Vittsbilrg4 6actit. OPM:A L- PA FIB OP MOENINO, FEB: 5. i 1861 CITE AFFAIRS 6tuloaoLosscaLl3baarrailoos for the Gaunt, by d. E. Our, Optbiao, 63 Firth St.—corrected daily : ineon. 111 'RADII. 00 31 00 33 SI - . Valk, sr 12 " a • P.ll B•eomoUe ,Ne_ .. . , . The lleeh'.fill ThWeb "iglhaits"—Mmireser . ailment ia _...... for burghers. It may mot be gerallrknown that a company . . . . es el Pittsbinghenfl Allegheey business men, among _whom are Jobe Wocidn,'Wes. Bagatey, W. Palmer, apt.! • - .. . J. H. Philip!, CCaltipbell, and others whose .. names we doubt` maw, recall, are the ownera of a verilfi4e t M.o.' oil territory cie a tributary of Oil cemiki•htilt width). of Titneville, and knows as the "Child , teset.t. If we remember correctly, , • the tract bracesi about elision handfed urea, aid was p rehased lat an expeeditars of upwards oL$llO,OOO, the Mad being valuable aside from its oleaginosiproductiblii. This large domain is ad mirably suited 'for Oil operations, being traversed mainly by the valley of fine creak, which empties into the fastens Oil creek, at Titusville. • This land, selected we believe by Major Philips, was at first regarded ai"oet of the market". entirely, bat. it went that thelhilajor will WIN he metaled to more credit tor him judgment is ,thia matter than mime of hi Merida Were willing to accord 'him ; The la 4 bombe!' of the Titusville Gazette in speaking at the oil Operations in that vicinityaa;* : "The trade is oit is daily triennial. New wells • ire being nestled and pumped. There are ladies tome that territory ;hitherto conaidered • "dry dig ging" will yet be More folly developed and yield oil le abundance. 'A well up_ Pine creek,oa the property: bought of C. Child., by Palmer, Wood & Co, at the depth of 150 feet, threw op much gas, nada workman, thinking to bare a pleasant roper- Onset, touched a lighted match to at. The exper iment was probably satinfactory, for the explosion which followed was so great se instantly to knock the experimenter on hi. "beam rode'? .Cle the Seddon't property, bought by the Hal landCompiiny, ite!_well not fully developed, but asffialentlyso to give tsinininca of plenty of oil in • • that vicinity. Oil liar flowed contierially over the top of Ore well. t . " The Duncan well, In the same neighberhood, - has keg been minsmered a good well, but has not been 'developed ire consequence of sundry sect dents..each as the Oaring is of rock, and the tools getting fast. We have no doubt that it will yet prove to begood till territory. " Joeithae. Watson and C. Childs have just shown the adno4ge sometimes attending per. sciariageflort., le the vicinity of wells with oil at hate over one heedful feet, they sunk a well to the dePth Of 355 feet without. a sign of oil ; but at 355 . cir 358, fiat a yein was opeuLd. Another vein wee opened on Monday last, at the depth of 392 fete, which threw- gas that took fire and instantly limbed - to the top di the derrick, setting everything on' fire wad debar% out the live stock in double quick time. Watson and Childs were at the time in ibis denier, mid the crisped ead• of their hair Igi.4 eemistahable; Palestina, of a near approach -to • icimoirbeiatile material from the lower regions. Tim - drilling cable Wu burnt MT, and, together with -the tools, dropped Into the hole. On Tuesday the toolewere taken not, and while that was being done oil was takes oIT and sold to the amount of .evenly dolladoll i.r rs: ' , -'• ..Dobbe,Anappgr. Co.'s oil well has flowed four thessend dottier toorth of oil in about four week.. "Curdle le klichock's well has flowed nearly or ' - gaits seven -theastiatt dollars , worth in abost two weeks." Important Can. la the District Court.-Mann • - " Mason vs. the City. Testerdey, pm , District court, the cue o r Jobe Mann and Juba Barton, partners as Munn & Barton, vs. the : City of Pittsburgh, was called up - for trial. Thiele an action brought by the plaint tiffs, to recover damages to the sam of 85,000, Fe" pained= etrilequeece of the bunting of a sewer, under -101 consul by the plaintiffs, upon which was erected'. Wee-story brick mill for the moo' facture of agricultoral implements, grinding feed, we. The washing away of the ground undermined poriiitit of the wills of the mill, damaging the buildiag tied Machinery to the extent of between firs and six thermal= dollars. The mill a located te the itighth ward, at the Comer of Pennsylvania ****** street. Manta Mitchell and . Gibers appeared for the plaintiffs, and Messrs. • . Slagle (CitiSoliciter) and Kuhn and Ceseiday for the defiwiditillgy...Hi • Mr;GUlmtutilfiti *pinkie the WS for the plain titre. stolid that its 1881 or '3l, a fin foot sewer had been vended by Ito &ate to convey the water from finhe'sean to rbe !Monongahela river, and keep it from Mittleuthi bank of the moil. When the Peens* witotWound arse purelaased by the Pentityl- Toots itallread Company, =ls sewer parsed into tee poetical= of thei Company f but the city, having feting •Itaiessintri, In 1848, to unshod a sewer to barig..tbetkOhrtjyril'ewirylmatie, SUIRMIL The new Mery was belitt: with a diameter of five feet and e half, ea d unpaired .with the old State sewer, with a diameter of but Ore feet, at a point about the can ter ,of the lor owned by Keens. Munn I Barton. Them aewerijoie! at quite an angle, the new (or city Sewer) deireending a steep grads, sad being of • lager dimensions thee the old uwer,threar len immure power 'Out the sides of the old work, causing it to beast during a shower of run ,e she yammer of 1859, uphearing the ground, • aod damaging the 0111 se stated. Tee plaintiffs...counsel allege that the city. ie conuetting with the old Statetewer, adopted it as pert of their own!work, and being weak and defu tire from the warmer in which the coneecuon vras made, they ere responsible for the damages ans. tallied by the bunting of the sewer. . The flist roman called was Wan. Alexander, • who:towage the prriputy adjoining that of Messrs. Mame mad Balms. ' testified that he bed moo ned the aeonstniei of the city sewer in. 1845, larder the,direerini. the 'Committee on Streets. The "templet , ' of the *ewer was five feet three Inches Di diameter, bet the sewer itself wee one . inch or two wider, as the week is always ' , free" • of thiwtemplet.." The descent wu about two inches in ten feet, eitllthey retched ,the corner of Penn sylvaiiii avenue; and Boyd etruri. rattan the de ' cent was more rapid—the fall being four or fire tut from thiepoiet =the centre of MROII & Burton's lot, white the connection'wen made with tee old State rower. Ale also testified thayabout the Brat of July, is 1859 t:lhe sewer became gorged, and bursted, fore , legibility ep to the serfage, undenniniug the wail of and:leaving a cavity some eighteen or tweet, fiat deep: •• The force of the water wan very great, aid the witaeu feared that blooms propene would also be destroyed, Wheitthe foundation of the Mill gave way;poritons of the wall fell oat, and the boiler and &line were unsettled. . On cross emanation the witnees stated that there were no Mary rain,. immediately before the barstiog of the Sewer.. There might hare been a shower - about thr - thoe, but - he did not believe thrift eibeed t ie break. At - the coenection or sewer with. the State, sewer, there was a cat Meek ringoied. • The fall of the State sewer 'was tenfold greater than that of the city sewer. The case is 41 Impohtors Os Saturday 'Marilee:a Middle aged man called et the ogee Of the Goiadaiiis of the Poor, mod ask ed for relief.' empty cost sleeve indicated that he bad loaiiai ink and Imieforined Mr. Pantile that he Imo a 'manger kiere—had &ben welficerin the army, aid-lost - bin limb in a skirmish with the Ca maaelie Indiana l . It ass pitiful to see one of our country , . defenders in want, and be would probably have.luicieded an hie missioe had not a physician, who happened to be ie the office, observed as op pearaece of syminatery about , the obnaldersalialliti rwhere an arm had been lost, and sipproaeherl the isvekr Wher, gaup_ eximinatiop, bit "good right _ _ arm" eras, lamed Concealed under his coat and jpacts! . :The wrokid-be impostor's name WAS Chas. W. Campbell, and he has been a coition!' vagract in our streets/or the lase nine menthe. Mr. For. tree seat ler police elfice,m and bad Campbell ar. rested and, aWo companion of his, Henry Lane, • whividoed nitride anions - the reault of theliter. view. They were taken balore the Mayor, where they pleakhaidlte 'bs' released. Line asserted - • that hi. hoard Was paid two weals in advance, but hie Moser was ?inexorable and sent them op for • thirty 'daYkleach', . • SPONTAIKOVII curious ease of rpontineoneemibustionvas discovered a week' Or P•ageis this ham the promises of Daniel Alt. house. domasekist Euter township, Berke County. The hay.lin the antis of the mow wai found to b in a okerted idale. from which it woo evident that It Iterilteidat 'Am by spontaneous combustkm, but fog wabaof iirbad eftworards been extinguished without aeyAnntage. Omer of spontaneorre- tom where hey Is put away not properly oared, Aar her Faxi•wr . laPw . bME harded at: the depot or the Pittsburgh, Vert WOMB *id Chifago Railroad that ut a- swishy is Its way. li.wse built at the works of Merrick, - Beaus t Co., New Brielitrie, lad Is - eopetractad whollrefiroth - Ittionseb etrorger this the wood en cu--Yd. wait law seek looser.. It le sow being leaded for Its trial trip to Chicago, aid should it ewe* 1,16: espectatiose termed of it by he in e ad k ociimb'er_ol este of the limo hied will be plated op the read..l: , _ : . • . Cdasatt Itaisapcs.—Capt:David Campbell, mirror for dwelliig occupied billy& Emma Israel sad David °Miss, ;appeared before the Mayor irbmlsyo profprrmi a charge .ot arissuce op*t_tio oloie 01111 A 84 earfissr who beep vitt dierepatfible• is well as. dleorderly bone. They had erotaised to vacate the premises oe lbs first of : libretti, if the agSat would hot proiscute then, bat, lailft to hasp thelvproatlasiait was mitered. They will either have to leave totthwitb, or give View :Amp ,Foirstrotee.—During the put sedister3eseery 414 Majo r . Wilson las paid IMO h . ast ert ! liviirepur, Ueda knowing 1111114 =rl • ' sst as 96 741r00_ 114.90 • forts - time Oer tbi reiou 100:! 1 ,boot $1. 400 , -t . . thriaitoos` . roT6 : t : o armoiry - smiriovritrpAaikuaa 4 010 1 0 0 . ,t0,4!".141!!.10.!.ilt • •, • • ' vs . " . 1 • , Ott 1160 k tibia nhe Phys.* Muria, otitis Omits' Of an Sloth bod It laboblioafa; oyV iriMitation of tW Osloosooy of tbo NM frogs tbo; Amalfi of !Wars Mows'l7 NM Boson, Propoopo of ffoixfacr sod Xtolog Ecooooly. attolpbfa: robbing! by W. L. Laird 0o41861." Apat. for eittabargp: aunt • We do not know that "Modern Science" in the best genre, or 'ninny sense which :has bed recocni don and aottepta6ce generally among discriminating I and competent Persons, has at all imperilled the au thority or the venerable Book of Faith. Some scl- Italia° men certainly have written theivown 'yams, with greater or leas flourish of seiollotie trumpet to usher in the "latest and beet"ezpoeition of the result' of "modern rethruch" and the decision, or dictum, of valence op to the day ! But seise scientific men, whatever they may write or do, art not, and cannot is be understood entitled to epee in the name of "Modern Soignee." Though these may be both noisy and pragmatical, airwe often Bad small bodies of dissidents Mal e y.' were their number. doubled, they would still be too insignificant to be fairly taken as the representatives of "Modern Science." Still, the school of .modern scepticism" ht' its "science," end its "profoundly lemma" professor', of such sciences, 'at lout, as can bs plausibly Used 'to show the way acnoltere—and to multiply negations ceerytehrve r hence each books as the ptheent may be useful to a certain °lass of readerU The author has had - several able predecessor, In this work which be has under taken; !among whom Dr. Dockland, •Hogh Miller and Sam ate perhaps the but knowntuud the most sueoemaful. 'Bor" rtete "A toc , ecbseiu- ac., tod Hoot of Reference for toe Legal Pr:Arenas, iniapted to all the Mated of the tliton: To be need am k T,:ektßoolt for Dim reboots and Commerthd College+. Mttla n large variety uf Practleel Forme maul romm..nly requirrd In Barham Tramectloaa. Am,. L L Profeaeor of:Lam In the Lam Devartmeet of the Dairen:Ey of Albany. IN.. York : D. Apple a 00, 11161 Afoot. SOT Pitt. burgh, float Miner. 29 lb-20 This is a convenient and carefully prepared sum mary of commercial law, which seems to realize the promise of it• title-pigs very fully. It Mat once a ready book of reference for burliness men tad lawyers, containing not only a satiefectory ex position of the principles of commercial law, but sack a collection of forms Mr use as will lie found of great practical convenience,—lnd it also admi. rally serve. the purpose of • test hook for the class-ronm. One excellency Of the worn we would commend for general imitation in the prepa ration of all such works.. this—n•mely, the care. ful, elaborate, and very complete indexes, which make the book available at once to every one who him occasion to rise it. BAP/K. STATIC./BUNT. For the week preceding Febraery 4th, 1661 /LAMA EMI Irk Pittsb'gb Bachsapß'S .M. 4. M. Citizens' " Mechanics'" 1,699,590 1,578,50. 936,899 725,868 724,23" 659,253 906,070 Iron City 't Allegheny 7,09%121 7.123,31 El= 123,891 henna. Nereus L1A1414111.2 I I Dos to IClikAlatsep I Deposita 205,706 650,5113 104.941 Cramp 796,675 232,431 48,191 M. A A 7.. 359,143 282,872 22,465 Citisetie ......... 328,500 104,021 15.94.1, Mechanics'.— .. . ...... 289,215 90,612 24,701 Iron City ..... 265,985 210,641 5,684 Allegheny 397,395 130,347 11,708 2,642,8311,701,427 233,644 Last week 2,686,70611,687,037 212.586 Increase ... 14,390 43,88.5 ..... New Vert Baulk Statenattit. Haw Tote, Feb. 4.—The Bant - 13utement for the put week ehowe a duress° of :Loan. of $2,027,000 inereau is Specie, $2,085,009 increase in Depuits $493,900. A Runaway Match and a Marriage tinder Protest., . A marriage ceremony, say the Wheeling Illel ligencer, of Menday, was perforibed at the APLure; House, on Saturday afternoon, under rather pecu liar etrentestimens. About a week ago a young lady and gentleman sensed at the house from Alle pony city, and the young man walked to 'the rug-. titer and put down a wrong name.for the lady, and indicated hie Own 'residence as Cnicagn. During the wane the Couple manifested a great deal of 0- feeling fur each other, though their actions were not each at to attract a great deal of attention This was panicilarly true at the- lady, who was quite young, apparently very Modest and right good looking.l the more curiously disposed pavane wondered what the affectionate . pair were doling beta and whitn! they were going, bet nothing wee known el then until Saturday morning, aroma young man arirred from Pittsburgh, aim engaued for them. Piing Wormed - that Onto, be sought were in the bowie, the yonnentan, who wan no other than the yeriag lady'. brother, proceeded to •make further Inquiries and itcertaincd , that the Luxor and pcecc of all paitiztj le slew 'Or the hat mate retained which the young couple had sus tained to each: other in the house, demanded that they should he married. Accordingly he fanner entified the !duple that they mist be married right off. Both or Mho panics inaietad that they were married already, and the young man declined at heat to comply with the brother'. "gloat, but threes and penniussions at taut t j ad the desired ei fee. her. Mr. Petaloe was aim for, sad several persona being iiusited into the foam as witoeszvr, the ceremony was sulemmzed, lied in the ereming all the pante:al returned home. 111EM:=1=E0 A crabbing .ray took place recently in the oil. loge of Eranshurg, near Norristoro, which is likely to result fatally. A ITid named John E. Wagner, aged about nineteen years, wee accused by Henry Landis, aged; twenty-three years, with baring whipped • little brother of the latter, and token they met Landis attacked Wagoer.chaied him from place to plane, and Used the most abusire language. Wag. oar finally dre'w a knife and plunged it into the side of Laud's, thedatter still continuing the fight until be 101 l from bk., of blood. Thee:4le with otitch the fatal blow w 4 struck had not previously been in 'Wagner's possession, but was give. to him for hie dehisce by a Scheormate. The instrument was a dirk koite, which penetrated between : the fifth and sixth ribs on t'ho lett side, cutting through the Maga and probably reaching the bout; bleeding was pro fuse from the Wound, nod a large quentity of bliout wan thrown flit by nooghing. Landis Cu not expect ed to recover, 'and Wegner hae surrendered himself to the authorities. I:l=n==l Olt Rites eta the kloutthignliela. We learn iliat considerable excitement coasts along the klmiongthela ValleY, in regard to Rook oil. If tlia thttory that this is a chemical formation, having its origin in the eiciaitj of the rant beds of bituminous coal which underlie the western portion of our Fate, then, certainly, thin great valley would present a prothenng field for the enterprising cepa talisL We are ialhomed that in the neighborhood of Elizabeth—but fifteen miles shove than city—there is a good deallof "oil lever." R. C. Walker, Eq., of that place, ha. proposed to afford an opportunity of tenting thei question, as he has over half a mile of river hoot which orderlies One of the hsa•test coal bed. along the river. Thla might prove■ good opportunity for some of ono nitisens or nil compel nice, a. lame can, air yet, be obtained upon very favorable tends , lianar. AFTS - AT—A young' man named , giTilkin, residing near: Sewellsrille, 8101104 miety, Obio, a law days ago, was on a spree, aeciimpaniii l,y several compsnioare. While drinking together, a disrmision came op on the; affairs] of the nation. Wilkie sided With the South ] -and airseited that if it came to war be would fight with them, at the /Me time drawingla pistol 'marlin', pi elnat and flourish ing it about. , One of hie companions asked to me the pistol. It stas bonded to him. ' He took it and ; cocked ii, and saying that il thmwere Wilkie's. sientireenty it was as gaud a time n w o any other ei , to make a commencement, aid ul eed the maid Mat below Wilkin's breast and fir 4, him instantly. Swinge Disrti.—Liet iveeii.xo iis geil lady named Andrew., reilding in thor city, too paage on toe steamer "Pdanklin," for the par ese n t , g some friendi in Limetow , noVashiegten comity. Arriving - at bar destination, he p IV., received by WV Weeds, and ate' dinner with them in apparently good bealth.l After dinner, *Aide rgaged in con vanutionotblt was stricken dowel cup apoplexy sad expired in a fewminates.), u es a"1. id • • . Asiatmir P .--161154 Mattigßrawdy, of the Fifth ard,aopeared bef4a Mayor Wilson yea.. herds;, and ;Jr/ferrets obugiof ..unit sad battery against Anteiv 1A41., alleguig lb t be bid abused bar moat sa xigely,'pellingei large glutei - 14'ot hair from her heed, and °thalami m trestlog bar. A warrant was toed for his arrest. II . , Frac In Adartarteur,o.—r4 . aturday moraieg about three o'clock, tbn old, ) i P,troenia floret in .Mansfield w • diseorered to lie on fire, and before the dame. c uld be arrested it was entirely burned opt. Loss bout $4 000, and a talar•nce. Tim lore rale basally oa Mr. Jams Smart, the owner;of the property.! COLLISION.-0a Sunday aftMnoon, meone or lb. cars on the PC die Maack the Raid Liberty Narrow Reilway was passing own Wylie Street, it - came in collision, onfinsite he African M. K. Church, with ibe rocksway o f obert Robb, Fah , the.bind. w which Wet.. broken to atoms, but formate yen one was inje ed. appeal all Datinan.--"In the matter of the 'appeal of joint Werrea,loonyllt d of murder la the t Int', deanie itt the A tot eandon of the Barka : County Conk, the Bap e I'hOrt has aflltsnad the Judgment of i te Coati' below,: This gelds the fate of Warne, It is hot t alt 4.1 y that a pardon, It eked for. Ito dbe vialed. 1 i . ••Bes.—A p lade( of the laniented Bob, a famous! !re-dos bolo giaa , to the ...Yiglloot," eta now bel Yea an Oillisplee show ',indoor, Wood Street. , It wan painted by a mantbitMf the company, and ; is said to bo as admirable likeeesn. . . • Tonour.o.—Wo. Woodliertb; of Jefferson, 0,, euteicted aid nut to tbe Ureluntiety none too or three ;.4. ego, for 'maitre( counterfeit , rain, km bass pardeud by the Prisidesi. 'fteitalloet a C. Bans, i tatim r Ca b r o l v ae i l io llosice rsati ig thie" r all; sim rla Smithfield St 2 ,„„f„, r . - arileithodowoo to r the &Or: •-• laiiiii:.--7-- • • • ... Map of steam flobots-Piopoted laili • A meet og of, citizens wad milled at the roams of the Bead of .Trade,.on Moodily afternoon, to hear the report!of a Committee appointed soon after the 'Wallace i explosion," to take some measures for protecting -the lives of the piddle from similar catas trophes. There were matainly not a dotes persons in the room, aside from thir Heportas, and the "gnat pnbile" whined very Indio obaowned in the' matter, notwithetanding its greet importance. The meeting, slim so itkras, organized for business by the Preat. dent taking the Chair. Ex.Goternor Johnston, Chairmen of the Commit tee, submitted s report, as follows: I o Me:Bruident of Me Board of Trade :—The undereigned, a Committee appointed by a meeting 01 enlaces, in prepare fur the consideration of the citizens and Board of Trade such proposed legie ninon as Might be deemed :effretivef f in preventing ceeusitiet from steam boiled esplosione, beg leave respectfully to report— That after carafe! rowiderstion of the subject they submit the nenexed • bill or form fore lazy, with a recommendation finite adoption, believing that it will be at least the oasis of a system of lawe that mays cult in great good to the.citirene. Your Committee are duteous that the measures proposed, herewith should be earinolly examined; that ant deficits or errors may r 'tid supplied and corrected betty. it is recommended to the favorable action of the General Assembly oh the Common wealth. • • Wm. Wane, WY. F. JOHNefON. The Governor then mad a law tart remark. In reference to the rtter lac of interest manifested in this matter; but half a d zen gentlemen being in attendsife. He coached ' by stating that, it the musette desired no protee. o n from the shocks and disasters incident to th rezploslon of etatinnery bedew, he was physical y es able to bear these shocks le any man in he community. His col league, Major Wade, h labored much in obtain ing the necessary lantern non, and had correspon ded with the citizens other Siete. and eine., there bring no statute i eminence to glade them is their labors: He w Id present the belt; and in doing lio be wished it a, he oderstood that he arse done with the mat r. On motion the bill wa atme led, end the Sclera. tary of the Board was a that,. d tri haven printed. le tine Connection may mention that Mr. Thomas Merritt", • pre/nivel enginwr, has pre pared a bill, lees stringent In lit provisions than that reported by the eumilintee, which he will lay before the Legislature at an early day. It has the approval. of Judges IdeCendlest- and McClure, end other legal gentlemen who lter, examined it. Co der the Prevalent; of the bill reported by the own mingle, every boiler phial be subjected to a pressure of a holm:Bed pound.; every, engineer shell be linerised,,and In ease of death from explosion the proprienir shall be prosecuted for manslaughter, and be *abject to a high pecuniary penalty beside, to be reCovered by the next friend of the deceased. hi the bill drawn by Mr; Merritb, the °artificers of the inspector 'shall set the carrying capacity of the boiler; every boiler shall be provided with a fusible alloy, or that the Water cannot fall below a certain point above the fire lice. The melting of the allot shall he prima inns evidenire of neglect, and the engineer loses his 'position. Whenever the water fella below the fire line, the proprietor shall he subJeet to a penalty of not lass than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars. Should an explode° occur he shall be eubjected to • too of not lain than $5OO nor mire then $5,000, and im prisonment not exceeding eighteen months, nor leas than slximontbs. . . The hill, as reported by, the Committee; will be laid before our readers an a day or lemon that all can Judge of ite provision*. GOMA+ Pane E.llllBlTlne.—Pror. ilmnbujer Mt nonoces-a grand prose ellistotion, oe Wedeeeday rename, for the benefit 01' the poor, on *loch oe• csston each of the hoiden,. 111 the first five hundred tickets will receive a pr.,. Turn cal and try your leek. Nut L . Note•oo Othrr Bk. Dos by /Luta. Fprtio 405,211 , 469,068 210,130 153,9121 105,68.4 250,812 154,314 96,481 148,495 5.3,918 12,978 80,172 54,100 35,023 80,048 149,654 82,066 67,767 29,190 29,800 15,218 1,449,0361 1,425,592 453.743 487,644 481,75 f 433 511 . MOE ME EOM Sciicatra, 61 Philadelphia, will be m the city the whole of to-day. :. We rater nur reader. in a remittal° of a remarkable cure viloch they will do well to read. lie intends to visit our city here alter, the aft Monday :and Tuesday ni every 'month. lirr Patients will please cut this out to enable them to remember the time. MD' Daemesar.—Dr. 'C. Sill, No. 24 Peon treat, attoods to all bronobea of the Dental prole,- ifir4SLOOD FOOD.—Attention is called !hi. snot remeraable cod ettlebtlaii pniperetlow, wive. tbehl to another caleirob It Is .o eitillredy weer discovery, and omit not lie entitunroleif with inn, of the bilieerosit patent meellehiel of the clay. It le it *Frith" rebohly for all the dilioweerieeelfiffld. light eipeclelly thaw. a chniolo —of long staudinF--ot weekel, imbibe:awl yew.. Muth, era, try it! eloriai Coot,. k Pr. •r. Now Turk, are the mote sgenta Idr It, erot oleo iiroittors of the 1..114 remarbed br. late,'. lnv/slits One ieh an erWile .1100 ever; Slotbeir .11004 hive to bet. cheiei 1.. reev.if tient and conleioing, alt &P., rio psi . ..gone nr opiate of any 044 It at . opon with lb. ntiunst will he 107.2 .10 luvnlivehle rignel fie lo all t....... 1 itifealle romplelble —tibinShato Ansywof. C , eitinebeee eilegoe ailviettlwiettet,t frhe este hy quo, 11 . RETMCB t. lin 1.•.•., at_ Pittalor g rii Isok delisiaiwlee• r. irootmrr WOODSIDE & PARRY. RII/INKAA AND DEALIZAA IN J 33 6 rq co T. XtNA DPRICS, LAIDADTAEIi and WO. WLrkes ,SAPONIFIER! Important to Families! Save Time, Trouble, and Expense, . TILE -- .. . TUE C- Fit s T i . MARKET ARTICLE ..' FOR IN "2. 2 MAKING Pertn'a. Salt Manufact'g. Co. And b all Drrenrlata & Orneen, In the trallael State., ADi A t l a l , R ..- C ,. ;1 LI D Y ER O Na.. th 4 Itathrout Pworogor depot., Ptttaboroth Irlll fill nion her humph.], hboolAdaro. lir lot iholf,Pu,rar Cured awns Lard, Lord 01441 eon Port, Papaw. Char. and row, aid dlaporto of 411 roongoorrarta of Pr.:lnm to the blot odviothoo Mtn IC/4—Wo moo to for Poirtmoh4 ,, :•74ratol °roll daesrlptiona - Paroolor po hood. • I.) .ireot• for hobo =ocher I 41 74roltto Dlarolroot. for thy wrovrodloo lord 4 , 0 onlaticor of Pao ht.* 1. ho , Mn Warrant. 10 elect this nett when rued ever Omit loos_ 14440 131AY (3001J8 1 , 4 IFURCFIANTB. Nom. 75, 77, 79, 81, 83 and 45 Duane tree Would re , til) the Tropl. Mot, the, are opeulu, %Pew I A Now Prlot, which 61.1 s livery Prlot to th• Country for porionylon of exrettylou toot thlityu to toll INattilor Oolora.-- Our Print/. aro cheaper than uoy la ono hut, sod monthly rrlthoitintodre do. Order* promptly stton.lutl:tu Now. 49 wood a I Perry PITTNNURAIII, PA. WItANK B. VW PROPS'S STIJL tirf)U Li) call the attention of Faarnia, eV D 11.1,111., retain, rod other., to the celebrated Telegraph Ray, Straw and Fodder Cutler, or wolokhe I. tow wouohiAletylog otwolow i ni •.r4 oldes t for flood sod Ptnrer. Star Coin Sbellere, either Doohlo or Alogith forTrood or Power. Ball', Improved Ohio Mower and Reaper, Horse Powere and Threshers. Dog Nwere, most Improved Pattern. Ingersoll'i flay Preen, AND &PURR AORIIALIIIKAL OIAOfIINRRY, wholeeito owl retail. Yoe inethor tutor:wallow whin. ad de2l to I pT .101 her 11.11 lot in sOLFERINo, PURPLE AND BLUR, AT BAY/ LOW PAIOIIIB AB 111/OBIL • &ATOM, ORIN & 1•31111&111 17 IN& Om& 1104. AND 4:43Klik TAILS BUT lOlL—ves large for rate. raltabh for Coal 4 cia. 1 Ole ear bee beeo ma bet • abort Wee on the Peeograrael• rellrefil end win be nine t oo. ypgairs of • J. it. Janne. Abu/4u c4r. tlr.i at and Redoubt ells. . mlaLltliHlf r LIVIESt PIL•Llis FFORA DISRASEI) LIVER OR I/ERTL'. TATID eabbiAtlll,;•re ibs enel affective remedy. Morvagbly removing ell Impurities trom reaming the Liver to ILI orighml bseirgy est*. Illet Elesdeibe. IndigeMlob, A 04." M , .. 4,1 1 , vblm 4 by the Use of lbliTstl;:per box. mplo Yssi a a.azuzaa CO , Opines Do nggielciorner Wood mut In de, hl drumlins geneMlir. felvIMT MEI A AINISTILVIOW6 AlLdf Adtelnhinttion Ita*lna been greeted ty the Rehr be.of WINN to., on the Nettle of ANN MILVAIN, lat.*/ the c ui or ritt . b . m b, 01.63, b ONOlietle. 11 . 11,1tAIN. ell phone bath* cudameigalnnt wld Zatateldll p.m.( them. dui, authantimmd, for iotticomot, and all pareeay Indebted to the tame will plitase COO. for •lard and Was. imam' W. 1411,VAIN, Administrator. • lr . N. ERS OF AOMINISTRATIkiii on iLil. lbw. of 0110110 X, SIMI; doctored. lot All of Rotolo Toorustilp, Atiogboloy Coooty, gloom Ivaala, tom. D tag II pre ud to Mt a Wootolfmto, 01l powwow todobtod to =of oft ll Pttoot , It tOo , Pl 3 footo.ond shoal Ifootoi dam molest old SAMS %re recotatfot to make khown it. rithootresy. to i lirlinint SOTO% I Adadolottorti- /LAKIN ISTRAI OWS NU fluE.—W hen sair.lalars of Adadalotestkoo bomb two grookiod op on ed.°. dm rotate of. PUMPS ALLimothoro, deed. I of Wahl tonikipsxmali 01 .1 11, 40 01, V. a Pr , moss 62.1.604 so mild WM, Er. rectiosod le Ewe laneV disto i get,•ad tiom, ' limbs deism yptioss the nisi sal tri.NN It 4044micial4, for settl, to ilasi gautemsioodirruk- i _ , 10411. .11,01•11NIM. • Sai; A _ __ _2 : . ;!. : r'-. ~. • , , Ns , MR INIMIII 14,, BE SOFT SOAP! One pound Kul to SIX pounds ir) rr _A. SI ! ! Pr We at Icatiamata. PITTSBURGH, PA .PROVISION DEALERS AND PRIIDUCE COMMIRSION MKIICHAN FS, = UR FORINTILMIT, &UN & MOM =I nem , mad bentatiml pataree, tbo WAMSIII'TA, PITTABUILUII AIiII:MURAL Mks, RIGHT WHRELIO PLATfORM CAR 0:14. =.l„t I • THE LATEST; NEWS BY YIILEORd'rH RECEIVED AT THE DAILY GOETTE OFFICE Special Dispatch Grammar Es - Sizing liLdttion I W OTT, Veb. 4 The President h.. committed the Capital entire- ly to Mr. Holt, who has io his bands the diape.isioo oftreope end other military arratlameato. ,No op. preheroos Ire no. entertained, se the metes or defence are sufficient to °serene* any conspiracy hat might be atiempted. i • M. Holt consults folly with Geo. Scott Thirteen States are so W ri4riteentad in the Compromiae Convention, bat more may COMO. 1 , No preclical re •elt I. anticipnted , rom Ile deliber. ations... The preaence of the bum issiontm is re garded with evident feeling. of diire by Courts,. Virginia will probably ,preli i set I er resolutioe. le n ultimatum. If the other border States unaist on it, no compromise is possatle i i sod the result mq be the *wallop of all the ;Slave States, ex cept DelawAe. Peaceable sepal tioo is seriously dimmed in Important circles an 4 cnming Fobs- bility. Comminioner Ilayno ha. chanid hie tone con. siderably, and bin made no denntnd for the un-.' render of Fort Sumter as anticipated. Anderson writes that fernier Centime ter in ChnilAtion is now aupplyink him With pro vision. The Supr duties will preload)! he abolished, in consequence of the sooner, by the authorities of 1•0131ORO11, of the Iliiite.lN i end prop erty. XXX{ ILL Congress—See.ond Session Vt'asniirozon, Feb, 4. Never.—Mr. kfeClernand, of Pl., ached leave to offer a preamble netting forth the reports rela tive to the seizure of the mint and money et New Orleans. ;ad the retinal to pay the drafts drawn by the Untied States on the government money, ■nd concluding with a resolution calling on the President traiirinimunicate to the Monte at an early day, if in hip judgment it be not incompatible with the pUelle Mewls. All the facts on the tot Joel, and what steps, if any, have been taken to restore possession of the said property and treasure: Mr. Borne', Ky., said be venuld vote for the resolution with chterfolnees but Ito objected to the premible. Mr. Clernand sold be had therein only recited what wet the current reedit; he affirmed nothing. Mr. Craig, if N. C., objected te the reception ol the rc•olotion, and cop ti auritrwe that any one afield make each a liege bone on onwepeper reports. Mr. McClern•nd eupreseed hit eerprl.e that any non should object to a mete reselution . of inquiry; it made no allegation. Mr. Branch, el N. C., asked leave td int , nduce te•olUllne . allowing the Communsoners Intro the States admission to the door ul the House. Mr. Kunkel, or Md., prepond to &MIMI by ten dering the ose of the ball of the donee au litS selta• ble apartment for their meetings. • Mr. Lovejoy, of iii , end others, tibia-tad. John Cochrane, of Nec York, gave notice that he will, at an early day, nail up the bill repotted by him from the Committee caf Fiett,• further to provide for the &Inaction of duties on impart., Mr. Sherman. Ohio, to order to,accomodata gai tlemro, who des re to make apeechee on the enure, moved that the Noose take a raze.e from four to mean o'clock, during the protect week. Mr. Logan, led , bored not unleka rt oral et:l'4o - to Oman who read apeerhet, fir nobody was hero to union to !ben, Mr. John l'oehrener-I prep.., 5 compromise. Lei none but ezielaiiore apeeeer, Lie delivered by day, slid since but ;oaten °aria IL weld. jLeush ler Mr. I.rgre mer Med en hr. ajectioa. Mr. Wriette, lerlt, prraeuted e penile , . from In. 4 1101 , ac h ing or th e .d o pi,ee o r the Crittendee prop...linen. Ile was Gee to vvyAliel ho could not vole for rt. Mr. Brutes, N. Y , pm/motet! the memorial 'of seventy two eliii.lll 6. Chtetto and Orange COW, Iles, N. Y, m favor of the borne, State Compro mise. kle raid it wee a good ate to yea memorials preempted here train Clint.. resol.og In the 1 diatricts, one to favdr of a camp online byavhteh the dtaandution of the C4OOlll may he averted. 1 ho Wee. Went into coloniittee en the Senate amendment. to the Debrieoi.) , , dpproptietton bill. Mr. Morse. Me , advoc.t..l the amendment ap propriating $206,000 tor en n that and road silvan. tap• in the tildrient 1.1 .inn., no proposed in the contract between A. W. to ...p. : on and the Navy Department. Mr. Somme, of Pa ,ot.poro J it on the ground that there wee riot a particle of litir ; that 'lt there were privilege*, them were riote,rtliAfartlidpg. end, • . titri Ve *butt' not trautiret it to the Velma State,. lie spoke of the euldeet a. a South Sea babble. After further debate, lhe committee tion•concarried to the Seuate'm Chiriqui ameednient. The Senate'. amendment appropriating $135,000 for the purchase of Mr. Wm:Weirj ettabliabment for A public printing omen gave rite to a diaculaion, during which M. Stanton. of Obtio, said that he Wan reluctant to etas for any contract to which Mr. Wear doll wee • party. lie would not tinker with • toss who for Meiotic um years had ben engaged In &ir ruption for no old bruiten down minahltehmeet Mr. llorley. at Ohio, thought that the otriec was worth that much ; it cost $18.3,0110. Mr. Burnett, of Icy.. was opposed to porobaslog such an establishment_ ft trona become an asylum for broken down printers end country editors. Be. Ades, it Is shingled all over with mortgagee; the typo is month worn, and Rome of the preens are useless. Mr.'hicCiernand charged that the lotion which the buildings are erected has locambran without the removal of whi.b a nteuer title will be unattainable. The whole property it messed for onl ;87,000. The Sonata'. printingoffine amend nf Was con curred with an amendment After farther proceeding.. the Com tithe rose. On motion of Mr. Sherman, of Otolo, it wasi re. euired that after to-day, sod for the of the week, them chill be a retest trot. oar to seven e' bock, for the porpose-d debate. Mr. Stanton naked, tat failed to ob sin, leave to introduce • joint mutation extoodint the time to take testimony before toe COMUII.PiOD r of Patents against the extension of MoCorinick'slreaping chine patent. The Bosse then adjourned. Beaune.—Mr. Crittenden, of K.S., !nimated . . I Illentorl.llll horn citistais of the 1/1,10111 Slater in favor of the Crittenden Iterolutiomi. Chandler, of Mich , pommeled ■ petition from citizens of Weigel", rettion aaaaa ing against any change being made in the Conrititutionla Mr. Wilson, of Mars., offered a resolution of inquiiy asking the President to communicate to the Senate whether any lore, a:senate, arms or munitions of •ar belonging to the United States have been seined by any persona in the suns of Louisiana, and mpernally Shane, the Mint of the United Staten at New Orleans ban been taken nonunion of unlawfully by eny perrions,.and if any money of the Veiled ,totes and how much has been unlawfully appropriated :by ■ny persons, and by whom.. Laid over. Mr. Bigler. of Ps., presented several petitions in lavor of the Crittenden recitation. Mr. Foster, of Conn., presented memorial from the - moron. of Connecticut ankFarr 'for the passage 01 the Border States resolution. Mr. Fenenden, preeented a' memorial Item the eitisone of Maine, prepog lot doe Ttelo,lllllll 01 peace to the country, and am 0 ou of the hoed of oar fathen. • Midell, Lc, dent up to the clerk', dealt to be read, the oirdioneee of encon9n paned by Louisi ana. EC= Mr. Slidell said that the document hen read, which pier. on the official relined the fact that Loatataba has ceased to he a componeot part of the United Slam, terminate. thSconeeetioe of tom cell and collesgues with thin hody. The octet* call. for some word.. is paring from those whom . we leave; tome at whom wo hope to meat a in the amble teak of cnieiruc t ing a new Cenfed acy. Ho said that the new Coelederacy would' not attempt to inipror on the Coaritutilm of the Uni ted !rates, bat would races/use ell thessiiiing obligation., those respecting the Airiean elate tradt, included. It would be willing to es. , NM* a proportion of • ihe public. urn' and , rectum or all the property of• the Umted Mater, which the suthentir had bees Com pel* to stir in salkieretillei and would recognise the right of the inhabitant. of the Valley of the Missinippl, to free nargetair, without tar or toll of at, hied. They Popp and wiehlor Police, but the (trim*, of this question "fit dependl on theea States. Ile had nu dootit that if the tire we. fairly pretested to the pimple of the titres, we lght hove a peaceful meparatine, with the po.- eibil ty and probability of a tenuplge or partial rt. cons ruction, bet with the present' representation. in either branch of Cringreas,-be could tedulg" no', saes hope, nod they most be prepared to wird err_ melte wider any preterit. He rid the North might If it clime, corridor them bound to the Ueioe, and deity the right—he would mot say of smetrma lbut of revolution or rebellion it they oboes to:l'ton it to I they right ignore th• Declaration of ledepend anew, and attempt to redoes the Heath to *gape. tion,land might minim a blockade but :the girth word meet them and permit mg intrestuellumof, the- . commerceof the manntactiuro of the North, and' would meet them ea the ease ' , ended the old Sig ; for they did nut intend to gins up the aid • floc; it broiled to the Birth as mica as to the North .and we could get vessel" DolP.:the same plates which now carry on the shire trade, New York mod New Iteglasd. Ho referred lo ' the blockade of the ports, nod thought that lontiga settees would not admit of any such thing. Bat they al i the South would not commence tho fight; He dedied the charge that this more ment i l wee but a comma, Mat* or a loeg eitatritifilatad: - plot, end claimed that It was the calm and delitierate action of the people. He referred to the malty Madame. Ibe had *reed in the Somali anal bade all ferewill, Mr. gentantio, of La, said that for out ordinary ootailon It might be enough toil* that he fully ion- aimed with kis tollissgue,'butbe raid Dot be teem ale to' the solemaity of the 'Saltation. He time' protioieled to argue evilest • lite!l einiertioh theflent.. blank weld not go out of the letan bsioeia It Wei bought as the property .of iliel.Calted States: ..lis claimed that.Louldana wet noeiliought teeny such LT00°6514 net buy 'hit Odoensigtilly, of a Ste* Louteleaa was steguired alder ie peaty ehleb pi. rill.4 100 " 0 “bisla or tbk kilf : , 4 • P mil 00. • 4. Pr' 10Wirt.W.1 1 101..10 'veto*" imm. . -"• ~- :,i - ...::.•:: , ;J- . -.. . ,;., - :-..:...,:!.:.,.., . , L ..[.-.:....... 5 ....,... -, :.,, .. ~:--1 . .„- ...: , ,_,:. .--. ~.::; r . , . -,;, ~-.,-.-,,.:.,; .:. - .r.',..:,...•,:: - .;,...-- , .. 1 •-P- • , Tt .,...,., : „.„ ; , : A:,,,, : ,, > , -.,.? ~ -,, ,,,. .,•::-....:.1.4, : -.-,!,,,... • . ~.... 1 -,..!, -.;.,,..-_,-:_,.-;.r fci-,-,:,, , .. - -.1.!44i...-,..,-. , ti,....z..,-A-&. , .., -, ...... e.-•: , -...:-..n - .. , .„ .:: :..,-.:•: , ....-„,•y...1--.. :. :::-.,.......,,,,:2;,.•.Y...%.4,4..•-.1.. —...,, ...,—,,, ..,...,,,,, ki1 tt . ,,,,„... , r , t,,,,a.;....1.,,,,, . ; ; ;,-....J.:,-. . ,i. , , , ,,,,,..a.,:.,,v ~ ,,,,,...t, ~,, , ati,..y.,,:t . . •:t:- ..4 ,-,,,:... , .. , --,-,, , ~--,....g.r., ...... , - , .,, , ,,,,,y, ...,,, , , , , , ..:4, :.;.,k' ' i , „.. &id it• d ; slug Weis! Mini for gob's oat Innen tin treidOtlyetatbratander which alte:mnieirthed, wSf broken entirely by the goverment. Youleiuttdeet..the neeretglit7 of Virginia, barons 7oil eon ditor that of Loden& He chiliad that the, right or ineitioe hid always eZigll4l, and it wan a &alai of it whirdiminied one part of the difficulty.: •He said he had been told that the i. in 'Awning', and; that the people are traitors. Lie elaitaell that thisiibarge of rabol lion ems an 411mialluti of oppresrion. For oorert In the history of the world, did millinoi Amin re bellion against boon, Lind justice, and when tbe peo ple, with a common cinseut revolt, there mast be criminal againet erhCni the revult•ia aimed. In bidding farewell to the Senate, Mr. Ilenjami could not forget the 'Many Menai, relations he had formed, with wally from whom he was radical) Y separated in polities Which had inspired him with esteem and respect, ind which he would not willingly forget. From the theaters from the slave holding Staten he parted as no a temporary absence, with a ordial prenouro of thelmed in 111111411IDCO of • speedy *turn to sweet interoporee. • . • go was taken ap. 1.C., spoke on the political ,vor of the Crittenden Cote. The President's Mes Mr. Cllegman, of N roubles. Ile was in f for peace. lie said the Railroad !bill; the attemist !.d the plumage of the Tariff ghost the interest/ of the d bill giving away the pub oh towards inducting sem sible men. of the South In publican Senators have toe g for pease or war, which country. If they said War, ens, and rather than auhmit promise to any pomp of the Pastan I tornake three router, bill were sets directly South, and the Homes • lie lands, would do in, 'ion, and drive many to separation. The responsibility of decidi will they give to the the South would meet; ; Ike the Wong mail Jul tip .0 and the leaders of this they would go down; Bible, taking the .did Philistines with them, led to protect against the DM=2 .seertion that th e Nor were i l snaking war on the scouetry. The positio of the North, on the con trary, was each act° a bject them to the charge . of 1111 cowardice instead of 111 ff war. 1 The honorable Sena or has said that the nm of force m the North wonld be favorable to hiseeetion. .et not the Senator lay that flattering unction to iv soul. -11 f war ehohld come, which God avert, he first thing we shall do will be to take care 01 mittens tumors.' Mr.'Lane, of Oregon, wanted to know right here, ho he called traitors. Mr. Hale amid he meant exactly those men who light against their own State. ' Mr. Lane —They are fighting fior the Constitution and the right., of the iihtate, and I will allow no men tort!! thorn traiiors.l Mr. Ifsle .aid be' *anted to' define nn main po ,nition, but he repeated that if they were forced into war they would take earn of treason at home. The honorable Senator bad referred to the going out of the ten tribes. So they did go oat, but they fell the Ark of the Covenant of the Irving tied with the 'tribe of Judah. The tribes did go out and neither Clod nor any body , claw ►nowt where they bathe gone. fie hoped ouch would not be the fate of the tribes now endeavoring to go out. - On motion of Mr. Jotnmn, of Teen., the further consideration of the President's Menage was poet ponied dfl to-morrow. The bill to provide fur the organisation of t.e Territorial government of Lisboa wu let. up. Mr. themes amendment changing the hounds y . . floe was Adopted. On,snotion of Mr. Wilson, of Masa, the eams the tirritory was ohanged from !dab. to Cotondo. The bill was then read the third time nod pawed. Mr. Pierre, of Md.. reported from the Committee on Finanee the loan bill ,which was made the epeeist order for to-morrow. Farad a reaolation that the •d from the al States be the Satiate. Laid over. Mr. Bigler, of P.. Commiuioners appoiri odmittod to dm door Adjourned —The Convention room ha Idle pees, who ate not 1.0 of the conference is worm after ela orgatelatle are desirous that the who .nducted with closed dos a AV.n.o ton, Fob Deed to the reports; ba admitted until a •a OR the 90061.1011 Oh nd The Virginia delegaii. rroceedseg. shall L. 14.• the prkao and puhli, There is a committ . of Secessionists here from gsinst the admission of the Maryland to protest Maryland delegates. log erith aimed doors. lion. ia the chair. A committee on hoe teem effected. 8. C. Wright, of Ohio, of pertn►oenl orgonihtit The Conference bu rafamit to admit the prom Irepresentativea. It is supposed that Et.Preaklent Tyler, of Vir ,giata, will be the permanett President. ' The cuafereace adieuse at ball pact one to meet at. 000111 to-morrow.. All the States were rep ad that 'have elected Commasloners except New York, Teatieasee, &is soon. sod 111Lesis, IF.lerea' States were fully is presented. Mr. Wrlght,ml Ohio, acted es temporary Chair man, arid Mr. Howard, of Maitland, es temporary Secretary. A motion was made to admit the repreeentatim of the pows to the doer. but it was laid ou the table M proceed to a permanent ormosisation. A Commute. anatomies/ Of ONO. Commismuner from each State„bar. bran appointed on permanent organisation. Mayor Barrett saivarthe door. will be kept clue to the public mid tha pram mini the Convanti n shall order otherwise. It is understood that theentire proceeding. wt 1 be in secret ...ion, I WASHINGTON LITT, F01A.4......WH10N-11118 ISM two, ahem fifty epeethes have keen delivered in the House of dew...homilies. on the cane. neatly 311 of them in coneetion with the report of thii Select Committee c,k Thirty three. A p umber of goetitmen, beside*,ve been an•king preparation. for IVO expremion of All •INW• oti the Same Sub jott • Among so trish meirstaetelor the floor the woggle In obtain' It 4 1. (pike lively. though •. mach cannot be iialill i all the speeches. The Secretary nf, tate, thee far since hi. en trance upon the dila. of that office, boa perform. ed them withouvhs d al an Arnstant Secretary. Ile dewed much Bayard, or Delael.ta, poeskiar queldieltieda ceeN.deratione led , teire poiatmeet. •seeure, is that capacity, V. nwing to this geetlestae's for the place, but oierraltes to defiles the proffered sp FORT RITEN, Feb. 3...-. The Pike's Path Re press passed here for:Si. Josetib,•t fire o'clock, -A. M., with four pal...engem lied* 600 in treasure. /Jeerer, Jan. 31. rt.—A. P.. Riley, a money law. yer from St. Jeevph,j Mo., was killed it Mountain city on Monday night ie/I bi a man named Looney; Riley. sees destroying some of Looney's property. When told to deem he attempted to shoot Lleney with a tinutile-hirrelled gee. !mum wrested the gun from Min, when Riley drew • revolver and fired twice at Looney who natereed the fire with the goo, tilling him komeetly. • Two military eninuanicei have hero formed in thi city and are drilfieg Weather clear and warm', Redding. ere aping. leg up on every side. leocrannance, Feb. 4 -The New Nleiieen matt from Pawnee Pork arrived to.-day The mow en the plains or logs two to foar lees deep. The mail wee couipelled to travel. pert of4the way on pock mule.. They were three, days ig.eitaking sic mites. Nothing had been heard at Fawawyork of Maples ineri in 'the - Rano= =malaise and the presumption ts that ,if it were =gamy 4uld have heard of it, as they ere. in weekly communication with Fort Wise. Quite a number of candidates are id this coun try fur tho State COOVIPIIIiOII. No doubt but.thoee wde era for the Urlioll as it i., will be elected. Union Ken Triumphant Western Virginia. Wirrresne s., Feb. 4i The election to-day malted In d V am* SherrartUa, Clemrnet and C. b. Hubbardr• 610(3600, by Mahn lire hundred major ity. The eaciternent sits very groat. Union can- Mantes were elected to fdarion, Taylor, Wood, Buick° and Heecook counties. Very few vote. were polled apical 'referring the action of the Con- Liention back to thel people. Burnitone, Feb. 4.—Tke la dam received • !lei° from INIOBIIdOIII are to tke g7th ult., sad the mom speak et the yrithdrivral 01 the State 'mops, •but make no meetien of the Brooklyn. The Montgomery and Milledgeville papers re ! , calved by mall also speak of 'the State troops ao Ming fixed upon. 7he Pensacola correspondence says that it Ii deemed imoosoltile to. tanti Port Pickens, uasop potted by rear Meisel.. 1. New YORK, Yob. 4.—The U. S. tt.■mabip ply ha. arrived from renaahola. She has on board the officers, trope. emplace", ate., from the Wartfunitton NOT I Yard, who wore released on pairle and 'taken off under a floe of truce. ' Now Oatwand, *ob. 2.+A mutiny broke out on bowl the ship paiorwhire trout Liverpool, daring' whinb'the captain rind tint and *sound mats, were several, wounded. trlikardttlKlLlC, Ik I er.IIIEDY. • CHEROERE REMEDY. _ Villeallf sti - tran roa 6ifetw • goaortheea sod' oes of the UneargOrgani. Till' Memo» eareerbee all bibs ponanilleas fah. It I. fottlrol, •51.10 ant alba Composed; coo talolos no ar i Llle=mlatrat ; t ono pan Mee attiled in It= one oo r oofollea fLothor tiko Cherokee at le aimed to the fait» on Its ern l.),lets awn+. It op.our It. lily quietly and tfOneltir. tilarerto le et alba sea rill le - 7n NM by uslojg tlllat•tinn• t riad of plods( them aolvdo at tbo tworcy pt COO or Praire». bla e aserlir Onion.» Oa "err hoot of the anew ; lie tar I soo ; o i o no t to »fowl the poison. bat to litentiovo lb. Canes on rasa it denteda taildloostiose faro valet fern doeCoopaas feta bake. Tar up. ma p.m. rti oilla Waded Or Ilbl• re 11,10 mair. la all eon ot Cloarn, ritTl itta t illVi Ant d. • r i e1.772. t,11:4 sot t . h d rort u r i 111 ef i r Irate T01e ... bat Juvllkonites the moat dales* tonal». I .lt doeekkolt *me l et the arrant er Inferrer* with Via.. el iiilblathifOtr *Clue al eoliths from hutment Ca. I It neat» no imikano hoof alb» meditim _ Aud what !r in futketae le the Wallin Aki 11=ifett ittointri Mime aPteeastat sad ralletsja titer bottle, *entree bottle, the is Plrrflot a Iteafrial, A role flokiliters. ptalsoke; OtO: H. &CYBER, , 140 Wood i annek Y" Bold 1,111 ' ratio", ' Minuoji 'Litwiriiir3.llMWA yrteitte tipeoisair 1 .4.64,-•••••••••••..•,.. .••• l~rn • 1111/11e 11101.1.118& um's , » A:, i O/- gport.rattr a . Y~oNar au vett wariruitid teshe p tta• ' ' OLL uur R--5 rK AA, tat ne& 0,00 by *bort feud. 1 inaisru.ootanic I f a N o m „ " Ni s , WWI 111,11, "MPICIAL RECORD) COMIIITSIII OTi •ILUITUATION,IOR JANUARY Atin FIiBIM Ur. I Janus qn.iro.w. P. P. 1 . Jams PAIL 44, . 1 1 J. J. Cht.L ums. 1 U. II Pat•tam/„. • 1 I Jouoik Ima•nts = fßnixrrted Gases PIV1,111:9[011. MCNUI. Web d. Ism! The ..tbittor leopo: tee rowiat root, some retoreol: but the tonne enotioa be dud et Wein:we Trade wenue row pet:hotly atennoted, to oilotrod every depotlnetoil TM, ke•t•vr,i. out sa.n..lei,ut. In tbewo:lepool • me Won wol se • unotteroi conroeherd nut deewto. mint surprleei litA)Uit—watioix. to 1146 q. with an enneteltoret Irnht ree qto46 and on • tddarat dutoieetience thorn tat tow tranonctlont. towel.: without •ny thong., 8.11. Were: aopir ha. hap 40 W. Wont 676 60 do wor the 6 156g6 e 25 do yr d e l 76.k0b 60 --i 411 do wtr do, ' 676 603 60 do ww dd ' 6'26 660 till.OOBlllE-141og;r lo Moderato Inqolry. ulthoUt diatom lo' rate. , rein of 10 bbd., at @VA% 12 do do 01 1,407%., 'lllo6oari—flnti. &dee of II bbla 04 la do do at 64.. do do at 34e. Goilleff:-Salea of il.l Op ft 146614X:14 do dolal . O APPl.B.B—in moat title 14.1 delnand and WOE quits a firletypf pier., arconiing to quality dalra Wl* f1,76;Db1. at fl 10 40 do . 1 rz.. ndo al $2; Al do do at s',4 16 do do at $1.76. 1111/TIM—000llano• very dull, without 110, Imyro4l , . meat In tale. toilet of 6 bbis Roll at 10, 11 •ud 'US 4 do do's, 12e. I;oo6—are to fair Inquiry at lbe old quotallene. Yale, of 600 ion at 11441110. and 1 bbl 00 at 124 114000—reinauto Oom, but plce are uochavpd. Palm, of LOO maBhouldeinl Br, and 1,010 do Nolo Hausa at 1014 r 1 , m. 1101110 Y-Baley of 8 Ws Pearl al yi,br; 2 do do at $4,16 bbl. and *ball Ibis at $1,60 bb l. 08.101.1 161.11T4-Poubes are to fatr it.quiry and are fel ling at pries• espying from 61,16 y 1,26 Dam—as pit Ito Apple• ce rather dud. Bales of 10 boob at 7466 Ito 11 bulb. OlL—Saks of Id bbl. Not Lard NJo—to city Ind.. OATil—dalLaail have daclhaal !oio bash. Salve of 246 bash from steie at 21e. - • CORN KRAll—fie. ol+l bbl. .116.2 from afore at11,7/e bbl. WIIISHY-84041. of 27 bbl. Raatlft .1 at 17. 11 gall. 0111413.43—ooelgtoged 1.1111 fooletato Fop:loot. 11.1.4 of 100 .bas W It at 10e. POTATOES—SaIto of 40 boah r 01.02 .t 4(o' .e tt bah. PRKU-0.184 004,600 lb. Rya Short. at GC. , 41 v• 1 SYRUP—SaIvo tf 2 bbl. Sugar lloose at 460 24 gall. *UN kCTA!RY AND. 4111111111111Plifift A Ir. NV Lorne, Feb If—The demand for Eiclotage has as we expected, eased online. the heavier' tissinefut I.f has psis. yd. One dealer bonght 1,10,00) sight on Nriv Orleans at `h. gpfi ?vent firent to day and lime glidooo yeaterday at the smart llnso of hint soda on the Icsat wee et Lt.; pram io day, and at 11;4 no New Orleans. though some pieties meld at' 111 cent shush three rams Some fowl Gina chock. on Net/deem fireseioffered atop rent Oda afternoon a Ithrot being token. lint there in no good morn et of any great dr. cline, an Mug Refill our tranesctions *re based Ilp , •11 Pech irredeemable currency as that of Illinois and tllssonii. Aud the prrepict, la bilto of any change for the bettor:et omit la the Missofal enmirey.-1 Democrat. The following Ift • comparative statement of the imports of foreign Lir, llgod• at New York, for Um week and same Jan If For the we.l 1.559. IaGO. 1001. Entered at the port ..... $2.932,045 1,1.105,411 100,100 IThrowo ion Marhat........ 3;414 Out 4,053,19 J 2,04,7113 Flocs Jan I. Entered at the pctrt 410,674607 $11,770,005 110,956,537 Throwe on market........ 10,93Ci445 12,001,000 5,054,478 The dry g ormi unearth I rot conthroptl.” at Chit port the peat weak were n dor the earth of those entered for th awns period In I 130,lint were In sewm of those for 1509, The amount throjrn Kam the todthed wss not half that at O. Ems time last year, and larked smooth of of befog wool theta the 'wealth. pew. ' The value of god la bell Id bond la thry thr e e, estimated by Inas. pvrouo••• Mkt, u thltiy midterm of donate. One large home Is oported to hold near half • milltth of dollar* le bond. Larne antunots °thar articles, locindlng toreros wine. and Nun., ore held In hoed. One Importer Ittihad to bold over SYUCIAL 0 worth to bond. Voss lowly hate been Imported by merchauta, under the Inthrthatoo that they worth] be allowed three years to dt cid. In Iwhet In, they wonld dlrpotte of them to the beatadvantsgs —IN It Hl.llld. Illsicocti Baku W. glee below • etakfraout of the con Jitiuu of the Kentucky Banks. Jen 1,1881. It will he non. 660 that of (Conejo tollloone dne to depantots end 0111664 d. ere wetly bye millions are 661 d •• • specie entrie. Leeldea two enllllone olge• of °thee ben kw the prol•wtkon Cl one. cie to loonedi liabilities 1.1 314 ? Pent, • rano 614 h @boo that the Bunking tyuketu Of Kentucky Is tonodod o>j • sound end Ws finning : LOKI ITU , * OP IP/TOCIPT 01 LIM. Liabalili• Curplu• .......... ............ elt.lial o dvtuit!rd r [40.41,4 Ppects . ..... ...-.. .. ' r, • 81.416,q99 Nowa of other Winks -.....2013.801 Lomas and discounts .. 2404 rice Weal &Sete —-{ 1,121,7P5 Ms following Cable shows the condition of the Bahkeiti &tar katilag et . t linage. 1 -e----el I— —j 27 N Tork,Jan 1 . 43.916.162 / 97,396 OM 24949,91'2 I Mato°, Jan 121 00,227,7 K. 13.196.12 f 1 692.910 !111., Jen 2/I 15.A92,265 14.994,200 4,442,791 N.Orl'w Jan 20 ' 6,997,894 19 711 r 937 14,299,11n9L 1---1---+-- Total 1 770,062,1121 1 140,174911154.294,610121 029 402 " Moan Ir NrwlToirg. P.O I.—hone! In ...der on 0AI! to the old knack fir tire 10 the ertneet 3 depodt• Wog 101 l with tbetu lo eome se low ae •h 70 cool, snd In others et /10 . owl Tn. rule amon, ,w bet*p the broker. rhyme. ee re atoll at 7 li nod, aud lb. 114100. Ihmee le charged on Owe porery keen. at snarl ol tn. banks. The 1 , 17.. lug of enurlely to thle way frau:lo , ol.lde loader. has lacrerweet role week, aud the general aripply la larger, both by inewon of the we tent and noultutgal barmy Immo. of Gold 1,... Maroc*, and be .13/116 of tratr heavy atenareement of about 11000,000 from U. nuterreawni7 on Oolrernment account wore 111913. del numbing —lTlowes. .groans. I • - mtpinrln by RlMer. I. POR7II/UUT —per Sallie 114-16 aka ramMarkle A! o: 44 Kau W m Mapiley:l piss. , J 0 Bidwell: 24 Obi. gm?, 4dodwYt 2WA 14i . do butter , Frank Vannordar: 44 41. dry apple& 24 , 411 Mama CUM; 60 bbla Maur, Lerch llutablance: A Mie Illenr.Vll by. feed. Clarke A CO;3 1 =WY 1. 1 1 Ali 7.710..2 29 do do,Spaarer AO • 47 1.44 011, Vonyth Ila 13 .4.. 1.1.. batter, P W Diana: 6 btle millaw 1 tall Malty alai, .7 Dem. Z 21128PILLIk,-per Donna Graham-21MA. lard, 23; do pert, 2 43Ma11, kau butter, 6 rka Manse. Clarke 1 m; 2 Ml* di...7.k t do 4. 1 . r: I do m 0.114.3090 boop polea, ;Ise A Dater; as kr14.1 stoma, J m r 1004.1; 112 bolter, Up A 0 Murclocl; libla oil, Aaron RAW; 191 do do. L.ameo oil ca 29 do do,gamy tb A co; 6 do do, W W Da no; Mt Ma ts luau 2 Wi 6221 R D daell A co: 177 pkg. omiloare, IN 3 [ar; 2 title% Nitley A Nelson. W1111.141111--Nor h C Ilaker-22 blob aim!: 7.84 „ Kirkpatrick; 1 idol &Immo. I ramaple/ 11 Damien, n hble Waill•til,l4,o WM:Man 27 ton. rag mand IL 0 Malmo 2.1 bills butter, :411,1 egg*, W U Way; UM aka corn, 1 b..yee, U W Pulitti; 221 like Non, A J liana,. ' • Imports by Railroad. PAO it Ma dry peached, It Ilabhoo A co; lab I~bl. time, McDonald 71 Arbuckle; 3 ammo/ Mg/ Alathillotigb, tooth • NOM Mb opiate. .7 11 lbabead • or, 6 do timber:l ear poihaore: A 15....; 94 422, 14 bole lard, Oral& Y 0 baescrihai do candles, tiraham a Thaws. 6r. • Taylor; 1 bar, Fleming A tin, 1 crate war*, J brook& 12 N Ulu I ieti; 1 kg 1 lquor,Ttatt DAMN& 216 lamb poem. 6,J A Helml 9 tads ayplet,T .1 Michael.' • 0u.17 twa Led,l kimmou • Nelson:4. Was ow NMI, A Hetaloarr. 1 Ur applaud 41,14iireen: 43 bin dome, J T Cobb.; 11.0 . baga stmt. La W.llOOO 124 bble fluor, .1.031,- M 11); I car bogs, U W. kbaleuntal; 36 clor pearls, J N Co, A mil 42 drinol, 11 I. tainemork £m; 1 tat, Logan& Orig.; 6 corn dm Warttrop. P It W • U 11A-3 DOM p.hitep. J Graalem 12 eta .1 LI Mabel/ •mul kg Meat,. Tbarniena • ce; 14 lalla bblmir 11 beimiNl 49 tarla door, Job, tiriler:3 .02.104. L Wllmertb; 4e tindo, Jm tlanltnaM 2 imply kg., Jae giyar AM; 1 bbl el.fer.J W /tobitaion; 1 LI bbl do, Audirry, 1 MI annatiart, 11 lieralg A. co, ft/ bbl. door, II Liable; asibutluge, I block. J 11 Williams 2 Olt, iloubeyter & Nab' wld &MOM Fable7otat hlaocebead; IVO clunr,drine Mah r: Mahar • Lows; empty ale kgy J ILirvey sows • Tae weather eras alondy end awl 'Warder, though', not Ti.. rivet • 'about eletionery with 9 tenant II b the pier mark lest to DlllO. The Emma Gnats= (ran the llealtiognut Hirer.. mud (LOIN Lint Iroua Puchnocettli er• rind uu N,.udv attetwan, both • little le laud their 46.1 tau.. erhkik one owing to the toe. • The linguini (stied Wreath Zmorrille ou her lag Fr . Ip, the Mindtleaturt being entirely clawed TI miles from ha mouth. There* not much doubt, however, bit th 4 the rates of Wt Friday sod dmurdsy were general, suit the(thet Mown is Open beams ibis. 800 lessee otaber return trip at 4 o'clock tide oveolog. The &tll. List, Wpt . Howell , Is the i egular packet tie Perim:Minh '6lllO u mbe Weelneedsy. for speed, maxim tuedateone sad liptutlemanly cfncere, the thillie Llst h. but tear equale. Ten teezi piglet for Clodullati awl Cloolabatl and Looktfile 416. Oast t l I obIL 00. Oho Immo at 4 pm On Weloontsy TEI.EQRAPIIIO 21-All-13ET9 ... . . . PIMA nunnik, Pao. 4-11dor enalitleta dull bin parer ate Ont 0 • 0 111.t. 14.. WOO bbl. at $.5211 for annerdna, 66 60 for lxtra, and s6oes6 26 for eau* family. The remand Ire iberal. howl aamof Rya at $176 and Dorn gital at $3. Thaws is a fair, amount of Worst anaard, the dromod Is only modarata; aalbto3ooo bind at SI2M/6 3 in, and willt• 4 $16®140. 'eye darilood to 70c. ;Corn dull;- 4040 boahi new yellow sold at 6841000, and aid a ted. 04r, 2000 fah Poinalicania-nata. told at 334.0. Pruett: 01‘1 ion. 111 MC NO bbl. Ifon Pink sold at $l5 2E4606 60, 10,140 lb• el* mid at 0 1 4.1 and 100,603 Zs Bbouidars at MI. lard; 400 tiaras ~Id at 101010%, and 600 k5l. at 6/y4r. Whisk* Wady at 184. how Taut, 'ttb. 4 . --Cotiondtill-1,8(0 halm soli. /Icor lirmo—ll,ooo Ohm sold at 16 1105 23 for Rate; 11.6 5506 76 1 1 . to Ohio ; Boa horn heavy. at V, 6006 CO Wheat bahry 42,000 boob to d mit di WWI Si t. red, $l 40011 $ ror whits Vora b ry-33,0) bash 414 at 6744141 fie; whit. louthirra . 7 770; now yellow, 8140000. Lard Israel at 0y440100. poilaboary. Whisky Ban at 1640154 e. Chacallain, 7.a. 4.-31 our narbanged and quiet ; hidden Ono at tall prima; Popeiff ne, $4 feat 10. Thera if.. no change la ilimds; am demand ir moderate. Whisky; flan at lit, with ..k. 0140 461.. Precisions d011—..4. dud Ohio. &OA nilagYe. • & CV.. Meow Polk and balk dims nontl at raton.lars perm; throe hi uot mord offer ing. bat that a Is hardly any .domand; 200 their sa Lad primarily, sada 9*. Wooed. Mir bat not aoWlorti doing. /Mill ir. go Jan at 1.4 preplan,* tor Nov jerk and for New Or em . Bartuross. d eb. 4-floor doll and heavy; [toward and Oblo at 1611:y Mina at $3 26, with. to tole*. Wheat Sr.. a al 3 pa y rrd, sou $1.466160 kw whim, ;Corn milady afor yellow, and 68(4700 for whits Pro. vision' arm at $l5 2lior NM; and/15 60 for Prime. ; Laid at 1040. Oiloa is amity at 144j01214. Whisky tidal at For Crilielsati and'Lioullevine. be boe pareebeeraett 11LAST SUS, Captain !labium erbl Ware forth. bore .. . sod elt latareardiele porta' elk StED:4I.I. /hit, rebreetr OM eV* *dock ip m • • Nor Inlet or P....tearpl, Os bobedier to • • 1 m • , v... . ..,- rmulc.isatuns&ott.AaNg. • Ititgular W 'May PaOket—T—T— • ... For Wheeling, Marietta,' Parkersburg, P4me ray, rota 4 Vleaiiant, Uallipolle, Uyandoiie, Catletabargh, Ironton and Portemouti. Tug - nets' and elegant eteamer DALLIS 11.1111'.0 opt.: J. A mouton Ittuaall. . oroll hare PliolwriA X VERY IVADNItdDAY rionrorw. At ID dolma, roil Among A onol oh lotormodloto liseisea. VAttratag,r. ~N oiro IlAntommooth roe :YlliabArgh "very /AIDA I arlil 'clook*. , torlestibt or voodoo *WI on but* oe so 17.0014 ',, - ALACIL mamma A tro, oKm • krULA TLISSUAY PAUK•t i dt MY YOU KANIUMILI.E.- IL. Coo noir r lIINIMA OttAllAl4,Orpt-Mosnoi Ammon! onto Ix • &bolo ind all , thatmetlists porta, erory 111E8 AY AA/ r. ir. forYerftSll or wow. opply co Wool. or to - - iroll .„ •'' ~... MACY. SARNO A 00., Aeta. JAS. a.ISUALEtt & con I A< P11111611.1,01 ... 1.4 11.!LWIRAD. i BTRA,MpOA I t AGENT.I3,I ijr,;,..dwa Opeurisadmil "Alms. • e i , 4 " 3 "Th: at t fit i o .u47i ii 44 14 L. 444. A le 'Plante to mo slum& Gi.oVir,BSSEINAXS4 b!)..ta, , . . Wt. I •ir.aiiinnatiP a 111111.1011. *sib pt. - - tzn• NA. . _ . E??,t' . 7 4 'ir" 6 il • „Jut.,,ufc.A rtl/1111 CI I TTI balms irie4.szt ofigett , 71311111,40VX118, sod • Ceiling Minalk W. 94 t • 1 _Weitzt vv7,6,./IROALIThre vv • • k • • Asuplaumt - . t , 'ONIC DI UR ETIC,' 4' ri'DYSTSO - • INYEARgint.O RDLU: PURE HOLLAND GIN, FOR MEDICAL AND PAIVATE UDQLPHO WOLFE'S PURE 000NIAC BRANDY. • poll.. and bottled by bbsolt, barrailei pare iadibe boa qmilljorbb his artlembboa to• teal% sad . • , Ills NMI Go tbe cork. • • i.DOLPIP2 WOLFE'S PURE PORT WIMP, and bottled bi bintsulc Put up toe toodlishis . l cosi, ultb:hts oestillesto w the bottlir. worilUbloCl•puro • sod of the best quality., 'DOLPH() WOLFE'S PURE SHERRY • WINE. plt.4 and bottled Li himself, the Woe w Pert Vas. ,DOLPIIO WOLFE'S PORE ItIADBIRL , . • . !;• I Ibpoited sod Wetted by tarreelk foe priYite sod fifth's! ' , bee.lbe beef .toe ever on - wed - to the 4a6s• ta boil , , :•., : . . .;' lbw. TOM wine le warranted peilinotly pamo. DOLPH() WOLFE'S PORK JAMAICA MUM, ST. CROIX RIIIJ,'SCOYOR" AND IRISH WHISKY. • A I lbe above imported and bottled by lsonat,lairinh4 Nue and of lb. tied Oat,. .1 , •—•.• TO VIII PUBLIC. i I will glean my repaation ete a raltn a Kandla/till il xrchont of lm year. residence In tbe ty of New Yealki t at'arhat I piviim end testify .to with my mks, WWI, td my certificate, II 00178C1 lIIA Lai). WWI Ivo, by o trairirratimer. Phi. , Jowls who O. Wives and Lleents le their preetleo,' otthi Kirothe praternae to then istiOw... • . . roi.lale. an r.lectable Drusglata4d 4polheurin. „ . , ODOLPtiO wot.n. oo . m ad piaci titer end I imorier or the &Medan AIOIIIIUN / B `'PP .- ' . . -, 18, 20 awl 21 Bearer Ininet., itew - Tork. 1 , 11,,r 0.04 DS. Otto. 111. NITIIIIIi, ' 1 ocilktmla No_ - 1110.1Food BMW, tptttal ri L,Altr. NVellr..ii wit corrall 0111.1. -. ' r ... £ND -,- PITTIMUKGS. -•- . .! *,-,, ' . . PARK, M . CORD', A CO.,'- - MAN tIFAuTURERS Or StIEATaiNG 1., flit sr.f imp . elld BOLT 001.1.1 K, Plutiman OOP. • f , ,FR ,110.11'04iN, Rals.d a till fiOtkuna,"lipMteilatier,ad.' . - - eilwy import.n, ..d D..iwn, to hirrlLS, Tag IPLATIIr.. t .... .2 ; li Mit IRON, WIRII, Am. Ocamissitly I. basd,llinsin - — 5, sct,loso awl Tool. IV,lrehoutkc, No. 149 Fini bed 11Wilit0000ttiotroot, • ~ ~ Plitiburgla, Penns. . .. .• .• • 44.g.vta i ordoni• of Ooppur cot to Issu.ilenirol plan'. mr.pihilwlvr . M)TI iSC Wt. a art tt mates t altrrilalltltllltr.' Daaq fail to proaara•filre. Vratelow'ik £lOll 7 . ' la g llirati for elbUthetermtblng. It Its* otiiquitint ituth. igifallifiteilltatAst therprccau Of teitbltt by' et , gitilig.tim r " ': 1.10. ..inelthg .11 lullatmottoil—trllf iiViky P.ll4anit,ts:::: , I t re to rbkillate it e bowel.. pepttidl .tiiiioi 11,10 oit mtely: '• ' 111 it To feet to your.l was, itiel i.ttit' iiii46att, to For_ I Wits. ; Stlectly Nee In all twies. . I Tlitirribtable proimattell Lth e intikElpttall Of . dim of • • ;Sig:mi./a - perfumed otid *kiln:M.9U Philtitiftis to Ni. . •• gla nd, 6nd Mix boettl.4l ulth asver-falllng ittionagi ' IlltOs ...i! aes. . , 513.429 2,0;15,709 10,•1y7.R71 3 +1.6,7'40 Wir?Olor• It the bmt and .11/ . 6111 mar ly Ir them .114, I amis. Dyeerstery sad Dlardoir In Oblldnmowbsther II r h.4 . l grona tootblag OF fttim asp tab! r osass. • • . If lifs Awl boaltb can be ostthosted I.y dollars nod olottlhO warm Its it ilght to gold. or bottles are sold ovary sus Ir 'MO' Uggla th Is astAd and wall4rl.ll romody. • , .- 1 .' I DRUM DULY SA UIDDITSI ♦ BUTTI.2. agrNotko gen alas oulthellb. fse-blinflo ODUD WTI/ D 11/111e , r, RINK, Heir Yuri. moo dm oultildo wrappai ' • - gold hi Druggists tbruogboot tbssould. DR; (IPA. It. R RYAN% Agint lor Pittsburgh. • JuDdsolvDT ' • 1 419 .501 6 :r 4 1,1 a,oas: AIA EtYli-HAIR . DYB-BALII airs, W !MU A. tiIikT4.IIIICLOWS tiAlti DIM I• Tha Origion/ wed 5... it. 14a World! I + ll others are mere imitations,. shoat& .1.1 • %folded, If you *fah to crap tedloile. j:9:AY. RID, 011. RUSTY USSR tostsotly s sad motors! Drown or Week. without the lasti I tit. Median:re elde. lIDTDIIN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS bow sow& • s.Batcheiortexese trot, end term- 1410100 moi: AA.% Been mode to tee Relr othlf petros• . . _ 1 PM. IL- BATOR ALMTL. RAM DTA irodnoe. a rotor eol Mh4.ll.flogebhed from nataze,'•hd ute dime teeet,botrerer toes it may be 000thim14,a14 tortecir of Had Dye. rernadhel: the Bair tivilsoraD.4 for py Ude ol•odild Dye. Hide. sold or applied Du 9 priest. rooms) at the . 14. kl • DAO to JI ills sod tower of the United ItstaA,lry, Demi rhii and ratic7Clood. Dealer... $1 The gionthae hu the 11/1120 nod iddre.e iipas a Ned .1144 emArAving en four aldm of ameb box,of WILLIAM A. DAMMAM Je6cl,diveM,T 16 Dad otteet.Nen Ted, L-r. 8 . 9. P. MIARILIAN t4P ER AIANUFACTU 16011, P NT, OAP, LIMED AND ALL ILINDI OII• : Syl 0 . PPIPT EV P. A. ISIS . tleip n morld hum N 0.27 Wood simmAto Na Saallii6l I Street. Piltemeib, 1%. ' 4/4,12.60 r Trade Am Amm. - - • orytAit to • Ii(ILM/DIS az. ASONVII. ii4lgo Mid °mueslis Bills of Rialtos's, vOutTIVIDATZA OP DIPOSIT, BANE NOTES AVID ATMS,' MARRRTBTRNfT, PIIMMILO11,1•1:: haismacte 411t,6* prlvapildthmsthsavili„A I NO. !7 1 int..Coller t..} Unit ii HAIL Raab SPLICE -.COMPANY:. .1 (duceznyrs te. Tyrkr, Rath II ai11et4' . .,:., !! 411, RepAD SPIKES, CHAIRS' - •- -' I' • AND BOATSPIKES. ,airter nli Water Street end Cherry' . llley; "f 4 • prrrontraat. PIM'IPA.: Iti:ittlydr ,4 ;10 COCH..K.A.N a5 . ".8R4.14 i NAWIIIINOTJIIIII3 01/ I lit, 11... this, Irma Vaults, Valli.. 00111,111. Ifindo A Mu(len, Window, Gattribr,:kfr • - ''-'• Nors. el Dewed Atrese *Di Dill Third Mine, • - •,.4 . (iletween Woad sail Martel,) • - PITISBUIIC , PAQ , :2:, papillae bead a variety .of new Potions, GlOCJeado4 '- ' ,- 4 1Va le a lu r 4 ; 11 . 71 : "L aM,_ nit i r i.. .th at4wo st.u atmtba... ,10.- 5a e._, ,, :, ,. 1 .! kifreav .1 - VIC kJ. e.lelleleir; tec , • ' `".•• 7..';:'i enr;war4Ung and Comndsidan Nhistatiiiiiir .., . -.., • ~ , AND WLIOLLEIALI DIADI/1111 ' -," :•• V- ,, .- N Citalirese. Butter. SEiemiLi.irbib, i I 1 And pmtia Gmairstly.. . .. •-:,...: . ;4:1, N. as Wewl &NA. Pillarett;ol : ...,',..;',1 1.1 /511...IALTTL.H. " eer.istztosiA.xwr 1 7 INo. 54 St. - Olair Street, - -' PIMMAGICIPS:' WII3,B—WIGS-10111411i11•„ F , IBAtgRIELOR''a WIGS ANLTOMPAINIV= Thai anselegintlietitmay soi nwiu i • liittiuy t - atheria"—oo turning agi th*E4". 011ie head; Imbed . tbLi btM . onil.WWLlloasit Wogs are properly gOentood sad midi.. • •114tardearT • • le lima atee•LiSeet fan Pitulburgh , Stpgr.,W9tkite ;i.....4.. ....MUM 50n...............W.1ra11Ua11a11l ;) .4 seciiiics. it lm & c0..,1. A .,.. 111/1 - AN VIPAOTU Ef t OF CAST STUN U. .1. 0 , siniug. Plow sod A. it:pot. eseAcAri!Gtok. Ir:axf - •".. ' PITTIV . it. ittliaS liJ -ILIIIIB. 4 -a Li ki . VOqNPER3 AND, NI ACII if A }TAN GprciN %VB. P• nu Atta burg ,;sfinc.,l; &Gobi ffiartlat iitsast.. 141.1aarac4nria0 kiwis of YlteminNathick.ladinfillidNol eitlOsatm stl.sltraad Viark, Mesa andibistbas .d01..41ag ad Aoyedrlug 4aapaa Nortaotlw:y +; Nil 0 trAll:'s, 141.FX___P/L1111,A% . 7 , ,-4,-,t., I,U. VI 01011 ANL 4311814: 6 111Tir iiilitei' : ...-*, ; -?7, this pie si Inseetudkls• lir AN , futitertratetir, ...,EL 1 . , ;:'',ll attract Itil!sit-lei, drew erbicti IL iodsmien - - ~,,.-.--,---„, miaw,a4. , usual Orticsoiriserrecareelliet lasso x.. . ;,..;4 ; ci; ciiiwo. ' but one of air !Thor retries iejAtZ;r ',', 'kir frui flirt pod' grotto toad axt tbinsond , fart , ": , Ir„, ,' 11,1,..atty 00 faith °rat etedeiteii.llitell akiWWoarg ,- `4 l , -"„,".1 wv,,,,,„,„, irwmd,„ Binutl4 - to.. LlYttikWie VW, t , , ,;7. - „, Rlivowal4,,FrAitat i olu i e k dvir WWII. W.sil Albskisiv , 7,. .. , „.:. , -ii ,1 1 4 4. 1.1t7 1 ,1r c•e' , E - 1, tuPspiredythibedy. A doeicWWll 4 l . . • ~,... , : ' ' ,l l ~liyijer;liaLlf• 1 4 11: 1 ,:iood . lborTi.4 of fopoosmits.ogl. 0 -- - , ~- . - .-:4 suet ii‘.. rp, tiottkarted , Pa TX,BITUREI'isni fit iireirPila''',, I,Z- '.'l ,- _,JESF , I i .}ve.aciea 113111 cum at Hemel Dilbititiasm ~... ' .' , 5 , ;.-17: let ltbei,ltiel titters ' heart to Pirsilet ..„l....,. llsi ~....s. i . ; . ---- :': ~ 7,4 = 4 Ith andiuoultiat .14::'Wedkui.tidfetg4"Xfir''-',.* !la ogle ,4 1)e... W. 0, Movrire Os tios t er4t.,4;;., t, i.. - th 14014.11.1• I plietlistil 0.14.,nr,,ked ~„ Okri.sebootthommirr. - - - i ..1 - .. , :ilaarAmT, -----" 1 . TO . ' '. i -' • .W.. 0 1. ari t7: 77,- - ..,;,:- - ' .3 - '' BO* a Oiler ''., a ,, .'1 , a l biOn lit t '.f..., -, , ,, If+kji -it iro) R. bras uriarialkft- i,i : zir ..___.... - • • ..- ~i- -, - ....:,, ... 1 ,, , ,, , ,,,-„, ,;-, -•-•_:: -- 1 1- 1 - !vrgirAirri VFPPrt'..7. - ' , ;l ~ : 44A ~.:}.„.1 1 aai ockdatreei.i„iiaß,,,,,i4-::6',,,,:•4,,L,._ • .? 4 , -4 , _prrrimmtert. ~:•- lithilaare . ~-" 1 /. ti a , I l i ..4icii . x s !° - I' : . - , r , ! 1 4„ , otary Put& and'e*lrsiii4K . .......,„......4.4..4 ~...41,14.,............,... ...„.. ......„ • • • two:mutt nut= •It , I- -- .it - r , - r.i::::7' . ..'...'-: , .....?...-_-. 7 ., : ••;•:::=•••'''•• , ,!, ..t14,:: -' - ;- , z. ii..'„ , :,•••• - .•:•••,..:•.: - .::::•i::' , „;•:-. 4,....: . .,: - .: . :' 47` , .*.'.•:.g . ','•'il r fit:'i4;4:t 4 t . ti ,4 4: : _: - . -- : . .•::':..• 1 ••• • • , , ....--4.0i,,,a,t:,,'4,4• P El ,`, ' , NME ffra. Effl