, _ ~~= ~~ .. ,_. :_ Vim•. _.,. ,: ~:;::: 111 U CI kilitsbarg RIDDLE' it CO:. .- aatroa g r - • , itreer,__Oserr emiafirld. Stiiiisliff Witless daily. i- News lop to !La, hear .f work (ho jitorat . opl dUiritrArl . per mu ammo ' s. 120. par Took trooi d . Sorrota, pm. souron V situate. co Or. pm • • 144, Jiti •Isourbro—sibitu wow si sawn In C! ...milli% Ito. or apron* V. %or, mom. toraitably to Ovum , • tarAD7l.lllllllCil AZ AIiASONARLIS *fern • . . TUE 4 I'OrVII6BL"NiCa2iI HORNING, JAN 111, 1661 Bien° Dawasn's Brucra—The gunk of t • • denUorfrom New York, delivered on dotar dy las 4 as anxiously looked for, was avast sire, t o bs a yesditir gli noi e q ual rhm id rrora tosey of islpor h auj is former e sa ffortiL tai net utlelitid. The Senator labors somewhat with.llo Malta, and the Impresslos Is laeffase able tlisiltrldle be could scarcely have said less he might have said moob mitre. Well elthe calm logical way inwitiok 10010 aside pollllcal thitere-ehe want to patch op a temporary true with Conine/lead Comm mises._ciTheee compromises, be says, are not likely i Mire /be Union: Not they 1 "Indeed," be addej lit sill be !lei to aboard two preva lent IdmiOtr prejudices, namelyfflrst, that the Delon 0 6 be sued by somebody in particular, and seetMHY, tint It Isle be some onnoteg and heinous !mewl; of pacifloation." Never mu uttered I theater truth-than this, and we are glad to bud Mr. iliwardi planting himself thus firmly sigiplost Omni' cunning hod ioalneere " rehemei. 1 '' The plc ore which he draws of Disunion and , . its result' is faithful and true. In no respect is It overdttore. It show, clearly, that two con federacies cannot extol peacefully and sucons fully, hen. Dimples Is civil war, to be fol. lowed la the Booth by senile war, and the ulti mate result of the struggle between the two most be' 0 rend both into fragments, contempti ble-0 itil the world, and formidable only to therneslns. IN dine Oat, aridesto, think, Manton either 'tory fintolnent or very likely of ancaus. He :lhasgral faith In the Union--in Its great 'strength, aad is the devotion of the people to its nralMunanee. - lIIs to that we most look for Its support„ rather finale oneidded abuses of aempromile or plans of ooncillation, in which all the oeacistMlons are made to the South. Theriniedies proposed by Mr. Seward, If we tightly tuldrzstead them, are not such u should neneesmillp provoke hostility la the North. He propcoes ; Firet, i that the Fugiilea Slave Lew should be so stmendid as not to oblige private persons to u tast is t :elution, and to protect Mittman from being, by ;abuse of the laws, oarried into slavery. To this hip one in the NOMA will object except the huntais bloodhounds, vihoitii Btu:there, thank God, are few. In this oonneotion he avows his conviatiori that all State laws, whet_her of the' free Sisk* or slave States, which relate to this class of itioroons, or any 'others recently coming from or *ideal is - other Btatel,and which Mawr contraMmethe Constitution Mike United States, or any littr. of Cantrell wood in conformity therato, Might to be repealed. _To this no ob jection Min Gately be. made. The has Stales deny that they have . any 'such Imre upon limif statute bloke. • Steesif.] He declares; what every Republican ever delayed, that under the Constitution, Coi gnes hielno power to biter fere with Slavery in the Slat e; but; if ..mbuipprebenelon of my posi tion need 4 so strong a remedy, lam willing to mile fur an Muisadment of the Constitution, deolariog that it AO not, by any;„ future amendment, be so altered al to confer on Congrese a power to abolish Or Interim. with slavery. in any State." To this' we detour. If all parties agree, as Lail must andido agree, that the Constitution, as it is, prohibits it niottAally all interference with Slavery in the Shit'', it is unwarrantable to ask, evil would *emblem to conceder, the adoption of as sior64most L 6 the Conititntlon to establish what is already Miffielently established. Mr. Sew- . tad, however, dose not advocate — this work of nopermolittion. Us merely aaaaaaaaa hie wil lingness $o take that unusual step, It it should be noomeary to test his ebsoully. 'Third. He maintains the right of Congress to legislate for the territories; declares that be will net* vote, dheetly or indirectly, to estab lish or minellon Slavery In the territoriae, which commits him hilly against the Crittenden Com promise 4 but thinks it might ben good thing if, after Melees Is admitted,' the remiiiiii4 territo ry might be erected Mite two greet States aid immediately admitted into the Union. He con fesses, laminar, that this' ilimpractionble ; and prefers the_oalling of a Convention, one, two or three ytia ItOstr, after Disunion is put down, • to determine upon a. ri-forma Garet the Cleat!. - pee,,tiro or three run hence lean la definite and somewhat lengthy period of poet- A....poneeitini. We know not what a day or an hour • say britis forth. Nell ? he is for Deaths laws apiast the is *Mai el Wades by the altissus of other Blues; lad he is In favor of two Pacific Rail . • `reeds..4 flouthira es well se Northers on. The , :pUellio toes of (MU speech Is Us' chief okfraoteristio. Statutes pervaded it throughout, but how loan' n true, elatiamsa speak, he the pretest ?audition of without feeling ...Com ewe bin Ulu a deed That hill not let the Mentreaaas anise', nor yet thaoseid he gala mad sad." But, aline It Is paelioasd aid, it oosoedes so principles sad offers to amides sous. The - _dirtintdoed orator steads square up to his Bepablfaebm,, while holdin g tout the olive _br_aaektik the Bath. Will it be seurpted We 14•14, 110 .issresgy zp ot a _ . (kit It will. It Is multi* pled, however, to kiiiletiatit has bee. youbefolly offered ; sod If taideted, sedate h titan kwon to fear It wUI be. tiosei who re . fuse to ssieptit trill be, without evones: Theme forth)ters will be so albersative but to ewe ill the forKsf, govern:teat to put Mows those sbo isioWyffy to rebellion se a rellpf.for ditaislUsi. Oa their owa heads be thi oat . Imams/tar Elisseaimess..—OoMmodole Stewart hmi awl 4 tasely.eijiieesed a' greet troth when ...Jae fag le raged to the present national dlillonltles, 44t4 .111104. to redress. reek grit/ranee,; tilt Got {Met Is mines imaybboy au!: *bile We Piet grteranom. 'hose of whit& or alfooto . theolaplahr ire.imaginary osee:.Gal( fkritis, witteh um op la lamentation . ,;„ • am the gin7o.4 Liberty Laws of this North, have "wow Ibet tittimeta mesequenoe of thel, oor has the sturleafrireitoiaht at the Fogitire Slave Law, m oths/ aliegletiriarilme, Crested them in , the Mast. It IEII4 ißiadm Stites thug ease from .thinaliag alma, !nit tbg'thisnelith -the wt.; waa BMW, kayo Aimee iQ abandance, ran of lib to the sethapeand neural Eastman 'that are 'near them; bat time Ostia ars slime bunters mid ohne dogs to but thinn out, arid the:volt' thu afforded' Is it rani Eleuthera loamy. It vary seldom happens . that aite from the 'Self Statat:filiiis his way to i • . South garolhia completes of the Tariff, sad the !set wart with Groat Br)tidn and the Malan War, eerie. ell those are Imaglnaiy, she hal 'nom! did from, than named by all or any of thou.' kith rul grluranoe was the itaroterionari War, Widish her Tories. wee* diummilted, and, sorely, meet their will, led to enbetltute a &cub - Sean tor ; monarchical form of government. , --- The ether Libyans* oomplained of, the poblk isintlareetiof the North t tione which no law, eom . promise', ,Urateeellirei ocutitliatiosal amendment er other si gma Can nub. The publie sentiment epilogs If.. the Initilltai of the heiss heart, and • eau target rid cif only by a miles' change, whisk noels, Ithiort of Ommipatisee oan work. When the Almighty 'thole oat the impulses of oar nature, It w ig h po sibis to theme this grievance, and not bofort-Tfletiaislon will not do It; for the public sea .: timid of die North 'it -the pablie thelksest of the world; sailthe.cotton States must go out cif the trill; tern to gilt rid o[ IL It le litheatb the dignity of a great Lithos to - par. lisietth thin whose Intsgthatthe ban soojeted up all that they thaplainsof. - Chierefon and Sot ioseessio• woid, . When they hats fall .timt etrieg . ths yf t b a pornuessat, their fang will gots hoe vide pad; irdavallaulltaliaal/7 4 4 1 ,Put• • ! - - s. . .....:0'4,10t.t. j,..E10:)* W'gWiNci(N.. : Bruimire aria or 'Maar. Now York, Jaa.l2, 1861. 11: O. Raul" Eaci • Sin—Arose leaving the whet on the sth instant at 6 o'clock . P. 61, we proceeded down the bay, where tire bore to and took on boird 4 officers and 200 soldiers, with their arnts, aturnunitlon, be., sod then proceeded to era, creaming the bar at 9 o'elo,k P.M. Noth,lng unusual took place daring the peerage, which wu a pleuant one :or this reason or the Wa &r 11,04 off Chuleston bay at hso A. M. the 9th Init., bat could find no guiding marks for the bar. as the lights were all out. W. proceeded with solution, running vary glow and sounding until about I A. N., being then In four and a half fathoms of water, when we disoov amid a light through the haze, which at that time eressed the horizon. Conelading that the light was on Fort Sumter, after lotting the bearings of it, we steered to the 8. Wi, for the main ship oluariel, when we hove to to await daylight; our light, booing all bun put out afsee t 2 o'clock, to ovoid being seen. As the day begart!to break, dip:aroma a steamer Jut Id shore of ue,rwhich, ae soon as she saw as, Woad on. blue light and two rad light; so signals, and shortly after steamed over the bar end Into the lade ciumneL TIN soldiers were now all put below, and no one allowed on the dub anent her ow* mew. As isoon as there was light enough to see, we crossed the bar and prooeroled on up the channel (Um Outer* buoy having bean taken away.) The steamer sheid of no sending off rockets and burning light, until after broad den.light, continuing on her cours up, near two miles ahead of rm. Frhen we arrived about two miles from Fort Moul trie—Fort Sumter being aboit the same distance— • masked hammy on Morrie' Island, where there was i red Palmetto fist dying, opened fire upon no —dictums about fivaiighthe of a mile. Wad' had the American flag flying at our fiag.stalf at this time, and soon after the first shot hoisted a large,lAmerioan ensign at the fore. We continued on under the fire of the battery for over ten minutes, several of the shot going clean over Ooh passed just clear of the pilot house. Another passed between the smoke stack and walking beams of the engine. *wither struck the ship just Shaft the fore-rig ging Sod stove in the planking, arid another came within an nee of carrying away the rudder. At the same time there was a movement of two steidffers from near Fort Moultrie—one of them tow ing aisUlooner— (I presume an aimed schooner)— with the intention of cutting on off. Out praition now became rather critical, a. we had tb •pprivich Fort. Moultrie to within three fourths of a mile helms we could keep away for Fort' 'Sumter:— A steamer approaching us with an armed schoon er in s tow, sod the battery on the island faring at us all the time—and having no cannon to defend ourselves from the attack of the vessel., we cm. cladMi that to avoid certain Apure or destruction we Would eadeavor to get to sea. Convequently we wore round and steamed down the channel, the battery firing upon us until their shot 1.11 short. Ailit was now strong ebb-tide, and the water hasidg fallen some three feet, we preceded with cantina and mimed the bar safely at 8:60 a. m., and continued on our course for this port, where we strived this morning after a boisterous mirage, A steamer from Charleston followed us for about three; hoer; watching our nrovements. Injustice to the officers ■ad crew of oath de partmeet of the ship, I mast add that their behatior while under the fire of the battery it fleeted great credit ee them. Mi. Brewer, tho New York I tiot, erne of very *leaf senthance to me, in helping to plot the ship over!Cherleetoe bar, and up and down the chin• net. ' Very' rerpectfally, Your ebedient servant, J. M'Cthienw, 4 7 s ptain. The correspondence between Maim Anderson and Om Pickens te commented upon to Convert aional sod diplomatic circle, to day, and with some-severity upon the coulee permed by Major Anderson. But those whose cornmeal's" are most severe know the least about the matter. Throe who kre likely to know moat about the fart, con tend !that Major Anderson has acted velvety. Hit first letter fo Gov. Pickens does not exhibit the Mildew knowledge, as his part, that the vessel tired into woe the Star of the W. at, tow/erns hint reinforcement. and coree; nod it to probable that he did oat know the fact malt it appeared in Gov. Fiches... 'cower. Thin developomaot probably canned Mrj ir Anderson to delay Ilia purposes eat.' he could communicate with the bar Department at Weribiegtoo. In order to do lbw he must so conduct himself towards the aithoritics of South Carolina a. to obtain the right of way across that . State. At the eepetim of a little courtesy ha ne.,, come lished that object, so-1 in a_ low hoer. Major' Aedirson'e messenger will arnve here by extraor di nat7 axprees, when we shall have a dealer in. sight into W. matter. It La natural to suppose than M.jar Anderson was surprieed to hear that the easel fired into was hearts& reinforcameate, be., cause only a few day. niece he assured his brother, who 'visited him at Fort Sumter, that he did not want raisforeemente. - His brother has an reported slued ho returned to this city. All then facts confirm the the.wy advanced in thiihomespondeace. that the Star of the West was not intended for Charleston. The order given to the commander of that vetwel to go to Charleston was Only intended to este( until within au hour of her departure from New York, when the real place of destination was to be named by telegraph.. A deepktch we. scot to that effect, ordering the Star of the West to Fort Monroe. It was too late and then the Brooklyn we. telegraphed to leave Norfolk immediately, aid intercept the Star of the Well and order the clouds to land his troops at FortMontoe r in- Virginia. There to reasosto believe that the ilea/retch to Norfolk was intercepted, as the Brooklyn din out sail seta a menage was gent to her commander in writing, white r as the country know., it woe too late to reach tbe Star of the West aod-p her going to Charleston. This beteg apparent, the the government at once Resumed the reeponsibtldr, and now take the position that they meat tomato the honor of our Bag, so grolisly insulted by the revolutiosiets at Chs dodo°. Report says that the Felton had beau ordered to iota the rescue of the Bur of the Wan, and eon dent bar to Fort Sumter at all hazards, bet this is not laid"; in view of the approach of a message from Major Anderson. The reported preparation of the authorities of Charleeran to receive the Brooklyn is of little con sequence it true, is it is well known that she draws too much water to crow the bar in Charles ton harbor. Centlemon juat'lrom Charlatan say. be does met believe that the Star of the West was intended to 'go there, believing General Scott to be too well posted about the preparations going on there to receive her to send, under such circumstance., an unarmed wooden shell like the Star of the vv.a °poi such an errand. This gentleman aye when he le ft , on Sunday, all the gun. were double aba ted for the 'petal benefit of the Stu of the Want. —fierald. The appointment of Hon. Jobe A. Dix. as Fecre mry of the Treasury, imparts great confidemee to the friends of the Velma. The tolerable maaagement of the federal finals. till, has shattered the public credit, and the op "oddment of Mr. Die, and the feet that the Cabinet ie now • eel', and is purged oL traitor,, restores e better feeling. Mr. Di: baa takes Mope to rid the Tresenty . De-, partment of. iis secessiosiak officers, and to' de- . Filo the country of the valuable ensices of men Who Jerire their npport from a gorersimest at whose demtection they CollaitO. The cane of Mr. Clayton, the find auditor of the unitary, will be &loan attended to. With entire beenimity in, the federal council and :department., something positive cat be done, and the combined power of the goiremment can be brneght to hear in favorer a decided coulee, and one which shall tend to quiet dintractionn and . evolve order from confnaioa. 4 Resolutions offered by Mr. Littlejohn, on receiving the news from Charlestoa yesterday, laudation to the ?resident of the - Celled Btatee whatever aid in snen , or motley may be required to intones the laws and enforce the authority of the Federal government, wee promptly peeled by the Legislature, and telex graphed to Washington by Gov. Morgan. AS loon as the veteran eommaader of the Revenue Cotter, Harriet -Lane, learned of the arrival of the steateisr Sum of the West, he proceeded to ree Capt. Matiowan, an old shipmate. 114th are known for their determined oberaeler and ire - doubtless consulting on the recent affairs at Charleston. Ttio Harriet Lees le still without any other or der' 'than them or Collector Schell, at the same time she Is ready at any moment to proceed anywhere.. Mr. Molt may direst her to go to Charieston.--ann: Adr.! Although it is literally true,:that Mr. Thomas r* • id from the Treasury today, as stated in my , former dispatch, there is no doubt whatever the . Preeident- intended to intimate to him that hel would be compelled to make a change in his Do partition t. A number ol leadidg capitation, 41 New ; York came here recently, and represented to the! President, that-while they were willing to @vitals the credit of the government do this emergency,) end advance their money epos its notes, they were , sot Prepared to do either while the Tr ry administered for the benefit of Sinaloa, sad by eel @vowed' Secessionist. They cited the MGM apprbreiation of public money in the Suti•Treamiry . at Charleston. by Governor Pickens. as a reason for want of confidence in Wm respect ' sad the feet that [6lr. Thomas had lately ordered $200,000 lel New, Orleans from New York, without assigning] asy ealisfactoly reams. The pretext of etching-I tag gold for raver, when the ether was not for. warded, -will hardly answer sea realm. It Is admitted u the Tressery, that $300,000 were, brought here, *200,000 et which were, it is said,l to mast the entreat expenditures, aed $lOO,OOO el; it to tomia membeni of .Congrese with means .ol purchasing drafm. Why mosey 'should be brought; to Washongton for the letter'-purpose, when et ching, is in favor of Nrrn , Yorks,eatilet snit" . 64 0 eaplased. -The whole affair looks very-badly. Who the Alabama ecisventhit posed the ordl. Bond of noessiont yesterday, it ordered 'widen lobe sent to the Genitors of the several elaveholding mama ; but It Wes not Judged seensary to send an 'Galata scilliestlon to the Proildeat of the United Mani 'Wu Gib Maiesion owietto diseourtatiy, or woe It fon the purpose of lutist a heck doer open by which Abilities algid moods Into the Union, un der Gib pies that abe - had never nodded the dream) goverensent of bar determinable to sokoode/ Atlitie moms of aseession Smilers held are en Saturday 144. Mw& Ifilsimbriek sin -Sequa he mtrutuited resigules whets their States meeded..in-J INGO," *hal It would be dieholorabisto meals .af tented. ."' Mara: illidia - and . Timis s i - wpc'oied this Ides. Kt. Tootle said 4. sat • Trak**, sod tity.wor• M=i==il • to WA., and must,iiio s_lseift end Nies4Adis ‘iiiesi in every poinef . ."..' i 4. The President stinlfind b fdr,Tbosiistkit hid resignation wan desired. It is no* - desired — in more all seeewinnlstefr_o_p4 . 2lNen in this city with. M further hesitation. r. Boahsnan in 'Uranus' up repadly. Alas A SWIIIIIII I..lncaLN, accompanied by her • brather•in•law, rosebud this city MT morning, by the night train trot. Baffito, - on bet - way to New : York, whore she i. ty epend a few day. in making needed purchases for-the White Albose.--.dibuisy, Jottreaf. 14fA It is stated that Mr. Dayton has been or will be, tendered the Inteif or or Navy Dipariorast. 'No better salami°a could be nude for toy positron. It is aseettained that, by some ovansgement here, the.mcioey in the Sub—Treasury ;at Charleston,. seized by Governor Pickens, and supposed to be 001710,000, actually reached V 1,00 04 This tact was not communicated to the President by Mr.• Thames until obtained elsewhere. , There is - good reuon to believe that Mi. Floyd issued $1,000,000 is aettiptaces, like those enbsti. toted by Mr. Russell for the stolen , bond(' in edit. Soo-to the amount already discovered. ' No firm in Boston holds $460,000, which ware discounted in a regular businoss way. This is the milli mon 'trees trend on record. Tux following Ott the Raolatioaa of bfr.Smitti, adopted Inaba State Senate by a party Tote, on Friday last : Joint Hatentl , the Constiustion Noncan, A 4svreotioo of delegates assembled in the city . of itarluton, in the State of South Carolina, did o the Otb day of December, in the year of our Lod one thousand eight hundred and natty, adepts ordinnnce entitled "An Ordinance to Maul"e the unfelt between the State of South Carolina sad e er Stale. united with her under the Constanti n ot the:United Statelier America,b , whereby it i declared tint the old union is eimolved, • Ann, Vilt can, It become" the duty of the people of Pe osylitania, through their representa tives, in this entire, Assembly, to stake known what they considlr to be the objects nought, and obligation and duties imposed by the Constitution. Be it therefore litroired, By the Senate nod Holm of Repre sentative., of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby resolved, I. Tfiat the Constitution of the United States of America, eras ordained and established apt forth in its preamble, by the people of the United Stew!, in order to forma more perfect union, establish justice, insure dornestie tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare and secure the bleuing* of liberty to themselves and their posterity, and if the people of any State in this Union are not:in the fell enjoyment of all the benefits intended to be secured to there by the said Constitutiort, if their rights ender it are disre garded, their tranquility disturbed, nett prosperity retarded, or their liberties imperilled by the people of any other State, full and adequate redrese can and ought to bia provided for such grievances, through the action of Congress and other proper department. of the eatioual 04 vrreal ant. 2. That the people of P.-onc)lesnia, entertain and desire to rhertsh the - t f•..tettal sentiment' for their brethren of other Suttee. and are ready now as they Wier horn beep in co-npriato in all measures needful fur their wolf ' , re s rkky, sad : happinese, and 0.1011 enjoyment of a l nu thi kr rights under the Constitution, whichn l tenon people. That while they cannot surrender ih,ir love of liberty inherited from thb foocciere r f than State, seated with the blood of the icanla i ki, sail twined in the history of their ironut .m, end while they'elnim the observance of all their right. under the Cotetktotion, they nen elhettet, ilmetalt. see en they here seer done, tha Coestit!lti.l.l rights et the people of the eleroblikiiscLeltaiam, to the uninterrupted enjoyment of their i n dolomitic inetontinto 3. That we adopt OW treatment sad language of President Andrew Jackaoa exert:rased In has simu late to Congreu, on the 16,h of January, one thousand tight bondreal and tiort)-Gote. "That the right of the people of a angle State to stied ye themselve. at Mid, and without the consent of the other States from their most tioleton obligation., and Wand the liberties and hominess el the mil. lions conserving this Union, cannot be telt new ledg ed, and that .ash authority is •tterty repugnant hots to the ennciples upon wodeh the general gov ernment is cone.ituted, and the ad+. eta whim it w3ll ezereasly loathed to sitar." • 4. That the Constitution of the Coked States of AlOOllO4 000t•Ins ill the pow,. Itao , sa y to th e ta•lnteenoce of la authority, and it io the solemn and moat imperative duty of the goveromont to adopt sod carry Into effect whatever auearures rosy he neeessery to-that - ;tot ; end Ito frith and the power of Penesylygole are hereby pirdvd to the rapport of tomb measure, to nay wanner and to any extent that may be reaptiret of bar by this ronotitutad euthoridew of the Untoctr 5. That all plot', conspiracies and warlike •10.1.311- stratiuo• against the Vatted Swear, to .by recision of the 0031,1t77, w treasooaLle ia, dark character, and whatever power of the goevroMent is heemetar, for their suppression shoold he applied to that pur pose without hmitetioe or delay. 6. That the Governor be and belt Letotay retinest ed to transmit a Copy of these resolutions to the President of the fretted States, property ottmtled ce der the great seal of the Commonwealth, and like attested copies to the Governors of that I States of this !Woo, and: aloe to our Santo. and Sere mentally*, In Coevals. who are hereby regulated to present the same to the Senate and [louse of Repro- Isolative. of the United States. Him Teti, Jan. 12 —Tos (AULD( lb* Star of the Weft was crowded yesterday with noxious Inquirers. Wiese whose husbands bad gone off In the steamer without leave, were satisfied when the name Andereon was meotiotted Aa eagle reporter who was not so sharp in getting off the vessel ■e be Was gel , tog on. discovered, too late. that be had got himself tato,. bad butt. Re has bid in opportunity to look cannon erlog square lo the face, aid listen lathe melo dy of leaden balls, and a blazing socount of his rare reportorial experience may be &catalpa- lilleep'ene Crying Teething Children. All kale, bow nnpleimant are these oo ainpaolonenta of babyhood, .ndmo•t letellicent parents hole, ate , . the WI cow...penes to heath, and also life, from the nee of set dye., aordltle, and dialler bee, 4 on oevl to palet the... BUNN:1111TV Ipsriro nomeoPArnio -DAIWA mu, (a pleaeant eager put ) whkh yea easy drop late this 'Beath lit any Uwe, eve ye• •serythlng tole direired from modlelnis They Wee ireilivairet„ 4114 It. irtitialies of .12. Step retie. Mlle and BM"! tempt& etc lied paean seeteirel and /.td su', without tbe dleelventeeee of cor dials Of Oplatee, .115.1 hare beep noral for Jeer., .bet ap proved by all .ho nee teem or abhor &Aloe. Prica,26 cents ?intone, with Alm:Nona- Fla 4)see,sl, N. ft —A fall set of 110111Palte'S L1011101101.41111C Produce' ertte Nook of Directions, and tweedy dlffervot kemedkni,la !ergo ff.% i.efesfsiseeei, $5; ditto, le pl.lo rem, $1; raee of fifteen Wolfe. and rout, $2 Bungle boats. 2/1 mots aed 00 0•1101. These Ramodiss, by th. stogie - Fos or eons. nut tent by anti or mortal: !rasa rime, to any •44redo, on ricia d y of the grim Addition Dr. e. D 11131311 REVS Oa, Nu. Mt brisubtray. New Tart. NW by J. M. FULTON. Sllto lama, wand door firm PoMbibott, Agent Ifrir Pittsburgh. Jelfallatmr ArbilS. WINSLOW, an experienced Nurse and ►.mete Pbrd.ina, ha. • Soothing Syrup for children trualut.lrbk6 greally loallltab • the processor Welling by bottoming the Some, rnhatteg ell leS..mm.tba—will allay •111 jelo,andln 'sure to reireltto lb* lurula Deprud upon It, warn, Übni µlre runt to yourenlver Sol rollel esd Math to your Inhurtu Perfect!, eel. In 101 cars— Pee paniettermat Id author ontuur. Sallkdbmly? fr_wPITTSBEIRGII AND BIRMINGHAM . 4 nr DAB 4 IIINURR RAILROAD 0011PANY —Tho RIO. OND ANNUAL MEETING of Om atockbolders of D. P 1414- blush and Dlnalogbam Paorogar Itallro44 Comma, will be bold at the 44Re• of lUmpooo A NO 94 fourth woe!, Ai MONDAY; 21.1 Jftsgeary,l94lokt 10 o'clock • so, uwhich Uwe and pfeeo• Mud of DiAsetor4 AIN boolects4 “Ar• for the onnolog 7•44. Wll. M. 111.11.411,. D1R 4 b941D.J.44 1434.-.149:dt1424 Porfottry. - Onw P. 1 I. 1... Pussycat lo.pg •r Co.. • Plthborgh Jatiutiry e . INC I Tel Stockholders of the Pittsburgh & loot tautly 'Prisoutor ft/01mq Clomptay hors by retitled thot ILISUT/ON for lit. thoestuo of told oott..souy, Io mug for the unclog year, "Ili In 001 at flip Offloo of A. Itioliolion, Nog, lo tee !Wood ward. city of Pittsburgh. on MOB VAT. Abe 2ln of. Aativny, 1%1, AA Alnet the boon of IU at. mid o'cloolp. tia. of WC doy. A ilsurol Sloetl4 of the Btocitholdsrs will be td lot Um some dam and plus. By osiMs of . loutointlon of Its. Board of Of sum. folfklOtti N. P. BIWYRR. Presiblont. ditsenitne Vetur Kluane, eerie; 1 Pittsboreb,,Jale. 12. 1661 • J ANNUAL of the b"er" ilteebbolder&of the Allegh.y Villry,ltellresdeant• pony will be held et the (161.• or the Cetitpeny, °other el Weehingenn set./ lad Meteor y birth Gerd, Put.• burgh, o TUUSDAY, the 6th day of febenuy, 1661, et 10 dole.• m.: A otab.ent at the albite of the comp., etlll be pteicaled..4 . *leen. rill 1,3 held for Prod• dent end 9nstd of Meown lb, thou.:lnn year. Jaltdttelleatt JUICES (IPPON, Peerelayy. Omens Pnisinottis asu ilestiusevali Nguema Oo , Pittsburgh, Phioeuiher RD, MO, ANNUAL MgIiTING of the Wag. obie r•• lof the Mehemet ewe Etrutiensine Heilroed Company .l!l be 0.14 on MONDAY, Jeersog 14,. et their 001*Ne. lit fourth street. Pittaburgh, twero lbshoots or 10 o'clock a m. If o'e.ook ts., at whlah tiost sod filet► On Election fur Plieldrut end Direct. ore rrflabe bald gums. fur the etiaologgesr.. &MAI PI CiNgl. P. VON BONN tfOlt9T, PeorsturS. UPtiCICOSAURT ULM V At.l.lT /1.11.0 v , P/ttebatsb Dteetelar 29,1422. ,Fr -- Tfig - ANNUAL 'MEETING • of the Plockboltteni or the Chutiers Taney Battroel Oom. peal will be hold oithIONDAY, the 141 h Jeauery, 111131, at thew (401ao, tle. 144 'earth etrott, Pittobetah, between the been pt lead{ dein.* p.m, etwhichj thee sad place OS Ilro . ICso Ibr Mabee will bs hold to M. dattog Moen. rare heeir. (lOW H. I. TON 'DONN BORST, recretery. Ufncu,idauell LIMO sue' UO No. 21 Nab ellt,tottilt, Jam jDIVIDEND NOTICE.—the President t.PY and Thro.d'orti of th's eoatattiy, tioio Odd day do. ebutdo 'Holden:l or7FInIIY DOLLARS MIR SQARt , poa -obto to th. fltotlkbotdoro or their loptl roymeatatireo, oo or wires. 'firs - fa by — D. N. 1100 E, Plecretari; fr"..SII,OOND t ANNUAL. XXUIBITION .* 7 •op THE PITTIIBUROU Awe ilisioozatizovir M r ll.l. OPIOIOI wittormetriay . ,; Denamber 19th, ' ' fA0E8ON!O . NALL. cLirsor Pali* sad •mu ot.s. strimte. 8011irpcpea hoes 10 04 ea 4p. a 1 sae !roe II to lo 4 2=1:::tlipsia:. sow* nig: t¢ mt& latalkiw jr&lerllE BTOVILUOLDERBI of the' Pitts. ;Lo.elreasCherUllorty Meow Itittesty Wow . Sionlii ea *leak* :ke flys ilisiwire gsl4.oBepiay Wily ItSr.vill be bell M tbsoftiegettbepopeesiyrbfre as limb% tie bgell, Wien Ito Uwe all 0 L 1141411111. JAM , I J. jr, itaciguz=, esafontaq... I , - I, !at relative to the ,maintenance of mi the I7nioo. 'Otte ,IROtteefi . , „ rlsT Ai., , +ntr - -.t !rid orthe anon Mi ela Nan._ Na,- - annuarbsys tells y ;DUD el FOOS Pia OSST' en the avita StorS4 out" Ala to tbe Star-I'4 ttbkrainiosa at Abe last SLR Manila, P 7 t ear bell nth, 4ost , le teed; et the ettloTam.r. 117 and of Way& Jialb Nod W. B. OOSIIL 4WD, Treerarer. D NOTICI.—The Stockhold ere of the Pittabargli sod Allegheny Bridge Co, Mond moot ) tonsbrootMol Out s - Dfoltfood of TWO 1)01.4.L1LS ASO WITTY OINTII NUL =AWL b ..6..e 4relered—yeBe6le . fOrthe Ilk. jall• • BURITLL. Trauma.. Vant Statements ttttt most of the Mink of Plitoboriti. Profanes, isolory It. 1161. lISANB. Lour, BUL nod' D1000nte..............51,6501i IT Rog Woo inoLlGrooot ..... *Lag ue likeirs and 8,100 60 Doe by other' 81,992 07 Bank. Norm A WOO 27 • et , LIABILITIES. 00.2.4it1e Oeylhd Stook— .....—... .........$1,14A100 00 Prate and Entermp.-......--,..--. 188900 rl. ••• Uoirld Bleated. and Sumpenn Acet. GAS 06 IMAM other Beaks—. 09,066 1 - Circulation ..—......4 ------. 22401 , , sure,ooo • The above statement' la correct to the beat of my k owl. : edge end belief. • JOBS HARPER, ar. '• Sworn th end intotribed this lee. ItEL 1001. belbretne. H. 11. BILITB, Notary TIMM:. • Statement of lezettange Bank of Pltta'sh. Pannonian.)lo=44, Jarman 14, • Bet. Lome and Mammas ....... ...... 12 Reel Rotate. M Itault x , " 50, 00 21,9 et 76, 00 Checks awl Notee or otb.tSeeke....-.. 59,1 90 Doe by otter ........ ....-.. 153, BS V 1,12103 1 04 • D.pll.t Block ..... - ...... 14,260 00 Des 607043 14 • - Das to 2 000 other Banks 60,1116 • °mahtma fund and Profits 210,601 84 2,:26,011 64 The above etatatoeut le correct, to the be B ot 01 07 koolit 'quip and belief. 11. U. MURRAY, Nablar. I •61rmed before me, title 14tb day of lenosey,lB6l. El. 11,5311TH,Noteri Public. • illtauseaest of the Merchants' &nil Moon. taetorers , Hook of Pittsburgh. Prereumeao, !clouds), Jenuary 14, 1.61. Clrentatiou Duo Depoaltort .... ....... 376,834 80 Doe other Banks ... ... ..... 19.1e6 43 6 Lne. Loma and ......... 6690377 63 00114 ...... . 146.f1l 33 Motusi • ,Duo by ether Bank. . ..... . 74,60 00 IR Thirabove statement le oorreet - aoll true io tile be of My Inciotadgeegd bolter. W LigNNY, Cushier. • .curs eobecriteel before me. We 14th dar Jos-, A. 0.1861. W. u_waittisitaiotul ttttt mow. of the Vlttneulin mask. id Pittsburgh. Jannari 14, 4133019. Loans and Discounta— ..... ........ . 760,104 BI Onto in Vann . 111,&49 Not. and Chocks o r caw; 13.937 60 DOifrom Banks and 4116 t 7 Oaplial Stook 4600,000 00 3314.100 00 to . 100,627 07 Dos to ottuir — hatiks..--. —..— 10.417 03 This a d corraci . to ba;t of iny numb ago and hell usu. T. VAN DORMS. Oamhbsr. Anlrtoad haunt toe this 14th day of Janoary, 1801. light CIARPNB, Notary Public, LLLLL 1,..5t or Dieelaastes , Bask et Plitteb.h *loamy, January 14, Mt. LIABILITIES. Circulation ixina oo Doe to nth4r Danko— IV 315 09 Duo ............ .. -....... 0R 639 44 419. , thr na I.SvWI4I. .ltd Note. Dtseouoted.. .STKI 376 211 Doe by other Danl. ...„ . 2b.303 eY Noted. and t•locka of ctbet• Batiks— ...... 51.579 76 Specie to Vomit. 166,166.] 9043,114 ' The aborestatsinerd Is correct, to the best of my humib dge and belle/. ODD D. DIDIEW, deforst before me this lath day of immay, 11. U. abIITH. Noury Otat•soicia of too Allogl , issi Dank. hinslomoo,lanosty 12. 1881 sears. 93M to.. and Diseounts..-.- 817.999 WI Dna by other. Books- ....... ..... —.-..-. 35.116 35 Nut. sod Mack. of other Portkx....—. BLOT: 65 rip.cte 137,111 bd =I Orenlotion 102.V/ii Ou Duo tooth/Dr Honks 10:41 19 Individual bop.lt.. 127Jrtl % sbovi ....on, la correct to dm boot of Oki Know!. alga and W.f. J W. `Walls. aull .nbacribod intro. mo, this 11th day of Jon., 1101 W. II WHlVilltlf, Watery Public. statement of (Pm Iron elty PITTS2IIIOII, Jaaolue 24. 1461 Oapltel flu 0k...--- 440,000 00 Lome and ....... 101.110 00 Doe by . other Banta . 41,914 14• Not.. ea Chaska of other Hank.._.. 68,870 62 Speen . 152,914 66 elm-plat/op— 271.070 tal Dos tooth., Batiks-. --., 4,620 01 Doe toDepnaltors---....—...-.-- 271,246 US tla abase engetheht 14 correct according to the beet of kaserlerifp/•0•1 :JUIII2 MAoolllsl,(laah•r.. Minuted beton me, ate 81a dg of Jan, A. D., 1461. W. 41-.1,112211NY, Notary itaw abbettiscmcnts. BURNING FLUID, Carbon Oil, Lard 00, Akobol sit Nplat• ofitupVlo., far alto at lowest prkwi by stsio 301INSTON, Drogglot. utd 'earth at. IMM L3=M=Ol:Z33ll RFD's MAGNETIC OIL still holds the royalatloa II We bar fee pow., of being aoperlor to swain et kimra for IL. MUM Or PAIN. Rod's Mega&Oq gam Ablewatartria, opoeilryaled radically, and far all /rob/:t4 mad rejerire last be oorelifeed Vet ..lErtead I. meld•" Sold by all reeprafoble . Druito4, 01 234 ?a t.mlic OSION JOUICSTON. Drautat. sod Draw la Cal Welt VAMILY If 11:110111111. /*Wit Dormer ladttifeld and rowth Ma., Bohl lasal DtiSOLUTION OF OU•PA WIN gitSIIIP. —The Aim of LIELIN ILL JOIICPII a CO, hare Ode 410b01v04 partooyobip by tootool foment, Loam Lot. ma booing •Obdraloo trots lb. bra. Tb. boolown.lo boroalbor bocootinowl orelortbo moo .ad Ira of b. JOBIPLI al.l tt 0 unmet. Alai* K.I.U. [lllll/11Alf d [LIT. a All .ICY. ac CO.. PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, • GAS AND • STEAM FITTERS. A large assortment of ell articles pertaining to the business, with all The Wind improvements. Jet Na us Mmirtl. stmt. WNW Saliba/4d. lonpotiarlt to Ven6llllost! LOOK AT TWIST • N ON -EX PLOll'4 'BURNING FLUID— /km.lex PLOSIIIII BURNING 11.01D1 NON4XPLOOI HORNING run! Only 66 mate per mtlioe. , , Daly 66 cents per gam,. Cheeped 1 llointuellug Fluid la the World I Obeepest-Illiterlastlria Fluid I. the World I Oheepeatilldrolnatimg Void In the World 1 N. B. The oedlpieryi fluid Leber ere mid for lb. Nan- Vapkedre fluid—nd theme 'it Lampe. for We may by • 40$. /CRYING, by JOB. FLEIIII2O. • • ; by 10d. V 1,101150, by JOB. FUMING, &Oar MitzliM etteet dad lie Diem - ad, 001% r Market wrest end the Diamond, Corner Merkel. Aram end the Dianion4. Jelslll °miner Ilartutetreet and the Diamond. • fgEAM LESS BAGS--DEDUOED.P.IIICES. A7-17.w prepeted to 1111 onion, ler a quantity oil Sege, at the Wowing ratan. bushel, 16 mu,. 027 60per 100 Dar 2 do 16 os. 26 60 do Me plot do 16 as, 26 00 do Great Wooten do 10 oe., 26 00 do dirueatanio 2 do lb re, 23 00 do Wanhattan 2 do 12 mg, 21 00 du Towdo 25 00 do do ... do 67'00 • do Any else rc gland mad* to order. DIZABBT BAWKDA, .Ixlo - carom LAMM; mil Mead erred& ALL KINDS OF DRY GOODD . WILDE as low al t . t.oy eae bilk/awl atif plies ,C.HORION 4011 , X.,74 Martel lot TIMED APPLES-40 kp, kblA , just .11.1 Med for We by • Id VANS At 150filfi, Alb torpor Wood sad Voter its, WIIITE BEANS-4 sacks New Crop , just mea 'be sib 17 jas se a cotris. CVICR 8 68 D - 10 Backe juet reced for oda by MIAMI 001//110L Zia F . :5 1 bb n L ii i c rz y 'ddo r FFAIRBANKS' • SCIALES.—The undersign lid belling by appointed Sole Agents AN Steam. Tennsyleante far TAIIRBANRIT STANDARD MALES, dean it unneceinery to *ON Into soy ororod 00,1 V their menu, so they hare. swawl the tart of thirty years. The eitalogne unbretwe eerie thirty rerletleih or which aertbing Iran a goli dollar to nlommotliee.o be weighed. .for "le st inennfeetitrere paces. •t ttARTETEIGIIT L YOUNG, No. UT Wood Street, Jallt ' come Of Dineuent alley. • GIEESTIO AND STAPLE . Country Flannels I White and Phiid Flannels 1 O. It/11180N LOVN. 71 14wkshtrIet, gNVELOPS, DIAMMIS, Memorandum • *Wm Docket.. Posigooks, Ckpy Bookie and Whet* ado try . 4 , - ripORKSYS AND 01:11CligN8;40- boles: "A, idawitmeed Tiukw fad MIAMI. Jest MIN kg owls 'lilt:.• exisi Yacht re , n UTTER-5 btu. Extra ItoU Emir. ,EJ mat RN nit ar PAC 11,111T14031.14EL '1 abbattinnsnts:::• ~,,, 1- FOR SALR-CHRAP; , eltiated t'le torpor of Watar and Wary Anita. now oe caged as • Hotel. , "WILLA.RD HOUSE." :33v r: : orrand at a groat rartilleo. log agleam! B. WLILN gaglo , Baal /date anat.. • SIX Fourth stmt. r!!ZCI3 MONEY ti 'WARM t ; %SSW tin Moan of Accommodation Papm to mount of 1510,000: bmfos from iwo to Ms - wombs to nok to ma. moo log Otoot ot to 11. coo Nao, Bonds I=4 16ortimis on laipoovad Oaf OtOPOrtY. Uttar of iotouttbrizno to amount of 10011 PAP/0.-44M too ast to gilt od/tod Iron htt&r. having tetna Os to twelve mootts to mu BABE STOOK ROB BA LB. .77 ohms &111 nod M. Bank titanic ; 1.1 gum tzokotwo Bank Stock ; IB ohms lionontutbalo losaroom Rook ; II slum Mintz loattraoe• Block; IN ammo Notuftivantt I esurooo• Hock. Aptly to ; B WILIAM C 0. .& 00. Rook and .11 Malmo. M%M R 111 outh. street. !MIN pERFUMERY I PERFUMERY 1 jam Ola day In reoelpt of a large aupply of , ~Fine Perfumery, cogitating of a 'Tut amortamot of a•Vmaolu lotigitA and /aim:ma EXTRACTS, 001ARINES, Mae Amman and Zajdult POMADILS,of ail dasaiptlour, alao,• lose assort. meat °Ma bast iEnglish Toilet Soaps, owns awl BRUIINNS, of all deeorlptlons. otlrounne CRUM, the Wet proparstlon Io the pond f. Roues :tin, Chapped Nara* Ups. stn. ate. Those wishing anything l the If.. ohould call and exam. foamy stoolt before purreseing elsewhere. Garner Mark j et=lol=. N. If. NGiIifISPIAGIVE BURNING PLUM, at efoo. per j. gallon, &graye on hand. A Brilliant Light without Danger, and Cheap er thee any Illuminable's Inid now In we. Jet Gall and try IR W.! ik L. 11UOUS, Corner cif Market and Fifth streate AT COST All-Wool lle Laiooo I I= 7 . - Figuiad, Fanoy and Plain Colored :SI LKSI 'Gt•OOLN.N mocws! Long and Square SHAWLS, striped French Shawlal All of thlishova g00d.... of tha wer7 hoof ttyloi W. 2 D. HINAJW, CORNER rim AND MiRIIBT STE W.A D.ltuutis . ,cloaNza arni AND aIAREST W.& D. DUCYIa , CORNER FIFTH AND MARKET BTA. W. k D. 11110106 . , COUNErt Fir CH AND MADICCT ETI _JiI2 - AA Y SION MEN T.—Whereas, JAMES LIMON, or the Oily of Plttatrargb, dIJ auk., ott the Bah of December, n raluotory atlgnmerit of all bra prep. arty. mot, potraratal awl Watt, to the. anauralgued, for the °outfit or hal creditor., .11 Pena. Indebted to said James tomato are V. qatrapd G 'mike Immediate paymat, sto the hoeing Shama or demands will mote hoary the rata attract Jerla to W. 0. AotilltNßALoll, arraign., • Joh:Carlarso No 112 Diamond .t. PITTSBURGH PLOW WORK 8 J. C. BIDWELL, poems. to Omar a Bidwell,' MANUFAOLUIIIeiI OP ALL TUX ViRIZTIMI OF PLOWS, PLOW oeszxscia, Cotton Scrapers, Cultivators, 90, Adapted to the various Soils of the Northern, Western and Soutifern States. /11-11euefietary, Wareham.) end O. Corner Duquema Way, Val•tta rtre.l wad Cl•r -11'1•0111 alley, (oat) throe Nome* Iron 1l 1.6; Bail/v.l Depots deltoly PrMallit r ad, PA. PREMIUM • GRAND PIANOI • JUST RECEIVED, a superb carped 7 OCTAVE. • OLT Lire Eid Ft AN 0 PIANO. 07 OGICWERING. A DOW Id ANUfACITLIGIL is,os• of tie NEW 11171107 ND GIANDP. which Q A SONS bare pet messed the GOLD bIRDAL ai Ugslata Mailbag's of tue blimiebneeits H.. chant.' Aissoctetien. Tin Publican Welted to cell and ow this splendid In. atraniesit at the Ware:toms ne `4OBN U. MICELLOR. NO. It WOOD MIST, Mama Diamond .Ile and /meth alma, It. Agent for °blaming A Dem' °rand, Uptight and dynes* °tenanting Los rittaiergh and Wasters Poo I. analic' 11 $5OO Piano for $350. A GREAT seiciezis. rEUE SUBSCRIBER has had MR with him /av• We, ty *Wally about ea Mr. the Ott, one of Chickeiring Zit Sons' 7 OCTAVO Rosmw?on osutvicu Pl/kl 4 i i us lOost originally $5OO. I . llla Ml.' be be. IN Ull6 G686T0 IN ONR TRAIL, .au h. had lb. best porlble taken of It. It lila pea bat order, both IQ embaal.m and fmr•llnte—ln fait, l• as GOOD A 6 NNW A. It tizaat b. dleproad of Ant cOO% It I. oared at theORIAT RIODUOTION (V 1100 11101C1 1100? 4622:wY C EDAR STAVICS-43 'bales; utomiar NOTB-13 ftelks. FIATUIRD-3 DRY, PIACIIRS-141) maul, DRY APPLRIL49 sow km11.11'6,10 We Key West, for W. Dr - • Milt! Wail' t 00.. F a kyou, cuss a aAcains, No. AT PIM Street, PAICES RZDUCED, JP/UIVIOUR TO TAKItIO INVIINTOIT OP STOOK Olt TOM FIRST or VIIHILVAIIX. 1841. Pero ..id Gloat islasolsis , i , B lm gi b mt t" hroldonsd, liststasi wad Nolo Liam Sakti ntsat's O.w usl WAN, Lane Thus. slat Wait's, Looks' sod I:l6ll4tro's (Wows.; Boston WOW ,sll Wool Woos Wool lid Illortno trodstibltts sad Dowsurs Boma JUSbosa. Moon owl roams; Waal moods. Barb, Toltoss. Clatters, sta. SO AT MIT, AND SOME AT fteS ?MAO OOST• 1.01 TO 0 AS GOT. VAIOLIESAILE I BUTEP-9 ARE INVITED TO CALL • EATOI ZEIZE=2 MUSIC, inanos and Melodeons RIMOVID TO NO. 67.1.1 FIFT El BT R 131 Hi T. Odd Fellows' Building, In CoarqUalin of the ere at N 0.116 Wood at. enaRIOTH /MUNE, .hint forlpt_a_hal'!_thl!brated . Noma., forint:air • PRODUCE-150 u. bblisi choice Green Apples; 1.960 bl b irbr; ?Zee. chola, nehree, 1100 do 1:0A, Apylek 260 do Fhlte Deena, I DO baled thous, . 60 LLIe choice Oder, 10 kqi Les4—poe bele by • 1...1.01A7/..43 Lih.rhj st. BLAN; BOOKS— , .. LlDollith, JOURNALS, I DAT T Kh, CABII BOOKS, %Id •Thol , d eptio• or Amount Rook., au keel et lash. to 0141-10 de bee =nem holed to any p.n.s, regaled, with or rithoht Wined beeline, by i i Wed. G. JOHNSTON . 1 00. ; jail Blank Book Makers, 57 Wood et. OOKS FOR THE TIMES— -. The Whet /Leine im. 3 . 0 • , t1 Pa r tm. OtheheeTevelo ThrOvah th e ...._.,." . 1,.',_ ' , r Juoney Tbrougb the lack Uoustry. . Life of gee. Jobs A...l2eltses. far mak top . . maxi.: la DAVIS. lath' -1,, . . ' SI Weed it• - - DRY GOODS! A PYII3-150 bele. York State; zik, Ice tee} mews de ,ddedd_Odlo APPIII•4014 m'd ter eW et NMI • • 4 - • ~ .saasit VAN GORMUL 110181V—tasteni - itid .Fats 'fish always c we oaths 11,11 Wirdbow °l l ll 40414 / 1 4 1 4 11 CO' i = AT COST! C COST! (..!OsTr AT COST! JOHN U.HZ1.1.011, 81 Wood Street. M==l ~b.~ • '". '*- f is inants.l 109-Agents-liPranfedl To •auevass iron ; rolw&As iooas - • '' whkh uo sold itlXOLUelltitcY BY SUBICRIPTIGO. .., THEs7woRKS include the MOST fiALE ABLE BOolls PUBLISU NO, .4 Aiteatb - oott to oer employ ere reakleit , ii . rOwli $5O to sloo'ner itfottnttr. We gin 4r Agrbte the ItXCLIISIYEICONt4r , L of any Itroomd th e/ matt MIMS W c114<••• Yor fay ,:pairlbtelere lad Catelope of .&a•4, a, e.ldr•er . , r i 0.,W. I.IIIN T, General Akekit... Soom Gin!ml ouati N B. We. Law•Jw4•ol6l..t.l so Slit. 4 of FAMILY QUARTS BatLES, is • New and Beautiful Stple or Bind ing, gotlen op cipreai L ly for Ag•nta 0•10.....6' 101 l Applicants mop too M. Id titr.r&,llouto. from 12 W . ANTEl)—Aetive Business Men, to take Timis rhino lo Goal Clotopaug, anifiganufnat the badness. Location Vonouirabala Rivet. !Outman...to to good working order. ror particulars toqulrp or datO tI>