, _ a =1 tt It 4 14 i #tcargli- WEDII2BIO,Ir -1101M,ING, JAN. 18, 1881 CITY 'AFFAIRS., Otitnillase sssiftbst._..mhat. ' far the auete.. 6 da b: , 11 . 1 , 114 • sa ti r. 12. #1 r, ..... 00 39 Mid " ' 6 e . mime 11114 i comaeus woollen ' oity .oillem The oee~eDa of Allegheny held a special meet . lag laid stints& lea-this - purpose of &satin City ot6 re lOuthroweirentlear. Thi tonsure of the 'p tleg . ware read and approved in the atter. which they wet le Join ' • 1!r die elution of City officers. The fol ' • dilitrosalt of the election': m I tv 7rousinr—D. Mactures,electea bficele. liac. Cremihantonier-41ttlitir Hobson, 25 votes ; " votes. Mr. gobeoe war there - "deblired duly elected. • • of Water Works—John Alston, I I oikitor—S. Scholar, jr., by acclamation. Oka or ffis'Morketr—M. Mcdonntgle, by sod& Weigh Master, Dittoed Stake—For this ogles then were four candidates, as followai - Ist 540. 2cl baUoL Robert 13 -15 diem, Hanes .......-i..... 86 John Moon 6 e . , John Sudden 1 1 Mr. Egg was duly elected on nomad ballot. Wiripl 414•10,6fr0wd Ward &lbw—Jobe Cham bers. by: outesatlon. Wkorfidlerwerglesender Maxwell received 18 votes sat John 8: White 10 vote—Mr. Maxwell being,dely.elected. ./tscrodisisr Reg low!—Wm. blz,liendry, by sod& ni5i105. , 4!... • dreistast Brgerotor —Robert Wray, Ag acelame - Maxwell ! ,22-otes t' Wm. Koine, o.mthe Wood l and being duly elected. • Afiressmor Bark —Al's. Mate ell, by ecelsoistiom. • dreamer qf .Ifroter Rests—A. Davis, by aeon ., • Cterk to Gostrottters —M. McGoesigle, by seen. mattowej_ = , Beard-Yountriis—First ward, Lleieeder Gray; Socoaddlltred Slack; Third, S. McGined,m; Foetal , R Pothogrif, '• The neat Winne it- order wee the choice of tapers to do the city priadeg: The DispolchlEng- Iteh) tasit so oppositioe, aid_was chosen—the price bang lifhatettifore,S2 oo . The Freetleres Friend and the- Volktilart (Ger. • mae) were &rodmated. The former A:emitted 23 votes and the-latter 5 votesso the first earned • paper wee churn top riet the ordinance. in Ger ona, the contract being for $75. We may remark that all the old officers ware ".• re-elected, erupt John Moos, Weigbmaster. 'TlnfoiltitMeg ere the Standing Committees for • Froitkritirell, Wilier, Biala% 11001i11/. lieethriMiller. - Streets—Wright, Lockhart, Love, Aletsader, ;r. Whims sad londisgs,-Lewis, Ashworth, Ball, Campbell. CitylProprrly —Lewis, Wright, nutchnion, Ales. • amder,tamptiell. WiterWalker, Hopkins, Miller, Whitton, Pier Farm—Riddle, Patterson, Brows, Ball . Campbell. Orifiseacro—Ashworth,- Lewis, Mout, Gent, t, t ri Batckiwa Po/Ice—Lockhart, Brown, Miller, Donald, Ali Railroads—Brown, Atwell, Alexander, Brown, Smith: Claw and Accounts—Riddle, Askworth„ Gent, 31 , Dettald, Wkite. Gs*-Atwell, Lockhirt, Lore, Smith, Wbidan. Sonwys—Lockhart, Wright, Whistan, Lore, Campbell. Proshing--ktwelli Patterson, hi.D3nald, Brows, Ball. Library—Bless% Welker, Miller, Stiles, Hatch. Fire Engines —Blinn, Hopkins, Alexander, White, Ball. llerkets —Riddle, Brown, Heath, Allies, Maul. Wooden Buildings —VattentOn; Hopkins, Smith, Lova, DiTosaid. • Strad Hatiroado=Bissell, Atwell, Heath, Mods Theintraltispao Other blame= to unmet, both Counsels adjoureed • :: • . A SMOTIIIDOOII BELL AIWA MIAMI!!! —We en warad, says the Wheeling Adeilipegorrl, to be on ths lookout for • follow named Lovett, wh o on Sit night last perpetratsd the moat eztraor: &nary artudle epos theosophy of Columbus, Ohl& I over Merl of glace th. celebrated °synth:lotus hoax.l He mitt to' Cohosbus and advertind In the papers and issued dialog bills and lengthy programme. fora perfamaanbithe "Dixie ldlogtrata and Lovi etc. Paralnyou, two than In one!' , Oa flaturdai evening Lovett waiielling tickets at .the HAM Inv" log previoudj showa a counterfeit telegrapitio dist, patch that big troops Would anise by railroad on: daily at 7} o'olook. He bad hind • bras. bands which di/maned west and taring gifting, and -the hall wag rapidly filling up with ‘Whil. About tb‘ time the troops motto have arrived Lovett requested • waddles sad sympathising gostloman of the pram to nu areas for aim while be would go to the cull 11kakataa,aha thoas.amositlas to shoat $BO, and tott.rTatlirowd la the ball becoming sattsliad tint they were daned, dispersed as quietly as porgible midi. ohs oboamstanme. The lenge of the bail wire sold, hotel and seam keepers were sold, the pilaus was gold, the band was sold, and fin, LM audience - were gold. ljpoa having the hall Lanett went to a clothing house, bought • gait of sloths., counted ou l titte mosey to pay for them, and4n g•thering up bin obese, Managed to steal pert of them:ma wh he bed counted out. Wu gild to Int the most outelpb. tent reseal *Maw turned up: Thu* is something of such a bold, daring eherater about this trick, that the people were dbipoged to admire gad leash at it, rathershaa beoome indignant. but the pollee neva. Melon ten on his track. E ME Neptune Mee Company. Ar • stated meeting of the Neptund Fos Com-' poly, held at their kill, Monday ereaing,..lensary 14th, 1861, the following officer, were 'laded fur „Abe stasis' year 1. • Praidest—John H. Stewart. Vice President—A. Jacksoa Kemp. Secretary—Ed. T. Hadspeth. . • 'Treasurer—A. B. McQuswas. Captain-David E. Hall. ' • Li j eoleaasts—lit, John Berk; 2d, • Fred. Dime. 'Esgineers—lst; Elijah Hall; 2.1, James, Fowl"i; 31, Francis Moaugue. Hose . Directors-Ist, Wm. Thompson; Geo. J. Hall; 3d. Julia Robjeson. • • • Hose Engiaiseri—James McShane, John GraY , Flog Grinds—Audresr Hall, Jas. Cassy,•Aadrew Wade. Ale Mss—Jima Ilissley, F. J. Bello, Francis / 1 &agates to VO6llll4li'd Association—lobe . !Hewitt, George W:'Leoniard, Ed. T. Haiiipeth. Trustees ot Hall—David E. Hall, Geo. W. Mougp, Joha 11.•Sterut. - 4 • j.turs!isus—testbut Jones, Hugh , rEiectiet Committee=Geo. W. Leonard, D. E. Hall, W. Thompson, J. Dinka, F. Diann. Jana H. ft:swear, Presq. Ee. T. Hoesessn, Bed 7. . PIE it 7 H; ISE 4 Nt , .t.)1110 Kestacky • l• • ladiaas—Sute bast.:. • • ... " Free • Idicygaill Virgiata.4 .. . •••• Misociati .......... ... . . . - lowa ...•• • ......... .7. Casa'. •- 6' . sr- 0 4t Fiat AT Tat Potrar.—liebumlay. montiag, *boat 4 01/410Ckjilaitaitaillish amp atiaulied to Mena i laud It ittot. erinealteral tairlemeat worts. , loes. tad oa the Immt of lb .111 leeway river. near the I - Paint, might - his aid vas iteattoyed. • It'mad a mere shadow& did un it contras - .mealc,veleatdit material, but ita primimitt to the omit orbs h i ed b a t aboati.l the other. rendered a* asaiadisel,ilaagetose.plame Mt a 111164 - the of the Hoard *lm wae toesidatablylarat, had to estiardahat oath peas dielaulty. tit is mapamred tlia% I • thrum Apicamts.—Aiiwe'youeg wee' re siding la liereikeouptp one aftotedivAtetasd the otter Tait; tali prePettes',litilr'itisi te 'de wt Imam-a try , eye elope. the see t• sat pt Toned peeldeetslty vii illsober tae costaita lodated shout .Tretter'e Beet ' e asabigfisstilat death. . . port pyria has bees appelaetheeteitisteestrute,ftiaitigion 105e5t7.7 1 , - L - 71. - P ater7eld lP lA- • • Ocenitertopith4enkt by:the seel beet tleatlithihntilltalthli , wee set Ciao hit Oh* ' • I=l • Batas of Cserusey.' KLINSZDT.../1 Bnoz-Nires Ravine, dated /Amoy 15n; in t iJ on our deck yesterday, •Ifraah from the prem. We snake ther tallowirm quotation of (Attend: - Now gagland—ail pliant nuke,/ par et. pram. New York—City bank. j'" Coaatry Banks 1 New Jamey - cc Pensaylvaala-rvhdad. bank.. • I •• Country "1 pr et. pr. to 14 di Maryland—Baltimore par 1 , " • Country 2 per et.ldU .4 prem. .4` " disco. o .... 2 - • 10 `lO .F 6 • 4 ! 2 si • Carrosi' Or - s Bow Totsr.-0* Tlntredsy sight last, a bey mare was et otos from the stable of Jaoob Hobe, BOOtinOtifillia totraskip, Dauphin oonstj, together mitts - saddle sad halter. ;••• OS the-same eight, there waa "istobra from the promisee of Mr. EL W. lloffross, re siding year Mr. - Hots, sleigh, hareem, two bridles; Sod too bloats,. The thief was pur -Blb sued sad overtakes...He gave the IMMO Of Samuel d says *at' he lives be Strasburg. smote, to 'bleb be was plug. He Moo sore that be km hoar bees °creased to the Beim Locale Asylum from whiob plus be a oaspisk - Wie is -either Isom, Or feigns dinvilltelariells Ilwelletrrilialesseary Neat.. . lag -2/..„=""" litstliedee-112eadien et ° I Ti l .4 emir; the iiiieeseay Bible goei °V Mid - taiesty-fitst anniversary 'nestles, is Bev ;J: plc illan'a sketch. Bandasty street, the Poseidon, T.'hteCasea, biting Is tI ehaiik, t The sonriees were °peasd with payer by Bev. 1 ' John. McMillan, who leashed the Divine presence said bleats' is a fervent sad appropriate *issuer. The sachems& thee, joined is Kissing the 122 d palm: tg uses woe, to tai hoer of God Go U. thin wild to so.' . Roadie( of the Ecriotnews, by Ilev.W. Preston, and prayer by Bee. McMillan. Singing by the congregefion—pralm,l9th, 7: 10. "C:Ziartttl , '" . , The reading of the 1 reports was nut in order, end as they contain mach of genets) interest we 'hall lay a synopsis orations before oar readmit From the report of the Board of Managers, we are enabled to give the following outline of the operations of the Society doling the year: Mr. Robert Davis, who wee employed through out 'Jebel year in exploring the 'Maim, lases and alleys of the city and rabarba, and in annplyieg thou without the Word of. Life, is highly erom melded for the Christman vial and , perseverance which be has masikated in the praocetima of this work. tile field of labor embraces the eityof Alla gluey, with the boroughs and townships north of ehei•Alleglieny Hid Olito rivers; and wherever he bale a family withoit the Holy Scriptureslie sup plies the wade, anfi' earnestly impetus upon the recipient the importance of studying God'i word. The Board, at their meeting in January last, re solved, after careful coesideration, to continue the valuable services of Mr. Davis, as the most effi cient wey to carry out the objects and intentions of the Society, notwithsfaading some , contribotot.• bad remonstrated &sabot acing any of the fonds of the Society. for paying an agent. The Board en. tertains the opinion, however, based upon put ex perience, that the most effective way to eiroulate the Scriptures in to employ a suitable person for that purpose, and pay him for the work. It is worthy of remark that out of 462 cites of deltieution found by Mr. Davis, 275 refused to re ceive tee Bible. Phi. is a palatal tact, and the Board submits it us forcible argument for contino • tag the present system of exploration and supply.— drawing,- as it does, that however mach has been • done in this field. such more remains to be at. eoinplished. !rho aunt has visited daring the year, 5,247 fault. flu. The numbs of Bibles sold by him la 71 ; Testamental 65—making a total of 134 volumes. The vales of 'Mob was $43,57. The number . of Bibles donated was 82; Testaments, 62—total, 1 45 volume., the value of which wee $39,55. The subscription for the year amount t0..51,t12, 01 . Pied lo 785.30 , Leaving balance unsettled - $320,31 In aldition to the above, $lOO have been reeslve4 from the Fseentore of the estate of Charles Brewer, and $122 bau bean collected from upald subscrip tions of the previous year, making the total melee. delis year,111,407. 1 In the toweaMpi of Ohio, Fraaklin, its,.. Reserve and M'Clure, but few luau of destitution ware mat with. In Sewiekleyville, only three ware found Without the Bible, and one In Sewickley township. In the boroughs of Sharpsbarg, Stowartatown and Doqoesne, the largest number of families was found 'SUMO the Bible, and here the agent met with more .6fasals than anywhere else. One ease was • wo man who had been monied fire years, was the another of two children, endeavor had a Bible until 'applied by Mr. Davie The Board °includes their report by directing at tention to the second object of the Society, which is to "aid the Pennsylvania Bible Society with their . morphia (want" and expresses the hope that the in !suing demand for the Scriptures 111 Italy, Spain and Maxim will oh up the friends of the Bible to mewed efforts to behalf of the stoat • , 1 On motion, the report was aoospteiCafter which the report of the Librarian, Mr. A. Lyele, war reed , at follows tread Do band, Jan. 1, 1850 124 Itoeolved, Jao. 1, '6O, to Jan. 1, '5l . 1200 Tout numbervolumes ... 'Distributed and sold to 1800- On hand, Jen. 1. 116 L The report of the . Treasurer„Ur, . Wm. M. Bell, was next subitilited to the naiades. As the male fea tures of this report are given in that of the Board, we need not repeat them here.: Brief addresses were then delivered by the Be,. J. B. Clarke, of the United Presbyterian Church, and Rev. A. K. Bell, of the Baptist Church, bet want of spare prevents as giving an outline of their mt. marks. An election of Managers for the year HMI was then held, and molted to the choke of the Idllowlag named gentlemen : First Dotted Presbyterian Church , —Thai. Ma- Canoe, A. Lysie, Wm. Brat. Second V. P. Oberott—John Dean, James Mc, Candieu, Wm. M. Bell. Third U. P. Church—Wen. Park, Jame. Welsh, Thos. Meson. Fourth U. P. Churoh—David Dennison, John Brown. Jor. Moßeughter. Reformed Presbyterian Church (Ideillien'e)—J. P. Flaming, It. W. blower* D. W. Smith. Reformed Presbyterian Church (Sproall'e)—D esti Gregg, Wm. Wells, J. R. Newell. First Presbyterian Church—A. Cameron, R. E Davis, Robt. Davie Central Presbyterian Church—Wes. Riddle, R. Bard, 8.8. Bryan. Baptist Cburoh—J. P. 'Estop, T. J. Heakinson, W. T. Bowe. Methodist Protestant Church—J. H. Clancy. Disalpies CM:rob—Rebut Ashworth. Beaver Street U. E. Church—J. B. Ingham, A. Hobson. English Lutheran Church-0. Yeager, Benjamin Heckert. Rev. J. Cowl then addressed the Throne of Grace, after which the Doxology was sang, and the audi , sue was &mimed with the benediction by Rev. 1 Dr. McLaren. Court et quarter leaden' Before Judge, McClure, Perks and Adams. Tuesday, Jen. 15.—1 s the ease of Commonirealth vs. Cuthbert, Gillespie •red Brunton, indicted f.r insult and battery, the jury convicted Cuthbert and acquitted the other.. George SmifVwas indicted for stealing n carpet s/eh, the property of George Fritz, of Blit 'bath tows, Ky., on the lta of last November. Verdict, guilty,and natenced to one year and three month. as the Penitentiary. George Knight wan convicted of the larceny of ■ carpetrnack and contest., property of David Kindeniater, about the last of December. He was sentenced for one year and throe moritha to the Penitentiary, ,Michael Malloy was convicted of stealing a trunk, containing shoes, front the steamer Key Wert, in November last. Motion for a new trial. Henry Smith was indicted for assault and battery upon Caroline Maymae, at Port Perry. The parties are in the butcher business, and the armee resulted from the serial cause—liquor. Verdict pilty, and recommended to the mercy of the Coon.. Sentenced to foll;C l a ° r ai ro i lr w i e fi e n re e d l ie d te ti d ie for the larceny of two I overcoats, the property of Robert Mitchell, in Ll teethe', city, on the 2d of November last. Verdict Sestenced to the Penitentiary for one year endear =Math. Charles Willoughby and James G. Bates were indicted for larceny, on oath of S. V. Persse. They Oise charged with stealing from the St. Charles Ho rteloo the first of December last, clothing and ljewelry, valued at about thirty.foer dollars. Both defendants are yoeeg moo. They plead guilty, and' sentence was deterred. They , also plead guilty to a similar charge, Rath 01 Eisinuel r ßerk;ardi. • Elizabeth Jackson, (colored) plead guilty to ai• unit end battery with intent to kill Catharine Fagan, (white) on the Bth of November. The 'paitles were imprisoned lor denuder), conduct in one of the cells of the watch boseivand the deep , dent stabbed the prosecutrix with a dirk-keife in the back and breast. fibs was sentenced to the penitenuary for one year and sin mouths. Abraham Reed was indicted for usanit and bat tery upon George Dorsey, (both colored.) The parties had a wearret on Webster street, is Decens • her last, in regard to the rate of wages received by the prosecutor for running on the river, when the defendant *smelted and drew a knits upon him. Oa trial. Verdict not guilty, each party to pay halt the 5. costs. David Dougherty, L. Pickens sod Charles Bu m. snit were indicted for larceny, on oath of L. Lewis. The cone was trilling, and raseltiid from some dis pute between the parties, who reside in Chanters • ,- township, about the ownership of dome pig.. Ver . • diet mot guilty. .The ewe prosecutor also brought suit against Dougherty and Preheat, for assault and battery, arising from themuhe caw. Jury out. . Additional Sentataese. The following additional sentenceowere imposed by tie Criminal Conn: Alexander McWhorter, grand larcsny, one year and ES months in the Penitentiary: 11110111 Curios, annuli and battery .orritie wife, one month in the colony jail. Alexander Montgomory, stills' lirjuor without license, Sand $lO sad coats. • Charles Cuthbert. smolt and battery on W. B. Nielholsou died $25 and cone, Yours't Mute elltlllll.ll AIIIOCIATP3II.—The &moth Annivonnwror this excellent institution, will he bold en the Nutt' Monday meninter this =oath; in the Seamed Presbyterian Church, (800. Dr. Reward's) Penn said. The minting it lipietad will be vary lowed logo% as the repiettor 'the past year will be mad. and snows' addressee will be delivered. It U hoped that= the young man of the hnodation will be sew tattled inMelt isedshi• entirprise, and that a fall Mess, and a large crolisotiotr will greet Mien, sad etiesmige them at the beibudng of another year. .'.Tat. Pion Form—Mayor Wilson has received 90141 twenty-6re 'eppliaatious for eid out of the 11200,nsesstly donated by the Iron City Tout Cont rary. He kse made. so diatribution yet, and Mr soiree each applicaot to give some 'somata* that boot abe is worthy sod is seed: Tkia COWS° IN Illelooll7, Is order to goad egabsstlimparition. •. . Tag Graai Jury have passed apt* all tit . bills lirbefht ;befre -District ' thus tena and , will probe. bly nee to Atomay Kilter has die sataked Ike .biudsees of the. Court with greet vMptaiss the post r.. &ye. and there're ver few OM* ta be dMyaeed 04 she jetty. This week tail! probablpfirha t. Maw Faatot.—ltre leers Shawl Feld Lere's !salt Kota Reporter, Jost hewed; that welt eagrev. 1 0 18 * Peflioniadto. bo.oisthe southeis Bask. Ationi made their ;immune*. It Is voodoos to ary tkat then teas sub Beak: . Itziertroli. 3ll ulthliaa SAO*. yews lawyer,,ossies joke of lir. tits; .ado tatter to motile is ilfitriad* Coon, on Tue. W. iiiiiiiiiii 'maser winriiiid wow pani,ge.. The side of the ndloned Moe* had bi,:..4./* 044 IPittsba4ll sad Ay .thsi 'loosely - of :11114101111. IMS, . been paitpoped main - Saturday animus imett.: ll6 the - odlo• of Kirsh:al CamPbely Chtstnee norms. All the rant:ol4 stook hairy she - rdty sea county will be AS. for sale, to gaudy. leassaiits obtabeed by attain beadboldmi sialast tbe requl= tbra sogiorattoos. - ThWitenk owned 'by the airy hai long elnce passed tollep the heads of trashes. bat 4111 eeema bet GO have wlakwed the" firth of the bond holders lb their *forte to realise" seiretleint" GPM their judgments. The rallroad stock is retarded as almost valuoleu, sad it will, no doubt, be knocked down at a very low Acne. The toiletries are the RUM of the bondholders with dm 'measure( the judgments which they ha obtained against the cdty'sad county, and for th sadalhetion of which tba railroad stock has been seised afr. 0017•Tf. A. E. Roebtuabl... $17,001 81 J. LI 814p1ar00...-.8. 9,188 00' ,Or W. Dobblo -.. 1,122 88 Geo. W. Dolnitt.- 121 191 Do. .- 2,438 84 1),,. .- 641 80 B. 8 Oubso-.--- 1,372 601W.n. W. 1421113..... 1,888 00 Do. -- - .-- 6,214 72111. L. Elorlbert---. 1,211 01 Do. .---. 1,042 96 O. Adtiard 1.188 0 0 . L. 8146•11-.....--- 8,740 03 Moe. W11.2m---, IN 03. .I.llosklgart..--- , • " ....-....... ~,,816,81799 1,1125 82 .....-$18.701 44 Tun Woman to Mertz—Benefit-of Mr. I.loxll Bernard.—A prefound impression was crested in ji Ragland by the publication of Wilkie Collins , great romance of" The Woman to White." There had been horrible euspicions rotted in the public mind, by rumors that virtuous ada sane women bad been committed to Ineatic asylums by husbands who bad grown weary of their preemie., sad took that method of putting them out of the way. When the "Woman in White" appeared, it was taken u a revelation of the mysteries of the [minces, by one who, it be bad not an actual knowledge°, the fact,. bad an intuitive perception of them, and described them with the graphic force of no common glaring. We do not propose to even• outline the plot of "The Woman in White." Meet of our readers have perused it as published is liarper's Weekly, and none can have forEottou its characteristics. It abounds dramatic incidents, and highly wrough t, situation., nod is one of those 'stories that almost adapt tbelaselvee to the stage. It bee been a matter of surprise tons that some play-wright has not seized upon it, and adapted it; to the stage. Mr. Bernard has had the discrimin-1 ' striae to see him ancellent an opportunity was of-. fered for as interesting play, and ham procured itr dramatization of it, which he very properly intends bringing out for his benefit, thin evening. hMr. Bernard has endeared biennia to Pittaborgh-, ars by his infinite humor. No comedian has re.: . mostly warmed here who so suddenly rose In pop, alar favor or retained his position so succeiefully; In producing an adaptation of a great roosaaee, with the proper decorations, scenery and cos; tomes, we trust that his benefit will be made the occasion of the appreciation in which be is held se an ambit and a gentleman. 'Boutin sr LAST.—Tbe Wheeling Union says :4 'The lady whom we alluded to a.(aw days sloe* al Supposed to be Ina cataleptic Be, was buried ou &today last. At Mistime of her Westmont, we are informed, no evident* of deo'omposition bad takes place ; the limbs were perfectly flexible, and Mein was a tots! absence oPthose signs usually attendant upon death. Bouts six days bad elapsed since she harkbeen in this condition, during which time the house was netted by crowds of people, sottiatad, Ito doubt, by a morbid curiosity—which to say the Wit was In rather equivocal taste, arid indicative of brit little delicacy. Gum Ems . Evasesa.—Prof. ilamboler, the great magician and necromancer ' Is now giving! series of entertainments at Couolirt, Hall, at which very valuable gifts are bestowed to the holden of lucky numbers. The gifts will be distributed to dm satisfaction of the audience, and the pries of tleitim will remain es heretofore. For • rare night's enteir ' tainment, go to Comsat Hall, and if you am lucky you will eertaluly draw • prise. • HELD rot Formica HZ/Li/Mi.—Wm. Morrill, the lad charged with obtaining 'noir, email swine of motley, by forging the boozes of ififrarent Jodi yiduala has boom held to 'mower a further boning oa Friday. Srn t. oe Tatar..—The ejectment case of Wo vs. Hap, before Judge Dampier', and the cue of Stewart ve. Patterson, balers Judge WI liams, are still on trial in the District Court. Gov. LIITCHZI, of V. nil, has eppointed Benj. F. Blood, Beg., at this city, e Commiseioaer liar theiState Of Virgieis, in the State of Peediejlnete, the same Ibling a reappoilitment. • Foil KAIIII/19.-3. J. Mose, Neg., hi. dome old of the Kann. food. ;Br Denser Dr. O. Bill, No. 24 Pine exalt, ottani& to all branches of the Dental prcifos 7 skin. AirDOCTOI 0. Besse, Water Ouse and Homo pubic Pl:lyricist:4 also agent for Rainbow's celebrated Truss for Rupture'. No. ISO Smithfield Rs should not fail to reed the adver lanspenief Prof. Worsl.l. to.n..ti mar. , t PTO LRT.—The FOURTH STORY the ELAZIVIIII BUILDING, ler •I. of lITO 30•311 at oe reasonable lemma Apply to ICHKISTS fI PG, atmate Omnilns holm ear and italliaaaltall taught both day and aesting 4 ssparianasel and skillful Wires..., at taa Imo Oily Oollsgs, soma of Peon lad R. Oats sta. sTualtit salts at nay jalttliKsinst Btosis Fooo.—Attontion is a L dto most remarkable and lOWIIIII3 preparatioa,adefirtimid lo another column. It is ao KOiraly oar Mowery, and amid Dab* conietanded arab eny of the summons Went medicines of the day. It te • oertaln remedy for all Ms dlseunrepecified, and ratecially those of a diroola Ewan. —of bog Manding—of weeks, months, and year.. punt. are try Id Mama. 0.0000 IDu ~ el 'Non Pork. are *sole seams kw It, and Mao proprietors of the eroriticetiorrited lk. nalcoes lirraimia Comet, an ertiele .010.0 mery Mother Mould bane in her medicine claret la ninef wog and It ca n as It does, no paregoric et opM say Mod, It can be rig upon elm tan ottecea confidsike,and roll O. foetid an I ahad. artesian in ell mem of titikatikt ampi.lolo-0430101 Aersal, by 61 deajtee adesettiement g ab. ale by 6110.1. lITIU 11.4enk1/0 Wrest et... Plitstair Pa. delfilikailla SAPONIFIER! Important to Faml Save Time, Troutap, and Expense Sli E TUB BEST MARKET 'ARTICLE . YOU IN MAKING SOFT. SOAP One pound equal to din pounds CO s I= Penn'a. Salt Mannfact'g.Co PITTSBURGH, PA. 06661.2. 6 Oreters In the Traltea 0666 ff.:l2 THE WORK FOR THE TIMES ItVgairEIODY SHOULD bussotunio TILE Ant RICAN Conservative Review PUBLISIIID MONTIILY. BY J. -111BRESICR1 W. MIER AN ST" NIA YORE • strictly coemathro tionthly Pobltent con 64 mut folio. ns oonahlung of Political, Oodillmrcia tl Ml Monty .*o. an all torment avatar, New IMMlcattotm and Worts o Art, locator eitti • Kontbly gammas, of - foreign and Domestic News. Also, an crlishial melee of alopwhW4 Ulatarkal sad Matallta Angela, lad Dicifoot Lltamtach by the matt able melons of the dap In ovary depattment. • mvsaty lllZRenktrr. LAWIZIa. i CLEFLOTIMMV. ,_ liiiIIMMIL 4 od In fact every lean of trite, posltion or Inisafor oboala hare N. , . • Tun iinruffor OONIIIIITATIVZ gIIVINIr 1.11 be Oddly corotrel lb It. charade, mod rill rodeavor , ha all emorgencise, to annneet oil= of 'peAcy:tbee cora LottALlth Night nudjuelloe. iner NM to attey all part? or' Nene& mud mooch, to each ateer th, hosals elemente that ore or In the Man aritetrthe public WWI. N. B. The first number of the !ANIIIIC/IN 0011111111TATIVI Review Will be burned on the let of February, 1361. , PIIDLIIIIIND MONI/llir, AT 1.5 00 rig ILI, PATAILI IN ADVANCII, i HT J. 111144.DICIWN• ' 32 Beekman street, Niw York. N. ri TAN.ta em ceeing reliant Iptioai aortell ollur roar nisiNtailooti, meets ho addomesed to the /whim' amain. Wirt lisrushlow York. 4 'First.ohow Agents wanted in every city of the Poke(' BOtes. jalm :wife i QQNDRIES-9 Itege Butter, ; e" lax) bas CIORN IS UN lialete cint; 1 " . " 1° ` md. " its utati era Al,ll—'/Isocetu—/eoer APPLES -1 00 bbla. Golden Brads; *to bbis awe. Mows* t iao bbly Otaimar-in stun Ibr Ws by - , 1117 LP t 16111PAZDAIS libel IC "'----,----------- DOLL BLITTXR-- 5 bbl: Oiatly time - 1 - I " ealrul ' " is row'rniivam 09. "Ce." B".WIAL BUTM-8 b iffrP , 011 I O.OIIAII. WAIL PITINU-1111, NI Pus minus wut we se oftwarembs . . W. P.1111.11101/1144 it eDIIII.-5 Otampliwt: Odeninstars ! ' fiIr.FAM by • wifTELD IXR. • : s• • : RIM lamer Wosil. ~."01195 d 05.. BrElineand.r 1 lILAMO4I4O IOI / 111, ,11411essidl",, f•kATB- biiP • • m at c i . 111 ESE THE_ LATE:gt:NEWS. ai'"rsasesara RECEIVED AT THE DAILY GAZETTE - OFF ICE. Cosgress—Setand Session. ).WASSIMOTOIri lan. 16. • I Boose.—kmong other prelimisery butineu, Mr. 'Jerrie, of Maryland, presibeted a memorial signed by twelve thousand chizetis of .Baltintore, weir poetize of partj,priying for the adoption of the Crittenden compromise. He said if tt was the de ars to tranquilize the public mood, it could not be does more effeetnally then by the adoptioo of that spellers. Laid oat t he table. The Souse went tote Corsuattise of the Whole on ths state of the Union on Ina Army Appropriation bill. ; Mr. Reagan, of Togas, said he bad come hither With the hope that snob measures might be brought forward by those who have the power to control the euestlon, as would enure the South of its future Security. The Repubßeans bath held. sullenly back Sad declared that they bad no terms of poses to nln dew of such facia, filth States hive already geine out of the Union, and others are Tepidly fol lowing them. . Unless something' Is done before the ','Mt of klatch to Mthat this movement, ere Will see 'but RS Southern States in the Beton. The WS- I 'inroad* conflict bad culminated too soon-for its +authors, and behold the . result.. Thyme t ution handl , 'talon and dilatation to the South, es of the Velem and they have readied that !ogled end. ;Ile ptheroded to show the condition of the noires.. No portion of the world could compare as favora ble in its Maniere as .these of our owe ; would the north, if they were felted, accept th em as free men—you would fight the Smith with all your en ergy and power si ain .. oath au influx, and yet you damned that the Soutbehall liberate four mil lions of slaves, and break up thew social order sod commercial and political prospects, and yet MIAMI its negro element among us You never consider the relative position of the two races, and what is to be the cud of your conduct. he spoke of the destruction to manulacturers end commerce which would be produced by the abo lition of slavery. The cry of trauma had bele raised against certain States • and the blockade pl' their c oncerned ,d hut if this be attempted those o will, like a famous G I, find a fire in the trout as well as the rear. He knell al so Southern State that asked more than its conetituticase rights, and so far as Texas is eoneerned •h unalterably determined sever to admit to less, and if she reward get her f ights in the Udon, she will have them ont of it. The Nor hero sinter. hare dons Dwain, to eh lir the Soo hers State. that they shalt have security in the Solos, because to give Southerners their cos stitttlonal rights would be to diobsad the Republi can party, bat by a smithies of the constitution, they are enabled to make war oe the flouth i l Mr. Stanton said that the speech of the entle man from Tens was extraordinary. While skiff' for measure• of othiciliation from the . Republican rode, to athth civil war sad dianthus, yet he 5135, the party which just elected the Preeidest Can only pleserve itself by the destruction of the govern. meat. He would inform too gentleman that the principles on which.thinovernment were founded, cannot he surrendered ender, any threat of civil war, and it the principles of the Republican party are not to be vindicated historically, and as tense. crated by the fathers of the Republic, then he should be prepared tonbandon and surrender the organization of that pasty. He was ready to main tain that the Republicae patty ha no purpose, principle. or policy, not a-auctioned by the epub liege father'. During the proceedings, Mr. Crawford said, in! reply to ■ remuk of Mr. Manton, that Georgia hod semed the forte because they wore intended for her' protection and defence, and taken all the rape-, eibility. Mr. Stautoo said he uudemtood that Georgia' take. neon herself the inauguratiou et civil Wan, and makes no pretence of conditutionei jyriedic „ tree for her act. • Mr. Hill said that Georgia has not seised any portion of the public propeity. He wits willing for an amendment to the Constitution in order to remove a deluaion, preveateg the Federal Gov trOrnent from ever interfering with Amery in the State.. except by the onsets:m vote of the States. He was: also willing to remove the agitation on the tat titatini question, by admitting New Mttxico all a State, in accordance with the recommen ,lion of the Committee of 33: II Mr. Root, Ark , es a member of that Commltlee, pro tested that no snob reeethemndatlon bad bee made to, that Committee, He did not understand that anything had been e t p . troved bythat cataalital• on a direct vote U• loved they relLdisted what purported to he a report. Mr. Genies of Vs,' obtained the floor when the Committee rose, sod lbs Rouse adjoolllod. SILNATII.- 1 1 1, Bayard, of Delaware, presented a memorial from citizens of Delaware, Without rasped of party, praying for the plumps of the Critteaden re:evolution.. Mr. Seward alth presented memorials from citizen. of New York coneerateg the state of the Unites. Mr. Kennedy, of Maryland, presented the mem orial of citizens of Frederick, hid, without reprd to party, asking the adoption of the Crittenden resolutions. Mr. Cameron: of Pennsylvania, predicated. a rethlution, changieg the same of the steemboat 3465 C. V 5111110111., of Pittsburgh, to the Hanson. Paned. Mr. Bigler, of Pentisethania, prerouted e i tibt memorials, praying that the proposition of r. Crittenden- be submitted as ameadmeate of the Coustitutron; Tabled for , the greyest. By special order Mr. Orittedleate rethantilthe were taken op. Mr. Clark, at Now Hampshire, offered an mused• meet, striking maths preamble and the first rethi. letioe, and insert a declination that the provisions of the Constitution are amply sufficient for the p Tidos of the Union. Mr. Green, of Mo., taking the floor, said that the precast CaltalllatiOD in it. providea is good enough for the whole Heim. I hold that Staten hate a right to secede. A State bane right to go oat es it name in r and there is so power in the government to pusish the secedies States as they are a sovereip quit. 1 am for immediate secesnion tl my State is, and 'my State will be, unless there be a revolution in the northern pnblie unitised. The further consideration of the readotion was postponed. • The Pacific Railroad bill being the special order, the Senate refused, by a note of t 2 mas to 38 nays, to poster:we inaefinitely the Peelle Mailroad bill. Mi. Rim, of Ulan., objected to the .proviso that the Iron used in the emmusetioti of the road shall be of Asinine othoufacture. The price died for the out should also be only $l6OlO a mile from Lake Superior to the Rooky Mountain". 'There le out a elates in the bill whieb binds stockholders in anything whatever- Mr. Gehl, of Califorola, said that his constituents were in favor of . the bill and were willing to take anything that was presented. By this bill die gov ernment has a first mortgage on the road. Within 12 mouths after the bill become a •law the greatest °Wad. Will be overoome, and we will have a road to the Sierra Nevada and the Wadies mines. Mr. Lane, of Oregon, said this le an objectionable bill, and this Is not the time to pass a Palate „Tian road bill. Let us firth take op the Crittooden reso lutions, and by their pusses remove the real difll. eultiet that environ the nation sod restore pests. Ur. Crittenden opposed the eonetdefatiott Of the Peale* Mil while the country waste danger. Save the Data first, and then legislate en this metier. Several amendments lime voted on, and pending. the eyes and nays on one, the Banat* adjourned. , . Iticaroen, Va., Jan. 16.—1 n the Senate th-day, Mr. Heal offered the following joist reeoletien : WilmsAs, The sanding of reinforcameits to the forts sod inseale in Virginia ha. ceased Pi. easiness and is the same of disquietude among the eitisees of the commonwealth, • Resolved, That the President of the Melted State■ be respectfully requested to inform the State government of , the object of the Pederal Government is seedleg the increased forces afore said, and whether, in his °pinkie, the object of the erection of said strongholds fur the defence of the property in Virginia is likely to be realisedl The resolution lies over ender the rhies. It the iioll ll 4l Mr. Pattersoe_offered a loiet read.. itlUbll to appoiet Hoes R.X. T. Hatter, Wes. C. Rives, John J. Allen, end George W. Simisies, to correspond with the government/ of ell the States to ascertain 'on what terse, If any, the tinged Union can he preserved, and If they Gannet, then upon what terms tad with- what States • arils con federacy can be totaled, which Will metre to the people of Virginia the fail enjoyment of their rights sod report the resin to the State Coniestion. Pell:mot to the Committee on Yederalltelatione. The Alabama Commiesioner addreued ;the Le. gielature to-day. , - . annwono, Va.. Jan. 115.--10 the klouse, to-day, a bill to Ciliate an ordnance: department was re ported end referred. A resolution was offered declaring tluit the further strengthening of form , - is" Virgishiland the removal of arms and other mileltloin ofWU rots the assails witbie her limits by the (edited gov ernment will be looked, epos as a menace of war, led pledging the faith or Stat o restore_ forts etc. inset. it they are estrosied_to bet keep., lag is nest of a pastoral reitorailon - 01 Weirs, anal Is I dinolution to account for thistle the equitable division of the ratan property. Inferred! to tbs Comiiittee on:Peden! gelation*. I Resolutions were repotted - Mid ordered to A be miaterl;lsolinglo • the holding of a National inn uendos at Washington, os the 4th of February, consider some plan - of *dimmest. ' ItAl.maz,N. 0., Jan. 16.—The Beasts. wee ea-, Aged on the contention bill all Asy.,,b de.l at no vote wee Wien. The Tootle Mostly toad Idle to the Idle of the bill and there ore no ladteattohe he'll will result. . The /1011111.11111 riagiella . la day. aid ti an dboitalting various eateedwests to .theewirelou reel , elation. Many epesehei -Were made,' but no Tot woe taken. All the meinhein: sari ti ; agate ociareloa• bat some mists theinerleia et, tat' tight of mareelloa.' , The debate wee* &Aerial, MIR eitilePOlL ... '' i . Atte mowed it Newtaus list night bleb dart keyed thicoaii Hones and ;Altai! beildia . . . . • . ' Ctresuinor, Jas. 14.—Goi . Pi a lumna. ea aid to Port Seater 0 leer o'clock' th eludit, ritlritipaigiee for MO. Aide eciu In np l toted to be ht ?Giulio ' lei the *ualter ler oicepi g the aunties of tb•Calditil it , tubleitai, bet Dodds; hu ineepirodt , 1 _ fildertlit people bunt bull quid. tbe wall, Pr 4; hue Is Wog pasted isiidly forisrd. 1 ' j 04 wee voted dewslathe Bum ietipiesiof. attres, is-Ay,,, pruldleg: for the - mainline' . q meths of 'yawn theitbiligtli , X ,li Fti td !Or ailipeplinl' Di idiot visitor. , „.I, - Wanini•sor, Lis dais 1144 : yaw &Web kaa'beissi, s *mei ' Situ ileitis miles dist ski dactyl". /4'18'1404 1 W . diva*: viiisiou liss`diloshislis IL ssajoriwiprn '.• 15, - istitrarilegoudiattl tic ti cesMindasad NAN& ' *plod iiiiiii bin; dis nillyiag , , Mat, ii. v 2 MEM .46A.TiEIT FROM, 11 4 11R0PE.,.. i:.::LOTI T SI at Our' iltallibili Preit"' . ..' .' !law. YOIiON ;es l&—The .eisentiblp Blamed has wired With Liverpool .and Nonthempton Wee to the 19th hist. ' The Atli Golden Star from Mo. Ml,' for 'Llietpool; has been wrecked near Watford. • The eaptal4 his wife and servant girl, with sixteen of the ma perished. She bed a cargo of 3, 750 balm of eoGon: The rates, of discrount had been advaithed by the Bank of Ragland to six per cent. The bombard emt of Gaeta Wu oontinued: Francis 11. dates fogs on board of a Spatibh res eal wary night; returns to Gestate the morning. The French ha left Gaeta. The Brenton b gs $380,000 in specie. Victor Remus 4at Turin. The Suirierot o Austria has pardoned and libera ted Count Tekeli, he having protoliedlor the future to be a UMW fl eet. 1 [The Emperor elm sanetloned th e 10001110111- . then of Modica wth Hungery. I , ,A part y fermi g th e annexation of Rome to Sar dinia., made a d °nitration at Rome in the Oath,. deal on the 22d t. Dates frnm Oh no to the 19th of November have been ntheired xi St. Petersburg, but they 0004110 na news °limp° nee. • 'threat Rothe the Austrian premier. ' ii said to: 'hive neighed. , His resignation , however; heettot , boa* definitely liceepted. Count fdensdorf, It- le L mild, will probably theeeed him. leonine:tended Intelltgenne. Limvpoid,Jon.l.—The galas of cotton yesterday 11112%. 8000 balm, Including only 1400 bales for sperm tattoo and export. The market alomul yesterdayun changed, but the seculation had been checked bj bank rated of dbmon p nt haying Nan advaneed to 811 Cad. ! l ondmy Dee. 31.—Conscls closed at 92} 92} for, amount, ex die. Wnernharon Cress, Jan. 15.—The condiut of Capt. Arent:Dug In surrendering Abe Pensacola Navy Yard is very strongly disapproved by the ad ministration. For several months the workmen there bad not been pald,.aud had been subsisting on the government rations Mewed %abhors, of -.Wisconsin, and Tapp'', of New Hampshire, of the Committee of 33, have signed the following es a minority report : Resolved, That the proviaions of the constitution are ample for the p ion of the Union and the protection of all the material Interests of the country, land that It needs fobs obeyed rather than :amended, and our extrication from the peseta 'clifficultiie is to be looked for in efforts to preserve 'the polies, and protect the .pnblic property, and enforce the lawn, rather than in new gusninteee I for particular interests, or comproteisee or conces. 'stoma to eareuonable destined.. Wuniaavon Cur, Jan. 15.—Dispatahu noised to Southern dulls lay that Georgia will secede by 'Saturday. On the heppe tang of this event the dale. gable from South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Missis sippi toe Georgia will repair to Milledgeville to in stitats al provisional Government, and elect &Pfeil dent and Vies President, pro tampon, bealdu pro viding for a federal army, and other.. defensive SUWO - N. Ministers wilt 'at OW* be dhlftlehed In the foreign paean to _negotiate - • ' Wiadziovois, Jan. - 15.—Lieut. Hal lr direct from Fort Sumter, zed Col. Hayes, on the part of Snell' Caroline, arrived here thin afternoon, the - precise object of their mi.eioh has not transpired further than that tt ban' ,referente to: we undentioding , between the two parte! so as to avoid - a conflict. It Ia isierlained Outer° Govermient will not at preseet send reinforembiliti.to - Fort.Semter. Private'deeputhei ham:Littie ktock say that the Arkandu Seente has eigetived the bill passed by ' the Benin for a Stite ConXentron. • . . WASitIIIIOI9II, ts:—T l is underitood that the egcntent Sonth Carolina now bere'demand the un conditional surrender of Fort Sumter, with the view to avoid the of blood. The admin. iatratide - kiss ter let considered the proposition. , . , Moiroostrith, Ala , Jan. Is.—The 'Leilalater. was organised thin forenoon. It will mane its ectioni to far poselble daring the session to Walter* arising Iron the action of the oonthation. The Governor's therrnge urge. the cerement, of Itlabathalieing it once placid upon a mat efficient war Waiting. Bosnia, Jan. 15.111 the House of Repreaenta. Crow Mr. Taylor MU introduced a felicitation ap propriating a sem of money for the purchase of proridions and etores for the relief of our suffering Yellow countrymen in South Carolina. hficon, Ga, Jan. 15.—Additional troop' have been ordered to Pensacola. The Auburn and M enai Guards lett this morning and the Tristegee Zonaies will leave to-night, and other companies are preparing. Lotrismarm, Jam Courier publishes a War. from Col. Mantua Damao, Secretary of the late Union Convention, oppoelog coercion and fa voring a confederacy of the whole, slaveholdlog States. Raw Yosu, Jas. rteamahip Bremen, troul o Southamptoo, on the .26tb oh, bas arrived belo . She will be up at 3 orelork this afternoon. ii/XPTON ROADS, Va., J 00. lb —llls 11. S. Slog p of War Brooklyn, strived hare this morning. Ø. Geo. 11. Keyser, Wholesale Druggist, idSDICINEI DE A LER, Na. 140 Wood Moist, Pitterugh, Pa 0 . 0 • 0 TRUSSES 0 FOR THE O URS OF EIER.I.A • OR RUPTURE. - Mardis Radical Cure Truss. titter's Patent Trues. Fitch's Supporter Truss. Self Adjusting Truss. Banning'e Lace or Body brace, for the Ours of Pro Wen. Dsrl, Pilo; Abdominal sod rptasl IliTeekneessa • Dr:B. S. Pitch's Silisr-Plafed Suppottst. - Pile Props, for the skport and care of Piles. Elastio Stockings, for weak and varicose veins. Fdaslic Knee Cape, for weak knee jointer. Ankle Supporters, for weak ankle joints. Suspensory Bandages. Self-ljeoting Syringes; also, every kind of Syringes. Da. itcrasz has also a Truss which will radi. rcally cure Hernia or Rupture. Office at his Drug Store, Nol 140 Wood at., ifgn of the Golden Mortar. Ds. KITS= pemeribes In mere of CH RONIO DISDASI2 aid baa Ineirennenta for ownixes mid almost wary at enquiring earehenloal mipport. 06LVADICI BATTIRY or WHIM 111A01'610 MA OM DU for medical pulsate, of a vary eapribr lucid, will be eons Orme! ranfem &awe, wherever as express race. rips • realltume or Tell Dollars . Addl.= I DR. 03110. B. DRUM da No. leo Wood inn" Vitt•barals, Ps. Belting . and Packing. Our GUM BlidLTIll l 3 l ban retrengiti ma r e its purpoos -- and ienrealy arn mother hightailing Uwe once it bas. •perfectly =oath and nun sorfairi, *ad VIII Ina itrallibt with a perfect bearing on tbn rifler. It is inenakieturad by spartlentre prnank whereby tr In ands to withstand Magri soodogrrnfarenbale, *Moat Wag ifirnoload the taverna cold'. 11l not diminish lin plia bility. It la therefore not only valuable kr ebeltrniti apex , imbrue but apeetally adapted to nillistand axpaeurn to the *Wii, and eau ainetantly inn Iv wet plum, idtbout Our LIAT el lin Bib Ir TING' butanalrall knows: Oda Orinuondly as the beat article of the kind in us% to 'prarrniblek ma can give any number Atha bent radon:row Our GO IN PACKING iiittiat nude try Oa Nork • • puny, to argot (Sandmen patent :em le I known to be supartor quality. It le oonsiderod by• onm mod hirektessie Indlopernern libertine stern nt. 'a to to mad% en no otbn matutainin lag so much nlastkity, which will grnidno kW! a degree of torn. I D2LANOE; ' . 233 'Liberty St,oppoldle Watt ol Wig& 103-4 um Oridiern, Lem Wilber; Bolt Mob and 'Rhein slums on'hand: JalkerT REMDi 11.111a0! MU 01 Gab 1:111nolt. July IYm,ISOO. )(mat Jose WS/O , X* CV "1, 1 ,4 = , Yam *lavabo% Ao . bor duo* wonders , woo 'boar deopoodoot aadotWtd whoa I Applied %sod Ilvo boas the chills were t• d bad no lent boo oidowL. , It I. tbatolgulctill. l4 l 6 ?! .- lad a brooder ot palms or art. I would tot be talon. um! rupiodas • shytlie , boar, By onoteatly waft( It o treat to be 441kPita" ' Xe l. " I"7l24l.lirotri. _ MobU.; Alobvint,Ja 1851. Gonoots: I biro born iniedulted from *Arm by Os ap plication of your wonderful .Inpiotbo." or .torsionyfursr Minn?. Frif oolong yowo I him ituflored ivory *boo lma fair and nue. Loot fitoliott lifo woo thresteno4 tut your rotoody his **yid the MINIM NW ao rop Idly golulog on of panto aid otronifth. • ' - • - ltowoucolkf, yours; •D. DARIO,. This truly wonderful prooildfot and pars for Prow sad At* sod *ow Awn% b sent - by man, pat poIN on tonolpt of *dollar. Also for solo at al taupeiabli Insignia end Country Blom. • , Prlneluol: Diouf* Wanttlietwi,lB l Woln striti, stontkVs. Womb : Moo, Doak of Coonoiroo'clulldrofi, How Tab. -Odor*. -JeltHwier ' • ' ;OWN' mum IClt. PULL tiTOOK of Rag indiltraw. - AbIa,.H&IDNARII PAPHILIo Wan lavoodo by • • CHADWICK A SON; . . N 0.161 Wool istroot• Pittsburgh. QSXDS-16 bble. Flax Seed; 117 f blob Timothy Brod—tar su s t r i zoN, 1.4.1141.216.11111111hst: 15111 A MC!) APPLES-10 swim 10 bbli,j med! lbr mais by NUNS 4001/11.4 ! earner Weed uA WromitA , ICIEOO POLisEleSby 40000nd palsoOor. TRW; terser Moist sat Not sto. • 02 3 3 2 8 hhdi. N. 0. 84ir r, 'd %as 'WHITZ atANB-I,soks N. 'TT .40.411:4.1* jai - Crop.ju'' „ . Kahn iimnuir,, CLOVE M. 81111N:--10 sub' jut obi te, Off MN •- - twfnac-APS-4 bbL,ibi&laced ti raw* own( vw b 7 - = *E b• • coltiggizam - R C 11D. COILNITTIN'43. prt BADLRY.iamok POI.:AN111) LI AND PC Jossra Drivoitta. P. P. 3asu NAIL, ' J. 7. Ortuorcij C. IL PAAMAA, JosEva its, PITTSBURGH MARK tO. [Report. , alpoially for the -Pitlebn dir.etta.l „ • • Pirrunamt. 'ltterwev. J 15, 1661. Radiuses eh:ond .11161 Improvement vod y4tbe trans• netkme in IN Naling articlea being news 1 k hi/e Ni ers erne dm with: an *dewing tendency, The grand however, amoluNe to be reetrie.ed 0,41 tr'ide.: /LOUR—continues quiet with hot little or tliing doing aside iron thecityl tram. We note the folio let ealeg saw. i /tetra. IN. New. Nee, 50 nbts 711. 1 , --- BO do OORR ti do • in ...... • Zi do e6' do .•--• 7n do •wi do '27 do •wi . 4 06 011002111159—Humw—eteady. Was al 74, NA do do I..hoice at 7Na.. Selaters -70 bble at 34taaq 16 do do at 34c; and 15 b Sin Codoe—Belle of 10 bared 10,, and 1 Seam GRAIN .l continue to meet with •11 Baled Now Woes of 125 bash at 27c; 294 d 278 dodo fro.* &mot at 252.- Barter—Sal Boring Nil 11611 On private term. We trennaotteme Chord or W beet' • 01111288—Sales 01100 bee Ret 100. Imre et Ile. VERO—BAN of li&libe 80cola at BSc It Slip Notre .476 d. • • WIIISKY. 4 4I.Ies of :2 64441 Rectified b and 4me: 011.—Bal of 71 APPI,26-45air $1.1 5 1:14 2 . 11012141649411 do thole.. %t LARD—Bed BYBUP—NI OLOVER92I IN to the 6. 51110—Saller hb1;11 not tab 1/I Dbl. ' MOM Ilir • 01110M:1 id , Market *Mel et* Ili 10114.11 R, brio thuigNi , aping oarT at OM 'lOO twholhaddelr not naraeOroatk , cturic!o,l3awfl' WbuM:P•czei Pah. WM ;M In jltore;2BlP gyring at 7 340, do at 16o—RO id a, Cbrooef te am: 10,00 to to atom, 700 bl Otta—Rtioelt Not at 17%0 Ity a—Ramo by sample it 40 .sYrle7-Itoool 165 bay at 41.• Tao No.' money matter. I .isz,a 12 2119 I rel by the qter The Beek Iva elr. bat It me rityoulalea the STAIN moat. V, I traallon. lo riradattsl gal,* at 1 eat Car,t. [beer thadati ad I.t , ammo ma Wa =ilex b. a b a w y m pal for Ow Dr, 0.0 d... IWO. ToU fol envious, Blur* /soh $3,142,16: $4, ft Collar The receipts love beau 10.' i • geed demand pekes; have advanced Lair closing today at 4f,5444t0 winin Friday. The mhos °lgloo mob hove .m hbds. loclodins WO today We now Interim . end Refining common to Good Ounintoo-- golr tro fully Prime to Choke-- OentrOogni and Clarified The wilarfor the correepond hog w I *bout 200 aud we quoted Mir fkr Wielos ren•lptil 4210 bad. egelost leg week last you. Total receipt. • 01,806 bias evilest 66.071 te the um The exports of the meet have boe 2114 to }'law Turk s mad 249 to Philede Plaelees—The receipt& have been tad •liti • fair dtllllllld rime bar flonnews the mark. opining et the WOE eV 21(4424c fur prime. and clo Inferior and threnenti y gelling et I gods, pt 23®24e. Theo*42.. . ny to loot evening embr wed bundreli half bbl.. To-d• SOO beg Ibis have don sold at the • , 101.1 (qt . the week of 9430 bble. recelpte 9,710 Obis .vein. spoodijog week last year. Total re &pearlier, 117112 bar ageing, 143,1 Tbexports of the oreet embreca Lb% taj WIWI:. 775 to New York, VA to Phlholelphth—lN 0 Plc, Joh Titian Imo bat lithe cheap to o la the twiny mar. km og tistarchy, which continues L'ringmt. Backer ere discounting very osaamaly, and ha 1,011. al the paper that I. offered Is accepted. There A age ...Intent of confidence all return Muth; h abundant with II hotly* op the strrat, and they are Map... 4 to khth it j• t p ow. Them wma good lemma! for New York eight gad the muter Irevery firm.-4010. On. yenerday. a . Nei Ostsras Slather. lan /I. thir 3.3 mil peleee declining. Smell sale. of Supra. t Sh.6o. Provision.— Nam Pork to good demand at full pri ed. Sales of 100 bele at 1111.60. Lard warm and firm, at 1 Be= to gad de lased} at 7 and 100 for Shoulder. Mae. WhhkVa with...A thanes In priern - The ••0 nrmanoren In fair dom.& and the market firm 006* for folly her to choice. 10,000 /Aids Were Welledoaring the week. Noisome In activademand at full prime Prime to choice =With 18,600 brl. ware recelmddarlpg the wmit. .Coffee la gcmd demand, thd tba market Orm Sala. 1.000 bag. at tinkly to prime. Bight Excatigeoa New York %c dl.. ClllOOO Moult HALM, JAI a—The week has hem an eventful one. lanuedlately slier the.lst of January th clothe b,gau to decline from the high lisle-10 ceat--rd which It had rated for Same Mt I.e.**, the fall alatinntlng to almost • peak 1111 11 reached 3 1 dent, and that Uwe, though dill three them above what' l Might to be, gave theist asthfactlon to our diernantile coteranaity. Thle work the merkst opened with • thing mcsth sod weal op till I. reacted 8 *cent pier yeeterdbf. Ali might be expected, the demand ha. become very light, end mat /Albs back. unhit the market outer today. thong% the entreat rte h still intlotairrd. The buying prim ar„:7@7% Banks deal Ilk. to glue ever 7. Witbm the het two or three dein ma leen. that large purchase. of path ham then wish brinertlisots and ably refilled to Math olassuge. NltOnid Abe rate remsla al Ito prekeat agave, tbli policy will he Airy generally adopted by ally's° bare larg. hmittano •N. make It teed very emend...lly to regal...ha exchthge mother And twirl /owe thanece to a 11.100 taut. tiold—buyiag nominal al 6, millagg Slant preen. Little wanted.-ITrib. A Imports by ftitritr. • 31EW ORLEANS—per low•-164;&•144 cotton, Olathe & coibt I,bd4 sugar, R Itabiaoo I co: 33. do d0..444D00n1d & Athonikiw 3 do du, Woman & liirkil do do, 39 004 mob,. ten, Jr 'liftman; 100 bola naolowoor Jobo 41aCtimbi &ow 404 do do, 11e4d & 004 141114ky, Wai & 30do do. McKay; dodo; Ir hyoch;l3 bbl. p ilnydiin; 2 olds sugar, 1 do ,bitahmeth D H Man; b I.4hs aloilswen,J 11 At mown; 1 W U Jtoillsh & col t tin paintings, Win Holum, & to, 3 1:016 nor, 2do mo le/ma, B Dant ta wooly Obis, Dpeiwer 1 Ontrsid; 20 bre otitrob.J 11 0011•14 4 kip, 1 bbl, Drownivrille boa& 13.1.414 •1•11101, Hower Wrlnot; lot and b34l,B3torns, 8 Dilworth 1 co; do do, R & J Watson. do do, Diwi B Jona. & CO: do do. • to Fawcett: b 0044 maw, M RBI* Imports by 4!1:illroad , P 1 1 1 W A 0 It R-100 888 11.1441 Bradley; 100 D do do . Dubow /I Thomas; 100 do do, dopes it Lamb; U ICD do' do, dcboulakor id Lang: n . odo do 111. Mwdakll 10 do Mk Willaee; 100 do co, W DI agbaw;Bllpale brown., A D Par,: ' 2as whoa., I,l4.llruartb; 28 as :pedail../ 8 Lyoo A o0;1 asi cod wheat, D Wallace; 2 tad al ~ ;Cloontnighana & co:7 .0. beano, 4 lop lard, ehrlror k DI worth; MI tone Don ore, j Ikloollwed; 21 tka pearls, T J , ado; 7 kbla, II L VA ...tack; 3 theepod kook Watt A • . Iwo: 1 kr poolte), Mc- Donald A Arbackle;2o 01l bbb, kl' MoCkaote A etc 160 baechis boom., 11 Cover; lobe Ogre, A do Owls, R Too,. '"Id: '-. L I it.' ' • vhdld ertlgjturl 1 . 11k0.; 31 N. tar? hoaaha._ _ Illlciluttoosti; 6 Dbl., I La - boN63. RoOlroo • co: 41, loatber, UN FR Itdott; 26 balm nloarr, EA pipe 63., IdcWol Oey, N•rf A cd: AN de. A46allool.lppincotl A 03; 42 ba o tootti,(Nora, Amith t oo; 37 oxa;a2Le.ro, Larch Butetdo rn: 2 tab. Daher, N Norm: WOW. YoNNA ro: 122 aropty Lb* PreNoi4Jobartos I car Iron ors, &moo, rrrrio• A co; Ido do Joon a ll, I dodo, Noway. Walls co; 4154 lord, No drrNo : Arbackln . 6614 floor, 10 bap orsai; J A let r; 6 ch. clovers..d, Ool)or; 1 car caAN, 6 Rowley. . BLIV kat 111' . 11C WS. The Tiller le *boat etationimecirew of whit 6 feet le the by the vier mark. t The member . ..ileum eft" eeft .ad dMagremble, and the 'mileage . ..ma ere fee mble for Whether blig flyer. The love le from New Orleem ,'lrlth es excellent trip, conelstlor ;Meetly ot mullesee .aaff oottott. i 1:! • Telegraplile ;glamour 14pr Th., Jan. 16—inerou . 9,4l2 lnglaeln 012,100 Wee at 1214012%. Meer declined; 10 OP bblr . .011.c0 decline of ea; brew V i ld. Wheat dull sod de .fled to; eare 41,000 tuna et 0214 falerfplio'r prier SLOWS° Pallreakee Club, 111,29101,52 fur.red Wriben end sip far white. Oro lame; sebe '04,6.200 &alb; at • decline of le ;mixed 7042014 Pea den er_Pfhl bc W. $1312 1 4 fur prame., , ,,fard ault:slMolo3k. %%hay Chas IoW '; hen Ifeez, Jo.. 16-4lnur beeedremihibrilb• elosM dear but Crud 7000 t°lo wen, add at It 40500 . Vi'tgl ler Mere; 0.7100 $5 54.59,5 N li e 550010 fur somber. ;Whonverlee 12,000; bar se'., hales et le; rd worths, $1 Seat NI; *1,45 $1 2001 far .11111eseld• OWN 21 00; C6aceeo.llooo, 41 COOL Y3 . .': Care figm; 3.000 besb.rold at Tlc for old white warfaemid .10e ter new yellow. Widely dull elloh,liedelptC,ef deer. Oh ben , . chit 2,126. 11enibearaJeu.15.-F l our &nu had of llosird se $5 02 Wheat hardy at 71 0001 13/1 fcaral,and 111 61 for Oac 31 blear; raw villa sed3alo9 194110.e01d white Pinvedona; hub $17.4a Lad 100. Coffer Weedy el 1214 c. Whisky amen . Si • 340. - Hosige o m , ei oy Tackle% • ,• For Wheeling, Marietta-'Parkersburg, Pores roy, Point Pleasant, 1411inolis, - Gyandotte, Vadetsburgh Ironton sud - Portemouth.. ' ' " TIIIE now said 'is egunt steamerard simian LOT, 044. Lica/rat= trasaall: 11111 WOO Pittsburgh kV 611 , 4.5411DP1M5DA1 klututsltai, at 10 o'clock, for Pm ummutti B ginuarimusralandior. Itoturalug, wW lass* Portskabath tor Pittsburgh army I.IIIDAT at 12 o'clock m. totiratigil ar polars apply au beard, or to uola runt, wain as a nu. says. .. • DIAULAR TVESDATPACK-A-Ma -.RAP FOIL lattirrillati-ab tam astir imor Mak GRAHAM, Copt. Mows Atro tor Oat oboe sad 01l httfigIMPIUNIX P0114‘. 1 7 - Wal t rar al~r. w. tat tteagta or prate apply oil Wont, or to r - ' 'Maki ltattalta aON WEL - „ MINVELOPS, DIARIES, ,Id emotaudnpi Do ants, Par Ufa; 047 Bask...ki E VU pat panne Waal sal rd eta 111.1 ht PAOKINO-All thick° iLACZ O.BTEER. sox MOM coeNta siva= ao Ail, OR 64... Sys Liberty 4764, oppoidts lid of Wood pitertirs N. Di Lamm • 0 INT'=25 bblt earrilominy pr wen lAtt 1.1 t /. 43411AMILD 00. IPltst sear-W% tRI)--10 kegs Ni *lmo be bite by BiOVIS sII.IIIICPATIIIOII ,WhitoVitinoc MeV *lat* num.% atinuumoof row 7 andftwo NAM woos its .:?ii•.i.-''a..' ' ..'''''!'. : .Ivs 4 Afin tiLl 'LAWS. stirsaloa GOIPPga' 0111 " • erotkr4VlNG wORIES. PARIS., arcoaDlK a co.. MANIIPAOTURICRO OP SHLAMING, . , MAMMY'. wad • BOLT JOPPIR. #llllslllo' COP PNY UOTTO.MR. Maim! Still natAaea, Spettar Alm, importer.. God D.. 1.. •la ILICLILLS, cut PLA 4Rie6T WON, oobsisatly ifibr.td;tai and .6.46. Winijus/;•,,Ne. 149 Arai and 120 &wood and. I== arliPerlikl °rains*? OoPiir lotto a., diber, pawn, HAIR DTB-HAIR DYE-BAD; DYD. Wit. A. ISATORSLOR , II HAIR DTI: 1 66 6 ou I . Ltd. N 0 at rdH Salim al • lo arrive at 44 do at IMMO Tie Orisi.4l Gad ha is lie *mid! All others are mere iraitationi, and ilmoloi be rvoldod,lf ycnt rrinh to recaps rklloble. GRAY, RID, OR RUM num ryes toseoeti ro bearititbl red oAtural Smirk or Slack. uttboot the Mot la Sari to thetudr or Odd. FIFTEEN MZDALS AND DIPLOMAS Sari Well Mood.' dto Wm. Botagor Imo Ina and over MAO door bard Mim made to Ur HAM of his parted of Wm hr WM. A. BATOLIRLOILY HAIR DYE prod.... • Odlor sot to to dlrtlngoirbed from natarir, rot lavauurno sot to loluri babe leret,hord - wet . lob" Itm.i blottioUriord,abd the , melted. of Doll,Dyes rocoodtrd; th• UAW lartgordtrd for Idle by this Weald ' I moo; role a applied (In 0 pagan room.) at the tory, 012 Broadway, New . • , • Sold la tilt:Wm and torn* or Ilfaltrd:Stites,lry Den at sa" The vendor bee the name rad stbMor ROG it ides' plate engraving on lbariddos clinch bat, of • • -•-•, WILLIAILL DATORILORr_ 16 606.166.61.166w.T066. • ~.Ited demand. doing Va. and ot,s,ow bosh Miss= of no nn pt do liato- °mi l and 6 ton I 0•1741 MEM a 60 IR .t $11) JgATlMlraffl soTaziasyntowassastt Jawnsuoistent.., _Don't fail . tO . piooore Mrs. Winslow's Booth §zmpfor ObildreuTeathleg. It ban nokaalon *nth.- ißwilytwctliiwwwelw process Of testhhisby soltuoins the tame, reducing sit ludsunuudloo—wfU silly Wooed Is 4:leek; eeielate the bowel. Depend, win the nut toloanwilai,wid relief and bialailto yoix tafsmi: Derh;etty este lo &Deem. , 4, ; • Thle egueblopreperstleei the gueierfpdas of one of she iseatesperfeeeed sea ekUftl fetashi Phydelesi in Nevi ItuAlaud, sad tam bees mod. will.. wwWw4ialleg iwwwwwin E=l2] g00pj,64 I 61 lA. wiggwoo'• 'it" goal (bruol treadle bbott. et 83e born at ni No 70.) bo to store. =I In= ttl i ttf of 01 101 frty aml Diarbotitt Ohildrat.ortltthrt 1$ vfrom Mell.log of from .o other crust. • : ff Ilft tad httlth ma be tilumaterf by dollin. 4 osate;ls, . is :ken Its Violeta In gold. ' • Iglolooiof Loftier sr, sold over, you In tho Veinal thtet. It ...Old tad froll.tried remedy. • 2/3101.1.01iLl 'JS MINTS A ROMA. • ~ 4r/rNone geunloeool...th. tacalmiltofolllMai [118.14.. Tort. to MI Um ousal.le IrrlDDer, ' e.. 14 ss• fbmtirboat 1.50, woad. OIL Gay..ia• HYTBIIIf, Agent for Plffibtrib. . ireketyrlyfeT = ,terenee to goto bring. te revel• $1.448,4 4 M. ...... a ant lo this .m. 3, and m==3=3= BATCHELOR'S WIOS,AND TOUPEES . mpg. all. They ire ,elegentll 1 , eaq and daub's . . , Pitting to a chersttio tareloOap bid-O &diking of the heed; Indeed this fo the only, eletablltlimeat ',There . theree thing* era properly noderitood Rod made' . '• E ' • lekttdleT 11111.4 street. Nam York. mall con to cote iidscit to doeth Ivo oir lore la I SHINNY K. COLLINS: forwardtng and Commas/don Merchant •m. .r foe 'ark for AND , knoissatamismoing obsese,, BnttAr Seeds;BYSb.• Ana Pratte. Genuslly, abut Ks 'lb Weed Sired. Pattsbagi. $2,E05,113 2,914,5iM $5,479,609 1,091.= JOHN COCHRAN & 33R0. Kaisoraciani Iron UsMak, Iron Vomits, Vanle Door " Window %butters, Window guards, dini, $6,670,781 Jr 'intent, Out ltb ,(4U,o;fair to I toW mitt on lut • • otal to about 2000 201* at fathom SW, --4:••••• biC4 7 lOU yotr omorsood foli* kir at 7 C 07% I Au. 91 &m ad &red and 66 Third Strut, (Between Wood ml PITT9DUB/34, Pa,' 116.6 m IMM • rarlogy of am Pattorax,fmady ef4 plari ea/Mbh, ./kU yam.. PartirAdu attentim paid to'm dmit4 Oraie Luta. Jobbing done M ohms trotles. , mr9 VITIMOW opcouse 11133011 , ItOBINBON, ittnis t mutolat, rovalowns AND II ACIIIMATIff • W n.s xtttr•rwroN WORELB,. Pitt•bargh,, P•nni. ' Otdolf. No. Al Market fltrooal. • Idonstfootorooll kinds of Stem Iftofro and IdUl Mooldn• • Cunnings Railroad Work, Boom Sop•cf lad Aboot Iron' Rrk. lobbing sod Repairing doaeou ohortnott folddlodk) ftirtbe otereepaoi• uo,ltha I.t of rept., d•til last ytitr. VCR Mal., 01 weich pbili- -li,lcal Ilb.nl soar, extdblied coutloar4 toljoeneepunt of the a •tcklsy at Mate, 7.101 Half bblr tang. atom. MO barrel. stioat 8000 bbl. ar.d .cmyligurn, makilig . PAPER MANUFACTURERS And Donley. In • BOOK,'PRINT, CAP, LIMPER AND ALL RINDS TI.A.PPIST Hove removed from Na Tf Wool:street to No. A 3 Qmithdei ItIPT6 for tho •INtr *Jou tb• I itibbe am• dot. • [093 3 1111,, of which 339 h 9 to hilutol, It Stmt. Pittsburgh, Pa. a.ipeash er Trials for Rags. pQEIROgIANT No. 54 St. Clair Street, (BrArlan', N. Building; segikluilfe RAIL. ROAD 13Plial COMPANY.' Joseph 131 Di1w0rth.......-.—DA W. C. 4well, PmunsT. (Summon to Z.VI 6 Junta) imurAceroasai w RAIL ROAD SPIBERLO • It ..1 - • — END - BOAT SKIMS: '• Corner of Water Street and Cherry alley, . saMplie ' PIST131101t0k; Pittsburgh Steel Works: mamma-- soul son—. -...irorameesig JOiTIG3. BOYD op.. IUrANUFAOTIMERS OF OAST STEEL; In alms Spring, Plow sod A. B. Nest A. ESPELINGVEII and AXL.liad, Corsa Rom sod Pint _ 0c1.9 PITISIBUROII. Ps. Foreign and Domestio'Bide of Elehuge, OIitTITIOATLI3 os DIPOSIT, - BANE NOM AND 81 0 191i1, NO. 67 MARKET slam, pITTSBUROI3, PA: 163.0ollactiona oe altae principal citlealbroniii • t the Online Atailor. .P 224.77 - Mrs. Winslow' • An experienced Name and Temal. Physkisn, preeeati to , ...... , - the atiention Of matins her SOOTHING . .. - . LSTRUP,'..•.,:' , . FOR , CRILDRArI TEBTRINO,, which greatly Naito!. the pitons of Lett hin", by *often. ~ • g hat the gams. reducinl inffinatoatioo—will allay ALL ' Patti and spasmodic *a a im, sad le . . • BOUM TO aICOULATT, TUTS NOWELL. - - Depend upon lt, monism Milli give rot to yeareslyee,' and -:: Relief and lionitii to your Infant*:.. :. • " '- W. have pat op sod 'sold this ankle for aloe Miasma.: • ' r and CAN NAY, IN CON VIDENOIt AND TRUTH al !Sittig, ..... ; we tuna asthr boon • ms ". • ablate isy_of ritA:'„ ''' .4l.4lA NSINSLOWSi • ' 'AMID IN A SO TO errecn. OURS BOOTH /Mk ' a .".... 1 1 8 7 411 -.." ) , - .". ~ . i. ,; SYRUP. mod. Never tUd we . • kanoran teatime of disettsfaction by say ow she mint It. Outbs oasitury, AIL ars delighted luta its operations, and spook lit Wm of ._•:1 comsboodsika •cli Its magical eats and laidicat ...•.' .tonepeak la this .matter "WHAT Wit KY KNOW,* alter : ~ tan years` experience, AND PLADGII OWL ESPOTAXION; •.,',"' /OR 'TUB lITLY/ILLMOIT OP MOAT WM MIX DIP "-x . -,-, MARL lu almost every Ingham* IP where the bitant tint. r _l. 7 -: feting from pain sad ashatuition, relief will bei found 'ha .. fifteen or twenty minutia after the syrup le adaithistereiL This nimble. preparation' is ths prescripts= of one ii. , the mail EXYllialigNOED and IIICILIUL NIJOSILI la Now - •' .. England, and Ass been coisd with NAVAS 'AILING BUD.. . r OS6B is • • THOUSANDS Of, CAERE. 7' 7 . 17A, It mit only relieves the Child ham path, bat hirigiuslos • the stomach .od bowel., Gamete oddity, 014 tithesexteand- .., , eaten testis whale epistle. It Wig altocet.thetently title*'-.-'. l• Griping In - the Bowels and •Wind C 0110,.. .'..•'L and overcosisool . " ft ' ialskiil, : lifila* H S, out speedily r. c a iLiaze pizi medled, eta ;-' • TICIIIIIIIXO, ll._/. l .!_iii*.. i a. ' ^WHINY 7 death. ' We . Lel AND SUREST' II IIIR WORLD,ha all nee DIBILNYRRY AND DIAS... , BA RA IN CHILDREN. whether It attics from teagbaitec , WlTAYOE”Dpieiryeeeherwholeet . Oi ,, • cbll,l gnawing from so Oflarnoing complento-1:10 101. LET YOUR PRIUDIORd. NOR lIHN,YREJUDICIDI Or OTHREA, sued between you sadoallarhig ddid. •nd the 'cast .that 1111 BURS —,.e. b. 6r ABBOLIMALY MIR It—so follow the apo let ado usoilkiee, II timely - twoVi dlnctlea. lot bang accmposis each bottle: heel •eoceo• noboo tbo aostmtio at UNITAS A'YENNINIV , I Roe York. Is on tbe outside .ropler. . - Palsolgeal Waco. 13 Cedar 'itrut, ~. PllOl ONLY NI ems foil admix. „ bad' by R. L. ranaawroaa a CO,, aroor Wool. lea roorth streetralao.OLO. IY. - 1111YERIA,. 140 Woodoteme.,..: lialgalketelyT Lu. VIM BIOEL AND filllllllll OZLIDIDITT %%kb thts pro sodasast wedkirat bop acquired Ilso tts lassalsble2, 4 , ' •In stl. tba abeam. which It , ptotome, I. alle.bre; • retained tba taunt ytoettlas of ostaatabsses pointy bettislYi 11120480141021 but oolsostly of .thesx."4l4fel ore "atiowar their Dania lb** Rood - works testily jibe thestosta SUL tbstn not by tba faith or theeridulaaa. lb caws ofDats,,;;- Dispepits,' ittlloot _sad' _Lear AD'atkes; Yllans'• - - Rbsomailtm, Yaws os4 ARDoo.'oDlWootatift 4 014 . 04 . 0 ., Ck.tal Dmulgersobital itaaltb,sissaratabas•brlSS 4d ably prated la am tabs mad ireily rowdy. • Hats. odd • 4 • . 111 O m° thoLik pill. bsiood .ha most d go:v.:woe tbsestbastLsii &Jassy patina.' —' • •• - '••• 7 ' 111UPPATD11 YBIESII ItIeTIPI4II4O Lbaollool •a ty .i&c doa.l AU am. .1 Dorms& DOWD/. 0 1= Host Ado*, ths Okamoto beldorat Weentiss . Devoid,. wad sassy Stott of Wostboarot tba APOIDPSOb e ra, mak b 7 Ds W. D. DIDIVADY SSD • OW; .' yokow by WOAD. Dbikbm-1 0 , 4 tbobeithset tbetodutrY. 1 ` 0;8&PS AD Y. 4 . 1 :%"!,'"... • •:-. . . ttat .Yeo!d v2:.tttdt!=l eivrsievaan. It the boa and sunlit romudyln the woad, to !SEE= B. B. & C. P. IdARAL.I3, mytdif to J. M. 1..5WX.L.10 prrretnniau, ea N." 11.01.111 JES .9r. SONS. FROIE $lO TO $3O-PER-88TI: A Sit - of likkeixeltelebratild Remit Dita.-maeo ,by band, and Salami Inaba barest*, will last a Utintatat" :7 2 'airy todaitilona 'ytat a t . atatt tan matte $2.000 g yggg 4 W• are gag nrtou , titfactu and ;Aka to O. trade, Me, lyik,Pramm, alt iMeY star= betig htaaell the amen oatoi•Orhottei: PAWL' Prim List and Ortulat santtnac ' asoccrscsioc , ==. ; gacilumx sum, mtw-Yaß3r:!. - hl Ii --, , , -