The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, January 15, 1861, Image 3

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oplgazAzt rjras..op ras orrr.
TU -1116851N0, f. JAN: 15, 1861
!G717 . 7 . AFFAIRS
Illsesoeoceetcei.-Obeeevattosa foe the adt.ael, by
O. B. Shaw, Opthhui, 28 Illfth
, • k nays. ye mum
'Week, a. 09 • 30
Of 22
a - '
Beiseieter— ....j,
. . .
. .
!or the r ereek peekoOdloilinlify 1888,1661
l icum:
1.03 401,990 1 90,821
1,68606 269.957 164,73(
800,67 216,869 • 66,611
760,13 126,308 13;931
763;37 106,206 61,581
704111 163,916 68,371
8111969 / - 137,112 31,021
14 kJ& 44
Atealiais ..'.
irolt Cliv 4.
i 5,......
• ,164j4823,400,362 4116,0195
. 36 4:1361,158.392 512,961
29, 2 / 3
tie h. 4 ._
IL 't
°Mun iiiittt e
315,601 645,096 88,056
754,260 307,693 60,227
295,640 375,355 19,169
339,679 100,827 16,418
320,135 92,539 19,316
271,676 277,258 4,584
402,280 127,922 10,348
~~ 1 ~.~
~~ 1..~.
! ;'• 2,609,056 1927290 208,148
2;609,008 1, , 891, , 9{7 217,108
Lut weak
501 .36,3431 ......
I ..... 8.960
Anuatistheark of the Allegheny Bible komety.
!, This evening the! hholvereary meeting of this So-
May:will be held; In the Pint Reformed Presby
terian .thurelt, (Bei John MOMlllae , pastor,) on
ileodesky street. I
• •
The Rev. J. B. Clerks!, of the United Presbyterian
-thumb, end the Rat. 'A. K. Ball, of the Baptiet
thank ant expeetiditd address the meeting.
Almost all the eningelkel denomination 7 of our
city ate represented in the 'management of
this Society: Their !moth is to explore all that part
of oarmuoty lying korth of the Allegheny and Ohio
riven, whit a view. to and where Wee are soy per
sona de them of Xbe Bible; to supply the want,
eking by gift or salm and to aid the Pennsylvania
BRIM' Satiety with their surplus funds.
Nifsßobeet Darla Benne, hie whole time to this
. work ender the dinteSion of an Executive Committee
of the Board of Haas/era' --
The Society will ;b4, greatly cheered io their labor/
by seeing al their matting who favor the
distribution among thepeople of the Holy Bible,
"thank nons.ay emithest, The engages commonee
at masa "'stook. I
The boreal* of Vopmu during the year was two
huodred and eine th - et, :
Volumes perebesed.., 152
71 •
ss ,-- donated-.1 ...... .... 71--294
The whole numbed of volumes now belonging to
the Library Is 3,676. i
The total mentherahiPln 1851/
New leuthers.: '
Total , 424
Of the above putter; ten bare removed, and
aormsty.firs are milled . delbttcent."
-,The'Llbrarlan esevinmends, es the beet means or.
Ininaaihig the membership, that the city be 0•11•13/.
ea by oenueltteen
The 'Mondani* at iho Library room has been very
gratifying, and the tremble of young man who spend
thole evecinp Omni has largely broneeed daring
OA jet , - I -
A Ns ad ditionsla been made to the Cabinet
of Murals, but Ude worthy of spinal mention.
The following eihibtts the number, of.volames
circulated' durieg tier past. twonears : Vole.
Year ending Janitary let, 1859 • I 785
SI , 1111 < i IS 1860 2,382
Increase over 1 „ 11159 597
Tier ondieg Jan ry Ist, 1881.... 4 052
leoruse over 18891 .. .........
This increase is attributed to the feet that of late'
all arm books are inirchased by the library as soon
as pablblred, end go ;directly into the hands of the
membenr... •
'As an lteuof no ineeseiderabla importance we
'may mention that and e Jess that forty-three news
papers and eighteelmigatiaea, from all parts of
the country, are Ave red apes rooms, sad kept en
as to be always lett Ile to the member..
Pro. tha report the Lecture' Con:mita - a vn
learn that Mae pablid lectures have been delivered
daring the year, and the foUrrwing . gentlemen have
premised to-leetere!e4der the aeerneee of the As
eociatioat John B.' CrUgh,'Jeneery 25th, and Hon.
Charles flemeer, ties not fixed. '
The repent of the Trianon, Mr.' G. J. Town.
egad, exhibits intranains of the Agmention
ring lb. ilia to bei $1,780 6.5, of which $1,270
were laid by meaning, and $405 by the Lecture
Committee. The eitiandilarn coma within a fin
dollars of the recent!, leaving a small baleen in
the nanny. , -
Altogathez eha. A/Minion is in a nourishing
coediting, but it neuld be made productive or
mach greater good W. oar young men would but
' prineviliinontentire - adentages it
The rayons ware geed' sad adopted, and the
following .eticiers were chosen for the ensuing
Presidevit,llon. Di Ritchie; Vico President, F.
R. Brasov Secretary; W. H. Kiircaid; Treasurer,
E. P. Dirliaitog; Directors, R. A. George; G. J.
Towamd, H. H. Collins, U. M. Alwand, J. R.
MeCant; Auditor., Chas, I. Wade. H. H. Kigg,
J. T. Dinnitigin. .
Pittaburgh and Iltuatenettle Bwroad-
Elena* of Directors.
The anneal meetiii of the-Stockholders of this
corporation was heldiyeatenlay, at the Company*"
cacti, Foirth meet. .
D. J. Resets was Chosen President, and 8. F.
Von Baseborn Seenniiry. „.
hue Jones , , President sr the 'Board, sob.
mined his I report, from which we leers thato,
bet little hu nine don* since the contract with thel
Wafters. Traesportalion Compaay. for finishingi
sad ripippleg the raid. Negotiations are needing,]
however, by which lit in expected that the'
Western Traesportitien Company will be able;
-to lease the lied" ot the tbartiers Val
ley and Ilempfind tirade, end Wes remove no
rettrOni difficaltie• in the way of the alt ea '. en ..
pletioi at the nark. j Many releases of land along
stee route hays beim riveted daring the put year,
and tbeprospects are meth mere encouraging Was
The Old board wee fe-elected, u follows ,
President. base Jones. Director,, N. Bolmr",
Wm. Phillip', Joshes Abode", R. F. Smyth, A. B.
Berger, Brows: W. S. Moorhead, J. Schou
; maker. .I . nose Agdgiosti.o, W. 8. Hann, A. 8.
ft iebe!soe, J. 8. Coggin/0., .
Seiteneee le the erhalnal Court.
.1 edge Metlersitasaad the following seateneat
yesterday : . [
cii•orga A. Briny, cOurieted of assault and bat;
tort' with latest to Cl/14E11k raps, motoacod to Um
Penitentiary for Area, 'tars and six months.
Patriots-, -Datto, 'enlisted of a similar offense;
throe pion and nit moistim.
Janus MeCaskei, alias ThomaildeCoNlareatty,
two yaws ud sir month' s.
Gawp Mika; adultery, oil month, Imprisonment
in the coldly j tn. and NO floe.
Wm. Zdandota. mina sad battery with intent
antlthis• months is tbe :Poulton
A. C. Craig. (e010n45 ittimptiag to pill MM.
mails money, one )crud three mortbe.
W. Pelham, for *Mini coantorreit money, one
yaw sad thine months:
. ,
A BUICK= lioniatroco.—Tbe angel of death
has laid 'a bury band upon the family of Mr.
ttamiel &filler, of Nor* Coventry towaship, Ches.
ter county. F oot of :b is children were carriedoff,
daring the month of Fmesmber,'with disbar*.
Mary filistbeth, spd 'ten years and tea months,
diga fts tie 4th .01 'Etheember.. When she wu
taken 111,a twin brother, Jacob, who was living
from home' was oiled to her bedside, Sad was
roused with the diarain4a Gm days after: .11e died
thie 27*. Oa the 2fttb,Samest, aged five Vas*,
died,and - arse buried Inlthe same grave with Jacob.
.Cla lb. afllb, Travills„, died, aged
isightsea . montbs. ' . •
&arose* Semi:in.—How ,Irircass.—Os
Saturday sight, a yodel was aimed Curling, be
begin I. the Oily } seal with aujialortusats acci
dent while driving a ;two horse sleigh ,along the
plash reed is the tielifity of Perrin(lle. One of
she home got a foot lidesaed between the pinky:
whew the uhaal dill :aid fractured thieliabcwhieh
completely'dleablid I The' oceaspeets 'of the
Weigh escaped, usleStred. The bone Wimp Si
S • H. Pattetsos. of city, sad' was worth
shoot $l4O. Th s lejery may not render it totally
ewlee jbetit wilt prohattly sever be dosed agate.
, . •
Mumma Wud. por.:—Os Saturday leaf, a 1230
sawed Joiutlrump, at ;Ptibleg_Oreek Vallayi was
- arraatedeleer Harrisburg en ulna of laving. about
fear yawl age aiusatthe ,daath. by idesugelatkni,
of the wife *Chia itotbail3atattel. Sarah Tromp.
Te luforwatiou vat eredetry,attotbar bratturr saw
omit. Trump. eproutathose oath the &beldam
wee comaitted fir *Jai it the mut Num Ia ap.
wan that finny dillawithil tad altereatiows led to
ewaapaeureof Smola with wididi OW prima.,
dumb ebarlilat,„ sudi. itutsateeeei, retwutly
• waived, an wane, ligaptat Mau
PAIDOR or Joint Dionc.c.......Tbie youtyr,com
convicted otemeolt ovelbettoty whit I. to kill
Cbriodzadtbieso *rim* of e lip! bier saloon
ot otteet;On /SOLO! . Jaly,lXl,
1888, received .a. , pooris. boa. Gov. Packer, oo
Wonky, aid .ou tololood from tea Pondordlory.
He was trinhilit'Oetober 1859, mod . vru eastenced
to udege ah inprioositast or two leers old As
Not Ter Itaenter , lpie bey whoa in sies-•
timid es Livia( si=lJ, dial at Wesel*, we.
/si=ssy, , 4lw=iiiii bail set loess Wiled tos"
liarbr lase.thisist Isis hi' a mate (as is sir
r ood) estistiktr!satintsresk. _like body 11 aWI
vim. aM.but hmbai will set =asset te bet
, ieteresei illetesis developed: ;Ibis
Ilait About ft liamuniaana,....A.Uolica Tab.
On Yosoi, sdllanwook a nit of a somewhat nand
alunwitiolniiimi.kriiia tea. Ablusai Donaldson.
by Dr.:. T. Gloodis, proprietor of the ^.Panorama
.the B 1610; which was lately exhibited in this
city, Dr. Goodie alleges that alb% the holidays he
leased the panorama CO Robert D. Clark, mathemat
ical lutrammit maker of this cky—Clark agroetng
to pay the inn of two handfed dollars for tho
paintings, at the rate of twenty-fire dollars per
month. In ease the contract was not fulfilled by
tiliak, he wai to &firer op the panorama, at any
thus, and lesoi whatnor he might haft paid upon
11. The doctor farther Wines that Clerk obtained
' pommies of, the panorama by representing that be
had property in Birmingham and la Booth Pitts-
Jbargh and that he woald he folly able to keep bit
The panorama pissed into Clark'm pomesion, and
wes removed to Wheeling, Ye.,where the new pro
prietor segued a hall, and a fter [arming • few.
dollar. In prieter's ink, awaited the result of his
speculation. Whether the Whaelinglise are deficient
in taste for the fine arts, or whether they regard
themeless suffiolently mead I" Biblical matters, we
ammo{ say, but the panorama .alled to bring in the
Quarters, and eras seised upon for some thirty dol
lars ledebtediess .for hall rat, etc: Under throe
okonsatanses,lolark returned to the oily, and ender
that clarm'ot thir contract which provided for the
dailvery o the pearorma to the original owner at
soy time, blamed Dr. Oooden that the "show" was
at .Wheelisg, end'ka could get poiseulon of It by
paying of the old some. , The doctor regarded this
as a rather cool proceeding, end Clark was forthwith
arrested upon-a chaste of refs. pretense.
The parties met at the Mamie% but they could
some to so satisfactory conclusion, and the cm was
held om fora few days, In hopes that the matter
may be amicably omega&
INotakiedi Dap by
1.70 t•a of blab.
- T
Court of Quarter Voodoo■
BoforsJudges McClure, Perks ►od Adame
• - -•
Mondeifdint„ 14.-,Com. vs. Robert Gillespie,
Charles Glibbest and Frank V. Bonner* indicted
for awash and battery, on oath of W. R. Nichol
son. The pectin. are all mere Ws, residing in
the First ward, this city. It appears that the
prosecutor, who works at a roach factory, on
Diamond alley, and board. at the Seetin Roue, in
the Diamond, while accompanying a young lady,
(who horde at, the fame housed trom the house
of *.friend in the Filet ward, on the evening oT the
Ith of November lut, was attacked, by a party of
tut a dozen' young lids, and • ly cot
and braised Goths head with come kind of miwiler.
The parties indicted, it was in evidence, were in
the crowd about the time of else asaault, but the
prosecutor could only identifj Cuthbert as having
muck him. The testimony disclosed that there bad
been some prenoos disturbance between the par
tite, in a club of which they Were member*. The
prosecutor testified that he thought he was mista
ken as to Boankfon assaulting him, and other wit.
uesseirstated that Ntcholson ran away whoa the
furs commenced. Mr. Selden, for Houston, and
afterward. Mr.l Collier, for Gillespie, salted that •
verdict •Itie immediately entered in Bonnafonta
case, (there being no evidence to implicate hum,)
fur toe purpose lot caroling him am • armee.. The I I
Court refused the application. On trial.
Motile' Court.
Jan 10--0-'
Jon/ 14.—Before Judge ileimpton
Samuel A. Woods vs. James 114 a .„ Action of
ejectment fur Ithe undivided
of •
tract of land centaining three and eight
acre.; known he the s. Liberty farm,” and located
on the Monotliela river, opposite' Lock No. 2.
There has already been a recibory of one
fourth of this land, by . ..tweet, and the present
action is for he rema Wig three-fourtha. The
land ts underlaid with coal, and very voluble.
On trim.
Brfor• Adv i l Winiaqu.--tielson Campbell vs
B. Lacock. A action )to recover $515,15, wan
Interest, beide We amt... of a judgment obtained'
by the plaihtiß tigaioat lalesars. Gentatager & Getty,
of Allegheny, tor the moult of winch it a alleged
Loud. become Isearaetne. The jury found a ver
dict for plaintiff If or $624 17.
.. V 6
Campbell Stewart braham Potiereon. The
klmotj of this case is aa follow*: The platatiff, a
resident of Allegheny, While walking along the
wharf in this oily, some! mouths 111111 CO, was struck
bye board which blew off • scalkolding erected by
the dsfendaet ceder the eaves of • warehouse on
Wateretreet. The accidenshappened as Sunday,
daring a high Wind. The plaiituff alleges care.
leenneee, end 'alibis damages at $l,OOO. The do.
'fend:tut claims that ordinary ears and caution were
-mad in thd erection of the maffild, sad that the
accident is attrihutablUto the extraordinary high
wind which presailed at the time. The cum wee
mill on intl at the hour of adjournmeut.
Young Mam; I. ll trarylAaatpolatiota---Antettal
alemaitag--ateporte, ere.
The sonata meeting of the Young Men's Mer
cantile Library Association was held but evening at
their rooms, on ! # north street—Hon. David Ritchie,
Peesident, in thel Chair,' and W. H. Kincaid, Strew
The annual 'snort of the Board of Directors was
read by the Preaidesit, Mr. Ritchie, in which he al
lude* to the large number of valueble book. now In
the Library, and halls ppeelal attention to the fact
that any person elan have access to all dude works
by paying the *Menu-nee of four dollars per anonm.
/13 feet, h. can Make dila choice collie:4ton of litera
ture hie own, so far as the free use of it is columned,
and ILL strange Rut every man of taste lo the city
doe. not promptly enrol his name upon the books
of the essoclatiole. It is still more strange that
many of the members hare neglected to pay their
tabeetiptions during the year.
The President elosee hls report by thanking those
gentlemen who have made donations_ of books to
the Library during the past year.
Mr. Kineald thin reed the report of the Libra
rian, tit E. Appleton, Eliq , front which we condones
as fulloire:
The Teachings of Pa%dote and BLatangen: or lie Tanaigaf
of the Rapabll4. blowy,. by la B. C 0.., [4.4
with • Portralthf 106=tdngton. Philadelphia: J. W.
Bradley, 48 N. Fourth: Wad, 1880. Agent, O. W.
Haut, vom 82,0 , rard nano, Pfttabgnill.
Mr. Chase, ofrilkeebarre, Pa, beethere given
the public • tier useful and seasonable boot
It is mainly a otimpilstlon from "reports of Da.
bates sad other reliable sources" of the epeeahes
of the "Pounders of the Republic," shoo/log
their opinion. 4 the question of Slavery, as
'expressed in the Congress of the Confederation
in convention to (form the Conetitutioa, sod in
the several State p00,..a10e to ratify the same .
It Is interesting and profitable to compare the
position. and clone of the past generation of
great men of the Southern States with those
of the Wises, and .Ranters, and Toombes, and
Devises, and Wigfials, who are now her 'sprit
'tentative men. .In this useful compilation of
Mr. Chase we hire not only the opinion. of
Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and a dotes
others of the Southern men -of those glorious
days of the past, but we have also the opinion.
of their Northern compatriots, 1111Blill00. Adams,
Pranklie, Ate , feet we have in compact
form a oomplete history of opinion on the subject
of Slavery as it his existed In the Milted Staten
"from the begfening even until now."
Amannaer Inattnasce Noreany.—The annual
election (or Mesetas' of this starling Institution, was
held as their ofilotaln the Bask Block, Ptah areas,
resterday. No chimp was made in the board, ex
cepting that John Irwin, jr., was ohosen Is place of
John A. Wilson, whose tumoral to Philadelphia lift
• eattency to be Allen. The_nsw board is aonstito.
tad as follows:
Duo Jona, C. O. Runty, Haney Cads, Capt.
R. C. Gray, John jr., B. L. Paboestook, Jain
D. lloCord, Capt. Adam Jacobs, R. B. Starling, Capt
W. Dams, R. L. McGrew, Robert H. Davis. .
CgARTIIIIS VALLST Itausumh.—The annual
Wee= for director, or the Chartism.' Valley /Rail
road Company, mu hold at that! Mhos in this ally
yesterday.. Vary Half interest mu manlisitad in
the result, and but few stockholders attended the
meeting. The following an the eamea of the Di
nsmore chasm
J. H. Moorhead, Jaaob Patntar, Iwo Jones,
John H. Enter; D. T. Morgan, Dante! Houston,
0011•1111110* or 1 1 1011111111.11 — AND ELDIIIL—A. large
litoasUon of minium and Odors of the Presbyta.
den Church will tow Um evening. in Dr.
Parton's church, Wood street, to consult in regard
to the state of religion. The exercises will be opal'.
ed by a iernion, and the convention will remain in
esszion dnring.Wedneeday and Thursday. It Is ex
pected that 1101110 two hundred nolohnero will be to
FATAL ACIODUTT IT Ft The other day
Steubenville, a child of Jobs McAdams, wee TIE. bed.
17 burned that It died a few boom afterwards. The
child mat eleven piers old and lona* from ita
birth. It ought fire while its panels were attend.
log the funeral of a neighbor. A. older Aster wu
also badly burned in eitloguishiog the flames.
Holniatt.—A few days am it child apparently
'boat two years old, was loured in the rear of ■
thumb at Altoona,' with Its throat cut. -A colored
girl, employed in the Altoona House, was arrested
au enspicion..of being the mother and murderer.
She cataloged her guilt and is now in prison
'awaiting her trial.
VONILIMIT LODOID—.1111:0011 MOOT% feoello7 01 ,
ristetio Antibes, apoo oeberge of laroeny, sod
the tuns who shot it Beim Riddle 'lino being sr
meta, had another diary prehowl against him yea.
wadi,. by B. G. Say, ariso &poses that tie mid Moore
Mott • pistol from him. A moomitaturat was lodged
bilnd. Taylor.
&mu Piing.* Courtier lase bee, awarded the om.
cial publicatwa of tin Letter Lists, is Germs., for
Allegheny . city Ore dace, the • pabliatiers or that
Mir 1 1 mM pr ors. to the-Postwialter that their
circulation wee larger than-. that of say Cancan
paper published io the district.
• flat , tivirortoaT.—Dt. 0. SUI, Ito. 246 Peon
knot. Attn.!' to all branabel of tho - Doutal prof.. -
_ , ,
PIPDOCTOR 0. BMW, W 11.111.1. Our Ltd Homo
path le Physistos; Woo twat for Rababoir's tetebtved
1)t Ritptua. No. 130 Baltbiald Bt.
ilyAta should not fail to rend the aden
omas's, Prem.& M raw% opt. t
, .
041.11171 =UMW bra krii of thy nut or les,
miabbeisrfiLlippay - seam too._
imire Boox-Rsuiro. "sad
immisseek bait* er g
global atir eirms4l
MIKA** Wheat ea If
~i .
Peweelad BillIt•Idellel m l—
essA e Mind IffsjimulY
Busisess cow quite 'drill, and thwe cone'
111111 1210ahatitee and laboars out of woploymeek
Wisps we hear nothing line pinching wait or War
*anon, Still there are stnialy feentlies. In Moe two
cities who need mai:au:My and • fund for Muir rO
- shOuld by all means he provided. TO view of
this end, w•oheerfully give Awe to the following
oorrvaWodenoe, hoping that the example of liberal
ity will be promptly falloff:od by other wewthy oar.
poratiobe : • -
1110111 0111 r Tansy Costrurv,
Pirrsetatow, Jan. 14, 1861. J
Dear Sir :—Enclosed you will please find mai&
sate of deposit of this bank; for $2OO, which: amount
I have peen it:strut:tad to place in your bands in be
half of this Institution, to be distributed se to your
Judgment may seem proper. to any worthy me
ehinion, laborers or others, now unfortunately out of
employment. Very respectfully,
The above liberal donation was aokuowledvd by
Mayor.W Ilan to the folloWing not.:
MAYOR'S 01 , 1102,
Pierian's:le, Jan., 14, 1801.
R. C , Frlearte, Esq.—Dior Sir:—Your kind &-
Cur of this date is received, ineloeing oartideate of
deposit from the Iron City Trust company for $2OO,
to redilas the necessities of Laxly v worthy meehantos,
laborers and others now unfortunately oar of em
ployment." Permit me, in • behalf of the parties to
whose telief It will be applied, and acknowledge
with grateful hearts this liberal canaille:Lion.
Most aspeetfolly,
0.011011 WILSON, Mayor.
Who will make the next conuibution to the Poor
Prior. HAMM:MI mt • fine turn-out .01 der
citizens in r. °seen Hall lest night, and the many
valuable gifts distributed at the close of the per
formance, made quite en interesting finals, which
mimed greatly to delight all parties. He gives
anntherentertainment to-night, when like valuable
gilts will be distributed, nod no doubt Concert
Hall will again be well filled.
Riscrion or errr f films re ALLRoutny.—
The. Council. of Allegheny will meet thee Matting,
in joint moon, for the purpose of electing a City
Treasurer, and other city olficen to carve for the
ensuing year. It is finely that moat of the old in
cumbent. will be retained, het there will be op .
portion enough to make the election interesting.
Aannuto tin Warr..--Satou el Piltßratney, r a id.
tag on Ann 'treed, Allegheny, was arrested lutist.-
day on complaint of hie rife, -hem he had com
pelled to flea from the honey with a reek child
an her arm.. no man leas very much In
toxicated, and was locked up natal his reason
wonld return.
MAN litmeino.—A German carpet weaver, nam
ed bummer, him( in Duquesne borough, has been
miming for several dap past, and it is leered that
he has cbmmitted suicide. He made an attempt
to hang himself it few weeks since on secant of
some domestic trouble.
FALAI Paaranae young man named
James C. Mind, said to be very re.peotably connect'.
ed, and eon of a merchant nodding In Philadelphia,
to now confined in our Jail upon a charge of obtaining
board by &lee prstenns, preferred by James Shannon.
ALticien B Aaacwrco —A Joting man
named Alim. Hall, wu lodged to jail, on Bundey,
be Justice Janocey, of Lawrenceville, charged on
oath of Bophis Whitfield, with having ourglari
may entered her bowie and stolen a lot al goods.
The artielos have not vet been recovered.
Oertcrle TO LITT.--officea on the ITOOLICI fluor of
Lyme New Building, Fifth meet, next to the poet
office, (the best location to the let also
two largo rooms to the 3d filor, and two on the
fourth door—all well lighted, end heated by steam.
Applj to Bunt & Miner.
AZILIIII J•coa•, a resident or Coiuviile, Mahoning
county, Ohio, aged tome •Ighty years, Nil through
st hatchway through his beta loft, • few days ago,
and roweled Injuries whiab terminated in his death.
about three boors after the atreldant.
Tea opening wawa of the Convention fur Pray
er will be presched lo the First Presbyterian church
thls evening, at 7 o'clock.
N.w BOORS, late Paper. and Maga:lnas cab al
aya L. bad at Haat a Ulnae&
The 11111114ary heard in the Ihrh.Treaetary,
ell. Longs.
The pretenses of el:military guard of forty soldiers,
and one officer cetomeediag, Iu the sub-treasury or
e.* Yeeteiday, wan the *VW* of attracting estswds
round the Cl:mom House all day, who manifeeted a
greet deal more curiosity and excitement than the
eircemetattea warranted. The Custom iJnon le the
property of the General GOTlMlttletli, and it has •
perfect right to occupy it with troops. True there
is no apparent neceesity for piecing a guard over the
sultr.trsuury, but when every boor brings tidings of
the INlnfille of government buildings and property by
traitors, to tto operation with whom an orgardeatio•
in this city is publi 4:y7 - pledged, is it any wood.n that
the military authorities should adopt some pre
caution eV. here? If they erred in thi • instance
they erred on the right lido, and are entitled to the
thinks rather titan the critleisms of the pubild...—&.
'LI. Dem.
FF/rßLOtin FOOD —Attention is called to
gbh, moat rinntikabie and sticialle preparatkel i advettlood
1. •acaber colon,. It Nan outlet!, nen disctreety, and
mot not be antiounded Lb. nacierons parent
midi, lard of De day, It id . certain renahly Ler all the
dierenmsperided, tad *nodally three of . chronto thaws
—ot long atatedfeih—ni theta, month., and Teen. &lifer.
ere, try DI
Mews Chita= Dotio iv, of New York, are tb* sole
U. kW' It, txti Priititl•Wies ot the worlil - renehoed
Dr. &wool lorearrme Otiootti. so article which *eery
Holger etieol4 herein too coolteloe eked to ear of bead;
rhotaltileg, u It dote, o paceoorle or opiate of aoy
Mod, It can borelled opal. with ;be ermine confldettoihand
will be kraal an loyal...tile epireille to ell caste of Wealth.
eocipiabite —O/ria Male .I,otroal.
otrorcleereeet. ?or tale by 680. FL amnia
Acerit.l4o Wood et. Potabenth. P.. delTalkortealf
log, tom 10 0111 111., by 0. W. SCHACK L/ITITRI JR,
at Ids, comer I►yl4 ons 4
Important to Families!
Save Time, Trouble, and Expense.
ro` l
one poind equal to !Slx. mauls
rw eau at warebaa, by
Penn'a. Salt Manufact'g. Co.
And by al Dramas a Gramm in in. United SUM&
Conservative Review,
32 131111(11AN WC., NIW YORE
A silkily coneervattve Knuth', Pobllcatloo,ooutehnon
el pave folk+. (km++biting of PoWoe!, notomeenlal sod
Warm /*Mae m+ all f oment eyeing Now Publioatieus
Dad Works of Art, together trab ■ Monthly Summary of
/minis end nomadic Nom. Aloe. en miensl series of
eloygeohical, Elletanorel end Solemner+ Articles and glogent
lAterature. by the meat able watery of the d.ln eery
flew tlwC
lEVIGRY 111111a0HABIT,
lad la fact'avery m,. of W°^ll
dm IL •
Tun AurducAN coNstwrwrint Ririe* -
. will ba atrial, mama! lo 1w ohataotar. aid *III andaiOror,
Is oil loovoroclat, to auggeet a Ila or polio,. lhat ovoidal.
ennr adtb tight 1011,11IttiON my tend to alloy all patty or
aactioott fealtoi, and reCOOCii• to ON* other tb, bogie
tilitokaola that tam vr to the tutors *OW* the public mild.
N. B. -The first number of the. AMICAN
Oo me Renew will '.be issued on the
let of Februsry, 1861.
Postman MONTHLY, AT $5 00 Pit TEAR,
BY J. minausww,
Beekman street, New York.
N. n. WWII eetetandog rabeetlptlctie end Mt other caw
muideettotee, shoed be slithered to the /*view Clasen
tiff: re Beam, Neer Toth.
Firewslais Agent., wonted !in every city of
the Znited !States. • jalvrtnraviA:tfel
ROMAN EYE ,BALSAM: r -Itor Weak and
InAnsed_Nyea. ' Bead dm toDowlag tallmarm:
Ilammaltrol4.lasaaryl4 MU
Mime. A. tD. dr adr—Daarlemora Tram Drama Ilya
Arbmar,vhleb I am treartaaradAl la me for my doubter.,
rpm, km mead oa Um= lika a cam* if., am mbleti ba
far amoral moitha Am vary mail. MAW, .ad
alter •Ma "sake am at lb. IMlsma,lware lat t a *
and wall as emir. Yam tnl7,_ 1 M.BO ,
Praprred sod mid by A. B. A D. 11/11TDA, L'irakiisla,
Dann Mae; Daw.T. rk.
Sold .Lo et 9 •. IA IMMO= Pllsobarall. p L
Sold 01 " , DrUalegi glasesay. 1,
• chola. nairiptock a lb. mokbrial BIWA
1110118. ' •
New York Pluto,
So =tiro soot.
Ida tad Aglita u
J: 10 sato Meerut hiding 1 .
do do
114 an t i bis
bus be lisam
g t " AM" k i t OWL 1 11 4 ing47
Mr. Adrian, of N. J., pfesmitud.tbe prqceediegs
of. public meeting of workingmen hud mechanics
at He...irk, N. J on the 9th Mot, on the portent
condition of the country. He stated that the
resoluinins breathe a compromising spirit and fie.
votion tO the constitution - and the Union. Refer
red to the committee of 33 •
Mr. Vince, of North Carolina, remarked that the
gentlemen had often spoken , lbr buncombe, be
now wanted buncombe to speak fur itself in rel.-
tton,to the condition. of the coaatry. He present
ed the proceeding. of a meeting of the people of
that county.
Mr. Washburn°, of Illinois, asked whether the
proceedieg. were is earnest.
Mr. Vamee—Hencombe newer tpeaks °inept
when obi is is earnest. [Latighter.]
The pVoceedlog. were referred to the Commit
tee ot 33.
Mr. Mnynard t of Teen., offered iv rt. gelatine ie.
eructing , the Select Committee on the Preeideatra
epeeist cienenge to coeeider that portion which re
'commenda to a . vote of the people, the cow
none at name between the differenAsectione at the
cooetry and now agitating the public mind, and
that the Committee report thereon,at an early day
by bill or joint reeolation. The reaoletioo was
Mr. lifileran,nf lad., offered • resolution de
chums that the right of • State to withdraw from
the U 4104 111 not countenanced by the Hong or
recognised by the enostitution, but in wholly ia
conmetent with that meat, and neither Con
neon nor;the President is invested with the author
ity in etinsinite any State ones admitted, except
-as e outs, of the Paton; that the power to protect
the pahaq property should be exercised; that the
Cummotko on Judiciary inquire and report uthe.her
the lancleve now SUffiClolll for that purpose and it
not, that they report a bill giving additional
powers by the troptoyment of tae cony or other;
Mr. to.trail, cl , wanted to niter a vubstioite.
Mr. itencett, of Ky , desired to offer the Crit
tenden c.inoromiso that the Home might decide
between the end revolution..
A debate arming me the enbjeot, it lie. over. -,'
Mr. Cestish, of lad., agate offered ht. resole
toe, but the Home by • small majority, reined
toncoodlthe demand for the raviolis queetioa to
Mr. Minton, of Ohio moved to make the spatial
order for en morrow, the bill to provide for organ
izing ind jitecipliong the militia of the Nstrict of
The House theo went into Committee of the
it hole ye the Stat. of the Union, cm the army
appropriation hill.
Mr. MoCiarneed aide en eloquent speech for
the Un .o*, -
Mr. Co., of Ohio, followed.
Mr. hedge,, of Tease, obtained the floor. ,
The committee thee erne and the Goon ed.
Bantus:—Mr. Bigler, of Pa „premiered a biligro.
poiog auiendmenu to the boustitution, to be sub
mitted to the people, for their ratification VT eej.o.
Lion, on the 13th of February.
Mr. Wilson, of Men, moved to reference to the
Judiciary Committee.
Mr. Bigler objected.
Mr. Trumbull sold Mid this Ohl proptne amend
moots to toe nostitation in en unconstitutional trey.
So importent • bill, changing the fundamental laws
of the napery, acrid be referred to the committee.
Mr., Pugh, of Ohio, said (hot he was towlines to
have die bill referred to the eouniuse, Is No st
enos of tin Senator from Keolueky, Mr. Crittenden.
lie dated that it was an attempt to interfere with
the tights of the people
Mr. times of Min., said that the Secure was not
justified isegling the bill to the anew* of the Sena
, tors from the Southern States
Mt. Wren withdrew his motion to refer, end the
subject wee dropped.
Mr. Gains, of lowa, preeeated • resolution re
quoting ate President to come/moans any infirm.
tion he may have regarding any attempts that have
bean made or contemplated by any large body of
men to tonal» with thc free navigation of the
Mississippi: river, and what efforts have been made
to optima:the same. Laid over.
Mr. Mean, of Va., called up his Insolation ask
ing the Sanitary of War to communioate say In
formation to big poonsion in relation to reieforee
meats for Charlotte sad the other Southern poets.
Mr. Clark, of N. EL, offered en amendment, sub
stituting "Mat the president of the United Stain be
requested to commooterte, if not Inoompatible with
the poblio ibterest, such information to the Senate."
Mr. Polk', of Mo., took the floor on Mr. litinter'•
rentution for witbdrawlog the United Sures ferces
from the seindiog States.
Mr. Bisbri's bill to provide for taking the sense of
the people of the several States on oaten proposed
amendment] to the constitution of the Unit e d gum s
ie es followo
Witianani, The Union is In imminent danger of
final ebonite:l, the communal of a protracted
suite about:the 'cottontail of African slavery ; end
Waxman, It le beitereJ that legielative rennin
are insufficient to meet and remove the cause of im.
pending disinter, and as amendmeiste to the consti
tution can only be submitted by • vote of two-thirds
of both bootee of Canon., and owing to the un
happy divisions cabling is these house., it Is not be.
• hewed that the anent of two-thirds of the members
an ever ho had to each emenements of the muslin-
Con as geode recnocile the differences between the
North nod the South t, and
W ei It is • cardinal pitioiple of oar repro
lealalt• natal that lb. representative shall obey
the will - al the people, it is deemed proper and neces
sary to at it. opinion and judgment of the people
of the several States on the proposed amendments to
the tobetitailoo, with • view to their submtnloo by
a vote orate-thirds in each brooch of Coarsen for
the ratilloation of the Stales, lie provided In the ificu
stitution, thereby restoring to our Mansard country
its anutosolvd Fame end prosperity. Therefore, be
it enacted bj the &nate and House, .tq.,.that the
eitisensiof the several States qualified to vote for
members of Coogrese arehsteby bold an
election on Tuesday, the 12th day of February next,
for the mopes, of deciding for or against the se
oozed proposed: amendments to the tionetheition of
the Coked States.
&O&M ;And be it farther mooted, that than
who am-for the proposed amendments' to the coma.
onion shall ;vote a ballot bearing the words, "For
the amendment.," and those opposed to the amend
mute vote e ballot bearing the words, "Against the
Section 3:413e1d election to be held M the same
pima arid Ili the same manner and under the awe
laws as the Gat election for President and Vice Pres-
Meat of the United States, and be condoled by the
same judges Mid inspeotors and other °Norm
Smitten 4. ;The return judges of the riversl elan
, e'en distriota!ln each Gooney Omit meet at the county
Nat on the Thursday following the day of said elec.
lion end mint the returns for said county, lettlng
' forth the whole number of the votes cam. for the
amendments'end the whole number of Mites against
the amendments, one of which tote forwarded by
mail to the Secretary of the Senate of, the Coital
States sod ailother to the Governor of the State, and
that sent to the Governor shall °oaten the state
meet of thejsetnal neosseary noon's of holding
said oleotionj
Section 6 provides that eampensetion to theaters
holding said election shall be the same he for hold.
hog the lest Risotto* for President mid 'Vice Pia.
dint of the United States, mid be paid out of Mill.
Section 4 Treasury.
provides Mar the Gower:tore of the err.
oral States are hereby respectfully requested to can..
to be node mit and forwarded to the Senna, of the
Interior a tartar elstement of the amount of ex
panse of holding said election fa their ropeolve
Stateleand @stabling the amount dee, which la to
be paid by tin U. S. Treasury.
Section 10; That It stall be the duty of the Beam
tarp of the finale tierces tabular statements to be
made exhibiting the recoil in each State.
.Seetton Bth, That the holdout of the United
Slates betareby authorised to Woe a preelamation
to the Governor and all others in civil aethority, and
to the people', of the several Sores, 11110001201011 to
them the day fixed for said elecelon, promoting Its
general objects, and requesting their eo.operatios In
the prompt and faithful execution of the „provisions
of lids act. "
Sentient Makes it the duty of the Beerietary of
the Interior, Immediately after the pangs or thin
'act, to saeurate copier' el the lame to be prim.
ed and forwarded by mail to the aturaffof the sev
eral months he mesh Stale, and the 'barna am Ire:
to, malt. proclamation in each °eighty, setting
forth the proposed amendts ta beyond ott.- Tint
the folloiring ratan be a ndthey ,se e booby pro
pond, saismitted a amendments to the Oeostitstles'
of the United States, which shall be valid, to all Inv'
tans and potions, ma parlof said Cauttiludon'whei
railed by eonretakes in fluvearaths of theatres:
held for that *posit
Aitiele set,,Tbeak the:territory sew held or that
may hereafter. be ameired by the Uelted States,
skill be divided by a lice tram east to west en •
parallel 38 &gone 32 admen earth latitude.
Article Teat' is elf territory oath of said
lime of, latitude, horolonari 'sentitilde,'untept
limithelest for Grime,
..probibiuid; tad Is all
tertiary south ot said task ovelestart smiled*
entwine:then is Stateesorth et gem cad
live, in bong recopleatilaid . Asti be: ostalsed
sad protease by all denertneete
gnentmmag lam ely berrttmtiath seam*
airesli iwohiv itae :vittits seek bottadmin'oPllegmrre.
any stall 'tleatek - lbir pipsleties
._.'_~ ;1' _
... T'FI
XXIVIIb Congress—Second Session.
I ;Hooks—Mr. English, of Indiana, asked leans to
offer the following resolution :
ResoMed, That the present claiming ondition-of
the tertiary imperatively dolman that Congo - ma
should take immediate steps to preserve the Uninij
by tancoring, as far as possible„ 'all nuns of spe
tionalirritadon and I#l/11i011; sad to distend pat!.
otism should prompt a ehearfnl i mineader of all W
-11114 Prejudices and minor !difficulties of °plain ,
sad Ode House, believing the plan of adJusttnist
proposed by Hon. John J. Crittenden in the !lento
on Dee. 1860, would. be an equitable sad •
honorable compromin, involving no notifies io
any partfor section that nomad not promptly be
mane Mr the sake. of the inestimable blessing, of
peace dad a netted country, hereby instinct the
Counnictee of Thirtrhres heretofore appoisted
by the House to report without delay the necsawaty
measurer to carry that plan into practical elfin.
Mr. Lovejoy, of Illioois, and other Republicans,
td an g lish Said that at the proper time he wield
move aMispension of the riles. • r
Mr. Garnett, of Virginia, introduced a Jinn t
resolatilm to impend the execution of the federal
Imre within certain Stamm. Retailed to theßelsct
Committee on the Pralidemos special asimmi g e.
Mr. Hornig. of Viraidai iativideced a bill to
revive the tariff act of 1846. Referred to the
Committee on Ware and bleats.
hf,; Wilma's, of N. Y., introduced a hill: to
r meal an much of the ia relates to the
collectiOn 01 dusj on imports in Noutli Carolina.
Winer to the Select Conanitteo of fire. I
Mr. Pendleton, of 0., introduced obillmaing
Cincinnati ■ port of entry. Referred to the Cake
mitten on Commerce.
{ .
Waite fora womb* of Cmagnsii, accord tag to the
I then Wend ratio of reptseentation of people of
the United &ataxia shall then bit the duty of Coa
rase to admit week istaitory bte the Maoist' tams
of equaity with tbierigtaii 'States.
Article 3. Centigram MI cot to have power to
abolish slavery is place. Ceder its exclusive juris
diction, sad situate witharthe Smite of States that
permits the holdiniof plover, nor shall Congress
bare rarer to abolish slavery in the Distract of
Colombia,_ so loon as arida is the Stater of !dart
land or Virginia, or either of them,oot without
just compensation being first made to the *miens
of such elates. , •
Article 4. —. That in addition to the provision. of
the 3d parigraph of I the 2d Section of the ith Arti
cle of the Constitution of the United States ' that
Congress shall have power to provide b y law
and it shall be its duty ever to provide that the
United States shall ;pity the owner who shall apply
for it, the lull value of hie fugitive slave, its all
cases where the Marshall or other officer, whose
duty it wee to arrest said fugitive wee p ted
from en dole( by violence or inti mation,i or when,
alter arrest, said fugitive was rescued by force,
and the Owner prevented and obstructed in the
permit of. reizedj for the recovery of his fugir •
hire slave, snider said clause of the Constitution
sad the laws made to pursuance thereof, and in all
snob eases item the Veiled Stataa ihaU pity for snob
fugitive they dual hive the right is their own name
to sue the county In istiob said viobines or bidmida=
lion or mane was tioineatted, and to mover from
It with interest., demise to the amount paid by them
for said fugitive slaves, and the said county, after It
h pild said animmt.lto the United State*, may for
I indemnify sue and newer from the wrong doers
d sumo by whom the owner was prevented
fom the mammy of his fugitive slave, in like
rim as the owner himself might have sued
and recovered.
Article S. Cony shall have no power to pro
hibitor hinder the raurportation of sieves from
bee State to another, or to a territory, in which
slaves are bj law permitted to he held, whether
the transportationbe by land, navigable rivers or
sea; bet the African slave trade shalt be re
vived except, by the! unanimous consent of both
branches of 'Congress.
Article 6. Hereafter, the President of the United
States shall hold office daring the term of eta
years, and shell not he eligible to re-election. -
Article 7th. The Constitution shall not be here
after amended at to dristroy the effect of the 3d para
graph of the 2d seolion of the drat article of the
Oonstltutiou, nor so so to authorise Congress to in
terfere with or destroy any demeatle Institution of
Staten without the eczema of all the States.
Mr. Polk adrooatedpeamable dissolution so that
the Union could be rieonstmeted.
A motion prevailed fixing bait-past 13 o'clock to
morrow for the coosiderstion of the resolutions, and
the Senate adlonmed. i
1 Latest front Charleston.
Cimmutarom 8. C. Jan. 14.—1 t is believed by
many that M. I. Midi-mon shot two Mutineer. lit
Fort Somter.!last week, and rumor says that several
store are in chains. It Is also mid that one escap
ed to Charleston, end we. returned by the author
riles. Inqelo chow. ibat this is all fudge; there
is no troth Irian, of ir. • , -
A resolute:M.lm peered 14 the Jegimatere mean
mouldy, declaringt any attempt to rmalorce
Eon Su mter' will be regarded ai an act of open
hostility anda . deth bon of war. Also approv
ing or the ail end ikiM romptaess of the military
in One( tie the Star' ... t the West, and promising
aupoort to the Governor in all measures Of . de
fence. A nrsolutiim was offered bet withdrawn,.
illuminate( the Goaernor why the work in the
Causeway betereen_Vett Moultrie and the main
hod had been stopped'. .A resolution was ador
ed instructing the military to Grp a salute of lb
reeedi for cacti seceding State.
There are signs of peace, bat it is believed that
Mr. Buchanan.. policy, will b. drivelling and there
my be a chsiice for oar.
Now miltury complinies are pourins In from all
parts of the Mete 1
The Governor hot sent a message to the Home
of Representatives drisiliog the plans fer guard.
leg the coml. He recoinnteuds the parttime of [Mee
steam propellors. He prefers mall iron screw
oropellont of light draft, each to be mord ed with
32 stamen; one propeller to it. placed at Charles•
toe harbor, one at Bea fort IMO 000 at Georgetown.
The plan also includes the fortification of all the
inlets and 'meth., of the river, with redoubts aid
ordinance, and for bpats to keep up a constant
communicettoo between them as a protection
"'Mom sodden invasioi by Merles, Malt.
Wasn't...nos, Jan. id --Lieut. General Boott it
mil engeged in making preparation, to guard
ag . st any breach of the peace is Washington, in
1 co sequence of.thepreimet political agitation. The
elective military will be posted in the ions of the
city. It is not probable, however, that any but
the regular troop. and militia will be employed for
the papas.
The Light Artillery,, Company A, second regi
ment. Captain Tarry, Strived bare this morning,
and were quartered at the arsenal. Teo other
companies tram Fon hDflenry are now eternised
at Fort Washington. •
As there will • genital debate take place on
the army bill is the house, the members are
prepense tbeinael•es adeordingly. It will of coarse
'evolve the present agitating queerest,.
It is said that Msj. Ahdereosi was in the army ae
Lieut. to the compaey commended by Mr. Dix,
now Secretary of the Treasury.
The reports that thetublic building. are being
etrongly gnarled, are b gbly exaggerated.
The earn bill which peeved the Haulm yeaterdey,
eppropriatee nearly elision millions at dollars. It
is at the oriel therecter,-aed so new principle is
incorporated in it. ADlthe navy yard. are Droll.
and for, bet at reduced irate'.
CUARLISTON, Deo. 13J—The last 041,11 ICI relation
to the 11. S. steamer Illbo yn was brought by Shy
steamer Nashville, teilloh reported bar of Cape
The oily was quiet I ni hi; the exoitament had
subsided, owing to theho entertained that the
ultimatum of South Ca lien and Major Anderson,
mot to Washington by Kr. Bayne and Lieut. Hall,
will minis in puma. !I
Hight workingmen came away from Fort Sumter
last night, in a boat. FOur an in the oily, aid four
go to New York to the "learner Marion.. They re
port that the soldiers hays been placed on short al
lowanoe of food.
The ataamer'Ces. enrich, ander a white flag, in
command of Commodorh,Geneial Bitch, went to
Fort Sumter this morn - Fog. The oisfect of her'
mission is know. to seen einem the authorities.
HALIFAX N. S., JA —cline city was visited
by a moit:l IL ientrous cal mity. Oa Siturday n
tlity-nine bnineas estalishmentr were destroyed
by 6n, the dam elms leg along Hollis, Bedew.
and Prince &treats, and ICheapside. rho property
distroyed Included the }American Canoeist., the
Exchange.floom., Fuller's Nepresa, the Journal,
Ch, onicley Gazette, Cubit, Oalohaist and Espreu,
newspaper esti...lie/Imin'. The Allan Moran,
atewartoo saloon. Th/ Irish volunteer orderly
room, the Halifax Fire nsrance Company , . of
Sc., threldarice InuranoeMompanyos office, the
Non Scotia Marine: Insurance office, the Unica
Marine Insurance office,lthe Sheriff', office, Odd
Renew , ' Nall, together frith • number of stores
end lawyer.. office.. One man was killed daring
the dre, and many killed] by the falling of the walls.
New Yens, hut. 14.--Jadg• Smelly of the U. S.
@lnuit Court, in his °barrio to the greed Jury today,
declared that the State of South Carolina had been
gniityof high 'moon.
A gnat the Brooklyn Navy yard this afternoon
caused eonalderabla damage to the perserostore and
buildings. i
A special &pitch (1411:0 Washington says that
South Carolina hu offered to evacuate all the forte
and public property iseceis of Mel. Audition being
ordered beck to Fort Illotiltrie.
Now Your, Jab. 14.4 A large tenement bones
in Henry atreeteras partially bent thi, morning.
The fire .originated in the basement. Forty-fin
families were fueled vilely.
Now foss, it.. 14.4Tbii steamer Star of the
woo, got op steam thiu iwoming and proceeded to
Governor, ;eland and landed there the troops that
took part in the lots expedition 'to Port Bunter.
aeons, V., Jan. IL—The report of the Cow
taltethon the preservation of the public, pesos was
taken up Mr. Douglas loffand au amendment to
the street that the State shall dealers herself out of
the Ireton saline Coupons sad the uon.slarshold
leg States give a speedy guarantee by adopting
nalentell more gradually guarding the rights of
the Booth. ;Laid ou the table and ordered to b.
printed. -
The Rouse mead to tbe sonata's atoondmenis to
the Convention bill.
Cisorinnz, Jan. 14.--Tb• fo lowing is on• of •
who of resolutions paired In the Ohio Senate and
House on &Mita,:
Rewired, That we ha i ll i llth Joy the recent firm,
dignified and petrlotio s himuge of the Presi
dent of the United States, had that the Whole power
end resources of Ohio' are bomb,* pledged, whenever
neeemary, and demanded for the maintensitoe, audio
strict mabordinetion to the eivil authority of the Con
stitution and laws of the general government by
whomsoever administered:,
Boston, Jan. Muoa h Hamlln's
litaleideon ,faatary was deatroyed by era this morn
ing, togmbir with • Mega mamba or Instranmats.
Loss, 136,000.
8087011 JAIL 14.—The iU.B. ,loop-or-war
nodontasi trona ,Portamoutb, N. H., paisod the
highland light this morning, bound :Booth,. with
sealed' orders.
WAlwittoW, AL ;4.-111 . e • Ftay.:Mr:Ptilllps• Con .
gragatknal Chatah was bwtnad this taarsiag. It
ant $30,00
• Barker Virimikty Ppoket, '
For Wheeling, Marietta, Parkersburg, Pome
roy, Point. Pleasant, Oyandotte, .
Catletaburgh; !rout* and Portsmouth. ,
PU new and elegant steditheriara,
IA Bowl!
Pars Magma Inwr winenteafg=
a Wed:o4lw Poolosoodi mod all sterloodisto londlogs.
letandat, will lotro
Plttrburgb row,.
IrlaClAt or 13 o'clock In. Pot her or purairo WY es
boonlor to: mold /LA9I. SARNI. It ia.wriorio
stoma MIA GUMMI, o.9talossoa
tho obeys sad laterosseltste •
" a 1,1,6 Poi Welt or_P•ses on boig or te
sti NAM WWI* *eta
110D008.--7 bble. Rye Flour
sulawalim lOlbt-Ifsmoks wm as* 7 -
dO ale -'.211d0 2.1).
W13111111114/111-10 dam be Ws by
G a blUillrik • DILWORYII,
roan. I SI sad Mt iromed
, don
-11: 00M3-125 dos. rawly Brooms, in aSore
feraiaby "Aka"
, AII,IN-10 kap Zi •
rim *wilds by
• = , -
Lard, just , roe'd in. IttOLL BUT t
wiairtAtuisi." I.*Pl l re`.a t r La. I ' :
dAi?illie ,
• ems mg! br:
bboi .
, .
.77 pawana. V. P.
Jona P• 11.14 • J. J. Orraserm,
. C. U. Patio % Jou.. Stun
(Roportedespo+l4otr 160 Pilliatesepte Good l.4i
. .
Perrannow. ToadlaY, /so: 16, 1961, :.
lidtarday Ina o. dee dose dleare.elde dad we bed
' bed this whiter, the mooed belied la .a_6 . condition SW
• tho lnunetien ot outdoor bearloed sae &bads oat °COS
aterstion. Ord undoldloo„ however, our Merth/0411141)10t,
troubled lath very mach 011111110.4 strident, old adhot
116 ell thawed.. to lode dry moth horn that dun. •
EltetTft—We bed no Dee found to notice lo thla set tole.:
The dad. , teletlawdhluddlteilY whlie pritetyiee
firm bat audeatered. e one tha following due:
.1 pur. intr. 1 Cm. Ida. 1 hcy ;
60 We bun atofe..+. 6 n 0 4:0
41 . do et do ... . 660 ,
23 don . +_. 00 676
100 'do le go .6 00 A 76 6.00
• OROOPAI/E—Baser—dartutet fable of 6 hhdal
7%, and 3 dodo at doleareSeled of 16 bble at 31; Lid
de to coney at al. Coffee—Ulan of 16 bre 16.0 did
9do dont 16e4
WONKY—lideeof 20 hbla UMW at 16111170 P rill:
100 do do at 17e. end do Old Rd 16051,00. e ,
1111 , EWHIAT ROUR—Wee of 100 fbe at $4llO
ant. and 00 eke oo at 61,76
APPLES—BaIa 16 bra at 6f.75ga62. del 16 do dolt
CHZER—Redee of iOO his W R at 10e 67 do do attend
dilate, and 69 do Ifeadorg et 110
DRAM—lets of 169 both Ear Corn red], depot af 44 e.
nod 100 do dolmen mono at 460, Bede!—Sale. oda lash
!Defog et 63e gll bosh. I • • •
DRIED FRUIT...4elea OYU.' boob Peathee (quartered)
at 6E76. I
11111D—Sidat 0f:1 4 124db Clover t $1,62 bush. ,Hl'
COIN MEAL— of 40 bush f e nent mire et 620 It both.
BILINII-11,dieof 110 bmb Small White ht talo jl bath;
011,—Salaa of 6 bledllLeflbed Gabon et 1160 rut; 1!
/ALT—galaof 60 WO at SIX, for Estes.
Sun 'names mute le itigher today; Dlepetchni freest
Chime, quoting..a a4rarpi• there of lteetern sight to 8;f1
cent grim for cartencx hike caused w advanos lure The
Mowing ere selling rots berm
I YorGold. Wide !de t ctir.
Bigbt on theprem. 8 pmmtl,
fight on prem. .7
El "no.
tVe the carman,' h itittr . oli
bee fonds again role Oleo. ' Ohio, Kentucky end Indiana
money 10 bonght at tit cent prem.
Gold mu &meta of 101 l girls. to.dey, from 21410 Vr nee,
pram It Pi pow worthMigetti can, too olivor 1 rti omit
then Ibis.
Discredited Illinole money to unchanged, not being taken
by lepton, but psalm' currently In ttade, Money Is nth;
or tighter than It WAIN end to &Moult to get money 044
twpr on boos Ilde buries*. raper. some of which is Weep
daily by Ws banks, in mot the hog cropoorn, erbtati
Advlore by teiegreph.l to..lay, shove an knproremeict
the Neer York money market, .erlch en advance and Rook
activity lo stocks Alimoort Gs, we perceive, howevet, are
drop to 69V,.—E8t Loots Dom, Jen 11.
To• read* of Hoge dories the last tweoty.feur botti
corepdas 6,000 heed. Then, Is no eo.entinl chanee In tbe
metkaL stem oar leek *kers boy nuke, eparingly, w brit
b01d.,. ..k 6,44600 for heavy lowa, Tenors 11 lolly 11029
*metal difference lo Mit vklers of bosh, 'lpo that there kat
Wen hot little done. $0,1001.89 coottonee Ira tbe ethoia
fang. packs. ere willing to pay, the latter rata for extra
A continued gad *amid fur mom pork, erlth Wee 000
brbiat $1801d4. 0 .5, and $10,60 .ea paid, we ondersteed, fog
60 tee Ilpediio brand. Tale Is the rate sated for ffronclem:
broad.. There cm mot 11111. done In any other article of
the bog product, and prices Oft ouchatupd. Green thong
den soll at fiLge, lads et Y and boom at ego and 7*, Ulf
tomer rote for weintl7 taken at one of the ,sonny outlook
Lard le dull, sad 9* the onted.fe price.--(010. Os., Bator..
• 1
■lOllOO Jan 11, 1861Flaor—Reselpts IX/74
Iliatket awn and eassoced se. hales wets. follows'
160 bbi. 91.101 t Olt," shone toting extra; 216 bbl. "North;
waste." .ad 400 bbl. (bread not given) 011 la 84,26 dal; 106
601. do at 6282 N doh VA Dbl. dolt $4,2714 on hack; 101,7
• Ittbl• do, and *a WI. { 7 041.1e1001e at 61,26 del; 600 6811
•Ceak county" .1 $1,22 Idek 103 Ltd. eWompoca Ott. at
64,10 del; 67 bbl. r•klkhorn" spring teportln• at $3,40 d eg.UtO 661. (brand not owned) .per at $2,00 dal.
Wheat—lbserfpta, X 6,61 Da. Market steady and Onnerl
Salsa ware 00 follows: ( (00Da Northwest. ro Club Ist 8201.1
ttartS 2.060 100 No 1 @papa at 6054 a fa wore; 2,000 ba do .6
OW la stare; 6,000 ho do at than bag, on track; 2,600 loo'
do at 60%c In Warg 4,600 De do at blo at Wore: 1.000 ha Nd
lk wing at leNin •10$ 14006 Dade •t 76%r0 In to
27700 Int do at BO oln stunt; limo Da dI at 770 la store.
Oern—M advantsd 64.at10. Ralf. were. lona,*
700 ba Sifted et 21,D4a won , 75 000 ba do at 29140 In;
stows IWO Da do al 007 to 1,1.4; 260 Du Usk:clad at fitto let!
Clate—Rwelpta 1,000 bit. 3.laskrt an'et. Sal. 300 bash
at 1731,e in Nom 163 belie at 18,t6e delivered.
Ilya—fletalpt• 1633 bo. 'Sweet dull and nominal at
taxerryin on eek.
fltrley—laKelpla 1,31 T La. 61.Itet Inaetlve. Sales 60
bogy at 66a es track. 1
Gnm koada—Racelpta q,20 lbt. Sake bags elormaca.4
at $4,4 10 ban de at $1.40. 111 nage Timothy Seed at 62.23.
LIT* Hoge—Market wt re sued brut and Adveaced 343110 c:
with mai:our heavy 64,6304.00.
Non 08414.4, Mlles, 1 Jan 10—floor la—doll, 4111.0 t
any quotably, change in pi 115..., Small aalee of Mama'. at
$4,61601641 Prnyletottaelle. Putt Is firm, and to gaud
dantend at 417,00, holden ..king 41.4,4 Fa Lew, Ihe Mort
being Ilea. bacon In asset demand, and ;eke. of 01d.....
blither. The Moab la Ilyht., add lb. market ekes. very firm,
arT and 101 for shoulder and Illdee. L
ng.dsr searea. and'
In good demand, and ,'
are alvanti SO. prlsoC
In tiers. at Ile. *baby la I a large .apply, and yak.'
drooping. laseelfisii 173016 e. Saw I. In atthe demand. ,
at fall pekes. Saba aNO bbd. at 6,4(41634a for rally far
choke. Mai.e.e.BrmLaudj7.aroea delasad, al tlir.,Zio"
tut prime to claim 130,1 Tee in eallve demand. Salve zoaii:
bags at 11(302eder fsb to , rime.. . Cotton to soave demand,'
and takes leading upward.
Imports by Rl's,
wazscnro—per Illnerra--1368 bbl. carbon oil, Poralth
A co; 17 tons pip metal, /111 Loomis; 46 do do, Wilson, Osrc
•on 114 abs corn,ll bbls anodrths, =6 hoop poles, Jas A
perms; 31 00 bbl., J 6tentldA93 bbls apple% Jun Nool=l
- Alm Asir. WOhl, Shod.. A Vernor.
SlMlPlllll—par 0 A Isco-67 ale DNA. Apeccer & Garrard;
$1 WAN 1 at pecans. Lon,l4DAlf, 95 at. peanuts, 1 Dicks,
an 2 el:album dwelt' 11 i..,
serponlln. Georgie II Jour;
so l b l Y ,41 bbba a Fabbaslosk co; 133 Ada. ootton, J
larks no.
ChM.* on 13( do L
do, ilLsons47, Obllds A co; 917 do do,
Imports Op It aMond.
P& W • OIL It-23 aro axes, Poway, ?Saloon k or;1 do
do, J B I.ladoay; 4. Him .q ho. Smith, Puss a co; 2 baba
lard, I do batten Para., Notes • to; 10 bblirappler,T E.-
, a/Tadao:lsoos raga, J Golskia; el brooma, W Iltrg
patrir-k; 1 oar lola. Midis} Wolk; 13 kga lard. illerells
/ 35 do tbs. IdoDonold •Ar Wiel.; tAls *plot, L
Graft tO 001. Boar, Graham • Th omas; Ib. glue; Bbrlter,
• Dileortlr, la As applas,ifiroars Elrkpribrtr k; 1 kt,Bcots
Diutgaria a sac lot aussitrks, A Fulton; 108 Ml. ram J W
Oliadoilek • sane) bale Boor. B. Bobl.ooi isii; leabdl.
broom, A D Ism*: 100 Wsla Boar, W ltdoGulstieua; 000 do
do, terra. a IlatcAlesoo; lof baggage, II 8 array;
P 13 11 11-1 bid,/ kg . tvy:. Ira; John Iloalogs 2 Ono.
sod bisgo, kloGiallisigb, 8 ib co; obis T J Botch-
Debi; 1 bbl ado, Fpasicar I 'lased; 1 cot aberp, JEI Galan;
1 dodo. W RID dour, Potadeater • McClelland;
Rears lroa on, Drorscs• pros. I co; 2 do do. Graff, glais
rot/ A ro; 2do do, Jowl Loath; Ido do, Jacob Besse; 3
oaks strol s Elasosy, W 4 I • so; 81 bags abase, 1. Wllmartb;
II empty cattalo, Jos Ilrlo; 213 bp shoat, 11, Robison
ao; 4 ad , . pep., &smelly /dyers; 3 kgs lard, bleCionald •
Arbooklin 199 bits potatoes, W M Battey; 12 Mils ripples
Itc e 1 -sr, a.per I err. 2 4,2. batter, LOU, A T. (Dbl..; lot
afters, Latignatop; 4 rolls lumber, Ltericoss: 109. k.
barlar, W amitla 294 irks oats, cons and bailey, Jaatea A
Paths ; 1 kg lkoor, lileketscia; IEO bbio Boor, A .
Taylor; 165 do do, Ilookockrz, A Gregg; 10 bbla, 8 sea
ZO6 Pointer; 8 1,010 vales, J Prosier; 4 DD. papar,
W 8 II mega; 3601. Da ties. 1 do lard, 2As pearbea, Drown
ttltkpairisli; 2 bit. kaisers, I dolmans, Atwell, Leo • ea;
10 bbla Bios% Cols • Ebro led ; 16 do whisk, Jelin Briar.
RI V 161; IT driWho
The tire. at lisle poitit noontime to needs rapidly mid
the raga of water last eveillag was scant 6 feet. The wants
et ettdondstly milted. the roaming It wm sleeting,
sod to the afternoon we htl meads rola. The streets me
a pirfeet *Nod of los, sad la acute to venture upon them
M Cori* ol buratto& y;ar sock. The Calf. maze lo
from hiremble an et haul trip of eottoo, nod the 111.
Mara from Wheelluit arrl•F . l, , , although sonelderahly tohind
time, The 80 tools, Copt uo, Is ready to receive hales
and patasonera Ice CI“It nail and , loolmillio, foe which
point *be •111 hove lu aaq or two. Tbe Poland hod Mary
Cook trim Cincinnati, andifowit from New Orleans aro doe
to day and to-morrow. '
Taisgrapkla Illarketa. •
flow l'oa. Jan. 14-05tion soled hot wady
200 harslet 12 1 )0 , Moor arm; maim 11,100 DM. at S 5 30,5
Igl4o lor Mateo $ 7505 6O for 01.14. sad 85 85406 6 , r
dourbood. Wee .t lades 86000 bosh. at an edema. of 10.;
tad lantern, II anal 88 • whits, gt 50401 65; kllltrankle
Club, $130; Mosso spring, 11 -. 206l 23 Corn
41.000 hot sold at 710 for 'old welts southern and 700 for
00W yellow. Port staadfat $171417 25 for amm, and $ll4O
133 j for prima Lard drmi at 1,0X(610,4o.
Clantailri. Jan I.4—Ploor Is unciumged and the &mend
moderate; sates of sopmflos at $4 CO. Must Is anod7
and nod In denim! at gh there tom nothing done to whit.
Corn 86; and In goal demand. !Welled Corn la doll at 36
(080 In bolt. Osts firm at Ino. nye and Barley un
plowed Wblakt Is !Ina mid In falr , demand at 1334 meta
Coffee Or= Sagas drilL Molasses balm. Lard is to de.
Maud atlas.
PallaalmsMa. Jan. 14There lea deer Sating la Breed
attar. Market hod and o - c7kmuch doing. Palm of normal
Sa for mpu floe, and $5 /0800 for antra. mut isx.
OM Par fancy. The math* are 0003 small sod too Kora
Cep t. Who., to fair deteand;l4ooo Dinh sold still MO
131 for rat and $! VOl ti tor Unity nye ls Mosey at 76.
Gra bao arleaucal le per botto tales /103 bath elm nalkor
old id 710. Oats sonsetad 85m mom of 5000 barb N..
York. Batas 'old 017611. Coffee Iran 6ro begs Pilo sold
st mat s. user sales of 10.4 bide Cob.
at 83446. Whisky Mead at 1 40 . Them la no Moose to
llannumi,Jan. 11.170 n doll; adm of /fowled at $1•10.
Wham steady st gt 3601 45 for red, and 88 6 ,
Mrs buoymt; no. wane rand rePo. okb6; old White
Prorialona• Mem Pork $l7 85. Lan d 10. Coffee is
Measly It 1.2,4011 . 8 c. .Whleas term 1055370.
No. 27 Fins Siam, PLITLABIIROR.
FAIRS OF 18'601
1 _
ViraLElELtaart , an W.I.L.ISOZT
1 '
,Awarded the Pies; flrentlaut at the
United States Fair; - Obio State Fair;
Illinois Ste Fair;
Wieomin State Fair; ' lowaState Fair;
Si to Fair;
' Kentucky
I le
Tennessee State Faill , New Jersey State Fair;
Vermont Stains Fair;
Ohinagoldeeduuties' Institute; -.-
Louisville rdeshanya'_lnstitute;
Ciaainnati Me ins' Institute;
Allegheny County Fah'. Pittsburgh,
And oettw Count 7 !str:i too tuueetou to lIMIOUNI.
1 7UV X offer to ahelTublio - WHICELIR &
-Tv W NAOMI lIIPR Vitt 611 1 / 1 110 $1.10113N1,
with Ibtreisel robtkieetalitta elm* se the heat eat wet
rellabieTroilly Sewing bil goo to stee. to am aqua.
ly well ea the , hkkou ead Motet Webb mats itl , lock'
WWI Ispoodble to num* anti' the etieeettat eereateg•
r 1
t trlllx ... %both salt ter e =4 l4 ll , re'....ttala 1:-
1 moloneeut, and more Oursbithei oey other merhise
1 We Etre ton inetroetkos Olt meads the parchere to met
=IT...Noma, two, till, parer NW sad
am the eta marlitue, warrant It Ibr three
„ m i.. = t.w 4 .k i b Fres Wks etas tiler
Ni Weeti ;may !wets, Jto.; pat be tee.
WNW ea apple:sties, in yobbo - or by letter. •
;mote( ill•dalls Needloidpik,Vret, Cletus end Wens.
sykatbell I WM. 1 1 1711111N.'
fatiriDlill-9 kegs Butler , . •
to Iwo boeCOINI IN N 18; ' ilbp Ine OM .-
dill MANNA= 11,111111*L1, 21411LIbeily N.
A PPLIEI 100 bbl
.cI; . SOO bek Choke •
. bble COMEIIOI4I2 te ,
, • OULP
n: ,- :'•.: . --:-..:::: - .;:',..' , 5 4n-: 7 :' ,, .':_:..1::',7:::.2 , 11
. t.,i.,..,?,:,..;.,.:4,,-,A,--,q,
This eitiaabln preparation Is the peseerAptloa of me Of
the moataaperleuced and akflfal farads pp eaty Na
Ragland, 'and has berm nabd with tenet:4olhr maws hi
milllona of came.
We believe It the host and mural romody In th. wotld,
all case OfDyrmtrry sod Mana* In Ctilldrin,tibOttier It
trlver froth Nothing ot from any other crow:
I.IIIN Lid Health can be oitanstodby doltarz and an ti,N
ir worth Ito 'Night In gold.
yllllon of bottler on add own yen, in Mr tfallad
Stater. tk Is an old rod woll-trhal Nand y.
;22102 ONLY 25 OMITS • BOTTLX.
• dirtiono Romano =Nutt* tacutatfia °COMMIX& PIN.
MB, Nor Yora. is on the °outdo sr...poor,
&Id birtigairto Ihrdoghoot the 'Ned.
ton. a• . 11278211, Agent for Plttrtn.trit
loYdrne, °fel'
• Meet all. They an elegant Ught,•coei and durable.
Mang chstat—no tortatig Irp bohlnd—oo tdatektng
• 1 the howl ; Woad this •Is the only aotebthh=oat viper'
hey , hbet are P.Pet/Y 5,55ent00d 1162 mad..:
14eivailLT 15 hood atteot, Neer that.
JIIPL 000.13.114L8i de
1 / 4 1PPAOTAIUU or
Ivor 11 4 1 / 1 + Iwo" :Vaults, Vann Door
Wlndnw nhutten, Window Guards, ae.,
/One. ti bond Abed end SO Mint &Nei
(Between Wont" and Idaskei,) 'PITISSIGIOan. PA,
Mon co niud • tenets of new ?Atlanta, 6 wc7 and Sete
notable for all plume.. Panto:Ur attention jad4 to ea.
aineaugOr*telota. Jonblent done at abortitotlea • me
DALAI. West, Boa
roOtancas! AND ectonsmisTs,
WA.tgirairzei-rrox 'WORKS.
Pittebtrugh, Penns.
onts.444te.lai Mirka* 8888
arrafter4to Olds Lif Siam Vrigtoor nard azlil Micbkr
Wy; Outings kiall road Rork, Stearn &Alto. Rod Shrrotfrao
Work. I
Jobbhug.d 11.14ralring .top. on Omit notierli. maleafdia
B. &C. P., MARKLE, _
[' P E!li MAN ElyncrunEßs
And natant°
gime Tenurial from N 0.27 Wood street to N 0.14 ankitbdof
Stree Pittsburgh, Po.
cr-cagv forßogo.
J. as. xam-riau
mr..Elizolx.a.zsrr mdkar...cort,
ltio. 54 St. Clair Street,
(Dr.111401!ImIlalletIng.! PITTIIIIMEL'? A
. • '
Jo•o ph 011w0rth....—........Da W. O. Bidwell.
• latittalli.
(44ftruvr, lo linter, BOA di flotte.)
1 kaavuenynas up .
Corner of Water Street and Cherry all ey
a4dt1131115 PITTSPIJIWR. PEN-W.A.
Pittsburgh Steel Works.
J .
• J. OblaCS. 130 Th , ar—oo - -
LTA alto, Optilm Plow sea •. B. Steel SPRZNOS.
Oaruer Rowsad Ph* it..
.49 I
Ni . 1 30L043419 FIG BOZOS.-
D 1111.13.111 to
.Poreign ind Domestio Bills of 'Exoboogo,
•, 01111.11111)ATI3 OP DIPOIXT,
• Inaloileatona madam, all the principal citins tiorvapb
at ljnitad Bratea.• iip2l4cl7
8EIN.81" 8. c0i...T....LN5.
rots/aiding and Commission lifferobant
Camino% Butter. Seeds. Binh.
1 ,, end Produce Generally.
darn nln Wooer Mind PUb6.94 .
_ .
; Dl rs. Winslow, r
lAn eaperlatard Nurse and Female Physician, anomie to
i the suratlon of mothas her
IWhich greatly facilitate, the process of tathlns, by •tolle :
'Dia the gutna, reducing al Indenituatlou—vill alley ALL .
:PAM end ettsecoatio actioN and 11
- P•Poid hCat l l4 mother; II mil giro teat to yunnediee, and
and Health to your tabula.
W. haret up *al told thla arida for over tan year;
P i
'e have astir beau ableta narotha7
,o s her metllic.— - Meta. - 311%1011.1A1T
Wawa LOWS ,
au ureTANcta
'TO zroarrtroms BOUTIIIIING
„,. i when tish•ly .
Amt. Never did we BB RV- • tamest insfanaa
of diseatafaclion by sny ass whir used it. On the contrary.
if sr* dellatiad With its aperetioas, aed what le tams of
Vomowodatloh of Ito zosital ainti, sad inadicel Mama
.We speak batiste, natter APTIAT , WII DO SNOW; aka
eh yeas, temeraoak, nu tgj r 'LLDoll OUR IMPUTATION
+AAR& In Waal aver, Ingham abets tb halal k ail.
taloa from :tau sad ecthalatiotl, teilei.whi be (seed ta
fifteen or twahty miuulta after the syrap la adminfatered.
Tha valoable ersgeratjaz i is Mepreeoript— ha of one b. .
ibf 1 mat EXPIIROISIOID *ad 8111101. NOUNS In Near
Instead, sadism then used with NAPA& /AMINO SOD.
. . .
..... . . . .
.'. •
It not ostylnellenen tha child tem pida,but tairlyagabe -
Ontetomech ind bowels, comae oddly, sad gm km awl , ,
inborn, fwtbill whole system. It Wit Wow Inesandy intim . ' . ...
i; Griping in the Bowels and - Wind Cello,
, .
ind cmenatteilool m ----rc----- m - rabic.", whieb;
not tryetWOY re- ~n rjr. „,—R . , tesalladi• 'sad r fa - •
..death. wc b. ' , „„• fir m G linen tb•BOSS .
,CUIC WORLD,Ia all team ar DYdnAt ILY AND Droui•
Ac , y . .ltt r UlLLDltn i. wheetrit t agri from bo igttwße tiu. or
.IVllST `ar. i * letliri a brl7D f
"VaSZ:=llll= : ~
OP 0111111N,suuld between lob end your.saffeelow_ohOl i , -..., . .
nod the relW that will be. 1 1 111ti—dne, tiOSOLIMWdf .t, .-.
ORlf—to &Wow the we of
Ibis fennel* If Wady '111WV• --,
:wnoldrhydi"ilorkb,bulewo..:the.W"...lsoafmiaddg Wil
. n Th i a a T p. C. P ß:ltita wl :O l''''lll'l. -P 14411114 116.6 :,..„ : , Tf: 4 :: . ; . i . .k.
5 , 1301 d by Wounds Unrooghtett lb. World.`
1 ,
lOelwelpetip ome.„ IN Oaular Mort.; ta.:Ay-;;.!
PNICI ONLY 26 - 0101T8 Pall SOITLIL, , i ,,. .. - .4,.:1
O'.'801.!1 by 8.11.. Fautanuot A co, ember Wood awl' - ~.
cautliatraraken.,,aso. K. estrum 100 wood .ones,• - .. •
FROM *lO TO $3O-P1171:1137.:
set - a Bleliomes Calibrated . Stencil Disiciima•
IShi, head, lad !latched hi the best style; Ida tut o rtunke;.
}eindestrkrae Joan :•
,6,1. 611 . 1 1 . 14 k,. $2, 7r *..
ta a set ol Sae Tools:
iIN. are nevi snansdachnin r , ader to trad
~..i .
enara"...lB/a the
!!!etall. tt t awl arealar mat fray addreee; -• aj
zr. zrzczszcscior..."'
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Alr rib ft Lal
re *stead medicine bee sanized Drat beresislau
saucy la all the dhows vbkhlt tiratheets lean% had
relidend the mama peak. of oeustetteee pails" NA Wl , .
slieauselty bin turiroubyeof flue: They sea lunami by • ,
tbeir Soled noir seed vette away -fee cum, Aat
tANze lat by the SUDO( tbeendskese. In ell uusafhey:i
Weans D3a1:44.44 . 4 • Billow sal Lazar ANdoloim PISA '
Garr.ltheamettazi, VW/011164d Asses, obetleaL Need lobo/at
DEMDCIIBIII.II Ettel . td, dam Pftlx N OD. o
*Si Meal • tutees se al
seedy rommy. -A DUI
pbeee the Lib PM. No
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yedhiseilise Is all - awes of Nemo. newt,. Dispopm,
EDO leer,Pleadmaie Incident to faualia Deffelat •
Sala, end emery litete of Waimea of tbe IlaymethsCa
'TeerW by .Dr M. H NOTPATT,III4 astedersy, Nub
Tat, awl by Nandi» tadyle, and Desolate mum llly,
azushied thee/tutu;
en Russets;
jr DB D.!M ADAMS..
bble.,etrftddy .p rime
, A•B CIA ,
Nit. 97 WO* S Pigs,- -
ary l " .1: , 4
kip**. lialsal!Jerreig, INSIUr
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11 PARR, ars'CATIIDT & up- '.
BlLAtirla. mat DOLT ‘IOPPIPIt, Sißad* 00F.
Mt BOTTOMS, Raised Still Bottoms, apoltse Ittaaki, isAllm, importers sad Ova.. mIMPALE.. TIN Mow
salt* MON, WIWI, &e. Optutsatly so lisud, ?fume
tileb*.sp4 Tools. . .
Wciiitior re , No, 149 !tint clad us iiranwtsfi
Pussuargs., Parma. vse,
ly? polity ut °app../ mato sityC,,e•lp•ttass.
trtyrkthr ,
SALit Dlr73-13.ALR DYD,
, e Original and bad id. tit Worid / 1 4
All I others are mere imitations , and d
bo ovoi44llfro Walt to amps dtfteloo.
ORLY. RI:D. OR RUM MUM Died tuatmatli ft
beautlibl and natmul Brown orß vathoot the Nutt N.
fus7 to Otabatror akin.
1 1 / 2 2211 112DALB AND DIPLOKAB Mn Ms Pohl&
od to Wh. A. Batchelor Moo 1189, And over snow opyika.
Llono hUvo toro NM* to the Hazy PM Immo of Mar
mut DP:
WM. A. awroanows sent On pirdoms 0340,11104
to be dhhismdred Qom ustemr, and is *Mamma pri
hrhuro atrahMhovlhr bug It my torouthordpidthr
111•61 M of Bad Dyer Nondiod: Geo Bab .thrhprohd hr
uih by ibf~.piendld Dr
Ilidu,rold or applhet(th *Pinto rooms) ths Wig rho.
1 / 4 7:11211roodway, New Yak.
id Lit PI Prim and him of MI MUNI StG.44om
Pate and hoc, Goode halm
air The poutor has tho mai and adders I armg
phrs ra(ravtolon foorddro otheh(
Jad m°
_ . wawa A.
aydam2 Bond Prors,NowNott. , •
nowt/Jon/II ssownanon stosanstans
Don't fail to procure Mre. Winslow's Booth
ia( dwriP for ObChiron Teething. It hr no equal anemia,'
It sonell,teeilllatee the proems of twelfth, summing the
some, seducing all lonssentstkone-wel ananaue,ana Ie
tore to reif elate the bowels. Depend ago, lt,nintbencti
.411gleeSeet toyearielees,end seller and bank to your
IttfaoLo. •pertectly sere In ell easta. • •