The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, February 07, 1861, Image 3

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littsburgt (I)actit:
MITCOVALOQICAL Observations for the Gaudio, by
O. E. Shaw, Optician, 58 Pirth St.—eorrocted daily;
9 o'clock; A. N ' ' 00 31
12 ■ 00 36
11' r.H 40
The Penneylvamla lleslroatri company---
Marialinge for luoo.
The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company was held In'Phile
delphia, on Monday, when the fourteenth annual
report of the Company was mud. It
shows that the
business and revenue. of the put year ware in en-
sees of thoae of the previous year. Sines the tat of
December and thirderangement of the exchanges,
the revenues are comparatively leg.. The operations
ot-the Company for 1890 were as follow.:
P515.56001....31,453,992 Tratsportat',s39,36ll
G. S. Mall 74,501 Motive power. 970,490
Expresses -..: 75,120 Maint9imears 260,452
Freights' 4,191,783 road 783,163
istiellideons 137,302 General tap'. 82,833
$3932,701 --
Showing net earnings to the amount of $2,306,402,
and an inereese of earnings over 1859 of $570,346.
The inetease-from passengers was $33,080, and the
number of passengers carried was 1,203,444. Increase
of freight earnings over 1859, $535,672, the larger
part being due to tannest, of local freight: The ton
nage of the road in 1860 was 1,346,525 tone, exclu
sive of 124,507 toes-of wood, coal, lumber and mate
rials for the nen of the Company, epee which no
ehargeis mada Entire movement of c0a1523,223 tone,
an iscremse of 101 . 598 toos. The report presents
the gratifying information that but sixty-eight nod
a ball miles of track are necessary to complete a
doable track throughout the whole line. The line
is expected to be completed and opened toile Del
aware by the let of October next. The earnieste of
Oh Compeers Canal, daring the year, were 5209,-
435, against $154,760 for renewals and expenses,
givirg $54,605 of net Canal earning, r being an
increase over-the previous year of $32,5013. The
teenage through the
,canal shows a small decrease
.fecal and a large inereme of lumber. The Cal,
lag fund for the redemption of the second snort
gage,bozds now amounts to $532,491, The con
tinuance of an annual payment of $460,000 made
last year to the State, on ;Lenient of principal and
iMereit due for the purchase of the Main Line,
from the profits of the road, will ezlinguish the
delit by the year 1890. Appropriate reference is
also made to the death of Vice President Falter,
and complimentary &Heaton is made to Thomas A.
Se 44 Esq., his successor in office. The report,
altogetbet considered, is esteemed highly satisfac
tory,-and on ._motion, seconded by the President,
a committee was authorized to lore, a ticket for
Directori, and to make an esamiaation into the
condition and general policy of the Company.
Rumored Elopement of a Pro tonal Gen
tleman—Disappearance of. a Fascinating .
It . was currently reported on toe streets yesterday,
- that a well known phymcise, of the otefiuttessia
mall , school, residing in a Isabionable part of the
city, had abandoned his practice' and fatally, and
- eloped with the widow of a deceased banker. The
parties have both been absent from the city for som
and the latest rumor is that they went away
together, and after speeding a few days in the ens,
took passage on a steamer Par Europe.
The lady was well known in certain Circles, and
for several yean imstained the relation of ung
uent'', merely to one of our leading broken.
Those ialirmitai which are the inevitable result of
a. fun hying," gradually began to develop them
salve., and preferring the attentions of a wife
rather 'ban a mistress, be married his partner, and
at hie death left her in possession of a snug little
fortune. She lived In good style, end continued
to keep house and maintain • quasi respectable
position in society. Prominent among her visitor.
was the medical: gentleman alluded to, whose
amours hive frequently become the subject of
gossip. Ilia reputation in this respect wan wale.
defined, and the rumor of hie elopement', while It
creates no little surprise, is not gainsaid upon the
ground of improbability.
Some ten day. have elapsed Mace the parties
dissipeared. Ihe gentleman I behind him a
wthiend family, greatly respected by their friends
and nosetintancea. He enjoyed a large and lu
crative parties!, and hence could have had no pe
cuniary metive In abandooing hie lamely, although
.the &Huse of his paramour doubtless formed an
incemire to his flight. She owned • and occupied
a fisiu:dwellincon one - of our prominent streets,
*Melva now tenantless, bat as most of her moans
were of en available character, she will, not lack
for fonds. The gentleman is about forty years of
while the - lady is somewhit younger, and rather
prepoeseniag in appearance.
The errant couple, io fleeing to Europe, have
taken a very ready means for ridding tbeenaelvea
of their surplus lends, and a few months spent in
prodigality .. .4'4,, have the etrest of briegiag.t.hein
to their Peneis led - tatiaieg their faces homeward.
Uaßad Presby Intellltence
Ate special meeting of the Presbytery of Steu
benville, two calla were presented to Rev. Thomas
Andrews, one from the congregation. of Liver
pool and. Galeette, the other from Carrollton and
North Union. The former was accepted and ar
rangements made for his installation at next meet
ing of Presbytery, follows r , —Dr. Easton to
prmeh the eelmon and !amide, Rev. Jae Golnen
address the pastor, and Rev. J. H. Peacock the
people. Presbytery petitioned Congress to reject
all compromises designed to extend slavery or na
tionalize it, no as to involve the free people of the
North in the sin of slavery The Presbytery
of Muskingum met in Waehington, and wm open
ed-with on excellent sermon by Rev. Jae. P. Lytle.
A 'call Nom the congregation of Clear Fork. ad
dressed to Rev. David Thompson for one-halt his
time, WM suetalned, aed ordered to be forwarded
to the Preebytery of Chartiera for presenta
tion. Rev.. E. B. Calderbead having at the lam
meeting - tendered hi. resignation of the pastoral
Charge of the cangregatione_of Rovhville, and
Thornville, ha i resignation was at this meeting ac
cepted. Rev. H. Forsythe tendered him resigne.
tionuf the pastoral charge of Fairview congrega
eft. For the coneideration of this, Presbytery ad •
jaunted to meet in Fairnew,on the of
Court o(Common Pleas
tefore Judges Mellon, Adams and Parke
The foll Owing cage. have been paned upon ;
Jacob Meyer vi. Jacob MIME action on a
book scene& for services. Verdict for plaintiff
-, — for . $127 82.
11. Jennings and 1). Barkley vs. The Pennsylva
nia Bait Manufacturing Co.; action of trover for ■
piny tall of timber. Verdict for plainuffs forsl7s 52.
James Bewail vs. John Cloven; action of trove to
recover a mare left with defendant to pesters. Ver
dict for defendant.
Fitzgerald vs. II ortionn; neat. to recover for en
AIM in digging a well. Verdict for defendant.
Aid. Thomas Steel Tr. Alex. King; notion to re
cover fees for taking depositions. Verdict for plain
tiff for $lO.
.—Thigheoek, IteOrnery & Co. vs. Win. Gray; action
on a boot %cootie* to recover $lll, the value of corn
del deteodant and lacks not returned. On
OW. -
- .
N. Rosenbaum ye. John P. Wann; action on a
book acponnt. Verdict for plaintiff for $l2 72.
NOW trill mooed; rase.. Glad.
John Marshall or. Fred. Weigle. On trial
As will be zees, by reference to oar advertising
calumet, Merril. McClelland, Wearer bri Co., have
formed a copartnership for the purposeof trammel
ing a general suction nod commimion bovines, et
N 0.65 Fifth, street. Two of the firm, Leese H.
Wsiaier lad T. A. ble.Clelleed, have had consider
able experience in the auction Imeneer,Mhe latter
gentleman lievieg losg been a crier in this city, and
both are - perfectly acquainted with ev ery depart
- the busies.. Mr. John D. cFarlen is
a young max of untiring energy and good bailees,
enalillcationr, end for several years put has been
serried it the Derptesae Depot of the Penna. R.
It., where be held a promieest position, with cre
dit to bluseelfitind to the.enure satialset on of the
Company. Person. eatrosting Moine e , to the
firm, can rely tie having it attended to properly,
correctly, sal with dispatch. They • licit conl
sigeleate, confident of setislyieg ell ore. may favor
them with- banes..
Tin Roßstinr or Ma. Ro
Philadelphia North Asuman 01 Toesdi
. 1 0a the night of J►nuary 28th, a Mr. N
01 Phial:l.'6, Pa, who is n drover by
and had just received $11,500 in payment
wasirnbbed at the Peunaylvani• Raiir
.Elevehth - end Market streets, a he WU
abasing his ticket, by a gang of thieve..
to trace the guilty parties failed 'unti
mornieg,atheir detectives Franklin, It
and Lamed, enteeeded in ■rrosmlag W
a 00(0.1 thief, on the charge of nein
guilty parties The hearing tank
Alderman Dialer, when Mr. Restheld
him in the meat SW...Wm manual; a
was held in 11;000 to answer the chs
ther hearing."
VtiTOVNDUI-Pll/108.—A report
the • city yesterday, teat t. Col
• base tbrowit from a baggy r ober'Orlds
• W• anon eller, (bundtree,geettemen
aid 1 4-that the report ortdisat;
foneding bit litiggy with telrept Mr.
wee neselen the road. as htentiosed
. ,
A DIIITITD:=.011 moticua onL B. a , - minket, Esq.
Chili 0 W. Mcliendry, Esx, was duly edmittej
sod qualified to practice is e Coo IS of Alleghe
ny county. The gen !emit passed i highly credit.
able cumulation, lastr , pg studied l ' w under very
favorable nunticea. - e wish him &handset sue.
ten In hip prolesaion. ' . , .
iltravew DZAllT.—joba Irwin, a,
oldie( four miles net ea the Bte
wee . lotted dead ia Ws bed on To.
luiTieg retired the previous ereoth
r xid health. Corouthr Bostwick be
,jury Road ' a verdict at
'}alum eausee."
Nord of - CoeUel metian erasing
be filieloll Dr. Janes Brows Pr en
torreikiru minimised In &gratify
ae."rribillerer. C
easolpCoiltilit 'lO "PIAMMIU-br
~~ ~:t
OUenes-Latest. trout itsdUe• F.* l 7
, ,
A 11,thill,W1 Jost trom Satith's Firry informs us
that toil i'farer rages them ;ebb great violaceso
larp htichen of itrangas visit the locality, sad the
moat iMniltaat prices are aske&and offered for oil
sites. following are the latest items of intelli
gence :
The hlessrs.L.Lippinoott, of this city, have just
commenced to pump their well, and it throw. Our •
very stream of' oil and water. It hse not lams
fully united, but'those who saw it in operation are
sanguine that it - will yield at least fifteen barrels
located on the Ohio river, nearly oppo
site the!Tarentran well. and Is 170 fast deep..
The Patton well is still doing finely, and the yield
seems to be increasing.
The Tarentum well, which never yielded oil in
paying 401ntitIVI, in not yet despaired of, as; is evi
dent from the teat that men are now busily engaged
In 'healing" it.
Mt. I. P. Darlington, of :this city, will com
mence lobate a well neat week, oo the Dawson
tract. ;
Mr. Henry Price, carpenter, of Allegheny, bee
en engine- on the ground (the Dawson tram) and
will "tap the jugular" at the earliest possible day.
Mr. Kohn, of Kest Liberty, will commence to
bore in a low days; and Mr. Thompson, of Liver
pool, la boring with as engine between the Patton
and Terentum wells.
We have just been shown a letter from the Su
perintendent of the Duquesne till Company, which
is comPoard of a number of oar lending creens,
who orb trying their lock in the Venaego oil re
gion. The letter states that, at rile Von o'clock on
the night of the 21 inn., a good vein of oil was
struck le one elk_ the company's wells on French
creek, lone mile and a quarter above the town of
Franklin. This vein is at the depth of 271 feet,
and is the sixth which has been °pelted in Hoe well.
Preparations are making for pumping, and vats ol
the necessary dimensions have been ordered. The
capacity of the well is not stated, and e.onot be
determined until the pump is applied.
This!company isainking another well no French
creek, 'adjoining the above. Also, two wells on
the Allegheny river, one m.le above Franklin, ace
lour wells on Two Mile run. The 'capital invested
is abotit $4O 000, and a charter be about to be ap
plied for. Jackson Duncan is Proodrient of the
company, with 0. H. Paul..., li. I,Volt, jr.,43eu.
H. Anderson, ■nd M. Rabe as Directors. The
stockholders have evidently made a hit,' , and
for farther information we'reter them to the atom nl
Mr. J 'Love, 77 Wood street.
Krtenwl•o)LoryloW i tVo worth tot Good•
Tuesday night the dry goods store of Wm. Frank
ar.Co., Fifth street, between Wood and Market, was
entered by burglar. and robbed of a very large
lot of tancy drew, silks, collar., glottal other
light and valuable article., The thic es gained
acceseby raising a window in the tear Wall of the
cellar, after which they reached the store room
through a small•trap door in the rear ofiths store.
The trap door was lastened down by sot Woo bolt,
ea the upper aide, which was removed by boring
out a piece of the wood large enough to admit the
hand and arm. Having the. removed t 0 barrier,
the thieves ascended the stairway, an evidently
went to work leisurely to select the choicest good.
ID the Rare. All the milks were taken, together with
a valuable assortment of white goods. Tdelowt esti
not be ;correctly eetim ated, an Mr. Frank iis now ab
sent iii the State of Ohio. The clerk. inform us that
at limit V 2,000 of worth of (coeds have been stolen.
The circumstances connected with the robbery
indicate clearly that the thieves wore perfectly
familiar with the trap door, and the position of the
holt;la's the anger holes were not made by random,
but with an accuracy which indicated previous
Inspection, if not actual measurement. It is also
inferred that the parties had some knowledge of
the goods, is well a. their position iu , the shelves
and dreweri, se there was so tossing :or ransack
ing, bet au orderly "appropriation" such a co one
unaeqnainted with the premises would be likely to
No elite hen ae yet been obtained to the perpe
retina of thin robbery, but the police will make
very endeavor to apprehend them.
•Aasitto.r WITII a RAZOIL—MrsI Maria Gibson,
made an information tielore Alderman Miller,
yesterday afternoon, charging • woman named
Elizabeth Holland with making an assault upon her
with a; razor. She alleges that tha deiendant rut at
her three times, the lent rut taking great in her
alrem,ileben the blade wa• broken train the handle.
Had It not been for thin event the result might hare
been Much more serious. In default of 531)0 bail,
the defendant was committed tin trial. Both
partielp reside, in the Third Ward, Allegheny.
New Orrice.. I.:Lim - No.—At I.loecling n 1 the
memliera of the Breekinridge I.Gerary Societe,
Tuesday evening, the re'lowing officers were cho
sen for , the ensuing term: Premdent, Amos M.
Barton . ; Vice President, James M. Knight; Seere.
tary, Kdward Magee Trento rer ; H. Steeling; ili
derly Sergenot,„Jiurace S. nhwdeo : Unties,
William J. Phillips sod Jobe Chlorine; Trumee.s,
C. S. C. :111.Dorrell. George Irwin, W. J Phillips.
Sratei:Lossirio ha. become almost intolerable
in some parts of Allegheny, and Alayor Drum in
determined to abate the nuisance if possible. Y ea
evening lour disorderly loafers were arrested at the
cornet of Bank lane and Anderson sweet, in the
Fourth ward, and Geed one dollar-each.
Ncti roar Orrice--the Peat Office Department
has *shlished an Dili. at Dimon', on the Pats%
burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Iladrnad, and ap
pointed Thomas Chess postmaster. Ths a re
eatabiishment of the enortneysille rttlre, and
located at the new Insane Hospital.
Mein AID roe Kane/kn.—The Tames and gentle
men employed in the trimming store of Messrs
Keton, ere. S Meenum, Ftlth`street, hare central
used $2O to aid of the Kum* fund. .Ishe Htnell
Kaq .'donated $lO, and Adam Trautman, of By
magnum, p, for the same purpose.
FIRM AT 110i.cinArmsofte.—A large building.
owned by Col. It. M. Lemon nod Used as • depot for
the manuketure of Lindsei's Blood Boucher, caught
Bre one night last week and wan totally destroyed.
together with • large stock of the medicio• Loam.
$2,000 over the••mount of insurance.
Flux to Cl.wartrtitt.D.—Tbe residence of Judge
Burnet, of Clearfield, was totally destroyed by fire
on Thursday evening last. Ilia furniture was saved,
but winch of it in a damaged condition. Ilia loss,
we understand, Is folly mtvered by lawman°.
FA6I . DAY.—This day Mu been set aput AS aday
of fasting, humiliation and prayer, by the Conven
tion of ministers of the Old School Presbyterian
Churdh, which recently Met In this city. There will
be preaching at the nestal hour, morning and un
tie, in ell the churches of that denomination.
LIAMIIIIJC•, the Wizard, gaie an entertainment
at himonic Hall last evening, the proceeds al
which are to be distributed among the poor. He
will give another one to.night, when every pee.oa
attending will remove aprize.
Huey M/WER, have just published in
a neat pamphlet form, the "Conatitution of the
United Staten," which they are prepared to dispose
of at the low price 61,1ree cents.
ACClDENl'.—Yestet. a?, two young men, none
of Mr. ft. H. PaltEteij• Were thrown froni a buggy
on the road near Oakland, but both escaped with
alight injuries.
!—Housekeepers in went
of carrot, should bear in mind that J. Finch.
corner of Grant and Fifth streelsouill continue.
telllug off cupola at Plow Vora Auction prices.
LAaceirr.—Aideraian tiomldeon yesterday com
mitted !times C. Tumble on a charge of larceny,
preferred by Samuel J. Trimble.
flif DOCTOR O. BAIL!, Water Cure arid Bowe
pathio Physiciatt; also slant for Rainbow's celebrator!
Trams for Rupture.. Po. 180 Smithfield Bt.
,JAIL ehouldmot fail to read the adiver
time.. of Prot. Wood. la to.ear. paw.
Dillll7l.llT.—Dt. 0, Bill, No. 246 Peon
sheet, attends to all branches of the Dental prefect
FitirBLOOD FWD.—Attention is called to
tide time karaersehle and enkindle, propirattun,advertbed
km !inhibit holm. It Is en entirety Del/ dleartery,snd
toad 'not ha conimmded with any of the 13/101nr09.1 patent
medicinal°, the day. It le a certain remedy fur ell the
Cimino ipeciffed, and terpoctilly thaw of a chronic nature
—Ol long Aanding—ol week., menthe, and yew.. Suffer.
try 111
Matra Oahe= a DO7Oll, of N. York, are the eels
! .(lota for It, and alio proprietors of the wirld.renciened
IDn Itatera Lvaetlu 001101/11., an 1111.1CLIF which every
Ilteintrittonld have in her medicine cloeet in GAO of need;
sad;uditing, se It dory DO p•IrOg6110 of any
bled. OM be relied upon with the almost etwoldenntrihh
will be fornitl an invaluable *wide Mien roem of infantile
eotoplalata—Dale anus Jinoloat, attiramt
MA* adrattbmiont. for nate by tt°. n. tiYaRR
Awant. Ida Wend it. Midway). Pa. rialTilawimP
I y uysa—
ler cattle,
ed depot,
ittiont puo
All efforu
tier Price,
one of the
, ace before
I .
a identified
I.r which he
ge for o for-
Important to Fanillles:
Sava Time, Trouble, and noose.
. _
One pound equal to Six pounds
JP CO rr Att. s yr. ! !
Few SW al WlwAriah. 1 , 7
Penn'a. Salt Manufaceg. Co.
azob, GE Delmilgai SA Orman loth. United Stabil.
;as current in
ft, E.q., had
'Cued killed.
in hia office,
.d Imm CO/l
ain:ter, which
W OODSIP - R - * a - TARRY, •
!. old man, re
„beavalle trd,
: day motattqr,
I. in app
I d an inquest,
” death from
0, -.A. R S.O 1 4 .7 0 I -
mci NM& ATAXIIT, Dawson Oadal Wats" Welk.,
° Mil
Bustin Eau cat ascii.
dQ. -8.-LIEOII & CO., to close
teak pretest builsok oar all their prootothlock
lAN WI the WhININT CAM PRD3121. , AOf ose lobbing to
oabr la to th•GROCIIIIT EOM len Weald bee. • e..oe
rttriet t el=th ... 3l._ B 4 " t r h i e t :2ltl 0 ." ;7 4. 1Z " ' 1"'""e "
° To ., ebe ewe WARIIIIOOIIII3 011 LIEICRI
ruff IKRZ Ulf? by to • pod emirs.
ponstairoassakhi“ mom .t. 64411'
be Altesbeey
I agl oresobrad
i eat.
• d A; Cameros
4loidittass WON
ispodute Will
Important from Warn Liston.
(Special Dispatch Irma oar Smalls( Mdltlea. I
Thcre are yet no Indications of the probable se
lino of the Peace Comohnionere.: The delegett•
are neatly as much divided in sentiment a. Con
greet, eel decidedly more moderate to tone. No
ayes anti noes will he taken on propositions that
will come before the Convention
The Montgomery Conbention will endeavor to
eatablisb a permanent separate government, and
prevent a rev.tistruetion as desigPed by the bor
der State.
Large Committee. from New Yoik and elsewhere
era hare to remonstrate against the new Tariff,
but they will meet with no eucceiM
It ie now proposed to reduce ttie duty on sugar
one halt, is order to save a portiod of the revenue
It imp considered that the treaeopable conduct of
Louisiana ■hould exclude her from: any favor
More than hall of the Republican, are opposed
n any compromise.
XXXVIth Congress—Second Session
lionsc.—The Speaker laid before the House a
message tram the President, enclosing the,sesolu.
lion of the Kentucky Legialatore, 'which sake Con
gress to call a National' Convention, to make
amendments to tho Constitution; and commending
the proposition to that coneideration, which its
patriotic source and imoortance dpmaada. Refer.
red to Select Committee of tire.
Mr. Nixon, of N../ , presented the memorial of
fifteen hundred citizen, of New Jimmy, poking the
adoption of the Crittenden proposition. He was
winged that a large majority of the people of that
State desire that Congress act speedily.
The Senate's amendments to the loan bill were
taken up.
Mr. Phelps, of Mo, advocated a 00130U17011C0 in
the amendment repealing the act of June, 1860,
which authorises a loan and provides for the redemp
tion of the treasury notes.
Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, replied, goyim that if this
was agreed to it would leave no security for redeem
ing the Treasury Note. auttiorixed by the set of
Oecember last. He trusted that the next adminis
tration will never have occasion to come here with
a loan bill 311 time of peace. The espemie• of the
Government should never he allowed to exceed
the revenue.
Phelps supposed that it wawa fired fact that
the tariff hill, which contained a louse for (hid
loan r would pan, and ample. provision would he
afforded for the redemption of the treasury notes.
The amendment was rejected-ryeae, 59 —nay.,
On motion of Mr. Sherman, a cpmmiitee or con
ference on the pirt nr the Senate was leaked for on
this .object.
Mr. Collis, of Ind., called up the hill relative to
the Postal service, He said that the Committee
on the Postolfice did not wish it thought even by
inference that they recognise the right of a State
to secede from the Union. Alter coasultation
net bad agreed on a more metal bill, which
provided that whenever in the opinion of the Post
master General, the postal servicea cannot be vale
t, continued, or the poatolfice revenue. collected,
or the postai law. maintained, or the content. of
the mails preserved, inviolate till delivered to the
proper address, or any poet route , by nation of any
insurrection or nineteene to the law. of the United
Staten, the Parameter General iediereby whom
rid to discontinue the postal service on much route,
or soy part thereof, and at any fraebbrace thereon,
till the name can be irately resiofed, and shall re
port his action to Congress. •
This bill was then paned ; yeas, 131 ; •aya, 26.
Mr. Florence, of Penn'•, presebted the memo
riot of the Board of Trade of Philidelphi• asking
Commas to paw • law extending tli• limita of entry
end delivery of the port of Philadelphia, •ccom
palmed by a bill drafted to effect Oa purlieu, de- .
.red. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
The coneideratiou of the report , of the Commit
tee of Thirty three was then reauned.
Mr. Ilumphrey, of N. V., argued that the idea
of thirteen mile peadent nation mover existed but
in the brain of political theorist.,
Before Stale awereigoty was dream:if of, nation•
alitg had no ...dente and )01 we eon hums
edWmnly declaring their reenteq, of ii weer
eigoly, they Dever for a moment forhilemend True
Wien room not itegottate with trait°u nor the gov
wrntuent compound with treason. But as to those
',Staten which remain loyal to MI eonntrythere was
Imo national demand, he would deny, that way con
ariment with honor lino mormplon. . r
The Committee of Thirty-thretegild wasted much
itime in devoting nieces of adjustment while the
tine cause remained °mooched. tet.Mr. [deco In
!he inaugurated. Then Congress could Adore..
ithemeelreirto the atihjoct- The duty of reinvigor
latiegibe government' ast be cat thaiiiiiiitolig
la d .• nimistration animated by p•irio in impulse.. pa
will be without minim. o
u. o fear r conic'.
nsneea of weeknen It mast hair& poirer to con
centrate sad lend pohlic opiate. aided by emigre.-
aional repreeentetives fresh from :the people. Be
Imaged forward to the next •dmiamtra lion with a
.•temitert trust and cheerful hope. Then will come
the time Mr •n adjustment In foraiirmity with
dignity, honor and principle.. If the seceded
Stale. return it mum he with wan lotion of the
du nn herriry on thro lap,, .
Mr. ori Home, of Va., card ho stsiti'd use every ex
ertion in hi. power to ;111,00IVA 0111 goy. outwit.
He was for the Union now, torn nod shattered aa
it IS, believing that the calamities including mad
war that would Mend nod follow dinolution,
would bear equally tin ban serlip(l9. The cotton
States are gooe,heit the Republican:party by coming
leeward like men and tendering , justice to the
South can prevent further raptor until the border
States by a firm and conciliatory comma con •d-
Mat with them all the pending Ooffstulties. This
done, these State* would return and the Union be
placed no a inure permanent balite thaerever before.
Heopposed tan ides acu
o reconetctton and urged
the Republicans to accept the Crittenden proposi.
tire. Let the friend• of an aquetment mid the
Union stand firm, and our troubles will yet be
The House took a rector till 7 ',o'clock.
Evening Session.—Mr. Maynard, el Tenn., advo
cated the Crittenden prom . ..mon,' He appealed to
the Republicans to attempt no, coercion policy
it would be ieeffective, nowiee, and attended only
by evil. The MOM.' such a Mar commenced,
the whole South would notice . common canoe.
Trust to the Union men and give them insurances
that the guarantees will be gOen, so that they
could go back an their people and satudy them that
their rights will not be invaded, and their equality
in the Union he maintained inviolate, and he would
pledge Mama au far as he could that the forts,
anneals, ships, navy Ikeda, said and the million.
shalt he restores'. roa r wit do lb.. without firing
a gun in
shedding ono 4lrop of ,Ipinti. Tony will
do it by that peaceful remedy, ilia ballot-boa, with
an honor soiled, no sell respect lost. They will
restore the Government to the high and proud po
int!. it enjoyed before these troubles commenced,
and at the end of four years the Government will
be in the hand* of good men of a party which .hall
embrace every one of the tbartyllour Staten. ( hp
SENATE. —Mr. Seward, at N. V., presented the
memorial of the importing merchants arid other,,
of the city of New Terre, proirtating •stinst the
Abolition of the warehousing system.
Mr. Pearce, of Md., reported the Deficiency
bill, with the Horne stnandmel7, recommending
the Senate insist on its erne dmente, and that
a committee of conference be appointed. Agreed
Mr. Crittenden. Ky presented the petition of
the citizens of Msenchmetts in favor of toe Critten
den resolution.. • '1
Mr. Ten Kick, N. J., presented sin petting:um
from citeens of Philadelphia, asking Col:grim to
stand by the Constitution.
. Mr. Wilma, of Man., from the Committee on
Military strain ' reported a bill for the• Little; or.
ganimtion of the Militi• in the Districtof C.ry—
fumble. Laid over.
Messrs. Dixon, of Ct , and Bigler, of Pees's,
presented petitions in favor or the Crittenden
resolution. One of Mr. Biglells petitions was
from a (ire company in Lancaster,:which was organ.
meld before the adoption of the constlfittion. The
petition le printed on is large American flag.
Mr. Foster, of Ct., presented, petition, in levor
of She maintenance of the Coninitution and the
enforcement of the laws.
Mr. Fessendan of Me., presented the petitions
al the eitteons tiMnine, praying that something
may be done eh save the Union..
The consuleratiun of the Preei rob' Menage
wan taken up, when Mr. ',Amon, t Tenn., haring
the door, resumed hi. remarks.
A menage In.
Conference on :tthi,eatoeun
asking ent to
for committee a
the loan hill. The committee mesa appointed.
The Constitution has Dot infringed on the rights
of South Carolina, but the-uniciof the apparent
breaking up of the Unioh is thnithere are bad men
North and bad men South, both »I whim wish to
destroy the Union to gratify their unhallowed am
bition. Bad teen from either, notion in both
branches of Congress, crinoline and recriminate
till they become angry, but while they will not
fight with each other, ogres to! get her to fight
against the Union. •
He believed that there was a spirit of Union
among the great mass of the people, be thought
the country would be mile. The Union was not
gone; but it the Union wee 13: he destroyed and
the old flag struck to the dun, he wanted no more
winding sheet than that same' flag, and no better
grave then to he with the Nino. Ile closed,
making an appeal to the conservative men of the
opposite party to sustain the Vahan men in fighting
for the Union and to do something for the safety of
the country, and at lent to let the question go to
the people of the country, in whose pinwheel and
integrity he had au abiding confidence.
Mr. 'Wigan, of Tem, obtaided the floor, and
the Senate went into executive Session and
quently adjourned.
Aylmer", Oa.Feb. 6.—Tbe bII appropristlng
half a million of dollars for thi r entitle of loothent
ledspeadeoee has passed both bre:tabu of the Ley
The Governor has signed a bill higalisias [babas&
The stay low hat bee. - defeated in de Senate,
bat ais effort will be made tomorrow to • reeonelder
the rote, 'bleb It Is thought will be rwearefaL
Borns, Feb, 6 —Tao tnamastai Niagancialad
at DOOD 10e LiflOpool,-With %hilly pusetpm aid
neatly $14,000 sa opals.i 4 .
. .
. L L .
. I
sr t4tßanaill
Feb. 6
Piu.llcanla.leitslatare. {
• . - 1--"'", A. kssursosa, Yob. 6.!--In th e Serials to.das A.
further to the acilacorpteiting the pity
of Philadelphia came riP heavier en a ireerma resid
ing. It contemplates changing the time of holdirig
the miniellial electiona from May to Oetober. ,A
letter was read from Mayor lieury disapproving o I
the bill, which was read a third time and Fused
finally by a party rota--yeas 22, nay. ff
The Senate than &Owned.
In theptse, Mr. tieorge Smith read in plaee a
bill tore the set of Much oth, 1880, ineorpera-
Ling the iMin County Pant. ' •
Mr. Abbott read in place %bill to commute the
toting* tax on the Penasylvariia ItallreaS. '
,Mr. Wildly, a bill tproving the irregular prac
tice of medicine and au try.
o tt.
The bill authorizing Attorney General to ' sue
defaulting corporation wherever located in the
State, in the Court of 4Cotumon Kees of Dauphin
county; was negatived. i ,
The bill in niation tohneeated land. and the pay
ment of texas, and the rights of claimants, was taken
up and, pelted. '. - .
The supplement to the net relative to the eseuip-
Lion of r $3OO, and to the right of widows and tint
dren of decedent; approved April fhb, 1859, ,1 T a5i
discussed At some length by Messrs- Gordon, sbr. !
tholes:new, Cowan, Wilson, Byae, 'William; Hiatus
nod others, and finally recommitted to the Comialt.'
tee on the Judiciary. • I
The bill relating to Sheriffs fees was called apart
debated. It pieviden that no grant or eon's/yea
given Or made by any Sheriff within this State sand
be taken or adjudged to be valid and effectual, do
legs within five years from the date thereof the cal
purchaser or his aliens shall commence legal pre
(endings for the porpold'ef obtainini poseeigionl o
the same, or shall have °linked lawful posiewied
the came by entry or otherwise. The question ii
taken and the bill negatived.
irhebill Sainting to pleadings in certain care
with the Courts of this flommonwoilth woe tuffs
up by l °manner, The Committee MO and re
ported. the bill with n arginve recommendatib .
The Douse imagined tbd report of the Collimate
and the motion was agreed to. The bill woe OM
taken up aid alter a Miran debate wig puled. '.l'
The Noma then, by a vote of yea., it, glaye..l
agreed, to proceed to the.consideration of the jut oit
resolutions relative to the ramie! of the nalstir
forces.of the Commonwealth. I
Mr.' - Eitiot add d flen Hotta. at some length,
advocating the reiroluliqfig. Mem,. ifortton!sti
of Crawford, we 'opposed to arming lb
military. Several (sheet, pattieipatitil •in the at
mission. Mr, Graham, 'moved to lovapotoe ba
whole matter indefinitely. Mr. Abbott lavored. by
purebalte of a yogi - • rem to Ell c 8
the military - -' anion ehohld
any emerge, ing to 16-til
the House
eked 'Don V
All government telegraphic crommunloatlon iviith
New Orleans Is cut off. The Secretary of lbs Trine
ury, however, is taking fiction in regard to the late
obstruction of the remise laws by the collector of
that port. It I. imeertileed from an autheiitio
source that the laws will'fie enforced to the grimiest
extent that Is practicabiliaind on a Colon basin,
WASHINGTON, Feb. the peace Convention
to•day a resolution was introduced prop.itre to
conduct the proceeding! with open doom. Thu
wee earnestly discussed and the recall w. a !re
striction upon thecae:m*lone,', from parties p Yap
scarcely necessary considering rhi t but little curi
osity is manifestel mJnellfo rug tbs. movements.
The Cureiruiseioners are sociably harmonious, tiers
yet they hire discharged'. no looking to
political results. A oussiber of the Repo Wiese
mesonsm or the New Jersey Legislature, and oilier.
01 the same prim, are hire urging their repreden
temaa not tong,ee In any compromise which ediald
Compromise their princiiiles.. •
The steamier Michigan, at Lake Rite, will bop.
in COMMISSION on the Ist ol March. • •
The artillery company' :which arrived yisster ay
at New York, by the Rationah - steamer, ir o n the
Augusta Arsenal, have been ordered by lelegreph
to come to Washington.
WASIMIOTON, Feb. G.—The Preindent's criiirae
in relation to the proposition or Col. Hayno is
-4r to that toward the. tomer Correinissitinie,
namely ; that he has no Inthririty to treat lor the
isle or other disponithinj the for end otherlpub-
Ilc proporti t . that a. doty to defend thole to
the beat of bin ability a4ll hit the nonservinute•
Most tall on those who attack thorn. Col. Lisne
Will retina to Sooth
RICEIIIORD, Feb. d. —Tliii 0013{00 II OWOII6BII that
while a large proportion of the delegates to the Fiala
Convention are Union men, them are very fevir iitib.
tnlselonista among theirk and that while they 1011
exit .nat every honorable moans to preserve 'the
Onion, they will demand lbst the rights of the thaoth
ere fully guaranteed.. KO *sores. a fear that if
the Peace Couterenoe faligso effect a settlement,lthe
Convention mey consider further exertions hopeless.
These are given as the comments it s portion.tifthe
knowing eitiseue of Mid city on the result of h on
day's election. -
. _ ,
hfotrroonrev, Feb. 6.., Cr. , Convention dike
cmang Stunt mat non•,.t, and proem:4l4i' to
the consideration al the rat a to govern the eltb
eration• of the body. 'll4e oitinnlloo incited Mime
discemion. lion. AleattnJci 11. Stephene,, a fie ,
enplaned the opnrou 'that the role. wert!t , he
made on the priample-dme„ no are a Coop ' ii
wevinv4ls: sad- indepe 4Htstaer,-ewi- diet
Meet ante se Stater.' 'raiding the dirieuseton q a
"am. of resolution* which prorated for tali el
poinent of a Committee to report the forM ,t a
provisional government, the Convention . i vve
Into secret ermine.
liamverroa, Yob. 6--The ordinance of semisYl o.
wee pused on the let instant, by 16It to 7.! T e
00-senior, Legislature, Supreme Judges and go.-
16810.210111 ware present. The ordinance is 10 •ei
voted (or on the 23.1 of February, and if alloptedlatill
go into effort on the 2d of March.
(low Houton recognise. a contention of tho Peo
ple, end hs declared his attachment to tie Sboth
end • deeire to join • Southern Confederecy ; boos
be formed, he will join in a ropotille of Tues.;
The secession new. (nun Florida, iieorgic Ala
bama, M" ippl and Louisiana emoted mortii
eltement in northern Taus.
L••CASTSV., Fob. o.—At the monicipal alpetion
t .
yesterday, Ueorge 13andereon, Democrat, w re
elected Mayor by 700 majority . The pout on of
Union or Compromise was not in issue. as Ald 'man
Wiley'e platform waa alio In favor of such umealuras
of compromise iu will settle the distracting queition
now and forever. Many sustained Mayor Bidder
sou, regardlssa of party, brassie an an officer hi bat
given general *malefaction. The closest conteab was
for police officers In the East ward , Baker and Mes
ronkop, citizens' candidates, wore both re.ehictad
over the Democratic candidates fur similar 'Malone.
New Vows, Feb. 6.—A .drapetch from New
Orleans, make that two of the crew of thblehip
Demd Brown, owned by C.. A. Lew, of New ork,
bound from See Fraurimo to Cora, bad! .eem
brought them. It is presumed that the Ai. bee
been loot.
New rime, Feb. 6.—Tbe coffee market in firm;
at the auction male to-day 4,600 b.g. of KM ere
offered', 1,700 bee of which were sold at '4
Inc. The ge price beteg 'tic.
New Tone, Feb. 6 —The .ream.; Mario ar
rived tine enernooo, boning on board the and
children of the Wheel. and men ernployed!i • the
default° of Fort Blunter.
FOOT Ssttin, Feb. 6.—Advices received I,.day
by the editor of the Thuty-Fifth Parsifletate
that the Teaane have threatened to take p, eli
sion 01 Forte Washita, Cobb and Arbuckle ,i 2 the
Indian territory. It in thought that the Id eit
each of these station. is sufficient to protect I .
• The conductor of the overland mail from l idle
Rock, Aikaneth, report,' that the arsenal was. skein
poexersion of by the State troop., et that plah , on
Saturday evening last.
RALLION, N. C., Feb. 6.—Tbo Senate S.
peeled a general stay law, The House fa eith
ed in the consideration of the militia
military Cl the State will be thoroughly re iS
iota. Volunteer companies are being rimed
armed. The news from Virginia elates some;
it depresses others. ft is he only topics of di
mon to-night.
Mayan, Dee. 6 Thee Dew
—.ambled tbi morn
, trot. T.
Ncw Halite, Dec. 6 The Democratic!
Convention aseambled thi morning. Win. D.II
rill was elected Presiden t. The morning hod
occupied in the appothimiet of committee's!
inappoeed that the Douglas men constitute a i
ity in the Convention. .1. C. Loomis in p
neatly spoken of s• the candidate for Goverq
New Onbaass, Feb. O.—la the eonventio• , the
resolution to appolot Commissioners to ell the; lave
bolding States not yet senehd; and booths thim to
join the Southern Coofederaay, woe tabled by 'e yet.
of 68 to B.
liumittriaeori, VT, Feb. 6.—A meeting of the
delegates from thu State to the Chicago Ctf vn•
title, was held at Montpelier lest evening, atnrbi •h
resolutions were adopted unanimously, prettieti g
egliest auy plane of compromise.
Noarobs. Va., Feb. 6._ Henry A. Wise la: .le t
ad from Princess Anna county, by a decidelti -
jerky. IVLattboarn and Hantagoo countit • olt,ct d
stie secession candidates.
10ga, le—Notice I. hereby Or to ell • +nem
of rein, Carla. Wager /Means. to , whether i Went
or non rialdent, In Itie City of Pittsburgh, heat tbeitilelo
r for the year Jell ere doe end sever et ibe Teri reale
Ogir Olty of Pittsburgh, Forum will". In art-order
Wlt 0 an let of Aesombly, approved Maras 10,I803.'end .
Ordleatme of the °winning of the city of leltteburstirmel
All Mere eol weld ori or before May La, 1101, PI no
pleoed lu the hands of the Ohlef of Pollee, for eol i telloo,
vobjeet to hie fee of fifty rents for tie coiteerlon err;
and all prone who erre er refuse ro Mtge out twie
will le, magnet to a penalty, to bs rooovrt.d le , the
,Ilayst, door the marmot or t00t1e....
The Old 0101.1 otot• e or previous peen tuivw .,
Ns 11) 13 11ry1.1
It the time Lt... ere tenon ont.or :Wrenn, paid th "Mew.
• lob One-Bored Veh1e1e...—.....—.--. l This Da l
e re.
M Two , do do —.—....... —M eld
• 'do Poor do do . . Ten do
Oennlbneen and T do Poor trod.
har - 4 . b . eele drew. by Two tree,
Twelve Pollan each For eerie Aldittoual Home tiled I 0
say of the above vehleee.llue Doper.
' WM. 110U8.11711, City Tres. 9 n
Pltteborgh, P.O. let, tell. . oh
t ]
Cephalic Pill 'l
CCphalia Pilli
Cephalic Pit ',
Cephalic Pills,
Cephalic Pine,
Cephalic Pi
Come of ib• Diusoid pa pluirxt trirk
WINK of the Dlamosel aid Meeks*
MO. •- - Owirotta• Mod oil NOM.
• , - - - . ..
/Min INT.- f ~
Jowls DELWiTIi. V. I . ' I
holace Dial., JA,, I
J. -OttrAbriq.
• D. II DALIN., ' I Joao. lutobAs . .
PITTSBURGH nffiassirsi.
[Reported s.preia4y /brawl Pittsburgh
VVlttraitelki. Prb. b, 1561.
where wen nomaterial th•ugo,to oaks to lb. Inspect of.
e l be oeiter.l loathed to.4.ay There Wu ooly • I tnu4trate
Lataittuaa tau, tali• raft tqat Le* 4.21,141 , 6 a reruala
;change.' Tire tracaeml....• ...Ilona re be .1 ab, al ober.
, ache, the: betog alasoeteretre of soyjoloi Ilk.
• op...totally., feeling
1/I..4lR—ramaloe dull. luut:oo, an.l oplrttleita. ti I
Icm remain slit. at ram, oerultol, an v4ll belt
by IN C. leo. beroer , le altwel.
l . .luely rotilifArd to he
b..r 1t Is I. LT little crulalott IL. at pt..
hicb may be attributed . 11. e 111.1. TM. u I ..a.tier.,re
1 Balsa were:
• -
26 • w•—ar w do ' - WC,* 26
to 6.1.2 rdo 626 6 76! 600
05 , do r w 6:606
60 do w w • 6i-
1/ do do ar ........ ..--- '1 16 610 ,
(113008K1 •
3.8---Fugar-16 firm but ouchazgath Saha of
8 blas at 24 , 7% , . 10 do db at 707%. and 3 du ido at 7%
liolansa—firm. Fab* of t 4 bbl. .t 31466 c; 13 do. 20 to
a—t .
untry at 36 0 . (61Ie unchanged. 100. of ,71 bis at
14410; ID do dual 11%e tb
. GRAIN—Oats wagon. toady. B.lea ol 212 bontb at 26c;
. .1110 do do at Igo--lath fm store, and 80 00.6 from fins
bimd• .t 2Co. Corn going B..ut onchanged. taloa of 78 bags at 40c, mud 60 bush do , at 140—both from •3000..
. 011.180 PRIII I' —; al son falr Inquiry; Sala. of
10 Mutt at $2;6 do do at 61,16;$ do do pared at 120 Vito.
Apples-6.1h of 11 boon at 71c:had 8 do do at Ina.
WIIIIIIEW —Ulna 01 25 btd• IlentlB.4l at 1716160 V gall;
—cub nod thall'and 10 bbla Flaw at 1611 e
110008—cet0ato• floso. but paced al. Ducliangad. &NO
Of 1 000 lb. gliattldets at TX—lstr loud, I
BUT VCR l 1008—Ductne °dull troth nO eicee.llll6l7
Molted dal:nand dalosof 1061 Doll at 12Iic. Elio—Salo.
of 2 bbl. at 1%3'0.
01/8.11;511—dall ant towbar pd. Salta o1:0 ha. Wlt it
110 c, and 18 do do al 10e.
Qualm APPLES—In nand.r.ts rtqued. . 8.3. a 26
_ . In sondoras rs que.t. 8.1..
bbl. .1 1,75; 30 do do .131,6401,75—m per q 0.111..
8/1303-11ovor 1. sober dad. dales (.135 bosh al $4,111.
11a55..d..-11.10. a 30 bush al $1,20—....dT.0c.
COON 511fAL—Sele. of 60 boob sumlftrd from flost hood.
.! 3 ! Ce Y
_ .
$l6 of 25 bbl. No 1 Extra at $1,25.
' I.IOUP POLEl—Balee of 1000 ti,hts uf $lO *11 . .00% tad
%OD slockm int $7.
BROOSIIB-45.1ea of It .od Fotios at. $125
02,150 pot dos.
BE t 80—8.1.. of 5 Ulm prime Whits at Doc !Amts.
monmrdiuw amp i10111M51114.11.1.
ill ''' .tk=ill U a A artflutrt. = Fl u ' TOO Ibigrit.Loctibpolrt
Ilydratthe'• •prlng extra at 84,20 del, 170 bble.dmltlee
51111 - 1000 p rrrrrr terms; 100 bbla good opril extra at
WO del; 110.1 tale lair do at $4, 2 0 del; 100 brM IIIton" oo
p 4211 bbl. "Winnebarromaaper at 80,92 del. ,
Wholat—Rectripte 0,681 tot klaettat doll o ls declined
1 ,..46)3:12. Poke 5090 Mt No 1 spriug at 80e; 12100 tot No
2 opting at 74140; 1,000 lot do at 74c—all In Mote.
Uurm-Ilmelead 36,201 Oa. Market dull .oa 34(8/140
lower. , tales 1,000 bu yahoo, at atlc on Multi 700 Om&
yellow at 81c oo track: 6,080 bn solid at 2730 In Mon;
6000 bode .427%010nm.
Oeta—lrecelpta 8600 Gm Qxiet.. Pelee 1600 int No 1 at
1750 itt .torn. , .
Ilya—ftecoired 064 Im. Doll, Bee. of 14 bap No 1 et
45c on track. ' I
, Barley —llmeivad 679 huh. E1a14.1,200 n kir by oar.
Iple In bat at 400 on treat.
• ttorde—Fteecired 2460 Mt Timothy max a and 'ln ac.
live dantand. bolas vont 31 by at $2,25; by dirty •at
i 2.16 Olovor *toady with 4 lair demand. l
Saki 8 tie at
$4 6M 10 begs al $1,60.
" '‘ - ' •
to - int; d at
l' . N...—Poik Milk idalea6o IMia city at sll , i I
Dmmwol 110M—Ilm ed ele 1665. Market d ial . beevy.
_Tn. Po TOLD. • 1111.19 . •11.“ —ft., 010.14.15
Illonday says:
By reference to our cow mist 0010112011. IMO inOrnlng t li.
will be moo that there la u• r a million of batehals Odwilakt
lu store in the matabouwe •l this city at the promo( Mot
iol diug th. aniomit reread m yesterday. This Walota the
double the Mak on hoed at the beg ming of lialituary Jr
tat year. The amount of flour on hand la, bowimer, almil
60000 bonvia km than at flo ur
correepandlng dila ID 1800.
Thla la unmated lor by lb otimmily large Winter MM.
knot. this ymr. In January, last year, ma ablemad little,
pr no fimr; doting the mont h Jest Mom! me ham gapped
38.183 barrel. butarltha b rug that most of Ltrs Balimeda
lemllng to the Me hare unomly block with mom
11nrin8 Mahal two week., tWramlpla of Ounr and wheat
for Jemmy am larger' the In any pravloise gas . The 631.
liming compmee Um mialp a of doer DUD Mks! 13 January
for tour yenta:
EMI. 1660 1 , 64. 1 86 8.
1,96116,388 13,704 1%197
. .302 108 f --- *atop oo
leeei. ...... 178,179 177,339 22,747
By looking back to nor Alen, we and that $o I spring
wheat Is no. twenty cent. lower than on the drat of V. 1.,.
cry laat yvar,aud twenty.dira ant. lower Chau oh th. .am.
1.1. In 1969.
PetteettPlllo O.nta Illattrr; lab 4.—The ifforlugs
111.1 °sale wore larger this week than tor wind them toot,
re•enlng over NCO bead at Phlldpa' Yards, and hrita. were loset.tatlluged tuna $7 to 89%, t h e lunar run e.
7lttliqt the hulk or the salvo were at $7.4651$ the VA
.It.. tot. Tho nunkot auto' dullotod 163 hoed w rt. went to
Now York. Tun following are th e yattlatlara the ..dce
wed. pnhllr today 61 the Avenge yard:
12 041 e, I Abraham. ..........
ledtatue .1 eatudersoo
40 I.lble, Idcgo.l4 • Carr....—
• . .
J 7 (br.trr
EU Monter ...and OAAs Jos MeVIII. Jr.
di do do P 11.14•••)
4 do P Mr Vilko
174 VA Cochran A McCall ..... .
Id Oh4O Judd 'Mid
tadolll4oaey & FO
• 70 Ohio sod lana.d.. do. B
64 Uhl, Voltoiuter A tilll.ll/
C5Pe. .....
Rd Loll A Voeter.
6311, Puller & Woo.
32 t.ocsoter to, h WM.
Ohla, J.lOll
Va.Coutw Kirk .....
45 W
43 T 6, llama a Et, wow
1807 head
About 160 Cs= wage erne= amt =ld at froti IN $lO
each. =rordlng to emidltiorn width la deckle,.
'Of ki-gat= receipts aogipales resoled 2=l rld s .teeles
d'hia Ikea =Mi . = the Mem= lent, at born 6%t=
WO lin sets The =lib= eras better.
Of Skimp same 000 were effsred and Bold at roe tKto
6510 *Eh groat ea to quality.
Moat= a Nor Tool , leb fe—Sha bag= rota ne =Agate
the certain.= of =weal trade tbrongh the thenleetery
decrease at Beak of the Memo= Ilan With • isle of Geer
two indigo= in 0011100 , tbs. employment of video' on Op
pt =ad mercantile security false eff awes mtnlone =agog the
Dame w=et de matters Dow stand, we coati Star .Road
W do with Ise. =tilos by glee or =gm tee genitals.
If the
exchenge *mild contribute to the volume of =WO trade.
Th« look of the market, today le les. farmallie Imps/ars tbe letter thee et toe Ogee of last weak There 1.
Ica. pOlitlCli MIA& UM to b.Ol. the week wifb, and lees
wads dem.= tor Mlle Kuril., bith follog egele
10 4 point erne% easy Ore. lortner =mg ofigild loom Log•
latl, to the prqadho ol budgie= In [het comory, wlthott
the elle:mot btlp to 0., elomecoaeldrouble oeleel on Lontou
to Um Smiting glow= have • teen mede ettloltiglti% for
Bent omen and 100105% for goat ileecilito =lle. The
=teems aim's.= on Pero 16300 l 631K1 Ti.. employ.
inset of money among the grotto te rakes doll at 101 l et 0
11 pent. to bleocamts Me difficulty 10 obtainieg good
=lemmas of paper renders the' qmitation colloid= est Is
=solar. 7 lima being octopi/oleo the Weal, pp et Beek,
no eery choke doobleseem bills Below tbe
term. reuge forfeit. amuse 8010 cent.—{Tim
Intaporits by River. I
wn &au —pe, o Baker-10 tbda rapr, Browo &
FL irlipetrick; la loos pig metal, 11 Childs • co; 06 N. corn;
J. A Fenian, Ist *9°1.1 do yarn, F Seibert; 8 tibia ' , Mal.
Job. Bey.; 4 Wall wadding, A Flub; 6 ao do, ; Ow McCaw
dlr.& & co, 145 blocky, Bryce, lUcbarda g co; 160 atone NM,
Aoderaon • rbillip.; 40.0. ape, 60 do barley, A Orawlord;
BO dodo, G W Pmtlb. 44 do wr.ur , W A 04.; 800 fir.
brick, N U Welker; 11l aka meal, I do teed, A J Flagon, TO do
potato., J it litcll.amid, 42 do grain, J DAT/S.
Imports by Itallread
I ' ft W ICI R R-2 ran coal oil, 3 M Kieri4baller, Was
liarablik at
1 aarerial, Js Words; 3 bele bat , Brown a
Kirkpatrick, lb bag rag; It McCullough; 303 po,, T ..
to oil
J la Usual; 15irdo do, Jame Jour; s rap, Mar le •
1 bet, II a.l II Ebeenberger s 1627 pc. meal, tle 1
Bel; Ibi alasiaware W lilackeoarai d III. pur.ll I , Wi
rolddilega, Wit Bloilmes; 1 bbi banal., 1 kg la d, Berner a
10 worth; 1 oar wheat s L 1111marth; 2da do, lr - allare.
11.1VICIA, 11181Wele i
TO. maalber coullaces cloudy i.l mite wltb todlealloca
trat 'mewing of meow. Too rhar at Ga. plat ;14 abost 0*
Mummy entry Imo than 8 feet by Gm pl., meet. Couiro 0
Baker from Nitmellag ear Gm ouly arrival G O bekr•...—
The dastlass for Lumm New Ille, Alma ter Neeaset,B•lllo
Met for Pottamoutb,Ulars Poe fur Clocloaatt, and et Look
,Dr Loolarstio cleared dueled toe day. Tbalattler bor. met
out Ilibt, baring batemr..—Stm illumnambar
Goody Pam* Clept Mario, I. •41041,11,m1 , lama fur
MmaphlacutToseday smst-....T1ce Cltmaa sad womb from
Idapapbtc aro doe here to day sad to.mormar. otb Orem,
bars olg trepa °lce:Moo.
Tba floe summer Empire By, ay y, Cap( B Wla Gm mat'
molar packet for New IN rm. mO. la ammobrad blears .
~,ii Weduacday wltltoat fall I C
^, l ' !
Cenconeasi, fob. 6.—floor unchanged gold
dounana Atha 00R4 lee mord.. No eb
Whoty dull at 140 Ran I. • better a...
, •
mat lass, W 30.131.6 It. at 11,00 (Ar oboaldeta ; 6 513 6 %.
6 . 01d... and 734067%0 for hs•• Lard dallied' rower at
94$11Kr. la 3.6.410 c. Then ls nothlog dotal sem Pori;
Iris wad so $l6 76017 0 there la barely &mad;
neva le .good (lemma for lager; Atka 711 hhde at WO
7%0: 260 hap of Wpm bold at 134111eish nohow bra
as 29.437100. lloattlaa an abritialta 23 ‘3. 3 110
steady. at 34 pramlom on the east.
NEW Yoga; lett —Cbttoo b.. declined; 44q600 Who
sold at IV{ Floor treaty; 16,000 Ltde 114 11 0e3 Z 1 for
auto; Sri, .o®6 7o tor 061.4 sad $6 Kee 63 Aso booths..
Whaat otiad 71 Was 113,000 bosh at 81 @ 1+64 f red;
$1 40061 , ..60 too white, and $1 1..1(61 66% tor, ishweolloa
thau. two haa declined ; 33,000 bosh it 66544668 c,
white Bombers 760. Pork dull at 411 73 tor &baud 613
for prime. Lard heavy. Tiallow;loLic Whlaey Arm at 144 a.
Parhobstrsua, Pot.. 6.—1100 r weak; aloe otrialra famll6
at $l5 60, arid te trade at $ 6 12%06 31 tor std
$6 3740673 for raory. Wb.ot ha Owned dam=od; melee of
tad $1 25061 26, sal white at 350141 v ra doll at
67(616110 for bow yellow . and 11640690 44 old. !hematite.
shouly; Wes of Yuri 004 a w
10 e 80. Illaky quid
at 17140160.
gammon, Yoh. 6—Floor steady; notranl Idlest it $6llO.
Wheat firs at $1 2340 33 for rid, sod $1 444146, for white;
awn Am; •hlta 60110 at 110076 e; yellow at 6E007a Fro
tlalotar active .0 $lO. Lord belle at 105( ). Wtilsky steady.
Owne EMPIRMI 0117, Cap.ln
Way, will Leave kr the Mena, sue Inter
mail putt•
WIioNICSDAY, Mew, luth, U. fretabt u
u o r
omega Os buSed. WWI
, Regular Wee k Packe
For Wheeling, Marietta, Parkersburg, Pome
roy, Point Pleasant, Oallipelie, Uyandotte,
eatleteburgh, Ironton. and Portemouth.
HIE new and elegant etenmer'
IBA LLIk LIM Ocpt..l.leorotea Cora.
orkl ,k.ovo Plttabarkh Media WSIDMISILI
01 10o'clock, roe Porisacoollisod oh latermodioto WWI
Balttrolog. will Portancoolk for Plitctorgb
. valtay .t 12 o'clock m, for freight orpoeVoppl,
board, or 1, ICAO[, aattaat" Op'
ahead MI latermodiato Lad
•Portamootb for Plitetlargb
ro. for t freigh
I1& t or
'il !
L REGLILAIt azA . IttEgDAIt!CIC-i a lir a p .
steamer MA GRAMM, Capt.licarioa
for am oboes ond MI tedeiramdlatirporta, mart TilltdlNlT
at 4 IP. IL freight or groan apply on board, or to r.
oed FLACK, dAkNYA • CO, Aeta. .
.13A LAIUIiAI. ISKIitTS:, . :oil - . , .... d
li : tlet mod BI•c1,
.ad &U. ..
' loc; sodilack ic .r
ml,;lber DOUI4IIOII, uoa open! ag.
Rd . 0. liAtisON LOVIL 74 N. 0.4 .1,.•4
W OEM CON FECTIONS-10 g t . as Ayreft
•del fnr vale by , JOHA /41014,
- bo.3llllLlbrrtrat.
ROLL BUTTER-5 bbla. ptime l ßoftßut 7
Ur, net Ms day by old bold, far abie bt o '
• BURY 11. LIMY .
CA , 1 sale
LARD-15 . kegs No. Feat' s % laintanii.
OAP TONE—YO bbleskilTjtegoafs
E-200 bbl a. ~4aad
.14 NY ; &NC, A .4- somuar.x. Gomm°.
• ,
• . I'
'G'S ii kiEP i kr)
Spaldines !fir . ;Glue !
ic it
0 ,
. • —--
t 4
spalding s prepar 'b lurt
' i ,
i - ±
_ic . ,_
SAVE TaiS Pili — C.SI
•• • 'l' ' . .SPATCH 1
I'¢ f l , .
rip- ~ A Enron us Mitrui • fllNZ...jfs '
• --- - i' l ' I
At ereeblenfe'sofil haimen, me+, iiSi reetbre.jP/0 , ,,
firm Llfile, It bvery deslosbe to have 44e cheep stei on
nenient way for repelling FurultorfiFoite, (totter '. eta
Spaldires Prepared Glue
• i 1
eats all nab woorgatot i
or, and udhousehold eau adonl
to be without It. it I. 1116 ye retslY,bssail up to the alb:k
ing point. There la no !:0111 , 47 a heneefity rut limping
,hstra, splinhwed maim% tfill rh!,./1e , .! end broken
credlie. It to jut Le. farii44l , :b.n, and 0,1.,
ornamental wortoo peptide, lth l ad les refinement and
testa. ,
1 ,'
This admirable prepa4lod in miefi cold, being eherni
oally held In &eluting wed 'poeseeithig lall the valuable
quelltlee of the best eabloet.totkiliti• Mo. It may be
need In the place of ordinary rubelle i ge , being sew,
v't i
more odhedva :
. N. IL—A Brush sosompiniee ..o Oates.
Pdce,llls CeOlii.
Wholosola Depot, No. 1 j‘ L
t ....t, Now York.
0dd,,.. HEDII3.I! C. SP ALDING it CO.,
I 800 Nair•
. 04% Nil, Yosc
.. .
Put up too Dealers In ioesae 000a/du reur,• Eight,
and Teen Dome,. breotttal Llthi,giaphle Bhow.l'ard
acrompanyleg each ;Isobar& I
Fir A single bottle re SPALDIN4II PILYPAILED
GLUE *lll sash tan Utica Its out to every
"'"h°l4. ja3 I i]:l 1 i
. 1%4 psamtuani Slestrsiat4'itneythai, Garchrars
and PaiallitneDellatu.Dieistm. and
Ceuutry atercturtata.ehriald make l a iota et SPALD
ING'S PREPAEID whee!malilog up their tht.
It will stand any climate. , • .1
! ,
Spalding's . Prepar&l: G Ine,
; I
. I— II I
SPALDING'S pexpeitgo
- IT111,1:i:V.
•1.1 , In t
N 1•11.1•1,1, j
a r •v.nw n
.1.11 It Vllnr
V.n ~.f+~duru.l tf
e.1.1..5a Po 134.-1
1.: (4,0
•e togi4
.1 onesed le on A 111InleriteK11 1,
~blob, If Jantsgetl, MI. y b. Tel
orlBlttsl strength sanil 'osofnlnles/
t... 1. t
~.- i -L-4 H
9 %tn.], /022100 P t90061,/1. ,
tt , . Mends CR4P1.1,91.; . ' -1
I t i
D .. 906,11 1101.1.8 ..e.; . .. .; .. 11.
11 . Monde Kre.;ERI.II . • ....;;I. I
P . . Alends PANS . '.
0 . Mends 0 M rriasi. L.. ~..•;;I: li.
li . '.. Mende LIAM'S. ; 11..:1.
1 .. Neat. IN LA 11//11:111tK •tj I.
J. ...Itlen.l9 JARS ....1. 1.. .. ,t + 4.
K .. Mend. KNOBS. • ... ttl. • tr.
I. ...Mends Leterniic, ' W.iiix....d... , g.
N. ...9..1ft Al 11:Ron-Mksi F. 1 .. t . 4
N . . Llen l4l tls N VINV EL POSTS • • t:I• =/
. .Mends sCINIMA9.I9 t ' ll
P, II a yo- FOkTEs . i.. 1. 4
.2 ....Mende QU m.T-rt:Am F:. 1. 4
t: ..Mend, RocKmq-1t0r.61. ...1.
Fr-. ..,.:11.1.14 .80PAS 1 I • i.j...jj •
T .. Rends TA MKS '... • 1 •4 •
0 _14..14 UMISP.ELI.6.BTiCR If.
V ....Skulls VASES.. L I / •• • •-0: • .1 ,
W... Mends WORK-1 1 0IVN., .9. 1 4 ) .4i
X .. Mends XYL4XIRAPtIIt;B.
✓ .. Mends YARD -5T1Ch8...111,..21
7. _Mends ZEPU TR IWOOD/W l Oll.
A . In eenelnslnn, BPALDINORIPR
ts uleful In LlllBBlOl Rol 15.3'
1 S ..Mends 9OPAS.I ; tn..l.
2 P. Mende PITCIIEIS • 1..1
3 . A.. Id ends- '.!, ctx)amEDNB..../Ii ..
4 .1...31ends LETTER SEALIIIOJ
9 . D.. Meads D'AGNERP.F.DTV'fIE 'l.
6.. i ..M.KI3 ili..tar!Fei ! .i . i
I N. . tdAnd• NEW :1111.P.A KAOI4 .1
9 0.. Al ends 0 NR-871X46. • .I.i ..
9 .8 _lamas SCHOOOIII3OKB 1.e.. '
10.. P„MenBs PARABOII3 .' i• .
II lt..Mentls RULER-i ~. ...1 1
11.. F... Mena. ELEI:I , IIICAL. MACI I
le.. I' ..Nentis P.IP Ell-11ANOIlf 08 I
14..4-Mends ARAIRIIAIR.S..::: • .3.
15 .11..blencts RICKETY FUTTRI
16. E..9lsnils ERASE!( -11AN F.Bl.
II I/ _Mends DESE:I4
11_0-Mends 01.00123 • tt ,,,
19 . 1... /fends LOOSEREP LEAVE;
11 .1: -Mende UPllol.Brrrp 1•71;1/8
11 II ;lamb EGG-BEATERS 11., ,I.
82 Mentl9 is CORI4WORK .'1.1..1
12 . ...I.lsntlS C114 1 48.00.1111/.4.11: .1
II MetplS PIDDLES i , i• •'.
..u. .. 11150.14 !SNELL-ISMER .;1.1. • j
26.. ...1101114 FILL:Fp-WORK I 4..1
Afetula 1101381 - 410ESES 1
29 ' Mends EALEIOOBCOPEB .j.
2i Mends N10NE:4410E.T03 , 44...1
e„ /deltas PICTU E ritsgv.s
91 .....191ends SEC!: AR1E13.04.., ,
92 . _Mends VI:NEKIIINO.. I .I_l
91 ..... Mond. scuoot PURNITU,
21 ....m.o, re rlttiliellACll.l..'.i
tr. _Blonds W A.P.DCONFM..I J. . I
14 .....!Monds PA 111 AN MARBIeIt 3
s: Rends CR1111.1.11,,j,..4.1..11
5i.... • Mends BA BV.JIf m rislia....l
'g' Mande
t haTITI A C :RA!! i -
11 . Mn,,.!._ P1(911111E8 t t
12 Mends QUILL-WIIKEUI ..1
11 M ewl s 1 2 1WEMItACES::,..•
11.. ~ Mewls WASII /4TAN DS:J.. ,
16 .. Mends tir.I , TEADS .;,.j..1
- I.; Mends 1111 U MS , ..... :.1..1
V: Mends CIIESSWEN . .„1.1..1
P Mn,.!, BA
RB AOX.E4 ;!..;
19 . Mond, II E AR11.1918 .', .I._
• 41...1, 111:111-1111XE.8 2../ .11.
- • 8....1, 1,1.9CK.91104111.991. I.
,1.. J. 8A146-1401. 9 . :41._ t ,
• • 91. set. r.11.1.1AR1 9-T9 BLfel.
91..n.1 , lIILLINKI6CII4Bj 1.
3 91,4. 11111114,4119 , 0 . ell. t.
5: 91.11.1.*1111009!STICE8
ei n vnt l l . s ' I
BBiI)ZzIIu'7SsNi-v7tl "..i .. : ..
i; . :i' . ;nls I,(,cidpL
. -
At./. - `,..1.--:l4lends CIIIIRNS . ~ . 4;:1.1
61 ... Mends CLOCRICASO/14- /.1.
69 Mends C11.015901F-8 1, j..
66 ....Mends CRPECSIENSe. 4/.1.
67 Reeds CURTAINS • '• t
ac Wanda CASINOS ..... t.j.
69 Mends RADDIES
10 Mends CAMERAS ....;.;
:I' Ideals CEL43118....
- 4454
8 6isy:
..... .;. eg
t ,
8 . 09
•• 'WO%
7 4884
';'" ‘.1.1?)8
; 818%
i Orals.
for bulk
I" Mood. CHARTS t 4
74......A100ds CARD-CABER . ,
5 blends CHESTS .
. I TE
76 ' Meade WARM • •
79 Mends DI/AUGHT-BOA*
79 Mende MUMS , ' 1
s.. Mends DIVANS ' ..E . '
el .Mande DICD•DALX929 ~
69, ..Mende DOOM, ;.i.i
88 Meads noMmoss. .. v.. 1
... a.
F., Mends nuns :r.ll
48 bloods Beualgrraes.;,_ 4
tri prads GLASSWARE .4.1.
89 MeodillkNOLDEl.. ,' 4
NI litsads ouTralreiunlON
90......akna xrrEir L , .1
91 Meade Tops.?l .''. :
92 Venda ORGAIt i.!.4
99 Meads MODE i ! ,
95 .....126349 PALMS '' ' ,11.
97 Men& PATTD.RND ... ;;:.4E
99 Mends BIDEBDARDB.i. 4
99 Mends WOODEN-WARI2 4
too men& wiLuiw-waux
_ :1) 1 4
1 . . 1 1 '
.1 f 1
• Spalding'si Prepared Glue,
1 1: 1 1 • •
BOLD il .Dpirra. ,
eaii), GIitADD, .
__ •• — •' s ,""-'
BOLD -BT Han. , l''' ` di'oltut
• •' I
SPALDING! 11114 . . GLUE,
1 ; i'. !I
sm.!) Bt restr-aoo, .
--- • , i
. - • -
--:--- ; 11 ,
.44.0i-gyszKurnwsor. Nit 4
Patsptik .• .• - i :1.1 I
• •i • aossratsliateg :14 1
: - .Iholhear*
A ,brupd — samomsaime
,• - --r-i: , -I;4
~;;_,- , 6 13 010 We t A ol.
SI% dlit ID'.
r \ •
gunl ßETi v e
-A-1D IZ
A - fir
parted .nd botaed by hirrowlf,, warranted busman! the
beat quality. with el. rsrad,t• on tee bind. sad
Lt. peal on the cork.
Import...l bud tattled by hltomolf, pot op For otodiohimi
with bin mane:ail, on the bolt*llatitod pant
mod of tho bog quality.
mported mot bottled by himself, tb•same u Pin W 1...
ported by himself; for rint* eal as4litsal
the boot w boUled ine oter obbred tb p rM trade let..
HOC hilt aloe to wuraobwl retbellY PIM
11l the alloy. Impot ted and bottled by MENU. Inirtaatcd
peo and of the ba4t quality. .
. .
well 'bees lay eareststke M a nab. Nay ebbsiltog as •
icerchaut of thirty yore reeklatoc• Win" of flaw York,
that what I blcdp and 4.1117 to with my Astra Idol.
rod 1111 nNOr In, It correct and - MIL to nue *pm by
etery portheaer. 'l
- who nea Wire•and Llgwittwitt their preetke,
allottlft glee the preetretwa to tbewartkles.
for tale by MI reapocialtle Drattlatiari4 Apabasoutal.
. .
Sole 21comfacturer and mporter of lbwWale:Wm Umiak '
18,20 nod 7.1 beaver gnat Now Yak.
DR. a IC H. lUbbillt,
Ma 2a Wood attest
For oda by
tpsciat peonctis
ISSIR:La rrisca - WORK'S.
, f
!GLUE, i
PER ROTT1•141 .Ell tkaoteki Speltir sewn, as.
acuo, Itoputto• sod IM..Mn Io HWEALS. TIN ELATE
.tIELT IRON, WIRE, ie. ColottsatlyAm bed, TlEssara
4fiel.los. slot Tool*. :A; •
B r erdo 149 lint am, 12p Seaosuistrael,
Pitubarch. Posaia.. •
- titivatirttat strottslasti atrattmuitt.,
Don't (ail to pronto blre. - Winglotetifkiotb
wg,prop for Children Teething. It kw so avail big whiab.
Ilarmiatly facilitates the promo of tallibse by sailbudig abit
f m 4 reducing all lallawitaathaw.wril alloy patoosoll Y.
Canto regulate the bowiilw Dogma apoa If, modem, It
oilier. root to voonolila...l . 11 14 ud bftlik 10 .
Wants. Parbelly ufola all mew. -
Thle valuable pmparatlaii Is the prowriptlos of osoloi
stio moidozparbaced awl Allfal feinal• Phydalwiii New
Ragland, and mad with aimartallin mane la
mlllloae 41.11/08.
MA, 1:1
We beDeve It the Imat end serest rat:sail In the •44, Ia
I eases of Dysentery end Dlartnena lu ehll4rest.e4other It
G & CO
odor. from teething or iron, any other eat..
If life sod health eau be annuated t y dedLar. eN 011141.11
Is worth its weight In gold.
YllDeneol bottles are solderer) y+ in the Uattall
State.. It le an obi and well...lad routed
rang ()SLY aft OMITS • BOTTIJI.° •
SO-None 111,00i00 oakw the f..futAr . UVlKTill •
[INS. New Vora, the outside
Bold by Drugghte throughout the rlto
DII. tit*. tt. It ItTfillit. *put for Pt
lot of A rite,.
1Mom! to their
kl 3 GLUE
4,411 R DTE-1131.113 DYB-:
The Oriyiaai and heal it. ac
All otitere aro mare itnitatioi
to ay.daed, If yen with to cacao. ridicule
brontlfbl sua uatural Drown or Block
Ivry to tbe Oak or Otto. •
. Mtn: V BIXDALS AND DIPI.UhIAII bare bean award.
ad to Wm. A. Batchelor Wow, 1834, and wow 80,000 wit,.
time twa boon mode to the -flair of NI. *train tiflgafgo
was Dye.
WM. A. lATCrIitL3.S.LI area DTYpcodatw eoloir 1104
to be d15t1nv14....1 from nanny , and larks/lure not to
Wore iulLelaut,bowever long It may be oontladerl,ololl2ii
Maeda of Bad Dyes reinedlodi - the /bar let
Life by this splendid Die. .
Ueda, wad or applied On 9 pOlO.lO u.9..).1 the Wier."
tort' 't".2 Broadway, New York.
Sold Id all eitlea and towna of tba 0,11.4 Matas, by Drag
glee and booty Boo& Dealers.
IT The genuine tow the same and adds epos a steel
plate engraving on four sideaof rob box, of .
Jorel.ydAwenT i 10 Bond etreet,lfew York.
W 1108-.IIV el • •
1111 H
i Y $
I('ABKP.. 11.... s
1.... 1
N.... 2
eurpase all., They are elegant light, wy sad duraMi.
/Wag to a charm—no turning up biltlateo 40414;
GI the head ; Indeed this la i 6. only attahltslumiat vbU!
three tillage are properly uuderatcod and nuata,
lefeledeaT le Bead stew.. Ms Tait.
• 14
SHIN FLY li. CJOLL/bilik
forwarding and Coma"ludon ![.roast f
C:x*oa% Matter. Heeds.
And rrodne. GamsHy,
dAwl N.. U UWO Alm!. PWAwwO
. L.... 19
ITdßk.. U....xl
N. 11.0L.i117H m HUN!!.
Foreign and Domefitio . 81111 of )111100,
ourinownos or iiitPOsu,---
NO. fa MARE= STEINiT, ..pirrasusdn,
101.0olinciions made on all the' principal Mica Wink
ant taw United Stet.. apTiinty
Joseph Dilworth
PF aaas w.
(BYIMUOYS tO /Wter, ltoVi or Sholl3
• 111/10/BINIMUIJ {if
Corner of Water Street and'Oberry "11197, -
.01211,1i0 • Prritilitlialt. rW.4.
• - JOHN 00CEIKELN et BEM. • .
RAfling, Iron. N 4001104 Vas i l& Dalattar
Window libation, Window Quarts, As.,
.t. NW. 01 &vow' Bend and SO *ma.
(lotween WoOd and Kaaket„) P
Ha.a on hood • 'midi of an taneysallpiala
roltsblo for all purport. Prollcilir atisarke poll tO as
oloolooOravo Lota Jobbing doss at Aorta:4lm .
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No. 54 St.. Clair Streik
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Pittsburgh Stasi VrcsOn:
- JONN.B. Hain, do 00. •
Au. also; Baring, Ploy and A. B. Med NPR
and and suciacts. Varner Roo and /hid Os- . -.•-
can . due, pai 'T
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Haiits,siore.; t19111br0.21 •treet
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