=PE Otommusotan, at _.........,....._ L.. 0. 0 RAV....._... I?, 0011111E8ION. Magee/ad and 01Z11.011ANDISII Illt?Rtft, - Noi 2i213 Liberty Street, _ • rirrdeuxa 4, r... = WILDA.. Muni, ; I ~Th--------.,, ,: . . =.— . 4 / 5 210. a. 1:0•111., f '"" 'P""4"' I Speckl Putu.r. lit 13'. 4 imrs a ctorr i if , , . - mociesetes To Ir4SDl.W,llll.lllaoo,ft li r koleOfale Grocers, _, COSNER Or I V.OdAlla Water Streets, 42 , 01 in, ._T nrrattuaou, pa. Joii L LL_. -Z...... Iblnim EMU. ' ~01 9 11Z. Z I. nous Fr. si co., 1 101..NSALE GROCNRS , • AND -00111d1SSION NERO LIAN VS, , er 4 9f ;Smithfield and Water &mete, to II ~ PITINIIIDEGIT, PENNA. IM ODDDRII & DILWORTH. arid ao.-niseima Merebanis. IN vL7un , it&A IN and reoeuee No. 349 Liberty greet, INcenheil t ; J&& 1 4 &&4 • dcl; &nova A IC Irts&trlci, do, Lewis, Delve& do &min.& a Dillgtot th, &a; T.tnm a (b., &t. Loa* , Edw.& CO-, do Wont.. t Atuty&ooti,Clnciansth /rank • Vat (Ito, da , Vlretwor a Maw, Chlawr, Elhoreoud • Pualtun)r.k Muth, Balbcome; Curoeil & Dorwy...lc qt. o.i . m.;l4l.lAdelphisk; o..a&cuao Brotbeny AL Oplea,'Relr York. 1.2.1 yd 8 kl Ric 4. 4.4 BDOURTOBI At' STEWART, eaale GrPeara & Commisaion Meretianta 107 WOOL STREET. a I. UM 4:•B: OAN.FIELD & 00., rorwardlimg e.raaaru AndWhoiank Mannln :',IVEBf.EFR7 RESERVE CHEESE, - surrice, LARD, PORK, OaCurt, /LOON YISLI, Pot had halna, Eaniatai U.nad I Lord Oil , Dried ' . fain sad hadacognoondy.- -.• nog. 141 and 541 Wres.. Stroat. WI rITTsIiUaGI/I..PA. OIII.P 11c SIZZIPAILD, • QOMMISION . M & K 11 ANT S, ;AND DIALtiNs IN le.14011.111; %RAIN & V.RO.I3OCE. N0 t 1143 Liberty BUrest, OW.; brand. 4.111,0ua; OuoatauUP •11, Peiticalar altautkbu paid to alltug atdrllarldNar.hamOrtgwakwaNy. • w-xelyd SAYII.IIItiB:iFLOYD a CO., And dsten N Hoof a iii..34 /1111111a (UN ISt LttlEaTY STI/NNT, 11.11 prrrsevaea, PA; .t 174 SON atlbillt . SStiON MERCHANTS ciaausita INPAPKA. AND RAGS. And Aiteals for like Bile or Motioning Fire Brick and Pot. Clay, noa 11,to awl (St Wooe erriet, orrr awn, Pittsburgh. rijrasugug ; puler •si Igarnauturout p.i Cub Mugu usuisiTau. — r - . acuulta sggure—wiu.g. brunt= - srarsoicpc riertsetiou a c 0.,. 00 kihfi.S.lON NEBO ILAN TS Nosaissa lll Wool, llidea , ovisiona& Produce Generally, N 0.209 Liberty Street. Pittsburgh. intuggunn. rif ACK gowN; 'Wholesale Druggist, vy r Ouroou (NI Alsoolootano owl *gm to 'Mayor's Bolt 4 ind hold No trocos, No. IP7 Wooly drool, Pao. bores, Pa. - 11 • A. FALINICSTUUK h CO., WUULN. hbakubligugg• 9 r wwt. J wl and Lithargo, aro!, Irth24, and prig ogre , gg, Pittr •,ash.: • mcla , o.looaloo. 14.10.— . A.. —.............--.....-4101.4.111 MI .& ilitik r ON: Z 4 REITER; WUOLESAIiS AND . &WI Dr oggiddit,coroor of Liberty sod $. elair PlUaburgh.•..,,, . • I. Ji z! hiIIsIO,(SUMIESSOR IA: Alkijeonsor Itarketsuret and Inaamisall.9l. ownuatlym hand • WI tad complete anaortmeotofDrum Ite didsztadkin.Cbc,,Perfuraeryoand el l artkles per. 1.116,4* ; ; • Virlbyukb,es pnworiK4Gr ,estefally compon4cd at 4.1 jekly jyt: GM Tu. KEYSER., ; DRUGGIST, 11111Wooditreat, oareiri of Woo! Mama and Virgin. &Hey, Putdare..r., . j MIN P. scorr, Wholesale Dewar in it Distiparelishe. ina4 Drosloffit, No auaasarasso NWT. , prompt stieigares: . .ftrat 13statt, astute. iivitfiAli wimp, • riEiLNIC ,INi PROMISSORY., NOTRS, Wade, ifi.itlygai in marine. Si' one.y. r•6le tend, ton.. OM prom. laws m l genay.oi - • non nainnltajpio• Wawa • Heir money to lona an men*, ann tletarta Bald aaettod tl.d paper at nay °elm, for An tatimufnakAlloani nd Ittlardassatrktly coonlartlat einat AKAN? ATIU/AT atatatlta AL Mil'. I.l.thndral 1•Inf tf , CO I — tit t . iitt — 4i iS AMES 410.14111E8 & CO.; Pork Packeio It? sod Dashm Is tvikilifora, corner of hhatet owl rroot worm ! •. feekepto „, rllUToil - it:413154 Coramismiun %AA Poterardlna alarchaou, dealers ha Western De Darya floor, Niab, blew, Mater, Linseed tHI, Pot :arid P..d Jiabra Oratn, Dried Yrnl4 sod Produce sumetally. Beet Wanda family Floor Wawa ern bend.— *rise for the aala ',of' Madison 1:ke• • Intrased habo ga4l Pearl Stanch. kiee.ll6:tleasod sad 146 /Ina ate, bet aoseo Wood esullioilthaeld are. littsborgb, P. ap4114 WARELIOUSI.--ILICN 4Y IL i s=lhrtmuilin g ou , d Clowirlodus. Ateelbsist.omxl vv.4,, mat r d P ` 6" " 4.6"my11b. fite. arc: J - 010111.` R;' No: • 81 - WOOD ammo l'iliaood Lily arallNiulb-stnet, Agwi fee WiIi)II.II.EING BONS Out,* PIANO OURISS, ~ .E1A41.1X13 MOM 4010111011111 im4 maul{ nhumniumwrod Diaillr in blond sad Yaddl Occds: Jai! ' ICIABSIt4 1111,0;'No. 53 FIFTH _ HAVMARt NEEDHAM* vogAME MELO. DHOESANEORGAN ELIEAdHISAIDIN6 DeMont In MiiNa and ( - 1114.111.011,1,-BLUME. I MAN UVACTUK• ‘,/: 4 1 , 14,444 1 / 4 044/14144441 tomiaad imped Soter .ad 11441441,14secassay., 41*. &ow lor HA et Nab M Bum' PllOlOBO4/4144 BALLITOMItiIIa 14)..3 Banos Mums, .11114444withesEao14.4 Attaelmoset,. 114, Wood 4treeL era • ihtsitt4nci Agints lc,-.WRADTPES, - Agent Mitropolitan, v. " Irviag 914 - 0999999.1.1 Tesoro.. Conipso. us Di,. ALA iIOOS oeot9tarycAlllegbpnylit f l u : 9 . 999tat0w5r9195;f7 kb ors *4 ),! , P7JONES, 'Agent- Nbrcb AmeritA, • renblitiv•ls .0 • Miami,' iimnot* iP. 4 .0. 101 .4 11 1 1 / 4 04.7'0t.rf • - • I vel SZA U XL.,O ~,, &metal, CitizeAuel Inpu 11,7 num Cu., la (Minnie's or likweetlutis,rrreinlarlie Painfulness! or na• or.ael so of eattoaste.lnnaltddolle O7eer.tee nr nelerhoue etat• of the literra, l aka rr.rt ur whiten. hostility. and f .. 132 141.1041111ei11i1ut in Unice), 'whether amine I. oro 10.11acrelon, kratiltri. , lroolpuh.nor to the I)E:CLEkE: C0.44V(1E OF LIFE toe lestootora. a basso. No FAMILY SHOULD lIE WITHOUr Ir. L , Tal•nn ornr• ilorrurv. r gorlmuant ud daryriressllwraarea. firahfriEotpsß rISICT B14:114 Ovairt M4C44l' karaene: t LI ohrtttan Pint ; ► reo latternantatten : ee. Ifa,o•ars. It mtne.• • frequent daiklr• and alrazelb Urlasto t thereby nunorlaa Uteitfuelltut• r ***** 110.1sAd etrlotaren of Use (treat.. Allsyla. Palo and tallereatatq.b.eto fre•aent In. elan al CUM.A.I., and .atultleat PETSOISMIt. Dlr ••eon otoodloa WWI names known to scnortit glop rams. Pecs t per POMO*. or slr for 15.. Palbotripll to any adonis+, otrely patted from obstroath.o. D ISORIORSYStritottS IN ALL 0011111/NItIsT/OhB Cores Cloaronit ed t Advice O. s la k .00 . 10/IVIT. Perrone ly appeared brfore roe ari Ald rl erm of Otte oily rfiliedolphte. T. Nit., .00. who blo t t m oony. Both aid hie pretantiog Snotiloir no narardlp. Co or other lone intool D. hlehre and to:downs, Woo tnr..tift Old day of Moron her, Of I W. p. •Idgona w I.o hWfivot.. altars fi4oo. PhiletelPhiw Add... lett.. for Inkinnet kin to coolltonee to .' If Esys. 104 fll.nthnolti Ohl 'slow Oheenot. Phl la. IIIdWAItE vou.wrizavarrs, A.II noraltrrlPLED ptgLta. , Winn ..learn. tattoos.. • of thylr own " end "other'. an tiolo" on the reputatlonlittalose by noimbo.d'a Ottani. Perptrati3o,,, O 0 Ido Isttsot Sums. do • Id* do Sustomille. do. Inntrowd Moen Woh. }OLD IVY BROKE{ & KELLY, ILLLI~ I 19Y o 1 r,', , •1111 Olt/tore orrrrirSirs. Ark for Valmbilrl Tako no oiler. ()snout the rtrtlrriuout oud twird for It awl arold - lroporttlots awl SI r.. • VIII r builinCoS iloticeE Ergangro. DISSOLUTION T LIIse ea partnerdtip here tofore .alatiag let. en the auhualgued, under the *woe awl boyle uf itigym It 1 a Dotson,n. dlaenlyul by ma tast cooteat tat the 16 thluotaoh11.1 AN UtilooN bayou( dfooped of Lb lut.bod Of I.IIILIP 11142111 M, who aothorlzel to ea tie th.Of 41.• of the let. WM. Jemmy, 24th, that. P .10421111411„ ANDeitION. PA ILTNICRAiIiII I P 11107111 D IC. Polup 111•11110. - , , T HAVE ASsOciATEI) HfurrgHs. 1. J. B.IIICYMICR mot Wilt. RHYMER: with mu lo blue turf endue the naaie; Ono, tut • tree or MUM RR • BIM. Tll lOTA, allot hoof lb. Oath leut.ht W. wlll outlaws lit. W1104.14.4b1.14 PitUIPAND CONYEOIIO4 IRV ;Junk; f• RIP, at the old •tatol. No; 4;; Wood at. , 0214,12.4 toter...toting bet. -uti Leather beaten, up 01111.D3 41 CO. wee &whet& December tattem, by the it't 10thot of the late pea loom h truth.. of the then u,A t'r , Met yeti., Tito co partn era td p hero. cc the sholeralgued It, the Stine lir the tome mod otyle or II 11.1nuithtl tooteut, ou 3111 Othdrsoorsi of Ash P. Cott S. hilly onlhorlsed to NM, the lore the .parthetthlpll4lllo for II CHILDS, ' I AAA P. OFIILIA ?111/though, Jon. I. PHIL M.O. LOWS'a 01:111.08, Til IC UNDER SIO have this day form . 4 a rt, partnership idtr Ili. etyle of El 0011.1.1141, Oh, and rill. root/oho I WIIOL/PIALtt, SOON AND ' DIJAINAPP, • !bole . old etatl, No. Ihd Wood .tree, Pittsburgh, P. IIARVICV 01111,1 A Plltahorsh, Jen 1'61—.214 _l.ll 1,0 W SIII OUILDH. rip LIE. PA RTN E RVI P • hootoruiv.existin ii g betatrta Tho und.rala ' oudor tho style of CAILICI, IaCKAIN a CO.. Imo dimml by moots! ootmoot,qu tb. lint day of.loomary. 1111:11.16o bualtmaa of lb. arm 10111 I. ....Ulna at Moir torm:r oalh ~ In Poottt PittAboritb, whom , NAI p.,U.. Imlay claim roAll oat u. me notified to prvooot 41,1 m IMIIIKI I / 1 1101r km pauLmot, 1.4•11.1111 thamakirea Wba todattea Nome rah gold lb.l 401E1 Pa% AIN, MVO • JAM'S If. 0A111.13V. J•17.1m11 Satlornelh S!I 0 Y RI, JR.; at lala. ATTORNEY AT LAW, • • 139 Fourth at, Gowrio'd Law Building, PITTEINUAGR, Pa 1 13 F. I, IT 134 9, - -- • . ii 4 rr.?!lNir ..411" .4 A, . .. . Sr latliee. MI e. 1111 Cli millilltrist, 1 i . . . , . 4_676 ' 1.1. . PITTIIIIIIROR PA. • i Li• mom 1. MinaOen ;7.7 /te oflltitler, Ps. s URVIANO &Co t ~'•.........»... TRIM J. VG,177 1..1u utlnJLu, P~ 021 lArrossmars A , . piu elttxbureit, °Multi ~ Du.,,cvnu t g. ofriftb µld 141,11•Ilire•ia, 6441, oollkdly GROROK P. 11 4MILTioN.... ‘ - HAMILTON & ,I...MARtala W. AMIIIIION. 111XSON; AMANITA A? LAW RW6vy4: I•Ski)d • • Sc I¢. ag,dl,tll2ll:: Attorney, priu. 4.eopitUNNBUOV as ammiN. ft,rB Irtri [ No 18 Dianeond- Street, rniaTieetrno - St, Prkieool6isrelr Ii 0-11 0, • ' tro:l*liiiUi"Ytw4 ~!: ;:i?4 , 'i'44i? , F'•'fg . '-!i' ~~~~ =EI PIRG INBtraANCEI COMPANIEIB. Thb abb....mad hklia , I. 1 I tataralna C..to,.abkv h.' , ..1 Jo thaltity Ol haw Vork, aro r.ia. .n..bal In (614a:1i) bobserther.iwbs, Is p1ei.....1 b, bp... rola,. 4 Ihnur) the ailbe again. h.or &mega by eh, at valoa .... W., ....:j. titqlso' . h. aboa a lo•ur.v.wa cab to. thou.. uf th a this n g.ral.to the frty of ini, Ownpsey, awl the lo.nbaoant h rhri(y or Oil , Inenred. t. i 'Office No. 9 5 . Nlerket. Ylre, Irarloe Had totaed 11111111111r4. INSUR*Neg CO. op NORPII AMERICA lot.rparated Aram, J.boar, I . UMW , s 7: "Maw PlArr, Roe,. A itrutnil.l.ool/PIN, rre.t INSURANCE CO. OF TUI S'rATE, PfiNtalkl.VANlA: PLULADIc.VIII.t. locCricrfibtl, far0.0447P. Amt. folirowry I, ISAS. ..... . ITINItt . ...IIIMItICLII), I•Krim, fLr f. ProoliNuL, • H ART r ORD . FIRE INSURANCE: CO: II A ItTMURD Intprpotetad, 18.0—emtal $5:10,000 Ameta M. I, 1860- ...... .. - . 63 Tout:. 0. Attra j j Yeti. .017611 . 1i143 DON, Prat j I OLloatirafire to et. a... Old at.: Re/labia Cortlabobel .0•11 be üblattral by applWatlou to • 1 W. P. JONLS, Agatit,b7 Water at , Bagehys flull3log Cilizel's insaniatt uompany DI Pittabingti; Office, Oar. Market & Water Streets. (iMero -"Lowy) 860, LKY, Preffident. &mum ecreiary. INSEAM M S ICA %MOATS AMU C.l.ROo tl n. maya mmluirt tom .od Damage , to the Navigation jof 11:11 . SoutlonE land Madan. tilmn, lAkm sod imp.* It 404. M . /4.440m t 4 lb. Bum. Lamar agalgat Lam .o.l. l Nummo by Pim. , MICRON': Wm Hardily, Ron. T. M. Mum Jam M. 0.101... e, Jm. Mak. Jr B. O. Zug. & Llartmemil. Et Copt. .O. Young, Ji Protiei.solion, Ku. Kier, J Übe S. Ulhjort.h; Jithe %Upton, ttemlay PrOtubj IMME.I).I IMM blirW; earl 1,11.97 INIiOIIANCIV PAN N 0.119 Cm... Out tixascr:opimilla the Condom Moir. C. 91141 $910.100—...444991,011. • Will maks ill I..luda of tomorinoo, diLer Peri... Oaf vu miry dawriptiott of Pm.,ly or kibretiaidis atroaarotalde r0t...0f premium 10191.11. T. P. KENO, P.midiot. W. BALDWIN, hoe M. R. co, I. N. Mogil.ll4 a. W. Wm.. P. savory, Juoriph B. Pool, 0.8huram0,,1..i.0 01o9Luo if: J. 11 egwayu, i.WON, . P. litoCO.dirapii.eowow..7. J. G. 00/t IN, Ago.; corn. Third and W.ncl •Arrot, ALLIJOHBNY LLIMORANCk.) COOLIr'Y lor 6 . 1.7 TSBUitOII. • UrVICA—N I O. 37 Fifth Street, Batik NSURELq, AGAINST ALL KINDS :OF VI ILK AND , AIA IC It 101 li. FA All 4044 PreducluaA 'OLIN D. ricIAJAIL Vits. rrneld. L D. IA; HOOK , P•ecratary; CApt. WILLE AAI DRAW, GesPr•L'Ageol. Lhascloas--14.c Jon**, 0. O. ' Utlafti. Harvey !AIWA Caps. K U. 01 John A. WileAtL H. L. Fo•hotatock, Jobta D. k01.4 - d. Adana JacoLA, It. P. Aikriitic Capt. W.ll)Aw NUR', II n.,. .1:Iyd Indemzoty Against boas by rho _ 1=11:111 r,anklso 1Ir• 1 mpany ppILADILPHIA 01Eua 435 util 437 Chestuut nt., near Fi 411.,,,,e"t0r Assiut., Jsiitioei I.i, 0 .. 1 0. PkuMMid .area oly to au scl , or Amelia,ly, being t Pint tiortmiketuraroply witorod $1,46,,0n NN nal Kele!. (peautil 'sloe p1uk,111360 cat 1112,Mk. $ Tompuriary Isiios, on sr Js pollsters/ ke coral. .. , , biLikb 41 blocks (rowel' rsla $10,667 y 9) net 847441 ek Nolossod Hilti _...t_ rode 1.7 o c.a. .........,...1..... oti ............. _ ....... _.. : cms. 4 .. ,____i uos,a6l sk.Ti.ii uoly iioCits liow kremlin". siliko sz Eta Cool. uy rat divide ty ka are from kl•k• wtikb bare Leto de: tormlood. lowirsoca mode. au every ialusiplkott el Property ilo to sod Ooootry, at 1111011 so ha a ors COLI111•10. with ereorlly. 814 C. their .lieedpurstieh • period -el thirty ',At", they toles paid ILoas• by ere, In so ahouotinvert/Ip, Pb.., Itsilkastaf 'polls's, [towel,/ stlaillim &slacks-yr tps edwintmkies of itoioniece, so well. their silents mei lisp. • •1110. to meet is ilk prumptuer• all 11•4111/11*. 1.01541111 ST •1191. 4 t Lona paid au lig it.. year Mt slo6,lklu tk lii•ame.s....) ha N C461.1.5.t. tiurdsoai li. Loriktuths Warmer, aurtil NI Brows danosol Oast, lasso La, .hko4b B. Smith. Edrraril U. this, Geo W. BJetisilft, lieu frdes." ! CILLAII.L.kti N. LlANClikft, President: ISOW/kliD 0. DAL[, Vkli Prahhoti W• a iSsiMi, therehry pro tem. • I .11. OARDNItit 00/YIN, Assail, soya Ottlce Northeast as. Want aid Thud Sts t t !IRS 1111111tiltAllek, By at &champs Mutual lastamacs Compl, - or 'tult, •011Lett lA, Os kuildlogs. Lieulledm'Perpeui•Lokercbsudie,Puritai's e., , No., Is Tullio or °pastry. Office No. 308 Walnut Street. 1, ./ 11 1 1 .142010...4111111119 4303,604 led..--loroated aa firm Marti.mann paprwrodeity Pillow - 4. worth • double tbaamonnt- $176,660 141 Orouod mot, Drat elms ........ 2.446 DD Palau. Railroad 4-rarer.... Dlortgagelwaw, 4,460 0D 17114 of Philadelphia, ever cent 20.400-up 6110,1i100i 1,0110/, 4 per cent Ppm.. IL i1.:140u ot 14,006 Oullateral luau*. w. ... _ ... • - 2.15141 ilnutinadoW. pad dr....1 Top Moautelo Ralliwad Company, tnertg&fp• 10c0...:..._ 1.000. 44 Permayiramin Hannon] Cosnowk. ....... eo&nu 46 Murk alba itellsobe Mutual inaarance 21,650 46 Dtua Oltkollity Pine Inenraueo 1,060 04 litoal of &Levert. 01. 0. Mountie. On__ 700 06 Onuunerelal Book ,60 - . D,134 07 Maohiniicie Built !do .............. 7,416 dt lei Rik. M. insurance. Cu% 57 , 1! 1116 8//1. bnaltuus .... ltiMO 16 1101hk Acreinate, amine] infereatoite ...... ......-.. 4,216 72 hob a, baud and yo bands la agent 11.113.6 Iti $ 03 . 0 OLIN TlNOLllN.,Prmabisot3o 1 1 Dassuromo—auto. . Mama Elmpbaaa. Well a. Tboalpi mob Ol . gibbon otmemk, pm.dorkt '4 O .M. Wm I , lmomm. &L Mel 'nasals. Bold. W. Voile). lobo Warren. ktaratall 11111,1 Lemblit o. Jacob T B la u om C. op, edoblTolatml, Chu. LoLmmL 8. .WOO% Smith Bolton, Jai. WoMlimo„Joho Pitimborgb. I. W. LI INOU NAN, Skretsry. 1 • J. Q. CONVIN, Agee& otBo Nolltimobt. 00.7.4) . Third and Wood uremia - -- Dslawirli dui* Safel) liiilarPite Company • b...r.y.r,d I. 1 4 Loatalure of Ponosybrauda,lloS. Otbois, H. E.C. Third and Walnutata . 4 , ilitalllMPUlA. iti/i/NS Mit Allitkino Somali, aural; mad Vitiald • • to en parte of the wqrld. =asp INBtr4atokk.9 as Goods; by Rliers,l3auala ratan Lod Lend Oarleado, to .11 pu ts of the Mak., PIRM 1N3116 to 1.11171i.9: ea Iterrbandise auuerelli.--06 Rm., ihreilios Iluoiini, &a., . ...1 NM 7 OP rift iyirrApir, . ' . Noilltille 1.1160. United States Treae4). Note. and Intermit dt0,4219,062 Si Philadalptdanty 6 perteul Loma . 203 67 Peobuyteatibilltate L6sua HIM 1tec01eabh,...:.1—.............. . ..................... 111.36 i 43 Builds, Nor/pl..and Real Kat . 0kie......--....' .—. 16,003 36 NW. its/ImM 0 0.1 c.o. ilurtgege Vaud,- 46.000 id Teuoievee State 6 pep evut,Lastt 24,000 00 Pied,. le Pei.... It. it, it.. and lortarshon Lb... 24,001 to 1161 •66. 406 at 66uakau, eretalume au Marine Pattchua I aturnt .4.1 allow debt. Co t. due th e 1 61 . 64107 Oath oa baud audla 11.466, --- -- - - GM= WHIM. Munn, gimaud A. 11044.' Ha a n i t. Ha a nit. P0m0.% John la bad., home 111411ass7pre,l, halm O. &land,. WHO= O. 1.41,1v0 f . kid. U. al, Dr.IL M. litre., Owen O. Lolpor, • 1 1.4 h Craig. • Chartec dto7 , IWli. 111100. Uwi LTl.ll(ll,l2l,'AMpotary. w4IT~-eoiti~ (Na . . , 101.1000.4p00, Uotuplitz} f T.T.B 0 0.0410 Y. • • f• 000100 r. Mlthil . Preal4.lll ; ii. 40 11.1M1N,,Paey•tael,.., • 0 .1 4 • 0 D. 000111,4 Akedi', 1 4atastal Adwt 0 1 / 1 011,N002 Watarhanal, 1444 a ISn.Y W.eboasik. opit.i , i.PitutarEb 41nLI 7 tin ure agniuti 414 kiwis of P,. ; 4.1.1 . M41. A time' /astae's inetnajecr6; Dirith.rt. saLa art ta rt/ 41404.14 ma. m,awrnUr 'LOW , 1644 ;On latt &kr ea... 1, Or iitanaitlfi talwat +la tflievlarastes sr/ aaa , ,o4rmanal. a+ f 'p r o, Ma • prettfltoa to Mate who /dint qv witurai. -r - • Auk* ocrroecx •s, • • Stook giamo µ...... 4,140,00 0ka.... . ... . 21,Q , 06 • • • Opt& laeouida ... . . al; • ........ 14,41 Premium .... ..... 1401 20 - Nano and 111114 17,1,01 14 11=MI Dande,, Jr..' too 0. tv, 31031011, JaarelleAbloy • Joinder Boer , Andrew Ackley:. - Liabiripating.oll.' ATTLIELOW PEIOE OP ._OE NTS PE R 9Auos..mtaitus J. toot toi tn. nolo „ 1 !! . . 0 ., 11 ! 4 4 .11 r 0•4 4tYft . C. 1 . ill Chosta—Ttoi toti tenant GOV.** It 4 tlet noel tttit IWO to to titi'to , :t r11131.041w lovoiver *mt. " TILL 11:tt.ltaLlt 1101 * 48 - , 7 "r - o -r - % Ron. Pool.- EDUOIrj---'-01—'-----"---Mciras 9 it49;0110%.08" bat Pek