si . 't} -_y, , 1170tAZ IPAllit 01 . 2711 WTI: NONDAT ,IiORNING, JAN. 7, 1861,, CIVY AFFAIRS lifirtrosounri Obrdrrationi for 11.5.05arisr, bj Buy, optit,„s,o, t S Ilfth /31:—.55rrsoled d•Ur: aeon nnaac 9 e i rock; ..00A.x 2g 8 " r. 30 Barrtostar 29 15 20 . . Tnn , Souir_rdeontisisatoixas AID "nu Set , reign Oocar-iltis • AM- itmidanturrs.Two 1 1 ! ! reWitt' peremptory - strottlartin have recently bees ,seresd upon , the Carat' Commissioners, commanding Mira to , make provision for the -- sertesttrett sid 'collectlen of a lox .suffielut - to merig.dieiateerti, doe and (allies due ie the' - ensuing year, dpen..5750,000, - bonds buried to to OP - Pittebeirgh - tad Connollseille Itellroad Cotitpaif -. and 5150 000 of the Cher_tiers Yelley subpart don. This will make the BUM total of S OO % for 'Oh: payment of the interest of 'Mob rovisior, rust be mode at the next an-' coil, log of the Commissioner" for estima ling 4 expenditures of - the county., . • - Thg grit in the first 'ease recounts tie 'previ ous preceediage had ageing John ll.lffeElkennj, Joasthatt- Beset and Zia/Attu' Pattersou, - and lOW fletlig they expiration of the term of office of Johi 11. llcElhenny: substitutes the - tiara of his sueesseer, ClOorge,Haraillan. The wrltoon ' eludes - with tbe folleetie&commaud ..Now. therefore; we peremptorily command you, the-sold Zambesi Patterson, Jonathan Brash' and Georgesliamilten-1 Commirstoners, and your seems.. eon to Mlles, that Without ; delay Inland your next , aaooel mieticg:hhe e rrteaafftteerr , to -wit : to or .befefe the meeth.ef.January!vext, y make full and ample peevish*. ter-thapsymen . the Interest doe, or which shall st that thnti rupiahs me, and ;bet which shall Iseenie'dde - "lthis the Nyeer eat ensuing the ! nuctialet ' the said , Coudty Co mistionerr, en the bolas of-the noway of Affeehinsey, issued in payment of therabealption of $750,000 to the stook of the Pittsbargh nod Connedleville Belhvad COO 3. 1 ;may, acitording to the tailor . thereof," L o. "And farther, we do hereby peremptorily nom 1 -- mind you, the said Zealous Patterson Jonathan Brae andljeorgaillinfilton. that yon f or thwith. Pay or tuoareto be pat the 'coati of this suit. "And hers you *said Zetiettens- Patterson, Jou ! &than Brad; George Hamilton. and Jobe H. Mal. - . • balmy chill exegete -this oar sold , aelltoutodi You shell eettify to us it a fisoreme Court to be held at Harrisbarg 'on the' Snit Monday' of May. next, re turning to as our writ." The second writ is precisely elmilar in its commands, the teal' differenge befog in the amoeau The County C l otormissionsee, rintwitheteeding the expression of the lite Tex Convention, that • their fines might be paid out of the Cutely Trolool7i have ebnoluded not to draw warrants _ for that purpose; preferring to remain in jail for - the present. I Tt will be seen, however, by the terms of the plandatous i that ;tittether they remain to prison lir not, it be the duty of the Sheriff to hive them before the Supreme . Couttot:Herrisbing, in May next. If they go with the - gnawer that the writ hag not been obeyed, the Court will undoubtedly inflict multi" penally, erhaps greater then the one under which they now softer, sod fiats will be addedlo due, end coat to cost, until the amount • will be Inch t h at Payment will be very onerous and diffieult If apt impaisible. • •Vhe power to - pay thitim Sine oat of the County Treasury is admitted to be queetioneble on all hands, and shonld it be attempted en effort would undoubt edly be made to enjoin the treasurer from pay . leg any. warrens for such a purpose. The ' Commissiners tb"toselves fully realise the air , eumetancee in which they are about to be placed, and we oaderettind that they have it In content pillion to order a special election, or vote of the people, to determine exactly how many are in favor of camprondae, and how men, are op posed to that mode of settlement. The Com promise-Committer appointed by themselves are stilt empowered (to negotiate with the hoed. fielders; stiil receive any honorable propositions wktoh they may rate. The Commissioners do not feel like ineorring any additional penalties to those now Lifiloted, withoutlinowingt,how they us to be met. The tau and ousts imposed open them remain as a lien upon- their - petiottal propeety, and the lilt nasocusiful efforts to pay filej 111111henny's due by private Itabeariptiou„ leaves them but • little .gronad tfor hope In that qoarter,. The . County Treasury: does not seem to be open for their relief, and the momentous question braes itself upon them;-ttHoW shall ate scoop. from these pomade/ it we ineor them As time progresses, new difficulties prevent themselves, sad 111 concur in the opinion that the Commielionetro should not. Re in jail much longer. Neither le it presiming too much to soy Mat they "Woof: - Trust itst'ni. unit • Iltnestors'eoustrbe • followlog liotofooiee.lSitl be - tikes up for Irbil fu the District - Volerl,fe•-dsy, before Judges Hereptos sod Witham : Stewart vs Crawford;- hilabeny . City irj47. Donny; Chlg, l 7. McArthu r C 0 .,. Moo. los. Co.; ' P. s If. Ins. Co.; " ; Alliance-Ins. Co.; ' • ' Merchants Ins. Co. ; • - : O. W. FT& M. Int. Co ; noniron, Biaoklsin,ined ategin; :aPromaer ealruiliOn "'II - 47a vs Sane; Jobostoo eb Wsltor; Kerala wife es Illsok's Es'n; almitt_vs ,Cilitaincham; .3Wir vs Taylor-2 Suer; Lorimer, for Ole vs Elder; Itou Er.vei °Mott; Nichols vs Micah Moulton es 2feren; Verner vi liok; Kirk ye 009101; Wafter v Vf,eLksr; Mostar vs Ureter; • Woods vs, hieys et of; Hanshoni nlifartia; • • Howe Ve Osborne; Crowe vs Leine; • Ater TB Lotlik; . • • Tonsgeu v Melfannis; Case TIE. 4.8.-It. it. co.; • tlitocruct Ocounitsacs most distressing ease of burning to: death occurred in Conemaugh Borough, Cambria comty, on Christmas day. - Mrs. BarakLoaw t an old resident of that place, sad wife of Mr. David Loose, was the unfortu . Sate victim. It splines that all the remaining members of the faintly wire ablaut from home, . and the ollfLidi was 'klieg to front orthe grate in one of the apartments of her residence, en. gaged In rending a newspsper. Ifehig nese sighted, ebe did uot notice, until too late, that -the draft of the chimney had drawn the paper kw near the otial4. Suddenly the paper took Are, and the lam. ' communicated to the" old which wateprinelpolly cotton, ikon onseloped her la Ite oraeltibig and destbly em• braces :4311olnuully, without uttering ' a scream, limbed in !error to su_open space in the rear of Ike luau, where she attracted the attention of someattiglibore Including her eon, who Lor• modally reus ;to iher togetstance. The unfor. innate womio, was, Una, la Imaginal; Vert '_ Tsly burned; and after suffering the moat Intense Way mull 8 o'clock -that evening, death came to leek —relief. Waco the news of Ike accident yesobegluir,. ,, Liieser; who wee engaged at his war*, be was sompletely prostrated from pet . potion of the beer! co , that for a time, it wan feared sorioni eitiseilueziees might mum .Dearn tir A Pali - ma—lvo are Planed to ia abonoe the death Of Mr. 2urnizwAsttor.s„ who departsd,this We yesterday. Mr.' GAMILY hi. been actively eagogedln _the Tresnseripi Mace daring the post ; tie yeari, and front his oblig leg and faithful discharge of his du ties, hod Outlasted . ; himself to eiery member of She establishoieut..—Peoria (11l ,) Transcript, of - The sobjtol of ibe above sad notice 111%,, [M ill within the :pitetlfear or five years a. resided of Al/egheny alty,l and at one time, we believe, wee engaged is ;the, capacity of preesmaa at this *Moe.. kroci !anti he removed with Ms family to Mansfield, 0; /here for some time he was eoneecolvd:lellii Moe :Rena newspaper .of that place, sad from -thence'. he emigrated to Peorla t , .where he residedel.the Maio of till &nib. The - deoessed-ares nolitereilly beloved - by : all , who eaJoyed Ste 'aequalstanoe, end the latelligesos of his demise will be deeply regretted by a large enrols of rsbitlves*l friends to :his common'. ty. He was Aantifst - of 'tulles integrity-sad - posseseed many 'e4obliajg tribe of character. CRT fine . to' Lil9lllD 011.—bir.- Campbell, 0. Marshal for the Weetera Mottled, boa levied. upon the gao stook and. railroad stook owned by the oityvto.eatieff thrtain judmente obtained by bondkohleth 'falba U. B. cirotat cow., :no stooks biith betel, itdrarilied for thief but it,rosy. be of interietto the paid% to know tbat the oily of Plttebirgb does 150 i OW Iflo dollar of mato* .0 baying wen s old a year ago uoder an not of the Asogably.,,t.o to the : railroad. stook,. they on not tilltdpoiitheibth of Na city, but hire brew Awed .be the baud aet Trustees. Uoder time eitt}ajryl{iiojait;will certainly bee Montt natter hithaltatedtal Tabu anything' by Pr0P 0 : 1 404 4 4 . ^ - '. - :: : f • contains` TU Miur lizirresnrear now , t Oros linnetnitintsi twelve prisoners. Thus ore coasidaraby lest, thfielthren 'flaunted cells in the psis* sOiltit the regulation coalierning "solliarit'Lloatiaiment,l iibeerren lute 1441tioni sow in propels 'of ereetios are isompisteil« - IWheir. eke essieinpisied proremanir urmede, prison hive the naillifitY Int srOlOnnilredismilea..4% of eels* mils 'Abbe reedy for,oeonpsno, ;:.1;;;Ii ; , 14-r F4sm.:l4entibri.iory sad &Goldoni oo• s oma &Moe**. Pa:: em ?bored:, inirrshild; wide& riondlWillibelotiaoi dull' a Mrs. Kostskuj iliat.v*Us-,oonthig lot& Mot plion It biriviitafborso k frierfrApd TIM oivillifyWk, 1131.1411141DUIT: Nat Milli ~.,: ~~.=s~~•~ae»rte- 0 -~"`t~ :'~.. ~: Csnousik-Liiii*i - riniestltazzoan. —The elinsatikothreof the EllockhOldont , -of kis etisapnay:was 11144,hwelmAci.hat7lewelitid. Pros Me** of thwltlinetersiOrirptikr .She rollout% fists; toadies to exhibit a.: viii-frall f/hrg ketoses in the baskets of the road: "A comparkon of the gross windings dudes tho hut three years showrse follows: - - IBS& 77303 63 1859. - 906.710 es 1860 1,020,037'82 ~~~#Z~g : The increase of lest year's earhisgs over those or 1869 wee about 12} per eenl,, awn over 1868, 31 .per cent. The statement of emalsgs sod operstlpg expenses for 1860 Ifs" follows: Receipts for 1860..... $1,020.1387 92 Operating Expense ' 664,497 18 Net Earning, • $ 466,14068 The operating expenses were_ about 66/ per dent of the gross receipts. In looking at this per sentsge, low. SS it 111. it 'Mitt be •borne in -mind that the road hes suffered a /00061111i04 of disastrous casitalitiesAtirieg the pait:year. In the month of April the unparalleled Hood under mined and swept away large . portions !of the river division, causing the stoppage of huskiest for some time. The maul cost for repairing this damage was between thirty and forty thong, In October, the maohias shop at. Manchester way destroyed by an incendiary fire, causing a loss in the buildinwand• meabinery of. about $16,000. The numerous bridges on the main line have nearly all been replaced by new ones, at a cost of over $11,000: AU these are extra. ordinary eipenees, but are; included in the state ment of operating expenses for the year. The . track has been extensively repaired, about six teen miles of new rails having been laid down . and new ties placed wherever required. The eoonomioal, and at the mune time efficient man agement of the line, _reflects credit ou President McCullough and Assistant Superintendent C. • E. Gorham. Some progress has been made in the work of reducing the indebtedness of tbo Company, se teill,beeeenby the &newton figures : • Indebtedness redacted in 1868 $1 ' 05,86146 1859 161,863 33 " lB6O womon Theiadiclehe movements made with regard to the re•ooaslruotion of the finanoial affairs of the °employ, promise well for theluterests of all concerned. The Board of Direcdore L aubdantially. tee same as ihef former Board: . • Jamei Farmer, James P. Clark, H. W. Clark, Cleveland; D. O. List, Wheeling; W. W. Iloilo 1111117, Briegiport, J. Pennock, J. H. Shoenbes ger, IS: Preiton, Pittaburgb; H. 0. Mosley, N Haven; J; N. CaHough, Wellsville; J. Atwater, Jr., Coatill, New York; B. P. Brennen, Steu benville. At a subsequent meeting albs Board all the formes officers went eleeted. Row. Ronnie Mcßawer AND run CANNON. —lmmediately upon learning of the appoint meet of thane. Secretary of War, Hon. ROUT. Haraur addressed him the, following letter, after procuring from - Secretary Br.ece and COI. CRAIG, Chief of the Ordnance Bateau, promisee to back the application : - • _ Wale or lIIPANNIINTATITZO, January let, 1861. lhar: ,, lLearning that yen are now held of the War Depart ant, I seize au early boor of the New Year, reepleetfully to call your attention to the ship. meet of hasty guns from Allegheny Arsenal, P., recently ordered to points in the Golf, where, it seams to be agreed both by army-Arteare and by Howe Committee on Military Affairs, they are not now needted,if indeed they can be made available. Few ortbeie gone are yet placed on.beird a boat, and even whla all' chipped it seems doubtful wheth er the I tan safely navigate the Ohio river, ow ing to low water and running lee, which may jeopard the whole, and canes great hiudrance and damage to the service. ! Oa • recent visit to Pittsburgh I counselled oar 010.1111 F, to Make no *sista:toe to the shipment of the guns, tialieving a change would occur in the War Department, Mid that the order for their ehipment would be countermanded. Trotting I have not bean mistaken, and that emote the allgenetir of the aarthe demand it, this cause of emeriti:nen{ and mistrust may beat once mmovert I am with grim respect, your (blot sensor, •el'Estour. Box. J. lieu., See'uy of War. Mr. MoKsiorur bag laws's been attentive to the Wien/Ste of his oonetituente, and in this matter his effort., deserve their hearty appreci ation. Tie Ift this shy for Washington the day before the ruses meeting, with a view to call upon the Secretary of War to intinoe him to countermand the order, and a dispatch was re ceived from him, which was read at the meet tug, counseling obedience, and expressing the hope that al would yet be well "*. BOLD LADOSIT—Oa Saturday evening laid, between nine and ten o'clock, a led named Carr, son of a well-doown cattle dealer residing in the vielnityief Mt. Union Cemetery, perpetra ted a moat daring robbery in the house of Jas. Mohiliater, kardstar, realding in the eases load by. Young Carr's father le exist on bushiest, - and the boy , was stopping with his mother. Visiting McAllister'a house at the dine dealing led, he fouuit that he and his wife had both re tired for the night, the lady helot 111. McAllis ter's father, an elderly, gentleman, wee still up, and being requested by the young man to call Over Widnes Mrs. Carr, he did so. While he- Wes absent, the young meal stale &trunk from • room in th's house, and earned it beak to the stable, where he broke it open with en. ax, and rifled it of lifty-two dollarein gold std two mil err pencil Oases. A little bag of gold dust, veined at ab l aut forty dollars, which had been emit as a pretest to Mr. McAllister front fornia. wee overlooked by the thief. When the old mho had reached Ceres heave, ha found he had not been sent for at all, and en kis return the larceny was disooreeed. Mr. McAllister and his wife both heard the noise in the house, hut not being aware that the old gentleman was 'begot, theylpaid no attention to it. The young scamp bee eiosped lime far, but may yet be sr reeled. Gov. Coarfs's Arrotarwswri —The Berrie burg Telegraph announces that Gov. Curtin bee made the following appointments: Secretary of State—Eli Slifer. of Union county. Deputy Suntory—George W. Womanly, of - Philadelphia! Attemity Chuttral-13stnuel A. Parelavoo, of Bailer oonolY. - Whisky inipedor—William Butler, of Main Physician of Me Pan of Philadelphia—Dr. Clark, of Philadelphia. Meninges ko Me Governor—Samuel Mika, of Center ctouniy. Actrittaiof General—J. S. Nog ley. Pittsburgh. Wixom Row Inspector—Thomas Oolllos, of Pittsburgh. - Sealer of Weigh!. and Measurer—J. D. Owens, of Pittsburgh. EBOAPI Mr 1A HOISII TUIZE-1110 indlvldual who mole a hone and boggy belonging to Dr. Wilbert, of Washington, and who was arrested near Wheellig, escaped, from hls osptere while Mopping over night at Morthrtown, Belmot Co., Ohio, Ile was hand.cofed and pieced in charge of the town constable who fonad it convenient to fall asleep !daring 04 night. The thief gave his name in George Wilson,'and stated that he bed beeti employed-in Bridgeport, oppoelte Wheeling, by • man named Oster, to drive the hone through to Maysville, Kent:mkt, that he was to get five dollars Mid his expenies borne for doing the same. He is described as It thick set man erithlheavy red whisker., and according to hie own amount. is 44 years of age. MATH Of A PERINTLVANIAR AT Su.-.We learn by.% letter received from Mr. Speer Rid. dell, formerly of this oily, but DOW of flea Fran.. allied, California, that Thomas M. Hamilton, a resident of West Newton, Westmoreland comity, illegrateea, on the 2d of D:oember last, onboard the bark "Early Bird." Mr. Hamilton bad been In Oilifortilalfor 1 years., and having made • trip to Slam, was en his the Atlantio Slates, via California.— His fritode In Westmont. land banal will be glad to learn that ho received *visualisation, lolls lest moments, from the oensmander ettbe street, Capt. Coat. (Greens• ' burgh papers are requested to notes.) _ Acittnisr.i.-048undsy erenlog, as a German named Albert Brohl was drielog a hares sad wagon slang Rebecca street, in the First ward, - Allegheny;• he horse becoMe natosnegoable and rein off; dragging the seabeds against s fire . plug at the oorner . of Tremont street. The wif e and child of Mr..Brahl wore thrown from the wagon, and severely bruised. After being "doctored np". , by the , neighbors,. the party . wee *gala paced 'in the wagon and, proceeded towards their resideicelo Ohio townehip. A Ftiia 'OIIIZAOII.—We are itiformsd that, oo Satirday Wahl. a Dumber 'of rowdier abed an looffenetro 'Froootiman afar Phttlipe ghoul, hemp, to the Slzth ward, sad:after Wog him, they out off.htst moustache with a pen-kolfe—an operation Ira* must' hies been ivy painful,' to say nothing of,the eters -ladtg oily :to which - be '-wu irobjeoted. Boob so outrage amnia' not , psis um paeliked; nod • will not ff Om pollee use ferret out the perpetrators. lYiac of Pmamain—lo yaienaroa of sews.; emendation of the Geoeill deettm,bly ot the Lied led. Presbyterian Chitroh;llai,peseentereek will be obineved by all the churches of that denoml "t,lo* as souiffl gordirmel aerobes.- To: day hao been iet apart especially as a dip of hatnilistioasnd pneyoe," *ad pill be otlibtly and approppooly °bland_ by.all tit ihnetwocon.—httitir Pants" -'of Illiarpelxies, 000104tted for idling' know on thendat,. was iaauawd on; Illaturdartei pay a foe of ten dot 'Arvind nadOtio aselesprloomatinikof .lene daya filhAeounty _ . 6111 Cuo, aillliser, DUN*. "mid tali; ilipped 06 We foe, • day or tiro stoWlid tr!*gril per "Mt 11.._ 011PWOWLEateix, d 4406 Aideedalt" st-liewdidilived an eboatlioessiz iiiietietiot *OW ~. x ?yam-~* , ~, ~H!. ES= twiricLw. have Mocked the report of - the Auditor General for the pest-Year. Stour la Vre- learn. that the total reesipte for !the fiscal yete amount to $8.479,257 81. In Elie revenues, from Alle gheny ocultty-ire cots the falloerlag: W. C. 111 . - CalriFloge• A. McClelland &adj. G. Davis, SOO' tlonters.l.soo task; W. K IllaCilotock. auction. eer,1100; James Brain, Allegheny. $250 Of Bank Divldaftls the lAlleginny Bank pays $4.996.60; •Bank of Pittsburgh $12,842 26; Oithiens' Bank, $7,810 71; Exchange Bank $7,4118; Mecha nics' Bank $4,000; Merchants and Manufacturere Bank, $4,836 96. Of Coi pondion Stooks,. the I. Allegheny Bank paid $4,013, 62; Bank of !Pittsburgh, $5,142 65 ; Ciders' Bask $B,BBO 25; Exchange Bank $8,5 4; Mechanics Bank, $2,000; Pittsburgh, Pore Wayne and Ohloigo Reilrosd Company, 0,912 69, Pittsburgh end Connellsville, $105; Allegheny Wiley, $412; Allegheny Bridge Co-, '11.660;: Hand Street Bridge, $600; Monongahela Bridge, $429; Birmingham (new) Bridge Co., $167; Monongahela Navigation Co., $1,28.1;. Pittsburgh GIB Company, $2,210. Of tax on Real and Personal Estate, Allegheny County paid, by G T. Coulter, treozurer, $41,468; and by Jl J. Muse, late Treasurer, $19,000 Tav ern licenses. from Mr Coulter, $15,153; from Mr. - Maim, $2,737. Retailers' license, from Mr, Conlier, $6,645; from Mr. Muse, $2,331. Pad testi Hams ; $485; *otters' license, $1,734. The :Eating Ef mums and Restaurants of this ociuniy paid a lax dating the past year of $2,029 CAUCUS Noumea ;II CITY OTTICES —The members of Councils mat in cmae, on Satur dip 'creole!, for the Purpose of nominating candidates for oily officers, to be formally elect ed in Joint Session on Tuesday afternoon. The contest for come of the offices wee quite spirit ed, but most of the old lucumbente were re elected. J 'W. Riddell, Esq , bee been defeated for Solicitor, mod the Journal has displaced the Dispatch as one of the official papers of the city.: The following are the canoes nominees: Superintendent of Wolf Workr—*Joe. Neleon. Assessor of Wester Rents—*E. S. Wright. City flegulator—*lesio Morley. Iforiongahela Wharf 'Master—*Wen. Forsyth. Allegheny Wharf Master—*J. S. Patterson. Betels Commissioner--iyirst District, *James °weds; Second Distrietj *S. B. Cooper. City Solicitor-4. F. Slagle. Gouger—*Jamee Littell. City Assessor-4. It. ffewmao, Salt Inspector—*Joosgs Felder. Collector at Aquwitief-.*Wm. Mackey. Aureate. of 7'o6=o...LW's'. Rinehart. • Clerk of the Markets-1 4 M. F. Irwin. Superintendent of Mar eta—arid SIMS. . Job Printers—Singerl & Myers. Official Papers of the City—Enlist', ' , Gazette and Journal: German, .Freedom's Friend. Narrower of Commalef,—*k. F. Pratt. .[ those marked with au asterisk (*) are old officers.] 1 1 / 1 3111VJWS VAIMITIMIL—We refer oar read ers to the advertisement of Prof. Hatsbojer, which will be bind under the head of amuse ments. It is his intention to give a merles of his unrivalled entertainment& at Concert Rail, commencing this evening. The Profeseor is no strunger to our citizen', and as bls exhibition, were appreciated when he visited oar city last fall, we can bespeak good houses far him at this lesson of the pear- Set, advertisement. Re Its4a—We laokhowiedge the ramp( of an in 'Witten to attend the soiree of the Ancient Knights of the Bed Cross, which will bo glean at Concert Hall, on Friday evening next. The af fair ie in exeelleot hands, and will donbilees prone pleasant and agreeable to the participants. :BATZ.—Tbe members of cite "Breokit. ridge" and 'Totten" ldooletits will meet Ms evening, at College flail, to debate upon the political issues of the day. DDATIT OT AN OLDBOLDIES.—Capt. Jeremiah Reese, a,soldier of the war of 1812, died at Herriebtrrg on Friday last, In the eighty-fifth year of Ida age. Maximum- Ennerione.—The election for Mayn't., Directors of the Poor, and for Ward officer,. rates place' In Allegheny to-morrow. DIARIES von 1861.—The pine to boy Diaries le Haat & Atiner'e, Fifth street, next to the Poet °film They have now the beet assortment they have over had, and cell them at mach lower pri ces than ever they sold them before. Tor. Pittehorgh Aloiao;; for IliGl, with El's calculations. The edition of this popular alumnae is nearly. 1I cold. Dealers viable% them had better order boon. pip.Btooro FOOD.—Attention is called to Ohio obi nunaritsble and ecientinz proparatiatardrarateed In women colanan. It le on entirety cow dleonweery, and moat not he connoriothal with soy of the anniern. patent tot dirk,. of It. day. It Ira certain raoredy for all the dhaezra *arida,, and especially tboni of a throat° ratan —ol king etnallog..ait week, months, and Isere, dog*. us, try it' Clecacu a Derate, of New York are We ode .pitta for If, and oleo pinyenianoi of Ito worktomovrned Or. ll4talir! ibbvallta 0040 , L1.. 00 5111041 whkh erg blather. Ovate bete in her medicine duet to owed noord: .ad C 004.114,4, as le dote; tee ptreleorie to ophitardf say Mad. I% so tan netted upon with the otbioat enieftdatfce,and win be fort an Itrralnable eYeelle Is all mew of Infantlie noispialote —Ohio &d.i• ✓o.nlnt. Phst64.a. 111311. P.: adnrus...areKt. Par on. by asio. H. HITIBIL Acto t, Odd 1:17.41 et, Pitt.borll. P.. 6elndUhrlstr O' BW. No. 246 Paws 'trot, attends to all braisqloso of , the Nodal profit*. sloe. serTO LET.—Tho FOURTH STORY of the 66ZITTB RCILDINtI, noa tutu et lino tremor tea, on ronlannbto Wan. Apply to R. 1411.1Mr6 OR, __ . annals Counting MM.. )211 - Doeton 0. Rants,' Warm Cora and Maw. partite Physician; /11ru agani for Rainbow's ealabratad Troia la Raptures. N0..1110 Etaiibliald St. - should not (SR to rasa the atlyer timemost of Prof. Wood, la towtoro papa, 00 Mania, emdog, sa, ton, WILLIAM srecumrau, tOrgmt tan of Merman and Mara ELM; aged 1 Jet' 10 otaothit ...I 21 data. The trloed.of the fen:l(4 sm rfeeectfell, leettedi te et. tend the funeral. which will h.,te piece :TM Amalgam. at three o'clock. 0.. m the feeder,. of tho ponces. Omura 6.44,0ppi11te Dr. Erin . Allegbetly, to promed t 3 Mt. Mtr SAPONIFIER! important to Families! Sive Time, Troutdo, and Expanso. a• LI E Tllll B'E ST - MARKET ARTICLE ..: 0 1 : 'on IN MAKING . ._. SOFT OAP! Ono pound squall to Ms woods .1 ::. CO r r .A_ 1%; II ! ! air 41. .1 Wielosoloo by Penn'a. Salt Manufaot'g. Co. PITT/3E11140H, PA. And by ail Druggist. a chwiar. to ins stow mols. Ironton 'Star Nail Works Master C;ommlis:slocei's Bala. Y virtue of anOrder lamed out of the Court ii ofOomeo. .Pteas uttviU.iid for t b . mover of law rota staletate °COW°, to thart of Jobo PetenaPlatatill; 'P Cla lait. Jahn wybellatid ot ors, Dattedautu, sod to me dtrectei4 I will offer for ..t. .t Park Auction. how tha hoot door of the Court Mow, o Iroutoh,Ohlo, On the 10th Day of Jiinuary, A. D. 1861, . , * at Debase Of op o'clock p.m.:lf sald day, Lrlt asteber four bilsin 4, M 3 (dal.] In the Ant Wallop to the lowa ofltolltoh, sod that Pitt or Poridoil 01 ,7 31 .SO:rye' "Wain/ aakt Lot maimbey 401, hitter:ding from Ueda street to VaraWls, at, together with tbs Mar Nafl Warts, WPM cm sold Promisee, sod all thingd applittoiclag Swab; &BIM the tillbt to alter apart, dlq swd any eity tko coal from the Slim:dog deemited roil redaie, to MI: A part of the south4mt quarter °Nadi= noptar Ilalrtproor,lB4l Wish SSP mdabse two, RI taco mumber eighties, DV 0001 . march* at a .tone lo Jame. Sodom A Oo's Has, from abidh ths meth comer of asid!ismes Rodgers A Ca% tad tea bean north, 00 dogma 21,imitiont•• vest, ens Mara] sod forty sad a half [L10541 bed; theme north, 26 degrees 00 talirates east, blatalra [lll chains sad .react( tfol lino Mil Scat four RI feet from tie iwuth Mb of the star:home . /1.. SOW 41 004. Manes .04 Nark= UN as/UMW AMY 031 hots to s stake east of on codt tree; theme math, SI dogma SI minutes wt. ids I tal MMllis sort tsmll7l lo l Usk* theme sooth, 29depot 43 minstse mart, twenty. goer IPIU Pales to a sham In same badgers • Co.'s Bog titmice Barth, 00 decrees 33 ratas wed, mmmtaia abalimsoda twenty 120) Saks wjcb mid Its. to lb. place of toptaidat—costatolag fairy OR acres mon, or We—cm irldednimmalsea real 'bags toim beta oPaseditiosres for *Mars licactsd, sad the amomarp way. for tablas GP cod bitter stalion of &taros Balton& An or odd *mho attsalid elm Oa®tyor LawMitio afonisald, r . Ameba, at fortyint thommul dollies . Sham :Safi 'Works sot MMUS{ to tie IniaSaglos, la lb:. ballitere part of 001 s -about BO tallMaboie Portisumfb, mat üb'solteo Mena Olacluaell. Tho meta Imilding Is goo bet biprzigth, by 110 bud ISSidtb, orabstrwalolly halls Met Mal,* how sad haptarredeasoldsay, cossalthsg of 3 strialishigme,Bo sail mar.blilimehlos formeklag sail Implrilar, 10 halo; rum mers prettog fornacei, grams wllh t u escamery rella,artd has capacity to mans. *lto 8 0 08 :01a. !SIPS sers7,3B balm _ . . onn N,lh to ow, ' 10tik .ii6r.;4";." 111rOtl itZth r 8"8 711•111, —;17131"1.4 17347:21:14 " :11/ 114 )1141= fi theJefined PrralOi V: , b." toteioitthina tire cooirn o r or tro,omo olloluoimootry. L44111/Xf aldg SWOON 3.1 =NM =E rvsmo= seta OP TOO ILLWI L BOLL➢ 3, . -; aoTAlCaw i . _ 1,„• Y T w^ ~: Tl)v. LATEst NEWs. - razzefakpa RECEIVED AT THE. DAILY_ DUETTE OFFICE. XLIVIth Congress—Suesd Session. WA111111414111 Crer, Jan. 6. , Sagerst—Mr. Thompson, of N .1., presented the reeointioas, paled at a polilla Meeting In New Jor. thy. fit fever of sustaining the Vein, which were ilaid cif the table.. *Mason, of Va., offered a resolution of inquiry, requesting the Seorstary of War to give the Senate • copY, of any orderslard from th e department the ofdoen couunandin the fortifications of Booth Carolina. date, soapy o any plus or tseammen , dittoes relative to boressing the forces or otherwbe In the forts and arsenals in Virginia, or any States in the South, by the Commander in Chief, and if is sued Ise pursuance thereto. Led over. On Motion of Mr. Helm the Pacific, Railroad bill, (Hone, bill,) was token up. • The House is not in amnion. Mni Seward said he 'head vote for the bill though he had some objections. Ile preferred • more north. erly route, het should not vote for this proposition, 115 it bid been one great object of his We to Pours Such isgrand result: '.The great evil of Mir times is sootithallits, and the' des ger Is division by , see. Canalise'. Every. men li On every either man for a Compromise, aid to vlie soma new memo to cement impairer the 8 which, it it apprehended, are it the danger of falli lle bad listened to every =mum that ha been. suggested to avert the mill, bat there was one orMilleh hawar prepared to vote. Ile wanted it to known that at the miry day ape hour when it apprehended that the Urals was falling to piece Canines had placed on the statute book, as • moo fart, an appropriation of $96,000,000, to bind to the North and the South', the East and the l est, by a national bond. This iss great mestere• conoillation, pacification and compromise of the Union, The bill simmer:li end equal Janice to all. There his one Interest and one elvilizatiou at the Northp another Interest and oivillution at the Rooth. This motivate equally provides for the progrus and development of Mirth. ere eiellization and that of the South. He thought the outlay would be kmply retuned. The advance of railroads, spread and develops In desire both North and South, and give material prosperity and aggrandizement to the United States, earpaseing all that could ever be seloomplbthed by any pl,lioy ever penned by the government. In 30 yeare, the population and wealth of the United States will be doubled. Ile referred to tea great success of the canal in Now York, connecting the great lakes with the tido water. This railroad.was no sectional work,l but • great national 'enterprise, which, it completed, would extend the Amesican prinelples over the Pacific coast, and to the Astute nations. liir.!ltice, of Minn., said that after what he bed heard,: he could not hope that his amendment would be accepted, but he claimed that the great north: , west was not only not benefitted, but injured by the route provided by this bill. He had been told that the bill would save the Union. If so, he was wil lies to vote for It. Ile was a Union nun, and if the Southlwas willing to take money for In priaolples, he waeld give it, provided that when the got it she wouldnot leave the Union. lir. Rice offered an amendment providing another route from Minnesota to Pageu Sound. lir.lPolk moved to mead so es to make the route run teem the mouth of the Kansaa river. Mr.j Gwio, of CM., hoped that no amendments Wooldlhe pot on the bill, unless of vital Importance. Al thoggh he was in favor of the proposed 1101111113U1, yet he thought it dangerous to load the bill with amendments. Mr. lOreco. of Mo., said be wu lo favor of per. the bill. It Was right that both branches of Coogrin should dettbepats sod perfect soy measure. Mr. !Wilson, el Mass, thought the amendment of the &Wilder from Missouri wu right, and he should vote far He thought we ought to perfect the bill and make it as good as possible. Ad)Crirned till Monday. impprtast from,Wa,blagtos. Wasentarorr, Jan. s.,Namerpas Western mem bers of the Legislature of Virginia, wind hers yesterday and to-day on their way to Richmond. The general feeling expressed by them la, that the Legislatare should Immediately enact a law railing a State Convention, and pass a declaratory resolu tion aielnet .onerong a sttedlog• State. Represen tatives Curry and Pugh, of Ali., bare left for home. 0 thari of the mma Stets will follow next week, while membire of other prospectively seceding Slates are makinkready to go. The Republicans held seances to-dayi eighty members wore present. Sir. of Madigan occupied the °hair, and Mr. Colfax 'toted is Scentary. The nacos resolved that their promialiogs should be prints, Imam the proceedings canooF legitimately be procured. Thenmor which prevailed thatne dimmer Brook lyn bed! been ordered with recruits to Charleston, M pronounced fain by official authority. i . , • Mr. huger, the Postmaster at Charleaton, has written to the Postmaster Gummi that he beide him self re/Poi:alb'e to the Federal Government fir the revenue accruing In his oSce. For the present, chamfer., the pastel annensmets will continue ucchmiged. Al,O INGTON, Jon. s.—The commitme oa the part of the i Bowler States, of tibial Senator Critter:ldea Is the chew:too, held • wood meeting, and at twelve &Sloth adopted the followleg propositions: Recom mending a repeal of all parsons; bills; as efficient • emeadotent to the fogitire tiara law; prereatieg kidnapping that the coned:Mim ba so aumodad as to prohibit any interferon°, with slow In say of the Statist. that Congos" ebili not stiolteh Oases, the doik yard., do., or in the Illettiet of Colombia, wittusirthe content of Maryland; aid the warms of the Inhabitants of the distriet, nor without coomem tattoo:l that Coagresa shalt not tutorfste-with the iotor-State slave trad4 that Mein shall be a perpet ual priihibltion of the African dire wadi; that the Iluo 31' Se' shall be eve through the nixing tent. tory of the United Stow, .and to all north of that line shivery shall be prohibited, and that math of that lii. neither Congress nor the territorial , legiels tare shill hereafter pass any law abolishing, prohib iting, br In any maneer, Interhwieg with Mesas slavery, and when rosy tiOrrltory ,coutantig a ant dent population for owe member of gagmen, In say area of ,011,000 equate miles, shall apply for admin.. don as a titste, it shall be admitted with or without slalom! as its tionstitotlon may. detertniae. Thai Committals reponitand, at its meeting. the States of Maryland. Virginia, Missouri, North Oar. cline. Tags., Kentucky, Delaware, Arkansas, Ohio, Indiana; lilluois, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The Oritreaden Compromim sums to be fain friandS, who entertain the opinion that if It were fairly presented to tho people, it would by Otero a basis of settita be as ent. The nt=lll - th the way, however, is that some partite are at present indisposed to Ole It without assuranoes that others will recite It la a mutual spirit of an. oommAation by both South and North. Maul from 66 city of New York and here are endeavor log to ferret out the complicity of government om en with the then and sale of . the State bonds taken from the Interior Department. The object Is to prosecute to behalf of the holders of the bonds, who ant thrsehmed with lose is ionmineace of at. trimptsto morn them. The enrollment of the Dbtrict iof Columbia mill. tie will probably commence to-morrow. The plan fur tuotganication was matured more than ale months ago, but all the °Meets wire not appointed nil ...cooly. The movement noel Is to coneeutrete the militia so MI to be anicient for revise should It he necessary to call them oat to muerte the pesos: Not =Mother, one oompatiy of marines went sent yesterday to garrison Fort Washington, which Is on the Potomac river, about fourtesubmiles from Wash. Thos fort has had no garrison for come years. ; Tho object for aupporting it with one now, Is to avoid the possibility of its being occupied by lamb* parsons as a rallying point for mischief. The troops ordered from learsoworth to Port ?di:Monty, are nor to be scot south, as wrongly Imprinted by many gentleman nom that motion. Van:Bonen; Ark, Jae. 6.—Tim largest meeting eta bald la Crawford Co., took place es-day. Hoary Welonv presided. A list of resolutions won adopted nearly vosennonsly, dada'sg that the butiteriona of the Blare holdbag Statn ought to be maintained at 50e57 hmard, and to the but extremity; that we view personal liberty bills as pasted for the purpose of defoiting the teethe slave la/ and u impalpa. ble infraotioni of tho Constitation and that we lutist Mt their speedy repeal and the faithful seen. tine of said law as a (modifier' to the restoration of practise! relations; that it a our ardent desire to preserve the Union. it'll oaa be .preserral eonsietentey with the bonor,rights end Interests of the siarebelding States, sad boor a onfernes of the daveheldier States at Nentrille, and tf need be a convention of all the Rams; daub element of the feleraiot the South to obtain nett a gement.* of their 71121titS to the Union as may be oompatable with It o h e ,4,4. and Interests, that they Insist upon an equit a ble ,;.ivision of the public property aid public from their north Out debt, and ;his cannot be obtained they scants oontedentte—tnot paserably, bat that they g rew th e eword and tight for their rights to the bitter endraha,We are -to action tametally the eMOl.On Atkl=lll,7tart t b m me ... Able thus should be given to the non.daveholding State.' to ratfane their stir and depose their noprinobled :vies" and Itin toe month snob guaranties se will seesn'N their rights and equality la the Union; that though a 4 •lorl,,_eg detain don of Lineola,we unhesitatingly dealara'neat tt lanai In itsel4 a radioing cease for a dissolneen of the Union; that we teed.r oar thank.: to Messrs; ' 41 , 1- tendea, , filgler, Bast, endoderm for their efforla„ln CoursesC o ueo, to heal the unhappy diessallone wh.'9 have Arlan between the North and the Beath, anti to preserve the Federal Colon , -eoughtently with the rights and honor .of all the Shan that we are In favor of a State Coevention at an early day, and that weptoommend to the Legislating an bergamot the Moisturises dades t 0.460 on the 1100, which will furnish Iresourees to defray the Putnam of arm, and munitions of war withwhieh tq protest out lieu and our homes from survidaft - and maaaelag. 1 Petniniscrata, Jan. adjourned wendndof oldwas to madder the state of the tram Wllll held at the Beard of Trade Roane tadiy at noon. The Committee to whom the resoladons was Meted made nd report, and there being an 'widget debate linden. on the pat ogmaey protest whOdldnot par; dapata at tba tut weeded to , haw the loaners of Judas fawle•non-rostelre reeolattcau," whloh wend waned by prominent Itabileasks, an slotting aesn of Mao rdar oecamd,"darbg whialLDlstrlet Attorney Mann e tented hie wllllnowes to isht on the 'pot. Co aition, the Repablioan aesang adjourned, but anothatiwee tamediately waled at ans sew plea, and Jodi* Lents placed lathe °halt. - Resolailona detwannlait We personal Ilbertyldlls, and anproving of the Crittenden resolatkat• were adopted ananti inonskr4 I The Reinsbllearte :Waal to participate, la, those., fiid maths& end =Wrest alleh-fir ballad at the cm 'Out of their, polldnal opponents in over. War eel:morn, Po, Jan. 6—A timing l is posted bili.tbia mode% gain • IMPOUNt the Coati Mauls& to Omni o. Mewl of Illautar ;County Vidnotaten tole afford to the Pow- Mont to Li maintain tbs Claistitotioi and enforce the 0 I. A mi d Si.opptito Jobs B. Tworihir sivw -ametsiaLntimenr*WlCibi. an .__Ohtbo64l aid a Ilatia;Maora. , at itifinantial olturg of - ;1 !NM . •--Chthatiett 13. T...--The Mahe Bane, Amity Cow/math adjoarned Mann rteloaktldi nolstaf: =Moot *tithe all of the PresideitL The President sinnonstedthencedged atavism from Mayor Monroe, et New Orleons,thadisil follow' :•—New • Orleans my. sympattim Charleston in the 'paths to which . shale exposed, end will not fail to support bar when the ocatConfoquitho hse action: An ordinanee Wu adopted vesting dm thane of the Postal arrangements lo the. General Assembly. The late Commisdoners to Washington ware re quested to prepant a statement of their attempt lit Yisclations withlthe trailed Steles. h A e table. chant, and other &protonic."'" need on the night of the visaing of the ordinance of es ausion pore ordered to be placed in the State Hones at Colamble. Irr... ' Gomm, Jan: 51—Govern - or Andrew was bingo. rated to-day, and ;delinnd his inampiral menage le the Legblature. fHe imbmlts a financial statement, showing that duet handed end thou sand dollars are *be rend by a Slate tax to wow deficits in the Inman of previous years. The aggro, gate amount of taxable property 'in tbe'S4te 'is 1807,795,526, bob* an Inman of about 50 per cent in ten years. Tim enrolled militia In the State ex , geed§ 165,000 mea, while the actin militia numbers about 3,000. The Governor smut' that a larger number be plated' on au satire footing, to that the State may be ready to contribute her dime of fame In an ultimo, of puha, danger. -The Goternor favors the abolition of the death - .penalty, and .• change in the statitee on marriage . and divorce. The Perim's' Liberty Law be 'Wined to be 'Wetly eon. stitutionel, as the right of a moon to reclaim an. alleged fugitive most always be .. subordinate to - the : indefeatible right* ivory freeman to Marty: He kebmite the evaded to thearkdoin of the Legislature. The emission question he treats at some length; to the effect that the !people of Musaohusitte reepond In the words of-Tedlison ' , The Union mostandshall be preserved." A hundred Luna were tired on theiommonito-day, In honor of Ifajor. Audition. The steam frigate Ellmissippi, has gone out of the dry docks thoroughly ri paired. The granite building, N 0.112 Long Wharf, wu damaged by tire this morning. It wu occupied by Van, Bray 3, Co; Alphas Hardy; SOIL e Co. Lou 316,000; harmed. Cnasaastox, Jan. s.—The ,journals of this city publish the pondence between the Booth ' Carolina Commissioners and the President of the United Slaw. ProL A. B. Lavinia,' Pneident of the Booth Carolina College, issues a four paged pamphlet en titled "Shall Beath Carolina begin the Wer "in which be eanieslii desires that the collector on board :the Harriet Lane May be allowed to land, sad that .be he treated politely, and that every means be af forded to allow the collector, of the two sovereign. ties to settle thelrl respective alai= In a 'phis of coarlsey and kindoese. If the poste were reinforced. it would be an unfair conflict. Hundreds of our sons would be Foii Moultrie would bosom, deserted and the wrath of the Maud States, be brought upon our devoted city. 'He implores his fellow 'likens to let the drib shot come from the enemy. Ararosow, Jan. A.—Rev. M. Mahon, agent of the Methodist Ohnroh l , reports having noelved, op to the let of this month, Moduli, from TWorde, sup plies to as amount of 175,037 pooads, which have been distributedtlaut t r the ipso, of the minis ters and stewards lof distrait to the destitute throughout the territory. A oonsiderable mount of money hen also been received, which has been ex pended in the purehase of suppliee hero and the pay mesa of freights. The UM= of this city publishes a statement that there is gnat imlibrim moat the Pottowatoisle lax dime, and that two of the tribe hate been Wadi starred to &alb. They hare a Aseresetwatin, and depend ptinsipally, upon their crops for subsistence, which have totally, failed the past atuon. Mesita, Ala., yin L—Ttr United States Arsenal was taken at daylight this morales by tke /hats troops at SLAM*. I It contains 78,000 stand of inns, 1,600 boxed of powder, 100,000 rounds of plastid earsidges, and other munitions of war. No defense eras Offered by thole co dirge of tbe Arsenal. It to rumored that Fort Morgan wu Whin lart night. Jan, s.—The Workingmen's meeting lam night wu largely attended, and speeches were made sod resolutions adopted. &cluing that the Union mut be Maintained and presermod In Its to. turity, by the enforcement of the Laws in army part of the Unloul a bY . whatever means mammary; that a remedy for I grievances can be hod under the Coostitutkm, and that the only sure way to safety and paarwand prosperity, pin maintaining It.. Sr. Loins, Jen.lrak= wan soaalmons ly adopted is tie Senate yesterday, lostmoUng the committee on Federal molt:doom to report a calling a State Contention. The friends of Wm. H. !tassel% vesldlos In La fayette conaty,:ilol, 'tined bonda erocroothig to IL. 000,000, welch will be tendered to the judicial - thorithts at Washinatost, for his release, frost . • "POR/LAMOr MiNv Jaa. tireahlturne'e I - anger* Address bids Maine Leattletore commode conaillatloa and to/hammers; to Mend by the Con /antilop ; and althottab urging the Legislators to mate . _no„orsoproailse „iorroltrins metal Imams, be "ncoastends the repeal of OW Person% Liberty bill, If found to he asoonsUtutkmal. • taking Ifosonsvoo, Jab. b A potato to bola( thaws el to•olobt in Indio e tooppolat a committee of tho Moods of bloww.o.• woo and Wilmot, to noon olio theft totoraot,! o taking the, ong fiwtattaial tam and lb. other itbe ay to be socaliasod by Comma's oppoistitivo ennatnaron, Jan. b.—All is quiet hem Fort Goatee has not beim besieged as reported. Major -Anderson waa trial* to-day by his brother, to nom. pony with three gentlemen. The anderetandlog wu that the Interview should take plena to their pratenos. Laaranwostn; gas. s.—The awallable twee at Ft. EattrenwortianOnsists of two composts* of light wintry. Anangeseenta bore bete web with the tolltuad company ttsnaport 226 men sad ISO horns, and bums on Monday morning. Nitw Toni, ;Jan. s.—The Meatier Star of the West *sated aryesterday with onvousl Writ,. A report which ridiculed at the oflioe of the Com pany says Ask gohkg to Charleston with troops. AtXXANDIII, Jtia. 6.—Tha shame, Philadelphia hu just paned dowa the Over with • patty eflas.' dohs, it Is said to Maori.* the gimlet's at Wuh• lagtoa. Loutenain, Jiui. falling slowly with 5 het 6 Inches with to the mai .55t0b10, Itanges, Gratio. 5T017.11111. 111911,1111. DziAVEN SO' N, • W lIYAOTOBS3S OF COOK. P.R.K.1..08. and HEATING STOVES. Warehouse, Fetleral Street, near New Brie. WNW. WWl*, A1.411091D1T OITI., Wort tho •noutiou IS dealers 'idea t aincrloug of Cooking mid IDAttog Moms, Wood lo ng wa • ors soiling aka, lomat prima. Ong oar dtr wilt dad ft to•lbeir ad•saNio to Dim am • tall awl awake oar rock b.fors parebming stri•bX 4`. -4 .1h. , . :f; .r - «Assn;." ifc ~"yY~~~ ~ ~ _ ~1-~-~. ~' ~.. _ RECORD. voulatrram or Jaars let; • Iguess PAIII,Jy. I C4ll. Parma, ' prrrammunt, 15141111Erm. IR4POrtda PPectatly . for. she JPigabro" .04.4111c1 • Pnysinft, Bosnia.; 'Jail. I. - 110 - • FLOUR—ortolan,' to met vt a Ilalted, Ipgatrtif tiet pane unarm sad WI tostlatenew Tlmetrangeodoname atilt be seen began, are generally Is therveneareah *en Wu; • total ablates H.sythint 114 oprogh i i -tgry.. 40 WA In atom.... ? fr.. 111' 5 141.4 10 9 du do is do op 10: 113 do . ode sgo 014005311112--12015 waist. 14114 s otl2 bid. NO at 7N. Nolsara-41521. ISaksof IS 1:22 at 3k, and Ida 'kook, Oolfto—eake 6112 bags at 15. 25 de atlo‘o4s2lad 16.404 - . GRAIN —taws—Salm 04160 tsub 125 horn 3 112 1 4 2 1 41554.; Bye-13•21. 00 bash 02p/raft Wow .% • APPLES-4a toed ttosast, less of 10 424 i 522,1230 4. 041/2 sad 20 dodo at 421, 0112a52—atesd5 bat onchaigad. : dile 'ylcltisirle et lac, so do Iliatbato at 11e 0 12, 212--Balas of 105 bats utak dock, 37. 4raviii,al 110 a BUTTER—duII and datlialog. Safes of 3L Oda 051 f 15 - 0 lb. 000.5-42144 of 3 Mk Piatlad at 1000 ate. 211/1011-Balsa of 25 2145 email Walk 104 k 0 2722. 'IIOMINY-9663 of 10261. Peed at pp 0 bat: • 21142 PEAOII23-3alts of 35 bedl abaft* a4'12.12 0 or.ovnumeD-6633 of 10 blab at §501412015. CENIsON—BaIk of SOO st 1000 4 COEN MlAL—Saktol 20 boat at 0 - toe! WfildllY—Salas oral bbla liteddsd as 11* 0 011. 3 3 • 1 1 108111CTAihlt AND 13 0111114111.0Wes4:.** The expert. of dontedlo cotton. from Ale port the gilt, ,) war have been eighty live Aboniand two buidail add fifty gammas (56,260) flitted at mar $11,000,000. Mons from baton will amount to abao smoo sal loom all other ports 40,W MCI*, angst et smote Ito 00) P.M= of CommthrOcotemil az- , aurlaa tat, pait gear, watch Doge sm persliel In ths iwilvela of oar export, Ind.. nor avow., birmot. too, to Atmonetral domestic marked, Med bald kevrtad lb= general amennalselon of stock; which we hate tee Othaveritutsied. The Chins meek.; hw base Maid swami out Vadat or melt sir manthsowing to thadlateubsuces • of tbe =emery. Neverthehme, the -new sinutir woad tr.!, ale have =caved all our =Moat any mitteiltasetted . Praductioch and the parentauks N Meek= el Oa pew • an be reported= mideraMand not eseerthe klmmtumeetr - skin from working long One-arbkh themltie kr= postale, iooted-togythar with the enarehone atheism be thiqadne • of the raw material addita that hat Mr= weeks, =II =ob. eddy sa=ala the Maeda nestled bitymed what wee Maeda -ire week's aims. Beeldea, th e mast IMIF traseolso • Rh.* ...OR Moe to operators for Mdmarket, and =Maar of haportant trweeetto= dark; Mogul Inekorkkialsed • 0. 10 Barlow Mid that trade will Its reatusied..,ll. T. Trlb. two "mope= with en al reweble Wittig 017 falbe bigh nde of =edam which our aimmusily him riKently-beell. •-• parag. "TINT.= edsight oa IM lot lam tone 00150 , ued and imegetbir, =duke were outdo it 4481118 cast 000 .1•11104 RI 6 IR act, than asy Whorls/D._ edema palettes quoted the rata at Chicago teeday dosh eel p heat For . Tale of mane will food to ask* die Rate, still ewer ,sab bdrp 'Wools sad Wlecoostn memo up to the rinds= of Makable buds, op gibasuKi S,i moue), Gold sold as low as ,t *Not pram iteday.erb ...• won= maks netmage on the tear equltikat tab 16 a 147 ), •434 =sin. It = eertaledy oo credit to ear talking amittmt, • exabangs it higher in 81. Loeb Man Italti otha'at mocha point to ths country.-91. Louis . Ns= Clams Kul= -Flour ea ta gook Mauer mad light amply, and =pert= fe =Mop gil,7s,lvoldeto ask ing blghar mess= the dont; , Mew Pork la abetualgod, and NUM' at 8114150846,03, - Leedom= sad armee Us for pm* to Ikea= Wslak74 4 === and WOW; &Mad Sim Raw Au Coon firm at 701 for mixed. 9411 T =Arai and prices bindle's upward; elalaB ,dgo or folly talr to prim.. , • Xol4,loai la Armor awl et 21•1 for prima. Cog. In =Um demand at 101411131 a. • 00ttaa arm and to go= asensia; sots 17,00,1=4= ®l7.wr 0=111.4 Tu eormanlation ofoapltal la lessee= riorsil. =deb ti the angora= rraall of lb. mum of November, =QUM, mon it weer lap -supply . .thsp lad at Mb pals;pals; , for some months. whlrb *HIM outplayed on Meponerib. • - kind= low rat= of latenst.` The 'theet whlsh mak bas malted era], hoverer, prevent la a an=.-aresiaritikba ,, ,' • ensmantlle ride= trom malting thawed va of the ercee modallan si ithiow Wars= would arm Rosowia It al unlikely that tat= for air but that due psper=li i tee, r(Ma amid for some thsts to cats -N. %%WM.I Tate Bort= Traveller *syn.: otlgett74wts ;gourd sad ' on. heath= dol•ata wss the VOCill gala [odes; tualftg 61111„ total bolded/. $4,112.400, ht the commencement oTb ' The ban= sr. attonflas Molt °adamant goodlatied. 7*- layabout all the errosanodation they Inaba at 6 Waal. Now York leads are so plan Ural that lbayloon Gemara dm In the market, and after IL. east solid= of saki treat Europe aad California. the Inquiry veil to, not la= to* gat *- moos,, Lot bow tet lured Remaly and Pacetald7. * Maus= ;ales., Jan. a -Thor-limagois 0100 111,. Market mom hate* sod grentmles • were Boo Ibis eboiew- , ,, =ring a/ 84.30 deb 7 10 b ids do st 14,:"A del: 800 bibteieu, on p MO shy- 'Bower City' and 200 boy , Oakdoithe ii• SOS dedi 82 , 0 bbla- good =rim extra $4,1844 att trlet Ii) bklkaktillata ea u $l,lO del: so gompolveßpotai SUR • "'"' doh SO bbleHakyou. lost $7.05 doh 711ehistanimem wow., • I 11111,t6 deli 10 0 IttiOlthaakee i zelzt Wife st.s4=l•4 lo Hbleat•-lismipte SAO bet , ha NO 1 firing se gOo lo Nan; 70011. club labile= Blaine g ends 15,010 he Ha 2 speak= Teo testae; 2, do at -,-- 16,54°,1n sanaToo be reg Nola In store.; l • ••. 81,517 ba. Market novhanged. &Ms 4,44:8 be adz= se Mu MO ha do at 29,50, both In'etore. - ••• Gat; -Rea MS ha; 10101.1 .1 Meg I,oco as leys...dituelps 1179.11•, wad; gala SOQ bu N. r, in hags at ITo on track. • . . Barley...bacellpt• 1996 blab; rubel more actin; obbi seao qa Owe la by at 609 on 1221;1200 be Zia 2.4 • 2.2.62-Ilectlycd 6921 b.. lburkat for boalley 2 2911 91 9 V Am. ; take /4 0 cbake. et PA : m rsocibc t 51112 7 4„. • import. by 111211 41 7 - pre W a o a tc.-36 bblaparls, earls dorm D %Ohm Li etc raga., Col .12211242.022..._._4_44 t21129.4,=;, table tarnsokl 114/0); 3 btu cI2 0. 99 91 . 1.1919 2, 7, 9121 1 1 , 911-, • & ca; 12 ecoply Dbl.., 13 1. Yabantlx2 4 co; ki WWI 74 P 11 , —.2 b. 1s; Mbar. bp lird,„ " Dihrocch; I truck; 1 bask 0 J /caw; 101 Pmh 119 4 2 b4C 6 2 Balm lei by baste, tor. 361b1.1 9,921.2. Ban 2912;1 car corn ; Kip 1 / 1 12022: 2 bbl.t.nuK l rE bbi.WW trlVa.alllitost”Aria=2ll4::l` RIVIS.U. /111W113 ThO wares tun iandoninid ocedarabstimipfshribrir - • vas inswing ttnely nth stung indintkont rats. rive waawaplotsmwl7 r and tart orning tbenbnie of val •„ toe by Ins Ow mak wn emit 7 feet, At Int Wont busk,., non Inc lb. prevent Is Mann antinn: nnownihd. SOU ar , . 0 stamen , In. 1 11.t.ttb• , linding but two or demure • nnntrlnn indght,tbe non bn)ni tkd Invaiinnlartunter- 1 ilmnei rho Conh. Pam tor nlastalins wilb as envclarni on Entprdsry Thus #7• 1 1 , F . villa for soul, went bock. ' • 'Eadsgrapalit Eanlastas - • Cilnautiatt. Jan 6.—Flant In good demsidi With Soloist 2600 blast 5,4 76 for superfine. Whisty declined sad doll'' st 13%. we.s oactangvt Prim mind W lll 6 lO O 08. i Oats sdnatod po d. ma yood daunted. lathy sod c a n. Rai nacha MIR SCOETo Slake*. itO Ind amllandr 81 : 001 8, 06 inept receipts llght. assrat 'tow basysst, WI ammo ons alsbse, holden'malft fle= tint seance Iles Post Ea 60. Balk Pak 6%.7W, Lard s% Grannies to gad demand at fall yams ',LW at NON.. Saga at i lt ant GOO q.lledsals a 80„ and ISO Vasty in setae Osamu& Ezabotio deed, -% pot eadynomhits Le New Task and Baton clucks. ratrasarkm, Jr..' 6.—Tha• is . sety'Or.. (wilts In k . tN bnadstsifs market, aa4 mate bolder, if Mkt am sot =Oak data at pasta outworn asks 01800 firms = tar wpm. and6olst antes; rassistsantalt Sty* Steady St $3 0231, 1 b *ad Ptsuw7lTataa law /40 SS.— ellainas ot. *bus ate soull, and I. Goal malasee mks of SOSO boa at 5 180 tot mod Inman. SL 843: Peooojipatn tea sod 51 60Tal 16 Lo salts Yam. ifs& steady at Tel 4000 book yellow Oosnyold at TO tatai d, woes Ter new whits. Usti 6.04 at 86, with man nye lEtiry.:..loo bags kb Ottiat sold at 12018% laky . steady at 11019% thw Vas, iss. 6 —Cotton arm: as 7600 tales at lit% 013: I /lour quirk an. 11,06661. at PEES* Tot Geste sod is toes vzyg for Obis, sad IS tees 86 liontbsta, ."? Whom Gnu aim 82,000 has s 1 $1 it tar Winston SI 1801 GI tot dittaraptiss sad St 8543164br ad wow '.,• ern sad SI GO kw vans.. Cots Mtn; 134 0.10 ba• sold at N E Wig Eats Boalban Park'Grot at Ea Mien ao mem sad 511 600 60 Lynam. Lad las ss10)4010)E - .1. , -N Inlay stsstlyst JOWSUTX: &aka doll lad laws. Dimness, Tn. lisslmar arm ; Mona earn sad Oith $S SOO Ilk Odin* tarns El - Whoa Etistnd ST. 2601 IT, sell Inaba 860100. - Corn steady 1460E66 for amwbka; Or. Geo II Keyser - ',- Wholesale Druggist , ill , , .....,...", 1:14.,' i hitninclitn pes.r.4l,' , ,,,..,;,,, , „, No.: 140 Wood. Street, - Vittnlmitkrifs. ii .. - • • , ---..,,,• .1 ~,, TkaSSED 7010170tOdidi Diffiiiifilar.-.1 1 i ' '.. oit Rum= 4arak's Radical Clare Trees. -', :• -. L• 4 .'' ' . lt '• ;'''' ,4 Ritter's Patent Trues. • • . A ..': --0•: -- coe• A v , • , n Pi_ _telea &Opener Tine,: , • ' '- ‘ 3-• ' ,, -: 1 '. 1 ,1 , ” . x. 0,5 ; 3aw..mwth, k Tniii ,..-., ' . .., , ; y:6.3,, ~..,z, Dr. ibunalnei Lace or 'Day_ p . liiii t' ik ."' can ot weraaierac.""" °ler '. rik s` s ""' • "" ri f h "il' s*l Dr. s. 9. Pi tclitiver-Plated S oPP DT ' .te'.Ft 4 '•, .. - e 7, and task stootoo,forlyeik*lii44iripiiixelq,...- iklisiO'Kno**aps; fez weak kneejointa. •.• iiikle - *Opartire, for weak ankle joints, su "P eal ' i ll tduh re• " . - - ,FielfAcctiar BYriniell also, every kin; Etiraiget.'= - , ! 1 • •' , . -I, ~....1: Da. Ktrfait ' S itli) i Truss whiCh , inill (malt care Orals or,Raptuce.--- ~-, --,,, ,-;•' 9ehgcat• Drug Store, N0.:140194c0ti sign nfiAmi, ealdortar.- - 7 '''''t' s -':'-'''''' Ds4ll seder . = O, - . .fa 'cii".itiallitiAit'4 4 D:4ll4. i sod her sat aructism. WA era i a a trairairratiLiv t . • ARteirjLocc inerrarworeacaanac !marion tionevrealrori w •acro g r""'W" '' - i — t." -t •Irn. eisciaraika - r..r .. IF . 1 ,.. ....,, ,W 6440 Wood itivillMuitipeif,fti, 'of tt: tigt,roa4Littitiat • - - [ / ) • • ;-. //,///,, - /N(,, 1 /, , , , A '., tv,i9g014.00; calizfrwkik as Pilo le Slo .%0 *3-0'111148.*: OtAttot ThialiZelo.lo3l44-444414",....1,1_1-:?*'z.v.t. air totlitalabid lithotaSs!./2_o;_lrittirtxmZit,-1.• any "alba iota thus ' 3 M K"I"24 _ _ -. :drizig .l".l2AM4Wb e lg ea4 4 miftiryth tbeatiWn , ma Peke Ssattredit 7101:-.111:1=erapcallr..., : 4,4IMAIIVIMIZEIOUrW4O/15 113 Li Ma "C' - - '!IANCIART AND KM