NE _ El East MEI -I' . *---itusittiittiotoi, *cc. • 'IIIIIIIIIION, I f -I t .:111111111011A11011111 11110ILKL., No; 0033 'Liberty Eltrose` Pireißu 04, BUM, "IWO PU"Pe.-;, dew , pith . fa•ED . ~,aao ar 'Amos a. foam., II allikVlV 'AC' _oorr Zig Valeniftalilsll6l63lll6Lesossals‘co. l - Wholesale Grocers, . copal or Wood. and Water :rat ta yd° lots 4011 N b°,troxiEsta WFP-. 0 L'E S •A.l E (111 0 OIC A., 4 commissroiv IdETCHANq, CosnerlirSinithileldand *titer' Streets, MTesusatt..sslos,,, I 11*".talltli'ddLt!DALWeirta 4.;,;4;;qi,., , ' , ;;.4 . i..i...''MerCiiuttt, DIAIAILS IN /LOUR, CRAIN sod PRODUCII goooralli, `VISTOtt 49'Libeiti street. , \ - 1 4 Its7da do—NINA:9a. IdoCroery ACo, PI red Jo.. DthddireNNvOSlNlNdlAdAi gompadc., - a.: La Delgoll rtilted g lir.,dt D" iloli d atZtrAt . 8 :i l al I Wood"; A CIo.JA Weboto- A BaItor,CINIAN4II wood A 11A, AN . lVallatf:l Mudd, tlsltleooted OuriNC, A ,ZIA Itlefik . A.M/ 1 1 °Odium; PA g1i.1.41,6* Ociolt AAA A o,d, AN 14,N1,0,314, 1 1. 1 ! :WA, —,. . . . 4.174 5:lD9r - 141 TON 'STEWART: Wlipienale drocero,&,Pmmisaiot i geroliante, , 107,ATOOD STREET. aiy,r • I.ret".--'l.. usiona }.•,41A , N L .k. CO. 0711101 1 11 1 . 11, 416_,Fetwardisig WESIVIN ,RESZANV , OIIEagt, iirr,,PLAsto:e9itsratcoiv, •IPLOCIIt, 118 U, Il t sPlAt...Xiiiiiiliiikte.3,lmira tAr - a on. Dow .04 frudne,puthalt. 143 v....a sit.. 4 els.-171 Usnate. cuLt. at linErAsra),... • • esti K.,oAs'loll,: ofs ti A N.l 8,--! *; - vititzus P_S. O llO.O sSktin ilk. LI-04.05311 ON.; . —llll4. 343 Ltheriy Street, : pirtaiw ww, ..rustabdioe.nouft. ibteßaltmeg rad a" sa.47.lllll6r[Lienlisr,:ation,tloy paid to Ilyllang MIMS Iv, raz tjt, . Tutwordink and ILP!1:10111(188101 ,1 111*11011ANT. for the ...le Of /LOUR, cdtine,Bods.wavturnta.asspd,DElßD.rau 4 T. .04 rtadowsm, Ankst digneel„ *ow Par:* 2205111. P Dyiei W. Sr*Abrt. Ihro, 6hAtia.l Ls* 0:4 o..*** sk...s stm***. brat .*.d ty, loeuro: &lam* OH, 3* e 4 1: 44.04.• rItS4O. Dwain. fig Oookussai Ur% . , AV 118er.&.13 . 49AKaa; -LA= • 'PRODOOII AND PROVISION • CoriiiklSSlON IIIifOgIIANTS„, • • :267 - Libeity Sdeetoorner of Mina, gilin b th• pambeasSla• Of rylnier, P0t10.5.• Pori, lArd, EMIR CRO; URlltll4l3lllaiby 24o ft. le. • • tird." VON*, laid at tbe Woad with r al Oath. A 4 wham made ao cooddipueoeth fRILONita of the Iltmattrilt at IlasirOctoty. haR1:10 .... • SAMITSJA 15. - FLOY.O . - OullitilSetUN mesons:ma, `4 • *'4 7 ' Zit:IAV gy. 4 l=t7i. LD P O • _ a.' omallincr!. CIIAP,WILFIF, s lON, !CA Nld Olt ANTS,_ iarza AND. P 403, te• 19.6 a ' Bef.or.',i4 _Ps may, • ir —l-1.4,0.1 R.Pw..4 !ft14,1~Z11+ 4 1. 4 .1 10,21r1 'IIIITORCUICIALA,XeCiIIaIipIit. JR 00.9 (NoecesiagiiillaVital,lP a Oa] Pr Ffo, rtaoi aad Wool, nod 712 nmasi.,,nnburpl.". 144:1,14-44.29 p, *Pa KRatt BAan CO., a CO 90 - Al M S E 11.9 lI.A NT S. _ y6Ol, Mask Prbii!itfult;PrOupe Generally, No. 209 Liberty' etrvia - 4 Pffixtautb. re la AlAiVii t ie , * J "et ',wan um ifluur. Grain end Produce. i-Cluippusaion .I.nd,Forptarding Merchants, ' 174 &coed &., Ndelenk, Pa int uggists. , UT ;ONSOVIN, Wkwles*.Druggint, T T Gerber, ON itirelectunir Odd %rod .to Tbsyer'e tulle wet flnW Brtrecte, No. 17 Liberty exert s Pato. fgFAIINZSTOCK CO., WOOL& Drags old iminitiei . mi mute um, and Lingarga,carner Woad arid 'Prat itreegs, atcL7 - I Fri it - amtb5....Z.....41.—: - '" .4.:0.Mma1 , Millcs, & REITEIriftOLESALN AND 1 itetall Dryggints,oorrverof WK., and Ht. Clair 41 . .., P .n. - •:• o*-R s '; r it 11 • 4 14 . .• s MING,ASUCUESSOR TOO. fel ,'• 00.)toruar Markot weed and Dlstaand, baps f emotaagy an . Mod .fall and nom*. mortmotof Macy ItollelM.Oloilei.ehortai PM...7..4 MI attlela. pen. tanking to td. bonne.. I Sarityalo.ana prtactinlnetka carefully lOympaanded at all .Il yarn Jathly t i - ii.. 0160,'"H.. KEYSER' 'DRUGGIST, 140 Wool mat. cmo.4: of W 0.3 .trot and .Iftrils, at I, eittriontit" I onN,P. -....51X.517., Wbuiesals. Dejot fat to ,D l3 4.;P:tlits,oll4l,Viwttiolltor m 4 Gretsaa.M.2M , Lawn/ sw.c.4g, itutbtush• ._.- . - ... •• . ,;,' All ord.. sill rani. prompt w 001... , . ,Mr . latal , lastatt ,11stitts. WARD, . , . DE A EAR , PRIihiBSORY NOTOS, letortgypyasd ea pacarltko for mos.,. reroxilOyy. omen toms throaly, my Alreakcy,om b.e.iiidocs. lowa Olga annoy to iool Mvantsys, tom alltegYlimi llntt NMI wound dem paper at my olsOr, to 4116. - e i r=oas and I; Ineorrido S s 'VW], atilf/**64. . . UZ °width t. Pbel.i ' ) 1,174 a 1 ......... "lifobiiii` JAlas . ufiutits . COL; Turk Packers Plititalons, oar Nor at Market find trout Snottily ised.yd• . . U. .„177. ..,.....,:i....4....:.4«.A.—'.4.e. clascaL. .11,"4 is HUTCHINSON, Commiiaion ottontororordlog Mototroaai:dooloos la Weston. R. li. now, limb, Boom, Mater, ihtoorel 011, Pot salltddit arc% Oral WWI -1/n4t, su4 Prodoce ~ .mnilly. - rustily Warr always ea tioioL— kraut, tor the matt ot• Idaollooo Odo eolobrotod Pitentw Pearl st..s. Soalliilleoced eat 1411 , 11 est es, Doty.. Wood mot dadthOokt W., Pttlabargb, P. tialyd • CILIZEIBIG-WARRHOUSEr.--1114NRY 11. 4„„; ocamirss, , wrweetei spet Camellia's Martgontood Dealer hi ClallimeMitterilit• 11 , 116 sal Prlrdace pnentlly, is wad Wits,' Mount,. myn MmHg , 47". N 0.41 WOW , _ Aft.) "dr PIANO . Polfilta, li gt I PZOM IS IZ:dIOPXL lILDRONS *ad ORGAN 1 1 GANNlOnosoksi a Mlo aki Modal GOIAS. ANL _ _ la KLEMM a - BRO., Mi. Sl= .roartit__%l enti h ~ Uaieou lh =l: awl Illopmr PLUM sod 7u/11 • SMILIOIIII rassoku W - MO! HOU OMNI 9ROIII Dflays *ldo and awcattstrudwis. ---- CUARLOTTS BLUME,• retANUFACTUR .iatirt Dolor la .fiuso TOM*, od Importer elle* sad Illtiallerbenhestit• Vale Ara let the HAMMES Normals tot 1111 LIT, DAVID 00.11 thetterletehoh Waimea Without *Arm Attetbeseet. 115 Weed ttntet. „ sults. WITTIL GORDON Rociretistriliiiatitern Inv or — A: • ••••0c•••••7.91165et • ,;11ARDINEA0011INVAgent Coi Fmk --fer .NI inn rn..a Closprty, ItodFma mew Wood , 411...,MAD,1DRA, Agent -for :Delaware nittl Vall 1 . 1 ATWOOD, tiedretary 'at thq Onumes Ca 4—..94 Ware dal Bv2 Coots. a. u. 51111,21/111114/ GINA, palmy NVECTIMELD a CO. (suooeissors to Zetur• 44izesaniasptw _ pot Bald Deem In psl,,Aar . thopoot comm. ant* and gel ‘ to - • - iliyv ib ,„„ ,__....._. L I % -, " 1)64er B o t ate l g Y fir4 ; 134 (0 0 .0 0 ' st mx it ot the ortgi FALMSR; No. 106 Market Street, - • Dater la Solid% that.. seinekor, ••• M:lt== ROBIELT.T DAVIS:memo? to John S. h wof . . gra& atlXisdoeld inllool . l4obitten. • VII. •(1. JOUNSTON &-(X)„-Scatiosien, 111•Milaternri .M lob malting, lle. 4120111"1161111, Ph. • NM BOOKSELLIEREVAND STA.. safitimik tto•lta Wad 0111.0111111, rie Wl** • air 01164 1.6 . - : Sth•Oliad Ma I.IO,AUCOA' _ . - L. BOOKBNLLED AND • ammo poop • # .lw CE 1. ' 1)1 ,to. ~ ---... -.4. _ WM FRANK; Vila OORDER, PRODUCE AND COMY'IIB.ION MERCHANT.. Dow halm, sore" Ikeda, Butter Lord, Ohm.% l'ork, DANS . o A them balls 4.4 geasrally. • 'Laws! 01411 ../4esues wade OS Cbadiusast• Warehouse, No. 114 Second Street, Pittsb u rgh. , i Panto Knonr Iff•hsi, Pittsburgh I r. Salim I Cu, Poo6uiltti limn I On•lo, ',do I Shelvar t Dilworth. a• oat • , Bprmlllartmagh • erv. somas aboliat."„ oli!ta•liate Arm at U. • U. Id's.•nuud • Cu, W 4010316. 0. Jos* mums, aisuen.s. P 0014• 11100011A*1•• 101 g HOLESAVE GROCERS, .Produce and UT Coaamirkrn Niarebauts,Jobbers N. 0 Rapt, invf RAntd Poises mud Pimps. ilutmliseua; Mow ()hem, 13m1., lc. • 'No. 253 Liberty rt:, r1r1•800.14 B. =I aim wow? 4 .. siiirtoo L.A.MBIOLT ar. SHIPTON. WJIOLESAL GROCERS, Produce Deal ers .40 Opasoilieloo Merchants. No. 6 1511tti street, AttsbaogA. Fts laB3B Ti 11111.4 •LITTiIT. k T1111101.1C., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND 0051- htgROUANTS; Dealeit. In Pre4mso, Plow*, dates. Chases. Wish. Carbon sod lar d 011„'ItO7. Neal OW., Colon VAILICS, and Pettelnizas 14111oracias1$vuer*Ily. vela I 1128200 N D ST., PITTBIIOIWII a. a J. Nereus ..... 0. me oneos.---. *ATBO. & J. ;WATSON'S; CO., I.V• Wholesale Groofnre. AND DICALERA IN Rope, Oakum, !Pitch,—Oils and Pittnbursh Manufactures, -AO. 130 WATICIL Above Ilolthfield, etrrseutant. Pa. WILLIAMS BACIALEtt vxrPmcox-Els.ak.L.m Gixr.cso33.i.c, •01. I I Wood I ID= IOBIIBOIII4IM OUN SMITL:L .tr, SON, .thoests and; Cum .!, talmal. March.. Agents for the .10 of Pla 4 0 1 1 and Mama No. 184,11 Nerta most, Plttsbolltb. folaard . JONES, ..WUOLSSA.LS ORU a 0118 and Bbst ,raralther, ilosler la Prolacs mad Pltralmrah alannAlitares, No,ltlWator nnet, war Chem . Alloy, Pltlaborgitt, Ps. POO Mira ay. a. odic.= SLERMA DILWORTH, WIIOI,EBALE Groan; No. 130 aad 1.311 &wood anat. (Lotwoao wool and gmltbllab4Plttipargh. • - -ACM 1/10111.----4-44111 1 00• 10 .--...,...... MILICIWM LOBLN,FLOYD CO., WHOLESALE .aracimukisuidown MantualA No. 1:8 wood ; awl 11:011Aberty ftneot.!ttlabarigh. ..101111 Inllloll. :ATT* WILSON, WIIOLESALE ORO , URA, Oummindoe lterchattb mud Denier* to Pe. .4ets and Pith Owe. Itiamirtetree, No. 2 Liberty Ilimet, Jcat.b EVIELL. !LEE C 0.,. WIIOLESALE Ciiram 4 PrOace and Oamm x lmaioo jlerstunte, Mom In sad 4 iebt. st-, Plluburet 1 7 4 ." 7 4 kph • D R lOSON & CO. WEIOLESALE AV • GM... )00=41 ,4 0 Illorel:moto, sod Ihmalera lo all tiods of Providoiso, hoiloos and Pittoborgh Illsoutratimk, Mo. SA Larrty.u.4. P/thaimih. 100: ly.l • - Saute ROBERT DALZSI L & &LF, WHO BAIA Grothork Gomalook. mul Her etwilit_pd Drakri Prolocemlnttabargtvitsailhaar.. -No.SSlLlbett7 otogot,Plttobotifb. Pa. me) 3.1 1I • 'I '‘ I 'Gramm% 4DoenzpildenN49 o rebentayand Deakin 111 ProStla, • a. tin Waor Marl/09M SS ?nut Itrest.Pittam4v. IfUIJSR, AND GRAIN Rat, ji 61 Firm Smarr, Op !te Odd-Fellows Milt. 1?ITTS.611114.114, Blurt wok done tbr the trade. ~~JAMIDFJ W. WOODWIf7LI.. 10 aitiilikEZlNO cuaius ITHOiESALE .4.11 D RETAIL, ' lll.beedmi.r3mi•oll , • -- P7 - a - litrwr - Ar-r•r -- ti . amtwoott,mAnointrY AND 19 A LNU Daitabie Dar i'aithili, - 0111141:11K8 MIL DININOII4ODIK Irina to an NEW TORE AND PIIII.A'DELPIIIA W Altiftoolo, Nei. T 7 MID 79 TRIED litultrr, lete3SAtt Pll73Bl7TiGii rem. a . I. roars —..-mreso a. a. vows° a cu.. auritoacrome op nni.tirru RE AND , ...011A Of Every Demertivtioo. vA. moat —"feral Zgt,tirtwe• 14W .4 1.44. Warehow--Nos. IS a 40 Smithfield , at., QTEAMBOAT CABIN YUB.NITiI RE—We 1,3 o. oonstiatly taannfactortoe 6R`ZAMBOAS OABFL .11411111T0611 tad tatalatEl, toot Write, the ...nitro :Wee Itotandasi to foratibloo hoots. warHavr Qu a ck Nostrums lans NEW YORK DAY BOOK millet: "The histarity o 4 Blair Wadies, tialr D 7.., Hair tank* Bair Otis, and tbe nataberlesea pregatrathou which are now before W. palate ander .tob extravagant, by W ./edit.. and fontedic Wire me we we paraded to Owe el. flop ords, and: morepayter headinn, a. hair torparatlaca, are.all humbug& at tee trot *Riau Weir reel Imarlt, cleft tbiy comer any, *that they do so harm. lloG'b LARD. WILILY OTL,; LARD OIL., SWISST 014 vetted and cob reed mraloaqpi chid le baeotilal, ensure. add whoa Oho tit; L.WW,lha coat*. character to and lama tb ana hiptired arlth eon. triayliallie mem, and cabght at by sardaut jonng and old of NMI leg. Ouch is mat the character offhn4erer Woody Halt Itcstoratl. Tehrgeattetnela contes!belfora the world altbont any "high , iatatlar • Illopklotatitas, oi any other avtbandtag and startling catchpenny Wear. be simply eitoitiers• Hat, Rartaraffee—*bat It express. pnefesty—and to a Bettor. stirs it sac tfoy Proßrsr Wood'. Bsr itratorative, and sa you value your ecalp, aye, Tont very teal., &only note. lag *leg for It may he that you will get some cone ante Rum. than preihmed lard oil on your maiden. Betas. b., Wood's ittebnatere for Ms Bale I. Use C 4., article en tut" It Wjll, by Nature'. also Preeeme, Resters Gray Bair to the Orlehiai Color, Will me t. Pair Oroor Do Bald Deeds, = Will reatora lb. Natural Barration.. Will nrreowi at. aum - all Itching, . . • Will removal all Dandruff, Will COTO 151.1 WiptiORI.O , TOO ma 4 fled, will W. N. Usk Soft and Glum, , • . .. 4 . Will make tko 4 appear young sigma, Will ptseertecokr at U. to old age. Will .lags It and stop Its Palling, And la meet tli best Toilet *Mar kw tbi War mi. . . : Wanocactar}d E , O. J. WOOD a • 00, .i. 11 .614 Wl. , ;l;isl sod Detail, $4.444 dmodsay, Now Yee& sad 114 *Whet st, St. ! Los* Ms. • . Sold Is tittibursit b Dr; 0 SO. &Yak U' . g D. L. WM/ NittryoON & pa; end ali . Drugaist.:... '•• 1 1 sWitAly NOTIOII - 10 CRUD 43ARBLOCHL . 0011 , LEYM/811,4bi .Initi44lhsvieirreariPli Welted ',rata „elfber feedllati' la ilia* baths evaiitYdl lar al* WdrPll. l, Cele them. They have ate of the heat vrandloaeoe ant rel. hal le the uir I.r.tho parliopc i.• . . . - They 1011 vreelve,.store wed deliver to atearria. P. 1 .. Pa Catilll4.k44 ;Makin - Ilbevir adyeareit.- They 'w.ll also • male* and dove rood all, tad sell no oetamleeloa,-er ben "du/rll. To Padden la (When 011, erfillok we can off. r teatime. very meth to thrtreklviihli e re. • - den :it , auu nipicar a CO, 8 0 *.d.: , " wa.i.i. W., B I LLIIOIII3.ItAVS.. PLELkON'AUING 'REELS, ' =N rt g bit v awl piosonuced experl •, .BUY BUT lIILEL IN BBL for 'ruby • spa M. WOLTT.JIL. on.] SUN MO PRODUCE.—=SO bus. SmailTYllle i r ral ass Venom', :,I, Ws AP14.63, MO bun' OAS& 16 dos Coro ILLIWOUS 116616 Palms Lod LARD, ' 16 bblo 001116 lIIYAL, AO bones Otilth3ll, • Toil.* foril6l6 by '441 3 61. AL. 111=119.. &wow, 6.larkot and tint eta, PROD, OR—ti bble. Fresh Eggs; =lbw tikokowilalro PICA.OI/10A SO boa /LAX.AMER 10 bbl. 11011107; A bbly BEANS:. 100 bay REA 100 taw BARLEY; 600 b. OR! 'APPLES: Lie boa ligetasky PILLOEI RN 10.0.04 by , delo L.O oaAvr, to tib.rty st. --- - . P -2000 f.Rpt. misdabciume prior*. Ibthigholit market Woe paid, la cull. RAAS. br • alum= a PON, Pow .41.3 R. Warehouse, • Mo.lll Wood NA,* Pittobanok• IME RUBBER CLOTHING, Fishing ..11:! Bootkleaptiscost Nety Alf Bois, P 111.11•11, Chsell ang3 1W Fo 6 . flow. lass om"ftetaiLellii.V.CtsPkihet t BoOts, Oak "Cuvess, Cksabs, Oserablog. plops, m e at !Poets, mei • goat misty of tabor mass hs liabbtr Ii dines baud st 26 sod St St. Char 11. doll , J. • 11. PIIILLIPIL 'FNMA BUBBBB BELTING, ROSE, I..iersam PASSING. GAIIICV, and SQUARE ROPE, el thalami scattily sad all Um 014rsot alma, no always bbd .1 Ea Indio Meter Depol, PBIL 16 sad SLOW,. se. LIPS. ZATILER - BEL VINO, oak tanned, ot the JulsetAwslity, of Engem manufacture, all dam, alintya Imad 11 • 11 saa " .1. • U. PHILLIP,. Wit 111DZE-200 in etnre; .11.:T Pik 111:100 meta nom Wading from oVr Zook, 1 melm Dow Machos from .fl J. T. Womb. 1111ATIIIRS-41. swim Is stimk r' DOT APP1,118...10 meta In storm TaLLOW 011,—bo Moro for 0030 by I ; ISAIYAIDIOIIIII *Gib NILLA, Rag and Straw, WRAPPING PAUL Tho Ed* Ilosoe m blew aot Mt.tWeedo, rigor, ,!to.for-edo low st the Ryer awl • Mot wee.. OtleDWlttiC a SON,' I 1101 . 1en.161 Wool oireel:Plttoboreti. BB JU N L& M I," UROP, MOLLBSSEI, tta ~~ ^ In!!!!I rtrrsizoion. Mt= o 12,1 w I, Ile, AND ORNAINENTAL PAINTER MG= T A. YOONO A CO === = _ . SAD Wooti. T --- WO IMPORTANT BOOKS ft= Ow pesos of 'Hokum A rields.jcst received. A Perseiksi History of bard Bacon, from oupobilibed .• Pn rri ' llAlowtitphy of or. Ale:soder Carlyle, Alleisteir of termitic, contslolog lloroonals of lb. Neu of big Times. JILMNI Wool /Odious Alec New Bear. ' Thoortasuo Presetting , by Jena is W. New T mama of 1.7 Addison. km new supplier of the following good boAs: CI tosser at Truth: by Two Brothers. Ilymor of lb. Ast.. Por wol oft ittoerso“.. Clooduot of 'Llfe Bomar, of Natant Hisiory. 6. boo of • Constar; Patron • Reed lot gala by ROBUST B. J.ll Na 91 Woodst. RIVRRSIO6 HE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL EDITIQNS T of the tairrtim AUTHORS. MACIAULITISINSAYS, 6 vol. ; • ; OA MAIMS do 4 de LAMS'S WORKS, 4 do HALLAM'S Middle Agee, 3 role. • do Ounellttitlooel 1114017, ln smug , tin Illetory'of 16n glll6l Llteratude,ln prey: IYISR AU'S anionltlee of do PARTON'S 'Argo, ICIKBOS. The ItUNNVRIDIC RHINOS of Wnahlngtbo Works, beautifully piloted on tinted paper, balm theism. platen NI the nulled New NollOttel 6,11t100. Cgrsplega.2l' role; cloth and haffradf. 13111.WICIPS NOVISLM Noe English Irditlon—nempletalo 23 vols.. half calf. DARLRY'6' t IOIPER—ThIe splenul'd edition of I:lo4men Novels, lllnetr•ttel ha the mentraly hand of V 0. U. Dewle7, Is now almost completed. bonnet Iptiong rem' wed, ;Piptclal attention given to twolot al permanent 'sloe Unod telitioue of good book. et nntantly on band .pd ree; relying. DA V IV BOOK STOOK, 93 Wood•Osst. PRETTY LIT rm . ; LIBRARY—:-Ten ' %%duet.; in slant: Intro ill (0. litilbur . • Trtp to the 8. libor..; Little Stortoelor Lane People; The Blackberry Girl; My Orandinothet; My Little AchAdmotee. My Best Friend: b.saie's Three Tetudane; Tho Little Pnrioara. ota" 10.6'0 Non neart, English !dory. AUNT GRAOIR'd LIBRARY—Too Volnntoc arta, AI 00. Clare and Iles Courier; Joeunotte; or, The Great allotukt; Old aletrllL Indio Boarding B.hool Obis; (ler birthday Trip; Happy Clulatmer.; Little Anne( C%l of Paltnn. . , Mary,Anna and Nina; Student About the bible. , Charming Books, mill plenty of pretty Fteturee , They are entirely new Fcm sale by di .22 J. L. RBA D. 78 Fourth et. . NEW r 1 / - 0 UK S 1 NINF BOOKS I- The Great.. Preparation; or, Red (implant Dr... 11. Mel: by Rte./dr. Cumming. ' Rome Ballade and Poona by Whittler. ' ' MI.. tlilbert'n Career. Rutledge. Nomads, Willie Poent., blue and gold. , 'RIM Blographket by Raman Battles. The Quoottoof &dory. lbdy in Transition: by briber. The Outterete of the Alp.. Women of Worth. Men wow here Rhea. The While Itlephant. For Nolo by JAMES I. ILIAD, 70 Fourth et. pocK.NT DIARIES FOR Is6l. PUYSIOIANIY 'MUTING LIRIS 1 1 ,•81 PLIYBIOI.I.NB . NAND BOOK 08 PRAOIIOII PUB 0.61 lIJUBIIIIOLD RXPRIIBIIIIOOKB 808 181 ALMANACS AUK IWO. Am deb? ore= KAY t m, tb Wool 8111881. pSNNSYLVAN.;A STATE REPOETS. C any. V.luene 12.10.4 ~ ..I 1 ,4 I y =! • titituai)onai. CleftiiiiitlNZl - Afeia ESlT—linenaved to the corner of federal *tient nod !bath Ltotornon. Open nay and 0.,01114. Enter at any tuns ;The Navin. or Pout S. K. DORMS, Cif Lb• PiogoPrib Fo. . . . tools College, Moe been rearm for Shecreamy., so that promise wirbtog an be lootmctod fkok-Keeplog. Alge. bra, Arithmetic or Grammar. For spedosom or circulars. addrom N. lIIIAPPRit. scriStlycl Alloghoos City P.O. Po. PENN I s SMUT: ILANCUOIL STRAT. NEAR. MINN, Will mopes on MONDAY. th. 3.1 dal of AZI•TIANDfiII. Ter., vs per market of five puma. 7. M. SNIT% .anAll pa Principal. Hoots dr, Spots JOBB CAMPBELL, ANUFAOTUREROFBOOTSI i t W BIION B of owl dANATNAIoo, No. AI NutNA NW:Aaiun-P. _ ;fa BAOS—RELIUUND PRICKS kJ—Wears prqvaried W 911 corder. tor Dar qoetilllyo II." al the fotioerlaa , Pitreasegh.... ....... ..3 brodcel, le co, $ll OD Of 100 Btu .... do la cce, td 60 .; do Unwire „,..11 tin 16 . r., !id u 0 . d Groot Mr.lero ^ to IL I, 2 00 11. , 21 , 1ortank ... do 14 .m, 23 00 do Mooltallou 2 do 12 .t, 21 ou 11.4 Tew Bee .2 do U. 00 do 37 00 do ley al. rtguirod mute to ardor. 114000 T • BARK'S. tall own.. Liturrt, .n 4 Oaml stn-fir F ANCY vitr.iis SILKS, . FANCY AwLs, CY3M/1, BUiIHOUS, OWlos PL/INJA KUL \ 1101.411A.krvo. ter. ita.-7 tomumy mad $ll. Meow., opeolug Noe and D,.1,.1.1. bOONIa v.d 81. ti.bde. IIA!CIOS lAaVlCT.l.livkag Y. t_louK tw THE Tilkt.L.-- A/ TbP We of Andrew Jodowan: by Porton. 4A Atepol'• Trove4o Thrunob tbo t‘ool..ood Mo.' , At•e•A Tea. J•oun.y. Jour , Py ?bro.4b iht Bork txobtary Alfa aMn Jobn A g0b.... Va.. , by ELOBRRT 9 DAVIS, J. 14 WI Wm.! J . --- • - FRUITS ANU tiuNIeEIaIONEKIE'3 FOR TUN LIOODA IN I 250 boO.. 1-00 Y Gobi., GM is 2.0 buorb do :1 0 Albst ho do 000 qt•tos do du Ilk Loses Co• 61. 4 do 60 lasts Frorlty. do 25 cast • N. 1 Z 4.1.1. OW t 4 00 bog. Roblosom Promo. nu., do do btoc, Lose* do 000 eart•don lig, Now bcooreh, GOO &ono 110 dill 20 mw hyoids!, PO!, 6000 Vroob One lkors, waled our., 00000! Plow. Croon! Ottottos, outs tot'', 11003ThObootouso mot Stn.: or Yo o sy I , os. /or ads by • lIRY St SR • ANURRSO: 0.17 30 Wood , oppoytte Clary. 11! DROPW.ig, Itudisett: • 19 bbl. GLAX Allot!, 0 IL.. Itt/ 19 2 bbl. ROLL bUTINR, I I. e TURK RYA, 1..4) Primo FRATII Mit*, 000.55 it W. POUR, 150 doe Poery R 13.00.110, 6, 0 too DRY 00001104, for sale by IRANK lAN d oll 111 *brood st. MIZE `` ` f UN freell grotind Coro II bbl• CA.dklr. /611, 6 DRIRNID COON. 1.60 I. ',right OAT.. 66 bozo. Prim W. R.OU it. 100 due CORN UROOMN; D rividlre YR 51180 N, Jest receive.' for babe by dell JAR. d. /1117.1111,eurvver Meekaterel first ste. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, __— MIIIAr. RV R OATS, for sae by 11000111t9 4 IiILifORTN, 30 Liberty L t+, - eirg VI VA NOY DRY GOODS ki•NII MD DOWN to lottoco porch...ors to tn' HOLIDAY PRK.SNTSI 0. DARWIN 1.0YR.74 Norkot ME 1) le Ice. ' nme new thee; 2.11, 0010ISH-3 tc. Prime Codflith—ln does fix enle by EIIIRtYKR & Dawoarn. tk3 130 sad 10f16.c000 of. s L - !lOU t " Sr al BELLS l Strung sod Loomr.. , Call varieties, carol.. by B. wounds, 41.0 rorfb.r Mt (Italy aod W t us. _ rrOßACtO—Triege J. 0. Williams' Prime Stirlft Toberfsu, arriving for Ws by WAIT t WILSON, N 0.231 Lardy street K T AVE!•I---38 boioe choice Green %_$ Catorbe and ladadla Grapes, demi, Nebel and p.11.4111E1 ssedu•t,Jast reed Is prime order, for ante by del4 1:111.P A eIIKPARU.MI Idbwty 10KAT133:—A large assortmentof Skates .4 Straps, st all P. Ices, for Ws B. y b : WOILFP, &IS .corns St. OW" arsklatossty sts. TTURKEYS, CHICKENS AND qUAILS— .I A fine Inejnet reed fee &. de= lIITONALDf ARBUCIELI, 268 Liberty et. dBATI WHEATI-1000 bee. Red TV iv beat, for sal* by IIITOROOCK. IrCIINIIICT f OD dell 142 Stead sod 161 VI nA Allot FL' OKI FLOLIIII-200 bbls. tors Sup° bbl. Itstra &sally; 100 bblo Marrs 401 by, Whea; 100 bbl. Baybrebr: atom alma for able by 402 & NEW MEHICLIdAC PRINTS! Now 'moth Mosinee, N.. 4.D. La" New Inlnured Cenhenoroo—ft sexed et nUnaIiVILD • 00.8. FLOUR -100 We. Amber Fowlly Flour; 100 eel. nephew. 6111 In Flown 100 00 Oa Oro. Mu, Planr—ror ouh. .1427 BROWN & RIREPATRICKS. M OLAtiSgb---100 bbls. New•. Crop N. 0 DM Wisner., W *nt prtr •vr Moloolto for.. by urns •!rarnrcr. &at 42 Mooed A. VFW, -17 y4KS'I r iNM 7 S - , Pen Karatz, mos, Portman=Mk Poeta Wolin emorandum Looks, . _ M woryiZets„ sod debt rem, lor sale by W. B . HAVEN, Black Dock Mmulecturer, Lan comer Wood iod Third es. EAR CORN-220 bags Ear Ocini, on what for sale by JAB. I/XTUB, 4.27 carter /billet sod Pint en FAMILY CLIOCOL ATE-25: bxe. Frew) No. 3, for No by 4119DrABON, 403 50 Wood ..proolt• Fit ebN..• MN. LLMONB.-2 5 boxes Lemoroi, for sale b ARTAIna a AN DllllllOl , l, Be wooden.. 0.10 meows 111.105nder Q.W. 16)0UKIVIIEAT FLOOIt-200 sacks Extra JD newt Itsambeat floor-44 4411 or 41.4 JOITN 1.1.411r0 • CO.,n war mt. a RY APPLES-1 bus. ia;storb for sal • by PRIMLY Govan. BROOMS -50 dozen assorted for sale at 111 Hcood ot. 4.12 A • 001iN-75 bus. Kar ann, fast real int We by doll R AILS L4i 00. Do lITTZO,--1 .1.16 (1111411,4 —lOO bow prime W. B. Ohame 4. 0 1 . • • 3.4mumm,*oo: lititsburg PUII, II . I D DAILY A D WIMILLY INT 4. RIID DI. . & CO. , 17R 'yf{alt, 8.150 • IllatUlll6o. t~LTTHB t, AG& 23 TUESDAY MORNING, JAN. 22 getteial 'blood% Views. MO. the Nanette! Intentirmarl Some alluseia• baying been-leMide to the senexed paper, bath in the public print. and is patine speeches, and some misappnthenvion of tue char acter havitg thereby got abroad, we have obtained a copy el it for publication, in order that on readers may me what it is. They will find in it ' a fresh evideace of the veteran general's devotion to his country • Citizen, and of his forecast ea a I I .rt sugg ed by -Me rimainent dunitir (October :9, 1660) o a dianeptient of the Union by the urn elan of ou t r more of the southern Maim. m To sell e, the right or secession may be-con eded, nod i Motif balancedny the correlative ight en the part ot thefedaral goreenenent,`againit i n lot trio elate or state., to re Mishnah, by force, ,1 eeeentory, Ito former contleuity of tettritery4— . Paloyls 'i:lstorel end Political Pailorophy, lam chapter.! But brdek this glorious Union by whatever line 1r lineeihat political madnery may contrive, nod there would be no hope of reuniting the fragmeits I= except by the laceration and despotiam. of the sword. To effect such result the inteetine wan of our Mexican aeighboruwould,.in comparuive with ours, sink into nada child's play. A smaller evil would be to allow the fragments of the grant republic, to form thernse:ves into new coolederakies, probably four. All thC4eir of demarcation ,between the new unioes'cannot be accurately drawn: in advance,but many of Ahem approximately may. Thus, lo oking to natural botindsriee end commercial affinities, some of the following hornier., atter many waver. tag! andq,ontlicts, might perhaps become acknowl edged anit fined. i. ThrtPotomre river sad the Ohmapeake bay to the fidleetie..'2. Prom Meryl and, along the meat of tie Allegheny-(nerimprr the Blue 'Ridge) range of triountains, to scone point in_ the noun c Florida. g. The line from (Say) the head al the Po tomac liethe what or aorta-weft, which. will 'he most niirtinttio nettle. 4. the crest of Ile Ronky mountain.. The South. amt. Confederacy would, in all hugest probability, in tree than five years alter the rupture find Itself bounded by the first tuad - senand edicale.4 Shore, the Aliant4.aid . ,:litit„,Naltel -fillosico, with it. Capital at .Say Columbia, South caroling The country between the second, third and fourth of thole liars would, beyond a dight„, to shoat the itime time, noostitote another, Coufeid. • crony, with It; capital at probably Allan or cinutcy,. Illinois. The troundines or the Pacific Union are the moat defiutte,of.all,. and the, remaining -States ,would constitute ,the - North-teal Confederaey,with the capital at Albany. It; at the first triought, will be conmciered Strange that lOreholding State.' mid parte of 'Yu. gime and ffieuida should be placed (atiott) in a new- Cnufetaetacy with Ohio,lndigia, tllico,y 'alto. But when the overwhelming walla of Ito. great North-wog istaken in connection with the total of trade, contiguity. of territory, and the unity ,ratite indifference to free nail doctrities 'oe the pot of Western Virginia, Keatacki,_Teettestee sod Mi.. moan, it is evident that bat little, if any eourcion, beyond moral force, would he needed to embrace them 4 and / have omitted the temptation of the ons.astad pabliciands, which would fall -entire to thin Confederacy--au appendage (well bombast/et() safficieobfor mug generation.. As to htlasoari, Aureately - end Missowippi, Stay would lot stand out a mount. Louisiana would coaleace without much soliiitatiou, and Alabama with West. irlO ride would he conquered the first winter from the absolute need of Peesacola e. a naval depot. If I might promote to, address the South, and pattingarty dear Virginia—being "native here and to the mmatur. hwy.-4 would affectioeately ask, will not your slaves be less secure arid their labor leg profitable under the aew order of things then under the old I Couldyou employ profitably two headrest slave. in all Nebraska, or Gee hundred is all Now bleaker The NOV, then; to take thither would Ira • bat -11 g'it. And is it not wino tO.. _ • l itatherl4l , 'has lir to ottitt4 tl..t The Deelandicto ad ..1.-irpedeuee proclaim aril C3llooo . ltal the saner i .,,xim "prudence 'rad will dictate,that long este!" . Inked aid bin be that, r Ugh - land tradmiiat as Asti Midi; "tit'. •,ii• does - at 'a. fded*- al.efsetateuuteenip,"eisver to penme tlilloll4 honor as distinct from manorial suft4rst," bat adds: "Thin rule acknowledges that it to often necessary to assert the bolter of a nation 4r the eke of Its latereats." The extatemeet that threatens aecemide is canted by the prospect of a Illepablicanvt standee to the Prendenry. From a ionise of propriety, as a soldier, I have taken ett putu the pending cos .., and, MI always heretofbre, mesa to stay away from the poll.. My sympathies, however, std milk thin Bell and Everett ticket. With Mr. Lintels, I lute bad no Communication whatever, dttact or indirect, and have no seta Ifeettan of ewer having nee his person; but esonot believe any unconsti tutional violence, or breach or law, is to be appre hended from hre edriontannion. of the federal government. Frain a knOwledge of our Southern population it is my wrist") conviction that there is some dan ger of an early act of raehnees prelimmary to ea centon, wit the tonere of some or all of tp• fol lowing post.: Feria ilackson and St. Philip, in the Miterattpm, below Now .Orleans, both withoat gar nitres; Fort Morgan, below Mobile, without gerrtscon,Forlt Pocket. and Mcßee, Perreacola timber, with an intufEcient {Arnim, for one; Fort rillAlk1,1)0101! Savannah, without a garrison; Forts Moultrie and Sumter, Charleston harbor, the for. crier with an inaufliclent isrritne, arid the letter shout any; and fall Monroe, Hampton made, nitthout a sufficient garrison. In my,opinlon all the. woilit should be onmodiatell so ginner - reed et to make any attempt to take a y one of teem, by tortoise or carp dentate, ridicol us. ;77 With the mini tifthlut to it. alleginaca and the eery probably.equally ea, and with a federal ex ecutive, for the nett twelve months, of drones. and modernion, which the country has a right to Tpeel—moderation being an element of pourer not . ur than fineness—there in good reason to hope that the /tenger 4i. bee 001.41.1 may be made to pass away without one gonn.C.l of arms, ore execution, Or one arrest for treason. ; to the meantime it. is suggested that exports Should remain as free as at pretest; all dents, however,,on impone, collected (outside of the Cititee,? ite such receipt. wail yyyy llll be needed for the android debt, tetrad pees c., and wily arti- COlitrabllliellf warvalued admittance. foregoing even this refute' won it tie eineceendy, as the foregoing views eschew the ides of invading a eo. ceded State. WINFIELD SCO rt. Ortoba 29,1860. •le fortsor oo board ohipe-o:lwer. She Mit elm nod oral. of this plan eras to luta time—ele elobt or.tes toootbo—to evrett expected meioses of cooolllat tom oa the p.rt Ms north. sod the oneeldeooe of ware feellog fla toe ogpool ouSzler. LieuL General Scott'. reapects to the Secretary id' War to say— That a copy of his "Views, tic., was dispatched to the Preeideet yesterday, in great haste bet the coppiatended for the Secretary, better transcribed (herewith), wee sot iu time for the mail. ,General 'Scott wootd be happy If the latter could be imbrue tilted for the former. . . It will be seed that the "Views" only apply to • cue at *occasion that make. • gap in the present . Union. The billing off (e y) of Tends, or of all' the Atlantic State., from the Potomac south, was not within the scope of General Scott'. provisional remedied. - ' It his °Order that instructions should be givenl at once to the commanders ol the Barille.lll, forts' Moultrie and Monroe, to bo on their gird against; marina and coups de mate. A. to regular at. preaches nothing eau be said or done, at this time, without volunteers. There is one (regular) company at Baton, one here (at as Narrow.), one at, Pittsburgh, on. actin.: piste, Oa., and ono at Baton Rouge; In ill,. lITII nompanies only, within teach, to garrison or rein. force the forts MOCISIaIed in the "Views." Geo. Scott Is all solicitude for the safety of the Union. Ile is, however, not without hope that all deepen and difficulties will pass away, without leavings sear or &painful meollention behind. The Secretary's most , obedient servant, October 60, 1860. W. S. PLOTTII3.• Ylea doo.—A. Baltimore correspon dent writes to a Now York paper: • ml have recently 'come to the , knowledge of an Incident, that prove. how widespread and prede. terminad was the compracy for overthrowing oar Federal Ooveremeat. Ilia thief Ae officer of the U. S. army met a Teener's friend in Paris !sat lad, aid, to hi. aurpriwo, found • him intimideut of that city. • On inquiry, his friend fold 'him that he encountered in Gaups last spring a South Caro linian, with whom he bad the most intimate rela -tioes, and learned from him of the existence of an actual plot, fur disrupting the American Union: The Tennenaeeu. forthwith retereed hems, and verified the information of the South Carolinian, whereupon he sold all his slaves, for be wan an es tend,. cotton plaster, ead all his laud., sod, with bill family enegrsted to France, where he ladled, en spend die remainder of his days, havioehavested kin lemma in the European band.!" kJ% Card lonotosnmon I , olll' tun YISAR 11162—During obi year just closed, More arrived stNew Tort from for. sign ports 103,821 immigrants, including 46,659 from Ireland, 37,636 from Clormany, 11,112 inns England.l,4oo from Eastland, and the red yfrOm salmi' other countries'. These immigrants brought' with them about $7,876,000 in epee% of whioh 111,- 648,000 came from Ireland, 22,880,000 from Ger many. and 050,000 from Maenad and Essothtod: Of the number of passeopro arrived abmst 41,000 bay. 'mould theirlomntlon Lalonde's Now T0rk,14.000 in Pennsylvania and Now Jarmo, 12,200 In New England; and 4,000 la the Bourbons Buda. To Ohio, 31141111.0; WlSSaitar Mum% and Galitornin, 20,000; Nansall, Nebraska.. New Onnads, do., 10,002., -Tim total number of leamigranto arrisnd at York in . 11169 wan only 79,211 . 1 ~: • =I MO for siJe by J. LWOW! 00. , "- 1- 4. 7 .1 2 ,4 44 ' .. .„4A 3 •0 4 =i7e.,# , Af t :,113,t4r. ' The Weer King or Prussia. The official newspaper of Prussia, published in Berlin, announce. that tholPrince of Prussia, no' thcceeding to the throne, has Roiled the title of Fredeiickr V. That eminent audit, y, !leasers, when introducing Me alas Nickleby to the miserable place to which he had given the preteutioon title of Doti:limeys Hall, declared that V's than may call-Ins house au Island, if he lamer,- there's no act. of Parliament against that I believe." So, no doubt, the New Xing of Prim might?call Memel( Nebuchadnezzar the FiS teenth, it so pleased him. But according to the cut m of 'Europe, he is not Frederick the fifth, be 'the third.' The first of that Yuma; who founded the Prentiln monareby, retried - from 1701 in 713; the locoed,' eassemily•telled the Great, !ivied from 1740 to 1786; the third the present . earth. The Kuehl of bassi* have been Frederic William Ito IV. Itlis tree that the Ent of 11 the Premien monarch. wax Frederick 111, of :randenberg, who elevated that blur's irate an. the Prussian Duchy into a kingdom,— bet the Prince of Prussia, whose name, the Al =nada de Gotha informs as, is Frederick-W0 liam-Lo is, most be, not WilliamV. nor Freder ick V. •at William• Frederick V.I The matter, at be; is of no great importance, but a wrong title weld create no email amount of animad version rid diaceroon in Germany, where great parotid riiy is observed in whatever relates to Prince!. etiquette. Qsaette. Wan to TRIDDION AND woo ARV TRAITORS 7-- Then estione are answered very distinctly to Judge limaltey'e Charge to the Orand Jury of the U. t 3 Dietrtdt Court in New York. We trareer this Charge to our epicene, sod invite the Attention of our readers' to it. Tbe la4"Of treseon fat , mare comprehensive than is generally supposed. They are not alone Traitor's who are in armed rebellion spinet the Government; but these %leo who give them "aid and 60saart," whether by . muse!, information money or army; or who are o ignisent of any thee in , sympatity or in cuirreepondenes with them; and keep book such knowledgefrom the consttuted authorities. Tbere'Are multitudes of Wiese 'emend classes ontilde of the seceding States. They are to be found in the Defilements at Washington ; in Congress; in our Cistern Moues and Poet' Offi cer; he the Army soil Navy; in our Forte and• Arsenate; in State Legislatures and City Conn .ells, sod in our Armories and Manufactories. This expose of the law of Treason, therefore, ie timely and appropriate; and, by opening the eyes of the thoughtless, may nave come necks from thchalter.--.41b. Em. Jour. Iteported Blocitade on the Mistimes ppi. The report that the Missiseippi authorities had platted a battery at Vicksburg, for the purpose of stopplivisteamboata on that river, liproduelogmuch eioltement in Cm West and the Northwest, and it hi not unlikely at the hostilities threatened with a commencement in Charleaton harbor may be tram, fared to ihe Mirsiseippi. The Weetern and fq orth western States will never permit the Mississippi to be obit:Mated, and any attempt to do so will rouse them atones to 'resistance. Every step in this se cession bueineuhas been a bold and lawless otitrage open the rights of the other States, which mast even tually bring on colliiien, however disposed the ms- Joirity In the nation May be for peseta. Congress had better, to time, ilit loam ore which will be a bash for, peen., and mint those usurpations. Though the] Adininistratlon sets with great forbearance and ptic-' dedeo, not to precipitate a war, yet the passions of the people onoe aroused, it will be difficult to prevent a obWillet when they mine so closely iv mutant as on . the Mississippi, and have causes Co ezuperatiog to' stimulate them to action. A STROMILT FORTIFILD Cifl7.--ftilett it CO well fortified a place, both by }salute and by art, that though the Piedmonteme troop. amount to over: BU,OOO, whilst the garrison2 r does not probably cons rain than one-third this number, it is supposed that not be redneed for •ome mouths, partici. lath as the Powers will not recognise a blockade teem the sea. There are plenty of provisions there; aid the'Xior. soldiery, which at first seemed Beitiog from liim, - now tie with each other in dit. fending thin last stronghold. 'lt should be recol;, lotted that when Joseph Bonaparte besieged Geeta iMIBO6, be wee not able 11l reduce it for more thari sit mouthy. It has herrn eince then rendered nisch monger. The position taken by the Pirdmouteire on the 31st ultimo, alter cri,ssing the Garigliano, may have misled the reader, el the mole of Gael* isLalmost! town tae mile. riorthwe rt frla the.fortil lid portion of Gents. It . was, howe er, for the Pi 'politer's, 1111 orepsrable i•ifie. .. li ----—•;.........---. .--,. .. IMMEII iTne Member. of the minion to Gee. Niche, Mamie. Ball and Patrnet,.haea retarded to - tiar. nitwit. They speak of him in telms of the higheat commendation, as • frank. atraightforward, practical man, full of energy and pluck. they enamor es thweipierionlhettherpsilple 111'61114 mind A„„„ pi r„, ire .tmgly for the Unioti ; indeed, they think the Union men are certain of Got. ,untliocup detormination to Femme the rainn that tho Union motimeat in kept quid, and iv not, therefore, nearly an demonstrative Ca the atiemsioniam. This seems to be their nacre*: Mon, ant only derived from their own obVereallok, bat ei -• • firmed by the opinion of the Governor. They • ft him highly satisfied with their tourneys, and d eply imprinted with the linearity and high tined • Wise*. of the chief magistrate of htery r lied. Though a devoted Manna*, he is a i slam. hold. —ha. been all his life—and bas . 7.7nrig smith .re feelings and comokistloners from Ohio to the Bord Resolutions have been introduced into the House at Csitembus, sloth g the Governor to appoint Comminsieners ftom.Ohio, to proceed immediately to the capital. of Klintucli7, Misirouri, Maryland and Tennessee, to confer with the reaped tine OZOClltile authorities and L.Tislaturcs of Moine Rtatesl e mpon the condition of the country, and en deavor to persuade them tram meeting current at. tempOs o to dissolve the Union. Theta rerollitione were laid over lot future din. cessoin. The appointment of inch a Commission, it this time, to offset the efforts made by the COI; ton Rialto to brirg the border States into co-opera.- lion with them, would doubtless be beneficial, nod we trust the resolutions will piles. • Au Mammy Atiz.—A barman jtunal p4h. Intim the !allowing : At Vi , for some time put, bun irealeri bare Sold peaches, pure, apple,, apricot., Az., ornamented with armor' el beerier, ;designs, initials, name., As. The impression' of Ithese t nuitshing ie - effected in • very simple mune! ie selected at the momot it is beginning ,to ripen—thin is to take a red color—and paper, which the deeps are nude cut oaq is affixed; :After a while the envelope is removed and the part •of the fruit which he• been covered ii brilliantly white• By this invention pioducers of fruit May realize lane sumo. • Tug W SPIRIT in MtCllllO AX.—The Legiela tare of Michigan has before it a bill to. orovide for the organization of a military force, tohe tendered to the general government, of which the Corres pondent of the Detroit Times 114 a : "Should the bill paw, on intense tit the enamel aim at the North at lh,n time, in siipport of the .National Union, that the only difkultie• to be apprehended, in the creation of this force, will be in determining who may he permitted to Minor themselves by enrolling their names. I have no doubt of the immediate peerage of the bill." JAMES R. CHILDS & CO., HOPR OOTTON ALTAGIIRNY OITY, NAIIO7I,OfUnIS or SEAMLESS BAGS, AMP or OSNAIITIRGS, 32 inches L. 40 incite. wide. Orders left at 11. Childs k Co.'s, 133 Wood etre% Pittsburgh,will nc.le,atteitloo. onkly PITTSBURGH PLOW WORKS. J. C. BIDWELL, (Seoceemor to Speer & Meet.) IitANUIPAOLURRR OF ALL 211 E V AMITIES DIP PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, Cotton Scrapers, Cultivators, eo , Adapted to the various Soils of tho Northern, Western and Southern States. xP•M.aufaotory, Warehouse sod OtScr: Corner Duquesne Way, Fayette area cad Claes neon atteyr. (way three newel from ill the Rama Depots) defoly PITTSBOHOEI. PA. ELIIIdON JOHNSTON, QgALER IN PURE DRUGS ;No CUENI NAL& Farina - nem, Fanny .Gonde. Burning Fluid; Oil., Furnilir Medi cines &a tool 'omen, pnme gunny; mmeb he offem at LOW'S? PlllOllB. CORNEA BNITEDP , ELD AND FOUNT : BM, PLrliBU LOLL . PA. I I • /117•Primnplions earecelty conposehti, at 'eV hourclil aeSklyd VILLA] AB .I.IyIPFLUVIIIIALIUCC ETT IiATE N.T were granted on Sept. la 4041860, to Thome Beach. kw ?Al eiMPle mod ealeieet. Improvement lallteans and Atmospheric Hemmers, wheratly the tall aMoke at the hammed te obtained, soma. be *hat be the Ileekmr of the mar at Iron to be heap mend—thert by edhcllng • great hareamed wrier whore lardsplimee of mital are tot. operated upon and A corm* pending whet at . Tne inbeeribets me owners of rid patent, and ma deal. mu of melded debt. too.. odd Imptorement, ee eellAA Whined abler mild patent. A modelof mid Imprormalmt M least the elle* or Mewed ttalradell'a Gabbled Allot , ' sera St Lad, corner of Grant and, I:demand eine", where' pant. Interceded may sec emit, and hewn Idea the termed Goatee Ws, Ao. S. WEAVeR, • Freeport, Artadrone to, Pa. H ILLEItId AN k•CP. Dente' Dress Hata, Gents' and.Youths' Sat Lista; Otata', Youth'? and Bop!' Cepa, Misses' BeiTir Bata, Ladiat Fancy Vara sal • terra sop tang is lb* kme. nal • HI /11'00 .11 irsipeow UM : 4 Ek =lt! In Steam and Atnumphatio Hammer!. 11=111 1 E ''l insucancs , 4 METROPOL6 A • IRVIN Ci• sudi I • corgi KE FiCIA* pies nratrae.Nca campaign's, Or 71/1 0119 OP NPTORS,, ~ I i Tba ban o mod roll bl, • Troce " Vamp. toC tooitod to th e Wyatt*, Work, oft 64 to tb eltrY of lbw .tobtortber wbo Is prowled to wan Yottotos. lonian.. against loo ' i or &may by brood Wee botoorOiet onsitoico bat *baton loatwasoo Mk bodoso. - wittlio doottgod to W. iabity of lb* Ootopeay, sod Ibm trottotioot otturity of OA loantoif. 05 - Alurket ett Fire, ffierlin nod lultußtt Connthee. :INSURANCE CO. OF NOR'FU AMERICA; PHILADILPHLCY lacorpsnitedllo4-044taL.:4•8 563 . 000 . • • J•nemry 10. 18611..- _ (1,169,99181. T 16,16.6 Pure, Beey. ARTHUR '1.001111.111; 1411.11., INSURANOE CO. OF TICE STATE Or PENNSYLVANIA: PITILADEL#LILI: Loooporated, 1794-01,916.14,..7 1 . Lsoeue Febrosry I, 1889.--. .. MOO 41. - 91.11N/17,D.6 • n4."193 ; Proddent. HARTFORD FIRE. INSURANCE CO.: Raixtcram. „; 10604 , 9749dt 18i0-70•061 6 5, 1 0 , 0 LX1• • koala May -.4966,761 66 111110,C. Aims, 860. ..IL LIMO T - 1111111)0P3 Palk •,• ' Igt.finarranas in the above Old and I. livitabla &11P1.41101. , MU be of By appikatio4 to II i? W. P. JON 88, a gr: 1 1.1 Wrtu.t, &laottratery set Uitisoo's Maroon emptily of Piltsborpi, Offee, ear. Market & Water Btreeti oasele Fracky , ..• Wll4 BAGALNY, Prtaidant. , j • " . Sanaa. It&, &maim% INBURNS STNANBOATS arm BABOONS. i G 11,111.1 aaaluat Lou end*Daraage la' ll* Illaripsioa. the &althorn uul Waters Wawa, Lakes and Nay. and the 'Navigation of Wit nom • , . . Insures splint Lou and Lunge by Kra, inannVann: ,- Wt. Busby, Flora T.IL MI4 Jan IL ,Cloopsr. , .. Jan. Para, Jr., o.Zog, L'i S. HarbilUgh : l , B F. Joao, Cept.B.O.Young. J. Chickteil. J :, nand& Pallor; &MEW.. :I. Jahli B. Dila. rat.. Jaw_ klt9tala; 1! Barclay •.: . top, . . 4taMald' tj PhiluderßlßLlA '2ll.l4B';irna INBUR•NOI COMPANY. N 0.149 Candor Brian, opparit• thr, Carrara • • CrPlaul BarkXlo.—Arroto...loS, ' WM make .11 klar4r of Insarsoor, *fibre or Lludtad, on every doocriptioe at Progiortyor at roarosbla rat. of premium RABBILI:P. KING, Proddrul. M. W. BALDWIEBOBoOrwid.r , ' ' Dtasorour—Ubso Barra 1,11. 0.44, I. B. Ingllah, O. W. Ilium:, P. B. Barory, B. o.Blrorrusu,Johu 01,qtorr. 8. 3. IdopMr.ilg, Rao!, ' t. BLUZioana, Ma 10,7. • -- J. O. COPPIN, Apor, Wrier WO sud Wood rtarorti.- =1 id.LIEICIECUNT INSOEUMCB Cie PIT TIBU 1011. • Ornes—No. 37 KM Strad!, Bank NSURES AGAINST ALL m iKINDS OF a AND MARINE W 0 bI AHL . l AAO JUNES. Proddeng JOHN .D. 1i06011X4 . . nu Preeidene. P. la BOOK, NeoreDo73 OW. W,ILLIAAL ppm!, atrneral Agent. • • t aw . lasonxia—loo Jones, 0. G. norm INIVO OWL }l.O Gray, Jobo WlLlson, L. ihinsestade. AMID 'll.llrCed, Oepi. ea. JeoelA, capvivitum to.n. Hobs. L. Menne, D. Doyle. q M 1414.. Os!attars nUtual !safety laisuriam Com m",,,,,g a t by Me iepidalLrt Mat, S. E. Corner Third kid Walnut PUILADELYIII.A. ALARMS INSURANCEII on VeenehL Gana and to all parte of the world. .1 INLAND INSUNANLAZ au gado, I. 11,1terre.. 6Am and Land Carrlaires, to all ray of FINK INSIIRANDX3 an illertheadkre ganerall alarm. Dwelling Ilarees..lla. 4.2.2R761 VI Tile CCINPANY 4 . , United Matte Trewary Noted and tire•ll ". .L. Phlladelphla City 6 per cent 126 Peureilraal*State 117 j BUb RaoeireLle.—. .. .. 17 , Band; Mortgage. and Boas .. --...... 26' 26.auL 11417.4 l p r abut. Ilortgaia 4 tubed,.. elate& per rent L0trr....:.1------- 21 Mankato Peas. 16. IL. Si.. and loeirrancee... 24 Balance dna at lamina, Preatlnamon Marble I il l latereet etPlo.ther dabttdva awe.) Nab ou bend and la . . .. • . 33 , ' • pcsoma• :. ~ WIIII.m !fettle. , .. Asidnol &Stan Itidnuo4 A. Soodez J. P. P.A 1 .4: , TheophilasPanl.”:ll illeAri Shoo, • lobo IS.: Pll3/0.6.. - I!Anti Derifilfoh. Sohn O. David, 13.40... Brooke, hone. Trsquatr 1 1.04....1idh0ht , ' Willim tyre, Jr. i VS#11•11 C. Limo, Jaaheoll. Hand, tteeti ItartCM, .Ir ,: i William C. Lod wk. ,letrob P. /owe PAiplk El. Bad, .1.4“ C. Mahuit . , In. Y. M. Ileoloo, Jogai* P.yr I a.orge 0.1.1 P.. Jain B. i3empl.; PlttAb'i Ungh basic. D.l'. lierp2; Mail. geilay, A..41. Barr, , , --1 , • WIC ARVIN. Pseildiiie . TIM& O.IIAND, Pk* Pied ld Mau la .....a. B.'tet."7.. ,'• i r 1 1 1.. P. A. APLI.A.A,Ageoc, No. 94 Wia 4 .... 4 . P!t6,1.40 =EMI Indemnity ikgatnet iLoas by FItS. ...Tom.. Para Ito. Comirparay Prillerid.LPlll•.' • Offioe 435 and 437 Oheetnnt at., near iFifth:' e [steam; of Amara, Janes., "lat,llsoo, pabllatted! %roma. bly to at art of .asertably, belog first Mortgages, amply arcared:.L—....-..511,090,b0 09 . Meal Cstate(prasest Woe $103,113 GI) cost' 1irt,1796 26 !salvors* learns, so amyl* Collateral Mr italas 50 mantra Fort. (wont value $54607 y!) 80„tse Notes and 11111 s ........ 1, 0 31 Neb.— asaha ooly Prollto from Pruidoma w410 8;26' 4 36 a 46 .170. "5. Pw ':. oy eau &ride by law aro from ULU which Imo Itasca as tarmined f" • Inaarsocaa mad* on army dmerlittlon of ' Proplartj; . fo town and Ocrontry, at rarecas law r are cemfatant wlfb masuity. • Mona &bar incorporation...Vert.' of ; thirty I May tan mid Lamm by Am :to ro ammann..—wad " ; --- • - ;12r Denrors b jbMtarofrii.ll Advantages of mou.s.o, vroll IN their lity and dispir, CAA, to mot 1•11.1> prmodooilo all IlatOthm. • sf film • Loom poll dorlog Taw 1A4d...'...--.....510A4806 LAARTfoAA—Obasloo N hateful; Nordecei D. LoIIVRA oR Wogrogr. David IL Wows esinui Una; bum 1.6 a, J 'brat R. Audits, flarard 0. D. Roo Rlcharil, tied Mr.. CHARM fq I BARCHER, PAAWAR RDWARD 0. DAM!, Vleo Plisktoot. WA: A. Atm, Ikastory fee 0na...• • J. 'URDU& 0071/IN, drat, my 6 Oac. Northimm 02. Wood dod TRht ALA VILLA 161111.161411C1A., • By the teklaea . 11101811 , Ali81111011 PiliLan l itlPHlA CM Dandling. Llialled or PorpaM4l,,blorchandlae,l At.; lu Town or, 'Country, Office No. '3OB Wilnot Street OattratliV,6 M.- Amara $.103,ad Mat Melva,' on Improved CRitroparty, worth double Um amount. • Ground' rauktlnd elase....- • Naas. RaR Clo'. par ciadi (dortgag• 46,41 • - °Ry Ptilladelphs,6 per oenc)pan--- ... . &nigh., county 6 par cont. Pane. R. R. l i irem. ; 0011atacal loam, well secured • Umoduadan and an awl Tap tlr talc Railroad I 'Company, woman* Ptan•yleania Railroad. Ou'a .3 look of the iteUanoe Mama , thaarsne• Co-- alma orpoority Ph* Ipourinco: Do • Slott of Delaware ti. & luminance C 0—.... Ottamarchil Dank do -- aloohanice Sauk do . Onion 11...Inatiranoe Billi Fecietrabia, bush:mos pa Ilbok Scoonota, noltrued lute 0t0........ - 411 , 801 oa head and la handy ,;t ' la.. . ~ ri OLIN' TRIGIXI', rld .uL , thasoron— Clem Ito gloy, caPiol ItuptitoO, W R. Than. .or. [Where Zhou, di.dellail N. 2,101114 Wm id ,O. Pita noon, UAL W. Thxoloy. John Et.Worroll, Mk hall MIL U. L. Chown, Z. Lothrup, Zobt lotarol ohs& ....I;,,rnrc Leshig, J. T. Bunton.. 0. II ; Woutto &gab how., .1v A. Wooelwaro,Jolou Itis on, Pittat.orghi B. IL 1116011 MA ~,,4, J. Q. 0014/11 -- ...r Third *nil Wr tiortb.ut corn; Western ►neuron* ItJose , •'r PITTIIIBUBOR. ' usOlune DARN& t. V. aoaDoN, Oat& R. D. GOCURAtt, General Agar O?VECL, Nu. ea Water attast, , Bong A *Oa tn , watt% ;Ital.:nit, • 1/561 /...44.01.011:440 f Pita tam' la Ham hatitutim .004.041 toy 64 40.1400.20, 04 .4 44 4 'f=rsad liberality, taro*. ,ta the aka atratard: 0fr.14/ r l4 Oto:flat , fertrs br (smut. • /IBM, 00110010. 60; 1660. licrtgago.:-.....—....... - - 1 1 ; ~.—........ 1,160 of Moe f0mitnea„.:...i......1........... '..... 110 911 Oleo deconsta,•lc. .1; ...... .......p.:.: ,Aos . ....., „..:«.„.: -1.:._.: ,. lAA 99 Pnonnon Nocce..-.4..,—-t.--...c - .... .4:05 LO m0t...1 BM. P1ac0n0t54......-1...e.-1.4, 0 79 ia • • 1 --- I,,i — si li • I.Wr, J,..' • 1.., ! 'M. , Ifbi 4 • .'t I jalkantai Lfalmoss Rs. J. Thomas, .• i E klext Illsakk,..- - tk W. Jackson, i ; ~/919) M. Look. Jaws McAuley, It 'Wilgus 11. Moab ceder.c, ti ,9. W. likketion„, -,- • ' Andosw A dt, i • sr& , ,ir., i ....:0014XIN. Vaal, - Lubrielit AT W: T TIM LOPR V •LIA)N, cotiatulilE j. A. t. tb. quality, We Wet gam. B • Billfo OH ins an getting, (mit, ps,l psrirssa w. have liver EDUCED 'PEWS M.D. taintiosri the•P 'Paw is Ms Ilse le get eattsruati ttis BUSA)h ~ l ~T:e~ + *d ~K^~a" silo .~l i J 11 ,1 • II iisccttenooiu Itattow-- • • I. "135' 'r 'r IC iiliOTßielai;, Tour) -sacorpans. Elder Liberty storneir On. ter'DOPOt‘/WICA 111.'111:11:4 Caring PUT INd' , CRT toernil. pee so emosectoro Minailliarlai""= in, el the Meaty Bieber to elk et mem . .1 . 1:1 11 4".; . i IS6I-i • TJAINRY 8. KING,'BRO • mew *seas jUIL or rattier cOrld.111;13111.011 - 00. alortkeitlis. on.* ma.„ 11101rsis serrilpferallia Ain!, : - foe satin ceariartmedis 1111111.pidillerik No. 47 84..O1inttreet. 1J110:11 JUTADDirS, IMM I. W. 011ADW1C5...—:...--:.00AIIIMI OHAPWINLIE , ' et SON.' .DlALints 111 - • Paper and R agat, Nos. 149 and 159,W00d Stook, WirWlapplog Paper - at :twiawfaLismiio 'Mae' Iplwat - nutet prim posld Is maim Itegik.-.. t .ELEINRIVIC GF.II.IR V7/13. I . < BILNUMITURIIIB Olt ALL MAIO : - 'Lorna sun Aseent altos &WS 6,1 d Owkwa. fira Eils 4 • , W asaaousi. 4b9 COIL lINN AND Wall9rio4ll j two Fritiarew rt. w. I a. NA: re061111.4(t. mellow - sPrera9illiuti.;7l ,- .` • -- OALLAGULR, CIIIMU /I.oo* SRA66..FOV:sr aEi sk,„ GAB PIPS IFITTNIUIADIVOMBIIikr 4 ' . , . JINISHERS or _ALL KINDS tut - BRABEL WORK,sod deass• to au lErniviumk&W,r.: Or!"/"Cl AND 1r.,P114.*1180....2 ‘,./1 - : • No. W OOD l?IW,, tla ditis6 fr oth nab amt. . I arr01ait7,13.3.1511 1 Met atria; doonibilacif*En' licimplosta Ham, baron Woo. oat 11•01d40.• fy; i Ol - 4 4:47 . ALF, wraps , !ii T 70. FANCY**Ts,' m scri.dieiA;l4e, Z. H.' FABRION**O,,I4T r iro. 75 WOOD. STREET: 1—• J, N—P CI .• . leinew PRZMIUM A r T, No .1345 vi rtal et... *Per 1 . 111 .1 111 4WEV Jett retrivedm i ue esmotmeoll WEESOII em . LEAD HAM BILUSIDJK TIMM dad:11114 OEM/11110 1 'Mich 1•111 Ise add ehompec tlem lasso Mbar Pent tbetAte."o•llimdriaimleorlbi 7 7 rt Practleall . I NolF. exid-19 st„Tittebuiroll„- , • MAPH,DIPLOSUE, snow caws, POlllllllll, • . LABBLA CIZILTISICIATIN 01? nocuis IX EIBABB. Daerrs. - aottlair -; 11134,11: , lepeßTustlitfiblikimettiiiic. • No. lel , Market Street. • • errrssoase, Pe. . M= pALDWZLLA SRO Y i Sri.; ~;.• *ll2, utak i llabre „r m. Amobaugallot, I. . 400;0 : 00000 900 04 ia6"9l WA. /11 . ,ZYMIZEL al; AIID/CWIIII 10. . „ NelrOlittgAtE I)E.Ig IMO/Mild* 4111:1110111215..1 'MO= omanorunrox i -i - ! , matt -songs WORKS, so.IIIIIIkOC L qua Pe . Oheli~ Had. Plibbaish, Ps. ‘ll"tr'o o'o' 'W It KIIIV OOZNZx :' ,amincs - OW lintlip C.' ZZM AMA IM4SAMPTI* as.ETOOOO AN stoma woßisz,gruipoinkr. , sUsathia strra cedesitw volt hi hilt Hew ' m ••• - - lgil9„Xte mad ORA /11011ffill ;0 all kW., =EI WILSO =, CARR •, ft Muni, PAM • 0e) - Ighol Dealeis is .} "V0RM1G1.2 , 7 de .7:IOIdLUBTICIF so. so woiol stoma; " id hear. Dlailiesid-Alleiri if r . PITURIVIBOIL. splCCdtl MdEiEE!EMN , Corner Liberty and Staairttreite, 1 , 44 1 : • , - Pll7llll7aaa, Pa: !zit -Airings& co. RST P R E.AEI U ISt G d • n• Mt fief sco tutor-4 - POVIITH - ASO 1114111[117 Gold C•n..oa Gold and Kivu Nadi Mani, Monk:stoned ' Pon and Owen OAIMISILLY NAVA:, JAUKIII/S 46, TIUM linkalliDi P Ic, It a,. *ton, Lardi Dried Beet, Mese lad &nip Poat; drew. Isar Marty, ritia Aboocuseme tits anival af t i NFAi WALL PAPERS, BORDZRA 46, - , A4e A 1.)! It l S misTAL,. n A , 120 E 0111. r. OCIAAP nto2l.. iNu illslll' 11111111,,, CANADIAN- GLASS ,SANG„. ' . moromoz—cor#in or sciu?rr LID IMl?flh2U tomp't iforsitat urriutos. 111,111,1111L41 , 11. lUD*, 80 Fourth Ettroot, Pittobutik •-• - UTiIIPB,= Lkl3lllll2l'llNEr mid ..«r 411NcrIpliceri t t 6r ME! 66,000 00 6,062 60 26,1100 00 10.000 60) NAP 00 2,600 00 LICATHet EIIapIDONOILIL, igik..tml "'kal e tna TIxBPEPSIA ANO QON PATION.= 721 " AJderrhapt tbsroa toe or aihrtwakhoWaifflOmir,: -. = these &thews*. tab aims* wise, imo*A thous* itnsiont.. ries' dialutko, Wit spiltAt 111111^ and Way amalgam Alan,, ° Ohe SiaIeat i SMMIGIMARIE Tl. Ulf astaa tamper. Erma aapplY• MIA med.: INAZICA'S -IMPEOVND Gfit3-SAVIN,O REGULATORS. Ad dal* by EBERT S. ILIRO, 4,400 00 4.000 00 24350 00 1.060 00 700 00 6,136 151 2,0/2 60 /50 00 1007 10 6,1,0 72 11.266/4 . . . , . . . '.. ,• ~.,.......,:,._,. ..:..- I , Gq, ~,:,:!...„.„‘..-„,..,::, 0 .. .... \\\DOiti - ' ,. t--- ,-, .-- ,-. GIN lua.A: wimarirma.A.l.4w2i , liiiiv: 21111 =MIAOW TONLOST -'-'''''''' " L I OPECI4LLY designed for the of : the; Jur /h&c.; Alisulos sad [be Rua". 111 6,19. .. , owtl.l Me aolled .1111.." .Arima*".'.. ./ . 4302MM. ,D•sir';' , ": cited,...Sclioapp...ele, Is par oodatiid b1:441, of ,jIK,,, _ ptinitnetat pbyslsisas.chsailitsatid wituoinspers.aspoip ... •Insr -,,,n a umv..itstaksie solidost quittio(ueltaillkib + „ dim. .4sios bguog too* 044 mod pour*Olilk, ritrit..Q:';'. t# 94.,tb011g..0.:000,71 MI ai9trairxfro, „II 1111111014 0 cad if /100. , —..-: - .,„ lit.aitidwi ' ll = B l . . - ...,_ Mb PnWMIMMN, , - , ,4,10;1, _ )10.1.13:seit stniol,.ll.. . i lit;: ear, Alis. l nnosta :=I =LI 13=1 'snag Iltsk.s A. roe well ,kitte= , le thou oh' MEI ng Oil • 0 25 ONNTg Pia wA Ind fdent• by la. J. a. 1/11, Ylpt vend wet Ann. ;I , • Gono Looodlostag lo boo In boot Ix In 631;1.111.)1114 It Co, Wm or, toot. ICfor M L , worth 9 lIROID 9.10 hair prkrs. ISIS, CIBIMV*9 . 1 ° ' IiFIZLD & 00.'8, viteith Ulla Nub* ow - i.' 1 • ''''''.'• ;" _; -`;c-;`; ~: 1..." 1 i i 1 CIEZMII J-1 mutinies. PL. CM NEIW •1k M. !. - 1111: : iiirolf.. =oi DRY - ,GOODS, IMPORTS/. •lID"DILLII'IJ' MARS 11,A GL No. 8+ W A LD Sure wl, LA Di t.S 1 :FIORS! FURS! . ';'tUTHB. of all kando: 1011 OIEMLIIIIII 1 , FUR GLOVSS AND surruittSt DATA - AND 0403.„ Ar r I hiV0RD4• 4 3 11 1 1 .. , . ;"7 noit: -- • . • ' C i Am oF +Atm, , 01 ir... rani-tants Goons. - : Nin ipiii 4 16#03::-,I. 4 M Pt C 41111" .. • Asa , amaze. TuM4. 1 . 1 ., : -'-• , -5, - : : , hsasjP! !. 1111811 . 1319141 . 4. '• onvrown&sw_ ll4 C 4 ‘ . _ z'' , - . - C. itAftor Umiak miniamithilkit-v : Asilik , 4-"'i;tix-4011:pipi'141gra 1;:'..; . lk.Wfi:te tt'' .7!;!'' 4 901%1 k, , f . .': ,', ::—. 1, -2;7 -- :. ,1- z'c'- - ---. v:ilf-,t,....7 , 1,4 ,, , - ; ':; -- '.,-,-,--- ' - It, H Ii I •i '4 .; MEM . -. y,,, EIME HEE = !:w