Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 02, 1864, Image 1

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I TO! Will fU
Hi ifiiHl
At 1.5U per Tear, always In Atlvaz.re.
M ItMMlMI h:MI-HKl:kLl
Tuesday Muminu & FrisJay Afterniiiin.
-- - - - ' ' '
lesrriiauksiviu,; Djjt was mure g-n-
erally observed this year, probably, than
ever before. Those who spit at "Abe
ljiiicoln s rundoy prow lewer aDd tewcr.
Ilereafler, the last Thursday in Noveui-
ter may be regarded a a National Fcsti-
T.I and a day f,r family reunion,.
KSUThere is before us a letter mf.
narked Wept Rutland, V., Nov. '2-1, ad
dressed "to Mr. ISermrd Kennedy, Chron
icle nf5ce, Stale of I'eunylvania." As
we know no Fueb man, any other "Chron
icle office, irtate of l'ennsylvania," may
have the letter and fish for the owner as
we do.
" QUITE riCOliAHL!-;. Sherman may
tj bis move csur-e another Kcbel attempt
at invasion of Ohio or l'ennyivania. It
ia therefore only prudent in ur (lovcrnDr
and i-resiueni to rinse iiomo uuarus to
protect our own borders. Franklin and
.. i- e
Adams Dave raiseu companies, wuicn are
now io ine u ,iu, ior mat purpo.e. j no
Dumber desired, is Io,(H0. If Dot failed
bv volunteering, we suppose a draft will
be recriired.
- - '
SrCongress commences a shirt session
on MoDday next, 5th Dec, and our State 1 td by him, had the honor of serving with requisites of a fierce and successful hunter, 1 Hero is a fine opporlunity for (he old sol
L cislature on Tuesday, 3d Jsn. 1605. It yourself iu the Jilaek Hawk war. Iu aud can, when occasion de-mauds it, exer- Maj. Gou. Hancock is to be Com-
remains to be seen whether the defeated
1 " , . , . . , . , ', , '
respeot their decs.on.and honestly aid and
comfirt tho authorities in putlicg down
the rebellion. We hope they may. !
There are two points Congress should !
.... i , g . i r
determine, to govern all future drafts.,
' e
1st. That no man should be cred.ted nut :
of tho district where he is enrolled, (to
protc:t the poorer districts fyim the nmn-;
eyed advantages of the richer ) 21. That
Ihe draft should be strictly enforced in '
, . i i I.-. .i .
refractory Copterbesd. districts, (so that,
, , 1
the loyal shou.d tint be compelled to make
op the losses (if the skulkers.) ',
. . . I
afrrr upririiiinff t, thn tiRonlt. trill
Oleaginous. 1
A responsible merchant and respectable
citizen of Union county sends us tho Oil
Advertisement in another column. Wc '
know nothing further than we have pub- :
lisbed on the sulj.ct. The Oil regions
Lave been found to titecd to Cincinnati
and to Chicago, from West Virginia to
Tinner Canada. BLd nut also run under
Iba AUegbooi. .d erop out bi. .ids. I
Indication., however, .omctic. ptose i
luuiuimut, r .
deceptive, and productions may provo in- ;
-ferior, at one point, to another. j
itl- ntt 1?...,.. ;c Imtifid tn havi itfi :
1 uu v ... - -
. I n tl.. nnth So. Bn,l
course, and may rival the ou b be. and
Mississippi exeitemcnts of older, or the
4alip and oiulticaulis furors of more mod-
ern day,. Already, gold abd silver min-
: i... f.,r. ib. ,.i.nri.,r of nil a
icg pales before the splendor of oil. Aj
-thousand companies are at WOIK. ana
' ;
unknown millions are invested dai.y. Ono
nan stands up, conspicuous, radiant and
drirpioe with tbe fortuue be has made:
wuiie uib ucjiiuun, """"
4he eea of speculation, left no sign of the
1 :l l.:- .1.1.... 1,,
pot where lie cngulphcd all their hopes j
e r
nd former acquisitions
Our advice is that no one embarrass
timself or herself, or risk all, in any oil (
peeultion. There is justification for ;
otue ventures in such amounts as a per- !
on might be able to lose-but more than ,
bat ia too hazardous, and a reckless temp-:
Ittion of ruin
Investments in different
-companies and points, is advisable. Do .
. . ..
asnt h.ili.c. morn th: II ono lentil VOU Lear.
even from cool, well informed, disinterest-
d persons, (if each there be.)
Moog Sbaw Loo will spwd his next :
wacation lecturing on the Oil Wells of
Hormah, (without haviog any stock for
...;) !
Attempt to Burn New Yotk City!
On Friday night last, about 9 o'clock
the lone- threatened Ilebel Dlot to burn!
New York city was seriously attempted '
Fires were started in the St. Nicholas,
. - i i i
cd Lafarge Hotels, and Uarnom's Muse-
tn. The alarm was promptly SOUuded ;
throoehout Ihe citv and the wildest ex-
eitetnent everv.h Prevail d I The si- I '
mnli.n. t .i c if. , . t
of. conspiracy to lay the whole city in
...mtbvuSUDn UI L li IT U..-H .III ii li UUUU,
sues ana extra vigilance alone proved Us ,
salvation, lbe Etc, were communic.ted
fcy means of a sa.ution of phosphorus, :
which .gutted on exposur. to tho atmos-
Sinee then, several other fires have oc
curred. Doubtless there is a wide exten
ded Rebel plot to burn that city and
others, no matter how many thousand lives
and millions upon millions of property
they may destroy !!!
1-Mf.W.shalcsky, whose d-cease we upon the plains. Oa his return, Mr. ! .V , fn ( n T V'wu
record this week wa, a na.ive'of IV.nd, Kit.m.n, recollecting th, fondues, of Ihe X
and fought with bis cou ntrymen in the mule for musie, and desiring to preserve ; K.ight, Sam'l John, And. Ditty, John 13.
attempted revolution about SO years to, in some taogiblo form a lemembrance of1 Liun, I'aul Mastcllef, John Haas,
the failure of which compelled him to fly bis favorite animal, conceived the idea of j Xerthundxrland Cuitntif Binlc (Sbamo
to America. Two of his sons entered the ' manufacturing a violin out of bis remains. ' kin.) F.W. Pollock, J A-Hackenberer,
tnton Army. The
nn. .u i '" wr ! tne
Brtlne or tha lr.at r-m .n I'm., i
, . . ' . , ., i surmounted by the
COUOIV. after having h.n in nn. f,...la 1 J
..ii nn . . . , , , niously carved out of wood, while one of
cur V Ad.-,. P i ,te
'Com. luote & Co., ut ladftendent boa
T n ., i . .
ioa-ftif cix:g, !,lurd,y afternoon, did
iSaWW.y. ' he
Another Presidents' Euckh3rn Chair,
V....... tli- U'u j.Mt..n i !l r PKr..tii(.l.. "7.
.. .-- ' .: . I- .
eeto rviutnan, a nanvo oi uuiou coun-
t Pennsylvania, arrived in this city a
f(, wilb ii3i,J,oinc c!.air mau-
uf..cturil t,v him.clf from ll:o trophies of
bis adventures in the forest, which he de-
i . . .i i i . . i .
.,.,. At ttn 0'c!ek yesterday
j oloroing, ce,rJ,g to arrangement, the
presentation tot k plaeo at the Kstcuiive
signed as a gut to tne I rcsi.i.nt ot toe
' Mansion, The ceremonies wire witnessed
by several ladies and gentlemen. At the now a dark-iron gray, very long aiso hi
arpoinlcd hour, Mr. CliutoD Lloyd, Chief 1 whiskers aud moustache. He has a ruddy
Clerk of the II use of Uopresentatiecs, said: complexion, and a piercing blue eye.
"Mr. l'rts:dent : I have tho honor of, His cap is formed of buJjlo tfcio, and or
iutroilucing to you an old friend of mine, namented with a buek-tail. His blouse is
wliose character I know you will appreci
ate. He has not been reared omid the
refined mfluencis of polished society, but
tilniis to a cliirs of men whose agency is
ind.i usiible to the progress of event iu
tbir Ne World oue of those whose lova
of adventure leads them to seek tho wii-
uerctss, wucre, in coutesi wnu wnu oeasis
, td wi.U men, they become the pioneers
' of Aiuericau eivl.iz itloli. .'I v friend was
J-uu cnuu, IVmisvivaiiia aud
, js reUtj9L.a tboriJ ur(J kuostl , Ill0 pfr.
a.uonift our mot rtst,eeable
citizens. He miirated. in 1 SSO. with his
' father's family, to Illinois, and settled iu
i J
j Tax.'well county, thus beconiiug your near
, I.i11,,r . a,i i.is father s I u, infnri.
' y Iriend, nuding mat tne country
...... a... I . .. I. t . . I 1 C L :
n c
breathe iu easily, lollowed the oursu of
be bruUglt up pu
IDl! I'aoilio slope of California, where he
bus pitcLed his tent and has since resided,
d"'g '' Country it.fii.ite service in civiii-
zing the "grizzlies" and Indtai.s in the
, . , , , ,,
only method Le thinks rructicab.'e with
u eM ,;ciLg a gi)(jd
Jtil (if a uiecliabical geuius, he has devc-
ted his le i-ure momints to fashiobing the
trophies of the obi.se in'o various articles
of u?e or ornamenf. Ilo cume, in 107,
to rrei nt to your pr- d -ceSfOr a hutk-h.rn
... ' ' , . ,
chair, of his own tnat.ufacture, as a token
of .,liti,.!ior) at ttl0 election cf the
firt l'resident from his native Slate. He
ba now crossed the continent a second
iiu.e-, iti iie.-iui to ruu a siiui.ui spee.iueu
i.f l.id Ii fi.il u!..!.- j n L.t'.,., nr.t iiiilu i.f
I..., ... I f . ... . !-.. -A ... Al.A,...l r
, f c . , . , ... , . . ,
from his brst adopted s-rate, butu'soasan
evidence of bis uppreeiaation of the mar,-
ner iu which juu Lave n.ct tho gravest
responsibilities that ever devolved upou i
any humau bcin, in ttuiJio-' the destinies !
uf this jjreat nation through iha most fear- ;
ful crisis in the world's history. He de-
ta lor bin. Ihe Lope that
your fforts lor your count.j a .-U.t.on
my be crowued with abundant success,
auJ llilt Jnu niay eIiJ maDy , bo.,py
uour la ,j,e tvening of your life, s-ated iu
this chair. conteinr,latiiii? tho fraudcur of
. ' ... ,
the Republic after It sha have eracriied,
hiher'aod nurer national
j - f t5 With thes'e remarks peiutit me sir
,0 mave that you d, take the chair." ,
ii, t i u
Mr. Lincoln said he was glad the sptich
... . .
cone o.I.d as u f.r. who it deserved
a response, tha rtq-ust Ibat be should
take the chair, implied that a responso ,
was not expected of biiu. Ho then sat '
.1 i , 1 .1 . :e. :
uown, anu aumireu tue gin, sajing u was
the handsomest thin of the kind h'a had
ever seen. j
i i-- i . i i ii
-ir. rwinrnttu cxpiamca now it Did been
constructed. The arms aud front pices
. formea out of two very Urge uck :
horns, handsomely polished, and tbe back
similarly made. The autlcis remain i
on, and those taken from joung doers aro
"'celj agisted and serve to finish tho
chair in hoe style. The seat is neatly
. 1 .:.!. J t M . . t F. e
cosereu im uLer cam, wuno tun icci or
1 ouoe e.ns 10. IO IUC Viae. 13 a covering
to the seat, Mr. Kinman has dressed a
piece of elk skin aud ornamented it with :
""""'ng f Alvaronia shell. Ilo also
el"hi'.cd tbe long-barreled rinV, with a
flint lotki wLilil1 uas bcel hi constant
companion, and which was used by bis
father at the battle of New Orleans. Man. !
a guzziy bear had met bis death by means
,,f tl.t n..n .n,l l,-,,l
. . ...
,Dat " Ci"1 "eL'n ,rffIllcutly Brought luto
Kqiion. Mr. Lincoln took the gun in
,:. i j s . i j . fl
bis band and carefully examined it. He i
seemed to be very familiar with that kind
nf nun. and utaln.d that he l.a.l first learned
, ... i
8 ' W'th ,h ,U"g r'fli' !
J he greatest curiosity, however, and 0D0 i
- -
ich PO-bl, exhibited more skill and
ingenuity than eitber ol the others, was a ;
fiddle manufactured by Mr. Kinman out
of ,he rem-i3a o , flV0ri,a mu;0 IIe i
M ,ht when b(J fcft bis bome t(J j
. . .. .
the ltocky Mountams, he loot witu lum
his violin, and nightly enlivened tbo camp
with its familiar and old-fashioned airs.
It wai
a singular fact that tbo mule
I would be invariably attracted to the spot ;
' by the music. After some time, the mule '
'died, and his bones were left to bleach j
skeleton of bis hesd forms the base of
i heid forms the base of
stock is approprialel, 1
l j i i i
i head of a mule, ,nge-1
violin, and the
"b "d ot ho '
of tbe mule, make a very excellent
r. KiDiuao stated that while be f..
not profess to be much of a musician, 1 by
would give the cjtup.oy a bpttimen of 1 of
the t.me of the instrument, and played
.ti-CPful aiTS.
i ... I.-." I .1.- .-4
cent iviuuiau ia uao oi mo ocs..
senta'ives of a backwoodsman, a hunter,
aud a brave aud hardy pioneer, wo have
; ever seen, and his sppearanco and man-
new are intercs'intf. He. id about six
t . I . . ,: .1.. .. l u : I ..... .:...) t
tee. m ucii.t, auu urn iuru uus ii-l-iiu-j
that fane muscular development only to be
obtained by healthful ou.-d,.or exercise.
lie is p;rareut!y about forty livre years of
ge. lie wears bis hair aud eye-brows,
tastefully aud neatfully undo of dres-ed- ,hl. ,.jj ult f fr()lll ,n npliiinn to Liber
deertkiu; alsa, bis p-iutalonns and moc- ; ty and Urookvillo, bringing with him o
cisinp, embroidered in iiuitaiiuD of the pieces of llehcl artillery, about 800 hor-
InJian costume. His powder-horn con-
tains several well Executed pictures of an
imals, aud hunting scenes, and bo wears a
ueci!ilee furuled of b"ars' teeth
: ' '
p-'afnce would iu.-piro in the untutored
Iudian, and, wi:U bis long experience,
' i.n. uA nn..trin t.r. tk
' i...... t ,. r...i .i... i.:. i.
I . . . . ,
1 has nririia aihon Kimimn ciisn tai It 1 4 trarIr
7 " " ,
; 15llt Kuil DC c'Jently custatcs all tho
ciso the most hnr.-h anu determined meas-
ore, iu order to varnish bis foe, whether
.1.- f .ll
man er ueasi, uc ls lu0 0BUio uuao ....
of butnnr aud good nature.
The interview with the President, which
lasted f r half ao hour, will form an
agreeable episode in tho history of Kiuman
as well as in that of Mr. Lincoln, who
appeared to enjoy the occasion as a picas-
ant relaxation trout his eiiu-ial duties.
r,,..., ..... . , . .
Aht.e exhibittBT in Lewisburg, Mr.
ICiiiman let fill an observaiion which
tuaJe bis auJitors su-p.ct be is a strong
. . ,, .,, , ,, .
Uuionist. He said ho should not grieve
to death if Mr. Jimes Uuchanan should
accidentally fail out of the buck-horn
chair which the .pSak.-r gxn him, aud
permanently dislocate the joints between
J "
chair W
his caput an 1 baek bone or wordsto that
el, much more Ssxoniau than wo havo
indulged! L'n. Lew. Ciinos J
ra tub .sTea . eua sirLE.
Seduction, and Doulila Hurder.
Iu ail ages, a public disregard of the i
laws of dustily, and of the sanctity of I
, .
human life, has preceded tue downfall of
a nation. Neither wealth or bravery caa
proserve a pejple whose virtuo is sj lost
ilttit the honor and the life of their mat.
rou can be sacrificed without one innairy
, . , I . ... -. I .
e ' J r 1 "s,lt'""u
ss erer ,hou, ,rreJ G)U.pt ,cavfs hm-iy
and home to fight our battles. His wife is
c "rupttd : to hide the iufamy, abortion is
attempted, and the unborn child perishes
with the unhappy mother. I invoke the
'uo ,-' i , ,
minister oi iaw au'i I'lsi.ee J uuea anu
. . .. ....
.lurora. ntates Attornev and .si .laistrarpfi. i
,,r whoever is clothed with tha power to Several hundred prisoners have
bring the guilty parties in this harrowing been exchanged at Savannah. Our
tragedy to condign punishment. Your men comeback razscd, Starved, dis-
....... ..:,. ",. , .. , .
u. i-i.r!lv a. hi..l.:i. d aril ltlira th. Iiii.
nor "f womiu every where imperatively ;
de,uaDj an ei'pitry into this case, and tbe ;
ttnT.uro and ti JlilahiiiLnt of ull wh.i mav ,
.r ...," i". 7 ' i
- i.u.l.. ,...,,. i....i.T.,ii.,a.
Thc Ivli.or of the Junto Sm.lnel
relates the following telling incident :
.v tbo way, this reminds us of a little !
story. The other day, a party of four j
c" dressed Cops came into Ij'rant 8 IIa" j
"--si iv--- "- -
i..,i.u iud mi, uo oi .u-iji mi ue-u f
t0 ,ue others and said
id: "We niusf stop I
thu i. mml ... n ir.nir tn th. cnnnsrl
laying to the support
' of preaebcrs-tor it is a notorious fact i
i.. - .. .
that all the preachers are opposed to the .
I'emoeratlO 1 arty. At ILIS point a gen-
t'eman who was sitting by very coolly rc- ;
marked, "Yes, Sir, and it is just as uoto- !
rions fief. Ihat the nreaehers r all nn. !
p sed lo tho Devil." This raisel a big
1. - . .1. at ihe ernensn nf thn IW .mi.Ui !
. . ... . !
which they departed.
....... .. I
fcarihe II dhumsport jsuuetin baa tbe ;
fuiliwing notico of an industrial interest !
in L,eomiDg coonty( established by two j
J o ' "w (
of Hartley Twp, Union Co.: j
i Cnvm V nlstnrl thla n!i. i
I... "l. ..- -.:,! .k ..-,.-. !
-p'-j- "'
bu3lnesS crne'1 oa luD ,0 Sln11 !
stream. .vuoui 0au ,
-i . . . nr . i ts. r .i .
- KiX we en
a m-. e, whjt. woo)en bantet thM
w 6il0wn ua b. Mr.Auble as a specimen
of tbcir manufacture in fact, we never
before bclicTCll ,.enDJTivaiii. oouU pr3.
A .. ...aI. ..it.U 1 t t.ia k ;!.
uu u-" " ""- .
to sleep warm, speak in time.
Bank Directors 1685.
Lnriibunj Wm. Cameron, Jos. Meixel,
D.S.Kremer, Solo. Hitter, M. Halfpenny,
,e"i Griffey, J G L Shindel, J.D.S.Uast,
eo.tJross, J.M.Huff.
Jos lloovcr, j .mteimoycr, j.Ji.iayior,
Tho Humg.rdner S.Bittcnbender.Jo.Uird,
J-U Douty, Va regely. 1'r.A.Clark. Geo.
Jos. Hoover, Hj .uttelmoycr, J.AI laylor,
They Ulk of miogeo-paDieti. New
p"p -
mr.ni.ni-ilila nhit .!! Sw. .l nv.ni..nna
ti,. ..;ki- a.A k '
P"" iniiuijr iiretm ncm
monopolists who have obtained control
tbe maikeU. I
Rtbt'l Attack at Franklin.
'I licy arc Itepiilsrd at all I'oltitM.
V.lV.ll LOSS 6.000 klUID AND WlllMJlll.
Fkankli.v, Ten.n., Nov. 30.
To Mai. (Jen. Thomas: Tho cn-my
made a heavy, persistent a'ta.k with about
. two corps, commencing about o cloex in
). .ft.....nn.. ...I ..liit.nr.ll tOit.lfirb
. , ---.s - - - - i
' 1,0 w" repulsed at all points with very
j lJ,Mt '.bauTncl
; ,,.uth of thdt iuiub(.r ye captured about
j 1000 men, including a Itriiidier-Oencral.
Maj. Gen. t'cnoFir.i.D.
New Youk, Dec. 1.
The Herald? s New Orleans correspon
dent says that (Jon. A. L L?o, the Union
commander of tho Uutou cavalry fotces at
li.itnn li iiiit. returned tn lht ttnint mi
! S1'a a"'1 ni'-103 '" prisoners, juclud
u ihe entire sUU uf (ion. I) ftll of
which were cpturel after a sjilendid en-
g.gementwi.h the enemy.
A NEW army corps is to bo organized,
to cousist oi soldiers who have served at
; least two years, aud have been honorably
; discharged from the service. The oorps
: ' contain 50,0M(J men.
A sDeeial
bounty of 8300 will be paid caeb mao,
. '
;' '"d they will be allowed to retain their
.- ..i
arms as tueir owu at tue ena 01 tua term
; 0f s.'tvice, which will bo only ono year.
, '
. The prizo steamer "Florida" was run
i " ""
luto a few days ago, by an army steamer
nJ sJnk jn uju(J fi4tuomj of waer
j .
i 3' &,veafa TA;7 M
a&afl 9 i VW Sd
LM 1 1 11 i. t
Ollt'I liMU b UiaiiU JldUii.
"ulUM,r' , ' '"'"
1 htitisolf. 1 ho licbels represent their
, ,c ag m.Mn,. evcrjr ,,osibloelurt
j0 JiinJer ami hartlSd him.
: The notorious I'x-Coii'r'rcssman t'lO
!, ,, "Ul,,,,uu:' vuii0ii.ssiii.iii,i.h,
luto liobel deneial, Kou-or A. 1 ryor,
WU3 captured at lV-tursburtr, aud HOW
is a prisoner at Washington, where ,
ho admiu that .htTmau has captured
Ma''0"' Milledscville, and J.robab y .
A iu.ii-1.1 ,,it.l lliol I. il L-itjtt'2 n n cfli.l
Auirusta, aud that ho knows no sulli-
eiftit force to check Ins advance to
the soaboard.
The Rebels say lhc Union expedi
tion against YVilminton jj given up,
and its garrison i3 inoviuj ajjaiubt
Tbo Rabcls surprised and despoiled
Vn.u- ',.,..L- .I . i t, i. ii i
j .NOW tieek, On tne Wit. A. U. iw. U.,
but were repulsed at I'iuJmont, aid
! retreated. Another attempted inva-
etoii til" IV-nn'a. in rft:.lintinn fir
Sherman is not improbable. jut
lien. S lori.Lin m wi.lo.fi -ol.-r.
. - - - - . vl utiren uavs tiom v.v oaie ncre-io, ai me
tlcn. Iltitlor nnd sta 3 came near to ' cl,,c" of lhe asistants the respective divi
a trajrical death, while on tho "Grey-; Siu,"sj r t ' , ,
- .. ' V And. further (Iial i fm Tlaf plv nfrpr Ihp v.
IiouniJ," near Fortress Monroe. The
j Bob,0 Vesscl took lire aeeide"nta!lv,
i , ., , .
and was totally destroyed, but with
loss of human litl'.
-i. ..;....
0:liJf?(l. lin.l I1A70IIQ (1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1- I i-jmi t in
. .. lllv,
clYcctd of i.ebel barbarity i Hierinan,
it IS reported and hoped, soon will I
rI.no si 1 1 our nriAtinrj I
1 "w- .
i ,., i.-ma rf.( llrn tn f-t Irlnnna
fr Lis wound
l"P"A Subscriber" and perhaps well wish j
TZmn "t VIhV'. I
and now anaiwrr titat we do not. Onr read- '
ers are aware that we have for years exelud- -
ci. everyining ol .ne sort, anu the only seem-
im; excepiion.that we know of i the adver- ;
oseir.ent of Dr. J. C. Ayer At Co.'s remedies, '
wh,cJ .no" ,,an'ls ' 0,lr f1,urmns-. " Zar '
fritnii (liis nn vnrnir u. it-ill inbirm him that t
these are m ..pat(.nl.. or even s(.rret meil.
c,nes. Their Comnosition has heen made as
publicly known as any oilier scieniilic fact,
aid has moreover had ihe approval ot the
highest medical authority in the land, llut
'h1 llurlit. us Perlaps st.il greaier conn- i
' .wo"" ' " r P"-WD r 1
icage ot me man who makes lliem and lhe
results thai have followed Irmn their use ; i
ra.u.ts as lamihar to our readers and to ihe ;
whole community as they are to ourselves. I
It has been our priv.lege to know Dr.Averl
"l!! f'tl ? s'LTh nVr '
vcrsity in ine aine class with one oi our per-.
sonal inends. nor have we ever 5easd to!
watch wiih interest his singular success in
and untiring devotion to lhe noble profession
he has chosen. If anybody will tell us what
an advertise of more interest to our pat-
rons than remedies that will core Ihem when ;
ihey are sick, we shall cheeifully give it the
oetietu of our circulation. lamarura (111)
On Ihe settlement of Senator Douglas
estate, there are 814,500 for his family.
Corrected Semi- Weekly ly Wall & Smith.
Wheal $-2.50
Corn 1.50
Hye 1 CO
Oats, 32 lb. 80
Parley 1.401 CO
Flaxseed 2.50
Wool 80
Rags erdj
Country Soap 8((t
Hotter, prime 8 45 j
do common 25 :
S() i
Lard, fresh
do old
Tallow 15
Potatoes 05
Dried Apples.lb. 10
Corn.newSO lbs 1.10
By Ri-T.'l! t .ni... tilth Ort. JEltKMISIl MFVSC1I nf
CninnCn.I'a.and MiM MAHyA.N.V AlIANUJ. M1LLLB.
of Fiirtnn. Oirl-Co. III.
la I-ewldlmrg. lh ult., ANDREW WASHALKf KV,
uppoaist to bf otr 60 yuars of mg.
In Wt BulTdis.. Jlth ult. aged 21 yra, FRANKLIN,
on ot Patm 1SKWM SN.
In Iwi.burir, fith Oct, if. .0 Mrs, CAROLINE,
wife of Joseph KEAO.
In N B-rlin, gsrh ult . aM about 13 Jtart, ANN,
In Nw B-rlin, 5Sh alt. ajI anout 13 Jtart, ANN,
"? iw m.tcuki.l, sr !
in Bftll,Tpanuit0UAKL.0R0S?,.6e1.btJ
A 1 TILL be sol J at Ihe latr resilrnee of Jhhi
W Hoi.'uiiTiix, dt-cM. on Market street,
I.ewiihur;. ,n Saturday, Ore. IO a
quaniity fl IK l K II i)i.l tii (L).S--iith a
riioves, t.'arpelin, I liair.. Tables and
House anJ Kiic!:cn Furniture
. generally
Terms male known at sale by
I I IQCI llUI- 1 1 i 1 1 l 1 1 1 Tl I V
Dissolution of Partnership.
fPHE Parii:erlnp in ihe practice of Medi j
1 cine, heretofore exislio; between the
undersigned, is ibis day dissolved by mutual
cnn.eut. i ll- llnuks will be left in Ihe hand
of Dr. liuri lor immediate settlement. Any
aeeeonts not settled until Ihe first dav of
February n-xt. will be placed in the hands of
Lewis K. Kessler Esq. for collection.
Dec. I, lS6t SIMON W. BLI'.U
S. W. IH'Itli will continue the
practice of Medicine, and can be con-
sil ed at 111 olfice f.rm-rlv occupied by
Wil.on A Bur, New Il-rlin, Pa. lie solicits
a liberal share of public patronase
j E" f chlr!es G gr dec,d
; jY I.eiiers of Admuiisiraiion on ihee-tale
' ,, Charles tiross, Senior, late of Bull'aloe
Twp, have been grained to the subscriber
by llie Register of l.'nion county in due form I
Iaw' therelore ail persons inuemeu to saia ,
: estate are reouested tn make immediate nar-
loeni, ami those having jnsl claims asainst
,,e same may presemiheui dulyau'henucated
the same may pre
fur settlement, to
tr aculeate at, to
Huftaloe Tn, Nov. 30, lSUl
Lewisburg Bridge Election.
toth;e is h-reby siven to the stockhold-1
, j er, f lhc L-w.br8 Bnd.e Company, f
that an Electn u will be held ai ihe office of
th- President. n Monday, the " I d.iv id Jan
ary, Isilo, foi the purpose of e'ecting one
Presideut, six Managers, Treasurer, and a
Clerk, to conduct the concerns of said Cum
pany for one vear.
Lewisburg, Dec. 1. lsjli-t pd
Executors' notice.
; -ITTHF-REAS. I.eiters Testamentary upon
' the estate of JoflN UL'NDY, Esq.,
' deceased, late of Cast Buffaloa Twp. In.on
j county, have been gratited to the subscriber,
l". lhe Ue'-'er of Jsa'd """"J'-10 due ,nrm
aii perM,n5ini!ebu.dio said estate are reqties-
i , mAr M,m.,',M ,hse havm. claims
against the same' will present thein duly
authenticated forjsetilemenN to
j.Y t.rNDV) E"cn
East BufTaloe, Nov. 3n. ISCl pd
Mth District cf Pennsylvania,
Comprising Dauphin, Jui.iaia, iorih-
umherland, ssnyder and L nion counlies. j
"VTOTICE is hereby given that pursuant lo j
4. 1SR4. and the instructions of the Secretarv
! uf. ,','rrVur': is,ucd ia fc"a,DC lhere;
I wnn, iu? list oi assessment i.ir tne special
duIy uf 5 ppr Ktntum llpoD hp gains, profiu
cr income for the year ending Dec.3I.su IR63.
of all persons residing in this district, is now
completed, and that lhc said list will remaia
""r" lhI .'I1?rction ot ail persons who
i man ann it In in .ris-ft tniimi f.irihixn'ii''
! ' ' r .' ...
f'The date "reo?
. J. . "52 ,
piration if ten days (excepting Sundays)
to wu. or the Kith Dec.
101. and for five days thereaffer, I will re-
I ceire an J determine al! appeals srelalive to
erations contained in said list. All appeals
must be iti writing, and must state ihe par-
ticular cause, matter or thing respecting
wh.r-h a il-..isnn is rpnn.t-d. and tnllst stale
,he ?rnan i or principle uf error compla
of. DANIEL KEN" Dili, .Wr 1 1th D,st.
lhe ground or principle uf error complained ;
Midlletown, Dauphin Co.. Pa.
ru.LOT iu Lewisburg. Mat. evening
l'PsT ,. - ,.i. i-L' iiiivviii'
last, a Black PORTE MONNAIE,
" bTC awn.A
suitable reward will be paid for ihe recovery
of the purse, money, and papes, by leaving
-" "" 0"""'Ct' "'
jnjoBy requ-st of St. Paul's S.S.Socieiv.
kv ii.ii.iiauTxe.a winreau an iinsi-
nai i orm, - vyi i .oo . hi , i .-i. . .1.1
L'hurch, Lewisburg, on Monday. Dec. .. at 7, j
P. M., after which a Collection will be taken I
l"T "" benefi' f ?"""'ay
' '
Auditor's Notice.
IN the Conrt of Common Pleas of I'nion
County. Vend. Ex. No. 12. tept.T.l6l.
Jedin C. Watson vs Hutipt, Rule A Co.
The Auditor appointed to distribute the
proceeds u u,,. ale of
: ot lhe real rsiate ot
St:tL Harrr, Esq., upon tne anove siairu
writ, will meet the parties interested at his
office in Lewisburg on Saturday the lOih day
of December, 1861. al 1 o'clock. P M
JOHN n. LINN. Ain'iior
Sfat Harrr. Esq., npo
sifny siircp.
. .. 1.
ThJ M Came to tne premises oi mr suo
J.fyf trnh-r m West Butlaloe lownsliip.
L.non Co. Pa. about the month of June last.
The owner is
requested to come forward, prove property,
pay charges and take them awav-oiherw.se
thev will be sold according to law.
TN Ihe Orphans' Court of Uuion county, in I
1 the maner of Ihe account ol Jonn I arer,
surviving F.xecnlor of Jaco Vaacsa, late ol
Harileton, dee'd.
The Auditor appointed by lhe Orphans
Court of L'nion county to make distribution
of Ihe balance in lhe hands of the accountant
under the Will of the testator, will meei lhc
..Ml., in i n lur.cl h,Q ntr.re in I.ewisburff
on Fhday, the 9th dav ol December, A D
i.bd. at iu o'clock. A M.
JOHN B. LINN. Anditor
in Burden I lent Patent
nORSE SHOES. They are now sell
ing at two cents per pound less than
HorseShoe Iron at lhe Cheap Hardware Store
Lewisburg. Oct 14. 1861
Skates !
SKATES! A 6ne assortment of Ladies'
and Gentlemen's Skates for sale at the
Cheap Hardware Store of
MANUFACTCRER of Improved P-r-CUNlon
Walfllts, Lewisburg. Pa
... . : - I
-a -a yMN BOOKS-Ptesbytcrun. M-ihodm j
1 I anil Lulhe,,al fORREslV 1
-THE I'Nl'JX,"
"CHRONICLE," K:ifc!ihf'I ' 1 S-43 WWe X, I77f.
;rrsilOil i:tllflii! !
lfB r. hjvin.. a: llarilri.oi. narti'S fira
V a diMance. l,ii'n; ill- ' "'"
vi-w of opera' i': 2 I r t'ltal I 'il, a; tbt' i:
: lure-
menis and ein fnent are vn-.h as 10 .!'.
Ihe attention f capitaliMs. C ..inpai.ies i-li-
I itu ! lease must do suun or tl will be ! r
ever too late. s- !-
Harileton. . v. 3(1. la"t
il T PKIVATi: SALE. It is sitiiit- iin
: i White U-er township, Toi oi coi-.ty.
abtiut two miles !rotu iatestnan ote, est
Miiien. Tlie Faun was iir'ainal'y iw-i bv
Asnicw M'Uui h!, Efj., and is so ,a'!
Ihat it misht be d.vi le I to n..ike two nr t:ire
SM.d Farms. I will sell b.w, as 1 w.-li t"
quit the buiness ol fai-mir.g. The Far-n is
well timbered and weil ia;er-d. and uii'l-r a
good stale of cultivation. I h-re is a I
Honsean 1 all necessary rotbu.W'-iis a n-w
tir4t-rlas Barn, lhr test m the county a
sp'erobd Spring, y:oins Orchard, Ac. Ac.
Eri'i'i.re i.n ihe jre:oises i.f
V 'south sole of Lewisburg Baptist ineri.i
houe. Injiure of
Nov.SJ F. W. Tl f TIN
.iFor xnit,
In Whi1' l'eer tnwnh'P Pa.. S2
aer-ol first rai-'i lUUKR I.A.N U.
Apply to HENRY KLEIN, at ihe
KellvX Road-Siore H.-VidSw
Tne subscribers rilT-r
j 'l itenlr Acres rami l.ainl. situa.e
I in Kelly mwoship, ai joining lanos i t i am
tied ies ai.d others, hlout halt a mile fruui
For funher panir'i'ars and lerms apply to
orvyk; IUYK.
Oct 13 Agents Lewisburg. Pa
rpiJK subscr h-rs t iler at Private siale five
X tracts of Timber Land, of about
2,3 ACRCS.
in tracts of about equal si'uate I in the
Nonheast part of West Buffiloe township.
Cnion county. It will be sold in a body, or
I single tracis, lo suit per' hasf rs. Ii is well
fnnhi.rpl1 nrinrina V Wlltl n le anu lenow
Pine, Whiie Oak, and Poplar. For further
particulars, inquire of
OBnm-.E MEtTHI.L.K.Iir
JACi'b IlLJliltl., Lowuburf.
n-The itrdersiene l IT rs for sale a tract
of S'ii ArrCH of Land, in While Deer
townsh p. all well Timbered, eicepi about IS
acres which are cleared and cultivated. The
improvements are a good twivstorey Log
H. si.l.le. and tlutbnildiogs a good
Orchard, and ao excellent Well of W ater at
the house.
TAVERN STAND on Market St. In lhe
borough of Lewisburg is otl-re-l forsaie
j on reasoaaiile terms. Ine house is i!uub.
nd ld convfnleniiy M ta-e
. . . ...
i tarn. lies it not desire I lr in- public, tl
public, if not
sold in a reasonable time, witl be mortgaged.
Any person having monev lo lean, can have
it well secured. Interest paid pronu 'lv. Ap
ply lo UUSI J. U OI.FK
A Nice Home on North 3d street.
TITHE House is a good two-storey i
Frame "I by 32 f-'ei. rfc.nity re-jLi j
modeled, a Slammer House, Smoke House,
new Stable, and all other neefsarv nutbtnl- j
,!in a u--ll ut' p-celVni Wal-r wiih a PuniD '
p..r,.h, and Ci-iern inuininer h -use. '
Tne Lot is jS 'eet Iront, and is well st eked ,
with superior Fruit Trees and Uiape Vinvs
of Ihe choire-t varieties.
Terms, mod-rate. Possession given Jan.
1st. Call soon or lose a bargain.
IHE subscribers offer for sa their Farm
near lhe Forest Iron Works, containing
nliotit 130 4crr,
with good House and Ham, and other neces- ',
sary Buildings, an exeeltenl fpring ol vta'er
6clueen the hou-e and barn. All cleared,
and in a zoh1 siaie of cultivation, in a jjocd
neiehborhoud, and convenient lo inaiLei, I
mill. school. Ac. j
We consider K cheap at 6.M0 -will take .
li.borj., Aagut i:, is. 4.
' -i it r- 1
F2J3 SjHiS. i
I f 'r.vate Sale my Farm, sunate I ,-. r ,,,, in ,h, whole tbre'w'
1 .n WhileDeer iownsh.p. a. ioining andsh,lMjlt.a . , whC
ol John Raock Esq. Levi Rauek. Luwar.l , ... ... ,1,, ... ,- .., ;
R.u.ck, ts. II. Pairlinc. and Joel Ranek.ron-
laining M Acre more or less. I; has a
. ii T, i i r .,k . i .
good House, Ban. Uarn. and ether Outbuild. ,
in;s. About 4 acres are well l unDcreu, tne
remainder under good cultivation.
For terms inquire on Ihe premises.
Oct. 7 pfi u JO.-I Alt KANCK
T OFFER al private sale mv t arm in hel.y I
township. It contains ;:$ Ai re,more j
or less, cleared
learcd and in a g I siaie rt culu-
vation. A good House, Bank Uarn, O itbuil- (
dings, good Water and an Orchard. Also, i
Timber Land near the above tract.
For :
tertus tn juirr ol me at -Yl.n.mbuig, or ol
Isaac Moore, residing on the farm.
ri'HE Trustees of the I'niversity at Lewis-
1 burg, otter for sal" Ihe large three
storey house, known as the llulltioe 11 1
.situated in Lewisburg, corner of Second and 1
St. Louis streets, opposite the Court Hmise. too..r j l-s i f nit Curt ..f t..mraa fit.. . Um
ipl. .. r i 1. j r . roiinrv i-r I uii.u, I rav its-', fi.r niwil thrrai Kt
The enure baitriins is of I. rick. 4i led nn .ltUh;xX,,. . nilfrir A. M ,:mtf.r miKht dl
SeconJ Sl and 78 tert on isu Louis t.. an j crr.-.i troTn th t-'m. ..f uitriuiutiy utrra mto ttb
6nished with all ihe conveniences an. I modern ! ru 1.t-s r th-rvf. .-nmrB.-xj .nM t
improvements for a first class Hoiel. 1 he . MllrT ,,.. ,,j mt,, ,ou , ,j
stabling, sheds. Ace . are ample to accomnic. j y.rr in your tri.,r i tshu s- sr. -ur Judert at L.w
date a lare business. I lt,ur,f-at ae'i'i..-. .i.Ci.niii.iii ei-w ih-r m hrw tr
m,. - ... i r . : tin-rciuii.y .if t'ui 'Ti. on tlie lttli d..v il IH-i-ruib-r avat.
The above property will be disposed of at ,-.,.,,,,;,,-rilhel , ch... , m o"
a moderate price and on easy terms. For i or.ami 10 nh. w .., ir ..j ... bar.. .St th.
niriUer information, inquire of ti.F.MII.I.EK. , bUi.i ..uj. .i..u a. J.
, . , I. , , , , ort-i-.l In.ia tl. blind.. ..f roatn nt. .ir.ahlt to th.
Esq, or J. A. KLLL i , Ueneral Ag-nt. Lewis- of .s...;i.;- ia ,-,, maj'mi inntJM, au4
burg. Union Co. Pa lntil ; h.-r.r t ..i not.
. : Wim-v. tl. It.in t. S. tVn.sI. ft i.lf nt of nor taU
ADESIRAELE Building Lot, siloatrd in j
a pleasant pari of Lewisburg. Terms I
to suit the Purchaser. For further '"forma-
lion inqu.re of lU.fJ C D UKEW LR j
FOR R.IVr. j
rpWO-BTOREV Brick Hol'SE and-aW '
mWO - BTOREV Brick HlHSE and
I L0T P0 Nrth r-ur,h str,eI. iil
.March 1. 's. H. P. "HELLER. 1
. . .... ii-1 i . .. a t:m
tMal-.'hYu in imh units
- -
Qoutt Week
I 'plonC'otnily four! I'rotlamaUM
rliKi:i:A.-l.the H.,n.AM'L. WOODS.
y Presiilent Judge tof.he sum Judicial
lJitrirt i.f IVnnsvlvania, etunfosed of lb
!r..umiHs of I'nioii. M.Ulm ana Soydcr.and
' Jsii U'smoTox andJeM.i W a LuYsrtp Asso
' riate Ju fg-sin l ni. u county, have issaed thelP
1 precept, beaiing dale the Slsl day of SrpU
! lil. and to me directed, for ihe holding ef an
Orphans' Court, Court of Common Pleas. Oyr
' and IVr:niner. and tJer.eral (J-ianer Ses,
1 at l.F.WIii("i:t;, for ihe county of I'.MO.X,
on the fur I M.n.lay cf DECK, (being th
1! h d iv) lMtl.an l to continue on week,
i N..iire is therefore hereby given to tae Uo-on-r.
Just.crs of the Peace and Constables l
. and t-.r ihe couuty o! I'nion.to appear io tkeir
u n pr op-r per-i'ii with their record', iaijas
sm.ris,exaoiiiiations and other remembrancea
to do iiw-e t.iings which of their offices and ir
their behalf appertain to be done ; and all Wif-i.oss-s
and other pervas proseculiiijf ia behalf
i '. lii- Ci oii.n n ee:il;h against any person or
persons, are re . :;ired to be then and laerw
; a'.t'-ndmr. and a- depart wnbout leave at their
! t-enl. Jurors ai- rei.iesteil to be punctual in
; ih' ir aiienilaiice at me appoiated time agree-
'er mv hand aru sal at ihe Sher
irt Levrisbnrg the Ilh day ut
In i-peteira' e of tn- I'niied f iaie of Ameri
. . . . I.U
ci. U'.-tl save i-i- umrui'itieiiutt.
L F. ALU RIGHT, Sheriff
UTIL E is h-rt i given, to all concerned1.
thai the i'o'l.. .tig named persons bavw
set i-d to-.r aiT.-unts in ihe Register Otficw
i .it Le wisbut 2. rim n coontv, and that tha
! s.tol aeeiunis wi-1 be presen'ed fof confirm
a e ti a-. ! ado v;!'ee at tne Orphan tyoart
to S- h..l ai LEU'islil.iiii. f.r the eeanrwof
n the ti.f ! M.NIAlf of Dec
nex:, l.-ie-- ti.e l!th duy of said month, viae
1 Toe ft.iat aeeount of G. N. Voongmaa.
im'r ef J''" R f'vilh. d-e'd, late of the
k.irouen ui M;U!:iit,urg.
S i He arcouot of Nit'uaB Mvers, Ex r of
lhe ia l wili ai.J i-sia:uent of Ann S. Haktr,
;. nV i t Jo-iah iiakri) lu.t oi the botoagkoX
l,e-i- urg. dec'it.
J T..e tii.ai a.-eoiitil of Fre!niek Bolead
er, survivi-.g Exeeoti r of the last will anil
testament of J '"i -Mtcj, dee'd, late of Lioia
stoiie i.iwn-hip.
4 Tt.e ac--. unt of Geo. Haock, Guardiaa
r.r Mirgir-t ILuli, a tnmi r ehl'd of Daniel
lieish. ite-' I, as exhibited bv Conrad hheek-l-r.
one of me Ai;iuiiitra!or of said Ueorjo
llauck. dec"d.
5 Tue acconni of Jam Varsha!!, Aum r
ol 'he e'.a:e oi m 1 . Uribert, dec d, late ot
.,M..v. ,
E. 11. WEIKEL. Register
Register's 0.rice. Lewisborg. Nov. If, 1P
XiiHinbnrs i hn Ba-lger
. Artt- .Vri.n liftrv Salomon
j iurr.i shrm p raver
; l.uU Th hn.p'n. C P SiecgelAl 9wea.
. fui,.-G-..r.-e !- -r
i l'.V.. '.W.e-T V Hnr-eson, David Hanck.
' i:.ut B-rfaL Alfred Ki eass
K iVy L' -.n.'.-i Kaalman, Isaac Rouearmel
Itrr.tf- John Il.wer
fji -!n John M-irhtl Jr
L' u-isi u s A lk J ' W sshnner, Jn Neykart
I.' iri hitix N t. Je-se Ci ruetius
H'lfil.it Ami J R.she:, Wm Hjnrk, Wm W
H irlltijiy hn Smith. Wm Halfpenny
Mf JJ.'r Aaron V Wraith. Wui Brown
r.V.t I'FR.iK Jf 'foAV.
HAiV' lyr las R Finn-v.Wm L Ruin, E;i
j:ih Osb rii-, Jor.ath.in V. ai-rs. Jt.natbaa
Do ti-no-rf'-r, G...t:rfv D elTenilirfer
tAtri-trtr .V K Ge-.rce D.etf. nerler. !oIo-r.-in
D,-r.T. I-rlVr, ll:j F Hursh, Oli P
S-'iiveiv. Js W II it.-h . n. Wm V. Painter..
Leu h'i't-i s if Jn A Oie . bar Proas.Geo
l'ii..-s. In A .Men. R K li irlan
irJy-H'iii i'or-iey. J. bn Miowal.er
l'iii.. -la.ie Ey-r Jr, S..ml Guise, Jottn Taa
liosirK. I-au- I.-pley
.-.''To. (' ir- J'o . -in .i tl a ' e. t it s
.i.w.... f J-.e. b K
.osr li ti'.h: lier.j Noll, ftiileen U.ehl, Geo
Mil 'er
Leu i' Lman Katl.ennzn, John Reish, Jicob
fp CfluiT.T
K'ihi Levi Pawling. D.nT Mov-r, Harrisoa
K. if r. David He.nlr. Paul Grddes
HuffiilurVt' I. iKr-, Thus t. Black
ltrtntiJ.:hn 'J',it-. Paul Fisher
,.'! -;T; --Jn M llarbeson. Daal Fisher,
Dim tip.'tN. Elias Kaup
.V-k K'rtin tthr'n V inter. Mi. b'l Kleckner.
H' ti-t -n
Jacob fmilii. Win F Wilson
ntKii; iTTiin.iie.T.
I'nion Cewritv, r -
C -- s t l he Commonwealih of Pennaylva-
- . .n.ia to the ishentf of said connly.
( ) Grenn.g :
V c..in:i.aud you lirat you aitarh aN th
yighl, til e, inieresi. and profits of Fraaeis J.
,i"n'"''.v- Vi'-'in tract nf unseated land
sM3'" " "' nth Branch of Vhi- Deer
(rffk mm' sir t..r.T.ir.v in U'kita TV. - T-v
f .--, . 7 i, .,...
'"'' uaira ine i.iin ol June, t .si., in wnose
ham . . fyfr
j So th.-.t he be and appear before eur Court of
j C.nr.Tioii Pl-as 0 e holden in Lrwisbor ta
j a' d r,,t s-id coimtv, on lhe It) h day of De.
: cember n-xi, their lo answer Kokett J. Ken-
nedy of a l'iea in assumpsit : that he be and
appear '.lefore our Conn on the said lik day
ot lVjtmK next, to answer what shall ts
objected against h m and abide Ihe judgment
ot the Court therein. And have yoa there
an I ihen tins wr;!.
Witness the II n ir.iVe S 5 Wooits.Presi-
dent Ji..b-e of said Coon at Lewisbnrz. the.
j Sd day ol Novemi-er. I-sftl.
J. W. ; NliS, Prothonotarr.
Subpcena la Divorce.
U rm.m C.imy.ss. The Common-
L- ? wealth of Pennsylvania, to Clab
( "- ) M'ISaisoa, Greeiin; z
hereas, Charles A. MH.regot r!ir), oa tha
31st day ol March, A D ist6 l,pre!er his petition
Court a. Li-.l.arc. the Cnib .lay s-r l. sn.
tt. tl. U..LSei.lU. IV. ITjUNnntarx.
, M ,rost
fLiasasT.. now of Tro.elv.il..
c(,llutv ,n my Jrp.lnIi , , p,;
no debts contracted by ber.
New Berlin. Niv. -1 rd
Dt'f l"i cu ' t Viutvuieia ot&ca