H H I ),;e.,lfirgt dtaltttt. -- i'D - r l. r a o's l / 1 /".ND-4..PR0P111/11.0Ata prxmaxrcitpaEcr. illeaspilr MORNING. JAN. 10, 1861 TOLLII 0111 .111A111110/1110/16 MOetia,aoi New York, is his recut amiss quota imply'from his &neer stemage, ricoastentliag the- esseacurast of lb. buoy larva iberailreado tad repeats - 11a reeommaide. Wails tho following wade t tep i dl y 4 4 miabi e of m i . , aripipreeputivri demands epee the public trailer'', and of as armlets ae. cuddly of meeting 'them, and beilemog that the talsaatli,milroade 'bona be at lust WiWaid; thereby relieving the utpayers of a par tan or their iacrerasiag hardest, it we/a matter col verggreat tetra to me that the Legislators did mattes eti,toadept-thase remonmeadatioas. lam liars itkat manse Cootemplated by article 7 01 asciMetititios might sot have Wei ally real. ed dainVe pest . yser,loul gra bees done. Yet 'lnlet. it would have been =Seism, during present yeari with this addition ; the rumor. etrogiames fore direct Stab tar, incept for eippeirt - of -government sad the patpoes'ef aid obarrvation hare only eumfirlitaLthe Weare4 summed Maui 'castanet. mama marred to, so to the wisdom and justice of plating' tolls epos the railroads daring the ma. sae of;suiption; nor have they armed reproduce Y fair that the competing railroad Uses of other Neat will divert the bunter which legitimately MWaag.'iq thS renal earl -railroads of oar Sim State, and I therefore commend the whole retract. With all itiiapaitant relations, to your dispessiow• The iroam. **Ewa, tussled ix 1&51, and nearly sv4l4 aelabiististioa Rises Imo 'made the attempt t'»ieetat it . z Ytie4.ll4w York Central . Beilroad rs restricted 114 limb' hi rata or paisuagse flue to 2 cents on ititti other route ; is the Stet* are restricted -to9 eitote,er mile. ie!Feadied debt of the State of New York, is. thie,eatoordibeis $33,670,238. Her direct Ebate tits ii b• 6 •in. as each dollar at tezable ProPkYtY• ' • Titcdelet of Peratestreeie, fended end aelbeiled, Deiesiebir i5t.138,639,961. Her direct 'tar is 2540 The teditimiedimers Sr Booth Carolina and the President. The ceirespoidence !mitres* the South Carolina • tc.inaMiedttnate and Preitidenuchasaa appears ....,.. ; ;AilipaChitileston papers of Saterdoir lest, basis( ' . "...:*lghtimiiiied to the Convention in secret emaioa alit-lien* previous. - It consists of three letters, then firm dfted Dee, 29, trom the Commissioners to the Freildiaal,la which they demand, eel" - prelim& iing 7 ;th 41" negotiation, a disapproval by the Freeiduit.:ivf the act of Maj. Anderson, in seizing Port. Sampler; the 'mind, dated Per. 30, from the Presidiet, to which, while admitting that htsj. Anierivon)acted without esprea orders, he yet !Whose tri!repedtate the act; and the find, dated. Jai: I:" id which the Comenimionere attempt to refute the 'ejlegatione of the Powidentra letter in which 'helestigios idajZ Amdarsoora conduct. This . lam letterithe Nat West returned to the Commim aware with the felloWlag endorsement on its back: tom.: pier just presented to the Pallid/et is or ought entracte: that he decline* to receive it." Tbr 911iltill complaint of the Conuniasioaers of Seeds Caroline-doee lot,. alter all, turn epos the valetas jar faith which they allege we. involved lelifejor Anderson , * act, bat opon - the fact that It • deprived *am:of the chance of seizing the mom filyiertnet of the forte is the harbor. Bet they had so right tit complain of that? If their miaiee wee oar orperce—if ;to stack was meditated—if they ware coelldeet 'of being able to settle all these mat ters by . eigotiatiou, of what'eauconiume was the change to; them. They say that the act ham probably ;rendered _ Civil war inevitable." A 04'44 ri any not happen after .alt;' we 'shall, there Care, continue to iadelge the . hope) that we are' not 'quite se near the verge iof 'civil war. as the COIIIIIIiriCISIUS would • " have Ittr.:Bachanan suppose. It ie mot so easy a matter to Plinme a great country like this into civil war, wi 3onth Caroline O• 01111■ to imagine. A great many thipga meet happen hefere that ereadtal emmerematioe shall be reached. Reisioreementa, vie believe 'Are now on the way to Fort Seater. •Tirrlietay hi attacked,) and the attacking force -may- be yew* iota atom by half Tt deceit whelk - bas the ilia Will not he civil* war, nor Atilljt relief mach a war even "probably" inevi table,i_wiriebrawere than arty rarest 'civil war, ie demee 4 ,l2 the rigor and comma of-the Federal Goverimatt. The country Alarm to feel ;that tame in tawsr and reivolutioe at head . quartecr MajeriAideimevii act artiamit tire Seventeen% to_ • sense of its reepospitriiiti; and thus evened the graisset the.perila which threatsed the country. :Isipertasit Deekdo■ Wo lean by letiu from Ilarrtaberg, that the Captains Court, km affirmed the deaden of the District Court in this county, is fk +foie city'a fitabirsi gm the Iron City Bask: 7his4ecldea_tas 'emistitatiosality of the taw 4#Jitif a InMitatme tea u . poia Busks, and seem rea a mama er_ll3ooo per imam to this eity, Medd Itittte of tholhele Plttabargh °matte I ' • r I • : Ifiantsmias; Jul. 8, 1861. Retr. Gesell.:. The Itercablkons of both Houses stole arsaireh apoa the Democrats this morale' by wasolviag to go fiats joint session to bear read the Proclamation id Preeidmit Andrew Jackson liglin the !Oa th Coolie" Mullidara in 1832. The at slug orunink: Gr.*, .Sircenioaisti la that MirrOhmlin,ioad iiii bold ground it takes against the right irt . .floceprios, ware not plousat readies to Our Deaterritiafriands, bat' they , hid to leaders It. The eloctrinoe • #f the Proclamation were Dem. acidic 41832, bat are not now. - Aboirtlylialterward th e two (f Ollllllll oat in joint • comsat* for the ebtotioa of U. Senator. Yoe Mai ` .• r ed tbe vote* telegraph, and 1 mead setiapea -"gray. laseiber -.of; both 4oussa was present I hie seat, I ... , . . ' TIMM me warted cooly routine basins", aff tarinti: bit is had a field-dry in. the 'Senate. ie Mr. *ec ea r Introduced a _resolatioa instructing the /Sic *Coeintiltie to hiqeiririf 'there are aay Iliii ittioit the *state book of the Alois contrary to DM taws, or COUIIIIII4III of the United States, agile, to report hiller otbenriet., - Mr.' Mr lek (dem.) said the Judiciary Committee Wee tioityomfd eselasirely of Republicees, aid he issim e• that the Mashy should go to a Special Committee, on. - which the NicitiClas should he japreientasi. . -•__ . 41k,:ll'Soutiy oppounl the resolatios, in this 'iltepTeo4llllllll it wao en apparent concession to the duple cod; .sionaces • of, the booth, aid a libel of.'ime Perwarrylemtlans spas their own laws. ..,.., Mr. Itidt also approved the resolution on the pestattiat the inqulryi• wee anneessa my, am there "%Mimes lie . alleffatian on the part of any on. in tlriieaati that the.. win any mob law on the Mat: Militia* Mid that, at soi rate, the ramdailoa sbould egwar4.-wArit laws ware referred to, fasted of bolus plena hi its temae r :-. •• - • ' " maftiontai maim, rwmy, Ketabum, Last' Ail. sod Boiiiit. , ..auilma the reeolailon: on the poeai Mkt Mlegatlon• had been so freely made that the BUM fled paned misoastltutlonal lane, that It was to histlinto a formal Inquiry boordsz to Aing :Oki peop4 - the untruth of the W 1416600. *HAM kick the mune 'ground, but favored the sp. to Milani the Beside! Contailttes. '• Mr:. W moved le amend by refining to eL. OelialtDM of Are. Lost by a tie vete, sa follows: IjF-M.stre. Boma, Clymer. Connell, fleawAld,ll•ll,lstah, - Itetcbius, Lawns.% Mena= MthilfetiiflibleleD, Elerrill, Smith, Welsh—lb., • _ Mktii..l.•^lollrilf :.-Bwatim, "Finney, Falter, Gregg, , Weft LirsiMie, Aletnimiflliestand,fflediola, Parker. 7 Pithirec , IReblissin, ', if barteoi, YerSley, - Speaker .--f - .fli,reseledoe then pawed Idsthe &Molds% vote: Arevikarts.B4lllloD;Blood,BoliediOlywar, Con , Alene atlthethtd, ism,: Feller, Gregg, Hall, ale- . siessAlfsielkerai Leaden, Lawns* *Volum Maw" r Shilal 11--, gwa h" gro , j . th; Palter ifolel, P W les ti :MI% , R •tardle hum4 y; • -. -..M..ethli „ a-ime _ S Hw o=tbekT rb b-2. laeivram ' . ; •' - petition from -Pidladelphla, wow by Ogiiiii4eolid via*, praying for the repeal of . `-thisenthlanSpeng law of 1867, with sballar pea *it QeS Hate, wore •precasted today. Referred . tope Omitiebblee on the Jadlobay„ Thatwilloulawfil held a Joint Conirealith oit : There . , Wl] to. open the ratans for. Governor, aid Aid it fli*Tithstnet for the umpired term of Mr. StMen,l-wlnt gtea lath Mr. Cattla's ablest. -Hon. Xetiiiyfi. Meath, of Pkithdelpltle, - will be eboese, XS nip Withthated,surealsionely, In the Illegrabllesia neenne.oe Moeda "(ilk, pad also for the year eon.; 1 ilmaiiiii ill May Ist, - prOaltao. i• . -. . -. • 1 1 .-. .: Xleigks*insa Oink sow sitting la Pfillidalebla, fie ellemed: the Swish. of 'your Mettle* Oeett, la filla this of the City of l!litstanith ye. theiros 011 y *lnik,-V211,M wee the ease screed upon to test the etwetthallsthaltr of the lik/rryter a..bestow tea' • niseithe Blake. ,Tlui' 0111111ftikell14 . Of* tilli , - . law- Ns imordiii_ the city thsi's oo 4 o sl: l lTM: ass td w. . _iats• . ' , Tito Cents also deemed a Newretwaseoasty boil . . Lawreses. ;Tile con'F3usiolt • This, then, is our ground—eakircement ,r the 'baud to the Meat of the money it actually bwroglit the company, bet no erimaglements of connounir ties in the meshes of commercial law, for the pm , pose of 'bolding them liable, beyond ibis Serene. We untainted in Thomsen case, 6 , Casay, 230, that thie would: be our ground when a ease was presented m proper shape, and though no case hex yet bees presented, we have stood firmly against they. tendency of the Judicial mind, everywhere elve r to triat these !special and peculiar securities as hallo iireschaege. And we havemalntained our pomitiot persevertngly, in order that we may the better adunsister ewea•haaded juattice to both puttee. This explanation of our position ie oacesury, as slimier why we allow the role of Us pendens ha 'atom! and legal operation in this case. Dia mond did not bey mercantile paper, but a bond— r a boarl that was the subject of a pending suit in equity, and, therefore, he purchased it with notice of all the facts of that record. BUM. statement of net position on the above quake bears a more direct relation to one of the questions now before us, It is made a part of the cue that the bonds were sold at 64 cents in the dollar. contrary to the Act of Assembly, and one of the questions submitted in, whether the 'plain tiff, If 'stilled to n Judgment at all, would be en titled to a judgment for more than the bond was sold for. We decide the% be is entitled to no jadpieit beessure of the he pendens —but that if le could recover at all, be could recover only the amount for which the company sold the bond. It is not aseemary for as to discuss the irregu larities .of the subscription made by the county, , nor the authority el the county to make it. In the cue In ItCasey, the subscription was held to be valid, a'id we should doubtless reach the same coaelusion again if wicwere to review the whole droved. Bat Because it is not necessary we for bear to do it. The judgment is aßrmed• FROM WASHINGTON LSPOttol Dicstch to the Ootamtrotal liberator.] B.—The message which the President has prepared with reaped lo the itsoseinon soremeet to South CILTDIIIIO, la Still under the consideration of the Cabinet. It is understood to be quite grin and decided in Its tone, and to strongly in favor of the en forcement of the authority and laws of the fed eral government la the rebellions States. So decided, indeed, is its too., according to whet I consider anthendo sources of Informa tion, that It - cannot fail to produce a crisis in the Cabinet and necessitate the retirement of Ilactetules Thompson and Thomas, which no one here will regret. Indeed Ms not improbable that the President himself will hall such resignattooe with sincere pleasure, as leaving him to unembarrassed notion la !ha discharge of his responsible duet. It le now pretty aerials that Mr Richman's cosecion.seeoluilons will pass the House by a 'ergs majority. 'A gentleman arrived thhevenieg from Charleston, la compaby with Com. Shubriok. Both say the penis which prevellAi there L unparelleled. There la a great leek of food basinere is prostrated ; the people are idle, end patrols are wandering up and dot! to preterve order. On the day Com. Stinbrick left thee! was trammel excitement, and upon inquiry he foorol ihicinewe had hem' received that the Mac edonian we. on bar way with eight hundred troops to bombard the city and releforee Maj. Anderson. He could cot eotivince theta to the contrary, end en plane the opinion eat they oannot hold out in their present oonditlon long, maims Georgia comes to their relief. No vessel entered or left the harbor while they were there. The Tramw of yesterday treys : Proms conversation had yesterday with a young man who bed juitoome from Charleston, where, by the way, he had been for acme days engaged in dig . ging trenches, we learn that the strlpliogs who had volintemed Into the South Caroline army are sick ening from exposure, cad bed whisky that the faro lotion bin the hands of a radian mob, who overawe themme deeent portion of the Oitilel3l, nail compel their to eontribute whatever they may choose to de mand. Sooh lawlesenese disgusted the New Yorker, who went down to fight the battles of the chivalrous South, and be left. lie says that were a few compa nies of United States soldier" now stationed in Charleston, the respectable citiseos, who have every thing at stake in the matter, would rally around the Sag of their country, to pot down the reign of ter ror ands" whleh they now groan!. I have good authority for eying that extreme Southern men have been for some day, past eogaK imilioonm in every part ni Washington, until alter the 4th of March—the object being, or course, to good the city with oppooents of the now Admlnia• Milieu, and in case af ireelde, tuassist AO the riot. one promendiegs. It hat become known briond doubt, as intimated above, that there is a precom netted movement among the SeceAiOn Members to remain until the close of the present acaston to Maio oil the Army and Navy Appropriation bill.. It was .o declared by a strong Secession member of the Moue to-day. ke a set-oft, many kepubli cans and the President have received assurance. flour mazy Northern States that they will ■ppropri ate[aed loan the Federal Government ail that ii necessary to carry nu earn .department of the Gokernmest,-Tisnes. The ordinance urgunt who bad charge of the Char!Woe Arsenal, and who wax prevented Iron going to Fort Sumter by the Secessionist., arrived here to.day, and will probably ha able to give tfle War Department some rideable ieformation Si regard to the military arrangements which hada been made * the Disunion capital. Tharlow Weed, the distinguished and influenti.l editor of the Albany Everting hornet, hes been tile observed of all observers since his arrival here, oh Saturday last. It is generally nedustood that his errand here is to assist as far as poorible, in brintli ing about a peaceful so lution of the a - outing di - curies, by persuadimg his Repoblican brethren to adopt a conciliatory policy. Many other peeked makers were busily at work ye.terday, in earned eadeavors to *duce the extreme men of the North and Booth to urrender some of their ultra opinions upon the altar pl their country. The Committee of Thiriy.Three bold a lour session to-day, end conaaeved Mr. P4111.013'e lpro position to change the Fugitive Slave Lsw, wni h Easily puleclji only a few voting against it. I s provisions trete chines the present law no th t the slave shall be delivered over by the Mamb I t i 'of the District into which he escape., to the Ma . 'shot of the District Loot Which he deeper., t e United States to pay the expel:sem and faro el wi - names and competent tensest for the slase—he t 1 . have a regular jury trial. It repeals the also e u aeentataig the people of a Free State to um t is alave.oatchieg, unapt is a posse comilatus. t mahatma* striegent providoes against 'adding or ineitlig to escape, and virtually remora all cause for the Personal Liberty bills. It way generally auppotted by -the' Republicans—only Tapp*, Washburn and Morrell, Republicans, and Phelps, of Iklimouri, and one or two other Democrats, voi la' aphid it. - Oily about half a dozen Soothe* wen sow 'Wood the meeting of the Commlttee--all the titillation's* having deserted. Three companies of. Flying Artillery ate nu their Way to thin city. One company will be posted it or near Judielari Square, is the center at the. eq. one on the Capitol Hill, near to the east front Of the Capitol, and one at the tquare lieu the Fred dentle House.l , • • • -• . The important post of Pansscole, Florins, I. pow well guarded. Thou is one company of id, angry. with two vessels of war, at that mind: Hey West, also another highly important station, with one of the bout harbors in the world, so d es the key of the Gulf ol hiezico, is occupied by n solficiont force to protect it against any a- ca tack the revolutionists n nuke upon it. [UM - 1,. too Road., the other naval tuition in the South, i 1 • likewise it. a senate position. Whatever Mr. McClure and others in Penneyi. Tanta may say to the count/. Simon Cameron late been tendered, and has accepted, a post in the new Cabinet. The letter of Mr. Lincoln making the tender, has been.rud by • somber here, and there is not a shadow of doubt that GAD. Carmen will bold the Treasury seals from sod after the 4th alt March nett. . . , Resolutions Adopted by neteters. The Senators of thaw States oaring Called Cod. tliftione, in the clue.. alluded to in my deapatdh of tut evening, adopted the following leaolutlooln . lat. We recommend to - our States Immediate geodes. • I 2.1. We recoormead holding -a Convention it ildoetgoorery, Ala., on • day not later than the 151 h of irebraery, and eetabliahing a Southern Ca - fedetcy. . Atwitter resolution was passed, cormidered confidential, bat under/toad to pledge the Seaatois to 1812411 hero, and defeat Army mad Navy appro priations sad other bills, proposed. Credible rummy wentrife to-day to the porpoit that the nihilist had under consideration the quik lion of Toomb's triosoaable action in telegraphing ordains to Pile the Georgia forts, and decided, by nee vote, ageism 14lag action in the mattes. I Iteriblicua;ide*einee = his Sientlereats Wiley do rank triremes, and 'think they should haie been allowed so be Oland. -- id that he would mkeldr. Ci ,ir ale iategoatio...... as would tat Ir. Ceitteadan s, iirapasitioai rokaawbalaaolliliti4l. The tbarlastoof Copier of Ratarday, racrived tal nigbt, eoatalaii , ta• eartsepondesee between the P 14,440181 ea& drik , couraiasiosara. making—th4s Wow in *bailment& The Preaulaat In 1149 . 71, tiraw, a bee between the sneutive sad lelistative imactie,s, comsadial that a fecogaitioa ol defaeto:goverasiest by dm exectitive. Y - aa untpaticia orpower. All he was williorm, do was to refer to Co. Erma say preposition the 'cosamtioloasts might make to that body oa the subject. -4 TIM 'Presidium eostlram rally is this - latter dispatch Net it the time, stating that he had de cided to order Major Sideman back to Fillt Moultrie, bet sabompteady clogged hie mind. Mr. Llarole, through a Gland , formally teadated Boa. W. A..Graltassiof NotthCasoliss, a piaci is hi. cabinet. Mr. Graham sends a Mum docile!: lag, sad sayisg Mathis' tablas the place will skit mato,* pens to the rogatty.--N. Y., Birr/d. I I estimate- kw sat Ithrrea.--We ere sem tb Asti teat os.lirritay Dt.t4Mialliirkuristutt slides of the Preis was the victim of.' wilionaatf. Al "lit rim lillf slippery sidewalk, hi imrtiaiiidO a eitaloiter &ulir.bff the hes, Mkt will wog 10 lie by,for one Um to coaks..6N.-dtitir. - I L a bfFeellhey Pluanareh Gaitettal ,: .l. - i i "'Y fIUGGIGSTIIOII. :' ' • .., i Messrs. Editors f No movement of *try portion of the American people has been roads in there trout,. loos times of moraeignificanee and importance than that of the working-men. It originated in LOollt rTille, In a ElitCo Stair, and is being. responded to w ith atrocity in several other cities. In Nashville, ennearee, the working - moo have nobly 'spoken is favor of the Union, ar.d rebuked secession- and re •l lodine; I not rrjoiced to see that Pittsburgh is 'about to speak through her working-man. No one can i doubt what her coarse will be. It will be intensely 000servative, but at the setae time in favor el ans taioing the integrity of the Union at all hazard. Let the great work go on; let those who are: em phatically the bone sinew and nerve of the Anne); who, more than a ll oaken, contribute by their . .ak)ii and labor to the prosperity and wealth of the nation, fly to rebellion and revolution, .'peace, be still," and the emit,' is mad, or government preserved and the Union perpetuited. Now for my suggestion. It it everywhere con- ceded; in the North, the act of the gallant and in trepid !deem Andereon, in taking p ion of Fort Snoopier, has dond more to checkmate the traitors in the South than any act of any officer connected with the government. It was bold and daring, but a masterly movement. It at once placed the adminis tration in a position that they wen:compelled to m ein him or bring down upon themselves the jolt in dignation of the 'Northern people. It freed the country from the tuaohinations and disgraceful schemes of John It Floyd, as boas a traitor es Ben edict Arnold, and restored the veteran Scott to his procmr position Kneader of the army. Such *mer itorious set cannot be too highly appreciated by our people. Lei, then; our workiort-men, in their meet ing on Friday evening next, take the initiatory steps to testify the missile of this community of Meer Anderson. Let it be something worthy of the man and his deed, and 'of themselven. Let it be in the shape of a handsome present to his lady, who is bor ealf the daughter 'pf the late gallant Gee. Lynch. What say you, working-man, will you do it? B. • On Maned J.. 904 at the residence of Jo•. Clark, No 6 Wille• I,BNNAT Da LL/1.11.e0n of Oeptaln Henry, Malan, aged • n Seam The funeral I take place on VIUDAY. at 2 dolor& p. m. from the re•ld•nce or his lather, In Peebles township, at boar tills Bun. Canines will leave the stable of IL Rittman, at 0110 odpck. air.ooll9 U 6 sed COIL 0111 ens always Meagre...Ade, often dangerous.. A Yew repetitions sod brouchltla or cow aumptiou may be the molt. But you may cure them paduptlY and permanoutly. UUs/PIIRRY!• ROMBOBATLIIO 001.1CII or COUNT' AND PAVER PILLS always do the work. tau need only take the pleanant raw pills, land your maga le r gone end .Id cured se by rechanb meet. Prlce,2s cents per box, with dlrsetlons. Plx boxes, p. N. B —A full eat of IlowenaMea ItottooPownacitexctetrs' wtth Book of Dimon:Mk sad twenty dlffsrout Itemsdles,ln bugs morocoo 9000 , $0; ditto, In plain case, $1; cam of art.o boxes. nod BOLA, $2. Single boxes, 25 antte nod 60 Them litantellea, the etc& box or case, rre mot by mail or norm. free of charge, to soy .4drete, on receLd of the price. Addreee. Dr. C. lIILUENIRkYB ft CO., No. El 2 broad..!, New York. Bold by J. M. FULTON, PUtt, street, mooed doer from the Poet Ofßre, Ageot for Potaboryth. delfolAwlmT Marbles. WixsLow, an experienced , NIINe and rblrild• Phyelrlativ he. • Roothing Syrup for children toot/Ong, erhkh greatly leollitatia the pew... 4 teething by eorioning the gum., ...Inning all hilhoronailone—will alley all yarn, anil le ear* to refralete the Unwell. ileilenil own it. mother*. It dill glee rest to yooreirrie atiderlini and linalth to your intent*. Perfoiltly aide In all men Sae ad wertrianniont In ; another eolnma. felantikeilyT tiutilte potters • VFW! P. A It L. COMMMaI RULO•T Co, Citt.loarib Jahtuoy ISdl , 11 . 0 . TE1l Stockholders of the Pittsburgh & Rest Linerty Paneourr Railway Company ate here by uoiltled that an liblearlOY for Five Bluely" tined coeval, to wive or the enittiog year, Wilt be held at the Otfloe of A. Ntcholitn, 6.y lu oh Prated wore'. city • f rittelturch, on MONDAY, (ho slot al January, IMO, ler tween the bears of 131. m. and 2 o'clock p to. of acid day. A Greece' Ideetiog of the St.ockholder• will be I old at the moue Mina and piece Ity oat. of • reaolutiou of the Board of Managers 1•11L1014 N. P SAWYER, Prealdeut. O.NOTICE. 2 —At a meeting of the Presi dent and Managers of the B I . Bridge Clump.), hold ou Monday, the 110 lost ,• DIVIDEND woe declared of )Dug rift DEVI . . On 15104 $lO Months Barbing. Par able on and aft. r Ibe Ma lee?. W FYIIIiIIP, Clerk. Nisuirtou44l, lth January. ISO!. J•11:at PlrfSßUftoll AN I) BIItAIINGLIAM PASIENUER. RAILROAD CUD PAN S —The )3110. UND ANNUAL bIENTINN of the BiorttoJdols of !HA, burgh .04 BlRolottNen. Paearoger Rattroat Comma, +lll be hel4 at the oftho of Flrnissou I Ripper. No 94 FAlrth street, oo tdoNDA T, 2lst Jautter7, laf L at 10 lt . olofk o to., at which lice and plate,. flaw,' of ID. , tore .111 be elected to terve trt the on/1011/a year. WM 11. NBRAR, Pltuteargh. Job 9! 111111.-49: dtjaft 141.teUtre ' Orrioo At 1.111.111:1 i am, avec. 00 , No. $7 Na. et., PltuabUlge, Sam 7, lest: NOTICE;- , —The President arol Dlreatere of 164 Coati.U/y hare tllll fay de. chord a INvidao4 of !LUKEN DOLLARS PIK MARX:pay able to the Stockholders or their legal representative., on or after the tern Dula.. J. 8 lw I/ N. 80.111, Barrel., 0 . 11.11 C ti'II..itiKHULDERS of the Pitts , Gorope. uy are t o rsty o L./1 4 58+1 . 1 1tr i Lt r ere7t ' orfor r rt.: . ..l•nagere of o.ll4ootopauy to Nora for the ereollog yew, will Le bold at tbe tttiv of UM eixoNart.Tolrd et tort, ,o Noodeii the ZIA ton., Letweeu 180 Nowa ol 10 A . 4 otol 110. • Ja1:171. J. P NACKENRIE, Pecrerretary. effirolancu J... 4th, Iciclf. . 1171 - )IVIDENI) Stookhold .-e7 on of flow l'ittobergto .d AlLeib., 11441 Oa, (Hood off rol )an L4ntfy clutiff that • tcloido. of TW O DOLLARS AM° VITTV OENTB psit &est.—payable Iclrtlairlth Jot,/ or PRANK E. Lf KLL Treclower Ornek Pirnricanil ono Macon X /11.0. Co,` Plibiburgn, DcZtrobar 22,1860. 5 157:711E ANNUAL MEIVIINO of .the eb.ckboldrre. or the Pitlaboril, and litantionwlllo Railroad Company .111 bo bell on MONDAY, January 14, MD, al theft (Mice; No 144 Fourth Waal, Pittaborgti, be low.. Os. bon'. 10 o'clock a in and 12 o'clock m which MOO and plow, as Election ho l'lnalclont and Direct. ora will be bold to Worm for the earning yowl.. dealidif BIDNRY F. VON DONNIIO/10T, &entail. ustict 1111142T1112.1 1444. It. 44.0 w Pirtsbutsh Osserolres 29. ISM rTiIE ANNUAL MBETINU of - the Plockhokton Of the Cbartters Valley Haar° tri Pam pony will be bel4 oft MONDAY. the 14th J•tuvw7. 1221. at Weir 0111 w, No 144 north ttrset, Pittsburgh, barerrn the hears of 2 sutt 4 rer4oct pco which Woe and pidee as Wm low for Direstor2 srtU be hold I, serve during MP ett• ming ear. ds.lltit .14 P. TON RONNIIORAT,SeetnIary. --- t/rnet if rot tint...logo, we. W. O. IL R. Pam:m.l o .o,es ozp.11) TUESEVERAL CLASSES uF UONDSOLDINItS of lbe. Ohio aed Pono.y Railroad Company, !Cobh, and Indiana Railroad Company, Pt Warne aud Uhluigo Kull rued 004Upstst, and Pittaborali, Pl. Wayne and Obirriao Rallorrad Company: Ihe Ilan of Ittorgsalrallon having harn pornotrd,tha .Putoltaidnd Ounnolitoa" tam .rd to me coplaa al the attar mtrota tot a highoi hY thn th.tolholdare who do sire to be. causal/1 Cl.. loth* uorsoara of lho ruada, Paral.-0 loteroatai4ra rmowito.ltaoef.ll acid oho tho agree.. 011.11t.c ur. if lba, prefer 1, auk Woven of •lteruey will let wwst Item, which Ike, Owl .:.cola. ma.l rattan to ma. . - et the time of elghtes die 4,m-sen4. the tsont• owned by the partlf • Ltd Isstter t .4.1.0..0•11. es pros Hod In the screemente. do 2 :II • 0 W.UABB. jr ANNUAL EXHIBITION OP Tila PlTlBanla34l ART .ASSOCIATION Mill, °Pan On WECEINIGBL)ACY-, pecan:aim- 10th, TACCESOAII3 HALL. Corner Penn and !It. flair eeeee t•, emimy owl froca 10 a m. to 4 p. o , end non 6 to 10 la the mania. Allabnion 26 Gann. ammo Ticket, 10 vita 144110:644 • ...2.5,000 - 11) IN VENT.- M,OOO to futon to µpod pspry or other ortarlitos, la 44.050 t. vtrylog from !mar mouths iu I.Jor 74•14 Al., !Rock. an 4 RO4l Meat. tor 4•10. eetl W3l. W 4RD, (hoot irpotl to Ostßotiral. 0.1 . 0 OIL MEN.—tve . aro propar4d to loroleti PUN Ph for 011 Well., with tither copper or Lao 10t... RODS and superior V h ("FRS reeds Go wart•, hag. ' oxo..tonsit.oßmo MOO, tole _ 141 Wood 01.162 lint sr. ArlD7ifii - ertts;mcnis. azynneuve rNE NEW ASH BEAUTIFULEDITIONS of the BRITISH AUTIIuIIS. MAMAS LEV'S ASSAYS, 6 lota HARLYLIC6 do 4 do LAMB'S WHIMS, 4 du HALLAM'S Mtddls Sdeo, 8 vols. du Corntltstkutal Stylus), to pros.; to Illstory, of Sogllah Lltorstors, lit precis; MMOMAlSLlMthistoilllov of do PARTON'S LIPS Or !ORSON . . . The bUNI2I6IDg EDITION of Wnshionton Work., beautifully print.d on tinted panto, train the unto plata smiths pails. New National Edition. Ctooptoto. 21 tab: cloth nod half nail MILNER% NOVEL* line English 164111.1on—ostopkte In 13 vain.. buff calf. DMILIirSCOOPIM.—ThIs splenird edition of Cloofer's Novels, Illostreted by the masterly baud of F. 0. U. barley, Is now alndat completed. Subsraiptlons re. ltd. • fipechd attention strait to Woke of VOVILIMIP{ ♦Jue Good editions of rid Woks cconently on band and re. *Grins. DAVIS' 8001K.G_TORIE s .1.110 • 113 Wood Gard. 14 EGULAR PASSENGER* JUL, PM:IIMT 1010INCIEINATI AI D LOU , loYabl,k—The, Wend d Plonekker Arleemeer AY.. 14., Captain S. A Deno' Ckrk Cooky, learro TBIS DAY, the 1014 (net, at 4 o'cl4 p. m. he height or (Awoke Apsdy 1 on board. Jallkailit - -- - SAT3-72'bvs; CORE MEAL-46 I. CRANBERRIES—Z/ Ibl*, • ROLL LTITSO.--0 Ws, LAID - 8 kma, DRIED APPLES-40 Om, CHEESE-200 &lapin... Ro FXSEED— bap. WHITE DIANS-10 t salLAe IS bap, t 7 Jalo ROBERT DALZELL & Marta at. PRODUCE—}SO bble. choice Green Applee; 15 511. 1166110 y. AA bet lAA P 86 1 .6., thole* Halm, 660 t PA born Cherie, 60 bbla ibotoe Older, to 6665 Lard—tor talo Ly 1510 L. O. ORA PC 213 Maly et. CIIESN TS-r8 bap Cbeenuta a ilstolfur 0.1.4 wa2r vI Ile Liberty it. FOE RENT 4A comfortable two•story BRIOH DWELLING, alma/ohm Ned room., a GE% to r ood order, Nu. bitCk•lwell 411. lava!, of '/ale • • , WATr & DELIALerty 101, PUBUC SALE.—Notico 'is hereby given to all whom It itlal cotvorot, Ltual wilt roll tot slot av t at or troldrook •tot at tiro nod Naito! [too, oiro large not PIMA ire &Ale% 00 lap. 19lb at 2 'Vela* p,m. Terms ca.kpfkr fowls. itOWB. I . 4 powwow. Eliwroacli, Jos. Sib, 1461. 41711..11U1t I wd : APPkBB--51) bble. lark State; - !ivvuili Mad; -- . Id do chola Oi.to Applto—last rced, _ler We nt . 114 Araoallat hao V11:4 Goanatt. REESII .00Nt3IONMENTS--:- • • - m nekunivroima Atadmic• ;I - *. :00 bo~WPI ! i rgo, to la 4o Lblz Onus 4pilis; 10 d bis o 11.ada • Bah by • 1 4.e.eaar,3urp. I= aldnumateux. ' 8 GRANT STREET. Eirrsausa 11, PA. EL.ICOTfIiCI&N ROMANROMAN EYE BALSAM—Tor Weak mai Inaamed Rye.. Read Um foliar,. teethe.): Buettner.% Junior, 1.,11131. Harm A B A D. Botolo—fimitlomen: Your Roman By. Bolzwyt,orbioh I.r recommended to vet for my dayobter's yea, bee gotad oy them likes charm. Her eye% rblob bed for twoorti Eno.. be. very mode ovation sod lamed, after • ter wet& tie of tlyt: Baran, wen prrbetly cure d sod well .. over. Volvo truly, IDLBY. ' Prepared and sold by A. B a D. BANDS, Drogglote, ItA Fulton street. New Y. rt. Sold Also b 1 II A. YAIINICEITOOK A 00, PlAbsborgb, 801 dolso Dr Drogrud.c..t4.ll/. .rmity TRE'IVORK FOR THE TIMES ! laVEll.lf BODY MOULD BUOSORIBZ I TUE AbitatlCAN Conservative Review, PUBLIHMID MONTHLY, HY J. FLECRBIER'r. 32 BUSMAN BT., NSW YORK A strictly coneerestlve Monthly Publication, mttaining fit Poe. folio. Donaisting of Political, Commercial sod Literary Harlow. on ell , orrent events; New Petbilcelloos and Wear! of Art, together with • Moonily Summary of [outgo and Domestic Nowa: Mao, an original MO Tied of Biographical, Historical and Scientific /albite and Elegant Worsham, by the moat able .ltere of the day In every department. EVERT MERCHANT, LA Rflritit, OLEROTAS AN, SENATOR, AEA lo fact •Par 7 man of [ash, pinitlon w Wiwi:hod aboWd have It. The AMERICAN 00NRISSIVatIVE REVIEW .111 be strictly neutral to Its character, and will endeavor In all emesgencha. to soggeet One of policy , that sonata ' . ently wish sight and indica, may tend to allay all party or motional feeling. and reconcile to each other the hostile element. that maw or lo the future agitate the public mind. N. B. The first number of the AMERICAN OoNsativariva Ravtaw will be itssund on the • let of February, 1861: • PURLIBBED MONTHLY, AT $6 00 PER YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, INV J. 1111.11.111EetTs 32 Beekmanotreet, New York. N. IL Letters cobtaltdog eribeeriptt-ne end all other tear montrotious, ahould he otlreese4 to the Americus C..isnc• mire Boviao, New Yon. Fin3t-olasa Agents wanted in - every city of the United Staten. jel:vu:rtnee:tfel. Important to kcamiltos! LOOK AT THIS! NO;k:-EXPLOSiVE BUR NINO FLUID— • NON , EXYLOBII4 BURNING FLUID NON-NIPLOSIVB BURNING ►LULU Ouly 6S cents per gallon. Only OS male per Oh.peat IlloollotUog Fluid Its the World! Cheepeat Mumtordlue Plaid hi-the World I ' Cheapest Mumlemons Fluid In the World I N B. The ordlnar r llelJ Lampe are need for Ors pialre FltddllOokaroto 'o Lampe. -Iron lade only by JOB. FIASSINO. by JOE. PLFMINO. 'by JOB. /LEARN% by JOB. 71.1111130, Owner threat abed and the Diamond, Dorm r Market ntrNt cud Oa Diamond, Carom narked strand sod thri Diamond. Dinh Dorn, m kkk Mrcat and Ose Diamond. LEATUER BELTING, GUM BELTING, GUM PACKING, AND Gni GASKETS, filar 1.100A7 AND AVVETA, BELT LEATHEN, LACE LEAMER. • , of the eery beetqoatlee sheaf • on heed etof toi sale by 11. DeLANGd , :, 14,9 933 Mate t, opts it. hood of Woo.l Wall Paper Woraboas• WALTER P. MARSIJALJ,, Importer T Y and Dealer. e 7 Wood Itreel, beirooo toono ftreet and Diamond Allay. Idlere may to Nand as extensive aaaarl. meat al ovary &script/on of. PAPAS,. WO. SOS, tar Pa, 10.. 11.11., Ditdag llama and Chautnanv •1.0, Winslow Shades. to great variety at lawn trice* to cwatry 4aalars. ral6 • WALTMI4 P. MARSHALL FAIRBANKS' SCALES—The undersign .d bowing ham appointed Pole Aponte far Wmter• Tonraylmada for FA IRDANKW STANDARD SOALSIII, dram It ontemeimary la niter Into aoy r atended. pull.. of their merit*, Ca they have . Mood lb. Int of thirty imam. Tb• mintSmiu• embrace. smoor thirty warbitim, ma which eat thing train a roll Mdlar to • loambotteeinan to watered Puy sale at mintufeelarm•! pricer.. eARTWRItiIIT It YOUNG,' • No. 97 Wood Street, .1•7 , carom. of Diamond alley. LIVERPUDL AND LONDON 'VIRE Alfa LIVE lESIMANCE VOIEP,Y Ofßoa, 66 Wall awl 61 Pi. atroeta--...:..N0W YORK'. c.u. LivlcurooL...—va 21 Poultry, Lolith./B1 Paid op 0604, Sorinon sod Ron•rrnl food 'fa 064,11%6 Intoned In Ws CWO47, .............. tioo.ooo fouls Itenenua, 2,/00,000 • The AgraNkiers Pry/Q.1.11g Ilesponlol, Ar Exptgnsewle of at asp.", Id Director, malt be Marrke?dcrt. 113..C1TH11 AID 111•5,DOLDt113 II DEW EASE. Jarq Bari•.. Esq ,Claircosn; PalßO,e Corssvirr, EN, Dapaly Obslrmao. B M. Archibald, it B. M. Mosul; Jos. tioillord. Jr, IN.: lassos Tomah, Retry Orlunell, C.II; 13 Msdsr.h. SIN; Almisculer Ilscolltoo, Jr ALtaZD P&L, Esq. Resideot Secretary; Aux Lemma, Jr, lag Ovocual of tho lioard. Caen until 111,9111611U1011. °mum 81,40.. Hof ,/r* of Llo3 d a Blfek. JC.ti PARK, Jr, 8.1 , Arm of Part, WOurdy t Co. D. B. WlliAor. Ban , /rot of Wilma, 51 . 61r0y t Co. LOSSES sernsp AND PAID DERE. • , . C. P.CAUGLIZY, *OAST, Isla. • (411. of Hamm, lino A Co. pERFUMERYI PERFUMERY 1 I era Ibis 4•4 la . rwralpt ora buosapply fir Fine Perfumery, eatelrolog of a great urerlioter al Orrar , .. and 4111111/PfMll I , XtitAOTS, 011.01fign s Pine daraincen cod ilsiglA POO' ADIS, of all dercrlyllerm alee,• large wooer. mod af Thu Net English Toilet/Snaps, OunINS nuttll/tUne.Ei,ur all deseriptlone. °LI - 01111132 CREAM, the UM prrparettoit la the world 4.4. h'ou9/1 BLitt, Chapped Needs. Lyn. eh, ate. Topeernlehleg tolyth tog 1,, the Ilse tboold nail aed'eiare• lee my Mori before putcbserng Meet/hens. JOMIPII PLUMING, . (Weer t..lta et sad the Disnerd. N. /3 NON-I,X rte)BllrN 110i1ti1NO PLOW, M t&. per jtellen, 101r1311 on hand. A Milliard Llgbt without Danger, Lind Cheap- Wan any Illointrietruk Pteld nor In nee. )al C.ll and 'ty It. . • H ILLERAIAN & CO.A • have i ler,* Meek of Gantt' Dress Hata, ~• Giants' and 'loathe Soft Hate, Gent?, Youthe' and Boys' Caps, Mires? Beaver Hats, Lactied Fancy Fura, end. general enrol Mee t la theft line, cheep. neld lIT [JAMS, N Te Need at. 'VII& SUBSORIBER would respectfully call stirolloi of LaNfriCede re 4 C01110030(4 10 bei claw @lock of ° FALL AND,WINTER 00008,- codling 'the newest designs In loselgn and Gowen° Goods, for Geolgnition Apporql. Also, n fall u. unlearnt or Boys' and. Youths• alothina kept coastal:illy on bend, atod weds ta - ord!ir In the Ter, brit moons, by JAMYS . O. WATT, corner of Poop AO At. Astir sto C "64 / 4 (1 • QUT I • ' rAcroays nom ALL OUR STOOR Or NEEDLE- WORE, At. JUOTOPRNED, NeW OHROICB, TICKING% 11081ANR, rmen LlNen; wrox raNN,L4 ,.. 114 Q.IIANBON L0V11,44 Q UNDRY PRODUOR.SO bus. Small White CO -watts. • 5 s4sidiss TIMMS, 25 blAs AssurA. SOO btu OATS, • ,• • 25 dot Coro 811,00 1 111, 11 ebb Prime Lsat LAID, • ' • - 15 bbis CORN 111.54 50 boos* WIST 3. 1. stsrs for Ws by 447 EL i vsT2llll.eonms Market sod Dirst B . LAN BOOKB•—•:. • •f- LUDfIXIII3; JOUICSALK DO BOWEN, au ; g - • and every daroriptket at ./lepoent gook% nu bane or nada to order In the beat summer, rated to any pattern required, *lib or without piloted neadf ote, br - - • • WM. 13.4011NSTON .b . 00:, • ja7 Blank Book Makers, 57 Wood sk NW 131tOP N. - ' CLiBIJOAR AND 'MO 'EA bAds N. O. NG &R, s'ua 1 • ..' 109 bbls gild 100 bf-0410 N. 0. 1101.119803. Nev Crop to arrive thle meek by deaolc orl vkleh .111 •014 at a very ■tut &GILL* 01 EOl5 JOllOl 11011811 It CO. ichllla sod hewn, bat Myna all isitseke arising trait k /Lama* leg riences. lad emu tile Mower.. et owe; U t swielystteeked, Ana Is beta dieecdy nod persiateall upat the bo de eyeteta, *rowing the liver to anion, prc noting, I. bet, ell the vacretioneaud werations of they tam, it wilt 10411111 y prevent shy &detect:Lot toeseqoencee Yellowtail unft ebullient anode nod water; Linos, ell tie. velars shoUld byre • bottle with them: and all should take s table spoonial at least before eating As it preeente Co•I tlernea, attenatheut the digeetive organs. it should be 1.11 tte hands of ell potent of aedoubny habits, *lndent; Mini leters,literary rant: hod ell lelleanot aerustonw4 to much, 'outdoor adtereir• ehosid allege me JR If they wI.I. they: I will hudniagreeabimAewant sod ellickkt remedy Wind tbonvilis which ruh them of • their beaut A—kw beauty came not exist •IthOot healtb,eud health cannot odd While the above itrolltiee Toombs, Then. etteln. the Cudgel ; le I • pulled met et'e toilet. Takeo • suuth or two balcrelbe anal , pawl the dreadful period with perfect I demand eetety. Then te no mirdake abOnt, Ibis Cordial is all we claim% for it. Mothers. And to you we apnea to detect the Woo* at dWineurri rely of yo•r datikalteers beto.a it le hielets, bat also leer sons aiet husbands; for whit the farmer. Men Wee delicacy. ones to down to premature. gram rather than let their condithen be known in thew. the latter ere often .4.1 sized up with the excitement let buelnees, that If were act lee Wept/0 would trariel Is tbeestne4ownwerd path, WU *waste' in arm. their Wel isit. Out the mother alweyi awl to you .tra ecadldentry eopeal. dr lie So 'ore your never4Oing akeciknk .111 hoe-Trimly point you to Prot Wourellooterae tire Gordis/ and Bloat Iteastutie as the remedy width Sarnia Do ahnoteobind to ties of sod. -i g ; araoy, bsosor, thastwithltar Tott; 1 114 Jashat suet, Ft. lash; Wu and adi s ay a t yJdt iolltl Xlt at brim _ , alsris OW* ds O Po 3 natam gs; , eanste lalat a o , 4T_1141).-40%) pigs Lead reed sad err ale I --24 bap priors Oats; rio'd for mile by &T 8 -- • lea ,A 4 lw 1 Ja altß,zoozawar CRANBERBIKB42S bble. prime Berries, In store for isle y JOHN R. ctstrnam a 00, 1.0 Finn street. 15.6/ Wood. HON SY-50 drawens ikiney, just JILL mod,..s, to prime ardor.' for WI , bY I J. a AIMISIPILD • 00. FJnt at. 13ARLOK PAPERS, ingold, 6)r aide by J.TW. P. IIIaWIWLI.L. PT Weal 40.4. WORICEI) LINKti EDGINGS • AND INIfiNATIKOS— A Tall airorttaant, at 141 1 SUROBRILD A OWL DRIED PEACHES--35 sacks Tennessee bawl Netball, Jut recriv.d *ad far nl. tor JAB. A. DATNIN. JAL • minas alatimt glad Thu emits. rrRANSPARENT:IFINDOWtiIIADSB--- .2. of .11.40., .bottede isut rettatioa ti ant wi N. Oislr I . l 'de4l • J.lll. PUILLTPII. M A4()GANY LU.IA takadooma .bb, ettisbed +ad wairbotioe. 641 - ' ' T. R. Tonna *oo. SLEDS 16bbli. Flax Seek ' - 6,11111 = 0 7 6,1 ,44. 0s • - . " • ' - A warmer & ;-,„ Ala !We Ex* it, ;trio Illttnistments. zir [ A se* R Iktsaufaciarn orsr, variety of GOOK, PARLOR AND IILEATINO STOVES, - GRATE -FRON'I'd. FIL:N.I3ECEL9, 4e. &o. Ate. Sole Proprietor of the celebrated ranu - r i 7.4.3 BURNING AND amoKsCONSUNLVO RaAAroptabirs Office and Sales Room, No. 4 Wood Street,ly PITTBBURAU, PA. case D. IIIUGUS, Corner of Market and Filth •treats RECEIVED TUN AFTERNOON, CEEE3 LARGE ASSORT &I )Ll4l' BALMORAL SKIRTS ! Four Yards Wide and All Colors ♦LBO, A GOOD BibOH 0/ Cloaks ' , Arabs, Coats SHAWLS, ALWAYS ON WAND, N.A, D. EICOUIP,OORNEIL PlfTll AND MARKET ST2 W.A D.IROGIUS . ,OORNRI. EFTS AND MARKET EN W. it D. HUG US', CORNER Finn AND HAMM STO W. 6 D. CORNER FIFCU AND HAD.ESIST STA de22 ETROPOLITAN, =1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES ECED3 MT OP NSW 70811. The atom aimed rallahlt Inanranca Companiew, located In thaOlty of New York, are tatiroatintad to thla alty by the tobacribar a who ts preparsd to mos Pdltla of lomat:ow monist loakpr damage by tin, at Isles at low t esparleoon ham shown loaursoce ao be dono. with 4 doe ragard N the ufatyrit the Oompeoy, end the permanent vocunty of the tomaid. MEI Office Nn. i)5 Market at. YOUNG BROTHBEtB, Duquesne. Foundry, Liberty at., near ()titer Depot P. R. R. TOE nnlereigned, having purahased the ii ocQOaa le YoUNURY Irma NM. YOUNG, 111 con. Ilotte b mantratunt AGHTNIIKY CARTINas. mud eery On the Pound y BOOM. IS all Its various breathe.. JAM YOUNG, . Jan let. ISDl—Jelay J. r.YoUNG. DOR RENT OR LEASE. —The very al loan ond commodloa. WANNIIOUAN, No. 50j11111. W•ter •trtet four Mother to bight, thlrty•fle. feet to atoll, extending from Water to Proot Street, l• °dwelt for Rent or Loatw on favorable tame. The bonding I. at protean wooled by Mums. haleh Merry d Go. Apply to d.2Crtf ROBERT OREN, Donoveu. Way. O' LET-STOKE ROOM, No. 52 6t.dia a Malr it. Also. HALL, 50 by 35 toot, on ltdraNal. floor tit Noe 52 Mod Gat tllalr .treat, with the., adjoitong ClamitoooM. •leo, STORK ROOM. No .114 Nt. Glair arm., •Ith iedll, 60 p, en feat, on monad bur. Inqulro of r.IR tall. No. Id Oa. Cbdr et i.ytob s,' I:tangs, Grafts, STOVE STOVEIN• Dli A V P.. N SUN, • I MANUPACTUREKS OP CJOIC,. 4 5 .1t1.01 - t. and HEATING " I ‘ 0 ES . iVarehotise, Federal Street, near Now Sue; peuelou bads" ILLYIIIIIOa CITY. We oak the attention of dealers to our large isaotturot of Cooking and Rating Plow., fur Wood and G el, welch ere are eelllng &alba lowest prises There visiting onr oily will dad It to their advantage to give us a rat/ and ezendue our Pout tiefore porthssing elseshere. Cost Iron notate Ifroutt, Iron Inkblot,. Scales, Hollow Were. *lntro vices, Plain mlO Fancy Orute Fronts, Fender., eta., Oaolue. of all kind, made to orlor. li. L. RAtEII A ftUti • J 11 V' I J I c 1 OW. rz1.1%);11... tf.l MS IC lt IP Cr 117 F 4 l) FL PrTTBSURGII, re. two , . No. 52 St. Clair eitreot. 'AOTURERS OF COON, PAR d URAI ING ATO,R3, 1.46.1 •11 Kltah.n Ware, Wed Med ado (due Moul le. Rolu. g MITI Gearing. Bee, Water and Attn. Pipe, Cu W6ee:a, Ka4t0.7.11.11 bblog and Marble. Coodage made to order. Me Wide, with 1316.11 Or none Power. Wetrp,ho MANUI 111. LOg. • Wee., Ile le WU donnas $ ad Iron, D tem Dungen, ally. Alen, P Patented Par nattlanl' B Ito WN'S itRONCHLA I L TRUO4BS, Yor lilt. cora ofoollollB sad 8.4111111 RIIIT -1a balm at' 25e end $lOO each. A veal gulag In wale by Callas tbe ' Dollor .It. Pvr ralu'by Ja4:24 JOEINBTON, Droga.t, carawataltbaelli awl ►Wirth .t.. OUR FANCY DRE:SS GOODS, 811 . 011.8, CLO• 103, tiIEDL6 WORK, to , A' (MOPING . RICGAILDLEAS OP OORT, HICK k Mamal. moo'. • O. ITAKEON LOVR, 71 111srkblat. MCiNiE= NO. t Lt be*. 1100IRWUNAT FL , 1111.-1:1)0 b 444. bOLID aurrxß-23 bbleand lb kegs. In 'tan Li p•le by §UNDPIES-150 bre. Prime Pearl Starch; 2 bblaiPrfige 808 Bulger: ZS bee Pg Doe W. R. Oblast; 00 dem Brosui4 •• 25 dos Berl Pena Bruoll.B 100 11.5111 e N 0 110buseefg oW 501. Prlede No. 1 .8.1.p1f4 100 Due Dry Apples; • 800 hoe choke Bri 14 . 0 044 Prim flee. Poe& 50 [bawler. Ifeethens 80 511.051er Vil,l.—Vbed for eel. 11, lel I • FRANK PAN OORDIIIS, 114 8000101 et. ',int/UR ARID SUM/H.110 , -1 . ! FAMILY, IXT A A AND SUPRRYIN Pt; i RIM AND DUOKWURAT FLOUR; OATS—RNO Doe prim% BULL TIOLD—RD loos, vti..w Quail ON4 Syr ctls by RODORRt I DILWORTH, J. 9 J 849 Ltbnty 01. OPEN I ED 11118 DAY NEW ETTER BLACK (MOUND PRINTS. 'lib red agent. Moo, btwuNfol New Sipe DI LALNE9.OINGHAUS, a t. CI HANSON LOY!! •4 Market et. • 011111 S. 1 Real I loritive Cordial AND BLOOD RENOVATOR pi r Pito . lB l T p rlli3 LlT h Nertp l i r l IOATICA ,, a 1:11, Hying, *Wheelie% end streogle:l7 to the Otal 0 ~ &wool . It else misfile*, Motet. nod renew. the Y e't Wood In ell ltatorighnd portly, nod then rotor. sal rr, , et replan the system Ihroloorable to Werke of ells- 0 ow. „ • It Is Ito only prepluallou over offered to lb. .4 4 world In a molar form no no to be within the roach L 0 of ell. ilei cheolcslly naskllfallycomblued as to be f the most powerfol tento,and &tea perfectly adapted! 1.4 .„, to es to act toperjectro , rdensoe with Lis tor of Pa i" V tenanted hence soothe ere _ an tone ay t i theltetha i rrns4nd relLay a s y ll= t v g d i o . tt 13 Loot., nod yet ft le never followed by WOO& or Z e., der...atm of Welts. It Is ovresed u e:thely of Tet i L , itlli Ltdd oc z a snl t tr it e p thortot . i Lor toir=l . QF 14 aerobium Port e ft woody has long te eoeee en felt to be 14 „ • derldrintom in th medical world, bath by the too n o roughlyeldlled In medical seiresoandalso ',yell who ri _... boo !offend from debility; for It Deeds no bodice! A " kill or Iknowledge even to No that debility lobo& If II etssehe dame% end Lye the uogrorded sotto 0 open to the Meeks of may of the matt daurrue• le 0 to which &or homeolly fa coolant', Weida „Sorb, V„ fornosoplet,Lthe tonoulur hoollutoPlbsbAfollsld• • ' 1 tlitaudigest &opine* boo of eppolta, Mahon, W . porous -frill ay, bruttly hi, paipltatioa of the a tines', &duelled, bOatoodrie, bight etentlf; Imp P goer, elddhior, nod all tbat claw of cares so levfolly halal If &MOW& 1.13 In. time, celled hos% weaken*. Kg or Ittoorntertilan Alan lirat demprooota or tar 0 . With mu 11... complaints, disown of tbe kWnsan A oadMal or Woodman* of thou.**, or soy notion) . ..y I. detaagenmot of the arinary ornaantian to tha book, Ode and between the shoulders, proollosnottkot to elf& cabby backlog and &attuned cough, *nude, I too. di/lenity of tuathlug, and Indeed we WOO „ eantoetate many more MAI, but we ban" spate only te nit ii will not only cure thedwittey iourrtos = 111 ED _-- ____ mkt& ate gold . -, FXCLUZIVELT 8T BUSWILIPTION , - ;fit. . TIIESE WORKS include the MOST SAL ~ ABLIF BOOKS PURLGUKIt. eed AgetitA bow to oht ...ploy we citkin. From S5O to SIOO per Moniki. i We girt) oartairsits the EXCLUiI V If. - 06cyl t iL 4 vey sTIZEKI4 that may gore' tO raltrlll4 Tor ftli , ulcu'ire lad Getalt*toot &tees. aldo.r - !:!? II .W. HUNT..oenentl .littint" Room 32 GI trurd igl. i:tuale B. We tteeeput potrllthei ea Itt,tlpe of FAIII LY QUARTO BOLE 1 hi • New and 134 Ifni St genen expronely ler Agents sue Ctenven.ers se -Applicants tang nee 41r.11ust at alrentllnnee. fn., 12 to l sof trove 7toB p. en. tj . lelkt t: A NT/511--iietiVO Butliness to take W Than *ham Iu Onal Quorum/. wunbooduct ti q turluorts. I LocstloU Vournagubels River. ll4roveureekr Iu grurt wirrklng order. For portleulara loqurru of del° I UNARY b. HUM, Rioter, 47 /It. Clair at. attorneys at tab. s l ' ce. A ATIORNIIP 41 LAW. No. 13t) Fourth st., Lowrin's Laajtuildini, LUCAS, Alar Ofpcs, Xo. 7Y Grant 13 PITTPDSLII!. PA ..... J. carte fwte tpodlans, • eaten Late of Butler, Pa. pURVIANCE & COFFEY, Arronwrrsloir LAW I eltlst.orgia. Ps. Office in Mollon'sikdldlog,ioinor of Haft. sod W7lli.Ptreets, 7llioolffsili OEOIwB I P. H A Mit,TON--..menove wpsoassokr. H Af i tILTON ACHESON, ATTORNagS AT LAII , Ogles No. 14A Fourth stro , t, Pittsburgh. sG Jactlydi ; C. B. M: BUTTE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, HAB AIIMOVIID TO 11 I{llll AI N'S LAW BUILDING I No. 13 Diamond Stroet4 - L mrle.l. y.ml : Next door to 81, Potties Chou!, rr II p BIAS EWING, li 1 . 4 :LTIORN/SY AND COUNBB.I4II AT LAW (ire, Pi 168 Voartb amt. dim Onot, p , , I i anlbt irTlyi Pm"..........- ' VOilabelptr - Al COMMERCIAL • ,r 4. jut • abbertifsencnto.. 1 . KEA & CO.'S MEDI ENAL I 7 BRANIIPARYNT GOD .LIVAIIIIIIDILe i I I I TB II TAM, AND OXINUINN. it, i ONSURPA+3BI6D IN QUALITY aND mem. DISINO TUN SWANTENT AND BENT PIINPARND. 'lre itse, if fairly triad, will soon 'storm ti fowl of , the digestive...wpm, Midget ate the blood:40e gen- I e nd rotund fy to the 4#0(114 and add energy to the . mind end termite. eyetem. Its value bur been to. j usatlmbly evideumil by its wouritorinl resturilive pow- , ere when ordinary - Maim had been vainly its haunted It affords Omit isnmeut to the body whew ne'othier can 1 di bomb and furnishs the treee with bile • Dub rtrorritable menor. . irorGONEVE;FION add BRONCHI& . 1 Fbr EOROPCZA in all No druchipmeats; For I WICARNZ&V. WASTING. and rocs . pores a! ; DEBILITY', It, curative properties am mil sled. It may ho taken without dlvrelieh by thrigkiest dell cam paibht, and retained without effort litlhe nowt imeettivo shiumen. •De sotvertority In thlillind other import rbarectertedes of groulneacavhiti guars. nod i I it the , commeodation of the 1310.111.1111.111 Physic throughout the Sham the wrlttelt testa mon, ef the Faculty of the beet medical tiettouhr the Probasco. of the esivseszrr OF PENNSYLTIENLI, JEFFERSON COLLEGE. OF PI7ILAG LPHIA, PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF MED A.V.E,sad other.. /f ItoreDie el,ealil he meant to purohmialll of me doubtrd w-putatAili, If they Madre Um moeggictilve and immediate advantagva of the remedy- Theabbich mei prepare him decided evidence. of itip•Oity owl other brands. Idautiferbtred only by , - Jona a.mtecEitA ail, ir:17:66 endl Dealer"' D l r S e offirl l l ' or a t a h l .4 . lll . :,. , 'no - - . ------ „MO. D IPIADDEN OMAN OEMI NT , ROSENRALZ OEI Of slit OA LOTXRD PLASTSR,I2ItOUND ALASTML Whar" RdIgirA.VATI7.4IRO. tteewm corner Front aid WlllaOtamrt., 4E141 I B. PIIGOBT & BOBIEP IaIFMLTSIIfI OF UAVANA C1G,1411.19. So. 210 fltutb Froot area, 11.11adolplals, r. r , rookirfratgl Re roO•les regularly, and offs , e choke liertrtroput of &ramble Ilan Teelydo arta -RI of Druggist., °freer] Dud Were la foal gr CARIT , I:tw Beat awl Card 1 f kg,. rni PAPP isi patipt , PITIr BURGH PLOW WORKS J. i f :. B I war oft, L itaatassor to Fixer & Blihrsikt MAN OFILOLURRE OF &LIMB VARIRPIEB 01 rzovra PLOW' caseksres Cotton scrap., enitivit • Adapted to the various Soils of theoTortbe Western and Southern &Mail Sirtlattatactory, Wareltsass sod 0014 i Caro Daquelins Way, ?Fayette jigatAGla rum allty, (only titres square* troat'sOlis Rail • Depot) dandy . • P/TTBROOFt, PA tvite WOLk.:I - *al/OAI= TV f SO k , • Nezao,!S . Asuptilvanri 1 , - ,. • 1 .4* r u cioßATlNatoftllut HOLLAND , 1 FOR MEDICAL 1 1 3" ' AND PRIVATE! VIE. JOUR LOYD • CO, Nn.1 . 73 Wand Went i • UDOLP,IIO WOLFE'S PURE ,000NIA BRANDY. ;0, i Imported end bailed by binned, warreatedilinre and t i ii beet a airy, tiltb bla aab r ate on tile bottle, and Ole and on the cork. , fil , ODOLP 0 WOLFE's PURE PORT WIN , Import..nd bottled by bla...gr. PUT UP for iii . diend 11 1 . . 1, nab Oda certificate on the bottle; Joao raiiitd pan mod of lb. Nit lima,. Ulf -- - .i • 1 17DOLPHO WOLFE'S . PURE ff iSIIERE WINE. l'i' • • 41 , Imported ad bottled by !dwelt, Mae ems Pert Will ....—. . i 1 UDOLPBO - WOLFE'S PURE - I(A V, DEIRA I WINE. • .:V .1. !marled end bottled by Wong.: for Primi4, ,, , mildiaal. MY. i .. le beet aim ever offered to the ,in bore, 11 , t 1 . Mil, .Ino lewaratited tarectipipure. f f .-- lIDOLPITO WOLFE'S PURE JAMAIC A RUM, ST. CROIX RUM, SCOTCH • 1 ' • 1 AND IRISH WHISKY; all the &hove Imported and bottled by hltailk warranted run and at lbe beet quality. II : " 'I I • _. . -TO TILIII PUBLIC. . , , I w il l eramy reputation a a an, my ilaildint i iiterchant I aday yeen residence to Me oltreetNow York. that MU t P 104.1 lad testify to ulik AI 10.16 'ay t and toy4eriltloate, I. coma surd oak ba vklattipon Ity IPbtello`ake who nes Wale and I.laloran their paella.: Moral sire Ure preference to them &Maw NI - - - - , F l 'r . . 1 .1:1 ' a l .. t wetabil. P tw ig l. tiud aiethe o o4.l 1 . WDOLPIIO tWiIIiTLI ISO. Manor tear and hoarier alba Stank* lb PI ..• - - I I; SO and It Raver streetAnw Patti 1 fa sale by --. DR. tile. 31:111111111116, ~ f. notaktote lifo-lat Wald senet.i R' IMMO ED 021.) PRICES! tt CIALIOONB for 13301; woo* d i , IL D. 141"; mi scirDni prim', 4' ; 4 , ;:44: Now lo th. the, to pt - .4-4 • OBRlffild.t9 PENSENTIL camire, at - , BUROHTLICL1)1170113, ammo Novell mod PURIM Sliki COM F f 00 ,4 LO UR--1 00 bbbi. Amber Faznit Flow; 11tephens• kllllO 7100 n. - h 4. 100 04k e,on Ext.% Pkar—for den - • - BROWN ♦ VallrltrAtlEOM.l OLOSSei.-100 bWe. New - p N. Q.!, Rd to write pot 2114 Masotti, VW wail' eu ' tamal e ' , Potful qui44 , s, Pocket Watt, B e ak! trrjl 11.1.4 tAk; red (laid Pry, tar ' • ft, pl.lll2l,Blsak loot .4 •de2.11 • -einmer Went," red Third 04.11 kA.R. '0 -- ''' . 0 • • , ;e:lnwhly 4 rot 144 i by JAIL. A. 47113111, A oALioil.rt•• Irl • 1 1-0 • 1 . l'ltr . R,A..od No 1 Ocml MI; ' 'la .., ' ''' Abe bl 044.141e14 bil,b_itbill Ob-faii4l. by 'l , Ja4 - MIN Itefithb & bOblii 311446,4 y M. . • .1 : 10 No.l boa Obbon Ott, for asto by '..1 _ Ja Jost( MOLL & 150N,.03 Llbuty it. I B App pert ~.mmitoottre C ASES--In the lhanklin; 1j ikon aid Visglalik blettisto—br ado ad; MAT 11. lag ) tiotrarp MIA* ssi flUants._ 4 ,4ents wantedi'j7 TO CANV4BB FOR - . AND POPI 7 / 8 41109300 8 ffizi: ' ;il MIME= Arroaturro;ir LAW. CARDS It TARUS I/I PRINTIIIIVB SIISST AND ' ill'S CAROB • W. • at to the !(.Ara .i rStounting Photograph pot - area, I6t4wrior Quallty and at Low I* Itatendfilet WhOe ThetwThatrds, w Llama , QV,. kellNd