The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, February 02, 1861, Image 4

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-4, - .
lux ',alol
, ~ 7" 7 " T ' n- . IVlMl N jOitlignft f l ~
'." .ACa li!..a.AP.-----.z.7;
nub:in • -, f ‘212 •
+WAhigg dome,
WaNtioloodotti a ,- • , .• n 04.-
Itatittlo riot ~t .,...
lo in eilk
a.) laid -
Au tfteopts......l ell with lot, - -
To trot* awil bittAttbicti itoted
ibttit lib of ON atut lon,
• 14 mid tiattutd-
Neter ma r tlitogler, otvor,ittintlity„. - --
.11) kftootelf stibtettgibto•44itettpilm et
Bet flictletflamlttaf=tttoittwil Inky
• Ow itkokthapt !be loadat alder ,
meld übiliort Kan orlarnal day t
• VII ell ebtutsitent . Mahar • Mao." r 4. Ibinrsolgrittopi auttlotttf till. or darkly alio
ON., wieftf teak Wont totrovr blinds the - idea,
Ito glary Woo oastnot olio ray Is ditto -
re punt, trascoorloet,itill.tillootto estotmt,-
, Yoe the Lare pal a 7 of - tltt go ann. I
tlttiallr ie emai,,ta their darlhorallot
Wtos,itka tot wttliatt ma. ny
nook tea, WON" their watt with 1146t1
=rat Uks the tinnier= ei tbachandam
- ii
st the pto-bot, NI H' Welt, ,
Togo. tba With tito Truth. the Lib la Ilim I
s Zaltt=ruriiZrulred& we ,
AffilannithaltaLthelf the Mlle all I '
blthelbbeflOhthetl la 'wham:all light
: le bead T—end Dlnttn therthel wale to film,
Whew Wet k lenthaltellke, and naves dim I
5111thinithhey,ttlyran new, nom fall,
Par thin Be meat beforw-atel thawed es how
ib yaw through all we do end water now:— •
rimmiltaisay ernw, and throaqa desaldni KA
Itiereet twkwe..4o show the way of lthe
Soaty tau iakeded fam, Eb, •
' -, zgLUlons • INTELLIGENCE.
of . Rochester, (England,) in a
recentlntilic ' , rigly . remarked on the tea
deney of thit - E 4iirgy to indulge in too great
developeockarda of.beard andwhisker, and also
censured their' attendance at cricket and
' ar . 9h ..r 7 :..19409 8 There has" been "acme
rtuumrn ibis, and it is regarded as an
stHeriptlit episcopal tyranny.
77 7 - Ran-Mr-Mato= and wife, and their
salooistes, arrived safely at Siam, on the 15th
of September. They were cordially received.
.;..;-••=A new Protestant church is in course of con
struction is Pat*. When this is completed Paris
will be able to boast of no len than twenty Pro
testant cherclise, nod one handfed and four Pro.
testest abrsion. , The lumber of children raga-
fatly attendiag Protestant Gurnayachoole in Pans
is two Moaned ail hazdted:
daeghter.of President Blanchard,
• of Wheaton College, just Ls she was departing
this life, on the Gth ult., cried out, 'Give me
the harp I hear."
- -The venerable Rev. Henry Smith, of
the:Baltimore Conference, writes to the editor
of,the ..Baltimore "Chriatian Advocate," on
Nor Year , " day, am eight months in, my
82(1 year, and to depart and be With_ Christ,
is far better. Yea, Christ is my all."
—The first Preebyteran church in Eng
lanAwaiiformed at Wandawortita village six
mike' of 'London, November 20th, 1572.-
-Bleica alders were chosen. and their' offices
inscribed in a;regiller, entitled "The Order
of tr:soleworthr
& eorrempondent, writing from Rome
to the New York "Independent," says:
"Thane has been much speculation an to what
the Pont will d0..-Cardinal Amonelli has recently
told. Oar siltiatiu that the idea of leaving Goan
sae eatertaised by the Pope. Tbiep
have come to each • pass that to leave Bonn
woeld'colutamente the Ilaity ol Italy. And, where
could het* to better his coadithin r To rentals
and secure this acknowledged spiritual 'headship,
with s competes ttttt al amend, is the best be can
da. To go to Spent or Gainsay; be meet depend
ea Paseo 'nonce: lad hare no prestige of Itome.
Ile will slay, sad asks the best bargain he can."
—*The English correspondent of the Unit
. aPresbyterian, mites that special midnight
.services were held in a number of the &stab.
ihdue,ll.places of worship in London, on .the
- last night of the old. year. The. Methodists,
of all grades, >have been in the practice of
I, oon,gregaticmally on that night, but
the present is the first time they have had
imitatorsr in the Eatabliahment, Dr. Cum
!. ruing, of the Scots Church, in London, deliv
1-. livered, on the same evening, an interesting
lechire on, "The night is far spent, the day ia
t ' 4
::Y,~: .
~. ._r
Minister of the 'Methodist Bpihapal
Ch‘, ll ,Prt_ litkpr,agdon, Jost before kis death at
„ Enieteir Th., said to presiding Elder Boring:
"I do not know how it will go with me,
whiffet I shall Ilse or die. lam ready for any
heal. I am: perfectly willing for the. Lord to
de with e asii seems to him but. I would not,
, If leadd i h
.emagilde purpose. You remember
at Bebsetepolikere wee a fortrerit oatled hot whisk the &WIWI thought to-beimpreg
! sable; but the, Femsolt and English engineers
I detected a flaw - In - the - wail, an directedtheir
batteries against the Weak point, and It felL
New they are re.buildlng it again under the
;digestion of Resnik engineers, go that It will be
thiprepable.' I feel that Christ bibs Malakoff
I;of trj , emit" God buries his workman but oar
' riereei the work.
le molted of i polite Boston deacon
that he was once heard to pray: ..0 Lord, we
Ilroddkitot 'presume to diotate, but we would,
regyaithat a revival of roligiozi Is very latish
—lsis exponed that Spurgeon's new obarob
will too ready for use next Musk and affords
osessatodlons sittings for six thousaad parsons.
-- 77 2ki libellee* Herald slabs bat, in one
Or Cu:Aberdeen Cburobes Illoolland) a young
preacher somerbat astoalsbed the congregation
It Orbs out as kis text the las& four vines of
Cho int ohapter of lit Ciron. :
"The Dolma of Edna wen, Doh s Timnah, Doh
Allah, Doke Istbeta,Dake Aholibatash, Duke Elah:
Xisia-Piaem- Duke Keats, Doke . Taman, Date
labzet. Duke Magdim, Duke Irma. These are the
Dabs of Edom." Though the text waa, its an bast
prat lady of the old whoa mucked. lgey &Sesta
1018 . * it Itatma'Y mill handled, the bunion or the
boon Wag. Who wan then tun ? what has been
the idammos ef their line ? and what, Mather, will
M the laileenoe of - your life and mine?
--Tin First Settonled Dutch Chareb of Phil
adelphia; knurly under the pistoral oars of
ar. A. A. WILLA% is still in troubbt, growing
ant of * diviibil of mailmen& la regard to be
Mime otantabeed by /414 Mr. Smiley, re.
ovally Galled to All kis plan. It will be mom
::---,. beredrha Cenetatery refined to enders* the all I
of OW majority of the congregation on acroonat 1
of the Amble tents of Mr. Smiley. An sp.
pod was made polio Courts to interfere to pre ,
Tut aside:Ws of Mr. Smiley from seizing , the
prioetp,, Oa the /9th ult., Judge Allison delis ,
end i 604102 1 ' granting la billaclida to m
int" *initiWas in tbe alutrob any &etre*
sot Oaheistki, "Mob outs off Mr. Bailey and
le treads.
-- ikethomeiLoWitistias Advocate up : 1
neratudelfeetititon bailie:tied Condos, an Ital.
issimmol, ai
mnions toe its bi Amity and /1/- 1
010112411 d all JIL LS Gree, • . Is about
teepee mtlibolli art ibis at. Bulb Welleyam . Hs has ssenred 1
theismegam or aplatu bather, a Waidenslan, *bi
is already as UM spot, attendios to the formalities
tePlitit I:_ghltelwriOns to the opening of a pub.
tit Shalt r . .:
-,-..emstkoliamst dollars were intim, by ,
lb. Ire, eat' of an Reformed Dinah Foreign
_- Maya terMie !Mean of a dispel at Zusgaws,
---.. TIM Baptist dosimitualon in Newark. N.
.1., lastiat tonarkabbt growth , dewing tin last I
fall nisi "'Than Muni was bat one church of i
Aar ! koadrel merbers-wee tiers ass Aral
.k, - - bafiagdtteaa liandred moniberi
—7111.74 v. JU:Platd4ll, to a foetus before
1441 #0kinerldireiry Delon of New York, mated
Ma soiMitier ot hie - lamledis Nee Asttir.
dm t Oliwirjfeir York) be fat sad they wee
sot Sielred fioutom of 'worship MU tte ant
year. 'Xi I7RB Um Jews I built their first spa
, Oka , OMy Yak- 1- .: -
i—A woman named Medea appeared sr a
wikelii& Pe Bordideillgaa7 C ala nanuri
tee imielatarmiii toted If aka baked la • fo
rm Oils of reward sod punialunai.
Eke niedis‘-i - de sot. zu. Iroau—Yudou'a
--- baton Is is/ bum rerrearbffliy forgeable a het
5761007•111. Hie .4 7 1411ZM1t te Sedan
Winswo-No. His Mixon-Do you believe Ins God
who tau mash yoa art teWag • lie 1 , Waii.-Re.
Be likene-effsoniet tier you. If p ee p(.
~ wilt bosh indite opinin is a court of ttkii }mem, they
Watt - tilt 1 8 1twairttm. , " ' ,
--Ike jibikart says titre Ira about one
Ililithild BqUit alighins liOklo, without say
lase* e
.dimi„,&rktlf, tiir abash. delitatii
of ;weir 'Domani& mewl! that &number,
—.11,1t cope weei Ham* of mime
isloblarivittkri Rkplillien Of i*ko ire Oceitaid.
hit 'efffiralY fa *jail !aisle, 14 A YOH*
raw 14%ii . el a Pik Aow l'au t 40114 0 1
1411140 1400 /11. 1 16 #404 .14.48001#
_ •
-- -- - ---..
, I 1- ~A ; ;•„•,, 1. ." P; -, " M-
01 , •
- tits*Moaiskt* , “gilt4trictid .: . ''
1 1 11111 4 1 - 7 1 1 V* 114. ; ... . 4 .:,, . 44 •t. , . 4, i
•••••••--llis Ifoiettopid Bitirdp 00 -f oliates, itsi. 13 •
Oen Milott. bee ditieted the ,4 tPanyer for the Y'rds.
Mom" to lid-lift vitafri Catraerricce ottbs Vaidittray,
by Splecapir istaistersotad thei•l'mar for Cali
is :elisavidua•piiityiirior the - Crests nod' Matte '•
Repreasetativartd-Grairgia. - -I.
HditEoglieli:tiorrespoodeut rites that i
lrepy. ex testriis- fro told property ground, amid
Opposite • Christ CharcbOtak.besa secured
build a Catholic Church In the ancient city at •
ITAlversity of Orford Ii is 'said the Poimpitep
are gratified at the usoreo4ot
÷— i , . .
"The He" rds of the, Ch rob of Chriat, held •
i Minting at Breadmead, Itriatoi," mention the
COlO . OllllOll led baptism of .1a lilaekamoos maid,?,
in 1646, and speak of it a. " a thing samewhiarase
in tiutt day mid nation, to hair an Utopias, at
bleekamoor, to be tmly codstsioed - of lig,aid or
of their last estate without the j illedesnaSt, ad Kt
be defy curvetted to the Laid seictiChrtid..? • ..:'
—,L—blethodieus was lotrild i toed isti . 'Aus teal
Ha In Ilia year 1815. - 114846 the knlCoarepl
.. . I
noel of mlihders was held nu er the presider:of
of Dev.Wl32..Boyoe
kf .• - 1 •
• . • _ ,• • ...-. . • .
—7-asy .
, of. the - itiamberef of the eougto
lbw; sr Pl c -S.bsdai We as Idda that ma: oleos*.
, .
presob I earmon as well as ititeir pastor; A
relnlater asmiii Laurie had oeolisioa to spokes
.With Dr. Chapin. • After cowasaelogi
the ionises he obsessed the departure of nova;
fair person, when he add : , ,
.411 . th000 who hare ooze bard lo...stiosidp,
Chadin will haws ad oppordiolg to intin, sad
whol cams to, worship a. Eratiaattag God ;
plies mita id staging thdlbilowide;byous."
, ,
Then 'ars plenty of seohleople id every
tie t. 000ddnally who disbands God and show
their loadylam to woo or Ilk. iassiono so them
Mrs. Winslow,
♦n et outmost Nam and /numb Pirsidoo, prooloto to
the atteuttoo of gootbeit bra
FOR CHILDREN 211137131210,
vbl greatly f the process of 'la thing, by Dollen
log the gom. noduclog all inflaramatida— sill allay ALL
PAIN surd opium:talk actkrt, and 14 -
Depar4 opoo 14 mother. It will giro alit to parakeet sad
Relief and Health :to font labs%
We hire pollp and gold thla arar tea yam.
, 'MOAN BAP, 1N ooNnzataos AND, Ulna of-Dobai
hoop mom been Wok fty ft y
*that medkfro Sl.lll±
mum? we
ems. Dever did we ""P•
Or dlimatiatooko UM .11i Ithe grdllo Clatbe co taasaai
all an delhildod with fur uludegkea, mut agora tarom
ammaindatloo of arkgloar **Ma', and otedkel ornate.
W. go* lartAla traitor oWIIIT. WWI* KNOW, ortroo
poi :gm nruparaitsO, WDAT Wa ULM Di
taggig,• alma. arm" tonatuo Ohara Um lomat ha eal•
Wag taus pate, and tabeastkor, rebid jliii be rand I.
team or twenty tolookieftio IL.
iyrop,ta adtainkteraL
then:eatoabl• Atur t. or ore, .
and has nen said with DMA FAILUDI
1 110118•IIDW
U mealy meteor the child foal qty, but Meliorate,
the etommeh sad booths, moteetseokllim sod stmettoseand
energy t; the whole amteat. fteetll Wood losmatly Mien
gti lag is the SoweLi god - Wistealls,
y ou ,
zsr i . .. obleb t
"1111 " . 0/ - 11 . 1.43Ft1CT0 1 ' 4114 I ' 2 I *
drab. We be. Wee 11 tbe HITT
CID 11111111153 '"••••••"--- • 11.311111)T IN
WORLD,In oh. of On T - • 110 RIB&
ZHOU Li COELDlUtte.obotbee tt etioMfotor beaker or
from aamothmontsh WeweeldasytementrysetbeeohoWE
octal mdheles from soy of ate loregotog ompubino
OP cringes. stand bohreeo mond Mote eollerlat eldl4
sad the esThaf tbot WU to AL TiLT
1171111—to follow the am of gbhBUILT—
uBSOmoIy need
Tall •teeloos for mining ecoomyeay each bottle. Moog
Numb., ln onion boohalle of OMIT • PUREST.
New o oo ths outside oreppm.
Bold by Proteins thoombou
Prllseepal 011leh, 13 Cedar R. V.
111103 ONLY at OUTS Pl3l. BtITTLB.
Bold by B. L. P•11.13T0418 CO. Motor Wood and
Fauttli tame* elfo. ma. lid Wood Motet
Stibas, Ranges, ratio, Sec.
A'. R 41. ro L le"
lloatatOrmoory Toddy ek
&a. @Sco.
I Sole Proprietor of tba celebrated
Office and Sales Room
Ivo. 4 Wood Street._
nn 101CIL sisovar.
ijr. 'kraaI:MAMORU/1 •
000 . 1 {. PARLOR and .Mekr/NG.
Warehouse, Federal Street, near New Sea
In rawaatko of ashes to oar kris aarartaum t
of Clooklog sad Etaanag Worm, for Wood imad Cksl, whirl
vs ars islhairat the losaat pekes Thou oar c
witt Sad If to *air adman. to gin as a orttlad assarina
11104 teltta parelmatag elkaawbers.
Oadirsa floras hood
a imsfisilasa, flealas, Wallow Wars,
• wagon Wm;
Plain and Fancy Grate Fronts, Fen ere, eta..
Oralage of all Made Moe to
Jyliklyd D. Ds LIAVILS• SOL
--- - -
ALL*N. MACORMICE. * •• • •
V -A o y,
VV'Srehesite. - No. 52 at.'4:zri, FL' 'Stre M et.
UM sad alumina ITOVIS4 Poolor &WI IC Dam
emus, Hollow, Woos, Wo4 &Woad elsoo lloaltr, I&D.g
WED Onottop, amino. G.., Water mai *Mot [V%
Sot Igor, Dog boos. Form Doom guar Real.alo.Dos Oor CoupDogo. a... .....oott(hottogo Dow ,
NU% DM% Jobbing sal Mactsi r nude k. order.
Mist.' Porto* NM% with Moon ovroloo Poona..
yb.esLT WAN as
0 it 4
I l aza.saz.z. a CO.;
. NO. 235 LiEnnitTy tErinFirnwr.
MANURAOTURERS orall kinds or C.a.
Mae mid listi Puke and Ilaattaw 11:011% 004.1211 Taupe,
UOISIOOII lleamelail OrateStor /rants, Nadel". 1 . 3 . Akt•
Taiiimilebrsted Vaal flooklag
"0101'7" and "Triumph,"
and Woad Ceding NOV% I
'Black Oak" and "Forest Homed"
Th e ..cepiesil and "Eagle" Cooking Eangek
with Idaho' nydratillo Or Open Biallatwoe
arlikdi an sore quash*, la au fa ttus elf sad, ticladay
sh ia impolite Illospa. ,
Tao vim", . 7 Fireneet, IlliumitaLed gar stew
that cis Iv math asywbaria. Parma building PlaWageses
wall paws War Ueis la Wad
filao, the wow said beatillfal Parlor Ellwina I. ,
. • 1 "Olympian,"
DOW exta wary nt , Meat haiworrassat la tbs way of Parte 15401119
Tepee. , with Bow &we; fin . Plia'a Skim, '
.., . IHaWaair
Nom. Linewbv Ilisees, milt Ses, .....u... 1 lb)
lama Mates &dim. . I
. BASIC Illtl4,,Wsfile Irma nut soma*, ovan
Doemkebonds and Paws, lf, at Betwywa. MI XING%
Mayo Pipe, Vault Tap.
.. I
Waan-Houtto 04 1111Ditalf11 AllO ItiAol3l,,
O. at.t.waspaneaef ar the Inul-Elewe tAat te ,ta sea
. Jeakeraha It Man (India, Tea illattlaate. aid,
' Ttii public ars nwpsettally lathed to call wad &Pads*
car exbrh. steeli 4 , 4 f
_ 110 12g&Vale I. BM= 0 00.
. _
SUNDRIJIC23-40 hide. Fair to Prime 111.10
o wt.* N o Illataare.• I
P. do flortota Balload NOW.
! ,
)00 Boni moidad brisk& Tobacco;
SO ouly bio 1 r do do
. • .116 diem sad bfehada b..s tow*, Tag • '
40 catty bop* f•• • •• de. de •• ,
160 bap OOP: rai to cboko.
WO bbl. dial* Tura fondly Wbfbi Wbb.t Ilbifor.
„ 800 buy l'alloy Own. Alma la Z.
800 balm oriole Qantas °bra% AG' de: ' f
oPro and Dar rd. WDONAIdd MIBUCILLB.
nol 4 213 Liberty at. war Waal!.
r l / I DEIM
PICCIIM-119 r:4 APP;eI; I
7 11M.40 bar Bumfl
warts BIAIIS UZI.-labbl; a triA"u""mt*
sor_!±l9l L.L4ra Luny es.
11 IDO bb4 Cbolc+ Russet%
1.00 bbl o Cooktooa—lo won tor 60 blr
erg • ; 1017 LP 11111PARD. Meet
Behite i dossn !Aretri!:l for !it
-4612_170 natcgßoillaresio,soatimi
; • ,'•
43 1ANANGUlka aka t
{ o teen
D AU °Mat* Xiabgli aaUld
ta saintost,bas toed la
Isall~iodic, Pr raw by
MKS illbartrat.
Isrga, assortment of &Mee
eimiatrapik aistirsUiNfar Wy.. _-•
. ~rentsrateldrastl
taa"* Ml e arii l LOi rtyk
P s oirMl
mallmichlatainr—j o t nevi* _
m0..,i0.31111fet meamust;annal
' • 11172 A 611$
*Veldßac Clues,
'Pita lkolus.
ra7 P ietedif Pielowsir =
• , NALlWlllN,mmaraivik
_ .
• rifi t : AnstaitikB,,loo. bbla. is Artork for
Ira ads sallikarrrikoo4
OOMIST.. -.1'4511 , 91U-Ne4Brtiaimh t
s st
Wed.. , by e alicirthie Ilted betoulluvitisted,
. treat and poon , ..lksit‘thereireabitkie, it
=Usthe whole . sod new bismois -
e many' pert • , 'L.'' , No .weivcrilfree
f ro th its attacks, nor is thee owe teltith It may
not 'destroy. .Tbe senafith*tsintievirricrusly
tkused by mercies] disease; to g; die
ordlied °r uahe dit 6 5 4 r. .gitgatie air, filth,
and Bldg babiti, iniiii twesicw :ice,
above au,- by Al*: •
.., linflickei. ever
be its-origin,it ,ii-licialitcyfi r , the can.,
fnui tion
aeration, descowirciv parnits to children
untuthe thini imd fourth _ ; " indeed.
it sawn to' he the rod o Who says, r.I
will- visit the iniquities :the 'Where upon
• ''' Iti effects couttacied by depnition teem the
blood of corrupt' r ularlorti =snail' which, in
the lutgly liver:and intenial4sii pi ned lather cast in the glands, •' ; and on
theOrface. eruptions or sortie: , ' foul car
, ruP4 6 n, :which genders in thUblock depresterr
the enemies of reg, so thateeroftilous constitu
tions not only auger hotel scrofulous cum
plaints, but theybave- far less power to With
' maid the attacks of other) diseases; conse
quently - - vast numbers laid' ,Pr Aisardeni
which, deicing - 1i tit.i their nature,
Sr.' still. rendered. fatal, by ; Ail taint dn the
system. Most of the consumption Which de
cimates the human Ltmilyhas its origin directly
in this. scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, iidOels, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs,' arise from or
are aggravated by the same incise.
One quarter of all our people are scrofulous;
their persons are invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the system we must renovate
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in-`
Vigorate it by healthy food: and exercise.
Such a medicine. we supply in
impound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which medical
BIM of our times can devise Tor this Every
where preirspahmand fetal malady. It is cora l
blued from tlurfirost active remediala that hem
been discovered for the exptirmticin of this foul
disorder from the blood, and tbe rescue of the
system. from its destructive I consequences.
Hence It should be employedlfor the cure of
not only Scrofula, but also *ow other affec
i.tions which arise from it, such as ERUPTIVE
Ross, or ERTSITTLAS. PnreLes, - Plllrftrtra.
BLoTouns, Stares and Bon...,lrpHo ßa , T ETTE ,.
IRitatiaransx, SYPHILITIC and /if,arrointraL ,
TED OR IMPURE BLOOD. • The popular belief
intwnity tithe blood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The
imrticubir purpose and virtue of this Saroarift-
Silla is to purify and regenerate Obi vital Sind,
Svitbinivirbieli sound health is impossible in
?ofiraipinatedi constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartie Pills
amigo conmosed that disease within the range at
Tthew action can rarely withstand of evade them.
heir penetrating properties search and cleanse,
and invigorate every portion at the human or correcting its dumaied action, and lestarind
its Wealthy 'Unities. As a consegMnee of these
*energies, the invalid who in bowed down with
Pao PbYsicallebllity is astonished to hid his
health or mem restored bi- remedy at once so
simple and iontiog.
Not only do they cure the emsy-day romdunts
of every body, but also many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The agent li4cor named is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
°Wits-Wog certificates of their cures and dlrec
tinni for their me in the following complaints;
epsfireness, Heartburn. Ileadade arising fro^
zitsonimtd Stomach, Noises; indigestion, Pain
ti and /forted filacitanqf the bead, Ektakwy,
Lim of Appetite, Jaundice, and other - kindred
obstruction of its arising fr
finctions.wlo state of the body
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Comas, Colds, Influenza, 1114Saraenessa
Croup, Bronchitis, Licipient tonsure'.
lion, and for the. relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stag,. of the
dismiss. 4 ,
melwide Is the field of its usefulneu and so hal.
ons are the eases of its cures, that almost.
every seed= of country abounds in put.:
tidy kaolin, who tare been recto om alarm
wand even desperate truieurs'of the lunge by Its
When once tried, its Superiority , over every
other mediate of fie ittnd is too amarent to escape
oltiVrration, sedate/a iti me known, the
public no longer hadn't& what antidote to employ
fair distressingand dange ro us 'fractions of the
pramoswy organs awareincident to tat - climate:
Witgot many Inferior remedies thrust n the
community have failed and been
led, th e
has trained friends every trial, conferred bene
fits Ine aNst4 they an never tort, and
to be kagottm.
pro4oced cure. 414WPRI Yinn"Mble
I -
DR. J. C. AYER & CO.,
B. A /4 1 1 Ameroca • co. rnen••••,...• Dia." gm.
- -
Q 0N
O& DEI _ . _
la IR It 1:2 - 11opr;
101114. //a llmol kw;
team PloolaAloo 111omoO
1011 asmarkolbroado Mjr op
SOO:trip Rio Cod*.
113;pcolnit Jaya Oollbo;
100 momonortod broads ToO.o
211'ootto 4. do
419)taitchsto Tom% Biwa and 81002 Tool
10 2614 7 0 11 V1/
_dp do do do
SI Oozes Rada imp
21 ' lll Goma Sorg
2I 1 11 01•133 do •
do “ Mould Omadleg
211 111 Starr do
1100112 a.
11112110 a Ann
LXII 00.
Country Flannels I
White and Plaid Flannels
a. Linos tovx - 7a Wrtq New!
. ,
Blachl and Bad Prints, New Byl..
Atm, a lam la ofllmr etsle
Dart Mal, mal# i at 123
O. H4tifloll MVP. .74 Wrist et.
A FULL frracK
Moo, Hilt/WM PAPER, In dam ti: br
Ha. 161 Weed amt. rlttobarretr
SZED I .4-.-16 bbis. Flax Seed:.
2 Ms Timothy 2.4—for pit
btautiaT surptis,
IN. a Ibit.
11ND,11113 kegs Batter,
hpalm bps CORN 1.4! 4114 100 his OM;
dors lai,sas by
dbon . woomazi AR.III7OILI. 4bA Llblth at.
CLIZESE.-1000 bow prime V. R.;
1000 bases Bamberg, MO bona Znillat Wry.
Pr int=ir /MD 41""
Thu Mirk war wood.
01 /*Oa initatirod l'e.4lwg
IS/ ,do .do /loofa;
soo bit won. anon. • ism. Alm f.ob:
40 bilf• alma applax 10 do Howley—tor by
. LG. OR 1111,,, 9dl Liberty md.
BURCOPLIELD & DO, are ladling
Flaaaela, Blaakele,
Shawls and De Lida*
: : 1 3
iialleg es low am they eau bh lobed soy plea
• !
O. RANSON: LOVII, 74 Market it
APPLES -50 bblo. York State;
iambi@ *YID klulle,
iktoaa4lT 60 . °W.. OMO A PPU.4.Id ned tes Tele al
WANXED-1000 bus. Clover Seed;
100 st efts. SY L. G. GRAPPJ
Vas 247 Liberlf
ARD- 1 150 bbla. wad tea. Leaf Lard -77 ,
1 100 kegklearLank, hr Me by ,
11117/11/ Mr. CURTAINS—new ilitt46 ' . lll,
W. he be lI.P.IIARIB *l4i
'albruis hoe esce4 r : -NeW and b
•an • via w C 03C6
•ItaliAt,t, t
.140L/1, ew Mohiasea 2his
4 - • away R. GOWNS.
IT? IPM/Saut Todd lost Ws - . -
• • - RAM.
mow wad we Thhd oda. •
1 0 i11b,.. novel auding from
• aler Mar k 4, kw ado b 7
____ , - ,' ,
N ,.. up oner Aco ~
VNLOPS, — DIARItS, ` ' Merhorsum
1116k1, D "m". P.. 369 4 NT Loki rso lOW,
Gas% Rot nie riv ' W. *JUNK;
„1_ 4 404 %-- ',. - - comer Wood NOW*.
118 • & CO. bare
war le 'dm* , Now lronbair rum art.
oft abimprr., sod meats to tie Mawr
Jerkirsyse • Mato Rained Devil.
Tefilk li•ifp, Um/4mq liakTir,
6 014, 61 ittiur. Most* Mid ^ , •
;,:o1 F R.Ongjati:
Airititla apses minim 4411 . 81 fthimmllothie. •%,
' Lamm 8, 88.8888, woe
~~ , ..,~~.1
_ ,
bble. choice Green Anides;
..a it, bbla Ramie,. . TI l•
*Wham Dry Pesch'', choice Hillery, .
4100 de Dry Apples.
.21.0 Ao White Beene,
AO boxes Ches., YO L Lii . . tkoi. cider,
AYkep Lend—lor
.. Ile by
....,...__,_____,_ ~.1
1 ,
Jail) ~ L. O. GIicAYD, 511 LibartyA
.-.-.—_...,.. r ._.„_.......__._—_.._.. .
Unit CON rarriON.bat i . r.--/UOOID erntnn
.1.: Datil.
10002, Drake ilotiboing '100(dh Cream C.ous Noi;
'MO (Awe 8 trawberrien
10001 D i&i,liti kespberry Stank t
100005 White sod Awl Almondp—m•ooketAsre.o
trial, kr Sla Ly . _ Ditytilift•
dee No. 31) Wo ol . $ , oppoalt•h-Ch.1.111.
OATA-4000 lb. pr ANDim B .
MILL FIDID-20 lona, vitrima quAlltlec
PO ep UPsn;
klWaiW. ---- .... -2.50 bbla:ilioice Runts 40
14.7 Ormaiock ele,
I 1
BNOOND-1110 Ammo Nosy Macau, chug. - 1
STAACU-310 balm Wool's Obkreb. .
(WHINY- 0 WA NUM Ilwebloy.
1:00.1-3 bbl. Frob Arm
DR! MICR MS- p)0 I.!qs Dry Poorb.•-
ID Atm for into At ll} *000.4 .1
' r 01.114 IlordetP4 XX Estra [molly,
60 do Molt., Uttoew Fondly, 1 '
NO do Graae* Parody, f f
400 do X:cro-4A storoior I. by ! i
' ileCil
GULP 4 diUMPA.X.U. saa Lit!erly .. ..Li
NI W (lONtili ---..- ---MtifiENTS.----
• DST el 40/jltd—Do bqo Poe Oared Podia, r b oi4
itnol4—lo Wide brob Bitm ! I
• tar 13111,4 im4lrr..4 batter. cu. 1.7 I 1
HOMINY—IT Obis lioatho;
UITZILVAI46-2)0 Able White Deem; '1 ' 1
' • FLAX DIEU-20 boa tbayoot4l;
TALLOW-2 boas•Tallow—
lby Iwo by . • dada L. O. OKAY/. 414 Li4ortY 44.
DRODIJON.-150bus. iYmall White Heanej ,
60 bn• Dry Apt4s,' D) boa Dry Peullye.
I lir Dreeeryad
2Jare prim. Apple limier,
le bbl. MAU Bottee... s bide
20 kep pdm. Lud. 1004 11.• Tanow,
6 .26 Deceitful.;
2 3
0 store for e.A.
tGc. i: ißtutelb - trilgo, tLihing
&Pia. ElaptlormatDaata, AD Bad; Pfllows,earbloaalual
ii.. 4 !WA C4 , 04i. ItidNi Cava, P.M; Ladalaga,Ospa, abort
Doak Oaa ant% be. Ga. Tubing, Waip, airing*,
Door D flam
Parlay, and • inlet variety of otbrr Cana. is oba
Loaf Dabberillaa, &Playa as band at 20 sad UHL Clan. at!
J. h 11. PHILI/PD.
1340PUIPLIWo. E!) gy Egga;
1. 1110 bas,boYe flake* PICI UK%
30 bee /LAX VIRD; 10 • 11081 IN V;
3 bbl. 113.11•01; . 100 In 11.1 C.
ICO 1,01.114184 AT; 600 bag DRY APPL/111;
30 btu &baba.? PRACURtb I
fr. ode by : ealo L. 0 I.RAPP, 2b3 Liberty at.
,A. maw I'ACKIVO; CIASISA'4, a O l NU/Mt ROY%
at tb• beet quality nut an Um illereyebt elbek cbo blir./.
be bad al th e !Indio B.ober b•pet,le alul Ye if 1. cut, .0.
J.* IL 1.11141.1P3.
EATUREfo.BELIING, oak tanned of • the
ail naiad at
baat qua ity, at iimera maeatectuea, all alas, Many,
4 aaA Clair at.
W den
es—,i toe. Primo now Bon
°ODIUM-3 tu Prime Oodllib—infar We by
463 130 and U 3 $ O4et.
lariat , . b &mug amid Lome, of all enterer,.
4119 y B. WOU/V,Ja ,
cerairMir aid Liberty Ma.
kegs J. 4. Williarits' Priine
eigrist Tornado, arrielog for de by
• Warr 4 WILSON,
tjo. 2I! ;natty street
1 1 11 E RaBKSIDE B
J 7
PATENT (X)XiD3 o qaa--Tfr------D RUBBER
BELTING, • ow and lumen°, Gelds,. bald and
M Ws bp
J•2l c N. pa LANG V.
Zat Llbeity st
W i Le: — lir — R-1100 Able .. Fieur, the different
anew, b slow d,r sate by .
FRligini ?r—T,
, DRY 600D8
- -
eeia'nd r
I choice colon e colo acid very dp,m
neci at
boies Prarl tolo ba. Propred Mardi. •
60 bas Mold Chqdb
100 bz.. B.* P• 166 land °Wu flape, for ale by
ti;!ttr Polk;
e t• lVri4t.yl 6
' U. hOHESON •
G- A! ,, lt:—ln barrel ke gv cane,.
Tr . fili""l"ritribigirn=rd
DAOKEDBOTTER--10ble Prime Peeked
Butter, Ow sahh 1,9 WATT WILSON,
.Co.. Lltmety et.
A pp t ia ll u i TTEll-5 kegs nice Apply Bute
J.l9 t4r. . 1/rA,, WITAON, No. 2e9tltoprty
NSuga SW
tit--33 Wide. prime N. 0. Su•
VI ger, to.iirineibt We by
. lICDOiI•LD A ARBUCKLE% EA3 Liberty et •
llCA.TfiSitti AND SIIESP PhairS4--8
E.bacts• ./betherg AS &beep Pelts—sow !analog tram
blabister &dance for W. by
*mot Mere m 4840440, We it the 011 Cloth Want;
moo., so ethd 23 lth!thals it.
VIE "of itr ios sod 'French Landscapes
aid the Settee( Solletiao, the We by
de2l -
ARD OIL-10 bbla now-landing from at'r
Clam Poe, kr Ade
nAll BON 014 I CARBON 011,1-100 bbls.
N 0.111411014 Cubun Oil, for rale by
117 • JUBA IIIeGILL &BON, In Ltbarty H.
RANBBitariBB-1.15 t)ble. prime Berries,
In wore !Otisldly JOIINB..OANSIELD &CO
lint Best, near Wood.
PRUNNEL;-s, l easeeriii glass jars;
~ coma to laacy bozes.lass rowed fi r sad b 1
don -. • R/IYal CIL • /MORMON, M Wood et
600 BUS. PA/ME BARLEY just reset!.
dog !be ads b,y , IirDOITALD
253 Llbetty
N?nu... CLOVER MD—MO bus.
rebid for Mt b 7
matiIBERRISS---12U bbls. Prime Waters
; nee l a d y, eir mac by J . s. use= • CO,
den ?a Wider and 22 Neat aza
MOLA BB ES- 2 4M bbls. Prime 0.
Lem reed pet RV, leen Oi. bar Ws by
• as!.t..; Dux su. a 6.
IDER--15 bids..fdweet Cider in store for
. _polo by , JOHN B. CIANIWILD k CO;
010 .. •. • - 'rind *not, Dow Wood. •
BV.:(wIiE4F rw°B-25vairtZaileLbY
IV 0. 8U k-23 hhde. Primo reed.per
41.11 • Ott 0117, kr sale by
dells Z. DALZZLI. 00.
P/pyl sad 1101113116 will to sold st tedmodes l / 4
' ' W. P. KABSIIIALL IT oaf st: •
CID --5 tiblc Champagne Cider, instore
- Jbe
letbble by I J. .8. OafiblibLD • 00.,
• Vault otdr . Wood'
HU 11p S---10 sacks, 10 bble , just
teed kor tl.gj RUM CO/FIN,
. affuir Wood sod Water .04
rtill at —Esatern 1 and • Lake Fish always on
..004 li f . " 1 "" . J. ichurnii.iiixfr
Oa- strrniCm
J. . on r.. 4 be by
HOMINY—?S P?blerearl llominy
r 3.11. CIA III /16.L100...1.ta. an. ingd•
I~j L
...: - .I ~ ~ - ~ - ..
• 7i l eroYDalra - torliiiir o ottF
111 §_n rrir - Viintfactitrerand-
LtNegic,Fia.) otr, k4w,,t.5.4 ea! ,
6t L A c
Rtit /Of mauls 1.1, ,•14retirst at, Mora; ot Mr.
buir ram
stri; WMMI ,tr:ml Mwra Join, )
Lltibtly tot Urdir. Jr oat, mrt a.nm. uf VCR
MA1.114 What thim pltim,Mll ram•lrr prmalptactriatimt,
mal4Mma ;' • -
-- •
__ '
ir. II: l&Calluntni ~......-.!..:;-1' risoltruta.-..-...—.n. r. &.r.
: '.-1111 . 4 11LUSTOlifl, SIMI! PIIIIL to & c[EN•s , •
COVELer _ Pike and (razara. SAA`ootte,
, I Near City M 0... Work., I
i ..- I . P-I 7' 73 8U R 0.11, Pid: t i
. ,
AB alum
and bed ink..
. alb:hie s pligiblai p. biaary pmrd l o m t tiro c.
troa;p7t, 1 1, as: of , Cu.
Bdt amid: t h in Una, trading hot by yromytnal ad the
=Oar aro. waik,Ao Emit midi= patroaaga.f $Va In.
1 .
vadat attaaßoa boor BALANCED VALVE SOIL-
IbAnAO .ENAINISS, as ccdabLalag adaantaaaa blArtufbra
Anabalsad in MN alas of Nock..
J ail* Ra d m lollh Wow power nod good lAbt, V4at.
CART Vilttlell'r TOolllt-,
' :I : (limemn.l t.. Joho Llertinight,)
MA.NEIFAOTU/LEAS and Importots of
P.keig.d Thba owery, sursimh.wi fe•
Aratepote,Glaa Mato* iishing netts, ore, Jo . MI Wood
etreet; They give special attention to the mon fedi:a-lug of
Dnetees. Supporters. to, Jobbing end Regains with putn
eallitS and d.spslotk.
—.Two ham
61 Pann et below Marti Pittabargll . ; Pa.
hoe Walt.rti abwahce. ef BerabfWe 10etent
liollervey Mood and (blinder Boller; alfallaeys,
itridohigh Mrs Bed, 1t..,., Pipes, floods tee, h ail Pam
Igor Push Iron Yawls, Life Boos, eio. Alley alsckOadtbs.
Work Midge Sad Viaduct, hope, dope et the shorten sis
CAB ord.. from • 414)Appi prams!p atimmlot! ID.
D.4.R BTAVES-6 bales;
)11:01CORY AtrE64,2saack
la:::::: Calr4— e'r H0 1 r " : au4 0,4,.. for ado y
An PPLAs.-3 a
jal2 ISAIAH 111111117 &
Loun t nOtIR !
Na. IRO and ITlroomul etneL
HAY JI. 00,46 Wawa id.
First stems, arulirood
KAL l 00.68 Wood 0,
suaounico.t 00'g,
bble. strictly prime
03-40 'Dressed Ltooluei
krixoirAgl a, ART:acne,
, us. Nene "stetent
jas ..a. e.bearrta,ccr •
imaktio aors . ash by,
• .14 4101411 MU *144
aPEßiENTAND iTOittekUirlitrlh'
„s: Perak:lld -INN funidefof Omen and thrbon by
autuneriCe fa Hyatt npsw. burdened bythe Mod.
feel Amblelinen bah l ive. lmp and the United rata, and
practibed In their pnic: •• • ' , ' • •
Tee experience ot Outmode daily prow that emeriti:en
oleo of If= WM becataptte t t with. U. Lot man*, of , the
bloed,depreesou of Simi energy, pale end otberehe Mealy
acuphsietteladitanditebeuenty le almost overt' commit&
ble age. It.rancionifo all at ice in which it hut*,
tried, it has poled beolately connive in each of the tut
leeieS a. altalehe Itt• • . ~ •,.• . ; ,''., i - '
Deßmiltr e Pe taut :affect tonne' Kaliantste
flesh Pyrnpopel Constant ...twine ..reheat
Iniz..arzza:. ctztttnivmtr..„ll.s..-g:
etrmarttoine' INltne,Chteatee Meer Coins.
2 .
phalli.. , Chem In • Handl re
aim. interva ll teat P 00000 . 1.. • littaxeuiebv
.Plimptee 'oh
the Plate, tee
In cats at en. b Mhl7, wbetherthe melt of ernes
disease or of the continued diminution of nervoci. end maw
i t
twit:front chronic comideinta t to. belay of ililv ".'
Lorain bee proved entiemlal totn extent which DO dee
crlialoa nor Winfita. attestation would • reader credible—
/wads ea long leivbrianse as to have become forgotten In
their own a l
reepplated IDIb.
bee/ world m Won returned Dom pretreated travet in a
/Mutat land: Mae very signal fostancee of this kind en•
atteeted of female s tfieremernaciated victims br appar•ot
msrasintai. sangelmates eximentides wheal chintzes, and •
that complkation ornervoes and deepentio avenue to air
and exercise for whbil the physician hie no Mae
In hereon. Affection. ot sJI kinds. and wrape Walt.
la to ninth* meth o de
of gbh Palmation el
Ism latter tlemoy to minim% far, unlike 'the old oaf.
&tattle vigorously ton t; without being exciting and
ad IteallYeregahrly aperient, even In the met
°atheeum. of coalvenem, wlthstarrer beans park,
pargative,or Intilaing • dhageseenleeeesaforb'
. It Is thlt latter property, scums others, whkb neaten
ope remarkabl
it y effectual sod perm••••• • reined,. tor Pau;
n which mho eppeers,
hoer exert • dhintet and /pecan
action, by dhpersieg the tendency whith =
In Dyspeptie, Inflates:able ea an Its celeatnain trios
thelybeate Pills has oftim Mined toe th e must
habitant ream Including theattardent Duni:teat.
In unchecked
I>larteq even when advanced to tipentr
Qty, confirmed, ctoacietiug, and apparently malignant, the
the barn eqnally detdelee and astoniehlog.
, It, pel., lose of deals end .eirength, debilitating
cough, and. remittent be r ni;.. Whirn genetQl taitiOate In
ciplentaboitimpliore, th is remedy ha. allayed the alerreof
eland. end phyeiciens, In several vary petifyleg and toter.
I:Vo i folons "t iltbsrenion e , this mid testeJ trop hes bad
' far Anon than the good effect el the aunt mutineer, bal
anced preparatinut of kellas, without any of tltelr well
The efflaaltaa ttlalllia e.t.a ea too confidently lust
' tad to this ventedy and reeturelien, la the dee. pecollaly
adetning them. •
In iltieninatient e Loth damn., and Inflammatory—le the
letter, lumen!, Mare decidedly-ell ha been feverishly
well repined., both on allevlatteg pain .Inl redicing the
millings and stiffness of a Jahn. and runeele. ,
fn intristqtyrpt JA9 7 if - mpg bectedeilly l.p . grat
meted: saitffeneeptio re. tire, and la empties in the
erne settlemsets of Lb* W will probably he one of high
moa:tend, nettfalnesa - "
100 remedy her else diecoverel le the whole Unary
of medians; which elate Itch promptalippy. mit Nay ne
deaths effete. , Good appetite, eemalete digattlelar. rapid
. soptisition of strength. with an unusual dlepodtkat ler 80.
Übe and theocrat etteche, lannolleinlY Olive her * •
Put on In pat pat slant bovee cvatalelag IWO *price
60 mote per box, for ash by Langone pries..lbn, Will
tomtit free to aay aka.* tie nwelpt dr Ail lettere
°Hen. etc , should Le oddment to ;
Dr. OffOROX 11. WILBER, Wholesela Agent ntr rest•ra
R. 13 :LOCRE*, CO., 0#3 . 120;70 Ai
analmaa.vonvlvP n hiIDADWII I.
_____ •
- It E. 9 T o .R.r N a I.
The Bald and Gray.
Many, since the Urea Disoovery of ;Prof.
WOOD, balm attempted tint only to Doha. leis Resterallia.
bat Koh. 43 hone discovered something that would ptto•
dots molt. Identical; but they hare all con. .4 go.,
being oanied twee by the woodeettil et:suttee( Fret. Wooers
Pritiiimtkro, and Mom bem gazed to have the Delit to I.
metal. away. Head the followloar
1 i Fla. U J woo. • 0.., :LT New., AP I I . l P b . I " L i
be letter hents you u
'; 18, giii...1•F bur Wand. Ral T rleVoraulei.4 which
' .1.4 bare published In this Melnik" and elsewhere, has
tie. el. to tionveous Itepainea touchlog the facts to the
I tam: Tbe inqtairtee am lira; Is It a fact of my hatdratloo
and name, ea Meted in 'um mentotaateetiom 'moat; le tt
! trim of all therein anoteloili thital,dom MY hair moil ...-
i .. 1 I ti d i ILt 0 .. 1 : 43 . 10 .. %c1tr i 1r y: 0 , d .. ..A1 1, 7 7 = :ti: . To :a w l I eV;
I. 4.7 stage' a .* I". le7. .117 3.;40.).,tiii sk, tbetfty
mid bottor i.e.; the wait le inlet of toy wkiakerii, and
the only canoe Irby UV not .true
Cr... la that the mt..
man Je 'embed on , by frequent utiort fad; whoa
t care were neat by wiping Di s o. In e
luteesonar Non
ith the whiskers, the same rem. will follow as the heir.
hare been lo the remipt of a great number ol lecture DOW
I parts of N. et lengbtod, asking me II my to& .1111 co :-
am to thrgoeD; as gum. co cmiiErac k al ice the nunnafec
re sod title cr videos impound. a. wall es tble, It t.
•deobt, been homely Imitated Uri ton mad not Maly
willimit any good effect, but to absolute Injury. I bare sot
wed may of year Reworatiee of .7 .tenet r0r,...
mow; . .ad )et my heir la ma good as ever, awl hund reds
• its
&Km ciandoed i l with am..p., se I.m now 61 years old
• d not i, 11l my had or m toyfriorr.•auelloptone
, le Wt. 1 .sled OM a fort of my hsfr Olen oiy the mod
tuft. I friltl ffwf fiifof of tWo quirt hotel. last MOO
alas, for • eta r d ars Tray grateful; I tare it to ay Maw.
a/thereby lo used WWI to try in many mew ekepticall
u tiler trial and Moo muchated end mud it with *-
Ire enema 1 will sat. as • favor, , bat yon .end We •
40 by which 1 cad dleriner frond to the Bottmetien, told
by rimy, 1 fear, without authority from yon: A pure MO:
en. will maim suramt and I believe when geed eglocit_do •
lemt. follow, tho Kellum le cowed by the 'lnure anti?;, w ith
curie. the Ininoter of Ito
tem it my dittY, to
akisttoroes, to RSV)... opptied of the 001411wal effect on
ny bait, se I saws WI 1•00 Inquire of ma of my nosh.=
opt on of liealutiole veulia. I renal., dime air, pions
Alien's link Hy., Efor.Bo, !Sq.
i Porn. O. J. Wotan Deer r— would rertai2lr Le Ming
1 0 0 • Brent 'Wristlet mot tO rock, • ,...m . to the world, The
WOoderhil is well be t.nnieipiaved molt I ...T.*
ini.eal from ~log Otes bottle Of your Hair Iltatomtive. Alter
siqg every kind it Renoreew mtant, but without ono.
7 =i n ele n e ""S tfrtra M ho ',1,. „T d ,"ueurPw " h'a". "
4.4 , t 0.417.
!F. man Joe and Join. corupel Die to .Doquos to wt.
!ire! , . rim thilei "hal pol peewee a new anti boanthul
Igrolith of hair,Which I prqllonone rhino. and Muidionter
'Mm the oddest Sc.. 1 wall therefore tate romeion Ito
1 recommend this Imaluable remedy to . L 1 who may feel the
cosmetic. flespectl"y yours. lii. S. duns nom:
P.; B. Ttde taatlutoolai of my apPrig4lllllU lot your vale.
• t.mellicioe (ea yew are •mirani of) le uneolkliedi bee If
. ttiint, ft worthy•• Owe among thane, 'melt if Yoe
!Oat —if not, &Moe. medial, nothing.
__, Youreakt, • Raw iL A.B.
we s t hop
put op la bottles of thrry etc" win
'large, DiGillll4l 14*,4.0.mair Wall DWI •OM •••
retails La cow dollar per bottlin the coeditor hold. at Nest
tirenty per cent. more In proportion than the amyl, retails
for two &Ilan per bottle; the hum !wide n quart, el per
abS more In proportio, and retails or Vic bottle. - '
MO4. WOOD a 00, Propnetore,l4ll Broadway. NewTarh.
Mid ill Market Motet, St. Imik lin md•Old 1 9 . • 1 / N OO . l
I ' N- -u--i-a . 4Fatcy Roo -
s Dea-
er. •••-- •-•—•suatydtb iei
I. ,in To,. DIZLIIII:1111D e :-... •
i •
' T 23F a Sir .&B SV 0 ZNY EL
dree tetgetke4tbeasebLyeet . lieled, ) , r
a, • , e Pitakatilta: 5 -r - , ' ..' :' ' ...
A l / 4 4 0 TAF4,4) . 4 Awl 444_ J0 i ,..,..4.1a a s
~ a pent &ph - . 1140: , 111th diem =mem
Inproremente, th e popnlarrowni. theentectib
W, i•Drerwrii • to a Demmodete Mt *Mode amount pia.
trivially, with drib.t the matkat'allbril, ' • •
11YBTIR8 will be amend opta..many variety of style
defies the NOM. ! , t; , !-. ”. --- ..':,
r•IQUORB ..4 A. a he ibelehMilldeat liteMomilmnding
to:the public Ibr their eithatnit• , , , ift,-,. , •
11111.14144110WP4 ig" "gr w i , aDfidldiel. % Wpgl...4mn STONfi
'll,lfigupOET 2 lfrigf MENG CC!.
. -•
of Deposit aid Diseount,
'pf IrtIST i'l4llp,f tjA INEC
- ?&I 'MID GUalill?.?Ventl JPICII94O 0 11:1 1 1POIGT.
Tilt UN DERSIGINErISiOakhtiIdere are in.
LOU.IIy nal:46ole Lb d1. 0 .40F. 11. eb
the eleerbul
i of their private mean: • -- -.-
Ji.Mee Afirehell, , . _ 8 .. 8,400,,,. _
1 genteel George, D.:"4l:llterert,
Jobn brDelelt, I, R. TOllletleigoe; ~
. . !fey We l k am , . Willie& Weaker, • .
'Meta , tons,
Jarrell tem. . •
Robert 8.11,
William Card . Jacob Painter,
Job, Soot
e,;...1.: • 'Theuellielin4ll • .
, Tberumedallon,_ D.A. Galway, . .
'ranee% Am*,, • I
, I 311111 3.3141,1411.4t.1 ~ Pireidept,
It A. atoms: 0 11 able- . , •,, I &tattler?
. .
. • _
1- • Cam% Minds, July 49111,18.43,
M . Join Velum& & Om
, Tour l lOpentlne,“, or rPenlan Fever Ohm - Lei,"
b., 4 tkiereellie. .1.., wan wholly de s pondent anitivretched .
• bee I applied Italia la pre boars the dills rem nitnilm4,
sod fever be ensUrd. A. le Gm eh:leiter mare Itnegleable
and eirredeo of nature re art. - 1 would bet be eathout thle
llnpeetlner • Mingle boor. De foneteetle reining tkf
seen obe Tagus pronf.rj ' Teem, yore trulk. • •
- %, ..—... *n.
• Osarttot • • r omta , 'Ateeana,kuly23d, I lilt
_', I ' I beve been witched boa Megrim by the ap%
lbeMion of your.rouderbil o lupeetlne r aerilefeferi Array
'marM_.". ice eermalyeenmewed grimy 0411.0 t.
1 . 0, P." .4 MCI.: /WA Spring my life sea , threateell,
but rem
n medy h./ deetropeiltbeabreae. and 1 ant vap,
, idly ruig eu mpebte met mrengtel,
i 1 Deetrathall.7&!un. D. N. 84et11,1eff. '
.rt . 4itroly a O r udetiol e41.77fi $,
oe and CUT* far :'Leoe' mkt .
om u it:lo t repo Mad ts
la. 'AI., fo .Flverff., rill be r
maw a eteit by
ball mall; War payd,
ou 1p of '
Druggistsand COMM? BLOM respeetable!. '. ' ' . -
Pried* Depot analleinbOlary, lel Idßis street A
temel4im. Drench 'Mem,' Ling of Plotonateree Boggle l & a.
feblielly? • • -.',' •
301118 lel LOU a CO.
bble. Willie;
NO. •
iluAcwitem 11L , .1211
• !WAD Mtn& r 44"
keg; slick anl W" " d - 16
1.4 I . JOUN•fLOVU:i
Ntiara •
lac P1A...4 leo br.bastia. idoLiEsavhiow
to arstr4 tbia "ebb by mosiint belletco.—sb of 'Mob yrll/
bniolOst • 'icy greo ditcybo..b . JK -
nol6 I , cools * co. • ,
DRODUCis-400 b*rotatoes,
emn&Appla, ,
• BRUM-0 bids Mats Sow%
a1.77114.-.10 b.4s ltiestUlsd Cider - . •
' I,II T -4 4 4114111E8-100:b44 47 , 41 , 14
' • DAY APPLI44I--204 toss cbokso Ircalt Isats,
. rare:- ao mum, •-• '‘ ‘!
P 1 14011E41-111 but 17ssencly UR sass 7t•. - 1
141 lawny st.
1111 bULM-21abluti Small Whit. Beinik
bblallfatitualabcin alga
:7400 aad PAWL" row;
• i l db i d pama. ads by -I,
AP' WAIN z fbrimilt
p, fr. • . & raw
:I.:1114411k 74;11,1114111$2111,11101k,
. . : ,
; .
c ' ::..1 77 -7 7 "—'"---
T,l "' *.
1D F 00N '
_ _,,,
Theattehlke of Zumill4'Plil 't.Ther6 Wm Arie, mei the Politic P•staily, Isrupantrolly lambed
to dm merits orohla i lemma Provtarl.l"l./4h4,1=.
lin Optima and Plattaphea us, mad w h ich l•
In ha rompoeiclon mita (tea Bowan O:dnifr.., or rut Mei.
In all daemon accompurted,with i
. D g 1 , 41,311„ r , -_ t
i.e. rapostai,derersithatillid. ad, NSW
the blear thaw • d noir 01,0..04 &no. Au*
complemion uct • rocy at af flul Aro, Is always isdketlue
of health: while . pelf, rremllhe sato tonattuatomie,
. 0.4 8
which iroloote • defiele7 it Me led
aka • dammed uvula Dwienum "11bg*,.....11.4.‘
Myra Air the parson aapplylag, the redglohallwawm,..__lly
contend that Irma Mu% aulptusealoosorAtrowfly
phallus cloy; wilt wit rite! thortelldUry In eroiT rout
bat Um. a • Judicious ninthietition of rallthema throats le
Vautism, to rector. the Moo* tofu noretel student. Das
0447 L '.l . , r,:t.,ihr l '7+ '01.t101: the:!b athe sod tosperautt cf the syge. /ro . arbecb to .
...J..... a...gob-4 Ib,i, ..-irre.o,..!lbi
cexam. allay the prosciutto* stela ow femme, Cho
.1 "" zu rotai ottlre. entleli the blood by rreleabeg
I. red globuleat, torarau tho apfaUtat. num tfoo
Dr,and cloths the saeletcm, Mai, The Wimp
...s...r ito grem a i d cb. t wll z:nydA l T ie be ivesia.t r f r o thop s wi. : L o p e ci ikri lo a.: 2 :7 • lo.o: lt osgo.p. t i...u.g.4. o 4.o... alls .„o l;l :4, :i
I Panel, yroa, larafebt, Orwirc - D. Plan. Demme Dee mot
, Afar, to i Drape s. /aroll lostaniurons. In ma
clued of dawn. howsror, 54 thellatielletal Weds of this
remy ao commknotts ab le illomitunsubT
FINAL Iti r,9lll,PlatINtS
to.bkti the Mtkir Mb oo JIM. I Itykoct whit:band hroraras
Consumption. trochee& ed pr Afitadtt lfautraratios,
preen afelounc UMW. de .Aispodally Wham thaw cone
adopts are scoompanied With paletream • dingy hos or pal.
brat the akin, deprrodon of *Ora% &tenth pitlpitenort,
moot ot appal* sad strirroall proatratioa., Weber, the
bta.4 roundeure to terotaairoarg the 811. ad
bail who may be oroschlas ors tom of vitality or at .. =
sad to Chem whom motel or today puma ire p
throub seer sits, either of the MIMI or te.tabilrott rt.' drew
It our duty to soy ibsl to all CUM Or Weal nen and Emu*
Wink awl kill diaeasee of the 86foryr a! B udd
preparailon haa a claim, apedthe atterroon ot sufferote Dar
',hag Curial be overeathostal. ' A faithful trial will be
found the moat convincing brad Miami to Its canary
that could be salmi ion faith gp . eboro retearim and WM
11. numerous trubsorniale welters In Its Innate oSer U.
BLOOD 'V a 0 D
to the conallerotioa of Chs afflicted, hovering thst it wlll be
orlooeledaeo as powentioeu retro all other preparatitn*
patina or (arrow, In pot aof narolimes. C mull» airing
the Theory opon which role retried' as Ironer, alai aril&
cala or remarkable rue{ watt* tut tote what &UN.
PiWe forward the Woad Poor) WU/ Parlor Do United
States or Gumbo, upon natal or prim. sllpar bolt* Se
six bottle.. Pe careful la all gate. to la M a nny , but that
baring our feeella ha elyobbare urea the pper None
other 111 gem/a. Prepared obi., by ~
1 ,
cupacn is DIIHD T,
No. Dog rbeda.Y. N.. Tad.
and mild by them and by all resprobade ptogiil.t.,
for wk by DA. (CM). 11. IC ITAIOII 'l4O Wird at., Pitts
bomb. Pa. LIVIA.'
S .)
IRLIR Aran TETE PEET : T. 13 gA .
', .
YttPuntictelgned having thief t ~r ofeallor 17E1 PIIRF.YR
66 E01110 iiomiralrenua mir 5 tm1 1 4 1,1 . . 4 r wall.
.1,1, the mod satisfactory retulla,l and having full conth
donce In their rentdnenem, purity, ,
and efflcacy, cheerfully
rromend them to all puma. 166 atlth In htt Ite safe,.
lat. le,
anti etcatlotts remedie. all band lor print? Cr do
ao nu
The Rev. Win. Roemer, odder of ll‘ Bite Nort.torn Inds
Rent, Auburn R. 11%; the Ref. Et 11, Orentey, D.D
kector of St. Yeter • Church, /inborn. NA.; th Rer. B.
fps, Cuerialn of the Auburn State . Ptimn; the. It.
I btiotcor It. Wee, Rector, Neilt.Bedford,t Man ; the ite
Ml*" Pb,'!,, lime York Conference ; the Re . Sam ,
Nlohols, Eut-Gentmes Cm:derma; N. Et; the ev. P.
Pratt, Dome., In-; the Rev. 'On EL Roble, Radii*: A.
Ilea, Evf , Cake, N. Y ; the' Hoe. Neal Dowd for th,
31e.; the lion Schuyler delfaal Booth-tipml, Ital. the II
Goorge Iforophrept, NT ; tionry D. C on k, Ettilktito
The to-do State deo-mat, Colulobne; CVO; the ort R
manse,Voting M Om .; o Hart 71Mota. J. Ch , Rio
sotto, II..; the Eton. Joseph ihmedlct, Mica, N. Y.;i
Itrtal,a, Psi , Men, N Y. A. 8. Pond, RN., CU a, I N.
te.,-s Plunkett, Ear., NaattrUle; Tenb. I '
-f. i - roe Fever, Coogeettoil, and Inglammati n.
No 2.—gor..Wona feted. ..germ Obbit *eta. B. B
No. II —roe Oahe, Orylog r .Tepthing, and Wakerfulneu
C• No 4 —Tor Diarrhea, Choletia Irdauhltm and &um
omplaint. I I '
No. s.—Tor Colic, Griping; Dysentery, Floor, Etna
. No. 6.—Tor Cholera, Cholera Iliortim, Iforokangl
1 Nl'' 7,—Poe B° " I 'l B°l44 lYlNhaka. acid Throat so. 6 —For Totti,h.pcbe, decollohet:ded Ned..lo,
I No. 13L—?...r etv.sair, Venia l , mie 14,4 val... a Osuo.
IN.. 10.—DriVirell Patta.—Eor West', and Ifersav
4 0 ...b.04mattpaslon, and Liver Oomplaltd.
INo, 11. -Pna lank. Istawnpurnts. betray, Pilsen!, •
8u rimed Pagoda.
1„ fict. - I
1,,,, IT —For Let at
ocorrhes, Protuse ,e rOl . and Ruck
urn of remake. t lf
.6fo. 1 8 .—deorproqp, Rome image nad amtatfig.
Pilib. 4,414tS RAM, 11u-toe ikytiklelas, Voltam
mples on the 14.44 .1 } • I
f No. 111 .—Rasorama Plate—Tor Pam, Latetene..,,
Mat to the Crest, Rack, Loin; or.Lhalse.
Itk—For Fever and ~,kgee, mu) 1e e, 14,,,,
Nitonanagol knee , . I '
is.—Toe San, Mine .s- Ridding, Over
o,—Tor Sore, Weal" re. MUMPS XI I
ink. Weak, , Blurred Mpg.
i. -for cotarre, ot ' z
, :,
ou ttut tiott ... troth.
V. c —ror trhoolon. t,. , 1
s4rtorting lis Cintrll,-
, i '
ti on acute doeum, melt 11l VCYOII. ILA..
Unroll,., tkruaterY. ermtP. RI, • nod kph C.
nases ea fimplet Vetter, itliulnd erolf Fryelpdato,
adltentgo. of giving the Pester rmuefieel•rlool'l Is
0 , 1 - 4,....4 1., all end, cues the .pecitar. Art. 51.1 11l ‘ Let
The entire altoitse Is often , arrested a' once, krd in II au
the riohno-ot of the attath IA arreste d
tho tiookfk ilia.
eon', end remit:real tom dasturotte I I
coughs and Cold., elders error kuch frequent ocednk•nv
att , il s Lich to often lay the, foundation of Ilseued Nom
br ughitts and causcutoptlon, mayAJI be at once mired by
the, fever and Cough Mt / !
In ell chroic alumina such Its totropda,leak Sti.mach,
Codstipation,n F emal e
Liver Coomisdnts. Flea, Female V Dehill y, and
Erregulerlde., old Yleadachen, &t nor Week Ryes, Cktarrh,
dolt Rheum, and other old eruption., the mule-has .Pecil/c.
Idol.. proper application win &ford a care In almost alert
Ingo-owe. Often the cure of a tinght• chronic didiculty, snob
es Dyepepsin, Piles or Catarrh, Ilegdache or Female Weak:
nee% ha. more than paid for the cue tere them over I
I• , I
lt .
Cole of 20 slat. complete. to-morocco, and Reck—
Cate of 51 vial; and Bock, Playa.. .J. ..1..... ..... ~..
Cagier 15 numbered bow, and 80n k......: ' t, ... 4. '
Case of 6 hoxaumbered, and Root.. ... •,.., ..... / ....
Single numbered ee, boa.,, with directlees . - 26 UAL.
Single lettered boxes, with directionk...., ...I. . ...Atlanta
Large can of 2 tn. stale, for *Mere and—sta
tro a t . erraa oa Premera—OvamisedDifOult,
Itnea g, attended with Cough and Rapectorldion. Price
60 cuts per box. / I • , I
lot KA. Dalai...muse Duraue.—Dklehouges hies Iht
Bar, ;Me result of Roulet Fever, Ildualle, ne klermirlah.
for Nettles In the need, Etardnetie of iltating,:and Miring
In sh. Item, and litaPstele. Price, 60 cents per bak.4
Yob likmoreka .—Enlartred Ohinds, lentarged and 1 nrat
al TtMalls, Swellings and Old illeerc_Scrohalone Cache y of
Children. Price, 10 <enterer box. I
Fop fl omaleDnturv.—Pluateal Cr Nkrvone Weakhees.
tither Mermen of Meknes., Ereatelve Medic:lli, or Kr.
han.ting Disettamon. Yee; 00 cillf4 pe , k.x. , on Li
Vox btortz.—Flukl acemulationi t Tumid 110elthom lb
soolly Seeretiona. Vice, IA cent. per hom • ' I
Pea SatoSmakiatek—Deathly /Eckman, Yen!" Nodeen t ,
YouNti ttel g, eitlu from riding or motion. Price, so "WI
Pe lidI•
PUIIICAINA. DIS2lBll{l. %.Ar Orlrfe, Rebid Catcall , EARL
cult, Palatal Urination, DisTes. l. ea of the,Eßlneyn, Price, 56
cents tan e box.
Pm; Elmetasa EXlMucus.—taTohlulary Theabarges d
Consenoent prostration sad Debility. Rai Illcit. of Rell
Ilahlho The meet meet - mad and *facing remedy kbaW.,
1.11,11:141, be relied upon as a care. Prick with fall dtrep
Goma V per box,
~.. _ .1
Prr.coe who wish to place thentee!tee : , lider Jae promo
donative, or to Peek advice of Pr El roma, can dO
to, et him offl legt Broildway, daily from 8 0. 18. to 8 1.61.
or tkr 7 . , ~.,
•, . 316 RELEDIES 'BY 11,11 L. I i
. / . 1
.., r
Ltmlo o er ti e ILI; make op a tale WI *LSE kind you
ehooe4 stet Int tse the unmet let a current nine or etszepi
by mill to our :to-Nem, at No. 60 Broadleaf, Reealinek,
and the ntedlotne still be duly returned It/ !Milt oif "Pi%
free Oft : chug, I • , ,
rot. ,
WA an satmkema mtigini
GE N TS of our Retonflet In every town or etnnatunky
In 'the linited titel. Address Dr , T. RIVIIREYBA Clo.
• NO. RIO Imo. AT. /I{ll/-TOIL,
.1 . Ail 7144 . 05T 0 Wirth street, (Dintabiliondfaigjesixod
dear iota the Put Wee, Wholuale Ave**. PlUdielret
`psia.a .i.thfir .60, L N. ITLTON A 00, BIR I /1111161, ..i.
sutii.4 3. 3. AARY. Al idtb.o4 qty , '. • 1
411.1 1--- l ' )' A' g l4 r 4 I s- W ,- s • _ ) 1 041141.1e. .
_,. i . ! ~ :•11 - .
in 'ingurnfint tames te the • publle kir tbeirpstraoate.
alluded so Hewett, extmodaf. l ereed4 . callabetf attattfou
to ref aay larva aloe! of TREKS far tab roil.: ,-; , I :
my orork or aorgo„poor,oroorura orio=lPeara end
Chem far exerala anythlnt; Lave am . , 611 of tee
aura impound vedette% a roved OY Palau. ,h.11411..6.1,:41,._,/
luiderla of *Le ` badnar, and rm.! cafe ...Rae `°.•',l
oral kind true to mama • " ' ", • ' 6
its, 4 00.1 ., ...,..,.. he.. ilsomo-lekboo or. vb
. _lbreuyear ; from 6 4,0 faai ,To was mu went
magas b p i frau 6 to 8 fad, by lbe 100 en ICO6, lan
plus nom t Itatra,tervellaplri fee etnale. SW
NAMN Extra lap America; etal L ll6l _, ll . l 2 . 1.1 %t•
1%,825, A% - The-raster; plow .FA . 7 - 1 -. .7
—", 0 .. .
lovas sett trio= applkstioa. -_ 1 •• , ,l"
addrata Pluabargh and 04.11,164. NO - Vithiburglie
_Pit,, " i (aelle3arettf) flail fl 6 . avis.l
UNDRIE S- - 14 0 1404tCht
AJ 2 bbbs Prime Roll Ration IS bai 1 , r124 . W. 11: Mei%
100 do! Broom; • 21 dab Had label *Ow*
• 100 btObla N Wham; 200 bble Mane No. liappinq
]OO l:47l44leedi I t ra t
.t=jr .
310 Litt Mee Vlboor—rsed tor asU by r.;
'lid • •
~/flebrit VAN GOBbilt, iMt Siena*
11' 131400 1 ------- 7 ------- --------------04kakee, bble.ftutilkithiee; 1%.
3 l•re Usekerol; BO a do:ddrhi. silbal.r.s.; :
76 pito, bbls sod balms. Ns. 11 1hdbue,31•6306% . 1, •
- 60
do ; 161dts ibelt aid 116636,T ,
... i ,
60 bbls ebokr Bay of laud 13seslidde ,' " -, '" 1
10 do; No. 1 Ilabrar dalmoss, MONO sels.ls4 06d11636,
Noir .16. by, . nol6 LANINST II SIIRTON. $-
12 / LIUICy UryFliakandUrAan6gl ted
•-••,%.• Fos bend scull ke atm% : ' '' ' 1
3 0 1 :111 1 ry 1 / 1 1“ to &nor and liar by
I, B. oterrnuaii ao.
QUND/11813-50 kegs_ pitae 4l .S IAT 4 4 ,
.B 0 MIR —6 bbimailli M015 , 11.i.•
A PPLlfik-40 bbla Gross!, ciukermana-4, Itibbt
111114.N8430 Kap ned for Ada_ i •
:.7_obboos, mad arcaorsj 2111,tibeat6 AL:
1)1FOIRM.11.10VICR8, of India j Rubber ,
AA Oil Cloth, the test quality, for NW ill Clia 70ui.1
patquallayou,/li.Chatrot. date J.AII. PHILLIPL. ;
YZ bbre. Fresh fOt byl
wa r r• Imam=
AXsanl q i
OTTxR,. : -1 0 -
bbLicwo; asts.reed.for.
innemsagiu t
}ye_ _
,La r.Aweo.r.
, 1 1 . _to
ealb IVl4lbl
• } ll
X.: 1
i 44,
• ,•••••i!*. •
• .h:••,••.444f •
r 1... , a
*4 k TO y
vilN *ne4o
Th, lei'
ndua,pd* 'tabasar dui* arnainaa as
111414 Mom(
• :
11:8 -.llmoiss • .
ina. ,, taairaa a = 4
14014 doiliikowictbie 4111811""''
:'nomman hiba_.,••••l7.4o*
11.14.- ?new ml4OllOOl uramo k
15^.40-11O.ts Clattasigi#lloll. , f, .
Z:trOs 491•,,P5,41i1.1,0*411.11*,,,,
Trim dump Ile 'IWO) vigheaiiiiikkeia &IV ".
, 11141111taD MU% - •
Lin Waco. 11.10 4,16101LN° imaitftWilr
sad 46 LIIILL. , Inks Iltrf 1 ,0 0 16 4 ; . -.111 „5RA...W.1640
Oftreitai WU' floternitait
hind, Saab eaditleillisioadieriwtsivr
iaamas nava a. •Mt •ir dein WM,
bds/ • Nua Ko , lo/... 111 411.101#11.61.A1ie11bev•
H ell ,ihwelitheosi au as a, sal son • •
/4". to ,Jl j. AMIN Alkillway. II•
• • .4....0nna...r. • : 1' A'
Liam idlogb.o7. gaol; ilia IMO It. N.
Antra outcome.", Lto PANO • •-
/AlU , tear•
Arrive 44411011,_ '79* r., 4."
A LLr ROIL saannrinTnt
-4.41. lad -.ram waniantayas aMe lid na.
Liljny 40- 1711. lad aurae fa anima sinaon„-
saaptammaaa.kapagrommuastaat.' •
Taus; va scillktAbir• os arsew
throagi Traiitn, mo
a comma.p.lll, .
ASAMl3,ol,2 A. ll% , t ir . e.AtAlellloo4:4ftlabge t
OrnASlll4olll e,loadfratellghtubfiethii : :.:
aanai; ia; *Wm* namaanaillir
At c i tZrat.• - •
forrit '
Clll4llr -:
At Ulu Clb 4 onstiois, eta.
At. it. norm ba laAptlP. 1 11./mili4 solleget,!
litedtate pair ha
tres=r; all pinto
•Wilma ar
SOealikago it
lotiity IRA pakkela' 1311 mab .,-. "
•„ ,
16 T fargw!rcakba'tlittat".''''
- - ; .
mma s la Wit eThirea , •
mon lin • ,
(bowl tb• W. of eiir radii kt. •
~. ,
elsvolisaidi atas4 irlia4 l lPalliaill ataaramiu ~
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