I! , . . - t L- U U TaQ r n i G. • 7311.-47::A'' L ogi& •Aiii . l23.),lik.s.ihisfii • e - ;1 4 .1136 110 D1A.7 latellxOtt, — (..:_hekrd the glasses patlar,;tlid.;.keeir that - somebody be'' tegwlatett before.": he got to bed Others inewSitietwellfirmyteltt-and so we be gab to prepare foftfie wdhrt... In half an hoer, Isaac came -per*: doWn'the stepiL and atter frihltleg„:atifiltiCbe4oded_Wit - h his forefinger 'tai me to come up: I tollowedbim on tiptoe; *lt int. LRyrt,.was heavy. Be naked me if 1 fennOnh'ired being at a rebel meeting the Sat urday- night before. Ltold -tam I had only stopped to sea what was going on. ''Did thy duty impel thee to stop, Nathan/. he asked. I told' him that 'it didn't. ' , Did thy conscience, Nathan 'to I saw I'd get the hiding anyhow; and po I answered, ' Yea" "Then not in terfere With thy conscience; but thee shall be regluated, for doing more than thy duty. The'll find the horsewhip hanging in the usual place, • behind the dresser." Hat just then I felt bold er than I ever had; Ric since' being at the meeting, it seemed as if 1 had got a new spirit. &II stood still, till he said the rebel wee strong io me; and then I told him that I was no rebel. The upshot was, I got beat halite death; and leaae maned severely, too, especially about the ribs A Tough Story. - Ihol,l Ninp rim or the Ramo'aloe.) Well, • Cosnestogy," said one of the Yan kees. "Yen may talk away there, as much as your thick Dutch tongue will lot you-01. tell you, We a fact" ..,Uorise, come," remarked another of the com pany,...thavi a pretty good one for you, Jollies, but b4dmoney; it won't Pass !" "Ylrhatli that he don't believe?" inquired the Meryl', teeth rousing himself from a state of musing,: or listlessness, into which he bad fallen. "Why," replied Josiee, was tellin"em shoat a red-coat that I killed at a battle of Monmouth, io an outlandish kind of a way. He got separated from his troop, end so did I, but it seemed as how he warn't of the right grit. He went skrilkin' around among the trees, afeared to show himself, when I caught sight on him. There was two trees atween me and him; bat as I had a pretty good sod of a are .- lock with me, I didn't think about waitin' till I had a better chance, - so I let drive at him; and sour my uncle's milk, if the ball didn't go ',tele= through both tree', and .lodged right plump In the Driest of the red-coat, killin' him on the spot." now to Iletato • tiood Foe. A correspondent of the Borne Journal has some good ideas on the importance of mental activity in retaining ii: -good face. He says .We were speaking of handsome men the other evening, and I was wondering why K. had so loot the beauty for which five years ago he was famous Oh, its because he never did anything' said B.; the never worked, thought, or suffered; you must hays the mind chiseling • aw•>y at the features, if you want hondsome midale•aged men. , Since hearing that remark, I bare been on the watch to see whether it is generally true—and it is. A handsome man who.does nothing but eat and drink, grows flabby, and the tine lines of his features are lost; but the hard thinker hay an admirable sculptor at work, keeping-his tine lines in repair, and constantly going over his face to inthrove the original design." ,„ Houscxciertrfre4-The advice to her daughter when the latter was about to commence houskeeping, puts the matter in its tree light. ."lily dear," said she,: , l3y not know ing how to Make puddings anti pies you may occasionally be annoyed; but if you are ignorant of roasting and boiling, you may be annoyed every day." tsar rug DAIL TGAZJOVIIIs the elekttNrrepapnin West, and besiast au estsusioe clroulabUn wurnesitthe burbles. awn, and rasehiaut a data,, it o f instuerseents 4 udaer- Use's as the bat medium. Shrough. which to reach the Public. - , ..EarTIM WEEKLY GAZETTE is issued every Weetsw day and Saturday, ea a large blanket iheet,aud em lama adiWiena to tha new of the lostk, a carefully prepared cad ' - reksbic rtpart as Markets, anunereial and mondary of fatru--...aking if Go but Cb.uxurcial Nruay..prr in tbs • TURNS 1 ,__'' DAILY—Qs Dollar. per annum ' payaLle to advance, or —t . 195( rent@ per week, parable to the th a arlet I.' \•W6klalf —One Dollar per mammy payable In agrature. :,, ' S-Copy moot free to peewee who get op • cusp exceeding . , tau. /fir Adtragra osymeata are strictly required, mad op pa . . qgqr gill be .44 WI. the time I. lip to which It Imi paid. . Ital.. or. Advertising. "tit.. of Pills., 1 tine..._._...._..._.__..__.00 1 00 • • • 1 weS2 li6 • • . 2 • —. 800 . • . 8 • . 400 • . • 1 smith .__ 600 •• 700 • • " 4 • " • • 12 • 20 00 Tsar] y uheribiers see entitled to otis sintare,ehases idlest siessurti, per 00 varAtlvartikauenu with Ctitstrebis mien CIEPLIADIS' COURT SALE.—By viriue of V.o order of tl,. 0. phatts' Coat of Alt.yh.nr nountr, the undersigned. Itsoador of We Setae of ERAO PUS PIM. CIIVAL. deed, .111 exTroes to pantie e.i. ou the premix., SeTUROAT, IreLrost7 tt.1,1261. at 10 o'clock a tn., the (Abided Lae of Oroand, le the Borough of WIPST NUS MIST% Woad county, late the property of said decedent, Lote-Noi £0 'en.l 57, each frantic. 'het etreetetsty het, aulleatendlog bark 230 tat to Sowed arca.. Lots N.. 116 and 110. each 01017 feet front on Second sL Loge N. 126 and - 178. sea, six fest (mar, Third et., and elteedleg back Int Gat t ty o Fourth et. Las N... 100;121 and 15200 Third et. Lots Nt1e..124(0n greet el le of_Wablogtou street, between -Notuilt oral Stith . area ) and 163 and 161.eszh fronting oa Bader attest, b. area Voorth and Fifth me. Lot No. 167. on .at tide of Wahington Street, above 11f10 st.set. Lot Mr. 173,00 re et We of Wallington street, oboe. Fifth street • ~/sWito 171. ou Me north el irs of fifth et. Toast or B.L.—Ono-061V , tab, and the residue at lately. — , Mottllpt, with intcr - -f..XLowelfte d.l of was. to be emoted by bond sad mortgage too the polutims Ports fon to be gletut on 1:003,i1•1.11 with the term of gala awl confirmaPon by court. The purchaser to pay for making Madera:l and stgartgage. Jufl Y M'IMEIOI3OII, Executor. Yon farther tuforwallou Irphr. of the subdcribet, or c( d. H /011/114) OM Mu/rosy, No. 168; Fourth ittreet, Pitt. burgh._ , january Z: tail. ja2hrterf Sonar aim THE 01..13 E.brrAumisnEciu Coach Factory, CARR DUNOAN, ' - .4ANUFACTUR.ERS of COACHES,CAR• • Alen 0VN121.12142.:1, HAROUCII NZ, BIACItin, 2 LETA! and detain° WAt7.l2. 01 every &manta= ,-w. misplay Ma bat ladr/sans, abd aaa Law Ewa material 14 W bed In the cnaggry. Particular-about/aid paid to RE. ''I4IIRTNIAL N•ar wort alosda. band,it • • • :No. a Sr. Conr Street iyi2l3•F HERSHEY & BILOWIY, ,; -••••• • (9D0003..48 TO R. licliDNA SADDLE, HAR NESS ,: TRUNK, HOSE i 1 AND WIIIP MANUFACTURERS. Irb o kil im a RMYUl , lls . 7 . lt uo sf :o la Di aler, 2.. t d, ALLOW:" Orn. '1..'3"1"41414111, •7 , rime A.ll 1.; _ AND RETAIL. SV?• - - AND CAekli REPAIRED, saysa .AND GOLD PLATING - S lknatbsshortdott notice. at the owner of fourt h tad ma elNteµ mooed eon. aaatt rm a' tbe . basins e. 'ilitW FITZPATRICK & CO. A rrAtuABLE FARM FOR SALE—Situ v sod to Liiirpout Toertudilp, Colombians Coubty,A.,' 11y4sair bath of Suet Liverpool, and 4 lane. has Well* 404141hh0g 119 ber.,••, to a rood Wats of eulilialluo: SLY prepay bekmp to the harm of Jr bo Bleterirt,deed.' Y e Inaba . lekgroiation, apply to W. 110.1 or veer Ihuiluit. .4144 Rs; Jams Stewart, Welieville, ; Joa o Wren Rut L 1...9004 04 Of W: 0. liteerart, oo the pretelse4, ' NOTlOE.—Letters Testamentary upon the Noble of A. KIRK LEWIS, 6q, tow, deed, here boa inatrillo Runnel GumlN ea seder the . Will ..of the sold decedent. All person teeing olefin. 06•1 1 0 1 *WO lon 0ut10.4 to present the eeme, duly sudboollcotrd, br oittNatent, to Ibe !executor, and alt pBn tiros tlldebbel lo the Rotate...re regnlred to make pay. NOR Imblo, without delay. be ti , L. GUMMI, rintolot, N 0.161 Fourth Cl. Dne—ARR, Faso. de7838.6 ELKILPIIIIITIK ATOMS NOTlCE.—Ktioreort tot rots of boot upon too &tato of 011()Ral K. I9KJU Klbro4 Kobitoloo torrubly. demo INK 0. , . Woo Wane anformano4 poroons knowing theromol woo (t. olallotrtod to thooarno are mold. ad to mate immadlato =.l. sad CM.. Early elatoro oIU prosoot Moot duly 114 tlottool.lor ortVerowat, to JO . loft ' Adlotalomror. EDIWILIITILATUttoM NOTICIC.—W Oar., Lot• tots Of Atmloistzat.o up.p the estate of ANDIMIN LLTON. Ws of OilttOtt - toututolo. ettotrotto3. WM. ttmn =lrfolloooldottotottiValt pm., knowing LAM M,. d SWUM Nan am mutt. , to maks tomedloto PO. irehrmed."tre XII= • • Jail. ' 4l b Oirlita ••• Jd• Minitel toontablo. JTOBAI PAETT Ail St. Onto an. Maas., .r• teetli to len of goal Senn lelee anl ronott I Mean lased auf Simite4e. Innen ot $1 He endll Std, bawlad fro= two to font vein to me P; BAMPUOIt--40 - boxes Choose; sobs% Wol 6 HMV* Noche% - ~, - 60646 Di 7 Ap6166, i . . iti bbla °bolo. Grose £pp.. ,' II) do l're6ll V. 1564.1 kg; :of N - New, Ul btu, Corn blast, ya dos* loor iskr try . :.' . dal . L. O. ORA 17, 213 Mort, at .OP.LN*LIXIi.IS DAY ! NNW ITTLK i • BLACK GROUND PRKSTB, ulw rag agar. Alio,bl4o4CAl New CtIl• 1, -Di LAO - lt9, GINGUARA, Jo. • - a 1.1 . ANAOII rtilVIR,74 Warkit et. WORKSOLINLN F.DUINGS • AND INEMITINOB— at , . , . = • lIDDOMIIIILD , 3000 ., A It Ira t igW V,IINAT y1.01:111; , ...“4"41 oat bJ /BASIC 913110111011J4 - 114 Mum a.. O 1 . 1.- ' • 1 An• Nuns aid lemake lrbyslihsa, mom% to . !NI eqesittos'al spuinimi SOKHIIIILDRI3N TOLIT NG- SYRUP, EVR.VHING. veld* Areally fthillistes the proms of Ile•itt.ug, Al soll4if. leg the gams, nob:m.lu all loglawroatk4—*lll Allay ALL PAIN still epatheelleeeAkm, AAA Iv BOUT ITO REMO. ATE TO 11C, BOW BLS. Appall *0 14 twOrrs, It will give wet I,yeanolves, mad Belief oud Health to your 1 toots. We butte put up mud .old this article rot over teo year; .u 4 Oho letA T. IN tatty VI MINCH AND TO UTU of It what we have Rover beau "-- ebb. ottoti th er tetullch. w fikVialt HAS I T O W IKOIN MIN. • 4 " *.. Üb .o INEITANON T STIIXOT OMIT aIIPOTIII I fall t i mely mod. Nuier did " BIT r • ie.. au Waterloo ofd troolatectiou by soy ow .be oil It. h e the ouutrul t all On deltuhted with Ire uperelluto, 004 aheak to term of uotemeotl'alluu of Iya Nonfat abate and Ittathcal vtrlma F _ _ - . • vile; ta ebb, matter "WHAT WM DO KNOW,. after ten 'amyl as, AND VLIOXI• OIKIIIMPDTATION 10K TUN VULVILIAIKtit'Or wan Wit lIIEI D. OLAND:110 almost prier, laminas where the infant in net• bide' rer pale and latemdleb,' Nati 1411 be (mad le dhow An. twenty minute, OW the eyrop Miedisibletand. IA Th e m t. r t ' AI ftl=l7.'e's the 113 r n'l7l:. ...0.740 0 bee., 'MDR tItIVEE PtILINU ADO. ODA IC-7 • ; THOUSANDS OP GAMES. It ant Only swilings theehlld tram pale bat loglgoratse Um staunch god Isweets, tiorsect. aildity.agel gs... tone and soma td the whole mid.. It MU almost (instantly Mime Griping in the Bowels and Wind Colic, and overcome.. If not speedily IPOtt :art death. MP, be. •••', l l -1 l li ffi N l iege It ' lbe BIM AND suasirt THIS WORLD, Os all neviof DYSINTMIX AND DIAR RENIA IN INJILDREN, ',biller. It view mom teething a from any other came. We vreaM say toenail moths whops *eblldwifforing from slay of the luse g ainsgompleinte—Do NOT LIT:YOUR FILIDDIONS, NOR SIM PRISIIIDIOM§ OF OTIIMIA, mood between you and your mitlerlegy child, and the Inner that will to DOME -lee, ABSOLUTIST 10.111.1tb follow We as of this medicine, timely used. roll sne for awns wonto u p i e j ny or b bottle. None Ke.n.rolno, t. ua the e o.4lane.lr.i.lemof a T FIRKINS, • gold by Draggle's throughout We vrorld. Prla•lpal Oldret. Id Cedar S • t, A. Y PRIOR ONLY 26 ONNTS Pitt Barn& Nola by 11. L. VALINWITLXIK Al 00, awned Wood laud Lough Moot; .I. OM HO Wood otroot. folEoloirollyT 10301, IZanges, Grattis,Erc. ETNA STOVE IVORIES B IC A. 13 IFC Manar•clorn v./Ty varlet) uf CUUK, PAKLOR AND HiCATING STOVES, posAtc HAmodr fur DIAEASEA Or THE BLADDER. KIDM VO. GRAVEL. AND DROPSICAL SIVELLI?;Gst Thia Medicine Increases the power of. Dicitattoot ear ones atm aßCOttalaff Tit tau haalthr Ikalon, by w h ich *hi WaTl7 i tlf OwaillAßtOU donna:tides. and Ifffi NATU L UW 101 [lll at 1 e roducad. an well!ni PAIN ,ANO start 12==f1=2 =NM!IM;MaII Arl.ing from racei.s . ..l4•bite of Dlunntion. Marty OdiveritinO or Attend with the follondug Symptom. (nohow:3.lll.mo to I lemon. Woo of l'uoori loos of (bloom - 3 Walcott) , of Broathe4 Weal Menu, Tromblllongi • Herter& Dhow. r Wakefulnese; Moons or Vtatoo Pale le the Haiti tiolverul Lauamt. or thelluesulat Seeteta. Rotel/wee. l luolan, or the Bode/ UM==! Mn!ti=2! Pallid Countenance. . I Thew nmptem., hallow.. to so on. which Da/N=l4:lcm* Invarahly notiosakaen. [ohne. Impotency, Fatuity, Kvelentle 1 1 , •, One If 'which the Patient may r..ruire.; Who on,. .00 that Was sts not 7tolintly followed tho.. • • Dlrettal Disease.," •• Insanity and Cone toptioa." 111.7 ot the Cana. 13( Ds, OUT DON/I WILL (JUNTAS& Tilt lel'o2oll or Tilt 11 , 111:111r. Lon Übe lle.nnaholy &nth% s Oonnamol Near Ample {Musa to the Trot of Oa .4frefflon THE OUNSTITUSION IPSON ♦ 1/71EITSD WITS OIWANIO WEAKNESS, Requires the eld of otedlethe to tart qatbee end Intl.:mate the ~tt.tu Whist% Haltabolds Extract Barba invarlablr due. ♦ Trial will Wortoce at. Most 11.eptIcal. FlllALCS—rstneiLca—r.it OLD OM YOUNG. 8100L1. MARDI ID. OR UONTiql PLATINU fdAltitia Ia many AfTemium peculiar to F ern ii he Ix mot al nacho I. oneautti,eilby war ttaber ten, - ode le Ohloroals or Retention. ii-Hanlarltp l'alufuloam or snot list.on of onalLotom7 itracoatton• Ulcarstaa or erlrrhauel lof the Ulanta t lanteetn tr t or Pt tole, awl for all nomplalata tociatatt to tits P.S. • It•I liar similar ft tiot itallacreautt, Habit. of Viaelpation tit... toe DECLINE Ull CHANGE OF LIFT.. =I Nn FAMILY SHOVLI) FIE, WITHOUT IT T.Y. no tours Iln'altn. !damn rr, or unnier..aollletllcina' for unaleaaant and danaaroun dloomae. lIELMEILLIM L X MACT rl CII apace MISCRETJFASIKA MA:{ to all thtr stare Al Illtle Aspoonit Little or no c h an ge in Met lacrtnre aware Amt It c.v. freqa•ot tido!. mud ispotura al r... 111 to Ullusic. /bomb, litatoo• In. Uttatettallot.. tng and curt.. ntrtoLulea cof the Irrthr.. Alin, tut Pala and In II nocusln.n.. n aur a l In bq rlnn& of dine., and egosidinde nit Putsonous Incas, and .0t1,16. out Matter. Tlll. AAAAA ,• 'POUF IMPS IV.° 11,41'6 uxzw4tiza; FICTIIIS git.cti.t aqd whu bare pall heavy fore to be cur.; In ph. yt time. hey. found they were ceoelved mutt hat the - 1 . 01813 N hy the Imo of • powerful entrlngenle " Leen drlni op In the system. to brat out ao anerav•ted loan. and ===t= . , Um, Ile [Embattle. Extract Bactm tot ail Orectloo , ""14"."" ul i..qtEll Alt V OW/ ANSI •tatherttlellogz ur. Frei= alatetot c tr. attiarxtictr ! ,, 21' 1,1 1 4 u .. tt liW LAMA snins Iso.lool of lboof afro. a.pult. the al lof Di ea TO liehashold . ICatract lioelao . . Is the (went Moroi o, Ao4 IN certain to h,es the deelnet ethet to sit Uleeue. le'or which Il le Recommended.. tohreehe W lee must 'tangle hoed teepoeatbet charatl(r .11 roam/peer the reedie'nen 11212=2=1:1111331 Vrtoura S to Mlu bean .tandltu With woven It Loom to • setertrx "In rAillt. Pere $1 per bottle, orNix for $3. Dellvond to Aso °drwn Nodded period from °boort/Wt. 3101/IPTUMB IN ALL CONIIIIIMIOATIONd. Core. tinaranteed I Advice GRA b! •Yrto•Vll'. rt1"....1F M./Marna bal.,* inn, no Alderman or - the cIIT of rbloubobhla. Ft T. 'Sall. 0.0. who Woo .1.• worn. cloth say blatowastatFoa comm no nuaotio , tantoori. or other lap:gloom thus. bat or. Rood/ N. T Morn end antotctit• I Worn Ms. 'LIR Old day of flowent Imt, Ilfl W. Y. 111 ittleitT. al.bontan., Ninth atrtat.al”va Kans. Phi latlaipltta. Address lotto ra for Information In tontidooro to H. T. HIKLAIHOLD. Chemsst. • • 0- P.!7tl - tiii"lZ; 7' . "" , .14.ti1t rf.i7oiDtll7,; a unTLlaci rk bo endeavio• to Algeria. • of [brie afro " and ••other's ar Mier on the reputation attalwa or batman-fro CiennineTreparit I in, d.. .11. tr.L ouchu. do do ifar•aplarlll...' do In3droved t 10.141 FOLD 110 BEM:. HAM & I=l And all Ltiallitsta••• , Vahara• Ask Ca Hatalbold a. Take ' no other. Out t.ot the *At .rtlssisnant •u4l ne. for Itawl avoaj On put:lnn and ea anatira. - trot r It 1111.1•11 GTEI . Wll.WAel DYER al CO.. PROVISION IDES ERRS Ann PRODUCT,: COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 115 -.le /drool. Commercial How. Naar the Railroad iPa•aeouer 4apota., Pittaboret. 0111 Oil °Motu for hroolool LI LLCM Phou Nara. Lomat N.er. p oo.o Our. Nam La., Lard Dd. kte. Pork. Porte, Vt.. arol. Plour..d,dhrose of all coamkumeula of P. w rho heut adratd.• 11.)111...-WO 61, aaer ta for Flarbaulee.lelebratof teute, of all dasertrdlouu basowee nu baud- . Al2O • (Onta fur rain. sosabor. H yOlOlll,, DboolveoL for the oresemillou 10.1 dM • solution of P. Otoaa la Holly. Warraoteo to effect nos molt when and so tAir dlf.l/01111. latew . UK POREATIVOT, ARUNU & Cu., DU.le .6"(>01)S rii ICHCHA.N•I3.„ Nag. 75, 77, 79, 41, 83 and $5 Duane atreet 1 W Would notify the Trade that lbw, ate opening %%.h Ir. in WAMSUTTA PRINTS ALNICO/3W E.PA.I2A, A Nnw Print, Abut *Anis n.ry Print In tin. (krantry for wrfeAAl.n or ex,rutlou no.l , lrslgn In 101 l M. 1,14 Clor+ .-- Our Prints axe cheapor than lair to marA,A. and rner.tlng, nllhsileu+lrn male. (..11.n. protoptl, at4mlnl 1011 I"ITT~BIJK. I 1 AGICI:ULTUKAL WUkihN, •9 tlsal 51 Ferry ♦treat, PIrTISIIII9II, PA /THANK 11. wAta.(Ans, PILI/PRIKTUtI. WOULD a Il tho ottotion ri FIR . IIERP, TTTT N, fcataa. awl °there, to the onlebtatoial Telegraph ❑ny, Straw and Fodder Cutter; of which ho le how turvirrh.thi log n Who hoori Ilan, for flood Rod l'otror. Star Corn Shellers, eat.. Doulto or thee.. for 11001 or Pow. r Ball's Improved Ohio Mower and Iteapec,l 41orse Powers and Threshers. DejePOwers, most Improved Pattern , rlngersoirs Ilay Press, AND UTIIICD AURIODLIIJILAI. VACIIINCIa wholarisle Ink:Foal..., • .41,1 id FLOUR -3UO bbl. Flour, the different to 1.1,0. I,r “b. by J. It CkSf 114:1.b.1 01, J.. 11 Fired Ktr•et., F RESH SUPPLY= PARTON•rI .IM•K.)ti: 3 late 1.17 • (4. B ALMORAL SKIRTS, I.