The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, January 19, 1861, Image 4

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    ~ ~ j ~ .
ONEURDit--1101951140; - TAN:
let!l i 1.0 thiffkOfitthary.b itetta.)
1 iLISJ WAltDe
.46) It«rth - -
Bet coir**ll. or/ * el* um.
'AMU maw Jar= 1.210 **sort% W. 3
Mite., maw la*.******th ti*****'• t. l .***
" i k..604. wad ampaioloo•te loos
i(tlle=MSS! wit) entroatitifela
TeliMp with 1491rrepasArr to We own,
Wboni reopocitlqg LAr emlanciah 6111
7*/4..rer V SU tallt titer Lb* Evidt.'•
WlN*lnerniall.oo tilt*the oirreed wore—
(s4o mg% auladorth east!)
Kay tor* to 4101-414 .7* 12 *** . * =PM* 1 1:***
Paull Unit eoWr=ws6 Ana wean i plum
Or ear, to tbir Want owaral Um.
they yet &spins
la redliatpathx• !ma tbett anun6lh4 IMMO,
,Z.b.glatoo*4ll•4llrazitts of the ustrru•S.
—Whir* Whim. both col jay and 1.4.• eioLtaa
Ignaratbdir,l•edie abik...l tun Aldan
And Rime, WWI tines—llk•••Pil that bal. 4. 1 *
Tpnbr dorteral pok*--tuore WV* Wet blirtug. flora,
- ,tad tharesto tkesa***l for ems Ids. race ,
rao—aeld ir AO—ldiom won% And vat% nerd ,
Vole tddisrla Ilieronhisug' t of their Lord!
—Who, theca iv, mitt motel the ITh mew;
Mew tenni? to *odd nn !sons
.Eimuthem t 6 know *team they' are Moro I
e CoriVention called'ieveral weeks ago by
flit ) Fri:4446m mirdsters of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny, Void the Professors of the '1 heel°.
OW - &thirsty, to promote a revival spirit In
tbe chtuthei, convened in the First Presbyte
thin Clurrel,l i and was opened with a sermon
by the Roy. James L Brownson, D. D., of
Washington. Pa—text . Daniel is.: 20-23.
At the:elide" of the Sermon, the Convention
witsmud:A by the unanimous choice of Bev.
C. Beatty, D. D., of Steubenville, Ohio,
for permaneht' Chairman. The Rey. J. B.
Hughes of the Bedatone Preabytery and Be,
I. A. Hays ot the Presbytery of Carlisle, were
elected Socretizies, and a Business Committee
of seven wereoppointed to prepare topics for
<discussion, dm Wednesday's morning session
was occupied irrderotional exorms' os and ad ,
- dreesses on theduty of humiliation before God
and confession of sins which have grieved his
Biuro ,
, theallernoOn the following was dis
missed : Christians so soon lose the
spiels' nuoqestatems of God's Spirit in their
hearts and in our (hutches, and why so few
am 'converted. The Convention, met at the
First Presbyterian Church, Allegheny city, in
the evening when the question, Whether tho
faith vend efforts of the Church for the early
stelvalion of childruf be not below the Scrip
hnlltarriuit of hope in their case, was taken
up and ably discussed in the presence of • large
, and deeplY interested audience. Thursday
morning the Convention reassembled in the
Dieishyterian Church of this city, and
0 : 01 h1:4 1 1 44 the kind of preaching that will en
sure inumeliate and large results '1 he after
noon scuba was devoted to discussing the beat
means , of
. Specruing and promoting • revival,
followed.hy_an interesting discussion of family
redigion-te , conducive to the welfare of the
Ckerchi The evening, and closing aission,
Beryls* yrs held in the fiectind Presbyterian
Chisch,on Perm street.. The co-operation of
Illdows.•14 .private members of the Church
was the Over two hundred delegates
wan in , iittendance and much interest was
manifest 6 the Services throughout.
StaisfteehorY stated at -a eolportage
'meeting that Contd. Colour bad assured him by
letter thatbe was as much In favor ofdell and
religious litterly,es any nose England, and
nothing „ 4 sionill , be , wanting en his part. Us
made fays'able mehlion of the Italians who bad
seceded iron Some.
his deputation or the General Assembly
of the Cbdrolt of Eloialand sent to Russia, on
their Tatar., recommends a missionary to be
suite 81 Petersburg, to minister to their coma
, teleran ridding In that city.
—lt u encouraging to see bow Protestantism,
which seats religion of the Bible, naturally follows
the astatine's . of the demotic pewee' in Italy.
Many Cheircbea have already bees enatilished is
the direst this,. where Walidensiso moister* are
preachiegithe pare Gospel. These people,•whoin
the Chart* of Rome cruelly persecuted for century
after, coning, and whom Pope lanocent lli. de
taimitled to cut' off from the face of the earth,
beceese'they rejected the ordisances of that cor
ruptphrriph and imintamed that the Holy Scrip.
tures, timer costain all that is accessary Ice sales
bon, are now, is this Christlike rePSYhIII
to Italy the persecution they once received:
--The old law al Sweden requiriog parsons
to, he Laberans Oa' pain of banishment or other
punishment, hue boon aboliebed. No one, hew
- ever, cau leave the Swedish Church before his
eighteenth year, or before be has gloms notice
to htsiisigor. Mementos* are forbidden to preach
sm?itinii religion than ?be Dtaltenn beyond
the Radish in which they reside.
=Among thol3haters, in the South of In.
dis,it t said that 50;000aools have abandoned
idols sod worship the only living and true God.
- Itt all iildt4them are about 450 miesionsriee.
--Her. N. L. Else, D. D., of Chicago, lull
received a awaimoce call to the Fifth Avenue
Presbyterian Church, New York city, of which
, Dr. J. W. Alexander wee formerly pastor.
- Rey. Dr, Henry Philpott has been
appointed to the bishopna_of Worcester, Epp
land, uodired variant by the death of Dr.
P 9 Y 0 k ileicitsendly 'considered to belong to
the 1 " 64 13,"ri'll‘Plirt7: '4.
attention of the Beglielt government
hasibediaallcd to the ittiolenutee of • Spate, be.
canoe of the unbending
_bigotry of this papal
poser 4,
---Bithep,Siropeon preached le the Liberty
Street,.:slethodiet Episcopal Church on Sunday
midst the , 18. k • The sermon 'wan equal to
, • • -
the flute et thie Alatiagabhad minister, and was
lietened,tolty a large manatee.
4111 e ScHirt(Celifoinia) Advocate contains
Gulellotring remarks is relation to the ezhor
bilatll,4os ithe Whelks in that country:
.4il,ciatroots twcoboiies ems itaandleg and
natured to make &powerful atm tuff/tot a change.
Mom, ticked law, so that Boman Catholic' schools,
aark-bitasucish u treanebt be well helped, other do.
nciadbadonal, !thuds say meths appropriations
freta•Stede. . This gay Wire was tried to the
clay oI SS Ban. Fieurlseo 11101114 years ago. This delf
t:ice of the Cattueles•••poeas, lagto.nsomtity, call
yommin-i-ls no am thing. The Anuriemo
ilyeteeti s of eenimonsehool educatioo, we admit, Isnot
edettlila instruct Roman Catholic' children In
•An,sarlas, aed in tile devotions of the olossuy
solthei hisit for Ike ohjset le diseiptios the youthof
tbellipd le the do g s' of th e
hut to.
_Ode, es„ „toe Iblity.htne Articles,' or the peculiar
Meets oi my este under house."
Venerable Rev., H. Bsebm, the trim.
elliticeeettealan of the sainted Bishop Asbury,
puska * so. excellent sermon Jut month is
I. hie 86th year, mid is in
ikardle9syment of Ida fortuities.
ay a 'aikidos resolution was adopted
unaeinsously at a reoent meeting of the Plash,.
esti .4 4 0. 0481 0 15 r _Patted Presbyteries
"if441,*4,1101, Presbytery memorialise the Gene
ral ditimobly braddress an admonitory epistle to the
eastrebse audit their ears to relation to the forme
d,'"lizioutsoosid emulating ottlits part id pro.
MOW tatztellgtott with Stistigtoui porsoas. , Said
oommittse to sot forth the principles of the word of
jtit Aererioen usbyterian eontsiii the
fefloOthogr • ... • .
Al las fruit: of the revival at Oahe Beaewieir
Island,, mho thin a hollered baelmilden have beat
reclaimed, three-fourths of whom were from other
teltseitik.,'Onsteroloodred :have : born ,reeeive4 - to
the tharehes, theta are hundred were to be *emit
tedo* Abe •ana flabbath Jecteary, a d-shoat liveMadrid other.
Madrid O th ers are regarded as eogiverts. The
whale dicer are eappreenee. Has, of the litor
sioakaad Catholics attend the meetings. • •
...i ,. _.,40/esittaltia meeting Of the Treat Booted
at the EpleeopelCharob, for tile 0cl:-
tidied clatter miaowed Is N., York or • thy
skull Aoderdlog to the Tresaurer's Report' ,
lb. ieoelptii tor Oe past year„ tooladlog the pal
: commencement, were
upesAlti,cirreof 4 ,q B . I:l2,htavioir
tiamoile of $1,281 - 75.. The eiroulettea 'Attie
qiiiiil*Sot,Ltootzthiprpariodical, is 4 . 7,000.
baudyeted to Oppropriate from tile's respective
444ealleOlhofote,ot:ly.00, to enable Mr. I J.
his earn tor: thicket.
.~. Ilrael,.who, according to hle belief;
110:01111tiomO:df ihititieoplored previa
ttlo slated An ;404 1111114Wity
. last 200.
t4keA /*IT rnased in b e a ,4 10 / 42-
atstaF throug h the
, .
of l b . . E d te
04 -
• 6;141110d 'store this one batik's& liMP•bioiiir
. 4 : ' •
••' - - •
meta,- -notair
wire_ • --4
„ e giv.iut
- ....404A14916,
4 - •' • Media'
• /o*, the 01
to,al ..4#4("ik!-7" ' •
dill '
-8,.....10hr1d_ piper alterle. that 30,000
Inoue ad' ittlitir' works defending -Protestant
doetrioes 0610 -all London in the
Span - 1;0 oguge and that itinty 'smugglers had
uodertaken to intratinie the'us. L
—74'oooolog to., the ColtitOtioiittimanao for
1881, skis the Freeman's JOttrnitie.the Diooeeee
of. Pittsburgh and Newark,. each,ttooanling. to
their otteetal reports of 1860 and 1861, halo
'suffered a fortune diminatiOn in the number of
ohusohte. I . The Freeman's • Journal .aiainte to
know thall in foot, the miming of ohtirohee has
inereteed;and that the almanac, le_ inaccurate.
it glese,.blowever, o 0 peonio.
Society' was formed in
Washington City, D. C., 14t month. The old
Congregational Church has been hired for six
months for puhlio worship.: '
—AI the stated monthly meeting of the
Board of Managers of .the ',American Bible 190
del" Nei York, thejles. Dr. Plummer, of Alle
gheny pity
. opened the meeting with religions
siereises. '
SIP 11/11VAIL VisiZATP6M theottine Newspaper snag
Motown' itettiatitan estensine a:m . 4MM* amanystlie buena*
MO, and Menet:sem ail ciesua, it eft= indantatente to edam
Yarn as ths hart medium throttaOrkira to met hk.Puttlid•
.411pr/a WZZK Y GAZCT27/ is issued sentry Whine.
dry and 3therday, on a tarp gawked Mt* mod contains in
Ottattion to am toms of um meek; a txterjhls• prepared and
rebate rtyttrt Vat! Atarkets, coinmeretal and monetary qt ,
lloint--.a it tlto bog amoutos:toia Nervily., is tho lOU
DiSLY.4IIO Dollars par manors, DNS to sabottook, as
IS% owl* pse wok, payable bottle Purina.
WaNKLY+OO 4 I Dollar par =ham, payable to adsorb*.
• copy Nat tors to persons Igor ea t up • dab 0.0.011111
tam ,
airAdvialeit Womb U. itrictly requite& awl no Ps
par wilt Os wet after the Woe op to whir& It ow psi&
MOOS of .Adpertisiiiig.
Mr re otlo Uri,
" went _ 1 75
.. " • ...... ..... 400
" o.oolb - 5 00
NI • •
" 11 6 09
Youlyadreatisenturiautllle t00tm0qw"..".0".5.
sO4. Sk olarrura, per sosesm.
Altlvertbeanenta with Cuts treble aim.
Geo. 11. Keyser
No. 140 `Wood Eldest, Pittsburgh, Pa
0V 0 0
Marah'e Radical Cure Tress
Ritter's Patent Tula,.
Fitch's Supporter Truss.
Self Adjusting Trusir.
Dr. Banning's Lace hr Body brace, for the
Ours a Prolsoo. Uttrt, rue., Siktoaktost 11131 BOW
, Weskoarks,
Dr. S.' S. Fitch's SilveT-Plated Sum,orter
Pile Props, fur the support and core of Piles.
Elastia Stockings, for weak and varicose veins.
nisti6 Knee Caps, For weak knee joints.
Ankle Supporters, fur weak ankle joints.
Susprisory Bandages.
Belf-lgeCting Syringe's; also, every kind. of
Syringes.Dl. Kitdlß has also a Truss which will radi
cally cure Minas or Rupture.
Office at his Drug Store,•No. 140 Wood at.,
sign Of the Golden Mortar.
41 161118 Ea preeminent fa tassel CUILOHIO DIFLICAS ICS
and km Instruments lOC ;DIA /NU* and almost every
ost.v n aTArt l iStraltY or .op po.S . rabaoigl
MUSA Yoe mats) porously 's( a very enyerks. Ived,alll
Pelmet free< f ewe. &Ogee, wherever an express ram,
oyounrealttanee of Ten Dessau. WA
' den No. Itri ikon atm% Ylttebargh. P..
DRODUCS-400 bus. Potatoes,
LIPPIXB-0.1 Wit Orsso apples,
BEANS-00 bbl. Whin &wok,
CID 10-10 bhl• „lie 0113•4 Oda.
DRY PRAORk3.-100 boo Odor.
DRY RITLR2I-200 bus choke Ywk StAte,
PEACILKSt—'69 Loall entock ; 1i0.12,
for ...iaby•L. R. (*RAPP,
217 Llberty
41 1- 1:1 - 141/KIES--200 bus Smell White Bean
.4,7 300 bus Mare tlev,Drisd Apple.
30 bbbt FILOOII valor. • O* 100 .•
000 bbl. bopnr, Eltel; • and Pcnily
— BOO b. prime IV_ IL.Cbeasey tor 0.1. by
Jal6B 11,00180 S a (O.
LQUNIMISS-50 liege priine lard;
4„, Dorm-6w. tiwi,
APPLICS--20bbls areeq. ClCANBltalligs-03 bblr
8101148-30 boils Whlte.:—Amt reed for wile by
• all 7.4141 s sad
LQUNDRIE —eliK.l46V-100 boxes W. .R. 4
la IdOLASSZS-60 Idda Molar
AUG ARI 3-60 Itbla 0, Weed, Samna ctias....l oi
FLOUR-100 bbla ltitra Paeans;
TILAS—CO tit (Zama' Mae Y Upson and Black Tear,
Alio, Coln*, Ulna Cotha, Sykes, t, Tobaccos, Stara,
Soap!, Candles, Wadtb•Atda,aC.
nod • , SACK A LAZAAR. ISA Marty at.
FISH -100 paalrageft, bbls. and halves, Zia.
3 large Msekrtel; 604 - o do dolt*. 3 Medium do;
pkit, mid buirs, No. 2 Medium Id mime;
60 do do • White NM mad Treat;
aot,lbis (*.La, Bey otlidead Umber. .
• 10 do No. 1 mai uceot...; 16.00 0 2 , sele-Mele'd 2 M
Int ode by • 014 1461112M62.d111PT0N.
CEDAR SCAVEb---6 balee;
MOWRY NUT Fir-13 welt ,
YILATI/110-3 Witt,
DRY PIDICHEt-1143.1e-ks, .
Dor landing Dam ter HO Wart, for cede DI
DOR -18elA8 WORRY d
PRODUCE Ws. eb oleo Green Apple
lb Ws Boteloy. •
.200 bd. Pop. 6o %Chuk. ". •
zee ee D 7 Apolls
00 do White 2900,
30 bozo. 6O ELI. choke Md.,
SI k.y I,,,trd--lor' Ls •
1•10- I..o.nnbr F. 243 Liberty at
FINE CON YEUTION Ett Y —lol.Xltb Crow
1000 . 5 arm Bonbooli • •
_ 10001bUrsam3irmtherrks;
• ILO* Orme' WWI , . plod Red' Allantad•—mastifsetned
!nib. for for by , REIMER. t ANDICILrON.
aka . No -SO Wano4.,• rt. CA.1.11.1411
Country Flnnuelo !
V hito nod Plaid-Flannels I
C. FIANSON 4)IIII. 76 Usirtst street
bblo. Xx.tra Superfine Mir;
A, mum. c.c.s. !wad cion, M.+4:
10 do l'oorl
.10 do Maio Whit. Dm.; '25 gecko do doder.
60 sp.4o;;ll.oquctse4gt Ploor.
FULL STOOK of Rag and Straw
tor. goo got. In/
41.° '
rA"11.1' 011/LUWICILa SON, I
~y',• ' No.llll Wool et/1.1. PlitAbtlfal
(a — KEUS--16 bbtr Flai l Seed;
2 bt.47lmo , bylkot—for We tf
• ' ' LAHB2BTt BEUPTOI2, ,
No.d it:
Q UN URIES-9, kega Butter,
ILDP loco au oaanl4 ol aege OATS;
lo sone rot by ;II
dotli m...avazu a A 1/11110ELII. 253 ty u.
AA. Itowed to Abair 11.• PrriN
110.. 41 4. 1 7 itsoitelf atoP opposite to
Fort.Wayo• Mew 16•11r* Pipes. code
ci0A.1.4 OIL I COALOILI-50 bble. Oboe
iLy-fth too:lab
' bbl
Oace•Stamd Coel 01:1-6, mils by
' JOHN 111 • r ILL 50N,153 bberty et.
EW .130FT..111931178EilaTING.Bius -
AN LaNo,
Limas; 1.1.n0t gbirt. Soo
erlots, 111E . Lgtinv, CtiOclur., as
Jslif ;..0. HANSON LOVI. 14 Market .t.
DS---300/bils. Dry Apples;
PSICH6PI.-110toesteelse 0 p
XIIIIID-40 bos4 I 1(001M11111AT
warm Pllllll5-10 labt, Gnu TEILTHIM-1601hr,
toiral• by f dot L.V.GRAPPDXSLIbettYitt
ettfAlSE._-1000 boxes rime W.
l000sm• 4.aborg. boxes Leah Delry.
l prima cutting CUMIN ill Ate
• ltrst street, sear gh)od,
forpli 1.7
.Meta inoteand IMAMS '... ..
,1351 do ' db . Atyp6l4 .. . _
' '206 Moil/6110 Soar,' 6 06 rave. nosh;
.., 40 !'.b/! ar"iiiin4";" le do taiii•v—rw Autry
BURPIWIF. I 4 ) & 00. are enUyig': !
i Flannels, Blank*, -
IN p§ 01' DRY 1300p8
Ins we they nab* tared eel pieg:ek.:
6 , ' CLUANllollLoll4l4llartit at.
A PPLES--50 bble. rork t3tate; .
11, 1061161e.imileas Mee* -
.10 44 , m6akim: o ‘ so ,APei Reei km. imi• OS
11411issollai . • • '
WOO- .0110811'11/LVEN'S
, ,Vwci,no4, lot sed
firerswar) iossidni
4, •
~.,..,,.., ~,1.,..5,..1:x5:a~.
~ ~
l ,
r RENT -)4 comfortable
!UWE coughtlng:: tit . ad
% I TT It' .L
•11110;1, sts =omit:
Ftittito and omOstalloii WAltkilOOrll Na
waf•k meet four tiat lei t. hlabt,tblitplito kat to atom,'
oximidlyg from Wotor . tu
t.rl t tma ou favorable lama. The ballMbitia at pionat.
ocruOted by Mews Inolth 'Dickey a Cu. Altpiy to ;-
dealktf Marta KIER. Propene Way.
LKT—STO is e, ROOM, Avol 52 St. Elk
piar I. A 1444, T A LL, 441 4.4 55 5 4 . 4 , 11145 1 El
41944 bf 4544 52 sad 54 At eh& arcet. with 44 1 444 . 441 4. 15 4 5 44
Omni WWI.. 411441,1M1it6 aoou. No aa sc.cha urade,
.1411111•11, 60 by 40.4444. 004.4.4 554 4 . 14.45 144,41 I
475 f _ F. MUM, N 4461 di. Clair at.
D,UBLIC SALE .— Notico is hereby gi •
If In al 'nom it may minim alai Ira foratorage.
at m 7 nada.% ala of Par and !tonne Iron, one large at
Ptaatorta Bales, es SATURDAY, Jan. lath, at 2 o'clak Torma ark, par inn&
111.0. BIJItItOWIO
initiations normal, Jas. atb,l 01. I.loitaid
:The sitidentigo4ni
Adnlartratoe of the Mate of 11.
JAldßlß,deed. offers GM' We • LOT 0/ GROUND to
flotnnnti of Seerioldey, contsinlog about tuella& of no
at re, on which to erected • good Montag, Wick Gol h ot
set* room.. It bolosly improveL In the bon pert of M
bOrdlith, sod convenient to the/Win:Ad Iliatton
J. W. P WIMP. Ationley st L.
490 Moil lOC Mtn et. Fitment
MILL FOEt SALE.--One of Clark's Pat
ent tioarto A and Afercbmt 111he.,mmptete In At .
t, be mid •try tor. by Om nit,s , ribera.
cod° MoBA NE A ANJ CR. N 0.124 PA,AnAI •
I , ti
LI ORSW: filth. ii. LK —it fine large, lio .o
1..1. tor Ws for wan of roe.
WUJa . ' i . tronooon. secnetny ac .
CELLAR TO ENT.—A Fargo Vane rulTei ;
ILI our Warehouse, suitable ter the storage (JAIN Sage-
Maumee, he. - Will be rented low.
J. R. maniere A 43 , 3,1
oat 75 Wetter .ad rt Pruitt it.
A : Wntin. sod 08
scriber. It Is adi
Velum. Pcseeent
VOR RENT IR L %ASZ—A comforts-it
11 ed. sumer( IC to itt Tearethip, wilolotog
the madame •of • lie• oat, IN, h.•log eight more,
Two aorta of yroood. ti • y all planted with choice tiolt,
Octopi Attar, Stablitt. iwthimi 4
'• Jail WAIT& WILSON, 26S Liberty at.
lOWA FARMING LAND.—Tbe subachb
1, en Whir Car sale on Ginernbin terms sin hundred Derr.
Mob. Voids, rittinted in Wright and Ilsneork counties,
sitinoout to linb• of itallromb now In 0011 r. of construe es lapd,ono Creel only two mitre from County nest. 1
e shore will bo sold low for cub, or exchangell for
lug limas In thin or wijolulogrontillso.
polo Molt4Nl A ANI6II. 124 Sccoririp.
. Volt SALE—That splendid Residence
E with Imp , Lot el droned, Print Tree* sad shrub ,
Dory, attested within two mtnntee Intik of the WI Ins
i 2 , Relit -owl Stilton. The bentimie Ism awl Itstehed le
ern style; e present eactipled by Moors Metopes,—
tll be *.'hl on reseoneble brew. Apply to .
.leskthe.te st Paolo.'. CC," me 6th A 11.••.1 •Is
Scrofula, or King's Evil,
is a constitutional disease, a corruption - Of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated.
Weak, and poor. Being in the circulation . , it
per.iodes the whole body. and may hint dut
in disease on any part of it. No organ is tree
from its attacks, nor is there one which it May
hot destroy. The scrofulous taint is variosisly
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the - depressing vices, Mid,
above all, by the venereal infection. Whist
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the eon
, stitution, descending from parents to chilcmen
unto the third and fourth generation ; "
it seems to be the rod of Ifun who says; "I
will. visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
their children."
Its effects commence by deposition from the
• blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
• the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
tubercles; in the glands, swellimgs ; and on
• the surface, eruptions or sores. This foulgor
' ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
the energies - of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous Com
plaints, but they hove far less power to with
, stand the attacks of other diseases; comae
' quently vast numbersperish: by disorders
which, although not scrofulous sn their nature,
are sfill rendered fatal. by this taint in the
systeM. Most of the consumption which de
' eimates the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination; and stiany
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys. brain,
and, indeed, of all the . organs, arise from or
are aggravated by the name cause.
One quarter of all our pea le are scrofulous ;
their persons are invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health ta undemtined by it.
To cleanse it from the 153.4M:111am must renovate
the ' blood , by an alterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy food and exMoLse.
Such a medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsapatilla,
the most effectual remedy Which the mLrdical
skill of our times can devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal minds. It i 4 com
bined from the most activeveractilals hive
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and the rescue q the
system from. its destructive coriselpiences.
Hence it shoidd be employed for there of
c. , ; ,
not only Scrofula, but also those other affec
tions which arise from it, such as Ea re
Rost:, or EntratrEtas, Pturtas, PUS CLEM,
BLOTCHES. BLAINR tmd Dolts. Tenons, Erten
ICIIEUMATISM. Srrititiric and Idanceatt..4 Dm-
TED Os IMPURE BLOOD. The popular belief
in •• impurity of Me blood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The,
particular purpose and virtue of this SersapaL.
rills is to purify and regenerate this vitil fluid;
without which sound health is impossible it 4
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
are so composed that disease within the range of':
their action can rarely withstand or evade them.'
Their penetrating properties search and eleanse,.
and invigorate every portion of the hornan organ,
correcting its diseased action, and restoring
its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these
properties, tho invalid who is bowed dolor with:
pain or physical debility is astonished to !find
health or energy matured by a remedy at once scr,
simple and inviting.
Not only do they cure the every-day cotnplaints
of every body, but also many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The agent below lammed In
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing Certificates of their cures mid direct
Lions for their use in the following coniplainta ;-
Costireness, Heartburn, Headache grilling from
disordered Stomach, Nausea, /ndigese it, Pala
in and Morbid looelion of the Bowels, Fiandenryi
L 032 of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred
compl.tints 7 arising from a low state of the body
or obstruction of its functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral;
Conchs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness?
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumpr
Lion, and for the relief of Consimptive
Patients in Advanced stages Of this
1001111 (hem Cocoa Ner;
. ... . _
Bo wide is the field of its usefulness tied so nn
mesons are the cases of its cures , tbkt almost.
every section of ceuntry sboutuiwin pe NMI pub
licly kno wn , who have been restored fr m alarre •
ing and'even desperate diseases of the 1 age by its
• use. When once tried, its superiority Ter every
other medicine of its kind is too apparen to escape
observation, and.where its virtues are own, the
public nu longer hesitate what antidote te employ
for the distressing and dangerous affe ons of the
pulmonary organs that are incident to o ir
c climate.
Whi)e many inferior remedies thrust, upoo tbe
community have failed and been die ded, Bpi,
has gained friends by every trial, conferred bene
fits on the afflicted they can never orget, and
produced cures too numerous and too emarkable
to be forgotten.
eager 116Arket NIA Wut idi!
150 WALE!. O.
• 611bblo. Ballad
GOO 0 Woo PQrlioo Moloorr,
100 0 mooned WA G & Pygdps,
SOO bop 110 OA* • •
20 pocket Jots Oodwo •
no bodes ouloklid bnuidi Soboooolc
211eolt6a do . , do
160 bolfebod• Young Hymen nod Blot
1110 ootty boar do do do
GO bons Boobs 10.05
ffi. Amon lkds
26 — 0 OW= do •
id " Illookl °saki
'26 " Starr do .
IMO OWL Zinn sod Estriliodly floor,
ifWoo and for solo by J4dU ATWILIft
ROLL BUTTER-2 bblo. pr i lte Roll Rut
.l-11+ tr; nom WA dor bi rorlrood, for
ammo a. 00Lbli4R.
jO. 8110A.R.-6 hhds. now Itluding ro
. aft Rocket, for oda by
421? • INAIAII DOM/ lie
*Ali, Docists, Pamlicoki. Copy Boas sad Masts
H ooms lb, sag by . W.4.01V111 --
pat ..
moo Wood ad ThalThalstd.
-•••• . -
GUM PACKlNG — All thibko.. t LAOS
LUTHER. BELT 110010. Ae ,
As, lbe West CM Liberty West, owed bed of Wood.
4.14..t0rs . •
S. HAVEN is 'prepared to furnish
W • ,esurrsivasixtrarALtor riee
canoe Wad and ide.. r "k * .
all 3
Q.1.10A8,--2 8 thda. N. O. Sof* read per
1,40 PeittalMisa. for ,
HOMINY—ZS bble Pearl
vJO/TSP.—WOO boa. Clover
too Ti wool sew, by
lidi ct l itr.37,- - 150 bilk.
gatr St---EO-ILtt
The half of STORE, No. $0
out ntrontr, now bctopled by the' rah.
kora. locattou for Grocery or produce
. innorillatoly.
No. On WWI. and Y 8 trout rink
ny in ttore
; tAndy 4.
Air B. S 1:1 Y-D-A ii r ldannfaaturei and
;JAL* Des'er b
OIL OAK V, /lc.
9.4. Cur ogEtno 1,..r flora place.l of dm *tams .A Mr.
11Noa • iftyral.7.Wood strum. and Memo John !lull,* Co,
.:I.4borty K evloi. kir WI. gad wad. of IMI.AIM , EED VOL
SAII6 Wt K tiro pi wpm. Will rewire pruropt amaistiou.
*ACA IYTUtitl , lainneilll £ CO.,
Corner Pike an 4 O'Hara Streets,
Near City Water Works,
IWO STEAM N 11012168 AND SLIDE VALVES 6f all atm
end !misty'.
14Tiog put up Ifsehlttery of large aped!, and of the
beat quality, we axe proposed to do nwory Jobbing, and so.
Dell stork lo thle Hue, trusting that by proutpttowe end the
character of oar work, to melt public patronage. We In.
vita epoch/ aueotion toner BALLNCXD VALVE MIL
LATI PIOUS IL% se cm blolog -ad van tad. hefetase
unitteloed In UM claw of Nagle..
goon alth'etoom pouf.. and good Ilea, To Let.
(Soccemorr to John Cartwright.)
TW AMU FACTUREAS and Importers
AU. Table flattery, Songical aud Dental lw
rtrithicota, Ono; Pictolo, fitbiog Tackle. to., No. MI Wood
atriirt. Thor give special ativutioa Lothe roanufewthring of
Nupporiora.hc. lobbing and Hooking with pone.
taslitt and .Icaor.tch. apttraly
....... 01.e.17+
& CO.,
61Tani, et., below Atarbary, Pittabargh, Pa.
la Rae Worketra, Nonunion ions of Ballad irs Potent
Boiler, Locomotive, Blued anti Cytindor Bailers, Lltilmciayi,
arliaßan , Bod. Steam Phico, Botalcoons, Bolt l'ano t
flamer Pass, lan Yawls, Lite Boots, Mc. Illostatniths
Mirk, Bridge mol Inatittni Imre, -,trou, et the Aortae Do
(kW All ordor• from •digfoturn rrmptly atiieleaml to:
01011tIdli , IL le • II OA V IS,
No. 65 , •l
NJ , .hoop Wednesday end Eaturdat .7enfoge, from May
Out m Novemlat Ord, Ina. 7 to 9 k. and from
reinter first to May On from dto a o'clock.
Deposits roosteed of all mans net too than one Vollas
mid a dlvidafel of the prate declared rake • 7e 0 *, 1 1 1
Jane and December. Luton:et hes bees declared miaow)
eflelly, In June and Dectenber, shwa the Ilene sae organ _
seal, al the rate of sin Okr Caul. Vat.
intern; IT not drawn out, le platuel to the credit of Ws de
wens Jawncip sod bewathe sear tLltOrest from the Aral
lays of end December, ,route
tstoe a yess With
oat troubling the depoaltor totell
v an..
IMO to prosont• him
Parr book, At Ws rato„ money will doable In lees then 111
Hari, maktag I. the soma:ate wont amens. UAW to Carl
a R ,
Bcoks oonvdraug to. Otarl•r, 10.1. n Rules and iAgil•
Ai1.,., furnished gratis, en appllestionst t it. MSc.
Preri4M-06011411 ALBANS.
1.44••••41 LL•ptnlrn.
Am. 0 11[606.
M. Poi:mock.
A: N. Pdlock, ra.
WlMani 8. twveky.
MMus. J. A $00,109.
J o h. w Merl>,ld.,
P. 1. Usdetra
John U. M44111n,
/mom B. b. tier,* '
lames tlcAnlny,
Mali' P. 31lerahOt. •
Wilson 111111. r.
Jahn Orr, '
• geory 4 RIINM , L,
.10111 O. Scully.
Mills°, IL Pcbmorta,
Isaac W1i111.4..
John O. Bankofos,
John I. Outhold,
:David Campbell, -
Jaen Il.llsograta.
Charles A. Oulu,
Witham limagbas
J. Evans, -
trawl. MI;
BooPardo L rahlumselL
.John llollows
irallars fi alms.
pear IL fluster,
tkarchams Mid !hamar
PSIUDNiNT CUall a ILI. Sato.-
- -
bl Y. Mak $1 ppm boi:osot fros by 1.0.
Sob NAL, AT AIX irmlumorni '
The Bald and Gray
Many; since the Great Disc...very of Peel.
WOOD, blow, attempted pot oily to imitate hi. Eietorat I vs,
bat profem s Imes discoverer citing that ovoid pro!
Mai moults Menthol; tut they have all mum sod goal,
baing carried army by the imitalerlul reonlia of Pod. Moan,
preheat/ma, a. Lambe.. rowed to learejlio Geld swim
restate. may. Head W.
Beet, balm, April linty Mil,
Poor I) J Mo. A Cis: tleata—The Wier 1 Moms yott lu
1804,eati0orniug yiAtr valuablo Hair Rettorstlorsatid which
yea ham published In U. vatiolly and elaiwbere, 0.
alma rise ID 013112.0 a• Ingoirtife tanthltig the fimi• in the
Tb. MIOIIIOII are: Met, lilt a faot of my bablistios
and amnia*. Mated In the cmomunicatioa; mcouil, la It.
time of all therein con Waved; third, dos. my b"' 01.1 eon'
titans to be la good order •nd of oaiurtd culoil Ton I con
end do answer lavarishly, ym. My hell . I. evea bitter than
In any stage aria, ha. Mr lorry yews pat, mum eoft, thrifty
ond bettor oulemil; time.. is tree of my olliebers, ant
Oho 0n1y... why It la nal *florally true. de that the oub
elan= le wombed Of by frommut ablnii. of the fami, whsle
esre were oved by griping I. Moe In .100 rounwillen
with the •lalekent, the same mauls alit folio. aa dm hair. I
I have loon Pt 10. receipt ors great number cif le.. frem
all pars of The England, mimeo melt m hair .1111 rum
Efitimi 1 0 be Wog m Mere Is so much fraud to the innetifm.
tore mid r s`a of imalumudo mild, it trim.
uo doubt. Lowly Imitated au I been need not only
wltterot nay good effect. but La thwilute Wary. I taro pot
used Ray of yoor Reatorattm eR any Omoant for some
tuotollia and yet toy hair I. as good to over, and hoottrede
ham It olth ourrrim. as I an. no. 01 yoore old
nod tiot • gm; koala my Ind or en toy wt. nod m prom
this met. I geed 7141 a lack of any hair PAr, 011 the putt
week .1 rcaVilred your raver oft.. gnarl tethe. tut aces
tom, far tablet, I am miry grsteile; I gem It to my friends
ond 0..01 luduroil them Co Ey Ile navy Imre
until ante (viol arrl then parcliswil lad nwil it with uni.
I mamma I will tat s favor, i hat y. bend run w
lest by .Mob I rata Merino flood lu Iho 'Fiestaralln, sold
47 many, I Mar. withont anthority from yen A pare aril.
cle olti moor. aura. and I tieltem where gaol edicts do
one liellorr,the Ware is ...alb, Ow Impure arta:ls. which
Cum. thelbe gowt. I deem itly duty, se
h•re417 , 610, yon siperlsee4 thicontioued caret ou
my hair. ant smote all who itemlre of motif toy ricetialteo
epiniot of lie valuoult moults I Tetredl2. dolt sir, MM.,
Aanna`e Dom Hy, lior.LO, Mb&
robe. Wottn ior hir-1 would w orld. 1.8
ti ft gym.. InJual.lle ti nt to toot. known to the d the
ioolerful as well al the wieirprolld matt I
Mired Dom ruing 0010 trottio o. your (bar Rodin - Ohm Altar
o.bog every bled of Restoratiree aslant. lit without rats
con tort finding ray head nearly dratlinte of hair. 1 rms
ditittly to try n bottle 01 year Ildr
New, canine acil halite tunnel me to aurionnor to who.
ern . may nod MO. that I ben pp.ate• * o.w and be*unhtl
growth et heir. width 1 prosmatica thoter and handorintr
Mon the on Mal Am. I tern therelora tate imAidon to
rtoomtneud this Invaluable remedy to to who may feel the
ane•altx nth. firapertl'y yore, Rev O. Amax Batch.
le bietintonhil 01 .oty approbstion for yonr
hitt tordlelrmonreAkitnil; bat If
yirt thlult It w ort hy a plate oakum( rmt, Inert you
I rice, dtenuy. and My nothlug:
Doan, Ar., Art B A. D.
The Ildeleratim le ptit op In Will. of throe rhea, elo
la," medium and email; M. small hold. ball • plot and
WWI. fur one dollar per Marko rho inetibrin hold. In least
twenty per bad. 610 n In proyorlloo than the small, rrsolit
tor two prr bottle; the taiga holds • quart, 10 per
wit. mom In provirtiorb and rebel. for Ala bottle.
I) J. WOOD Si CO,Prinni.tors, 441 Drioderay,SeerTorli,
1114 tld Illholiet street, Rt . lemle, Mo; sod odd by all good
Dough= sod Paul' Goods Dr•len. outtlydshlAr
T - !3 OM A 8 8T OZS F 7.
Late Oak of the led Lyon Mite,
LI AVINO TAKEN.and.fittod up, serest expenee, with all the modern
Improvement., this popular mew t. the eubeetib
sou prepetwl to a newnweide tale Mende nod the peptic,
rherelly, with the best the motet 'awns
010ITIIILII will Ls sieved op In every mid, of st7le
datinfillhe meow
Lawns awl A ZS he feel. eloalident lwrecohnnendlng
An i tlittobUefor their aeration..
St wined op et ell Loam awl D&Y and
T .
.84.1 HUNKS talon. anilkily T . ooMall 5T01.114
4,2 UN DRIES—ISO tax. Prime Pearl. titareh
bbl. Nieto Noll /IOW; 35 bay Palma 16.- H. Cboroe
~100 do% Broom; VA dos 11a01 /fame) Ilnudads
1001 LW. N 0 atolassiod 101 bbt. Mao 615. 1 Apollo;
100 boa-Dry A piano; a 100 boa aboks Dry Pioche*,
lot boa P. WM *ha Seta; liedboles rastbeata •
60 big ldor Skoaai---taed for c e
al. by
lal PH Akbß VAN 001101111,1111 Nomad at.
OATS-2999 Doe prim.
MILL YIED—SO loon voNints qaollUeN•
Dr .NO. tigDolum a onwontm,
319 Llborty rt.
IiINDItIE3-250 bbla. lamina Rubsata and
RRoolls—l2o OE4OO loacry Broom.
0.010011-200 bolts Wooo'. , elan , -
- HOMINY— 0 bbl. /net llocalay.
10300-3 bbl. /rah Seim
alt lll
Isis 8 .4 442 4 *
ROLL BUTTER-5 'bble. prime;
REIGE -11. bblm - 4
. ..PEARL HOMINY-4D bblii Pearl Hominy . .
'- EYE 'nona-7Y . We Rr 1 , 10.E` - bat -rAmIT
ig. mai* - . • , • . • 7 AIL A.FEEEEE. •
:terror Market Aull Pint Ma
ViLlMilt 1 FLOOR 1
• ShlrblQs firitlatt'. XX lritn , family.
Odo (Atoka Bakeer
d, °rare* Ausklif. . •
4QO do Itztr•—to aloe for Web?
der9 00ILP BILIIPAILD:0 13 Liberty
A PPLES -35 We.. choice - Pippins nail
110111INT-40 bbla Pearl Hominy.
COati 1111/16-25bbls Silted Cons Ideal.
eIIACILIMIII.-36 Vet& No 3 We*
-LARD-4000M tHew L Lli'd •I. /MP r
I reed .61 tarsals M.. JAIL A, ritTLIKU,
deal . armer.listaimt and:/Mt •ts,
OtT PIROHI.S-110 bob limi4and 'Panda% eboke
W. 09-10 bbia Mob Xtni
- IMITEII—.6 begs fromb Ballo% 'choke; ~
. HOMINY-1T bbl. Uomlerii .
WIRTZ IMAMS—MO Obis. Widtikildyra
YLAXIM6D-40ba. MEW*.
tor We br •
V. • - 11.-CIIEESZ--1 51 . 1 botee'W lit Re
• my toQom" from 6Okt•1005 MIMI f Web t
4.21. SINN a l L or
CLOTH CRUMB 01.01110--0(41*
anal aye sad 01" 6X tali tb•Cd l "mit
"2" t 2°.44 2524. Übtrit. 'll IPTRUTPIO
"ITIEWB , of Swiss And FrenalLUDdliCsleif
Ar! sad itioAtaitle et Solforinq Far We
ern sotsaw.r"
bleotow - -leadizg RD 011 , --10 b
- ,wo-~ -
Art OWE ,
A z'' ' l iiiilliNT AND STOMACHIC Pre
paistloo of IRON purified of Oxman and Carbon by
cusiodultiOu to ilydscigen. Burl:toned by the blithest Med.
foal Atittiortike, both tri Impel and the United 041014 sad
preemfbeil in their Oractice.
The eitterience in thoulande deity proves that so proper
Won of Iron can bit compered with Ir. Impurities of too
blued, deiprearion ot vital energy, pale and oaten lee eirkly
. f .Ol
ceraplo.4lllollo4lMl4 nenessity le .100.1 Fray 00.01.1.
Isle ma:l Innoa s otte ell mental'. In which It has been
tried, It bait proved utely . corative In each of .1101. fob
' lowing uiroplaints,7 •
DeWitt'''. Nervous Affections. Itosatli
lion. lipspepal u t Coning ration. lalarrhoen..,
Diseatsry. ine plentConsamotlon. Serer
alone rrnbert oats, 5.10 'Rheum:Will Ismen
situation. attlltes,Citioroals. Liver Com
plaints. CY ado Ileanash•s, Rheum.-
dem. Anterslittent Fevers, Pimple■ on
the VIA,' &es. 41,
In MOOS 01 Gewalt! Debility, whether the remit of acute
Uwese or of the 0001100 M diminution of nervous and mote
ruler energy troll thloolo compliance, one trial of 'this roe
kindled hue proved inaceweadni to no eattott abicb no dee
criptionl nor written itteeistion would render credible:,
Invalidi to lon bed-ridden as to have become forgotten In
(heir win nclabbilthoode, here enddouly re-appeald In the
any orchid as Most retort. d from protracted travel in.
dletant land. Pomo very signal histeners of this kind are
attesred of female macron, cronclated vicuna of apparent
.... . .. . ... . .... . .
maraenne, Mitsullworte extmulti., critical changes, ant
that complication of nervous and dy.optir aversion to air
and ...ciao far which the physician has no unmet
- I. Nervous AC lons eat kinds. W. .or means famil
iar to ...lad tie the operation of Ude preparation of
Iron Meat oer ily he mintery, fur, unlike theiold osh
&Lit I. vigormully tonic, without being exciting and over
heating', and gent' , regularly aperient, overt In the moat
otetinste rum of Uvroess, without ever being a gastric
purgative,. Intl ng • ditergrsesbbseetundlon.
It Ls this latter 1 rover/. among Others, which mates It
an remarkably et nal and permanent •.monsly fur Piles.
upon Which It I. ' appears to exert • dhtinet and specific
action, by disyan4 the teal tendency which far. them.
lo Urpetets, In ontemble a. are hers.. ' a single box
.of these Othalybeste Pills leach. eufferrdfor the .4
habitual tea. ineludlng theattendent Cstineten.
In unchockod Wart.w, aven when advanced to Dyson.
Try, conlinned, ...Mathis, and of parest/ mallioaut. the
effects have bema equally dertatm and adoulehint.
In the local pane, loss of trek and strength, debilitating
rengh..4 rectlttrnt b.tle. which petrel/ intlimte I.
Att l i atCliryti li ciani i ,tn in m n :u m nl ii very itt a lf;l• l a h . anti r orr i .
siding torte..
In tidefoloue Tribercnione, thie tr.licated Iron has had
far manthan the golvi otiect of Ma mom adationely bal.
used preparatlons of iodine, Without any of their well
known liabilities.
The'sttention a familleo too coutidently Invi
ted to this remedy and rmtorstive, In the mem pecolhaly
M 1... thee,
In ltrimmustism. both chroulo and intiemmatory--tu the
lattor,however, more decidedly—it ha. been Invariably
well reported. both a. alltviattug pein and reducing the
ew•ltirms and stiffness of the Joints and nemelea
In letennittent Pavers It moat a...My he • great
remedy end energetic restorative, and Improvers in the
new millets.. of the W.t, will probably he °coot high
. - . .
ranOwli and awful..
Nu temedy boil ever beet. dhieuvore I In the whole history
of toodldne, which exert.. sorb promph,harpyisslit fully rr.
*,'salve arse.' Good spot 11, tvriliacto Nig.Gtion, ispld
nequndiJon of strength. with an musuil dl.perlittim for Bo
true and chmeful .... Nu, Iminedistely follow its um.
Pot op In seat flat metal h..* ...anion' 60 plllg pr.
DO rout. per WM for gale by DirogsDia sod &stem. Will
be rent rroli to soy add... uu receipt dr Isles All letter.,
orders,. eta, ahould ho sd4rlmed to -4.
Dr. 151140/1111( 11 IS EYS4II, Wholoode Alien , o`r W••rrr.
K. B. LOCKE &" CO., Oenerul Agcnte.
uouunudu.......i. V RN Itllnitio.,V. N V.
II is P F f il.f it ;1 1
will oars nearly every esr of nultmeable HENN ok.
TRUSSER at 'arks.. ark.s always on b..
011INDRZN'S TRUSSES, of different foram nod Irength
EILASSIO [MOORINGS. for Vartoos. or Nolsrg tiring.
A EIDGMIN A le. SUPPORTERS, a 61.3.1 ellileraut lauds
PILE PROFIT. for Int Rapport sod rote of Plm.
SHOULDER BRA KS. to relieve • crooked sod ...formed
conditloo of yb. 'Lest, sue mauy 05... of th Ohm..
All Goss article* ey Ss hod or apglloi at Dr N ETHER'S
WboDosts and Trot. Drpol, 140 W r.. 1 Greet. logo °I
ths Gold. MM., or will Ls mot to any part of the Sons•
try ley sending Um mousy nod tho maamito.
13arrilaleton's Ornemundo.
11 niglosh in title, highly flagrant, OW. •od soo:anti;
los Phasing. Shatagooning, Bathing, Cleaning the Doh,
ronowlsg Blafehu fasagdea, nn sod' Fr.klez, sod If r
firantining the ansplosson. Per We by In. IJPORGII
II I4LYtlii, lin Wood Wreak Wholasals and bstsll Agont.
Are Your" B BAP
I, flies an, tate nor ailtiln and o.y • Doi tie of Dr. Wailea
LIQUID DlCrilittrlCß It will koop Shorn ...its and <loan
and will [instil:it their !unties .teeny, sod will now Lli ed.
his and apotio anon Yon no Imes It at Dr RICIIRRIOR,
lin Wood "aunt, et 21541,4 So cents per lolilw,.r pork of
Weak Eves
Mai at once be relbotel loot a pe. amount cart ar.T.0.1 by
• bottle .1 the Orgefottotry (lumen?, KY K LOTION. for
sale at De. 0110'11 ISYVet:II.O, Ito Went et Tire 25 cu.
per bottle.
1-.11PYI! Piloin!
ilbt'e PII.IIOINTUICIID. proot.roa by Die Grofinburg
Ct.ipany. Is rabbnly In all myna the
mater .h.t oi.r LI. Otte' lot u.lty. me, vrorrauted
Prk 4 e. $1 ball.. 1 , 11 by I'll ilg2ttrill 11 rYlibtt.
14a `Dort st.
Cheap Lotter and Writing.
oattaa.► fur tato at or. KSlfattlt.r.ure
Soyeea Sultana Eta :co,
FOlt nOT Cot.n Dients or ALL limos.
this meet delltlens and 44.01...1eg
. , - . Eeelee, Invented t'y the retheerked
4 a Z, BMWs," Inn the Lotplue Baum
A'' ..- . T ' Cue.
lue. 1., Moen Wed...* thanulue
. .
.. C
.4... ; tuned 14 th e well known hound
.r". 7 .... .... ' •••• '. Caput a iII.LCSICILL. Landoll, from
m • S,
. -,-; , . th eezigitett recipe. It I. th e (teen
1 1 6
x .; ...- i Ile l/allae hl c.e,d
~, ace an th e
tk • .I a; Ovnitheet. alto.
iy . i tepetnttee emend America.. ypi.
cum, .od I. ototh •projed or Lee
gle:dent to tee Appetite and aid to die...Alen.
OPINIONFI 01 , . TrIE 1/11:thIN l'ltlthil.
rneutarntf..lar arartava..l , ,at tr. If, %.e, Hors'
aa , f barna'. faIIIIII4lba•IsnItIsueo Sauce' It I. taatla aft
the Torkllll tactiaro r davor and' II agard• in
allastola ski In C6l.;ll'Of IllkW SRO cult 1 , 1111.51100 "-2
"Aa2o2y, PWitieLt and Spiel. worth, lbet..nies el ..,eper,"
—o'.4erver. l
"A most Ireleable wljuoci to nal, Fleell.nol rov.l, atA
alsonla have's piece on elm, tot4e,"—Atlas
Bole Asente lot the Ualtnl Keels,
GAILIDNKR D YVAI.TW. 417 Welton R. New Vert,.
tad WRAY A RAYKA. 24 Corelaii, Kam.,
Ir. Sole by Oki - wire atul Orelree evrtrobono.
In returning thanks to . fos rmoir ustrebege,
lettneeto sto Chorally extended, I wrmid reit sttantkee
to toy very leskent.h. of TIMIS for this ll.
My shot of itrole, rues, (shoot. d atortletatt;)Cmcb rjorl
Cherry faexceed. anything I hare ever rafted. Allot the
met teppditdi 'Arbutus. wrought hy Ferret." lorminu • full li
kart of the ho
and toter, cam tette. to herr
every kind N ato name. .
Or Apple Tn. alone me helm 160.000-86,000 of ermfdt
tbiceepier oldee from 6 to it toot., To and, o n wink
KVIMORINNS, trent le her r by the 100 or ICOth term ,
atm would hoRIYeo. Carrot Wet for'rmads,after•
loo,vis. false lame American mot Kentish Lesek4a
lOC, fib, 0a TresePlantere, eve um
loped met free on epplketiou.
AddreecPlttaliret &sot Ormlan , l Norberto', PlUalturer,
1 1OLL BIrI i TER-10 bblo. priCa*;
NO,l Leto--16 kg**.
RUA WHMAT V R-2130 bap.
et)VI)III3tITIER-20 Obbaeml le
o stare Cr bf
P R Estes
j: fO bible N 04/100AR, and •
100 Wile wet Ifo lo N. O. MOL113116+1; New CVO—
:to arrive tble vreekby steamer Nelbomo—ell of *el Fob ill)
'll, mold at's very y root .101100. by
.016 : JOHN i.mobax & co.
CAIIBUN 4)11A I 1;61[130N (n t—ionbm9,
Na t R4/14.1.11.b0rt.111. to - o.le by. , •
SON. 153 Lit.rtyokt.
CRAN BNRIIIES-- '25 bble: prima Beiries,
Motors fur Rate by AMIN B. 0* Al HUI l eis ,
sg • Vint xtre.t. Apar WOO 4.
ZA"I4" CURRANTS-- - 15 btilo, in 'kora
'for ode by . •
DRU,VEz-6 easesin 'glat.sjai;e; '
6 Cama lo find, boxes—Jeut roosPrtd tor .de
dell 111[1111111 a ANDICBILIRI. Wood
CORN - .5 ZAL-12 bbla. freer-ground Cor
meo,Platp•O'd klr Ode br.. 4. :•
• dell: 'I Kukla and SlistAtts:
RN) BUS. PRIME. BARLEY just' roe'
0.12 niTonoomil CIMRT OM
v 11 .. '
w b OLOV R SEEI).-200 bus.
das7l Y,
RANBSitit I bbl. Prime Western
'tied today, for sale by 11. '
6•14 1 1 16•Wattge and Qa /root on.
m9LAs.se9l-200 qU O.
reed per 'Pr Moplr*Vlty. for Ws by
dell;., 1 - 41.14L1, • 1:10,:
Clkma-4,5 bbls. s wed, Cider in; store fn
!bile by JOU% H. WitiVOILD k CO.
11610 , • -, en. Wood.
DRY PEACHES - s saeksiPrimo Peaches
ica nldfornlety: , ,dtlCl , RIMY ILOOLLINEL
Kw'Owe run R-25 de fur salo by
tt • , ' JITICNKV If
Tel O SUOAH.--23:bhde. Prime treed per
ter siaptrotaty,l4....l. iq • , • , •
QARDIN ES-500 whole ca,vas 6ntaints;
14.3- lOC° blame tlarsiteric 6uo Ible4 ewe tludtaa ,
,116101 ANDICIttON, 39 Woad at.
11 - 1.14 LAN w BERRIES—T bbla. choice
f.r ob. 5.04- a. /BMA,
- • ow." 0h0.% tnr.s.ti
- 1111CN NA. Ft. AI LII9 A I? 14!/ Vig 50,171 ro;
Jkisl reed &••• lj-
_ a
- ' W. - 6 RAVEN, aut Sob Mato,
•FA• MI Pit " • M
F ill ortotoOtoa Door toeNottonnote to Honcoeit Toot:,
To. M . to amotoptuo nsur..e isTon - •
la M 1 1 ftt Oar Bt.
isdassiss 01.1611 P.
r•Oismr Ob.", 00 - .• 110 , 13042 4
Moro* Far .907,
44,10 • VIATJOW mOO - 0T AOO ,
Sikt bi
.1171 r.
cr , int nrl.,
mat ot zi,pst.t et,: -- --......,_ .1 1 , .
. i • ' ,-....tn1: -,. ....,1!/. JrroW. ..;'"' ,-I ;,
'nip itteittloa al lava.* Ch)slelatte, Cleallatak , 0 / . .
tide Maui, end the robise•gesetally, le seepeethallYandnaad
totheatellutollatathealkalpreparattette eo t alulo al l
la aS
S , Phlatt and rhaaptioatteota.d *WM* Idea
lu Ito cooopoaltiottriUt I.l,Besainic C filastei ar - rrit 14 •
In all &teem* an& monied valh
:' , 111'1101t?l., a ,
Pale 000ntenano end antenna deranasoreat 'anal yei et
t h e blood oboe a dea-iency et, the red gloWle•.: •,, dd./.
naPhnloa and alron tint ..t the 0014 la . 1 • 2 3 a IDO "
of heal th ; while a pale. iras-liae Bata and coatteinni -
watch ealoota a &Agency of • the red•globa pa,
blot a 811..84 otastdam. ereperntioaa et Irma bataheen -
I Oen fir the purpose of,aappl)tog the and igkihntec, Pt...
cuntond that: Iron alone, eutpdate &Who, or ea 60 ,
phora• alone, .attll not tenet thadetlelehey In eketai;
uut that a Jodirlbsia euntlinatlea of dl Anita 'ale k
nava.) , to nei n. the blood to I ta atom/ standardi . Tbln
point, tem beton auatmd, has 1.41,12 reached ,*, the
Blood Food., and It. diaconal tacks emoted tile wort
aclautlec and Itupothoot nt then, Wet:lotto In
, .
are to soften thseangb, trxe the mover, atrenallaiin the
eystotn, allay thp prostrating niaht he
Mere* the
phrasal mei Melina en.fay, eorien the Wool Ly sqlortnit
the leeklog od lohotw, loser" the appetite. scaSorethe
colorowel Plottletbe wietelen haniewllit Meth. litellifOOd
Food will be flood eperJar In all Chronic 'Dago,,
seal the Til i. roaa or inn asorneb as Anansi arm.
colds, Couplit,• . 'rano streakers end Magni • • IPI Oxtail
or great WWI], In chatting ant atewarlito bit Idd•Ced
orgaos. in Dyspepsia Livr etraphin•a„Dropsy; 40lepry.
Paratysts, 4tothita, Grewi..24. Vans! Dwnot, reatr sod
Aow... se, Ito ellicacy in toasted nod ledaetsorool..r; la as
den of enemata howeter..m the h-u<tld.l eatets'of ltib
remedy so tonstitenons es to those hat mai ng'
to which the gehiler we WO Hale, t o m whkhteadlowerda
Moo/motion. 4,.baa rrupprettal or DijAcitU Yeas%lAN./
Grain drawers Whgra, do. espechil Iy. wbee /bare coop
pl&ol0 are aer+panlrd with paleneat, a dine hue et pith
for of the altio,,daidereion of ophlia, debt I 14, palittetino.
want of eppet4e, and 00 0 001111 proldratk/o. We Far. are
W en/ cu
et t/edem I
a in t/cowmen/11i g Ibfrttl.o4.ll.4od
to all who may pew/mime of • for of ervorrgy;
and to thore whoro mental or todily powers ate liberated
through terra/44 either of the tolod or body, and 'lttaT draw
It our duty tow that ID ail cum of creator , * ear Estooh.
aims, and In an dhow/reef the Eicirtegt or Rindger, thle
ptepreetion toe a claim upon the attentlow of willitioare
which cannot be oft, nthrowril. A Laithfol Whit wil
roond the cowl convincing Word In regorit 10 'wit ft 1 0.7
that could be al/o3 tor. With Po ahoy. remarkeitod all
the cionototte tvetinionials gehavo lb 11. levor,weibtfe4 the
• 1311.000 WOOD
to the uicielderathWortbe eplicird,ktorring thatit will to
acknowledged 1.11 grordultout tort/ ell other preparation.,
psfeot or anoint/11n point of awful twee. Citrate/re gluing
the/Theory open bleb this remedy Is &oared, ateo orettta
mho/ of rowerk le corm, w 111. wind tree wbed dealird.
We howatd the Rood Mood td any part of Ile United,
Shoal or Clhedi upon receipt of prloa— ft per lilittier 8 6 '
for all tottle aO .16001 In all craw to hat/ none bet that
havitot nor We coll. riga/Ware iiii on the irreppriy.' None
other ta gruntne. Prepared only by i.. .
. caution a. DtIPIIIIIIT,
ITE4II WHAT nix itirett sit, • • ' •
The aloPreineed having need Prefeesor 11C111.111tKYW
elite the moth sailsfactory malts, and haring MI cont.
den. he dealt genuine..., surlty, and efff easy, cheerfully
I,Cilllgme Rd than to AD persons who }doh to here taro, re
fable, end efficacious retnedl. at baud for private or .10
Tl, CO.. Wm. V etoer, editor of °,The Nortliirte lode
.endeot," Ashur , 14 If.; the Bev. li. H. Cresary, U.D.
kestor of At Tot 'a Church, &Meru, N. Y.; the;Tev. 11.1.
Ire., Clueldain f i the Auburn Stole Prlson;;-:the Mr.
tponcoo ht Nice Root., Ne.r•bodford, Men. -01. e Nov
Anon Merle, N wi-Yorl. Guam ence t De ho . rf Atonic ,
Nkhole., EssiSl esee Conference, N. Y. ; the Her. P A
env% Dorset t V . ; 11,0 ftev. John 1:, Cobb,e buffalo; A. C
Here, lisq., hlica: N. Y ; the Hon. Neal DoeiDortlend,
hlo. ; the Hory. &butler Colfax,
D. -Dend, Indil the Hutt
lisorge Humphreys, N. Y.; Hoots- D. Cook , Lef,l Editor of
Ti.' Ohio State Ipurnal, Oolutobas, Oldo ,_• the Hon. it. H.
Orem., Del MI.; the Hoe Thomas J. Cheiloh WW I--
erlio, PIA 1., ;
the lion. Jneetde Bettediet, CU.,WY.; W.
itrlrara, Pal.,,Cliles, N. T. A. B. Pond, rag., Hilda, N. Y. ;
un... Plunlcett, , v, Nashville, Term
No I.—tor lever.
Congestion, and Tafianunatlon
No 'LL—lfor Worm fever. Worm Celle, Weandg the Bed.
No. R--Par Cole, Co7 l ng, Teething, and WakANlnesa ot.
Infanta. , - .
Na. 4,—/cfr Diarrhea, Cholera Infanta:a, and Mamma,
CurnplalotA N
No. 6.—Ter Colley Ortpbm, Dynenterg, no Mend/ Inn.
No. 6.—Tor Cholera, Cholera Noddle, Vomiting.
Ne. 7,-7MCondo, Cella, Inflame, and Poi" Throat.
N. 3. B.—Pdr Tooth-aehe, Ifnee.nebe, end Neuralgia.
No. 9.—Prix Headache. Yeftitee Heat ..d Irulf4." a the
No. io.—lrr.rusu P, tan Weak .41 Deranged
NOULSCh. Ckautloatlon, and laver Complaint. :,. .
No. 11. -gee PaNIALII lannortAnenne, BenotyPalntut, or
Suppressed rni.d.
No. 12.—lior Leucorrhea, Profuse Ileum, And Reatins
D.ll/13 of ?gouda
Bed BreatAng
No. IB.—for Crony, Hoarse Cough,
No. 14..—111dt Rosen IPrun—lor Dysipelas.7-Eropthotm,
Pimples collie Pete. '
No. IR—lltexclaxna Pnea.—Vor Pain, Lannnies ..
toa in the t;Tiest, Back, Ulna, br limb. .•
A.—Tor lever and „„ elgna, 00111 Fever, Drink', .'
Idlionanaged Aram • • i:i
P.—Tor I;es, aline .e- Bleeding, Irdarnnt fi
O.—Tor ek, Weak, ...inflamed Eyre .i
t er ; Weak, l
oo blurred IVA,
4.4 St
Na. 173 Wx..41 Wed,
LUIGI?? t 00.
t..-- ear listarrn, .4'
elstructini-nr profuse '',
W. e,— ehr Whnepin, ,"" •
sihehming Its rouse.
In sit Rirlit, diwasm; such as Peron, Iniimon
[Herrin..., Dysentery, Croup, Rheumelism, and/e'en touts
nee dlican's . &Arta Perm, Meader, and Eryelpeles, Ps
itesohnip of ell'ing the 1100114• r remedies promo Is 11. th
vino, ant its all such eases the ape incs a, 0.,. 0 0 bar
the culdrehßecass le rattan arrested at ewe, end to all car
the violence if the attack Is moderated, tin cllscaffc sh , lo
ence, an.! Tendered lees danSerons.
epochs nod rode, which tire of such fredoent ercarrencri
and st.i.,n, so one ley the foundstlon of dlicseed len„
tionclahs•and coneumpllon, may all be it nice mind to
the reser it'd Cousin Ptits. • .i". I
in sil rl;tatiltt Meese., such as Dysyepila i Weak Pinning , '
RsintiphiltM, 1.10.01 eimpleints, riles, Yemalellebility, in
innloisndes.....l.l itcsdache Sore or•Westir Ryes, Catarrti
Mit Rlonej, smi ether oh! eruptions, the esseihas eptc.lll.,
%Inns -,ruins spplication will afford a cure in ilfuo.4 Cie,.
ton, ,11,,, , 01,11 , cure of a single chronic difficulty, si
is I`, f Inix, eil or eatenh, Ileedsche or !mottle illellll
0 ,, hi , More th o tmld for the case ten limeo eon. , •
en, of Pt '
vials co l toplcie, In moronic, and 14 . 10 k.... ..I.
cue of 2ili undo, intl Book. plain. ti
Cnn of 111 numbered Iron, and 800 t...—, i'
Carr of G I. 1 eit, numbered, and Donk.— .•,:. ....... .i
eloel , nuulbered box., with directions. .... '.."'''...% coil
pipit's lettdred hoses, with direction. LO mutt
I Large ea../ of 2,05. vials, for planter* and pb7111e1m5.....41 b
PonAlms on Priranuo.—Oppiened, DlCE!cult, Latar •
drentblni atrlpled with Gough and Expectoration. I'd
be trues fed r tun. ' 'C u • ' .11
Fez Ere Inesumnestrre Thrtsurstrh—Dischm u tr• fro dai .
For the rf...,i, a Pallet. fever. blondes, L or Mere urlW.
F,.. Solves In the 11.01, Ilardocsa of lb:ulna; and RIPS I
In the Ruts, add FArische. Price, SO coda tag box.
' Pox &Vent:A....l:4l*mnd Oland; Rniargedland lodir, ' '
Ell T.initil 11Reltillrl and Old Motre,Elrsofuldas Cachnis* ,
p,udrois Price, Inl cents per box. . -.- 7. •• t 1 . ,
Foe. OS =IL DLlM.rre.—Chrlcal or Nernabs Weeks
Miler tln result of Sicknees, laresselve Medicalloo, or,
banding', dscharges. Price:TO cents per tosic. ' n
YOR DS v.—Field Aeconadations, Tumid pleadings Idth
Bennty &Ostler , . Price,bo tents per box. ;.I . , II
inn% Itc. u Stomerum—fleathly.Sickness, Vepihrn, Nans4ll,
Vouhtler., Blciknesa from Ming or sundae. Vries. 50 Pecan
per her, I
Res Cal Pena
Fos tildes.. Inessakt—r.or Grave l , 10 call, .
math Palhfel thientlon, Dhottse. of the,Etddays. Prlce,'lso
tete. peel box.. 1
ton b.La ti o , ner. twornosa.—lnsolliotary Ifffsebarges . d
;Cons.onn of Piontration arid IlebUlty, Bed insults al 140
Metals. e most Inocesiful and efficient remedy known,
and marlbe relied open as is cure. ' Prtee,irill Tell dinto
dons, ffilper bon: . !?.. , a
Penn.. she sleth Is place kW:melee. palter the prefab
dolma tore, ot to vet advice ci Prof. HOMINISKii, can pa
' . at hlO cure 102 Breaufway, day. (torn fr ; SL.II.. to fl,P i ld.
1 ,L,fte holkert
OUR 8731ED1121 DT
. over DA; m ake up awe of labal , kind yoa
chow, and amount tu a carretitaidte or studios
by nokll la oar ad.heas, at No. WA Broadaisy. lisw-Tdas.
nd the la
will be duly returned by wan or expriia,
free ..erre_ • .
• AD Etsfra WAVTIO3.—We dirrii. an active;aldent Arad
or tho ada a our Denied!. to erect tower: or conurinidly
in lb..' lulled atatea "Address Dr. IP: HOMPIIRATII A Oa
; - - - 6.32'Hsoin*V. Nor-Teika.
J. 1013 . 11 . 0 . 1 g. firth irtn , al, (Dispatch Anibiliti.) Weald
door holm the Post Wtasirroto Agent for Pittaharsh
and violaity: elo,J. M. FULTON A 00.,PrealrthiaPi0 J.
r.E.F.*IN9 sat
rayllkilydaw, -r •
ItiTliEll.--3•daZ. hides'Fafr 1:1113er Les'•
Lyle*, for mak by • WATT OVILSON, II
note , • • No46lll.lbertyi
r i ti ; (l4 I) BERRIES-2 sacks Pried
T foe male by WOLT RI
aolZ , coma ZL Clair zird U ,IDZL
jjj all kinds, for We by •B, NOl.ll.
sole carom St. Maksad WWI brf.
8 ;
/3 revas,eta,t4rua. by BiWOIAIt.J :
so q • • eorrisr ISLOtsleosa • atie.
A 11)PLILS1 APPLESI-147 bble. Ore •
A. Mak Ifilb day reed by
out IMO 11. OOL Ng
WASE—In barrels,%d aid* 's.
. perlor order for fltr aid
• for •1. t• Dole COL NV:-
u-25 trlut. for
k Ube* at.
N! Twet:ovE
Prung speiug B'
JAi Aairt
pis win sßtatite 4 main •
bbls.• Chemists. just' , 4
Fa urs WITHER azionsoll.l9 wmd
oppodt• 14. Obarlosabtok.:-.
10caltca n/11 '
OO •
KIND. PLKS—;ISO bukTrime,.
Jost yeo'd rib by :JAMAJII 41..4.117E ,
inirrier MMst and.
DS--Yaluable Muth inlowa; j , • .
lignauto Linde M
MINIM 11.151 1 4. • •
• PORT-AB - 14g ellOPPlßt'idlUit,stiiV:
able for Punter. or Fad Stone,
S. afore, 14NK 117 .L ot,
IVEING tILUTLISvof bettor q , •
.4 k..r pip slaw obstrions 0044
•• II • - .100 ,111. 000, • • os9ll
"sod . 4.1 ..i 41, C.; far "b c, - g1466d
war `"' gni% it
OILS -15 bbls. hank 0i1;1).0 bbla.W:ll
-11rhiae.04..lbr• '..: - . -
,4410 WAIT AllrliJKlN.26lllthimy
OMAN 1-25 . blig t • • just•
rxdna ,
• tad
4+ .c...4-401,::4.ari
~ ~
4.1 t.„
• : TRH ZONA ,
ft Taavitall.ll". WAlra*ec oll4o WO
1 ' ' • ` easliAt k i:laslN ' %,.. ,JI . " -!-
To ikll Points in the South:Wad & Noahmeet
1 ! i lel6. TO OWVINNATI — ta*i v cX sua to
, ' '*ift.,L0.14, soal;l4lmito gallo's rby _
34srmen.iillinr-Mritino a.
lkiAlhAt dco.ea. Anh" eannion
S bu S. nkmane --1 40. (":1 0 11110"6
l' 4, TV6 tt 1 1 1 4 =::•••••• ,
i- 0 —Tta Woe toltuera= intabe ilkitil ilisZt
I;ll. 4 7nrzst a boi l h voada
rn zt st .. polasbr.midrill.":
/ 11P4I ' ll Tl47lir-rus":111,1 r t . :..
1 IslEteg Ansi cassedkar r pkna.: , ~ • '
' 1 , 1 " "Abetnol-014111 , 1:11. 7
. . 0 Ca1ea5ia......1641.A. a::
ll.—Tb• Ono to Cloclanatl b tha Aso sa to litnotor
al 10. Tralna on lath
nato Moetht a r t 1146
14. hd prim,
gel •allgo inta Ctudnuatl be:-
61•.1.41 Can on MO rain bon radian! Iv "n
l ' i tM. l =l: 6 =rithi liP OlaholP4iiis.
..) Chirago, 0.10 ii: a. and Ode r. it. - Lahti" id
Anti a. and SAO a. a. taaatatina with Mir Or
,ton and a".thaya: #r/vite4,0,411.., lota r. a.
ositoa with *dm ha ilhitadonOlavlanuil. Clow
had, Banda 'Waal Joy sod .nivesc sittobiash_ass,
OIL KW SAO e. ii. Alt, ioalthg , clan egasectl6.6 , 111111 .
ki . aila oa roma !suds Railroad Sir failladdphilt sniffs
, ‘ ' • • • •
lAraonsidados Toils, now mom Out, AlloaltsO'r ,
POr Nam MAW." 9.11. it. it., and hio r. a. - '' ... . _
OM. at. I/0 nOO . IKK ~... . . r ,
lAsse .do 030. * * 11610 4.1 ' , ,
OM". 'at Allaabany, 010 . ' , 11610 0
• iAlleabasy .ad Sammy Accoalladalkaa - •
itas Alleighwy, 11•00 mos, sad 1161116 , . MG
iv . • at Ileamay, - 1.6 4 / 1 : : i-, . Tat. • ::.
AirTy• at' All4‘ay, Ina ITo .
' ' 460 .'
. j A LWOW' MALLET TRAIN-Laavo Allhane at hid
110 K. ana antra" . la Allealway ietEao..... Leann Alba
ib•oy at 4.n r. a alai Nitro de AUlaacirst IRe In Illa
"topping at all atatioa. Sor twowinas and inotatOa. .
1 Talon .111 0. sold for Uwe alias et monad Man
Tbniagh Truro coineetsa Mom— •
11. Anima.; With tato CO Ow Chosillad il 191041011 -
liOrrvillo,Obio, to midtown laillattlinh Akrov.Ovaallop
lit ikaama. otaNsami. v...e105aat7;e4104,1 1 . ,-
bou,Detwitotr. - -
At arestllas Ix Derinus, ftrbOdd, Calvados; Mina
:i.ztisals,6l=Uilion=7,Votizdsvillo. at,. .
isto.. etc;
t Lima for 13linSo 7;1, Cllanhatakate,ato. .
At !Linens SO Id yeah Ind, at• LORA sal War
modiste porta In Imam widl =win - • -. •
' Pg i orZZ=s oh dialled Meal ei4.ldia
I Railroad. .
And id CAdossoir .u.
doilas be ailpotistaks nn , a,lipir - ,
Whatley sad
Pm tanner lakevastko and dir4:l 3 : 4 llnta apply 10 .. 3
- . dellW s molt* Amos.
ozotwi P tiM _TlAtid fiZ ly .
Tamen Tahoe Ike Ws at ail do Sakai 'Clem do
Gonna, so tha Ma ol lb. rod; Is all maa or thallailash •
bora Gonad Pii;avoir AavOi, talistah:.
UUANOII OP 7.110-11/INTik
ON and after. ?domeAlow
‘4,,, Nomsubtr rfith. 1660,
will ban the. Depot of We Pstmll Om
bto 0.... Isikesm -.".",""".• 0 0 sutu. ... e .
1 Patestrph, Cfmehtswiagi ObistOress..( ,v• , • .
tsoves . Amite. at . Lmirts".. -, i animate _ -.. •
PIT Mira Et ChtVgl..ll . CULT IL'1). _ umineo
1:60 a.ll 7140 a. m.. ' ' 7:60 a. Is. 11461 Pp IL ,
isht r. ti. 0.23 r. it 1:40 P. a. 1060 S.M.
PIISMOOrn. &siring to go to Itmadutly, Toltec;
, t r pasts West, sus tumshusa, m 7 ho parboular to 4 sVD
' twa.w. Ms Crtornstsud. . „...
1 N B. The time to Chicago b thi s poghtiap.vdr.ka• -
AsiPoriVispas. - .
PUttbrugh, Odturabut mad ameirwi Aers Usk - Ws
No damp at can between Pittsburgh 604 Cltho.
1 Lwow Anises** Ants., 66 • Antos's'. "
4140 p m 1:10,1 to ' LID • a -
Mb Mats b Motts4 to Obstimmtfi'Loshnill4oolumbet '"
and in points &nthUm IC; me*. Splshdig -
Mewing Ws &Udall so -aU b Tram -
fosMus Anises st . Arrives at„ intros al /Mini
know . % iLoomura;,ipsuriksyncro MI
lk inuoiVii
160 is MI ' IBM la M - Lift 010." &Oh s•M •eill a a
' we p at , SAO wile •• Ite jr) a , ' 11.00'w tw' tide plls -
hat p.m 4:40 psq - - 400 rat r" - • . . • "". •."
• Tlw LSO A. 8.8841.40 it aSnfti camel with Soho
of 10:4 B. N. for Psuarrithq Imatestsr, &a.
Ths 400 . tn. Troth "plat ell ststious totirssultoduip
TY Tkists ma Os peammianthherak Ism*
bug. Ph Wm York mad Illostish. .... - .1. '• . •
V. I. Geowal Titiri AWN. - . •
Ira IMO*/ lukirmagkih Whig to . , ,.
, ado. areliatiasaa rs tm e. , ,
1 'tau non labortysh, moot.
I VW,. W 1111Tlo U. AUILUMAIIII is 11.1.1 . ... a sroa ~.
I. 01571011.. RAILROAD. c •
MUM DAILY TP:4011.-- i• a "+:_ ...
Oo sod atm MONDAY. N. =Ma ,01 4 ,1 1 1= 10 '
P AIL ?BAIN Mw Ow nOtompor BL UM armor oai '
(except Boolay)safol0 a:moojapplol Mallrepatstratalato '
!Arriving to Poilonaliihroa4o.47.... . • • - . -
TIM T. 11300.111 NYPEIIIIII MIDI Imo Isll It 1:111,
p an, ~Os ooly at pulsation otattarso motfogAlmaitsum .
mates at Ilanisbarg Ow Balsiaos„ ad !Milos to Philo'
ad W& or Salthoars st ata. N. :
n. TUT LIN. Mama Me etaulas dolly (aseeinlasodopl:
s r Lv6 a K. U
aply M Chwasbatli. Lamp% 4 0 b.. 0 . '
town, Willoons Gallusaso Albs.% Oa. lamm.alot 11l .lIIm
irt•bingyrlsti Mato alma larlngatt . m
. .a.sselontrass In Phil-
Mlelphla at 6.0:1 a. ao
Sim Joandows Aemiumilonalioa Vista IM Oilir(sx.
mpg Poulai ) mt MOO I. ill, al all atatica. sad Tar.
, t nut Accammtdatlou TWO, ihrSaldociii IThall 11.110,..
6•11, Oxcart fload.l) at 00 A. . ,
~ .
' Piro Amaral:l.44ton Thai_ Torge atilla bolo SAT' .
&mod Atamonialasko Trots TardsOrmittormatiopp
pt8..467)4100.p. A. _ _.• • . - .. , ~ „ ~,,,
Tblcd Accommodslio• Vas.. Turtn•OrMk Immo MIL.
keraceo Eand.y) at WM e.n. - • _ - ',. , ,
Ikttanhm Tral.mho Is ineub.nak ...tartm
rers, Li 3 e. a; Ilan, 740 ...; Let L T lOU. 4 3.a. ,
own Accommallstiou4lo3lo oat.; IrtrolimUottntak. Aeons,
umMulm. 0.. •,a.: ltronames PAM ticaossmods.
a. so Mumma Tanis Om. Samoramods.smal:6o ....; 'Mit .
. . . .
acoomexidstiari r. K. •
Vann Ki EtIKKKOK thini Indians aniimit 116*1116
totormake rib Johnitown acsommodati . Sip..nfaa,
. ,
Nugent. & Ooneelleville Mee, Ktdoil ILO**
ee [be' Ptabohereb & Cbeneiblitle Hood, bone &el, &Waldo _
Buoiniel) &llawc—Util T. Fad A.& ItsmbeVrobt .
10 Itaiendes Wtslue E, am ,Pkeebateb'
t lib Reed, smite,* 411*ffimebill)10 sad &le &
Tb wane.' peblitleall Ira it view 10 limit edicts;
In rem beat cc Wog, to &ewe Aoy lb. Peeertlitiel D.P.
reedoe the meamoma.floot Dow fikeell awe& be earpeab
td ea ewy came root& Tim Boil ebetteeell gritb item
eetewke from &at. We tee power tebtred led
awoke to *II wbo bey Avert ido Roe& • Ilb ' petti:o
To N. York liar
Ugric la...cleat° ell IllattWa Pahaw • Raillitail
And to Philtdelphla. Baltizaws sad Slaw York.,
•Piwitapets parabolas} *kite on, tall be Awed erne
half maw . mile la adagios, Wello , Plain rstieostapC
from Minikes taw...the Caiwpettpltas ae Arta. :.• • ••
turnm—lo woad km, the Gangway .w 99 -IWilit thaw;
Weal retpoomble foe . p,a..o.m.imit - rtkrive
himaut etiamalailllaia • , • , •
• It: 11....h0 Omahas Idea Mabel", emplopelltsewater'
b•lenype, sad lattpia Ile mad &outdo Istitate dad
bet laweeta 2f. cwas ferepahtwassaata saftbamit...) o.
• foellekete apply to J, - 11T1111.4111.wcwite...• ;
*Ube P. ILL himegte 0.
`OPENED THIS DAY ! ' • -* •
BL/OE aßosimo pawns, v .. 1 Ur - I va sisr. t
besatlfsil Now Style • -' •
3•13 0. 1111MBOW • 11;74 liattet
A j og lhortama,ai '
• Wks
Dan l D Ejk
lilve -35 d
; Dt DEW P,L.brq na
,i 170;.;
Jai Amu.
3000 , LBS. 00 KW Wit !LOON:
Jug•l3 fa for solo by !RAMC Wit 002D1111V
oiA.:e .ero,ta.wu r -
_soaaaUlLD• 7.'-+
_ .
i DIAtuU —to libilia.X.yel OW:- :, .'" •
• , P
. ..IL , caner—oe b.:a. ow ad o. 13!:fig•: .:;',''
• ••• Barret. a bud 'mei r4Arboto. • - - ••• ..
1 1110011.41 MO rfflek ato-41......-...
Uh Meer :-,
111.13 Na
DRODUUR,--40 Imes Chetit:' •
tiL ao ollaltaamba,
711 bbla tines Apples e .,;
la elide foe midi
deal - - •
.p.6.01‘.111117,11111 - Lase4 see
,50: u •
.100- N o YOti►•OrgyAN
, 1 0.4fooriebt . wawa wm=,l,-,
gateNBEKRIEI3-20. Mgr, in riaL. olden.
11 11 301 '): • itDatiatis•ion-Al
SUGAR --39 44+;li• 0 . 13 u1S " "
eon- ' 11110.11.302111,1111161banit.-
%Vs. unigur bit
OLL 213111-4 uteL* _MOM, sw *obi a w l!
.'• Willistamineisasikh
INRICU 3PVLIIB=-I.2lktuprine,beied .
Jr" z 7 l " 'ftrsa' mslinartatigic24-'
ten t '
UT . • Anacd.'ir, "Ad Ittynant - 8
*riff "Maw Oaryleglikka Icor We by
• 11.1.4M01014111ai1l Book 1114%30q11;Ct.
afraftbr MONS! likwes pikelbrlarg.
- nicker* , *two kew4o- s,t
MAMMA • =MAUD: .ti-
ARL.Mittldit„laldiset stolla inniimusw xt.
N D:.o:trit • • SS- . •6 bbia, tu close cm-
ana , g(v GROSS APL&I.1011 Liti;4o4, l
R sags , , W.ll/440191,101A,Lbottlig
is rAGON onus, *gm and
TV torivihrusehldaellfstbaletry '
guy BBL& • • TURPSN 01114 bbl,,
ovaiss:B • ALS tH AVi a N .,4 lWraleilaidtt ,
40 diets Illegesatolli Sateibillett
0019 . w. swiwinwis. Immo •
9/01 49
Y-dr&lnts • --
' 4, 1 7,41 11 C.
110 -7**Fir* lootstillf
4 1.4." „4,..a. • ,o
z-Ct •(t..2 - 1 on tr. knst4.l-2 •
440.4'iL ftll,4"3ltr•llh,,A,w
[Tr INGB ,
apttliassuget— t