The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, January 21, 1861, Image 2

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    tititsbnrg (6a
"B. a tn.
aDi ;01 It sir I. P <O.
Poblitettiolt pg!re Fij4:eirett, 481 , 0044 -
etoriebitorid,,ltrentitclietttletit daltrheatir
tattling the t. Newt up to the hour of
Merl - 464' rd. 241,56 per etnum Iu whew., or 124. par
ledetor kitities—liper minnow In ethane*, or h. Per
eiret Crum enTieri.
'ffitielral. , Bllllo. p ,
$ t por .13111.111011.1
m 00.., $126; u. or 13 plterdll. $t per venom. turerlsoly In
.treperkviarnsyra AyaLSOONARLS RAILS
149NRAY, DIORN11:1q, JJN. 21, 1861
Tae inicoroci Merino on Bettirdepnlight
• wee it Nlure. There were plenty ot people it
Ibe bell Wee 'cranied ; hot (bey did not
• l ppkeelste the purpose of those who called it,
41:SitiCtliiiforueffi fri 'their ofsentii 'este, effort to
pair the cut•and-dry masetattone fdr 'blob It
was convened.
There rim that the Repnilloane of the otty
*tint neer the amettog at alt. The 'few men who
called it should have been permitted to Rattler
quietly in . s corcerof tho Hill a 0 go through
'lb.e pintail= Axed up io the batik room of I
grog , shop before head. Tho whole *fair, would
then have falleamill-boro, aid hare received
the contempt It would have provoked; but now,
novo who werupreveuttdfroni the 'coveted op-
portusity of getting down is the dirt et the feet
*the klave power, will think. themselves to
.loo tiereby:
We have celled It a 10001000 meeting, for such
it,really was. A few Republicans were beguiled
- Into elgring the call, but the main objeot of It
irse to Make capital for the democracy and break
„up tbe Republican pifiy. It would hue
, sped Wentz' that shape, if it bad beou left
~We hope, now, that the looofoooe will call a
` - .tiloofooo meeting and pass their resolutions,
boldly and above.board, as loooftcos. No more
of this skulking behind a "Meeting of Olivine
f 'Spathes," or "without distlnotion of party,"
or ;"rio party" meeting. Our people can ma
tbroigh all such thin dirgulees. It was for that
' rumen they broke up the meatier on Saturday
(acting adder a mitt/taken principle, as we
think.) If it had been called as a democratic
meeting, it/would not have been meddled with.
#air dealing and no disguises—blot is the only
honest.polioy in lime, like these.
Rive .We s Govissentry !—That fe COIF the
cradles! question before the American people.
3t to not a question whether we are willing, nor
kota midi we ire willing, to concede. As the New
- York• World says, "the resoluteness which the
" North Is now displaying proceeds from an taL
”logether.different feeling. It comes not from
any look of liberality, but from any sense that
" ihafonduot of a portion of the South has
"raised an issue otimmessurably more moment
" then any which preceded—an Issue upon
" witiokthey feel It , morally impopible to yield
s breidth. It is. no longer a question
" whether this or that measure shall be carried
atat—t-whether • principle shall be applied or a
" prorantne furnished in this or that form—tot
ii`•iiu ye remount itaelf shall or shollaWlire.
(7 1 bis goverment is threatened; its authority is
dified - fjhe most desperate expedients have
"been resorted to for its destruction. This is
"rsinertn. And it is because the North meld
' "'ere It tenon that its altitude is so determined.
One people are in no mood to mate tents with
"towline. While they would cheerfully' do
• -°'nueh to reassure the loyal portion of ilia
' 4- ' - ! - 3ontib, and regain its confidence, they have no
' 4 ' protrerloi don who 'deny and spurn their ob.
.",figations to their country. They feel that
•! when it has ontelo this, it is high time that
.'""the' question should be settled once for all,
'tt whether this governmant is a thing to be re
, " *pined and obeyed or not-,whether it is a
"reality, or a mineable sham."
Pizrattarross son Was —The Lagisisturs of
:liiiiih . Carolins is preparing for war by;iirdering
the airtablishment of four companies of artillery
'and otber mlilisl7 organiastione, for the defence
;' . itt.the,Conthern Confederacy, which Id now In
eonteceplation. Commissioner" from the State
are itriting other Stales and communicating
with the authorities in relation 16 the
and its modes of defence. Thus While
Congress is debating the subjeot of comsat/ion
with ten risw to a settlement of the monies:
Arum question at issue. the seceding Slates are
going . on with their work
.. of breaking up the
. .
' Federal Union,. and establishing governments of
"Afferent and audio:tin obaraoter. What al
:. ly it it, therefore, to be talking about Concesaion
alien we ought tube talking about preparation
tur;ner!'_Flom, thevery, 'start Millie Met
'.eleninut have been seam se if their sole desire
Wu tiProvoke a bioody Conflict with the govern-
— Meat:* They have been for mouthy, ph:miffing
".theiseeliti with arum (at our expense): they
haikitoliu4ll they could neither beg nor buy ;
and the whole Such wears the air of a military
esseasepment, through the steady preparalloa for
• war at story polar. '
No free people ever before
talked of,sealting 001101:41111l0DO under /nett oircum
sisal/ell. Awl it would be disgraoeful In ours to
yield to the_. Massada of rebate, at the point of
the tatycatet.
l' . .
000tiotio To Forr."—The SeotsTioolets
. ,
'ars storing too rue for their Northern allies.
The Rew Tort Jeereal of Commerce, which has
done more than soy other paper is willfully
sod - perihneolle p lag the sectionals, sad
Anteationtrof the Republicans, and fanning the
'flames of prejudioe, passion and seoulion at
the Booth. now Iliad. aghut at the rilieolild It
hie wrotight;and U trylog to sty he torrent of
„treason and rebellion. Wear It:
oilfir- hare Justified 'the South la demendlog
telnowiese And gustantiesfor the enjoyment of
,!,their.itahle. We here appealed to tho Ses
iegrlived tomer): redrate la the Widen, bat fell
lug 14 Wits .16st, wit hews deolsred our i belief
' that they would bujoeilded sod
iivoletloW; lutegowern them that they are pro
_ :eirdiseloeleyet.";
FM pot Lai modes/ bold on a little, so as to
: cattblo , their Northaru - naidjaton to °atoll . up
SOW tbam I It will be,aua thing II they, are
lo . pridlons to them to go on,
'but -*hat Is to baooms of them
if their on.workeridesinfasm
~ .r: - ....'
~-. lll.actos Arourtiotraur —By the return made
" by Me. HOLT, the Beoretay of War, to Congress,
':- 'elt•Bituiaa.Y. leippeare •tbst during' the year
, ,: : . . , littlett has lost eloard than were sent, from the
r": Elpilogkeld armory alone, to Booth Ogren's,
Apoq muskets; to Alabama, 16,000 muskets;
1 0 .. _Oirirb:}P, 000 wiikels ; to. Limilians, SO,-
' 7 000. posksla ; to: fforth Caroline, 26,000 mar
liittl43 -.. tilitittr.. ona Of-the ',sidemen that the
7:.! f . ilknundettlsl4- hi 4 lone: inedhati4 disunion and
--i ilvfiliaTkined provided thereiretre„as best they
itOuld,:tiut of the Federal remises: While the
;.ifliSifhttrs sserdpig Blatt* have Mu", through the
o,looSit#elf floOretsrY Floyd, - , - been supplied
.111th stemebi thb,Government from 'which tie,
i i,
iis; liiiipitei i;iimeedi; the Northern Beale%
, 'iiht 'are the solo relleues of the govern..
, -
ms t, can get 00 amt at all. , The government
hail thus - put arms• tato the halide of rebels
ages net Its authority, to be' turned eating it;
......:.. imar s to the detriment of those lobo, ere ready,
with alikbodr tiMins, to sustain it. ' .
-, ll4lslllllDY.—fdr. SABIN 1101:10II, of CIO.
iseds as a printed @hest emstalateg;his
.1d j
for laving the Union. It Is all summed
upas follows:
vllersolmo, is the remedy, the lest and .the
',..trattaiset. The Coastltatloa most be so revised
and: amended se to peimlt, emotion and defend
thle Iselltdiloo, In every HMIS and Terrltovil:
Ist every spot.aad plane that is guarded by the
- AiMiall dog. " . . - ,
-"NM Itottgh eau claim the'eredit of beiog teat.
. ,
did. Ifle .eelte
em , le original, but it le pleieli
4ted.• lt differs from the ether schemes peed.
I g I. that !nebula elope.
genedelegatee. delete in the Beeth
right* Oostention, actually proposed . ' to mike
914' iesinitmerrt - called , OA Coeetitetioa tee
"Mittel Soto," .us,ek bailie fora Cneetitattoe of Or
tlieKiegd , 4o ar Soeth 'l4 40 seedleti to
Ml.t►at,thadirsreceiot preposhielt„ wee beltiedi
jiwreptee dolga. t tart *events they itd . hot
*Tee the Led 'et thi'lieleskjhteett. -
thpecial Dietattehre to the N.Y. Tribune J
Wasatmethe, ism 18, 1 1560.—The ROWe voted
niiptiegletlon of sl.2oo,ooflen-rAey for • mounted
paei t esok le !Teese,' This IIeWSTO wiPs urged with
great seaLliest amnion, by Senator, ,Wigfall, and it
Is. trilwinqied be will -be gratified with the heavy
Bepuhticao vote it received today, .e that he will
lees - no date in genie% it through the':Sonaie.
Gee. Houston will'hure the off:marine of the regi.
ment.'ned! hi* known 'laity to the Union insures
the proper irse and dispwitiou of the fence. It is to
Mi.lllatailloo, of Taxis, whose loyali {optima's and
purposes s(re not lees decided than thwe of dov.
Houston, that the memo% owes its Weems at this
time. '
Judge Black's sower to Lord Lyoni apd Meters.
Tanen' and Sableiden, as to the listility of ves
sels owned by subjects or clusens of 'the Govern.
meats the* repteeent, indite with Charlestoo as
serts the broad principle that no 'flextime's,' blued
by any other aothorities than officer' 4f the United
States will be recogolead, and that any payment of
detisson importation., except to sae h akar, will
be regarded as mirpayments, for whith the puttee
will be held responsible to our government. The
practical aired of this doetrine will be ho exelude the
foreign Mete entirely,- that had not ;already been
done by Get Pickens obstructing the main ship
Col. Rayne has not yet submitted his proposition
for the entrender of Port Sumter in 'tilting to the
President,' having been admonished by the oral oom-
Municatioh what sort of reply it 'math be likely to
Halve. Ills views and expeatations have been rad
lewdly Clanged wince reaching here, %ad they are
Ukefy telms mots modified before he returns.
.1; Mr. Hoit's letter to Gov. Pickens, threatening to
stop the made irhfsj. Abdomen was opt allowed free
aeons to his correspondence, and the urgent sugges
t:Me of Mesas. , Davis,. Rooter and others ' that
the survenleace should he removed by which he has
been prevented from wowing .applies, have bad the
desired asset. Informitkin to-day states that he
has all the expected privileges.
Mr. Moorhead, member from Pittsburgh, has gone
to Springfield to Wale the Cabinet eppointments for
Pennsylvania. It IA stated to-day that Mr. Camer
on has net declined or released Mr. Lincoln.
Mr. Clark's resolutions were reconsidered by 27
Yeast° Sir Nays Meows. Trumbull, Durkee and
Morelli were aeoldentally absent, whew vete, would
haw made a tie, and thus defeated the motion. Mr.
Wigfall voted with the Republicans, in order to be!p
the 'octillion seheme by preventing any change
which might be considered conciliatory. This vote
has no political significance, so far as the Republi
cans are concerned, for they will vote fund easiest
Mr. Crittenden's proposition, if the test be made no
Monday. The feet hee not been difriteed hereto
fore, andithere was never any ground- for the tepee.
tattoo that it could path with their aid. Renee no
just mason exieted for the disappointment manifest
ed on Weasels:lay.
Mr. Sherthan's speech made conelderable nose
Lion, end was marked by' hie usual ability, direct
ness and force. If insisted that the public property
, should be protected, sod, if seireJ, reclaimed, and
the union maintained at every haterd. Though
' frequently interrupted by ingairies from the Demo.
wads side, he was not moved from the Hoe of his
argument, and parried these thrusts 41th promptnees
and skill.;
The Ababanta delegation interid withdrawing from
the Howie en Monday. Messrs. Uonston.. and Cobb
are rail* Union men, bat ere owned into this step
by the mesh folly of their convention, which leaves
them no discretion. Congress le getting quite well
tampered by the absence of the expeelonitts, who
would ineist upon a commotion of some kind.
The Rinses bill passed the worst point today in
the defeat of 'Mr. theme's amendment to alter the
bounder*, Which contemplated the indention of Ne
braska at a future State.
It is semi-officially Intimated that the President
will esto;the Pacific Railroad bill, ort the ground of
the impeserished condition of the Trewery.
[Special Dispatch to the N. Y. *oriel
Whaniairrol '
Jan. lg.—Senator Cameron hes
bad the Morrill Tariff bill, In salon Penowlvania
takes.. deep an intermit, made the special order fur
The lain South Carolina official thrived to day.
Several Alabama and bilesteslppi clerks have follow
ed his. example.
There 4 no truth whatever In the statement that
Col. Rayne has tent gay written winnuoication to
the President.
Waalamoral, San. IS —The indult aoniabiltaa of
the Roche, searegod le invaaligatink the euermou,
fraud committed by the abstreetim, ifrorn the lota.
der Dept/fluent, of the hoods belonging to the la.
dim trust fond, are booby at work, end will proba
bly be Toady to report next weak. Tpe exam bastion
or WWII. Russell, who has been before the mom.
mitt,. /literal times within the pest week, was eon.
eluded today. This investigation orbit d evelop •
chapter Of crimethe history of this Administra
tion, before which other trends comitailtted by it, and
already made publie,• will sink fete' utter ingignift
canton. I predict that even seeemiord and threatened
civil wet will be lost sight of In the bal./gel anon.
Ishatent and indignation with which the report and
evldeosetaken before this committee will be reastrad.
—Nilo; Press.
The Noe. John 11. Reynolds, from the Albany
district,la seemlier of the Select Cogrimittee of fie*
to which the President's last special message was
referred in preparing a bill which{{ it Is said, will
receive the vote of every member el that Commit
tee, praviding that, orb the Ptesident is
convinced that be caueot succeed lb mooning the
ram, and in collecting the revenue in a seceding
State, he m abolieb.ell tin/porta 61 entry of such
State, and b l ockade
ockade them, so a. prevent them
from catrying On any trade. This Olen, it is said,
meets tie hearty concurrence al Mr. Lineal., and
will bele prominent feature in bin forthcoming
The forcible mature of the public property to the
South, stud the late exacting devised of the coin
chasteners of Sow it Coroliaa, now in this city, have
so stimulated sod inflamed the Repithfieses as to
induce them to vet Mohr feces like Flint against any
conipOinian. Meanwhile, the President bad re
lasea tie rule he laid down two yeah, ego, not to
invite any Republicans to the White Douse, and
eow thise.wloo have been eocieded iron his hes.
Outlay Will be : welcomed with open arm. Thus,
an natehte cordiale to established between the
litecutiie and the friends of lba liaion.
Apprehending that the word volunteer nosocta
flong Do* bang formed in this city, have too much
of a political clarscter, sod will, therefore, rather
stir up than prevent Wife on the fourth al March
sett, the Mayor has addressed hitineir to the Wee
Department, protogung Ilion% the diming of arms
to the tsaid .11110cialioni. To be ready for any
emergency, he will bine an officiaat - splice force
of several hundred men ender] hie ,icommind.
Should lthat not be sufficient, thin Meow.e will
be had Ito the militia and Muted States troop. ' of
which litter about a thousand will be been. To
give amts in' the hoed. of ;Wittiest ' club, or assuci
etionaiadangeroug, as it so the mien 7 . , ay to pre.
pare a civil war.
It is now becoming strident to neva) people that
whatever maim political scents! mat take, the
home, opeadron will be callea on for in efficient
coastguard. The arrival et Vera Cuts, enuouceed
on Taeiday, of the Cumberland, wee the signal for
the return of the steam-Ingele Poltrhatan, and the
frigate Sabine. There is also 'Mime to believe
that the elm,' St. Louis will conic home. The
'Mohawk, Crnsader, Wyandotte, Pocahontas, end
Water Witch, era likelydo be detailed as tenders
far the I Brooklyn, Santee, and fit. Louie, if the
fleet should be railed Into requisitely on our sea.
board. The newly conimimioned corvettes Ma.
eedouim and - Cumberland would' be sufficient to
protectlour national interests in the Golf fig a
while. Thom the ships available . . tor home duty
would carry an eggrogain of 1,460 men, nod one
hundred gums.
It is Old that the V irgiaiaos have sigefficd their
:Intention to leant the femoral from Norfolk of any
- ,United States skip not in commission, by the Fed.
eral authorities. The intelligence comes from a
'Naval *Meer at.that place. Slaessid list ol oar
manse,-jrar sow at the Gimped . Yard : Liner
Pennsyliasia, rated 1:0 goon, bat carrying only •
few, not worth anything outside her present berth;
beer Columba', lying up, and melbas for present
duty; loser Delaware. de do ; liner New York, not
ball built ; frigate Columbia, needing repairs 1 In
ordinary!, frigate Raritan, do do I corvette tier
mintowi, undergoing repairs in: dock I steam
frigate Merrimace, in ordinary. Ricept in regular
naval haide, all theme ships would be wontiffees for
any ecretce. I
tAasmnarou, January 17, lbfil'.—Col, Rayne
has conc'eded to reduce hisemond for the
abandoeont 61 Fort Sumter to a erp ectfol sug
gestion to that e ff ect, which is sot lik e to produce
much impression. This change af protium wan
brought about mainly alter coorareace with feed
leg Southern mein, who could not Sustain Snob an
application atter the President had Already refused
it, and his Cabinet were known to be ananlmouS
spinet the concession.
It is elated by Mr., Rowell , / friend., that feeling
outraged by Mt. Vlioyd'e tteatmentr he intends tea.
htng a clean breast or his connect:tan with Opt in
jured petriot. Each a - revelation would be highly
instructilre. There in now reason So believe that
Mr. Floyd actually issued three or lour millions of
accepthiscea, which be only regirdX es a small bun.
sees transaction, entirely igewortbil of an inquiry.
Insounkth as Mr. Thompeon did riot exercise due
diligence in the custody of the stolen trust fends,
be may be prosecuted for the lose. Mr. Bailey is
known to have; been a regular frequenter of the
faro beaks and entirely unfitted forlauch a respon
Sooty Joteign Government, sad every foreign
Minzaterliere, are distinctly opposeei to the Seces
sion achinie, and will not hesitate to mike their
views !ninon if an attempt should be made by any
of the absconding States to establish diplomatic or
commerdial relation,. The Idea of England and
France extending .countenance to the movement,
se has been suggested from the necessity of obtain.
leg cotters, is openly ridiculed. - 1
The $5,000,000 of 'l' ry notes which ore to
bedienee of on Saturday, will be absorbed by.
werrintx now waiting payment at the Department".
' There ark $13,000 000 of the loan et the last Ses
sion yet at the disposal of the Secretary, which
Covgresarnayigive diacretionary Ower to convert
Into notch. : I
An effortissioer staking to mortals the reel
chadidoil of the Treasury, ander an isquity ordered
by the Committee of Ways and Hein, Mr. Cobb
andeavonid to anneal tea Meta, stud tiOnldgin
so satistemory information. Mr... Tense promised . •
to mows/the call made for this parpose, - but • did.
sot, and then it was - brought the - President , .
notice; ,Whieh was one ed. atirceinten oil his sadden.
retiitmeet. Dix' will to.apartia with the
Committee to the isseatigatime, in teethe eoetry
may kuoir.oluiSsre:ther actual waits of tea ph:
p.n.:Azad its Olibgetioes. It is better to !IOW:
-II: The last .insowetions out to itajdr Anderson 4ir•
quire Mateo! tout en the defeeelie,but to malnteln
ateolately.. Thy eaythe day attar mat,
dedered tteifiried hie instead treat Fort Me I
trie to ldiat Seater; Ilfs..Ffoyd mot bias this betel .
diesel's! -•: • - • - •
a it:Merlin thatyea benefited your
-Plop.b!riolBl3.4llltiail IWO* d to7OIS sax:,
et., )0114ft bleitika pilaf ohleti. &weer tdt)de of tat liitiwa om buit .it,}
lath Januark,,lMlL .
lo i r a ttde the palest Major sent the following re.] niam - Di if tDEND.---The Trustees of the Fittei
ply. substantially: "qr. berib Su veil:awl have this day deelarode
gig ban: op{ isania l ipa, Lee.tot Tw,o ttAtege feuitl thegispital flock
*4 did spike my gaps,
did ram my eetumiutd to Fort Sumter in the dik, • c b u T .,. /. 091 at's.of. the %Alex Wham:
P•Yuble , to liekal.te,stuoktruldete or Mar lait4
charge of my duty "• . , _ --Frepreasotittivia at the Vice f the Cletepany
The traitor was bath alreatovestiol and'snubbed, - Jame% It . °Hum
It Is established befe'res tholliveetigition oomtalt-•
their pay .fur transportatten we the 11111 , 1011 Wes pc
formed, and there Wall 1101 11 - a:alai &Si tiled; author
isieg the acceptances which- Mr. Floyd issued. Their
cootraet stipulated the . modesof payment, which was
made through the Quarter Master at Si. Loads. The
pretense that these eceeptalees were telt., protected
by unfallliled or future serviee, was filly • part of
the mooetrooe trend.
William Nivea is here; laboring, earnestly to
&feet some accommodation of the existing ditfi
csltibs, coo with more becoming dispoeition to con
elder" theetate of Northern sentiment that ha• been
exhibited in Congreve.
The proposed plan of Virginia to send commiu
sionerf to all the Staten with a hula of adjustment,
inviting a response / is la•utably entertained in
lame quarter, IN offering time fin reflection and
candid interchange of opinion. If dirested of any
specific proposition, it might be iandered accept
able. Hot with Mr. Crittenden's plan. as the peace
°freeing, opposition men be expected.—N. Y. Tri
WASIIIICITON, Thursdq, Jeri. !T.—Tim Senate,
to-dip, after confirming several unimportant Conso
ler nominations In Executive session., took up the
nomination of Bolt, for Secretary of War, and a
motion to refer the nomination to the Military Com
mittoe led to a violent and acrimonious debate, In
which Senators Bigler and Douglas were pitted
against Muon and Slidell. The language need was
and for a while them seemed a prospect of a
personal collision.
The street is full of exaggerated reports, including
one that 8011110111 „Benjamin and Wide came to
blow'. This is, probably, unfounded. , —certainly it
can get no oottfirmation.
The Senate Committee on Cowman* . thie morning
refused to report to the Senate the nomination of
Mclntyre for Collector of the port of Charlestoe, by
the following vote: dye.—Dieurs. Bigler and Chan
dler; Nay.—Messrs. Nieholson, Sisalsbury and
Cllngman. 'Col. Baker ' who wm ahaegt, would bane
tied. les feared that the nomination will now be
defeated.' The conduct of Saulsbury, of Delaware,
surprises the conservatives.
Theselaotious proceedings to embarrass the Gov
ernment, In the appointment of • me.e Collector,
climatal, does riot indicate .any confidence, on the
part of the Secessionists, in their power to make •
It Is staled, on the authority of • Demotratio Con
gresaman, that the Cebinet had a sternly neaten to
day, growing oat of the fact that the ,Preeklent in
dicated a disposition to fall hack on the Inaction
policy, in opyfultion to the whole Cabinit.
All the signs are deemed more hopelul--ertaia
ly the Southern extremists hegira to realise that it
is auks@ to pre.s their ultra demands.
Seamier Hemphill, of Texas, ietende is a • tow
days to deliver a co ns ervative, sail seceesioa
speech. He is a South Carolinian.
Very little rnserrinener art ms t.. he attlehi.d in
Confirms tn ruhv or the nip rt. id if.e Couunu tee
or Thirty- aver, .1 the ini,l2, ...* I ',the, *l.l eat
sty the Howie.
line. !omen A Preen, I .tie i r'y II :led Stasis
Ch•np at .....1101 Ay.,ld.) from
Florida, or whtch Stile n • its b to a i• see toter
knee it became a Slit, thor an intehigeni gen
tleman, and a theronv Union m,n Ile dee arcs
enaphatie•lly thate mea•roan in not the
sante:nem or the peop!e, as on el, kt`, r.,of sand
by the reboil or the I.egirl store I, tho or.
Mean, of er raw nai to the eeno'e ratia•
He states tenth. etant lee rr0..0 , y,
empty, nud the revenne• of the Sl tin raerlitliogly
!twat& To raise the first thone.dil dollain for
secession purpoeee a direct as omit be laid. I his
wonld npeedily effect s reletion atjd brie, the
manes to the work of overthrower( Ore Demeter,
ism; but to sword inch aresult the leads.. eery%
to lacy the tax on onrites and other property, so
that it. incubi shall not rill up.. thri Pe°, menace,
who are relied nom, to auntie the set-anion stiexia•
went. This, of coarse, rut make tee bspleve
upon the property Imidere Illinedla, and tinter , llo‘
speedy derrtruoi ton of every material 'lntelsat of the
Word ham beep forwarded to (.eh S,Otl lee
esltitoore that two thoomamd toung ihrw are kip
"rimmed acd ready to-come an Iroul Mal tilt It
the ;honest notate to Ramat ID the defame (.1 the
Dirtriet mad the Veder•l Capital lb CrOlo.lo
- h. 111.11 C4.9l¢lo4le.atiAl ti.l• prappont.nte of the
&top., to G eaceel Scott.
TVAL.111.13,011. I y 17 —Col. lilyne seat his
communicattan to the Prewidest to day. l• a to•
deretood that mute the arrival of Co:oted flayee,
alter a free conference *lto ha Seethe.. friends
here, he ha. aoine•bat changed hi. attgiall riven
tern and mowerand imiread or malting ao unegn•
ditmeal demand for the unmade, and trecattoet
or Fort Scatter, be now pretests it to 'ha ah po of
It does change it th. thghteet degree the
aspect el the quesuon, or the attic uf tli doe They
want Fart Sumter, end ate ertlhea to eater tutu
negouanoo *lib the Vreeideet for It, The Preei
drat will IpfulEll SOOth CMIM, thiough Coloael
Lulea. that he he. no authority to open each ne.
tonalities. They Mat appeal to Cedgrees, it beteg
the only power that eta sot or etnirtein such •
proposition ; cud as regards the conceder of that
fork to South Carolina, (Win impartible.
The correspondence, ae anon an n:ie clotted, will
be immediately rommusicced to Contest by the
Prordeat. • •
Colonel Hayes ban airi ady brume ctisfiedthai
the goverment will not yield one iota, and has
undoubtedly Wormed Gov. Pirates to that effect.
The Bernet' of the administration in dealing
with the coercion inera.ner now here, teamed the
prominent cevesiosire in the city to join to adwi.
sing the aetboritite of Charlrstoo 14 cispeed the
execution el their throat to take Veit homier nein
alter the 4th of March, and rill..jar Aiiderima in to be
provided with pommies from Char:ldiot', prowl
diag the Smith Oen:dine maitionties accept the
proposition and Major dedecon sceepte the-ha
mthnieg terms. The South t'aroliniins may yield,
but It is believed that Major In , ift-ms will not ga
to Charleston air his ...applies t f 6,1, glom recent wit
not ripply hon.—Baehr.
PO7OlOOlOll vent , . Peony—A gentleman
terad, a day or two ago. a large estaqiiihmeat in
this city, and proposal to mochas° Shy tuns of
lead. rha leans leaving been agreed opus, the
seller inquired of the parehaser whether he or the
bowie abonld ship it, and if the latter, whet ii. des
tination. 'Yon bad bitter ship it;' replii d the
purchaser. Pat it on board the fitqateker Florida
to-morrow morning. The State of Georgia wily
pay for kJ , On receiving this reply the member el
the Maine who had riego.tated like sale immediately
replied, "Sir, you cannot have this lead. The
motive for its porches. is evident, aid I will
consent to 'bullets to times who propose to
destroy the Union by civil war 11. 40d the Gump
glen did not get the lead.--PI. Crim edrerturr.
Teti hissuures or litcsserur —The City Caus
ed of Columbia, S. C„ which impeieed a tax of
little lan than one per item. on reel estates 'end
one dollar per head an slaves, to be paid by their
mastery, requires a tax from free Negroes of one
dollar for childrep under tea yesro,!up T ti epty- .
five far those I.:eremitic say; math s c art
or trade. Either it must be taken that the Prep' are better able In lake care of themselves'
than say other clue, or else It is designed to'drive
them oft, or reduce them to slavery i
TUC Fuser Surry.—Lisot. j. L gratieh, or . the
Washington Light Infantry eyed the Bret 'shot
at the 'Star or die West, from Morris Island.
The Charleston Owtrier has taken Pains to sneer
lain thefapt, ape Metter of honor try the ladivida•
alt and, se it may be amigo Impormpesian a his;
twice' fiat, we gi ve
. him 'asthenia Of oar elm's,
lion. de will yet see the day, if his be spited,.
when he will regain of that set.
WHILAV Parierxera.—The present season, la said
by those whore interest kJ. to teepbookod op io
each mutters, to be aa exceedingly favorable on
for the growth of the wheat crop. Wants iaform
lid by intelligent Inrmere, that the wriest Gelds in
their respective localities, wear a viirj donrishieg
appearance.—Harrisburg TelegrapA.
gnaw ,
as flaturday m0rph:4,0.611 of coo:PlApticus,
ANN IL.VAIN. of this city, Md fortproar VMIII4
Bar fat oral•t11 tale place Tate Iltendsai MORI UM;
M 10 creloak.from bar lets maim* Pain Anat. above
almbanto, to proceed to the Allerhaar. eatoetarr. 0.,
Mao& and Mauves are requested to Wool.
fileeplees, Crying Teething Clilithen
All taper bow nopleauet ere them an,barpanimenta of
habil...el, and mint I mei brut pursues the mid
comaperice lo health, eat often i..„ from She me of ono..
dyers, cuclial& aad rlmll r b gby 4 eat amid to quiet them.
MLA, (a bimetal maw p 1 1 ) rob lch yea me, drop Into the:
wrath at any time, g hro pee remnants Who &mired from
medicine. They ca'm miasmal, alley lie irrlialim of
hiag, Mims CWie arra Bawd tbeipbsiet& sad procure . '
nolaral rued yak/ ma', withoot the dleediasteme of ober .
dale or opielm. They hate boon Mod for pm; sad ap.
proms by .11 who oar there or abhor doelni.
Prke,26 cents per bus, with direction& dal bone, $l.
N. /3 --A fall set of Biarineare aolllololrll3o antennae
web Boot of Directions, and twenty Marie{ ttomidlas, as.
large vial, hareem MN, $5; ditto. la plaidt me& ttlt rear of.
BMW; lop e ad RCA, 0. Void* boarai 23 mat. and 60
Mass Domedlea, by We slugb. Lot or pre, me out by'
mNI or express. Drool 'lmp, to nit/ addle.... mei? ,
01 the rrke. Addrea; Dr. r.IIOIIIIO3BRYS 200,
;Drosehray, Kew - :
Dold by J. N. jubTON, Ilftb street, me nd door Iron!
ttie Paatigks, Dent kr DiDsbsygD. ItlktlitirboT
/OrbSRL Wisg4W, an e;MiRD OB 4 N II2 •P.
sea Pbyytclas, hie • lloolithin Bytep fbr children'
.blab greally factlltelre the mitre of tothlay .
by sonentug the gem, redwing .11 Indunmetlon—wlll
alley ell peht, end to Imre to regolete UN &towels. Depend
upon It, mother, It .111 ere net to youthelree sad Mkt
sad health to your inhatee llerfectly Is in
ettrertheeseet In buotbeo minus. I hdaclawllT
/public #oftres.l
fr;SE &LED PROPOSALS wili be rice' fed
M. the calm of the Ciestrolter,
astlf huonfor, btu.
2d, at 11 o'loc p
k . m fo r oopplelop
.the Oily with STA.
TIOPERT 'sod BLOM SUPES for the pow commeeeise
'ob. , . Itittesn win scoompoey Owl! Nei with ram.
DIN of the litsthmery patpum to turatoh.
Ittlemna. Stem, cilignakr.
ineyblN towpiltiV, ode the vapl of 14 Moil. to otobga
tb. Re publicus imalostlon tot Oberlrof 41411.111/ Oodo
t/.budgese . :•tli Sot spot bins lb: opp,vtoslif oL
uweralog tbs win!, as 4 stein tb.s. jail 111111Ic •
00 M O C STutAVOLpBIIB of the Pitts-
W ape Jew Wady Niagara 11141 wit 0 011 4. 1,
of .IQ gaJ ate 'bF aVat i t4 I ;:rWr i a2;g 6 g79lll=
PM kltyilit, OW r.
Sedif* . 74 ' 1.14101-194M1,01'.
_,_yrsautonen.J•noilds. 1861.-:
ILV•PIVIDEIN 6410TICIi.—The Stockhold4
U. of the Plltabingh and Allegheny Brian Cai
herlthy notified Shot • Dividend or TWO
doelsnill—psy•Dle forthwith .
- • .117 • • BINRA. Ot•IlltIA, Treasurer
DR. J. 6i. LIC)I.J..
,(Ilirorav Tnomsj ouNher of •Vitcomle• Unary." "Gold
t • PGll.""lNEstElbmt's Clareer,•• an, • 111.4121 iger
Concert flail, Fifth Street,
On NEWSDAY EVENING, January 224,
"Work and Play."
Doors opt. 11%; lactate W CoM.D. at 7 ( 5 4 o'clock.
Tickets 20 cents, to be had to Wools, ALAI° and Book
'Stored, Library Naomi and at the door.
W. Q. KINCAID, I. B. Boo:toe,
Joann kulau, W. D. tdditrasa,
laaaatd) .mood Lecture Committee.
AV NUN Waif A..V. Deosm hem 19th.
Corner Penn and Si. Chit.
(Mkt, open from 10 e. In. to 4 p. m end from 0 to 10
In tbeemome. '
Anzola.km_o6 mow Seam Tickets 60 cents. idellkier
Urines P. a 61 4 Papaw/as RAILWAY Co.l
Pltteborgb Ammar, /0801
K,Tes Stockholders of the Pittsburgh &
Moot Liberty Passenger Hoff.., Company are ben
by raided that an MUNITION for Tee Meow.; of sold
ool2..iany, toaerve for the ciente, 3e.r, sill be held at the
OMOs of A. : NW:wheat, Ihey, In the ennui .ern. city et
Pllteborsh, ou MONDAY, the Vat of Jeonery, ItOf, Csa
Nemo the boon of 11/ na. and 2 o'clock p In. of said day.
A General Meeting of the liNekholdere will ba Held et
the same time and pleas By cads rof a reenhatlou 01 lb.
Speedo( Managers.
1.104014 N. P. SA MINN. President.
Alo..111.1•T V•Ltli i Al la SD 011/.OE
Pittsburgh, kin Islb, Mil I
ir - Z1 .. T1,1E ANNUAL MEM ING of thb
Ptcchholdei• or the Allegheny Valley Risllrrad Cosi.
pea) swill W Leld oil the 0111ro of toe Uompsoy, corner Of
WoOlogloo street sod Molnar y alley, 11111 ward, Pllq*
brogh, on TOBSUA V, the bib day of robroury, 1801, at 10
o'c lot s tn. A slat inlaid of lbe offers of tbe °willwy
1 , 111,56 prearoted, sod so Weapon , sill Os tuld for Prod.
0.55 sal Board of Ilisuagers (a lb...imolai year,
.1 AVIS Of IttION, Secretary. ' ,
07,102 Ineseesitaahe NAVIOATIIIII VVVVV t
Plttoteitgh.Janetrl lOtb, 1661. f
1: 1 0...Te . c Directors of the Monongahela Nat -
DUN I ttllo% r ;I ' l ' 6 ' b ars: t i le d' O Y a :1 ' ; . 1 1 ' hr:ink. e D e l t 7 O;
Itat elegy .1 the beet 11. 61entitet, 100
to the 8116th
holders sr their legal representative% on 0l• after the 16th
loot., le boilable fend. Cl the oak-. of the ?roisterer. '
By order,! the Beard.
. . .
W. lI.COPILLAND.I...turer.
srn , 1•a841010E2 11411.80 AD 0031PANY.—Tbn
OND ANNUAL Warm(' ad the eteekhuldera of the Pittta
buret. luta IllnsOnshata %meager 11.0Prtd C0m1..) will
be tuetd at the tees ut Ploepaoo * tllppey. M, Of Fourth
atraet, ea MONDAY. Met Iguana,. 18111. at 10 o'clock •.td.,
at which It apd pI•AI4 Hoard af Damien 1•111 beet T.ilol
to was fot the mooing year. W. 12 N. b
Plttrtralt, J.. 0 18411.—Jeeptt1a1 Platetaty.._
from 101111 12. by O. W. POCIAOK LRITICH, Ja,
at hie itastaarapt. ran.: W2lO aead IyRA drrt•
)If . e. 11AVE N.
Corner of Third and Wood Streets
Labois. Cards or Prorrnotorres,
for Oe marl o. h hlhluon.. or coo . nog+ of on; kind.
txu 9abtstrstmenre
,J.,I C?NICIVA PR 40TICIA LTR PAT IdT on Cosi, Petro.
Immo and ogre OIBTILI HD °IVO
Parton'. Litt of Ptak o: Mem. "mho
Easeye. "levee.. .m 1 Hit •11•Mee: Kiser
al la Rolex., • vol.
Otrlylati Critical and Idoicalleusto• Emai a, do, 4 edit.
The Woe h. if %Amble Lamb; Ili rend& odlibm. i sole.
Hestia of Pile, rpapaisk,
Th• orlis of liniolla aol.d :)
W. ° l au • Itmitg
Hemittley'• Late 1...,. sad Poem.
flliou't Lobe Region. of O. is Ir• 1 *lll •
Illierson'e Cosine( of Lift.
Hood's Wh'me and 041114 m Net Hatton.
Tom Bloom .t oxford: col 1 "
Hal. mid Pam by lb. toihor of the 114 r of Tod.
elylla: 2 Pols.
Stalles Poke Tl 'graptliva
Jostle tosUsab by One* Ong Norood
The cbspol Huy.
Wildsl Tome ate aisrPgmd: Wet HOW,.
4.4 &Le!'
f 421 1 EA • Hi, lb Wood @trite,
Cephalic Pill.
• Cephalic Pill,
Cephalic PiHa,
Cephalic ?ills,
fa. rale
°comer of Um ttletrpotZeiol Illerket Flr4l•
tl ram at thi Mewed and Market Street.
Am.. of the Otetaeod lapel Merkat Street
B ru
Ire haysjeat rateltiill the Xlebth tilato• of .or
tamale/ &ports. eoetarzlew he Intslatee erealkor one wee
headre thoaestml Beaker.. bleteheate awe elitaileeililere.
la three rhomeese alai sad Owes. the [Wats ere tr
he red wilettreet ewe. bed us lielleewl to Do Vol saes ale.
• witelleebeet at =teeth= will he neat to ettbeeilb
iiltd . r t lte fa ble . rt. t e or IV= will be
a a .ra l tie% latt ll e= ef l :blrfa r = tied if e l l"
trade. row. wlth shod ofeerrealloae,Se east. pow saes.
ALAROS and. well assorted stook of all
(lade of OILITLICS, Ir.
Dental and ;Surgical Instruments,
MechanicerTools and Ammunition,
A, sc. Ike,. Ac. 80. to. Ile. 40.
No. 97 Wood Street, ••
Jan wore of DtaioonOolky.
S-1.1.011aa. .JUlald4Ll,
• VAT pools, 04111 BOOMS,
sodomy dtacdpiloo of Ammo DoOto,on boot of mdse
Word. tt uh, i 4 o:sat moaner, rolod to Any otters requirod,
•• cf • Woad baloney, by
. 0. JOHNSTON 4 co.,
;jaw. flannk Houk Makers,s7 Wood st.
TU . ZEZ i d. SIR 4T 110 rt iI,zuHNECEAIRraIIs. D. plfv .
Pat :If Li4lly rt.
DeLTIND, • DOI superior article; on h•fld 1014
far sots by 13.
raa Melly Di.
Qni D Ury. Fla* and Union Salted,
VW• baud mad for ale. Atia,
300 Dry BIL• to awl Ibr age by UDV LAMP,
fall 334 4berty
134,111°Riti, BBIIVI'S, just opensd.
Mao, S(4%410;611 .shirting lanoline;
Irish Liner's ! Linen Shirt Boson's, ikod
3621 0. LIANBON LOYX. 74 Market
UiNDOW UUKTANS--nevf pattern!.
64 by ... W.P. NARMIALL.
Jon NT Wond at:
VIM WALL PAYERS—New pod choice
.4,A i pattetpsAist realved r.
M OILASSES.26 - lible. New Idalames this
yTy ohy reed fur min by
FIRMRT n. oot,Limg,
CLOVEKaND-1 g begs just redd fur bide
'ln , Jeal MOIRT 11.,COLLI?i14
MW ItOLL BUTT/CR—it bbls. primp
.42 you add by railroad rps nib
;Wit : /MIRY U. oCILLINB..
12UGAR-3 hhde. thieAsy reo'd for sale by
N EW $3901/8
'salabe for atm peanut stakm,
\p Whig opened &mod "ally.
imam DRI! 0031/9 ;cps r era otm,
J 4114 O. RATIROIT L 0914. T 4 Markel Ptreal
4 vei choke .10[11164 'wiry I bei
jag ItOltirtlLD tt 00.0.
AuKI‘D B(11701,-1.0 We. Prime reeked
riNikr.liw blr i wan. A Wnautt, •
, No. VA Unorti
nYt FLOUR-15 bbls. Fresh for sale by
..e.s) Jos weirA WILIION.Mr Wort, et
A PPL,6,sunsit-5 kegs nice Apple But.
' 41 1}0 1 "' kl " ;kr t .. si Xitr,, NO. l uestty . .e.
FIA3U4,=-300 btiliw Ahout, tht dire re pi
a ram, i" gab kw alb by . .
, A 1,0 • OD,
g al . dent, star Wool. '
RIX D A P PLES-10 swim, 10 bble ,juO,
reo'd for abll• by • meassacorri k ,
1•15 corner Wood and.W.Or
OLL BUTTER--- bbla. atriatly prb . ne
last rm mak by , • ,
• • -
'icacivotrr IRON VFXIOIIF.D 1111M1,, LAP WiLDItIY
BomaV LOU, faionfactited sad I. age bi
MORRIS, I t eSliEß a co,
6623 i (databildial 184 a - • : I
I.APastf . If: BALPA. .
co 401614 - 51 Chat-liiirtbaim ,
botAllaii. AAA milN,l3l,sllNi, elocNua, otqauli:
taNNt iNallO!,oo*4l°4l4! F
• • • • •• • • ••• I , •
:„..:... I Joso W id i !
_ ,
Ad) ablaitiiimtlta
End al kinks of W.24111R ROWAN 800 D 4. U boOloop!'
•out without maid to o, at.
liert.banto and dean.. cal hays trostour 1 . 1 ;04
uItXIII dr. C1•011,11U5,,...
2./hab ..• ] ,;
• • emit" 'eltw so AB tizrofte.
SWIM% ir eli i n tiritOßEra.
D e a r r►tOM BOIIII3X.
kleh tr. Iglu all to Malin st low irtevo •100, • full mi
med' of the float taint,. of
W 1,
- .
In ur Setatl; o 7 .
o t. mu M: t iti ru m trsd Au n it all u o t :lroca lormar
.I DEAN 17 Nth dna.
For We. raltabla for Coal or Calm Thla ear has bean ro
bat • .hart U. rov the Pesarylratila railroad .bd Xlll L.
bold ea•aa. lavabo of J. H.. 11114 • .
J• Vor. shot el. •ad &doubt allot.
Situated. the corner of Water and Feny Mires, now or
ousted u a note.
gri t / Is offered at • met suede. For prim and
Real Relate Arnow
UNRRA • seN euarth etreet._
Wintol Harivano or Accommodation Patior to awl; at
of $2141.100. bovine from two to st: months toron, to
aunta rave In( from I_oo to $l.OB.
Also, Bonds and Modems& on Improved City properly,
(clear of lomirobranca I to amount of $11,600.
lit rt , PAP/lii.—s4 roa to lowest to ail ( .deed Iron' Paint.
hating from its to testy* moot b. to inn.
HANOI STUCK ►dK 000,0.
07 '2lO of M and M. flank Stook ;
10 'animas* Bank otock ;
al or Monongahela Inanracca Mock :
' • 15 atkam Moroi.; Inaorsne• nock ;
XbILIMI PenOniVlll3l• r 0.11.1• PC• • II:WIN
AAA, to It lei, IN A; CO..
Mock and !Idian
JAMMU I'o rt k atm..
48 810 NPA E .—VY heruaB,
LIMON, of the City of tlitaoutei, di ou tUe
Sth of December, • voloutery asolgument of all ble
arty, real, potential old mixed. to the modarolgued, for the
benefit of to. mediums, all pereorte todebtadlo mid Jamas
Lemon are r. guretod to stake Immediate paymeet.
triw beetl' claims or demand. will make known theamot
without delay to P.C. Athilliffll4 COII, Amigo.,
Jakibrlmeto No. 112 Maimed at
of asitalolatraUon baying! been granted to !bomb
armor upon Ilse Estate 01 ALEX WADE', decraso/,
.11 perste& lodsbted to said WAAL will make payamt to
sae fortbaltlL and all pereatu baying rialtos agelost the
weld Wats will present them to /e fereettlemvol s properly
antboatembet ELIZA A. WADEL,
lalfbew Admialetratril
TCIE PARTNERSHIP, heretofore exietiug
I. between tbe awls Mimed taalet sbe style of BAILEE,
111.1(AIN & 00. wee dteeolved by mettle outmost, on tbe
Aral day of January, 116 L The busineee of tbe Atm will be
settled at doer tomer cfbees In gouro ralsLureb, oleoe
all putt& bowleg claims egeloat ow • e 4.410.1 to prevent
• them lasooeliatsly for payment, wad per.. kyr , wloly
Themselves tot. Indebted will phrase tall nod aetlle their
ereobuts. JAM
. .
A SSIGNEVS SALE.—The underliigLcd,
Aadra. !lotion, eap tm, t,k exalt lc
tale, on SATURDAIT. lb. Ydtb d.r at January next, at 10
o'ciwk a. es , at tlok ANS. of Lewis DOsall • Do.. 88. It 111
bP Mt, If. kalorlog pruperty.aittyttrd In Itharptbotir
Ua. 11/1d IMPLLIZIU 1.101411 01111 .boot or".
fouT/ha of ter sem .
Ous Doable/mph DIVELIANO DOW): AND 1 .07. 46, .4
DI het.
Ore VACANT L 01.44411144 tvot
140 00pra4r SUOPIL
Alm, LOT IN C10:11111V1 LLCM irei ry 100 Get
Fur putlrularr, see tLevedo4o4l, .1 U. Ll4lll,
Aralgo.• cf aLd,.. Lott*
FLarp4ors, D... 21, MC dor utl
XECUTOR'S NOTIC6I.---Notice is hereb—y
i given abet torten Teenonentoth Open the Watt of
afflPtlllN th.thiNELLAN, lath of itortPy of Pittebouti,
d.weared, hare been granted to the aaberthred. All
peewee ledeleed b , said N.. are neyeeoted mite pa,
west immedlstely. and II we haring claims or doormats
egathat the rotate of the maul decedent will mete known
eeme wltbcot delay to 10111411 MOWRY,
Jeln:d• • Knew:dor. NO.IIIO Water ea.
DISSoLUTION —Theca partnership here
tots. nitwits betwoeii Owl podorelgand In The bboo
sod I.eathrr basin., adder the Intim sad style of II
01111411 4 CO. was dimmed by ten nal C0P.1.114 on 31.1
lineentbor ultimo, by to withdrawal or Asa P. Cut, s.
tither of lbw Ism pastors It folly anti/016nd to wine the
bookers of Ibe ann. sod to no, the naoloatehlp time for
Mat por,ow. - 11 CIIILDII.
/19.4 P 011ILDN
i l
P ta`wrgb, J... I, 1361.
, M. B tgwitts (111 6.!•3L
LIE UhiDERSION ED have this day' ihrSs
in' 0 .pariberehlp coder lb. style of 11 OdILDA •
Ou; nod . 111.
IS, continue the W OOLESALB *OOO aI;D
LliaTitill BOBISLYB , a. their old mood. No 133 1
airset,Plttaborgh, Pa.... , HARVEY 0111LDB
%Pittsburgh, Jan 1. '614,1/4 al. 8 LO wall CUILDPI
. &rants I. generally lobented, pet pgedble
2m, moo with • whoa.. .nand % amtlitlanou boos.
lam Iron Din 91x4 g mo Improper dlet,esposing tinno
ineptunc gess, or malaria; or from Inactive dlsse.
, all of which Impair lb* sluing al the blood, render
lag It thlclom M meal ed as/ imed. l rraptlen. break 4Utt,
upon the rot lam of the body. 1. thlarangeacy natbMg 1.
so 411:0240011 ea 8 ANDO. SkiISkPARILLA b panty qbe
blood, prawn • heathy &cannon, •treogthen the fano.
Ilona ensue of Um skisu cb, and effort • pubs{ Col •
hypared sod add 'dy A. S A D. BANDS, °maid., )ILO
gallon Snort. Nevi Tt rk. _
Bold snobs it A. FAUNIINDOON A 00., POIDersD.
gold also bs Druggist. pseud IF.
RAVING purchase' the entke Intireetlot
1.1 toy latf what. In tip brio of Ikiloy.ll!Kela a
Co • 00 ° rr.r.'9d t . fonhat to oar former outman
and • dawn& of B.MOorah and tielnity pairally, •
nomar quality of 00aL NOW COAL, /MACS and COBH,
Ord•r• ant throng It lb. let
oleo irtt at rho Homo of the ilutornadt. la Bridge or
at th• Mod., • alt be attanded In •Ith trun.ptpaa.
Gol Mork. and Ordof alta•Md to Booth Pittsburgh, 4n•
gnats atom tbe Moto ocelot& Bltdp.
Jalidhad JAMBS M. DAII.W.I._
wrvuotrr PAIN.
Oold I. the time otop th• oKoala an too
to Ito bat siv.sisse•
gangs:sten and their &mil'. bad thtdr to th
lattOPiad by my proms., and or. nody to notify Of to
pnlnlean on mall se the mho, of tto operstip.-41 t o.
ho bans fold by aroma ialorortfit In maortiog
(nay, as hating no knotri•des oi m 7 prom.. • • '
. AI?!!ICSULTIMTII hooded In ovary
E. OIIDAY, Derratiat...k_
fan las Maltheakt •
Wall Papa. Wayelaoilao.
and Ocala, ST Wood: Oran, between Porno eta at
aa4 Diauxv4 whoa many be loam% an tottenafiroamort.
meal of nay .4ssa of PiPaa OAltl3.llUß,lat
lam. RAN Dintiaj Booms sad Ohambara. Also, Win.
Wade; la veal variety at bond winos to country deal
aid t •WALTaIt P. DIAII/113ALII.
13 A.I
IL L. EUY. FARB ELI 1.4 43E,C0., ,
A large assortment of artits
pertaining to the business, with 11
Abe miprovements. ; I .
W. •& D. H UfitUti v •
• er of Market siwi Fifth stroll,
Igy ff . 8321
All-Wool Di Lobes!
Figured, F11:114 and Plain CoLoad
WOOLEN 15.003:18 I i.
Striped Freaoh Shawid!
All or the 'bore rm. ere the ere, Dr!? tkiNo:
W. Ai. MMUS% IPTLI AHD 4 01 . 11#
q.ID.;HUBUV, 00R-Nal rurrq 4FJD syssiver A
W. 000 OORNIR . 1 , 1111% . IND . 100'10
W. ID. euGuroiiamix:riirri AND .DIAJANir
'CISOOSRIBS-- , 50 h prithe N. 0; ,
to bble R.f1004
Osok lgor,
• ';;', .;
1 0 0 14.b.P;110;io.N11.1. roof ai Oak o aroryeloo,iy
10.4 1416 8 . Itolllllo4 4-03
'TURKEYS AND CU MK 1018-40. box
is itasel.# Turksyn and Chian* Jed iiec for
SW' ISIJOAtt-,23 MO.. prinittp. , QW
we, *Renblivalebt_ , ~- . .':
'. . ..-. _NSOUip#4II,IIF4IIOOII4IIII.
JACOB 0818,
Na LW north ming. near Elmlthaelt
Long nod "SquaTe
AfiTED--At tbi! noose - ofßefor, •
mia.tometa. osigat.;ma 14.ftirsas. - ambito
• aerhethlt.' , Nome ~. *WI cit.. they phone*
stee:miandlee. A. Ow* ex.o would be yr. erred.
'Apotethhihe huhltattaa pee TtitmleAti:Jets Sith. 1,211tt
3:oll:4lgentei ,liirantedt
To O&NW11P8 ►OS
11.131/17 AINTYPOFIILAR 1100ZI
which ar. said
'.SE Won S die MOST SALE
'. ABWIL /XXIMP 1.1181,121f51.. RIO isow oar
.13. play
Fronk $50 , 10 SIM per Month..
la• give oar , krolo the WO ' LEralan ootira.q. or oar
groom Orr Noy aim to matron /or partlratar•
mod 11.takape of Hooka Witinar:
O.•W. 110 NT 'General ,Agent. -
Room 34 Gitrard . Houle. -
N A. We barr.iurt 141.1..b.4 aulf,Ntleux of
New and Beaw.nulStyleof Binding,
gotten opospreraly fur ABrmtM awl Nonruerro
iirNOLNaipto may ate Jiquar at airsrd Num
12 to I and from to 8 1.. JINNI
WANTED-Actifsip ustorise Men, to take
Three therm is o Cavill Oa:open', and ameba the
truelowis. Location _lnoriong*ela River. Isoproiencenin
le good working order. rot orrealern inquire of
geld • 11.SHRY R K WO, 11 ober, 47 St. Chdr et
sattonu2st at Rata.
No. 139 Fourth at , liowrio'a Law Building
profllen, No. T Ortaut 6t ,
Late of But-ler, P. t. Loote a Ludlum, Pa
Piti. , ligh, Pa. Ottusiu Mn.tijo' Boliditz corner of Filth
oLd W, Ito Streets. nolikAly
()WOWS P.P. 11 A t0LT.N......L..RA WAIN W. 6.OIISSON.
INSco No. LW Pourth Argot; PittobTOO; Sikkid
C. 13. M SMITS,
Attorney and Cddnettllor
No. 13 Dittioond Street,
odtlalnani' Nest door to Bt. Petoes (Thumb
Cam, No Id 6 Fourth strot>Crx Qs rc
nal baling, p A
Ztobts, 11an44, Grata, &c.
A . 8 R A 33
Manufacture. per 7 ...Alio( •
ace. eecr. aro.
• tr...
Sole Propr i etor of the celebrated
A R AlvotxtuvrA
Office and :ales Retta4
No. 4 Wood Street.
jutly , ciITeIIIMOOII, Tn.
DD 1 It .1 N &' 4 OA,
• 11A3UFAtiURICR8 OP '
000 R, PA and i3t. KAT LNG
Warehouse, Federal Street, near New Path
veneion Orloge, &UUSGIWNY CITY.
We oak the attendee fetZli to t ohr tarp assortment
o G - atting and ffeattog St for Woad and Ocal, trbkh
we .re ielhog at the lowest ifrlces. Than elsltthl our Ms
aid red It their edrants a di to give as • roll a LT•Erlibe
ear stook Wore purchasing Woe here.
Out boa Hates /root., ItteSdaldne, Stake, Hellos Ware,
wa.,al Baulk
Plain and Fancy Grate frentil,•Fendera, eta.,
Oastitqa of RN ktpdo loodó to orlor.:
jrlfelid f D. DS RAVEN t SON.
V AL 4_, Icy *otr any,
1 6Varethouse, No. 02 St. Clair street.
LOR and II it; IleCrlrOVld, Parlor and E Irrban
met., Iloilo. Wet, LW:wBit.4 'tad Ob. POO tor, EoUing
1181 Natingallill aAI 1uz.:(1.4, Water and Artisan Pip,
Bed Ire., Dir boat Weiibo Bon:a, pow Retain. Pab
Jerk Menem Car Wheels, Canyllege, inn Outline par ,
all,. Al.; Jobbing and ldiebtee Oaelloge made to order.
rerouted Portable ■IU., Steam or Ilona Poem..
. a lt AT ;5 Alto
oil3e, . 1 ft .* *
13I88BLL a CO.,
NO. gat% LAB CRTY wrltinicrr.
oil, Parlor and illialost 3Cm. Cooking anagilly
Fine and Common SoamolatGrato /mutt, Foods's, Sao. lkeu
Tb. eolobnard Coal Cook Stoves,
"Victory" mid "Triumph,"
owl Wood Cooking &over, t
"Black Oak" laid "Voted Items.",
The "Ce4*(4" and ."gagle".oookin*Sangep,
wan Etydraialto or Open Dollar%
whirl are more exteselesly be see Is tar dry. "4 Molt,
them soy other Rang., •
Tbs very IPiixeoot; ICnarkolaci Orates
that can be node suyerbeel.,l {Mons bolbllscASe Smile
will plass beer Stee be miek
4116,, ties sew and Wm:MN Parlor Rose. -
the owl !swot Impronetnett in tlit.woy of Putar NM*
, _
now ostant. ,
Tigotiow with Des atm), Ten J' Mirro r ,lloothig
ate"Lawisdrz . Bloom, friestUni Zona. Alionsiowsoffly
BARS . MILI.S.WhZu.:I4.ns, .11.4 u BOILIIRS, ono!
DoollB.thorets god Poker. ot Mops; SLOB 111880,
Ston NM Vault Mop.
Wiwi-Hooey Cainlntites AND Fumact;
Ws eat orresswwwit fir LW liyaihstidws tart is ow As '
Jacob Orals.. *Wiwi Onto.. To. RKtlaa WI osO. • •
- Tie pantie we respectful IttorttrO .to all sad woods!
eV ostsostro stock. •
' 111138X11.4 CO. •
„ i p olgiet'Welitt":‘
Z 5311 %.0 3 ,5 .C.54.°4‘ .-- 4. dok ”
A Bll,ll oPerin
vet W e.
, it
• in. , 349 :LAND GT
awn r,zuvairzi
liapartinl wail battled by blinestr, witisited pat, aid the
[MI go.ltp , with Ma on the
61! bed) taut.) cork.
Import.a..d twiini 6y tair: put ui O id ._.."*" 3
with blecertliesto oo • Pun: ;
witd of th e t retalny: P.
WINE. ••-• •
/ . "Sefeld and bottled by 62,14 the WACO r.t.
_ .. .
Importer! and bottiral py IllstliolA to ptfrito Out ibortkioat
. Oxt. tem tort wino. oror Wornd to thi trade to but..;..,.
, ,
, Cos. I'llte *too Is orotritatod poriloo . tty- , poi
AU lb. slam trAttu tod Odrholi wittsiOttaA
• - pos • owl of I tow qaclii.
TaittunLio. ' ' .
wfU •a•k• my repohkUou'ilis • Ram my staadlacms •
Wrotaat Alm pat re•r• thikttsy et New orb,
um, whit I pledge awl MU to Mat my owl, sky
end my e.ctiti 4 1.1.0 y. m 14 .0* lw !Wed span bY
ivory l.Ornll r :
rhpoletos who 110§Whnit104 POOke,
amid eye tie pwstetrote to thew arUcloa -
::.yon vol. 11,1%11 nopothibl•tongest•••A ApstswA
172t•pAttAtairtr nod talpskar of Um tlrNwy ArewssAte
= •-, • . 3111,111•D4 Of limy* strmt,Yor TOIL
Ire tabby_ • 0 IMO= U. KRIM,'
!plus BUBSORIBRWaroaId reaper-tray ciati
ids attatitkro af . hh crlsida es 4 InVO,H. 1 9 1 01 INK
. . . . ..
. A .
ND •
R „
0 o ..
b ..,_ i . o
compodog tbo neveatkeslwk t. p t P a t
p A:,
OCineStie . 0,054 ton:Onnitan tieo;4o2o7o....:Aliotifnllnn•
soOninnit or Boyne ainA IN'atathu•
thing ,
kept oposenony on Unit : inttintie in nyiipi or,
tlot Ontoilti bl . . _ ....;!i.7 . 'i 'ln*Rs4: l .
- PSC --. - , _.7 -- • • .-4 • anon sad It OW otn, -`
QUNDB II O3I-0A1134t42,Nzt-
COON KRAgebtes.
, notzurunt-4b 0 ,,..
,DURO APPUM-40 0 1: olf WS- Rio Draphis
7 1 0- ' 1 00 . 1 1 111 Pna tAFM1140,14,,
"?I'4V 441,
_ 'Amason= Isiza„
(119kInlicK S SlaT, womenoiNg MON
N-F gi".* T ,
- •• •
Worth' liestrels, Ina SNOW
'Wan. MOM
MiresWA V, Proptiolon, 4nof Morn. Iltmaism Itotr.
"virritti lilt Pillingilliß:—Chealla leeks A
WiNter. IOW& -lista,* 0: ItoyeablA avow W.
V. P. Itatonr, A. Jaws, IL T. FM. li. 1. nallt ,l =
too, 0. lorol4. V. ClotAitkvA ProII.WILAANANALL.I6OnIi;
and W. koollmoy. -. •-
Vor progrovuovt oto4olt W.
Tktwfet vegan Doors opts st, O r 4/1. dote*
to coossoseAst TM.
011A11. Luciana. LAM.
CONCERT 144344, FW EL sm.
ono vnuoiro,!uimxo
livery pets= visiting the Donis. Wtzana.
11 A M RI? J E R,
we. be soUthid to a outotof la dm areal Oft Itafortio
moot, obictielll tato piss liamodlotoly %Me Ys mans.
,tho List of Mfg atonal tomb alelit: imbots orla
bo drawn by s imitation ',Meted . b the sodimas.' T
Primo ow to Nell at tbs Wisdom of thalkoodooky
rut undo the dorm moot 14114:-
Admingion 25e Children 150.
- -
DT°oft a eft eobt*: wmaruaimpleik
BITIriBUEI3II ~.Tll I Al' 11.11
PA". as too& Door. opts at 7; outgo,
lan an oat • e Et i
TJHI anima. vs
Woman in White! Woman in White!
Woman in White! Woman in White!
Dranallsid horn Willis Colltoo• oolobrolod novel.
no Blvd Cowpony all sport In the production. "
Acb3=4ltort Rbbattsruintts.
slide Rooms,. Fifty Cells Pir Dip
City Hill Square coutarotPrankiCktt itt.,
, Emma. Oty f/a13.1
I '
itealft,“ they shay to ordered ha Oa • • • , Itolbetory.
Yam It • Daboths Stoop awl Allata Naar • • Who
N. B —Beware oat Rune era sad : itabanitaii
who shy S. era Mt.
ocaTOY4 . R. vision, , • .
• ' cpaiglisoses '
... ... _.
DA AltllB D1AP1118,4 , .
ONSUM R 8 OP' RIOHAR 1 : 11 , ' II Lill-
F .
. 0 c MN& awl &ratan af obadatat • annuls
MS, Avoid • dam the oatlelea Ory ,• , mom&
al WO the ha of Maar.; •• .- ~ .
J. If. 011aSINION; i on al
oa a tat Ow antablossattlantlialliella
SLlamaths to matted- amatially a .at
oosatithraf Wain sal atimothe Mum Ns
mow altar mama sad araall arab MS IMMO 1/1 "ii tildia•
50N„..14 kith kfahanotha, tossallar at Ws Wary dna
Walla% .Mom tba Ansa.; alasomor awl ths anaulto—
Wert of the claming Gouda. 510 sot ero4lll otaallata
blather on proftobta while yardheato pa • towed ah
wah Oatitaal a worthlitaaharaoter. ' . •
, • . , J. SULLOOIN ai. IL LOOM,
welklya ' I . Area 114 tondo atm; Nam bah-
libitatielptta attatuisMnitS.
B . 4 N T S i
" I n a ls
AND 411111111011. - •
11111101tah9eaD 'IS QUALITY AND 1117111010..
IMMO TIM 11W10lg1arr ASS Bial PIMA
In asyll hklj tried,sal eivea maw the lase .
Übe digestair Sagas. latgovate the bleed. stye
anal totaad tree the, assn. cad odd to
ofad - Menerioes Brgeln. lb slate vis
avetivebeehlamald 1.3 vanaerlll Newnan
sliasllele, teaks WI sea vslalyabasetal g.
II Wants notaleamet to the body when se Mama
be Wakes. faestahea the image witi.tht la *truly
nesarliable ovaser.
Pip,OONIIIIMPTION and al 081128/118,
Pip 80101117.1.61.11 t b LwP atto. p;
WEAK&&IS. mama sad ceefj . A
DItfiILITY. its carman peepertha as ma
2 :F ... be t, 'lakes without alma* ha the
cab lad mislead wham *Shea la Um moo
vs etemeelo Ir. espartatitg la la*Sra ether
haverteat ebev.cterletke remaeasiaash
r.odltttttbcoma»adalbsol the Tars ralsefel
Pltriehas threvalban the Stan thwasttlea teat,
away of 121.1 leallty of tu bertimmt!eAstheekt tits
Preforms of the .
UNIELLIII27 OP PEN21377.r..111/.4,.
Parta-DWltira oataMit asnzatliroad
• .
lanai& should he castlol ta pavane all'et of
4eabted 111010Itkm,If Mrs Nage she wet sake and
immediate @Evenly's. el the ready. That slab we
prows hie dievaled traideaeve of- maparkealy .
alloy bread.: Yeistbetared ealyba
30/3111 O. BAENA a el. — 7;.1
leiaesteve sad Dashers ta lhavp.Obeialeale. ayII
, 144 Meath Tatal r'
num Gloom Haim
VlLLormi anwrida at lowed prink br
NortlbWast sow had sad MILL, imemola,
11.11111r1 Plella4alpllollA.
1117017811" SOWS.
. . ,
-- 5a4%. - vAbris
Mo. US lloffo Irma Mu& PhtloolbilobinTiL
I .
• mho regolorly,'W oda.* thole, imionani
Tbeigtouth* of Ontmg6l,4lltarm!‘ stamin:in WWI
Pianoi,•azia bislodeo.s
ctly 3r. ler tc avr NE law.'
Odd Mows'
Ts loosequeses a UMI See at Irani woottsr,
CllltLerti. SUMS
sat 'wears Temallsaaft ^ - IftW
' ""•
Gt:R PIA 111,0 1-‘,
JUST R.10E1172D, a ;superb eiszved
• ": OCTAVE •
• - • .
OW. ceictampita 50ur„.21404q11.111
• This Is one V - Motel NSW i PIQY D CRAW
slash 1101011111113 WO & lONS YspJMtssilisdl . I
1111D11.41 Os late Ilislit4,s . st -11 . 1ssissasintis
oits tails* Is sail mil ow this *WY lir
strsimist albs fsmot.uot' , •
• ..103E1 altaLidni.
A ',Sill Ilis e ir sa ;dshishig,_ lobe etsth All'a Shei
A $5OO !Pa 'llia for $350.
4111R141V 31411.11 1 / 4 1111L ' .
MBE SUBSCRIBER has laid left adval' - his;
ler isle, by slimily steel le 15.,. the Whale el /
RosiEr.woccit cL&Rvir.iii)Eq..Nute
Oat originally 5300,.
sauikao tam ni au warreur in'.
sed herbed the beet perable etre rebut rf IL' 7E le pe._,
het order, boob hrwedisakie and zerearst..46 *el. Ira
GOOD-All Arc It mut es ilreame e/ se are ig -
OW. I at tb• RaPPOIMON Os am aux shav
, mum
dal*" - 31 Woad amt.
01 51
s a g opA. am dock a iliiadpi i ii „
~ • NO, Tit Piiiiii - :
. 0 , & wow.
lo apia, a am it i = iik,„ I
kr) iltAT.VIE;.1:11111 - PILLEL.4. ---
US 11164. AIND MLA =lawn' 441/4
pre4444 imodiebs.'444.o.4lll Imltilingetibw :-. , ...A.
41441 be eli.nwelisme.vikkl=makeivis :...7;'F,
madwietbsimillptiencingelles • 11 4114 IF , f ;"-f
fuserlbot - aaftgarof Ara - !Ar s 44 l ir . ',',.. - k
their AV* Chef:tam walla IWO Ai 144064 Air:, ' e..;
e i th. Do . ap* ado daoando mi „ IA all NIA 41104.,' ~ ..!"24 6 ,.
11244 9 4, "ROAN AML .. -14as Alkcskzztk4;",,vS
-148440461:1111=4A 414•;m4.6614411 roll,_ ~;::..,,-•
en 049427 44=4444 /14444. 4 .ppy h mt5m0 ,.. : ,,,,,i,,,
abb ompi . WI web Wasay. , A AO& Wok 4--'
.4.4496 !it 44. 4 4 0 . Ise `,.:,--
Dr.4oll4Ttir .4A1141404 4. -:-Zi.
trAlmAir 4.0 arm At 11144 •I41 4 / 1 41r. =
a., aviatkom• 2414eirA6 A m oy ip i , ~ .
EWg4lll4fflory lOWA A 14,4.4401401A14044€4, -,-.IJ.
.aaig bi De: W. IL Italeiglak_
TaltOrad Iz:hada 149. 4 smA Ammo .
areitclu, — ..,..._ 75 bazes Read •
t," labs • •
2401. 1240_1**14116.0
bpi atiremamounsi - '
1- , .1‘ , A• .I.ll,llhuutmtlit
• 4 "