M r MORNWO 16: . - u. .7. 1..-.mik,". - ' - • Frotie,the Jiiidatiitr " - Nit'iiele'et'llid 0- . login 41 1 +1 seecdotl. .astute , haiirsacatimatic,l , The painter had a most feeling heart, and strong rapathy.withrmleketrast Theitore find ag shown a letter -frees a alien and • . ! .110113fectutraug back on Marty to the , tteii4er IV _ send the, poor supplicant a Aire , • ; lixigh was very secossaftii at reparfals. Ile Once. examined as a wanes' on atrial _ —•- ' the originality of a Picture, • when's' con . eudeavored-to•puralo him by saying,...! observe. ton lay great stress on it printerfseps—.• what ; do you- mean by, that expression fr.; !'A, .: ,paidle!le,f mje - seineeted Gidekorinigh„ - sis to aim whttya liiiyit's tongue to to yam": - Money slid Mires' were alike beitoWed in codiddrietely. ratchet relates Olathe-present . ed twenty drawings tweet, linly, 'who 'waste Isimrtitof• their valet; that' abepaitted theta' tta' thew liar her' dressiest room; iiiidgre COI: liamlligh the Day at the stile tot . playiligra solo bfiihe 'titan. Although Paseli's talents were highly appre ciatedit, Italy. kenever obtained a diploma , or other nor,•traussnyanadenty; is &sd; the re fines:lt overtures made to him on the subject; for he emesideced the institution of-amtdemies to be "syniptoms- of art in distress." -' -In hilt - temper Faseli was irritable and via , lent, Mit appmeed man' . instant..' rn his per son' arisall with a face of independent; unregate • -, mneh4he *ranter Or. a lion.. Hayden heard he w handwrite when' ybung, and with women (whealiatifiirlit their attention) no man could be inme, gentle. - IWsefs'n6ecuitilegisi, used bMit iri wh t : lB e l.l .4, Y i l ri b:l le. 'l f an almw d at ii rs is amt a :ln m : at i ter am7th o el f indiiMepce: to me whether it be in English, Framk Or Italian; Pknow each equally well; but If II; wish to expahe myself with power, it must be' in German. For the purpose of read ing Sdpp's Work on Insects, he gained late In life s Manpetent knowledge of Mitch; Indeed, • he had ii peculiar facility of acquiring languages. He !did Mr. Knowles that, with hie knowledge of general. grammar, and with his memory. six week Of hard study was sufficient time to ac quire ,imy language with which he was previous. ly acquelited. , Calling one morning upon Mr. Johnson, Fusel! found him bargaining with an author for the copyright of a book. When the gentleman Jeff, Kr Johnson said, "That Is Mr. Ket and — lils wbrir Is to be called the 'Elements of Useful - Knottedgel " 'ln bow many 'volumeet7-said - ; ,Fusel rin two ociavos,' , was the answer. "Neo, no, Jehisson," said he, "you-cannot be serious; . the ocean is not to be emptied with a tempoon." _ DLit:nursing with a lady upon sculpture, who was; however, too well read in the classics to be a sabject of his mischievous pleasantry, he pro tended to inform her of a tine baorehef which had Men received by the Royal Academy from Rome. , "What is the sabjeet ?" she asked. "Rector -and' Andromache," said be,"tishing out against a wall the tittle Astyanax's brains' "Pooh .! Why do you tell me such stuff r said She. ~.1..A.y I you may laugh," replied Fn sell, "mat it would go down with many a one. 1 have Often said-such things in company with out detection." • - • The ratudents were constantly amused with Faseli'a oddities Ile heard a violent altercation in the studio one day, and enquired the cause. "It icoely those fellows, the students, sir," said one of he porters. , Fellows l' exclaimed Fe seli; : ' 4 ,Lyrould havo you to know, sir, those felloWsl mey one, day become acamediciana." The paw increased.nlie opened _.the door and burst ia upon them, exclaiming, "Y on are a den of wild beasts," One of the offendera,,Mun. re b.* name, ' bowed and said, "And resell is our keeper)" , lie retired smiling, and muttering, 'The Mlows are growing witty." A stiident, he passed, held up his drawing, and, /mid 'con &oily, "liere, sir,l finished it without wing! a crumb of bre ad." "All the worse for your drawing," replied Fasell; "bay a twopenny lost, - and rub it out." When Blake, a painter infinitely more wild in conimption / then Fo..w.ii_himself, showed him one Oil his strange productions, he said, "Now - some iae has told you this is very fine." "Yel"i said .Blake, "the Virgin Mary appeared to coe,!and told me it was very fine; what can you say to that ?" ' , Bair exclaimed Fuseli, "why ;nothing—only ber ladyship has not an icomaeulac taste." I- =.l Tliel gov ernment is quietly removing cannon i .. from plum , . way in the South. The schooner Mor ison ties just arrived here. with some formidable ...__ dS philiiiiitini; taken from Richmond, Va., where they, werstlying for some time in rather a tempting enseser. There in a gun -factory at Richmond. Rife with minutes the very atmosphere. is, we think ibe Billowing as material to escite,aurpusee theca pal. It %given as a naval officer, now at the 'automat capital, wrote It i "The New - York %mem have taken great pains to pi,tve that, although the Macedonian and Brook lya, oteuml.war, draw too much water to cross the bar ar Charleston, they are not meant to go there, notWithetentioag their speedy equipment. The Sabinti, Powhauan anti St. Loula,now under orders to return from ihe Golf of Mexico to a cerutio Nott 'ern port, - also moire - more than thirteen leerr 1 the briny element to Boat Gent. Bat there co are herplaces which they can enter where-their li pettiest., maybe required. Near York is not for. gal here, teas tell yen, nor Mr. Schell% hint oboe the painted - - ban; nor a pout of Marshal RN% re that 50,000 men conUl ho mustered by Winid $t Co, to garrison it. The Folmar, too, hail Ince if tilted the Washington lineof-oattle. - ship, and a steam gua-boat or two relight still be -got o.'l if yOu think the. such things are not nom templates! you wrong limes the First." Lelia understood that the United States steam fsigat's Niagara, u soon as her services are no long er »tieing by oar fdkilster, will return to the .1%1- -tied i !Bata, =lee Commodore Stribling deems her detention to BM But .seciessary. SI% war In good condition at tut tideless. ' fists of- the emitters% alum% will moon take out -. te the Pacific ' amiroa some new machinery for the U. Si steam gu -boat Nargiutsott. It is preparing .14041 y-for be, under the superintendents of - Mr. Both% at I Brooklyn pant.- . Tke deism t that the Fulton_ bad sailed to ass • thelßtar of th Wist mate Into Charleston barber Is entirekr tow t. The Fulton is now at the Brook- Ilyniavy yard and could not Its put to order for see in Sq days. A ken-boat ;lag in Philadelphia, which might he peals oombindon at anon. _ . _ i . The Seamans in Staropc. The hope el a speedy recognition at the pro pond .Itostbern Coiledency, as ea Jodermadut natiuntlity; by say of the foreign powers, crews m 64 cad more 'hopeless as we receive later files of -eropeate junta's. The dflonbtad, the lead ing pewepaper of Sweden,and the organ of the , liberal arty , . orthat kiagdom ' end the Peelle ' 4111+tisdi, - the isoelli-fifece of the Swedish cow. sanative', both canto* leading articles on Awed eshi a ff airs lie the tone of these already republish , ed hot the F.sclisk sad Preach press. The' for ,. Met ljoansal.considere the attitude assumed by the . relityliou eereselonists of the South as "bat dee ., psiite straggle,of. a retrograde organisation, as op i kieetl to tee pretreat of political reform, and as ' anagoelstic tali spirit of the age as mg similar party le the . monarchles_of listoptan It wenn pretty 'widest that SWeden,_ whine monarch, Gee ' taus 111, wits the trot eovereica, after:Louis XVI, i y we formally recognised oar *appendages will not e the ant to welcome a slaveholdiag COnted - ars tiv a placivamoes the nations. ' - The Fadre 1 of Copenhagen, which bitterly attacked our Go)rionnant dung the illocution relative to the Soisiitiatt4 speaks is forms equity strut of the i s ~. , . Ift1111101111beall• ' Stillmore' mo ' forelblitam the pas Or 0010011 hi the ilforganbleut and other -• ..- . ''" of Cluistmait„ 'whose editors through the kW -emigration to thie country and the in that imagine which are published in - t on, are Mush better informed concern*/ political affair on this aide of the oceaa. They deetere that Eapope, which ha already sue hon. drdds of Moaned' ef .its most *dust:loss 1:111111•11:0 lernis itasherni,liatailitterest iii the unity of the er At to oka Gotreremeat beyond any commcial or Se C.ial inildentload. For a tiortkern'Repablie. - with the iiintadleeknailiempied Janie impart. the bii4 ect, /11 ieripilleitaselfdireatridiand:freedAtom illy cei onaritlithierttletif,slaventie,iiruguitat to roPesen;Mottlik sew bidece.an ilasigretioe. compared to. which all priniear tlik*itlok , would swim taiitafaist. - 4-Trais . . ~. I Victim of ltersttiMMagesamittelmia. - Mr. who - former- Ir NM" York; bet who :Metered about , n Aar rp - to Wilmiestou g :N:V.,' to work a ibint o ll o4o . be - ItM Wide, Called at oar pike:: limit, terday,l•nd related the following iirciresetmacee t - A bbert data mince, -beMuthrowa out of.employ.. mist by, NM great, etigsatMn of boeiaan, he welt- to ,Williameburgi the hope of , Obtalnork work there. A.Jetrdoe sker.llll•awlyal:'While a.bar-rtemt, MwittakiiV whether he comidered Maim property, 'to ibbleV.litturry. be-roplied, that tbtg wtreL4wfittly held to labor or service, bat be did pot consider them property in the same sense :trutimi miss/waste °Nem*. - TM, remark gave t to' hie,. andumee. - Ile was arrested, ase,coldiefhaf jell for two diyu, after which he wig relemedics. d taken before • soil of semi-of. #triininal. --Many Amato' weer made 'that he Id be tarred' mot leathered, 'etc., bet it was finally decided that he should be sent to the North after co, Application to the side of his lace sad temples. or. some powerful preparation, which canted considerable pain, and left - heavy mutt, which are milt !risible,' riot only '''ol.„notaw, bet of made * angled icatiok, which is of a black color. TO estot Ityclunan, and his cloOrMg, helwis obliged to leave behind, in Ine harried and enfoyeed departure.--Phile. f'rear, Ate. 11. ; Waal Paper WMMIIMMIMM- - VEALTER -P. BaliStfAM — hipOrtir "d lirmaddirmgmtdess Panto Ozood sad mord prime adylebuld lid la •Moodirommodet mut two cac ao" of, P 1.91111 /4111(1.11011,Artak, Hsi* Wag +mom dad damdborm '-41MN-MDIM ild&mligridt misty at Imdidtp_idm,l to amok, 4101, WALMVIUW. ,s - ' . S Prefei Glee _ Spahlinwts - YreFmt -tineJ 13AVEI TAO Pl'"-El3l ECONOMY igirt 4eitiot/..tc4LL 42pg. dem b toatt.ropilat,o . : it . " R? " , trey dedrailo to hive MATO allio 11.13 d e,po •oitient way hr rip . a' bin; Iturolbsak Toy; Otodiary, obi Spalding's Preitarsd.Glue boutatiitd.usi stton to tit without it It ts'saways is; plot. Thew is uu.Soseer 'is:tilutaity: Mt - 114 atsir". Wistorof gasiklan sad : It Ie Jun the ankle fat , isolts, um! oat amstuitutsa wort, se popular with lidlea refluitmatit en inn, admirable preparation *used mid; tiring ottani -vartiektiln Animus, mod pawing ill the vanish leaden of the be* 04100W:oar"' Glua ft nisi • * nerd fu Me ptaire 'or Ordinary mucilage, being vmM ' 1 A 94811717E IN /19131T,HOUSIL" . .. ,li. liL—A Btu& illooo44oillllelei bet.. Psice, , 95 Cents. stmt, Jew Y Wholesale Depot, No. Idrer— HENRY C. 4PALDEVO.d co Has Ea SAK Ninr Yankic • Pot ap for Diems Ii Our gootalatog Your. awl Twain, Dotes, a brwatital Lithographic' iihow-Clar , sorompanying eash paaltags ier — A stogie bottle or APALI:ii:DIGS PRXPARS , BLUR will oars kw times Its east saaasly to or . I toistreboll Sold by en prominent Stationers, Drugglida, Hardly and Parana!, Dann, enters. slut Fang Storrs. . Country marchanta Should make • ant* of SPAL INS'S PEILFATLYD , GLUE, when making up their It will nand my clinntix Spalding's Prepared Glue, USEFUL IN SVEILY BOOS& SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, . - BOLD BY ISTATIONF.RS SPAWINGI3 PRHP&ILICD GLIM I=l I=l b ,, Lp Wr HARDWARE DEALERS., iI'ALDIN9'tI PILEPARED OLLIV, EOLD KY 11008E•YETRINISHING BTORE3 SP&I.DINCPB PREPA2I3I3 GLU; IMEIMEE=9 I=l it% ...I* - 1 . 1:)* >irr.~•n,tvi,,,Fsecpi Man .zfs• H: Y C. SPALOING & CO. 1=! =I El= A nermed 1, nn Alphnhetlenitl.lot of A 'Helen ethleh. If dnnomed, oozy be i t.tnredl thole ofrength nod .nnefolnean be SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE A __Meads ACCOUNT BOOKS II ... 1.1.1 OM:KAI:8 It ....MariJa CUAULLS 0 —.Mem!, D 01.114 • I.: ....Mond. speosEss . _Mends FANS • '[owls GUITAUS • Ven• HARPS. I la ....mom:. INLAID:WoIfs J JARS Ft ....Mends KNOBS. 1 LEATOSMAiIMik M ~.Mends AORRON,FRAMES N .... YOSMS... 0 ....Mamas OTTOMANS ...:MnoSi • - • • PIA'S'O.FORTES QUILT-FRAMK.S..... Mend , . ROCKING-HOESkS S __Mends SOFAS T ....Moods TABLES U....M[414A GMSEELLA.-STICES ....!SeaIeVASES • W.... Mend. NV oak-goaks W x...-Mend. XTLOGEADIIIO.IFORK V ....Mend. VALD.XTICKS Z .....1.199t4 ZEPHYR WODD.IVODk.I coo9I94Ion,EIPALDINOII PEZPiRIiD GLUE Is 9.491 In 1.11.9621643n1 &boob. 1..6 —Mends 6051/151 B 1 11..P..1116969 PITI.3IIEP9 I' 9 11..4...1669.19 612:9 , R DE0199 Mende LETTER SEALING 5..14..11694s DAGUERREOTYPE 0.26195.. D..,. 5 6..1 ..91 . 9969 151A0.1. .. N.. limb NEW -BREAKAGES 9..11.. Meade OUN•IITOCES 9..6 ..Mande SCHOOL•DOOKS .... 19 .1"..1,16956 PARAS.III.B 11 ..11..Mroda RULERS 15.. E. lien& ELEMIDCAL 51/iC11116115... I.`llE-11ANGL1106 14 —A —Mend! A1111 , 4:11A1112 15..11..116106 DICEY:TY Frir..wrilitz 16..11..111eui1a 5:11:199:11.11,1NDLtZ E.... 16 11..5199916 Dt.ES D..:.11 16..0—Mends 0 LOBES . 19. 1...1169.19 1.00111.1EF.D•1.11.5.VE11 29..0 .Mood 9 uricouirirn FURNITURE-81....2u 21..11 Wends Kan-Et:ATER% E .111 7.2 ... .7.1884...e4/11.N•IVOILK , 26 Mewls I'IIV.S9.I:IOARI/5 44 - 814821. PIDDLES - 24 25 515855 HIIELI,WOI7K 15 24 4 ... Mend. rlLLl7l , wnnic 96 27 , Mewls iforniv.imitein 21 115 81end* 1781,5:1060301759119 . 29 29 . ' M 4•045 mosltr-sortes n so .. ~.. Mend. PICTURE PRA7411.75 85 al Mends SIS.(7I:ETARIMS M 32 Vend. 69.1711E1717171 82 53..,...8165.14 Se110(.11; PI7I:NITURIC 89 04-1..4...Mrnds PA Iwll4ll-MACIIP Et 55. ...Mantis W.l.l2llBouts es 36..1...150451. PARIAN MARBLE n 67 M... 4, 41711.4.1 87 6 , Mena& n.ARS.4IITMPY.E.9 89 89 blends I ViniT-777/4K • as 16 Meuds SlATcti.sA FES 40 41 • Mends P1MP1145.1 41 42 5180412.21:11.1.4AV11EP.L5 49 $1 Mend, T1.1A•E1.4:441)(t4.... 41 (4 .... Afroda WASII STANT.L9 44 15 Mena, 1:7:1)5T4Lt179 42 P 6,. 4 708242 1/1111215 '4O 17 88e04, tw111749211777 47 25. . Mundl It At.t.,,T.13,...xv.g .43 to. :.. Mend. i6:11(661:11.)M9 .: .. . ,„ ... . .49 24 . .21,0.12 21,111:642 A 51212(2 IP , 5 P.PS . ....d1 0•..• :14 ,I , 1:.•A 6.3 7 I - •• .1.1,14,41A1:1,4. . . 70 ..: M. 4. It l'S. )101,4 . . . . !et NI ... 811.2415 141 , .T A (((.68 .. . 5i ..4 . .61,4.1. 411.1.1 Al:l).epp_2l . . . ..., . 5: r. . ..A.,...i. 6)1.212.4•46248 . r -- 26, 5;... V I. 60.. 5 .21511. •17:i .. . . . ... 57 , 5•:... 21 .... .1. 801111211891:2 , . . 6 1 ...., , :At '5. Iv . 89.c1:1111.9 ... : • 21..n.t‘ nni "Sll.ll A N 7.1.1401 . ...... .. .0, 81 . 24.402 01:P91114.1 ... . .. .. . .461 62 .11..,..11. , A ItIN KW . et r.. .• 514216 011121:85 .. 60 6 t 514.44.04,4182(36 , 218 PS - Gr M. 24144 CU1P74.31F.44 es C. W. ....,. 214•2404 (371110411175 66 M. ~ 51 4 .6444 (171:TAIN5 747 62, . - , ..Me84141 0491C7(15 . -. . . G. , (4 , ...1%.1..1." PA 01171.:9 69 ..91.649 CAAI 2655 72 7) .• ... Moods .11141174 4.71 V' . : 814.242 CIIMIT2I 72 70...4 ...10642 ( a 4 M D t.O INAB-K 1: 134h ES .... 73 .74„. Menai C A RD-(614(214 8 I/ 11. -_.. 514•2412 CHESTS 72 76 , .. M 05.1. 01A It M. 71 IL . , ../Irrlds Ur ORK.IiTANDB t 17 1,: .... .. Mewl! II LA 17811T,80A RDB l Ts 79.. - . 840512 17191194 ' 19 9'. . .11.•5412 DIVAN'S 20 El • .4.21..0.1. DICE-BOXES 81 92. ~ . Nielids 1)0088 ' .. 97 94 ..•.. Mends DOMINOES .011 54.. {..5140.415 PI RKBOA LDS —4 59 .. ~ .. Mead. PLUTES • • ' M 50 ' Mend. BA L LUSTER!' 66 M ' Mond. 01.9.8843817.1 S .. 87 - 42 Mends II A NDLII3 ' 58 59 ' Mends 0 VITA•PERCIIA-W4117E 99 " 99 91...4..Mends TOPS 91 • 94,4. i ..510204 ORLI ANB • 199 93 . Mends MODELS • ' 19 -as • M.. ' )4.. .119.1. SEWINO-MACHL E ITE BTABDB 91 fili ...95 PANLS -, .90 ' Mends PASTEBOARD-WORK ' 96 97...,.. Mends PATTERNS' 97 -M... _..Mends SIDILBOARDS StS 99 ' Mends WOODEN-WARE 99 len: Mends WILLOW•WARE ,199 Spalding's Prepared Gino, =I APALDIMM 'PRBPABED OLD It, BOLD DT ,DHIJOGIBTB. suumurs ruipsuico °LOS, SOLD BY °ROOD/S. PitkrallED ()MIL snl.ll.Br'llAltllWA.llll STORKS SPZILDIXOIS PRISPARFAI 01.11 F,, 'fOrS , UT iIOthit4IJIMIISIIINO.ISTORE 4I•M.DINGS PIIEPAUEI) UL9K ..);!}91.11 . 111( .1,ANIIT:0OODS . . SI . AI.IIING:IS f rIZEI'AIIEI) KM Kit thyyt4trib..l by ELNRY O. SPALDING &Co.! i iffoglhor Ntreors Saw York: lOirmii-POSZOVION, BOX NO. 5,0%, i,. ‘igeopidesiqg .- .. , : • : , :,-. ~ l'•; we i f . 3 . ,. ..• ' ....:.''.'' ', O: _...__ a lliiiiaMV4%lW4ol . , Iforx.laisT,Sc) l ,llepta , 10110atagba.4. ceinfivtabi .twimitorpAt JUAilittalL I.WZI.INA.cotEIVAILIithicOMIEt in g oud order, h o 'NAT.?* lAtik . g . ,!, It/Cl:then! Er, ! Milt .14. ktii Ilia. LE.I.SF t .--.,...Lbevery Ji: • rOl.ll/.1ta::1.6.11 16 MIMI' on. foui..k. kr bight o thit4 . kin %,th 'W ba.or In • rt oat offoroa , In:. baildlog .044.4 Ly stars***.*Deeklirar*l pp y to . nitoroOtWEE. lUtOtt ItENTIM LiCAStiednitibita,; - "EN) ItliAlDiiNclS to Cat 2Louthip, adahitok22l.l me ot .-11 , 4111aEl II 42/G•llidci4 1.1.40 k Too Eaollor woo*, road? 01,144E1062 ohlh cho Or/ver AtLor, MAU**, 1n lanutre *AL,. • , I Jail 11,07, trtir,ll,sl)l,2di Lit evil EL '.SPATCEII, 'PO Lia-, N sup.s-,E.0054 No. 52 etAr Leal, .:41144 Ewa...a by 314164.0 ti • do* $00.42 ssl OS St. Vialt AN ORB , Hoo.n 11 46 'with' nil; bb lull, Met ink ikeond If . lboire or • - JetYter • , • • Clit 18% 0.63 dt.. Chit fDUBLIC'SALE.—Notidki is 'hereby . giviii! 1. to ill 414112'1 . 1 . 1p, osw,rs,ss.i Viso' sea fur inatagai at lay inaldadta;li tot orbwand Hama Iron, cue large 'flataarsa &.. ad Ban YLDAY, Jaal 19111, at 2 tteloala p.v. Tor= cash, par funds. , . Dames* B,roat , so. , Jalatlad , liALt ESAVICKLEY BURUUtiliti The, undeselyeed. Admhaistretarkt the Wats of ' 3 a 5183.444..A.i. or Vg• wzoorm.i. is .«.0. Eve ickley, containing Iti , get two WlN. eku, • Kon Which It iietteJ f goon leo Mori Utlck Hokum of rem rennin It finitely fractured, Wit, beet cut of din borough, end nonviolent to the Rallnietlifailus. • • ! J. w.-1. W UltK Attorney et Lew.. ; pmw 1111 11)tin bt,.PlUiratiteh, j E. SA.L.E..--Oncf of tilark'oTolti ' Alliwebuttllls. complete eeee* hl very haw he the sae:Mere. • U9115,ti AN4flto No. LU &coed al. I- Xi ICL ------7 ivy ionclrloo re.pect, will b. 0.% Oh SALE—A fine large Home want of me. , lIITOUCKNOS. 4'olllll6ltY k OiESE JUL. tor Ws r. af.l9 CELLAR q RENT.—A target:Bllkt under eer Werra OW*, eattable for the 'tome of Ale, Hegel delseets, ere. • ' ILL be reotad•love. J. S. LIGO t't 0.), 001 • 76 Water arid 92 Yroot at- FOR RENT—Tho half of ,STORE, No. 81) Water and e. lhocit dresta, now Pectlyk4 by the yob: vegibers. In a Alealriable bxstiott Of Grocery no Produoi btulboo. P lun Ipamodiattly. ItOIX4ERIrt DILVORTII, tex No. 80 Watailtld Praia Wag. rowA FAAKINu LANll.—The eubamilx • L en of it for role LID favorable tom, eh lioralsod arra? Moira band; eiroated to Wright mid iißocta cornallcs, yllacent to lII* of Railroad@ turttlif 'coarse or corkatruel Ma, auELOps tract only taro ultra front Warily aut. The above will po sad toy far .ciaah,or tactial/goll 10 Orming,luads Ws or adlobArtgoonotlaa. 0020 ' IkIcHANE S‘ANJ6,Ii, 114 Socoutl 12 1 OR SA LTsplendiO Residence, 17 with 1.144,64 dteroonArYruftriinesitd Rbstb-sor wq,.Lin.ws mibia two noloutse,Welli of the WAntluni barn.Rallroad fitstton. The booee !bores and dabbed 1, ,w4orn sty* orpsont oconpind hi Moms Thompson..., WIU b 0.14 on stsionsbis ten.. Apply to W. A. ANDREA.OII, dailsallartfl 4a Darann'5t1".4 1 ......... ISIF , 4 Qr.., _ Scrofula, or King's is 'a comitittitiolini disease, a thrruptionOf the! blow!, by which this fluid becomesvitiated.j weak, and poor. Being in the circulation,lti pervades the whole body, and may burst out! in disease on any part of IL No aa an. is frost from its attacks, nor is there OW which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variotudyi caused by mercurial disease, low living, ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filthi and filthy habits, the dapreering vices, nrid,l above all, by the venereal infection. What-, ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con.! stitution, descending:" from parents to children! unto the third and fourth geneWition ; " it seems to be the rod of Ifim who says, .• will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence brdepositinn from thci blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, Beer, and internal orpm, is termed , tubercles; in the glands, swelire ; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. Thin foul cor.i ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constituj lions not only suffer from scrofulous com; plaints, but they hare far lets pon-er to with 4 stand the attacks of other diaereses; come qurntly va-t numbeni pmielt by disorder; which, althouh not scrofulous in their nature} are still ren dered fatal by this taint in the system. Molt of the consumption which desa. mama the human family has Its origin directly in; : thie scrofulous contamination; and many destructiv'e diseases of the liver, kidneys, brairq and, indeed, Of all the orgartA, mi-a from at are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous t their persons are invaded by this lurking in tertian, and their health is undermined by iti 'fu cleanse it from the system eve must renovate the blood. by an alterative medicine, and in; vigorato it by healthy food and exec ire; Such a medicine we supply in Compound Extratt of Sarsaparilla', the most effectual remedy which the Medical skill of our times can devise for this every:. where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedilds that have lain discovered for the expurgation of this fold di order from the blood, and , the rescue of die systeni from its destructiie consequence,. Bence it tibtiuld be employed for the curt of not only- Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as SatrrivX and SKIN DISEASES. Sr. .iiirriuncr's FIE 4. ROSE. Or EHTISIPEIJOI, PUIPLE.I, PI:STET-LE BtormitEs, Betas and Bona, Timmas, Term* and SALT Rtlet c, SCALD HEAD, 111NOWOH4. RIIEDUATDS)2. Stristranc and MEHrIatIAL the roars, Dnotsr. DYSPEPSIA, DESOLITT. any, indeed, ALL CoMPLAINTS AMAIN° raou VlTti• TED OR iiirene BLOOD. 'IIIC popular belief in "impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Siumapii rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. • • Ayer's Cathartic Pills FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF ',A FAMILY PHYSIC, are Co composed that disease within the range of. their action can rarely Nrithstfind or evade their.. Their penetrating properties tench and els**, and invigorate every portion of the human ergsp ram, correcting its diaease.diretion, and restoring its healthy vitaliries. As a consequence of these properties, th e Invalid who 4 bowed down with pain or phlysieal debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once no simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but alto many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below namedls pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and dirt, Lions for their use in the following . complaints Costa's:mess,. heart! urn, Ilentletahe arising frem disordered Stortaele, Nelsen,! Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of theßotoels, noadenht, Lou of Appetite, Jataidiev,l and other kindied compinints,arising from a hirs state of the tardy or obstruction of na functionn. • Ayer's Cherry, Pectoral, Pus Tog RAPID tl/112 OP 1 Coughs, Colds, t Intittenen, lloarsonets, Ctoup, Bronchitis, Incipient Conan:tip. - eon, and for the relief' of constniiptive Patients in advaneeti stages of ' the disease: t So wide is the field of its uirefulness and so nu merous are, the eases of cures, that alMost every section of smeary Abounds in persons MM. Hely known, who have been festered fromelarm ing and even desperate diseases of the lenge by its use. Whan;once tried, its stmeriority over every other medicine of ate kind is uk, apparent to escape observation, and when? its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary Organs that are readmit to our elibiate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the communityhare failed and been discarded, this has gained ; have by every trial, conferred bene fits as the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numereue and too remarkable so be forgotten. PEZPAntit DY DR. 4. C. AYER dr. COE, 'LOWELL, .TABS. 1. A rAinarrooe • co; pftelanne, nw ow.ni A fray coelfglydt*S PITTABOLOH itOgitULTIJKAL VORKI, Nog. 49 wed Al Veer, PITTPBUROII,! PA. W ILLIAMC _ma rutiATint, WOULD call the attention - of f?Aaliltef, • Iklaretalr, end others, co the eeldirated Telegraph Hay, Straw Mid Fodder Cutter, of width be la now maanketarlsai • lap mcaws, of vab one alma, Portland and Power. Also, Stir Own Sliellere, althea familia/a:Slagle, toe- liana or Power. Improved Ohio Mower and Reaper, • florae Powers anehreehere. .1 . ; Dog.Powere, most ImProved PatterVnj Ingeraoll's flay Proem, AND: jr 111AAARIcd7LPUliaL ACUINISC waolia•11 . »W A - Fut torthaj lolurentioe• atdree••• gam.. . 4•211.1•1` SUN DRI,EI • 00 pr • Ira tsVia.4l•ll . 66.1210i0n ' GOO , PloldiASon.ll4lnom 202 o t - eSed brood. 1 1 1d12A, 1:42111A(222.40,,... 2A 2AAA•2Jerr • ' 100 Wzausicrud LosadiToboccog 160 00 1 17 Wai I atm 1172oollett Mock Tsar ' 60 t team do " 00 bozeOlLoAq * ow, ' • 20 • Aaron 1104 A ' , d Olson • do , . • = ; • - 20 • 10100Ogg;, : _ "50011.11. NM% 1AA1ar01td1WiA012....1•24 1 . 2 .. 87CLL.-47.1-A4XL R701.1T-lIRPKTER'—;_, 2 bl4l.'prinie . Roll !pa tK ro:Ormitof 14111'00 for wile by j•Y_ 7 - ---11111M6Yil.OXMLifith. Ni 0 F Ala AJC , b. Or I °o'!4 Pffilig PR AYER'S 1717 ISt • • - ... - r '.1.' , ..1 f 7, anaprottirm. i -,-,- 7,1 - • 1 - • ..- _,, ,---.4-- - ..1.......,-.4....4..1..,1 BOYD Alfli-klialißOD OIL! • All B.SIT I ' D:At - Manufacturer and i - • ..,!*•.--, I_,ISII6EIM Q1.1.,...1;AY AND &ULM); .! t . ~.11.L,L..,9 ,' , r '.! 7 '• -- nizei' Mt ,. Oo If riks , o44e , brkii - oldrcast 9 th, gar.ter -Hr. i Wm B.,,ript, Wo.I ojnet, soil Mew.. lulu Vivid kGo . I . Libel f.,7 el.. iirtlerifvr Mao.% Dawes of PI/aft:ail) kW/ ' ' SALI I.ft aelliNoi p 1.., u-111 :pal. proiop..ttcsitfon 4 tau 4..fint I r. ruktrriait . may. Cor . suir luta o'rrztra:Stiefols, • • .... litre Oily Water Wurks, •• • • . .0.• , • • •P Tgli•AU-liR 0.••.P.4.,, MAN FAUT REIIS OF t NTUS II ANL aII glit P1111.1: 13 ROl7 D PATNNT 0f5011.1,A2.• V/Ild .lENO itall S CI DR lir AWV al .11 aims . and tirant)l*. ,• . - naming putvt , itacidnety of tarp ritinicity and of tic :bast quality, eta Arnim:flared to 11 lintry . Jobblog.„ and w ile-It work to tb4ltoo, trualltig that ny'vrontptuota and dot ebarnetsr crone wok, to merit robin, vattnaaga. We to witoapacial•• attention to tale ItALANOIin VALVE Onoll, LATLYG Atillittitt.4, as combining wlrm,toaa inetatufOr• coattail:ln:lln tblo clan of Enginin Rb noobo ?cower and awl 111 A, To Lt. Janlyd ' • ' CAKTWKIGHT a NOVOIG, VIA A aid poilors of ,u.L Pocket sod TableTatiorj, Bucglcal sua Deucal ID, 4traments;thisu, Phitots;llobtog Tactic. to., No. bb Wood Stroit• nay sly ovockl atioarloo to the mintifite , rig of Tatum* gopportore.lo. , JaLt.ing and It.p•tog *1 • paw. 4:milli and doppr4h,, • ap • tin= WILLCIA-111 BARU MILL £ c0.,1 01 Penn et" below .51arbury, Pitubarg QTRAM BOILER MAK ERS AND g „ NJ Iron Workers, Ti td•olSctoren of Llarubtln tworribibly ned raid Oyltudor Vtiskhes, vino Ifori,lteent Piper, Coodenacne, /kw Punk haul - ow* Lifn Bost% otc. BM smt 'whet Imo. don. nt Lb. am. AU or.lerr emu • •11.1...0re promptly saw ” 1.22 iiitoTtciatk I.IULLA It 5/C1.'151(13 UA 511 C No, a Fourth Street 011 A R II NI, IN 156 b. II PEN DAILY FROM 9 TO 2 O'cLOCK, 1,./ ahooe Wedn.4.lmy and Mann:ay evening., Yr= hley ern to Henault*, eret, froie Y to Y ohltock, and (root Not a Wan [lnn to if el tint, bun to 8 delusk. Depults received of all tuna net lan than , one Dottat end a dividend of the prate declared take a year,ls ism awl Dectoular. tuteriat hes beets ;federal sotalesal atonly, In toot end Deutailner, Aston the ll auk was organ and, at the ran; of Az pox cent. a you. . Uttered., If cnt St - ann.:a, b platnl to Itm credit oh the de Netter prlaelpal t aud beenthg astuelatentat front thefireS tepee( June and Ltroettibefotoonk•endlng tatot• par with out troubling the &Tontor to osil or even no inreent hb poi book. At this rate, motley ertll dould. it; leme Ihao 17 'Yearn, making I. the *meanie Wane =c.o.s. nu" pest seat eau. • Pooh. contahlrog the Muter, By• Lawn, end Eder Winne (.misted grain, en spnikstfonst the aka. AV...U.01-6 WO SOB At...asst. AA= /.1 Atiocuterg.. AlessA.lo.l - lames Ilerd A. M?kelt, P.?. Pe Willie. B. LAvoloy, WIIIIAPH J. MANI.. Jtatei m, D. ttelley, ite 9111 Burgwin, cps, Jd 90. lia,L.tb.n, • John P. CAutt.l4, Illoaso A. Caur.w. - I Dsvid .I , lla P..eaf tare. Chutes WtII a. Dwillks : I .1•Al gran.. • Pravda alp , tabovat,r,S Job, liolote Williams O. klArtti. I Pets IL tlookrr. AccirAlry. and Trotrv