- '-r.-a ,,, , F . }. ) : - MI ra ES ti M El II Uttsbux • • , • .7k tell AL • 11.11 ,1 , ..itllo PI theop, p.. • li•Plieorliete. dr ISeet Saafieli ISClPinkiligelealtieus daily. eon , use ,t!re r. l AlleWs up to the hour of a/emit , / id iiiikssMippireillitrs la Vie**, or lie. per •Adessly Editiosi—P per maim In 24 . 1.001 s a de- Pr reeet kern eerrienk I -•Mktirip copies, la per blur lee cr leee,clollll4 Um or %mop* $1 per annum, Invariably Is ashemuotut In= apxrralwaiscizt Ea TUF,SRAT AN., 22, 1 IllirTualteptabliaan County Execrative r r 'ttee ill meet upon Tacrasoar the ate aC iO'a. to., at the -oifioe of Mar 'SClliev;a"..`: The Members' are a - meetly requi4o; itti!na. .rX94.14444L1u#1.1.• Chairman. , .„ AllierneWrs. , those who , would 'shack the public, of all eitien'aldaroiad and outside of 'theetpitplitiult only:Say, try an'adrertiseatent in the emitter*, to our most mutinies ' pectationir;the isni .oei, Earning Cazette—a ; 7M3l,l4revreciAr from reducing the, circulation materially ieereleed it. , .TM mornidi Gazette wee p to its present eitculatiou., One Weekly, too, segmented by the lien sit tir"e weekly I re. Press, has cow the Ihsitat weekly ekuliiatbD at:any secular papist , this city. - We, thiferivelreititat en-tinsouncement which we tllati~i lilt - VaI:WV; that the'eousbined 'circulation of the Gazelle is now over -7t4t,000 . eat increasing; we are, thereiore, pre increaee of advertisieg, our ;;;*siii.litutusoni:low,!circulation conaidered, as to `,olll'Whitty one to wake use of oar columns to to the public . what they have to sell, - or what agi :nit to hay. kauestieethonte foi the otWaing viper should be o , oiock P. M., sad for the le?reimirperbefp!e 10 I'. M. % . -: RscoatrraclOttoc.—Oos of the dreams of the -..-.... - flicesslosistic le, that they can secede at wilt - . . , ake irtiiiiiyire ont, recooNruat tN u i 00 • ;. 2.L , f - en. 0 SW tubs slitlsfeenclry to tbeineelves. , - .- .. .Ticeir 4 leitt., thwiry. Vu - that, u soon as the ..'1,',2-. -.f.fielith put limit into a belligerent attitude, the ...,, - ",'.;'-ifillitlw .;_ sionid ',git !tightened, and yield ; sad • ::`.? s4lkifirthe Soniii; efithent seceding, could get all :"(tiati tiiiigiltrialecs for the exteselon of Slue ry - Ulatalts seeded: Brenta haie dispelled the 11.:.., .:.., . lulus o/r'Jbitlh l eory.. The Notih has not been - _ icit4l9litcytalirilitees are not fortheomin ?•',. - The•molsptrators us' therefore compelled to , - :to 'kayoed their tles's) intention. They hare -- t ~ ~. .not abaadosied tir idei that they can intimidate . ' 'the Nfrthoind a S their purpoie is to carry cut the ,aniti of liana! Sueselen, under . be aoultolfpit Ant Ite goon as ,the North realises • fiwnsfindu fact that they ars out, obs will rk ' sig**llliir r4skinissien cm their own teems. . 4, . , , • -, - Wil'iniklltessielicars fhey are taistakei: Tie "t -- 7 ' NortAver.ocoesat toe .reconstroollon“ i of I : '-' lilie'irlii-istilatain the Union as it is ; imok U. thisainthern Slates -will net stay in, or, ittheyigo Oat, wilifiet come . beet to thek... - old. , phone _ Wpm:. the . old; terms, they will hive' to collie back u conquered privlsoes • . Tkiiiielnlka.viikiiii,`Giotitridatleissibre4, sad 1 - ,--. they wilt do ei L lsely ,to remain is a Maus in ~ v .., . whieh - . tin ovey..mOrp•incatraUles than they ..; i :will ever regain , It•forec. be neoessary to bring . : - tittiti.lint. ..I*-"*: ____ Tii Bsoo0r1110.4%.441011!. Go*, -dist the Llttataidhig the Brook . frstikoktorl°l4'l44o4,lol'.o ,0 - . 4 1 " Wort. o deliver ~ and' irpp!!.r ilia llee to Waiii.,itedineen 'bet -to direct _her to return to Ilatuem.f,44o, and there await farther or `tierriqiiit4ent of the Sew York . Tema eayiA4l9l:ptcere vere eouunanded "to pro . oeed dined Churleiten harbor, but not to go ever the bar; nor 'come to anchor, but lay under steam outillekid isoertain if . the Star of the Weenie/ leridiot kir Kizer; if not, to counter ruled; bitripleti4 and order her, viththe troope, to Ileinji,ick FOSE . ; also to gain any informs - lion the:Awed se to the ezielleg state of affairs there, and ibis return immediately to Ramp ' tokftoads.l Itgottz AO , arrived off Charleeket limber she learned frooit*Reliooter winds/ • out had happened td the Star of the Wad, and the Cep , , edr,latter'llearnieg the feels, concluded that :his ntitkitidtak Charleston wee virtually at an end and Did see; .f *NKr_ milieu bakers this way tows dr _ie segwared Oyler,: or towards thole, la isbellion spinet It ? lltantoted.,roltus -Bcurre.—The Wublerpa oeirespondsat 7 of the Pilladelphis Press - says It hike dirtylof the Nepnblieses of the Horn' to - chic WI Nifarsi kindness to the Bootb, and he imagoes' ,the . repeal of the Persons! Liken' Imes min evidesai of the kindly spirit be la oal4fei: Nki t teolgi Sheila the North skew this kiedlj dui Boit/ibis i#do"rve It ? L 11 in` iriatlinl4'elating the &intik against itsmtkaati Rade from. the North In lynching mad hanging our men, sad Insulting and parse. tddllng and driving away ow who c women. wharms in be round there? Is P in netba ll , nullify - • • • e..; flag that olenso In the Constitution Adak seonres to thakitlieui of out Statist' Ile privileges end ~ ii.i.o,ltaconaltlp• of eldr.eas of . say other State, when I.;t-'4oatovisil thereto Is In- tramMellieg free ,7 a e od • free presst In metal:4lllDi -Bar et Term!! la eaptaries the forts and , stealing! the arms of the hotted Stabs? In lovitn" war ,uptat „the . gsvernment Or •in eon , sr o*ertNrow Far *blab of title anti o( kiodseirekenld we go to the caroms of kladoeed is.ndurn I: • 144): :— T ie Comm - Fondest of Alin New York nom nye; that during 'on the nomtnatlM of Mr. , War, Mr. Crttiondes took the irtom _oat 0 , Kentucky fa now a Central Statek,4ii7koci .all the prosperity_ noneequent ,tope* poet.lMlito and firctoof Grim+ mccef,apci.,,,eoml4 : Miter cosmic Mite breech% npanCtieleiiiiiiton of a antihero Coatedera- Elba Ikleb elle Mould. ha n Border State, 42. paid (4 ill _ lb. dengere and loom of , ouch to iiMated ,ihat be was- much effected Morley Alte partial co! -Ms ,romerko„, Mod the 111114110 to mbieli*upkoilided-tke,Biuthern men othci.dit• foaledib*.imipMteiee tbe:Boacite mai Ter; iireeity,ittie:Mok loaßloo that the Geo' ,SmaM N i l, iperdsl 51 1 hifardi, eitherby itmees a.bio MocialiiiV/MM, and that form peed spinet lite' kiecluMTUMlseao of 11 Government M met co ' seekki'-tr:t.,8414•!_-.l.liikeyttoolt.beteiMtleoly imusimefak. area/ad ' s gout eimation:ainitag 46'14 -►~- _. r. °_ kg MI ; I, 4 4 • it 11#.11011Sit..TIma In it - Nwrewar.t.—The • ' prommt septet 'of • the question between the - - ftettlitiont the South it thus briefly 'Wed by . , ~ "", the Alhatry tgernieg Jettrnai: -"Those;Who bore cherished (be ideal lathe lt • '-`3-'" . Pewit will best be promoted by 'ladles 11 , L Teallooli are getting rapidly undeceived... The ...,.' ..,:,11seelettellleti ore determined to coerce the Milted ' ..,. Stales anew ant to submit to them. Timy koala st, elestrthe Copilot and all the archives ~.. wed wublie thildistwe, and to rule the Northers '',.'". audio se oosquered proolocre We may se well' .7- l oo k We matter squire in the floe. Every time 'th U. B..anrinneat takes one step backward, y'' 4 lin irgllttitil *arta, two steps forward. Their ---.Zprelist of "Palatable 13moesion" is no longer pemieted Is. They-ere notnenteet to go out of .'etteq Vale" peaceably sod stay there. They masses *LW and rob us, ace. they go, Wei to M ,.., 'nut . Dlotedminewer they ken gone." Oasts° tt iltsono..—The State'ef South Car. f ell's, whisk otalmatto be en independent goy. 'necitintat, is lidding fault;with the United Stoles braanse Ali Malts' ire imrsigalsr I. It will not evitittitrisititority; but It kindly permits us to c s t rl 119„lettarit for it L--What • eoad o seeeeeitut iiii itait.iiisiipaigis Butte ! The Poet. 15os la firhtit Verities- does not yield whittle. some ..;,..: „sikXo,ooo li year of orbit it emits to:mutty the. 4 , ' * . • utnibt-ta dim Eitate,swi, theiefors it to ktia t,, , ..-'-'; • ' omelet to threw that slight little birdie, on us, 'i::2•l..'''.'"---..Willalliibliefittifiliiii bitin ij;OVVll'tlift il ‘F . ., ii 1 Airi11i0611414110,1114114/4711 ibialll c i psu I''.'''''' . - - - 1-1 19 '1",*t,:,-z.,.'1.i;',:„ 'I ''!''-”. c- ,''',.. ,:.,•:. , :.'„ ._-.. ::',,- ~:-' ... ' .'. ..' '- ''-', l'; . . REM ME , i ., -'-'•:':!:'`.. , "''.:•.,i ; .',.?"*:-:- .. . - :':,....,:':;',-'.,,,.':t..V.0i--,4,.:;-.7.:';',,;.',:,',7.:-. liajou Aildsragenopened; trni ti BtliN_ IL. = --- t on • groan t • only lie Stsblic-lettersisesro thus violated I The Albany garobes JostriadttSys that it is not sirsoge that outrage was committed Neil robbery has long bun deemed evidasoo of public virtu* down -South. The 0 terroment hits j+etidetl it sod the Courts have pronounced it right .besenee the rob. berg has been hitherto ostensibly perpetrated to 'rant the circulation of ..iseendisry" doott mirsts, la following up that line of duty it Ina su sup matter to go s step farther, and decide orders to an of of the floverentent °lncen diary." Having been' worst by the govern• moat limit that mall robbery was justifiable whoever it was deemed_neoessary fOr the public ssfoty, we do act' see how the govOrnment can find fault with the robbery In this! woe. It is only returning to its own lips the bitter draught which it buffaloed to tlisllpa of others. , Anus urn ABWITTIO Tausost,—For acme time past guns have bees manufutured at Troy, N. Y., for tooth Carolina, ousd were shipped to New York sue the Hudson Meer Railroad. Oa Friday lest, more guns for the sense destination were taken to the depot at Troy, but the agent refused to receive them. Good. There is a bill pending in the New York leg laistore to punish snob awes is these; but la the meantime the °Mous of the government, at New York, could prevent ail further shipments by the summery urea of the pOrties as alders abetters of Treason. A few each: arrests would pat an end to this base business of furnishing aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war. EMAACIPATION.--Tbe Now York Tribune has given ourrency toe whams to buy all the slaves in Delaware, Maryland, Miss Uri, Artemis', Texas and Louisiana, and pay f4r theism. on of the. National Treasury, and the semis Bahama. has been broached e► Washlogibn is i basis of "ootoprowlee " There aro, In the en 8 sloe, som 600.0 slaves, valued, at their present vilaei at sdoo each. Thus would make the cost $. 10,00 0,000, for 036 it is proposed-lo inane U. be do. We have no objoptien to this sahme, if the &ales named mit accept it as the basi n! of a final saannent of the Blowy • gunliolo Ot herwise, Il is not worth while to entertain: it for; mamma. A New Beare or Conraosuia.—Ailthe Pella• delphia meeting, eenvened tar the ilurpose of trzpresaing appresel of the istadact ofd t he South ere Retitle, the Southern Statile werb enireated to delay excretion until the DeintioraticiParsy &hill regain power in Peonegivinittl ! greed; say / we. We are perfectly satisfied the Cuthiitionid secede when theOmppene. i , , ~ FROM WASHOIGTI Ikeda Dlspatilt to the Chitsdaphis Beetling B u lletin. WAOSIMOTOtt, Jas. 19.—Liebt.flail, of the U. S. Army, returned here from Nhw for k last eight. He le now on a visit to the _Previdenl and Mr. Holt, Secretary of War, prior to ireceivieg bbt field eiders, before leaving for Fort Simmer. He will depart hear* to-morrovi eight. It is seserted here, in Southern circler, that the moment the South Carolina aulh irilies are officially informed of the positive demon( .ation of the Fed eral Government not to restate, the autos O. the forts is Charleston harbor, they will attack Fort Snyder. , jd Lieut. Hall soya that two onside Irom dm bat teries of the fort will lay Foil ouitrie in ruin., while a fair shell. 'will kill ail in 'the gsrrieoo. lepecial.Dispateh to ttioC.on Otol aidetelleer j Woodworm, i.e. 19 —CoLlager, of OA Army, and Com. Shubrick;Al the No y have had an inter. view with Col. Havie in which' they advised him to consult further with Gov. sic keno trek.* making say dammed upon the-Preeidind for the surrender of Fort Sunder, and it is upiderstood that he ho taken their advice. .. I Ilia now regarded WI certMe here that neither the coming nor the inauguration of the President elect, wilt be attended" , with na y disturbance or opposition. Gen. Scott's well matarpd 'pl ne have bottled the .arrangsmoioto of conspirator*, 'tad the intelligence from Baltimore is regard toshe voluateesinif le aid of Gen Scott, and the fact timpthe Battilneflf Chief of Police bee officially ease tied hls igatirange of nay hostile schemes on tootjalthat f city, bay* ten dad to strengthen the nubile confidence. ...i_ , Population or tleib South. We subjoin the details or till. OMICIiS of 1860 for all the Soothe:a Staloff, except Da'swat* au/ Mari load : I k Stain which hairs esontail : inot Slays, Total ..... 30806 401.166 113,371 --. 401,661 479,4/07 8117,168 ... SIAM 63,M0 luesit ........-- soma 436.473 956,117 1.388,014 2.704,140 States which have w 1 a ralleCooattlntloes Dtel 15a. Total ----- 60=1 467,461 1,661.727 g. 11,246 312,166 666.431 Booth Clanglisa--..-. raids. Alabutil ME: LauWan& Teem —.....— ..--- ..... 4t6.90.6 18-1-,956 956 Vf4C1654 -......---..----.1,00,376 495,116 1, 163 .-....... 4 .. ••-•-•••• -- %CC WS 1,460,420 n,sta.sat Statos which have Dot sited , ;17vel Mayes. Tote. iaamo-- ...... -..--. wit to Got 776 Meth W0n......_. --:. C 9, 128,377 1164 7 6 I=t,-.....-.....-.. .1184.1407 175.901 118,619 1 e.i T3.1 0 1 ......................-•.r ----.--.... ?WAS 287.019 1,47040 , -- --- , , I'orm 4,90 tm ',Toal fres popelatita7----“.- ---.....—..7,691,619 - v stave v --.-. L- -----..3.742,419 -- 7 Total popolatios-.--.;.....T..-....--...-..11,017,096 ~ Dow*/ Po TH/LT TILL I, •111 DEAD. -0a the day of the meetiog 'of the ieeefeloeista at Hotistoo, Georgia, 'a revolutiosal siddier returned to hie id re." soca is Cobb comity, Ott the railroad; though his eyes.wers so dim that he, could sot see welt. He was told they were trying to get the people to dissolve, or secede from the thaton; Whereupon hidropped ltif withered: latie,,and seemed to be to which deep distress for one or; two pesetas alter he raved up his head, aod; .city a tilterieg voice, , ' said, "0, don't do that till lam dead !" While he uttered these word!, the large tears abased each other dews his wore cheeks. He was told that a great number orates would try to p eeeeee I them; to.which he repited,,"Donft let tome do that till Ime dead !" . l 7 _ 'PIIIMILDI Mialliallio if. livirair.AT.-occonfing.ribOdi, at his howls la Caper*. ill Priecuied, (u to•the lama ...ennui by hoists of portrait painters, who wall him night itriii I day. The persistesee with which they follow him from rook to Bond, from !hied to fell, te mose disheartening, and eventa soinothoes diecouftged poor ,Osribaldi himself. The lad arrival is that of, Loafs Gallelt, the Belgian Painter, who solemnly swears that iothing shrill inr dews him to lease the :Island,wlthout • fail length I. 7 ti it, in fall Oaribaldian costume, aosteurtreminta port se e dall. Po o r ilaribeldi lie • and shudder., and for the tot time thinks of eg a retreat before the enemy. . . Koerner' Corroa 4-We have bens presented b Mr. Sinn, of Pulaski Statrin, with several gee b. Viol cotton growein Fllaski county, linens. 'The staple before us hie the appearance of the brat qualitiee which carnelian Memphis and the po of the lower MisaireiPpi. We have no etstistr i cis concenting the coat or culture, average Pre' ducti of the crdp, or the-extent of production in Southern liftable. ; Will tot . soine of our friend' lo Egypt supply us with these facts t Cotton bee been cultivated there, mare or lees, ler the past years t .sed now the time has come when the peptic would be intbrested in knowing the facts es aiding its utility ds crop —Menge Press. Caoivaggio vas rag Uolosi.—Tba toss of gm Ms tire preu of Califon:ifs Is emphatically favorable to the preservation of the Vision, and nom ere non decided is. their patriottim than rho Preueb sod German newspapers:the writers for whlob look upon ovary movement lending to a rapture as fond to 6 41:- or EsSuessprosperity. Dot of newly tow hundrod chins's published ob this coast sod resolved at this tan, us ran dnd not one that acmes out *pool) or otberalse to furor of an Indspendeat republic. Cali fornia Is faithful to the .Uniou.—Han Fronoisco Evenini Min•Rr, DO. E.. • - Ti. lawn of eaters are jam, but terrible., There I. b 0 weak many I. them. Cause and eonmoniesem jars temperable and; inevitable. The elements hate ao.forbeerenee. The Are borne, water drown", ALI air costumes, the earth burls.. Asa perhaps II would bewail for con rate Kate punialunent of mimes easiest awls,n of tele were as imitable ai the punisheseet of urinate migraine the laws of nature, • wine man am tuteriteg in has judgments se Indere. A New Aamotator Comiteace.—A earespvhdent of the St. Laub lawablirrie map that the Utah In dian bane riteettly been offering Navel* scalier for sale In the greets of Banta Be. . Their prime , vary, wording 'tithe gentler MOT owe, with. Jona:A.oi hair, about time tmit kat, wol for p 2,10, while oth er eas be binght iror r . • TIWISPOITATI9II or COITOP..--Tbirly nod bales of cotton Says the Restos Journal, Snored *Oath WoreeitSr last Week, ow its way to Low ell sod Lawreace p arost of which came from Mem phis, by railroad: , Thatrawil Torok Compaby are sulkies ostensive arrseiterasits far the usaship• merit or coital 'floret room the Missiisippi the • re Too following preempt" from the` Chillestoa Ckserferi implier:that some ofths best family are likilviog the cit7l The Courier of Saturday, daerra ry 12, says: one ieloo . 11111 of anyessallait fam ilies from the Cipital le repotted, bet nobody pro. post •to stop them from masses, their ale do. mastic air girl io their ow. way. Coc. Fraisosi is risse.ted to arrive •at Witsbtortos, is abort r tomigit u i as hi. lturopad His same is salvoes ' and ir cossectioi with the hash oboist.. I • littion.—Tite total posmlathm of 'Minis,' is iiiirrklined, $4 1,723,69. • - '. , GOT. Amu, ef S. 0., who owns a thoataadalavie . i . ...and who will be eetamaberedea • eraildate fet Ike Speakenhip Inithe hurtles coated elan Mi.. Salta Iwas n ~ - -b eeeedelas bad a drat for $40,000 station him by the matters, and tee highway eastes detasad your mosey or 'Jour We. Penult place, that South Carolina. I Tea Southerners threaten to eonlittleate Jody Donahue plantation and negroei It the South, maw he Coens still at S'asbington or stands by them in their meesiton meet:tomb. This explains the Judge'. porlibin ageinst coercion. Crying. Teething Children. an know hteer nuplemse4 are them emompaulmente babyhood. and meet Mbelligest puma. Mow, elm the ad notempueso to!healtle, and often Me, trim the UM of eno. arr., wed* nod almiler baby d we mid to 4010111 mm BUNPUBIATB 6 BPBCITO B01111:0PATIII0 BABY'S PILLS,(. &Mint emu plit)which you may drop into the !Routh at am time, give you everything to be desired from medicine. ,crePrierne. allay the Initatim of SW imp, evii+ 04k and Bowel tbeeptMets, and procure unbend and doled ree , ,,witbout the dieadmempe of em. dude or imlatea. They have been weed kw mem. and ofl moved by nil Who me Um= or abhor dosing. Price,2l mate per boi, with directive:in Biz bozo., $l. N. B—A NU eat of Heretensn'a Uorm,Armo Brocanale with Book of Directions. andtweedy different ilmmedlo hop Male, etiorooroeme, p; ditto, in plain emei,l44 wa les, s of fliteau . bones, and Book, $l. Single b. 1.4 ffi c•st. mil 10 costa. 'Moo Reitedtee. by the Mores two or ow, rte .rot by Mai or °swim MO or charge, any notch*. en tocoldt of the prim Address. Dr. r 8Ub1111111.016 W. No. kroedeney, Nov York. bold by J. M. 101.104. rim etneet, rowel door from the Paella* Apo( for PlUeborgb. Jollontrlair pir Mex. Wlxeyow, an experienced Nurse end Female ,Physirian, has . Boottilog ~rep for shildreo teething, which greatly jectilUats• the processor toethlog by weaning ttu , guroN—rednolog all leasinmatks—will Whys'' pain, and le ware to regulate the bowels. Dyad eq.. It, soother., it will sirs red to yourealsee end and health So your latent. I Perfectly sale In all own.— gee whealliwnent le asettweroolemo. • fellbrAwbor - - VOW it °Mai c_ ------- 91eSVARD LITERARY SOCIETY.- The members of the &ward ',nervy BAIA, an, airnelaid to facet at their 11.11, Math Ward lichool Home, 00 THIS (Tuesday) It %%NINO, Jan. 221. at T o'clock. roll attendance roqueeted,as b.looet id Importance to oath sod every roember will be treosacted. J. ABBOT r, kecretary pro tem. J kl .11 itZLETT.Prealdeut. Jcalluiaa iirtißA LE l) PROPOSALS will be receiveqi at She al. of theVontroller, until Historday, law 96,.1 3 ehlock p. m ,Mr soppiting Um Ully with firk- 1 TIONERY ind BLANK BOOKS for the yam commenclos Feb. 1. MM. Bldldrre will emotopens their Md. with mtw plan of UM Illetloorry.they purpose to tarnish . . Pala w, lo_____L____.._9"." "ILCC • ,Lot!truiler. Ir --- .. n -S Fairr.-LIARKY WOODS, of Pee- U ., " Deo township mite the vats, of hi. Mende to °Mein the 11.4pol:oilcan nominstion tor Arent! 01 Allegheny Cohn ty. Ille bostnete will not alloW him tbe op,s4tanity 0 traerrehis the mostly and @mins them ell. kai Neyte ~ A r b. Pr.. roculrA R. 40011." . I..t.toborgh J. tsa , y b I• 61 J IW.Tt Stoekbeldere or the Picesburgh & Kul Ltiretty 1.•••.‘, Cou.p.oy att, h•ro. I. by r 7110 Jed thal so BLBUTIOV for V.I. Nl•oser...f W. trt,rao• to ror•et tor the onedne Yu... • •• .1d Bt Offbeat a. • 'audio., KN., to we of .ty oi Flllobolitb, on 110:11•AV, '2llO ,411111111. 1 , 311 t. be t•rfoo the bout - out 10 •or ...d o'clock p tu.'oloold A depend Sloolitly of am Btockboldom bo old Id. lbo mato 11108 •ud sr.• By old. rof • roordo.o Mae Bcord lianagoro l.10:100 •Lt. 11101 1 , 1 V AL' if AA.... 0,/IC. Plttall.r..ll, /au 1201.11101 f fl - Tlig ANNUAL MEETING of the Ptachhnl.leas Iha Raitt..a.lo..m p±lll' 0111.1 m bold tha 0010.4Oampauy, comma Waahlugital- great .o 1 y rift.. PM* btllgh, cm TO VW IT, the ISM . 1 .1“ at V a han...y.ll4l. at 10 o'olach • m. A Mat , maul of • ma affalrs o f 11. wrap., 11111 ha prmahla.l. and at. 111mIlan .111 1111.1.1 far Freda dant .ltd oosl.l or iimmaars for Os* smalall raa , jal2l4ol4ama J 4 , 410 011100 N. Pa...rotary. atticll ite ilotiatotrilll.t :Divot/Den Do aaaaa , t . rietilluipti. Dotted, 10th, 1061. 10•Tna Direetore of the Monongahela Nav- Intl. °Dope.. •Ittivo Din dey &eland a DI NI. DILND a VuUit POOL DINT tot tlio llatiDel Nttiel. out id the O. wog. id ibolud Nig Ileellis, peptide to li. SNAP holden or Seer legal teprooeiiialtna, tie id One Dot 1616 lust, In tendoi l de foods, al the vain of the Tn.:wirer. Ily order el the Dead. jtilltitud W. 1i.C.111.• I.IN U . Tio• ester. ---__— ' (C?liOUNtl. MEN'S LIBR 'ill i ASt•OCIA TIoN LKOTO ID bid DK. J. G. 11.01... L. A N O. (11•61 fir imam) .uthor of 1 1'ileoff6's Letforts,..lsloll Yoli,..Slifetillbef Co Caroirr.:: 1e , it ill deliver ONE I.FOTEIN Concert Fifth &net, fiu tuisoav EVENING, Juirory • vonicor. **Work and Note 654; Leann drusl..... at 74, c`rin+ licitoto 2.1 Rat; bo bad or. 6,1. awl gook gW".1.1h";;,-tIV".I " 4 1. a. BRONO. phso, iLI.III, J..oes B. Miss" frV. SNCON vanutuitD ANNUM. NXIILIBITIOI uvr OP lIIIC ri AILT ASSOCIATION pll L OPNN ON • Wi4:DNII:BDAY. noo92ntimr 11.trtho IN JACKSON'S HILL. Cermor Paws mad Su Clot. TO GLOMS ON 7111W12. 25th INNS' Gallery bp. from 10 a fri. tol P. sad iron dto 10 in Owswoorsg. Admiailon 25 mat,. Swam Tirtstr to raw, Iderlikso 11 11 AND tilitSl INtal rasAlllolol. I.itionto 0111PANY.—The /Oa OND ANNUAL 5110121.1101411.Sinaboidars. b. no. Worh and Birmingh Poliiwogsr lOdirsord Ontimmtoy ba held t at tbs silk* of am Simpson Nip,a,, No for rth strait, or 14011091,21. Jormar y.l WO.. 10 .tri:4li at 'additions sod plora a Board of Dore will bort tail to own For tbir son.. yr.. W M. k aims, Pitubrtrib,Jan• 9 forweary. times ay rtia—P-Ornostrrou (Mar oar, t Hob of rosuary,426l J WDIVIDEND.—Ibe Tr u•tees of the Pitts- Wei Glan rNmproy Iwo thin day &shred • DWI dead no TWO Do Lir IL lui Pail RUSIN.. lbw Capital Blocs the Company. ant or thr Praia of Ow lost Fla Wontios Payable in imitable fond. to Mocriloold.• or ihrit legal Ontario se Ms Ogler or lbs ()snowy 1:171•bql MAMMA o T. Treaniftr. _ _ Pumas., Jae. 4 b. Mr tIOTICE.—'rhe Ftockh, Or 7 Ire of D the Petiabontb sod Aibillow) 11l bl.f. C o,T (Mod street ) ...beret!, bora , d that • ilivklead of TWO, DOLLARS AND /LITT CENTS PIM MIAMI be. beer, diean.3—toryable fOrtbrelth jo7dlrr /ROM S. TIMELY. Trewearse 10•TEIE STOCKUOLDERs or trio bomb nod lig Liberty Tawereger Wires, Gimpy by are beret., wooled OM so ob.:Lion for Pm blsesver• of mold Oecopsoy t o sore for tbo ensuing yea, will b. bold at tler aite of Ito Ootopsy,Tblrd stoila, • is Midday, lb. 21.4 Lome.. lb. .t.root I 0 AL. sod If If. J• 7331. J P MACTINSZIKN.emmAary hiniVED UP hVit ----7 11.1 MORN- Irv' lu g . num to Mt 12, by O. W. PAILIOKICITSR, Ja, at h4 Reataaraub *wan. Wu au' Ma as. L PM moQuuaruunin W . S. HAVEN, lONtli JOB PBINTBI AND BOUBINDBB, Cornfr et Third and Wdod ltd.ets. PARTICULAR Art VITR' GIVIK PRINTIAO •Blll.6eodio Lobol4, Crook or Programmes. Nor Orroorts, ItoldbitJoaa or soroUor or =1 Irrod, 1.100 ■ F IL CLIEILVBR'I3 PRIZE MEDAL SOAP! rig ONLY OEN 11111 N h", possessing a free and creamy Lather, a lullcir nod delicate paw." for &awed borah nod Ureter Ala .1111 a. loand op*: for Warty mbar. ElloaaVarat of Counterrreite ! . P. P ot.snios cal&brated bloat, - retro 11Pladaer, Oltbe.• doe sad Ma allow . @cam also &apt...Das Toot a Pawner, for the Troth aell Gams. to too bad at all rnmermtd• army sod tool! mama la the DolledAMON • Ilfeealec:ory to London . llf bolrsale toetrat, Nee al awl lit tidy sheet, Nom Trak... J. 211.1 J.U. Italfhlll/t. avast.; --._ NC T. - 1 - OUBS- animal. Inc the proreal NMI] are boles atmaal elmoot daliy. ra NOV DRY 001D9, NtIRDLI WORK. 10, FOR RENT—The three story brick WA newly.. Ns 130 /root alma, lotwreo Mutat ad WOol Weals, bow Ictopbtl by kholbaad a Co • Map Lba • tar/ , tbrWatory bnel Palo atrial un bra.a.r risre, io Iss Fait. want. Nisi. "142*113."DUM11."3". 1" 1 " 41:11ta A. ouranismi. CUOtU D RILY PYLES.-65 bus. prime Ohio /had Apples, rued 11,1$ d,,y As map by • RATON, Mir NAOBtlll, I , 11 TOth at. JaTtlui D -------r--____ tSSOLUTION.—The co-partnership here. Miura usiellas between the urniessisoed la the Shoe aa4 loather butane, snider lb. D.. .4 Sq. i t H. WitLaa a CO. sr. dimoired by mutual mows:, ott Caine. fiet °emptier ultimo, by the withdrawal of Au P. Warr of she late parlous le folly authorised to wine the balsam of the firm, sad to ue ;i tr ill pot lueoblp 'tame kw thatpurpou. MINA ACA P 0111LDP. _.., Pllteharelh.lu. I. 1111. M. U. LOWalli names. .-- I POE UNDER:HONED have this day form-. .Cett-a willUmb nada Om style of 111 WILDS - it 01), and emtiose the WIAOLSPIALD 811011 AND LEATIMIS 1111SINIPS„ •• Omit. old 'Mad. No 11 8 r oad .t,..l,Plitaburgb, Pa. II &SNAP COMA _ Pltialsargh. Jut 1..81-73, M. El LOwAt ill ODIUM PARTNERSUIP heretofore exiiting .L Between tn. oeardiswo...4., etyloof /MUM KAU A CO. wee dimelred by atonal ooseenions Ant day of January, 1110 L TM lessinem of tbe 111111 will to tattled at door now oaks, In WOO Plitalarab, arbere .11 pull. tartan datum soloing we nollOwl to gimes: , them Immedlately for payment, sod perions knowion lbentedme to be todeblid will Orme mil end mid* lOW earoints. JAMEY JACOB 01111. JAMES Y. BAIL RQ. CIROCE HI CB--5U hide. prime N.O. Seger; lui • ro eete Mime WU , * 8.11., 4 $OO W. pal. If 0 Malsres, in Ulla Soma, 111 SR Itk, (bac. ,L 100 hieburfs Tom. with r oesal Mark o• Grocc risk f: WI by WO R. nosisoN__4 oo . A-----NBlO NM EN T.—Whereak. jANsal: ti. LIMO. 1$ CUT 01 !Malan* di .ititkol ft.' Mho( Dos islet, 'risotto to aat ht. pmp ortlooil,osittittot odd stud. to Itio notforticood:f tat oho bitooet of MOM^ 11l e Ilidab i d Id odd' lu. Lemon ono t..qototoill losktiitOwiditto iiolotatotod WOO having debits at down& .111 sake kitiAto tIMWoo MO ft , . W. 13. ADMIX' itta - Pitt Ilt ftlimood SOO -111 1)12,1 b7 ,111111 11 • ree anti.' ilia loaf& Di 7 ZION lit 'MVO 010 , r ISM DI N DL OW. ; - Ikut Sainunts: i;;;iiM:EEESZM • • YUAN& Lawn, *MU pad Dbovanta-.—.--$1,07t448 131 Rod Estate awl Orocml 44.819 9e Rocks' 101 Miscellanies. -.-......--; 8.1946 0 1406 other. 70.074 60 Batik Nag** Marks 119,959 :7 Sped* ...... 10 f 0 'O5 Gapitel ..... 00 Profile ... 101491 PO Onnakl Di TSJstele and Suspense Acet. 6.070 Due to other VOW 46 213,421 00 Clrcuhltion • r 887.51 6 00 fg,7;16.72 4 11 The above eta...onset I. correct to the Wet of my know]• edge and belief. JOHN lIARPNR., illsocn to and.suberribed this2lo.ll6l. be6sre me. 11. H. 8161TLI. Notary Public. statewsuCor g Beak of PlillOgb. • Prersairann. biomass, hunter, 71. 1001. Inas.. nod Discounts .......$1,67070 76 76 stows n 2 11. it S. ecit:7ll7.,it,°l7 •10 A 4 : 6 0 Due by no d Banks. •-- 141.1 70 04 $2,166.72e 12 *ow sMai-.......--„....i.--.... 902.289 90 Cirenlatigiu - - 4 • - 76 7 . 219 °D - 289.788 28 DBpesits. - Doe to other Bank; .. - 66,161 lib Cuatlogunt Vaud sad PruOu 210,200 29 1.4166,725 II , The above statement is correct. to the beet of mY knc.t• edge and belief. 11. m.atu MILT, Gadder. •drimed before me, this 'Stet day of launar.l.lSal • IL 11.nMITII, Notary Public. a Simonlints , awl Mania fael;neera , Bank •t ittsbargh. PaYrestmon. Ho y, Jansary 21, 196 t. 600,000 00 Due Depositor. Dee other Walks • 24,111 96 Loans and Discuouts ..... 969,967 Cole. 208.941Y6 I Notes and Modulo( other Ilanka--... 442111. Doe by . ether flank.— o +e' The above statement I. cornet and true to the beat of my Ittunaledgeand belts?. W II DENNY, Osonter. Sworn and mdmeribed before me, the. 214 day ob ]an, A. D.lBOl. W. H. WIIITLI IV, Nano Publia_ ttttt meat of also Cilliatiosr Sask. - Pittsburgh, isousry 21, 1891 AS3KTO. Loans iud Discouuta... ..... 439.472 47 Coiu in Vault ... . ... .. . ... 13001 90 Not. sod Checks of other iV I3 2 0 Dna Mini Batiks iL and Bankers—.....—... 81,86 a lb 451E1,000 00 390,70 00 laqicoitor• 77.910 toi Duo to other Banks. 16 818 17 This abotustatensout is correct to the hest of knOwa edge and hollsl. 0141 T. VAN DOR140.0. 14 " 1, Aflirsuoit beaus ma this not day of honor), BAIIII. HASP ER, Notarymow,. Stateollolllllof !Mechanics . Damsk et Pit t•b•ti , .74,1 V nt e _LIAIIII Dos 4, other Unto— Doe to Depositors. ASP NTS. le' sad Not. Dlsconot.l..—.—...—.....s l t r e g to Not. end Cheeks of other Beaks epee. ht Vault. tort2t7 973,21,6 CD the alrovestatemeot le correct, to the beat of my kneed. edge WO belled. 060. D. M'O66W, Cashier. aworb before me this Met day of .laseary, 1861. U. tt. EINITH. Notary Public. VP Si r.«id. tttt moot of alto Alloghelay illaolt. P2111.01.0121,Januar719, 1861 ASSZTIS. Loebs earl Mkt ........ NO by other Hawke-- Note* sod Checks or other Ranks... tNicatattoo - Dab W other Nooks.— 16.1019 es balividual Dopositora--- 104,461 40 The *bore rtatomont la correct to the beat of my kuorrl. dip aro] belief. J.. W. o.loll.Caoldor. data& sad tutrorlbed Wore ma, lAN 2lat day of Jan, t6L • W. II MNITNE¢. Notary Public. • Statement of th• Iron Uttly Sant. Prentstltatt, Jannar• 11, 1001 trens tad 070,704 If Dm by otter ..... 41,634 66 Notes and Cheeks of other 800k...._. 91 010 18 tier2etlea- 186,323 tel 161 , 036 00 Do. toolbar Dents ...... ....... ..... 6,666 fe Doe to Derma... ..... 316.660 TIM abort. statement is cornet arsording to Uta ban M knowledge and batter. J ullll AtiO3/131, MlSEmsd before no, thle 3101 day , DWI M. S. Malta WY, Now, Pot lo EVERYBODY 81110101.0 SUBSCRIBE uc't;, rnwmu Conservative Reviewa, • A otrAtlo rouforeolloo 'batik)) , PobMotion, coofahttoi 114!p.1- !Ott.% Obbototbby of rolifivA,Alafisordal sod LltotAry Rorie... on all urban troobr, Now roblkotttoo• soil Works of Art, togethor with • Aloottay Itootamy of ffoirdso and Dawdle Nebo. Moe, so ofiglool owl. of tOofropbk*A Uttuoloil luta Aftkoollftf ArtlAw sad Itiosoot 1.0mM... by lb. mast able trawl. of do day le ow? Murat 1 ICVMEtY Obt4taY••ll : . . 4.iid hi fart every wan of taste, wall. or tadanolle areal& Imo It. , ~: . ?Ili A NIIRICAN 00111tAVATIVII Review em beet...WO arertial le Itsetreterdlar, sod will eadeev o or, la all SON V.a1411. In nova althea( policy. Nut veter. sally with debt nod porton, my tend to el all party ,er 116011013.1 aeons; awl reconcile to each other lb , ItonAlle eletamte that sos et' In the Inters agitate the public mind. t 141. B. The first number•of the ANIMICAN li: kINIIINVATITZ Review will be issued on the let of February, 1861. eonmenin filortuir,: AT $5 00 pee IRAN, . - PATABLI IN ADTANOZ, BY J. HICELBORT. • 32. Beekman street, New York. N. B. Whirs r ontelstnionteerlptAme and all ether , or. ,eannketioae, abonld be addreeend to the Ammon Orarere, Wirt Eerier, New Tort. 1 First-alas agents wanted in every city Of the United States. jaliromitisitfe I. iiiiirifit — T - Triffelit - Wiffie , 1150 DOZ. - DUBBED 111011 E, %AMINO 1.1311 O UANSON WYK, 71 Illarkgd kitrost. $'3,i12,721 21 LUIIILEITI2I,_ Y ,679 86 te67te 3 $338 WI ID ...$ 600000 02 808.303 66 -.. 27,2611 131 26,144 10 .. 120,69 116 lEOl=l TUE WORK . 4'OR THE TIMES TUN AMILICIAN PUBLISHED liIOHTULT BV J. 11.ICKELICW.U. T 3 isNRINAN ST, NNW TONIC N 116/10K,1011 *ND UUWL' • • • Wwldrbim wewiwll n Th . ie W ofow peon Al.. • ALL WOOL HOSION RIBARD HOW to o¢r RaialKri can t. at • Vela rob:alms from (mum -S SALTON: ORU & iIkOSUI IS Mb mAtit... BUNINNISS STAND FOR SALE CHRAP; 111••••• ea es•l•d as • Natal tb• toren el Wats, uld Ferry it...la ,• . • "WILLARD HOUSE." • prowl. I. afar.. at, • great ruff wk. and tam% •i•iy _ _ B. ILVlValtatoPoiata. sag remits Anti. = - - MONEY lOil t • BraritiA Ihntorro or Aocornotoctstlon Patorr,to amosot of 1190,000 barter, from Iwo to .11 poralla ros.lo sums rroslse From{t SO to IBMS. - Also, Boas rod Morassau Improved Otto rnriorti. Wear of losambrlooar to &moult a snoop.. ritt Mt to lowed In rat *Arm Iron Pallin. Antos tram ids to tIl•ilf mutat to rue. . BASK STOOK Wallt BALL V Am. of M. not SAWA Bloat ; NI Norm Ittrbsrurr Smmk stool ; . 2 SO am. blonoturahrlttnitarancr ZIP= ; It ibrier Blurts torarroor Stork Zer,to ISlonrylrsoll6loAutatriallim a , 00.. • .; Flock pod 811 l Bra m& ,BIK Bow* Argot. Er= AT COAT AND OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WOOL HOODS, aIIAM 'anima( &INTRA 11001.111 GOODS all' becloud thea% alaud to cost. learahaata awl &atm oat lamella !mak& al &MA WINS & AVOW& Ulna i / IRA &Not:- Bausou.Ausraisirs. TN cuoic coLbies AT lAMB LOW PRIOWS /101 'irons 0. a~toa.eraus . ilfth stmt. QUA AI D 00IKGE I 1:11‘; T AK. VPO I -Ow RIGHT MIRIAM PLATFORM CAR • • Mt isle, mienr Orel or Cloks. !Ms du n o dus nu lot s abut Um Ponaultui, ullroalrtll be rolleleer, touter st J. U. Jilting. AWillellDd Sdalig Sna7. SANDS' BAKSAYAKILLA. — AIthough Serads - r geoerelly h anned, rat It 1 puma& NM Mere barn with . Weary 11011114 eaDdl Milan to barorse serorakaw horn Naas atm improper dia.riposing thew airman wieptittle paw, or masa.; or /tom beaten Ape. Nn, all a wbkh timar the AWN/ or Ow Nora. rer•Nr lag It tbkkened aas toll woad. sail eruetkoe break out upoo 'Umtata of tb• bay. ibi." lo. " nan "g so eMeaktra se SANDW IaIEAVARILLi to pal tb• prolate. • breathy arestattow ausagtha t tb• one. temal organs°, the stouter/hand arsot • radi a l out% _ 141parad •ma 0014 1 , 1 A. Ipt BA NDS ' Vi n gid t lw • fallen amt. New Ti rt. boldmm .1 b/ D.soti lt FAIIIIIIITOON; 00,111Ittsbuoidun.rithir. COAL, NU T COAL, SLACK aCO B. IT AVINO tnireAkseed t o e entire intereet - of La ger We en tenni - le the tns or lialley, irlials a Co . I es tn. snood to rarebit to oar lamer esriesere owl the desire 'Oe , 14leturgli noi wait ly.. teenier sonny id COAL, NUS 00AL, maim ..d SA I. Prop cr =AI ccantlrlo.'Ortlus mit ilurosit Pen .o3-4 leri et Um f A Rouse of ar Mows ets ills or ffit tbe Wolin .111 be ettereled to witi fosse. ' • Owl Worts esd OM eitintel lo Boo* . 'olio mishro &nee the Wag stalwt...TWlt i i ' ' ~,,JelltillA • I)AOKSIDBUTTIR-10ble'hinia racked Ilettirbrain yWALTI Si tes, PIVI NO. ' • . alibestwma BRADIMIZET & tors mum Alercantlle Law Agency,. hirajnst MOD.) the 1 WWI 'Want. ol 'ow. now. menial Report. eaatandos 'ha Lamm credit of ...am hnedeor tboms.4DulkwY. OleYakutat. cad elesef•Waren• In three thonamY lobo. 1 b.. rad... are p a•rod win veal woo. and are 1411.4.4 to b• net rceo•ate. • weakly sheet of Dabreotion. .117 be east to yabearlbas.. and um!, wool • I bar hi MO, or v•thaity. will b procaplla asemred This le t Mame elaborate and .:ten We book cray yobliabed. Pee. TIM tor anrim. We bars also boob for 1b mealal al4f the ...tbs. and *Wawa trada. Price, with lbe J. o I f L e BR t D io D s SI I. D .0 s DOW. H. Sind, agent 14 4111.bzugh; WM. GT e ar th Amt. jolt LAKOS and ..rted Block of all Aland. ociTiatitt. Dental and Surgical Instrumenta. RNIVKA, VORHS, LIGUINING ROlO, SCIAROBS, GUNA, PISTOLS, KSINLVARR. KIYLIAI, SA VAS. POOKST RNIVRA, Mechanica' Toole and Ammunition, ao Ao. Ae. &4. OARTWRIGUT I YOUNG, No. 97 Wood Street, ; corner or Dlselei3d alley. 1 , 10 . 13. W AND POPULAR BOOKS— .I.I_ GONER'S PRACTICAL TREATIIIR on Oold,Petro. Isom sod other DIATILLID OILS Parton's Ufa of Jeekeon: three Illecaoleee 17x.Re*teere awl Illtreltarder. Rhrer side of Won, 6 vole. , • OerlyhieCritlosl sad lihretletkoche Reimile, 00, 4 vote. The Worbeof Mules With: /Mend& edilk,o, 4 lots. ty.• teattrte: ' do Th Wuti 'node Kaooo. do mow Wain. %dere LOW loom end Poen+ Lowrie Studies of Aolmal Lite. Carton . .. Lao Woos of Central AM., Reiethooh Conduct of Life. now. Whhoe and Oddities: New Edition. Teas Brown at Oxford: 17,0L1. floyee sod r...rc by the author of the fielr of Red diffed 2 rah • dadWe Mel Biographical , Bonnie Sadao& by lirehe Greenwood. The chapel or Bt. Warp Wilds' Poem= bias sndiguld: New I.llllort. Mortis' Newuc Mao awl gold: du KAY • CAL. Lb Wood CEPHALIC PILLS, ephalie Pi Cepliali Cephalic 13111 a, at. JOSEPH FLEMING' A, at JOSEPH FLEIHINWS, - at JOSEPH an FLEW NO'S, Owner of the Diamond d Market erred& 0 111. nt the Diamond an Market Surat Vonore 14 the Dlatound cod Market atter!. SSItiN SAL.i.— 1 he : iiiitiersig Anew , 140.0., .111 eap , .. to Vablln g•ie, DATORDA T, the ;alb day orlsnuary nem, sit 10 o'clock ,at the Wane of Lewin Daltell tio„lllitP l3. DOM, the following pioperty. situated in liharpsbat O. Brisk DWYLLINO IltrUgN AND LOT. about sew fourth. of an were. One Double /tame DWNLLING LOVAS AND LOTi4O I / 1 01 bet. On* V AOANT LOT. 40Iset Yl 151% IsoL Two Derproloff SHOPS. Alm, • LOT IN ONNTRIVI LLD, '3O feet ty 100 fseh LS Poe particulars, elm thinundernigiga eed, J LEW Am •uf Audios I/ ot tow Shatnshistsh 180 0. TEETH EXTRACTED NITEPELOITT PA IN," trir TUN USN OF AN APPARATUS WUSPE ?CO DR UOB OR OALFANIO BATTERY ARE USED Cold weather la tha time when the opperatos e.in bo E 1.411 to Its beat edvamage. Moelkst gentlemen and 'hair famillem heti their Moth *tweeted by'lny prom., and are ready to teeth, el to the Wotan m well man* ealoty of the operation—eleatover has boon rale by persona totem... Led ..wring dm cow wary, so baying no kvourfeJgo of my mem.. ARTIPIOIbL TUTU ineertod to emery MO*. ' Of t lD WV. Dentist, 13 esitheed • Wall Paper Warehouse. WALTER P. MARSIIALL, Inportdr NA palm, IT Woad Wed, battmaa Yowl. areal mtd Mamma Alley, wham may la. found au (1.11Bh••••Xt . =Mt of rtory datetta9... af P !alit( 14•140 MM. kyr Par lors, Dan; Dhabi Roams and Caaml.rs. tam. MO , . Barba, la mat variety at lomat prima ta amatry Jtalan ••16 W•LTRIt P. MAIWIAI.I.. -----_. FA.1201411,1, & CO PRAMICAL PLUMBERS, GAS Sl' P.:A M !: • FITTERS. lil A Isr ttseo rtm s eat of all articles ' penal •ng to the boaitiese, with all the la. t improvemente. b N .129 roman kraal, near Smithfield. W. & D. IiIIUGUS, arket and leillh atreets. Corner of AT COST AD-Wool Do Lainea! ==l FOULARD'd Figured, Fancy and Plain Colored SILKS ! WC/0141CW HOODS! Long and Square SHAWLS, Striped French Shawlst All of the above geode s° el the Ter! besAttylee. W.* D. MMUS', MOW SIR USTI! AND NI ARR ivr NTS W. A D. HOGIOCCVNINNit PIPTLI AND MARKET ATA W. :A D.IIOOI.IW,OORNISK MTH AND yAR66'Y STB WAD.MIGIUB,OOIINMItIrtII &ND mmisEr.sw. 1.12 WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINE! N 0.27 Fine STAMM, Prrranomon PAIRB OP 18601 W IE-IEIEILE itc •vrtz.som Awardid the Pita Premium al th United States Asir; Ohio State Fair; Illinois State Fair; _ Wiiiconsin State Veir; lowa State Fair; Karaiteicy State Fair, Tenteestos State Fair; New Jamey State Fair Vermont State Fair; Chicago Mechanics ' InstituV3; Louisville Mechanics' Institute; Cincinnati Mechanics' Institute; Allegheny County too Fair, Pittsburgh, n. .an me...coast, tress', tearoom.. offor to thik public WHEELER a WILSON'S IMPROVIID WIRING 61 AOIIIN I, AS RID 130111) paten. with Wowed confidence lu Ile merits. the best &ad Mad retiahie o at h .d Sowing Idechine new In ow II men pea ly well hick.% and thineet tahrioa makes the luck. Match lestsweible as unravel, with the rateutlal itdrentage of being alike on both aidee,toralleg no Miro or chain no the under aide—le Wmplero ronetruCtket, owto 811 to roaromotitAnd more durable than soy °Mae tunchWe. W. Ore inetractimm enable lba porchimor to ens Wilinsal mains, Minch, hem, MI, gathec, Mad and took, all • ess the woo meals., and w meat It 64 . Mons throntoro, coolant.' tootrroaolola from Wanes of the hist. wt otoodlos. Rost Mot Wrat. olrlorr tint.% „will he fur atehed eat* on applkatioo yoroorg or 14 latter. Sewing Mohnen NOM11•0111k, Twin. Cotton and on non stogy pa hand ' mytal 'lava 1:=LI • ART13111&1!-, WELL• n nig FOR OIL W RLLS,FLUSII JOI NTS, WEOUGIIT IRON WELDED Tuna, LAP WELDED 1110 . 1Lalt VLUIL issoursetored ood for We by MORRIS, TASKRR & CO., PASCAL lILON WORK& PUI 0020 3m cuadmowe 14214 J..11.0,0L1Vr Walt/ AMES M. BALPII, late nolst." liarttrovr. wpm," 1.X.• GLIM DRAWINGS .4 IiPsOIVICATIGNS loi lido& et buildings, 1116 d laperlotoo,h, their gavelo do ressenotole term.. OPPIOR ON ANDRRSON STRUT, • between Lsounk nod Robinson sissein• I . ls ALLYOURNT ,WlB K BM"— LIIDGRKS, JOURNALS, DAY. ROOKS, 13/11111 ROOKS, widow, anaNythat of Alainant DNS%NowI Waiter la be mamma', raid say Warn. natallaS. Withwithout piloted headlock by ! WM. O. JOHNSTON & CO., jai: Monk Book msko7R 57 Wood et. BKLTINO, GUM LA, PACKING, G U M GASIKPA. LON AND SILK Slut DOORS, PUNOIIKS, ,a 0 W awl tar ads by U. Mg LOWS. •• 231 Lowly of DATE 4-11:1111C11 991:T1110, a now &ad moperfor astkloon bud sad , lisr ate try DR 1.1111015; 593 L 15651,151. 13Si.MO1tiii , SKIRTS, just opened; • AlegtoiSitinish Shining Irish Limns, Linen Shin &weak Ike. ie . X! 0.1101011141:0141iiketeed. - _ _ I wiodi lErgyao of ratio( awl* of tour and halt of yen Ira. amino—oh% Is wailed brat,. who *or. •or ...my able yytorm..dult as boob csiuntio_.tipli4r.sdthalll Owns cat*. ea , / Pm . • " " 1".1" "At*, WANTED—A the house of itefuge4 o $3OO so m 10 t S a h s o ehAtleimltft apnpdy• l Y chime P/All. haler, they cao mime well mcommerole... kiplom men wool) to pre pried. Apply at the Methadon Po thamose.Yen SLd 1•21_,1t ANT.EI)--Aviivo dustietot hleo, to ttke Thrts /bar. 0114 Oompatty;msd m 1000,411. bo.toen Lbestinm .000ng bola 1 .1. 0. " 2" In goLd working orde. roe . parrrutare look. / t. dell) 1.11011, SL Clair i t WAne.tp--By n young lady RllO COO Orel good too:ermaid. rma, rttnation Y Ootero neer or Operator on a Hitarlog. Maclean. Addy B..at Oak _ _ 100 Agents Wanted! TO ' CANVASS FOR NEW AND POPEZIAD DOONS 41Ieb •n .old IXOLUSIVISLY BY SUBMIRIPTION TELESE MIRES include the MOST SALE• ABLBOORS PylllarltlEL% mad Alva taw la oat From $5O tn $l,OO per Morith. w. ghe qur Agmtl the MECUM - CB Ii6NTL 01 may •00.6 R, parikulano .0 N nd W.. 01 8.., oridnyr: G. W),Htl NT, General Agent Ropm 32 (al 1110111108.. N.B. W. hi jut pUbllobal Kalitloo of • FAMILY QUARTO BIBLES In e Now and Beautiful Style of B.nding, got'en up exprendy iar Agents and 0•11.1. 1 .. iar Applicants mu 7 ace Idr. Ilnes at (Ward Ilouo I2to I and from 7 Inas, tn. _ 1.7 . Cephalic Pills, No. LW Fouro e.t, Lowrie's Lew Building. Cephalic , Pilla F. L i ll' C A S, Cephalic Pills for sale 141-Office, In. 74 Grant i 4 1111.1110. a. PLIKVISPOI ............. Lato of Butler, Pa. pURVIANCE & COFFEY, ATTORNEYS AT L4s vitupo.o. 44 QOl,lll lidldlog, carom. of Mb 1.491 19411 n tUrry4 a{4ll 14919,111 i OROIWR F.141119t1N NANNUS .101/149041. H AMILTON • & ACLIESON, • ATT0149114148 AT LAW 09ko N. 149 P;otatl. 44.4. Plltiborgb. - jorthly4 V. B. 61. 861.1TEc. Attorney' and Counsellor at LaVefi 5 QSA RIMOVICD I.K.UtIN'!i LAW BUILDINO No. l 3 Dilunond Street, T u 0 ...o._s EWING, . • .' i ATTORNEY e AND 00UNSEIAOL AT ali Oece, No. 166 rourt6 stro6l. near Maul, aoll,l/1141, Pr7rows6l l . Pi , ------------" .-- ---- - -- - 1 ' 17 Blab/fit tianget, Graus, Scr..,! ........:,; 11 Z' XA! 8 T 017111 .IA7 0 a ICIII. A. E IRA.1:11,1Ele. 7.,! Illonnfoaturre every Tindery of lit/OIC, 'rAlt.Loilti. AlllO II MATend v t - '.s, • .., .., G1141.'12E4 41'1 to wr -4, lewsDlaws. ev.o. &n. &o. Sale i ;Preprietor a' the celebrated zi. ' PATENT GAB INJUNING AND aIOKK curia.uNqa 4RhANGSAICNTSP.' , . . 7,1 • Office and Salon Room, ' ' 'i o. 4. %V °°.l E r4lS e ttbllali. iii- BiroVES . - .—i-----------.----. . 112 1 0 — IW. 11 i it ---. ... 171' WA V E'N' lc 13 • . 041.7, j.j. MANUFACTIMERS OF, ii diCtOne r is, kt.L.Oliceind ECEGA.TI 36,- ' -' TOVES. - IS , . Warobousb, Federal Street,' near Nerv , Slll3- porelon iirle i ris IlLtiltfl it INT OITY. ,"i Vie uti th e 'attorifton i l &Wert to our lar g e otoortintint of Oooktog fiat Ideation Movie, ! Wood and Clooli s didllth we oro rialto* ot Oh. lowest. v i t a. Thom ',billion our city will nod It to. i l o ot sdrontago to ere to it roll mud clouting, tor moot ted.ito it u r oloodisit 04011 here. comet too . lloitor'rytattojlon'vallair, Praha, llolluti Wort s Wm.. 1100011, "l .f. e nd' Fancy Grata Froate, Fenderel ete., C.soUsio of .11 Jane...i.e. to order. it 111:10 ' , %In, II ill ,lii*:lN. IMIII 1333 ALEN, MJLCOI3DSICK..IIIk CO.t VA. I.; I. Ir. o - Er iq- - v Ei Y , PITTBISIIWAIL PA. Wareht,urtle, No. MAN OF,toTIIKERS OF COOK, YAW end lICAI APOPKA, Perla< And liken= Plallour War., Mr.: Moat eat Ulan 5101 Csallota,sllll o.tetin.a. Um. water atot AfPnAll Pipe. PIS Irotot,tl/...1 Emus. Wagon Rowan Sugar Kaiak., Put. 1.4 k, lbloltArs, Car Wheala,.Coopllons, ana (Naftalis gem , A 1.., Jobbing and Stable. Culluga mad. ,to order. Pal e st ,d Portable Mills. silb Ricans or Ilona Poirlat. troladhoA AT CO A. V cown A:r UOt•'t't AT COST! Email Mil attptneps at Rata. ATIORNMY AT LAW PICT/MI(0U. P .4770124V15T AT LAW. ITTABUIVIII. PA. —.Miss J. corrO lAto Itotlmik, o tLATES AND 0 , 4 * .4%.1 BILISELL & c a., NO. 7.2.35 rA Fi }csl-1. - . IkirANUFAIrfURERS of all kinds 4 Cook- LIM in& Parloran.l 'Mating xv".., o.rdajamm. vows.% • liommoo liaamrlal Onto front., 1...4M in as. The egabnited Coking Stoles, , "Vihtory7 and "Triumph," .od lama Cooking retort, 't 'llllaok Oak" and "Forest Home." The "Capitol" and "Kagleg Cookineltangee,. with either Hyttrriritio or Open Bottlers. which •(11 taws estaralrely to ewe In thee dip WO vicinity than Kai other ReDIVII ilf The iir ory, Irlneat IGnameled Ipizootrogi Met tea be nab Roy where. Peruser ballellog - erste Ilniume will please hew &hie In Weed . A 1.,, the law alai beautiful Pallor Maven el "Olympian," ' t'' k ~ the my Istitt Itsprovemeat to the way of Parlor a wow eateete [ Together with Bra Stew, Iles Pere See" Marie, at....: fereasefry Wow; /melba Serena gateesineeellige WWI Making IhOeht. !' RA RA WILLS, W.lll. Irons. Flail DOILIFRB, OVallt DOOM% Ph :.eel. owl a•heia, P of errepers, rune RINGS, Mere Pip.. Vete) MI K% • L 1 WARN-1/OUPE Ca ii I.DitaISS &ND FORWAtallat Oahu( arrange...a ror the Wade itelete that hi stew be .Pik Jamb .4,t•a, ti ashen 'trete.. Tee a *Whet t'th eta. L. The peaks O.n rester telly Iheihrel to tall ', e areal tau& wet exteneire sleek ateitallelsettel BilialiLL a COI _... Weitho '4 9 7.dßoxizar .1 - A SUPERLATIVI.' a. c. 104? OR fl tORDIet HOLLAND ;GIN, FOR, MEDICAL ij .11111 D PILIVATE UDOLPIIO WOLFE'S PURW CONIAC BRANDY, Ithiported bottled by htmeelf, entrrintted pore std the beet otiallty, with his eertlll. et. tee bottle.. tile seal on the colt tee UpdtPllo WOLFE'S PORE PORT WINILI lteported and bathed by hlnter44 pot IStl OM. j. With the oertlfleste on the bottle; elfrentea pare end o f the beet quallty.il pan e..., lIDOLPIIO WOLFE'S PURE SHE I WINE. I [Overfed end, bottled by himself, the 14,te r, leo Pert the. lI DOLPIIO WOLFE'S PURE NAD I I RA - bottledby himself, for praeta awl metholoill I ;t7l,ll:l7 ' ; 'ff- ITZ= UDOLPRO WOLFE'S PURE JAIII 10 .110 M, ST. ORDIX-ROld, ) ,800TOli - AND IEISII WAISILY. iii the ohms imported sod belt by thlowelf, wino yule and of the quality. •- , , TO flinll.lo.l • • • _ I will Make my reparation ai • **air shadow te e worrabsat thirty year wisidanca In ray of Oat wbal I alialas man trailty In; wltlfZwil, 0101. Oil ml oortlecata, la correct awl Win larrallrd yna b. 'wiry parobarir. •Pb pietism who two Mow and 129 lii nialr 'pronto, nboald era the pralarenee to Lamar. 1 • for gala b ; all ...incubi. Drualllsilad ApatlioaridraL IMOLSIO WOW._ Boni Illaaaniclnrer sad laiyadeir tblpadela*Agoo, Sobriona. IS, 20 and in ikaitr4tnat, 6 l44 .lm Y•ol. for rola by On. MOO. n. • I A PPLB BlEffitil=-5/kegapice , Apple Bizt• • • I — i'. w r tor W. are a ► WILIONiro. 2611 Warty fit VLOUR,-Tao : - Fiatt, • the d i iffereat P!' 4 " , 46 ""! in OWN in sti)i. CO, ; • rgSa e T51 14 - PAItTOWI LIU PAT • .. _, ...... ~.... .. .. _ .r. ~ ., . •i, .i . ,,. ...t1.'., ,V .:..g- ' .'4 ';',,,t-aia,,t---t',d:F-. El PRIN - 2141031110 1141L1.. . -;. . • - TANI. WENN ONLY; dailligliPit-FO7:. DAT s411f110; Jas. Slik I - .. ..., ~. , . . ... , " . ~. ... ... • 7Wilibn t NeiriV itastraNilani tag rkan.wiLls6,OhAll. A. 1101111 id 11:t... 1 40 _.., ''''' WAY. Peoptiottant, Ws of Manta Swami. Palma .a: tOtp • • Ithadrel*.! -. . ,:.: . 1 . / Firma STAR essomusisa.—cAna. *AIM ail.; Wiwier. Muter Ratak, 0 RaTealik fisear , w. - " . 16 .11= ' f,.;P. Pat., A. Jana., Y . T. ISK, w. AJWAIA,.I..D. Wo. 0 A...AA. r.cadAA.A. rees.wswe,• 0 4 sial W. tt. itiotkvity. ?Tai. fan pnitloollln. ma pragraamea dead Oa. t Metals 111 mitt. Doors oaten at 1154 Ocket I Cloarld • ti. - !Wwwww• $111(.. . ' - _. 4! 41.1 ' ! GaAs. A.llOllll. hp11. , .' -, ITTISB,UItOII Tll ICAT US.— ' Leawa o.www—W.-. -. i.lwww 110.1 ...., LIM Tmw....1 ...—«. m stN.:;Pra moat or s wd .. • Immense Sift Tau nvenine. ire= Woman in White! Women in White! Woman in White! Woman in White! Dresstlsod trio Weis' OolUse esiebnille o weal. The etikr Caraway oppinr la Ow peadadlos. 'AgbAlOtt SRO/lEDLE ON THE I CI IC Y OVCOP TORR. RIAN PIALYY. • • t•JP lIIW • . • • Slagle Rooms, Piny Celts l'er Dip , • City Ball squire oinnia of Fratiktatt. at., (Opposite Olty 11•111 Moe; eh Mei may be ordered Is the *ekes IL•fictory. !Mere 4* Sabot's *bop sod BMW goof* onfdlolfl o,* Hotel ' N. —Thivf*Lre of Itoesors wad Illaisbinislas •bo iftr we and full. • • oc27:lya ' BICHiRDBOII'B IRISH LINENS; DAMASKS, DIAPMBS, 40. • ' riONSIJIMERB OF RIOLI 'S L ARDSONIN sta. abd Oar antra= of °WO* Goal., shoal. co dot the wades Sanam." ..... ' od with U. toll nomad no ars. J. 11101141/USIA, EOM a °WM!. gossana. of tam. osasdasai sad dusannsof Pia OW.. Tills awn. Is mama ammtlally qnsalllna of Irani. sna dawn. Llamas en mows sitar lona. sod raid with 11.10U1510.7 tION. 114.1. nass.s. Nissan. of lb. Wag laus lOWA slits. tas loads. in tea seashee alr.n or tta. 5.01. Good.. will ast absiadaa a balillta so mat* while webers has be teepowd es with Goole el • worthies ehander. J. BULLOCKS h J: B. LOOK; sikqd Asia% IN Waldo 81.41,11.• Toni. =iM:l=i;;4P AK&R A 00.43 MIDICIIN • TRANSPIDDIT COD SAVOR OIL. • PBS TRIM AND 811111INIL ._-- ' • lINPUBPAIthith •nr (marry up arrsora. • BIM/ TES BWIERIST Allnl INT PAMPA • ~.; It. nth, If [ably tried.'stil moth reelthe the loth el . th 4 algestme thyme. Whores the Wee, %tee nad_rotatidly .0 the hears. Ind add ea toils/ I: L a 1 and and methane system. lie vales Ma lama me % eittekebly et deoned by Us treadeehll reelonithepae. sui. 'than °alum tette bed both gaiety ethenthell P ninon% noinishineet to the body white se othertha 1 be:berth, end larthithe the Mow with Ist In. tenth t restarkable mom. brCONSUMPTION awl , .1010117 LA fa ell Na ik BROSCHIPIS eehremill4 -, 1 IPbe LBIZ II ITA Its jirjg.thiWii4prinee aile eef =mrt..... It mei be taken thiboat ithiriolhh by the nmetitell I We pathiet, and rthalaid with:at tabrt In the moth I einietitti stomach. tu sopedothiy h. ahls end admit I hithectitht tharatherialles Sr pouteemeehhis Bale Wed lot It the commeedetion of the them unbent Physicians thmenhoet the - Stater, the iftlei thitt tiny gil the fealty of Um but medial imemehr. the Problems or the onmusairr OP protaniiarzA. -" - JarrißSON COLLXOS OP.PRILADA&PIitI, PHILADILPHIA COLLIWIT OP MEDICUIAW Ineethis Owed be orefoll to patithine MI et 'the doubted reputation, ft they Omilre Sheathe mitre end Immediate advaatathe el the masely. Stoat ertdchleh mar. boa decided athleome of mthetheilly , winit other breeds. thetketectered est• by I JOIIII o.itabalt a cii , tweeters end Dubin In Dregmthimelests. 1t.. . '' • holitth Third at. I Veil UEIAN ,USMIINT,,RUSIINDALS Ok fiIiT,CIA WNW HAMM, 0111017 ND Stibla.st. los VM? 'll2O, North-West ewer haat esd -MOW di*" ' - 11.101114 Plalladsl,llll4 . 1 EL, P 1301713"/ & 1101111. '. 111`114)4711itisrVANA: °MAMA PO. 216 South Tryst dna, Pl'tllsaalibb4Pl, 6 , • . tbliiiiilig =lll i W. ismiwb regillsorly. sad dß*. • dboloot wortrosst , a dft .T intl tt LizT ons . 4o ,.. o ....li as d alwrii Is !Milli limectl i d . . ~_ 1 /I tantutgorialung• 111113 SIC, Pianos and Melode° • No: era W Et swum ET:: Odd Fellows' l!eilding.-. Is ewwgasoa et tbs are a Nall* Wools,. C 1114011% BLISS, • Sofa *put for Isabes eslobratof Pim" fora PI sod Waters Pilllllllll/Al. lehr , RA ND GRAND PIANO:, JUST 'RNOKIVED, a superb eareed 7 OCINIVID FULL GRAND- PIANO. OT 1:186ERION 0 a 80PIEF YINUIMOTURN. lo Ito of thole ?Mr IIiPtOVID own* rot which Olilutillttlet t lONS bovoioottooolioithoGOLD `- lette.t.:l=loo• lloblbitlos of two Sotiot!ittlt . l . ll , ISt,' it ib• public on 'qv to call sna serail oplledld ttimmot u lb. WA/woman of 3081,5. INLMIAZIOIt. sto. et Wool) maxim • Wows Dkaseed alley mad Vostai Arad; Ba• Agebt rUf Oblokarlm, kat Grand. thAikt roars ilano, Pltlabargbred Westare=k $BOO 'Piano for $350. A/ awe: rtIlE SUBSCRIBER hu had hi with.him A kir We, by guilty about to tom taa oat meat Chickering at. Sono' otprAvis t‘Lol3l3lWool3.pAiavir.o riAwo)is M* Mao low tl• NI lASI TVA* ois rm. km bid tb• bed perdu ag• atom OIL fIY taper. 'sod oder. bolb to sold•••Pomad Inaltd•—la Yd. to as 'GOOD AD NSW A• It mad 6•11401•4 et OS OWN It s the OBIAT RI DIXITION Off illktlLol ESN, • ;our natimos, 81 Wood. Street ile294wP fffl, STAIN !Aro , P IA N 023. , -• 11 / 4 •! , . . • . . . .._ A °baba 'mow ANA of the gellaritedi a? A A BOW ' '''; i , lie. York Pilaw, la inin soon. IL ['XIII' WI ?Mil rt. ria Arnie far !Wawa:, 11l &of Plonai. 1161 "FA - TVS LIPS - PILLI3. 6 —': lu.vta HUM AID =MID CITLIDIVId tos poi godson% woldddio law mooing lord, hirotioble rfilbey , GU AS MIMS width poulhom so cow. boo, roodand Abe lOW meths of p ort prdia4 owl ody Immoral boa y roworoh of oboso me i ism tummy Dodd Indio thole rood warts UAW De Om, wad day *Mom( by r amid* ot thoorsdolowo Is 01l own of Cloo.-. DPrie. MOM OM • Aloodwodo theoutabo, l: on nod /low. olattostollood Adm. ay on Owmodol DwodVddista Hoiltlylimwo DUlo boo POW. eWfpooda wools sad opoodd owloody. A moigu tato • too plow, Ow LID PIDsO . IOO ordi or woßaddio• Di! otorrotra rumMicrinli roboolooist• - at odloodlaw do , cow of Norwoso Dobliddri DNA Ado% Ow Mow bidliset la=4 . Clank sad .very thid of Wader cc Ow Ow ude Itranirt aira Totbood 13 bf . 111WIOio Dodo, sod NMI% frilly SUN:KIRUNA would respectfully '• 'i thif MUMS= et Ms Mesa ue .Morro So Wow, (( i FALL AND WINITS. GOODS. _:- -- ,' 11.0;410g the flown* deedema le serdie siar. 1 . . , Goods, for Ck•Anstnee Mgr& Mit401101011;.1 ' ; d Boy.. and Youth* * ellotreiraia - ; , ealibilttj 011 hied, and made $o firlift hill* iirjr . 4 eat sass., ei • rainana Walk . z Di . NU wrier Mlle, sae It. Willa •-, -,- StINDIIIIIII-OATEI-72 Wa .. __ _,...- „: ,• , 001101 Mial.-16 bet% olimummiiim - www Darn toldserase- s, OWOOS -2) . lellot. - ,aiiiili, I-, PLAxitap-sbess, - wares aluss-to wet . '. Ibr 024 by . Jag ROUUT sau ,na a ad-masses. - ' z - ; . QTAR,OII, io. 75 boxes Pearl Merck , UP to ba - Angora. Muck ' = ` : lOW= lieskl lAndl.s. • : , ,IL , i to. WA Rani, Polo and Oleo* Ilam Wow WI ' : /011 . IL 110111 •Um • ' L . „. , 1101U41. BUTTBIL-5 bbl a. strictly ptimt LA. jest vied Pt ask err • - 4 ite ME IC 1 4 0VMSID--12 baniejnai rse'd sorrel.::- i iqr gla liiiMl cOulan,' 7 , , . ... 1 , , ~ EL • :i7a3KOIX; 3 vole. ii444:0•06W.x4 °`r>>-~ ~t a. ißoan, Prop It MOTTO TO Oust odginsll~ $5OO. LI .-..... ,• ....._. i k Y~~ y` ~..