a II II 11 pittslnt H 8. ar .DLEI 10170- 1111 PIOPIIII 1111 11 1101111• Publication o.oce,L PiftA street, near pairAfie/d. t ain Morultifrond Evening kodlltlons dilly. con g. toe Later News op to the hour of in hobticiallou. TRIM rru..ll Nant Irou iog /Ai Oho.- ge ror Imam ID advancej or 120. per • carrion. ZP6apit . fi *Mi per mutton fa sdrsons'i or Cc. per Mule 6 tiffon=Bidtle lowa rm en. ropier, $2 per swam Ars cr mores.sl,24 ten or apourds,lll por .onm, tuvarlably ID otrosee. , iMrADVEILTIAING A 4 REAFONA BLIC RATES • - • ME Tll.'S V'IR.CiFFI frMORNING, FEB. HUREIDAY _ Tat POPVIATION or TOM UNITS° STATES.— rem a table tuned from the Census Bureau at Washington, we learn that the population of the illtited States is as follows Free population, 27,C42,624; number of slaves, 3,999,353. The ration of represoulelion for a member .;,f Con gress is .127,216. The following table; giving the population by &Mee, with the number of members of Congresato which each is entitled, ae of f icially deters:l2l4d, will prove interesting to the reader: r.... ' Slave 37111 Com.* 5141... Popo 6l9 learn. P. 1.810681. Ilepre400111•100L N New [impeller- :10514:O 6 n L Venneat.....-- 316.0.4 3 Menenetasetta....- 1,531.461 16 Itnadelelend...- 11'4,611 1 tluneeticut..--... 40040 4 NSW Vest -..-.... 3.551.663 36 Penteltrania.....- ;910016 1.1 New 1ermy........, 610,1W4 6 1 ' Vetawnee..-....-.. 110545 1396 Maryland_.._.,.._ 016,181 25 382 6 Virglntn.......--......, 1,097,375 491,6124 11 No tla. Wrenn.- 679 9715 366,377 r Penne ClienUns..•... 3630 S 5 407,131 4 11061618 _ 619.3111 437,489 - 1 Tistl.l• .- ...... -- 81 545 03 ,948 I ' a i shwas -..... ... 620,441 435,473 6 1118•10114tpl .--. 481%061 470.06; 6 Lowletaaa ....".-....... 354,45 311.136 4 Ar kaamo --..- 931.719 109.664 3 T_ ...Res .: .......--.. 415 996 184.10,16 4 11118 b0 0 00--..- 868.624 237,112 3 , ~ Kentucky ........... 053,0:7 Z2.5,41W N ' 1166 -..-..........-. 2 317,917 radians.-- -.. 1.35/3,8 IP1)1 II 1 1 111ools .--........ 1,094=3 13 - Mewed --....- 1,086,693 116,619 ii AI ich/egen ....-.-. 794,291. 6 Wlmmslo_--...- 768,4115: 6 10W11.........- 004, 6 11unee0ta........... 082 172'.'93 1 640000 65660 1 3 Kum. ..-.......-. 143;045 ... . , -- To:al population—V.4B2424 3,909,363 POrl/L•rt X or TH. re/1170111111, 23,883 03.02.1 80,000 0139 ' H,624 79)121 TOW of Territories...369.loo Nsbraaks Washington.. . UWll . '4lllO, Neal free pnpolalloa of all elates and Tarrllo, o. of !ha Mated Wats, . . . 01 0 01 , 1 Slay. papalallou..— will be seen on elimination of 'the fore going table, that Pennsylvania loges two mem biro In ile present representation, and MIL the free State. gala eiz inimbers, and the slave Stales coneequently lose ttat panther. In the electoral college of. 1861 the North will call 188 . lotes spinet 114 bythe South. Should Preeldennal contest be oonducted on the ism. Issue as the last} it wittlre obiervid Maine free Stale, can cleat a President with out the support of either Ake of the greet lead ing Sistes—New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. The united opposition of Peunsyliania, New Jersey and Oregon, to the other tree Stales would still leave the latter 163—one more than le re- Waite for a choice. The four leading States are north of Mayo, and Dixon's line, viz: ,Now York, Penneylva nil, Ohio and Illinois. Virginia and 'lndiana having eaoh eleven membeiv of Congress, rank next. South Carolina under the new apportion ' meet will have four members of Congress less, two lees than last year—a rather small coupe rally to take upon itself a "a separate and die (loot position among' the nations of (ho earth." The Cotton Statee, which have parsed °Minna ; ease( secession, have only twenty-seven of the Iwo hundred and thirty. four members who con, pia the national housea of. Representatives. . Tee MOVEMENT AT rue BETTE! —During the .i preeenrmenth, and the early part of March a number of Conventions will be held in the Routh. On the 9th the Tennessee eleotion for • • Convention will be held, and on the 28th the Col:mention will meet. The Virginia Conven tion' will meet on the 'Bilk the election for delegates having been held on the 4th. Ar kansas and Missouri will elect their delegates on the 18th, and North Caroline- on the 28th. The Arkansas Convention Of celled by the people,) will meet March 4th, and the North Carolina Convention on the succeeding Mon day, March 11th. action has yet been taken in Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware. Ia Tennessee, Arkansas and North Carolina, the people -will vote for delegates, and at the lame lime. designate whether or not it is their [ Will that a Convention *ball be holden, If a majority say "aye," the Conventions will 111- maablo at the Limes appointed. Tennessee, Arkansas, ifietionri 'and North Carolina, the action of their re !pea reis Conventions will be submitted to the approval or disapproval of the people. f A WARNING TO TIM TRAITOIIII.—The !aloof the Revolutioniets of Mexico should belt warning 'to their imitators la the Gulf States. Since the reiteration of the Constitutional: government , theleading adversaries are lilt fugitives, seeking safety in flight. The people, who were misled p), these wretehes, are more anxious than: the government to wreak vengeance upon them. -each is the Mate of public, feeling against them Ibid. an order of the government w ithdrawlog its original instruntion io about them down wbereever found, bee canoed general (thng's's° ilea. But a short time tante, Minton cod ids followers had - absolute poseession of the .gonntry. Like tie Revolutioniets of our limed, he extorted ans from the people, and placed the whole calotry tinder milittri rule. -Like them he plan e red the politic .tressurr, riibbed the customs sod etnorallited the nation, T'he reaction in the sentiment of Mexico bee at 4ngth overthrown iiimoui the reaction in the fionth will overthrow the traitors and conspirators '9oo:are now mailin g in their ill gotten power .7mo Mitotr—the Conaltution es It Is, and the Stsforeement Of thoi IWe learn that a petition Is being oirculated 14 pils oily requesting oar Senators and Eepre •:mentatives is Col:Ellie to stand firm for the Woo the COMIOIIIIIOO as our father, mode• and the enforcement of the laws. This is I -wiry , acimmendabte movement , and we hope that orery °Wein who disapproves of the treason Od robberies which mark- the eoumi of the Eletutherrt rebel', will send °rubel? same. to lif,shington. Those desirous of procuring the petitions eau do so by Whole-at the WArIiTTS 4=11:4 Room. _ . 1 Al. the passengers, Including officere ate pirates of the army, who arrived at New York frla Pensacola on Saturday last, unite in con diliadOeg Major Armstrong's conduct la ourrend • edits the wavy yard at Peneaoole, to tht; rebels, as Opined!, and treuensble. Ile not only yield ed to the demand for surrender, without -testis tioit, bat he sabeequently mingled with the in •edigents and expressed so much sympathy with duke otiose that they tendered him a public' ova :110: The traitor should be i_m_mediately placed Inter Meet - CeLiklayaela Letter art the President. 000rdlag to a ootreepoodent of the New Yolk name, the following is the substance of the lot• tor pf Col. Boyne, the South Careliis commie: meter; which be In said to have (Immo:dialed la . * President on Saturday: . le it demand is made lor the eurrender fort; eat, on grounds of tbe right ol eminent do `mein in the sovereign; and secondly, Mt the ground' era* right of the riovereign to condemn to nubile' use . fay property necemary for an non protection =dependence, by paying therefor a fair mo des. The dimmest aimiustm the complete tigairaidence of SOMA Carolina d this assump. .tins!Carmee with it the first propO no eition. Moles Ike second heed he argues that the posi tion WU* adminietration is *beard it the lone be refolded ,as property only, and the porno,e be to protilet it. Se Consider. the verities ways of pra te** and shown that a collieion would anitatirotaTiroteetimn, whether the fort be taken or mot. The ropeity inotitribe irjored. Thin iejary; ho mom west he'evoided, sad !Wary dollar secured, as Slunk Gil lis. pledgee herself to pey its toll Thavileilulaseitiba proceeds to ceuiderfhe re liltAtiratriofon4. to ttneotton ai one of - --- ic - - - Zz-z-4 - :- 1 - - , :' • i , . i . . - ...,..• • Pro - Periy—ous of dollars and cenu. A. the goc. erstient , based its whole action on the idea of Proteeprear property, Cot. Bayne centred, that the Ruddier' should be considered sit ate involving property alone. A. ouch it could be easily arrang ed. He earl, farther, that he is ipatructed to &s -core the President that any attempt to reinforce will"bd.onsidered a declaration orwu. The President has not acknowledged the receipt of Col.' bisque's communication, bat privately ex presies!himself pleued with its tone,and pronoun ces it able, dignified and connect.. Othet accoonts, however, declare that Col. }Jayne's letter, so far from demanding the turren der of Fort Sumter sm the ultimatum, the tone la quite pacific and conciliatory. Gov. Pickens and the State authorities do not desire. collision, sod have exerted their influence to prevent it., p In also stated that Major Anderson -has informed the War , Department that hik former contractors for provisions wan again supplying the garrison, fad hi. force was in good condition, and abundantly furnished under this arrangement. Letter (row a Inhalator Iss - the North to one las the South. [Corneunkat•t•for the Deny Pittsburgh Dinette) 111 T POOR BUMMER :—I write,: as you know, from a 'region abounding in population'; from a point when there is more manufacturing, in ke va rious forms, than anywhere else. in the country. Whiter is always • comparatively dill season for trade, the navigable connexion with the Father of waters, being usually obstructed by ice. Atpresent, all the manufacturing establishments are going on u usual, Individuals may feel some inconvenience from the partial interruption of their trade with the South and South-west. But, as lam informed, the principal inconvenience and loss arise from the do. lay of payment for goods ft/rubbed, and from the depreciation of the Southern currency. The uncer tainty of Southern State Mocks, the buis of the cir culation of some of the Western banks, occasioned also a suspicion of their issues. Some of our own banks, though having large treasures of coin, deem ed it advisable to remand specie redemption, which is sous admitted to have been unnecessary. These things have occasioned a temporary embarrassment tithe way of buinus. But there is no stagnation, ne paralysis. Not half the difficulty exists now, that was felt by the failure of Western crops In 1857, .d the consequent inability of her merchants to pay prortiptij. The railroads are doing more business, especially from the south-west, than ill fonner. years—owing, It Is said, to the disorders down thd Missiesippi. The exports from our At lantic cities, as the reports show, are nearly or quite; double the amount of last year; and the Influx of specie from abroad.is altogether unparalleled. The oountry is overflowing with provision', awaiting the facilities : of spring for removal to the seaboard. ffilaicg operation., especially the coal mining, is temporarily diminished because the market was overstocked, You will be gratified, I ant sure, to hear that this aruficial and unnatural excitement, among the poll' ticiaes, affect. in so slightly in our private bunion and interests. Bat min, do not suppose, brother, that we are indifferent to the mate of thirst. coining in your section of the Union—l must use that dear, good word, we feel deeply about it—not no much eager en profound sorrow. We view it as an unhappy faintly quarrel, a violent burst of pension, against the old Union, the mother of us all, with which we have as yet, not much, it anythiag, to do directly. We hear of great military gathering.; of muster ing end drilling citizens into soldier. ; of gentle• men leaving their ninny homes and happy house holds, for dreary csuiptire.; of young men wreaking lucrative ritithtions fur "eight dollars a month and ration• ; " of old dilapidated form being Mime ; of tearing up buoy. in harbors and eatinguithing light bowies, those indese• of ; of firing cannon at anarmed weasels under the "stars and stripe. ; " of large perch...land larger limes.. 01 arms and menthol. of war. d nil all the, while those people base not an enemy on the continent, urges. it be their own lead..., and not. more than • leis nemes of armed friend. dintributed here and there in their borders. We have nothing of that sort flying on in our quiet country and our active town.. We should think auch • ViDl.6. likely to bring in dead lose in • worldly point of view, and perhaps to provoke s conflict with our wisest and best friendi. I do not deny that many . are already hall converted to enemies ready for the conflict, by what is reported of the doing. in the South, but I believe the general feeling is that of 10170 W mingled with wonishment, and with a Strong proclivity to indignation. Indulge me, now, in • few word. as to what the popular mind expects—judging from the hem infor mation within my reach—in our cool and calcula ting North: We expect that efforts will he made, end msy God favor the wise one., to mend up this unseemly breach between the South sad the general govern meet. Both patriotic sea demagogic efforts may be lookeillor. We expeut that theprino ipal difficulty, in apply ing recnedi4., will arise from not knowing what the new disease is occaeioned by—whether by the slave quesiiim, or the Territory question, or the Tend' question, or the old nullification question re vived, or by no question at ail,, but by passion, and then what passion—whether fear, fir envy, or ,Catalinom ambition and .s , y..imbibed, We expect that compromises will he proposed by the Sonthern Stale, and the border States, and perhaps, by:the Northern States; sad that /mine of the more captivating and verities ones will have tendencies more disastrouv, in the long run, than the difficulty which they are offered to remedy. We anticipate, In the way of mutual concession, that statelier will be revised and conformed to the Constitution, In the South and in the Notth ; so that "persona held to service," escaping into the fres States shall 'be restored, upon claim and - process; and so that persons lawfully going tato the attire States shall not be imprisoned or enslaved without crime - or trial; and so that the interruption and ee• piernige of Ole malls khan ream throtighout the Republic. We, many et least, expect that the good people of the Smith will take their interests, fame, and des tiny oat of the bad hands that haws seised them, as the good people of the North have long since taken theirs out of 'the hands of oar fire -eaten. And we hope that rampant end ruinous sectionalism, North ern and Southern, will he the first slavery that shall meet its overthrow by a true and patriotic Lan It . • ii honestly believed, by , those' least' disturbed by the dizzy excitement of the times, that the coun try, just now, it not in a condition either to ask or make 'concession.. We most gel sober, before we are fit to make new bargains. ComprOsolsra ass not libel, to be well adjusted between the man that holds the lighted snatch: and the one who stands in the range of the gee. Excited passion is as unfit to dictate terms, as it is unlikely to accede to them, under amnesia. Much less Is this a favor able time to attempt change, of any kind to the organic law, which has stood the sect or ao many years and so many trials. The almost achieved ruin of the best government and happiest people on earth, can ho averted, under God, by the fair interpretation, the faithful execution and' proper obeeryanoe of the existing laws. We expect,' finally,' that these umpiring§ results will approach and perhaps arrive under the present admintstratioo ; so that tee l'reeident, who bee en countered numb obloquy and experieatted mach grief, may retire from his high and trying station, with the country united and happy again: saying like King Koury to two of his factious Mid., Now Join your !Data; and with your Imods ;nor heart', That on clkyonvion hind., nov,runtoni I mak• yew pro,. ro.ri Jrdu knot, Weida 1 enywdll will load • prly•t• ilrq And In d•ootIon openr/ toy Jailor dal., •Int. yobulo nod toy Uto.tt,. Joalne..-12•rory VI Yon,. in bond, of palrintiern and religion, Death or Hr. Con from Hydrophobia. Vro ut the Cihrtatend Plata Under, fee.lll.) Mr. John Cox whose attack from hydrophobia re noticed yesterday, was released from his dread ii sufferings - by acerb, at 2 o'clock this Morning. it w t n in September 101 l OW Mr. Co. we. bitten by a dog 111 Kansas. He had a little dog with him, and one day a large dog mticked the email one, and while driving the visage deg Nagy, Mr. for was bitten an the tell hoed by the anim•l. A tier the waned healed Mr. Cos thamghtino more shout the matter end had no ms•picion that the dog 1, on rabid, or that he .tood in any danger from an attack or hydrophobia. He firm complained of paihe in the WI arm on Moadey. On ciesday e•ening he soaked his feet in warm wits'. sod liner dainkieg a hot sling went to bed feeling quite "detonable. At 10 o'clock that night be awoke with a midden rtart and a cry ofght. he daughter canWto hi• 'bedside end ■ asked him if he would like a glees of water. He replied, (bat he would. She brought him the water sad he rose up in bed to receive 0; but as soon a his eye fell upon it he started back in a spawn and a:Claimed to his dauehter, , '1 know what is the mailer with me, i/ it /hal bite From that time the symp wined(' hydrophobic ye frequent and appalling, HAI at times it became neeektaary to bind him. An erroneous imp/anion prevails that hie =had had dwelt upon theaubject of the bite and that: he had been reading considerable on the rubleetal testing an snack. He enured his dau,thter since he wee meted with it, that bb never once had a miapicina that the dog was rabid or that serious mains would hollow the bite, Old late on Tuesday night. Dee nt the physician. intro attended him re ceived • scratch from the Gager nail of Mr. Coo during a imam; The patient avoid not endure the presence of a bandkerchiel or anything Waving, and wiped Hinman's from Lie mouth with hit hand. The physic:inn his lea•• that some of Wit ealiva may have been upon the nail from which he re. ceivid the wooed. Ile cauterised the .catch at liteterdayfittr.:Coo £ipeareJ lo be mush better. He was washed and dreamed, and could, drink ottlinut thino3hout moat of the day. Aliqut the middle of the alteration he was taken with • 'realm and began to Mak .away Sapidity all tic it. He bad on further nomination,a up so the hour of lila death, and appeared to •tilTer en pain. Hr d,rd tNently and quietly. - The Vieginia !election. Pectlal Dtroslcis to the lireeing Peet Wteliiiioeoe. Feb. 5 —The results of the Vir ginia election have over.lnyed the friends Of the Union. They now say that we have gmlundo for oegollelloo and amicable settlemont. While the border States kept up • sort of pp:apathy with eeceeslon they were received with distrust. If they really Moan Union they will be met half way at least. Mr. Reward, with bin eitarsaterlstio hope and confidence, is particularly pleased with lbi re sult. Ile pronounces the Union safe, and 'that 'all Ibie border &isles will follow the ezampie of the Old Dominion. BeWsil sloe sirs that the work of the Diver Conference Is as good se done. There is ivren to longer need of keeping any federal troop. at the *spits!. Virgloicand Marylsod will them. selves protect lbesatjbf goveminient. Two months' Wird' of neciesion boon utterly dow•ralleed then imiessloslata gad ismilibe etat.itiOisit a'mebas. The Prostemod nosuitera Conanderney. A oorreepondent *Elbe Charleeton. Cowrie* en& grits the follorhig as the puffin's o f, the govern mint of the Southern Confvferaoy: . , The Congress should ao'usist ot, delegate. cha sms by the Legleletures of the eeveral gates. The number of &legates should depend up ", the smount of popubuioe, prodded that so State shall send less thou fire' nor more than twelve delegated. These delegates should be chosen fur Ere years, butte manlier of choice ebould be so arranged 411 that each State should choose at least one delegate every year . Tens securing the wiyawtageo of a perpetually rimming body. To the Congress ghoul! be gr acted the Name sibstwatial powers as are keys vested in the fed eral Congress, except that the right to levy du. ties ahonld he limited to an id—Valorem tax of fire per cent. In time of peso.; in time of war unlimited. The President should be choose from among . Ups members of Congress for the term of five years. The State whose defegale shall thus be eleoled should elect another fdierve out bitott expired term. The President.ehduld not be re..s eligible until after the expiratii:th'-ef-five yeare.f.• The President of the Congreee to be ex ejliele, Vice President. As the Coogress consists one [louse, the President should hive en , unnushfied veto upon soy set of Congress, sod no bill thus vetoed should be lotiodnoed into Congress during that session. ;The President, with the delegate from each Stile who stands first on the roll, should eon stituteran executive council, to which should be referred all appointments to owes, and remo vals, all treaties, and other functions which usu• ally occupy executive councils in other States. It la not expedient that the Congress should hive exclusive jurisdiction over any territory whatsoever. Forts, sreanale, .ta., should be governed by the laws of the Slatesia which they are found, and care should be mien that the federal forties should never be regarded by any of the States In the light of inimical powers. IPLIIIIII-00 the Ith lost, of maniple. at t' • noldenne of Ma wr- to riaw, Wm. lecatows Miami Vl.t., Allopteny musty; Pawn, MOP WM. /LINN. morahl rpm Hwtemal.mlll arrive to the oily by the 10 o'c'ork Colitmlierille into of the monvlra of the Ith mid will be taken. for Interment, to Lh. Pisgah ()bur h (have evil Lilo Meads m• pepertfally Waited to atheed the Oartlaap wtll b• to rea4lorn at the depot at that boor. item' WI le IV 11.--1. n the morning of the 6th Ina'. at lab fa - Ihnee rued nee near Penlcklty. SAMUEL. ItIEIPLIC the Infant eon of Bay. U.,11 sod swab VI z WlClnnev. Hie funeral .111 Int. plate on 780811 ,D. Y. the 7th !net:. at half nut one o'clock front hie fether'e teeldence at /Wentworth 'tattoo, on the P. Po. W. Is 0; IL& tiftrr PRY AR —WeenreJmy nt..rolne. 6 , h Indent... 74 lAN , . In the 0001 leer of his age, JOHN ElltitAlt, merchant, of Liberty street Tba dammed wal • natl. of Sought, Icaland, CoPoly Dalai, Ira diatlogulabod fsr hi. klo I Ise wt.,/ oe sa, w. elsl load koala] tioalltlea. Ila srsa a trvereol moo, llcd hos. toad, lathed •od brothel - 111. eod.l.n death I. • sad b. froavament to an Into ratio, ram ily,aod isr 1-sig latoottt sol by • largo el,ls of slo ere !moods .owl ordittin. Matta. to whom ho was attlepda/ ty many .0d POOOlO that Ills Moe .1 .11l lake pl., 111113 US W. num No. 60 Parrs alto., at 2 o'clock p to..t whir% 110.0 lb. telaaila of lb./ family are loaltrd to ottodd. A TKIBUTS Or RATIIISDS— A Hon ( )ASK or Itecerem Utime.-•baut Mien _mare ag.i. 1 Mamma sf - Meted Cub Pcrofula-m miptitalktmatal.l4 It. 1 bed 5,2 SMY.IClaaa du kg yur attandlor m.. 1 d•ffmant that* •ha all Mama In caLlog It Iterolula I lay in bad. made to gat about! r the tint.thres thrift my alckneu. I OM dean tom Cearly the whole of the the 1 mare mad Wm tot read m orlon as t went, tione•day. more.., 1... • 14, food did tint dlge.t. and I bad oras'a4 to a Mils/ Yu. Mt nahl en Matherad aod brokwilL4 all lb. humors run oar of 11. It, IWlt foot wig ulcerated, and W. 4 opmatml my by on. of Cl, phystolaos but ',did me on .amt I bodes maar ..Oa ulcer* eo ocal Dm .4 is mast manpower my Dark and hod,. dlecherglog matter all the time. Adair mei ayt Mame sore, iing tits a cior rut It. M. i•edona beat. contract. 1 and made . any foot wen forward. lo Mita slats of my Cm. my Lathe/ 1•1144 en Dr. K of Ill. Woo street, who Cam. bet lose. me, la gametaln toweetilp about by. exam from rittaborgh on the Plaoten•llle road; Mar Le yarn. Madras. he fold tea If I did what he mid. md took the mod. Manse carafolly. be mold mimes. I entoommed taking the odd:alma trine mars ago last kb at July. A. moo a. I M. gao tallow lbe midtcloe I began to Ito ccccc awl cora lomd to loamy. mall I got entirely wall. I tool the medleine from Dr. Kamm for ell Mouth. I they ronaldared myself well and b.,. brim to mod health ever afore. low la about •lihw mutely, on *cornet, I ow leg being oroyked at th. knee. glitch was c•utraelml crooked al Ma tlyo• I ecia.• menmell taking It,. metllclu, at that Ilma I c 014 out pot_ my fo It 1.1111.3 two Sachet or lb. •rooral. Now, although - It IN eLlti croaked, l ato po tit to the monad. Dr. Km or gay* Me medic!. isitermllr. far Ina illarrlow. wad at.. to purify tbealomL It la now marly Dm team mince I mai nyencad taking hi. modlettia, and my haw,. 14 Letter 1 has. ever in toy Of. be I bay. bad bmt-rate he. illy for the lut three sod • hall mar* aod hi& It do. to or Kara that 1 - pbould mite thla pub lc stolen:wet to order tru Whoa imanera may ty• ru.e4 aa I was. Nogehrra el nehriebera Luny how badly I wmattlielml. my./ ...rattly ataimmet. 411110 UKIY VI ID-J a., (Amnia?* I Plttabom I, Jan. If, I am' the father or Joao tifffila. Mad to reality that lb facia realm! la Ma cam Sr. tin,' Jour. GU.. Vitt. latflAsatr Bleep:elm Crying Teething Children - • 9,11.4 now G.w nap/re/sant me thee. ar ro•upaultneolo of Bilaahoial, and met lutrlllteol pecco.o. 4 now, ale, tb. and hectib, and 1 fs, ft •lo 11.. toe or ono. Ban., rordisla, and aio.ll hal./ .1 —. °a ad L. qalet lh.. BP10:11 . .1 110%1 B. ,p 111 u curs BILLS,i(a• Omelet Oegar pi 1 ) //Bt., )on ma/ drop into the month rd mar time, care • ver) l / l lng 1.• t • desired from medicine. They ea ..6 , nt. alloy lds trritati ns of ro, Mae. rehireniand I , ..erLs; rsl 1. end procure mature!: and ',aid err , • itlo.ut no, direly &Naiades t.r cal °plaice. Ttu.y have I twn rout for 'oars, and al proud kir all olio um Moot or ahltor,I•olog Illien.!= cents pea bra, oath dirrctiona. Bit Nara, li. R. 11 , —A roll set of lilllffPnl/nltlonuonaranic 2411E711m' arlth lOok of Directions, Had ter . oty dlffarent flunedlca,ln lark* alala, morocco Cam, $5; ditto, In plain moo, $1; ease or art.° and Book, V. atingle bozo, y eetal• sod 60 panto. 111.1 e Remelt., by the single bas or saes, yrs oefl Iq mall or /zones , tree of charge, t. 3 soy . rerelot of the grust. Addrose W. V. El tlllOll &CY& & No. !At Oro.Way, Neer York. Pohl LJ J. M. FULTON, /Ms .trees. metooti 4.lafor In. the Putt Office, AgeOt Sur Pittsburgh. Joth.st&erlmf birMu. WINBLOW, till oxperiencatt Nurac and Yawata Playalelan , bar • itsothlegylyrny fir children teething. which greatly the prom. of teethtea . by @enemies the sure; Nadeau; all lelluanietlow—.lii slip an iris, and Yore to regulate the tiowels Depood owe It, raraberw It will aan costae younr.dyea obit relief and health to year Isteole. Perfectly wale ha .11 carry— flee sdretteresiont is austber failures. lala y ds.lyT POLITICAL NOTICE'S. crIS ROT lIONOTA V . . -ittOrmitD 0&X VRR, of Itropt fro twfraal.lp../111 kw sopporfod for ttw. al,owo allfuf,aotfloct W lbw dectsfoo of Lbw Illoputal• Ofwo.asOrrtollow. Jih3Cl:dto jr - Sligftirr. , ---11 A tuft *boos; of Pee I.lfw torn/111p, peke the ifotoof fff fi to 01/Lal. lbw poMleffn ro 4 miloalluo for :IL. r K of lo 01.1, ty. Ills .boilooes will oal allow him IL. op,Ort • oily of frar.rolng the wooly wall rowing there dl. 101 6.0 flublic iftoticce UM tn."... A 4 1 6CIIITLICIIIAN CAA MCAT la tarot.but L. , —% Roam by calling at No. tso Third r.e itr4. Orme or klueloeuturte Na rllll,l[oll,{olllpawr PlttatatttettJettosor bah, lief . ra.Tee Direeture of the Monongahela Nail lotion Comp., tom tble (Loy drolarret • hl of DIVID of 'YOUR Pall OIVIT 04 Um tlapitsl EWA. oh( of the Ur atop of the lest Mr Months, p•yablelo the Mork bolder. or tb.lr lege/ reprereatathree, 00 or after lb. SOIL 10.1., lot Ittotkerle triode, at roe What of the Treottorer. By ordef of the Board. J•11,11troi LUNVH SERV.ND UP EVERTUNN 1044 from 10 till 10., by O. W.O II IIAOH4OITER, Jo t ble IttnOtorant. owner Wynn and AAA Om ••1&174.. giein ebognusnurn; --; STATIONER: JOB PCtNTBd AND DORBINDU, Corner of Third end Wood enr•et. ATTINTION fIITZN TO tAIIiTIGO 11111-hoado, Labels, Card• or Programmes, 1 . /or ovotaryi. 1.61b111005, or maallogx of az, iI J 13( 1 11410 MALE OF ORIZ ABA WORNAL, PIIPIII A /URN 1 , 11, 4n—fly 'lnn,. o% 04. 'hod ty yeatird to em•ii Trauma far cost al a art.lll.o of pos. Lases liPassasiew awl to paraaaaraoradobroa of t hoPlatrlet Onart of Alleahany Noosaly, lu the Owidnonws alth oaf Penni sylvan's, to No.ll of Nerfoosbar Sores, IKON, wo eOlO expose u. Pahllo Polo 01 the lazacouree Rano alma, na /earth street, 10 Iffn CU; of Pltleborgh, eitiTON•D IX, dm 1211, day of fold hwy. IMal , rogsawarissit at II 'olock a. , ll'o lullowfog proparty, to •wit the llolflog: 11111 assil Nall V. torli a, knurl. as Um Lintel.* Inns Wuelfa, 1 111001. 4 WM. New Natio, IA