The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, January 15, 1861, Image 4

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. - u. .7. 1..-.mik,". - ' - •
Frotie,the Jiiidatiitr " - Nit'iiele'et'llid 0-
login 41 1 +1 seecdotl. .astute
, haiirsacatimatic,l ,
The painter had a most feeling heart, and
strong rapathy.withrmleketrast Theitore find
ag shown a letter -frees a alien and
• . ! .110113fectutraug back on Marty to the ,
tteii4er IV _ send the, poor supplicant a Aire
, • ; lixigh was very secossaftii at reparfals.
Ile Once. examined as a wanes' on atrial
—•- ' the originality of a Picture, • when's'
con . eudeavored-to•puralo him by saying,...!
observe. ton lay great stress on it printerfseps—.•
what ; do you- mean by, that expression fr.; !'A,
,paidle!le,f mje - seineeted Gidekorinigh„ - sis to
aim whttya liiiyit's tongue to to yam": -
Money slid Mires' were alike beitoWed in
codiddrietely. ratchet relates Olathe-present
. ed twenty drawings tweet, linly, 'who 'waste
Isimrtitof• their valet; that' abepaitted theta' tta'
thew liar her' dressiest room; iiiidgre COI:
liamlligh the Day at the stile tot . playiligra
solo bfiihe 'titan.
Although Paseli's talents were highly appre
ciatedit, Italy. kenever obtained a diploma , or
other nor,•traussnyanadenty; is &sd; the re
fines:lt overtures made to him on the subject;
for he emesideced the institution of-amtdemies to
be "syniptoms- of art in distress." -'
-In hilt - temper Faseli was irritable and via
, lent, Mit appmeed man' . instant..' rn his per
son' arisall with a face of independent; unregate • -,
mneh4he *ranter Or. a lion.. Hayden heard
he w handwrite when' ybung, and with women
(whealiatifiirlit their attention) no man
could be inme, gentle. -
IWsefs'n6ecuitilegisi, used bMit iri wh t : lB e l.l .4, Y i l ri b:l le. 'l f an almw d at ii rs is amt a :ln m : at i ter am7th o el f
indiiMepce: to me whether it be in English,
Framk Or Italian; Pknow each equally well;
but If II; wish to expahe myself with power, it
must be' in German. For the purpose of read
ing Sdpp's Work on Insects, he gained late In
life s Manpetent knowledge of Mitch; Indeed,
• he had ii peculiar facility of acquiring languages.
He !did Mr. Knowles that, with hie knowledge
of general. grammar, and with his memory. six
week Of hard study was sufficient time to ac
quire ,imy language with which he was previous.
ly acquelited.
, Calling one morning upon Mr. Johnson,
Fusel! found him bargaining with an author for
the copyright of a book. When the gentleman
Jeff, Kr Johnson said, "That Is Mr. Ket and
— lils wbrir Is to be called the 'Elements of Useful
- Knottedgel " 'ln bow many 'volumeet7-said
- ; ,Fusel rin two ociavos,' , was the answer. "Neo,
no, Jehisson," said he, "you-cannot be serious;
. the ocean is not to be emptied with a tempoon."
_ DLit:nursing with a lady upon sculpture, who
was; however, too well read in the classics to be
a sabject of his mischievous pleasantry, he pro
tended to inform her of a tine baorehef which
had Men received by the Royal Academy from
Rome. , "What is the sabjeet ?" she asked.
"Rector -and' Andromache," said be,"tishing
out against a wall the tittle Astyanax's brains'
"Pooh .! Why do you tell me such stuff r
said She. ~.1..A.y I you may laugh," replied Fn
sell, "mat it would go down with many a one.
1 have Often said-such things in company with
out detection." • - •
The ratudents were constantly amused with
Faseli'a oddities Ile heard a violent altercation
in the studio one day, and enquired the cause.
"It icoely those fellows, the students, sir," said
one of he porters. , Fellows l' exclaimed Fe
seli; : ' 4
,Lyrould havo you to know, sir, those
felloWsl mey one, day become acamediciana."
The paw increased.nlie opened _.the door and
burst ia upon them, exclaiming, "Y on are a den
of wild beasts," One of the offendera,,Mun.
re b.* name, ' bowed and said, "And resell is our
keeper)" , lie retired smiling, and muttering,
'The Mlows are growing witty."
A stiident, he passed, held up his drawing,
and, /mid 'con &oily, "liere, sir,l finished it
without wing!
a crumb of bre ad." "All the
worse for your drawing," replied Fasell; "bay
a twopenny lost, - and rub it out."
When Blake, a painter infinitely more wild
in conimption / then Fo..w.ii_himself, showed him
one Oil his strange productions, he said, "Now
- some iae has told you this is very fine."
"Yel"i said .Blake, "the Virgin Mary appeared
to coe,!and told me it was very fine; what can
you say to that ?" ' , Bair exclaimed Fuseli,
"why ;nothing—only ber ladyship has not an
icomaeulac taste."
I- =.l
Tliel gov ernment is quietly removing cannon
i ..
from plum , . way in the South. The schooner Mor
ison ties just arrived here. with some formidable
dS philiiiiitini; taken from Richmond, Va., where
they, werstlying for some time in rather a tempting
enseser. There in a gun -factory at Richmond.
Rife with minutes the very atmosphere. is, we
think ibe Billowing as material to escite,aurpusee
theca pal. It %given as a naval officer, now at
the 'automat capital, wrote It i
"The New - York %mem have taken great pains
to pi,tve that, although the Macedonian and Brook
lya, oteuml.war, draw too much water to cross the
bar ar Charleston, they are not meant to go there,
notWithetentioag their speedy equipment. The
Sabinti, Powhauan anti St. Loula,now under orders
to return from ihe Golf of Mexico to a cerutio
Nott 'ern port, - also moire - more than thirteen
leerr 1 the briny element to Boat Gent. Bat there
are herplaces which they can enter where-their
pettiest., maybe required. Near York is not for.
gal here, teas tell yen, nor Mr. Schell% hint
oboe the painted - - ban; nor a pout of Marshal
RN% re that 50,000 men conUl ho mustered by
Winid $t Co, to garrison it. The Folmar, too,
hail Ince if tilted the Washington lineof-oattle. -
ship, and a steam gua-boat or two relight still be
-got o.'l if yOu think the. such things are not nom
templates! you wrong limes the First."
Lelia understood that the United States steam
fsigat's Niagara, u soon as her services are no long
er »tieing by oar fdkilster, will return to the .1%1-
-tied i !Bata, =lee Commodore Stribling deems her
detention to BM But .seciessary. SI% war In good
condition at tut tideless.
' fists of- the emitters% alum% will moon take out
-. te the Pacific ' amiroa some new machinery for the
U. Si steam gu -boat Nargiutsott. It is preparing
.14041 y-for be, under the superintendents of - Mr.
Both% at I Brooklyn pant.-
. Tke deism t that the Fulton_ bad sailed to ass
• thelßtar of th Wist mate Into Charleston barber Is
entirekr tow t. The Fulton is now at the Brook-
Ilyniavy yard and could not Its put to order for see
in Sq days.
A ken-boat ;lag in Philadelphia, which might
he peals oombindon at anon.
_ .
_ i . The Seamans in Staropc.
The hope el a speedy recognition at the pro
pond .Itostbern Coiledency, as ea Jodermadut
natiuntlity; by say of the foreign powers, crews
m 64 cad more 'hopeless as we receive later files
of -eropeate junta's. The dflonbtad, the lead
ing pewepaper of Sweden,and the organ of the
, liberal arty , . orthat kiagdom ' end the Peelle
' 4111+tisdi, - the isoelli-fifece of the Swedish cow.
sanative', both canto* leading articles on Awed
eshi a ff airs lie the tone of these already republish
, ed hot the F.sclisk sad Preach press. The' for
,. Met ljoansal.considere the attitude assumed by the
. relityliou eereselonists of the South as "bat dee
psiite straggle,of. a retrograde organisation, as
op i kieetl to tee pretreat of political reform, and as '
anagoelstic tali spirit of the age as mg similar
party le the . monarchles_of listoptan It wenn
pretty 'widest that SWeden,_ whine monarch, Gee
' taus 111, wits the trot eovereica, after:Louis XVI,
i y
we formally recognised oar *appendages will
not e the ant to welcome a slaveholdiag COnted
- ars tiv a placivamoes the nations. ' - The Fadre
1 of Copenhagen, which bitterly attacked our
Go)rionnant dung the illocution relative to the
Soisiitiatt4 speaks is forms equity strut of the
i s
~. , . Ift1111101111beall• ' Stillmore' mo ' forelblitam the
pas Or 0010011 hi the ilforganbleut and other
..- . ''" of Cluistmait„ 'whose editors through the
kW -emigration to thie country and the
in that imagine which are published in
- t on, are Mush better informed concern*/
political affair on this aide of the oceaa. They
deetere that Eapope, which ha already sue hon.
drdds of Moaned' ef .its most *dust:loss 1:111111•11:0
lernis itasherni,liatailitterest iii the unity of the
At to oka Gotreremeat beyond any commcial or
Se C.ial inildentload. For a tiortkern'Repablie.
- with the iiintadleeknailiempied Janie impart. the
bii4 ect,
/11 ieripilleitaselfdireatridiand:freedAtom illy
cei onaritlithierttletif,slaventie,iiruguitat
to roPesen;Mottlik sew ilasigretioe.
compared to. which all priniear tlik*itlok , would
swim taiitafaist. - 4-Trais . . ~.
Victim of ltersttiMMagesamittelmia.
- Mr. who - former-
Ir NM" York; bet who :Metered about ,
n Aar rp - to Wilmiestou g :N:V.,' to work a
ibint o ll o4o . be - ItM Wide, Called at oar pike:: limit,
terday,l•nd related the following iirciresetmacee t -
A bbert data mince, -beMuthrowa out of.employ..
mist by, NM great, etigsatMn of boeiaan, he welt-
to ,Williameburgi the hope of , Obtalnork
work there. A.Jetrdoe sker.llll•awlyal:'While, MwittakiiV whether he comidered
Maim property, 'to ibbleV.litturry. be-roplied, that
tbtg wtreL4wfittly held to labor or service, bat be
did pot consider them property in the same sense
:trutimi miss/waste °Nem*. - TM, remark gave
t to' hie,. andumee. - Ile was arrested,
ase,coldiefhaf jell for two diyu, after which he
wig relemedics. d taken before • soil of semi-of.
#triininal. --Many Amato' weer made 'that he
Id be tarred' mot leathered, 'etc., bet it was
finally decided that he should be sent to the North
after co, Application to the side of his lace sad
temples. or. some powerful preparation, which
canted considerable pain, and left - heavy mutt,
which are milt !risible,' riot only '''ol.„notaw, bet of
made * angled
icatiok, which is of a black color.
TO estot Ityclunan, and his cloOrMg,
helwis obliged to leave behind, in Ine harried and
enfoyeed departure.--Phile. f'rear, Ate. 11. ;
Waal Paper WMMIIMMIMM- -
VEALTER -P. BaliStfAM — hipOrtir
"d lirmaddirmgmtdess Panto Ozood
sad mord prime adylebuld lid la •Moodirommodet
mut two
cac ao" of, P 1.91111 /4111(1.11011,Artak,
Hsi* Wag +mom dad damdborm '-41MN-MDIM
ild&mligridt misty at Imdidtp_idm,l to amok, 4101,
- '
Prefei Glee
Spahlinwts - YreFmt -tineJ
13AVEI TAO Pl'"-El3l
4eitiot/..tc4LL 42pg. dem b toatt.ropilat,o . :
it . " R? " , trey dedrailo to hive MATO allio 11.13 d e,po
•oitient way hr rip . a' bin; Iturolbsak Toy; Otodiary, obi
Spalding's Preitarsd.Glue
boutatiitd.usi stton
to tit without it It ts'saways
is; plot. Thew is uu.Soseer 'is:tilutaity: Mt - 114
atsir". Wistorof gasiklan sad :
It Ie Jun the ankle fat , isolts, um! oat
amstuitutsa wort, se popular with lidlea refluitmatit en
inn, admirable preparation *used mid; tiring ottani
-vartiektiln Animus, mod pawing ill the vanish
leaden of the be* 04100W:oar"' Glua ft nisi •
* nerd fu Me ptaire 'or Ordinary mucilage, being vmM '
A 94811717E IN /19131T,HOUSIL" . ..
,li. liL—A Btu& illooo44oillllelei bet..
Psice, , 95 Cents.
stmt, Jew Y
Wholesale Depot, No.
Idrer— HENRY C. 4PALDEVO.d co
Has Ea SAK Ninr Yankic
Pot ap for Diems Ii Our gootalatog Your.
awl Twain, Dotes, a brwatital Lithographic' iihow-Clar ,
sorompanying eash paaltags
ier — A stogie bottle or APALI:ii:DIGS PRXPARS ,
BLUR will oars kw times Its east saaasly to or . I
Sold by en prominent Stationers, Drugglida, Hardly
and Parana!, Dann, enters. slut Fang Storrs. .
Country marchanta Should make • ant* of SPAL
INS'S PEILFATLYD , GLUE, when making up their
It will nand my clinntix
Spalding's Prepared Glue,
. -
it% ...I* - 1 . 1:)* >irr.~•n,tvi,,,Fsecpi
Man .zfs•
A nermed 1, nn Alphnhetlenitl.lot of A 'Helen
ethleh. If dnnomed, oozy be i t.tnredl thole
ofrength nod .nnefolnean be
II ... 1.1.1 OM:KAI:8
It ....MariJa CUAULLS
0 —.Mem!, D 01.114 •
I.: ....Mond. speosEss
. _Mends FANS •
'[owls GUITAUS
• Ven• HARPS.
Ft ....Mends KNOBS. 1
N .... YOSMS...
0 ....Mamas OTTOMANS
• - • •
S __Mends SOFAS
T ....Moods TABLES
W.... Mend. NV oak-goaks W
Z .....1.199t4 ZEPHYR WODD.IVODk.I
Is 9.491 In 1.11.9621643n1 &boob.
1..6 —Mends 6051/151 B 1
11..P..1116969 PITI.3IIEP9
I' 9
11..4...1669.19 612:9 , R DE0199
5..14..11694s DAGUERREOTYPE 0.26195.. D..,. 5
6..1 ..91 . 9969 151A0.1.
.. N.. limb NEW -BREAKAGES
9..11.. Meade OUN•IITOCES
9..6 ..Mande SCHOOL•DOOKS ....
19 .1"..1,16956 PARAS.III.B
11 ..11..Mroda RULERS
15.. E. lien& ELEMIDCAL 51/iC11116115...
14 —A —Mend! A1111 , 4:11A1112
15..11..116106 DICEY:TY Frir..wrilitz
16..11..111eui1a 5:11:199:11.11,1NDLtZ E.... 16
11..5199916 Dt.ES D..:.11
16..0—Mends 0 LOBES .
19. 1...1169.19 1.00111.1EF.D•1.11.5.VE11
29..0 .Mood 9 uricouirirn FURNITURE-81....2u
21..11 Wends Kan-Et:ATER% E .111
7.2 ... .7.1884...e4/11.N•IVOILK
, 26 Mewls I'IIV.S9.I:IOARI/5
44 - 814821. PIDDLES - 24
25 515855 HIIELI,WOI7K 15
24 4 ... Mend. rlLLl7l , wnnic 96
27 , Mewls iforniv.imitein 21
115 81end* 1781,5:1060301759119 . 29
29 . ' M 4•045 mosltr-sortes n
so .. ~.. Mend. PICTURE PRA7411.75 85
al Mends SIS.(7I:ETARIMS M
32 Vend. 69.1711E1717171 82
53..,...8165.14 Se110(.11; PI7I:NITURIC 89
04-1..4...Mrnds PA Iwll4ll-MACIIP Et
...Mantis W.l.l2llBouts es
36..1...150451. PARIAN MARBLE n
M... 4, 41711.4.1 87
6 , Mena& n.ARS.4IITMPY.E.9 89
89 blends I ViniT-777/4K • as
16 Meuds SlATcti.sA FES 40
41 • Mends P1MP1145.1 41
42 5180412.21:11.1.4AV11EP.L5 49
$1 Mend, T1.1A•E1.4:441)(t4.... 41
(4 .... Afroda WASII STANT.L9 44
15 Mena, 1:7:1)5T4Lt179 42
P 6,. 4 708242 1/1111215 '4O
17 88e04, tw111749211777 47
25. . Mundl It At.t.,,T.13,...xv.g .43
to. :.. Mend. i6:11(661:11.)M9 .: .. . ,„ ... . .49
24 . .21,0.12 21,111:642 A 51212(2 IP , 5 P.PS . ....d1
0•..• :14 ,I , 1:.•A 6.3
7 I - •• .1.1,14,41A1:1,4. . . 70
..: M. 4. It l'S. )101,4 . . . . !et
NI ... 811.2415 141 , .T A (((.68 .. . 5i
..4 . .61,4.1. 411.1.1 Al:l).epp_2l . . . ..., . 5:
r. . ..A.,...i. 6)1.212.4•46248 . r -- 26,
5;... V I. 60.. 5 .21511. •17:i .. . . . ... 57 ,
5•:... 21 .... .1. 801111211891:2 , . . 6 1
...., , :At '5. Iv . 89.c1:1111.9
... : • 21..n.t‘ nni "Sll.ll A N 7.1.1401 . ...... .. .0,
81 . 24.402 01:P91114.1 ... . .. .. . .461
62 .11..,..11. , A ItIN KW . et
r.. .• 514216 011121:85 .. 60
6 t 514.44.04,4182(36 , 218 PS - Gr
M. 24144 CU1P74.31F.44 es
W. ....,. 214•2404 (371110411175 66
M. ~ 51 4 .6444 (171:TAIN5 747
62, . - , ..Me84141 0491C7(15 . -. . . G.
, (4 , ...1%.1..1." PA 01171.:9 69
..91.649 CAAI 2655 72
7) .• ... Moods .11141174 4.71
V' . :
814.242 CIIMIT2I 72
...10642 (
a 4 M D t.O INAB-K 1: 134h ES .... 73
.74„. Menai C A RD-(614(214 8
11. -_.. 514•2412 CHESTS 72
76 , .. M 05.1. 01A It M. 71
IL . , ../Irrlds Ur ORK.IiTANDB t 17
1,: .... .. Mewl! II LA 17811T,80A RDB l Ts
79.. - . 840512 17191194 ' 19
9'. . .11.•5412 DIVAN'S 20
El • .4.21..0.1. DICE-BOXES 81
92. ~ . Nielids 1)0088 ' .. 97
94 ..•.. Mends DOMINOES .011
54.. {..5140.415 PI RKBOA LDS —4
59 .. ~ .. Mead. PLUTES • • ' M
50 ' Mend. BA L LUSTER!' 66
M ' Mond. 01.9.8843817.1 S .. 87
- 42 Mends II A NDLII3 ' 58
59 ' Mends 0 VITA•PERCIIA-W4117E 99
" 99
91...4..Mends TOPS 91
94,4. i ..510204 ORLI ANB • 199
93 . Mends MODELS • ' 19
-as •
M.. ' )4.. .119.1. SEWINO-MACHL
...95 PANLS
-, .90 ' Mends PASTEBOARD-WORK ' 96
97...,.. Mends PATTERNS' 97
-M... _..Mends SIDILBOARDS StS
99 ' Mends WOODEN-WARE 99
len: Mends WILLOW•WARE ,199
Spalding's Prepared Gino,
suumurs ruipsuico °LOS,
PitkrallED ()MIL
snl.ll.Br'llAltllWA.llll STORKS
..);!}91.11 . 111( .1,ANIIT:0OODS
. .
KM Kit
thyyt4trib..l by
i iffoglhor Ntreors Saw York:
lOirmii-POSZOVION, BOX NO. 5,0%,
‘igeopidesiqg .- .. , : • : , :,-. ~
l'•; we i f
. 3 . ,. ..• ' ....:.''.'' ', O: _...__
a lliiiiaMV4%lW4ol
. ,
Iforx.laisT,Sc) l ,llepta ,
10110atagba.4. ceinfivtabi .twimitorpAt
in g oud order, h o
'NAT.?* lAtik . g . ,!, It/Cl:then! Er, !
Milt .14. ktii Ilia. LE.I.SF t .--.,...Lbevery
Ji: • rOl.ll/.1ta::1.6.11
16 MIMI' on. foui..k. kr bight o thit4 . kin %,th
'W ba.or In • rt oat offoroa
, In:. baildlog
.044.4 Ly stars***.*Deeklirar*l pp y to
. nitoroOtWEE.
lUtOtt ItENTIM LiCAStiednitibita,; - "EN)
ItliAlDiiNclS to Cat 2Louthip, adahitok22l.l
me ot .-11 , 4111aEl II 42/G•llidci4 1.1.40 k
Too Eaollor woo*, road? 01,144E1062 ohlh cho
Or/ver AtLor, MAU**, 1n lanutre *AL,. • , I
Jail 11,07, trtir,ll,sl)l,2di Lit evil EL
'PO Lia-,
N sup.s-,E.0054 No. 52 etAr
Leal, .:41144 Ewa...a by 314164.0 ti
• do* $00.42 ssl OS St. Vialt
AN ORB , Hoo.n 11 46
'with' nil; bb lull, Met ink ikeond If . lboire or •
- JetYter • , • • Clit 18% 0.63 dt.. Chit
fDUBLIC'SALE.—Notidki is 'hereby . giviii!
1. to ill 414112'1 . 1 . 1p, osw,rs,ss.i Viso' sea fur inatagai
at lay inaldadta;li tot orbwand Hama Iron, cue large
'flataarsa &.. ad Ban YLDAY, Jaal 19111, at 2 tteloala
p.v. Tor= cash, par funds. ,
. Dames* B,roat , so. , Jalatlad ,
The, undeselyeed. Admhaistretarkt the Wats of
' 3 a 5183.444..A.i. or Vg• wzoorm.i.
is .«.0. Eve ickley, containing Iti , get two WlN. eku,
• Kon Which It iietteJ f goon leo Mori Utlck Hokum of
rem rennin It finitely fractured, Wit, beet cut of din
borough, end nonviolent to the Rallnietlifailus. • • !
J. w.-1. W UltK Attorney et Lew.. ;
pmw 1111 11)tin bt,.PlUiratiteh, j
E. SA.L.E..--Oncf of tilark'oTolti
' Alliwebuttllls. complete eeee*
hl very haw he the sae:Mere. •
U9115,ti AN4flto No. LU &coed al. I-
Xi ICL ------7
ivy ionclrloo
re.pect, will b.
Oh SALE—A fine large Home
want of me. ,
lIITOUCKNOS. 4'olllll6ltY k
JUL. tor Ws r.
CELLAR q RENT.—A target:Bllkt under
eer Werra OW*, eattable for the 'tome of Ale, Hegel
delseets, ere. • ' ILL be reotad•love.
J. S. LIGO t't 0.),
001 • 76 Water arid 92 Yroot at-
FOR RENT—Tho half of ,STORE, No. 81)
Water and e. lhocit dresta, now Pectlyk4 by the yob:
vegibers. In a Alealriable bxstiott Of Grocery no Produoi
btulboo. P lun Ipamodiattly.
tex No. 80 Watailtld Praia Wag.
rowA FAAKINu LANll.—The eubamilx
L en of it for role LID favorable tom, eh lioralsod arra?
Moira band; eiroated to Wright mid iißocta cornallcs,
yllacent to lII* of Railroad@ turttlif 'coarse or corkatruel
Ma, auELOps tract only taro ultra front Warily aut.
The above will po sad toy far .ciaah,or tactial/goll 10
Orming,luads Ws or adlobArtgoonotlaa.
0020 ' IkIcHANE S‘ANJ6,Ii, 114 Socoutl
12 1 OR SA LTsplendiO Residence,
17 with 1.144,64 dteroonArYruftriinesitd Rbstb-sor
wq, mibia two noloutse,Welli of the WAntluni
barn.Rallroad fitstton. The booee !bores and dabbed 1,
,w4orn sty* orpsont oconpind hi Moms Thompson...,
WIU b 0.14 on stsionsbis ten.. Apply to
dailsallartfl 4a Darann'5t1".4 1 ......... ISIF , 4 Qr..,
Scrofula, or King's
is 'a
comitittitiolini disease, a thrruptionOf the!
blow!, by which this fluid becomesvitiated.j
weak, and poor. Being in the circulation,lti
pervades the whole body, and may burst out!
in disease on any part of IL No aa an. is frost
from its attacks, nor is there OW which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variotudyi
caused by mercurial disease, low living,
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filthi
and filthy habits, the dapreering vices, nrid,l
above all, by the venereal infection. What-,
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con.!
stitution, descending:" from parents to children!
unto the third and fourth geneWition ; "
it seems to be the rod of Ifim who says, .•
will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
their children."
Its effects commence brdepositinn from thci
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, Beer, and internal orpm, is termed ,
tubercles; in the glands, swelire ; and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. Thin foul cor.i
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constituj
lions not only suffer from scrofulous com;
plaints, but they hare far lets pon-er to with 4
stand the attacks of other diaereses; come
qurntly va-t numbeni pmielt by disorder;
which, althouh not scrofulous in their nature}
are still ren dered fatal by this taint in the
system. Molt of the consumption which desa.
mama the human family has Its origin directly
in; : thie scrofulous contamination; and many
destructiv'e diseases of the liver, kidneys, brairq
and, indeed, Of all the orgartA, mi-a from at
are aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all our people are scrofulous t
their persons are invaded by this lurking in
tertian, and their health is undermined by iti
'fu cleanse it from the system eve must renovate
the blood. by an alterative medicine, and in;
vigorato it by healthy food and exec ire;
Such a medicine we supply in
Compound Extratt of Sarsaparilla',
the most effectual remedy which the Medical
skill of our times can devise for this every:.
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the most active remedilds that have
lain discovered for the expurgation of this fold
di order from the blood, and , the rescue of die
systeni from its destructiie consequence,.
Bence it tibtiuld be employed for the curt of
not only- Scrofula, but also those other affec
tions which arise from it, such as SatrrivX
and SKIN DISEASES. Sr. .iiirriuncr's FIE 4.
BtormitEs, Betas and Bona, Timmas, Term*
and SALT Rtlet c, SCALD HEAD, 111NOWOH4.
RIIEDUATDS)2. Stristranc and MEHrIatIAL the
roars, Dnotsr. DYSPEPSIA, DESOLITT. any,
indeed, ALL CoMPLAINTS AMAIN° raou VlTti•
TED OR iiirene BLOOD. 'IIIC popular belief
in "impurity of the blood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The
particular purpose and virtue of this Siumapii
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without which sound health is impossible in
contaminated constitutions. • •
Ayer's Cathartic Pills
are Co composed that disease within the range of.
their action can rarely Nrithstfind or evade their..
Their penetrating properties tench and els**,
and invigorate every portion of the human ergsp
ram, correcting its diaease.diretion, and restoring
its healthy vitaliries. As a consequence of these
properties, th e Invalid who 4 bowed down with
pain or phlysieal debility is astonished to find his
health or energy restored by a remedy at once no
simple and inviting.
Not only do they cure the every-day complaints
of every body, but alto many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The agent below namedls
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing certificates of their cures and dirt,
Lions for their use in the following . complaints
Costa's:mess,. heart! urn, Ilentletahe arising frem
disordered Stortaele, Nelsen,! Indigestion, Pain
in and Morbid Inaction of theßotoels, noadenht,
Lou of Appetite, Jataidiev,l and other kindied
compinints,arising from a hirs state of the tardy
or obstruction of na functionn. •
Ayer's Cherry, Pectoral,
Pus Tog RAPID tl/112 OP 1
Coughs, Colds, t Intittenen, lloarsonets,
Ctoup, Bronchitis, Incipient Conan:tip.
- eon, and for the relief' of constniiptive
Patients in advaneeti stages of ' the
disease: t
So wide is the field of its uirefulness and so nu
merous are, the eases of cures, that alMost
every section of smeary Abounds in persons MM.
Hely known, who have been festered fromelarm
ing and even desperate diseases of the lenge by its
use. Whan;once tried, its stmeriority over every
other medicine of ate kind is uk, apparent to escape
observation, and when? its virtues are known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerous affections of the
pulmonary Organs that are readmit to our elibiate.
While many inferior remedies thrust upon the
communityhare failed and been discarded, this
has gained ; have
by every trial, conferred bene
fits as the afflicted they can never forget, and
produced cures too numereue and too remarkable
so be forgotten.
DR. 4. C. AYER dr. COE,
1. A rAinarrooe • co; pftelanne, nw A
fray coelfglydt*S
Nog. 49 wed Al Veer,
W ILLIAMC _ma rutiATint,
WOULD call the attention - of f?Aaliltef,
• Iklaretalr, end others, co the eeldirated
Telegraph Hay, Straw Mid Fodder Cutter,
of width be la now maanketarlsai • lap mcaws, of vab
one alma, Portland and Power. Also,
Stir Own Sliellere,
althea familia/a:Slagle, toe- liana or Power.
Improved Ohio Mower and Reaper,
• florae Powers anehreehere. .1
. ; Dog.Powere, most ImProved PatterVnj
Ingeraoll's flay Proem,
waolia•11 . »W A - Fut torthaj lolurentioe• atdree•••
gam.. . 4•211.1•1`
00 pr •
tsVia.4l•ll .
' GOO , PloldiASon.ll4lnom
202 o t - eSed brood. 1 1 1d12A,
2A 2AAA•2Jerr
• ' 100 Wzausicrud LosadiToboccog
160 00 1 17 Wai I atm 1172oollett Mock Tsar
' 60 t team do
" 00 bozeOlLoAq *
ow, ' •
20 • Aaron 1104 A
' , d Olson • do , . • = ;
• - 20 • 10100Ogg;, : _
"50011.11. NM%
1AA1ar01td1WiA012....1•24 1 . 2 .. 87CLL.-47.1-A4XL
R701.1T-lIRPKTER'—;_, 2 bl4l.'prinie . Roll !pa
tK ro:Ormitof 14111'00 for wile by
j•Y_ 7 - ---11111M6Yil.OXMLifith.
Ni 0 F Ala AJC , b.
Or I °o'!4 Pffilig PR
• - ... - r '.1.' , ..1 f 7, anaprottirm. i -,-,- 7,1 - • 1
- • ..-
_,, ,---.4-- - ..1.......,-.4....4..1..,1
BOYD Alfli-klialißOD OIL!
All B.SIT I '
D:At - Manufacturer and
i - • ..,!*•.--,
I_,ISII6EIM Q1.1.,...1;AY AND &ULM);
.! t
. ~.11.L,L..,9 ,' , r '.! 7 '• --
nizei' Mt ,. Oo If riks , o44e , brkii - oldrcast 9 th, gar.ter -Hr.
i Wm B.,,ript, Wo.I ojnet, soil Mew.. lulu Vivid kGo .
I . Libel f.,7 el.. iirtlerifvr Mao.% Dawes of PI/aft:ail) kW/
' SALI I.ft aelliNoi p 1.., u-111 :pal. proiop..ttcsitfon
tau 4..fint I
r. ruktrriait . may.
Cor . suir luta o'rrztra:Stiefols,
• • ....
litre Oily Water Wurks,
•• • • . .0.•
, • •
•P Tgli•AU-liR 0.••.P.4.,,
ANL aII glit P1111.1: 13 ROl7 D PATNNT 0f5011.1,A2.•
V/Ild .lENO itall S CI DR lir AWV al .11 aims
and tirant)l*. ,• . -
naming putvt , itacidnety of tarp ritinicity and of tic
:bast quality, eta Arnim:flared to 11 lintry . Jobblog.„ and w
ile-It work to tb4ltoo, trualltig that ny'vrontptuota and dot
ebarnetsr crone wok, to merit robin, vattnaaga. We to
witoapacial•• attention to tale ItALANOIin VALVE Onoll,
LATLYG Atillittitt.4, as combining wlrm,toaa inetatufOr•
coattail:ln:lln tblo clan of Enginin
Rb noobo ?cower and awl 111 A, To Lt.
Janlyd ' • '
VIA A aid poilors of
,u.L Pocket sod TableTatiorj, Bucglcal sua Deucal ID,
4traments;thisu, Phitots;llobtog Tactic. to., No. bb Wood
Stroit• nay sly ovockl atioarloo to the mintifite , rig of
Tatum* gopportore.lo. , and It.p•tog *1 • paw.
4:milli and doppr4h,, • ap
• tin=
01 Penn et" below .51arbury, Pitubarg
NJ Iron Workers, Ti td•olSctoren of Llarubtln
tworribibly ned raid Oyltudor
Vtiskhes, vino Ifori,lteent Piper, Coodenacne,
/kw Punk haul - ow* Lifn Bost% otc. BM
smt 'whet Imo. don. nt Lb.
am. AU or.lerr emu • •11.1...0re promptly saw ”
I.IULLA It 5/C1.'151(13 UA 511 C
No, a Fourth Street
011 A R II NI, IN 156 b.
1,./ ahooe Wedn.4.lmy and Mann:ay evening., Yr= hley
ern to Henault*, eret, froie Y to Y ohltock, and (root Not
a Wan [lnn to if el tint, bun to 8 delusk.
Depults received of all tuna net lan than , one Dottat
end a dividend of the prate declared take a year,ls
ism awl Dectoular. tuteriat hes beets ;federal sotalesal
atonly, In toot end Deutailner, Aston the ll auk was organ
and, at the ran; of Az pox cent. a you.
. Uttered., If cnt St - ann.:a, b platnl to Itm credit oh the de
Netter prlaelpal t aud beenthg astuelatentat front thefireS
tepee( June and Ltroettibefotoonk•endlng tatot• par with
out troubling the &Tontor to osil or even no inreent hb
poi book. At this rate, motley ertll dould. it; leme Ihao 17
'Yearn, making I. the *meanie Wane =c.o.s. nu" pest seat
• Pooh. contahlrog the Muter, By• Lawn, end Eder
Winne (.misted grain, en spnikstfonst the aka.
AV...U.01-6 WO SOB At...asst.
AA= /.1 Atiocuterg..
AlessA.lo.l -
lames Ilerd
A. M?kelt, P.?. Pe
Willie. B. LAvoloy,
Jtatei m, D. ttelley,
9111 Burgwin,
Jd 90. lia,L.tb.n, •
John P. CAutt.l4,
Illoaso A. Caur.w. - I
.I , lla P..eaf tare.
WtII a. Dwillks : I
.1•Al gran..
alp , tabovat,r,S
Job, liolote
Williams O. klArtti. I
Pets IL tlookrr.
AccirAlry. and Trotrv<f 1 t
t—. 2241.64.1
JoLn H. SicVad:len,
P. A. ND.Soln:
Jrl , ll II
Jg.r.s.4. I:. D. 614.11,
Jame., 311.:Auk.y,
.10.0 Oar
I.Drary I:ElltutaLlt,
Jolla D. fleally,
lasne Wlllo.lor.
GLARUS A C,,G7(1t1
- I — Htscittancous.
The Bald and Grat.
ohne the Great tiae,.,very of Prof.
WWI], bara attempted 00g only to tat Mate hi. Raincoat
bat tandem to hare alecorliei aoutethlug that wruht pro
duct, regatta bleatiralt lot they tare all roma MA
being carried away by the wonderful maul. of Prof Wood'.
preparatton, and bare bona (wend to (note Ito avid to ha
mnistlest away. Road the tallogrif,
PILOT 0 .1 Wthso a Co s lientv—The issuer.] • t , tes 'sal to
laid, , tsoceroing ynnr valuable Hoar tles_store are, au which
you heels published It, this valolty end elever res, h.*
then *lee toontortoos Inquiries hoe Ling the lees la the
our. The lunar!** use: Met, it it. Oct at as) be aid!.
Mid name, es *toted lu. the rulmaaaluPaa • aro• tl, Iss It
transit ell therein sontelosidi'llaltd. data toy . loair Weirs.
Mime to Oa la rood order vie! et ordure, nolo'? . to I loati
awl do maser* loTertehiy.7**. My Italy te even be et than
It any stage at toy 111., for holy teen pest, more A.M. thrifty
mai tatter colonel, the .0311 b true of my shlskenoead
the only mom whir It 1. not yenerelly true, I. that the sale
steam Le ...heel off by trainee% oblation of the fate, wheat
tare was heed by enteral' tea Lavin does a:Marton
with Me erldekam. the in , P" *Sag VW follow aa the halt.
I have b-ee lath. renalytat • great madam of 14.ttiers bum
sal parte of It. w England, taking m. II my bait Mill cora
ituure to b. poi; mama le ao much fraud In the manatee.
tare and rah of earl' ws emineutals an well ay Oita it hag,
no doubt. Web timely lantiated asst been need tooll only
without any goal ,fist, but to ibentute leJury. I Lima not
and my at your Itaelotettere in any aweinut for anne
mouths, and yet my heti ha of good o. aver, mut tont/redo
ham matulead It with turfirow,al I am now Cl mate old
and sat a gray haft in to yht ad or on my fame; kid toldam
We feet. I Mud you a tool of my hair Maim id the mat
week. I riewlyed your refor of two quart batlike 1e5t.....
tom, for which I am irrty palatal; I gem it hi my Mends
and thereby ludo./ Onto to try It: teeny were etetakal
until after trial and tbeity4weliaail and cad It *lib min
renal raceme I will mt as. tffivor. 'bat yon Mud me a
test by ankh I too dimmer hood in the Ileammtlina and
by num,without galbonty thou you A bils • *Mi.
ele .111 imam mi . draa and I believe when goal effects do
not tollove,the Valli:rote ramoithy the import article, *lath
carom the tateutor ad the gam. I deem It my duty,.
harettibm, I. harp you aptniand or the onutioned Mixt on
my halt, am I snore all wuo lownf te of ma of nay noshalen
01710 Mu of 0. valuabl. n tulle. I tocosiu, Or all, 300 ra,
A-0 11.,vflanu.
Ittlf, Ky., Nov. gO, 1/40.
Par,. 0 7. Wo,u, Dieir vroubf cerbdalr be aufug
)eu a smalfujnasloo POI. it, make k °own to am world. Um
wonder fol m . m
the terearreted retail I barn experi
enced bow urlios oat beak. ol your flab liantotalleo.
mono terry 'kiwi et Iteitoratltes ottani, big whhotit sno
and Belling my bead nearly deetneta of belt I was
dually Bider., to try • bottle of your fiat Realm-Mire.
draw, realm- aid (pall,, compel Ole to aanteence to Wee
r may reel thie.Aliat I inee poserm• molt mid beautiful
vowtb at hair, which I venom.. tl-her and handmmer
than tbe ori Inal Yet. .1 will therefore take recaelon to
reeorinuend lids laminable moody to U. who may feel the
oiceeifty of la. Remeettey yams. Art S. du. tirwcx.
P. S. Tble tettlotonial ut my approbation for your 'slow
We medklm Tan are swam of) is nosollettad; tat If
T, e !bleb It worthy a place among ibe mat, Irma It Ton
leh--If eot,'4eatroy. and my nothing.
Years,ike e flay.ll A. B.
Tb. lisetorstlm Is pat up to battle el three slum etc
Imo. medium sod marl; tbs .mall bolds ball stout and
retails for one dollar Fel bottltn the mentem bolds at list
twenty per rent. morn In Onpartlon than the mall, retail.
tor two dollars per bottle; the liege bale a gnarl. 40 per
cent. more Is propurtiou, sod retail. tor Pa bottle.
0 J. WOOD A 00, Propredoni,l4l Broadeay. Now York.
.ml 111 Market strmt. St Lou* gut and mid by all good
Brooke, and Pitney aceels Dealers. arekitlyilnble
I . 4DNIE E,i,s•roxv
lAN Meted the • Mod by. Hotel,
AVINO. TAN EN and fitted up.
EL AI • void oxpidiaa, with all. tba aiodoni,e4
Improvements, Dila popular moat, IDatabiorlb•
Or la php.llll.l coatoiodao Mea1. 411.1 Um pain C
goonally, with tha Loot the market affall•
tiISTIIRS will Da wood open erny valet, of
dories ths tame. -
LIQUORS sod •' =by sib aoatklaot In rocommendlag•
to poDflo for tbolr
IM.Id SAGS Wood ap at all boon, and DAY and NIGHT
• for lb. INSTANT AFL'S, awl
P NNSI A NINT ()Wino( Ml* dlotros
.14 oomplAlat tue
bj 0.8. NiIIYMOUN t CO NASB/1,119211NNT,
N. Y. Prka,sl per tote woe free by hut,
UN DRIES-150 Irse.'Prime Pearl Siarch;
6...) 2 bb lo Ptloso Roll Pullen 25 bal. P Ime w.a.eerreq,
100 doa 11..06m54 26 dna Hui 16oey
100 N U klolopren 300 4316 Palmy Nu. 1 App..%
100 bo. Dry Apple.; ZOO hog I toll* Dry
000 he• P. 1.. 3166 Lea; SO lb dicks 1/....therr,
60 1.616 01060 Vicema—reed tor 1.61. tij
/61 13011333. 114 ot.
JL: •
OAII,-209 boa mime.
MILL 111211-90 4. 010 °.
for We Oy • RODOllliki A DILMMITU.
Jag 319 Lawny at
SUNDRIIOB-250 bble. Vhoice Runlets laid!
. •
111100118,193 nom Taney Brecon., cheap.
et 1.9011.—8 V basin Hoon's 01.a.b. • •
HOMINY... 0 Dbl. Yllnt Botnlol.
BOOR-3 Dbls Yeareh Tan
DRY 1.1111011i8.4100 Das Dry Paschen—
In IlenTe for sate al 114 racoon H. ."
dell . .. •. MANIC VAN GORDER.
ROLL BUTTER-5 bble. prime;
Wkil . bbli; ' .
. PURL 110111114.42 bbl, Pearl I.lamlor
TAHITI DUNA-311 by WbitAs Hang
BUOILWEI MVP /L01:18-60 mok.;
DYE IMOUB.-19 bbl, Rye flour— tut receilki
for „ti by JIM A. ETzttn,
earner Maui at . 'lntim '
am nit BatRAVI; XX ratio Vamlly,
a'abdo Moto odoPo'o Vs
3'O do Doomed 'molly,
' 4 90 do ltiars—to mom tor mile by
da29 GULP eIiIIEPAILD. VD Liberty Pt
APPLES -3b :bbls. ohoice Pippins and
• Wilma
110133NY-ISO bble Pearl Hoefey.;_ , • • 1.
001111.1 M A 4-23 bbl. °orb 13.41,
14101311113 L-38 br bbli Po 3 Idaryli Multin•L
L3,13D-40001b Oats Loa Lard. ttrkely. MO bills= I
jot me/ and tor , oat by . - • JAIL . A YILITAI. I
deal . . calor Motet Rad Vint rte, is
Al' MIT PIIIOIIIIM-160 6w Ilneihned NUL., C 1 ,014
X. 06.10 bDle Meb'
11111 . 1%/1—.6 bblus
110X1111r,-17 Mae lloaalen •• •
, WWI% BIANII-1100 641 s
71.4r611ED-40 rhu.d.
fOrweo bf d. 28 L. G. GRAFF. Vs 3 Ybe.i7 at.
117 R. CU BSS-150 VixellYetters Rd
rn Ohm% 601 A 10014 *sell; lot
441 - ", ' - TIMM it tiSIIAh.4
Ql4 OIATII .ORTIBIB. CIA Ofi---Or dic r
f nt.4..anfgJle..rnr4iipsA•Pti3O;th
- 17-4H"=.;p&'= skand "1.04
. : 11
3.4 0 Batil*, ol l ,o ' l l l °. Wo*ll/N
4:ll4,4oZialorlaudillg f!oniat'i
• •
vit•WW- !WO,
~~r- - . -.— „:sl
pingpir _
- T
A . );# ' ::44q , lo•l l7 ES
I • ;7.
EA7 -77—rivt.
• CiiPOC RE .- to -iikismy
21..pecrailoo of I RON *Mile." of - .Omen end Cartem by
oinotmelloriittilydomen., two-tinned by the highest Mkt ,
lesi.Atitholitire, Surope ntel, the United ttleteeoin4
pieeerlhed tboir prattiot. . ,
rpha expeilence of ilioniande deify _ piovoo 111a1.1prepai
tion of ImMlitan be onnetteied with it. 'minorities of tli4
deprreilon of vital energy, rife add olle•rtit.te richly
cit r entleximusi loliontelit [Et...lmq in al
'hie CAM. litimx,on. in An, maim:bee In rthtch it Ainti i.reu
WA it hed proved nbrlotetT.O,Fontirms eau to the f.:".
hieing unipleietn. . -
.„ . .
, iDebillii 'l4. ' 4oitie Alice Mine, Enseota:
Illone Di, stie &Jai tlittittltrattdn', Diarrhoea.
lOyeentaliryosiolpleintslcsnstroststloa, literef. ,
ttlistsaT bare saluslastialtlikevatssallismete ,
stems. is. •Wliltlis.Cltlstrosts, Liver Cots.
plats:tie 1 chronic Ile adstelite., .B.Xtossistil.
allsns, litteastilttent. Fevers, PA.:tiptoe. tab
the Pllliks. •' - '
Igrastie . o '6 n evi Ihtfilly, whethir the result of bent.
hem. or mai:Mont dlogith non of nervous end mei;
lar ener Camino eoniplainiamie litter of tht. fee
tnestlya a pr red atooterful to. extent winch 120 1/01.
inipt101:111 . L. wr tlei3 oitoraiatlon , wonld reader credible.—
Crivallde 'foe bed•riddeit am to hero become forgot/h. In
their own Ig borhools, hive suddenly re-appeate4 to the
busy wars as I Just retuns.d VOID protracted travel In a
litigant let d. me very signal .inktseees of this kind are
aktesioi of female aulfenmemselated victims of apparent
Marmon/ ialignamota alhaeotion. mine-al .ebangeo. and
that eomP [anion of aeries. bad dyspeptic akandon to air
ilal ears for which the phyaicien has co moue.
.: In Nye la Affection Wall bled. . ku4'sorreasous Well.
ter as lea men. tbeoperstieu Itf tilde Oteihkrallon el
1 . 0 1. 6 :2 i t• 7. lie ealUlary. tar, walks ' the old .4 , ,
otaa,it is et sly tame. without being exciting end oven
. heating a d ently, regularly aperient, even in the mot
obstinate ' of thatlvenrn, without ever beluga e.t.a°
progeny,* I Meting a disageriblosensation:
1 ..
t Pam,
It N thillatter property. surrong othere, phkh melee if
so,ramarkAbl effectual and permanent • remedy for hit.
,radon whle It shoo appears. to exert a Matint t And •pacide
eintlau, by p• og Tool tendency which forma them.
,In nyyytiPei Innurnerable is Are ha ringjc box
these al home Pille bee often autt.n..a for tin, mold
' habitant en. in,.lo,lluK tilt , ktteinient Clnniames..
t 1 In notlo,Ck Marto., even when a.lcenned to'Dyeetite.
nanthitiug, ..tdnpperontly" inalintnitit, the
i offeets halt) Wn p . rtpsally duel.i. and mtertlrillng.
In the PAM M., Ines °I molt an I ttr.n,tlh, doldlicatlng
nOire boctlc. stlitolt remrllY Itr•hrnle ln
!elplent Conan. ,dhm, tbl• remedy him all• let the Marmot
!trionds roadlph, .11eAna, to enverel very gratl4lrg end Inlet.
lurtlng ten Ao. .
In Smut*. Tuinircolont., this intnittnled 'tun hm Pad
far rucr•lthan ho good of the wont rant
eitmeel prtisra lone dr hel.oe, without .c of their well
'known IletnilUt.. .
.. . .. . ..
. The latent/on 4 foctlllert ronant let t.'d ctiolltletelly Invi
ted totilma y and ret•ttorntira, In !ha caiwa pecalletly
lofted:tag them. •
In It hecitnattlr t. both chtnnta nod ILOsontnatory—ln the
Itatter. borrirecr, ore decidedly—lt bee boo horstlahly
vett reported. th ea ethyl/sting pain and - m.lllring ; a
swellings tthd etlttnees of the Joint:, end murder.
In loterolltteo footle It tomeneowworlly bo a greet
crawly r uer ell. r.turntive, ..d tu. mom.. I. 11. s
i t
dew bolt' mauls tbo Id rat . will probably bv 0.01 WO
renown 4 cuiefa twee. .
Fi No rem .1 hot evirloonn illafwvorol la inn whole hietory
of laeilleiaa. which exerts anon pf ompt.boppy, and Tony Tu.
Itunstifs fallo,bi. 01.1 appo Po. alaef boa, vaplJ
govaelllopad Won oath. with on 1111. watt dwposltloo lot to.
floe end ctivnital ex.c1444., Inw rol
ardley fuller It. rue.
I .
Put 'up 0 ;ism list. mstul tr sus custululirg In pills. prigs
160 usuls is i is.. her R.I. by 11./roggid. and duabre. Win
ih. .ant tree to env a fdrow on receipt of ptize. All lotions,
;ablate. cad 4 bitionid is, softie...l to
b.nitt)a.ol3 It lig.S , Seli, IV i.u.lesslu Atrut ~t Weelfro
K. 1 113. lA)CK} &.. CO., General Agents. '
• 43-tA1ar1.k.....1.1 , . aba bilblaDWAT. N V
—— • .
P 1 0 01 0 0 is Of
:liAti.sty% Its.ozuni. c U 11.61 Tavabies
Iwail crlio cols..)y rusty toot td redwod/10 11ZRNIA.
i TNNOBIIaI el Tortola, larker elareye ou betel
CU I'ffl:63 ES, of 1113ofo0t forum .04
blot Per I p: !:SUCH(
crlq P.SOCH (NOS. ft.r Vncrxrd.ct
A111.1)30f,141, iUPPOlttlitti. a 41 0r....1 Mar.
PIL Pllol . ll. for the eupp.rt sod en. of
. 5i10131.1"Cll 1111.A0it9. to reliftte • or,..k.rvf .vt
coootlfon of [be Uhoat, and woo, Olson of I
81:131 , 14NSION BAXDAI)Ei.
An f ha. ail kb[ In ty ho hal of *rolled af Pr
be ttobitt Mortar.. r w4l bo-yettt to pm) part
y otottey stu,l U, unapt,
A Tut Web.. tlel,•l4cltty AY grant, deft Arty. an 1
lor .char rlig : A apnrtirw. FarVng, C.fevAny
rey•ovlng 411 N: b Amply., 71, and P . lf C;.{
illaLetrying 0,1 !rwrlpfra-inn. ~. 1 , male by IA
n ILEVAER, Ib3 i , . vol • Yr...Y. Nit h. ,b,u,s yin!
nr Your Tooth Bud?
If they arr. taco or ol•La PIA l'n7 I.4!ttn of Pr Wrfo'
LIQUID IrGhtl !VIP); It fri:ll,,e! , Up,of woif• clo.
isafttrill firtr•bg titer, bathos Orr.f . y, sod trill CO.O bl.nt.
Ilfg 1 . 6 .00. Kr nun. trio I , fly it ;.t fir it: 111Mli*F
110•:.INad st r. el, off 2Srod f. fee I part o
Wank Cy
Noy Pi use , borolion.l • pomrst.....i r4r«.f!...;.,1
• bottle LEAL.* Grit:43oov C.Jegrany'L EYE LOTIOI Fnr
WAS et L.V.LittO 11. IL ILYOEII - 8. Plice Stu.
51.0 r bottlr,
LastrA ILK ONT , IRNT. proir.r..4 t.y th Gralm!turg
I;butjaany,ll.l •.•••relgo really to •tt catw ut the tao
manor mar ba tddr intenvity. :ern wnrranted
!Prior $1 Or I,ttls. Ecld 1., DEL tIC•?HOw U. Kitiriltp . .,
40 Wm.1,.t..
Clidtp Letter and Writlnc Pape
kibbri , 1.4.61. at Pr. W.N4
Soyer's Sultana Sauce,
..... I .....„ This meet tiiliebaa not aspelleing
. iIIN.
/ , ec..-'-' lama, lessital ry Oe4
w renown
" 8 0rlibi" Cr th e Leaden Helene
( ...,, 7 Club. le i slat, his demo*, taunter
„,. - 1 ,i; Y ,._, hiret Os the well a heap ben•en/
~t'i- ......., , 'W' Cannon 1 111.4.14 - Cla, London, rroill
.4 .1
!, •• ... 4 ... ., , theoriiiitial tecipc. It I the tenor.
I .
k , if -,l 7 : A ti,oapt, whit, likati alitaroering
„,, ~; teliehYtb.o .earra.t.-Artreimari -fps.
Alli - ,Aures, rigid 1.1 1990 srprovel el as •
."... 1 "otlii , illeatifelltiii•ild Ofd to diarathia.. i .
"We reromtailad <41?43016*0014dMr , 10 try Moho. SOM . @
seer Saari, eotttled ihe'hultlee• P.Asce,' It le 4ltule after
the Terkiah recipe. It. tarter. efeilleht,aod It fiords not.
alterable old le asset or riow •14.1112.11. itais+o. ^-2he
"Sevo,7, Piquet fmi pier, ",of : thy the velum of floyor,
"A moot ralnobler •AJtick Ih. AAA Foul. a
hould hovo phonon even/UW-42W.
1431.• Ag55it5.D441411214241444e5;
GARDNER 0 YTELIN, 217 Ration et., Nes tut,
sad RRAY 2 DAYEB. 24 ConiLID, Nousa,
for 6al. 010raseresed fruit Dealers avaryylkare.
two ILI;
natirolng flanked° rho public toullasir petrimegs,
kilned* se liberally Wooded, r.vroubt call their imam.
Le mg very large stock of TAKLA for thle Pall.
try dock of Apple, Pew, (etairtsid and dearg)Peach and
Chivvy fir emir& and thieg 1 limes aver raleed. All of the
moat approved garletlee; mitanget 'by Verona hiring's fall
knowledge tit the - tiestnemq and eeerr eve taken to Mies
every kind hoe to acme.
01 Apple Trees alone ire have 140.000-66,000 of witkh
are Ibrenreer heft to • fret. To sorb ee want
fiVEKOI46B.IIB. from 2 to 8 rat, by thelOiiorlooo, bar.
g.lns valid ho given. Nate. tarp Staple, for eked., per
1e0.1124. Extra 'ergo American and ,knalish Latch, por
10% 01, Ac. Tree-Planters. Pl.. 10. f. • nail. ewe
&ovm met (noon application.
Addreic Pittaborgh and thillaral Nayarit.; Pittetrargh,
P.. • Stottftoolll.
ROLL BUT 1)14: prime;
N 5.1 L5111)-15 k , ,.: •
$U AMISS? 1/1.1.111Z-201)
bOLID BUTT/6-2U blattuil 15 Itqcs.
51ore s g•lo by
JOHN 51/3 1 / 1 1 CO.,
1115,11'1 Wae.l woof
NIC CltuP SUGAR D 1110-
ao N 0.811:OAR. sag
100 birls and NO N. 0. 1101.Arlali. New Croy—'
to wigs this week by aims., ftellsoce—all of whirl" will
b.wohl'at a vary great docile°, by
JOIIN 1. - 110 UAR a CO.
%_1 Nn: 1 ItellseSlOstbss OIL fur We by
ssT MoO , LL k SON. 93 Liberty t,
CK4NBERR By—^S bble. prime 'Militia,
•hi igen for man by JOHN R.O AN FIELD ICO •
' 01 Pint attn.(' b. , ' W. I.
T4B . T.E. CURRANTS—rS bbls, in atom
(oriole by
NEw pitOP CLOVER, 8.10,11-200 bue,
ilectind lur ogle by
16; to-ilay,for We by. Jll3 LIGG trr. St CO..
dell . -75 .W4tei 911 Fropt
MOLASSKS--201.1.bb1e. Piime N. 0. blo
.1111. Imam road plorqt`c italpire city. tu• mdo by
CiPER.-15 bblg , riweet eider in store 1'
. bile by, .1011t4 I. oar bump e 00,
4610 Dint W. , . non Wood.
DIX:PBACIIES--50 Racks Primo Peaches
Puttnedforksle by dytt) 1110111.111. COLLINS
BU d I Q C‘ , VMAT fLouR„--.R:ti,rgrn.2,lli
0; NOAH-43, Mids. Prune rec'd4or
st'tlovicsCll7, fur se.PI .
QAUDINE3--600 whole otties,..;aiTgiTiFe ;
hp , 100 hf auic4 Mialoos. (O third tAag • tiodluc.'
! /WA AN DrAii)N, littrxt
a cattig B Nit bble . eboire_eranber:.
ret, Jet each elb 746. YSTZIik
1011 - 01/0•14 Slark.l.4 ku.
w. a. BAU M Book end J4.b Prfut.r,
:±EftWri VlOndjmitrfora
--16 1 0 S SALE--Ttio_ frA.Ra gn.,othieh -Aft
...C.ll B .lk.clareliont'iwitke•;4 l6 4 4- tii •dwArfiert mataty,
Nov bb* trithimbtlierllttlbel 4 W a '
dol t l ii .lB, pm:NA st.dtiitTy_
f rliSttB At,'" MASSY' tkEI,TS-Li'
Wk. resibirry, 88 aborp ‘l lB l l / 4 *,!,
oFbodngokral!~ a'-
=Mitt- 4
-, it , ;;;Atiow , v.t4to ?4,
'to 1.00 Went oil 04,
ltnlphat bs/ Pfroitalit
Twcomppolciqu.. : wiqt.•.tottour • ow .
t rg. , 77.
. •
, D BB 1 til 'l' Ti - .a ;:i.i
,',:-. •,
enettee and , uteet.oar'dt , riniita.4nfilnlall tea et'
Atm • 0,11.1e.017 .4 the - ridg4ollaa el' Neat 1
NIA. roar .alot ...I de, apneas adalti irladlnathe,
~ addle a. pele r tatext;t•eettheselteellittanasN — . -4 .
s p ed
AeaA:lece4 01 too lajl.glae.. ,It_iltril o 4 o, l4 . !!.
,treatettgat.l.l9. kre parittlon..r 111r0121.100<fp"„
110 perpaetta canal-4,131ns (bawd gltigull% tent ..1
1141. Isoia atoms sulphur Plieet:t,. ,
alma* will 4101 muss thade•Neuev le teen, intail
ijudfclonecumbluatjon of, • WI their elements /Ii
o reitieretha hltioil 10 lie normal attlwatiral. 'fhb
o.otette ettatitT, IN' leen re4hihi lie the'.
Voott'aial ha Atticorrty-rettte asp the limit •
..d IMpoetentef the age .. IN • to . •.t •• ..t ,
. 1 . C 0 0 ST II P T 111'011 1 '
r. to iieften the cough, ker. the rotator, etTetagthato ILA
kylEolllo,l' the proetreitog ntaltt tereate :.‘ncreato ibt•
poyelcel • d mental quern', ended the Itle 4 lih:4 'NON Illß
the lurking tett glottler, tetereuethe appetite:teepee the',
oolor,ondatothe the •talatoe trato•arltbbathatThellloted'
Food will he found a !specter. ID all Chretiolle IlliNiael j
tea .1 the Throat cr lateugia,anth ea Arne. arcatr!!
eade,roakAt, Dc. Pot be itteralt, ra awl .•I•R• ••, in 1 3 •• r.
of groat 011111* 111 droning and Ittrealth4o4 itt4 I the ..
mate. It Dyspepsia. Liv.” , lktakiSeFitiv,Dropky,Epskpriy,
Iltro4yea, ANA/DAL Gnarl SF. rata' Davao. t /WT. .. d
Agruc,:l4 , lie anlcacy la merited wed testantailfooe. -..1a too.
thaw of etaist•' however are the .beneflctaleitleets of.thlal
tested, in coorpleuene ita In three harriatAtiel
P, ILL Is S t; O't 1 lit Oi.'t I._
to which Pe stetter sex Ns Ilseleonan ethletiland loarerda
.00ornmplleo, lethal eupprratal I. Ihifficulf4lfttatenratiam,
Garen Avgkrins, Weikel, to. estarlally tottiOtt theete cow
i• Uinta are aonatopeoled with paltneps, lading" ha. or pe4
lor et t hale hi o, deerresten of pottery debility, palpitation,
want et alpftlta, Ned tarr•Out prortnattlieVet hues the
litamigt a uddllo. In neolumenelt g Hit B and Food
all who mai be oettaclette'or • lora of rife ty or energy,
and to ttnee.wtioae mental or lathy , poarereant pmatmee4
it.rettgh craw... eltner.of the 11110.111. 1 ,0e.31111111 011. die to
It ear Onty to ay that ID all Dates or Rao.lnei and /Venal:-
aft - At 114,110 all dl•Ntae• of the Sidney[ oe;illotider, MAY
plermnilloo boa • el.lOl 130011 the atlkolll n 1 1115r0110
01,...11 C. 1,1101 1,0 (Pfer nylim•ltA A ialtbhAtrlal will he
. .
the blood
f baktilr,
hILD etis
i co Cm I
n. trod 0
point, LIP!
science! 11.•
molt enweitwlng pn..l to rigerp.o Itotmarl
1.4. ask. 41 for. 'With t, Owe. reoiairke,awl with
.ons teethnunlele we boon hilts faltir, we otter the
111.400 D 5.006,il
a.« rmno•
to the ettlleratloo of thistllletrd. ktowlotiNhat viii
w kuowlti twl to pre-etoloeut Mt .11 utheWpreittratlowit,
pat , ol trllcloa4 la point of twefolowat Of,ttolais ittelrt:
the Timor), upon which We remedy to foutele, alto crttlte
court of reuterkahle caw., w 11 be tent. freOchen dwlred.
We forwefd the Blood Food town , pitrOf the Thated
et„ rn , 4.1•411.1. am) receipt of prlwe—sl battle, se
ri. to Ink.. he easeful to all Dena to taleewone bat that
. .
Or ftc.filtuiloslyttittltre ttiou.!thrt opppet. Nun.
',mil.. fTeyitred ouly by 1?,: ,
1 i I CHURL © a. '/DVe'llIZIT, t .
y't cm 4 , / by alre o ;spect '. tblalTrti 4 14,17 T4'.
by tit. ONO. 11. KEYSKIL, 140 Wt.' st., Pia.
ar'ucc, c
For .al
Iwren r/
cop'oloo ,
P P,Azu
'VT MC e
nleolle.el having ine4 rfOref•Or 11111PM:1'V:1 .
lr 110108OPATIIIC REMEDIES IrLS lour Tomtits
how.. .Ilonuctory remits, 00.1 lar‘nfig full em.ll.
hrir getualn.ocui, purity, and *R141y,.1...rt11y
• cl them to nil persons wish
I eZcselono ronrttiro At hand for plivu . o or dui
Ir. limunor, ealtne of "The mere
Altburo, N. V. the Rev. E. 11. Vreomy,
Potor't (21.urch, Auburn, N. Roo. E
.!oloof the Auborn State Yrio4r. ; {Let'.
i. Rio, R.otor, NmoMO,Or.; 11., ; o.lrtmot
ttenro..e Conforenoe, N. Y,; 11., I. 4
, o . ov JoLo K. • t)
Litn, N. Y ; tlm Noul V. ,oral,
n p. em, Solmylor Colfox,Fkonth ou. Ilon.
llumphroyo, N. Y.; llottry U.,;Xpi . Entlm'ot
1 Stott lemumal, Coluvohno, 01110; IL 11.
'Motlue, 10.; the Hon Thomoo .
; !Jul Hon. Jos , ph Rentilut,lllleio . N V ;
Uoca.. N. Y.; ...A Pint, toqliilltics,
Nroohytllet, Tenn. ,Vt
eCI et .
I• u I
.1 ,. .1. Fever. Ciangestion, and Intherinnilloti.
- Per Warm rarer, Warm 0.110, Rifting thr , lie'l
• For. Oahe, Crying. Teething. and Walerfulorre of
.01 L r
•1i Li -gear.
.' For Diarrhea, Malin loranlunalland Etstonre%r
• _., ,11
Mar 0.11 e., Orlolorra, Droenter7, orlDramty rya. ,
~..Dr' ' Sly Cl''''. 'a,..clo ; . ,, i' Tilro V o l k l ' U, Nr•o.k '
.4-lor rooihanue,_eaco-aohe, anuitearalnia . ,
,),.. i 1 1 , , r flendoebe,Vertigo,l4est audArrnels of ihe•
19.—Innwreara flour-Tor Weak fiOd reentered
4 I:lonstlpanorr, nod Llver Col:305.141 •
I, •Pna Pdaaa huraoln.aluknos, &. y, Palotol, or
rlol Pordodsi' 'f, l
11—Por Leuoorrees, Profuse Mena* and re,,rlor
11 Female,
I,—For Croup, Hoarse Coogli, fa lirrathlow '
11.--Paur lIMILIC Paan—roe Derolplie, Dm," ao,
pn the YaCeL.
ll—Llamano Pada—tor Pala, Lariantra
.14 Cheat, Bonk,, or Mid*. ,I,i .
,jr Dover and ' l am, Obill rarer, Dumb
II gtd Aloes. •• 1,1 I
I Plea B1:on ~, Illoodlog, tniernall.;
1r Dflre, Weak, or blamed Dyer $:
ik, 5 , frUerred SOL . o, •
1... 4
Corm IMO
No. 7 .
No. 9 .
No. 1
ho 11
No. 17
t IS
N.,, 14
Ku. II
0 e
C!! surt! at Corr's, Ij 1.1 otavent
, !...•
!aria. sut,
r of evle! riol•r1 - .1:••S
la nll !nit?! cases th, sp,lfirs no !Ike s'ult.irlit
r la often snestri st mwee,:,sotl ati csSi
eof AI attetek Is in...lcratell, diAenve 1,1/.41
reryderett less !1.0.W.
a !
1 rdili
,c anti CoI.IA, which are cr such rredolciA ocr•arrrnCe
th n circa lay the roundatinaof , if 11..41 IrnGa
Ire awl consumprinn, may all be ailouco 00,.l I.:
cr pont! Coc4h Pah.
r.rriAir oltreascromeh u DyrorpshriVieni Irthrmeb
Llver Colnplshrts, Niel, Female PrbiMY, nb
rico, old Ilreuirthre, Sore or WeaCEyes, e.arrh
111 •
o , t, and other old eruption., the case liar miesitor
applitatlon .411 afford a cuses:in lonawk.t'«re
411 ten Um core or . {{bet chronli!dlffleolty, to 2
pals, Piles' or Ott-area Headache bpi romale Weak
re than pall] for the ease ten taper over.
f -.....
i rl5 complete, in Motficon, drol'.•.Book ..% • 419
nano, Led book, plea \ ,
9 bered bezel., tied Boot..:':-: 9
lekea, numbered, and 800 k.... 4 i ... .... . . '..
, 1
onnkrred boa., with direction*. •• i 15 meta.
eLterml lmeo,.lb direction.-- ..;. .....90 mil*
die 41 9 on. vials, for plantemscoUppyilelliet-•419
(1 • of
L. of
to k
'Se I.•
t ice c
1111A1 oa Pneuism.—Opprommt, filtdoult, Lebored
ottentle4 with Coo„^h sea Expeeioration. Pride,
it bOS. _
1)1.311.1121 ARO DIIATIMBIL—DIsitenrges Irmo the
rerun or £Ccarlee lever, Mese or Mercer Wm.
In the Ikea, Piertinees ileedne, end Fangio/
Iv, awl Eare‘ohe. Price. CO doll Per hoe.
Pow A!
V. r
norct.t.—Y.olarldl Glands, Eidarted and fullorifr
Swellings and Ohl Merrs,Scrofdlnus eachray of
. Price, to rents per box. :
Desfurs.--Phyaleal or Nelrlrous Irraknraa
:• result of Bicknell; gatdadve 3fidlealloryor Sa
111srhartrel• Pecs, 60 resta per 60,
Pluld Acronsulallont.Torkil owrlllop, with
drcredOna. Poke, 60 cants per lbot
a4bovexes...—Deattkly Sloknen, 'ertlro, Nausea.
• ot.fkr.tset hoot rldlog or mollon t . Price, 60 solid
-1T mri
1 n(1
F. a D.
5011 •
yer boi /
ran I
ru Pa
RISOIT D.V.813:;..r Repal C#3.11, DUE.
nhal Urination, illatum of Ibkliqtlperg . Wk.:"
r bp. • . .
.11311. Exissaoss:—ln , volontary ithicharires -AO
.ot.'Preetration and Debility, 13a4 Results or tell
the neat streemstol and weSsiesiii ',remedy tnei . n.
Lber relied span I\ll • cur. : Prior,lttt roll diesel,.
per bow. it t • • •'
• who wish to place themselves spsdet; the pro or
,hre; ot to seek advice of Pree:ll9etlesrrs, can do
dolly fro AMA* 6P M.
li bilk,
IL nt,
OUR !mutDuce•Br MA*
,tver the Wt; rake op- a eue 4 what kind 'al
!adore the amount In • alma note or • •
to eur adttreav, at No. 642; Broatitrayi NotirT
um.ltrine wlll be duly ~ .tamed kSmailor in.
'Tli IV'
L. ,
‘A A . il
of the
ree r
Mg( ,
r the 4
~ WiNTEll.—Wedeeire an -.^11,[ `etr,_ , ..mot At
ate a our 141:11editi to .7., M, r. - e..rot,..ti It,
!died States. Address or. 5 , . 1,11., PO .s;tire. 0. •
N. Cs% ' 4..”44 - t,. tirrw-V. , . it..
TOLSON, Tin Stmt. (1N441 , 14: rt i1d14,.. r , '.,..r.
to the Post OM., Wholes., so 4 J., r.iittalrfiril
ulq: a 150.3. M. Ft:ILION A CO; Strallughaiiii 41
MO end J. J. DAM', AllsighontSlity.
:1y41.4 - . .1 t
J. It
door ft
ant via,
TITER oz. • .ea r I pper
er, for ule by IVATT,4 IVILbON,
Np, sea üb.
TIMED BERRIES-2sackjilbried BI
lertliia; 1 nick Dried Ittdetbni.....
WASS AMMO .208 Mort
Tv Iforpitle by WOLVS. Jr!:
pole '
carom. St. OlafEpodU•rtY u.
etISS jri
At remtvad r by
NDBlitt" RD Wood et.
all Wad., for late by tiwouv,
[ cora., Et. Chat ARA Llbeirlyita..• •
. fresh-ground Corn
or arket nd Hirst nu.
U'r C &E AS' BCALI4B, KNlv i scs,
-LP igrisoa., fur ate by BIROLPP, Jr., ' •
09' corner Ht.Claitplal weft,
P ESI A PPLEiI —147 yble.Orecnil / A.g•
'lea, We day reed by 11 :
mentr It. counts.
ARLEY' jhst 202'd
253 Watt
Ilstilt3r,—ln barrels, keg and, ea*,,a
iperlor ortiele for carriage% knir,glei, dislrL
for ludo b., bole 1111 H p.T U. VOLUM:
BilOS—itlways an•
COCK. WORK 611.1 i J CO.
%V CLO 'ERSHEO-25 40.0. for oalO
ti; i• et.
4.RLEY-175 bus. Prime Spring ; lay,.
akure for Ws by At A. /ant%
cantor Mold and PIM bts. •
riI!ESNUYS-2 bbla. Cluair4iiita, just .0341
ic biItICSSIMR ANDICHBON,39 word st';
• opposite*. Marko QOM.
00, i Tair to Oil e Rio;
N eo. l l5 9661.1‘.'—it'r 1011137111 .. L T
TAMED APPLES-150 bue;,rsime;
JL,F oat rted for ode by .111 C A . A. trim, . •
{114411:4 ...SVittUtiblti Lends ifijows;7 w l t :.l
tor 1631 ILlttittlt:l3:llllNG, Pro*,
totA ' 4 . 1 IR ILLOlal4a.t. - -
PORIABLE OHOPPIN9 ktu4 fi , ruit 7
tbr Von:l3olra Todltores, Olt&
tioNRY43. SING, Woke, 47 Itt
4TINO 0 WTH6, of bollix quoittl a zd
plea Itim elione her* In *eftste.:l
1r linagS HOWillcoviefl*
mot .e low iv Itakfor _
ILS-15 bble. Bauk-0117 1 1111.12t:.
, War! al:'
mito . ;-:„ . 4l,7blilit.:;Fliiit,l caninjr,
1 rri.iiid_Ciiale . •
• A!...Accrzink,
ANS • bblaßrimer'
ammousi V . ,?5,3 4,1*
•_Y:-.1111 , ., •.-
~ i
•.,- - . -- . 1 . ',1 : 7::::: -: ::,.:.--.. , : . 1 -- ::-.-: - 1,1 - '11
4 '
' 7 : , '- - - . '.-• , • . ' ' ' 4 '' '-- '# 1 . ' '.. :, .;....
- .:;1- -, i_
1860. ' I
.. ; ' z ' - - : TSB. i. ..; .1.,.,z.18*
~,: c 7,
TTS va -.L cia4cukotir`
. . . . .0, - A ILROAD.. - '.- ' -'' '' '''
To allfoint,v in ty4soittii;WstAliir.
inlvrazrAica'ilvdiiiiimi -„
i 'I 31 E:lo oititliN tau as qiiiii.aoci to
JI. luglissiapolle, re.•Coiki* atirr Obingb qdblise than by
ARSTIFARD rt.l.ilYit ' .
tart sum. us 6.4,«Mia Plitibbeyb:....;.....lSO:L 4
m : ki.g - , .. 1, . ATztc% ., . .... ........,:: a. a..
tuba, Wlncrkta. awl abchaiiill abaft „
Amivisrat Ind=llo.--, •
n. E llNts asstamttl C =.4llo4H. Ity itsubsa•
;Ttaltutsu Itotti limas most alpolooltom, attE rms.-
•13711A17—r i 0z . .21tuk .t0.,... 5titL.— .... ..... .. um.. l / 4 1:40
►I AIN; clo consodloso so sbom.
.. • v w Oben:nail.— ARO IL N.
_ -
Ulna to Cincinnatti tint by..Btottilla
V U.. Train. oo niAti row* meant yolaag4at, and porn, ,
get. )1.11•0 Into q4clnuatl.tagothir... „• :• •
ISfeeplnt Oahrbniltil train : Min '2l,t4ticirshioc*b;: •
•ontik tri rnil•nWpiAlitoind 1601dinto. ' • •
Ingina.tbroakii Wentrtgolnalbont - .
~ Leave Cb1e,k9,..6.1.0 nom* &KN. •rdrlns,
sr. and Mlu • an.nrictlng traiir Am!
Thy ton In.:d Clnilotltl: /allying ;V Ili‘SynrA fOl6
. Oman:Hun *lila trains trn. Oalnsbon Olof
Ba11.1•••inlua-iNint, and larking-Al PI I=IEIM ,
a. ii...ass'&4u
All math g dam- wow llk
trninn on genanylwanla Banana to Ptilfsdslptdsanireilt"
Caldera tithe. .
• • -
1t.4......0t00dati0n Tr. (rani /*hind ' Wool, Ilegiisay
Noy. litrlabton, , and 8.40 U.
Arto.ty ololu _11.40 . . 4:25 "
• •
Artfrost Allegheny, SD° :1410 - •"
Allashaay nod areaway Arekmiadeattos:
Liars alleahnor, 12,10 soon, sad 600
Antra at Iteaaolay, , 344 r 1.00 .•
Laareltoositruur, , aro , "
Attire at'All.gana;, 7:'u ' 45.) "
' A GLIANCIS ISARSVPTliAlN—Laavealallauee att.So
awn. goo , artivarle Allribro) it ILSO A. Unveil Lite ,
aLatiy at RIO P. at. sod slams to Alba.< at gOO r.
W.ppl,g at WI atatioa. for paiaargarasad
• nabtr m *Ai for theaa.trilit at n•doad taws.
Through fratasionatotaa
At Alliana, villa Arabes otilba Cleveland I l'lttaboVall
• .
At °mine,lo, to and toroldltleraLarg, A Iron, Oeyahtreh
MI % rte.
at Whaleld, Ohio, for lrarnoe, Sardi:WM SO
pt t Crratil be Akr Da:aware, eptingisld,bylumbaa, Clacton •
tlayten, luefireatedllia Loa* Lidrettle; '
It Forret for Ityaingtelet, , Idandrakyi,Daytph, Clarlenatik
eta, eta.
At lama for Elderly, Dayton, Oloclanati, .to, eta.
•At f Wayne tor Peru, Lafayette, In St. Louie. and Inn*.
modiste porta le Central Indiana and Mb:tole.
Al Plymouth tor Legate. • . -
at tr anau,h for all plena on the Ere* Albany and War ,
Ana atCheadov i dth trains I potato to 1111aoll, Law.
. . . . . ~ . . , .... ..
* Yee Janata tahirmitlaig aad Waugh .Thltata apta, to
J."ATIC,WART, Vklat Alma.
Patesitgat Atatiott,TlWAaree.
011011011 PARlCUffThekatlfgll€
Paeongst Statical; A
,v. • ,
Threttah Tlcleeta kW axle at all Atm What. QOM. ;Alba,
Company ail the Wit of tha tad, It all putt.' Ur ilikles.i;.,
'eat. ' - ''. , a:'•cr: trattirAT, , ~
...,18. • , ~ • ao.nerii Purepont'Aioei; tovihol. ''
Cleveland nod F.l tint. ises66
• (111dNilit _F 1111 Bill% RANIFIBINT
jr IN Slid after Mom Dar,
Noseb./tcr 'Abb. 111e0„ Teel
told inset the Depot et the reubaylrania Italleatd. Me'
I•arab, an follow..
Pidsburiet, Clevelotd a.d Chia:go/and
Lour. •• rhes al Leer. Ant... et
.4 . 1171 81,11 OL NV L'D CLkT SIM) CU117•00
110 A. SI 7: 10 a - 7:60 a. tt 71:10
r at 6,36 4. 7:JO s. M. 10.40 LW.
Paseengete &eking to ite tokeod o .6.l. uhigni . „
tr polut. Weet, Tie ineteland, meet be parllcalal Weak el
Tichela via Cnerettiod
N. B The time to Chlui,oty tide Rade le all gala la
eta Poet Woking,.
Mahwah, altontais andlietloll.ltl Mort Lear. .0.
No charge 01 care between Plitabarab nod Gliecinstati.
Arrives at Alm Hee el Ante la ht
PlTtlibU WU, 001.11116176, OTNCINNATT. UMW , '
1:60 a In 1:40 p 7dal p - I
This mote I. theme to elocideati,
and In 4 nte &nth* then Any ocher mac. NWhindld .
gleenlog date attached to all litati Trains. ,
Ffitsbergh and WawNlid;liew.
Wass Arriens et Are/woof Aistivicat AMIN* ld
r 1
60 ItOCIIEIVR, WILLIFI, mne; wunve
160 a to UPC. aln lUD st fco6 aat 4k16 la
L4O ft in 3oop in 6.46 in 6.00 pto GAO pso
2.10 p 630 w 800 to
The I.6o'and 1:40 e alai connect with 'Frahm
Of 0,0 k. ft for Zentweltle, La eke, ac.
The 41100,at Uhl. appear 1 Retinae between Barbed.
ha and Welleadle.
Through Tickets can Ito at Clltaborgb, Bente,
bar& Philadelphia, New Tort and Button.
F. B. 61Th1141, General Ticket Agent.
Poe Berthas inforrearboo apply to
JNO..irriewdmyricue Astri.
vie is bold Liberty at. depot, pitestarg.. •
reo...wirrms. ArtizA see,
01CNTILAL RAILROAD . • 2.1,211111 a ”
Chi ad aftor MONDAY; :Noe: 261 .0014,7194,(11.1118-,,
?MIL TRAM loam tbo•Paralroor hear's/aloe
(except llolo)tilr..We inotooplagatollnalaritheosil:'
wavin toPhkadarphic at IMO -• , • • • •-•
Tag T 116011,111 WAWA ,Tit AIN Java dal oh L'2 l .•
x.,atotning My at prlpdal oi Mau, main; Moot
piano at Harristmrs ix Baltliskin, and arriving I A rihk.
&ions or nithoors at I.3:11. —•-•
IBS 118TLINtlamokoo sallow Play Okapi •
at WIG a. an mooncalf to 61noushar4Latro0oohabow , -
town/ WHIM., Gana; Aliaorok to, comialag ahirski•
rham . with bobo Meet la Baliforhoo‘ irrialog in Phip
IL. Jan towo .Aco-mroodatlon Tan (Oi,
crpt ermiay)st 8:00 r. otorntog all oil shalom row. -
01 ~
hot A ecommtalouou Trafir ha 80/phial'. Field lava
doily (.:root Elowday)*T OM "a: x • ,
Pitt /taproom Ma Tan Aran Creek M a n . daily
Moat Baia, at IMO A m
Mood AmommoiatiouTroia bt T Mho Croak Mao &Ay
I , VmPt , Hunan) at &h 0 e.
riw Aveommalation Train 4or Turtle Crook /mow iohlf •••.,
(racopt Bandy) at La
SAW min Trans aorta mParing& a illihn,4l•"'v, , ,
prom, I:lsi,an MU. MO P.m rah Lim thin.
karmiloodatio.o.likill Pia /Int Intik Croilitilorom •
aalation, tha a• Itradooek'a Field AccOLDmodatko.&lol ,
• to lima Tor II:Crook 414 Fommadation4t1037,1s4 SEIM
hausamodathic lUD r. x.
Tram too Sl.irarlW .od Indium .enact
toteractiou with Jobootoba Accopmahtioa • itam ail • •
Moll Taira Ron and Wait . .
Pltt•biugli A Coimihvali Troia stopping at all
op the Pittoimmt SCbriallaillotraM Imo daily . (I=
• la I jup *a ll. ) Itarron " lts Troia fr omPlitobanti' rrooloollt
&IL obi P. •
Ma hating poblia Will Mad k rally. tra harm;
ha 'gong bat or WM; to travel by no Panalmolo RM. .
mid, so thiamine:lodations 001 a grand moot 11•11111411116. *
od oo ipa) otha roar. The RoS4l.ballaidad dW atMO ..d:.. - .
le eattroly trwa from dns. W. can awake rfay.oomid sad
maim to all who My boor this' Rail with that patrok
PA RID • _ _
To Now York— .... —412 Sur 9 50
Phlladalpkhr....--. 10 Ou Immendoy—....—. $ . 04"
Banana enacted loan atallormon ti. Nam - ilallroal.
and to Palladelpida, Baltharas anthamt York. • •
eamemram ptuttmalag Motets la ma. pill Os abirak one
ball • conaPar ark nn additloo" took. Abadan Mem Motet _
from Matain •Leas Ma Company Imo no AaMM
2101 . 1011.—10 cam of kom Ma CoMpany will bola Mita';
uaY.ot noMmufble fir' pono va WIPP. OnlY. sad lot am
soma 1201 avamallas $1 ~ • ,
N. 4—an . omultale Llna bawl ,
to and Yampa* to and from the Dam at kat,*
not to ocoaa4 26 on mymm
for Tk.ketaapply to awaszaiseu
At the Y. Pmaar . mar Station, on lobarty and lima Ma • ,
Mni orris •
• BLACK GROUNo PAINTS. with 41 , ,
Also, Iris lrui Na,. 841* -
DE LA1KV,011 , 034:4141111i, -
C. 1.11.N80N LOVll,llllsalmi se:
*BD xnezmilia•—•,..
A isiortokimt, At •
• 110110111/11iLD 00.11; •
TT t) . 35• seeks Tennessee
, Old Nachos, Imm reeekod fad Par ask 47 , •
n , AA2lnesto.7-s—t bhst
rwss. nlwly. VAL! 4 rfOr
ewaeetC: s.
I 4411
. ,
01.01.11 a ANS /kW La, -at
DROLIJUS-3u bbl.. Rye Hour;
C1111:81d-10:0 0be414.
LOSTIOR—OiroI• rmp MU Dams,
itooos-3 Lbw /pub tormukkr • „ - •
deal - 1111/keoua at.
DitODUON-40 bu; ri ee Ctispee.;. '
80 Los CAW • Flogns
7O t.bla ok. Green Apples, . • „
• 1.0 - do 'Fro& P•eked Kw, •
I do Ream, 2O boa Rum gm%
C. 71, L.G.lMAll44l4Ll6siefirst.
50 3 1 inn'.r ec i a ~ a , rf 7 0 C:. :N. 0 4:
100 bat Chi** Ail 1110LABB13;;•A) aniiiia lAN A •"
in la kr ealalq • . . , WATT a intaon.• • -
&If ... • . ,...WAlaterty
ale. in prime ntdee"
ke saeb y
St • - • It'DALVILL 00.
QUO '•O . h N. 0. Sugar ' •
• 449 ' • • • ' 1101 IL JONI& 141 Wikbt
(113101NEY TOPEL-401 Otithk cbiscuoy,
14, Is3pkniutup*Me. ms,sl"l4
OLUBUTTICS-4 bbhp. Prime itoaltat,
Alko, wiu,iPtcay.trocb7 jAii •
dal - ' : •
D .
RI ' , l) - ,4l.entti-=.123.1xui priors briskf,-,
kw MIA ,m tooggetantiorrr
111.24 ' ' 111. Waive vall'S Prim' st•
'B a; :Mayaaact :44
tiojei.` ihnlicsad Coven's to , *Or
11/NAN, Asa. Deals Nesiniketiiiary'
Don • " •-• " craftier Weel•ad Thiel or:-
Ey suistpl F for ku .. l
alas ihnitptisa• -
TOUNQ 14 00. sa sad 40,16ilbseidat.'
• I
I ; i rt 4 :11;
. lona •, "
MOUSSICS.. - 5 bigs.,;tonlase cow:
AVIA ;111pimetp anlabir by _
uolg• ;,- ; IS,CIUNTEILDA Main& W.:-
0 ..ciaoss • mud!.
4 5
sal W. Kaatiolii.lialimetjir,,
l IVAGON, OREABIV--ilt.cantr,'
on BBL& TIE " L1N.4.10_ bbb k .
woo 4 50 .-" fOuo4.—e•Dgici ad, by v r.
- - - -
C 0 OAMISAirIiALIG W inter lil istdke
1 4, 4 c a. pow Oili Main Jllbiedilkis mit bit:
--- - -
- i.
41 . !;Mr..-611thrawarstaakitifil' li!oney,j,„x.
ptifteaderokarlist h
Nkiiilarlle q Ike
~~ t ~`;
~. ~ sue-,,