r ~-`'r-~ EZ! ME • _ -.OIT - TIIIJEMI4C6B= ,511.81.1AY - MORNING; JAN. 3, 1861 IgiZia s . TILL lOaliv 7KA.11. `."--"'' s Atllariiitisiiild era New Year, the grit-or a ~.,-1..-D•Oade la this bbastadm - f Nisetesath -Cis. ttsry, If we could delay oar own onward foot. ~ tt : 'stspe fore tills, and observe the rushing tide 4sissotog by, tow ihotibi we distinguish the diem's. titin - OUthi Ocrienii• it'd the forms of hinge msr;sh,„theibeiti:alohg. wlib theM, In the dark. l A..iiniiiwilielt litrimpialde over all' More than l i oitimed -- vielo ieMos 'landed now eves to ere the ... . „things p' ' i 'with . , a s—to lee them with any -''- .i'iiieult. of .is gill fritin lee mere attempted look- ~ . -• look ing at - th e .- Thii 11411171 t, se it presents itself, Is „.,l'ittboixt a po sition , ?fparle—if we were to sit- 'tempt to ' spiel it au an imaginary canvas, we i could m it no beci r dfr th mind's • - g otm o eay to repose X. All will see—all we can bring our . - sillies to oak at—co'ust crowd the foreground - of 1 '`;every mental pictuiv we form. The absorbing d i , - power of the home "affairs of our country is made Iraq eta log by ths!evidence we have every day so atom telly supplied in the almost unnoticed' ...latiffete es with which the most wonderful and ..-, snexpeated latellionee from Europe and Asia t - : Im o , e o f t i l d • ! . , enoe !Web a year ego would have been tie prolio intros of leading articles innumera t - 'hie la all newspepeii, and of excited discussions 1 !homer ,men do I congregate, hardly etches ..eaittgli :interest now to win any but the most' ;ikaitestitd reader rough the details of the or- , .dioaryteporUL The recent reforms laillated by The ttemoh Emperor, thy affairs of Italy (after lb. rot brief entiuslasm of sympathy with "Melt leased ere 41 nodes ell the oneeeues of the noble Dallas end hie co-patriots!) the pre , :.greseef thelettled English and Breech form In Ohms*, inning in the capture of Pekin Itself-- eroldewliotest 67 other time would hare had absorbing interoat for our people, eoi DOW "0'011414 oni i. by the things with which we ere ealled'on to grapple, In • revolution aid olvti war laicals:l'od at home. We would not bealarmists,' but joertelnly the "signs of the limos" warrant miny grave doubts whether (hi ' jar on . whiehmi now osier will not mark h ' "diautrous era in: our future hislory.—One of - !1"- those "signs" is tous the moot portentous of all, namll7,.tbe apparent desire on the part of some of our.publl4 men to make a people—eduia • tel for three qui:tiers of • oretury under free institutions—alai the - lag eafegrards of a foie press mud' the righld of free epeeoh— forego theta all--kubmlt to the factitious terrors of a eolith:al •••ltuatlon"—and "book down" wllbont regard td , any other priselple than that of "impedienoy ty _ _ Tim reams Tull Nosse.—The stakneu of President BaShaostm, as exhibited la the es °eosin moveuistO, hes had the effect to arouse tte people of thetiorth to the orotinity of main- Wales the integrity of the Ualoa at ail bawds. We learn from the MaeMayon correspondent of lks New-York TOrt., that several prominent Ea .,. puhlitiane at theledtral capital have remised die i patobee from larke New York merchant., miss that at in Itour'4 warniog one hundred thousand men would be ready to so to Charleston to col. _tact Lb. may* Even Mr. Nickels het return- - , ml.o.lTaslitagtoki somewhat tamed, and he says 4 . that be serer saw ellob e complete revolution In akatiment as costs In New Yea. We learn froM Harrisburg that the feeling among th‘inembere - of tbs Legislature le deal . 0414 Is favor of making aillltary prepare lots to 6.4 any Mtn:tont on Unsnarl of the Dieutiloa . Isla taints' bj force the administration of lU . Lincoln. - • blassacibusatta and other New Eogland Stales the nosh patriotio determination is ex * praised by lie people and the authorities. Prom present !Stdimeloas it is evident that the parties Naith and lioufb who contemn the 4 h of July sad who seelia dishonor tie Atieriosit flag, ail for the sake of 'livery, will Sod the work more dlmoalt to accomplish than Ibhp expected is the outstsrt.' Gov. Pretties' Maletai—We ley before our enders, tile' I st amoital menage of Governor Pusher. A Oriel portion of this document Ie devoted to tberonsideration of our national at , filo, and the position is taken that no State has 1 _sghl to. evade from tbe - Usios; but like a true northern 'democrat the Governor advocates ..tionetteelontr! innumerable. He le willing to glee ay his acivattar *aversively doctrine, and reinstate: the Missouri line. which his friend ~ -11 r. Douglas feltroyed tome years ago. U. recommends hat the' consent of the State be gilts to the Master whilieojourning or postal mgle pouSnylvaala to main the services of .. his Maven, but says nothing about the maltreat-. t Meat, of 'Pentusylvaala white men, whose buil-. nave aoutpale'them to visit the Southern Mates. The emerrage'i Moms with the declaration that nor fitatat4tivotsoo the Galin sad will follow the Mars anti, stripes lhrough every peril, bat before alatuntug the weighty responsibilities'. forealiadow4lt Is our volems dilly to,ramote every J ail C4tlllll of complaint, so as to stand bofeoi tiligh pelves without fear sad without re. ;•:•proeolt,:ttlidy to divots our lives and foetuses in MP - Pim& lb belt form'of government ever de sl'ti bir,theterlsdom of man. , . la lila.LifesPedr, ocutanomed by the resell of his • ' tall) , pering o. sad deolieg 'will traitors, It appars that President Booboo , 4 ,aealfsre4 the position of Secretary of State to Peir;?;.l We Fled the fallouts! 14' the ' Trio. tine Suelbla irubjacti • • I ll e bureau Est first affsrep to Ideu. Pam, cadthough hie oseeptatioe of tbo pest ' • 'load ion does mob to tillers otraddenoo to %ins "tieeoiry ha one eon be enfirisod list bade. 1 .Hied II ei4ept It. Hie acoeptautee.woold hale ' liteehier tite aeosediy of • resigeitloa of his and le tie of. DU - .Naprehablieiditforenei tiara's bits sad Ma Pre biie thin Irvin ndnai to ..,..01,....4.-„Thesoostry may yet and blot ea ltii oglitar,y, heed pf tivsraby, and In that pot eaj bikablilry and viii to It effeeoualky." I ileoetAi tb•Dally Plitabersib Glasotts 3 ;, • ; fiamueseee, boa 31. 1360. ~.)toolE4elirm—Tbe Republican 'canna met this 64ereteati. tbrea o'efoek, baring antlopauell the ~..- I .'nenalleit 14 acwommodMs4l4 - Cone% of Phlla -14404 whe la orippled.to bU logo by rbeemsalaw, rand di4 4 Itte toeotim nit at night. There were ; , ;ttprattallt of thrateentpieten Repabiloan Senators primed, ldriliaSints, bath's loft for Springfield on tletrfiltiftetidet:oltherPrrabirmt *Mot, lite kaowies ; ,-,...i00t4 of, s,oker4k. ,. .Jll:PalmoritiebuilOpl:unanhaomoly. Ofell*Rnesell ElnittiAtimbooti-otiAnhoouly. P.'oda% Viqsango, 13 to Id . for. d' estgornee7. •Cirrk. W. Pa tton,, B . 131 4 P..likeheioelf,'Lamirne, r , ' It. A. Cootrir,'Wiablosten. A.?4,-41.4ta?0a 140 i% FialighlPhlC r \puma a: Artga--J. R. MeMba, Tut -4-411114.111,83 bi tar D. *nese . awpwr—Joba B. Mew, Bradford. - Usurp Bqbb, nuidoau, - o, Dotaware, ' •-:-Johe S. Outer, Idostmer: Citatos. I. _ ~..... .4 0 4 I ) . anal ► le Gyp?. tis iinvay keesero fM ,ritt th„*.;itit,lcl l .4l 4 •If;iild le irpootl!b, ytt, to .4 6" . e• . fortet i ootiset emielusloo. ~,li.4, • riortztzross FM tietu4irlthoutoppo4l4o day followlag; towl *1 I 2 0 .`C it I . t 4g. ! Minims uta, Sias.l; tg. !do. Grua.: Tbs two Houses organised to -day, or.•ordlag to the usual programme. The Nouse ....fed Speaker and Clerk, and swore In Merriman here, postponing-the election of the other olSoeyoun tU to-morrow. The Senate, however, sleeted all the officers, the mom nominees going through 'eritheitt tronble. Tim six Democrats present voted forhirr. Scunfrosm. for Speaker end Mr. Ilorceutsos, - of Alleshecy, for Clerk. The gem-besot the Speakers of the two lioness, on faking their seats, were very strong In favor of the Union, dsolarlog that Pennsylvania will not penult the Union to be &solved, hut will demand the en forcement of the laws against all who attempt to modem Mr. Smith, of Philadelphia, introduced into the -Senate resolutloni relative to the Natioual Orfila. They declare Unit Piumsylvenla stands by the Con ititation and the Uilo, n, and pledges her faith to the obeetvanet of the on. and tier whole power to the maintainanos of the othor. They deny that Penn vylvania hair uneonetitutional laws upon her stalute books and profess a willingneu to submit her laws to the judgment of the Supreme Court. Ttd4 elan sflirm Gem Jackson's dootrioe that no State": can ab solve herself at will from Lb. Union, and call upon . the President to use all the power of the government to put down rebellion. The resolutions ware referred a committee of dire, consisting of Hawn. Smith, no, Ketcham, Schin del and Clymer. • In the noun, Mr. Randall. (dam.) of Philadelphia Introduced resolutions favoring the repeal of the Anti- Kldnepping Aot of 1847, and abounding In the usual dautoeratie Nap. No motion nu taken upon, them. E. FROM WASHINGTON Ten Committee of ineentigstion on the great robbery will not go to New-York as inticripeted, others is reasons to believe the bond. have panted from the binds of the perdu with whom they were hypothecated lobo others, either for oontielment or by eotusl sale. They cannot be legally followed when posemed by innocent sod bons fide purchasers, and more thin book noun. The blundiriog 'incisor,e of the Department left the GOvernment without soy protection whatever. Till 'MAD" Wllll CBAILISTON . • . 8o fir as coasting vessels are concerned, the trade with Chariseton may not be seriously in terrupted, Its they all sail under licensee runolog one year. CAI the expiration of that lime, they will be split° fad soother state bf things. Er. et) irregular elearance fore foreign poet sob jests the vessel burin It to seizure and libel, for which Abe Custom-nouns officers will look out, as they share to the distributioh of the proceeds . • =IMO Ostlerslitlass •ttl retorts to Detroit lo a fort. alibi, lest,log his household here till Sprlog. 111'Am:otos trout Wash&crios •ill he moot' re. ' 1.111C0TA1 . 5 111 AUOURATION (I 1 tleau_ietende to be prima( and assist, officially, it Idr. Lincoln's leauguratioa, and will give the Prestige t f his name sod chareeler to the becoming obserranou of that 000uioo. The threats which ate now foolishly circulated by reo►leu prams, ate disregarded hers. The people of ;Washington will talts care to p order, cad to protect themselves against ruffise- Ism, Irani whatever quarter, end If volun i to Woad lb. lowa see needed, 1b.,. will be plenty on the epot . • ALIOTEIIIIIII , II I DLIII Ao sal was smuggled through Congreu last WOOD, 1101horiZiog the Secretary of War to TO. open thelolairo of the awe of George Fisher of Florida, for alleged looms by the Government, which will now probably be repealed Two years ago a .rellet lea walk passel, when the accounting officers lovestlgetrd end found the claim to have been more thee paid briers 81111, $390110 were allowed by JdrFloyd, who had tbs Ms oretion to soul* If. /leder the revisory act of tall session, he alliworl $66 OW more P.Y 6,601 of whleh was forinnettly stopped by the con dition of the 'Treasury. loformailoa him been obtalosd, motto, that the arst allowance was reinspect to the eats , . at all, and the locks were sadeavoring to Mop lb* last, when the sub Joel wall carried baek to Congress. Thls Is anothor edition of lb. D. Groot °potation In the gams Department, allowing $119,000, which will be investigated with other millers In 111 - r Floyd's' DeportassaL—Tribes. --, . DIIICD 6 0. Tomas', Jon, ht, .only alb] a 1 Dude L. awl 11.zielellr.astoel,ord 16 IN:04Mo. The law& will tan pima .rono lb* mix:hook No 61 IV)lna oti,t/1 1 / I (Thuriday) IIIONNIIIO, al 10 o'clont. air-utpuiatti led COLDs.lima diaammahla; Ow &ammo. • tow repollitom and bennehltla o mt.. eamptlott may Jr tho malt. lot you may -ewe them ploammtl. promptly ae.l pernamently. UtINPURITIr , 110IIIIILWATHIO COUGH or 001300 AND VIVA' PILI.I &way, de Dm week. Ton nmil only tabs kb. plamaat weer p 1.1.4 and your coosla la gene end cold cared se by .unbent. meat. '; h1c5,2.2 mob, par Ns. witb dbortioor. Hz bums, $l. N. 64,11 fall oat of INAMISH . • Uoewov.nuc bractior . with ;loot d blrorthooy owl twenty 3111brret 6n.g.11•016 lek largo norm. coma, P; ditto. le pub cam, $1; or of Ilftorti lmy, sod toot, $2 Slagle boar. 20 nada mud 10 orols. Show: aeutediob, by Ib* sloth, boa or moo; nvo root by sell oirrovra. her/al harp, to a., Wares" on rerol,3 of Pe pFl,v. habrom Dr. w. &Oa, 132 broodoray, Now York. toted by J. 11. 'ovum. /M. rarest, reward door hr. the PartUfflor, About lor Pltiaborgb. dolkalwltoT Mkt as:Wiaanzir, an experienced Nurse me regale ohysl.l., has a Suotblug Syrup for chndreo beelifig.wbbb greatly facilitates the proms of gables by edging, eh. gag, reducing all leg .woralloo—wlll ellay .11 gab. awl la mg to regulate the bowel. Nogg epos lh mother. It gill glee red to yourselves and relief aad ballet to your fagot. Periwig sale la .11 egg,. Sew adveru►eomr le srgber edge. hlndial IT Oublit SWI' 07MNOTICE.—There will be a meeting of m Ituaid of Manor. of duo MONTOUR% WIL LIE, OIL COMPANY. et PrOLARRIVA MILL, NUM., Toesellp, All•gbool want', . TURNDAY. 14, of ANNUAL NAL NI I JO°. p. m. io Um part.. of or miring PR &ORALS for Borl. au 011 Well. RI order of lb. JOUN BIRK!, Peep. X. Wen*. Pr.% 1•111:1110114rT P. 01/7101 Perilon .1 ago gtOtrggoVoLL• Pittebot es. Dem...Ler 99.1000. f 07TIIIC ANNUAL hlggliNt) of the eterbboldere of the Pit.ebereb god Stotkbrairllla Unroof Liumpfee telil be bell. ea IdUAVAII, /weary 14, 1161, et their Oftee, Hu 111 /owls Meet, Pittebereb, be tween [be eute• 0' le cert.* • fie eof 11 cro.oct a II übleb time and piece Cu Mettles for Prist4eut sof Direct. * ors 110 b sold to we* tor (be eaettiag fear. deBl.l.f DIODE WON 110.1N11011eT, hi:retire. trans. tls OMNI nuts R.N. War us, t Pltbbot gb D oemter>o Deo J W.747pTHR ANNUAL JUIWUNd of fht SbaklNAPors of tee Muffles, Y.N. J Nobs 4 GAF posy mill b. meld so MONDAY. LH Illib Possyy.lBlll.•4 door tonlo, No 144 Pow lh oar. Gt. booms the loom owl 4 Velvet gi et obi* toss sea pleas. 11.0 bs be !Pmts., rill bs bold to mots diuty, the ss adoalas par.. td P P. VON 11014N80RST.Poord1ars. Wrens • w. u It. 431.- tette* j geTo Tlie.seVeßiti. ULASSES, U 00tIDSOLUIR0 of the Ohio •Id Peaseyleasl It•tItood Compaq, obit end lodIso• Balked Ooottmly It they &&&&& talotitoßatiro•d 0•466), sod Pttltbateti H. lray he sod Obloeso 1401..4 Oreopsoy: the ma of Iteceitastatthe• battog Leer yerteet•Cah *Pa rebsalsi Coottol tee 064.0 t to me0.06.d thee smut& t • •Ighttl by tam • Ilooelbna Jett who &she to mos p6.11,e to 66 wawa( the rout.: Pollee lolusteeil at. rotsiated tu sod ago tbseir4 11141114 at. If Our, pr•kt. auk purl al lidtorosy lan MA them, .05th they eta tsfeht• sad rotors tors. At the time of Moak the Ileeeteshte, tho Whet/ o rld by the tartlet bed. bet or he 0.6(0064. 64 'trotted to Oh eereets•ollt . del Sf O. W.OANo. a7secoND ANNUAL exiiierrioN ..06. 1116 PITTSBUAOII AAT ASSOCIATION WILL OPIPI OS 'WEDN MSDA.V. December let •, JAC[BOl1•B HALL . Coaster, Penn and du Clads streets. talker etas San .10 a. as. to I p.. 6 In.co 61. 0 11.66•6604. A 41616409 PO teals. Mews ?Seloto 60 . 166nr. 16.10.6 L 0.25,000 TO IN Kra.— - • $16,1140 In WWI In ;°°+ .paps or other. onns • to an.sasali 'myths husk hoe , mango Gar tan. • - Abe, Ma*. awl La Uinta fur ale. 4441 • .Wll. - 1141setr. Grant o r ponll.l3.tbnhal OlLti bre _prepared Whnslitit PUMPS f. 4. Ott Wen*, oitb .no.r cuIPP4 , pry hire tans, 11,00/1 awl ompethAr at.llllll rinply fur au/ • lug. - ‘1 , 411-,..u10 ♦ 00., • • • •• 114 Motet .t. 161 Pint a WALLROUNN ISLA YURA.Lair. AIMINS 111111114, of Mil ?hint 0.04. Jo,osboo, tO IA • amodiSsuliir Wayorul tinselly. 441044 to e 4146 atm 1147abiles Pilaw ff- - &ThaLtaou ILN AYO RA LTV' JOS. IL SCOTT twit' bib • tn. dets tut Motor of Um tp lb All .11 boy, nWt tto Mt deckles tf th• lispubt• , asubsaulli lA, ilibationnenis R , O0P;POLI18-4000/1g)it.asid Dina U..p MN,* oaf by JAL h. ,61111.111, • . yst - - calmer limed rros• ?Egan .00NSIONDIENTS-:-• I ass4ssiseseril Pesclier. btu 111,14 lows 66th T.P fresh; • • Arrieressll666s6 dire .11 eels 6••••reie by 1111•11/. 741 I M. Xl5O ball. Prime pearl'S ..; strum 7Lb.P.Ip W. R. 211441 Old P0it4 . 414..444 vdt 3419 41111 Was N 4.541, • Mobaneln7 :- **• I01111 114 fond IC.. ' Loh annalist., igoistist , 100 Agents - rantedl- YO 04111Y4165 1011, *Di' nem rertruan zooms wklebsol i t IXOLOSIVILY BY BD AORIPTION. T - ,t 1 ESE WORKS include ithe MOST SA LE ABM BM/149 PUBLISIIED. Oad Await. ram In oar employ air daktag From $5O to $lOO per Month. w. givir oar Aged. the ItIOLOUFVI CONTR.% of aoy Vdcul thd may urea to danal for yon parllcraara and Catalogue el lope; ddrfer. 0. W. WIN% 4S4neml. Agent Booth 32 Ward Souse. N B. W. barepist publlaiied oko 141Ition of FAMILY QUARTO BIBLES, - la a • • New and Beautiful Stile of B.nding, pima tprapramly for Algebra sad 04mvaa Oa-Applicants may ma Mr. Ilarta 0 Girard llama from 12 to 1 and hoar 7 to 6 P. m. 1031 CID ID YOUR naI:SD- TO-DAY'S WHIMIL* DISPATCH, CONTAININO Irtin lEMZINTEI or , 18E301 •LLTU AODIDENTS, NAIIRIAO R M O I 3IIOAIRICT , OltaU. POIOIDStI, Dtvlops, ,DW ril 1 ( 1 O 5 P , Plata. MOO BOBOLS , 41SONLL& L UE% PO L PHA , TORNADO A S% lITIAIIIOATIL Every Event of Ilntereet ! Sir PRICS TUB.= ORNYE ID 'trappers for ealil.p. illatirriptloo: Ow Dc4.4r a Year-4..a metes I. uoeaddre.% Yoe Dollars. Mod to •speolaie, copy. 11111,411/1111D ALT YOUILOV r r . M ETROPOLITAN, IRVINI4I COMMELtCIAI. EIRE INSURANCE! COSIPANIBEI CEO =I The Siolo atom! rallet.l , 'bylin. (lumping..., toasted theOlty of Neer Tort, ars reptsesutal la thle city by the sebscrlber, mho I. prepare, bi ions. Pottage of lemmaa easiest haler damage by ate. el new.. low an *spectate. hal Aosta Insures. cab 1.1 dews. • Ita ado. reseal to the yeasty of the Dempsey. sod tbeipeneetwel security of the lansreJ. JOll.l B IBTADDLN M==M:M NEW.AND VALUABLE BUO6:41 THE ROMANIA Of NATURAL lIISTODA. The Life of *Wow Dy Parton. Adhere Italy la Tremolo. to., SLAYRIIWS ILLUSTRATED ROUE DOCTOR- Frames Beroa . • Works: Neerlftlyondde Edltl t. ilettate`a Middle tem 3 vole., do JERVIS ON RAILWAY PROPERTY. Retreatlonator aooentry Parsoar Olth hop .Apply—ow Of 134 rood readable books:published le • loom Otte. Alllollllfitarrour or ITALY. Oar Year by the act/tor - of John Lionise, Deaalleaumo Bouttlab Wei and (Remoter MARTIN'S NATURAL HISTORY: I rola LID of Stilly 0. lobo.. Wmebleatnea ?Male Olerlei 11111111tROPS OtINDISOf OP Llft Mini .apply. li)otos of tho Apa net arida.° ra4 The Nom Riverside Satoh.. at 11110AULMI 1 sod OAR. LYLES ESSAYS. Recd Or gal* by ' ROBERT IL DAVIS. tar N0..03 Wood at. SeIIOYER I= No. lay Fourth et , I.;owrin'e La* Building PITTSBURGH PLOW WORKS J. C. II 111 W I. 1., ✓ Inocwwr la Spear a 104.01,1 lI&NUVAOLURRIL OV ALL TRR VARILTICS or PLOWS. PLOW CASTINGS. Cotton eorapers, Caltivrtora, 65., Adapted to the canons Soils of the Northern Western end Southern Stews. dir'llauohuory,_ Wanarare sod OEM cars., °agleam. Way, Vayarr• tttttt sad Oar. risers alley, Oat, thre• Naar tam all ta. 114.11,0 ed tbtlnt• 1 6a151y PITTraUROH, Pa. ALL SNOWED UP ALL SNOWED UP ! LEATUER BELTING, GUM BELTING, Ur U . PACKING, - _AND GUM GASKETS, atl..llOU 4.0044 alwaya:miandl wad fur ear by • ill. DeLANGE, ALL 111.017311) TBn STONTS I I soilt ASP Übrt, oppwito boo, or Wood. TOUIG BROTHEIEW, ALL SNOWED UP Tin ream' Rat. She Pedlars' eral Plletlrne Rest Tim Podia's ■od Pilgrims' Float A NEW rcers sioß) I=l 3d JANUARY, 1861 le the CA, of Neer TorYoe the .b.. dew,.. a be owl* pahlte the above albeseltlmb albetwarbteg leeidest, 01 which &wog .my ou. M 110110011 to hear.,. know NM. this'. . . 11.11 lawn, tbarararel that John Rae CU, lisq hem written-a wont remarkable Now V...'. Iltary—reweeliabl• alis• 100 It. Istwamly mislay and thrilling ...wants, as Win sod paver. which eMeat (41 te eon. with It &light 01 awsseaunit lob the howasheld of every family la the land. SWAM. U .ter, him • AN" Imo published wore mated as esteeml par nant W the tosawbeawent of a saw Yaw. Tint le 01 IM ansuleirfal wire told by the pil. nobles end podian wha wera ell mewed ay Weather oath. memorable orcesian .veinal to. are all - happily blooded I gather by theanther Id. atria al oom gmlal, ottrecUve sad enaortalslac le Way plow Wary. The stave Wary hoe Mau edUsa spadally re the 1110Thillit101.1) JOURNAL, arsuasaoleg la No. 16. 1r *III epeeer earl naively IN TIIr Household Journal, TLa Favorite Family Paper. The 3d of January, 1861 1111X1ICAX PAO ' S/. TURKIC OIL NTS MISS. THINK 011% . 7w. PLITSZti 14 SWUM CliNTd. SIXTINN PAO. TORIMOINTS. Saki by Souk Aliflte ••3 Nears 4.4 NZ WE Atacama, pl•••• mod la your ayilar• r..i11 •• punt. Ww 0011.11111• prompt NPpPpV Tb. HOUSEHOLD JOU ENO. 4 Yea great Wally ;alai. loal of lb. age. N 1611.644 •••51y. trsc• Cool.. Publlatud by A. HAIIIIIILL 0%40 North WllllOl2l Um*, New York. WENS to my adOrms lay 111 50 • leer •Ilb tb. lafkoulus ledoarnests to club" 6 mein ST 20 • rear, 10 wpIK VI ooples 106 60; 25 gaol., VI 60 Pawl. mphr mallrdkfm to any th e pot. Mum. God r • cup . all News Agents. 4.27:111 • 4111.00 Cf AIL "IrMLAIXI.I STEEL DIES. rOtt CUTTING i . , 74/i/7)/(7 , • 1 4(1e , i.1 1011. CL017110; - emu*, aociao, au., so. BROX $lO TO $3O PSICSET A Set•ot Ehtkltatlei Celebrated Stearn Dlee, nude by head, arid Antshed path. best ityle, will Leta lifetime; any taduatriotur youog man au rake 12,000 • year with a eat of these Tool.. w. are now inanufactorim and offer to the trade, ay Allmay , ale lakdrrame, nod everrtb used it the Staudt bustaers, Wha l klnt PALM Rte. arai Circular . seut fru, whims, T. Mt; MCIWZCP.Ira. - 910 MOLL 11131Z1T, KCIV-TORY. FRUIT, ORNAMKNTAL TRIERAI EM to »remote' »WU to 001 U, tholr Potr00 0 llo; -telmierteroo llopearly eetemeded. I ....M Melt ottealloo. ory elerf large Meet of TIM! ro/trito Cl i Ztril a r o osUeraser r rlierl a ba ett l = ) P AU oft ' met Wearod . dell" enreaget " . by porter heel.' • totr leeeertoW el We leitheer, sal miry .nr* Woo »rum ormy Idea Mr lo mew _ 01 Awl. Teeee Mei» en haw tio.occ—asooo of orbitte en tleneoltsee Ws, low • to -I amt. soeh se me» IVRISIIII2OII, be»e to try by »GIP» lOC, bar. rim weld tee n a .b iztas Amps Iliploo Aix Ask, pet 100.$111. Aseeress sae •elleittele lamb s yet 100. W oe. , to, prom glee se a all. Otte • Wire oat therm seiptlesUoo. &Wes Illttelbargb sod Oaklatot Nononino Tltlobeggle, rs. . (4 1 1,10 i tit .40111 ir mows. as.. mgoa BALI BX JILODOnay & 11111.wmay ,so an it• 01 90 1:•! 1 "P"'" • 'rotators-1 &dr* r t rna 7211. La., w "31'164, ' VA 101 : 14 ' 441VT1 =MI= 44 ICOVAI:Ilmin/ rout • 'l / 4 111 if 'mot sooKINMIATIPW-^i' 1 1 = 4 ' .7‘lllllolBlr SNIIO-48.105 SHP*. licks j mtd fair r ONS- - dig ";Ait' DZ. r GOVOIIZIts 85N rr H TB If. E T. I ' I=3 =I - TIIE WORK FOR THE TIMES ! ENCIILIVIWEIT 111101/ILD ISUBSCRIBIL I TUE AM .RICAN Coniervative Review, PUBLIS IMO lIIONTOLT, BY J. .13. Ostia'', souservellte Monthly Publics/Mar, confab:deg dl pyre folio. Coosfeting of Pofilled, °ammonia sod latest► Revlon ou all currant events; Neuf Publications awl Warkept Art, togetber with • Monthly PosurosrY of Foreign soil Dooseetic News. Mai, an orlilusl uncles of tiletorloal tad Wean& Articles sod Elegant Llisretursvby the moot able mothers of the day lu every department. Eveav ealcuonior, LawllLi t cintoyeArt. SENATOR, • . And In 4e ti ..ar woo of tools, manioc or totluones eto.old have It. I / '4i.laalllCLlS 00NaltIVA.T191 Rae' LW bo etr aentral to It. character, $u will endeavor, In all otrotogeocles, to appal a Sloe or policy, that anolot• wetly wlthitlght aollJnotlos, moy toad to allay all party or ottrolonst howls. and ostentele toeach. °Mow the bodtle elements that 01. 011. The tattoo sonata the publlo mlod. N. Bi The first number of the Antilles% COMIIIIIATI IC RIVIIIF will be nulled on the let of February, 18G1. euBLIiRID MONTHLY, AT . $5 00 VCR q CAR i raying IN ADVANCE, BY J. lIIIIIBILIAT, 32 Beekman street, Igen- York. N. IL Lltttorsooolsiolog eabootiptl,o• autt all other g one esookatkloo, obaild Do otldnoood to tho Aoterican ttetret Aare &Sew. N.. York. First4elass Ageetv wanted in every city of the United States. jaheuvritactfei DISSO LOTION OF PA RTN ERSIO I P.— Tb etaperteerebtp lanetolute eilmlog between the easmortbeirea wider the MAIO .ad MO. of WM. a. LA V ILLY • 00,1.00 M day &molted by am cal amnia. The boeb Ars of the tab dm •111 be eettled by •Itto.r of the pert. awe. Lhe old Mead, Po Oa Wood weft. WU, LAV ALP, 0 VAL PARK. . W PIUILINAGIL.L.J.• I= Cl.(D.—The undersigned, in retiring from V mono of MILS. LlVlthif a 00, takes ere. phw ore hi reosaisendleg to the terenblo crottildsretion of LI. OR.. Rod lb. bora. caudnonlie lb. my Arm of LAY OILY, PARK • CO , wtm •111 positions tho bud.. ei ttioold Stood, No. be Wood en.; end .fot whoa ho ...old bespeak R toottooatio• of tbe roe hoot mad parsonage Iltorallt; Rote.. opoo Om Unmeant. Pittabargb, Jen. Id; IEII. WM. MK ERBOILL, Ja PARTNILKSHIP NOTICE.—The under irvied, income. to Wr. B. LAY SLY • 00. hoes esensletdd therosollen. Weenier for the purpose of tr•mact lug • Omni HARDW•iIt BUSISISA, oader the m.o. .ad sten of LOVELY, PARK A CO. it the 04.1 etaod. be Wood stn., Pittebonth. LOVELY, PARK & Cl).re r e Rslclt attrolitoo o lb. resorsdterds.V 10 .tomp.bhtun.noi i s iy ban.. to rendre a 101 l .here of vatece... 01 t .01114 toppitee to their Noe Wit. A. LOVELY, 1310 PARK, KM. B NILIIPEK .1•1•11. EMEI =llll pE FOISIERTI PERFUMERY • • d. em Ittls der le receipt of • large supply of Fine Perfumery, canslotias of • great efeortussut el ft.p . 3.4 out Aesreli tIIOM, I.luLutiNerl. Fie.. .reof , rfrse owl MUMMY, of elf dsterlitfooe. e 1..• 1.. it .Lott moot a ihe Ist English Toilet P.oape, 0.111817 toe allUeff EY. of all esscrlyttous CIRSAfi, - tb• beet pleperelloa la lb. ...ref re /inept :Col, CAorptd Aliteds, /AM. ite. Thu. •hotausg fusythleg Itk the hue 611.14.01 cud exec,. lee us ;ylstert bstua psi , tering el.:here. JOYEYII FURY MO, fs . •,-. • ()tweet Market et. stet Lb. DistoOyd. N. g Nua.axrLost y s BURN tria FLUID, el ellc. per annup..6l• •)• oo tuned. A Elidliant Light without Uanger, and Olean ; 0/ LbSO uy Illetalfustleg /ha sue Is use. , It!! ! Call and try It. i o 0 j uN 500 DeLANGE; 22:1 Ouquesne Foundry, Liberty' at. near O‘tte.r Depot P. K. R. T►l2 undersigned, having purlhased the tot , atissite IhJUNDRT from IA N. TOUNGorill cvo- U.oO to maaateetors 11141.01111$ aY OASSIBJIB. bud Y Lf!A riwadt, laslsom I. .aiuweamobaacha, J.S. B. TOCINU, Jim 1.1, 01111-lilly J. P. YUUNO. OMINY-25 bble Pearl Hominy in store tr ortli by 3. Loonno a CO., Vint L. war Wont 111/110t trble,Chempague eider, in store 11,j tor fide by J. S. UaNVIRLD a 00., Trot ft ,soar Wood. wroiras. asotrzifs. DsHAVEN &'SON, . • MANCIPACTORKRE OF COOFC.. PARLOR and I-lECATING •STOVES. Warehouse, Federal Street, near New Sus- P"*• lILLItallaN I' CITY. • It= Ma nitration of &Owl to our hap saroritorni of init ant lloolling Siam, for Wood and Pal, which en t o wales et t lemma pflo6o. Thaw Cririn I our MI all and It to disk alandag• to give in . roil awl cnualiso °unmet beforerolualag •Irraptioro. Ord lion HOU. tteruatylrall ma, kale., Hollow WS., I . limos Bo Plain and,Vaney Orate F.roota Fenders, etc., oweage of all tlyd. wade to onlor. D. O• HAVEN t BON. ETNA STOVE WORKS. A. .EI ft A. D f.. HI COOII, PARLOR Apo HEATING STOVES,.. lORQN'I74I, DIDRO SOiik Proprietor of thq celobriited SITIN7' dee Aresettem 11110XlcoNeurEve AttaA.vaismiNts. (ele applltA to our 00,A 610TSIA the edreotspe of .11104 ALM la. • peg eevhqg of fuel. • I& A mach q uiches. sod bolter ovoo, from the many ere. AO, The pereervetles of the metre plea. , 0(0, 01.0.110..(/. there le eat orte.balf the Root and 4111 duet to bead le other Mu... 111., Tbees nosy, hod ell 140108 We over said, have • car "sat t p °ld tvr.l.7.ttrivb o :::,:ll, l, 7of's'eu k ; Morn. err ell *them Persons wishing the EEST STOVE in the market will. find our PATENT "Tropiu," "Ea- Veka," or "Arbiter, " with DOUBLE TOP; to he TIC Stove, edtbnnrede in this oity and vicin ity can teetifyZ Would also midi parttoolirAtitnatou to onr duct of Parlor Stoves and Orate-FronV, rhk.b, togatturrmilb our Goer , win* we win _ eltiODA r. office and Salm Room, MEM ea vrEis A f I i 4 0 Od e Bisset'. a co., NO. • lit:3s 1.18 HI HWY Eerie MKT. MANUFACTURERS dell kinds of Cook ,' Jag, 14, Parlor and Bran Wu., Oooklui .messed Omegoo Runalall Grua luau Pardus, Am ar. , sue emeneesoee ammo* BUM. . "Vietori" and "Triumph, eneurool eateiee demo, ~ _thbok Ole and` Forget lome." The tUripitoin and •"Ireugle" Cooking ftwages, min mem 'Hydraulic) or Open Bodllere. which en atoneteseetelle , .. Ito Ow thtldlY ollaahor Luau - 1.69 Il i errY' 'Finest .Enermeded. 43 rates net trainee:li sergem rte. BMW tit/ tiaorro bear lb*. la ward al.4us sad brelltholl NNW Store, t "Olympian," Wait 01 war t r = wet t *lti BO lam, lite e 10. 'Strata ' Alma; Inetkila Sista, itaassat 11/p ad. adi thy . nee ' , SOMAS, One OW , Peeing e.et euerem PLUM ORO, `alesgazgavtatcort-'ronf: Fu ens, i . pram lobwadote die tor t sogimem wow, irerainii.t.. worompeasempatuot .11btrfil* . A LAM I P THAT WILT. NOT BRt;AB. The Paten Mica Chimneys, FOR. COAL OIL LAMPS, will not break bp the hest. or fell*and Out • BEITIS. LIGHT than the glees thichne)l I=l immii CETI CEPHALIC PI LSI MIMIC PILUL! ----- - --,-- LlAlltli Al% K.o' I t JO A 1., li.S.—'lte tin de rnign- L it• ni bring breu i Yielut , tl 80e Alt..t. C. , Wr•imw Volmjlmul• for FA tiIIANKIF STA.DAIND 80111.t9. deem it ormeremary iuter into Amy eltecoie. colic •of their merit., It they diare mold the tea of thirty yeare. The cetalogue mammies once thirty muirlim, oo which anything from • ghl , l &tierce • loomuottream be •eighed. FAR .010 al trwintectmere• print. CARTINtRIG UT & YOUNO, . , N 0.97 Wood Street, MAD ' , rornm of Diamond alley. 32 lIIIKSIAN fr.; NEW YORK *33 Üb.dy at, opcadt. b.. 4 ..r Wood. Iltaastsclote•••eil.wstioty of *O.. &o. &0. N 6. 4 Wood Streilt. PITTSBURGH, P• Ado ORNING • 110IIPEIRRY. No.N.N North Sta.d-ot, PIIILADMLPIII&.P• = coon an Undo of ❑DADAOLIII A at a.,irr an glOy For role hr DI N JOLINSTON, Orollo In Droga anti Chrl4,Fantlliilnlkina.t, ODILWOTraW] for'por fizolthflold awl north arrears. 9EADACCIEI Fl CB 14‘1.40U it I PAR I I.ble Waite ' e Y^ ,FYimllemlll, or sate by 1110 A HD, 813 Liberty pt. II VOUS, Corner of liritirkat. and Fifth Ovoids. RECEI V Et) THIS AFTERNOON MEM .1.11.114:314 Eli3SO It rm I' BALMOIIIAL SURTS Four Yardi Wide and All 0,,10re A 1.34, A F7OJU bTOeli U► Cloaks, Arabs, SIIAAVLS, 4HAVS o 114 ND, R' A D. IIUOUR', 41INER FIFTH AND AIiRICST BIT VT.I VIVTII AND S.IILDKERDS.2 W.& D.IIUOUN.C6KNE ,4 YIYTN AND lISRR6T fiTS ISMIMI!BM ‘ GRAND PIANO J usT 111:01VED, a superb carved OUTAVIC LOULAJ JAC A:NL) PIANO OW otiiniceitiN4 1 SINS' NI 4NVIACI-IJRC „/., This Is nee of ihel TIR,V IMPROVED GRAND?,' which OR Wa•Rtreik SONS have Oat ,er.olvea the DOL MEDAL 61 lb. Lalis IL 111tr10... , oh Mu Mavvet huveito M j , cbtalcv . A aeot I a I ' th • The pulate are I 'lied to call en I Yea thlv .h.lethli.l i stion.aui al the .zus hl JOIL U. raELLoa. Q. al WOOD aTILNKT. tolatu..l alley awl Foartl. atraol, Oaring Updgbt acid ayal W.teru Paousyl. &I TV?. &le Ag.nt I.r •444. • ssoO f hiliono for $350 AT BARGAIN. A 0 1, THE SUBOI to ea 10, 1 ,, two Chicks BER ham had left wit hi i•••• • ow • of • big 'ES: Sons' ocrAvz it() sK: 4!) CJIOL(VItIJ PI P,.NUII 1 005 fhb% Pismo bio Ad Imo hal tholbovt foot older, both I to tl.lolt AA Nitty Opted at the. URFA 008 T. originally, $5OO s IS USZ LISI3 ?USN OHS VEAL • Lao cue taken of It. Its. to poet choul•tn laud f ttrottnte--le fact, to as It-tooot bodloptoara of at 0,11,11; It to RSOLIOTION Ur ittlto PIWIt MIST JOHN IL MELLOR, itl Weal Street. deTlw V HOU OAY PRKSENTS Wheeler , & Wilson's . _SEWING MACHINES. IN A N I/ AF'rElt Tut 26111 or Novsmosit A-7 will be a itt.DUCTION IN TUX MICE .1 the sbov.t.itne4 twpolar mw➢luu No more suitable or acceptable present can be given 14 the coming Ifolidays. h wa 11.0.3 • collip•licit par own to the feebly.. of each parr hew.; to teach them th I aircraft°, of Ifs* in•cblo4, arca errata each machine tar three pout. WM. SUMNER it CO., o f Nn. 27 Fifth et ME Cl -r- IRISIMAS NIA NOS, [ I MADE IIY BM/SWAY & BONS: ON% PLTZIin GRAND PIANO • °tit OLIPIIMR Square jGrand, with Agratte Trtblt • (TL.I leatiand mad valuable Impel.viintoll .., ..., TWO VINT .• 1 • .c• • 1 ulave LAluis aterf FJT OA Plallott, 1 TITRIII It INV-TOWED • 7 itit'T'Ve..V ti: la QVJA.P,iI: 'Pi A N cis Rolnd eurners and Octagon Legs. . THE ABOVE ABE JUST ARRIVINO ..? 1 from tt e VacLry. .t New Vert, mud peewees .11 the roped.. Jar Iletwtee atat late lapn.remeots for which. the Statues, VI 101••• didlOgylllbPd above all other*, gm •"1 . 1111 OVORATKINII. FULL MON Pflattl6 VOLT COVEROO &MOORS, WITII ADDIIIOB.II. Paorcu. noti TJ L .BTtiltlt• Ile.” ern Plume eyed Lot to be bea r d to te preowtored of eopellor one bye,. th eme.. wetaoaleal Ilatettet.ioll they will be auld at Now York taints awl oo Jcootatuo datleti hoot . IL RUMOR a ORO.. No. 68 PING greet; i dikter • . . Sob Atege born for Iltetneray'e Plane*. _ lIILLEKAIAN & CO. 1 i ' Ciente'i Drone note, • ants' and Youth? Soft nate, Ciento% Youth? and Rope Oaps, Mingo? Beaver Hata, _ ... Ladies' Valley Ft ."""'" 111 ' .114rS1 AN A CM ,73 090•1 4 • pa oolf. • P NET • HOLIDAY 1300ICEII I IPORSLIPPIT , J. L• RiCAD , NIP. IN FOUNTS' STRIGN.T. •, 1 / 4 V01.1 LI) IN V ITE ATTENTION to try 01. 1101.11DATi.BANHilknhicb '4 lUD Styli, Dor yawl rho:woe/1g Sl,VOittll OT Oistoll4l7o[l. Pc• to • •tion to resurS to On otlrcr pitbilsettqnsom• nnuoing . • • THltltu THOUSAND dolfmnot Muds, lon '1•1.1 court, tutu rstatins, ioblett try furnhb wrath., 441 • J. LAINAD.:3 rout Hi 'IVOR It KNT .OR LICASN.,--The very. •...a: lorso wool common°. • WANNLIOU6N, No. nu= WAN, of t foor &MI. Ilk bight, thittpfl to feet to 141.111. [OVUM! JP from Water t, - /rout Woes lc cillet. fur Root or Immo la Tomnn. 1.1.. -T. Winnow 4.t mot. occoptml rllim. Nal. Intivi kflo. - Appfy . :.-,.- . - delNif RO NUT SINN, Tuve.. w. 7.. . Tu. KT_.sTutir, Itllool, .No, 52 SLIFIE .:. Colt IL Atm 11AL1,60 to.f, 36. WI, . w okram '..o.or of N .62p0l 54 it tnnt.itroct, °lnn Woo NNolonti CNIS ' . c..,• film *WRY COOS, Co Arre.ruli.trobt, I lvdd. Unl PIO 40 Noct, ott Nom) 11.mr. -.10.01..f - ! L . M12:11 . . . ... .. r. IR NW, N 0.61 in. CNN tit. FOR R[CNT —X'Tlt7ee- 3turied niodem Jr. ball el HOUSE . on Ito. Wait, betwo; u See,- !end a. Inquii - • 01. J. SALL: P. MORRIBOS, 6 4 / 4 1 Anogrorys. No Ino totirtb at. XllB KIER n.l testicle or bin kinds and ~omen to bit tkrlir Lib. Poet of ALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 ... • • . g ill• newest dosiipin Is TorolgoCaid lUoods, kie:::ifilidi /*lll, Abq Is fall .4. of BoPs * zirtil youth.e..Olothinge 11 .• %My onltsnit, slut 'halide. to cedar In tlwOvoiy' • . . • . t bx 2Aillie O. , WAST, : • . ., i caner f Posik Oiti si..clar ma. --' iomprid lkortiel swam bc4m ' ' ".- LES‘4S bble: choicel'Pippirif slid r Harm Mot Roaday: - RN 1111111,4:15 Crurn ACIIIIIIM—R6 bbl, No Lute Nicitorit. lIRD.4OOOIb tie WlANd.ila 14..4 11•1111NNIN Imams( 7447 AP,; 44TMIL1 AblB , 4trg atht &rub iv 4.ll.o4llrnaillk CD. 11ZrANTED—Aitire Rosinese Diqti.•tolalit:. . .. T n There !twin in 1 o.lkl Company... l nil4nct Os* Mahlon. Lontklek Yoinvg beta Rife. Improvetrints In good nrclitiii order. for partknisr• taqi ..... 0.1 64110 liiiii HT ft K I NO, li•olisr, .117 St. 9air at. THE ONLY DISCOVERY WORTRY 01 . ANT.COAFIDINCE FOR RESTORING The Bald and Gray. Many, gaol:, the Great Vitro,ivery of Prof, WOUD,bass attempted not only to imitate his Reetoredov. but twofer to have diecorene I something that with/ prr-, duce remit. identhel; but (no tome all of mid dims, belognerntidserey by the woodertul results of Prof Warr. prepared.., and Love boo Laced to leave the field to he, essielbse may. Read the followins: 10000, Meter, April IStb,lB6o. Poor. 0 J. Wool A Co: eleute—Tbe letter I wr ste you to ltlnl,counerstlug your valueb i•Ltair ilevuerstire, end veleta! you bare publiehed iu this vision) and elsewhers, ben 'loon rim to metnerons Inquirim touching the facts In thr no.. The ingubwee ere the.. la It s hest of my habitetiou sod sumo* sorted in the cotarouoicettoth seciondils It true of all therein .outaitted; thltd, dose lay heir still cow Dune to bei in good ordered v f wtherel cola/ To all I cem sofa do answer thverlably. yea. My emir Is even better thou loony stage vial life for forty wittethiltYi and better colored; the mum Is true of my whim/gemmed; the only trues why It Is not generally true, te that lb* mar dance Is 'cathedra by lloquon.lsblutioo albs face, when 11 Me wen, Mod by w , prugt err:win akoreptlOlWOloti with the whiskers, the taro. ;molt will follow as the helri 1 bete been In lb. receipt of • greet nember of letters hour ; . all parte of New Rogiend,orking melt my hair still nine , Unser to be good; wither* i• so wain howl to the to/A.00; tare sod see of earl.. ronq,modi se well se this, it Lott no doubt, lat. b.0.1y holland .ea been need not only 2 wlthont any good effect, but to abOoluts Wk.,. I boo. not; turd soy of your Restorative of .07 account for rid.' trionthe,•nd yet toy hair Is as good se ever, sod huo.licdi; have .'embed It with enquire, es I am now 01 !mere Old . ; and not • gray Nitrite my hied or on my ace Mot to provic thle fact., I rood you • loch of my heir takes, olf lb. pert: week. I reoelved your Wm of two quail bottles last mini.: seer, for whloh t am Terry grateful; I de. It to my friendi, end taareby induced - them to try II; many were skepticel . until otter trial mil then purchsed end used it with milel venal moues. I will art es • floor. that yoo mud toe si toot by which I con discover Rood in the Keetmetive, entd by tosny,l fear, without authority Rom you A put• onto ale • 111 tromm armour nod I bolls.. whore good Sines 44 not follow, the %Dom Is canoed by the impure article, whlch coon the loTerslot of the gore. 140.10 It my duty, es heretofore, to keep you *herbed of the coottsued easel pd my heir. or I inure all wno toucan., of woof my timhektiti opinion of vidnable 0 atilt. I' tenislu, Wier air, 7otireo •.Cettrusosn , 'Mime, non, Hy, Nov.Z.O. Pour. 0. J. Wow,. Dear air—l would matelot, be debit you • gre•lhointtle• not to make brew* to the weld, the wonderful a 0,11. the nuespented reentt, 1 ban gavots. mired from tiro' on bottle.' your kb& Reelorstirs. Alt r using eysry laud et ftrarratives extent, but without edg tree, and Audios my head trolly derange of bell. eine finally induced to tcy r bottle of your 11.10 Restorethge. Now, candor et d Asa. o=4ol Me 10 aungEntr• tort cosy read MK that poor pc•Ory • no,. and bestir growth of heir, which p OOOOO rhher end Mode, 10 than th e al thel wva. will therefore take occasion ito noommend this Invaluable remedy to u who may bel Dee terceselly of Is. Reepectry your. Rv tl. A.1.1.ge P. A. This teatimoulal of 'my appmbetiou for your 'albs. hie medicine (ser you ere swam of) Id smooliclied; y. s thluk it w , lib) • place setting the met, Inert If Ipu nut, &ahoy, and my clothing. Yours, An, Rev R A. Rd The Reedorstive le put up I. Deltles of three Ow, lig: ergo medium sod inualk the mill bold. bolt a pint nod nails for one dollar per tiotshr, the Manm bad. tit I_ _Rid reuty per otht. mere pn.its.rlion than the =all, MODS two dollars per bottle: he lit e• hold. • quid. 40 tit.fr rt. awn In propognoo, end resole ter gg• bottle. WOOD A 00.,Propmetors,441 &midway, NswYnik, od 111 Illartet street, St Louts, Do; sod sold by all iknOn midst. and Fancy 8040 Craton. esldhlydithter Coats aftmars iiitalu. 7T - 11 - 6 - A ... na-Otlta•, it Grant i•11{11•11 • 111:116•1.6rUlt Lulls of Mater, Pa. =MligMl ATTORNEYS AT LA*, VltilOand+, Slelhoi• BollJtog. torn. of WU! owl SC,Ile 401 oolgoibr ()WHIM P 11 A.l !M.N. ..... ..lOAROI.IO W. AnnaliON lI ASILI.TON h. AC II E Arr So , V it , rmis AT VW (Mtn ti" u. 11. mom L POod.orgh PaCid H. •M. sail El t t ro•nav and Cottnaell.n• at L.bil =MI • Klllll , l'S LAW BUILDINGS No. 13 Dixmond Street. E; otyltl11;1 ts, N... do.. to St. Pow". Maids T 110 BIAS &WINO; 4TrORNRi ANOCOUNSILOR 411 . 413e.! , ,..N0 161 fourth weto.t. pear Olst,t, 'fbitabripbta. iibbettatitmcnta.' , • 14 AK KR CO.'S IREDURNO LP ?SASSY/ Ll OD ILIVICII THUS'ANDOSSURIK. UNSU aIASU IS QUALITY AND grriell s ; OILING SSW enter AND OSSY PRIPAILID. It. am,. If fairly tried..lll nu motors lb; • the dlgeettee orga=luvigotate the blood. p a l= &t -end rotund ty to the Sutra. and uhf NMI,' to the t1:1 mind eel nervy= eyelets. its =las by beintri" souk ably "'Wowed by desalt...hal nalocalleeplfe. emelt. II ordloiry Webs bad beet "duly esbamdid helloed. notel•Omenkto the body 'abet toolbar.= .. =roe, e td fusoletee the dame with fret In • trod, remarkable madras, • CO/VIUMPTION ale BRONTIMELE, Apr 30E0FULE to all Es ikeel•par•tr. C 1 • Pon IFEEKNESE, WIETWIRZ 1•F• , :# orattarz ltarestrathe propertbe I.l* tottivelml It easy be tat t o without didellsb by 'bald:4.4W • Oct. pidieut, • retained without e ff ort la the =Per • • amssitim atom O. Its =pod/silty In this end , 41.". imocetant rbateerer,Nlti rd genniaeuena tam guiden• afeed lor It the commended= of the tort emlaltut Physicians throughout the Stet.; the settles teeth mot y of the Varolty of the test malkel schoodqbe • gProf...ors of the emplutaffr OP P/NitiffrhriNfal, JEFFERSON COILFOK OF PINLADELPIIj4, cr, PIM/ INELPIME COLLEGE OF NEDICINZ:••• others r i Invalid. should be caredal to parchw oil of Ira "' doubted reputation,ll they deeds the meet actlyStmull Immediate advantage. ol the remedy. That ',blebs. prepare lam decided *video.= of =wised), pder 0 4 ocher breads Illeaufactund Dull by • JOHN 0.b3.111511b CO, C Importers cod Deeledidl DrovhChelutode. 1.1 tolambhlll , 110.164 nwttrtords. ROMAN CEMENT, KOSENDA Lit OE, diver, CALCINED PL ASTER, GROUND pLorrag, At., Mama and 'ld ED W I N ma idiom by • A. SEMI Bag:: North.Wtot cutott front nod Willow watt., MEI yd Philadelphia. • • 8. PIIGIIET & ESONB, IMPOETEEE OP us•v4abist. PICIARS4 No. VA South Prout atm.!, PLI1•4•101•, Po. I effatifshOif 111104 Sir rer•lv• malady, oud offar.• thole. goof final of diotrabl•Olgano. Ttuatfatilloo of I>rog6iata Groom sad oll*s i lOnflUff foftlyd CARDS 1 ; CARDS II CARDS II I PRINTRRtii SNAZT AND 01:114ARDS. Beet end Cbeeptst In the fdailket. - 11 Cards for Mounting Photograph Pictilres, Of Sapeitor Quality. end ed. Lani Prices, i', Rine and WAVeand.fine ffht , eFtAne•Boarda,Al'reteirßoards dx , cts had and for tate by N A. M COLLINS, _..,_____, SAPID sad CARD Wantboaae, 500 MINOR STRIIIIT, !Alta ' PRILADILPRIR. 11 16t161111°)&w /WIW°L reit r4e;;;1)-- tt:\\ c)N k \ ? C7AXI • - A 111111311T4 ("t, ;TONIC,DIURET.IC, •tzoarmsitt. paßAnsttomm. PTIEDO HOLLAND GM, FOR MIDIOAL AND VALIDATE 71* hive • Itrgo •toolt UDOI.PIIO WOr.PE'S PURE COONIAC ' BRANDY. ' Impotte.l and hi.oh.l by Maud:. warranted pig. isto best guattq, vein, bhi cortlll , sto on thi twit?, " 4 5.1 oaths cork. . • 0 DOLPH() WOLFE'S PUlig pORt - ; .IN,L. hip.t.4 sad hotbed by Wesel,. pot eft rot ladlifieel map . with bit certificate es tbe bottle; ssassaid pots , II , ' 'Sad of the beetfitedtty. 5 1 - UIWLPIIO WoLFReg Poßg , STABlikal. •• - WINE: •• -' il - • , I . riiitiarfed sod bottled•lipbtassif, the wee K r.e wt... UDOLPUO WOLFE'S PURk •MklkEißi. , • , . - WINE. , ~ k. , . • - id , I...ported sod bottled by bbastlf, tee private sadteedlciesl • um, lb* bad sirs era: ollared to tbe 0 11 4 1 0S•hot, U...Ttilt alas lowerrested pertectlf (qua , • UDOLPIIO WOLIVs • PURL JAN AIO ! • ' RUM, st . caorxitum,sdoTeir. ' ANDIRIBn.WTMICT'i All fib abet. Impaled sod bottbel . by. blatill 4 wsrugab4 pate sad of tb4 bad o ,lolltl. ' . l - • ~ 1 . 0 THE2IIIBLICI, •.. 1 , tat fa nista ay bitstatton es • pao, Sty: 4 . 1141111 al* aterobsat of thirty years residents to lbidty offitas Tort; bat slut 1 tiltdat sal 64111 2 I. lol th 11 1 7 01 1 1 01. 10 .1 2001,,' *ad top Oenifirsts, •lb titanst sad as be nfilleduitatfiry !tiptoes* erha 11 , 14 ilea sad Glarioriatttliele pitiFt , ' Outbid she thisprebreors lo them aribiles. l, ~, , ~' • ,•',-, pee - We by all astedtebie Dr 211 1100110112 11 00,00 • , . -. . .• .nnotzeo:wirum. - •,!! &a. tleobbietaier and Icipater of Ma ISttledadiArtifibtac 111,20 sod 22 Swat alnot;ra Tork. s, Mew a.Airsaa. , .i.- • . . N 0.1110.10004 Arad:, L SUN D. 1312.92 5 0. bble..olloloo iffnetl Mid moons—us keg • ; • ISTAIOII2OO bons Woes emit. HONLIT.- 0 Mb; 11104. 1110r,o ; • 1000-5 LW. Pm&. ' . war rsacnes—po hi . stare st 111 !Wood*: • 4 -ALM- nallKlrAtiMalit Rut& OUTTIM- 1 4 so Wilt • 4 .1 VIVI; • , 3 40114 111 k0 -4,1t44 41 .' j e 01 40- • armilayt .11 tiBURGII TII Lowe •nd Ts 4. Ml] ornlndo oltik.Tlll IRIPIt Or Tall WISU TON.Willa I I.ork•out for Ur N.. Land r ft &ion 1101 rplautargpsiLiisito ISALL9OR FIaNICLIN HALL ' . . ~ sth St.. opposite Pittsburgh Titeetre. AK II ATTHICOrft, J.6. - Pr opeWor Pills elekont and oonunodions bail is new & ',molded orltb XINS NM . Id &VIOLS NM SILLIABD izi a TA 111.100, el' the tetvid and 113011 t approved elyttentelpittorne and le othereine flitted op equal to troy WU* con tot the aecontntedatfou df citizens aimt etraa.gess, awl It I S. ali, rrtrofort and coutenlenee, le not itittooOlo4 tr to rn the Weate Ptatte . The PnrprieVr witches eon notion of the patntuage Ito liberally bottomed Dolt. Saloom berate. fore, end 1.111,.• the publlo that every attention •10 be p.I Ito their cont&rt arid pleamnr. • ' • - N. It —dont ter the est. of Ildllowd Tablohaall, Cloth, Curs, CitePoittut, Chalk end all other ardr4a. In hilt IWO, which hi eendlepotof ou maganable tame sod at Om menufeoloreee whole at. prke*. • - .:- t &US 'izazios siscihzEtua ON Pim': icu ttops . PLAN OM Or NM TORE. City- Hall ffquara °ornate Estankfott at., Opptati City 13•11 Itmy ar7 IA aderwl, h lb. rpsoloar There is r Dm bees 151.0 p and Bath Rooms sttorbed to lb* 1101.1 • • • ' N. It —13•11/11.8 at RUnollfill sad fisokinos, • who n) •to MIL oc.nlyti LONDON Of •UAtualtbei, In ovary or. of P•ckhem hopothed and•for mho to 111 nabs one, by • GARDNER G. ,YIFELIN, 217 frialtoit Street„ New lrorlc. !dom. J & J. Cotegierhsv• newt!, Nen' sieultred • Pia. vanes INJUET:OII. by the New York erriteedor Court against •,frairdatent nu., far Conetarllttlot,Abar Tom* Vass add Labois, sod .111prosuols p rce.s . imUssi Spades. Malin! as ibefre. . , 'roil:moved Piano . Portoo. NANUI/AOTONT 'AND - IBILICWOO . VOurteetil-et., (bran. Ihild Amour, NIEW YORK. Col. • •Eturt•r of • eentary, tbAlostremest• oseasbotor od at lb• above E•tablt•hro•ol bays tottedmynas,: . Int to Me conotry Th•fr dontbilliy,atrouilb, aud del 7' OS to. mud toTtab are highly •pyrectated by WI lobo One% lb. • t•olLoogb Irbil. The Propri•tor.by &big big yer••••1 snootiest to dm nmorattor• of ••ob laarsomet. NAM 11l d•ull., eclibtoi to-guarantee mayerboszoolleac• aud 1.140).111y la aver/ n awn. ATTORNZT IT LAfT;, pirresonou, PS. .emu J. Oorin Lat. ul 1.11•0116 Ma. RICUARDSONIS LIN , ge I and M IL IIS LLia at obbdidaft 0115DUIS DB, thmid • • tbal the Inking floyoutolorf aroma. 40 With the fon um* et Om Soso • •• •;..a • J. N. RICHARDSON; BONO ICOWDIII. • getimee• of lbs•vodnormad'asmbillnfol the Owen •• qlsi• Hanks if ntoderial •••••stally 1110111111 f f. 7,11111 law qOlatit• of Inferior and disoDy• lawns ere profound •Daroo,re and sorlyd lOWAN WIMP a ILIODARD: BO • f0r,...4. Billistad alike oilitimthe MO* Pima of lb• 'mint Orcl, BOW 'Dot rreao3 ,•••-•• ••• - Molasses° pokabkk, Tun:Mous b• Impaol au !th Genie of • Tforthf••• su donato, • • , • •• J. uminta tz. WM% Seilll4 at Dud* Btookliff, To& T l l/1 XVXS ism JCo LLISB! llis last night but two! nui tin - twos! uow 10 PAY 2u■ &INV Atto=fort Iltibtttlgttntlll%. giogle Room, Fifty Cents Per Day. • IL VILIIIN4R, Proprietor J. &, J. OOLINIAN'S CELEBRkTXD 11.11:. MUSTARD, 11=0 D. woscppr,w, %/ 01) . 04 4 0 •-•;' 0 Pit AS A. RIC M. IC-1,1411i AGENT. TIM DELICIOUS TOMO STINDLANT, SP EC IA LLTdesigned for the use of the , r dial now,. .o the reestrois,iss espF. eedsJ the so-esDed •IDEA,^ ••rtiteL •IMI• eatid,..Scheapps," etc, IA ocni iftionird 111 all a Me piomioost phyloWans. chendgels ced amushossumu prow up al a Jody Lurie bastlebssi Quail. ( Ie Mb obS diutepo .01ch beloole tom ohluadperuGto. DM up ipmxt b0L11 , ..0.•nd sold by ell dnIUMIL Pm" . 10 . , Dr. MD% IL ICILOIRILIIOIFuoIs* *put. A. it. UII4IIItOURAIID., Pule Pr:cubical', P1u.19 Uroul Unlei. It. Y. if.tablhhed In 17713 tic7ollv IMiU!2MIZU IRISR LINENS, DAMASKS, 111APMRSvic IMES i • , 1111,1P.01 , 111.111112: , r.. ~r 50 Aim. MONTH 31:1 1. 1iX .. PINSES :l.kainti in Um United litatar, to Gyms Ina nF4nrintile and 'obey boslneirc by *bleb the abate proillifoilei bowl:M.lr . ..du& . Fur fall partninlars..odrear Dr:-.) =NAT IWASNItit, Na IA Mitt Tirell , b strrieti .. Iligi,f Tea 0 11 7.0. daring eon poetagio Own 1,. '. , • atsa JAMEB IL. OUILDts.&,OO., HOPE COTTON. mu 4 aumifzeur, wry ",• ormuraoyass. 0 SEAMLESS;„BAGS, =rad _ OSNABITRGS, 32 inithee to4l.o . inentie wide. bedew; left. at IL ChiMLA C0.'i,133 Wood atmt,Pitt•bargtortfl indiutimitbaa oakly 810101 W • JOHNSTON, \ 'DEALER iN PUR lI 'DNITEICgm - Parfurriery.; iran-- CIiSM• , Burning Irluic4-01124- Ft.zmly Marls !Arlen. to. Ca, ol &mai/ proinvnityloyncli Ye oleos I Gongs? MIMI. • - CORNER 11111717, ELD AND' F0ng1131171, , , ' Pi TanQnp9.Ra. • • - I;ISMiiiigIMMECiiIGI 1' AMA& BL' BALPH;' • , I yr ke mantel ito Obas: VDT, treepiTes IX. PLICIIT DB &WINOS andßPatOlllOLtki pew kW* bolldtnp, sodmimeo teals Weer mimeo pa rainkosatik. 44111111. °mac. 011-ANDIE4OIIITUrn. Women Iwo* sad itobloson stria, kt • A -LP alekiii slasrutuNT In Steam and' osph crlimmasni. .1" ETTgR9 PATENVitei=iliept. itll, IllalX ttr'r maple sal' .maies tre...amag Btadliabili Alnaacti vbasoby tb• faU atroll*of 0.4••••••01064,1 ,,,, d.o. NNW tsr,rbat tbicin•i",ql, tb,,,ose ,, s,S. troll tre im Mr tasrett—tber, by "Orsellbg • vial of 'tower 'Miro Ingo Own of Olital aipoishi4 owl a aim,- pendia/I •••10•314 •- , fobs:dons ssa immuiol ,/1111-VIAPII;Ood an thost• Vim" of •aln.g rldlits to taalabtlityrd"alorot. as 1.1,11 as timitory seas •. pant: 4.ll•o6nielrealdflapft.M.st km left at Ma ado, Qi Mama, 11.1•••41 Cubing. wry* st Lay. threw, 0 rent ••• UkuiOo4 *lnet; .1141ir• pink* awl• an cad IN% Aitken alio du terms,* Ileum sale,' fa. • •.• r Wurgp, • 41101184 BIM% . „ oava • •, _ 7.6l:4ll.Atlearoag co, Ps. - ARTE ISI 4 II PIPE VOR 011ArkLIZ;IFLOWIJOIRTS, Wllollolll' IKON MILDID TIMM LAP.W.LDID 11101LUR PLUM waaolutoled MOIU3IB, TASKIra CO., Pl7O/1 ! Hiatt IFORKS, MILADSLIM lA, 7 wall Dm §DGAIV AND 110- N Ew UMW 'N alai 6.14.19661,1,66 , 1C:1 bble.aa 1001tbili to arrive ttapwei—At Di bola *t tiO 1t dodlikiy6y , ...10U166.414:6176111 CO. cLUN DRY PRODUCIL-60 boctiluall Whits • . 66066 iik , ?6olj, • — 2 i 6.106A141.18. bei OATS, , :16 crosOoft BROOM 6„ MO Primo Loaf LARD, . -36 COO 003611111664 06 . 666,411 ZIL6r. -OYU' - J'At✓a. IPUTICERzetnior 'COO - 4661e HMOs. UK FURS! "MULLER si Ref bruit rialidika_ Libman You. Immo CluOdos COSSISiod OVIUWOULO.6.—cww..., 6066 .1061141—5t136 W0060n64,661610ki Dr Co sled. tars rsplred, Odom*. sad_ Wood I. Jo best olaar. Oridi kW. Mb WOO POI imosta. solOa. UR° roriimmlunnihat deVitillo , Alll,ll aortae —54141 .1/IMI 81,4413.-2071 Mogi - StillMfmr. - a Milrownr, GicareilaCialftelmostit. DRUMUIC-40„ Rye Flour' A, CH 111116t-400 tater pito& Catlin Viisto - , , lIIITTO bbtilftidiSen Mae "Mk ligipotiais • - 141rA4viliarsue, RANBRABM--N irtrdine order - z 00. A .PPl.lO=-100' .bbiet:Ooldeti Ruieeui; A spots Choke alijeted;' too bb u le Oxemde—lartomellbe by , - '4211 • . - 4101.tt NlVABA,ll4lllllbartvg,. UGAS-30 ILY.-Magir4 4 1 0,1 1 .401114 Webs la 0 166.0. 1.41MM48.-lao N. 0= ret. 2 ::,i - Artamr: 801 l Bat- MSS