: 1 - :,.,;~ ! Y II M II 40000400.177 ~.74711E. .• . „ . . A t (a a • "(''' t IrT • „. • ... . • ' • s ,, ~ss:~ .r£ .._ -vito.,tkSll:iiiiilslSHED F r -NB 6 .. ,,,•. i , .. , *1.4 1 01,;.r .. * rr:fr;str. 61,11,tera-4_ lady' - • - PITTIBIIROH, PL. tow 71 4 . 11k oo nt l a as- IVA itzti o 0 r 'Jr , ifr sworrace iiisec.inisiodsitmtkoo. _Getieera, qnii , 14:1.3 or 1 -Wood sad Water Stretta; PTA • """ . " —. '" ------1. " - "" a"" 013 a ec , CO.. W 110 L-CS A LS 431ROOSRS l'jielial ;.1 - ) COM, • ', IL ' • ;COMMISSION MERCiIANTB, 451'' Strati; Piridatoloo,looo , ll.. .;;;lukseauut - aumozers. . ,esti Oomadsritoi erclubsts,. Aftittinitrik KOOK oRdli; LA*** P O lO/. 1N0.449 Liberty street, • dillestery tO. , Mat. rib; Jac Dialbp.,dcsiboord• link giblet, do. Ebbed \ plbrumb, dcg (b...dt. lam; tOd., dm battle, I .11koon, 011201011th drank 10.0.0 iraoiewaitit it Bute, inikain..snood • 0 okr, Rualbby t jlaol d ,-Ibltimarg Oca•ndl • Due. • flibibutheilt Ofebbas,'Pbob,b4phibOotillaso • • Rik, A 4 11:0•414, 040ir York. • ' • -••• • .412dird 3DGEIFITON.d STEWART; Coninisaion ktorohants, ''r . 1 :1. - 107 WOOD STREET. Ilr:IMS116011 ;diasisiissm •s•llhirwiardisli Kewokapi*, , CHEESZ, .• --. IIWITRD, LARD, PORK. - et acy:t FLOUR, /LAU, hit44ll4Aliai, IJiii4Lla z . t. of, D.,.d ":;itii.44i - 1.1 t 1.1 .• '..nrelniKUlll.MlP ..q:,otruk aztkirMuk. : : UMMIBB'ION.. - ntreit 011 ANTE; -...-amor.ALset E9'4 • • 4r. - PRODtt - A 4 e! wwer!LlF . , . g ditodwiroodood ritios; tor - ado" mod • toodly um; tdigodootb•oof I•oirtkodor odoosOoo •pidd.to wing ~oltidedfoilymmo-ady, • - 1 A MKS. - - .Forwarding- and AP nu Anll4loa. nitannaNt Oaf Laval* 6t noun; WILAINOSOCON, WILD, BUTTIR,SSIDS. DMILD.VaUIT, sad eranatemaaux na id Aloha and; eras , 7,174, 74 11a dibP rrir. inna ' aiaa, Wad atoo. - tal Ohdidorst,l. &a, do, Mood, Los d " 4 Dt ~1 1 11.44 d , ddr,,,D... ilor Wr hoollog,, , tki,,.4tlodatudt, & lin4y4 Olakkot .4.14 &total .lad, rOdoOda , ado 4 0 . P.M.% adW. l / 4 -Oudalaak a atai ; .I.badaOlg.Wa. ; . : . • . aoadV--1 7.I : I I ERBST- & BARKER, • PRODUCE mtkoniirirs.. 267-Liberty Street, corner of L100d,," stteollso 0114111.1b•partinulo sai sae DO Liied Nesits,lasioss, Pok; Las{ liqtr ..cbcomr, Motor on 4 Timothy darki, , ,as. , • • - :Orderipromiptly:llll.ld.arthairmast market prior. -Ad: .416.0Me5.el etrentuborgh dtt lidaskatadosi7. - A.II4UZIi S LOYD" Cei r." ; Anit Lbalera la Mar. Or*. Not Prudaftessimft, 1 , Cahtlastar faint, WILT Pa. H. k. 111111111111111.4111,1%. - • COMMISSION MEROILANTS, • I 1 mast axu sass, Apia, fatihrtlideof Fire Brick and . Pot Clay' , wri:littfioA Tel lioott Straa,`lliarßlitta;PutOursi.• E MOitowin -Atm ,m,Lß!!hchYPtie Pdrwcir ;;. - -,,CLITUI&COCttr: a Co.:, . 1 /"'...rPW 411 . 1 4. 0 !..M1.1 7 A9°4 forivarding eomisWidifon Merchants, Ard..**lM Ng* , In • ; Pralaim. Plear sal Wool, 1(053,14,410,114M,.11.44./NP/folkft, itiumia* roluvau—szmusis r, rsmr...wa. a. gum= OPILIBIOE6 - 111/41.0A UGH i CO., 001111 - 1 SSION •)!LJAReIIANTB . DRLISREI Neel; aide"; Provisieue& Prolupe Generally • N 0.209 Marti atiiist: Pittsburg/a. a • tr - A & A J M, . . - 14" lour. Grain and Produce. Catimuiwi s on and Forwarding Merchants, L 24 fwg.!...twt, .231.14.T4 = ' L irugint, 1116..=i; Ratrrel, ' !ran? LibV*o46l%:. RAIDIESIWK & 00., W !JULE 31".vor.iaunn mu. / 0 4 4 . aiit Wham calm WOal lad haat straray Pi burgh. waif Drnalativereerof Liberty and Bt. Mgr oft, A °SKIM FLEMING, (SUGOESSOI3 TO L. .withit a 4:lotorattt'Uaritotuaiitoittd Dpmo6O'tote oitootiotty be load ttollsod coott)oto imortolOurof Dew. notki44lll4kilw Ohm*, Nrforw47' .01.21 iektei tstolog to blo bottom. Pbyttemes pormalptlone meta; ootopoatedotl at al TAR.; GEO. U. KEYSER, — DROUGIST, 1 4 0 Wc.t a r.$ , , Oarner orWood optirrt , .•. 2l Virgin JOIIN Whoiesale Dealer in -Orem Paints, Olts, Vairtfame szell nyietaffis, Mint Art4l:•PlUelouirb. ••• • • : • •yasir • -AU onillietvhe prompt &Motion. • mut?' WILLRAM W ABM, -PRomitISORY' Nbrgs, • sad all mei:l2lom fer - mosikr. t.a Procq!'.s 9 .PCa.r.4ldb bq g44m.1.0.1•1 1 00. • nave Weft/ 'thud ttiellinenk/ t. 'VA . 4 . 1 / 16 ;s• elwqrs end Ord sad second due mart say 41,3", a1p goo 111 - ited Laterirliii staidly tooldaaitsr. Oats OMNI' MIME% oppcdts 8L Panre 001411tral. • ' goyim- JAMES 1101.1053 00 .; .Perk Packers sad Natant la Proirlaloos, corium Markst and Mat y • llitelk 'I. - HUTCHINSON; -032mnission, odli* dak. Vicar, Tbh, 00, MEW*, tha edt I, Rot sad Net apeda, Oran, Ihied Fruit, sad Praia* corsz i tt s„ Irler . trays 6104- 3,4 . Ihertittaitidu: IttACTW &awl *all Yadtil 36 81114 it, ba ad t W WciPWWNalta• Wk.' Y.U.- , ',..%IWARNIIOUSR.—IigNitY H. . cr. postaNKl****iiipuiCusuidaendectiodioid Dial* hi Obeeso, Wallet, Lake 11* and I , , , rodue• goodraNy, ea xt.r. !bur, own =En wrica.- !musk WQOD,Sti eir *Woo toktoto Amcio toorib itroo,"&t.ir air 4 beau Nam a poor dowel PIALNO POV:41 1 11W• 99*.g , RAMAN'S • moo ettLODEOtte 'aibeoneaf_ uotsompro.avolor.pom?orp#s4494Pik, ~iT KLZBAN &.1100., No:- 58 Firm basiiar• abe Sangre MAXOI64~ imaano UM& DlOnitat 1111XMON1 1 / 1 111, Dealer' Mtadoand Z .hIANPPAUTUX, roestabl two paitao, wA In it tbrearofelnall hithetwatit. •Ma Aral 's* 1111111111ga 14/ 1 0gielelbrilltIJIT; DAVIN &An' kualkaa Moo. tr, 1 . 1 -4,4 44 icio/0 14 5C Pit 1144:r..1... . _=2:=MJ F ., &GORDON 13eareta7 Western Itms itARDINZIt COFIfOir for irenk- LUL A 11""-FtIt,1,./!:1°.6l1.1 BMU t S. 'f4T l ' 901ki feietristatjt the orame..G3, SS Nola at, . 'die at 'coob . ft a. am ft. sonata 47 . '46 69" K r %ktalit - hug [op.e► sad 117: War 314 1 ,1 ,0 raw* `'"' 344 gig t f 11 .?-94 44. !!.. Air+, Kir 106;tilatkm- Chewor k triti. rAto:.-#lO,O- 'M Weisellnv • —4. talkots,eitattogery,ookifoist Aiiiiied Ohawbaaky,litubatst.' 1.017 - tt- : - 0; 0 t STON-e:00.. : 4 • tiria geat3u*sd4.4ili4-40fig • hin{ rt danniemo • 1 , ; , 4 gm, NY,* iici • trn _ .sittatat, ,14,..,..4. --- !. r iiv i t el . ...na. .512411 I t,...- -..r,,A .1 rt {a -µ v. - .r,'::lrtrnsurapit, Pa. EMI • • -far Delaware On, 11 Wale. strut - tuyBOLS. -NSW OROP - DIPLASSEN, t st%F . .. 4 1 4 2 $ZM=a4 oft nalltti-7ri WILONV 11.9 *l4 - • 4C- . • 4"-ra' WE ennui. MANZ VAN pORDER, PRODUCE AND OPMMIRSION MERCHANT. Dealer la Maar, Brooms. Seeds, Baum, Lard, Mara Perk, Dried sad tined halts sal Padua gesondly. Maid , Cluai Adsakar, mai a, Cidestamsai. Warehouse, No. 114 Second Street, Pittsburgh. - • imam A Rahn, Pittsburgh IP. Strikesh Co • PittobtOgb Moans • Ooills, do Shrives Dilworth, do oat, Bodes., Barbanel • Co. scam, r9oILLLo • of ts• IMs trtd D. A D. Itnoo•10ik . Co, 0. JOllll AUIICILI, 61110CEIJ, PtttCWgb MI*IDOICILD i ARSINICLIC, 11M1 ROLESALB OROCER:S, Produce 4nd 00011411111011 Ohlthiuktoraobbstells N.O Naorim.d likAzdassy Ladd guises sad Spam Flour, Buss, Rke. Obese% esedsolls. - • soltly No. 25:4 . LibiPt3;:l47L Nan ..... .1174 LAMBERT' et' siztiProlq. WIIO LISALE GROOERS, Produce Deal t ars and Ootaagaidock M. hash. NO. 6 Blztti street, Pittsbaw , h, Pa. filS4lll.ll LITTLE a TRIMBLE, 117 110 LET ALE GROCERS AND CON TI, 1119RION 1111110HANTE6; D66lers in Prodans6 1 Plostr. Samoa. Gbiumis, Ckrl66l 66d lise WI. Ism, • Plan 6, Gust, Como* Yuan, and Prrrest4aa lituurermass genenstly. - 6616 Ilt BEOCITID sr- rrrisnuso a. Harli• Do....... Hr•Ii.0111 J. WATSON a tlO•, R. Wholeaale Eiroc.sre, AND DIIALASis 1.8 Rope, Oakum, Pitch, Oils and Pittsburgh Manufactures, so. 138 WATIAIL STREAM, Above Ilmltblehl. (sellayel PI rtsitutu PA WILLIAM BACIALEIY, - NAT3130X.M13.A.1.a8 CiFFCCOO IEIE4 MM. II sadl .O, Weed Stroot. C1T213 ma .111111. TOUN & 80N, .Grocers end Com e" minion Nefillobta. Apols for %be male of Pig frog and Blooms, N 0.1113 Liberty street, Plitabonet. folfelYd ri 8.. JONES, WHOLESALE GRO x..7r• 01111. sad Boat tarnisher, Dealer le Prodecelan4 Pliaatterei, Kano&awes, N 0.1411 4 ,44. excel, near Cherry Pittibargb, Pe. my% • tdIACCOWd SHRIVES & DILWORTH, WHOLESALE B = 4 . .11* end 122 Boooad strost.(betwoe m Wood SOHN •10111/....;.-........a1a1aRD1MATD...... .1161.1161111N0M "DIM ELOY D CO., W HOLESALE 9.1 Grawrisad Oommlegos Morobanta, N 0.1711 Wood and SSW Llbdrty danw7.,fltddbarsh. Jae -30. %WWI mun rs"--- ii — W - 110LESALE & WILSO , IlttO TY 011111, Oommaholoa Xerelutoto end Dealer. m I /Moe sad Pfttstprila Natrultodum, No Lit.wtl l =, fltioberitt. TWELL, LEE CO.; WHOLESALE • Ilecten, Flroduoi sae Oottunlosive thavbantaird 'ln Plttabarat tetanolhemes.Na't Mond a re a be. tween Watt...and Front at., Pittibstrei. .11 sign S. SOILIIIGO. Rai:44A - & 00., WHOLESALE R Grown, O. 10 Illaniimuts, sod Dashers is all Wide of Proildoop, Produce god Pittsburgh Illanalbolupody to%I Liberty axeeet, Pittsburgh. DeOBERT DALZELL I CO., WIIOL`Fe AUL" (hours, Coma Jades mud WomanlAA Ater. s and Dislanes Prodocesed Pittsburgh Kann tortured, tte:SSI Mere street, Pettattuite, Ps. n,79 lo.SAIAH DICKEY I 00., WHOLESALE " Groan, Ocusmirdoolgardhaate,sad Dee en 11. Praince, BO WafF West. end SS hoot stmt. ' fainter,' J. o'RiswiELL, BOW, SION AAD ORMIRATAI PAINTER AND GEMAINIER, No. 61 Firie STIULLT, atipoitte Odd-Fellowe Halt, PIT T - SIS II R , PA - Sign work done for the trade, , lalvayo funuturs JAMBS W. WOODW ELL.. FOBIIITDtBZ►AD CllllBl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, imbrochmir every, styl• of P1a.V.1422 . 17.EtE1,, ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT, anitatla Ibr PAELOAB, 011•10111811 AND DINING WOMB, • dips! Wary to NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, • WAstitiwo No, Ees. Ty auto Tamp S, taralkiltl ' ITITRBURCII. PA. 031•11 S. tone— L W. B. VOWII6I t CU., eureeeetneees or rIIRNITUKE AND CHAISE ; Of livery Description. tACTOßT—netteaLlt,bettertio Pete end 45M5e Wanhoute—flos. 88 & 40 Smithfield IL, S TEAMBOAT DARIN FURNITURE—We eno amstactly tuesetetinting 117/111t1WAT CABIN IIIRNITURN 'wad WASS, ma belts, the attention al sagiont..o.4 to furoubtas teat. ' I. Youito • tio Quack fliostrunas. TEE NEW YORK DAY BOOK sap: .The majority a Hair Wesbeit, 11•1 r dye; Irak Tata Moir One, and thanuabartns• gaparatione which are now afore the piddle under each estraesgeot, hyper bolical and &Walla title... we see rustled lo oho* Win dow cards. gad Deapaper headhunt,. bole ;apeman..., ear all humbug. of tho BM weary their ral 14.1410bem rarl7l7l.l. " &llrti rigT h rit n 7.1•11:4 Ovid, make op, when In bantllnl wrappers and whiteillot glm bade., the coalleet cl,u.ctu of bola; end when Was coetlyors baptised with M. MIA.. teroqned caught by vadat young oak old or bah oexect Such le not limas...Ll. of Parana Wood% 11.11 hectorelloo Thle voltam cones before the world without soy...Llgh Llano" Xibtobnium. or Amy other selocashog and start/lag Mayans bmnet he Ninthly odrallea a BOG lateratle•••Whot It ammo embody—and so • asesor , edge It oat Buy Profraor Wood'. Flair nestorative.end : as yos alas yoga mlp, aye, your eery brains, away tooth log eller. far It may be au you will get ma wore° soh jams than perfumed lord 4[ll/ on your + - 5 - mod-• Lam - ,~iw ~.:.WtiGkl MAJOi Amemon's Faensz.—We haws al ready referred to the service. of Major Ander notes Father at Trenton 10 1776. The. Lot& Mlle Jointed rays: "He wu she in the battle of Brandywiae and in other actions "In.•ital North. But his omelette In the South are of more Interest to al this time. He wu at tho slue of Elowsmitth In 1779, and!. endeavoring to scale lie tempests was thrown, or fell, from suit( a height (bet he met with an' injury by the shook from which 'ho never recovered On the death of the gallant Pulaski, he received as e gift frOm the dying hero; his sword, which wee for a long sin e in the possession of the family,\ but was unforunately lost by the burning of el hones In which it ins deposited. In 1780 the Colonel—then • Major—endured the liege of Charleston, 8. 0 , aid - Was of contra taken prisoner remaining there' in ‘ that (ion for # 1 months, being exchanged In time to be present at the siege and : capture of York. On this 'mesa= be nerved as an aid to Oen. Lafayette .ho (it may be remembered by merry old:ens ' of Louisville) recognized the Colonel on his lest visit to this country, at..his arrival at Poriland, -- as his old friend and eons. Anion in arms. It is not a little singular thatshe eon of this officer should now bp in defense of the same city for which hie hither fought 80 years since, but spinet enemies how different Secession Someroate—The telegraph re lates that the bust of John C. Calhoun, whiob bu bean placed at the right hand of the Pree. ident'elchtir In the South Carolina Beoeesion Convention bears the following perversion of Scripttire : "That which is written, execute 'quickly: the day is far spent, the night hest bane." • Thiereading the Bible backwards is quite in character for those who are taking a long step towards the dark ages. South. Carolina piety has needed from the established reading; which is: "The night is far Spent, the•day is at hand." No wonder. They are fulfilling another Sulphite; which Bays: "re love darkness rather than light, because your duds are evil." ADO' while we are upon the Scriptures, it is •e well to ob that the Britt part of the above motto, "That which is written, execute quickly." is the eeoeseloniste. gloss of the words of Jeans to Jades Iscariot, on the night ha betr►ped biro —"That thou driest, do quickly." . And, as if to eomplete the parallel, the Scrip ture goes on: "Judie, then, , having received the sap, tout inmedialaly out: and it was night." When traitors quote Scripture, how curiously It is that they providentially stumble on Judas lecariot.—Cin. otn. lIAAOIIG A PIIIIIIIOIIIIT tl Tcineell, WITH A GRAPH PHlL—Puma Brownlow's paper of last weak contains the following refreshing item : BANGING it ROANS COUNTY A fellow roman), passed through Roane county, talking. Dimple° talk, and cutting up coaelderably, aware have been told. The Unleo meo laid hOld of him, and hung him with a grape sine, sad so choked him that he had like not to bare recovered They made him take an oath to support 'the C...t..11,1. mod ,fight for the General Governmeol, as well se to talk in fu tore On the tie cf the Union ! W ties' re, to hear of some Diettaioniat going into Bailor minty, Ind talking similar talk. TWIN believe to be the arit ease of the sea. son of, hanging for treason. The grape vine remedy, if well applied, and with moderation, se in this ease, might care the disease. Dow - TOOT WOULD DISPOSE Or ABOLITIONISTS DOWN IN 0110101A. , -,A BABAS correspondent of the New York Tribte, writing from Georgia about the military of that State, nye:. "Ooe of these eons of „Man said to me the other., day—he lives.in Savannah, I must tell you—"lf the Abolitionists want to Bend down against us an army, we'll know how to receive limn, I reckon." Be looked en 'diabolically malicious that I asked if he had any epeeist plan. reckon en," said be, "all we've got to do•is to let the water into our rice fields, and by and by Yellow Jack would light on the whole Northern crew, and you know well enough; that hie grip is sure." As Nee DII , CoVIRT —II IS stated that an artist in Paris has made a discovery which will effect a complete revolution in the manufacture of cabinet work. •1:11, has - found a means of 'rendering any de scription of 'lnd so soft that it will moire an im. pression eltbee of the most varied souiptura or the mot delicate ebutng. The Rood is then hardened tw the eontistinacrof - euenin — widle'lholmpressiont remain perfect: The arftst has already completed some splendid sculptured artiolu, such as picture fnunesiinkstande4 chests and liquor-stand,. With the introduction of ibis new act, it is expected that articles:of household furniture will be ounsiderably reduced in prim. Tow MAN WHO WOULD HAVI Bess PTIAMINT 11 LINCOLN HAD BANN D —A. letter from General Joe Leine, written toe relative in Geor gia, is published, in which he distinotlftricom mends secession ( end promisee, if there is any fighting to fight with the seceders. Thisis the man who would in all probability hive been President, if . .the election had been thrown' in Congress.—t'Aireyo Journal. iIIrOILTANT DU►ATCHrI TIMM end. ..... oar.— It is said that on Saturday, the Senatorial tavola. tioisary council in this city wero telegraphed most earnestly from Charleston to induce the President to direct that the Star of the West shall not nail again ler Fort Sumter ; as being compelled, in the event of her reappearance, to fire late her in porno anus of their declared deierMination to that end, their fire would sorely be returned upon Charles on, by:Major Andaman. Gov. Piczgas.—The Governor of South Carolina telegraitha to New York that the poop!, of Charles ton actually duke to keep up oommercial intereoune with th 6 rest of mankind. They won't shoot at tho American flag at sighaltat will open their batteriis 'only upon ships bearing troop. or other topple to Fort Sumter. Thls Is probably thought to be an immune condescension. JAMES H. CHILDS & CO., mill claim); gILL, ALLIKIIISNY CITY, ilarereeterlt or . SEAMLESS BAGS, 000 or, OSNA.BITRGS, 32 inches to 4.0 Inchon wide. °Here kit at IL Childs & Co.'s, 133 Wood •tmt, Pittsbargh,will tve•ll.l4te6tloo. ar96:l, PITTSBURGH PLOW WOEHIS, J. C. BIDWELL, (Boccotoor to Spoor A Bkhrefi,) MANEFAOLIMER 01? 4L TOE74EIE7IEB 07 • PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS. COtton e Adapted to c ol Western arst.srsetoss,i DuquAsae IN, is ren alley.(i rapers, Cultivators, &o . ... various Soils of tho Northern, and Southern States. Warohease end Offer. Calmar 7, Payette tttttt and Oar. 1:11 the. Kean* hvE6 .11 the Railroad ; 6:li ' Pl7ll4loRiill, PA. eI • inn LER 1 'Jur MAUL F. Burning 11 einem au. g0.,0 at WWi il? PAW CORNEN 3 N JOHNOTON, [ PURE DRUGS AND OREM rVumery, Farm:3y Goode, id. Oiler ,JramilY Mean iluxtl) peas* quatity, • web be offers 1 TV/MD AND FOURTH fin, PITTSIMIGU. Pe. • claim compoonsded, al an houre."li. SrProcripiopu ocaltlyo IvAr‘ irLiurill t I _~1:~ f 5~ J Sd~l'l:H S ~:N~ 4 In Ate= d Atmospheric Hammers. y lITTERF3 ATEN It were granted on Sept.. alb, 1/1110to •m. Wadi, for • vary *beide lead elOoleathaprenueo at to Ream and atoompharlo Hammes, vrhavbf lb. full • of it. hammer I. °beaked, no mat ter, what Do the t • • • eof ter sham of fn. to be hare, atored—dbereby • - lag • groat locroeso of power allord huge photo Of meal ore to tat operated upon, and .• vulva pd lash,' oral:peon. To m ithaerlbent ere o u nof sold pateld, and eta row. Ilium to ave meld 1m mond. me 0011.55 tenitoryander told patent. d madel of sold baproviorarat tort. the Whoa of 'Memo. Boluterell • Mogan. Attar my. el Lev, tome of.,theot sod Disalood averts, where .blt Inhalator in call sad moo It, sod limo also the bum of "Mem vole, ae. P. a. WEAVIS, BRACH. • • PrtopOrt;donsetrosid oo.; Ps. • ARTENIXILN PIPE MR OIL WRLLS, FLUSH JOINTS, WROUGHT ISON. WILDID TUBS% LAP WILDID HOILOR runte.nuitutetand oat brut. by MORRIS, TASHIMt& 09., PANNIL 111014 WOMB, PHTL _ADI lA, nolollm • (diatedmid 1t214 • ; ..da.toaalrarcrlukc.a4.. TAMES M BALPA, ty'-iiii-uthunt to Ohic liztre•rpr, Nog., pews* ma, PIAOIT I:MIMING/3 sad SPANINATIUNN ror all Mods of biandlap, sad maportsiteudi Ontr motion, on norsesbis - ON ANDENNON NTILINS. • . • I liolblom stream, • _• - - ALLIONINT. AN & CO. HILLE (Jail& 1 Ge =9 Hats, and Youths' Soft Iratts, Ciente, Touthe and Boys'. Caps, er lists, - Ladies' Fauoy Furs, `ttha im APIy dm), lITIL 3 / 4 1111.14 00 .76 WOW Pio Mimes' Bea and • geosral mote Too Mk Golden Rowe.; CULP a et. APPL 'llOO bbl. 100 bbl. Lid 9 •41 1 1:30 • z km WI 125 dos. Tssoor c /hooassitgir 11.111111.1:: ~y e::~w„ • MI ~.. __... . , 1100 , , ..' ' . :"... • ; . _ . - , . ..,......,,,.,. ~ ; - .w , -;;; t:? , : , >';-•;•';.;•;;.:10-4.....!• , ••-• '.' l,-;- ''' , . ; • •; '- • :-..-- f ; ; 4 • - . • _.. •, - • • - - •; _ . .: ~..„ q_ r. ;.- :; ' i - ,',;••'!.., i - ; r‘1.:1 . 4 .!. 0,.., .1- •.' ;.-", '2; ;. ; is ' " '-4' '." '— • "•.._. • :.. '—• - ' .._:._—_____;'•.• 1 .• .L.nw.-7-141U . ..: ER • :AI; , .. , - f? . :.„....--- t,... - . ~ r -r; t i - _ fib - ~:. voLOME tnsxcanct.• IRVINE $.O I • COMNOCRCIA.2. PIRE! iNEIIIRANCE C0110.41/1813. 19:103 CritT OF 111111W.TORE.. , •_ i . • The above Oitood rallablo looursaca C o OaY l lkohlomak. to amain, of ; Soo loot, aro espersatod tot tbla cttybi Om ,00boarlbet, lobo to plopotad to rag ranch.: of oaab isse..2.. aponot bo o . cc damage by ft., at total II IbOt ass: bowa Id eau ba doge, with a ifoo rottofFb: - .X tasty of tbaUompsay, and tbaporosatooalipeoority eg tae tutored. ' .... JNO. B *PADDEN, El= Office - No. 95 Market ot Fur, Ilarile and Inland !Amirante. INSURANCE CO. os NORTH4MERIOA: PHILAIMPIR.L. L' • Itleforpamted 1704—00ga41-....5104,030, 'Awes, .100 mu, 10. 1859.........---.41,150,924 87. Tema Purr, 151... y. .011.111U11 0.111111/1.14, Palm. TNSURANCE CO. OF THE STATE' O A. PXNNBYLVANIA: PHILADSLPIIIO . . • ! • lnoirporanid. • . Ames labioary 1, 11389...— iriiiiiriz . i t i t i ghn . 411. MMus farms, Beey, 13 Pm /deal. H ARTFORD FIRE INSUROICE CO.' . WATFORD. .i.. InoPrporated, Awns Ilia, 1, TIRO.. Peep. I 11 . 11UNT/Apilailt, Pool. igg_lndinniice In the above 01A and Reliitlile Clompatilaa, can pe obtained by application to W. P. JONittl, A gent,tl Water at., ltagatipla Bonding. EMI Clllsen's Insurance Company etjellisburgn, Office, coy. Market & Watei Street*. (Vseorn Foos,) 1. WM. BiCIALLEY, Pr“ldent. alum Rst, Seeridari. INSURES STIBAIIBOATB AND ONOGuES. nauree against lon and Damage in the Navigation of the Southern bad Western Sheen, Latta and Oolong and the Navigation of the N. Itionfo. against Lou and Damage 61 tokutateast Wm gitgi4l. Rea. T. 51. Howe, Ida N. Cooper, a.. Perk,Jr, U.Zog, Nllartatigh tl g. Jon., Capt.S.C.Tontig. J.3bidweit.Jr.. granola Setitrn S. U. Ater, John S. Dilworth John Rapt., tiatelay rood. , • Sedatlyd 'Plulprleiptila ktlrat wad. Late . , . , I 110011LPICIll 00111. PAN Y. N 0.119 bitaaame Swum %Tolle Go OWitloo Moto. ; Capital s2ll4loo—Art.ta WAS. Will make' .11 land. or hammock ottliw Perpetual.: United. on fiery docrlpdon of ProwerlY GT Worr-loa 4 •• lreaoonalda'ratto of pratalam. • ~.i. NOBS= P. KING Prodded. . B. W. alumni, irk. emlawd. . Dotmotrou-,Jlaaa Bar. IL 11. Dore I. 41. Itogllah, Gela, W. Lon. P. B. laTary.Jumph B. Paol,llthanstatr,Joba! Clayton'. J. liagargoo, G. Wflor. ~ p. ltuOasMuts,l4aorooty. 41 J. 0. 00111 N, A goat, il•Illollyto i ' oorw Third al.fil. ood etr.i.. ALLLE6kp3NY iNSURABICII COMP,Y • Or pawrssiatutail Orries--So. 37 Fifth Street, Balk Block, INSURES AGAiNS'r! ALL ;KINDS OF YARD AND II•RINI • 18AAU ADO FA ProoldtmA /DUN LA rAIDIVRD, vies DrAnddevlt D.At BOOK. Bacrocaryi Owt...MILLLA.Ii DRAB, Osperal Agent. . Dtziara.-4saao Am*. 0. 0. Homey,...ltanty Childs, Capt. 11... 0, Okay, Jajnt A.:Wlloion. b. Jr. lilharkek. AAA D.APOADJ• OAS. A*.." . . 6 .4LP. 80 . 11 DDAD1A WlllllOO On•A Kahl. A. M.Th., It Nods .• 1•1:17.1 Oefewarc Mutual Safety Igaurnac; Uppres) hp re p.”4l try the Leyietaittre w Pitsetrioft . watt , ;l B 3s. Mee, S.; E. Corner Third and Valiant ere., PEULADELPEtt.AI e• • MARINI iNDUIL ANDES. Vane.li, • lthrio, and Prelittt itt MI parte or the wort& INLAND INSUItANLAII on Goode, b.fj Elleett, Meat/ Lskeeietur Land Oserbogett, to MI parte of thf (10100. IFINJI.LVDURA MINA on hierettendlei:;jetteritly..art Storer, Dwaillog Memo, Le. • " S OP nut COMPANY . Noviiiirni I, WO. Bolted Ptatri Treasury Nut. and 10ter , a01e...5212,143 31 etdiadelpht• Int, 6 percent. Wen 125203 27 Penisilrauliatate ... . .... 117,61400 Bab 171,346 42 Ronde, lifertknee e n d Rea 195,60 16 Penne. Railroad 0 ywr cent. Minims Rendift..— 45402140 Sennett., Stitt 6 per cent Loan- T. 7 24,000 00 Starke to Peas,. k.IL Or nod Inenranee 24,2211 Bala°. doe it Igenelre, Premiums on Marine t 61;666 O 2 Intense and other debt, due tne.flo Cash on 01044nd In 20,102 .61 . . 1 / 1 111am Miele. _ 11.412t1 Z. D{okon tannuni Aaonde.i ... , J. P: Pm:W*o, DunophilonPanidlac ' Dour, inonn4 John 8.. Pe I , Dinah:, DanDagton, John O. Delft, • H. Jones [Woke, Junco Tnninnir, • I =olntinning William Lyre, Jr o.*.nny Janos O. 111k0 , 2, ! Robert Burins, Jr.. Witham O. Ludwig, ' Jneob P. Jame Jorph H. 8011, Jana B. irePari.nd. Dr. IL N. linston, • • Joihna P. Arrin BBeorgo G. 101 per, Jam B.Saniplp, Plinain art Crt4e, D. T. Marvin, H Marlon Keny, ' a. B.Bergw, .• I . WM. AUXIN, Prentdont. TEIOB. O. BABA Vioi PrentdAni lICIST Lttionsh &meter,. P. A. 111.011114, Aiinnt• spa:lnd—tin= No. 05 Water W00f . .. Plitabornh 413dezualty Against Lou by ...maligns( lire Isere e COmpary of Plizz.,4Dsz.rar.• - . Offioe 435 ind 437 Oftestnut et., `near Fifth. euomeolotAmm, January 1,41860, pabllahed avow blyecrartiacaof Amearbly, bolos rin l "c"Pliter amply encored.— ' —41,396.364 63 Beal Ifetatti(xoemt sloe $103,81361) cos) 1177,6.36 . 23 Temporary! LOCI es,, co ample Collateral Sy: .witntise Pocks (praiser value won 73) coa_..4. 611.163 CD Moroi and lOUs 1.321 37,619 113 . J 0.201.661 66 *S.The only Profits from Premiums womb this enema 00, an divide; by law sr. tramßisks whit:Whims been dee Insaranc4amle Da away decniptlon at. etoparty, la Town sad.oonotri, al ratan as .low sa ars toottaisteot with go:entity. • Oboe Muir Intarpotstlen, b period tbttip loan, WI bole *ld bump by Grai to so, anima exceeding ibry haltextiof Data r th ereby aboiillototkhomoilbt, advantage. thanntoco, :elman their *Witty nod Alyp. dtiontil Meet with prompt. ltabaltir tome si nal, • . Loom yabildorbw lb. yam. Dtiaorobt-41bormeN itsookar,liordecollb - LebliVitbtan Wagner. David 8. Brown ibustool Omit, Lib= Lebohtob. EL Mobil, Vivant 0.11• Io. lies W. WebarBt.bloo,pbl44. DIIA RLIKB N. 11.1.NOHAR. Fresh! . KDWAR.D O. DALE. The PrestdanL W. A. "0 1 ' ge".. ropADVIR 00KRINs'airlit °taco Northeast car. Woad And %VW sup. ruin ansuatenoci • • By the Alliance Mutual loanraheit nomp'e, en11•08' t..p,a,1 • • Oa Balldlogoi Limited or Peepatoal,lderehaiidlas, ornitare he, In Torn er r : Country, OffOxi No. 308 Walont,Btraii. Oktrem.ll 10...A1en5t90.1,606 96.-17441.1 u Met Mortglignon Improved COy Property, worth • • double the 00 Oroood not 604 class.. ........ ......... 3,40; 110 Penna. Itallrded Co . . 0 per cent. Mortgage Ilexatt, • $llO,OOO, cost 20 CU, orPlillertelptds, 6 per cent r.. ... n.OOO 00 Allegheny oonott 0 percent. Penna. R. .... Lhan.. 10.000 00 Collateral 1*.., tr.4l 2 . 60 0 00 Llnntlngdon :nod drood Top Mootatah:THoiqoad Company, Mortgage ....... •, 4.000 00 hooey leaole 0011totio 4,00 Mock of the Reliant. Mateo, Inearance • Coi. 21,200 00 Moak of Onotity Etre Inearance 1.060 00' Mock of Dear/rare M. B..losurenoe 700 00 Ouroinerelal Cook d 06,136 01 Meobahles. Bann do 1' • • 2,0 t 2 60. Ordoold. (neuron.. Co'e 100 00 11116 Reeolgrable. haelosee 10,207 IN Book Lccoanko, accrued ' 0.11612 Mob ea hand sad 1. hae0Lfkr0g00t0...,„.„4„.... 13.661 16 • , • • 1100140 h 06 01.1WTINGLIV.*Proamor . , . thasmota—Oloto Theo', than thapbatPl ,a &Tamp. oott, lhkort -khan, ederick ttrotro. Waltham C. , Ste- soma; Om), W. th Fr itiy; Jahn R. WortolL'llarotall 001. U. L. Ormonet. Lathrop, Rohl 'Meal, Ottoth Wald, fre Wit Load& Await T. Booths 0. S.; Woad, lath Bowes, ha P. Wahiawa, ham BMA, huMoto. - tf.. N. lUNCIIIIIANiSocridary. . • 1.0. 0011111N,Apht mph North-out cora, Thlrd ankNotrl *Mosta W ent,ern trumarrmaom llganpan y PITTED U'llll r• • '' ' Vain* DA1419. Polaldant. 111,p1.111 (enrol ?; • , 0/111111, No. al itraot, (Spa m a Weil 11 animas& . • awn, eitmbargb - • Will /anon again:l an Hada of .111,e .10 Ovine finks A Bow. IV tiara, MIXOArei ay- thanarr. mba ara' man Mwn As comamasna, and 01,10 prompenas ana nanatily,l4 want an Um ; t440•41er &nal W I ham gunmaaVas 'off,Falt protlck, to that %V lesiva a, be:linnet -.4118XT8, UOTOMIII, 00, Stook 6000 00 10 01117414--L-*--,•-•—*,,,,..---,.• 2,160 as ' um. rataaa no cm ()pan amount; ' TX* 46 Pah,. 11,361 00' lhand . Ml . ll;" ' 17,101 Rolm and all. 'U M& 14 • . Wm. iibt. '. . - Natbalegiose, : . David 11. &pa& ,- ..., . ' WWII= U. moth . ." O. 'W: Akketwm, . •- •• -' E. 51, UMW" iletry, Gear lK y Dards, M 8..5. Jidda% Itof aim Alsisador • imam; • • , • • Lubricating- 41 , AT TIN LOWPRIOZ OF 25 CENTS PER .GALL6II. coadtaaill Oak bead addl... NIL try • - , ki:sawirat 4 te l L r9.*ft7.**ntwr 11*lisuramd cosillcster . Pninintinak,Vj ink Hlprr. *.Q♦7.11 atitillufialikoille Latukannit Ott we in grittzug fnia sea Pa MN to *Me MA We MI! porpdon ire lan sysr .. *Nd. "pr . * I. 11311 R. 11 , :19ED PRIOR eLwjf S S 44 . Pe l'ikl:!" 0 7:7 •lusitatorinnulia,bsir poem itati.a.timas rot - ontulTilati 141111LIBM BCri =amik#: i NseUt,Sti: 7 ~.~ .i+i <~.J , fflatoccUattuats Cittim; ---- DR. 3. Bb Gk. - rt.& rvr is Iris T. PlTrimP. l63 #4a LIRICITIXACIAN. da2tly T.01;111G :Duquiesne . -Tonn ry, Liberty 'at. near ChiterDezkoti IL It lIKE undersigned, htiting :pnrchintini the DttcomeNz PullNDßYlniiss TOl7l.lo,ltltliotp 'Untie to monnlochro 11140t1UICILY,CIUTISOLsericitrry on the Foundry Bathers h allltararbar bronehrs. • • -, - • - .1/111:11:TOUNO, ,Jon. 10,11,61—J114 . , 4/..P.10131011- Ehliti_B..pliG,Lefig4l., for qle • I Or {mass: of 'Heti]; Cabon 011 lifesitiAionte Sonde. Block, Nolas,&e. - *dams eabipiidisilouthaalid for moktu“ootreeticomna todprAdisia. ~ • . N0..47. St. Okiretieet; I= I. W. OII&DWI. CHADWICK DLLI . Paper and. Rag* • Noe. 149 and 150 Nitooo.£4itzeets, PITIIIIIIIIICIR, PA. • . 10•WrappIng Paper at atesartetetrank. prima: 'no bisheat market pram p 4.1 to dab for Rao.• • - • mai JEIMINRY /151. • dr., C 0..! 31A ri VAC:VIRUS OF ALI. OMR norms - .&313) . T AND. DIAI.Idd IN Platml Colton &Ines and dt;iis Nine, Oakinn, prdli AREHOUSN, *OD 00a. PANN AND WALNUT IS& i! Two Naves %bore P, rt. Wf tO. 11. 11, Irrefold DRAd, ; onte rnd PITTOTTEDET:ii, . cant.LAansi!., cp.AAci .73 R A R Tr ST: 3:10.7A-21143. STEAM - AND GAB PIY2 FlTTiar AND riolollll* , INISITERS or ALL KINDS Wit 11 - #A — EIB wotir, nid &Om 'lig aks Vitcitikki4. Sarolllloll AND. WARBROMIIII, ,,, t , r. Itin loon Pike fro ',. . o I."'WP°D•eriLKgr# . . .4.1r0md.7, bro. ss ,K0mm010t..1700.,b0100. 11 1 / 4 6e4id ArrAl4, ORDARB rE,I.O!dIPT.4r HATS, CAPS,' ,BT., W Q.; 0 , .7.*) CUILDCW.III , * 11#41C/141,•• ;a treat &bail.. and at modarate !Mom, ptt, J. H.. Hilleznutzt • PASELIONABLE• BAT • ATOWLS. , ' No 76 WOOWSTRNET. , :f- ,,, JOll N PE g; • BUICST, .P.SJCISIUM•s •lIA I R S T 0--11-!R; , No 65 /fifth let.. won /Wei Jain received. • Illiounortnreat ni.IOIOILPLUTIDIEBT LgA II Milt BRtISHIS.;TOOTIL and •ITAIGISIIISEIIIII, which will, he. yol.l intiwwporthou to anywtbawnwlibliiin mia In the cliy. Call and ensallna Cram prat oal LithooTapliers • Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth DlPLomis, snow - moths, :p,oarnatrif.- LIBILS, BONDS, ataTipiancs i prams BILL ‘411.10.11, DILLITI3,4cI. x. „g a . Qatar. J.., N. SAL. lauxecutra to R. Dussbayi, Jr.] 1111.0117 RRR AXD,1114L111,1,11 , 1# , uentivnitin • • • ..P12.1110113R611:PA4?.., nampuaraa. CIALOVIELL , ' BOAT PCRNIEMIIABI AND Manilla, Damp and Mutton Gordy% • • : • Malmo. Tar, Plkb, Bohn aad Kim - laipolkoDuckAlght and Heavy ikilllop, Ps; ' viola , , . No. 88 Way' and and, 11111.11. • , ...-.11.011A1f J. a.Fosav?..l RE WitEll:4ll6 — A . N - DERSON, IItIL&SALE DEALERS INTOREION IF,T 111401111, NUTS •ad NPICEId, ODN SUN MUVriali WORKS, - M., No.' 39 WOOD INSZNr, #ppool Le St. Marks Hot.% PlumbintylPs. 014%114, S T 131.0.0 0 W O.R.K=I: R. OVVUDI.e, • • CORNER 6411 AND TriTrif 314- "T.7.- 1131r-8MIX) AND MASTIC lifOßllllßgivoi inersausr stiaolioe to sll orders fer ow* lo Rio flew . 01..C.ETTREa'and ORNAM WES or all Wilda Rosalind on *boat man. •' • Wikalt" t9O4,PR 61 bT• o.• a 1...94.1 4 WILSON,- OA11:11-41,- - 011.1-.41 (tAra mum, PAMIR a 00 ) ‘r: holcrele peelers in, POlVEripasT DRY. GOODS, 94 Wood Sireel apictStf 14 "me i"*Mend Ml"' rtrreircrean. "Wr O x. 1%, • flocserne to Roil/• I&.,1 - IMPOH.TiIt •ND DEALER 111,-1 HAI Ir. W 7 - A . E, Corner. Liberty and-St-Clair Streets, , a4 l , •P1.27880g011,A11., Fl zrA IdWK. di. GU FiRSTP.AEM/UAL Gold Pen 'ldannficturefe;' counez rotraTlCANii . PAir.t?' pirrsmumnr, Gold Peas awl Gold odd (glut Pone/1 OodWillhol4a . a4 dai notsll. Rem dud Cam OAR=POLLT 116PAIRID..• I)d IGLU. Nil di 80 fourth Street, Pittebamb; Airs, ..tiAsags AND ,swkroarai, T y y desartpUaa • Leivr axe biIIIDED WOB,ll. si-unun saildt.dlisma ihatesda;' tad pro= Ali' JAGrutUA'R TO W ASICAD, P 0 EL A. 0- MC R+S. . 21 aal.D.wawit -•-• Sewn, Lard, Biied Beef, Dies! end Rump Pefl2; No- 12 Routh Wool, law, LiWitY.Plibibuilb-. U P..,:.,, ASS,H.ALL liiW WALL .PAPERS, BCiRDERS,-/b3.,. No. BT *mom I AU 0 - 11. E-8-11,. PAAWI RI - PIG rearet, ,7 7 7 ' ' num otit EDIIAP IRON. AND -.111311AP IfDDRL CANADIAN GLASS cI3AID . STONr. ' or frOPINOR.-11NOINIIII or FROM AND ANITEMILD • A7IYtik..EPSIA. AML. COMITIPATION ..11 . 1 . 6.rnsip no oss aloe so End slit to inns. dispute ow Seto item - nopn . bir inispuid-AT 00110=Ight upon Wigs ..do sod highly Sunlamp. A sy.lesAi .Pletkam.fot the -Po purpose. hob attpplievotbOth'it ned: ' J. MUMS. ttb rtrowl..l UL laVti QG.11.13-SAVING Liu RSOEI,4I'OII4 kn. nle by nRNRV B. RING st.earee'' : - .- , . .....: . • . , . ~, IDTING -4! , i p . , . .... _. N A.W.A. : Ritl*skr3Statr.eia.o4C/Nrr..' •.; MUD 1)11110100dTON70 11TniEFLMIT, , SP E. EClALLY•xleirigned for thol36o' of • the . Ja.;uezi Proftstiew rOd th• • saa.Nllbi. 4o:called *lila.," ••,a mantic," alA.ralki.a «M.A. - dalad.....lithaappa,"•la, oadarvid• ba Oka psyasiloga.tvlayslsisaa theialsia sand onapahosemall t asts ' .1.11 or . ' 6u sat. tatriftsie ainalelaal qualltka asks .Ilesok Is) wales belasa , la ae OM awl pure Lb quint bottle* and 9417 all 4112/16KL. gpetinp,Sei.,;, Dr. ato. u. turstut I ' 4o 110 P 61 4 0 0 , ,iyq1 . "Nay n0..2 Bread aver*, N.Y.' FOR LIVULtS tg.4.eiae.4 iulre7.;: FURS L yviciattijklu i _ SUR °LOVAS - AND I RRi 1 3 HATS AND_OAPI3v. -•• 4 :L":' leeti4Dl' &ten: l 'It:II6W DOZE.. CLOSINU OUTt „nog., iiiii4oo, , „ 1;16 , t i s.i. s - utta - , - nunt, 'l 7- , 1 0 ' , 1: f7r .fr.... : .itinotzteirb ' • .- N W 1 1 11 04f.A4r.1. '' slinstritt, !RIAU Lltails, -•,,-;,----: -, -.; °snow pciultsra;i4 . -: i74 , -. , -: - - ' ii. suites* tortif - iii,otiii,.. 14 UP9IT..g-c10149k,,,, TriTll7T7rTZTr;''l E22112:21 IZIGI2 Anooonota the .aE tut. ME OM Mil MD .131181 ‘• FURS 6EIIII kmds nod qua1410344t,