tsbug talette. El 01.1110 - 11i -, -P - 4,3.1 OP ras airr. BiefillgrAt: . %l4o,ll24lNG; ',IAN.' 19, 1861, crry AFFAIRS lismummatr.m. Obsowatiou tor the Oesono, to. 0. B. Obey. OPatielie!rolBt.—oornotml • deleek, A. ...... 00 se ST P. 45 Earembie - . . 59 5.20 . . .. . .a. ....: ..OwelleadAtaiatte, r baseless. Detre Judges se*, Teske aid Adams. . , Benjamin Haifa' wan pit be anal for assaulting KleinMooneomi t the, sight before Nov Year's. h the e' .. are Dean mulattos., and it appears ommetrie, who was rreojeuretege at daintiest's-Home, trammel to the grocery to make leas - pinching. wham she expended more WM was expected by the -defendant; and, alter tome words, be Area, her sad threatimed to kill bar. Verdict a geiltyj lack , farty to pay oarthalf the come. • . i ' - - Alai ...disort , Cass.—George Moore , John Riney a Alex. APConeell were arraigned for hubby, October, 14th, 10(0, eat fire to the ea. Siff/ . ol'ilie Pittelongh lk Clivelead Railroad, at Outwore depoliii McClure township. ' . ~ Messrs: Miller, Hampton end Ohs appeared for ibirCerasuotweelth 'sad Mame. Collier, Absent,' aid Dictum for the dame, Mr. Shansion.manid to qUash - the indictment, es the ground teat it shohld have been found is the Oyer and Tenniaerjeatimil of the Quarter Sessions. Is, the forum the !defeadast could have twenty anilines; be the latter only Ibex. The offense 4 oru treated can files, ender all former laws sad illeult.be tried .ie the Oyer and Terminer. The New ' • Cali did sot • alter the question of jurisdiction -.Nth old role still errata. , The qae mina was a vital one to Umidefendants. • in reply, Snood that the New Cods makee,the.crime defined to the indictment a min. demeanor, (quoting'. Title Bth, 38th section,) and meet% iried,os say other misdemeanor, in the Qearter lessioes..l The- gentleman quoted the rePealfig lectitie 'IWO. The indictment mast he dsawa under the Ns iv Code. Mr. Buyiton •the indictment had been pre. pereill• with •great Cara, sad the whole question rested cc the construction given to the New Code likanatin.liguisti.that the jarladtetiou was not oheipd ova la the New Code, citing Title 3d, &o des 31. Mr. , Meniptoe- laid It Eirould be better to go on withOdip trial of. the _ease, and the .question could harieftler s.r WON a full bench on a motion le meet ei The Othni embiedded with alb .view, and formally overtiktilteutotkon to quash. _ Mr. Oolßer than Aldo decianner 'which the Com. letteereab ' h refold to joie. Ile ailed the question will brought op prieelpelly th procure a decision. Themes ties proceeded Vetoes the jury, the open ing bait Mode by Mr. Hampton. Jacob Hovey, Seeley machioiat, testified that Moore was employbd as locomotive fireman on the road previous to the 14Lb of October, and was die charred two or Wile days before the fire. Roney light ; was watchman at the agile belie withal' *salient, (which involved a hem lime to the eiimpaay in locomotive., machin ery, etc.) .11PCondell_wie locomotive fireman in the spring ot 1860,hed left the levitation voleata rily he applied foe employment, last summer, to witatise4haviess relined. M•Connell was seen by within about hfaitehealer from that time till the Os cram euusisiatioa whams ideatified a note atiVrittility him bath e 14th of October, reeom - iMaisellas.a steady sad faithful 'agog lass. . Hugh Healy , eight watchman at the locomo tive Imam, testified that them were about twelve statue is the handle., bet so fire is either tyl them that night. Alter putting the locomotive "Had. gee," to the teak-house at 1] o'clock in the morn. pel'out 'Mahood lights, tried the water, and west , hack to the other eagioes and opened the tinge 'rocks:" There were eight en giffeillholt in thekoese, aid :ritzy firs was sees about either Athitio Wriatehmeght the building, to a Mill both house, O&M the house was discovered to hs oa fire, It wee beater frame earl bunt very rapidly. I , There wart a our mall Tomtit/ of.fire is the ask faa . ol th e locomotive, Viug , ek Tracy, eight ivitehasan at the 'igloo hosee,„testifsed to ausailar 'lathe& facts. - Jobs reasedy, - ; brakegunia toa the eight train, testified that ma the eitgitforthis fire, between 9 gad 10 o'clock, he saw the" three defeadants walking together lehotiody *Mir 'the telegraph office, which is Mimi 200-feet (MU this. Moline house; whams deicribed 'their ilmar,-erc.l Was itiont eight teat troilism; -Moore,lived ta Miachastei O'Connell boardeffkiarthe 'Outer Depm. - Samuel Atkins testified that, between 10 and 11 oielock n iur he warren:waist to his home in Mae- . cheater Den the - erigina'house, where be was em. ployed„ ke passed 4 man.sbont 75 yards from the Lauer place; the mae glided off toward a gate lead initiate a field'aed looked at him about a mingle; he wu a moderm.iized gnu. wearing dirk clothes , tad. a kan-.lte went towards the house of Mr. Mc- Gee, which is a Lotle higher up, towuds the river. Urcesixaseined..-Was a little cloudy that sight. Abrahaiii Wolff testified that near throe o'clock • lathe monikag, makesid up Mr. Shoemeker earl Mr. Collett, employees ea the goad, whore- . ' side in Maachester, near. Allegheny city; they arose aid went away trogirther. Philip_Collett testified' that, on Ma way to lb's se sigine lea, going down Skew 'street, he met the threedefeadaets together, scar Hall & Spouse shop, wOhhig tram the direction of the fire; didn't syteattertti them; 'When I reached the ermine holm • waresitm c rly miaowed; the distance from there tomilieffe is nearly a Mile; the defendants were abovh,tkeir sauna regideaces, a short distance, whes I-met the*. Moore was discharged about for thb or 12tir of October, Holey la the latter ,pert of August; McConsell left is Aprilt be sp. !plied for $ situation tgrico—the second time es tbe Monday after thy fire; be didn't get work. 'The Onitit adjoined , till- Mogiday morning at 10 Jamtuy.ll3,--Ilefine Judge Hampton. ' - Sohn Kteetitar.Of Tohn Walter, deceased, vs. The Adams,lioreei , Company. Attica to re chviri Del 'delimitate. as Minton carriers, $1,200, placid in their ion at Lewistown, Pa., by the said John Wdkr, and to be' delivered to a certain party at Sirice creek, Allegheny county. Theme..; wee anbeactaantly , lost, and suit was brought by:the .111si enter. „throes withdraw. and else Minuend. . Harlin Camhli vs. indrow Giusti and others, hairs of „Margaret MaCiere, damaged. Action of ejectment for a tract of laud in glivabeth township. Verdlcildr defeedael. ' Ihtforelsolge WifffirauThejury.in the case of GognerHavie se..JohaMcClusky sad Janina Mirky itheatffore of Gee.' With Marks, were. charged by the Court We margin, and found a Tallith for the defeidaitii."'' ' • . Ithoothilile 'May aid wife vs: Hugh Smith and wile. Adios for slimier. The parties reside in Birmingham and th e wits of deteadant is alleged, to have. 'naiad that the wife of plaintiff had boon indu ol the cum's of bigamy and adultery. The Jury loud a virdiet fur plaintiffs in the sum of Ica Hogiarichg ind wife se. D. AM, 'dualis t:star of the estatool-Jamen Merriman, deceased. Action ler serileetiF Hidertid' by the wile al Mr, Headrielti„Torinerlf Mus Ellen Merriman. The parties maids is Sewickley , ' township, and the amulet claimed i 54500 Os trial. • - MT - lem Lam te •to Mercer County. TM lolirmring u n correct minim' of the killing of Aiebilmbild:.Titittor. of Mercer sou sty, about which wentcontra ' dietory atatemesu hive been' r paltlishMs ..0* the aftitimein ofthe 10th Mat., Trotter aid soother young mai named James Tonsg agreed to go out haatiagi.:.Thep Meet from W. J. Johmons to the holm of birr4Vinght, urhate.Yousg bearded. Yong gory' Trotter Wright's ride, and took hie own ohm kiii . .'PrentWrighes base they went to a maw slop is the aeigY hood—where was also &Mahan et Trotter's aid several other 'oedemas. The ring were Jeltist, and appatontly. in Mod humor, sadt..lind Mari. and were on friendly tams while is that shoo. roam: picked .op I,lus gam aid raisieg it, cocked it end disclargot its mamas into tea body of Trotter who fell, and enclaimed....tsniee, you • have killed ate," and al most namedittiely expired. Norte of the mettle thLteloit saw -Yeses at the time the gee wee die. '4;4 cayi he did aot knew tholes WM load -_ be need the hammer at the Mpe o Aid . that ehere.bikag iso cap on, proposed to Trotter to lost 'betas latter sold to wait tilt they got to the 44 3: lir Robbed, ifeq.; of Sinter, held ae in. game salkilday,!when the above facts were elicit odi-ted the jury; towel that-Trotter came to his death by the ebribuirge 'of a get - in the'haade at Jammeronog.,bat that . tits killing was sot fates= trtemall/MM.. ; L . /teedMr sae commentary - on the rfarilmareetrof fire aims. Totter was about twenty 1•M. • Inarnima =ataxy. Illatvkaals. ,Tlo 4 doradwrirof, the Owego' Board' of Tradd, \ hosing4S is opoWsliplatioa to visit Philadsiphiaoa ._. -. . . . . agiogya k usaoa4iitsra; rot ,ilidoo• 'gamic of Ow Philadolphta Board orYnolo to Ora wed, have laiiiWtirisiiiii a hriefotop is this city, as will bs rownrittinprOcollorripg trdirgrspldeerworodsaiwo , , . ,„ ~ Pritiavarni;3ll.' 16,1661: 1 Ye lioru;iddirLioarß SI Trails: adertgo i , Illincii. In f-....llliniin K that your Board contemplate-a iitsitßeßhaliri4W4E- we hereby . estiati ha lulls 'ties, ardtheg you. to solorni.with. so *while, spa latrine*, to dila city. - : • • ... , _.., -, • PAVI11:1C/IIIIIALT.i Prost. Board or Trade. . Thursday dos 61lowisa wryly was received from ii, Prisurrat Of tit Chicago Board Of Trude r ~ . ... ''' , '• 7 '''-', ', ', , . ' - Cl/ICAO/Si A2..17,1861.: ' Ana. Pixll4sp, Es 7., Firwdod Pinsistrarh &art •'T Chiossaßoard of nide accept your Wits ties, mad will ,eater istitratiorgh from Tusiday 1110i20P.!ii.: mid! Waloisdty at 4:46 p,m. ',, c.....- 4 ' l, :f , ..,. -,f :, - '', . -lea Y. NVEri , .., Preet. , Claiga Beard of Tritds.4" 4 ..,,,Y.7,:•-w, , •,.. _ COS . ' :-Wsi - .1; Nom% its zoos issOiliatitit - slat totem tho'woof-Ili Yalu( leSSlSSioqloirefog lb. loos of Iwo dolhirs how loti*Atainar. , l44.6 banal tarot* gqo, Tins =IVIIIO /WWI , isiinsittsk ,is bOIW ii t • • -..l.ooiliesi'lileob Il losiagrn *wer by 64404' ile 'was :Willy' us, awe kik lois OWN reit liottos is lb. Wally. The wildest Wit lb , MO ISSIIIOSS bit* _ • '`, 42-;‘ Palat al laillii.Orwitliera lltigeartha Ruud. vre lannialk arieldentef taw &know badl to tilo sus lama AD drew /Ma anilslithis reeks, teemstem, molding in the 13magd Ward. Allegheny. It seems that they left the sty early in the week, with an engine and !machinery for en oil well is Ve pang* county. The wagon woe very heavily laden, mad the roods irate in a bad condition. While In the vicinity of Butler, It , is reported that the wagon upset, and that they were both crushed to death by the machinery. A tannenger came into the art y yesterday, sad reported that their bodies would be brought hero by mid. eight. The family of Mr. Irvin live on Carroll 'treat, and that of Mr. Brooks on Veto street, near the bead of B . The rumor was current in the neighborhood at ten o'clock hurnight, and great anxiety woe manifested to know the truth or falsity of the,statement. We failed to diaeover any person who 'could antheab este the story, lad we earnestly hope it may prove to be wholly untomided. I, Prom the report of the Board oOrfanagere of the Pesnsylvania lestitntion for the Deal and Dumb, located at Philadelphia, we leani that there are eleven pupils IronvAllegbeny county now in the lestitatlon. On the Ist of Janmy, 1860, there were 201 pupils In attendance, sir 112 boys and 89 girls.. There were 43 admitted during the year, 21 boys and 22 girls. Daring thri same period 17 boys. and If girls were discharged; On the 31st of last December there remained 115 boys and 100 girla, 215 in all. 01 the pupils admin.d daring the year 1860, 23 were horn - deal. The remainder lost their healing im follows: C from scarlet Corer; 3 from measles. ' 4 disease of the brain; roomful*: 1 typhus fever; 3 cold; 1 paralysis; I a fall. Spanish Bhnp, The fanners of Poyang county are becoming somewhat excited on wool grosrllg. On Saturday lest, Mr. J. F. iongnecker stud Mt. Foot arrived et Uniontown dirge from the State of Vermont, with • lot of one hundred l and fifty extira Spanish cheep. They were very supetior, and sold readily at fabu lous prime. Mej.:blibbolas M'Cartney, of Wharton ip., drove off things:ahead to his mountain farm for hkb be paid $lOO. This lot consisted of twelve ewe. and • buck ; for the latter, he was offered $l5O by Mr. Foot, hat be declined to take It. Mr. Lewis Hammel, of Jockey Hollow, Clay tp, silo purchased a back, for which be paid $.900. The ten or twelvo ewes selected by Mr. Longneoker for his own stock east him abort $7O • bead. FATICTIC COONTT RAILIIOAD.-rAn election for President and Directors of thin compact) wu held on Monday luf, when the following gentlemen were chosen : President—Weiser flobinion. Directors—dimes Veech, Jacob frlgrpbey, Allred Patterson, John H. liPClelland, Reading Beating, William Beeson, Robert Hogan,' Ellis B. Dawson, Isaac Wiggins, John K. Ewing, Henry W. Caddie, Blasi S. Faller. The receipts 01 the toad Int year were :—Prom W wwow, $4,282,00; freight, $3,328,69; U. S. Mail, ,00; $400 Total, $3,010,69. The siapenses were :—For coredacting transpor talion, $3,405,25; maintenaace of way, $1,236,75 , Total supeasee, $4,642,00. Making the net timings, $3,368,69. The number of passengers carried °Ter the road during the year_were 11,393, and the number of pound■ of freight, 6,708,056. • .Pouce Arrtinrrumrra in ALLIOUIRY.—Tbe Police Committee of Allegheny Councils met last evening, at the Mayor's dam, and in connection with Mayor Drum . . made the following police ap. pointments Sylvemer Tyler, James Reedi Fred. Lehman, Win. Bowden, WO. Sprague, Beery Herman, W. ldflCain and Alexander Alfileemir. The appoint ment of R. Loag, as high constable, was announced some time more. The Committee, after making their appolstmeats, adopted the following resolutioa, not on account or any necessity which exists Poi. it at present, bat as a role for the fatere Resolved, That the Mayor be sod he is hereby authorised to discharge, forthwith, any •ol the pollee forte who lreqnent taverns or lager bear saloons for the Purpose of drinting, upon obtain ing witialaetory proof thereof, or 1l they are fulled adder the influence - el liquor while on duty. - ,„ Poems Lroseans Soctrrr.—At the third an anal meetieg or thin Society, held. last evening, the following officers were elected i 5 he mom. Mg term: President. Kassel IW. Morrow; Vice Preeident, Tian. P. Houston ; Secretary, Wm. H. Prestoo; Correspoeding Secretary, Geo. W. Geis aealminer ; Treasurer Jas. C. Neill.. ; Librarian. Geii W. brllCullum ; Critic. .T.'Henry Miller. Auditing Cointniuee—A. B. Smola, J. J. Mews, A. H. Pattemon. • Trmwees—E' W. Morrow, 11 . 7 m. J. Patterson, W. M. Preatim, W. H. Algoo, J. 11. Miller. Nergeant.at-afro.—Joo. Ennui, Jr. The third 'annual exhibition Wi(l uke place short ly, due notice 'of which will be given through our column.. ' AID PAL KILIIIIBI.-ZThe OODITibilli01:111 ill Wash lora county' la aid of Kansas, are as follows : United Presbyterian Char.* Waibingtou, $40., flailed Presbyterian Ohdroh, Weet Mid dletown, (in part) $3O; Methodist Epiro,pel Church, Washington, $4O; Presbyterian Church, Washington, $3O; Free Presbyterian Church, West Alexander, $24. Plasm!, Gill Congress don, Amami', $2l; National Lodge, No 81, Washingtoo, $2O; 1. 0 Old Fellows, Washing ton, $3O; Clothing, Grain Beak, &o , by Ladies of Washiagina, $116; Upper Buffalo Presbyte• Nan Congregation, (In part) $66 Total, $416, besides other donations from Ind WM mita Bain or Oro LANA—A. kloblaster, Big., of this city, has sold 'thirty-six acres of laud, located on Little Beaver creek, about • gamier of • mile below the Patton oil well, at Eolith's carry; for $2,600. The porchaser to Mr..Davkl Kirk. of the firm of Kirk & Allen, grocon, Allegheny. The tomese to the value of this lend, sine. the oil excitement, may be ap proximated, when it Is known this the original tract, of which this Is about this our-belt', wits purchaaed by Mr. likieldaster for about $4OO. We understood thaelfr. Kirk will mod down au engine forthwith, for the purposil of boring for oil. ;Suomi. attend his effort& Exerrammtv zsour Ileicavowle.—There are at this time nine dompanisse organized at Hooke. town, Green townehip, Banner eo. , Pennsylvania. Seven of the nine have the maebipary on the ground ready to commence as soon se the weather is favorable. The machinery 'for the other two will be forwarded this week. The companies aro very confident of acetate on account of their close proximity with Smith's Ferry. The lemma u for 20 years, and the owner of the gioeltd to receive one tenth of the produce, whether milt, mineral, coal or oil. . DEATH or O VOttLAN Maruza---Mrs. N ese , Moors, one of the oldest inhabitants of Fayette coeffflrdied 00 the FM alt., at the residence of her son, Evens Moors, attar linioalown, in the einety. second year of her age. The deceased was a oa• live of Franklin county, in thin Slo to. Her maids' name was Williams. She came west shoat the year 1798, and was married shorgy afterward. Her hatband, the late Col. Andrew IVloore, served with honor in the war of 1812. . . CATHOLIC Ivies—The Rev. Keogh will deliv er a Gonne le this basement milts' Cathedral, on Sunday evening, 'Jan. 27, for the. bensilt of the Poor: The proceeds will be distrlbeted bj the So ciety of St. Vincent de Peel.. The subject will be --"Catholic Principles of CiVil tiovernmen." Tickets, 25 meta The Treargrez of Bt. Paul'. Orphan Arylirn iseknowledps the receipt of $25 from St. John's ebureb, Birmingham, the proceeds of a Chrigliwite collection taken up there. Boox-Frizetwo . Penmanship 'sod Mathematics taught by experielized and skillful instructors, at boa City College. coiner PIMA and St. Clair sm. Studosts enter at any time and 'panne sack brimeliea as •they may desire, private instruction being given to all. Business men can complete • ewes of atady by attending Mange only—the College being open WI 9 o'clock every erasing. BVIORD TO Dram—Mien Sarah O'Brien, • daughter of G. G. O'Brien, who' formerly resided in Uniontown, and now width in Cannelbraille, was Do severely burned in the latter place on Mon day eveniiig . lest, that she died Beeman day. The deplorable accident was caused by her clothing taking fire. • 81117NZ1114 or On..—The daily receipts of oil open the Sunbury and Erie Kinkead amount to about four buttered. barrels. Sit hundred and twenty barrels of oil, from the; Thrush!. region, won shipped to Onion Mills oo;hionday lam. The dally receipts for some time pest have averaged three hundred barrels. Gaaboamen at Dula Celiele, Pittsburgh A. Dmreadorf, Montgomery county. N. If., D. DAVIS, Pa., W. Teeters. , ,Alliance, Ohio, W. B. Rica, Wilkinsbatg, Pa., R. 4. Hanes. Deer,. 'villa, Ohio, all. el whom parsed a satisfactory , ex amination and who will no doubt hereafter Beguile the long established repotatiba of thin favorite eetablishmsnt. Arrounatar.—W. W. Hoye, Iraq., of Harris. berg, has best appointed Deputy Attorney General by Mr. Parriaries. Mr. Liam as a eery worthy yang mu, and ' hie netheroai friends will reel highly gratified amide success id obtaining an office for which there were BILMITOIIIII applicants. Vatonuaa /011 1861—Noi firth, sissastly golSts op Vaisutbsts of sew patting sod Dow do slow, sow said 7 at the Wetting Nesagosztars, Bost A Minert Ti and 7$ Fifth Sores& Great is. doswasets its sand to the wide this row. Call es But £ Missr's if you twist Vslostioss. flitclon.—tdr..Conrad Menem, of Waabington towsabip, Union conaty, hung bimetal ou tut Mosday Night, in his barn. Wens is about thirty years. We understand that hobos been subject to file of insanity, in one of whieb, hr, no doubt, committed the act. 4 Atnimml.-93 mottos al M. W. Atchison, tag i is the District Court, C.?: Ewing, Esq., was dal's/J.1E164 •ad spanned to pracitce as an at torney io that Coen. Pssoosiso.—George Ibe OY lIIMIMaIId IS the peattaatlaq lost spring, Igt . • torn or several m iss, epos s e r i : p lo p tl a os , t l ialsttway robry, Las , Annyrsavatilas Sirith *omit SW "mt yettentay• M. Ntehotios, epos • amp et 'adititimi pritinvidiby hi. with, BIM* Smith. . . AID TO' Iraircia.—Dr. Irish Ina Made a dalaa% Ilee of lei delherei - teMeyer liirileen, for the Ken . ZOOM GLUM, Yormallts tad popular rail sena, it aim orsgsvounit at litrio, Pa. Ttilligut - OlgaaatilorlB6l t r'ab at Hai OWL . Osoodtatios the ilaltodl Mato for tiro jomjA pusgait Am al 1,0 Aglow% IMLMI=== sr: gultnalnelont llfeeting Te.) ilha . I (earths Dmilptlttaborghtleastk TO . rale Simons or Tat Ghent% sum Will you permit a Republican.; citizen to enter aid itistrotmst in advance , vane% the tontaM pl se on of the meeting celled.6ii this evening, in your city, to prettamtita bumble entombeion to the imperiorili demands of the Slave power. I hid thought that when the immense restion• which now lig it.te the nation, had been solemnly decided by the legally recorded verdict of the" American people, that a direct acquiescence would at least have beeh manifested until a counter verdict could have beep obtained, if that were poMible, by the same supreme authority. .A majority of ten thous sad of all the voters of this county, has jest been recorded, against the dammed■ of the slave power, which the signers to the call of the contemplated meeting,modestls propose 'Mall be yielded I We protedt against any such action being taken as the voice of the people of this coasts. We point to the vote. of the 'people of the county, and of the State, for our ammor to all sucli submimionist.. But way are we ached to yield all the tram of the lets ihemorable campaign 7 Simply and alone, because the slave power having been defeated in argument and et the ballot-boo, approach us with a threat,, They demand now from our fears what they could not obtain from oar jodpment. All the questioal at imee were long, and ably, and thor oughly sorted, and brought within the comprehen sion andigraop of every voter. Never were quite tines woke thoroughly c aaaaaa ed in the free flutes, and Southern men had every opportunity, and embraced it, of pleading their cause before the Northerd moues, and were respectlulty listened to even when they th d dimointioe, while Northenh toe,, were debarred from all approach to Southern voter.. Now, when the lame his beet joined Sad the verdict paned, because Southern traitor., laying violent bend. on the sacred fabric . . . . of the Union, and have even gone to the extent of committing acts of war against the Government, Northern men are found, Pituborghers are found, 'rho counsel that we Mall yield up—humbly, tcow ardly yield up—every rincyle at issue in the late canvass.! Toe sixteen omand Republican voters of Allegheny county • e asked to do what 1 One of two thing.. Either cknowledge that they were wholly Mistaken; that the Republican platform was wrong, Mid the Breckinridge platform was right; or they Mum acknowledge themselves most arrant cowards; They mum quail before the threats of the Imperious Toombo and the crack-brained ''tVigfail.. ' I tell the gentlemen who have engineered this meeting; they have undertaken too much. They caenot make the people of this county submit to the Bredkinridge platform—for that is what they lA. Still less can they persuade them to yield cherished principles—ptinciplee which lie at the very foundation of a tree gorernment—to the threat. of a defeated party. If this, indeed, 'can Ite done, then are we no longer worthy of freedom. The South has ruled us for the !let thirty years, by direct fraud sad impodencok We heed petlantly submitted because they bad se cured tub forms of law on their side. We have quiet ly awaited •deliverance until a whole generation bail pissed Tway. Ken who started In youth to rant the aggreseihne of the slaveoeracy have grown grey in the long and desperate conflict. At length victory hie crowned their efforts; but no sooner have they laid aside their armor, to ...joy in quiet their herd earned laurels, that they find the very fabric of the nation shaking liom the traitorous blow. of the defeated party, and they are *eked here in Pitts burgh, the very citadel of their strength, to yield all the finite of their bard earned toils, to go down on their, knees to the .lare-mastera, to forswear their principle., and to put their necks under the yoke forever. Gownsman, you ask too much of our forbear. lance; Yon make stopeadow drafts upon our pa tience. You must recollect we are but men. You may go a step too far. You may rouse a tiger, whore you look only for abject sntmmion. The very idea of the C011..i00 'you ant, has already aroused the enmeshment of the civilized world. An able English paper, say. that what you me .in effect, advising, is that a yworiess party should not only . abandon the finite of victory, but should voluntarily march coder the yoke. It will be oue of „the ritualism events in political history, if the Free States, having wrought themselves up after eight yeara of diacumion, to a Wimp declaration that Slavery shall not be allowed to extend its border,l should comical to adopt the miry watch word of the slave-owners, betides misting them actively in the accompluktmem of object. which bare latterly been beyond their ute.oet hopes Are you, gentlemen submiuloniate, mare of the strength of the sentiment whist now animates the majorify of the Northern people 7 It is • sentiment which it at the foundation of all civil liberty, and is deeply interwoven with all correct, morel and roll.. glen. feeling. Can you crush • antimeet ? Can you destroy it? You may destroy the Republican party and achieve a brief triumph for rilarery and Mammon, but • sentiment you cannot destroy while • free press and • [reap:l4dt rem►iue. Beware, gen- Conlin, what you do. Pont up eaten overthrow their bettion. A sentiment founded on religion and liberty Is more powerful than physimil forme That edema la one °oaten*. that Slavery shall he secure withle the States which have establiehed it. Out rage with your compromitu this sentiment now, and it will demand more when It cyst achieves a victory. Now It mks for nothing but the guarantees of the Conetiuition no It La It asks for nothing but What It Dee patiently yielded to its opponent. If the fruit, of Its victory ars beet through treachery now, the straggle will only recommence with the addl. tlonelitimulus of desperately outraged feelings. We protest, then, against a meeting only cake lated to =bleed In regard to the real sentiments of the peoPle of this county, and which arrogated to itself tot much when it aim to overthrow the solemn verdict of the people. Smarr op '76. Union Meetings in the Jtorthi Co-Cilterstilast nath Dunstan gleettags In the gontb. I For tho Daily Pitt•borib Gmtts Manes. Morrow, The all published this morning and signed by some lour hundred citizen., professedly with.% distinction of pony, for a meeting to take place on to-morrow (this) evening, for the porposaof along the Union, by nmeedment of the I,: h orietitaion oo the but. of John J. Cniten• den , . programme. is one 01 those movement. on which, we think, every true hearted Republican should look lain great donorat. la the earlier stages 61 the secession movement gentlemen might readily enough tall into the mistake of apprehend. lag real danger to nor great and ever to be ad mired Union. But every day end every movement 03116 It more aheodenely manors. that the whole thing sra. notion; more or Was than a deep laid political scheme to arouse the fears of the North for the safety of our country, by threatened and incipient secession, by cresting a financial and commercial panic, by arming on government pro perty si far as that could be dune without actual warp sad by any and every other means which the eeigencies of the times and the great object ehould appear to demand, and this. induce the Republican Party to give ap its principles and disband a an organiaition so as In tenure the Democratic Party, Northland South, to it. place in power at the bead it the government. If I wore a Democrat I would alga such a call. I would look upon Such a meeting as a eoe.esse. And I therefore honor Democrats for their seal in this emitter. It ',just what they want and the only thing, now, within the reach of human agency, which ran save them. But on what ground. Be publlcen. tan enroll themselves on this lid. is 4) me inezplitable Oa the subject of compromises - the New York Time. has well put Its point, when it re cently declared that n all the compromises yet of fered, that of Mr. Crittenden Included, ought to be rejected, because they are oil ; they all go upon the principle of laboring to find out how.umeh the North can he induced to give op to the South as a means of inducing her to continue her connection with us. And scab is no compromise at all." Li the spirit of unflinching fidelity to the Constitutliat as it Is, I would luk gentlemen to read aver agate, as they .doubtless have already read, the Chicago Platform and the Inaugural Mouse of our pros set Governor, Carlin; then, if they desire to attend Union greetings, let It be to proclaim the Union as it Is—the Constitation as our sires of seventy-six made it—equal jostioe—a free press—free speech-- Inm palliate —on untrammeled francnise—and death to those who, for what cense sever, would dare to fay a sacrilegious hand upon the ark in which are deposited there emblems of our covenant—these civil a4d religious bleselnp which we Inherit. The "labs•+ Minting 1111:31nra Tawas hip dr. Editor: Permit me to say that the report of the meeting held In M'Clure township, as published In the Poet, is moat unfair, as representing that the people of that Markt favor the Crittenden oompro labia !The truth of the matter Is, the solutions simply exposes the sentiments of Col. Kerr, and one or two others who Spred u officers of the meeting. "Sentaryign arid the resolotions, and " Beaton" - did the trying. When a petlemaa to the meeting t . John Shipman) opposed the Critten den "humbug," he was ruled out of order by the chair, bib° decided that the call wad Issued only for thou Who favored that measure. Thin was a very clever 'dodge, but it didn't win. Mr. Shipman int mediatel3i proposed that all who did not favor the C St rttletk , patob-work should retie, to another mom: when bee iell excepting roue—and than. wen' aims of the meetlag— Meets. Henry phillios, reeldent. mut &soul Faulkner and Jamb Bckert, Pica Prosideutsi with Thomu Fully, 8414 There an not three Rolublicsos in MN:3lm town ships and eery few Democuts, 'who favor the CHF tease °ampule's.. : • Taboo. Pa 'v Tetrviso —Three vanes tees,, named respeCtively, John and Wish& Aimeelbw, end Al..' Fred Ramer, raid to betreaidenta of lbii city, Were committed to pill on Friday last, by jostles Senile, of blOnongattela City, charged with the larceny of cent, hoos►, etc., from persons living sear Lock No. 41 The farmer' in that locality hare bees; mach hamoyed for SOW time past by petty thierieg.l A -committee of tannery have waited on ow/era' perm:lift ear the Lock, red requeited them to leave for other parts. . Tolman I.4%—liir. Rumor, usrpot waavar, of! Dammam) borough, ortio .wm repotted to bays loft home very mystaiouoly a tow dap ago, hai return.' id to ,tho oil attiw shllltig soma Moods la the *wintry, and Is. vary aseloso to know who warted' Ms silly story about his hiving United Mammy. ,11. maws that If hs him board bo would profit bay. lug the Job dohs by toms ono shoo than Mtn ad& AL ,tbo Itioth"oilt, Philadelphia sad,Cinelisaa Daily open, eat he had at the cootie e Cildestesseea memo depot 45 fifth ottestj ugly costa byJolmWt•Pitteek, APSE,' itkillateraiiiritibiallifetfickiiirkiltai t , Tait Jlibenix's Put, nosived at . Gilitaftisette rutspot. systrioy at erne °Week, by Jobs W. 4rill THE LATEST NEWS. BY TELEGRAPH RECEIVED AT THE DAILY GAZETTE OFFICE Governer's Allegheny County Appointments [Bpeclallnotch to tee Pltbbutr.l. Gantt* I Heianzono, Jen. 18, 1861. The Governor haw appointed Jobe she., of Plater, rlour Inspector; pommel Femme, City, eater of Weights ■nd Mouture., and Augustus Ammon; of Birmingham, Interpreter The eipoiatment of htr.l Shaer teems to give general natisfaction to your citizens. Some our elite is nasuifiated in regard to the appointment for QM XXXVIth Congress—Second Session. CITT, Jan. 18, 1861. House;—Mr. Kure, of Ky., rising to a punn et explanation, nid that it Mr. Adrian , . resolution, heretofore adopted, had simply endorsed the me ant of Major Anderson, he wend have voted Jor it, but he could not receive the permission of his Wind to vote for the remainder of the resolution, end to say, by so doing, that be would endorse every eel which the President might regard as his Constitutional duty in Carrying out the laws and trig the Union. While he was for the linion, sod believing that he thus represented the People of ICentuni, he tboitgbt that duty required es to pause before we imkril the whole Union aid bring on a general conflict and intestine war. He did not believe in the right of a btate to ve t ede. Ho regarded this as the greatest hetrodony ever advocated by any party ; but while he said thie'all must 'recognise the right of revolution for the resistance to oppression on one Bide to secure freedom sin the other. He did not believe that the time hnarrired to mown this means of redress and precipitate so dreadful aes aaaaa ophe. He did not believe that the present was the proper time 16 lend reinloreementa to South Carolina lad othet Soutbarti States. We should hesitate and endear.- or to get' ban by peace what it might be neceuary to secure by force. The !rouse went into the comilderation of private bills. Mr. Sherman made a brilliant and eloquent. imeech in committee, closieg the debate on the Army bill. Mr. Burnett, of Ky., offered so amendment pro riding that no face* authorized in the bill should be used to subjugate any of the seceding Staten. Rejected. The 161: was then passed and the Hoare adjourned. • 8 .-,Two communications were received from thelVar Department. Ooe was referred to the Military and the other to the Committee on Finance. A commonleation was also . med from the Navy bepartmeni;relative to laformatlon on Tatou, sub jects connected with the navy. 'Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Bills firm the House were then considered. Mr. Wade, of Ohio, presented a series of joint bintions 'passed by the Legislature of Ohio, express ing the Union attachment of that State and its read'. hem to give its support to the getieral government. Mr. Mania, of Va., from committee on foreign resolotiOn, reported hill to authorize Com. C to receive certain mark• of distinction from the Spanish Government. Kennedy, M 4, presented a Memorial from the citizens of Washington county, Married: praying for the adoption of Mr. Critters- • gee's teiolutions. Mr. Bigler, of Pennaylvania,. presented fifteen Memorial. from citizens of Pentnylvania, praying for the adoption of Crittenden's reirolatione. • Mr. Simmer, of Mass., introduced a resolution that the!Preeident of the Coiled States be reques ted, tine' incompatible with the public interests, io furnish the Senate with ■ , copy of all recent cOrreetiondence that has pawed between the department of State •nd any minister from ■ foreign poseur at Washington with reference to foreign. seasels to the lure of Charleston. Mr. Tea Kyck, N. 1., presented the petition of A. 3, Wend. praying for the paemge of a law for holden``' a National Convention, In pr, mote the general wellies of the country, at Philadelphia. Mr. Cameron's motion to reconsider the rote by Chico Crttlenden's resolution were tahled, wee then considered. The motion to reconsider was passed.. Mr. Crittenden'. reeolution was postponed, on inotrou elf Mr. Bigler, till oee o'clock on Monday, liter the consideratioe of private bills. Mr. Green, of Mo. , presented a joint resolution that, for tne purpose of protecting the rights of all the people and all the State. aster as n decolves epos the Federal aunt y, and to maintain the • flume 111 its p•rity ■nd excellence, or, hilt.; In (bat, toe provide for peaceable exparation,.• be it hereby rivommeeded that the severld Stites take Immediate metes, by convention or ntheewite, to make the propositions at the several Sim., each to the others, or by a Convention al the Stein, as may hem conduce to the restoration of harmony, enasimeet with the principle of settee and equity to all. The Pacific Railroad hill emits up hot erne post poned and mnde the special order for one o'clock • en Tuesday. A bill! to authorise a loan for the rate of duty and le relation to the outstanding Tremury notes was made the special order hir oat o'Cloeh om Wednesday peat. The kinsivas hill thee came up on the special order. Mr. truce moved to amend the Kane. bill in the firer: erwrion. He proposed to strike oat the word* 'Beginning eta point on the wester* buns they of the State of Missouri where the 97th par- Oaf of! north latitude crones the same; thence west mrsatd penile! to the 26th meridian of loa gouda West from Washingtoe; thence north on mid meridian to the 40th parallel of latitude; thence .east on and parallel to the wartime boundary of tho Suite 44 Mumouri; thence south with dm west. ern boundary of said State to the place of begirt. nt 9 C" end in hen thereof ineert the following : "Brgineing in the main chains! of the north fork of the Platte river et a point where the twenty-oth meridian' Of longitude west bona Waabingtoa crone* the same ; thence thecae down and along the main channel of the Platte m the Mimouri river; thence tooth along the said air m end the western boandoy of the State of Miner 1 to the not:Mond boundary of the Cherokee central :lands; thence meat along the said northern : boundary to the northern botindary of the said Osage binds and the prolongation of the same to the 25th meridian of longtltuds west from Wuhing , ton; Manes north on ooldmarldian to lbri plate of !beginning. Mr. Chandler, of Michigan, sold that be deolred to present the memorial of Robert W. Drab, col lector of the port of Detroit and thirty others, most ly Democratic office holders of that city, asking tae primese of the Oritteoden reeolutlon. Laid on the table. Mr. Crittenden, of Ky., preeenbrd the petition of the °Wrens. of Monongalla costal, Vs., praying for the adoption of the aompromles measure' pro posed by Mr. Crittenden. Laid on the table. The Senate was in ease:seise ormino nearly lour hour. on the nomination of Mr. Holt, as Secretary of War; It was confirmed by 39 against 13, after an exciting debate ' in which the Sectimionista ar dently participated. The hill ietroduced by Mr. McKean, of N. Y., last Monday, is to repeal the law making at Char. Ireton, Georgetown and Beaufort, in South Caro line port, of entry, even in time or peace,. it coils snitch more to collect revenue at three ports than it jllllO4llllll to. Mr. McKsan9i desire in to stop the foreign trade, mod send 'sufficient naval farce to blockade those harbor,, and in this view he is not alone. Washinevon, January 18.—The President 'eat the norninetion of Mr. Holt so Secretary of War to the Senate to-day. It was considered in MM• entire isuion, and from all accounts the ;monad. eary•discussion was of an exciting character. An effort wan made by its opponents, bet this was as strenneaely resisted, end soceeethilly, the motion of reference being defeated by a vote of 34 against 13. The objection to Mr. Holt by his opponents is that la their opinion be is a ceercioniat, and this some of them openly avow. His confirmation I. now considered certaini•the matter is specially assigned for immoderation tomorrow. • ' The nomination of Mr. Mclntyre of Penna., a. Concrete, of Customs in the neighborhood of Charleston, Instill suspended, bales in the bends qt the Committee on Commerce. It eras incorrectly stated in the Senate report that Mr. Latham ' of California, =prod an indefinite pompoliemencofthe Pacific Railroad bill; the me. Lion wea made by another Sentitor. The Alabama Sepatom were notified talky, by telegraph, from the President of the State Coeveni. tion, not to love their seats until further informed: The trouble is the refesal of delegates front North Alabama to sign the ordinance of secession unless the time is postponed for ascesaion till the 4th of March: IMII The peperi in the Booth cad hereabout, publish • statement that Commodore Shabrick, of the U. S. Navy, died recently at Tend!atom, South Caro lina. bis Is dot true ae the Commodore he in Washiegton tovday, atteadleg to, badmen, sad is perfect well. The navel officenv.at the Pensa cola au, ysrd have been formally detached and are now awaiting order' from the department. -RALpon, N. C., Jae. 17.—Thexixpect of the debannon the subject of the Federal Re'Atkins has not varied to-day. No vote was taken except os oinneimportaskaineedment. In an Senate tne • times, perhaps, looks a little more novelly. Megan. Ostia* ail Morehead spoke is the Sen ate in favor ofa Gement Coevention. !deny strong speeches were mode ler, secemian. The Mouse is holding eight amnions. , BT. LOVIII, Jan. 18.—In the Mouse, yuterday, Mr. iltavenson'a substitute to the Convention bill, asking:Congress to call • National Convention, was lot by a vote of 104 to if. Mr. Laory'e amendment to the original bill, sub mitting the nation of alCoommUon to the people, wu Mum adopted, sad the bill paged by a vote of 105 to 12—all the Repubiletan delegation from qt. Loals except one voting in the negattve. • Be. tows, ..Tan. 18.-j-'the reported seism of a largo aplenty of poerdee by the authorities of Lot:- Week et New Orleans; belooglog to a Bt. Louis merehabt, Is untrue. ',The powder hat Dot yet reach ed that port.. 'lt Is itederetood that the Governor of Leatebute boa proPeeed to pitches" the powdetoa ita enlist at New. Orleans. , . , •-• Aiddrir, N. Y., -- Jso.; 18.—Io trio Hoare of Arm bly; tbd Cormadttedon Strdwitl Itatatissa; wad, a roport.; Thidoaimlttes dratted to'idgedre who is vs. avowed* toe the prwoot trorbis, but deetardtbst New Tick, widla • standing truly In support ago Nowt did Imre both by 'wand and Nadoadd idd, will *opts* do Imperious d dohs all td, bdr ptdraito wiuditits Ur; diraffrotod: Stated. 131 . ff;'•• tti -0 rplaisliddi.: l llb• liayoriad' Weds dlr. sew oripdakilii pad htproltsdavy anispo e:7.`✓, 4 ~...hn~£woe`:t 4SG.r -;iii'. Ammon), VE,Jek. 113 J—The State Senate de- bated ihe resolution passed in the House pester der, contemplating* sitionaf.coureation. Amend;, mum 'were proposs . d file more motile protee. lion of the South m 1 the ;proposed bade of the _adjustment. f No action was taken. The HOVNI named a bilf, appropriating one million of dollars for the defense of the State and aetheriziik the issue of mealier' , motel to that amount, bearing Gk per cent. Mimeo. HAMPTON !ROADS, ',Tan. is.—The ship Morning Star, Capt. Oanipbell,Uf Windsor, N. S., from Liv erpool, with !all and lion, bound (or City Point, ar rived with 149 passengers and the crew of the ship Globes, Captain Illanlte, boned for New Yoh, which was burned on the aftCrooon of the 12M. Anvers saved bet 00M, who jumped overboard. 10 general, the cargo, baggage aid clothing were lost. N. You, Tan. q.—The steamer Marion has arrived from Charleston. She bas thirty free col ored personal and 1 laborers who had been employed on rort Stier, as passengers. The latter report that the ir pe at Fort Sumter were to good spirits. They ad plenty of provisions but of worm were deprived of vegetable and other articles of marketing klrmanadirrnt.fa, Git, Jan. 18.—Tbe 000TettitOn wu in sourefsuslon,lll day.' iAt. four o'clock tills afternoon ell Coureadon adopted emulations: dadaringit the trgbtkad duty of Booth emotion to secede ;Id, appointing a committee of 17 to t' port an ordinitice of "amnion. Yeas 100; nays 130. '4 The Milwaukee and MU ) to-day by the Marshal on a District Court. It wu of the creditors and 'as n. II —The Governor hes 3 ventlon cofirmed General t on Anderson and Jame% o the flouthren Congrese to lemma. _ . r I e / tt r :ppl Railroad trari no g -I HAWN e Re, Jan. 18 cis ill o ar of tha United /Mai •p dialed by the bilk se dog stockholders. TALGEBAMIC, Fla., J appointed tied the del J. Norm, CUL' J. Pm Poirera as delegate. to meet at Montgomery pc / Denise the eonflagr the bombardihent of the led warehoulie of oar.' of Lowell, (the depot Cathartio Pile, fur Chi rnon of Canton, owned by British, the extensive med r tryman, Dr. J. C. Aing, 4 hie Cherry Pectoral and la,) was totally destroyed. .4 upoa our Government for of hie property, and hence crack with oar alder brother 4 e now moires • demM ndemnity from the Wei tll grow another not tr Amoy. Stick to it; Doctor; and if our Govern- m •ot roalotaina oar flights wherever your Pills are sold, we shall Only belunproteeted on finals that are _ ery barren.—keform'er, Trenton, N. J. CUT M. THILOATJ--SOMU6I Weash, for many can a gunsmith at tluaoioprille,9n this county, at his throat . on.list Sunday near Fialeyville, bile laboring underia fit of derangement; but he till services, although ha gave himself a frightful gash with a barlow-haife. The physician thialm him rpcovery ,prcbable, . J 22- Dastrzs62.-114. L... 5111, No, 246 Penn tteat. luau& to all tTatiolica of the Dental profits lon. HP-Dorton C. Bans, Water Cate mid Ilomm. ethic Physioisni sisoiageat ter Ralobmea celebrated rain for Raptures. file. 130 Smithfield St. j *WALL shoold*ot tail to read the adver t...amnia Prof. Wood. lia tudaVa woe- • t garTO FOURTH STORY of the GIAZITTIII for term of lire lean m la{ on reomosable term. Apply to R. 1011011 T /1 00. ! • Omit. Ooontiqg nom.' Foot.—Attention is called to Ude teat istmerastole a i d sclentifi pre raratton t admilsod •ht another Mama. hie an entirely new &savory, and most sot be antotinded With soy of the tintarons patent wedldase of the des. It It a twain remedy for alpha disaese tpscifiwt. tan ti tao.rl.ll, thaw of 'a chronic aster. —ol long stendlon—oi Irak., aloud., and yews. Soifer. ea, try 11l Megan 01101“91 1 Darrow. of AN Pork. aro We ta l Rate bi It, end alio proprietors of We world.renow Dr. lasieutre Lasittstai Maul. an article which every Platt. ottonid ban in tier medicine slaw In use of nee and conteialtith as It dos, no plasmic or ophite of any kiwi. It stn M nikd twin wits the atiaali confldence,and will he found en Invaluable specific lawn case of Dahl:dile aniptelots —Ohio Stati:hoosal, Coluatbas. Wee adieetlessneqt- For ale by 510.11. SIDYBIII Aant..l4o WadeL Ptstelbareh. Pa. dePintikerlat SAPONIFIER! Important to Fondllea! Save Time, Tirouble, and Expense. " TAE THE . • BESTce.33_ MARKET ARTICLE . " I '" MAKING SOFT SOAP! One pound equal to six pound. 400 r t i S ! ! Fr SAN; Wirberlo. by Penn's. Salt Manufact'g. Co. i prrrsrßcH, PA. ambTai Orosera m Um Ustiad Stara Belting and Packing. Oar GUIII 11111{141111131 het streoglei adapted to Ito parson., and =wily ~.r require. Itshtelliog mor e than non; It hoe • pisefsctly smooth and .we onetime, sod will run straight olth ia2 ... .ct . ltieretrig on the polloya It Is matinhmtured hy pull tot heossmoihmohe It Mtn* to •Ithstatal heat of Shp Fahrenheit, siiiboot Wing allectoll, mad lite sevannit soid se not dimlniah Ito pHs. DI Ity. It hi thin-steno opt ooly yYaaDlo tor sheltosed open alloys bat specially Wanted to tettbineof *nooses to Um tooth., and cam conatittitly to ran lo worplacer, seitbont Our LEATLUCIL 411112LTING IssztensimlybstoWn In this mmennolty tbi, baat attiol• M lb. hind in use, to' pnrra witch V. east Mtn} bomber of thabeat relleeneen Oar CIVIL PAO K 110 le that web, by tlas Nags Scat Compeer, minntaetund end. Coodyeer.a patent, and Is wall known to b. of Imperial quality. It is consklared by antiwar. and miehinlim thillapmisable arbermnia Mama jnints are to be neele,M no mbar =balance b.. .a much atomicity, *Mk% will stand ow blab • dam. or haat. DeLANOE, 23:3 Libeity Sta.opPOWl•litedut Wood. Onakata, Loco e Lesthm, Belt Hanks and Riveta always am hand. ; Jaliwer = Couno,llllooda, July Mb, 1843. Mum. Joon Iltrustio;k Oo Your ..Inpectlee.. or 'Torsion Power Marin," 0.• dorm wonders 1 aria utiolty dtapoodont and wretched slam L applard It, sod la arm Itruaro the chtlin wen mamd sad oa krar hr oriano4 It t. the aimplear can hnagltodde ands wonder of agora or art: I 'rook! not !writ/mat Mb .10p•orloe h •Ingli boar. fly conataatly year( air It, I man to IA "ago.. profit," Yoe., 4 , 17 MAY, Y.IL OUT. • *Nu, Alabama, July Old, 11100 Oarrtnum: I bare hem inatebed foam Megrim by the op blkatiou of your woodegfol "Inpretior'!or "Version fever Comm.. Ifor rsvenJ jeers I barn sobered ...ray memo bum fever saddens. Inset Spring my ilfe era tbrearroed, but your remedy had duetroyed the draw, *ad I sin rap. Idly gaining es actaid etrwegth lully, yours, D. N. BARRAN. 111. truly vrattlerfol prmention aud tore for heir and /gm owl riCiesu Thers, will he mut by moll, poet paid, oo woolen of oue Mdlen. Alm for We el all respectable Sirtmera and Country *term Pylori* Depot emOdenufectory, 111 8010 street, Blob toond,Ve. Brunch Od/0.., Beek of Cramer. Building, New Tort. Addrewe boliberlyT JO fin WILCOX* PI PITTSBUBSIt 4CEIrTURAL WORKS, Noe. 49 aird P'erry aunty rtrnmo .111. PA. VRAIIIK U. WILLIAMS,. PROPHIMITOR. • WOULD call !the attention of FARMIMS, Dttetwie, Pettieµ out other", to the celebrated Telegraph Ifity,l Straw and Fodder Cutler, orwhkh bats sow wain thahettog a large otaatro.ot wt. WWI roc tot n►ed .ad Pawn.. Also, Starl Corn Sbellare, ether Paull* or Mae., tor hand at Power. BatPs Improved 'Ohio Mower and Reaper Horse Powers and Threshers. * Dog Powers, most Improved'. Pattern. IngenielPs Hay Press, AND (MIRA Aotticutrutur. NIUDIINIDY, wholeeste and rot.% -*or further Inkarioation; liAdrou above. 41.211m1111. Tin. BONIOII trniescu rititolleTLYSs.-.4bla xi allele nobles Uwe whom health or odratondrumos do not mama an L biarterie or ionallyi Warrant* or limit Um sombre of noir olleptiai without LaMar tin oosoutotios. ft la the only son and I Imre mwrinnive anion freetiowew wodDrosard. _Thiokol, article can in swat by mall to y Put of thy WOW Strum. Wanda. two for at, and $5 Ddoom. . . i. U. A 4 BONDY SIFIXIZI /MILL I MOVIIIIT P11.1111."4 Thome rills ore the oak medicine IMMO or dark lanai ran rely moon with ratan and corning, for tho lonmedlate Taunt of Utotrantemo - t laritleLate. Thryakerld WWI/ undeufwernwenall• ill _Per kn. loch boa oontalin 71 "Ws. nentin mail The moomr won he moult ed on all Madame of a Ornate nature, . Genment, a Vida CON mol madams norifero Geo. IL. Duct IL IX. Gan earner of G and Orchard irtneta onorthe shoe !store. Antrum No. 0 Orchard et.. New Tara: .11otablinst in tan. , - . , • - • W J. VANKIKK-, • I • lamed of Ma LANDA.Gicivr ( 7 iml. "'''' 7 ' ) . . A Notary Publio and County Survoyor ' souvis, POLE ootani. Mo. - Prompt attoutloa sling feria Patios and LooosumWou nate taWhilourl. Emma sod lowa. enylkliwt _ - II7OR - RlMlT,—Notioo Ai busby Oren that por. JpolC, mats Jour term. =, &parrot 1f 111. la for root. for fo==`b4ill27,lfi:::::milrongr. 1. hnntf. ...to Um. roan. Tye or In* boom IuMI mill lots or tumid moszontod IA ado I W 14/1171113LUI,iiird. arEgis t ralLY 4 Walla; 4 ,4 41r:r0b. at tway Lewd ow loodwoot t ilbstrioja woosoVa, NH' mot stslO. hoofs/ Atw tm o to owo ram fol on. • JollDif P. DOM Wholesale - Dealer . : %WM, SainAollofindi4s.sl4 Drstfille. QUITING Tag- TIMES—WALIe PA- N., PUS sea BOADIP.P wall b• gold mit redo:cal pima, Jai 1 W. P. 74411113HALp PI Wood st, irIiDSR-5' Phampigue stoTe by' ./.1. - trAtinnti • OD: DRY Appvt-15 eke. Bright' Dry Apples, to , MORT H. 00L1.13141111 Wood ANL- 1/1 &88. PORK 00. bbis. Mom Pm 4: 1.11. biuck4i. si.4l-'10.1.1.bi • UUTTI&B.=-5 bba Xxtra Mil Barer. ' 1,11 nda J. 14 - mrskyn.comink PAMhagtr mibt-bla WINDOW Olastr---2(0 taxes aarattal vonarmarti dmB nunr.aown. ~ • 4A 4.; diii:ig.::::::::,:.:7.... oclie comAtEßabtr, REcoRD.' TITRE OP AII.IIIILATION pOll4, pIBIIIILIIY. J mu% Do.wom.T.P. H. Plll, 76, J. J.Gamens. C. H. Pl6lllOl, . I 70111 M 1201111. PITTSBILIRGII MARKETS. [Reporfed y for tile Pittebterp4 Gosette.l3., • l'alarr, J. Is, 1061. Y: • There weirs. wool, tat little bream trinna•Cted IcKtot. The produce 'Buret rOorda. torahs and doll, the met,. Um* geonally befog i the small ray tolbe city orb. LOOK 7 conaose• quiet sod larks orliboot luerrrir any cbsnp to Dote to prkor. The demood le (mite Ilraleed sad lb. tionmetilooe oron 1e proporli.e. No oote the 1,4- lorlog sr/no : Soper. I Retro. 1 re. Tem.: Psoet 0 00. 110 bbb tram atom.--4 40 do ir wdo 6.12 61 0 :86 do w w do •11 76 100 do •w do 600 663 6 OR 34 do ir ar• do 26 doss 6lt 600 OR O eNNIN 6 -666..rtim. Wm of 10 004. N 0 7 35.(41).11. 6 do do at N.lO bli• oFtedm at So and 4 lOW congaed et 10. Illola•Wa !salmi but vochanged. Sam 4( bblo os 84#36c; 201 do do at 34o—mah. Oolfae—Rake of 100 tqa to city tn.:fret 14%01% 16 dodo id 16#163(6 and 16 do .1.) at 16. 01181t60--Balea of 40 bu W R at 10m 10 do at 93(j',10 do Cream at 94, and 31 do Hamburg at 103#. DRIED 1801T—da1b. of lA Droll bream at $1.764 1040 at PAO do c6oirdat d2,21' 11 do apples at 'I 6, .aod 13 do do at 8:34 • 011..01L—Mdesof10 MI No 1 Lard to city Wade at 900 , 11110111/#O6l. 1/101011-45a100 of 1,000 Mt at 81,76 IR OWL I • ' . 06T9—dull but oartmogad. Saks of 100 bush fron t depot al 26c. APPLEIS-41aloa of :to 14,18 ot II do at it, 004 2t 001. do as ottocars , -sa. of 10 dur. common at sL4Opor do. 1311•Nd-61atof 30 butt *Small Whits at 760 11 Insth.:: , 000th MEAL-241a of 00 barb from Sat bands at 4.5 c bosh. • 8008-B,lles of.loo los at 14g6160 yi do.. • ournalinti—ask ? of 460 bush st 64,62 IS bush+ *fro. non. , WI UB r—Balos of 16 bbl. flectlflod of lie 11 SuW= from store. MONETARY. AND COMMERCIAL . .. Unwrap liourr, Jao. 17 —Floor—Becelpts 2011 'alit lloritet nob t and eteal l, j o . Balm won no lolkm/oil:AO 8407416 'ironed city^. at $1,37 del; 171 liitilo eillobserk" do at jero del; 60 btits eososdo" at $4,41 Pt; 110 bbl' "Appleto n round hoop at $4,85 deb 2E4 tibia slows" endue antra 1 14,274 doe 125 bola Oil: dope saps at $3,76 del. ..;.; 11111 litufle.',3 low choke Mkkillnis a 216,60 on trick; 377 bap Bran at $6,76.16 track. ', What—Bondrile 74,161 Do Market pilot. Bolos were. 309 too Bed and Whit& Minter Mind at $l.lO on track; no too Northwestern Olob ett 6.2%c lo don; MOO to do at Mk team 12,000 brf Neil opting at 800 1' stare;; 10,0*0 to do of 2 054 C fur delini2 on f *Worley 1 6,000 bra do at 80.4c4 samodelivery; 12,00014. No 2 riming at 76e to Mono 2069 too do se B.B•Xe Id Mom Baia of mane h. wimple In Do Were.. folkorr,3oo h choice noligt 840 Gs track; 300 tio loon Club at dtidol: 1400 bo smartest 1116 on track. . Oont—Bcoolpts 23,261 ha. Markot • ohadereaskr. Be; wen: 1,000 fro mimed at MXe In store; 9.000 Ma do at 28. In door, 12000 tot dont 28 , , , ,p1r40t0n; I,OVI On. flej at • In store. Oato—Receipts 2.163 bo; market • shade euler. get 4. 800 Mr No 1. 1740 lortorm 1.200 bo do. 17kic In istore,,, Hy e—Becelphi Odd big market inlet and nominal at itte On track. 1 Bala Booby—Receipt. 1,042 t ash. Market more mitre. Bales wen-400 turbo-los In lop ot 600 on Ora; 140 bap tioa atelle oo track; 170 bag* eb ret tde on beck; 100 by commilin etdoo at track.: k boode—Roceltito 6,781 ma. Tlamthy and In good demand sod Inn. Balm wer;;l47 lop choice at 82,25; It hop geed sts24d; 7 batimto gtOlonneed b frieel R. fired at 21,72-4oyers y Ilsoltid to $1,60; 10 sip chcike mid at 21,76. . !, nIL6. Ilia money glaring rather gotta today, with* i, falr demon* but BMA= lad cutaway and &Mateo loon ober ly. The regular tomer bikini Int clam piper sr 1b 612 and butoldera are es 2@B lit cent V mouth. The demand for *tattooer Oa. henry--deeders ooklee on adv.. on the arrant of yarteoloy. The market* decidedly firte, sod the, tendency le still upward. The'nr alas booking boom. were drawing for their costooters at 84 preen, but ontaiders had to pay %rd Ipi cent prom. Me pot, i ~, ..- • New York dight. ..... .......... Boyle} Belling. , .. 'lO4 prom. % till pinto 1i0n0n.... .. . ... —........ i.4115f0r.n. YA 3 / 4 Pim Phbedelable.. re4o/illnlki .%ier, Pfl. Baltlatoce.. .... ... , .... 4404 di.. Obi Pr•m• . • ~ Neer Orleaue ---o•—• if Mele. %I l I en* Gold le eteady at 3131 VI ant prem. There is but AI 11l change to eneurrent money, and We have on alterattene 4i,. malls In oar table, though the dispoeitkh mew to be a 4i. dine In the rats or Miscount onlllinois mad Wisnoissin • —fain On.. ,! No, 01 ...e..tniat , Jan l7 .— Th. Wyk*. fn.. Konrad of a ammo of rate to money at. the Beak of Rig. lona to 611 tan, failed to affect oor Men market for 00 change or mousy to MM. !ha news wie .not noshed until after the:mail for the Cunard.r of this toonilog was main up. Sot we do not Sod that the Banton to. diepoted to si n.. ...MM.. .bon tot ‘1 ant 1.1.1... re ateemer. The Eartretat from Bouthemptou, broankt sascv Ivo io Gold. Tho dleconut nee outside of Bun am nearly down to Hoak rate on etristly girder. doubk-reasse prim 739 it not being the merest quotalltilni, with demand atT it tent for prime el day aneeprome. At call, booed at SOT, mot on apprmed collateral, with poly,* moderato &mad foot, ..the Stock Broker., among whop moat of the Completive moms eo, really swam ou the ante{ than the nano, bawled to tarry anat. 00tna fustier salm of the now 12 it root Treasuir 11111. were moo t 0467 at 1.2 ni rot, sod lea hod that the lospreseloo usio. [nand MU. had • good poqlon of the blda for the 7d.000.000.16 be %stapled en delordel will he ere lower rate of Ihlartin than 12V neat —Trim* , Cum..; Jan 16.—Ititatiange vanilla/ today, decidedly •O. The min ken held It nominally at 6'(t cunt • part of Ma Mg lot the rate gradually settled down to 6, which holden en, have Loco very glad to tato. Very little 111111 11104 . 14 Mr helm. sad oat... to. dammtt beconow o f. ache. gild onweing.a farther decline mon ba roaltral, Tha bnyani price todity has been 3ffAir itt cent preen. Parchmers tar any cooalderalds lota, men at thews figures an not plenty. Noon at CLIKIIIIIIII,4IILI 16.—The receipts a Hoge wed* fair dazing the Nat 14 kotatta bet the demand wee good. the• weateer betas own, b i forabW, and Wan rel. e.t.d. K W higher, belts pel kw goad ooteastal et Wieder extra toevy could not be hwaght below $O,OO The reeolpho wet. 4410 b.d dotted Ills had gm:wipe:rex boo. The ocoottob. ed rod emeihatepthe d.wwld for the yeedoot Wade to media holoatoof Mk, thee., and oweritbstonatag the teoelple will be quite liberal fee • day wit., MI of peetwpe bottler prices .11 be reelized.l4Gleante. We amok • eltdesseett of the exports, (excludes of epack.' from New Yerk to totehin poets, for the week and ea. J. isao. ISM /8 6 1,L P the t0i11t—..... .... , $657.109 $1,494,1V9V5, AO Previottelynported ........ 4 66,762 1.4342,637 /MP ... $5.019,90 MET WHEELING—per e 413 ib; 344 Eke oora, J Daises; 130 10111ar &Uletlii• 00.: 112 do ro, ratoo, Ono A Maria; 1 lad whisky, a &So sin, Pour Lauda; I Wu wad4lng.,E Provi(alkid; 1 tur eel! Bard:. ebb •••1•0, draaae4l (14114 g 41 . .t* whelp, W A eon & eo; 10 DOI. mop ley J Herber; 11 DWI bbec 2 to, 2 ant, 11 I. IrOnatiock• ^ 111. WWI", Jae A Itsr. Ora 25 Hs trod, 11 0•roble; 15M:we, owner; 15 1•1•• hay, Mth, A Trimble; 60 Os poultoet, 32 do corn, 12 bal. e5i,.1 : 12, 61eDdosId; 21 Ow esdia, Mottle. 212 W O&LIANS—p. Smear 80016-16 bbl. Joe. P Owe; 15 balm eatoo.„ All•elmoy lemarape• 00;t36 1.1.4. sager, Bh/lrer.• Dilworth; 1 amber, I coil rne•;.l 001,- 1 above!, Colem. • KIM; 6 boo =do, Italt•terr A dailTh; 13 beds•ngsr,667 bets molusel, E U Myers& ere 61 Will =000.7 op week; Mark & o.Y, 11 tdie t • yob, Ono Oil 114 49 04 69 enitoo, Meg. Pomace& • mot 172 bbl. oil, La owe oil 163 dodo, Win 11 Mum; 16 &Ws lard, H. 1:6101 • ex ?bp, rlad (nut, 21 dos broom., lidgertou & 81.411 it; I bed soirar,' 1 bbl 0301.1111 M Wm ter ; MA hoop pol••,45,11 paw; 32 Lela apple*, leo iferlArt.. C12C133.1121- 7 per Poked-74411 beim agtoo, 11 bbLi .20 do whisky, tlart• A ea 6 he& mime, J U 8 00rrd.4 dodo, 46 NA. mo 1•••••, Orateds, A Ti 100110; 130 Wooer. ingot, 21akt • ar, 63 bbl. 44111422, Jai 1 . 0 6. 11 4: 411 ••rbeit,E•aredy A bra; 120 bleb lard, 481.1 b buns, r 1 1.. a “.; 300 empty 1.1.1., M•ekrown &Gregg; 33 601 abodes & YorINW,I balm lades, P•ooeck, Lan & ea 2 eels todre, 1 bed do. Rek•••11, Peers • ra 6 bleb whlsky.2N,L6f ebb do, 2 62. bitten, UM* A Tellable; 4 boo me, Lipp b• mil &ea lot co• 1 b.& &Mire& Meant, & ea 23 0669 3 91 1 . 29 b6la do, W. 11•0102; 1 toll GI 11,18,Jolus 012161. • 9 RIVIDS Sit Wit The rine lies gages another tore, .on 1. now nnwd/len rapidly. with lON then towhee* feet by the Ow meet In naming. The:weatberlhea:eseimad euwejlettled}ppwerawe iallecolghtunwnelly mild for Wm M o wn or Ilee year. The ordeals won the Intiny Booth teem New Otleeos, Pained Iran Cloninnatt, and 8 p Bailer from he ell haelhig wood aim There wen no &pertains weld. tram nwn ler paste. The Illteghemy Is now enthwlr anent In, end the pockets on thin steno will ream. their tripe I in nedlately. Welegraplo.s 111aratata. Naw Toni Jan. 111•••43ollow Widow Wan of Liu. b.b.. at 12344124'0.. flour Du athattoid Se; Um teartpnt• rimed voe. but ot 04 . 10.500 DU* ww• .1,51 at $5 -14 $5 55 kw atsl.s $5 011011 50 for Obto. and 55 805'161015w tlootttafa. labast Imlay and daoltolog; es* 11,600 bold: red wawa, at =ea 35, whistb. St 114.1 621 Milwalatt Olab, 51 25; Maio aorta& $1 =Ol 11 Cori Is emir; 12.000 boah..okl at 10671e4 bandana» um wbfts soutlaira 760. Pork l• steady arid arm at $l7 2.6€517 50 for /tip', and pa time Prima Lard arm at 0550100. Era at 111340111}4. cake Leavy at • Waal decline. Hfoa active. emendran, Jan. 18.-Hoar unchanged and dalk mks nahaportaak *amni' $1 O. Wheat Era at Intl Wpm. Vont la actin demand and prkea are tending opwasla; lb. &mead fair the Booth are lecniming; war would Whig 30 card& on anteid. Oats - declined to We; receipt._ ,1 41 410. and mars Mien than boyars at Mra t. ta Rye and WTy aris unchanged Whisky Is in good &mead-sod priontur• He higher: ale. Ltd. at 133,fe, Hop are Is. liOnd demand and prima an admocing; ale. OW bead at sd. 3O F 4,0 In 7 fey receipts were IT light dtrthtt the !teat SA limit M. PM* in salvo thump' ; mho WOO at $lO 40 and $l6 Kahn, the haw rata at whkti tW mar ket amid haolleiata Leal advaaardi to Sr., with saleitiof 700 thircen dining eery Arm at thly re a Balk maids buoyant at 04146 1 4 fbr abouldersand 405 , 1•0 Aka Atm oatakin rates Including paitkamw. Omen yaws Ily,rigT for Shoulders and Olden, and gd14.41:16 fur Max draw ls, bra.. 'boyar firm at 114 ;1457545 ged Wreasairig7o. Wilke 136140. • T 0... Wormy markst Ss' unchan. Ezetaang• on Wow. York sad Warm ha admitted to gennlam s and theta la a good demand with • light supply. Pannsatectra s J.n. 10.—Plour Is unobinged ; aka of wwwww extra at $6 $7; swoise at $6 3701 et• sad fairo $0 00431/. What anady: mks 0000 Midi red at $llO Sk and white at $1 4161 50. Odra staMly at 1146/oka, Wiwi final TOd hap Hid mid at 1150120,0; IWO mats Jam at 103 Whisky unchaugsd. Bac. hams W 4 at 804144 Lard , , PtUUSILPIIA, Jaa.l7.—Pknir very vital al $6 ITO Ottyr, lb? topiorilak, $5 Wain br am:NMI:IU kw elltza family wid $5 a6t6s7 foe filmy 'beat aactiawywlArala of Opal taut, ME 'at $1 3061 $5; white at $l. 40ettIlli: Owe taawir taws h ollatior taloa ot 2,40 baaliola yellow it tkaITSV., sad Iwo at stow., .Rte.oaf 14 5t11. 1 41130. Jatwact at 1.30 sad Java at 1%. roar mot. 11111140 . 4atow4y at 1111455190. • jciSEPII „ARAMS. DINNWIST;' ' - •fq No. 07 Wylie Strad, Pittaburgh. itaanuaelia—Dr. 4 K., PotiOck. Dr. uallock Tiumises Robbins. itomll *Mt. mull* / 11 PFNZU Tilfiti DAY, O ..• • 4 - STYLI! P . . . 60=2= Stj lit Datil • Moilla, Irish Upsii,' soli. Jill I „ Dark Lanoster Illogimmo.Slagt 10e:t irgyat",t,,ei Ou god !fool :'II2TONif WILT' US to 6 Ineho,liti R PS-4000 y,;cla Irk N. COLLIN". 12: ESSg.0 noSebraals,b pGS--10 Pressed ; Ho m j :411 w irDoNAa'atations.,:: to Maly 4.- H'¢ , '""l" I tilk .g;:t 1 . . 81a4 11 1 11 19 wow ilwral saw lbsititi: bi4te Cheenutiiiii More par . , . INATe a WIL801 , 1,;.; '- WS Liberty 'Oa - - . HICSNUTI3-- , ante Sot .iiNew Lard, jure ree'diin tiliowtt inallPATlWilli. lUl6Ariltk-20 ..111 formals 6; TIOTATOKE POistooNJullt ble.itttrusit White Reaps, ," •ri S. E. (murmur a ootl • /but lONA moor W;;;,4: thole* bleshandlk some 111•01.1 awl 'bit* priaisOttiorcia'dfitratb) • - zassziasgo: sa. . •.--:'..;- ii.‘..:..- .. - slii-ziai - ,e4 , -4,---,-,- , - , ..... , i , -t2 , ..,. ~, - , _ . .. . , *penal '414111411. .• .... „ Deli—KAM 01111-43A111DTB; wa.411.11/LTGEHOLOIIII 71MilitS,DYNI 1 i ne 04 0 ml .ad WI is ae 11:•,411 Az others arti Mere imititionk. iiad 'lma to wrsiamd,lf 808 DUD 10 0110•0•Ndkele. . . I . QUI HIM, ORNWITY HAIL DTA holaadr la a bra and o.lDram et Mut. •81180.‘ UN We* jury io Nu haDor .• ' ' - ". 81.8111111 MED AND DIPLONAR bra Dm grace id 10 N.Dt• A. DAD sines 18:10. sad Mt 110,008AND188- tion. ilsBv• Win it tie" BAD 0080 panes alba*. ioae WK BATCH II RAM D'fapralsosi a aim s ' IN 10 be diNiagoihol War% and D wAsaiams DA 110 Ware JANA kW, keg Nun bs oooo Bo4asathe Masai. ailed ' maedka the UN* 40 1 16‘88801 IN . 141081:8108 • . • 1188480k1 or 'OD II par& ms)811188 Mil* tory, 1188 Medway; No. Tot. - • _- Sold 01 e ll dd. sod toga; of 11D0 WWI 16811•Aby Din ONE imd Fang Goode D•010rA . • • • AVID@ patting. his the Dams and addnes um Alm! plate l rag on Ibursldem of web bond -% : .'4„l- WILLIAM A. IA Del •01' ' 18 Hoed streNO TCll2l BMatt... ; ....,-,..?,..' 110 UNAIIII noesuagart MONINALILIIIIII ---- , La? AEM , Do ' , fail to prOotitit Mi. Winilow's Booth . help for Oblldreolhoo444. 11l bee So Otplalta NEIL If Cm, Trafinfaelibll p....-ati•ablianabeigu... grime rethethe .11 tateatatika—alll allopeliaattA_ taro to tietolat• the bands, Dogged loos Ito tt. .111 eve lv rad tohnorsee• sad relief mailmen to per lefonta d Perfectly safe loan ewes. Thle "lute. preperatlop la lb. preeedttloa of au ii Mot hotopartoaced ene eltlifollenall• Phlableas la We, Raglan owl hie been and witb 'anor4aillog womb tialluital of ail. Werbiiiovo It the beet sad eanitt roma la the imatt.ta W mot of Dessatm and Dlarbose la Cleltrillell•laar ft wises bloom teething co from any other owe. If Masai health can be settmate4 by manna • Naha' le worth Ito eaten In goi• . I. HOW: of bottles ere gold evert pee la the UMW SWIM. 1 It f. an old and inilklial rs . I PRIOB ONLT SI 011•12 • . . .. Mir one geonlustualtesth• of 0111171 Klee, New Toth, Not tbo maul& . Sold liiiroul.o. thomsohoot the fte.ft k it. DRAT . 11. Illfaill, Agent Per 1 PaollialvfoT taiu.s. A u esottion CO P=a 111114. II AND Al IVA ID I. 'l' IDt GI. Vtr OIDH 8 . 1 PITTINNUNICIII. • PARK, irCURDY 411 CO;,, 51 NUFACTURSRS OF SRIATIIINO, nit &TAU , and BOLT OOPPLO. OTTIOJID . 170 T. PRB ii4TTOkiLL Bfidead Bull Ikeons, epselsrDalikterißs. Also, Oppartara and Dashes IsiIIITAL4 'l'nll PUTS . immt, IRON, WIRI, Be. Oanataatly on lissd,Thsaare riaahlAie and Tools. Polowse,No. 149 Pirsi and in tikoesdetresy, P.lttabiargik, Psalms. airipeelal orders of Ooppor tat toga, &stood mytHiltdawl7.2. IkAFL 1304 D SPIKE COMPAZT. Jossiab W. 10.11114 , w8114 anamat. (drearaws te /brim, ROA I lima) RAIL ROADAPDLES, MAIM AND BOAT SPIKBB: of Water Street and Cherry anew • PIWWWB2. WWI% Coma) ...ow, .7,0.13LN COCIELIELAM BELO. lIILTOMMIX2II troadttaillisg. Iron Vaults, Vault Dear Wfldow Skutten, Window GuardOw" mtil.Vv. 91 dasod /Strut awl 99 Third gra. n Wool and IllakA) 1117311111161/. TA.. Ban aii haspl • variety of now bairn% fibilimagala ealtailhi for 41 gamma; hrlioalar paid slaingtir•••• Lois. Jobbing dons at tharteetlea.. Moo& 4trzasoa--------...—r.i.ataill• mallow Docaute,------;-«Ar nam 11111118 . 11 umpiestio AND DACIUSIIINS,I W AIN HIM (*TON WORE 1 Pittsburgh. P•Uni: No.SI Norkol klamliacuririll kind. anima 'en said 11110116 wile Wor arn Ch kl atham Railroad Work, Blau ' sad Sbasi os , Jobbkg and Hapali B: B. & c;P. -, IIIWIIELB, PAPER MANUPAO.TRRERS DODD, PRINT, CAP, LUTA& AND ALL WM OP WIRAPP - IN(}PAPER.. Have esmand.froak N 0.27 Wood .treat W Da./13 Ihalthflal Htrro • t, Pittsburgh, Pa. W Ike W 11611,W.1a S. BAT' OLIELOR'S WIGS AND. TOIJPERS iorpaai all. They are eleautllgE4eeq and datable. Fitting ta • Ohara;-110 taralng op beihid:—.Do WAnkhit. Of the *id; tad.ad thin I. the only ritabUshount wharf itrisa titans air proparly retlarstood sari roads. loOlidairT la %a Taft. 11 N. Hot.NE.Es es some; . e II Voreffo and Domestio Bills' of. Kukla's, or 'warrior =parr, • . ' 1 BAWL NOUS AND MUHL N . 67 Iseasirt NAACP. • MIA PA. 9:166...Uar.i100. um& ou alltb• p • dlinthnsit oat th Oohed 13tatme. aget74.1.7 HENRY H.. CO • B. rOftWAlrairli anti Comuderion Brieuttatit - Axe WHOISBALII Olninee•A • Butter. Berrie.Pirb. And Pratinci flonastly, diHt N. 211 Mod Brad. Petanne/A Pi' abtu-gh Steel Works: irtniu tam"- .....arnanholO I .rarrics, xicvs , D ar pa. - NUFACTURERS OF OAST STEEL; Au I id" Sprin, Plan ud A. a. ma erparNes AiX.ILILIS, Omar Ban sad Pr Al ma, P.: ItiLIEIMUTECJILIVT TAILORS !I NO. 54 St. Olnir Street, Dr. Ntwasittels.! FITTIBI7I4II, to rri Or° 'Winslow, lamed None and lamas Ill7debule Megalite the stbntl®Ot manna bar • • ,OTHING SYRUP ; TOR CHILDREN 'TEETHING, , _rhili „ linainlY facilitates the prams of tubbing. b soften. log iba Ruin reducing ail Infiaassatkin-wW •lioll Nlla. pai p iand vamodlo melon, nil II 11 0 ill WO ItZGLILAITIN TRW - SOW WIII4 Di %won I toothan, tt Intl if,. not to yonnatun ire I f Relief old Realtlt to you tofu% W. . pat up and wild this lOWA far one tie yania and MAY, IN ODNODITION AND =Mot I wink nn be sonar bail ot r 4{* nedkina- stela - rAllia g flai r c MILIEU) IN A ON- wlBl.4°wll' GUI INMN= T O NoNcrr omit si r I v s a e inn tiat•ly nut. Wane did on - -- ' !sum haltinee of di•WOOnOn by soy ono vibe and R. Oaths coatnirjr, allad win Ita apwalian, sad wpm* Intenna at of Id naskill Mont and minimal WON*. Illir ibis untta •WHAT WI DO KNOW *sitar too AND MADGE OM WITAINCIN =III lIILVILLNIONT OP WIIAT Wil fil l DI- U aloant intsnee *ban Ow Want Wash tatialltun pain ' sad relief Ds head Ila linen or sanely Wan= attar Ur am led p DainininuaL -, Ttibl valuable ynipanalan_ • letb• pinau of ow: N. Ma me IMPIMINUND old Ml= NUJ= hi lon M a lind, and born ben tied with MITZI IMIUND 11111. C ?. SPIEIOIOIADON OF HUM& ,1.,11. ' oaly nitrite IMOD* Dam pili.bet ItiOpribni tha stoma& anA Downhearted, mdatioad Ohm iosieri uin. tot'. whole.Pla n- " 14 930 . 4 10mmig_ 1 7 4 ! 106, •. Oriplng li tile Soweto lad Will Conk: ' - and cal r ox si ldon. wihpb , It " MU " . 01,111.1FLIEIN lastbd . °l.* , . Ws ha ~,..nI i N G Dawn Nbilllllllk ATID IDRIINT - - ' IIIIIIIIDTIIII TUN WORLD„ la all oars of DT AND DM* RH IN OHILDIUM, unities. It anon tram or fa it OM toy annum*. W•woOdnytonarywanbswitu a 61111 manta' hominy of tin lonians somplelak..-D° NOT urr TOUR RIUDDIONN. NON MI MIMI= OF OTIMILD mud batman yon sod four. MI6 and Do. 1511.1 that will be lIMIO-na, *INDIUM= Otte -to Um us of ibis imbla 0 Muir, rot Pall Ornakes in maw ntli nun ma Natio San rsrWee noire gm a.,asin. of C r URTIR wt % molds ttbs sold, a swum% 111 O els pal 01414; 3i 4aar Street, 10 . 1 *: . ~4, ,niali um a MIS PTA DOTTLU. , '.. - ~' ' di 73. L. ILHNIMITOCH 411 ON came Wood OM h.0fr,..64, am, ono. a. istinoll l / 4 . 14 a 7 60 + 1 drops. W EELER -& WILSON'S EWING MACHINE! - No. V Fon &rum Prrrisosax.-- I • PAIRS oP 181101 • • riNIZILIEIEL • a* ,vrzmisobt. . . dwirded Pim Premtem sub Ifni - Mita Fah; ... ,xgo swordh I ; ininnh444•Fa?; Winteiniit State Psir ' ' rowilinielfaie; Kentucky State Petr ‘ 1,,,,:= ---1- •', Tennemeellknee Feu;' New J... 7 ants Tw ~_ ~, .I(ernsont State _ Fpur; , . ~ . - , 1 , ..bhiciao Mechanics' Inelltuie; , ~ . ...... , ' ' .11.nuisiilla pleohlitikle iblltittltet ' aneinnatl Mechanics' Institutei' ' ..„' ' ''- - i Allegheny County Fair; Pittsburgh, : ' . : a i d *lbw caws; per% 1 . 0 PuwarmftentoStith VE OtrOt tol l tie RUM: ' WllNita ie w unews .MPIOVID grWillie - 111111t1 1.. 1 ..4 , - AT 4.11161=1§111113111% -.; ::. 3 WI tt , Mith4o l . ill Ite mutt. titbit bowing/PA 'roillohlo Rosa, Pawls" Sloctitoostot Ia us Iltontooott* • l 7 inn do the Aloto mot tlitomottobtleVisoiAtlitt VOW lotIttli!lopoostblo to ottratti, with Um totootiol thtsti.t,- oltbeiSot alto as botbil inn, kosing se 11410iirdleil 111 r. th e .jj.gut.-4. atiOploio coostrattketaltiOtitaft litltt , laiMrattslit, hod othro tlitroble lb.. a. 7 Woe Weility• MI tratroctkos to motto rmspotdroutratiate °Mon . moms, ontoV,4=l. qWt.gattott r Attil at twie.llll ea a* NNW' Alai MOrresS•l4 1 11 , 11 1, 1*- id sOgi 111014 "Mir ' ilia, 6l At. ~.. . =" 4 ... I „,s, - a z a htw ~ ,or , _ -: *l%O 14 41 'JURY 11,44 MI Niti.04414V.:- . 41, damson sbortootke. =I jt k ompil t ,