II - - -- - - I : 1111 II H 1.1 „. :` .. • {- ' , - . - STABLISHED IN list, trommuutum, 'L ,(t. ORA. F . Conatariox' lilliaclTANT, and • $ mirsoamiNaa eitOtss. No. .a:3 ILibertpliltreet, PTITIBURGIII, Pt 1:1211 WILIAM 114116. I • NAIMIME mum, V 5.. ., ! Partnere { D r . Mt= 00YPIN, .....mossmsarasimussomussa). Wholesale Grocers, warren or • -i. Wool/ and Water Straits, PITIIIISURGU, PA. for nu us tr. ac Co.. IrOLSSALE GROOKRS AND CojIMISSION JIRRCdANFS, Cort'er'ef Smithfield and Water Streets, .47 : Ire: • PITTSBORDU, PINNA. opcmss sit DILIVOILMIL FortetaidDrg Arad Conteriaeirso Merrianle, , DII&D•1141 /LOUR. Oll.llh and PRODOCS generally, .11 • • N 0.1349 Liberty street. Rvea • er..—Ultrbeikk. McCreary 1 Co t Pittsburgh: Jos. Dilworth, Req.', deg grow. I ISlrltpatelch, don Low* Deleon • Co, din Sitrirter I Dllwor th. dis Talmo • Co., It. Loalr, J. E. Elder IC. , dor. Seattle • Anderson, dinchinailt truth E Mawr &Ca, d• Wander a gaoler, Chicago; Sherwood & do. - PiiclEriey Moshe. ILdumors; Cornell I Dorsey. do; Ilicbardeol 41Q•erroan, Sh.ladelphia; Cook rour • Bentham dui A. hi. Ooellu, New York. EpOEIRTON a STEWART, 14ole8nOe Orocera b. Commission Merchants, 107 WOOD STRNET. 4stykr- rictr , ! ,l •Rxmgmimowm.porirryt**Frfrl CANFIELD & CO., Ortennetil4lnek /Par wardlviej Ill•rebankts, • I • 'and 1 1 1bolneale Emmaus In WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, pUITX4, LARD, PORN, BAOUN, PLOUR, 118 a, Rd* PNrI Aaltoo, Linneed A Lard Oil, Dried ' bolt and Freda.. Kelferaiiy. ~.41141L. 141 and 141 Wrong Street, .L% PiTTSBUHOR, - PA. eutrann. . CULP d4.sBripmlizo, OCNI'MISSIONIIERtIIIANTS, . • Allll l / 1 1ALliad IN 1 . entAirr PR9DUCJEI, I!..lberty. SSSS ' • . , • PIRTSBUItIia, PA. Choice brande of tar Batter and /amity or, acnelaotlekm band. Partcula attetakm pad to Oiling Ot dattar Yierenastiberewaily. ottElyd I;8.FLOYD&00., FLOYD & • 'OOIIIIIIIB3ION AIkIIOIIANTS, Id dealeti In roar, Grab% 8.1 Prod...e 00m.r.111 , P. 44 LISKATT-STANICT, soar Pall. et. DeiptA, PL InSTIIBEMOH, PA. rstlyd I. gr. alumna& CHADWICK lc SON, • COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, !Dtll,/ilts IS PAM AND It AOS, Aud airee'ls for the Salo of Mahortieg Fire Brisk and Pot Clay, Sm. 111110joad 151 Wood . stroot, war Ma th . Plttoburgh. lal.Wrapplog Raper k 11aoolheturroif pion. Orb pold for Kap.. Jultid • ■►SIRE uiaiawr...tSLpl P. ►lft...f/fa. a. Inianalia. 5P4101113411 ILIAILBA & CO., - 00 451.1 - S lON MERCHANTS . ISZALIBM tN Wool, Uidea, , Provisions & Products Operally, Liberty Street, Pttbburgh: • Pax, Atugguits: • ACKEOWN, Wholesale Druggist, IT arose Ott Nomabat:mond Agent lot Th.yee'. Bolkl Rod .1/hold otruto, Moo 187 Llborty retool, tats burgh, h.: lo:scolyd 1) A, FAUN &STUCK & CO., W COL& JJ• sa•Pregghts sad• Maztesesuren of MAN Lad, ' Lad mid Lttlisrp, =weer Wood sad Naval Arras, PM" Curd. i meld MA9IIIIIOI 4WA.a swum yoRAUN A REITER, WHOLESALE AND drug DruggiwNeorere, of Maly andill. OW, sa, tintocagh.; °WWII FLEMIN , (SUCCESSOR TO wtkag Os.)oerersr Illutet4nosbma Diamond, luepe otiaglantly De Mad 0411 aid complf, prortmat of Drool, lEadlehrsAyalich., Cha; Portal:lmm and •11 anke* per lairtolla Wilma Ima 41191•Plipprollerlptlani =Map ampeastfed at all m . •PIILARO: U: KRYS&R, DRUGGIST, AJ , lllltituadstrvet. carver orWoodl street 'load rap. 011 N ¢P. • tsCOTT, Wboimale Dauer Ito fJ Dray, Pants, 0114 V•ralabm and Dyertaffe, Do . S r - .l6lbelli ?yarn. Pirliburgb. An 'mom( wrfil siftrive prompt 41/441U09, oar*/ Renusi j..WlLLlAk WARD, nEiLkR IN.' PROMISSORY NOTES, Idurtampa mad all omayillaa fur mow. IYMMO*Om ptrita loam through my Airway, iaolseam• ape. 4 , Timm Malik* to lame amis. mom, so - goyd adyapta**, am alarayy fled Srot and second clam piper oi mt 4411,11, for AU amampaladlooma4 lolyerlmr• mica, malldmaida. 01100 GRANT /STAlNT,oymmii• 84 P. V. Ciattmairal. jolaltt t . IitODUCt Bracts. 11 AM Ita BOLMES a 00., Pork Packers U wd Outer. In froylnlana, oinanr of Mutat and Jrroni trod. • ; - - lain jj --- E-140f LIIITUIIINSON, Commission and roadirdlig Maastionta, dash. Womorn E. tomb auto* Plow,: Van, flacon, tatter, Waded CIO, Pot • omilfearl Ado* Sooda; Gradn,toled hada, and Prato, , imroorally, Not brands Innady Floor - slimy. on hand.— , • darantalor tba sale of Idadiaors Cda celebrated .Patantad • Priallitarain N0a.116 second and lad Pint ata„qaddaoo Wood and titaftheold an, intuburgh, Pa. • avtlid I 1111,11:41i ~w ARE HQ Us .-IikNRY IL coungs,Sorerancling sad Cloesasladue liereleant,anel Dealer b Memo, liatten,,Lata IMAM Prole. generally, fE Wad et....sleme Water. Plttebure. soya &g. . _ _ „........._ 'T 0118111.. MELLOR, No. 81 WOOD BT., t/,__ _-• WWl.* Dimond ilandlrolirtb arm% lkilso /lola /.113111101[1111M1 a MOP Idartaa)PlAZlO POEM, MA SON A JialdLlX'a ' WO JUILODIKONII sad MAX KLAIIXONIUMS, sad Ander ta Illatkaad kladeal Ocada lega 1e,1140.,' No. 5 3, FIFTH et, Alia of tn. Golden !Carp, &go Agent for MINNS GLAILIVa; (Nor York) vorlraliod Grand AM "awe PLIIIOB,andenEHAIIT • W311D13411141 damarine NIW. PIONS sad ORGAII IILULMOBINIUI, Dealers lo Moak and Marital lostratneot. . fon 111ARIOTTS BLUMB, MANITFACITHI xj ZB and,Dodalet I. Mob b.peowbru•sa. 6.1 Muldeol Insuctoisota Ago Agent Ilar tem MAMMA PIANO& ow gut yam" DAVIS A Call Bottom Plum; irltban4 war; isi . thjot.l6l.•ll4lttaehnseat. Woodditn!“. ;• . ; I :muse agents. T NO. B.IDITADDEN, Agent Metropolitan, tr ming altdi Comma - dal Taunts. Comp•Wea, 96 - - . poox, eeeretary Allegheny limn . noon Cob:pant, rr 1.111 , JUNES, Agens /Vont' America, Tu. - . mg* of Peoneylvati• awl Hartford Immo. o . 3aiposilrairtigis'ar at. REA,, Secretary Citizens' Irma 110 erk, canu•K Yalu& sad Wiarr sta. r--ADAK,DINI CeefaR COFFIN, Agent for frank- ler • lb, raciatl.e Staisoceiosarsats Omnpealai; Marti:s4m ,canwor WaW mid Tided street.. .141MAIORDUN; Secretary Western Loser .-11.04006eopoups,92Wateretret, --- DPI A. -- 101ADEIRA, Agent for Delaware .a.• • enitlatiManlare Co., 42 Water mind. ' sji? Saabs. - • 21:110113. iiv . 4 1 : #10111111LD. & CC., (immolators to Mar. toradtad.) :oil Anal aid IhAsey On Good., Mori/wait carom loan!' .od Kork.P. 4 .4 .ll U 4 xulth- sel ei H. WIVE, Dealer in Staple and Raney Dry aoodO, ofigo of tho orklool 13o• f6rw Ili fa felrototroo4 Plitaborsh. . mrlo D 1. P I ALMEft, No. 105 111V mi ott . itreet, str.: 4semilly." " gLaltS ROBERT S. DAVIS, euccqsalir to John S. 111 Daiiienues. iiitooluksum..mito, Nw 93 Wood caller Of Minnow! alloy. Mutat rib. m)3.ly, WM. O. JOHNSTON & CO., Stationers, bloat rtook, lisaithoi and Job Manny No. 17 Wood istroot PittotobrO,Pa. "ooll0 KAllf")- B°°KSELLCRS AND STA- M N o.. Otood M.% Oa Wood shot,.. boat door to the oors arekbili i tindaguiX Po. 50%.1.a.ut Llooksoot. 00.0. LIMA)), BOOKULLER AND STA IN • TIONI4t, Na. ruartbet, Apollo Osiklisp- Warns CUIEINSTML./.. BMW, 818N' AND' 0111111111TAL-PAINTKR "kip . GERA.iNim. !No. 61 Fnerk Sres . s?, • CiimaidterOsta-lrellows nap, ...PITTSBURCiIi, PA thetriade, ridNEMUIUirB F 1,5111140 • AXELS, o tr e =o: B 4 i trikoo4 prougamad by apse+ YRr ITT 4ium my. .a. by ' ta st. 0.4 Igin BBL& 0 IMOJA 88E0, uut pret reed 10 sr, AL %le, Ek;r toy' LIM 8 Alt et CLOVlMlM"Ssts•Lki_ivreeitfur sob ky; #.:yAmaxj.oorants. • • - 5 - : mai. eaANg-41N CORD R, ' PRODUCE AND - : --- - • COMMISSLON MERCHANT. Dobler - 1i roar. Brooma,lasedo,ltutter, Lard, Obsess. Pafit, Dried and One. Pfeil. and Produce generally. Zama abet 4drarees made en rtautimmentr. Warehouse, Igo. 114 Second Street, Pittabnrgh. Raman) Kramer t Bairn, Fittsbtirgh P. Seller. a Oc, Pittsburgh &perm a OoMn, &riser it Dilworth, do oelb Bolinger, 'Urbane,. Co. 1117.C.15 al'lboalau, be Lei, late arm of U. A LI. 111 . 1Xnaal.1 Co, Wellsrille, 0. • roe* Lamm, ra., Pittategb —rum AIBCCiI.I, Pittstegh &WON& id)! & ARBUCKLE, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Commission blercbsota, Jobbers le N.O Pusan and &Warm, termed Napoli and Pyrupo, Flour, Bacon, Rico, Cheraw, Elewls, ac. No. 253 Liberty wt.. rl rrnitu O. ulna LAMM, 4 . may animus I.ILIKBERT at SHIP FON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce Deal ressad Comialasiciu Matthaei. tiro 6 'Sixth street, uoILLty Pirtrbst•ph, Pa. LITTGICIS, . _ v y HOLESALE GROCERS AND COH kIIg3ION HEROGANTB; Desists to Produce, ITlour s BalsosadC6iiw. Fish. Chrism aud bud . 011. Dior, Nuts, ',k r aal Corson Tsaas, sod Prrrssosos 11 /111511,51.15,1 sate 10 SECOND Br, PITTSBURGH R • r - w. ..... •.1.1..1311 UAL ‘51,0111 R. & J. 1911TSON dc 00 ~ Wh • libete Groaerre. AND tfltaLEll.6 IN Rope; Oakum, I ?Rah, Oils and Pittsburgh Iblanufaetures, - No. 1.3 e WATER STREET, ltcmilladtbdold. PITISE1311•311. WILLIAM BAGIALEY, PITMECILES.A.LEI CFROMaIt, mos. I 'OO4 .0 WeO II d Street, = Sena Wows JWIN &ISON, Grocers and COM , !talon Idersautti. Agents for the este of Pig Iron nod Bloom, No. lna Übooj street, Pittsburgb. reltslyd B. JVNICS,; WUULESALE Gito - Oilt and Doall ratigaher, Deal t I Prod ms IllaaaDieturea,F.:4llVaterstrett, nea7 2. Chornr: they. Plttabargh,,Vt. my 10 We. F. ILRIV-ER & DILiVOICTI7 - NlinnL l lTATit te, IL= Z 0.421.0 aidWM &wood Www, poise. Wood nu WIAT/).---..:.....4.1611K. ...MALIK non I OLIN FLOYD' W . DOLESALE eir Grown alo bootnienn t Romania, No. In Wood ontl an Ulna* aeon, Pillybonn. late an. 111 Af- .• ' VI.. WATra WELSQN, 47 - 110 . LESALE °RO TIf OXFUS, Orommilidon Martturtits rad Dealers to Pr. duce sail Pretalrargh ktrurarsetorea, trS Men) M..; Pitrobargh. loss SONIA ialt ... LEA-- ..... -....CNA!. ATWELL, * LE! i . CO., WIIOLESALE Groan, Prodooli aid Oommtedap Merchant*, and nin PlUiliargb Iffazilllctwes, No. II Wood Areal, h. Maas Water sod /net a.i Pittstuagh. split ........................L..4.,„...-...-. R: ROBISON a CO., WBOLESALI • QIVX•4I.. Ooninitolea Merchants, and Deelen to .fl of Proridoim,Prochtte sod Pittsburgh ilaoulacturae, No, tie Utterly athlete Pittehorith• jalSelpt Mai/ swum.. D OBERT DALZELL k CO., WHOLE -1.16 BALI Groom, los sad Nonnulltyi Yen Whop WI Deelenda Piadlice sad Pitt.burch lifsandactunr, No.26ll.lbeety area. Pittidaargh, Pa. my 9 I SALMI DICKEY & CO., WIIOLESALE Orcows,OaanslEtiotiM•rebants,ind Damian tu Prodoft, Na. SO aoal ealhwlm,.4 Ptttabe res. J ELM.EI4 W. UV) w ',L. CIIIIKA WZIOLN3AI.4' AND RETAIL,_ Ilmbrao.l every arle 17 R IST 'LT T 17 Ft - .F 3 ROSEWOOD, NAND° AN Y AND WA LN UT, &M.N. for PARLODA, CHAII/11DS AND DINING IiDOIND W to arty Irk Ng* YORK A LO N,D' I PHILADELPHIA Wairaiooita, Nos, TT tan 19 Tata:, Seater, muritkchf PITTAAVIGH. Me in MISC. --flail roano—.....ralsOu a. Tease W. 111. rot.° • co., - ismnanirevizai IORNITURE! AND CLIAIftz Of Evakyl Dearipbon. 316erm Sykis Amu. Ammo brinkonie—Nos. i 8 k 40 kallhrield IL, STEAMBOAT OAION ,FURNITURE—We aro assitanily minniastmin g STEAMBOAT 0.18111 FTMIETTOIit end UUAIRS and Malts Ms atterakm. oil Mir Intsmotad in famishing Wain ssinsaaarT Quack lostrums. 1111 E NEW YOKKEDAY BOOK Pays: majority of War W.hew klalr Up., limit 'gust., !Mk Ohs, and the opmbetleges prepersatooa which arc Dow beton the gab& ander such entraragaut, hyper. .11.1 .4 tenth.. Mims r ws sew paraded In show win dow reads, and tomapapar 1...11mM= b.& Dmiamitllook ars MI ipthboga of the dna water; their real Inert wh. lb. Odd.+ ott/t la. that they du Do ham. BOWS' LADD, WEI CA of L . LARD 01 ln 'Dirt= OIL, anent.d and col oretil image op, =ban In breilltul wrappers not ehate dim glass .bottlee, the coeIYYYS ebaryttat of tooth; and .ban that Melly; Ira tondlud with home trlegibable term. and caught et by _rordzut postog and old of both seg. mach Is not ths chatxter of Profs.. Wood's Ilalr liestel.ll. Thh gitotteman comes Lama the world without any ..blab Elloptdofortum or any other woontilliug cod atartilag catchpenny trriam by limply adstettaes a Ile. dettleratilw—what It esp... prarlealy—.cad as Itaywy alive It aorta ling Profs.! Wool'. Halt Eb.toratiroy. nod am gun valhe goer scalp, arm roar very brat., shyly watt fog el.. tor nay , be that , yen will gat home worse Lh.n perfumed' lard 011 oa boar cranium. Item.. Ler, Wood's Kestorillas for toe, Lb& ly lb. fory. artb-la ys. Caul" It Will, by Nature', own Pocono, Restore Grey Bak to the Orretrial Color. Will torte flair tlrow on field Elsode, Will restore the Modond &trackage, - Will remove id owe ail Itching, Will recoostalliNtodroff, Will core 1i sroptloon—wfwn Scald Bend, Will mats the Heir Son sod Glom', Will melts the old eptiews gonad ego% Will prober,' the Color of Heir to old .g., WM wledits Nolen it end itop Its Felling. ♦nd I. omen( lb. bad 'faint( Artifice for the Hair now In hew. Manufactured byWOOD 00., andeold Wholesale and BAWD. bg 4410 rwelfraY. Wow York. and Ile Mallet it., at. Lonli, Mo. Sold In Ptsubbryb a ll /DSO. IL KEYED% D. L. YAW NIDITOOR 00... and Draggle.. annuity I NOTICE TO CRUDE CARBON OIL CO', LICTOIB,—The eobicrlbenbare well !anted and offer [abilities to Ibexes bastes erode Int Ow eels, to &poen with than: They have cos of the best warehouses and cel lars lo the city for tbat p00p... Tarot will rushee, store sod deliver to order, or eel on reacendwilan, analog' liberal advance.. Van, will also none. ind ems nseed we cwwmtwdon , s l .O desired. To Dealer. L Cleribo'a Oil, we think we can offer tacilitlei very moth to their advantage. 11.17 MILLI DICIEST £ CO., 80 and II Water et. NEW DRY 000D8,_ ALL KINDS, Hag ia low a. the lovesd.. a UANSON LOT PRINTS, NIZW GINGLIAMS, Checks, Shir4 ng Unsling, Irish Linens, Balmoral Ek rte, Shirt Bosoms, Shawls, Cloaks, Bc. op.. .4. . . . UNDEIES-47 balois Rags; ij 2 bt4a Tallow. II bbl Peeled Pooch., 11,1acto Andes. , q.ecte Uupdalad Protbeo, 3, do Vealbord ' be . Dry [tom to 2,71,1; on err Per!Jr„ fur male by Jon I, IddlA II DICKII9 A 00. MOLASSES AND SUGAR-100 hhde AAy idlly fair. prints wd eboles Boom 100 able N 0 llalssisc veld per erre 11•11sois and enat Nary. far ma. by SUMER I DILWOSTO, Jed !, Nos; 130 and 133 &mod street. k, UNDRIES—OATS-i- 72 bags; wan 11BAL-16 beg% . -ORANBICHRIPS-201.b1., ROLIJ BUITIIII-4 Ob*. ilAttD-8 k•gs, DtitD APPLICR-40.by, oPR-200 b. pd.., bap, ;warn' BNANS-10 Mgy for ode by -Mb - 1 ROBtilt DitZELL a CO.. Llderly at. DKY PEACHES ANL) APPLES-8 bags DRY PEAOOIIB. I hip DRY APPLE 4 : 1.144 MONO P 1110116.41, Prthfd; TALLOW-3 bbll• R• 016-47 mar, *OW loultottrom ser ONO Pony. for W. by Jan ISAIAH DIURIST • 00. GROOZRI 68--50 Wide. prime N.O. Sugar; f 0 We Reflood Whir. Raw. 100,41.44 prior N Moi.,.m, 64 66,14Syrops, IW bop Rio ODIC,. - 104•4