Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, November 23, 1864, Image 2

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TJ. S. 7.30 LOAN
WouM you learn tli bravest thing
That mau can ever do ?
VoulJ vou be the uiicrowutd aviug,
Absolute and true ?
Would you seek to emulate
All we learn in story
Of the luurul, just, and great,
Ilieh iu real glory ?
"Would you lose luurh litter care
Iu your lot below ?
Dravelv speak out, when and wheni
'lis RIUUT to utter "Mo."
You with kindly spirits blessed,
Willing to do right.
You who sHnd with wavering breast,
lSoiieatli IVrsu ision's might,
Wheu companions seek to taunt
Judi'inent into pin
When the loud Lmirh fain would dauut
Your better voice within
Oil, be Han-! you'll never uioet
More insidious foe :
Hut strike the coward to your feet,
?y reason's watchword, " No."
Ah ! how many thorns wo wreathu
To twine our brows around,
Iy ut knowing when to l.reutlio
This important sound '
Many a heart has rued the day
When it reckoned less
Of fruits upon tho moral "Nay,"
Than flowers upon the "Ves;"
Many a sad, repentant thought,
Turns to '-long ago,"
When a luckless fate was wrought
By waat of sayiug "No."
Too few have learned to speak this Word
Wheu it SHofl.K be sikAl-u ;
Resolution is deferred,
Vows to virtue broken ;
More of courage is required,
This one word to say,
Thau to stand where shots aro fired
In the battle fray.
lnc it fitly, and you'll seo
Many a lot below
MaV be schooled ami nobly ruled
Wilh power to utter "No."
Gen. Hooker on the Victory.
Hooker was in Toledo, Ohio, recently,
l""UK ,u i
od the people, surrounding him, extorted j
brief speech, from which wo quote the
fjllowing :
Every thing looks bright fur our coun
try. The work which the people accom
plished, the day before yesterday, will do
wore to put down this rebellion than aoj- j
thing done before. It was (be greatest
victory of the war. The hopes based upon
the. Peace party cf -tho North, have Jong
been the chief prop of the Rebels. They
have been struggling along sgaioat defeat
and difficulties for a long time, io the
hoDe that the Presidential election cf 1S01 I
kmlir Ther -Ml knn
that armistice and negotiation mean no'h
ing less than e piration and dissolution of
the Union, aud hence their dependence
upon the peace party.
The managers of the Chicago Conven
lion are dangerous men. Ohio tent one
ho claims to have put into the platform
of that Convention the declaration that
the war was a failure." That man
claims to be a Democrat. I never was
anything else than a Democrat, but I re
pudiate all such men as him. He never
bid a drop of Democratic blood in his
veins. I am satisfied, from what I beard j
in Chicago, that one-half of the Conven- j
tion that nominated M'Clcllan might be
indicted for trcae m. The name of Jeff J
Davis was chtertd there oftcner than was J
M'Clellau's. I
I do not rrjiice in this result because I ;
am so much a frieud to the I'resident, as
I do for tie success of the cause he repre
ents. and I would support any man Tor
the tale of b on"-.
A ivtw Candidate.
Before dajligkt of Election morning, a j
reiore oajni.t u -"-'',"u - ;
policeman caught a fellow rolling a barrel j
of macfeeral, along Arch St. near Second
l'at confessed be bad stolen it, and Police
made bim roll it barrel first, and Pat
after, the sweat tiiekling down bis face
to tbe Station Honse io Cherry St. where
Ihe pities Police chucked io Pat with
his mackarel, and turned the key.
Morning brought Aid. Welding. Pat
descanted most volubly and lugubriously
upon tbe arbitrary Abolition tyrant who
compelled bim to roll that barrel to the
cells poor, suffering victim! "Hut," tbe
Magistrate asked Pat, 'wby did you take
the barrel J"
Wby, Jaodge, it's moro nor a poor
mon like ineself kiu pick up a daciat livin'
wid (he Linkin ebinplastbeM, and I voted
t- j r cure me a barrel of m-ickerol fur ay
Bituiuc'e Bike, ycr honor."
'DVgotra," eaid a Union Milesian, who
happened to be looking on, 'Tin beariu'
of trio votiug for a M'Ciiilan, and for a
M'Picdltton, but niter Kunec did 1 hear
cf a mon voli' fir M'L'iol!"
There was a roar of laughter, but Pat
couldu'taee tbe poiut of it. Aid Welding
committed him at once. So M'Clellan'
wote was ane less in Philadelphia, and 1
Scattering" vote was given "M'ErolP'
Potatoes. Tbe Lebanon (N H.) Free
PteM eajs: "Our farmers are getting
enormous crops of pniatois this fail.
Some get at tbe rate of five hundred busb
els per acre, and no rotten ones at an, j
and single potatoes are otieu found weigh
ing two and a blf and tbree pounds. I
Such a crop has not been known for tbir-1
tv Tears. The price will Lot ba over j
thirty cents per tushalJ
When Algernon Sydney was told that
he niibl save his life by denying his
kand-writinc. be said : "vtneo Una has ,
C. .-,
brought ne into a aiieroma in wnicn i
Bust assent to a lie or lose my life, He
Hives me a clear i ndication of my duty,
which is to prili i th to falsehood."
Jeff. Davis say.- he loves bis friends and
forgives bis memos. Why, that' tbe
way they all talk ou tbe gallows. Read
tbe rat spereh and dying eonfesbiun of tbe
ditapp'jiLtcd fvlou.
Wholesale and Retail
for Cheap Goods!
Hi lock la complete, consisting in part cC
Sugars, Coflccs, Teas, Spices, Coal Oil,
Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish,
Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese,
Fruit, Glass aud Q,uceiiswarc,'
Hardware, Lamps, &c.&c.
Country Produce taken in exchange for
Goods. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs.
Call and examine my stock, and satisfy
yourselves, l'ow
J) OOS, Lines, Keels, Baskets, Bait, Flies,
1 Hooks Nets, Foils, Gloves, Masks,
Billies, Corkscrews, Dog Collars, &e., con
stantly on hand and lor sale Wholesale and
Keiail at the fporlsman's Depct,
N.E. corner 2d and Walnut Sis Philadel
phia. March 4, IMl Cm.
The Election Laws of Pennsylvania.
'HE Election Laws of Pennsylvania. being
all which are of a public and general
I iianire,-(wnh those relative to Philadelphia
ciiy and county;) dt-rsted and arrange,:
n,11(,s of jll,!,cia decisions. By M.M'Ki
rsted and arranged wun
A new edition, enlarged and improved, con
lainins all ihe laws, up lo ihe year 18S4. in
clusive, with Ihe Amendment to ihe Conjiun
li'tn and ihe law proeidins for voting hy Sol
diers in actual service. To be issued imme
diately alter the adjournment of the prevent
' p cover Pr;ce 70 C(,'nls r,isc0'um a.
lowed on a large number sold,
for sal by M.M'lviiiney.atHarrisburg.Pa
A FRUIT JAR. warrented to be superior
lo anything of the kind in ihe market. An
i examination of the Jar will convince anv in-
telligent person of its meriis. Ii has no wax
to melt, screws locorrode, or springs to break.
but is made on smelly philosophical princi
ples. Call and examine it.
i'or sale wholesale and retail by
T.G. EVAXd, Agent
Lewisburg, July 2, 1864.
notice to Trespassers.
VI. L persons are hereby cautioned against
irespasing npn the premises of the
undersigned, siluaied in Kelly township, for
the purpose of bunting par'.ridges and other
small gsme, as they will be dealt with accor
ding to law.
John Shock,
Peter Xewman,
Abraham Shafer,
John Hummel,
Thomas Romig,
David Hemley,
John A Kiser
Paul Geddes, IOCS
1) A Kline,
George Coiherman,
Thomas Ream,
Jarnh Kodenbangh,
John M Clmier.
Adam C Hazlelt
George Meixell 4tpd
T tiii: IP.
AME t the premises of the subscriber in
White Deer township, near New Co
lumbia, about five weeks ago, a Mlllry
llrilcr about 3 years old, red, wilh a lew
while spots. The owner is requested lo prove
property, par charges, and take her away, or
she will tr disposed of according tn law.
Ocl.S7,lHBl,rd. SAM'I. SHOWERS.
United States Claim Agents.
V LICENSE having been framed to Ihe
undersigned to carry on the business of
I'nited Slates Claim Aienls in I'nion county
thry w,u jtfn pr0ipily io ihe collection of
bck pay and bounties and the procuring ol
pensions for soldiers or their lesal representa
tives, and the prosecution of claims against
ihe Lnued Siairs.
J Wilis F. & JOHN B. LINN
LewisbnrR, March SI, 1B4
Attention, musicians!
T f larze assonnirni i'i
-3 AW Violins, tiuitars, &Cm of all
kinds also Violin, Guitar,
A lane assortment of
and Banjo Siring, Brioges, Pecs, Ac. and Ihe
best Violin Rosin calr at the Post tiliice ana
examine. W FORREST
row.M.soit MASON & CO. -
!OT Chestnut Si. rhilaitelphia.
WwMinffCar-li'ottlieii-wMt !. Viltine sn4
Huiof Cintlc, inrraTt-a nnil irinti-.i at the sh'irlc
nolle. A rry full crtiBnt of K1NB Htationnr
alwavn on hanl. lnitialt In Color, and mrrry variety of
KliibnOi-. arli-tiraily ex.-rutl. Any alyl of I'aper
anJ Kb1oi- wad toorJer June 20, I860
Daily doming News.
SAM'L SLIFEIS has commenced furnUhing
ihe llari Nburs TrlCKrapIi
mornini!s,a tw.t e't per copy ihe very latest
Nws. ai cheapest rales Juna 84
CLOJHlNfi hd.
J STntn, . i
( k-TT.
13 that money ran he saved by bnying al
the Iirap C anli More.
CasineHs 75 cts up, clo'h 3.7S up. Boys'
and Men's CloihinR of aM d-cripiions. Hals,
Caps, Cloth Coats. Overcoats. Shirts, Collars.
Tudrr-ihirts and Drawers, Rmmdabouls all
wool or half cotion. Pa ns and Vests, Mnslin
and Hickory :heck Shins, Overshirts and
I ITaucimer shirts Sllnf ndprs. SlOckinffS and
,;i,fs Collars of all de-criptions linen and
paper, linen and cotton Pocket Hankercbiefs,
enin rronis, ore,
fmll Ik. Vm
Call at thr Fashionable Clnihins Store
crposite Walla & Smith's of
Lewisbnrs, Oct. 13, 18B4
Teachers Wanted.
riHE School Directors of H ARTI.ET
. I township wish io employ SEVEN Tea-
' cher. The compensation will be liberal. bal
: accurdin to the trade of certificate. For
, further information apply to R.V.B LINCOLN.
Secretary of ihe Hoard 10ti7
Broke Out io a New Place!
f--m ilO to SIS.
rV"Q s; u. .
X'vT"Ttnt priw?.
flllo JM :a aian.'tuIlerBJ and latest ftjies.
i'ltiln itwo llin), RrekfMt, itjmJ of mny kind cf
wood tiff.ini. hut w alii ut, fc,fi"TnT and ftoo
VOod alwayn on hmud tur ttic fcrtvia.
SOFAS, LOUNGES, latoet patterns,
UpholttertHl, T.r(t Arm, Swiof, Parlor rhflfra alwujt
od tinri'l; !s, Co t. Lam Korkfr nn Nurw,
IVmiliwrChiir. lTg and small RocWro, TUa
aud Otiiltlrfn'0 OhAfra, atwayi en hap'l.
Furniture of my oxen mativacturr, insured
one year.
P- S. I intend, in a short lime, as soon as
I can s"t up a fine H'arsr.) lo attend to the
some twenty-five or mora different sized Cof
fins, finished, and always ready on short no
lice, and will sell twenty per eent. cheaper
than has ever been done in I.evisbnrg. Call
and se bpfore purchasing elsewhere.
REPAIRING done immediately.
CIIAS. S. BEi.I.,CAan6trtfn' liiick
tfwijl.arj, ttb. 24, ISM.
latest asljions.
1864, '5.
Just received the latest
atylcsof Pans aad American
Fashions for Fall and
Winter of ISC i,'.r),
and will continue to CI-'T
AND MAKE l"P clothing in the most satis
factory manner shop on North Third St.
Lewisbunt, Sept. 13, IHCi
We would inform Ihe public lhat we have
for sale, in nnr newly established Nurseries,
near the Lewisbure Station, a larger assori-
l mem man last year of
' fruit and Qrnacirst-1 Trees, Earnbs,
Tn our old Nurseries in Adams eooniv, we
have the lareest slock of trees and largest
sized for Fall of 18: and Sprin? of '64. We
therefore can furnish Trees by lar?e quanti
ties to l)ea!ers &c. at very lo-v prices.
The attention of buyers and dealers is res
pectfully solicited to an examination of finr
stock. We also desire a d-zen good AGENTS'
to sr'l f lie cominz Spring.
THE Ui-. ' ' iened, having removed
her Watch -. I Jewelry eitablishment
to Cr'f i i Nw RoiiJing, Market 8t.,
beiwcen Frot.' r ' fecond.she is prepared to
Repair V'airiies, Jewelry, Musical
Instruments, &c, j
in the most approved and e ifactory manner.
f he ke n on hand an assortment of choice
JEWFLKV, for Ladiesanri Gentlemen, which
she offers at prices to suit the tunes. Alto
Ail ai.rk and wares warranted a renresen
Estate of Joseph T. Derr, dee'd.
"ITTHEREAS, Letter Testamentary npon
V the estate of JOSEPH -T. DERR,
deceased. late of I.ewishorg bornnvh. L'nioa
county, have been granted to the subscriber,
bv the Register of said eonnty, in dne form ;
all persons indebted to said estate are reqnes
ed to make payment, and those havingclaim
asainst ihe same will present them duly
authenticated fur settlement, tn
M W XAKB DKR, Exccutrii
Lewitburg, Sept. 19, n64
I trJ
I g
IS the vital principle of the Pine Tree
obtained by a peculiar process in the
distillation of the Tar by which its highest
medicinal properlies are retained. Il is the
medicine that cures when all others fail.
W.icc ym a (Liiir lUv y Sm ThrxaU Haw
you any of tli brvmunitory KyuiUilus ol Ibat mutt
fatal dieeaw t mmmj,tHn t
Tlioiw who aboulil l! warbej hy th'S jrtjrfoai jen
rally lliiuk lilitly of thin until U 1 too lata, f'rum
thia "fact, i-rlian viora than any other, arises the uil
pri'Talrnce ai.J latallly of dim whirh awMpS to Ul
grave at leut am tilth of di'alli'a Tk-Uinf.
What are its MymjiOml f
It uaually liejins wilh aabort,ary cough, wtilrn anon
berouiea habitual, hut lor eouie liuie nolhinx it raiej
eiee,t a froth n ucia. 1 he hreatliiue, la nomewhat iLf
.!. auU uuou allsht aiertii niueb. hurnrd. A aeuee
ol OyM'.M ant o;frruin at Ihe cheat il ofl.n fell. A
the uiseiM- aaue, the patient bacoraea Ihiu In lleI,
il alltu-laJ wilh li-.lofai l.et.te, great lau?or. injoleure,
autl de'erti'tn of itiint.s; may coiilinne la tliii atate for
a ranai'ienhk' lerntth of time : ana i rery readily allee
ted by llihl ')onr or ratlnue. If ihtra cjrur, tha
couirti becomea more triubleenie, and is attended with
exi)ectoretton, which in mon copioni and tree early io
the ni'iriiiurf. 11 il inmetiui''! ureaked wilh blood. At
this pUih, uleht pweala u'uilly tet in and io aoaiee.
ea a )ro!u. bleedini; of the luu.- may alao ercur.
Tain Iu in. virt of ihe cheat li felt, and onen a diffl-eultj-
o lyiiiitaiwn one cr the other aide without acer
Sla of co' eLiiiiT or a aenee cf .'ullneia or suffocation.
The iialie U'comee full, hard, and frequent, the he,-tic
ttuli tinnei Hie cheeks, and lh din malady Is fast lial
teuing to its cloee.
You now as k, ji llitrt tt turf f
Cwvptimi l,c I." aid can U enr'd by tna use of
my TAKCOIl0lAI.,eTin in apparently hnnelraa eaeea.
Tl.ii aei-TtioTi I make with Hie ability to ureaent the
uo.teonideteer!drnce of the troth. Space wilt not ad
mit of m siiiiK the eontecta of .he many thousands
l te.tiuioiiuli to its ralue, which 1 hafe been and am
rec-irinir from men and women of unqueetlonal'le worth
and recitation. 1 haee had a number of Iheaecertifi
e0 prinl 'd in eirciilrr form which. i will lend yoo
free on api-li'-atioj. Whether you now rlaerminel try
Ihe meuiciue or not. send for the circular. After years
of at tidy andesoeriment, Ioit.-rthls medicine, tielieyine
it to U the b,-.si rvin-dy f.T all nueviaey a,;d brvltrhwl
disratrt. If re, can not be benePled py the nee of the
TSK COIIDIAL. I betieTe you ire beyond all earthly aid.
Yet if there flee tietter curate aitents. I aarueMly adeiie
their u..e. The heel remi'diea. tbe belteara, are needed
by tbefe aeii.ted with this difa. llecause I belieie
ttiii to be the bctt, 1 ask you to try it.
Many, not only of the people, but physician! of eyery
school and practice, are daily as kin me, What il the
priiiriple or ciuse of your success in the trenlmentof
I s. ; tn.,. i t:, -,.Dti.rii. s II) answer ll tliil:
The isrn,'6ri.'i"H of ihe diirestive ocpjnl tbe ltreB7(a
ftftl'y of the debilitated system the frtirifTcil,- and el
nAMcnl of ttie ldoo.1. luucl espel lr"t" the syetem the
corruption whirh scrotula breeds. W hile tltiiisetleeti-S
by the powerfol alterative tchnuiKff from dt.'eas. to
h. slthl pr..rti. s of ll.e Tar Cordi.nl, its h.-alinc and
rem valine; principle is also artiu upon the i.-ri;.at.-d
surfaces of the Iuijts in-l tliront, oeuetratins each dis
eased part, iclieviit p:ln. sulKluin irulamalioo, and
r.-i'torin- a lirr.ltlilul te:i-!eiiey. le-l this two-fold yjv.er,
lie healin;and the et-enthenine, continue to ai t in
conj unction wilh Na' ore s coinlant li-euperalive len-d.-n-y,
and the patient i javrd. if be bis not too loos
delryed a res..rt to tl.u ie.Trr ftlenre.
The flVK TttSK TAIt COllIIIAI. will cure Cooshl,
Sore Throat and Kreart, llronehiiis. Asthma, Croup,
Hooping Conjli, liflheria. aud is also an excellent
remedy furdiaeaaeof Ihe kidneys uud female eomplaiuts.
The gentiine-has the name of the Proprie
tor add a pine tree blown in the bottle. All
others are spurious imitations.
Pmris Fifty Cents and One Dollar per
Bottle. I'rcpared only by Ihe Proprietor,
Dr. L. tj. C. WISH ART.
No. 10, North Second Si. Philadelphia, Pa
For Sale by all Druggists 1027yl
lc.aBwe (lats i. raLsma All CO.)
pS Lewisburg Planing Mill,
oTMwiil''"r constantly on hand and
manufacture to order I'louriner. Sldinsj,
Uoorisnah, Sliultei-M. minds,
Moul(llnsi of all patterns,
and all mher descriptions of Wood Work used
in DinMin.
Orders respeclfally solicted and promptly
filled. All work warranted to eive satisfaction
l"E"An extensive lot of Lumber of al!
descriptions on hand for sale. w
Faclury ou ,,rtli Second slrut,LewabiMrg,ra
April M, 1SS9 .
fiats rutin,; ENlabllMhHicnt.
j) OOM3 in Faint's Block. Market Si, rear
V of Bower's Jewelry Shop.
Having served a regular apprenticeship in
one of the best shops in I'hilad., I hope to
render satisfaction.
BTRNERS and other Fixtnres always on
hand or furnished al short notire.
Lewlshnrir, Sept, 14. 1S
Science still on the Advance !
QCTiGEON and Mechani-fip?
ij cal DCilUsi, OHice in Ihe-UJXLT?
Dr. Brusjer's new building. Market streel,
(western entrance, op siairs) LEWISBl'IKJ.
Dr.El'RLAN is nnweonstructins the Non
seciionnl Block work, baked on Platina base,
whicti for cleanliness, beauty and strength
has no equal also teeth mounted on the var
ious Bases in nse and having had a long
and extensive practice, and being perfectly
familiar with every department of his profes
sion, he feels safe in warranties entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
cirefully and skilfully performed.
Please call and examine specimens. The
superior qualities of ihe Xon-sectional work
will be evident to all who will ' il an im
partial examinalion. Dr. Bus" .1 the only
person who constructs this e t ;.tent work io
this section of country.
twCharges shall t.vrrespont' with the
times. Lewisbure, Sept. 2, '
T WOULD respectfully inform the public
that I am now prepared to receive all
kinds of Holes (for which I will pay highest
price in Cash) delivered at my Tannery in
l.rwisbnrg. All persons having Hides to
dispose of will do well to bring them in.
I have on hand also a variety of the best
Sole and Upper Leather ever offered in this
market at Cash prices.
Also BARK wanted, for which I pay cash.
Oct. 19, I8G4 E. J. HULL
Somelliina; for the Lacllea.
52- ?Z
Onr name is prin'ed on Ihe band of eve-
skirl, and we guarantee satisfaction in every
TBE Partnership in the Mercantile business
between the subscribers al KellyXRoads
was dissolved by mutual consent on Ihe Sid
nit. The Books and Aeconnts are in the
hands nf Mr.Kline fur settlrme-nt and husinpaa
continued by him at the former stand.
A 8 lit If. K,
Kelly To, Sept. ti, 1K4 pd
-a,.., life !
JUT tbe latest or all is that of
who. having returned from New York and
Philadelphia, is prepared lo sell (ioods
Cheap for Cash.
A large assortment of Prac;s,Chemicals,Oils,
Paints, Varnishes, Dye Stud's. Class, Perfum
eries, Coal Oil, Lamps, l!ru-hps.Tivs, Fancy
Not ions, Soaps, Cmilcclionerics, Kuis.Pipes,
Tubaceo, Cigar:, Cutlery,
tt.2. iC. &0. 40.
riiysicians' prescriptions carcfullj
AVincs and Liijnors for ireJicinal
purposes, warranted genuine and of Ihe best
For Rait. !fllre, RoacheN, ntt,
lied ltn!(N, !rlo!itt in t'tsi'N. Wool
ens,&r.,i'ic'cl!i on I'lants,I'ovl!,
AiiilllillMy &.C.
lut up in 2oe. SOc. and $1.00 Itoxei. Bottles and Flasks.
Siand $- lizeifor Hotels, 1'ubul- I ssriTurioaa, Ac
Only infallible reuedtea known.
MFree from Poisons."
Vtt dan-;erons to tlie Unman Family.
"KaU come out of their holes to die."
H? "Sold Wholesale in all large cities.
Cirsoid bv all Druggists and Retailers
'. Uiviii !!!of all worthless imitations.
I3r"fee that "Cosna's" name is on each
Box, Bottle, and Flask, before vou hoy.
rtAddress lli:.K R.COsTAK.
r"Pais:ciPAL ls.roT48'i Uuoadwit, N. V.
tVSold by all Wholesale and Retail Drug
gists in Lewisburg, Pa. (lo:j?ui8)
parhc ijc loiuc r llcapcr,
For the Harvest of 1861!
Thirty-Four distinct Patents!
rpiHE nnparalled success of the Buckeye
J is ihe strongest proof its superior mer
its. And iis reputaiiun is so well established
that since iis Introduction ihe manufacturers
have been entirely unable to supply the
We will call attention lo a few of lis points
of excellence and the farmer to give it a
persoual examination.
The Two Driving-Wheels, &c.
Pawls and Springs, by which ihe machine
may be thrown out of gear, or be backed
without vibrating the knives ihe Steel Cutter
Bar the Wrought Iron Guard, with Hardened
Steel Face or Culling Ed-re the Double
Hinged Joint, by which the Cutter Bar may
be Folded Ihe long Crank Shaft the Steel
Spring and Wheel, by which the Cutler Bar
may be raised and lowered so as lo cut as
low to ihe ground as may be desired the
Sieel Pitman and Brass Box its Lighl Draft
(no bide Draft) no weight on Ihe horses'
necks backs as easily as a cart all
which form a comhinalion of advantages
which no oiner machine possrsses.
No Gearing on the Driving Wheels.
A team of horses weighing 9(10 lbs. each
will cut an acte of grass an honr wilh ease.
The machine is furnished with two Cutter
Cars one for cutting grass, and the other for
culling grain (each expressly adapted lo the
nse intended).
No effort will be wanting to maintain'the
Buckeye in the enviable position it nowoccu
pies, mat 01 being ihe
Best Elachine in the World !
During last harvest hundreds of Farmers,
in consequence of our inability to supply ihe
demand were unable to obtain the liuckeyc,
and were forced to purchase an inferior
machine. 1 he continued scarcity of laborers
and the nevcalls from the government for
iruops, win laxe many more laDorers from
the country, and Ihe farmer will have to rely
entirely upon machinery in gathering bis
hay and grain crops.
Farmers who wonld avoid disappointment
in procuring a Buckeye can send in their
orders now.
We are now prepared to fill orders for the
coming Harvest. Address,
Manufacturers of Keystone Clover Hollers,
o;c, i.ewisourg, t.nion u, ra.
Oentlenicii's rurnisliln? Store,
SH Market &t.,jusl above the Bank,
The subscriber has removed into (he new
fitted and Commodinns Stnrernn.ni nf Ttwimst
Reher.where he has just received a large and
weii selected stock of
Cloths, Casimeres, Silks, Shirts. Drawers. Ac
best style and most reasonable terms. Being
a practical Tailor, ami emnlovrne th he&t
workmen, I can confidently invite both Old
ana new Lwiomcn do a t forget the Sign
The Red Door !
May 2, 18f,l
fTIHE undersigned having purchased of
I. Mr. Juh-v S.i.-iasa the well known
Cheap Bool and Shoe Store, opposite the
Lewisburg Bank, will sell all the stock pur
chased from him 10 per cent, leas than pres
ent prices.
I have a large assortment or HOME and
CITY made Calf and Kip
suitable for Fall and Winter wear and a
great variety of GAITER, KID, MEN'S
MOROCCO and other Shoes for LADIES and
Boots and 8hoes MADE TO ORDER on
reasonable terms.
REPAIRINU promptly attended lo.
fi" Don't forget the Lewisburg Cheap Bool
and Shoe Store i opposite the Bank.
The Secreiary of ihe Treasury gives noiire
that subscription will be revived for Coup
un Treasury Notes, payable ihree years from
Aug. I5lh, 1864, with semi annual interest al
he rate of seven and three-tenths per cent.
per annum, principal and interest both lo be
paid in lawful money.
These notes will be convertible al Ihe op
tion of ihe holder at maturity, into six per
cent, gold bearing bonds, payable not less
than five nor more than twenty years from
their date, as the Government may elect.
They will be issued in denominations of .$30,
$100, $500, $1,1X10 and $5,1)00, and all sub
scriptions must be for fifty dollar or aome
multiple of City dollars.
The notes will be transmitted lo fl. own
ers free of transportation charges as soon
a'ter the receipt of the original Certificates of
Deposit as they can be prepared.
As tho notes draw interest from August I A,
persons making deposits subsequent lo that
dale mnsl pay ihe iniereat accrued from date
of note lo date of deposit.
Parties depositing iwrnty-five thousand
dollars and upwards for these notes al any
one time, will be allowed a commission of
one-quarter of one per cent., which will be
puid by the Tteasury Department opon the
receipt of a bill for ihe amount, certified to
by Ihe officer villi whom the deposit was
made io deduction lor commissions must
be made from llie deposits.
It is a National Satijos Bawk, offering a
higher rale t, interest than any other, and the
iW vearily. Any savings bank which pays
its depositors in I S. Notes, considers that
it is paying in the best circoltaiing medium
of ihe country, and il can not pay in anything
better, for iis own assets are either to Gov
ernment securities or in notes or bonds pay
able in Government paper.
It is equally convenient as a temporary or
permanent investment. Tbe notes can always
be sold for within a fraction of their face and
accumulated interesl, and are ihe best secu
rity with banks aud as collaterals for dis
counts. I'onterlable Into six per real. S-'iO Cold Bonds
In addition to Ihe very liberal interesl on
the notes for three years, this privilege ol
conversion is now worth abonl Ihree percent,
per annum, for ihe current rate for 5-20 Bonds
is not less than ninn per cent, premium, and
before the war the premium on six per cent.
V- S. slocks was over twenty per cent. Il
will be seen ihai the actual profit on Ibis loan
ai the present market rate, is not le;s than
ten per ceut. per annum.
Us Ksemplloa from Stale or Municipal Tatatioa,
Unl aside from all the advantages we have
enumerated, a (special Act of Congress ex
empts alt bonds and Treasury nuteu from iueat
tnxidim. On ibe average, this exemption is
worih about two per cent, per yonum, accor
ding to the rale ol taxation in various parts
of the country.
It is believed lhat no securities offer so
greol inducements lo lenders as those issnd
by ihe Government. In all other forms of
Indebtedness, the faith or ability of private
parlies, or stock companies, or seperate com
unities, only, is pledged for payment, while
the wbole property of Ihe eennlrjr i helj t
seeure Ihe discharge of all obligations of ihe
United Stales.
While tbe government offers ihe most lib
eral terms for its loans, il believes lhat the
very strongest appeal will be lo Ihe loyalty
and patriotism of the people.
Duplicate certificates will be issued for ail
deposits. The parly depositing must endorse
upon the wi'inu certificate the denomination
of notes required, and whether ihey are lo be
issued in blank or payable to order. When
so endorsed il must be left with ihe officer re
ceiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the
Treasury Department.
ScascaimoKS wiil br BirtlvEn by ihe
Treasurer of the I'nned Stales, al Washing
ton, the several Assistant Treasurers and
designated Depositories, and by the
First National Bank of Milton also
of Danville,
and by all National Banks which are deposi
tories ol public money, and
throughout the couutry will give further infor
maiinn and
ereatest imnmyemem w.i in ,k.
Sewing Machine aru A curiosity worth '
Please send for circular with sample of
These Improved Machines save 0!a atr
nam rr.a ciht. or thread and silk, and make
the lock STi-rra alike on both sides.
1 hey require no instruction lo onerate
perfectly, eacept "ihe printed directions."
ao cnange in sewing, from one kind of
goods to another.
And no taking apart to clean or oil.
Our Niw Masjcvactob is now enmnlete.
wilh all lis machinery and tools entirelv new.
and is already rapidly turning out Machines i
wnicn lor bsactv and rsarECTian or rimsH
are not surpassed by any mauufactury in the
B. -Should anv machine nmvi nnaalia
factory, it can be returned and monv rrnn.
Agents wanted in counties not canvassed '
by our own agents.
No. 5:,e) BKDADWAY, MEW YoriK.
April S, 1SG3. yl
Advantages of the
Ibe purpose of convincing ihe com
muniiv thai Ihe Knueklrr W,.)....
Machine can not be surpassed for ease and
rapidity in shig eloihes, I take- pleasure
in referring lo Miss Sarab Gibbonv. fd.n.k.
ler of John Gibbonv of this nlarr.1 who i. t
eleve. years old. weigh. S5por,ds,'.nddoe.
me ween s washing lor the family in Ihree
uoursi, ana considers it a very light job,
mi i ue assistance ol me '"Knoekler.
Machines and Browning's celebrated
gers alwaya oa band.
Lewisbusy, Marth S, led.
ml wji lVa cmtAT AKSJZbf vua f
Scrofula and Scrofulous Disease.
From Lrti tilts, ire awrauui
..nf, .If."-.
tmve A..I.I lsr-' .iiautttl a of your SaKsafa,
Stll-I-A toil iM-ver y.t oile le,tlk- wliieli failed f tlt
dvsirc-l -ir.et alil full -:ilKfa.-li,iiet.ttwjw w liw Mm
It. Aa fiiat aa .,nr le-,,l.- try It. Ilwy anjree Uwra baa)
bei-u IK. lM.-vlH.-MiC Itae it U lurv Ml our cvialuiuillf
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustule, tw
cers, Sorea, Mid all Disease of tha Skin. ,
rue .vr. K"'t. Strntt'm, I'.riMtft. t'nbmt. '
" I i,i. ly !. my iluty to yuil anil It publie, wlsan
I n'M hiy OMiiii'iny ! Iluit ' luMih f tlw hsa
ti nul ii-tie-.l T.Mirj-lnirAi:ll.l.A. llydaafla,
le r, a-'"l ten. luil an attte-tin humor la bee cara,
wyes, aud hair for years, wlifc-u w. wans al,l t
run.- until tried ymir ."sitiArAKlUja. Mta tm
bo il well lor huk nwwitlu."
t V.e) Mrs. J,te F. V. '- r, a are lisnr nl wumA
e,ree,we.(,y.vi.ioVr,;e, e U"y '., S.J,
I v datilit.T lia aiolere.1 for a year inat with
eeotiiloils i riii'i.ii. ti "ery troul.lexaa.
.tlil!i- attopV-d any r lief until wo treel yowr
h l:Ar Alill.LA, wloel ao.u run.iletely ennui liar.
from llftrl'S I', '.'-i'', llsq.. nf tS tcvtrly timrm
;.ioe, Mirmn t l ifiuuMlHitrs u smimslisi
tfiif-rs in ,V.iA'lrt. A.
" I hj'l for aevcral year a rery troablaaf
lu.iior in my fas-e, whirl! t-r. y eonataiilly wore
until It ili-li"'nre.l my ri-.itiiri-a an-l tic-Aine an intot
tTnll. ante li"i. I trH-d alne.n eeery thmz a uaaa)
citil't of lettli a-lvn-e and nv 'li me. witnoMa aay
ri ti'-f wlifit-'ver, until I tieit your MAKaseABii.ijw,
It imiii.--, t.-ly niaifc- my fi.ee inorae. s y.Hi t-.H aw
H miL'htT'ar a tniK-; but in a fi w weeka Ilia H
tilil le-an to fonil nmUr lie" hloteln-a, and Ma
tliine,! until inv fai-! i enee.th aa any body's,
ml 1 am n ittiont any aymHoma of the .lisei is thai
I know of. 1 enjoy Je rl. et le still, and Sltuoul a
dixiW owe it to your 3.iKArAi!ii.-'
Erysipelas General Debility Purify the)
Fmm fyr. itZt. .V.iri'n, ll-HSton .V., A Tm-s
Int. Ar:K. I seldom fail to imwire Ermptsama
and S.-r"t'nl,HS .Vi-res l-v lln- e-rseeerin ilsvur f
Sli:-.lltll.l.A,aii.l I fcavejtiat uuw cured an atlAwt
of tf.ifi.Masl ..ri-iWiu will it- alt- rie am
rise.' cpiala the SAKS A e Ml U.I. A you ha ttf
Jilitd to tie- jirofesaiou aa well aa tn tlie peoj'le." . .
ymnt .. F.J-hisl.m, F-J.. If'.iJ-ewww. tlhtd.
Kor twelve ytara, I had Ibe y. llow tryalpataW
on my rii-lit ann. during wlin h liuie I tried all lis
e..lr-.ri.-.l nlivaieuna I rontd reas-h, and took hit
lre.U of ilnlUra wortii of me.li,m. Tlie uk-ei
were o lad tlutt tlie? eimla Ixraiiv yiaiMa. and tho
d.e-tors il.vele.1 tliiit my ann must be amputated. I
he-'an takin,; your SAk'APAHILl-A. Toik two boV
II. a. and miiiic of your I'll t.s. Tietlier tlisey nay
eured in-. I am now aaw.il and sound aasjuy body.
11. in - Ml a public .laee, my eaa.; is known to year
bo.lv in tins community, and rxt'itca tha aroudsjr f
'r.i rt.m. flrnnl Wmro, XT. f. of .Vcieciialiss,
I II'., a Itviiiuij tutmlxr oj the t'aauinw i'artsm
1 have used vnnr.SAKsAI-ARll.l.A In my family,
for treic-nil ittMlttit. ami for pnriiwwj the blood,
with vrv tN-neii.-1-d n-Mill. and kcl coullucisCw MA
uduii; II to lue Ual."
St. Anthony' Fire, Hone, Salt Rheum.
Bculd Head, Sore Eyes,
i rowl Virrvy ti ller, ., Me nUe flitnr 4f A
7':o.A'iM'e-i- lene- r,!, VMjiviuia.
o f,,lr ,M,l child, al-oul Ihre ye.tra ol aa, waaj
attacked l.y j iiupe s on III! ft.relu a l. They rapidly
apriMil mil 1 tliev form'tl a loalh.me and yirukat
lore, whi.-h coiered iua Lice, and actually blinded
Ins ct. s lor M ine dat a. A akilful pliyaieian apptsad
uilrn'le of silver and otte r reiucdica, wilhout any
ai.'..ri lit effect. Kor nft.-cu liava wy tpiarded but
i:in.le, 1. st Willi tie in lie eli.mld tear ope" f-terin-
-t:il corrupt w,mtid wln.-h covered tna wbot
f:uT. llaMUR tried ceery thini; else we lout any
hole- from, wc lesn i;it'mtf vrnir .aicsapai:ii.i.a,
and imlvilit; the l.ellde of -.u.i. lets. a ya
ilreet. 'ilie son- iK-an lo Ileal wiien w ha.1 "
ttic lir-t le.ttl -. anil .v well when we had Imshad
the ai-comi. '! rhild'a ryelaahca, whu-li Iwd eoaa
out. L-rew SL-iun. and he is now as healthy " ,
as any oilier, i lie tiolu ncltlllorliovei prauiH
tt ttic child niuat die." -
Syphilis and Merc urial Diaeaaex,
From I ir. Ihram M.-.I, 4 Lomu, iltssnsrt.
t-1 lind sonr SABArAiill.i.A a mor effect
.-nir lor' tlie aecui'lary aymptom of SypkttU)
and forevuliiloic dia. see than any other we poaayas.
1 he prol'eaaiou mn in.lrl.led lo j ou for sou of UM
te-at uiediciuea wc liave.'
r-.a. A. J. Fren. lt, .If. ., eminent pluisieiim tf
J-ae-reHi-y. -Uiiss., wo il oaauciU ftmfr sf
ihe i.eyifl.ttnre f .Wnssmkusett.
1K. ATIO. My dear Mr: I hay tbanw T aw
Svi:ai-ai:ii.i.a su'eseelleiit remedy for Siphtist
l. Hi of the priin and e.oifiin type. :
tual tn a.une caevs lliat Were too otsBUUaU SO yiahl
toother remedies. I do n .1 know whal weanta
I lov wilh more certainty of success, wtKT a pawaa-
ful alterative ia required.'
Vr. Ilvs. S. IViu liear. of Self B naari. .W,
had drealliil ul. er on his iv. cnuse.1 lr tit abaa
of mercury, or ayer.-uri.if rfweose, which praw asoew
ami more'acirrat atcd for years. 10 spite of eeery
K melv or treat meut that could he applied, until tt
persct'enn-,' use of AVLU'a. .-vKKArAKli-l-A relies
Vim. f ew caiM-acan lac louud OKre ineelerate aad
.!i.lr.s.in Ihau thia, and it look aeveraj oolatt
t.. . tu Min lun.
Leucorrhoea. White. Female W ekne
are penrrallv prtMlueed ly rotemat .ScroWow 1 t
erratum. ami are very often cured hy I lie aiterative
rtWl of Una J-AltvrAr.ll I. A. Some ca.-a require,
hottever. in aid of tlie ai:saiakii., 1m akii.'Bl
application of local remedies.
J r.mt the rWJ f ii-om rn.f w.fry re'thrated Jh
Jm-'J, .W-'rriil. f t iti. i;,wti.
o I have found ymir Si:sai-a kills an eyeetlt
alrerative in diseaees of femalee. MAny cases of
Irn-irnhrify. l.. ueorrh.ea. Internal I b-erstHn. and,
k al .1. 1.iliiv. arising Iriun tlw amifuloua dialluwia,
lint.- vt.-l.e--l to it.aiel IlK-re are few lhat do not.
w In n'lta etf.vr ia proierly aided l.y U-al tnratroenL.'
J la iy, uiurillin'j to olt- tr the pmbli, rtio of A
nTi'ir. -ri.- .-
o ATv .T;in--hter and niv--ef have been en red of
very dekiliiilinu' I eii.-orrli.i a of lone auudluc. fcy
Ii... l-.tu. of onr SALvArillUA."
Kheumntism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dyaw
pepsia, Llcart Disease, NeuralKia,
wle-n causal bv S.-r,.,tl in the lyatem, ar rapidly
cua-d by tl vr. ai:-.ai-ai'.ilua-
rmsi-ss so many a.lv;intnoi-s over the oilier
luiririitivt-s in the market, and llivir superiid
tirt nos are so universally known, tli.it wc need
nut do inure than to assurx'thc public their
quality is maintained eigual to the liest it evr
lias lieen. and that they may lie depended on
to do till thai tliev have ever dune.
Prepared l.y J. C. AYEK, M. D., & Co.,
Low ell, Mass., and sold by
riTSold by C. W Schafile, and Bennett
Bros., Lewisbur; ; Shindel & W'asnnrller,
Sclinsgrove ; C Brown, Hilion; and hv dea
lers everywhere. I060yl
THE suliscrilier con-
X tinues to carry on the)
I.I very ltusilueMH a l
Ihe Old Siitand on ekinthl
Third street, near Market, anil respecifnl
solicits the patronage ol his friends and t
public Generally. CHARLES F. HESS.
Lewisbure;, .May 22, 1850
COll. CO A Is CO E-
f ItHE subscriber kegps constantly on hand
j a large assortment ol tne very oest ;ot
nioliin and Wilkes-Barre COAL, for lime and
stove purposes.which he will sell at the very
lu9ril prices for Cash.
Also, Mackimiths' Cncl, Floater end fait.
Wish it distinctly understood, thai I will aol
be undersold hy any man Having good
weigh-srales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
Lewisbnrg, May S7,'5.
-tJ on Market Square, Lewisburg. T
A good snpply of Chains, Tables,
RnreauN, Mandst. Aeon hand or made
rder DAVID (il.Y.'ER. J8S6
tjilloi) Coqiiitj gtlr tSL- Hatrlurg CbfltfJ
bsara I'rUa), UKbarg.la!i rui), rras'a
TT?.lf.V ; sn p.-r year, ro as rank is ATiScr arS
ai the same rale S r a b n.-ercrshorter peri' d. rhus.s
CU wiil pay Itssr menttie. TS eta for sit lu.ets. 1 "el,
a r elht aioriths. 2dot. foi sister Biontl . -1
years, forel... we win send one nra (It eepies) ewa
year. le. Siutlr Ns.'i i rta. Payments Is ml (I'l
received 1 gold, po-tap-e stamps, or bank aides at Ineul
value here. Most kibds of I'roduee reeel ten in t-
y W he the lime espireeHtr which a paper is wiatlew,
(unlesa we have a ruoumc aeeountl il il TOI'I'H'-
AnvrlTlMaiSTr hsii.lo ai.ly publi-hej, al S ,fJJ
Kiusre ne.week. eU each aOer InarrtM. S d "
month., 4 dot. pe' Tr. Half iquare 2 "s. ' "
ol,3dol. Tw..e.nares 1 SO. Wi,S W. Slereba"". --
c4veroe-irtbofeiu,wdi. r;
.Ti S.25
'.J'm-ll, TL-iiiWetewdem-ym-iadoiitte.
siih..a.ra irir.bv whhh weeiteiartiir
Newa I advanee of Ihe I'hilad Maila.
. i.l. frr axwe
k.ad. of JOB PBISITIMS, -hwb "t'Z''"' '
riD- aeatness and des, .trh and e reerabl. ters-
i f i. . - it li i n-1 it" e ar- sin i"- -' w
I ) wOivAAVS .-