The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, January 31, 1861, Image 2

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I . 43 iiislltttk:',":..o4i(„lit-
• 1 .-- 7" - rtn oc-c o
sitzto,ko AND tliOrlitefellill.
• igCliWiti; Op*, Pifeh , ofreel, otar B.l47tfleld.
siershur iute sauitui. dollylit-ent
tal=rlr.tottett New' up to the both. of
Aoluiog /dittos-0 p e r amino to &dunce, or 12. a. per
woakiroa autioeu:::
./redrep-Illtitiolo4ll par luau= In advance, I. AL POI
moot from CiitiOnV
MP, Minos - -4141 ii $3 par minum:ltrie cr
moo; $1215 too or nperorde, $t per ononmourarlotly In
/11/4b911111111110 At BASSOINAIikie
LfirliiiittAlt A A NO' 'MX. 4IC
Botke Oka secessionists ire beginning
tolled cat that Mere are lesions difficulties eon
!heir hasty and ill•advised move-
Widol . 6tinioot be obviated by bowibastio
melte!and;ieflammatorjiperches. Theo New
Orissitsptilsiin--a paper which hie had w great,
share li . tCinging about the present excitement
is teat itouth, - sid which for the lid two months
has diseoursed very flippantly of "Northern ag:
Sirecina" and" /bothers wrongs "—hs, sines
theitcsiSloiot Louisiana discovered that ?emit
even If fidmied to Impend.e from the old oput•
hderstri. 'my not be willing to Italie it. for
e,, tunee , with the bantling of Yancey, Toombs and
4: , t - j:loispil7 t ,‘•
.800 s-everee on the part of l'exu,
katfaille, .mould be fatal to the commeroial in
.W,.teriiiiitetteir 'Wilms and Louisiana,' and it
•tliirefOreOutivetly on the people of the
latter State to avert the danger by ming every
latineetiejvith the =quake of the "Lone Star"
Ooramonwealth in befog them into the Mont
gomery seheme.• _ Oar southeirn agitators are
beginning to retillse their cmaition already, and
In a ebort'ithileve will fled them anxious to re-
trial Oar itet;tt. When the I lion oomes, woe to
.. thebeiniors who sin now three log the !dorm. The
Trlllnqlnen,. sad the Bsojamin , and the alidelle,
ad tillif ilolliederatel t¢ treason, instead of de
litellybsg the Union .111 find that they have only
.ilentenyeel 4heasalTer.
deep .; laterrisl,whieh the people feel la the
Neormelost movement has absorbed so much of
theireatienilon. that they have scarcely noticed
thiffitleopments concerning the great robbery
at_WaalaltitiAlt icarried on by Mr. Floyd, late
Beeretary of the War, Department, or, if they
havellothual them, they have regarded them
as leaniteka Matter of cams., from the pre
cooking ectiaPtien of the Administration, as not
to be surprised at them.
The premier. head of that Department has
omentaileMed some of the facts ;concerning it
to Ceetreet; but it is only an opening, eat by
aniortiaaits :the whole, of the rottenness. It
sheiratiast thieving on a meet gigantic scale has
biota II pretrial siner; July loot, at least. The
totlePtalleet-lased before July were small in
amount, eemparailvely, but then they ran op at
011011114 ' ilundred or a hundred and fifty thou
! mind dollars- a;; week,' at intervals, omitting a
meek in the order of drawing them; and Co back
; tale prefnai issue it then became neceasary to
put ail tiehoade held by the Indian bureau aa
collateral Toward the Moss of the year the
Issue of ,these adreeptenoes became perfectly
rookie", theamoant put. out without register
1 tag; Or any other O f f i cial record even, going ea
high an bight hundred thousand goners. No
won* this paper required bolstering in the
; market, and these who took and made advances
on it demanded 'more solid seeurities. Not a
1 dollar — of the whole three or
; four millions of
semitities held by the Indian bureau would have
been left by this time, bad Floyd remained in
1 office:
A. One-Sided Truce,:
VASWent Buchanan, in yielding to the de-
Mande of Ex• President Tyler, who la • warm
sztapalltissr with the extreme politician!, that
the goverimintihall abstain from re-enforcing
Soothers . feria for the sake of poste, should car.
!shay. moire a esseatios of hostilities on the
part of the South Corollas, insurgents. While
Idejor, Anderson Is perinitled to remain without
sucoof;, - difienderst for his supplies, in a great
1 ,
measure, on the kindness of the enemy, the
rebels are working day and night for the &weir
j ad purpose of compelling him to surrender his
position. Why does not Preeldent Tyler ems ,
oboe his good *Mese in the direction of Chailee.
toe, where they seem to be most needed f A
ncuilonlit wiritinglo New Orleans, from Port
. Moultrie, then exposes the plan of operations In
I • that eiedoliy:
. .
t ''The rigid watch kept upon the fort hie not
es a moment been relayed, and on Cummings'
Polak (the portion of the mainland florist to
zleFort ammeter) the erection of a powerful masked
batten' has :bow commenced, and so large a
torn b mew elms(' upon It that it will be to
couplet. Atlas"' trim before this letter reaches
yen. Upon thiewortliworli the heaviest ooliembleds
whieh theittaeo possess (fie pounders) are beteg
Nonage& pantie' directly to the 'lmprepible
rumples of Pt Baster. It certainly/equine a
fmtelfol turn of naiad to smartie these vigorous
hostile"' peparatieroi Into omen, of an amicable
arrangement. Practicable:people here begin to
thialt.that Beyno's "whelps" Is all moonshine,
j that his "propoeilloos" will be made to be re.
jeceekand that the reel purpose of his haring
1 .
goon to Washington, is to pain time to conalruct
that Cumminfa Point battery. If these shrewd
popular coojecturee should be corset, the fight
1 hers will begin with a Gadd ennui 'Mob, I fan
neither Gemmel Soot, nor any of his nor
', midose will be prepared for. In a word, South
Caramel will, se soon as she le ready, take Fort
Bustle lestendoegotiate in smut afterwarda"
ItFprt;,Bumtea'u taken by Booth Coolies,
;. Pselles Liao - bums will be held to a fearful
'- the country. All the blood
eked a that °mud**, wlibbe traced to his weak
ead-w_ conduooeow, when rigorone
aro so niiiesary.
, -
Tanya* Or a?
j The well-loionites correspondent of the lll's
, dolphia North Amoriost circa the following con
; Um WS of public Wash
! / 2 1 4011 :
.3144 leading Ropublioatto in both branoheo
I of Ooagreeeti who are einosrely disposed to
Sul sad eattsfatory initial:mat of the 'layer,
question, will not advance as fah in that di
nation MI log el, the cotton Stabs and their
I enSeltititell Maintain as attitude of doilanos,
• and thirestia to obtthrow the gomument,
; masa their dictation le obeyed. It la useless to
abash* this fat, Of to abut, at evidence'which
.1 le palpable`to alley eye Tido secession Miller
'! swot beoitileil itimehow, sad soled 'decisively,
before any oomprenda aaa be obtained. They
- <lndt spa knowjgg whether we haves govern
kl,.', mama as el , or ante's' mon than s• "moral
spay,' which a refractory or calnomolons
is Odds may upell by an ordinance of aeotesion.
- ...Tbertis.vat fora in what Mr. Simmons, of
,:Bode Mend—than whom no man in or out of
Mersa la,,wqra - olisserativ• ask fair—said
the othiAsy, when dismissing these difficulties:
.1 as Wadi -Ureempromise for fear of deemr
.. snubs the government." Whilo conspirators
saw theft purpoeito eilablish new _oonfed.
• essay, Orgailse sondes to roust the laws of the
1, Waked &also, also the forts,' athensts; Sr...
mad public propeity,ad setnally, ' , levy war"
1 against the goarsorest, It may well be asked
by lie:mobt moderato and calmJndaing mtea
whether liar Is the time and these an the prop
it elniumatakees In wideli to open negotiations,
or le bring foniad nisamoree of conaillation. A
I .
pace Cabbed up wade' date of thbge would
tines, Sable lobe broken /a any ,
atitamit Allusion or apposed aggreesioa,
kftonwhilnastra —The following oreallest
, itinidooed into the House, at
!logo .bY aornoldsi front the Sabot
r ,.1,,f - i:lentbitthief 'Sabi that purpose
• blitile bi =Wild An lot forthwith prov Ide
for caliblibith the militia of the Vatted States
It'ishetw# by the Waste and Hong of
„tairosmaathrse of the United Slates, - le Con
-gam ablabled, fist It shall be lawful for - the
I Prodding of tho United Mateo, whenever and
as sites as is ATI "opinion It .shill becalm
.to anu lardy - the militia of all or
at any of aisles of the United' Statue,
to leapt She 'Sordoni of rotatitesve to ouch
1, abet ably be required to protect and defend
vile l4 o4 l l l l 4ll alitv bfithlinhli desk yards, navy
yailviojoirimithibp: sad ;other . property of
ti *Oa which has boos or may be usk.
111whilly isiai ere- liken , pothebiait of by' ay .
161b11040b;it.71,111oin .whistroomit sad the
se ace antharbing tho employment
e)• lead ttR~ tiitrkt bfoitt girth Afalted Stulesin
"osissaffasuntottosa, spps-100+0111, ISOT,'
.!'ltu.atisthorbi.voimid ) niasuatMEthe_
iii-4141001:al avdp.* the' dual:1~
coliass.abot,bo,4lpiqoalk ol.l9 le the saftimodvi
I. ' ; ' l- :; 7 1 0 - 01.0 % - ttra .1.4101. :411
, .
r^v t - ti%~_. - ..
.....1 .From: lituriebtarg.
tlillrelkat carieq4Mdeiceol . Meilen, gulatiauch owtie]
-..- ii . fragile - it:ma, JAM 2S, Ri6l.
..',Neams. Vitors : Bottaliousee heed emirate
day: lite 'Basil! puttied about ado ' n local tad
vieunportilit - bille. Oen autbotiaing t e laying oat
of a state toed in the . ..counties of a legimay and
Bailer, was laid over On second rea ding and will
come up therordern to-morrow.
M. balm read in place "an act to provide for
fencing part of the Cleveland and Nuthatch R. R.,
and for tie: better protection of property to Beaver
Mr. Gregg, "an act affording relief and granting
stay of inecotion."
Mr. Smirh, "an act ptoviding for Compenaation
to the owners of fugitive 'Mares in cases where
they have been rescued or enabled to escape by
mimes of mobs, rime, violence or threats and fear
thereof. end to prevent and punish such mobs?
riots, violence' sod disturbances of this Common
wealth," w hich was committed to a special com
mittee of are.
Ordered; that 500 additional copiee of said bill
be printed rer the use ol the Sonata.
Mr. Smith also introduced a resolution to ap.
point five Commiuionere to meet cbtemissioners
already appointed from Virginia, and commission
ers from othes States, if they shall Be appointed,
to crinvene'ai Washington on the 4th or nest mouth,
on the Stab of the Union.
The rem:tint/One were referred to 0/peels! Com
mittee. j
Jedgingj from the action had is the House on
the motios to, postpone tudefinitely and for the
present, tlis Will meet with favor in that branch.
They are postponed until to-morrow it 12.0 , c10ck.
Tm-morrow being private calendar day in that
branch I presume their consideration will be fur.
itesolatibus paled by the Legislate:es of Tenn
elaile. Virginia and Ohio, relative to the state of
the Union, were presented, read and alerted.
There it certainly no Wick of Refoleu for the
Thirse rom Tennessee, it seems to me, are
insultag to Northern tieemen• Thel Chairmen of
the Special Committee, in the Senate, I think, co
regards tbSm.
If we are going to eat dirt, why cot at once
ease the following brief Rrsolors, which I respect
fully recoMmend
1. That we are sorry that we ever made a Re•
publican platform. ,
2. That we are sorry we hate 'acceded in elect.
mg a Preaident.
3, That if the South will loraise us, we promise
newer to do so sits:io.
4. That hereSitir we will eat as much dirt and
as often limn maestro; may deeire.
Remolntions bate paned both branches author.
Wog tlieppointment of Committees to invite the
President *dent to visit Elarrisburi on his way to
Wubinginn. Your., C. P. P.
li•entessaso, Jae. 29, 1861.
The Senate convened at the noel boor. But
little bouneu won done prior to the report of the
following ' react:oboes, which were taken up and
very ablytdifieuesed, until the bout of adjourn
ment—half-put three o'clock. Mein. Penney,
Landoo and Irish ably and powerfully opposed the
resolutions. Messrs. Finney, Bound, Smith, Law.
ranee and Schindel ably advocated their passage.
They finally passed by • vote of 22 to 6. , Messrs.
Benson, IMbrie, Irish, Landon, Penney and Rubin
son voted' in the negative. The ro•011itIOtill will
go the House to-mom - we, but are eat expected to
meet with'. welcome it reception.
The following is a copy of the resolution.
WklrlefiS, The Legislature of the State of Va.
glom has: invited a meeting of conmissiocere of
the several States of thug Union to be held in the
City at ‘Oambia g ion on the 4th day of February
next, to 'consider and it practicable agree upon
mutable anjuetment of the unhappy difference.
which now disturb the business of the country,
and threano the ,dinolution of the Union, and
Wherein, . in the !aplomb of this Legislature en
reasonable cause exist. for the extraordinary ex
citement which now pervade¢ some dl the State* in
relation t 4 their domestic inatitottmis, end while
Pennsylnota still adheres to and cannot surrender
the pneciples which she hu always entertained on
the subject of eleven, this Legislature in willing to
accept the indication of Virginia and, to noite with
her in an 4 effort to restore the peace of the
country, by such means as may be consistent with
the principles upon which the Constitution is form
ed ; therefore,
Resolved, Ac., That the invitation of the Legisla
ture of Virginia to her sister States, for the in
polatmenti of Commissioners to meat in the Clay of
Winbinguth, on the 4th of Fetiniary next, be and
the same in hereby accepted; and that the Governor
be and he is hereby authorized to eppolat savant
Comminiciners for the State of Pennsylvania, whose
duty it shell be to repair to the City Of Wnhlagton
on the dud designated, to mast nett Commie:Wooers
as may be appointed by any other States which
have not 4utborised or auctioned the seizure of the
Forts, Arteliall or o th er property of tbe- United
State', to: consider and, if possible, to agree upon
"thimble mints for the prompt and Abal settlement
of the difficulties which now eziat ; Provided, That
the said Cemminioners shall be satinet, in all their
proosedbigs, to the instructions of thin Legislature.
Reeolcsd, That In the opinion of this Legislature,
the people of Pennsylvania do not dentin any altera
tion or amendment of the Constinitloh of the United
States, sea any recommendation from tide body to
that effect, while it doge not eons wit:attain appro
priate sad legitimate duties, would hot meet with
their apptioval. That Pennsylvan is will cordially
unite with the other States of the Union fa the adop
tion of any proper coonitutional 121110111114 adequate
to guarantee and secure a more strin-and faithful
observation of the 'wooed section of the fourth arti
cle of theConttitation of the United States, which
provides, among other things,-that "the citizana of
each Stat. shall be entitled to all privileges and
immunities of citizens of the several States," and
that "no Penton held to service or labor in one State
under the:laws thereof, escaping into another, shall
in consult:ince or any law or regnlaDon therein be
discharged from such sonic, or labor, bat shall be
delivered :tip on the claim of the party to whom
mob service or labor may be due."
. In the Hone the private calendar was under
consideration, zed upwards of fifty local bills were
paned, among which are the following
_"An set to Incorporate the Atenouis Hall Ant,
- elation of East Liberty, in the county of Alle
gheny." !
"An ant eepplementary to as act incorporation
the Nanning Railroad Company, approved the
11th day Of April; A. D. 1869 "
"As net relating to the collection of taxes in the
county of, Lawrence."
The Union...rill of coarse be op "sky high" in
the Honed to-morrow. Yours, C. P. R.
Framktrag Privilege.
The !flowing correspoodence bootees the lion.
John D. !Aehmore, the Reprevenfative from the
Fifth Congremional Dfatrict of Bouth - Carohns, led
the Aitier Postmaster Greeml, will 'convey to our
readers ibformation Important at this time to the
Southern /Date, claiming to hove vr!ithdrawe from
the Unioe.—Naffond Infe/Agnacer.
! Anonym*, C.) Jan. 24, IbGl.
My DIA' 81111:1 have is my paateNloll Rome
1,000 to 1,200 solemn, of " publed docomente,"
being ety proptirtion of the came an a member of
the Thirty-eizib,Congrese. They *Fire forwarded
Of to email sacks nod are now lyiaglin my library.
Since the!date of the ordi of FaCOll6Oll (ife•
camber 20th, 1560 i of South Carotins; 1 have not
and the franking privilege, nor will I attempt to
do so without the special permission'of the Depart.
meet. Tp pay the pottage _on _theist booke, /he.,
would coot me a large auso...and mid that 1 am not
prepared to expend. The books eve of no one to
me: bet right he to my constituehis, for whim
they wens iotended, if distributed imougat them.
Rasp 1 the eight tir fnuik and dietribute them spa.
der • azirtieg relations 1 If so, phonic inform me.
navies 'hid that I have not sled the frankieg
privilege hince the 20th of December, Ismail hardly
add that I .hall tot do .o,even on a public docu
ment," sinless you autbnise it. I
I am, with great respect,
truly end sincerely hour., .
Ilan. KoEvrto
Acting Postmaster General.
Posy Orrice DIqAItTIFINT, t
Jetiosey 28, 1801. J
Sin to sooner to your letter of the 20th lost.,
asking If jou have the right, "ander esiebting rals
tions, ' tO frank and distribete artat6 publte docu
ments, I have the honor to state that the theory of
the Administrative to that the /editions of South
Corolla, to the Oatmeal Govern taunt have been In
nothing clanged by her recent act of esousloui and,
this belogno, you are orpourissentitlid to the (mote
-1 log privilege notil the Zest Monday in December
next. If; however, SI I learn ta the, eau, you an
, rarely and decidedly entertain the conviction that by
tact anti, i3otith Carolina ceased to ig a member of
the Confitaeracy and le now a fora State, it will
ho tor yoi4 to determine how far you Oen consolentl
inlay exercise a privilege the eierchis of which as
sumes Mit your own conviction Is erroneous end
, deafen' that , Lath Carolit4,l4 'still In the
-Union and that you are still a membir9t the Coo
' grass of the Matsui States.
I oaf very respectfully, your oblidlent tenant,
Acting Postmester General
lion. Jona D.Asituons, _
I , Andereon, &oil 'Carolina.
Briostis AIRD PATRIOTInf•—The , merchants of
Melillo take rather s practical view! of the baces.
.111hs busiessi and somewhat differlhg from ibat
entertain $d by their clerks. The litter Mite the
Irit to volunteer "to take the lorM." It we, ft
Stoi froli, art there wee no dagger and • week's
holiday. Ile their absence, however) some of the
Merchantirsupplied their places with Other rinks,
sad the 'Ole:deers have- nothing Mai their patriot.
lam to soloist upen.
Anullll.D in • Bl . T.—Tim Nob
slVo learn from a letter from oil* or papt. O'Hara's
company; pow at Pensacola, to Ms el • lo this Mg,
that the wife of 'Copt. Skimmer ' eonnisadm at Port
Pickens, lied been smelted it Fort garottes as a
Mg. Show's& to Fortßannoss without any. os
tensible hoopoes, sod th• nameable sappoeitkre
was:.that ltha bid ems than tolitotes of . th e
position of thing and repo rt them to sr booked."
Tio Jspolidet - Embuif Astro'
Todd°. sad bee nay loads& Tb
Mr bei beta dolbranal to tb. Tycoon,
inbred ebb to An Invitation boo •
Wm to etAt tie Netatm- -Teo Eat
ettadvel 14.thotr goomassil laths m
Ita amt-lt Is odd CAI: rem .
oontrloo Maks tmatbm:
Tim KVITUCKT Wrianan,"•l/4.
Nth COligkrthli says 619.,thilgestlinint apps ei
by lie. Geiterat Aatablir'et liiterikl t to gin.,
mot that State I. tht..CPON I B4OI_ I.4 l), ltaluda•
eh tits 4 th of ~twil/limo &Utile'
Mend nologetooraiik apeitisaskitUedes
'llll l6 1 1 0 11 9,0WIPMA*0 1 144 *WINO:
0W 1 , 4 1100 111 #A 0, -4.
, •
•r - ;:f:4,,- - ..,.._.P.;::_-=;.4, - ;:,.41.:1,zz,..,.,--4 - 1....,.‘, - _ ..:4;277-1:-. - ,s.;---i:E....1., , 47.., , ,;5•7z- - 4:::k ' . . P.' - ' l7-•• , •- 7,:fat,;:a„:Aa-•,:z. - zez - 4. - A..-r,=:.•;-,----i,..-p::::417,-..; 7 - r.,--,-,-- ~ ---, ,,- 0 -.4,4:,e,4;:- . 4 - ~,, ,, ,„,---3„, . .„., -47 : A r 4 '^' • 14. .'" , ''''
A. ACT or SAILTAILISIG—Ws have beforalefor
red to the removal or lights from fightbonees aid
of buoys from channels, I. Meicaime of the bliid
minions of the pro-slavery rebel.. Bat theme acts
of atrocity bare been STUMP* ID' Laotian& by
the measure of the United B.atii'barracka below
New Orleans, which ire used a• & Mgt= Hospital.
No lea. than two hundred sod Wont° Poor asst T-i -•
tog waders have hten touted away Iron their com.
fortable.quartera and lent 'drill Upon the world.
In times of tierce cirri war, when the passions of
men are excited to a malignant' pitch, the retreats
of the disabled and diseased are held sacred even
by the mob; but the. iefattiatioa of the secession-
Mts is proof against the dictates of common ho
manity.—N. Y. Lee. put.
A Timone or ORLTIIIIDI—A BAD Coat or
110.0•IILA CoalD.—About Nq. oars Ito, I beanie af-
Cala with derohyla—at my physicians WWI It. I bad gm
antenna do log my Malinest attandin r me at entlbrant
tam. Who all armed In allow It enrofula. I for In ade
unable to get Mont. r the drat three lament my yielore.
I had Mambo,. nearly the whot ofthe thy • rears. end ins
purged meta as twenty tams day.more or lea My food
did oot digmt. ad I had winded to a akel.tan. Ny Ilribt
me (stared sod broke, ad all the humors run out of
No lift foot wm alorratad, and way operated 06 by oae of
mr physician. bat It did in. no gad. .11 bad y • may e■ Ma
Alan cm one kg. and so mammon over my back sandbar.
dlubargiogosottarolltbotlako. Alter mar at beim. mot.
and Ik, .&.tor cot I 4 the tandem. became contractil ad
mad. my foot I.a forward. lo %Ws staLo of my caw my
father ailed cc Dr. of 140 Woof Meat. who
mar oat to ore me, to Math= township. about Cm mils.
from Pittstnargh.on th. gleubonyllie mad; Mier he nn•m
lad inn b. sold mo If I did what amid, ad took the nreat•
know artfully. he could can ore. I commons:id tablas tire
madame Dom mars ago last MI of J her, As align as I bo
as. taking the metioln. 1 toga to Immo. and asthma
to 'moron until 1 got mainly wall. I took the metal.
from IX Baylor for slaniontna. 1 then coal/mod royal
• all ad have boa to good health rim elan. I walkabout
with a maa, on *moat of my lag baling croakd at the
lime, which was contracted sod crooked at the Ilia loom
mewed Maas the inedicia; at that tinny I timid not put
my foot within two Maas of the ground. how, although
it la .1111 crooked. lam pat It to the ground. Dr. Kamer
gave me madam Internally, for toe diarrheas ad aim to
Part& the blood. It la wow nearly four moan sham I cam
farsaced taking him medicine, and my health Is attar the
I ever In my life boas. I ham bad arst-rate health for the
last three and a half marl. ad feri It dal to Dr. Imam
that I droll maim thin pubic Matentaut in order Slat
Mbar pashan may by enrol as I wan bombers of my
nsighbors know bow badly I way Mftlatad, anima miry raY
statement. . OH 011.1/111N, J., Chadian Sp.
Pittsburgh, Jaa IS, lEat.
I gm the tab. of John tiahlo.and to cartify that the
feats mated to hie cue at, troy. JOHN GRIPVIN.
Sleepless, Crying. Teething Children.
All know how nopleassot are those Sc ompanlmenie of
babyhood, and most Intelligent persons know, also, the sad
consequence to health, and often his, from tb. or of ono.
dynes, cordials, and similar baby d .4 to qnlet them
PILLI3, is pleasant eager pill ) which you mty drop Into this
month at any time. glee you Terri:sing to be drafted from
medlcina They aria rug eatent, oils; to. &sitarist of
fltr Mao, coil-ce t'sfl sea Atm .1 Ghtnel gists, sod prawn
mature and gold rel . , orillooft the Mood roolacso of a r
dials or opium. They it... toss; most for years, awl age
proved by all •h, , or them or .o.oor
Paco, 26 coot. per 602, with dittonous. :It 6..6146 11.
N. B —A full molt of Ila ..... 110111U•arfArtlieM.01.1121 .
with 8.,0k of INnoctlook cud tlkluol
taro r 1616, SIUMOCO ow, $6; dlloo, to philu ca., $1; woof
8f1..0 bozos. and Book, $2 Slues Wain, 20 root. sod 60
nobs Itootodlok lb. oioglo boa or VW. I'M mod by
mall or .iota. Imo of charge., to *kr roottot
al dm prim Addraor. Dr. r. UU.lll3lltt•l'd 03,
Stri Brood troy, N.n York.
poll by J. M. FULTON, Mt.. 1.1f.e, re.on &tor In.
the Patt‘talos. Agent for Pittaborgb. ' J abolAtrltoT
Mr MILS. W INSLOW, un experienced Nurse
and Female Phydlath, h. • Snothlog Syrup tog children
Odthloo,whlch greatly Imllltatr• dm precede! tadhlag
by ddlealag the iamb, tdlorlbs lud Anmattoe—will
allay .11 pato, and 1. moo w ragulat• the Lewd. Wooed
opna 11, an•hdo, It will glee red to yourmld• mei redo/
odd Laidth to year lataaM. Perfattlr ..l. I. all Cams.—
Pee sAmedemmat to sanded rolonne.
. .
D tit VCR, of Rees e• township. will bemptcrt..o
for the atom Wilco, miti.ect to the der • tie of We lit•mablb
ittifti.f-ti t KuY V. 001.18, of Pee
blew tovroahlp, mt. U. tots. of bla Mende to oblein
the Republican nomination for Sheri of •Ileghens Coott
Cy. Um Matinee. not snow him It. Opp, enmity of
trate:raw the wooly and m.oe them ail.
or •Sa
will b. gran St &&&&&&&& HALL. as THIMISILIT
11,12111210.16. 31.11161. The ebtartalomat oUt wait.'
of 0.001. salactiao of Doclarcuattoot. Otaola alba Mail
strata! Ostia. sad Dlalognia. Tickets 141 roata, to W
bad of tb m.mMm ma at tba door. Ytouatis to to az
panda' for • library. Doom cm at ex. yottartauaaaja
00.13ZIOCCA at 7)4 o'clock. laratt
rtitltiuSa., Jan. 2 166 t.
j'[& , NOTICE is hereby given that an
woos.,ll W out- at Lim s••• lb• P•atn)tn•
all L,riltl•tot• fur • charirr b lt.capar•t• lb. ALLIA
V 611 A knit, t. D ,t ILt6O,
, NUTICE.—The Propnetore of all the
prieepall Lame 154.01. to I Ittebeteh hey. weed to
elate their atone at 6 p , and eller YON bit.
the Mb Indent. exempt &While, •venhet, pZette
1.1,C11 01 T.. rITTOO4.I o.t Ca 117.1.1
MI6 co /*booty. MI.
jr".DIVIDEND.—The Tluetees of the Pitts.
e7oe 0.17 i;
of the Chapoty. not of Vt.Prodt• al the hot Ms llootho
poyhtto Ithaltoblo too& to otatitholdho or 10.111hp1
nphorotat vet at the Mks of WQua toot
jateehr ' JAKIN IL CURL@ IT .ThOlOtOt.
Pittsburgh, J.. teal f
.m 7 busibolttere of lb. liesteey Vallee ItellroralCkres
pray trill be bald Et I:Mele th.• Cemspaey. comer of
Wuhtestoa Waal earl Manny) alley, Vette mord. Pitt.
burgh, oa 20112D0V. the MO del of February. 1961, et 10
eV *et • al. A stebateat of Vet afters of am corneae
aid be imamate:tend ea illathre sill be bald for trot
dent tied Soma of Yemeni Cm tbe meads% emu.
41211.Sebitas 'ern olBloll.llPeretery.
Orhoi or ISuroomot Nionout. , ll WI.. r 1
I Plitob• b,Jseoory 1944 1.1161.
las Directors of , e ifortoogshellt Nev.
Igstloo ooropeay Imre this doidootared • 1.11111.
MIND a FJOB. PU 01%2 au tho 141 NUM oat al
the nasal op at Ms 4.1111. 110•00, pa old. Id 4. Stock.
holden or Mgr Wok rapromotathor, oa ot attar 114 Hal
last, to bookie& foods, No ilo dim at Ow Truorror.
RI ardor of Ow Bawd.
J• 11114.1 W. B. OOPIL ilfi D, 1.44.ar0r.
%mum ma
t, corm, Weie& from 101111 12,. Gaohl . W.61711M111
AM WIIT , IM, it,
.otea) silbfitlfittlitritli
Comer of Third and Wood Stmts.
13111-heado t Labels, Cavil. or Prolirlironos.
Ito Omani, lahlblUoos. or .allot. of Oaf litrmin
REED'S MAGIe&TIO OIL still holds the
jib ropluallos It boo Inol for row, or Win =odor to
say °Orr ballroom or Ittboonl known. u It coo bobber.
tlvoly oloortod that
Reid. Mapes* Worm Jibeboraturo,
suds toorty Newry! 6...pooal,,Attrosr;
Rod's liaji;iic - o'oni - s 11.'4.014;
dud's ailmene 04 evu Mak uoili0;
liners Illogactie 04 you Making:lora;
Nada iikrlolllC Oa GUM liretlPllll Masse
Reed's Yagoda Oil Glom/Vaud he;
/tore Rapt& Oil nnts Aral, W.s o;
lad's ii•riete Oa curt* Itoillogr;
War! .114‘.119 Oq 00.0 Jr . 4mM 1.• EkWil;
Resa's Marlette Oil caste ilks VW r
Boa/ a Vlttle OA own Sm. Ache .wt Tel. I ehr;
•Pmaill roal mAy. and for .11 Amides!. sod /Varies
,m./M comidarod "Ir!sad In 'sod..
• For male by V. A. Tabniedo.k l (b, 4. t. Mlles AOo
Valdas, Wal-hr/lealen. Pittsburgh: &alum I Kelly.
Allegheny edgy; H. 0. timbal). Dlrmlagban4 and by Wap
gist, generally. - . .
sad Dealer le CUOtaii FAMILY SIR 0101:11,8,
cornerbmltbdeld eod Fourth vtit.,Snle Aiwa
;2 A N DS' IMASAPA K I LLA.-1 he volun•
1.7 eery trattosooy of outueroue Althea; who owe their re
storstioo to butte under the Warhol of Preshbrace to Ude
celebrated busier, tragedy, wove., drat foe Mara who lea.
math under the pate ef filteturratrata; for.ths Arad Wow,
the Blotched, Nitrated sod - Diedgunwe tbs sufferers ft=
Tumors, Oman and Abetweesu Ito victim' of Deemed
Glen; for the Dyspeptic sad ltuleebled, awn I. tow ewe
soo for bop.!' Thousands of awl awn betel been rand by
tbls preparation, *ad tbottearals and true ef thourande may
yet be reefored to health by Boum
Dolt Prepared so
Now d sold by A. B Ai D. BANDS; Droughts. 1,0
on otrwt. - •
. .
Hold shaky Et a4AUNIIISTOOK a 00., i'llbbitrgb, Si,
Bid SIM hy, Dragelna morally. lobatelhr:wit/
QU RIEB-500 Oste;
k ail !me Prhne White tiedisooods Potatoes, 1
SOO do Plot life Potsdam
. 200 bblis wanted Apples, to dose for W. by
toIICULP &11811PARD,140 TAFT 0/ IL
tiEklatt I__ Ulf 11-225 boxes Prime
Elsoeti W
Ned Au a& b Cbome no do • Nay; led do
orp-Jad y I
nverav tr..comit.
plg i AP re fl- ; 85 aks. Bright Dry Apples,
P H. OOLLINI, 26 Wood A.
Duos bbl
i t 3 F i reab Zgtijitterggliage
Y.P.D4ODED--75 sacks Prime. Peaches
„TB jjf bee riedAle irk by Jar uses! ILOOLLII9B
.a." DST 111.10 RU, 11 bip DUI OPLITIS
4 I bb1D14111) PIAOLIIIIO.Psob* • -
—2 bUr. „ ,
11011-1 w
oar Willis tres Rt 0110.14nalit We by
• r
be it
• eximadod to
-7-10 nut te
gidK II ma i 11111111 U, wit tiodlag fray
nin piny. Ninon by J.lO 11141411r01c2 iT • OD;
•11/A.P.:011 , 4 Obit," • -
4. IBM Pining freaserOon Pitman oak by
. Nl6 • 11A1111 DICIEST ac
LOQiR' . :BUD=2D.,po ug reo'd-Yoe.
•-• sY O - : -
~Sotsmumo, POIIPLR AND 1 sanri.
• '
.. , .. . . . . ... ...:,„_,... ... ..„. ....,. , „ ....., . ~....„ . .... „:. :,.. . .„.„....... : ......“..„...„....... j . , ...„..... .. .. „ ....:
.i l ± : : :- . :: : : " . ': : ?? .- • (- •: - ..::: : - - . -. : . 1.-'..• .., ' - ' , .''.l; t: ::'.. - ; : ,:‘ : .::' , .±'',1:...'.1 : ::', - ; - - E, ' - ';':' , .. 2 .' ., - -- .'; --- ; , 1- : .: ... :;::: - ':.'. ;- . -,; :':.',C - : . .,: , :-.'.. : -'::: - E - : -. ..--':::.....::=:, - ,::-1 - ... -.. .:::',. - ,•7?.-7 . -F:... - ,-I':',
'k'F4' : ''''''''''A'' s '" t. '""'' - ''''''''' l ' - ' s ''" i-E- -''Ztl'c;'4i , 'A!-faiii: - i : :.:fiii.'k 6 : : o4 . ' 4 .'a ..-•:.!.t.zat-.l, ' xz,-A*:6V.v.-tigl,:.izit-g : 4i;:;.,- t ,
- . ..-.. . • • -
'Public Acmes
- ,
----- ~.
, ,
--, 411.!.,4,11bgttOtinentS. ' .." , :: 1 .
----- . 41
A N \I:IEI;O'SI6.MM making Approprintiaiii
ja. for - the year 181U
-1'O130( . De It , otdatael awl enacted by the itoyiei
Aldortnea end Olifieee or PlUsbgreg, id 811111GZ and Ocaannon
Gonad dilileadded, and It Is hereby enacted and ordered
by the thority of the wee. That lbs revenue or mil
CIO. f too )ear 1501. argttog from tasee; loam end •
rem, together olth gay money, la the Totenary
not ohne appropriated, are beroby eppropthded for
We Ibllcrotor.
No.l-. stenstaad UR so Otty Lone, $ Bl . BOB 0 4
No. 2-Ealariee of City Oflicere.
4 .....
Itsytir% wary— .... ..—.....8 700 00
Controller.* do .--. . —.. 1.660 10
Treenoree• do ...-:;---....... LCOU 00
Baru'. Clerk 10.0 00
Dbooogahala Weael alleeten. NO 00
Alfrabray do .. 600 00
Olty•rollcltor... 600,0
at.Clotamlestonere $5OO each:. 1000 10
, Chief of Polk'.-...._._ 640 00
Deven Day Polka, each $65 .
-... ...... 0,040 CO •
..'. Ch. Day P 01 1 ,... $2O per mn... 240 00
Olerlto of DouocilLeach IWO. 500 00 I
Ileoaeoger VoleotOonucll ILO 00
do Common do 200 00
do ..conmatan..- DO 00
Raeordlogßeolator 400 00
Dopetlotend.t Water Wore, 1100 0 0
Amen., Wator Boat. 700 00
Orly Arco - ILOOO
aaporlopeadeat Moreau.— 000 00
Chary ofhlarkefe.- ...... ..-.. 000 00
, Dosetable of mutat..
Leath.hod Appropr4lloo,lBoo--...
No.ll—Plablto Ptintiqg nod Iltatiooery.
No. 4.—Ftn. Unglues nod noon
Nix Hand Bunion, orb stcO 2,400 0)
Throe Know do own 21,000... 0,000 00 i
lootallemot on Alloghnoy Lot... 1,000 00-43,400 GO
No.6—Night Polite 17,700 9
No. 11-Water Works. , ... 2/1,000
No. 7-81sents:
Vint Dtslrlcl: C10501ng..... ....... 2 000 00
do Itepatrtog. ...... -.. LOW 00
~. do adverts --- ..... . 2 .XXI 00
Sonond.Dlntrlck Oladdng .... ..... 2000 00
do nap dring........... 4.000 fib
dq Colvelis ..... ..... . 2000 00
Street Prondoity, both dbdrkba... 1 000 00
Ira 711
11229 78
Leto Wawa appiralloo, 1211.0 1,82 V 78-16,000
1,600 ISQ
No. 10-ILoonagatkela if bast-. ..... - 2,600 OQ
No. 11-Allailmo7 do 8600 00
No. 12-Walgh , 600 00
No. 18-13ostIopat If and.-- 7,600 111
No. 16-Hord of Elsallb, to Do paid
spas Vouchers, satisfactory to
lilnaoos OOO Ot
No. 16-(Nalsoos approprtaUps 18E0
No. 17-Outetatullog Cionotenlgoad
No. 118-.Exproasa DS:partway
I:o•=o6l,Eacbstigoo, to.
No. 19-81aktos rood.
Datums appropnallons IMO
No. l6—Loo. duo and falllos duo
$318400 06
Sec.& That the rate of City Tele. fur the less 1881 .ball
be fire mills on the dollar, oo the velnallon for County poi;
weed the 1080 for 'haft on the Helm of Merchandise and
Monte of Incorporated Oamparthes, Heel LW. and steam
Bost% and ots the Average Bedpan of Broker., forward
ing and Ckuntnietton Nen halts, Hants and Banking In.
1040,.. shall' be onedhird of one 03111 ot, the dollar—so/
the rate for Sasm on the We. of {loon., dertneoted ot
Ellettlied and on the Bolos of Aue4oueelo.leio.l4.
log Dale. of Moots, illat• ace Steam Bostej .hail be
doe mob ori M. dollar, et which rate. the City Anaseeor
shall mere the said Wee. 1
800.8. That the Oontroller shall .rt If, warrant" op=
No. 11, only upon the Order of the llowcb
It=terro 'u r•utejority of the member. thereof.
Sao. 4. All Ordinances or parte of Ordleanore loooneisteut
herewith are hereby repealed.
Ordained and enaciad Into • leer In o.nocils this 38th
day of January, A. D 1861.
WU. It. BROWN. pro tem.,
Pleadeot of Bele"; Council.
Ilttrt: R. llcaaow.
Clerk 01 Select Gynocfl
• • a MoCutNDLE4B,
PrWdeol of Common Ono di. 1
•Itut Haas LclLnza.
Oler• atOoanooallustocil.
LOOK AT Ttilit
Glycerine Cream
Glycerine Crawl
wlithout sicoptlaa,tb• Ent article tam la oaa lot
Chapped Hands, Lipe, etc.
Chapped Hands, Lips, eta
b, 10$. FLIISIIN(1.
Manor Motet alma sad the Dletutud,
Ooraer Market str.•l4 and the Diamond.
Oorzwr Mute* arrest and Um Diamond.
tOR 1111
Promotion and Protection of Track
Over 5140,000 Oman's.; Houses flepowtsd,
imbriting emery PIT. To and In Ma 1:1214.i/
!tat.. maids and other British NewsMee In N. A.
H. G. Dun & CU.. Proprietors.
Conn a °w.4 7 41- Teal idelnets. PUnbuil., P.
Nsunlin.4 $.O Tait. Jam, 11il—PIU4?0, M.re4 Ini
.11/111114 use.,
WCW TORN--....---.-...—bON, BOYD & 00. '
arsWeb 011110.6.
Pitio&argt ..,-..R0 boo •0110.1pr000la..—.R 0 Don a 06
Ptilladopb.l6,...Ro Don 106 No. Ortotta...-1101,6216 06
th0th010t1........R 0 Don & Oo Charlootoo ---.RO book 06
OLovolsod-........R0 Dos 100 L0a1n10...........R0 lan & CJ,
Duroß....-....-R 0 Du • Ot• MI. Lools--.-.11 0 Das & 4
Chkwo ..... --JIG Pao •Co Rootivißo ----BO Dona
Asseciato Wlle.s.
__ER....a• MI Bauman ...—J D Pratt aO.
Rielos664----Prott& OD
Potolgit Urn....
...ILO owl • oal Roottoo ..R 0 Deo I OD
[Dada% Itag...-A 0 Due A-0.
Roirroor 8c , r40, ottli ootkoo of eb.opy prtotad dolly,
torahltmot a Ootorribrro PrUo $lOO 00.
.00Itairtioneprotop0y allsodrol to to all porta of the Iligtod
litotoo ao4 .0111th Possortorto owl Illotottocoo to upon,*
or 100 Hoar. to. Pittaboogls, for or tome the ogles warn rot.
Lutists of latroduction to L0wy...1 high standing sail
rostootatilliii lo vaisyssarosi of the OM. lOU to grata4
gnosis fataisinal to sabscsibes• matting eaplicaUati at the
ofll o, Also So any of it* naaisd show. Jataiik
411., MOWS
Inerrant!le Law Agency.
We hi s jut madved lb, Illahth volume of gar Qom
anntat lasporta. eau tails( n Watson .pelt or own sea
haodni Motored Bullion. llaralisala
la tan* thoonaid sham sad loam. lin futon us r.
sand wits anal cam sod um bollawid to toi war inn. at*.
woolly of aanadtaas will be malls aatmanaws,
oad tad , anal el , bat ti Win be sasbalir. Pill In
PCSetre alsonswid. Tile is lb* wet slats:wits aad• gum
ob book own pubUsiaL roan al Now soma. We lam
alas • book tar tb• apinial luta at I.lmiloattnna sad West.%
bads. Pm*, will awl at annialliou,ltill pee amnia,
11. L Minn. /limit tittaanth soorth
PINS salß T I,
" 11. 1 111 4 1 1D1D
()holm .tyles of GLINT/ IMILNISEILING GOODS minas
Del>eititims..l*.vi!tb ttle Hank belt. th•
I . llldr DAY OF FIVROAR Y,i
Will Aral. Intannt from that data.
J. IL A.M.-. matt
• . (Imo se MltbN Rletotabet.l
11•Kowort to Lusts A AsotaiON.l
!OARS, 11311 M 311
sal Na 113 SWORD STRZNT, oppodt• St. Ohosioo
NoW, PlUotortb, Pa. JoStlyd
QUNDRIES--30 sacks Ohio Itun-Djieji
4.)1 .PRAWNS.
10 sock 4 gmalualgy Pferboa,
Su imp mime Lowl, •.: - '
11441114444 Roll Nutter.
V WAN 1,446 74‘44, 1 bbl pHme Cab Olderl
100 bpi Ms Need;
10 bn Nll Mem, 1
10 01471100.104,
74 Able ll ma Applo, namAol44"-14 Moro fr 4•1•14
1422 No.lll &mod NNW.
suitable for the stalest sway.
•ollio( I low salt. loud.
O. HANSON OVI. U Market Sired
Cheeke, Shirting 6lnhline, Irieh Linen,
Shirt Bosom, Shawle, Cloaks, ite.
PUt °gnat.
O. lIANSON Lova. 7 , .1 atarkat
cilittdr-t.Tgo mc.!tumin TAKIC
. . . .
or sac auliabto far Ocol mOoh This oar W boa nil
loall•aballtam oa teo fasairrivasia railroad aod Inn tie
roll /aqui= . _ • J. ai
Cot lint at. sad Sodoold ann.
AGy titiritliln al* to inlie I . *Ery*ttila 414
onsam 11•111,014111kila.01011.
latail DRUID APPLICB.-55 bus. prbaU
Oldo Mod Apple/. reed Ithlidsy sad ror Web m , ;
17 PUtlist
OATS - 75 pri!sie ?OI L , MN firiefielmq
VAR OORN-220 bagn.Enr Cop s on whaq
•• , • YQ
foi- IsyVITUS,
sad tin*
1211011.W.118AT F. 1 , 01 / 1 4-4 00 -1101•1 1 4
-LP 111•11•4 •acdcw•rst M0w...6r Ale by.
MOW Mink • 01,11111rordel.
B: 4 'PIAS--100 boa ler atm for solo
100.41 . 1 1
I Via Pirall4:l'
Vl`" agar*
.0,0 -
Jaito attertuisinnui. - I
MW Delta! failifinkli.
toft . Fa. Oin Et MS 4.c Ptltill3ol4r.
1 .0. g k..." ege.t.."
No. 105 Fifth street
(A fear dO•rAmlbove r •Itto PolitecolAsey)
the a.tervion of the Peblia
-Tit to than stmerlorteenttletrfor - thermenaterto;ond
luairtlon of an bind. or Anil/10(AL TARTU. and the
performance of all other bramble of WIPITISTRY.
Withal:notation • ipectihry of elm one Mel. Moir etill
ecommebd the VOLGA/PM& PLAT IC TlisprOl
the moat Maltby, humble end CiAnfortebla nobelltuta
r thejtatorst Teet h. They ore ottaranteed to be eopirfor
warm reeptet to the beet bletolllo Plata Teeth, whether
.toted on geld or atm or the tamer anAste, and den be
orroebet at a mod comlderably he.
Thom berlog Imperfectly httlogOold eata,ran havelham
&placed with the VIM/MITA at a emelt addltionhl C.
• um above the value of the Old Plate. nerd: yel
: :• A I •
wrr.u.ouT PAINS
Oold weather Is the time when the spparatne nen be mad
to Ito beat advantage.
Odedinu gentlemen and their famiiN. bed their ' teeth
extricted by my proem., mid are ready to notify ee ko the
pelnleee ae wul se the anfeey of . the operation—whatever
boo been mid by weans lelermied la mating Ib tom
trary, as having DO knowledge of my promo..
ARTIFICIAL TUTU Ineerted - In every idyl. •
E. OLTDRY, Dehtisi,
1618 134 tbatthileld at.
200 00
16.180 ,o
128 87-16,018
2 200 (0
No. 97 Wylie. Street, Pittsburgh
Itscwookw—Dr. A. N. Pollock, Dr. ['chock, ThOodoro
Bobbins, Rowell Erna, loyolly. .
FAIRS OF 18601
-, 6t -wzr..sow
Awarded the First Premium at the
4,810 1')
8 OM 00
8,000 00
United States Fair Ohio State Fain
-1 Illinois State Fair;
W isconsin; State Fair; lowa State Fair;
k Kentucky State Fair;
Tennessee State Fair; New Jersey State Fair;
Vermont State Fair
Chicago Mechanics' Institute; ;
Louisville Mechanics' Institute;.
Cincinnati Mechanic? Institute;
Allegheny County Fair, Fittslirgh,
and other emote Calm too numerous to mentl..n.
10,La 4i
12 538 60
143 400 00
165,000 00
alb: tiler. to the public WIIEELR
with inormeel confidence to Os merits .. the beet and moot
reliable family &mien Machine now In use. It mrspquil•
ly well on the thickest and Minot fabrim, make. the lank ,
teh hepeeeible to nurevel,'with the mantle) advantage
of being ankle on both mids., forming no elegem. chitin on
the under side—le simple In conatemetlon, team speedy In
movement, and more datable then any other mutate.
We (Ivo fall Intim/lona to enable depute/mar tome
ordinary mama, stitch, hem, fell, quilt, ether, WO and
lock, all on the wane machine, and warrant It foe, three
thronlars,eoutelnlon teettmoolais from ledge of the high.
set Blanding, least end Wad, string prime, Jo , will ha fon
aletted mann, on apt:Monti. In person or by letter. .
Moving Hecht. Neediee, ellk, 'Nene, Onion and (MI coo
Mantly on hand
mytelydi Wit
W. Ilic D. lIUGUS,
Corner of rellerket and Fifth etreete
Ail-W ool De Laineel
Figured, Fancy and Plain Cobred
WOOI.R;N 11.00.738
Long and Square
Striped French Shawls!
All of the above gnaik ars of the Tory but Styli".
A - 1).*0003 . ,0011.14111 nrre AND:MARKET ern
w.l D.uuour, oonrign ram ANL. MARKET STS.
HAIL. B:Y, I RRIf:LI.66 CU..
A luge assortment of all article,
pertainio4 to the business, with all
the beestimproteutenta.
-- --
T" ES U U SURltlSßwuuldreepeetfuffrcall
tha atteotteni of bM Mad. and Cootomm to bits new
Hoek of
oomplistog the newest designs to rots* sod
Donna, Goods, ler Geottessaes Append. Alta* toll on
sostaast of Boys . and Youths . Clio*lna
kept constantly on head, tad mode to radar ha U, T. 47
bid manner. by • ;AMU O. wart',
.24 of Pena and BLOW it..
A LAWN and well. stock (if all
J.L. teen efOOTLICHT.
SSA b. ES.
YIBTOGe, allltuLValta 11./LIS, AIMS,
Dana! and Surgical' Instruments,
InerTZIN PORES, LaMar MS ROI" mesons.
Mechanics' Toole and Ammunition,
de. Ic. da ho. Act. Ac. ha. ho.
No. 97 'Wood Street,
ide • owner of Dtaeood alley.
. AT LASTI—I rowboat loopy of W.I . Toorniornd
•..00piondid odhlo• of the If Ito tif OBARLII9 MOB.
Innotsatod by 9. 0. 0.1)noley mil John 0 hber9
Now roidy lot otoodnott4lhohottiptkolo motto&
First Nov.?, — 9kkootok.. y Morph lot. !
110111199 DAIVIas
93 Wood street.
SO Du. Dry Applue,
1 Jar Prulpyvel Priam,
21• n Wm, Applo Butt
10 Ws 1011901102,. 2 bble Up,
00ItappQo rls• Dud, .". 1000 Ike Tallow,
a *lan For We m
by - ___
UNDRIES.-150 bble choioo York !baste
14 Apples,
60 ton liable Oblo Potato, ail too,
• 100 bud prim Ildodapplo, , .
• 40 taws WII Oltorso, .
lb bbls GUI°. Older, ;
lOS MI. prbuo Whits Beaot, . t ,
110 - dos four Broome, •
WO boa Potoloto, to write,
40006 Buellob•ot flour. i
700 OAS frith Plitteboitqairts Ltd ball gallooi,
lo stare An Nl* tiy
Limns, 30 1 / 1 1#11.4 .
DAY HOOKA, 'DADA 8001E11,,
sod seem detoription of Aceeenit Beason sand wand'
to older to the beet otaatute, rated to soy pettom roAAlndt
with or it Ithontpluted hooding', by
was. 0. JOIiNSTON it 004
ja2B • Blank Book Atakora, 57 Wood. et.
P .
OATI—ION bus., ! -
$11110.46 bus Mal lied.
A ITLTS-10 bbla Ormat Apple', i
• Ultoollll--26 dui Om 6rotaue.
- '
• OS E11191t.;a10 bona.
Jai sAwl. N. VLOTD • 01), - 1151 4 1.1 . 1 at
QUNDRIES--47 bales Rage; '
14,7 2 bblo Tallow. I bbl Poolod
• 14 oath *ppleo, 8 locks Unpaid
, do Peothrrs, 68 Dry 114444 14. 1 .44
arrio• OR at'r O. Parry, for oda by
alAie itavar a 00.
Pallr im 44,lj 4 r p rzr it er . adv. Ilion; • j
T. min ger Writ Ilel Iptws and On.. terry. Wade kw
• ' 8 . 0 . 11g= tel.Wol2,
QUNURIES—OAT-72 bap- :- ~ 1 ,
WW 101
14,J - 11,-1111,bapj csAmermitalk-rts
-r ROLL IBUT'CIR-6 Mb, ,0 L•RD—• key, -
ramp) A PPLJUL-40 O -. 00•11311,--SO tali
lOLASSEM—• bag., s,
WIIITit sauts7 0r Up,
. 4slo . . - loan? , DAIZItt• • CO., LONOIYIO.
AHD-10 lege New Lard, just teed in
laregit-10 pkgs. huh Bat*. fa
4, ode by _ , L BOBIZON ;
0:0:Y ' 1 •
,Lingt,lVC:. for
WM11,6401111114 ;
eiIiANIIIRRIM• 6 2O MIL in vise oder,
A.4,ltrnirabs - nolmann*oo. '
XILD;•-i44, ;00 , _'ftk - ....14.d.reerd sad ,ktials.
Jul" ; see rllllll7_
•Ue 400 pw W'L ..
.I+' ...,
AT COtr!
II timall
I White Beane;
0 bay Dry Pottebor,
t ,
Nag. DO sad In Second *ed.
L. a aß►n. in Llber4l4.
I ' •
:1 4.!!!!!!!:::::: 7.11111 : i4 T4 1 1 1
P". 4.2 0 1 7 ! mg, an.,
. .
4, Biwa
' Ja23-11 Ist ilnt stria.
WANTED-01 a yoking. lady_ Imrho_ .pan
ewe pal neolommdwird, • stratum r arr•
o or
lfloo. Operator au • String Urbino; Addrr IL, at
' jettur
"ELTANTSD--Active ittneinele litelt,.to take
Thrt. Phalle in • Coalllolin7 and amine! Ma
bushman Location Vonoogabala Air r. haproarnrasta
In goal working order. Par piiirticOlar inottit of
'Last° EIJINRY t. KIM': 1. B.okar, 47 Bt. Olalr
100 Agents; Wanted!
•filch .014
• IXOLUSIVELY rersuusaii.tertok.
THESE WORK S inefq de the MOST SA LE
ABLI: sootta PUBLISFIEu. owl Ascot. tom to twr
Artl making
From $5O to 5100 per Month.
We (tire cur Agents the ItklsLUBf9fi 00Writ.L of any.
11. 0 . 6 Moe Nay thervela mere° Pyr 101 l puticalent
eud Getakeine of [Woke, addo*.
G. W. - 11UNT : , General Agent
Room 34: dirairct House.
N B. Wel...dust puBB•b•J eo Mtlido of
la 4
New and Beautilul Stile of Balding,
.rotten np.tprmaly fur Aosta and Oanrsabera.
Mr Applicants may I. Mr. finer at fitrard Hou.a fr
12 to I and from 7to 8 p.m. j lattt
jot ali tro l
TO LET—The Two-ettirted Btfek Dweillet Houle,
with eh the modern lesprersmenti, situate Leo. 751
hewed Meet, near Grades. Poeseelost . ltit ti. p.e t tlll.,
Zr .eutr•
AS &Abuts Ne.ll Witter need.
ALlF—Clontalnlog 12 MASS OI L %NO. to sada.
Nat condition sltn.te mu Helmer, oo! the South Ode of
the Ohlo riser. The tmerosonteses are • .. - OTT•011
laWlLL , lblide.,oonnolently arranned; a barn, 3002
e ast,,
nowbon ab a ng rn feh oh
ele h en st all: a o n r ca a tl a
gar and he, home wale feet.ind othtoontbulleara.
/or prim and terms. attar t. ,
B. ltlallN & 00.,
- , Zeal tatatsi &mai,
Ja2112e2 + 'mirth street.
LET —1 . 154 two-stortid UBi22 oU . 82, of lbw
rooms sad sttosts on Main Arent, ; fronting os
gurrotil alts?. Fourth Ward, gilegnmr• ronoloslon
tmlasdlSUlr. Innoinof 811/1117r1. nr
120. M Itill&P82111011.
lulu •. rodyth stmt. near Bmitbfield.
FOIL BALE—An Oscillating SNGINE,
of aboutZva home powei, with erliuder gollar.aboul
IV feet Wog and :0 Inches diameter, Imitable for an Oil
Fall,. other light wort, fotquao chepp. 10quira 1 On-
Oita I.2o.staif
yo It RENT OR LEASIII—A. comforts- El
; 41. RKSID [NOY la /44 . adJotalasita
ta• madame of Welke Roth, /4 llalhar .
Tao woo or kroaad. Dearly ill proatid •1113,cbo'..00tra14.
Or. p. Arbor, Braldlag. Ac. Iliqulro orr
Jolt WATT fi wlt.eoh, see Llterty a .
UOK KENT—The thipaidory brick'WAßE-
%.L` ROWS, No. 136 Frost Creek, Worsen Merkel sad
Wood streets, sow 0000phd hi kluarbeild AC& •
Able the ober three-dory brisk SWISS 'en Noe street,
gloomier of the Martel Mem, lo the Fifth want. Pores.
sio. elt.n imikedlitril. 1 .0.0'
I enkierat Oaken A. HUTCHISON.
rl4O LET—STont: itOUfd, 52 Ste*
flair rt. Airo,'IIILL, el by 95 feet, on tbirOJER
'door of Nor 62 and 64 St Mak drain, with limbs adjoining
Caw Hoorar. Also, 5T0R11 . 1 , 112.41, do 46 54.411•1 r stunt.
kith flail, 60 bt 40 fret, on d ,
lova. of
1•17:44 r. least'. No. 66 St. Oh& rt.
HENT.—flotko la tivebr ilaan IBM .r. u.
11 . moots loam' Farm_ on Sauttral Uhl. la for rant for
It vlil ba mood fromne acts to twasty,
/TIN riot.,., OA Brat of &psi'. MI. froze
:Two to elm ,aara. Too or tarn bona,. and 11.11 lota of
arrsood wamoaDtia to tf!!!..9 . 0 1l
w 0t.,..1 360 ".. Afoot.
VOR RENT -A aouitartable twd•storyin
'L' BRYON DWKLLINO. couyelolog algblisoatna. oil
lo good order, No 69 Outwit 10. Isquira of
0%10 WAT r WILSON.46B beryl.Pl
VOR RENT OR LEARE.;:the i lvery
large and omoutudisos *hrtsuousx, Na. 60
Water street tow idolise I. hi,ibt, tbtrty.dve lest Itt
astendlog from Water to Woos street, II *Mired tor INA
or Lease on favorable. termsY The 661111101 h al primal
6.00.1 by Mama Isalth Dlatay k Go: Apply to
.11.20:f 1108MRT BEZEL. I:7wpm* Way.
TLenratershessa, adatlattrator 4 thloatde of Q.
&ed. Wien for soli • LOT PI UND la the
ttorooah of Bewicalry, eontalaleg about two thirds of as
w re.. whk.h 1. ...clad • goad two nary &kit lime of
err. root.. It to ekely.troprored;la the bed part of the
horoogb, awl wave:dont tO Megan:ilia) Statlab.
J. W. F. wpm's. &Weary at Law,
tf OaireolOa 'Ohet, Pitteoarah.
lOWA FARMING LAND.--Tholeubsorib•
en otter kw ralo oo totoratdo terms; hindnd rano
9botoe Lolatik, situated In WriSht sod r Matadi constrate,
edjaaset to Use, of Sallies& omit to teem of eonstrow
. Mu, and on wort only two train; tram Oonall out "
The oboes .111 be sold low( fur eiratior each for
'lterates kora to We or outdoing tomato. I
WAD maraark AN.11111.11l &wood at.
VOR 81,111—That oplendidassideme,mi
.Itb large Lot at l'itoeltoft Trim anAhltrabin
easy. sitnersd vials twu utlentas' 'grata et 'the Whitlow
loarg Walston Otatkaa The boom In WT. sail Idled to
modern et,yks at pressed occupied by Move Tbotopeen,a
yvoi be .old on reasonable hie*., Apply to
W. A. AW*lBOll,
e10a41.,17 owls,.'. Mink a.: We Pratt ea
HAVING pareheseit the entire interest of
my lima pumas in the arm of Beflee,lll.llain
cw • 2 am CIDII prepare.' to forelsh to eln. former CIIIROMMI
sod the .eitlum of Pat...bur& mid vicinity gecotally. •
hipeclor totality of 00/IL, tin MAL, SLACK end 0011 Z,
in lap or email %tontine% OtAercleent throdelc the Pone
. erane, left at the Toll liouseoLetolitoctonicliala Bridge, or
the Work., will be mien eal l :to with promptbewo
Omt Works end Mike glossy 16 Booth Plttebargh, ow
foams above the nom nitehelo. Map. i
Janteend . 5 4,13111111111.11A1L11Y.
FOR THg, Ti ES. !
TUE A filkatlO4N
Conservatiie Review,
BY J. xr.tcrißicirr.
• otrktly ronsteraUro blootbly Prlalltattoo, tostalotoz•
Maio. Cowtoting of PoWool, Ootimerdal sod
Pram /Saviors oo all rorrOlot Omar Noir. Publics Wort
lad Worts of Art, roottbor lithoMoottity Emmy, of
'onto sod .Doloootto ffous.l.l Moo. oh cotatoat merle. Of
Slogroobleat. Blotorfoot sod Wolidtlo /Maar lad favor
Literature, by the moot abbri trrftors of ths',day literary
or, twat. ,
every cubn of tast i or Intl oste• shoidd
Tart Axcsicsm Corissairsiurs Rival'
gill be strictly neatest I. Ite Characte' end ire' eadeasor
Inell eieetruetles, In slagged lelissof potter, that ,busa
'tatty erlth Ititt eadjustice, tbsy awl le elleAll potty or
liestescol feeling. sod tootcouto to such, other the Camel*
leleuteute that hoe er In the future agitate the pub& Ws&
i N. B. The first number of the Mukluk'
iCONI7.IIY ATMS Rivtiwiwill he issued or,t, the
filet of February, 1861. z ' i • ': ••'• • ~
. .. .
.. , • $S .. ~
Elli , i. 111111.Birt.Ti
32 Beekso(n street, Net York. ,
N. N. Letters contaltilui Sebesflitthhe awl • ether tMr
I monloadlos., should be eddareeed Co the Asterluiel Osage'.
, attre denim, hew Tut. • E
.; i
Firet-elase Agents tinnted to ory city of
;the United States. latirort :Nattfel
_ •
SUNDRIES--50 hhde. Fair to P 'ton*. 9
11.7 Boor.
' • `l5lO id Prima N 0 Roliomaj.
So do ISkmaro 140 go ft SaPra.
40 P i p
PO bops molted brands Übo. Tobar.olo
OS cony boa dO do
1'25 otiams sad bretualo trot brands Tamo'
40 catty boom - do . do I
• 110 boba Ito 0,400. foir to obotor•
800 bb. choke Bunt family Whlta Wham Vow...
PO tom Tallow Own, Prima, lo Bar.. a '
• ire bagel, prima Osto tub Mats% Be. di.
llaMoro and for Wane SPDOOILLD.i A %BUCKLE.
I. , . Map,' at, Maar Wood.
§ A
UNDitiES-400 I)ry Apples;
PRIORI:S-1W boa Itottockyo • I
L W E r ta b bp I'6 ll ebb* SU
Ar . 7 4
j u .ROOICRINI3-5066aitipriine N.o.Bagar;
- to this Balood Indta llopr.
IN) btota prima - N 0 Nolamm,
So bib amp,. IP) bap RMOotroo. ,
too hammers Tam, with ilsoreal etoek of OromriaAtar
W. by • PIS R. ROBISON W. •
rIOA I, OIL COAL:OIL 1-50 aloe
‘'d l ici l t=. 1 . 1 0:12 ; b41.100.1 by
Joan meow.* NON. Mat) IC
inliEnnUTS-8 bag! Oneenuta in store. for
`ba , obi b 7 , WV!' k 1/1180:14
Jdo,KS Libmitit.
1 ,12 kIANti.-20 tirnall White Bens,
'l l Inak Dy i. E atorniu• a on,
I iliret,stnot uoirWook •
A PPLES-10ti bbla: Golden Russets;
.GIL 000 bbla Mosul eliottek I
kW@ Coanam-12 don for Mk by
4•19 • CULP 01111 PAID, Mk Liberty _.,
B8; %88-88 bus. Bmell White reed for sale
% 4.2.11001121+ 03.
I -joie - •
! igulitra BIGANS--/ seek* New Crop,juet
for sd• ' 1411 r, MSARS#Opmig.
'GRAIN—Vatic 40,590 bus.; Aye:l3oo buf4
1110al• by - LL Maar! & 00..
CRANBERRISS-Isl bhhti roc'd this day
I Jos t "!. Fiesta . a:imam 4 Wend st.
ROLL BUTTXR,-' 3 bids; Isis*
by nilstad lei Ws by L • .1
titOoAl*„ilozett aied
aytt-fdr .gale at
114 1 44 11 ) 2 7 iibbiX • .1.
...,,,,,, . --- RoU for sole b,
dill -` maw ," :--,
thottiVig.lollW Itialtrii..
AR 106 9 1 P 1 '' -4 j'
L• • 1.% "..e.--,`,..- .`,.:;- 1 ' .---- r----,'"""" 1 .
.....t. , ..-.4....... t .....,......1.,..., , ,
:5. '
Leas*aai 211111101106.
Tramway ram
Prlcas eso•L sem apes st.., elaliti Omit I*
- .
Last Night bp! Two of dm Season 1
swot sis Ate ths MMUS OlOildi
ALADDIII4 or. wargoscosim zov -
Alladdlo, Mt* Ifirdeesei:Oriiiiiiiiiollia•
Itmr bossism Program* MM. Sh eo•elido flu
Rim. mks
"Optlattlinta illbettOmtmtl.
1 A IEZR t Q 0 . 1 13
1114101.ARIST copsavaa
Tee Tatra Airoininnial -,- -;.
untransup ins QUALM' AND =TINTS
911110 TIM einurrarr AND BM 111.111411119.
. . . . .
nu .,0 1 add, brim% eteorredOri The leer
tee dlgesttre cepa; torbiorate tbr bleak /toe
oral rotonday,to the More. tad add to t
Gaol sad system. Its Wu MN ses. me
ourkatyavtdtoe.d by Ito woolettat oroloratleepeor
on. Idles .idiom lank, bad brea ?gal, entooded
tt affords ocondaluaaal to WI body Woe alletimarama
be borre,aard /arable, Oa teams .7th In. troll
temaraarao 111•1311 en
P3OIIOITILE do all Ea firest, •
WLIINSU WA STII9, gad espy • oni .
DEBILITY; Ito cotratliv row der a. airtralod.
II ally be tatty Nihon dbrellab erythema ilea
au patlaoy aad Maud visaing *eat la do WV
wailltive wawa. Its maparkaity la ads aM falar
Impeetsit eLaae tuYtb rivalrous, bas gra
teed for It the apaseadatke of the tee ambit&
Phyettitue tbtoesboot the Beteg the mitten heat
m•t, of the feeolts of Ohs beet intake' 'dwelt s
PRILADILPIIIA counts oP saga Intead
Invalids should be oushal to pontlitais oil of oar
doubted rrpotalloo e If they eel» 'beim* meths amt
Immediateemoer, of Um remedy. Tbal gebkb
prepare Das deckled awl/Seem of airysiftelblf
outer breads. Masafectered volt br -
Importers sad Desists to Thiass e Olsombeelse floc
colitmhkel No. MI bee tei Ilittrd
ROMAN 01041 NT, 0051:10ALE 01.
IIII&T, MOM& PL&1111114111091grAl&M‘
&a, Whakaaes and Ada. at low amAAaa, •
cane!, hat sod W
tl illow atmola.
ntpoaTris OP
No. fie Booth Prow itreet, TbNadstpklik, Ps.
ro [l4lldlgoilria.l
mtio regularly, sod Om dices moortmok *I
Osoirabto °gam
Tbe attudiee of Delighda, GAMMII saa odors 1. tidied
DIE% FOR OIL wicu.s,FLusuanwra.
BOILICR 7LURB o 0 . 0,0 1 , 46:041 BUJ for rM R./
Dolglas (Ratablibbed I
STEINWAY'S P AN 0 t;4 7 -lrmim'
• cho l w now Wok of tbs calobrelad 1 11111 U•1 111 1
MeV Tett PllllOl,
H. LUBER & 880., fa "Al fi e
. 804 Iva. for lkohnrsir Om, Osiisflod roam.
. .
JUST RZOICIVXD, 'a atiparti carved
orta..*D - .t.idarata. -
This le one ot Mole NSW ntraoisa . 111111.41" art
lIIIDAL at the lot. Ilzhlbltlos of us llaraoltaseta Ms.
abasko• lasodatioo.
The pobilo srs !mita to NM sal s s Ibis moloadid - =
etrostetu W Wormooato of
81)Itar Iro ' .,111131=0:11. '
NO:111 WOOD *711117, " •
X:o 4 s Dballond at* ood-Soluti otroot, • .
Bole Spot Obleltortsit it Sow', amok Opetat
Squiro , Sot rabbit& oloilhottose
• : MUSIC t'
. .
Pianos and lbfelodeo, a
Ramona) TO
NO. 62 ISTH` : 102 lkic .Io:4L:
Odd Fellow? Boildia6,
iwunnowlesos at Um Bre 111 Waal It.
Asnkt for Labe. ate4sted - Maass. foe N t u
and waft... Penevlnate: NUM& '
A $5OO Piano for - $350.
T r alt i eraf* Ra t h bt:Zthr, `11 1 " :
Chiekering (dc Son."
7 OOTAV& _
. • • . ~..,:.fg•- : '..p ,..i,t.:,t,
...4 .10.
Cost o •Iginally $500.: :g..- ,,, ,:•::!_ ; •:,;‘.. r. , '
TWA Plane his bite 13311.1111 ?OAK okiiitia4 7, ' . ;l:
sad War the WA Wan ODA of IL litislipa , ::..
hot , both Is sad tareAmio—ta DAS. DI ia. -
GOOD Al NNW. , Air It ansit lis dlypiretAf. it SD ' •
46asd lathe GAMS 1111DUOZIOD 12/411. PPDX •
-•- -, - • •_JOIE* IL GOILLOII. - -
D. Giee. EL Keyser.,
Wholesale Druggist,
m a i
ainacrare -mum
No. lio Wood Strait, 1 , ' j rid'
. . ~ .
-.„m : • .
,„ . , . 1 p ,
~, „.4 1 . c • ;..• , : , .
_•.:. • .i . :-.
7 ; .
f• . -
auITROSSICa: FOR 4111-0111111 0 LIIi Yr'.
ORERUP.TURIL..., :...,... .: . !.
MarSWF Radical Cua Trove.
Ritter's Patent Truss.
zPitah's Supporter Snow. ' •
Self-Adjasting Trop '
Dr. L... or, BOdyiuses;for
•= sem t erasp,i - , V S I, PUN, Abdoolailadleila
8.8. D e lfitolei Sihror.Plated BOOpitter.
Pile Props, for the Nippon endow* of;
Mastic Simkins, for wink endntse - vehni.l-•:': , -;''
Ennio Knee Dips, for weak knee
Ankle Supporters, fur ankle j0int...',,,,:„.;
SorPoolorY BiI I4 IPL,
fielf4geoticig Syringes; soo t -every .iflnt
Di. Karats bas also a Truss which will
call:* ours Hernia or Rupture. - •
OffiCe at, his Dnag Saws, No. 140 Wood
sign of the Golden Mortar.
,7 • .
Ds EMU proceibis Ihs used ousainomissie "
sod liai Lierstassto toi DlAlllitikiaridisoit Mei
ailind,faissdkalpsres:talisilapiskr itt'sd;ADl •
is net fns of eiptiat sdistsver ea t wos
.apw~ttaltteocs of mg,
—.DIL 0110.11.11V1MRD47
. ; NeJ4O Wool ilirsOtat!bbstd),
stirdsonaL Cuss BY - DI, &moo
DF.lkbeadoormltbrosev au, orldividge*
Pdtabousb; al Oa Mice ill - ,ThAtavolist; 74.140 AselfOr4r-i
essulatag palate with hisirdlerie: owYrry -
100 .041
p sod Use tem aetgil toast! 16141161411 410,,
ottoomm I . ,Faibed irip•Oorike
aid mai«. to haioquistlthe. • I islidelt stile sad • •
**es; caotb 4 and gal prosy LaeloWit, Dr, sain
id at
prendbid taft '
sepilanauts ? .. tail; ma:VW
liana leimaws" alit I . ito sot ipill sal don .
sistiost sal doing% boo suer I*m. L,llhidls
Ilinoblias amity, thalty towsublihollportlin I am wt`
tuna. Tway NINE - .
riviburik katolat zrjecoi. - aumarzeos.:-
2laes tit Mayo JIM NnitVoi. tr. zariamarapak.
twaimil, sae cosdisois waylattai upland 01.NNW ii
ethalickh • ; '
t , Dammam ,
lam E1L911. - AND MUD attnurt
ymowlaret oundlehut Witdrat ihr tin tininnNW7 .3 '•
Moo tu the ithrom WWI MI mime In ourilNn:„:4 4 ,
tendonnt the wont touttlreolostruturrom
immerry bat unworthy of Qua TDg l aovriaan
thole tont% that, Road Intita WWI be thou, so/,
%lithium Wei 111 0 orthort lir all now of Ore
uncorkDrew*. Mow swil awn
hi Mitrottorum= -
flwoursiann,lhinuni owl sie r tto o tintlinin
igmungimmeriewssi lhattihtniosighilonoiW
ally and a omits owl moody moroy;Ado._ •
Illusion the Ll* PUY thrktudi hislikw
. PrAminrra
urdeeiraseneropor -isenor. limita.V2lo
**haw imam isailasswouri.
~-~s..~','x`x, ~a ~ rd~'ft' ,s ~rl}'::,~°,~, ~ ~'~`i~'~~ '"<'ly ~ r