The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, February 02, 1861, Image 2

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I ID Dtrik'lMV
1i411011.1i ASIV-.PXlol4lartiic
XiWi a t ii L d t X SZLnf&.ib"
toklAth mgi ,
lib „
rritag 4line saves If sans" ortsd par
Emig shims; or, 61. per
11 1 a p 1506 .4 1 4M vatilattai samnr. Ave cr
verb. Illf Ivor same, tandobly la
irat-Alclittratio AT 111111971111.1
• j'l='lMltritGlPX
. ipi riator inutioAiorusur,i
. .
Weketenashaltomalto-rwaosseinto to opposes
-... - :- ,11 4,140iii,",,,i45,t 41i we micas 1 Shall it b.
.1,,..' ' that inaditilt that property in stern Wiest
ivieT•tiltit . -4, mae * yrdperty;—that a holds a
. 1 44 .: . - :10 - Kitlitiliattra that he holds Ills:born ?
. i Waatsta*Sentieditiliat, for it le sot true.
Shill we;promise. that we shall hereafter be
' ,minalialifiel io our Constituting! °Mistime
ass ire lave been!, This we "cannot do ; for
It moteld .. lle au admiseloi that heretofore we have
beeillidatl*Wiloh would not be tria.:'
Skill we Sewed* that, touter the Coilititutiou
of „NM United States a ilave•heidie.has the right
to.l Lam h is Blame late , the *3ollaoo territory of
the Wks ? ',lids we emot do ; tii in believe
thikthat4itlitnioi line him no snob right.
Thlellillihr 'el/tinted solely ails the assumption
c. :44 4 . 'et kelrlwii, aro Nile other, property, which we
""deal . ; aad'ire 'pint both to ootemou law sad
"'1 to Al aniforie airstrips, of Auterionis statesman:
_ shiPtkilli.'io Inentaeas of our position.' The
' noetraridentioe„ if It proves asything, proves
too nitwit ; for to
_constitution, so law, and no
f -- jadle(al 444 . 4401, iould forbid a althea of Vir
glalefrilit itibigiel his horse into Peunsylnala,
wl Nuattaitlemil lallietlon table personal riehle;
7s ere. do forbid its bringing his negro slave
Lail 'Sur Butte . . If, then; the master may carry
Ida slime late Nebraska by the force of the Con•
stitalleti, - 111'eati ashy him tato Pertasylviutle,.
aiol,*atour.,laws denying lite right of property
la mac are *all sad void.,. Cam we ode that?
Leine, dilidati how we unsettle great pried-
Plellil Mr satiety to keep the puce tied save
theWthim. V ' '
Shell are agree that the Constitution shall be
is ameadailie id recognize is express terms the
right at see Mato divest another men of every
eolleeirebiti right aid reduce him to the cate
gory eta beast, a Wog to be bought and sold?
Tie Po melitilleai as it stands, does not do that,
bur iterefully guards the raesoasirrr of the
elate; aadiolle apes the statutes of the Stales
i the susselbility of making him 'anything else
.thaii.o person, Ewen the little ileum - which
Preiltee..Ar Altit readlUeo et
_fugitives from
eerlitat -*aide as a perpetual rebuke'to thole
',hi einek human *legs dove to , the reek of
'.. gesdiend Obattele. W. newt stilt do that. Bo far
we_ 044..iii*m n ial to keep the serpent out of
War metes": sestetorum. Shell we now, to IP
peeenhis keepers, *pea the door to let him to ?
Not atiottili,
~. ..
Sfillries Sion - node oanielf of our commas
territory to shivery ? , This we may not do lath
ed ` arimiaalityr bieltUll WO bellevell, to be a
COM; pad . * have ao right Wallow , a curse to
spread,' It we east'prevent IL - -
- I Sink WO premise that we' ill sot talk about
eitoodf)ildedisa Sad where sad how we please?
As 'a t = itiihit'are promise . Mal we shall not let
lb litaa' blow' where It lieleth. Wei cannot
I YeeMlle that, fir it. is a thing over which no
/ Mum' hes say- ooitrol, or with which pur law
~ ,Jmake4 have se eight to meddle. We wish the
'... :taigal, the Pen, and'the prim to be es free as
the air kin* North sad Booth. LI tie language
of a nasty Koattieklan le the Legislature of
.-. Sellattitate, ..11' slavery en'. heir discussion, let
it g o down."
111144, Ariple - oltoll we emends 2- seems
that we mast coaesdesoosething, or bid good
. itye to the 1:11NOn. Wneau nt BY , . •
• %5., 7
- usiouscip to our oreureii on the, ether aide
.; •
of 1/Ininift.Dizin'i Gee, bcdfiparthe eluding
want nafs* anght to Stand: lint If, whits
_ szteadlieri the Land we sloop or crouch in the
. lettet,e4ig i will have their feet upon our nuke,
•%' , Instead of• oar kiwis clasped in a fraternal
presisir7e. - Biwur of yielding up the great
- • prisuiplos upon whichour own liberties are
• founded. •
Bevels 'of crouching in humble euppllca
ilea before angry and unreasonable men. Be
wan of removing l b . old land marks at stub a
-;•1 time sie this. Bayern of making stronger and
rµ bilaviar the yoke of bondage ; for remember the
deolunlen of Elm whose word can never pan
• jAIWIth whatme te lt shall be
wadt,- 4 , men= ye
- - • -"
• The Irani wen awaken.
• The, following ansible solution of the difficul
„- 'shin which new dlaturb the peace and quiet
7 : • et the whole' etuuttry,, we dad in the Wasliville,
• • (Ts'aionse' Deserted. The poslUos taken by
42 Mk pall lobe e d itor ands la noble contrast
withe3kat , d4he conductors of the so-called
Itemedratie -Jeanne of the North, who are
Ana* all in thilr Vein' to Milano the minds of
• •-•,„ •
tea Bonito's people, by misrepresenting Ike
easithints that provall 'ln their ova section.
Democrat tells the truth to Its readers with
• noliiralliiing the seetional excitement which
\ has AiSell --- creited by Ike vilest class of dame
''-gegmaq far :114-Inteet of party purposes, and
It le:_tteoply• In be- regretted that there are net
mom teicw,lths him In both notion of the
, -
ommdry. is .rlght in inaintainhag that all
hubbtab,lia• beisi Lcought about, not be.
amen , fo . any esprtnlmin on this part of the
Roeti, l brst names • piny which has asleep.-
ruse Ase patronage of the gownsman for many
pot nes compelled to give tip Ile hold.;
the public treafittry::-. yfe quote from the
, ,"!-Dfranitrt? • •
•Tor sun yearspeople have tired in pane' ,re AO • Litortg had toe totem to mug 0/ do Stator for tows, 11/6ro hi:
:1 , 74 % -t-' - alopootago 5/ do Arvin,. Maws Law all ow. nose
• im - ithisecraditi Tawsoontkawo tiow awn vas a liter.
ey Iwo de ariotraes, ell yeti remit*.
• "5111/1 the people'of Teneemos prospered and were
happy, Cedar ttwdearml ladiasom al a trio Govan
.? TING , bare sent felt any Inotarealenes
free Ma falatattaa of those laws. Bata pneldential
- . shoo" tam and the --man who hare bon so
a la i " I
bafn s 111
t i lls i s 4- . 191
. thi tto al " ..V . llsooL tmariSh AT tbst
- • rile,
tiba wm,"Ltbartm sum Liberty stwi Thicoaatry I.
, ,Wei ; break. It to, destroy IV- Why-ball this
• tube ans? Jut Imam the video heldire do ed
, laps *Opp op heir Idiom—to work they are too
• %, pun's* beg they aro adman.
- "TM honor which sense Mar so math complaint
• ban existed for a anise orison; thessuslos-holders
were wed well satisfied to live under them as bean
they eindken la ohm. Bat mo loon aa they ars
aboatita la dlmplamod, and brood to work for an bon-'
Unix, then, !
raised, dutroy the country, d , .
annoy the 0082 V , 7
MDT Mb luster -Why shall everything% doe*
, , , and lbe ocenrydestreyeit, before the 4th of March?
. 14 lit so loop Usage flea betas inagersitist, foam
ruse s.kelden may stillbold chola Fromm '
4 . •of Tagll4l.lo ism rda 'lady to re the Wet Govern
, . man •Mbelcaren destroyod to tamp mai In °Moo ?
widatiataf the most valve to you—thisgreat and
' =gevanimen, or the offlor.oookna wad o,ft'oo-
It girl tp country. please it
late Noll war just toren* yes meld not eleoe the
aloof soar animas the - Prosiihnoy?
• "Talusylem;whielt le bet another name for boson
aphid he comanteuat of the exterzy, Is makbg a
bard nig& is break sup and destroy thieved gov
, erneset, - sad phase ear posomtal and waist
• pawls fate `'
"Moody war.. An indignant people,
knew how, when the time anus, to boat
ennt e.. It they plunge the country Into civil
. •• • war, the ' posy , ., who km to- do the lighting. will
• , know the van, and wicked muss, and will be pm;
loud toj pude Ibmat am task arta* wait& The
• Tanwatrao. are sot to la draimmmmt Into
bl oo dy wlmmogratify a few witched, blood4Mrsty.
neeppektedrollatiaseitera.• We want the peso.
-• • • pie net to
,he inditeaud% into precipitate anon by
their Gentry's pens."
vounnouni t Woos of elm 6iibia ecolfoodos
Writes thu tafbo *obi% Adoortfoor
wWit hive killed am of Undo Eism'a meddle .%
`author idaliabk iny. One of dams Ilia found at
.Ifart alwatunepi when the Mama unapt took pos.
uwalaa- ,Thtilatlet pude a Prisoner, fait allowed
to eta goiss - ba - prefinsd. Be those to day,
sad we. beeadtany hobbled by the volunteer,
- tiittbsd-whlsky.- 11. treat la **mg
`Jae whllltvawd fhb monies he mu; toned deed
the adjauest weedy.", .
Tam NairTatic 4"23ioran ImmoMa dm "lava
0f'41 , 061.:' newie ii rib clbrie
dud% 0 11 otoilaTand )4 1 104 cut 414 11
MANI genii:ado."
, .
'AO {l,
trianaryag em,
4 1 : 1 4111 / 1006 Wr kiMka
lainoiretiejairty vita lett'
*Maeat ls'iferr °V 14 OrPeOfirlo
soutik CarcAta;4-sad .
Tide ig • Very dulgoation, sad One
tibia be ivy ' ', apt to atiok: The resolutions
if the Denoceitiettlate Committee, which set
Hurisharg List week, show nit the mana
gers of the pert in this Sine are detained it)
deserve the 11110111 Our Nominate ende
mics organization, in those. sesointioas, are
Cut in regard to conduot'or the geoesebni,
Ina, but violent in their abuse of the North.
They have ho if spunaiations for the repeated
nulls which
,havg bun given to thee. Matsui.
fiat lithe illonti— r so condemnation of the'reb
buy of puha° property by armed tralionjino
epology for indloilog on the oolong an
i congistiag of! suet imagining u
Cobb, Floyd, Thomson sad Thou's. Oa the
using they warmly sympathise with these
simmiuble treitote Blau they - cannot tale
the ealultrle they taw resolved to rola C. .Bat
thaptiopltot the toHk will keep thugs veina
-1 imam' harmless, although they may rut and
Mailer for a time!
Nsw Yesz Disixstarto Brars cisvarnoi,—
Pas Convention at hungry sisd desperate. islt
thisisisei at it.tbisy on Thursday. The Herald,
"Sidi from i 4 iolitlost sseoeisNoo, ought
to know all about Ms men supra Is It, thus
easpliwints the C lion: •
"A gathering of . dirty, cannot and Intrigulog
politicians, under the style and title of a Democratic
Suite Convention, Meets at Albany to-day. The Oa.
Watt I • object of this numbing* of soots of the odds
and coded the broken up and dispersed demossoy
Is the salvation of the Union; but their real objeckkle
the volts of the State and city. The Tammany
Hall cliquihave a Speciel object of their own--4he
ezedusioa of the Hokin Hall clique from the Con
vention; and upon this point Tammany will have DO
compromise. A preolone lot of patriots these to
pa' up &compromise for the Union. .Timee Broths,
of the 14ress, presume, will be the moderator of
the concern. We wish the forlorn densocraoy vary
much Joy from this State Convention of the sordid
party buckram and trialtaters, Mid Omit' and - rognes
and old fossil., thM have destroyed . the party end
hopes of the country.
Wi commend the foregoing remode to our
neighbor of the Pe'sl, and other deasooratio pa
pen of the North,laa an example-of candor and
honesty eminently worthy of imitation. ,
Latest from the Seat of War
Watnunevort, Jan. 30, 186 i.
Private id vita trim tin Rooth, received tn . -mien,
indicate that there will be a fight is lea. than thir
ty boom.
The President declared to i member of Coegress
yesterday that he hid no doubt that Fort Swifter
wield be attacked la lon than a week, when a
fight would ensue and the war would euninence.
The CongressmaCiaqeired why he did not ride
force Muer Midwest, The President
that there were not vessels enough in the Amer
ices navy to reach Fort Sumter. In the first place,
they would have to enter is the day time, lad
wove slowly in order to Neu the old reseals that
have been wok in the channel as barrier. subset
any attempt of goieressest vessels to ester the
harbor. This 644 it is swirled, would anise
their aura deatructie• by the outer lighthouse bat.
twins on Morris Woad, and before encosetarier,
the fire of the Metric light beacon- bantams, hid
Point Commies batteries, and the guns of Fort
Johnson on James' ldaad and Fort Moultrie on
Sullivan's Island, aft of which they would have to
wafer before reaching Fort Sumter. Besides, Maj.
Anderein could afford no protectios to a vestal
against the outer binaries of Morris Island.
This Is the opiniiin of the authoritier baviag the
power to send relief, hot in justice to thou who
would have to execute the work and risk their
lives belorellie fire el the secessionists, I am u.
sued that the harbor e of Charleston can be entered
by light draft rewrap of war, and Major Andantes
can be reinforced. There are men us the Amer.
icon navy who WWII , . thatthe business of firing
cumin is a game that two us play at, sad that
as, good i shot can be made from the deck of :as
Americas ship or war, no Wei Monist/lead. I-
Letters are wended from Fort Sumter as late as
the 26th inst., stating that all the officer" and Wen
are well: While they would like come freek west
for • champ, they ire • neat le feeling against sac.
camping- to the times of the settorities of Charles
ten to Supply thee" either by courtesy or to let
that have daily ration', which they can cut of at
au moonset. When the authorities will allow
Major Andaman toicoatratt for a quality of rep •
-plies *clothing to the anal practices, untram
melled by threats or any improper isfluence,lhe
will do to, and not :before. Delete he can do this
the men prefer to 'confiee themselves to the Ears
they,new harre,,Aind of which they,lave amide
euidy..l ,
ttedeiLibeutapantruetants of wytab
seurposee 'or cotton baleirel — e 'COnrad 01
erection, by whisk mesas Ia part the South Caroli
nians except to attack- Poet Seiner. The offerer
who writes from sort Sumter, alleding to thief
Waterier, nye diffierince between fighting
behind Cotton bags in 1912 and now is, that Gen.
Jackson commanded behind the bap than, Sad.
had -no , Robert Anderson within the impregnable
walls of a Sooner, with the destructive weapons
which - the ierisuityi of man for ball a century has
invented, to contend with... Besides, Jackson ia
dud.,; -
, Waanmerow January 31.
Captain &Taiga, who commands the United State,
forms In the fort at Tortegas, - deepetahee to the gov
ernment that ndlr endiciantly reinforced to
defy any power., While the government steamer
was leading troops and suppliee, the steamier Gal.
radon, bt New °Haan; with a force an hoard to
take the fort, appeanal • in sight, bat'upon diecoier.
lug the Steamer and probably understanding the Ob•
ject of bar vhdt, did not approach or make any de
monstration other - than to put about and disappear.
It is alto stated that fort Taylor, at Nay West, is
well manned and prOdrion
Tic arton NEC furadi:er the following inter.'
Mains relative to the Lake Superior copper miaow
'ln December thaQuincy got out 133 use, the
Pewabi , 62, the Franklin 69 teas of the mineral.
The Pe able maehisery was mopped for two weeks,
ad the raisiag of topper to the surface was inter
repted by variousauses. -The January yield will
Abow w very dilfereat figures w say. 79. Minks.
Gazette. The Quincy mill ;topped in January,
and would sot rue again said February.
mining force ea the Wires mines will hare law IL.
tendons. The Isle Royale Ins recently increued
its force by one third, on the !lading of a rich de
posit of barrel aid hump copper. The prospeets
are described u"improving," but it is not weigh.
Isg up its copper: A male of 13.000 lb. has bees
ant from the National. It is 12,000 lb: heavier
the. 'any previously reported. The Colombian
has suspended Operatioruarr '
If we understead it, the Isle Royal is looking
well, but will make ino attempt to get out copper
this Winter. The tired sad cost are mainly to be
devoted to opening. Unless the espeaditsre,
therefore, is kept atilt lower agora than we thiik
Wean be, an assessment' during the Spring is not
impowrible, althavitt , the mine may be better tkaa
aver. The Hancock stews improviag. The vela
is above. 14 hocini widilt at one point, sad , in
assay places is exhibitiag rick stamp muff,
some barrel copper. j The holders of the stock are
quite minimise as to the future. It le reported
Oat the Pewabic CoMpasy ban made a two years.
contract with the Revere Company with regard to
sale. and advances,' the latter; is to take all the
mewl produced. This report has hummed col=
(deuce lathe mock; and made it In good request.
I.OOIIIIAPUL flu AO! MORT TO TIDO iliserestret.—
The so-oallimi "right of seoession' , is clearly a pro.
teat put forward- by w who were preAletir.
Wood to atablbh'■ Southern Coufallsraoy, mar&
lest of all other oonsidsratioao In the esse.'of
Louisiana, for LOJCIII6O, DO falr•mlodd mos as for
a moment Were that bet °ramie" of mesenala
wsothe *zeroing of le moral and political ..irtabt."
That ordinance deelares al follows:
"That the ordleansie tamed by this State on the
, 224 .of November, 1807, whereby the Oosetitutlen
of the United - Ethates,i and the assmedments of said
Constltatker ware adopted, ud all the laws sod or
dinanose by which Lonislass became • :somber of
tale Fadarit Union Wind the same are hereby re
peal dud atirogated.r
Now glues at the history. of Louie's.. On the
20th of Febresiy, 1811, Cooped' pa mod se set Gait
bits( the people mildest on the pm chased Unitary
of Origami to organize* Btats• flee. E of thaliitat,,
after providing for • ~ 0 0nvention of the people +to
frame a Constllntkm,
"Bald:Oonvestion Isbell proelatm by ordleanee,
irreweage iiitiend th 1:0111011 of Me MOM Sissies,
that the people inhibiting the aid Tomtits, do
agree and declare thitt the River Mississippi and
the navigable riven land waters leading tato - the
Golf of Mexico, shall be common highway, sod
forever free, as wall to the inhabitants of the said
Bute or to the othar citizens of; the United
Btataii.". . ,
DM an Bans Plarr4rol/12E OPER alurtoo.—The
; New °rheas Data leer" that Gorentor Houton I.
opposed to onsadiag the area of the Soutbeni Cur'
Wintry ieto nassioo.i li says:
"We are inGnined, ion authority, which we ear.i . ot presume to questioe, that, tory short lime
wue, Gor. Houston was actually negotiatiag with
the British bond•holdare ig reference to a plu lok
the reredos snd conquest of Mei - ice; that be bad
offered to head an expeditron into that noustry„
and guaranteed to einewaniate ibe'project of conL,
itusw, on condition that be ahould be suppliedi by
the bond-holders, with' Ake's:Wes/no moans, and
that $lOO,OOO should be deposited, far the lee or
his Emily, ice one of thn kasha of this eiti. An intl
twprise of this kind, itsecceastel,West have Feed
euthrioely prejudice! to the Wands of the:Boutki
Pelb 2 l )o llyea barufet).".,:' ,
_ .
htscrraar hfortateiret 'is Vicitioirr.,=Cariri
hot alutbanzo, of Voriaoat; haa lariedoa order to
the Adjataat Gametal, 11. II: Bailer, to take "awl
area to ohtala a.falt Mani of the earolled inklide
of tho State, is view of the hoportamee of holthei
thiptillitary arta Of the State fa readiest" tot aaliellf
to of requiatios KO. Preakteseot . the tta
States for-sid 4• ei tad rebollioa aid's*
coilag the law, of lb. general amentaiellt.7-.
, i..:Wismiiro Siieuri - Asim—Tbe raimot..ollk,
a :Indium*, reNbroil 01 lathisteut lila of Giallo;
ruipsat milatan 0 tb• Salk Ihrolisaocoridaw
.skies thes ne4s Avsbill egdolienkiliglii XVI
blivißS•4 4 *..c. , e. , t':, ~ ..i .f.:i...:0:;..V:c7,, . ,;, 1 4 :
...t.% - < -... , ..--. 4,....a , „::.4:.r.:41-:,-,: ~ , . .t h,:ii • - -
.., . - .
,-.!.'...: - .. - i,.-:::1--L:::
.:::::,•-•': ,
Ris "Sidra Pisci ada Ilseeindseb
Witlr the esainiss lierinniiisseectioaari e al'tftt
aaostoaejournai ti Piriti ind'cc nerasiond:thril
demmtr. iairpitadbrieceatneityi,,Or a , dasire*
appear inspairtial , is thejaatiaorei k of
Swope hen emir dietniiad the Aviencaersessident
suovesteat, aid declared with greater retrieniace
than was anticipated; stalest tba csantple seiby
South Carolina. Journals of, all Libels bare Spo-,
ken freely,' aid fora aronder;:have.diiiilayed
better scqoalittasce with the enbject than - they
ever before ressifested in -disowning asythiagte.
!Waite doe dowry., Writntawbo have grown gray
in defandheir ; abrolatiss, rasa havo:e &bloated
sophist= analiiii. tyrsiany appear the better
case,!abruptly before the terrible &pretty of
• .goveraminit based -unconditionally on fliavirry.
Despotism hats darkest form. at the priest day,
i.e. itself Wawa as one Or the'ibleing Gees robed
is puresashibm. by tbe aide of stela en apparitoa;
4 -4/.. Y. Tie*, . -
StionsroM iN . PBILADrLPHIA.•-•The Philedel
phia Ledger Of Thursday say. :
The Committee os Beaks hes reined to report
&Ninthly on the bill read by Mr. Pauemon, whiebl
authorises the bask. to enapendepecie - payments
until February, 3862. The Philarlelphre holm
have already renamed, and do not want the pevi
lege of deprociatiag their paper. No one applies
for specie that is reload, so far as we know or
hear 01. The basks 'rave not opealy avowed teentop
tins, but the, Lave practically pat the payment of
coin on demand into-operation. Some of the hater
for bask. net ready, and, prshably not abIS to
rearuse, ' finding it profitable to keep their bill. in
eircalatiou et the greatest possible depreciation,
are doing what they can to prevent an avowal of
resumption by_ the city basks, , became the se.
nouneemiret pf the (set will compel the country
banks to make farther proveions for their circa's
Sows 3,40 bales of cotton were received at
Cincinnati is one day, lately, aid sareral beats
with tall loads are now os-their way to that pert.
The coins panned by the Gartner of blimbmppi,
is overhanliag the river steamers at Vicksburg, is
producing a Icomplatoresolutioe in trade, onkel
the Central Mims, Soothers Michigan, aid Grind
Trunk Itailwayre the Ohio Krim-Aid Central Peas
glettais Railway, aid the Baltimore and Ohio
Nailwes, thereat carriers of all the fksight which
hitherto lose a market by ship through the Gill
around the Florida Capes aid uptlie coot New
York, Philadelphia and Bosnia. -Natal} all ',the
immense trade hitherto carried through New
Odium. Boa via" Mempnis, Chattanooga Cud
Charleston, or b, is now rapidly 1111141
Northward, ind Andros its way to the sesbeard
via CincinnsO, Pittsburgh sad Baltimore. '
Bang, Tom Ilonokn.—The pruont state of fruit
trade brings *bout some novel fee/Ones. This Mar
ket bar at prima an mused stock of raisins on bend
owing to very:larp importations and a comparative
ly ailed demand for. masesomptron. Conssonmtly
prices have Wien here to comparatively lower rides
than in Malaga, and a reshipment of the article to
Zuni* is nor the melt. Several carves hare al
ready left Ike port of New York, and a ship is now
up for - Lid at this port with 1,800 boxed on
bond—Pi' h log.
'Sand or A itoicaorro.—The Tyroon road Lock
baves (Pa.,) Railroad, 661 miles io lcogth, will :old
at lacuna, tinder a decree, no Monday, in Phila
delpbia, to NM. Price, for $24,000,
A ThlOlPllll Or GRATITUDI—A BID Bali or
Ointad.—abort wen man •fO. I homing af.
Maud with Scrofula—at my phyaklium awed It. I bad dee
litilModan• dohs my Malmes, &Undid r me at MUMeat
Mom oho .11 dosed In m 1.1.5 It Scrofula t lay I. Md.
unable toast shoot., r Oa drat throe same my slalom.
I had diantuda !early the arlatha of the thr . maim .od
Partial ao ohm Mi (amity Waft • day. more or lam. sly food
did act acquit. 000 1 hal gamed to • skaMtan.
it. gathered arid Mots. awl •11 the human ran out !Olt.
us uat foot wrui Rion atod.oad du oimmtad on by Ma of
ohlsieland halal did memo goat. I had a 0347 Mg
alias ea oar kg. la SM MAIM mono orsi my hid [..d
am -burins matterall tbeUme. Alter nay I.oll.aams on.
and lb& agotoir Out it, Um tendons bernm• motrant• land
had* my foot Man forward. In tbto .tau of ma am; m#
falba, What ima Dr. , of 1441 Noon streak who
dam. mat to dwinta. lo Charlton loanable. Mont It. Nil••
bum Pittabwiti.on tha litentermille rod: altar I. exlian-
Mel me. lfa 1010 am If I did ghat Muhl. nod road. Wm Med
iate/a mahl can ma. 1 commie oeild tallosOui
ntelainee thmeseara ago Wt Slti of J dlr. La mon as
11•0 taking the Mattloln• I teem to Imam,* and mainlonad
to 'morel/ oatti I dot entirely welt 1 toot u. wabiair.
from Dr. Wayne for Ma innotha. I UMIG nomfderali mnalf
wel4aed hare OM. to good haalthmur arena I wall Lawn
.Ith • motels. oti nooonot of .my log being mooted at tha
Minh which .ea ocutrantsel old crooked at the lima I Ma
mental taking the manclus: at Mat time I wild lot pet
of feat arable taro Inches of the monad. Dog. alltimigh
tt la Mill oroakial. I oan pot it to Ma ground. Dr. Rojear
gam me mendoo uuneliy. far tee diarrt•l sad OM to
wet Ili blood: Ma now Demi, roar team alma I oim
weemed Maly lila onal!thio. and toy bmlth I. bettor I hid
ever to es llto triton. 11• n had drat-nate health fm bre
o hm; three and •:halt yea* and 10111 doi to Dr. iteirrig
that! ihowld Mate this Fah% Midmost to order Out
taloa , rammed May b. ettrod P.Owad. Numbers °fp/
tmighbareltuoirAow Maly 1 wail atalated. antes. miff :MY
atmaamt. - 0011111 61171111, Jl..l3bartlare tp.
rittatantiti, Jan M. JUL
I am Ms Law of Jobe OcdSlo,osd do motifs that Oa
foots Not.] is ql. eon us Una. JO HN 011111/IN.
.N21146wT •
- Ell•ap!sidi,•Criring. Toot4ag,_ttiUdrani
all kiwillWilimiplaii.oVierritlire az tuaisTATilaut*af
bobl!.00. u g ittata loOdileat part4sa booty, also, lb. ad
F a
atoarioasco io Oh; •ad °Rao ',fa fro. too or of aato
door, cordials, Jailor dme oval to gulag thaw.
PILLS, (a plamaaat sager pal ) what 'tot may drop lato Oto
mootb al col Up" eat 3 Oa art... Jibing to la drake(' lioat
malkloo. Tb *Ca minors', alloy far (naafi,• of
litohlaY. raievei Ooli amt &awl Vampiaosta, sad pn era
wa wa) and gild . Mama . tba diaadraotagot of Oil-
Mai of *plater, Tb.y b... boo used for ran, and op.
proved by all alto am than or obbortloalog.
Rick Si lalat par box. with dim-Ikea all bona, 811.
N. —A MI sal al Ilizreaars MAIM /ATM RIICTWI .
with Doak 01 itho ellmy sad Sinai, 411allag Rataad4la
WV , yid; oll.almalal, d i tt o , la plain cams, $1; al
!flaw bar, u;II Boob, Vt lab& Lain, 96 mita nod SO
.. lbaratim by the No& bar or a u , rra ant*,
mil or 'aorta frr at dorm to ray 'Odra., on narloF
at dr prim Adams. s*. O. U UMBHaITa aOO,
No SO ilteali•Sh Neer York
add by 3 . IL 7ULTON, War, Milk4o deN Mae
lb. Paatileas, Oipat Fr Plttaborgh. Jalfgalwl
'Mu. v mum, an experienced Nurse .
led Nash rbOilglas, has a Boothia' Inn tor ttillolre'
Wade& which patty hmilliatte th• process of teething
by WWI.' gun, ndecing all telletematiolll
01140 nag anti. elm to reinlate the bowel.. Onenel
nom f e male.. ull.. mite 'pensive. end nib"
entlealdi to Uinta. Yeribeilv nib le ell ce5.4...
Sr ad to mother oaken. 1.11.1•.411!
"'Mr DUIVIttI, ct Raw. tatreahlp,•lll supported
far the above elks, sabfeth ta the drams of the ItepabO
th •Othvastkia. JaiChao
ir - SHERAFF,--;4IIARRY WOODS, of P4#B - -
~ Woo towootre, mks Ito rotator Ido kited. to Wile
the itryttbUoso lOotoNtoa tor Munro( Allegibear 00,12
tr. • Big o.YwN will not allow bin tho oppbrtoottp of
booming the county and soott4 thole oil. Jollassatq
mama mats anAndly In APOLLO BALL, On
bahnies Ihnlint Ind good. PrApablogimp LOKLPI
DAT, at 10% Vilna m. - and 7p . se, WIDNANDAT
lIVISINCL Imlate.. at 7 rdock. Teo paLlle inn neepent•
fans Inland to Wand MI
•12.2212a2r Smog, I.2roary 1at,156L!
TAN ELECTION far President, Mane
psn. 221101112222 of the Oompeoy ias •2•2112 g
1101 . 7r or lb1A122gro jortravell•
lb. Matamorgb,
U*1122112124 of Lb* irk!" Oa 11UND/IT, Muth i bt
1111.22 202124 p. m.
1241121 I,3l.lo2lllllllo.Trsearve.l
oN of la Pupils rocalaug huarialua in LCOL
CTIIPP °BOUM Bali IllAUT; all aim plow at ollo• a oar
cm lIONDAT air! TOMMY matt, nib ad Ilia Motsuan,
la asrelas g tab day al It a. no. sot callus
at 3 p., at I;
TM patrons tun &lads of la lecaluilus are WOW to
t • plant . , foolaV
oopoin , 114L1.0-11cdr. IV U. MAOSONIIIIA 07
itiocoolmoolt o 4ll smock for NA Ind UshoroalLd
QUINN. la gall, Odd lollows. SoUdlcor. SUNDAY;
WANING at lo,kg o'clock, and lo tho SUNNING u 7 Wk.
Sub** of coonOcies dludoncd.gbal la Teulo
of 016 . 11 . V "Pc klipsekl 34 4 1 11110 V. The Fatale' CIO
l moo skimeaned. Owe ors Doc Nooday School at 9a. NW'
MerNOTIO46.-=-The subscriber doing bust
sea aD4•ol.•sigla of JOEIN UMW, 1011,11sto
ft& dal mold that' oath.. Medi of 0 rocorffa. Ron Iliztotio,
ko., to i WATSONa Co.
Plttelonsb. J 4 at. 1501-31 ABRAM 80110 f
rr THE %MOND suessom of Yu. 4.
U..% ammo *MO? . 11011001. POIL YOCIAO LA.
- DILL conosnon KAM/AT. Pskui, Its. info at ha
noillfseo. Win street. AUG/boor. . fel-v&int •
• M411101M111:14 RIMS. Pittaburgb. Psbruarg hum..
DAN ELKOTION for Managers and Off ! ,
ars of the Cusp for ItreaUng • fkidis over ti,
Rim Moisougsbou, to Pittsburgh, In tbu Gomm of
•listra. : r i g , hs 2
0 0 at
dak p tfl a. Toll : liouss, on IgOISDAT,
• JOHN THAt Triosursr
N. IL Thirpronnt Trassonor Mad Cleft will Dot bs • eat.
V' foruliotioa . iI:34U
I'INOTLCIC—The Proprietors of an the
...-r-slinelpal Limp Nene ta lidatrarob spied to
okma thalr storm sk 0 o'clock to Ito, ea aod attar MONDAY',
taa tatth tadaat.adattpt latuoisi aveologa jatklar
rtensasso, 116 L
1 •
fr,WOTIOX is hereby given that an appl
...IF • ethos will be wade al this oaths of the Pothole
hh. Leather. Sir • Charillt to Isoorporste the ALIAS.
SHIM OIL 03111'AN7.
DO). W. OSSA nation WILLIAM.
- P. SUARDLISM. D. 0.1811110,
ono. a.asauer MY. wazzaar.
' •albl/1111■11 'WAY LULA)** INTO, 1
pluallayta„ yea. Way MIL J
tPIHIG Aiffi VAL METING or th e
ieetheziere Italltaad Oar ,
lAN/ arelM WI it taw Odie• at SS*Clogypeay, aorom
Waablailcat Kr* 11•Ibmaq Nth mad, pity.
barikoa l' dal day af faboary, at la
&duel cat. A ataisuml: of
the *aka at U. awspas.
wad lo .ad sa Slacliaa
deal of alaisadas fdd ad=
onus as Ilsombosaaathrmisear tiestrulia
nwe l gisi llettiargbasamq 1016, 1
fr - erst of thellooongabels Nay.
wur , „Am beelltio lay amend • tlirl•
DIDID Ms wr p.,
ir.eillia °NOW lenek,toug
go geroppipet MOM Illejlheiptplokilo Us Stock.
babel firialft" kid 111 11 1 nalwiew (maw Me ;
INC he biskshile fliiiii!11111,14110or Trwroome.,
jaunted - Wl.llkoo ••
14,b) Attaittmattnts.
/01 - 11011111 Al<D 100BI11IC
C!oril4r of TI and Wood Ittrikets.
B UL'headO• Lolloilo. Cords or Prorranueos,
em.o l .* Madbilitaa. or mugginga of lay hied
On Tueisdor Evening Feb. sth,
WITH LN 100011 PA NIUNNT, ander the Dirac.
Ma of PB.UP. Ttokeir :ti orate,
to be had et the moat, atm. sad et the door. Doors ape,
at I eakek.. Caroni will man moos at 74.
Peocuumms—PAST mum
I. lo b . Dant. Trlo and Moms, "fiLeltni'
dnates eslobrnted Mon.
2. Quartet* kw let and 2d Tenor, lot sod 2,1 800., "Int
KArereik. Ly Mumma.
8. Dant for Soprano, ..rm. LIMP to lunoLano."
.4. Bohr sod Clop" oilLwattus. prom lerre•doon4 Mao.)
0. Csvalloa Soprano, "ha M. Pontoon," (from &abet Mo
tor: ItossioL)
d. OsinAlssreett sad Maras, "Acurm Doz,^ (itonellsrefr
donts's Moo )
PART fir!OND. 1
L Air amil Cborna,.lmyweignos," (from StabAt Alston
Ronsia) _ _
I. Qtuinati. for LA sad 24 Tam, and 14i AAA Zi Bass,"Tb*
HOLY !PLUM^ by Yttsetea.
2..11140, Doan, Trio inal. Ohm ta,"Cato4. ( fr om Pilartsma•
Ws Nam)
L Qua,.WU
• •
S. bolo Ilopraoorg to Mts. flualm ^A re 11AltiL . b A.
0. sow paw. .k., Qaulelte au.l Morin, tho colebta[ted
"fa Daus," by Roissat. lea 'y
91011•LAI9 Alla V ANON BAAII ,
No. Gli Fourth Nunn t. • .
. • ODA* 71117 - ND /to 'gat.
Njoo maWagnmday mid 11•19rday. eretang., froze Kip
ilaralg* 'rar e Dm I to 9 g/49•4; awl 1909•
member 'rat to Kay Ong, Iron II b g o'cick.
Degarte nosing orelt game am Um Man arm Doll 4,
lad • Ohlgewl 07 tOo Drab 4oclamt In • year,lo
lase aid December. Mmereit beg beau Malang ostatmas
Raspy, la Jame sod DiMaber. Mace the Book orgeoi
t.•% at the rata otair per ong.• year.
totormt, It not drama oat, la placed to the emit t ad the 1••
pillar as ptincipatomObeare tbe mom tatomattroombe Drat
OAP or J.O. ad beeroolopouodlog twir•• year ',M
oat troobting U.• &pouter to cap or even to loomed tes
gem Wt. At Ibis ropy momy mill do ebte lu Dm Mum If
yams, melds' lo lb* aggregate man 111011 maim re own
loam eentalutog the Charter, Splavi, Rules and Iter
Whys tantleheet Irani on appliestimet the oily.
mw nahmeent
IRlllem J. Andmois
Beldam In L.
Rapsynd napalm,
Jean 11.nlimaN
AIM D. Rellay.
Alosoador Breboy,
Jobs G. Ssobiass,
Georg. Bleck.
Jobs B. Csabold,
Alms* A. Carlos,
Clarlos A.Ooloos,
.Wllbsa amiss,
Juba Rosso,
Jobs Lishsos
Maus S. lissos.
?likhatd War Übask or,
MMus B. Sandy.
Ilterolars awl 11so”rer
I_l{ rTE RS UP Ali
.11.41 W. 'Lints of trIORG:-
Posults Township. Aillightroy
Ins boon (rooted to tho aoaa
to osidlnalato plats. wait
Claw aplast Mats on
Union. without &Ass, I.
Limos, and Wilo{. Short.,
1•1IIoQ at very low Nice.
PAPRZ, itrotni, Blue sad ittilta, Bobcat Boards.
tao Paper, as, for aalol oar at U. Papat..o Rag Wart.
boots or
162 N 0.141 Wood at nate, Pittoborgb.
KY PICAOIII4S-25 soaks choice Ohio
re"lr U4 Mlrll7tt i ;
t hEIIPTON, Iliffth .1.
FLOUR -700 bblr. Extra Family "Louis,"
100 iii. Cairo /sadly “Nalls of ()bk.:
NO do do ' 6 /0 albs.," Whit.. Wheat,
for .14. by 6,2 LLIIII6IIT • 1111tPTON,15 Blalb of
BUCKWHEAT kLOUii:- 55 sackm,
• i.
align t C. the motorail regularly, It remora. lallauerser,.
• Illak am AMU erg ClessOratlea.oorrealsag midltiess. gad
Alma aorsilrigue $ll Well* mem Alma Is MUD fmAl ler
the um&
....erglea=n!thae. are n tna i l . leVell:
il l ittliWheaseall= le *a • abollavirgi. Witt
ellettalassedlits pellet after eat o r !WOW" too freely.
For We. Irbolitalga. by It. h. Vaal eilaToo24k. U. 1., and ar
thulgagalmtem 11e.103 Spring meat, Neer York, had
mall br mostlragglets. Prise 2k, ats pm bottles
TWO.. TWINS of oloodoe. woks iaah,
11111011 lib, sat 1 1 11IPTIMBIIII Y. area. P. Data.
lease and Olsoalar, Wm.
ttli PIIEND, Rawl' Professor.
Cambria" Jan. : uaraatnea . Yaw.
R I R s #e
0 . • iLIN.-01: 3
N O. 1-3 dep.,7 4.1,4 4 lad& 1,44, 4 feet loam ',kW
Skate teciroo r µ No. R-6 slam 9 fed 6 lad. blip, 6 fret 6 I.4be• 610.,
8 het 6lee6.edwp.
No.ll-8 stop., II hot 6 Inch.. blab, 7 De 43 loe►w wide,
4 6.16 Inebe• Atop.
No. a-12.40ps 13 Not 146, 9 feet 6 loam. m 1,18,7 fee
Th. Moors dimsolloos ars kw Omaa, mem 1r Oothl
omm, they *III bo somewhat Water.
/or farther tokomeilon, apply t
lIRNAY MINN, New York, or
Joint 13.41111.L0R, al Wood at
RtNCr ODUNTII, ytrtooof enoM.r of (be
Oiptiose•Coort of Imiromitio Comity, I will mil the VIRM
WOODMolloiroloo'd, mottle protWiim;
mat Zom Talky IltatlM4 upon WZDICIIMAY, February
6th, 180 E .
Tbr Yana ocutilaw shoal 100 axis, of which •Loci 03
1171111 ere well Improved. The liciprommoia .. • largo
liro•tury /room Dwolll•g flower, .loud Atabla, Carriage
Mesa, Bbcop Hams, la_; 61110 goal ropdr. A pomp with
good nil. la M. Wm/ma.
Tema One-third Lelia. 111 Iwo Team With kite
Mt. 01/I.IILOW 110011130USIt Adel Seignior.
7.44 AllAl_Locuck,Allegberoy City.
CONSIONMENTS.-125 bbla choice .A p
- IP rOlcs cbaterDlitd irecbc, lielrrr.
200 bus pricer Dried Apple*,
40 bore - W 2 °borer,
20 Obis rbule•Oklir, .
240 bur Paretic..
2 bbta Dried awed o.ra, -
16 bur email While Bros.
12120ir Illadium rod run fancy Breams. 1 I
Ds eters Ibr Nolo by
id L. 0 011 a 27P, 247 Melly st.l
CONSIGNMENTS -0W bus. Primo Clover,
. OATS-6110 ban DURO APPLI2B-60 bur;
tYi 1/18:811-28 8 6 0166;
4611 D-8 Up N.
km by WAYtj WIL6ON.
61 768 Liberty it.
BBOOMe--125 dos. assorted Corn ßrooms,
for W. by • WAIT WILSON
fel No OM Llberly ob.
DAM bus. choice,
A kr sate by '
0114 OILS OW
REOD'S MAGNETIC OIL still holds-the
/ niaoalloa Woo Oaf SOY years, of Wag =who to
Ira *Dor palsourar or Itolsom kooore, as It no to toot.
Moly road that •
Bird* litmetie 04 tens itiolottOto.
Bret Mrportro Oa curet adnaliZArdion
ileoftlfroaatic Wean/ Board • •
Rees Ariutge 001, ewes Wok oittir;
Rada ./Nagattte Ottoorot Mewled /Orel;
Rrdt Akendle °donor Narrow Ekadaelr;
Bonet iktsoulte 04 [AM "used ha;
Lein Magiteic oa moor PHA Mono* •
vatic oa pma lisimakum
Rade dlvßehe Da we! .1 pow u• ta. Bork;
Alittroirallst* OBoarti Nervosa Areetionnr
Boots wide 04 arra dor 40004 'pot& Aar;
opoodllyoad radwallyoult for all •oddrata awl iajager
mot cotaldorod .Itioad is t 004.. •
Poe Wit by D. A: Vahaeattpt • Go. R. I. 00,
lroltoa. Woo Willoorm, Pittston& Northam a bah
anoth poorally. alllottn Drabs, Birmingham, Goo by Drop
eats . •
jallhat owner PoOthSold sad /ear th 8,114 gee
0, wilboul exteptlos, Um lust oav le use kr
Chapped Hands, Lips, eta,
Chapped Bands, Lips, etc
Mauer Minket wag and the Mansond,
Crow Merkel Orem ..d the Dlsowed.
Oarnor Market atreet and the Mitacead.
==fLalEt• - i'T!'w'r'mN 2 l
A large, rtment of all irilolea
Pertail4kng. l ol4Nafeeti,:aittil.all
tulivest.l,provemults._l, •
int*. s • kfra:taiNs
baying I tortonen parteiew.lp and opened en Alloy - et
NO. 105 , Elfth g ttaet
Ifo`* doisraabirre
WOULD call:: the . , .attatrimi 01.4the•Pabliii
their ealeirtor tedlithie for . ibii niiianfaettint and
tomtit* of all Ueda of A ttillnetalL TUlTlL'atid for ttio
yertenteldi of all other brand=
WlthOnt mettle/ • nodality of soy motile. the, Will
oe Oomfottehle anbetltite
for thOstoyai Teeth, Thew nnenteteed tote einpnior
It every reaped to die hew lietallie Plato Teeth, whether
moon* on geWor any of the tamer mint., led !no y.
lb robbed id met adeldeistdy Inn 1
Sh*Oloring ImlorkeUY 61E1240dd flotccati hays Qom
neplened with the ruwaitirs..t $ nositaktllloul ex•
won oboes the Noe of the Old Plata. • ooSklyd.
Cold feather is the note *ben then rmretus Omit)* cud
advantage. to It. bpid advantage.
gentleame ad (bob families bed their teeth
ewer* by my proems, died are reedy to bletLfy ise to the
painiete;•• well as tee Wet, of the operation—whatever
bee beep aid by perms. Interested
the COO.
trery, ite bating Do itoosristiga ot
AEIIIOI AL TIM{ lemerted miry, style:
18 E. CFLTDR3r 4 _Dentist,
; fas mmtteem se. .
T EP It A Ald 8 •
No. 97! Wylie Street, Pittsburgh
Itmaimar—Dr. A. px.llook,- Dr. Hallo*, Theodor*
Bobbl*, Rumen imat,
No. 27 Firm Siam, PI;tBBUIGH.
. ,
7 7xx.sorq
Awarded the Pint Premium at the.
United States Fair; Ohio State Fair;
\ i . Illinois State fair;
Wisconsin State Fair; ' lowa State Fair;
' 1 Kentucky State Fair;
Teenetwee State Fair; Now Jersey State Fair;
_, -.— .
awn B. D. Moeda,
Base M. Pennock.
A. M. Pella*, If. f
Robert Lab,
lyVr,C °Ear to therpttlilio WHEELER a
with laameed moat:team to It. mortis paths beet and met
reliable hall, ileelog M.ehiw.ow to me It min equal.
le well On lbo ibkkeet sod alert MO; meta the lock.
ettroo leipmelble to Dureteloritli Us esietitiel adman,
Of Wag Lithe °DWG, alder, formlag Moos Muth ea
U. nod* eimple M ramithaloo, owe mews, to
tairremidit,sud mom durable Emu other madam.
W. Or foil tnatructioas; to =Mile the pinchers, tots,.
millas4 mum .111th, beta, foil, quilt, other, btad sod
tuck, dl ith UN maw meth It
lmi, .ad Dermal for Gees
team '
otroullis,ooDislubig Ileeturioalele /rola Make of the bleb.
at mandhug, Sleet and Wen. giving prim, De., will be for.
elated Oat* on smiled/ea to Dorm or bg letter:
1k.1414 blechiee Needle% MID, Twist, Cotton and GU 100.
Madly Oa beat
Wld. 111,11INER.
Joh° B. IfelAMen,
Pow ♦. Aladdam,
John B.
June. lifeAnnoi,
John nlaroholl,
Welts P. Manik.ll.
Jobs On.
pearl L. Itlaior4t.
Al.sauier Pp..%
William IL ticbonrts,
lame SMILtIor,
Claloalaa Trager.
IBARLIU 4. on tro:,
SUICIff daceeattk late of
Goanty, Patineylvaola, bat ,
nagoack all parrot. Indebted
pajama , , spa tboao koala,/
wyaM►i to maim known
•atalotttratt 17
Promotion and Protection of Trade
Bongo by lb. yard
(oor A 40,000 Baradakoaaloc4oa• Hoporgodi
Embracing neq Oily, Two and VilWs to tbs Usits4
State Cissisda, and older British Primeloos In N. L
IFi t j 6. Dun St_ C 0... Proprietors.
Coruir of Wood sod Fifth pistols; Pittsburgh, R.
I 1 .
IfatabllOwd Near Yu, k. Jao,a, 1811...FIllategb, Match, 1862
se BURGIN /FELD • 00'S
head Umeeu
tiEf)l PORK -.- BOYD • W.
Brach Om Doti.
Pittenorjgh --KO Don /100 11111rtakti...-.110 Dash CIO
Ph hade!pnia -It 0 Don Oo New anoint—Ca Dun OD
OSaclnurtl.....-RU Dan t Co Obititodon ...„..11.0 Dona fl
Clerreleod-...-..13 0 Dan • ck, --at okm Co
Uetr01t2.L.....-110 Into JI Or. St, 1•041/...-.k 0 Duol OD
Chleari, 0 DUD ICa Na11b , 1145 : ....-.:-F1 0 Don ROO
Associate Cinitini.
ItneeDit ODI Bhumouse Pratt!Cq,
Forel& COlRcei; -
Toruotoi L -Rh Lana vol llooiroo 0 &lollop.
Landon,Rog.-..11 0 DiuttlCo ,
Ritarettoo soot; old, !Dollar or °Brion, printed daily,
Condoned to eatocribft. hien $lOO
Ocalt4lona promptly attesded to to air parted Om United
Rat. and Btlibb T.emookose. sod' Roformeee to , upwards
or 180 lipase to rittaborghj j tor oboist Moodie* tattles cul.
Lat el lolcednatilohtD.Lotryor blitt lauding end
Mr Brewery tort , oe of the Marto Drill be iota.
o lonely lined toeobeertbara mokltor sollukt.l., th.
Aloota any of th at olßui 6aaistil aloft. 09*.am
lj ah4lol.
Oholog WW2 of °INT!! 1111RIIIIIIIINQ ClOOOll WILD/
11 1 / 1 T0t!. 111•010 MT,
NUBIA!!! 1511.1111•11!
• few 4am fate law irh;Nto &Mr.," farms M. day
11 IMP. ORM a maosing.
Jays** H nee amt.
anottf an fain
• 0 SAVA WW PAIOII/1 an 1101/11,11.
BATOIi, .0111111 t 11601111:1111
IV Olfth street;
1.113011.-0.1 RICILLINTII TAKE
t '
for sak.'ioitibie far OW or Uok*. "I bt• air Wu beam ma
bat • short time cm the Puumirsala rallroal mad .111 b
oold eliaii, /wake of . . J. IL MK&
immeasu tlontlrmiirt. and kodoabt saw.
UN RIES-30 slicks Ohio Suo-Dried
• P 6011118. •
20 mkt. iii.ooodiy Nubia.
20 liiss pains lard, I
6 bbl. hub Roll Battu, ;
2 66260 'rub ragA I bbl prim. Crab Older,
100 606 Flax Ord; .
.20 W R Mom,
10 teblig Hominy, 3
76 66:46 OMNI Apples, .6Noorled^lo otorillbr r. «N by
• N0..114 &mood! O,mA
frIIKIBO MUM BEA would tespectfully call
the itteetion of Ma Mee& *ld Glimmers to his 0o
etak ut
oompolshig tho neweet :dental:o, ti lanolin and
Dm:ant/all:foods, bar Gatlenoet .Iyyrytt. Al., atoll sr
mascot or Hoye' and 'Youths' Clothing
kvttoosiantir otk bond, sad mad. ter oast , In the wry
boot otata4r, by JAW
C. WATT, •
corner of Toni and W. Otobr oto.
ALARGE and wellaasorted stock of all
Moils of 0 VTLER W. ;
%dial and Surgical Instruments,
Mechanics' Tools and' Aminumtion,
ge." to. to to. &o.
No. 97 WOnd Street,
corner of Dimmed Hoy.
0.0RAVV.213 1414.1iy et.
LUDialldbe, JOUSlddla,
DAY pOO6ll, 0411111100111,
aid estrydr.4. Non or Asesuut Bade, on hula ur made
id'th•beid aeoer, raltl Ws., pattern ;squired,
wills or wi thout p reared beading, by
II- WM. G.:4OIIiISTON & 00.,
ja2B .! Blank Book Make* 57 Wood at,
rfEIENIct .011ZESE11- 7 VS. ;boxes Prima
V• W Cottlog Cbroor, PM. Zogthb: Wr; 100 do
Romoborydost ned for ado by r •
dT L' edttl opals se ettpd of W. A. Towneold
Oo 4 epteeiltd edit/Int-of. the W Ali of On A ALTAI/10E.
AAA, ill welded by Maley sad Jobe MAW.
NOIR reedy lko ezeolostlen.' dobtortetions teethed;
flout Novel, "Pk% wielt, l l l nerdy Watch Lt.
-11,011 SAT B. DAY/1 1 ,
.Ide lllO Wood atnet.
Glverine Cream
Glycerine Cream
losTe—looo bac •
11Z00..26 btu Flax b.d.
• AFFLTS—bb MAR Orem Applsx 1 •
IlO.uONlB-25 dos Corn Broom.
.oalins-10 boier.
•1 AA WL H. FLOYD s cai. SSI Liberty at.
_ r NDRIES-;500 WM. 0•008;1
100 bta.Prlm• Whits Nestisanotk 001•40.00,
800 do I Pint My* Votatail
WO Ws smiled Aoolea. Is atom fir Gals by
/.81, '1 cULe s surpsap. ritB Ltb.ty
CIRORIE DRIED APPLES.--55 but. prime
VV uhkite dal A p plea, reed thli thy 'awl tor sal. by
.1 - . AT9N,Oltlllia 111101IUM,
,• i 17 PHU. ,
AltDpIL-8 bills., • _
4.4 I now laadins st'r terry far eat by
J•4O • • - • ISALIILI DIME IV a 00.
D "
I LL '
ter, j •
29 D RY
AtL tll
AA), abbot
Venroei, State Bair,
Chicago Mechanics' institute;
Louisville Mechanics' . iistitute;
• Cincinnati Michanics'lnstitute;
Allegheny County Fair,lPittaburgh,
and Oa.. want, fen. t.o =RIM. to M.Mti.n.
8 •obr: 11/118141188, noir lauding tram ger
. We by J. 610 pI8U1•11 DlOllO •OM .
UTTER--3 bbl. choice Roll But
e reed. 1,
'DALZILL • 00.
r i gACLIES-75 sacks Prime Peaches
d form& by J. 31 HENRY moon. NS
10 keptokf Lard reo'd for sale by
75 big' primeljats, iei?d_fur sale by
bug. - •jout reo'd for
JAI • ••• • --liiitztwootAuta:;•.
4 1111.1" t a i.V.T,OSH 4141'n " . 147
111.1"-, 11"Manikr.,z,
UrANTBD--BIA yoipg lin wall a *,
V Aatiotirith t6illllpoa di, Doh
Pensß7.el tame= la C 1104.16.141 Boon. ai d
of der Menem can be thea.:;Adiroio Bat ,L3asitot
MB* stabs leteeriite)otoreielifilly be b.&. 41
Yill. NTT Di.-0014111NOT IN , JON
b P =earaeriety Wa 11 .10/ mnarint
OF/1011, fifth stmt.; abaft !stabil* ' 11•114. N
UrANTSD--By n young lidslithb auk
rortorouteadadltara • attatOtatio aCattorera•
sew itr Operator co • Peeing Muhl°. t
t . 1 1!” t11.s. • = . idnoun ,
W AUED--Aative Businesfhba, to takii
to Redd .a.
b w atl.r. 12:4:1"1:
vrorkiaise.dor. for.parilcolas faqUire
0.1 , 11 , 101114 It IMO, Motet'. 47 I. Oldr St.
00 Agents WI& 1
' . SO 0111V183 YOU f'
NEW ALIM roinnai l a. L
1 ' lakkb aro add 1
rr [IBA WORKSinclude tlieldOT IEIALZ ,
1. iBIJI BOOED eußusn en, enalleede nen% er:u: r
anapki 7 all making
Prow $5O to $lOO per Mon
gzje er
e. Iizt.:4III:OIXOL,UPIT:,,E1 r 7l74.szi
and Wal l . of Banta, addresn ; 7
1 G. W.. lIUNT, °emu*" Agent,
; i
Roam 32 a Ita+clinciiiale. ''..
ftl D. We bank* pablithad ottor
Ile1,•• • I '
• New and Beautiful Style Orititlailig,
gotta.. at. oirptamty Amnia tad 0mma...4
PAppileant• may am Mr. UtrirT at .3 * • fimmt [rani
12 tot ami tram? to 6 . • ' • -
I,fot salt & •1!A
IDVASUINGTOIf courrry thurtia - g4i.luaa
, s u n n pi Idnir= l :l4 . lZl=e 4 7ol2l=
dee tare= arab.. Is aliases tonne* las trook
flttabarata owfourte mils from illaabaaY •altl ANN fa
agoW acebterhotd. Clearakea /mime! ae d ati lt wavr
aL lot lama, ka, a opiy to 1 ii.u.;
hi I E. 0841 V atnwt.
TO L •
floor of Noe
Olen Boom
a I
" la Bacon
Magni» oft
rro•Le,T.—Tho mrostorlat BSUMEALUIIIIM.ef *me
room and collar. emu, on Mau sinw4l [oll=
tammttlitg . %the Ai naTTAVl 4 Xert
Li OR Itgaz--Notlat la boob, -Cyan Rat ti/..
L. moots Joni& Farm. on Sodom! am. tu run toe
gluten outman." It go I be ronOd from et* anti Winos,
to omit vontart, baslamlng on Re that etf afit i r tram:
no to.thrott ran ►. Two or Moo boor and Ono
gr.... 4 ant mooted fa Olt loam_
RM. H. Y'LAUEISti IL Agent
ri OR EN 'D—The threo-atory brick WARE
.I2 HMO no. lan .t..„ benison Illiftot sad,
% c roo . .trn ' ' 44 no '"' ''."l
to" 1 l bl i e l k=n a
. Potin anal:
in n ornr of Zs Welt In the Wittarni!.Pollof.
io Alvan Immediately. Inquire of It
I•22..arniv awn AI .1111110 a.
tputt,.4liNT Ult LIKAISSA Qom on".
14e RIISIDINOII In Pitt Them* * • AK ,
Um resident. of Welles Booth, Beg, hayloft Malik, tour..
Two atm Of ground, nearly all pleated With johohoefroln
crepe Arlthr, Stabling, no. Inquire of t I
WAIT• WILSONPaII bliwily et.
I • —• corn arta. efewt4tajiy
BRION DWELLING, cootaiotai algid2.4s*
good ardor, No. 69 OolvaLl .o'loqolsiof ut
010 WAS ta W/ LmON • 258 d4t,B
FOR RENT OR LEASE.--Thellrery .
Isrp cud COlSlaodlosup W•11.11E10002, Ao. Soo
water. nt four Italie. la blobt, tbkftpilva foot bleat '
exadlog root Water to Praia Wrest,* obYW for Root.
or Lou.. oo favorable Jarmo Tao balldlog it atlnsarit
, occuorad bi blataro hake Imlay kOa Ippfyto. -
"wenn? secs...
. .
,FOR ;SALK—An Osc i lla ti n g • & NOME;
AL: of etwiet Ora Mum mmer, with cower Olotter abaol
Id feet loos .at PO Jarboe diameter,loran an
Wen, or other light work, for do rho* I at fJr
idtc Oglae.;'
EOH erplandid4aekeniie, fat
.Ith Gap Lot al Gronad, Fruit Tronialat
booy, donatod within hod minable oniNor tin Minna
=Mad Elation. Tim bonito is lap and MAME In
in al pram' oconpiod by Moen tbOilopioll,.
WEI ta on romonablo swam apply*, 1;
Arm it 5100n0... Mika aeo. tab prat —
111- 111 IffIOIVIAD Amu FlCltTiLlii FART Mg
fa. SALS—Cloutatrilag V2l AURAS Of LID, , us mat.
lent aouttittius situate war bums on the flautist Me et
the Ohio river. The toteromoiuts are' a ItArrrain
DINALLINIA ooureolsotly arrsufsd; a bars blube feet
' iritb stabliu for titres horses attached; ioother taus sad
*so bows, Oree feet, *ft!. • gems etalle=jdf
gu7 sod bee boa. MI6 Wt. sad othar
for semi bud tams. emir to ' '
s. wisitts .
Itsal Ifs
St%iiW — a treet..
m.whatzea, watadea. ;th. ftur
JAMES, Gad. can for solo LOT 0/11110131101to lako
notoogb at Soutellay,oootothlogolocat two Weds of..
ro, alb Wadi At stacte4 a oat twoattes gd* _
woo roma. it okoly lawtoloa._
MtZP!ar..?l , tip
tatooigh, oat taaveoloat to tba ReStroiN
I J. W. WHIM Ittdhe7q 104
dtalf . Clako 108 Itttk
lOWA FARMING LAND.— • • sia*rib
.E: ..otreiforipals a. favorable tarns •a,
Cada Lomb, idtaatad to Wright sad Haacoot •
adjacent to Ramat Railroads 001/ IR same of •
tlo_cy sad one tract only two mßnhum Wants aripa
Tbs above will to slid low for pathos assbaaliad
earths laada to ILI. or adjotahas • • Ras. I i .
•Ai n . • 1 . ' 4:I
, .
AVINGi litirchised emir' einte
U ley let* Partners In the Arm of
ot„.li. seor_pcspscicl to famish to oar Proier m ; * • •
and, th e citizens cA'• Pittskonh sad itchdy_ .
solids tor qui-My of ORAL , NUT COAL. aLtuaputoo.l...
mativistitliisa. theme. •
oilionbrft et the Toll Hease.o_f the Iltationehels &Am •
at the Works, suill be attended to pith pin,sl,oll .-
ceel Works sod Moe Winged to Beattig'ittehoritii; •
iqsare oboe} the Alootsythela
Jell'And aAIIIII 14.141 .
Agtoritort RlMMuirgunks.W
iit — cLifinnors
.1 ,..0NLY GENUlNE,faufesilig !Ores
• cm., Lather, • tlog and davits plitlimm.
lbectoppell !wham la ka
d tondo. akta ailp_ballefaagampa ,
riot to aay °tam
1 • EttawstrB of Courttetrlbitla Iff
F. °wow. comma mat : town )43atiiiiati Pr*
rim and llama. or Soaps, alio klapoisaceackli To4thrtaider,
for the Twatk 604 Goott. to b. hod at .11 tanattlf.Anis
sad Wary swam to the tralfial Maks. . • -• • f •
Ahmatatiotain Laudon. 1; _ ,
lirtagasaf. Depot , Non al and 33 Thy lariat. ale ir#L.:
Ja26 204 • - .1.0. ROYSTON. L
rIELZ4OII, 13,13011 •
ON ITB~ icuveopmual PLAN
CITY OE lilTYTnaic• -
, •'
single Bboms, Fifty . Cent% Ptr Dip
• .
City Hall Square. a:entire' Or fart at.,,
[Opposll.• 116111
ldallsl ea they may Ir. orderod, la lb+ ops4lota , Refictori.
Theis** Berber's Whop OW. _lame WWI". to Mk
8.- , -Belirairs of an Dim rii Man,
wbd say Ica ' . ,?•;
ari Amos dodo= obtalatagthe WYSS
Would • • that the artkloo ahoy pa . ithais what•
led with the fall meow a the arm, l!
• a: N. RIOUARThIutt. BONA & 0, 11)
so • oleo of de satedoem tut; datibil(ty acute mak
Th milk; is readmit,
Stalatddeo of Ottedor nod defectlee Lioetti: sti
worm after wawa sot wield with thews; of 11 Alb
SON, by 1 deb BOOM, who, imptaneeo of .the intag the
heakted daimon dm Amitekaa wafter so 4 raialho.
torenkif the opaline floodo, will sot .will) abedlos a
beldame ao prodtihlo, while paradeeent diSitedidall Oh
with Soo& of Nunlike* dander, ,
J. syLUialta .1.-ALOODir
Assaa. Mood* Streit, NOW iftt.
Corner ?V Market and Fifth
•AT ooarrt
.41.3" COST!
All-Wool De Laines! ;
POULAIID.I3 811.11111
' • 1
Figuted, Fancyrind Plain Cilla l rrt
• Nr ooiar.iv /EL oppe t :
Long and sQUaie -r
• I triped Fraaohf,Shawlat.' ..
'All ciao. `bon good. ;;;r• oI lA. very
• I- • • • ;
N. D -D. oueilet,oanNE ß . rtrra
V.AD UUti9•:OORII6 .AHDaI .H 4
N.YD tipau,nooitima VIVID AND MADE DI!;
• 1 1 ' •••'' " • l'7 ?tr—
_ 11$ FIIIIESTiIIat AR•RU le. P m ',',- :
Dai,+. 44(x)ils :ammo '
Nos: 75, 77; 79, 81, 83' 6 nd fli Dupe elalbet
l' 1 - xmour 'roux. - --!..
wadi mazy ". Trak. tut P w7*I • O PNOINI tali, fa
WA 413 UTTA.
,PIVI*TII' '1 '
. , '! ' -1 - • ' , Auto VIM -:.' -e . ' - : t; - - i r:
-+-. 1 . . iItadoSIVELAA7I 1,- ,
.Ail,! = kpitio,w,sa - ezaiste..l7 Met Is thetChlidry to
.04/ 1 1 " 1 "4 1*'46 . 10 . 0.0011- 4fikla' 16 't1,.4010
to. . if ATRAII..
x -- ;t.mtteirbistiot..44.• sumana
- "Woo aseimoL -- Dooto liYtl eigula glow M.
. Lot MOS of - th.13000 111 -
saNatrr or nix IMIIIMOOIrt nil Parra=
OlrfAllf lUD_ I •
' - or, roe Wlital Asa
Wr, D _ llhott lhot
. I) nor
it. to:tat—ma % rut tikti-Arset, ytlo /Waft
loom, Apt of an gorgoosollookolod
Amain, Mrs liooloono: The WM, tosioay,:apposet.
Nov &mom Progortiougliktia tooso*Claublikao
~sttalietp~u ' llllalyreptnpr. ~~ =;
e AVER 4t 06.°13 MIDIOIN
r YT COD lair
airsußlPAsszo Is Quarry aro sonciii
alma rna swiasser.ano exams&
am ft Ably ir1e4,4111 oisinsiori Ilhitoso el
'll4 MVO , * hoironlio tM Wok. oho efts.
oral Wood*, to Do ow
sbd sod wnuas spas. /ft Wa. Yl.brae.
sorksblyrrklimott lb, It. oroodural ndoratinpos.
eelhelleo ordbaryiooko 11.1 bees wilaVezlisoolod.
Indoor. aoadomont lo tho body bs oreiburOms
b. sod rend*. m. Inhaorll#o4. • t.ll,
Der 0015110NP1402, god BIONCInTIS.
PM 80/10,1121 fa a ilta
W1411:10014 - W4IT1IM aid r.
DitifYrarr..o.roillo Prefortir.O..tgetpl.& =.
it folio ` ilma dlorstith Whelks.
Ws I. aW M.le.d oritlectoport to Ow
otoesooll. Tbaaprfotfy la lUt aril odor
imonsatelms....tko otgatatoommbr arrow
.....____ ....---__.
6. 1
Wed kor Mho ameamedstioe of . err arc ealsiat
Minima' tbroaghoulk Mt Ilislewilbs =Moe hp*
any Oft ineang of Ow best andkel elm*
M weld to porolies on of go.
&OW topogstko If thoy Owl» Om oat Oft, and
loogotfofkodwootOgo of gbi moody. That IglilOgio
' more ha /added olikoor of roookolity
Warr Insgolg,lllauelktoroll JO HltQ i tin ,
Toiorlogs sod NOW* ODgooOloodegO M.
tolOshl,lll MONO TlslOtt.
agie Wadem ii 4.4"2" 1" :" N AM ," 40:.' •
' NatbMag came storms slum mew%•
61Alye rignaisolo s. ,
ireoarnl or
xr.A.NPAzra. taiesAnsa.
Ito. Re South Frost Km; Plallaidpk*Pa.
receherigalinh•rsal eist.• ado monorail
Tboaismitba of Dragglils, Groan tad Oben le last
'IPE roaom wilLs.rixaicrotsrra.
BOLLIX wag, aM for We bp. - • , e •
. • MORRIS, TASHI% &0O •
eipoiL iacom wow.
J. (Oatabibiled J
. ..
S -- TEINIV .drlii PI A NOEI.- - -. 1.
• choke our dock et the celeteettel te '
Nov Tort ?Issas, -
• luau a is.
to waive nom
a i cla
jai sou tows lbw eaquwayi Inlvabill haft
,P AA:
jtsr - 111E0EIVED • a superb eluvial
Jr cricit'elaiLm) PIANO.
0 1 / 1 01111111110 a. ebbe 1•••••••;big; •
?blob or et awl IOW" 111•1107110 a
-"bleb bEll••••=0 a SONS Imo) ortnalsortbo n aut irsw
1111•11, at the Imo Iblitetuos at las Mamoboopoos
Tim pablio us tuna to OW - sal itio this Webb' bo
.. . .
. . ._ . .
. i .• mgar, N. SI11"1101" ,..•• . l-, - ;.) •,i' '
10.11 WOOD MUM •-•:. '1 i,.. i.....:•'; . .:
iki..._ sipii =. oßss,,,ing_simb i i i ss i; -.....,-, • --:
. 4m ma l swim ft it, ptua n iTh" ... v.... 11151,4,, ; '-" -- •t
-.'"••',-, : _ .
Piano."lLlA 111.10deCI1
NO. ea ew, -
Odd Foam'
wipeimmie. - 4,the
• CHIRLIITIE utug,..• •(•
sad Wotan Ittmotlaisia. Mr =
11 ; SMIX) Piano fa 4:.
AL mum: wow*
HZ SUBSCIUBER has hail left wittijhba If
wasky •Otaßy •toot to have Ma eiti.
Chickering -&
, .
Oat ~6l.isao
ilia/Saw Or lime IM D6l MS THAW CNN MN*'
sat Yr lad she but paribf• art takes oirlt; It la blow
hat order. Yob la webs aim sod liniliste—la Iheit. sa -
(100 D 'NW -Asti mug be disponi at at aamKMr
at thou QUILT 11.111:0019210•4 $l,ll IMOid MIT
11622.titV ' - • 111' Wood Stift!.
Wholesale Driggiat
. .
MODICIN : DalLiia s
110.: 140 woad stFips4 Nttibarsh,:
, •
. ,
. ,
T1t1198; :101f; 'fall Jailo .
OR 11111461 RX
— Marsh's Radical Ours Troia:
Patent True.
Fltch'a Elapinnier T rout
84414 litisling'TioNL • '
Dr ' Banning'. Lace ai Body brae for the
coo. es Pampar aura rho. manure aid noon, t;
Dr. 8. 8. Ateit's Bilver-Ilated &platter.
, Pilaprope, for tint support and oars of 1 1 41in',
Lactic Blocking.. for weak and variama - veiaa.
.Illsatio RaceOgn, for wail tool plat.. ,
o Ankle aspe ,
neo ßa ry pportim weak aanderiL for sydrl6 joints. r
Belf-Ejectng iD geu nisi kis& at :. - .
1 STripies• ,_.
Dc. Hinin has aim a trusa Which Will rid.'-,-Ii
i oaily ma Rands or Rapture.' .t-' • ' i, r - F ".1 -',.t.
• MN at his Dru
of the Qoldu i tt ators, No. 140 Wood ps; - *‘--1- -- .
' Fr;itsruistre, Italie otOR . It4liCllnallAille i.
sit bailistn ikasts kw wianizas Sas_iewais m I . ' lj
ew , , .....' 1,..'
i I GALVANIXI SATTIRT i ILIKIgIo. 1 40,13720 AM '' •
nusisklbe issalosl poris saiyagpstfix ktiell, ma 1 .
Os NO Mod itsprem darp/rollikawar an !aim tiny ~- '., II Illidetinee oil 'hi Dabs% *Was 4 .l.l.
' . wt. eid.W.initwit.' *, •
lio.lllo Woad''
air Anonutt QUIZ - lIT 2 1 11. - SONifici;-:/ - -:.kii .:
.. . _ _ ...... •
called sipe.lleaimeli Eon tins Aso la gm 4 to Ingle 10; '''' , l
?Wink, sa Os ulle• of Dr. XesiS4 3o A/ 41 M1 1 411, •:'.-,-
R cumdabirpstienti WWI teak tilleask. OM
I alt Arr ''..;,
onia sal Obi berreldaltabft s. .*ad to be istbrillb
issed... Gemothus Ora :t iaisiball I tepookawatilble•
MI *theta WPOYalolltlsi: Ilia idallit mute a'
~. --
Oil koala. sas sac - gissay 44111bild. D. Ilidile r, ' ,
pessalbull las me kla.Posiecantriak,•ol4uarsorane
..: :-'
- ' 4 -'
101 " i-own Pius.* am saw isuctia.. or saws. t:.
I MVO° herapimmll awl I &Sot illpitiiiatakrk,bkilk ~
... ien...0.:.- , --,..
hoimeas coma% thitty-taniiiko,olft Illibent lan est
InsiMlE: You petal Mpg jrzs vibli, 1 .. • ;
r:.ospobairooop l a 241180. 4tairtsimixa , ' " •
ia N.. awe Undo,* Ina writtos,lllr. Ituasiting, -' .
ilian * *4•l4ol 9 ooollll edVioniall Iv bit or
4. 21, - ' -. • Uollitaist.; ,'f fi i' -
lafsar Claa••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..LISMilift 4 / , - -. ....x.;
1 TUN OLD iitsmain4suicargVl.J 7, -41,:._47:1 , ..
04 11, a h ,P, it a t.i)t 3p' r4feri,..-.4-r,
: 1:14112
11ANOTACTIMIRS41004: .1 ;'
Alltre"ftlatiVriall444ollll4,l ` . ' .l ';' - i: . :
i, l iria mp•paisisigespa*aikeimearilis ;
s. lit ur c riestarr. - ftropurvaiweysivilr --.....7
1 Aiiizt:•;? . t . 7,.. - ,
. - .
.- ..~x :~i ~~..
". ~: