RS ME a 0 •s: ,;141.: e ttea...e“imlie Wilitaarair of Alta. '' ' '!;:"" - f,,112fiFilta4 11411731141rar:C:411Ctte ... 1.. wry, setemaresim ve scree the snip wad oflUe rmetteara ore. reams Code nets. state 5 t ,.., - proms Cones For Ira oungen. ,- . ~; , _ _ • m a . W I L14114111; "It strikes .me that the objet- : bona to this . proposition, novel and extmordinni, ... as it is, are so i °hems as to present themselves , ' opt the surface, end to regulate° extraordinary 1 i'''''z'lL'thrzeur.„ - it°' the aa w P li s e ri hic r e th e a pn i kTu a" , in ' U l t. Ti e n ' : '' ion that the involves a reflection upon ' ,th ,,, W i rtase, ut bliplyies that we are not competest t , perforeninto of Our eon duty, and asking -.' that ! we shall , :i outside to take the opinions of . . min not thiterairce qualified, W, 1 thinkori a-very - extriordinetyr ay, to pale upon constitution a l questions, endi'derivilit.any , influence that they . ..'May ozercise!tliroughoitt the State purely from the . .pftitions vrhieli; the people have thought proper to tivir`tieit. - dr,lieerediriesed to agree with gen.. _gums, bens:thee there are not roce-al bath these Hoarse quite et able to investigate these gauged' .. - - ..-that these , Rinses are not onto ii capabls to 4 lian'tspon %bele, as toe judges of theSupreme:i -f: . •,. -- , '..Court,-I should propose that you slieula'so elee-' -,.....--, .-where ler tabu:alien. I - - should 'pilfer thatlint ~..,Iltetild-take your, appeal to the bast lawyers-in the eanwayrealth, and I think you will not lied them • ~, ;epos-theibitich of the Supreme Court: (A mem - her !Thai's! e 0 I") L think the profusion is agreed Orton that question ; I think are are all - . . egree ronghout this State, that that court Wants -. the it idenc4 of-the profusion, sod I think' : it ~ • , equal y, wintithe confidence of the people. , W'halavr, - Iltat the law has heroine so uncertain ''-, "thkx fir littldi:ll are - like almanace-they radar° f.: but f r i year:: In' the same volume we find con -1. Ind' ory decisions, impietiog statist each (AUL .;.- .-..T0 n. ai extent 'hor this prevailed, that it has. 4 bet me Onion. a State necessity that we should a ve:orgazintlors of that court. '. , -; ' hen us I 'pink th,. I do not speak for myself mail, ; rreitetate the language which felt-fiam thelate Chief ;omits of that Court, sow the RifiTo,. owlet Nets ender the tiliteral ativeremset. Is an , __ - •; : sai t a i sert..el t ivite iibo d• b u' y htm in the cue, 1 think of se be declared that the taw -- '-'-.lisiraiiir ..., sa becalm:, so iiacertain that no man cue - i-- -raiesider its title good for more than ono yeari. -...• To the . erbitramesit of such a tnbanal, it is now v. - - profeesed - ter submit these quertions. I think that - :--‘ -wo verbatim ascertain the rulearat construct. • -.: ,'.. iq which hive prevailed in net court in 'nix! to b i u co 'tuttonal previsions, they " will no doubt wt that the members of that tribunal are the era , ` cle to which, weought to refer... . - Thiele uotiall. • Looking to the position whic h - - these ' :men occupy, I feel very, will „w l assured that they would ,derilne the .responsibility Which this . • -Legislature proposes to cut upon them. This ' . 'tegeral Toys', oT exploration upon which . you proper, to ssed them, is not within their proneera **judges. : They may hereafter be called to pass upon these qeestions la regular form. They are • 7 ' ,. . , . ! asked noWto! volunteer (for it world be volunteer. • , int) an ants -judicial °piston, • which' thajmitht ..,_, -lad it necessary hereafter, upon the advice gad .• • _:. - '2 ,, (..imfg-' ! lament"; of conceal, to take back again-if they _ ~ • „_, . .F2 ,-p airl reepact,'. (as I cutlers they do not generally,) ~ : `, . .., k llilreeth artintnests. When we carry a cue to the ..„..6VSiipresset Coot of.Peinisylvsnie, we taproo t that . -'? '' ' 4.- V -. ..: l t i nrial b. iw Irlg led by te: ° a p po ni :i l it ry a :h7 -h the ul io 7 f 7A-- - ',..!, .. 1 ' ' d ofgr, front" every quarter of the Common ; Wealth.; - Most Courts Woold look end do look 'in :I`...thaidintetioil for lestraction. They. do not pie ' . toad upon., aity question to, make up their opinions to edveacee.l It is with the aid tarnished by the iseeetivalcsin of learned lawyers, that tribunals of . . this deneriptioa pate-epos the causes which: are liebmittedio them. Now you ask these Min , nue of a peculiu political faith-to pais es pule, .., without ittrieg, upon a question of this sort, 'Sabres:lse iii wmfestion of all our statute books, and; loolusql to- tautly or folitical indication ~.. which kiss pr the lint time suggested it: I say. that if the members of that Court hare mud to • .. - tioadelisisey which -should always characterize - a - ! - .Couttr wheel should always govern a Court bathe - execution' of its highest trust, they would altogether - Aieflue theluission with which it is proposed to trusfthenk. - ' ' • • - But. Ur. Speaker there are other objectioni. s es It i setnsa hers Speaks, there are grave doubts in - ! retied to the constitetionality_e_l_ these laws. 11, enee cause these doubts 1 What authority is there fir. al' opinion that they are uncooatitu • Bout? . Doss 4W - Esseetire think se l Has he . • laid ao ? I Ho; but the very contrary; he tells you ' that there is no doubt's to their coninituionality. ' bat we are baked Winer: Ali them from our statute books, not beeline they are 'erect, but merely in , . deferents a morbid opiaion is regard to them Which is supposed to prevail in the Soothers' slave Suttee of, this Union. I do.not think for.asy own part that; it is worth while to go oat efoni way to propitiate Mose States. - They Ateestraord, from us t r rl m°umlt°ruaiDwi"aa tfat!4oes do%la oie.ging 2 (l suggestit for the'coinderation of gentlemen here)--you must say that eon -consent consent that they- shill govern at; you. least i,upturn the majority_tirinciple in this nation. t, Is no ether way. can you appease this i unsalable spint. There as no peace offering which ' - yon But c* ? desire, Mr. h o l p is e r ak 9 rl 1 i r l i ta " t u w d e .ri s shall I ' wait until we' are called upon in a finillet 'way. It is 'admitted , ppm all bands that there is - molding - wrest Opera our mutate book. Why should we hurry to explore le-to search for sins ? Why should w , promise-expurgation. If the Southern State. bake -cause of -complaint, let them emir , to us WI :the regular,way, through the proper chin. el., and lee will look into oor mutate books to as ;• certain i Whether the matters of which they tom : ._ pleas be right or wrong. 'II' they he eight, thee it is.vsy..jailgtseet that they shalt stand; it they - be ! .. ' • • inungi,l, ;weal& be the Sod man to redrew, that 'wrong.) -- , ~, ffistereat tic Letter Oven an Officer at Fort The Trey Times publishes two - letters from an • • officerluader command 'of Msj. Anderson to his father lit; Trey. The lint was written from Fort - • . Module before its evacuation., in which bespeak; - of the! preparation for, an attack, of a steamer • .'..Whiciatune down everytsight to watch the more} ' create !ad the fort eta to, prevent reinforcement., . of the ; **peculiars that Fort Sumter would be seized," aid that thin they should be the centre of - a triangle, exposed to the fires frets each point, . , Haute (drib& , • ' • ' - -__ : wWla are now so strong that we expect to give such da'aucutet , of °unwire. as our nitride need, not beiailismerl of. Yet it will be almost- ones: 'stapled re history that - so - small a force should do; liberately prepare for what everyhody - now sent ', • ' most be thbxeselt. - : . There! !' 'lre bees not a few offars of aid from the north. States. Regiments would coma, and r - i l tplenty lit is indeed one of the_ most t t ee w r-, k teils,' * ' bri r e Pt ; ' 1 our a l c i ii iii ci ° l " sy ; P ay enca ß at sot 1 .: ..--A lk -, Ads , s t W I ' S o cap p ted, coleus by- order ef the pro- i . ~c,,,1 : ,:... .. ipF int . at Wasbingloa. We. will try - to, I ' . . : - •••• '''+ ' edit of our position with these - few. the men is noble I -they ere pertetgyi, mimed of doing their Only, - and pan , the best evidences af.thair conduct ,---?/. i . ,. :.•;.,„..‘ ..t ...,_.•., 1 is the tact that not a Man has desert, Inuit, tor nearly three swathe." letter ts as follows : ~ i ' , You SWITIII, 4k:falling, I:er. 26. I Whir r Before this reaches you, you. - v , bare kanied that we have literally, II by LIU horns. , 'Soon eta sunset, we anumated Fort Moultrie, avid urn i teed in this impregnable fortress, where, reedy, unapproachable ; while, at the, we command perfectly the harbor and :it' iteeit. , '--Vessel'' hays. been is l et! sight - sad -hare watched as eloseep ; iw to% provost this very terve, but we . tern thew. Iturrals for Major Ander-. , bur • , that is not afraid of respoe4 1.• najedgmeat sad a bettsr.l ty.thea ban ordinarily 'Wiwi public! . , . .. . . foultrie er,a could not ,feil, to hire sue-I, artillelaii.,thasbeleinglaurileelabLureecohafettrik!filtegli'mweutien cane probably few A'l assault, we 'most have been forced to' ....._:_, • ltionigh it *gold not has been without! *inns of every man there. .., : - • aide/soli has been, delighted with the' ' Id spirit of this little command, not a, tick would have Pinched from - say strut -t e befallen,ae. We are not SO'be 1 :. . ' . 140.101.4 1 1 11 7 . 1 Z/S ud is s lavir times' as' loge as. Fort 1 walls ere sixty feet high, end - no 1 .. -There is but one revel; 1 a ig _ that iii, that Fort Moultriediould •not have been • *Maisel loatight, however, everything .that - Anughtlitleetroyed will be. lam sore a general 7,,t'dbe4-Ofieliet will be experienced by the country 7.1.4,A.- - ' .it this atop, takes solely epos - Major An . „ --,..*14 - , - . ltreepeasibaity. • . t : • • .. ~, , Wawa at fort had the slightest intimation -,,-- -...-.* - r,V=.. Tallman and oily one or two officers, until the • -''' ` ''''.''?t ,- - ' id the 4 ... ~.,. „..... _ . ffn Il . =ES - i l- '*;l3et...raelt 'it ira" execiated. Oar property ant. = '"funilise Me safe here, with At menthe provision', beepilal atone, &a The guns at Moultrie me -Ayer'ti, Cherry Peotora4-, ..... spiked and lb. Berated cut "down, so that no Palmetto lag ean ewer Boat on that stick. There = Won tall sans cons or is already a grist estimation . so the esty, signal Cosigiss, Peas, lallusems, liOsesetitfit. toasts ,am fired from the island, bat it eras too CroliggrOnekitH, Indolent Coflnump lets wer hasp decidedly got the bell by the inur. tints, had for the relief of Consunapthie I b• 11 dnow, - and lbe Ms.__ lb Willithe can C ° 26 , ritle!tti in edveloiod 'OOP. or the Adsimmtrau'On can do its duty if it will. disease l Wdldi - thlitk wahine doodle right tang, he. esesems ametrosger ties sow; sod althosgs we flu wide is the dell of its titaftdnen and sone ' loftiest Odd bons with Ingres, sad disliked meth to wane the labor that his been lavished them we an .irarplestlonably Allay sa our eigkt piece sod been lo lean& of so long. - rufous arethe' cases of Its cores, that slt every s ection ' of fount", abuond o fn perms liely knowrq echelons been restored from alarm , and even deeperate diseases of the lungs by itis P ie °4lmr ave b eta fermi,dhtertibeacasanwitiththeereng‘ourWbleomiciwdo4ualdt fio i l ia m , a t b . 1 , 80 .4.,„ 8 ,1 4 ., , ,„ b :,...,T en t i 1 1. g e , 11 , 1f° 6 1,1 1b d7 Au tmt -_l=ll nA t t i arc za it i t it ls Pmilri s pa.a troTer tomm etStl , V r h impois u ll • Imul ible , ° ,Z i c ti l i th all u e . r a p ' o ,; - ip ti l7 m dlterna l-tlii io2 to tin i hori t t r l . l . l tb /B . os., T w o h a t u n t u h g e o y u :o rs ottle sna d o p a t: m so s o no s U a tly l i rrystloo. old where its viztuirs ere known, o public no longer tientatewhat ahtidototo mo oy 6414 y tb‘41 b ra 'ads °gm: ther e will', and et 4 th laPe ' bora to !biro ,• the first *fond that darkened_ for the dint/ming and dangerous affections o fhb thei-1-- I" esp° e hr e Lus sr‘ n°t ta lui sUem ese in t I R ho " Ithelrlappinem was the death of ibis sots pchnonamogass that Me inc ident to our clink% To 091 0 , wo nun tr , ' lad 'be l t i b e nineteouth tor in 1821, to walleye _%Thil° n'a i t inft trim° remetit throat ` upon th is I S " Iwiat.a °Ter oar °ear position tat Tat lilac a 1 Four ears itteiwudo. Jean P a ul him- r n ip kVidl e a fincd sexi m teisL u eongoi hoi.• will. IL* South Caro ifte to the gum ._ , . Weee.Y _, . . ~after 1 1; , , ,, , os thq aniiet z 1_,...y coo never vow, and, Ilse Attack freii ma,„.....p.. rite verb " ~, t . sell went the way, or sti tie arm, snort', be had begun the publication of the oollioted : produced cum too numerous and ioaremer4ble , - L ~..... ...,61Pei....sim:ii:Ia.taioiri rr.m. ► ' letter edltioll of MS Works Thet object wee taken op to be forgotten. - ....1-,, ny - , ~ ; i -Er , dit4 T e aZ tig va...., 66loo3 ,--- eri - 7A1.46, _ 3..,, 41 : 11 7 r k b bi ,, w id ow bud manful) } s p eom pubbed. ,_Th e 1 ., -,,. 4 yrips,p,,,,._ t o t , , .. „, , i D I Mete pf bee two dAnghtotit was sil tint the , ink 4. c; AVER it IVO. , e • • _t. base as doubt but therkis now ea loot be ,_ . . ~ in ikere too by 1 ~ . , _ -mdoed t may eat 1 boom there li-e scheme to widow lived Mr teeMW•tert It N . lO ' bro." 1 " : f I.OI•VELLi„,/IASS., t tz e „ tu r, the MIL, and rifle works at Pentarolt. the doable grave lo rialrettib, Not un t il l ._, ~.. , , ~, , ~. , zer - ; Tho plea , boor laii headquarters st this Placer no seventieth , year, whim death " eot . tferot.ff 1 a. 4. tronNIETOeK , kOO., plttetertr.olte yorrl did elle leave the beioist to,hlipoil 3 4 fliolooll) Thll3l 1 '' ' . *irlY.'"?' f a rbt 'll ereparoUt no are now being made here T ' - ° • ' s'' ' 1%4 Setae ire )tepteeetet, of dooms e chiveboth daughters dwelt. Shit tir. uN E l kus__ ~ . ,A'.. , -, t t 44 b al e ltie ls* Pee llt t4.- - " . r :4'6. -6 ' — /Ire g ln6ganOu'd 1 ' 2111'44"Y- P la d u W i t n th ' lhe eidet, •11103 Self,* ri e dDr 71 i: fiellah Weithee. W 0.3n0m,' -v" . ~ . 1 • - V . era to take a band is it. /I is coloildeally meant , fi, wiu kart here 0 ,, af ,,,,„ dgys. POT tow, is 111,--26, and tide &sighted. dying JAMEY , 60 bits. Mud gum , , - 7 vs Orate Centidettlete Mt it i," tee". ' etlizerroustettth Stelsatee.; ~ „..1 mg., i g ya i ,„, she contisued to live with het egle4lo-41.. ~, ~ 4. 4 , 4 ,4 s , .t • P ll9‘ ' 3141--, ill..•"11.1"lied*tol-.611-- th - is schemes of llwe 8.•1641.1.181141nantr hat /WO ; illitiOsti l , Jeatronselluldorton,„___ ~„„.., __"_ _ :,. ,'_,„-:,.. , ~. , ft. (m8504_440 boom weloto. fin, • ' bun% au' '"""'" - r" ° Bat I look upon this daughter stiu left and gestid-chil.lron end rota , „,„. terStevntrvvrvi- , l at I, t.. 1 --.t4. r i ~.„,e, ,Nv -,,,,„„ , 1„,,„,,,,,, , k,....h by ' - the eanrOarli of the Smith. ...ewes ! , sal mmtpt botakiTomowK , .., , i . erne Meese ht.S. it sa I look upon the Eakin grarolehildrers. ' , ._ --- , g5,A,,,,i -s . - , 'do ' '.-- ' rhst at ~,. I , .4.4 4 , fi,,, 4!etti_t , --- . - f Sada t een " ma nes is 'w h it td the public ProPl Old sgo sear speaker enisent. its teritts set . lee watered. tkossiitato sod Mee Tem- , ' L.--- 2 ,„„, ~.. dm, - - g adds" it a lately suicidal in every ay itti stsfroelogio- tit mind close snd. , tss so* i „,,aos. . _sax tat , , of_ i so__ Izi 4 1 ( yar -a i tarll . _ 74 „.2lll a ttli mo V o.6 ll l rN atiow ilit t i _...., - 6* 4 Ik e e li esie f r the flolith la dannethillit told'o• wartirfliottgls`Mtietell laden net be so olgoroos, ' 56 bor g i r • •••• , ear .. • i' , . v.,. ~„,„„...rd.....t.t . ja ,,,,,.. 5. ,, ~ . ~,,, ~„ i -- '•rir i ,., _.., 0 ,1- 40b osdlniee.' , , I ° dp'dot 04,9eir, _or 5 i ,. 501 .,.....0. •? h osly fig now before" bet • - dsalk • Oa' ""1,7-0,, --- . 1 ,- 2 7----. ,„, ,_ ~_, ~ _...i.ll.llloLaPii • 4 ,.. stmt. Time 111414 is Lwiul t h or n , i f"‘"h i s., "ll ' dlie twud slolla - kk ketr_Wiltt_lral, Wilk -oldser Ibe ~e i Weide 000010 . , 4 ~ g - ',,‘ a 74/ oti r ylvsti , tir .. - , ftrid , rint a t 01 , 4 , p „, it.... 4. ' la ill frost reek ri the *"'" 6- eland" '• . ethossid eirivlsteDtgessr , / Esti Isiedstitist - ~ 26 - -;.. 1 L, ' e_._.• 1 1i a . " 47 '" ." ' I'' .0.244 leiallohr" ' ~ ,,• a, ft. *lli inlet ihr committed to orstranse etweryl w it s firic i ad melee , to tbs l i st u tbatibli t z ~,, IN et, alLairaded = f eta • w a il ci i . , ,,. r t ic . „..., , r , ~.. ~ 4 ~,,.:,,, 0 ~,,,,,posositsmow‘ v -, ''' 11.41.115 1 P leer! " w " " I tbdi "4"4" iv r yeoritiolerfikiiiiftrt greet-jowl - -"';,' ' , -7 - rblig , . ,i 7( , MID 01W-L , WW5: 111 0 1 3 1 044 -" Oli ci Arl'4 ft - oba tolesir 4 P lad ""' 'lb" "1. 4 0/ 002, '"14 %go 'Mei bsi-befollisisie. Deo Okersiroitiffen 1 4 / 4T 4- 41 Ivr , by ,ex , ~ r,t - le risstaalets&W , a - wil l - ego= C 4. 1 , 41 . In motions to teleran of , r. „ ..., .. „,,, m ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,„--ww , ,,, mi g ron, , . -,,,, ~_.„ , 4 ~v ...,,, v 111101,,,V12 AV A ~,,,,e4q-Al mpg, ti , :'' A 's Illgrena I° 4 t* tmd• tl f; 7 4 7 0 .,M77-7,73.=,70 - 7,4 7- p;:. 17 ..- - '''''' 41t, kirt'll 446 .'` 3114 ^`'l ' a'l -:•'- • • -, - - - '-= --', , 1 ' ,'""- k, - - --- Isti: .l , _ -- -,, . ,--.- .. , `,1.•,, •-•,r• .-,.., ~...e.,,.::_--v-I ,_ ' 2 .1* :k . .1 .1:- 4. - . - ' ',. ' - - -.- ii. ;; .• , -- ,a.....t..e r ' - '.-: , t 4 .- --- 1--- --- ----...-- . .......-----i- -.- s , - - - - - 7 . '. l' 1 , 1 ...,,, ... . e , -,sedir ._ e , , '..,--•" . .4 . 1 ,1 %- ' _ , ..•• ''''' .-. '''' t .. i ...- . '' ',' • - .'- 1 ' ;';', •'•-*,' i ; '' lirttetalti • - - '' - ", - --:: . • / - frogn '6 1 " rreg0rti eglr.e7l7-arn ilietsesom-- - Six gesbnikemenenull IninrlnT l P , i "1 ten iitit*ltAgl i gghirMßlntti• - 109tiiil airSIK - Waiuttatilitni, i iiiiiitF, lBdo.--Sts: it or:with a i t i s6yr,canthiir t i o i c atmegia .i.. : 6o.4 'estierne rtgroti lave : krt., retirsio Chat additinea , ;. . 1 „4,,,,,,,, ; _ 1b ,.. 1. " do o,,, dk ii i -„- . .,A 1 , ~„ ~;,-,.: 11°°P1 ' .14 '` '' ' b6e9 ui.d'"d ' ' ' ''' ‘ e l6al'w-ile ' l' . ,-it m Zedri4iiihirL A , bow t o ,these liik enhiliet' livireeu frt:Oeiatfi . diaerilsid ,a ci1,...= i a crd —.....•...-....--; •—• •• • ... , • .... •c....e.ii i and when on Monday eight, 31st of De- I thin.l...E.Pri:c , e os ~r re. ages bt.ti ... f ,t&e , _ ion On_ bit . :ttgintretlittirtio, the. sodesslvt,.rtinforeetnetits to , oitittlimutfaxer' tri18;1, of-sletinenitedia. Follt",.1 Fort Sumter were couoterotanded, I dlitinedi uo-yesii:•pAifteXittirre,qe . :44;RaiSiritigageit weiVitin . l deratiod from jou th aLno order A.,r the tiled vvetiLll ; All ef ail . ke,carjb„%lapeitzatter•4leindbegtni , be mule 'without • begin prevlonty coendcied ntiT . thajpia\tliintiott.of.Ann.;eatuoted edition tO list 'decided in Ca Innen. It iv true teat un Weilostinf, a o yk i . ...That t a sintwat 1 1 , i -A ~I p Ati.lbli l l i i,lo , January 21, thin suNnet rAF •ag . o , 3,,,ii.Meßlod, ,• ',.‘, shi;-man . fiall,-AtegoliPllelnd. . . The' Fop:Omen _ ratiieetoM , ge'A#'o7jigriiinPt'lltV l iV: o c r ued. • efiiu•g.tinia 4ittigViteg,iiositiod Litriai.A.hcitideir imam:, Wits. Department was notjaa i ' or ders 1 - i •_,... ~._.._ __ . e. .vg _ er, 0, . bi:fh. in, reini9reeme“.. Iv . 4h?urtnethirig more „Ono: :;: ti T ta w g .; , .. y inU n lC re l ,ht. ;t0y,..4 1!! . . 1 0 was then Mill.' • - - .itit Int' urte • go • after ~ " I !care, however, thin mornieg, ,for the ' .fir e et - all'+pkieth fige,•!‘hilii ' dna is : Seemid:uot.gae all',- 1 u ;that the'ileamer Star of thO.West sailed From di*atia lenge atm beloired-towoond , remote t o New York font . night with two licedeed' ;Ititnititi, efberet..".bath IleCdteughteitt'Onli.- '.l3i . n. S ate and filly Men, ender Lieut. Bartlett, bound for Slleiottittitilineldef; - .Sitn Ind iiiiiiivelDeArnit Tort Sumter. trader these eiretunataneell life-et!: Setetri ' iti 1F26, : and • thiardannbtei:OFllli In , myself trend to mien my n" . nimil" ° °% . °3 . ,off° of 1863, the coodetted , to live, !libber. *oitvltt-ists.J : year .w: Co . r h !i tt i 0 gh tin ,. ;; ?,..,3 1 ,. " . 0 . ;1 bn y5 f° , ,,, ,e . ,...„,: e „):Fi t r i, ..1„: 1„ .... t, , , , , ,:. I b t a , if iett . g ß ,.. l: z e t d t i a b g en b e e S t O w ,m e s e e n t,;: o h u ti t t. i th a r ted quii r. 7 . O t tt be l . . • • • • • • -•• ' —•- latter •stillai Ildfill its • derthig,,dwits— Nis - fiscollenty'litin libblOrmh • ••- '- !' • •- :b • dab--• a • if kidabi g i ~6 4 , th en '' " • Fresidentel the United Spinab ow t h e oa MoSeu f O • i- - • • • ' •. - - •—would feld.themseleet, as if to pity teen • Itiartzetroti, Junin, 9, 1801.-41itai .• I have. would ITT to writ e ,. till it leetibtip.-fell motion• received and accepted your reaigeation,onyen.erE. fean...theleng day esprit. one. Jlis ' day, of the office or Seentitifor_thi Interior.. _ 'scrip t: .. ....—, ..:i,- „. , , ~ -- - • , ~ On Monday evening;3lnDecember, Imo, 1.. mi,. ~- ,' needed tbeordere which had been imbed by the Wir and Navy Deporments to send the Brooklin • with reiuloreemente to Fort Sumter. Of this I .•hilernipd you on •the same cloning.- I Mated to • you my 'reason for this easpention, which sou 1 Inewi frost its nature, would tie epeedily remoVed. - In emasequence of -your request,however, I prom . • Ised.:tbat there orders • should: not be renewed "withont being previously . Considered sad decided in Cabinet."' Thu promise was faithfull y obvert edoh my part.. lif order to earn it into effect, 1 called a special Cabinet bandanna Wednesday, SO January, ISol, in which the gentian of bandies . reieforcemen - ta ' .to Fort 4arater was amply_ disclosed ..hy, yourself and °Went The decided majority of opinion wan. artisan you: At thin moment the answer of the South Carolina bCominheioners , In my communica tion to them•of the 31st of December was received and read.. It produced much indignation among the members of the Cabinet. After a farther brief wave:sat:on, I esoployed the following language:. "It is now all over and renforesmesta must the seat." Jadge•Blac k ! said, at .the .mainelt of any decision, that alter this letter the Cabinet would be anailatousi sod I braid no diminution . %lice. Indeed,' the spirit and tone of the . Utter left . no . doubt on my mind that Fort Sumter would be tort s atediately , attacked,, and hence ;the neensity ,OI bending vointorcements there without delay. Whilst you admit "that on Wedeeaday, January *I, this mibjeet was 'gam' disci:Med iiattabinet," you my, ..but certainly no conclusion win reached, .and the Wir Department win not justified In or,_ define reinfircemente without something more tin was then said." You us eertainly misunen m alleging that "no conclusion was reached." In thin your necolitetioe nentirelpittloreet from that of Your fouro'diat colleagues in the Colonel. to, deed, my language was en•ttatnimaikable that the • Secretary of War sod thaertini prodeeited 'to act upon it without any.'fOrtherialarcourse with my self than what yen heard, :or might have fiend me say. Yon had benne !pinball. - In Opposing then reinfoicemente nett thought you sheik:meta •iti Consequence viral decides'. I deeply rivet that you have been annaken in point of tact, though I firmly helieve'honestli'mietalici. 'still it is certain ratline not the lean been mistaken. . -' • • -' r 'Ultra Beane:lAN litin:JeceD THOYIIOII.' Lord Brougham end Jar. Dodos Di his limt on thellsaoces the late Secretary Cobb briefly referred to . the-withdrawal of the AM efit SD delegate—Me. A. B. tongstreet, of Smith Carolina—from the lotersational Statisti cal Congress, held inJuly, at London. - It will be remembered that the cause f 7 the withdraw - al WI. the checrirg which fallowtil -the alleged insult to, Mr. Dallas by . Lord Brougham in cellist his atteo tioe to the presence of Dr. Delany, of Hayti, who lieleinte to a race whose rights white Wen are 121- dertiOpa to be not boatirto :expert. "ICI. only necessary," said Mr. Cobb in his report, "to say that the withdrawal of Judge Longstreet from the . Congress, sad his teasel to return to its delibera tions, 'received the entire approval tat bin govern ment." looking orer the wo!inne of the Goaaeisl re port, just mord, tar find the lullowieg official statement by M,. Lexgrtreet: MS. ILOSCOURTICT'T IMPORT L onvan, TO IiCIO J CT 1 A T T IS6O C.,83 uly 11, . - • • Stni.—My mission to the Intentetional staustical Congresa terminated ,anruhtly, semi Wore the -fast regular meetiag for the trait...tom of bun ness. At the appointed - time. inst., • prelonttary meeting wait call,d to appoint officers and arrarge the order of but : Stew for the regular meeting.. All the (pectin delegated were declared to be Vice Presidents, and, by invitation of the Chairmvo, took their seats .• ouch upon the steed.. Lord Brougham 'Was, F think, the lust member of the Congress who entered the ball, sod was applauded Rota she filet glimpse hint trawl be took hie seat was Mat to the felt of the chair. Mr. Dallas appearteg 31 a Complimentary visitor, was seated to the rigbt,.,ie a rather .coospicuoug position. Things that arranged. the 'assembly Waited the, . presence of his Royal Highness the Police Consort,: who erasto preside and open the.meoung with no. addrow.• Ifs-soon appeared, delivered his tddrelis and took his net. • Ai soon as he concluded mid the long continued plaudit. cea sed,Lord Brougham rose, complinien ted the speech• very highly one .ileserved . y, .sed requested all who approved of ,ft to hold - up - their handl.' Wif eo, of comic. This dose, be, turned to Mr. I alias, nest addressing him screw the • Prince's table, said: the attention . ol Mr. Dallas to the fact that thore is a negro prcvect, , , (trof, among the delegates,") .hand I hope he _wilt have So scruples-ou that emionct.” with appeal' was !received by the delegate, with sod itvi*uvisstie applause. Silence . wag restored, the riegro,':lll6fi goes by the name of ..of ;fob rote and mad ttl thaiik yeui Rojo! Illus.. Asa-Lard, Brougham. sod have only to exy,thu: / (Mu moU.' This too wa. applauded Wired, by the delegates: I regarded this en illoimed, unprovoked assault upon our country,* wanton indigetty offered toes, Minister, and a pointed insult offered to me. I immediately withdrew.from the body. The preei priety of my neuron istrespectfully submitted to my Government. - What. England can promisolersell from exciting the ire of the United Motesl cannot divine. safely there is nothing in toe paxt - history .0 the Ptah eouatries which offers to her the leant. enc.:may*. -meet to neck contrite wilt. the grent Refrublie., clami national or individual.' Will not bauctiampionskiip of the slaviarifrainnt his mister be in fall time when the alone shaft complain of his let and solicit her interference? . . My reasons, more at large, fur the course that .1 have pi:need, will be funod in the London Morn. leg Carrmirfe, herewith tran.mitted, which in id slightly modified form f pray yen regard as part of my report. • I am sir, your moot obedient, humble Reliant, A. A. Lorionratarr.i Hoe. Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury. ! - - °utile:M.oot January, 1860, died in MU. Mob, at the .vsnerable sge of eighty-three, the wife of Joan Paul—olio of those oharsoters,, , ite are told, in whom oontradimions molly esgelii-; ed as irreconcilable, happily resolve themselves.. Wire of one of the mestfielobritod men„ of_ that age, io crineh interemiike: - tiiith the world,,richlMl recollections of a brilliant period, she was never-il theism Ote-ttryideslof arttemoesr— and t.taMiti; elinglek • to" statism trielidslaps; abeifound chief leapplnem biqufet - iteoltutian.. 'KeePlog the !Wettest. haerost, in knowledge aid ealtnee,l so that; even is bee seventy second year - eltsB learned the English. will enough to read It, audll easily follow imoversitlbri In it, she was occupied cols and iste.mat household dtaies—even ear-;' ryiug her Matting at maile r ' we are told, wlth;, l much iniontoness In the interval between . : kei soup and,,Mest-LusUlog • with abed, too, - the ; 1 keener. interest is spiritual . Nothiog equalled the delight.wit6.whlok she • wuu a now !stood, itthe gout ;which she loaked for, wee, Otero, ,or that wU h 'wnfch. eke lookedi into the liaidetnt eye of the child in. wheat-lay ; much promise for the tutors, Noy • - mitanwtale with all possible earthly, caret.; yet taholing never for herself, but alloys for others; so far as possible in a human . way she was ohns !eh (without I.J NO persobal sejoymezit oebodtfort! had any charm for per; she we. io readily, even passionstely,ler wed all who-came within ber sphere would receive no' waiting aptuifiest others: O ' smillies Richter, nee Mayer'. was. ttoms on the 7th of Juni, 1777—the mound dieigiam of the deb; Obertribunalstalli•fdejer, In Betltt> Of her two sisters one -was Idithissan the other to Elpssier, and later, to, were considered among Ike' notleimibli women of the time. At a dinner Petty, to which Joao Paul, as well se the Meyer family,' wars Melted, the poet waft° !atoll at they lied ill glean' up an ' plating lam; miming-at Ism. they put next to Caroline Myer; it was Ma tint intreduktiem to bee,• and one short:. hour. convinced: Jean Peed that he now found the parson whom -he kid .far -11 At • FOR RENT ‘-A_bornfortable, tviolatiry in . DRUM DiVALLlC7o:tontitolog eight iooina,•eagia Jo order, No. lilk Oallgell .t I. gnho of . 3..10 • MAT C & VI/11,0N, .2tB I.lbetly at. ' 1201 t RENT OKI I,EASE.—Th!e'vOryjl . large owl comosodlons WARBI.IOI7BA No. 80 Weise meat tone 'Amine in blght,thlrtyllve feet Inv/wan, extending from. Water t& leant street, II offered for Rent ' or! Lem on Movable torms.,Tbe building to st present odopled by blown Idea Illekay & 00. Apply lo • • deaklf , . .11.081tItS ann. Duque. Way. VO LE'r—STOKIC 110051; . No: 52 Etir .1„ Clair , , et. Abe% ILIA,. 40 by 3 3 feet,:da eblfdlM. 040;0 NOS 02 wed Mde. 1•Ir .k. with thrseaditdbuta Mos Boom. Who, grog SOON, No 40 itt-Chter 40w14. with MU, 40 by 40 hat. do Sewed Moor. Inward of , . 14173 E • I I .r.lausn, No. to) 'Maar et: DUBUC BALE.f—Notice is liareby-giten. to oil wit limo 681•1•io.1•61111116 811 .for • st my r•eldeo. • lot of. Flamed Hound holy oat 4r. Sit P1i11tt0ra.136•14.84 cio 614911 DAY, 4•4 j 16,14. st 9 .0100 .r `F t " c ". I4 "P" ° l ads ' , mOirtnutostr. Paquoht6 Duraufb, J4.l{th; 1861: . 1•10.1.4 VON. SALE IN SEWICKLEY. BOROULIII. Itto• k u Adidltlietrstoi. of IkiiVatzto of It Jag6B, domed:, Gran - fof titi• e LOT Or oßoviru in the . 1 0 cib of ElMOklat:Fvotifoloi about tro,thltda of so oo irtitth 4s ittrotittra,l.voitdef, l 6l4 Wilmot omo looms. it Italcol*.lsopriAdd;fu fttelmat put of the Inerentet, and tthiallallnA4 Stott.. • J,W.fl:warzt. attorney .1 Um. I OM," 11111 IPsfeh .t...1/Itlmbnrole . CM MILL FOU :ALI9.--Onoof Ulark's Pot etollllltychant Milo. Coiaptcte In ever& creed, will be soli ray loir by the luta•rlbrtn oc2O btoo/012 .14.151J1g, N 0.124 blecOtOtel • OftSK Fob, ti4LM Hue - largo ,ilirris• n' - for iralo Coy waist of whe. • net 9 If11.0110•ICE, broatear • chi rIE L Lan RENT.*A largo Voller under 4,J car Wareboose, ea Pablo fur lb* stump otAlts ihtssr, Molotov., ho. Wail us rooted tor. J.B. LICIOII/T 4 CP • oen TS Woos aad 02 Volt .t. :LOUR RENT—Thelall of. STORE. No. BO 1:. Water mid Se lho trmee, noir oonspioM by the 'sub scriber. k• deeleMle location for Omer, or Produce beilsee, Yuman.moodlatsly. RODGERS & DILWORTH, No. SD Moiler and MI Treat street: I® Lowik_ le • LAN - D.—The autwarib auoC.t bad. os Matrabls tawdt lawdred acres r.. • Irtorlt, alhatalia Wright. rod. Wanawk arriatlar, • aorta ratios of BAUM& eau le agar of goestrra• low, red ma tract oglg two mlkstroar Canny wet. .SW. Wow wUI M. tad low far rub, as richaragwi Ihr • • IVOR Be LB--'rbst splendid &mildew:l6,m .tte l rge tote Prottbd, halt Thalia Staub-Eli lowy, &maid irletan two whintoi . walk of thi winch,* 'Nut TWllroW4ltation.l The boa* is law api.h.d is •modest at.ift; priNa4t occupied by. Slows Thompson.— JMIto s. on twatOtA. APO) - 1 • W. L. littDlumuN. 0.1140.•• • • Mer, w.r Oh • Scrofula,lor lUng's is a ronstimarrial disease, a corruption of the blood, by which - 11ns fluid 'becomes vitiated. week, and poor. Being in' the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out to disease on any' port of it. 'ItO organ is free from its attacks, nor is them one wluch it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, die ordered or enbeeithy food, impure air, filth and filthy bah*, the depressing vices, end, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is- hereditary in the. etin;. stitution,eleseending tt fromparents to children unto thethird arid fourth gsnmation ;" indeed. it seems to be the rod of Him who says, tt will Vila' the iniquities of the , Whets upon their childmit:" Ito effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liven land internal t*. sw, Sis termed tubercles ;in the glands, ' . and on the surface, eruptions or sores. ' foul cm: ruption, which genders in the blood, depressee the enereiee of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only' suffer from scrofulous nun plaints, but they have far less power to with. stand the attaCks of other diseases; eonee. quently vast numbersperish by disorders which, although, not scrofulous in their nature, arc still rendered fatal by this taint in, the system. Most pf the consumption which de mutates the {lonian family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination: and many : - estructive diseases of the liter, kidneys, bride,. ' and. indeed, of !all the organs . arise from or, are nagrzn-ated by the same caws. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous their persons Ore invaded by this larking ill -I,etian, and their health' is undermined' by it. To cleanse it fonn the system we must -renovate. the blood by an alterative medleine, end in vigorate • it by healthy foot!, end 'exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S, Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, i the most effectual remedy 41114 the medical! stint of our thitesl:cart devise for this every-1. - sthcre prevailing and fatal malady._ It is MM., bitted from the; meat active rerriedials that hare been discovered for the ezpurgationor this fouli di.onler from the blood, rthd the rescue of Abel_ system from its descnietive' rxaseipiencea. licnce it should be emplOyed for the cure not only Scrofula, but also those- other affen,4' tines libich arise from it, such as nod Sers DillEAlkEti, ST. Aternowes 'Rolm , or Env inemas. Putnam, - rtrairtre,i Discrcnrs, Bthms and Boths. Tunoria: TErralt, and SALT lining. Sew, Ilithri,'RrnowoaW It ir SUUsliall,STlllcmd'and Iteactrarsv essen. DROPI4. DTEPEPEIA,: DLUILITT; and indeed. AIa..CDMPLAINTII ABASING PEOM TED nu btrllEll .SIAIOD.- -The popular Wirt .* asperity - 4We bloat" is rounded in truth ' for scrofula it's degeneration Of the bloo'd.' 'The particular puipose and ,virtue of this salmi; rilla is to purifyaud,tegonerate.this vital fluid; wittrout which sound health is impossible contaminated constitutioni'F; . , •_ flyer's Cathartic P 101 i ALL PUMBEitt A Amu Mtn, are so compoaed that disease within the rangeiir their action tin' rarely withstand or elude them. Their penetrating properties search and cletuts and invigorate Ater portion of.the hunter' argttet., &Keating its diseased action, and restoring. . its healthy vitalities: As a consequence of these properties; the intitlia." who bowed down with pain In-physical debility is astonished to And - hts health or meat' restored a remedy at me • simple and Not only do they cure the eatsp day - !rontillaints, of every body, but also. many: Immidableand dangerous diereses. The agent below named is , pleased to famish gratis MY Ammicut Almansit, - containingg cistificates , of parts an d dim,„ donator their use in the following complainta floativesow, ',Heartherrn,'Neadcwhe arising fir* disonimsd. StamachOlaitutea) Indigeotion, l'aiss in and Marbig Inaction of eh Bowels, id Floluinici, Lau Agetite,. Junautics" and other kindred complaints,: arising from it low state of the bqty or obstruction rif its functions. I ' " . -- • 01E+1 ' -arir CIA 8B AD d I f,Abirf D e t , , lc 611), A • 1 1 0) , co t t;,, f..160='-:, eit ft W "11=1/, Mr.. ZP:114 ' 4 4 .!" Tr ta b e i At. I BALN .14.-trark a rtkei.en.4l%,oltingra Streets, Note,Otty Water IVottr, T 8•1111.R0' ; Aat OFACTU RP:RS UP MAO K. twrosti n (AM Itotelti/VEtiPATSDIT tat ISTKAS kNtII2 , IISB AVID lbtpie VALVEA 6411 eines on op ht.:hinny a 1.0 tawny end -the bedNeteltY.Sto no peel/hied tn do by Jobblton me s. Ileftimrk dee Itne; truttnnt thst by proteptitees end e chainut non net, to merit public psonome. In. j chi i sredel-tettenttLto to on .I.ethttheett thlell/.1 1.47 Wen; seventeen toesdoteei unchained le this class of Ole Boom 'slat item% wet sit anal tot; To Let. pAuvrWßiotiwr , ll , 11 - 1: :14:n ItirANUFACTU RS nut Lintaiten (ix uPaha attilVableiCtitleii; *natal &la Data In inuettp,iiitna, liistilut twat., Au.; N. 66 Wood arta. .They give *pedal ablution Wein Illit,tubstartng of trinsairAupgreiri. do. floptlog tr • ..raus mann ( WILLIAM eAIIEfIIILL ar:' CO.i -I,lol6W.lliiirbilll; PittiburgA,iPa. QTEAM Bausimmons ANDAMET 10 liar Morten, Illanatsclatars at Pasant Bailor, LOCOMotiVII, flaw! samd Cylludat lkdlasa, Chlosoop, Brakbesi, - tire red, Moor Piper; Coudensurs, Ssit . Pam, &r? kan Yawls, Ufa Bads, etc. Also, Blacksmith.' wort, Btidp sad Wladuct haw, done et %As *bottom ao• AB* AU orden from a dlotanos promptly attoad«.l to. • faonstaix. DUILLAIL . 11 Ai V 1i1023 *AAA 1.11: . No. 66 Fourth Street. : . 0n..4 • 8 TOR RU . . IN liib 6, . U • PEN DAILYIFROM 9•Tp. 2 o . ollng, also on W•Junelty and aatei hi o'irithiß4, Item I.lay lint to lionelnLar and, then I to 0 U . 4 leek: and Iniri ate. e•iabar ant to May OM, hoot ato a dekrek. • .. ~ ... Zepoalta received of all 2120,1 wt los than ottaitollat tent a Aleltlenef of the 'pato declared Wee • Jear,lll la ne and December. Interest haa been declared ea en 1414 nonlly, In Jane and Diennivr, vine the Lank was organ ad, at theist.. ads pee omit. /erre. - ' • 1 /ntettege l/Inn drawn out. la planed so tn e credit al edi Ottor ea prinelinl,amlbeere the same Inteteat Inoh Or d -aye or luxe and hectunber;eciapoctettnn :nye • ye ar th nod bantling the depoiitor to call or • even to :m eet his ate• heolt.' di elle 004 Inabq will .loohle to hen 11 It !TOM* wallas . In the aggregate UM alio ens Wa.7 r ail 11 • la=aOngleiltaableiodon4esltle tiUtid ly.-L.nic P l ma .en . d Mega ' re e, en & ..f twiet—goior Amna • Jobs EL Aboon.b.ger ALqrsoduqtradl.y. Junes liedruna, A. Id. Nitwit, N.l. WMlam IL Gavelah WM= J. Audaraan Jewell BapOnra :hied Shia* Jame D. goner. Zetezt Hebb, lame IL Teaneck. Daricertn, Pibti D. Delo4den, P. A. 111.4472 Jilin U. haws B. D. Ifesds,. Paws !famish . Welter P. Plantial. Wiwi Miler, Job OfT, Unary L. lUergwali. ,John D. accilly. 'MMus 11.Petunirts, AllapoderTrodle, Ism WbUtler. CUIRLSB J. COLSOIi ia~a. Bar.koCea, lan n Ouglolo, Alarm A.Onnirt. iDavt4 Oampin* '.obuies 01,1* WIWI= DaeghiL i.Tatsa !Irimeis roux, John 1111 Mi 4lliall s rub maw It. r •- ; =lan S. Ilarta, H. Ouster . berdaryead Tn•enrer lifitorellantous ONLY DISCOVERY WORTHY OF ANY CONFIDENCR FOR .• RNSTORING The Bald and Many. Many, - since tho Crest Phie.,very of Prof. 000. Ace sticoliet •cly to imita W. esbcaties, hat ptuf sesto beta dloressiet scotching telt .cold pit •• date rosette 1.k•olkol; bat tbsp base 01l cons and row, I. 113 cy ant •ar sy by thaw ranierlot nsolia of rrot preparation, .lad Love 1'..,. t'iowl to loc• tae &LI le ha condor away. Raul the (Aloof., 11.10, Mot.. akin Itith.lolBo. Poor 0 J Woo. a tail t Urn te—Tb. II I or te ycl In Ito. coon..Wog year talc tic.toratiro, and whkb lon base publisbe4 lu lbw colony cal abr.' yo mance.' Mouton Joshing ibe Mo.. In "Ito case Sbe imptirlea arc oil, le it • toot of my habitat's. I s and MIMS MI 11441 , 4 10 tho COliramak.t.. a.... 641,“ tt true of it theisto s oetelned: 01114, dose lar 1..1r etbl r•dc bola So bra to awal maw and of natural colot! Tomtit I ran an 4 do ....wee inewtobly. yea, My Imp. Is orals bettor thou in any star f I say Oa tor bcry ) put, moomeoft,tOntry tad I. Car cularcl. Its *sow to Moo of toy whiskers, sod the ainitc/ites Irby it is cc geretally M. Is that tbo sob. dimes fforasbtd Al by freqwat ablatioe of lb. Ws. wbwo it care weso toed by wog. st • ac. In chno toone-Goo Web the ablators, the Mom 'matt will MM." as 'lts tab, I bats b wain ttio rweipt of • arWit astanst A Intim Isom all puts sr n. ams.os,skahla me it WY boir gill cot tianos to b. gaol; When' le w. =Kb flood in dn. moots tore awl tabs of Tarim. ceopcnnia as wdf m au. It wo, 00 &obi. been .bnitay Imitated .he ly:Pp viol net nuly without any good *Met. brit to abadolatAtlry. I base not me- ear of: yam Itcdorattm• el any .}.earn I yet my boys It 114 gond erns, tinadrats bone siontlonl it with tarolry m 1 AC to,. at yeas old and not • gray Wain toy MO nr co ray cot to prow thie tact, l SCA Tint lark of my bair token tbo poet week I paired your tenor of two quart bailee last sum. may for !1.1,1 I am cal veteran I gam It to my frau& and theroby induce/ tam to try is. many wern.lepiaal notil aver 111.1 an.l Oro pwebaad and ion! a •1111 rzol. 'renal sc... I will .sk sa • face% .hat you wed ene'a twit by •Itkit I can Carom fraud in it,. boatman., sold by many, 1 fear, without satbrcity RPM yaw A pc* ant sio will towns acconia lid o I brilevo Wore red Areas do noty,4ar,tbo falbars I. tanonlby the bonnie...tacit...lllA cameo the lamotor good. I deem it my duty, as InteteriOns, to tarp you opyrised of the cootheoed *first on ray tar, oat woman woo Impute art mod toy uestodusa oploloo alto nimble ri gotta I umiak Off& 04 70411, thiNol.n. • Rum'. ROL 6.1.. Nos. 0.1154. POCK O. Worts Nor 71r..1 would certAttly lc doing Ica • gnat Injustice not to mate karma to the "cal& tint weaderfal well.. the van peard /14/01 / born expert mod flan rising oat battle of your flair licatorstive..Albe astog weeny bhM tf bratotallem ealcii. but wilbooi .on. a.K and Salo' my bead erlirif dl/41113. of Mar, f aces Really teasers to or a bottte . of your Itoir Itteloratles Now. 'maim 44.1 jetfica Mari me tit Ittamante 1.0 wbo: nor may read Oda that I am pcarill •1/0// Awl ,401/011/ed frowtb 01 /Mr, 1/11kii 1 ptoooevca 114.1 . nti/ //u/dsetloc rasa Ibsen-WA Il*, will th ettfor• tak•recallioa rsoinnowtod Ibis 'bestial/1e untidy to it wbe May gaol the oirtealty Of fa iteapertrf )01/n4 11Fr 6:A l tgit ' P. IL Tads tartmoldolol OplpprotsWoo for year can.: • Me medicine Os you are aims of) le conglelbsen bat If 13.'"1°".mbr • plan ktmiß JA. toot, Insert ir jar wish-lioocilsiafoy.barlYo l l3.444te• - - -.- att . S A. R. Tballettocatin p0t,.., el l; throe ,etsos, sit: I.osl/0...004 oaf sot& hellilssit grist sod .1.1110 tor our SAW towlme tho meolattiboble lemt tocaty ;cc cep.. oictsAnbroptAliqa thatt.thosoloti,irotedis ow awn .InR tier. bottlat tbs fair Voile it (Omit, 40 par mot more to prop. Coojeg_tetolla It pa bottle . O J. WOOD & way, New Yorls, oand 111 Martel oyasallabi - bliaballltil:Stod oold Kcal amtaidelil sal FlaterraV:.: stortlydnblw STET:Mfg:O siI'AND• T PI 0 *t. - lvfAftCo ST EL . 5 ttl - 011otoik*O4T4Ot Had, ' itrthittiraitt. npl lmtipr..l.oll..ottOtiot ooo lao= fit. or plopased to trcuaittodots biz Wort& tool too pnoolo pOorollnirtlb sb. bott UFO rakt i gtr* . 011611142,031 , bicsi *lb orrery Vorsoty or otlio' " ettl i atraa :11.041 OtiolsOin to the pobili for their.. celiaooo. 1211.11211U1ormod'ar10.101boardisild 12IY Au 4 3110112 130131113222'#may op 10.21„, , r !HOMO OTONIL (hi : 11:47. ‘I11:41 20c .Abo. ..11 .' 111":132L . 1 . 312 AA tt 1111* err" of lbl. a ba, re!.• • t- r • ,r',P .7z! ,PIOARETT ' ES, 1640 / 14154 r FittiktP4M.Y 4llAUll7ll4lT. A. T. Tetriisfloi 1022 IlatirA. AU, nanamwen otoelboAlrof SUNDRIE P3•••115 0 biti: Prime Pearl Starch; 2 bbl. Primo Roll Runic . 23 bAA Pito. W. R. aeon 80301.1- fidos Ararlfsety Dr. 4 0 ,0 - • 140 AI Wall 13Wittit; 3002 , b/ 03114 A Ho. 1 - APP 300 boo Dry Apple% bog romoA - 33.7, teatime" .+lllO boigatmA MAI heel , . t2121batiA6431 4 .03tAn4 AO 044 eider l'lcApAr%-teed tor isdo by : FROMM, V0N,13021,211, 114 Second At. FLOUR AND SUNDRIER-- . - R A AND 110PIRPINEy r . AYR AND Doctor Ilan [LOUR; 0/111-4000 bus pato. vartmis , , • RYA 1107 sOparau, a on,sonaTit, s p - &go UNDBINS-230 bble. Choice lipleots Ini . 11R001111-110d ram drabs Reim' HMOs ' "op,: • RUBOR-200 tam. WooMatacati , • HOMINY— 0 bbll riot -14 7 401..," , ,. 1606-3 Dbl. Ranh HUB:. DRY Ylllolllta-2 00 talaDl7l o ,sD oo—, hi Item for 1104 at 11R &mad n. - raam x „ Rum , r, • , r • • R OLL' BUTTE R . .PXARL HON IN *.:12 bbio Poart ilantlny; Biloswaim PLOUR-6 9 • • nig' ItLoll.li4-44 F LOUR .11.0tM 50 bbls Tlartlett.'• XS. Eziri% . • S'li4oll.idotrtliker'd ' • • - • • a'd do • Groner's Placa,. .150 do lextra--10 store for mg* by • . • • -silum , *so svAtto.-341 , Lthertio, _ . . - . A PPLE9-35:101 eimice,-plppio4:and { 4 ' GM 8 A 1 . 0..45t,b10 sinea Onmileet •r. • It AWE SILYL—INS 14%. No 3 Law . -LI%. rtlmowat.o.iD awl spline ate , ' JAS ,A dat T .„ blNrb.l. ikh4,R11.1!.14-r . %YEW (lONS 1\ DAY PK~OIi • • • • 3011.1-10Abls • sh Natter, f.holtr; , ;•. ••;,_,, • BiANZW-104 tesriu,• ° W. 4 . • 1. • FLAX IL6B —xibo. Irlasseecti • , • A iLl44 l . " llj 'lr in% Llborty pbr oft gin.. Mg EZM - - • ctits- fiEsT - . \ R _ON • L P ILLS 1- • A &APERIENT AND STOMACHIC Pio piratlon AiLL .111.0:1 inu Mod of Onyion nun Coition by hinu.ustion lit llydrogen, sanetlonsti by the islithent Insl Authorities, both m ilorsv.,..sna 14.31.1nittt1 ha/a, and •prtscrihean theiSurnodus. . . • ... rkpesbants of lbOnstunkdsily proses ills( no preps. , elm of Imo an tio gnu riled with It. Im ;ninon 'of tno Wad, diniloolons tif•sUrasuergy, pals and eihersitu nirkly ainjilintitta lodlate tsnoorretty to Want over, cooevork biteessa. Innazoinein nil msbalini in which it been trial, it ban prosSd abishisely ,curtuirs In each fob lowing caszinisiuti. si= . . , • . Debility, plarvotee 'Affection's, Em mote ettmin3rwp•pei e,'Chnsittrattou r D1.‘" , h. 8 .• Dysentery, enotipt•estaiotasetnewilon, Sorer. Wows Tuberoutosta.lialt Rhesus,* Ellemon stretatlwev, W,htlies,Clalorosta,Llwor Owen. pletlatet Chronic flowenehes • ttitteums• elonti , Itiatwirsitlttiette ` Savor si Plmploti oh' tits 'Caserta, • -' , ' • ' ' - - In teem! of .thstieral Dciblllti, whethcr the rt WI of scuts disenteSter of the citottlooled diminution of reetenatitind met cal. eteergi Irma throat 'complain., cam trial of ad , me ' • torative du proved auccoaefol, to an , este.'width no att. cription nor writ h in attestatitia could .render credible-- lavalide one long lied-ridden tot to - lure become keno.en in their °iris neighborhood., learieueldenly neoppeniedlo the boil World no Dian return. &from protracted travel la te distant land. booed vary algan hater... of theis knot We 'attested of fen.. l o ttery., monclaird victims of , opponent Mll/11111211111. asogulte us . exhanstion, critical changes, and that complicialun'of °memo and d.peptio *union to Or, sad slot.. for *bleb the physician he. non... In item. Affections of WI blade, and vermilion. WWI tar to ;medical den. Uwe operatlou of this propagatioo of Iron must romeinally he eshary, tor, punka the old ozb dea,ll is vigorously too., 'linens being exciting sod over heathen; awl - gently, regularly epatletet, even In lb. mod el:atlasm non of • atethrenres, without ever beluga■ gang. purgatlre,or Inflicting • dimitrerableeetesetion. • . It ts thls latter property, enamel abet; which Malf4 It so remarkably effectual and perin.ent avemedy for etleg, upon which It elm appoare to exert ii distinct mot weenie wake, by dlepershen the local tendency mblch forme theta. /a Dyepepels, hmuniarable. es. he mores, a Hanle box of ltieseOintlybeate Pine bee often angered for the owlet habittod cane, it,clading the attendee' Ciativacts, , a in Mateo/Lid Manes s, 0.111 when ',Armored to Drente ry e imatirmtd, Misdating, load tioparently cialintmot, the Whyte have total:cosily decides and•avtoohlefog. • . In the local poles, lost 01 di:Oleo' edrcorth,dobiliteling cough, sad remittent hectic, tallith generally lodic*re la ciplent Ooneumption,this len:rely bas alloyed the Osten of Mendel and otryandins, !a .morel very gratify binned Inter i ,1 noting initanceel . '' " lu dcrofoloue iTobercultine, thin medicated Iron Ilea bad far more then the good cyst of the most reutioaely hal, zany& preparatio. of loduat„without soy of their well Inman liabilities. ' ' The attentioa of I remitted atone Inc for confidently lave. Leda, this remedy had indurative, in the cease pe,callarly ail.ctlan them.. . - : . - In llammatteto, both chronic not tonstantatery—tu the. latter, boner., ton. decidedly—it hes been Aural lately well .pertad. both se alleviation pain arid reducing the ...tailbone aced of the Mote sod muscles , la latortellteet • fever* If meat necenstrily be s pest gi . remedy and suetk reliantly., and • to. migrant In th e new settlemeata te the Wait, will probably he enact nigh . evaluate !nod learn se. No ivrewils hoe • or been &act/rept le tho whole Wain,. of staidtotoe, which exerts sorb prompt,bappy, and folly, en stonily. •thetit, Owe apps Ito, romblei' dictation, raind acquisition of atrungth, within unarm! diepoeltion for an that told amid extechw,,lttinerliatoly follow hen., • Pot op In neat lis t . metal bt,sei containing lid pilim price 60coote par box; r sale by Draggle. sod dale.. Will helmet cr y to sur &Mr...w00 resteliet of mire. All bitten, sedan, eta, Weal be addreeted to '. Dr. GEOROSTI KIZTBIIII,, Wbotecals deer or Western Petiostlvanla. ,• , , IL B. LOCKE Jr. CO.. Central Ag Y. ents, . tuigetmis ...note I - 3.10 IittOeDWAN. T. in A LUAUS I RADICAL. tunic. TRUSSICS win cant ararly , ovort ram of iedacaaateiDEßN lA. THUOVIS at asthma pale*? affray* oa band._ • CHILDREN'S J F USSES.i.4 dltherut lomat liti4 strength. EcAsirati STOO i MOS, Br Vara - us , rr Itolargerl Veins. ABDOMINAL ' PPOBEERS; a Serra Et Ifferaur r atlods. PUI4 PAO .(pr thy ...prat and cafe of Biles. • SIMBLDER BRACES. to retiree • trtmkr4 awl deroiment condign. of pit ehertorad trashy Sanesres et the chess. lii ii. l-tERNAION BANDAGES. , AU - V* stt'esi nry Irrlanl or ato, , ldd isi 14 Ir.EYSKR.I4 Whole-ale sm. 4.4 Tdti. ILlttdd. I tit W. 0.1 d i...4. 01,0 of the fluid... 2.1.41.. r. 41r, Wilt I. spot to any per. . t Mr con, try I.> .....diugitib maned' and 1ia..........,..; Irian letoris Orelornan do. • Tor blob wtk!l highly eqnnt. drO Frisr goof r.ottOrtit, fur •Agrioo—.• , o ntrwaing, trAing, f•tontrry fk. Trooh, row/x.I , K Llukho. rime., T.. sod FWekfos, nmt fo r Lioalrifring fierool , rio• Yor rota -b y Dr. O.OIOIE tYC1414,111 rrorol • trot, %V loooluAlo ortol basil Agnt. Prior :5 r. ova A i , re V.... :feet h .8 nct:' ti tiiiitstaloioit M u aawl bul lrx)Vii fli X It viLt Its awl tie. litid will Vat Y 51,1 Wits)) Istesod ,Sl , llll csa st lit KliititlXlVOi HO' aMI , at. at ttutt {vii plek of pult.ll r. • • . . • . NY etati. Ky'eat May al me. t. r011...m.11.10 a ia...0-at care aM'e.“ 'a bataect tap teralrota...9 anarany's It LOT 103 Far rala at Dr. Gia.a. 11. it lOtt...lta .54,', at P. 1.23 eta. partattia. Viler.! Late PILE OINTAIENT.prry-rr4 by the Orr.Dsbriny 'Cbraptbire 1. 11411M.10. rerry ,, ly to bilemt.yetllbibtrobbb nutuer •bort inyy be thrlr ibtrurity. -are.rr•nte4. •Ptk. D^r' t'ed tiErYLGI4 U. KEYEEE. V; oat 4.1 itana Sauce, Disarm Oir Aw. KIND& t nowt deficient and apt...tieing :a, Invented by the renowned rut," for the London geforlis IP, .inta hi. drown.; Fenn.. by the veil known &maw al is .1 London, , from ,Origiont reaitet. It I. tho Woo. yore to Maitland, .myna tie. Week with a high and growing (*Lion- alniong Lanka re., and le leech approved ors. idaild to diseation. JI TUIL LONlibN NIELS !olio rsouatoisni our iornsosnoloot: Mole. Ekola'o tow Istleo. - Smtltiod theNoltines 1341: It h wade alit.. the Tarlisl. roof ;Notts Bocci Is aSoTilst'Oto dastsbli old to coati of aunt 1111) toottolos La•ort • • ..Sooory.thinsut AFk7T , KtL7 Ito gooloo of &fur" —o6lmmi: 6 .1 Mon tritotblo ittlJnot,t to Imll,Fltotb on,t /owl, owl .boold hr.+ a ploys on ovely table-Atitts. Sole Arnti tar lb, %halted BtAtco. GAILDNICR 0 T 'IRIAN. 217 Pullon • New and MALY Oung.lll, Tor 1361. by Oroom sod Iholi Lleakesollwyshons. J.tB2l.Ary . • . - - g FRUIT, ORNAMENTAL TREES, in; la ratarolue Omuta lo panne for flair parroearta,; bltaerta *materna, Wened.' word.% roll Heir &Mallon' ray very largo Mork of 281163 lof lay strait of Apple, rellt,(StWaill awl marf,) Peach sad' Merry taresocede out MID( I ban qv...raked. All of lb.; Mad weavedvarieties. arcentet by Nam rt pa beag An laarerledne °Jibe and overt care Wn' to bare every Mod true re name. 0. Aryl. Tree. alone we boor 150,00 J-4000 of vlct, harp ibreopar oils, from 8 . 10 4 het. To arab vie vent 84180141111148. tram 9 to 4 het. by to. tuo , or ICoO, h.. sJm vetaald 14 stern. Sabra large Illagda. Meshed', rev MOD. Atha loran American sod Ilearlhb Lard!, per 1100,431, Srlwl•iaraPre, 0..0 sit. .1 a WI., au logne• wet a fn at on applltilloa. - Addrom Plltsburea mad Oellaod amain, rftlabargb. Art. (aall Award' .• • JOBS Ilintnflefl. ROLL BUTTSII.-10 bble,Finte; . • No, I LtRO-All beFs. BUJIWNYAT tli , llA-200 tor. • rOLID bolllol,4o.lWie awl II Irms. fa nom Cl.* to, NEW CROP 14. 0. SUOAR •AND - 41 Lmsests— • 4.0 Mid, 14 O. IWO A It. sad 100 !Ms ant IC9 bf Nan 0 , O:••••• to antra this week by steamer Itallsoo•—all IFM be aced at. very greet &aI..,JC/ • • - volt. . 11:4 1. W. CARUM 011a•CARBONUIL 1-100 bbta. no 1 Rand Oubmi Ott, 14 MI6 by •..• • . , Joni" MAMMI.I 50N..118 Liberty CIiANBERRIKS-25 bble. prime Berrie!, 9961616 for 6•16 by JOHN O. OLN /I ILO iCO I 69 • - Vim st.ot. 04.1 , 111 , Fa1. •• M EIRON tenet in glass jam . - •. • ic kiemessur tvii..ijon received for ads MLM;. MYNAS. a, ANOZIIOON, a Wood .4 12 btar,. •• -grockod Corn * .314 0 44 11 rir'd/ot • • . 6 4, 41 • • aiILX. mi milt.. nut = '6O .BUS. • IM -BA LEY • just reed ; . by BITONAhD 11U‘IICLEr. , • din' " „2.34 Lkielttibt: .t. Kra sAcKs AND DAGS—eferarys an &IL • II ITCJICoLIT /POMO 00, • 'MEW - COT finFLOVEtt. "SIGEOZ49O,bp I / 4 4.1 00404 for MI6 • " •• • . . - - - ORA Prim — elfeigti toc.a p•Lwater a ), dell ''• " 111Val.r end Ot nest A!' Mi6LINASES-:-10() bbli:Trimo 1% 0: 10.0 11,0! 04.11ce Ci. • !al . . til I'oo, • ALLA-AA :ireet 4.lnlec in storel. , • ~.Joun cnNtinun,ooo.. . • • • r t PAAOUItiaTiO mote riufio 4.f.lookietatoreasbi Mirlictsav aortuass.v. , B U drefflikWitiOrti=l:3laiitiritZ . • :. wow 'n' 031416111111 - 23 . .b1u1g. Prime ive.4. par . ..te . r . • nelltepttiliftywle 1• • • u.r4r.usty. ca. • t_ Atfl)l Y- m Railuortiola ci4sett`lilo 4 4:•4.• u mow Nnooka. eulaErd • . kolni KR • AN 011KSZA Igo Will ela" 'cit AN biRRI Stiz-LT ptVerEnrrr3 oriftb L' n • Wyly '1;1„711i..A711/111111, I ID I fireLsts:. Fr r kkel t er°P ! . . . . „WAR :44,x. • 114 7 - Am % Is AlUpl,will , 47o, 'lrficetitiva ctswa , any - • F T *, • * WIWI - • • mtlsian as AZT . • go list•tl, ittofttr u4.. . . • -• • I • ~ .. . Ili afterlife : ll'4! ti. 4 4ll4l,l.6j'itlil4os4l l Aing . #ltti . Wit Hato irol trio ror4,, otini..l , ViOrt 4. clinntiiatm to theceerlte of thi .10 leafed Peep rotlas,costalslssoglross, E a Iglittstur 'nil! ' .hissphow wee, 0.4 4:1141 islOoptiud • in riscompositkm • itit toe fietl,oic•Cohol!„,Or reefj.loof le Whiteners , cartol4 a IA '. - L -- • '' ' '- . • '6 . .. • . • ' ' ..',.: 0..111 i li ITN , - -k-- , ..-, ..- ..-.,, ~.., pee, ...iit.i.0r...4 netvor.W.itieoggs.aatati ite4ite. a I ap blood thaw. a dedieniy of - thened gioldeat .•,, ndd.V complexion elide rosy dot ~ I Ass oh oNiatileeliga Indliotivw of tataide whit* • -pat., transits alto sod tioatdi-nin which .slating a d llcidoey of , the red otobittek—edrernine' tO a dieewesd organism' llregrewhoutufKlVlll hitittre eitsdfor the poi °debt *apply ino.the red Otothiswildst we o h Acl that .Iv:a./lOW% Wealphsie ahlei, , cr ehr , p. . 'Mi.., F i 11-emt ...M I t I.dt4Co.oeft iltir.lo leit",- toll Mei • Itatc4un dwobinatioo of, WI-16m , klo-• Is attiossary to tatco OW blond to holm-Intl etsfolatk ;Ms point, rats ••ttoitve 'attain.. d, ht. 'Nee Ivitiheil go', lbw. Blond PesseLlantlitiiiincorqy Tools no oysof tinsuost • scleetilic Lid Isopprtent 4 f tussle. ' Itielgosta in ' ' • potgu II P-if 11)..1 1 U -- . - .1. , 1 1.,. , - . .. .are to soften the tHeh,' anew the "nova sliali ' ottgli tile -. . 47! '. 1 .1 1 nits ' ut t "l'‘" y ' .! et t h A t=os ' :11 1 =:: the ' h e tairliled gici4lee,.increturettet otelite.haiono the, colorornd clothe the Hteletth hatr.eittlit esh. thieStwottli: Food will he Kandla speak In HI V Sweatt ihitheraw I .41 4 . c see .1 the Thy*** or Lussiga,eueh oo Amway 'Yeas= Nair Co'Vkt. &el." Piii-lic rpeoliere andfloyeeiga !Ind It . of greet' nilit.T tit Elite - too nod ttreigtheninig s Intel' Graeae.- In Dyon psis, Uwe antiptsioPs, Dram; . Ivey,- Poted/yrisi4ciej lo,Srana, til. filed ./Aresco,•ingwyr, mad Aind...lto, ire y lotted sod inatantsswotte• In Ito show of diereses, how* r, or. the 'beneficial ofeeltrof•thls . vetoed; so consopllowate le those hotfooting:' ..; gl . ' FEl4l,* ? 011PLttillk.; . .. . ~ to elifeb the 'pollee Sex ere liable, and which beep:mar& C.00110304,13.14404.4111agpprtt1a IX Df9 4 C.ifi1e44 1 00 4 . 6, ... Green' kick. , is, Wititss, de, espeolsily when vlsese ion. ria.out are arrolopaoird Kith antennas, a dingy boatogyel.: for of the skin, depreoHou of _aptitts;dotittliy,poiTliou g want of Appetit!, add 1:14111:41211 proetresioo. too vs the utuicet wooliti7,lti xecosomtitdis ',the , 111014 F ood to all who May eeiteelotidof a /nee of vitality ofounroy; sod to thong wto Mental or todity poweeit are p(Ostrated throu4h 41 tear 11141111 . et the plod or boa,. sea wewe . 411 44 It our duty tout thlt in all cases of Itealant luV;oloef &hos. and in all , di tanutew of L. the-Kidneys or Bra d . this' pteptrotion ban a tleiot .upon the attention St *latent* *hal - esonct be tiger estimated: A Islihful nisi:vent, he roan,' Oho suottoonviocing proof= le regarded lisg,• Illciat7 - that could be molted for. Witt too Oboe. rootarkagind with U., numerous hothionials 7• hive in its laver, wurnifeithe Ifl Liu o xi FOOD -4 , , • 401110 outiailexoPon id 44 silikteditecaringibet it will b. 4 lrietolueskt uses all otbar prepirattcas, patent or otnein in point of usefeloosa. _Cilreulaft Itlyie it diens., epos which this moody loketelod, ills carttu• cotes of rear .b! cont. 0 ilhe senators whoodeelted. , We forward CAI nips:tor tat. Milted Rtate. or Oscadta, upon itcalpl of pries 1. 1 per bottle. V 4 , Cs tottite. Pa taxed 19.11 cases to take swan bat that borio, L one ftoninalle Hooslers area the eirepptd. Noes other is genttio.i. Prepared poly by i enuace ag.'nprier*T, . L. / No. 409 Smidini. Kodifon . And sold by time. an d by nil resptotabbiDtogohltsp .. Pot Role by D'lt. ONO. tr. KIYOKR; lan Wood it., , Pitt. , • r.. 1. to l I • • tolltyd&wr. ausy . 1 1 u . . : le' S i " 0 ' ''''.. k l i (Olt (.1, .). ..;. t . .i , ; ,.,._,A 1. pEc , : 1;.9 , 4 7 7.0. 7 4, ..4,.• 81 .---,:. firrf•-.:,: .:' .:a ,7',•! - : .!- - 2't- - .1! .. . - -itl - z;•:: , u ,---, reap ..vz l-6- irea •_,,! .-,t .-.-'6,-1...1 ~...--:_-...:A1i .. 127:s_. HEAR WHAT TES PEOPLE BAY:; , . ...., , The• stolershoned: having used Professor IlijklPllll.ET S:` . SPF.CIPIC tiOrSOPITIIIO HEHEDICS lu 'Sur final:is slit' the most utlifactory results, and hiving HA 1,01 ,Irate to their ,contilnesiers, purity, and names, Bt,..ierfull) rermornerol !hip If all penning slavish to hormsafe, re, and efßnadous remedies at hand for prira:ti or It. coolett..i The Dee. Wm. tirmaner, editor of "The Norlilern Pia. -.mot," Ant urn! N. Y.; the Rev. E. 11. tares:my; Pik .1..-.lnt ..1 St. Peter's Churat; Anburn, N. Y.; thr , Atee. 11. I. 1,..., .'l,atalea, of; the, Annum guts Prison ; ;OM lli 0- ,ocer II R re, Rector, Nevo.lkalrorrlysl am. ;;11,. , 11 , .r tih, Stool., 1N...4 Tort Conference .; the 1i.,! Famot. 0 , 1“ , 14. iLastra..., Conformer, N.Y. •, the Nev. P S 'call. 11.1.1, VI. ;.! the B.T. John R. Roble. Blidal..; A. C ;An, V.., Si ra.; N. Y ; lb. Hon. Nest Hoo,,iportland. - . th.. Hon.i , Schnyler Oollur., &nab-Bend, tod•l; the 1i.4. ; •. 1:0 ifisoF Tetic, N. Y, ;' Ifenry D. Cook; F.e.i,''' YR. , $1 i 1,.. ke 1., Folt.ei .4ntreiti,Colitrobtal, 01.10; tlie . ll'ot It. 1 1 ~, state. tIL ; the Hon 'rtes... J. Cherie. ith.oil •Li ~ t is. , the Ilhu. Joxph Benedict, Utioa, Ni?y,; lye ~, i c.r, , 5.1.V.H., T. ;..A.. 01. Pond, Sm., (7.4{/1,. N. T.: , •-. iiont.i. Hsu., Nashville. Tenn. .- '' ,f r ". LAST OPAPICHT2IO HE/11211M '..-- r : 0.. i —For Per ' er, Cong Won, an vil 1 10 l Wit n she Be d N.. J.-Vm Norm Petr ong 10 , . il —Por Cohn, Crying, Teething. and Waktfedness et infooo . , res i N 0 ... —Po Dlirrhea, Cholera Infantu, lllineku Ents Ni s—Po 00.,(151pinp, Hyssoteryold Slmatir nor.' ii,, 8 —Po: Cholera, Cholera Mort.. Yndtints. , - No. I—Pot Coasts, Colds, indirenta, aid 1100. throat. No ..-1 , *•• Youth-mho, Pace-tebe, and Nedrftia: • , No. 9.—iro IllTdstile, V.etlgn, Heat nod fullness of the No. 10 —ftroresii Passi—lfor Weak andJ , Deranged Pionme2J,Cilultpidlort'lmlllver Complaint; .. 1 . : ,.. No. 11. •Yin Potato lasaNn.siorton,SeantriiTtio!ul, of ituppreesed teriods. i . • - No_ It—Per Leucerrhea. Prothro Wenner, snid Bearing 1) , ..5.: ..1 Females. No Is —PlinCroon t i!loaros Clough, BM Breajtlng N., 14.—H0r., that Inust—for trisipelani ; Eiraisio.a., a l ilmoles on the If No. ter—ap....n Pru.s.--vortath, tamasirM, • ....e. I. ii;riDliati Lana, at lambi. . , A.—P , r Toner,- arid Ogar.Cliti Perez, Ortrolll P.---Yo. - Pir,./illon.r . Blasdlng. lumens/ . .0. .. ' o.—r , r r, F or lhallmne4 ES. . • i ..; . mg, Weak, t . Bluer Hight. ' ' • .., g II ei.hise. pr ii 4i ' • - le oil it , I gr gtiterg each It, front. Irtttrloll otsla 3, N .. , truery, Croup, illoymallein, sod'rdri. emu , . t....h., , ,.5ti0 ..itill Vera, Wastes, and gri,sipeniii,ll.o 1 ~...L. :..- 41 plying the : .rop.= tesiolier uristais4 1. at': ...... tli all so met 1110 sliecincs s..t. l'He a rhetrin rt.- .n - itir.. ahtesie Is nen arrested at once, a til In :al ...wt . th , - Hol,cell.l thi It tatir lo'rooderated, thee n 4lerem sh•*.tt, .5 , 11, ena rqinlired dangeroita' -2,, . , C , ..icht at 0 Cidds, eh area such freqacinYeecurrenee,", on-1 rid. li ,n often y lie. [emulation of Hi:eased Isms.- hrom-hit , s tad cons roption, may al/ beat' once rtned 11] Hie Fever wul'Crongh PHIL In on dirrole d each e.. Ilpitinlik:litt ftr.;ms , 'h. th.osil.patioi ~,Linerart tl , Z l ..s t Pik., Female Ilebfilry, and irre. , sinfillis."Jild 1 1 SNv ors'or va., Carorrh,l SAIL Rheum-Wel o old eruptions, the ceseehss stoecincel show to• . or r em iteldlaition sill afford si core lultoost arecji Inaratare. 111, thei:re of a shoes amok di etilty,tinoni ad ~ =beef t, Plies Catarrh, Headache or Emile Welt-1 I.e.+, has lo ire than ld for the oust., times over. 1 i Writing Paper ..gIf.T.ICIrM. lan 20 Oleo coroOleto, to morocco. and . Cue of 2.1 Oats, tokl Bout,' ...... 4 Case of 17. cambered Oostoond Boot ' ti•r . Ca.r ..f 6 bh2ri, /Mroberegkaad____ .10101.. Ploglr numl.eml si.vlPialtnetUraii,....o,, .15 corda. 27:4e lerici,ol t•oars, with atrectioas: .. .4...40 cents. Elm rare of 2 or. via* for rilatoral o 0 Bh~ddaoa.-•114 Votedle I)• et,- -. .. - - • ..-...- Ikledldovz, , 14tiiiiediiii . dd isji:fo;•-. Price, ,b awe „Cd. ' , roa tea qmoiseme ems Duns®.—Dlerh•rge• from tb• Ear, 11 , risali of dearlet /ever, llarodoi.' di. Nercurtala. roc ?folk:. in lid !lead Ilardnels or Timing, ind Vilnius In the Yard, AM Far.e.cho. - Prim' DO ernfo per boo. _ d . .• Fos 11,-ocr.s.—lddardellll••••;lrelnreel sod leoloral. , . e Tonvile, reillome•od Old 011en,Scrofuldim Caebevy ol Chll.tren. • i Price, 110 ,conte lea . • __ ... . • , Von 6 . Dreelli.— or firrefioe Weak prim Mee the troll of Blekedek• ' II Iledldsilbn, or 61. hunting V Ivervol.... 17105,,d0 MU per bed. lon Pard•ov.rrredd derdidadditem, Wm/d droned op, wilt 1...301y Ber,reelood: 1410100 deal pc b... '' ' • eon Peetunsted.Ddblf BA Den, 'V '''' ? Ilene, SI verba. rereelei elho VA en plemi themselves .0140 lar . • mdse. roost .rei arta wet •dvSe• of Prot Ilvedirinivest do v.., at I,liodlca Hi Itreadreky,d.Dy, hoc 11.4314 %NIP* . lor by Weir . .. . , F. .. i .., Op": ilKentlthla LT Wlll. 01 . . %41 1 ; 10.1 en. the .114; make ay • cue 0110 .11tieyom eh,ee, and theeen the sawn* $0 a eorrentete• er sta mp by moll $o oor add..., al, No. 663 Dre•diroy;llre-Yort, • •12,1 the dwillr.lne..alll be doly Mantel by sad or esp..; irte At W ror iNTED'.—lde dein as ar.lite; ' eteried;bdr ll cd re. the elk or vor Ilemedlee to every lawn eolcomotty • r I:I the United Slate. • Atin..., Dr. P. fiCidPICUCTI a Co. ; • , . . No. tab BaCkkeei.“..lerer•reill. 3. 14..rwmei. ruutei...t.(*.iga. 00 61 t we) "" a door help the Pau Carib Wirere•Or /Vet led d I.thargh sad mir aterl. 111: MESON II OU Illradrehrue; J, p.m, thessu.J.wr,ADosbertmti• . , , JOUN 11.1T11 I CO., • Mali:Wood atm! T Stall ' Sides Yeti Upper:Lew abir, lby oh by War' AYWILM , bI. nola ; • - Nei4ee Warty st. • ILANTB=TS. bble; in, store •111TC110017%; WaßnlVii eo' MEI H ..num , TT ■■ R;BD BKRRIES-2 sacks toried 13Isok tinier.... , lmak Delia 134abenim-we esloi odd WATT. 4 wuaosoms übats" Ur Tr . AXAS:IIID emu— yr .orw • 10ran:44% woe , „ww,aow, eel trenti If AT COTTERS: A MID. of . k 1 4i roe tals 7/I•4 l rOins J l ll. • I T . o.ll.X.Kii! , :sp • gll'. F•Tiltia;•te, for ow by 8...01.11, it• oo' . . anew IlLaera Law*, M. A OPLSBI PPLESI-- , 147 JP& !twit& day rot Ale." ilAtig l l. but .h, ems 41' '4; ' ..act. sn•bvatift, &Vs sad onl.l fur Pole — . tisNIO 11 urll.l.lFlO. 1:1;2= W CLOVIASEED--25 tius.•Cor • • sAlms.itunb a bwk7 ~r e:i~, BitLY-175 bus.-Pnme tpring Batley ik.t q ft 6 tot eal• • /Ai Labinll,•' • e 912 „ , ...00ntriMulut and Moon. ClL4iSlitr Chessitits; just tea' off by RNA UM It MIDESSOLIS9 Mae ! •-•-•—•-•!•oppodts Pi Mules Mita. • et c 7 # 10 ; 171 1.47 i alai" • corilF4 ;.t D. MZ') AMISS— f bucrrime. .• ut na'4llPeseirbiztt ;UMUMW 4NINI-L-VOttabkilivtilarin!lotiar -, • 41 .11or ph by : : 16.11!IST p.sitisittalwr. ktPutt minx OUOPPI • Bill.4o,"Stat:: ..Z14;161.4•‘ !sewn sr /ad Sterbs: • Isis i lota nsittt 1W39. Pnis , . 47 et. CUir se. iaerV it Za yl ra. 6 ,44 ; '.. .° r....o 4 rl4 :1,1114 I'APBAS,v Qvaii4peotalPittirat 17 MIAOW 11414801.1A11.1 strsy ' a.* , •.1 - zratri4;urito-'4llg;itin,''''s.;l_, - _ ornNY'-. T omes J os Errsl44 '"° -• : • t140‘44"ii,444'. - . . , _ • - 3HH - P 2911011311C111. ONIIOIIII3O To all Pint in the Signk-Wenktihntliktent... „ PI . M TO CINCINNATI 118 quid; and to limbaavabibt. s l.4.44,abd t K EO oadarariab by sa3. ober.robuo.. • 7/1/61010AND:T*42.111. --, ; , ?.. , ::• /IST LA IL LIN lb•sLebirs Pbbibbrib.,..4. l .l lo a. Arthur at 0red1150....... L 4 dosicormechabb with Oell toahia., eb4 ChM* Cob ab 4 Clachwab Had:. - Arrbriug at Indbubspolib...: • • . ' " c•Kaamt5...—.....3:16 r. . _ "' `e vita*. vita*. —. t, a N. a -Tb•u•••toototinzu •• ta• woe an bp linnallant Till& =Trite on bolt took tont ot Colambnoy noillannin: gas all goloto Onotnnottiogetbor. . . -. , S.XP Or -9 TRAIN-Lonna Pith& • b...-.... WO ft II- Aflarlogatlndiatstoli. in. 8......Tn0 me to (nackomit no dm manna Ity llndatta , al Ito 'trawl WA Mil& JIMA GI ttgannos„ wool pow*. , pro el go In Clatintddl toolbar. ' _ . to ll . • on ado :raw Cram. Pltlaltargh to toll. t o ill p011...4 to Ono' go.. 4n trellis th !a amigo vatheat ibillige qpint. , , - - RASTWAMiI 'SWAM& . ; Loon. go, 6.10 no Lead WA*. U. Atrhlog id [ Loo k Ann n ma A.lO A. Y. 1100ortingirttli mini An Dxon and elatilllllll. Arlithla on Connlhoo, hil t. is. (*nutting with usu. f t Cott ttire . heat Cistr- Wick liethito and 11,10.3% inn! orHring• al Pl tiddlrilt WIG Aat an] StO n. u. All enallog skid terisitithlint , With, [rale. an reensiliseila Mired for 2411•041111 sad lb. Aortal*