10SIShot ,• • 1,,, s oCiffiwted4l,2.44, saslaat AS fa , ISOlViiftbot - • N.lll.6sl.lpfamt 5 .314/1•13012:11," 7. , - - . - e1 1 lea Out hf • soar and /rah dollar lbs past week hare. beam do t.: 4.4. 4 ,,,, ''Ph.^. fa .M, 40° ". 44 ' 1 dittOlf... III& 'lt doelotol &boon lf 0 N tbl; wheat. 10),5 , 60 lit,a,bfini. n !...te.' tboprortalostraJohlwaho he•OP. 4011,...1f1i it aof ttOrm- poodoct• eta tow*, 'Men P. at, OlomMlatidealt, .1(414 z 6,14 hboil'ard cteff ''.,f-: stet . Mad' , , .. - hi ale °NA- OH tattoo t..roehdon. sU ore,. the e,,,,01.' try, 0..1.1 . 17 pool 111! ham a tee,, coition very lightly! and 10.00 Lit atoppe ' es.titely.—Ellih. • .t.lnco6 Ito . fem ti ltliatt.-11,. t o , fle i I,,,N y t deroaod for flea tr.dsafot . th. th , alll. aed about Ih.lh,.obill ..,s ao!d et $2. , e, i 6J brine '0..0,10 :No rte mt , iE, g'!' mot tat Imod Ito thla nets teas•tea•ooltfull itoPKYI OP mos 'Mote, Oka p et pelo,e, mud the mutat rot .O, elated doll loathe vs. Tte re "3 1., the Kohr, mho with more I titt.l I.le. N s h.of adepnookur tolhfeDellOO limi; audible market d lined ho, out rallhd affmtstlp i ltardi, the oloeted—the f CPittlia.,6 14:1iir Orgy at :No NO f'., Spring, aid 735 i ,44 for No 2 Spriug--elaMon with icit' at lb. papilla .0 talent at tio, Wilde qoutatimb,' Il4' alao fall the efh;ci f the ttetameee 0n... sod tl. 01/11+14t, vow not iglosto • et, (aside Ogorot--esioo to og mode Or yollo• at t3,* la . , and mixed at 2:14c. A cargo ot., 10,000 boitoma Silo ova teem sold lordethery daring th e, hat half of Aottl, se let's option. fol., at which Sore. Wahl way offartii without taken. Chta rote vrdot at 175da, at. which 2.000 bushel. entom bead*. sod 6.090 tombola wrath sold for o.p.m, du on the tut half of Apill at 210 .004, Bye yam 6 . 014. t. 46c •a If art alud dillaere.d. Barley earitttpii ov. doll Dad ove •ted 1114, whole aro !steady at 1441; Cl which mavenl ha deed but, I. mere add. Aloobol 51CP, 836. l'lmattly Seed 0 W . V. , 1100 am, nod eboot 176 togg. were sold today at 1,200,2,63 Clorenerd I. rail solat. at 140. i New Yoki Cam for the weak, at all . , Mute,. Fab. 6,—The camber price he markets. are mu follows near .0•11171.11. First quality Ord.:nary Quality__ Common quality.— Ittfarlor glallty • .f , OO 7 . 06 4 $.OO Mt?, wills. 6" • ' 4. 0 0ec0 1.75 .e1m... .elm... e•-•—• 2.7 _ . 1 ,2 Vb • Phut quality • Other qUillthe.. • ' lirjwan: With Heger receipt a Cattle anit Muth more 1 ; rauged aotjuiechial Met r. vierestioutitheame. T e @94 cuut•C, but arltha re The quality ott the seen grades nold.qulckiy. The Inquiry for r.lprip loutiof pli.ebusera at the a Belo. were stalely et r tII I. rd atiq coati hd. Priam Ordi railty, .f nary °mom ...... 1111114111111. nEt Tuesday. the market for . . •:pent then lad meek, .04 prb. r. The tafrrior pad., hitrever. e •hole rants iv. /rum A% tosti por 'alas . exit" leant, at 10e - ..'wee pretty poor. sod the better i , vot tarots, was fah, as 4 a ll Ittv!s ..sos goof Mows rots 1% to c% ; Irclu :lug both. •The total rpcolpts of All!arnekott the yen!. for tb' otk Im! Ipt woe*, ',al; as follows: • Veal Shaer,. ; Beare/. .we. CaIVA. Wane, Awls. At Washington )Itrd, ; 1.1.5 Me; eci At Brovinlnes--...... 'JS 4214 • At Ilhambeflain's,..... IJ 31 33 23511 At ....... 21 21 21 37 Bergen Bur • . 4091 113 1170 7125 8.171 Do het .. 203 266 7074 9390 Moser AT CINCINNATI. Vebfi e-txchance was folly as clove an it wee ou Itrlday Met and full macs ante , gold by /One dealer. to make mink bLaocee good. Light r•selptev and • good dememil together. prutioie 11114 coutliGoo et the elev. net. Bonito' le prowcoted with locrawd *Malty; but the amount of."milect teed." to be picked up le wild to be; email. to proportlim to gm twoottot of marratiog sold to be The,. 1. to propoeition to advance ratm,;bnt If the sica city cautions, Wrung be done. Baltimore:le .lid; to be heavy at the rates. New thine. I. la lam decimod shit %I tont perm Is the 1131ing fnlllcg rata. . Gold le (oily In moderete mqueat. • • . Uncarreol have, all GM week until to -day, leap :iquite ea .Iy tmodlod. Note Weviena hi • little bean, but ho ro role% of It ire light. We quote TOW., Whinnein !I and Eavtero Thee:lla at ten. di. Wheeling and Matches 6 .f t a —(Qom. Nan Viacom lial•S a-Floor ' le In gocd dettaMl at for hepertlo., apical , . an advance of 211.11 Ohl. Mewl Pink le dell en 1 prices Iftel lalncsl¢lo l / 1 ,60 le *bent the roosts at thanwarket. Lard le dell, and to being prrsed on the men Oct at ltio for prime In tlerces. , Damao In light tippet atid ibemarket Gans at fall.prices. Whiaby iv ai for &milled Gaffe* lo good demand; wake 2,009 bags at 11% 43194 for fah' to prima • Ono has adratical to 141 c. avid le le 6002 decimal. -Sager is Grua sod to good demand .t,l 6140 lr loof a ter lo cboka liolemmt to Active deoliod at ' toll pekoe; sale. 1,600 bide at 254 kr choke. Ws antes A aleteomot of the exports, (exclusive. ofatwch) from New Yet* to forefeet parka for lb. week &Masker Jan t 1950. 1960. 1901. . . Iror tto wr01...--.—... 1919,817 51,600,260 1126461961 Previously reported • 3626,1161 6,460,121 16,611,290 E thee Ito. 11 $4,749,914 p,cas,too $141X.17A4 Ten ratio ; thus Stalin oar export. coothsoo twins as heavy.. thneel of Inc 3 oar—our s rt esparto -.bolos abnit the ism Tho !Outing expos'isit seek sere lirosivinifi, rot. folioed provision.. We TOGil.,llll CZiiort of SWISS Stela. math 4 to Chins. The toonsvitearket Is etionatoren—ratoo rule frcaii I 'a I waniskirpoper.sed (tout 6tu 7 for coil ireMS. We liver el *venal Whirs tatelyaittoex the seedier boors vogviiiil to be Soothers 'trod., sod quite • sunotoor of those hones are ...potted to base obtained private iltensioost —N Y VAGUL NIG-Vl/14 • The weat bsrak.siesss feels' roil lest evenfog en n 0050.117 blob wi nd. Isterh is gel.a thing. wow Wet ...hy The riser monism station.. 7 with It., beg 8 feel In the ebeonel, The arlsoola for 'Memphis, W 1 Neck, for lit Laub. and J 0 F. for Loolsvale, wale to leave last tilsbt. The Client with 1500 bale. arson:on, time to fr.lo ilscupbis In tit. Wereooo4. The WI Friends. Oa:gain .flatila. is asoctowell to Ipi. f r teni py N ei on,Tanidar next nod the aMelee II 7, 1.10. War. nal clear on Wenneedw nest ter new 0,1 e . , W. Woodside. vier being lerrrhahled. an the gave/ Is•nowlneding at thoolorati for ttve wail:B.lde% Commodore Perry, ..itellar es, [tart itr and teammate erbreellsod to the allnalanati paper* Tor Pitt. Tenth The /ern telt the port abon. IshlihtiThso en Watoseder. foghen Orleans and enesegownta The Memphis Pews Water tbat tobasea la beim. .hipped us the rirar,br nay of Olsainnati. to Baltimore , whit:when hhherto tn zoing to pow vriettos The steamier Plen-• nr heath has been tied Cleat Whaelhw M Moll. Marshal. The claims geeing her amount tobout 1 , OW, ol he will 4ouhtloaslosaoll soon. abe h o. beet n r at • to t .rtn• nate raft. tiara haslet made* dolar- rho t• a ant East a the co ttoaT.rada and la wlly about six months TELIfraGRAPLIIO WidaLICIEGT.S. :nor Toter, Teb. —COW on Mill and irje ‘c l a lower at II! , Flour harr . .y,i 19,700 b 4. at to 1005 11, fur note; SS ti. 45 75 ter Obis, and $5 If4ss CO for aeronaut,: Wheat drat add Id &mond, tint brio'ee a.a narbellgt d; dolyenta. Chub $1 Ri e watbern $1 4501 ft 2, .sWley Oorn heavy a nd 10 loWert Wlttt 0D1.7 mead. nye quiet and firm nt 525. Ighlaky firm slily In good doomed at 111%. New Pork 117. Lard Soil et; 9,71 e. etameno7l,lab.7.—Viciar nnehanged *torte - IWO fAiti demand ats4 poet 70 for aeterdee. No ohangeln GOA.. Whisky dud at lio - Them Na better demand fori boll mentia—imite, 50k000 lb. at qic Fir ationldere I 11 5f:Ch7.0 for laden, gnu 07%e fir beat, Lard tint I and.ioror ot P4914G to kegs, 10.. Thee. knotlang done In T.llll rurk• eI , .Y,MIKI L I. better demand, with sales of $1 50 in bag, Three I. ttorri demand for bulk lona, wide ut over 2.11,060 ul - fi Sro *boulder's:and 51.4. for god (Interim drrnatto In good dement; maltw-of 200 htida .n- Karoo 534g75ie.: MO Tags collne, at 13 a13% eb 4 lto bbie mow ow et Mc. rthenge on New Tort firm et prom; the Itnply I. hardly op to the demand. Natter quiet and esayi iiioittitio lotices Sr. Cbangcs, :._... , ... , ......—,.....,-.----..............,—....- 4 .-. varieg.—The CoPartnersbiv beretotdre .A. I eratletti order the ti ,, me and etyle ol JAII/18 1 . 1. ttANDLlbilit a . 00,...11• theeobred by lboi Wien art lit. at Januery. Mei badly of the firm erlll be eettled at theb; tremor place of boximee, N 0.103 Wu 04.1. t JAS. MoDANIILIOB... , .• HOBEItT JAMIEO.N.. t ! • 1 t E108.3•511g0N,,, —• . JONAH MAME& 1 . , .. I MOAN 4LESS, JANISON & CU.,,,, ;.., -._. ', • Olatceotoro to JAL Mc& Co . . _ .. i . .. . ...._ no ondersigiwol grill emntinun ft.. MIT 000119.J03 C 3010 0081.3383, at the OM 21t.ault, No. 103 • 3 0001111177..- Jaii. , 310 0/11IDUra4 .r' 1. 3431111 .1 / 1 10303, •• 147.1rita7 ..'. ,! • SSW. /1111103,, .l i . _... . 1111111 115 L I T OL t U a T a lO bl N p• ber O tkFo r PAkTNER bIPd, itunfilLEfit !WILLEM la tba Bre.log Baalmaa watt at. irolasd,by Ilteatatloa. January 76,1861 The busintai or 'ha hoo firm "hit be settled.. WAS; 11 02VI'Llfi: I 7-1 SSOLUTIONL—The ao-partnerthiphoie- A., Wore eiratlaz botatea"the andemdgrad,aarlai fito WUMIII and iryla of RElrklifit ANDORP,OIO, Ina ditaulied by mutoal ammo t on tee 16th Sanaa; 11. J. ANDII/4031 having 61 , 7:411 or. bla lat , rast to. 1111L12 11.11131.34, !who '0 antboria4 to &tile the sid. or the labi Arm. Y. itarman: ' B. J. ANDIIILSON. , 'ammy 24th,IEL PA FiTICE Mini x. NOTIC if.. i -: tattii artftek . . - ......t. t. exe1tt.......:.n. a. antsa:: IHAVE ASSOCIATED MY BROTLIER J. 0. iterltxx sod H.P. ELE)INIP3II; ithii wain be*, newander.tbe walk nun nod ptyle of ELIKItiI KA * KW VIERS. dating .funn the 1010 intlant. W. will conthAte' lb. Wllo4Nit wr, rum. C AND CON,PRO/VMK/11 BObl bZ .If ftenldst•nd, 5u.3,1 nor wood .i.. • 1.76 a ; : • P RSYStaftl DissoLuTioN.—.Theo here. . tof , ro.ni.tleg Ikt.rrin the auctettigued 01 lb. Atic. and Lestbcr NW...goon.,ttn! Date. tut style of, II t CO.-;w.. dlnigivq..r 7 fournal ware., on OW ,Thfivinbef Wilma, by the ivitbsinsifal .61 Aim P, Cult...„a Ether ofitoi lat. pottufnilif!fntlylmfbnflsed, te in said fbn• baNineas of Olt dm, end to lee the rutete”blp es, he that pupate. 111.4f1 !Am t .. , i. . 1 ASA P. (MILOS. Pittentrg,b, .11111. 0, MIL „ st,4i, 1041UPG MILO. dirseLlE UNDERSIGNED have this day fotm iota psitaorshlp mule*: ibi,rtf loot , U •OffILDII,I tx., elm, 4111 ensue.. the ertIOLCSMA SU' A ND lanflitt• MISINIffq... their oil esod. Nu. 13:1 Wood m ilt,PlastAtrgif, P. ' If ARVEV CIIILTiik , Pittabarghl.ho 1.'61-3m.: 0.0 I.o* - AllO Oflf LAI, , . LIE YAM:ENEttyUiP , heretofure existutA., bAtaeoff wid.relaned, , under the styli; of BAILS MAIN & CO :Nre4/1 dl..leorl by bantnal comoot, afJantiary, ISM.. The, bultiola of the rif.b. * 6 l I. fettled af dadr form i Soatb Pikt4burgborberi• . 11 01 , 11.0 b•rbiffslalinf ;44;461.11H a.' uutifle4 to periklikt. Cunt bamedlateiy fur pew:brat, and per... tbramlielf ID W indebted vrll, pt... rail ova ;shin h ell afeounti. -• • • • JAME 3 I • • JACOB GU% JAMES itAas4.l JalTdmrl volt, RLE/LN finol i tr a di .tuent Minas CITT, C•Pithi Way, k.1".1.r lb. &ban .1241 istatme. intuNXFIDAY, relortmy Hit!, at& r. - 11. 11Mthrot 14 ""4 Wald or le 7; P, • 'Regular Weekly Packet, . For Wheeling, Parkersburg. Porete r, Point Pleasant, Oallipolm , tlyaudotte,; dtletaburgh, Ironton and Portamoutal• Tali new and elegant steamer j ai ltit4 sallts tastCapt. J lboreto. Remelt min IrarCßltabargh KPKar WILDNZiOAI Munn nv, al 10 o'clock tor Potunnott.la Pattsmoo end al, lottriardk.tolup.UNDL &Manioc r ill th for Pittsburgh Intry INLIDAY .H l: o'clock al tor /mgt.' or rump •pply.- baud, or to . &LAOS, Itallrfiti CU.. •4‘14. I) EGULAR TUESDAY. PACK ix NT NHL VANISTILLL—Tb. arum ILYIJA All, Capt. Naas. • rat fair Um atom ra4 lota mediate pone, every TDro••, , , al 4r. es Fur frOgbt orpo.ser • WY' beard. ere. 0,4 ! WL•CW. IMAM* • "Ace 14.7.. IVIOLAISSVS: 411 - tiR SIM A it-7,lolljihq rutty taft.Tetoo iv/11'60er Puget a Ito heir o T.," ' " " ll.ll!!'!" AgWriTiWt7 T V, to. ISO mot ISt Stotiolgtott _ - 15111 TiTCNDRIe4;-0A113 7 -72 bad; ; ' r OEN 112.64-10 psis; • ORAN LL BUITtn.-411 legs. .. tub At. pup -.40 Ng, ousaiss-tuelaza.l bexmaar.-ebor..• • • V anikulam-r• ••••• • • .;• 410 Rolm DALUtt a 110.; Lermarad- - - ~ i `K+~ Y~ y ^~'l ~. ~, ~~~.;T. OUNtailliattet - - 4.llWifillit •• t l / 4 ‘ 4 1 -. 0 • S \ S V)11 S %446 f •C"'‘‘ • A SUPIRCATM, • TONIC,D lURETIQ 8- / DYSPfx VICORATINCteOBILit Izls4l}C ixox.a.AND %MN. FOR. MEDICAL 11.751 D PAZITAL2IS" tram: • ['DOLPH° WOLFE'S PURE C oo fll4o BRANDY. • - . • Imported mod bolded by bl - maitr, smneeted Mire Vybbe best tpality,*ftb Me minket. en Um WM* ad ble melba Mut cork. , • ' lIDOLPILO WOLF PURE PORT WINE: Imported sod bottled by Woolf, pat to for ioldtolliol with bfo cordite:al* on the bot.thd watidatod pits , sad of do bed cloddy. UDOIPLIO WOLFE'S PURE -.BBIiIRT tentwto . d anti bottled tiy himself, thsgamaeratibm. • ITDOLPH9 WOLFE'S PUKE MAMBA WINK. ' lasported and bottled by Mama. foe Prlrati woo. lbo boot 'Woo over t donee to no trade Ist thhi. This sloe to eramobed ,ODOLPHO WOLFE'S PURE JAMAICA RUM, ST. CROIX RUM; SCOTCH + AND IRISH WHISKY. ,tit the attire Imparted and bottled by binall . df e pots and of the Pat quality. • !` TO Till PUBLIO. 111 stake my reputation es a Was, aa.• merchant of thirty 7.. noldeoce ID Morley of Mu Talk that west I pledge erfa wary to wtta my moslokylible.. and my corriffamte, le correct sad aka b• NUM symay emery pants., A Phytic'eur weo net nnie Ire the preform. If or eele b 1 all reepectal4Wirita Bate MaLtsfacturer'mad to Scbusppy. • 1100 sod for eat. Ly uo•:B:Bmle Etta ==l M IC-I.T I rq PITT; • ; 1 P&Eta, ILI'CURDT. & MANUFACTURERS OF 812111.A.TIAING 1 87i671wtk , ,ind BOLT oopera. Pcii .arrosis,ftwed suit sa ke.. spat," esidari'ilto... luipmUro and Doulero to &WILL& -111 a gt,,,Nta I 1 T :r.ON. W IRA , ac. OoturtootlyUe luout.tto ;4.3.a1n. awl Tool. Se. 14i Arai and ip • - P•issa. att.. pra.l•l order. of Oopp. out told, dalltradMUM roteibittlko.l4. 1:1• (PT 11 laitirl 1101,111Salill. atte.mialuun tion't foil to procure Mrs. Witiskietilk*lt in; byrojy for CI3 Ilan sTmtlapg. - biliwthh*OW•filleii::, t!stestlyfactlitalathsprommet tasthhightsaftedililit *nil!. lodating ell .albs:Pqa,Nagjr • !twit* resolote the baweig,',.. Doped- lagoon -N ll sql . hirg„ ere reit toyonmolus.imil lonta. Poneetty sfista all ains. . • ~,,;1321a viklnsby.prklasi V the ptlaeilp4aw oto~i ti , " y ' +: OchostoxyerictiCedigdilitiO unnb Plitri!eiisii Illiagbabo,•o4 Vu bain and with never !Ming ataimpliV eilllibms oft-rue*. ' "' . . _ . '.;.W , i Falk.. it tb • Left and exited temody hi th• Wadi. la el) cotes of Dysentery Ilia Dillikoak lithlllnrie,whetier tt ti , lrt• trete teeth's:lvor tretiviey other exits. -, , • Itilf• twit health eta be estittated ty denim sad eleteitt ~,,,,.; :.tl.lllllous et bottles to Hid every itier . le the 117theit Matte. it le ro old end ivelkiini ntaied7. .: ~ • PlllOl ONLY Sti (NMI'S -4 htlITLA__.. - . ' o f • '...Atiliqteee ploeinaankorthe faireteilla elCUirpit al P/111.: !i , It iNey New Vera. Sam tb• cuitehto whePPer. , - •I - '.'.1.41.1 by'Draegiste throsithout the meld s , ~ , . ••• • .' '' -.,:,, t' DR,. 060. 11. EiXYACRoti,""Yr Pit " . Prl.' ..' ' ' s ' . ' ' Beta wita—bAbi brs--EtAib 1.12 MI. A. ea TORILLONVIS tiAlOl Th. Ori g i w Ea n d besf irra i :::+tf • %All others are mere imitations, not atiOlil4 .‘ - rmya, Tr yon wish to aecaP• elakttia• CRAY, RED, 011 RUSTY.HAIR ,Drd tionseals lea, 4.4,,tift.1 and natural crown tr Mack. mllbortt !cry to thehalr or Akio . Al PT BitN 31 ED/U.B A Np tokottantyym hma km. A. Batchelor dace lUD, and taw 0.110 bore 11.0 made to ttla Heir oft&potato& moat ' 1 Wll. A. UATBEIBLaIt'II /lAllt Ari produces ammitioi .1 Le Jiagr irked from naturs, and lovenaitam ditilA faltir• al io tunlenthowpaerbai It may to ainnaamoactio markt. °nue Dr . . ..eke: le. Hair ieviannitiol r Ufa thla aplaodld Dye. *Ad or appltedtlu - 9 prints rooms) at **Mina t0ry,132 Rmadway, New York. 4 • Sold in entities sod 15... of the United States, by Bank - • Thnion, - nniEbnirisis seam tea alaninteriftitelide glace anKroelna on Iborshlea of aaelt bozo.' • • - eige WILLYAN BAT E 111110166 jrairtfAmtor 16 Hood yam. Noy Toy! 'BA TOILE LOD'S WIGS AND TOUPENS.3 . lorpeil 11ley are elegant Itg ht, easy mod daraidi. " • ••Fitting try • alarm—no thrsitokup beidod-4soillsilkiklim • " ; .e. of the head; Indeed this Ll.. poly sitiladooi.t.lthint -:; these things ire proportteridenttood sad ioadO. . I.lf7rd*.rT ileatiesorooltere.rmar.: - . _EL (JO • rorrrardlng and Commission lidarobaall AND WHOLIBAL.II6II.IJ2I.II 2 . Mem% Sutter, Seeds. Iirloh; dud Audi= Ihipskr, • Nrs... Indld Strad. Peildwira : kit.)1.412.110 - • az SONO. °feign •and Pomestli Bills at. Inhale, 01i . T/.7IOULTIII or orroarr, ' BANK SOTS. AND. 1131121116 O. 67 )14.11.H1T LITENIIM PLIIIIHIIII4111; jjEo.oottectioito zolkho OS ail the prisdpil dame theolia RAIL ROAD SPIKE coinwirx. JoiiseiAts W. O. .140.•01, (A:cowerg to, /Weer, Aqo . - ruivriornaas 4 RAIL. ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS.. AND BOAT BYTICEIK", -, :v Onrner. of. IV Street andOtterri-__2lWr rrresnog. PE 3*y.:: J U 1314 OCKIJELMAN ec .11/160. Ohm ;Etalllam - Ira* vomits, valiit*Alillo IgirtdoWittatteri,' , Window ,;. ;it mover &red end 114 rEmunniiiif - PW Zoe hanA Tartoty of wit itabte fur I polpapea. Partlealst dtsolbiPikt - - althlo-7Urave Lott. Abuiastiana.t.artutieL: Airkuicwr..w.Arx. TA.rt,i924.1 • •—_,sk, 1 : No 59 Si. Vlart 01,tride.Rmasoding.1 rittaburgli nate 4 r 011z....,.. .... , ....amnia. 10112 ..........T.W11,11110111111 , • i r ! 00.1d1C19. MOVES at COy krANUP.AOTUELERS OP A. CrASTinja.,;;:- Tipp sad s. hid dOPI sal Laof.S, Darr, Das sad PIM ; . piromallOhia,l ar:c. gootriON • • • irreßacry 1064 A 80 11 41 . 1111 A4;10 , 1214 tZ; 1 , 011fik)N,118 AND Ns.!' .A. - EL IN OTON • " Vraa ,E . , It ta b ur gh Offlevi No. Al' Al Drina .trout.: " thatiotseaustattoi_ omit _ 11 0818dibil . " Bark. owitBlo4. wat,ataus magummillisat Dm, ?ob64nit and .11endrinig damn onnreatow 64, b. ..a c. P. ataarmr#4,-;•,- P.A.PZIV: I II - ANUFKOVITABEB And Dialers In 800 /I, MIST, OAP, , LITIIIL APPALL =MO OP. tho 4. trt.'.l4.rmultw z7.wet4 exit 6 21 1 144!..- . PrOisbne Tr& for kiesta.• • 3. ,a: Bcioka eller, Stationer, B 80 0 K Ml3lll4loOhltlig. PRIXTBR dittrilratirir,":"", 63:W00d Idtreet. swear "'mirth. -•- • . rrrinnitap. - .irrenams Auxrpre partmumrkawiaLlyakli, .. - ~. , • - B TYAMBOAL T xcie - wta, rirrw ibrd 11% and Commillsohis. !at** t • nos 9 nuome•xsta Krim, se& yi4 low - -• ', :.. • • 412% UMW, MA _ - -...-a A ~It Ivor rnriWnWmafisl,lo,....." - ,logno air Mateo_ . - . • Ira !family and, or xbd 1.4V0 1 •• • • 111. VIS—New Visa atlas Small Whit*. • " ••• Min —0 YONr, Lt.s.trarg aaa Wolatwa Illelenc • a. •,)&0443 1 L $Ol-11loyor Uoule sad new °Mow tti l4l!--Lyol tbf abb.* *tyro RY Ws Li by drlC. 1 . • - 3.15, 041/1111.1.1 /11011.14b014. 04 —lO4l racks buciwbeatloan: A %,s- -le :an ra.l.l)w-4 bi 4; p'9176 nirAt!r r -12 bb!ilKIM emit. wit • . 4 , h 413. r 7, s!' • • . . BM EMI ad Itqacas ht im:do% these anklet. their r • Amd Apotbiemm , ODOUR° .1101.1%, Deaver stred.liew Da. ODD. H. karma. Do. 140 Waal BDINC: it 01111* MiiliiM . VVORREi 4, W' EN