Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, November 04, 1864, Image 1

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    i . ; . I
jjlllfll WUliii Mil iliil liiflSliJliii wikiwiuWJii;
At s1.40 per Tear, always) In Advance.
rir.nsiiKa KLiii-.kLT
ruevJay Morninz & Friday Afternoon.
Abraham Lincoln
ioc wit ri:;.EM.
Andrew Johnson.
1 lUMrt f Kii( j
2 .rr II t'ualra j
S tJ.nr. Huriib
4 ! II Hrrm I
5 B.rli.a J.tA l
Chirk Si Mia
f !... .-r- I
William Ti tor j
J.I.. II. -:snj
1 RtofcaH II Vrr.ll '
11 Bsl.tnl Ho IhJ.T
T" e..- CV rwt.r!J
i; ... u it.-.
r II Lnat
J !.:. ,-irr
I ..i t MV.t-ifl.j
.-I J U ..;,
111.. a
J hi: I .r II
S -n. u- K I vk
S .rrd l.i.f.
1. 11 I1 r.irw-
It r V - nrk1!
JLD H..o-tian4
Is the great Election
dav. Poll cverv Un
ion yotcand tmt(i0(l
for the iisiie !
lSTLe Coii.re5s, S-.-stc ai.J -V-'-ni-lly
lUturn JuJ-es tai ct. ia I.ewisl.uri-,
to-Jny? but we tirat j to J res; Lcfute
luaxuing their aet:-.a.
"i. V. Mil!-r"s cisj. is t
THE 1'ISir.KT IiM;: V(TE.
Flirinor. Al.
ValU Op.
'Wilstin, ftp.
2721 5.7 In
272:: .".721
272: .V.--;
SUi f,. '-7
S-'! I '72
10 "i
I'n.n. St.Wr. L"f'-f Tir.
Mirinor. Ad. IjH
Walls, !. M
Alkman, Ad. 17:5
Mtr.l.-T 172
Wiint'u, l.p. 6-i
IVrtr 2
I'iatt 03
The l"aim county v
ir. 2.7
7 72
Z- :.'
27 7:- 17:
, i, .-ru.-Ll. The
Pnydur eotinty i-t d
f Rev.Ca;.t EJmoii'i
t'jT;irany 4 ' lit ..
to C Dem.) not uecivid
lleturn Julj;t t i c-.iaat.
In t'.iue fjr the
The l,vc.
vote is ajccrtiSe 1 it Ihirri-iiur.-.Th-irvl:!-.-
of last week. TutJ Home and S.IJi-.rs'
Tute we make as f.jilow-:
Whole Tote fr ?hriacr, C172
for Wall r.::i; 1 47 r-sj.
WLo!j Tote f .r Allt-iuan, C2-o 4:1 maj.
---- iorlim-i t.JlKj uxmj.
I'.T Man't-y ".24. "i
for V Uh, a :!'". 1 ltjuivj.
for I'iatt iJ:7
f t l..yer 02.1 1
To le alK J "1 p. m :j. in CiTt.
Juijnds' Coui.any, nut in in time.
In ca-
e ox a c atc:
th-j true y-jU
rsceiveJ before the I.c-ii:i:aro tuevt, are
to be counted. This wiil doul-th-ss elei't
Jlank-T, and possibly Shrinf-r W The
oata we suppose will be thrown open Ly
coming county, where the fraud, ca'asin
tae contest, oriiautcd.
State ElefloD-onilal.
Tbere was no return of '11 onus" YOtea
to Barruburg. Tbe following are all tbe
'Official" returns we hare received. It
is for Congress, and inclules both Come
and Soldiera' vote, which are njt distinct
(at are together as one in tbe returns :
3 4'
11, got
4 G57
3 4i7
There is a general failing off from last
wear's Tote, oa both sides. !
. Tbe Official from forty-twi eoaatics tip
to yesterday, at ilarrisburg, inJicato that .
the Union ma iorit v in
. .
Penn'a iS nOt leSS thail
-Tweotj years tgo Jm K.
Polk wu fiomioated for I'resklect od
Free Trade nlatfrtn wbi-h waa t nn.
xrte iraeie piatioxm, wtii.n was very un-
ronnlar. To Mnnt.r..-t it h r.-.a
Tarif letter to lnd,e Kan- and .aa elec '
i-aJ.!t.i.:--Dt.......'...i,.,L .-j
" t ut vauuti .i a. vim. luv
tnelariffof 112." u;. p;,:form acd
bis Letter disagreed, but the people were
road to believe be would fallow bis letter
and "spit on the platform." Tbey were
cruelly deceived.
Shaft are It FucJtJ a 'join ?
loiay, i,eo. .M tlellaa u op for I res-;
identon Peace platform, with a Peace
h . ...
bbb for Vice, end supported by the
1 eaee nartw .n.i.l!. tr,.t tk.t A.
!!t But tbat does
not suit the ratrtotiemaf the Loral States 1
and so M Cle",n . u- . 1 . !
Point. "k :
u til Services in tha EelJ. Now
it i attettnied . a.ua. .1 1 7 '
"etotreatvours not to be deceived
k.iIlMd an honorable man)!
to tbe priocipks spon alkb t
t-taUBkUd, J
More ltobMn? Soldiers.
Not only bas the I'ruthonotary of Ly
coming county outraged lav and right by
, jreTentitg soiiirrs' votes from being re
; ceived so ibat tiny niicbt be counted, but
! certain lleturn Ju-Jges cf Adams, Fulton,
' ace Uedf ord Live done the eauie wrong by
refusing to count tbom when received.
All tho-c who thus try to deprive the Sol
j dier of bis bi':!ot, ire Copperheads warm
i friends cf M'C.cIIm :
I Tbcy pretend to justify their acts by
tbe pica tbat tbe rtturos were informal.
But tbe law which we nioted in our last.
expressly prcbitils aD r'j.etion on ae-
count of informality. We add one mere
.!;..Ki,..",w ,h.t ,h. h,.u m. U a
..u...c P
law-dffyjcg ue to elect men by deptiv
iog soldiers cf tbiir tights:
'It shall net be law fa) f'.t fail j'ldies
or clerks, ia es:ing up tbe totes which
: tbail ; ptar to bave bi.cn givn, as sb' wn
; by the ctri:lica(ts nndur the 7'3h an J 77:b
. s-.i'.ijLi tf this act, to omit cr reject any
part tbcrSnf, isa jt rhtA it the. r.,.n,n,n J
to j-rtcnt tiit S'jmt fronibciflj iiutlrrti.l
ami ctnijii:'cl in aJdirj tcjither the BiiWt-,
Honest Voting PIUST be Enjoyed:
Tbe nct-Lt attcu.ft at nb"les!e Irand
in the arn-y tote cf Now Yutk and tbe
tfjecti n t f f jhiicrs' o?cs in I'cno'y'.va
nia have created a beiUby paLlie indij.
La'.ion, mc;t advantageous, we troet, to
the L'uon cause. Ettry honest M'Cle'.
Un man mast scora any way to eiict biai
tut iy a fiir Tte.
A C pptrhtad speskcr in Lrwisburg
declared tbat tbe L'Lion party Lad com
mitted similar frauds in Indiana, and that :
it Wcg ttae cf tbe I'rerident'a luiincss,
acyb.w Gcv. Stjmcur could and would
care fr tbe Xtw York eoldltrs.
To which we reply
1. There U not oce word cf pry of .
Union frauds in tbe Indiaca election.
OJy Itjdiaca s. ldicrs voted, and ihe polls
ba.ks will d.ttct the illegality (if any )'
The vote is less ttaa it was in liCO.
frauds are a"' jd to have bten commit. ;
ted ! j re-eUct Voorbees, which Congress
will etj.Je cpon, afur Voo:bee takes bia (
2. Got. Seymour did 'step tie in
famous Sew York riata. The troops
bal to eboot down scores of Seymour' j
'.'ritoda" before peace waa rtnortd. Aa ,
to the frauds, Sctmour ia trjing to ht!p
his agents who committed the wroug, aud
not a punith tLcm. Ybile :bey are in
the U. i- service, I'residoLt LtLcln does !
well to protect tbe Irave men (who tr '
trying to cave tbe life of tbe cation) in .
the pretic-us boon of toting. Tbe great :
Napoleofi bung up scamps who ia:pjsed
poor food upon bis soldiers, and Jackson
bad men shot who were trying to create :
dlsafection ia bis camp. Imprisonment;
fur life is a mild puni-bmect for self-con-.
fesssd rarca'.ity l;ke this. j
Soldiers, Look Here!
The last Wiliiaaisport Democrat copies
this little article : j
"A sitntitute rir trr in N'ew IIarnph:re
savs h has pu 2ii5o:.ti mea into ihe array. ;
, and dju't b-lmt h? hat put in on: horieit man." j
p The last Lewisburg Arjus ssys :
uThtrr it no kwrr. th'r it no pitrvjism or
' human:!: in Ihe spirit of ihe war as it is new '
' waeed ; mm art pr&'cutinz it oain wealth
aLi rraiit'r enmity, veceai.ce and ambitica ; :
t'my .nrt I at tight if banor, chastity, jasuce ;
aud C'hr.itiaai'P." j
I These outbursts of Copperhead hate of ,
' tbe Soldiers betray tbe secret feelings of j
tbe leaders of tbat party even while trying '
' to coax tbe soldiers oat of their votes ! ,
Tbcy publish all tbe misdoings of any of ,
what tbey call "Lmxlm'i dryt" or "Zi'a- j
coU'i hireliajt," but bide or deny" all ;
their good deeds and virtues. J
Tberc .doub'lea bii eD i
parties, armies, churches, and people. ve I
offer no apology for any evil doer. But .'
tbe foregoing are wanton, wholesale elan-
ders. No army wu ever formed of more j
honest, earnest, self-denying, patriotic ;
men, than those now risking their all of j
earth to cave Pennsylvania and the North 1
from tbe doom of war-blasted Virginia !
It is needless to say that all those who'
insult our cScers and soldiers m
. ,. tr .
Iliads auts sjusii mm waifaaua wui dusmiu t
and those at boms who sustain
them, a 1 think "the war is failure," and
. ... .1
ie ba tbe brass to as those wno are
troteeoUng the war to tote for slow M'-1
Clellan and traitor Pendleton! WiUthet
- ,
do it ? (See the Lleetion returns )
A Righteous Verdict!
The Pant, K ike Ball-.a -sl k Prcsme.: ;
Whixotoit, Xo. 2. I
Ponobae and Ferry, sgenU in the great ,Dj dded, 'Steadman, if yoa can do any
electioo frauds, have been convicted by tbios for me to make my record right in
.. ... . . i j . . . . . e t
riccuuo iris
,h. C0lnn)igiiarj, iDd sentenced
to an iirvritoKment lr life, Tbe sentence
has been approved, and wiil be immediate-
ly earned into exeeation.
Iv carried into execution. I
tri1 Co1" J;,r,0i Je York i
6,!e A.ent. lt ben PP"e 'l t0 j
morrOW iB rder ? gW f ,ime !
e ... i,.,k . ik.t.ii.
- f
, T . -7 P.
tbs IaD- " j
uJ 61 '"J."!" !lltl,i'9,
i'rllL' vitc lrcsidcnc'!
I- rcallv a matter of more importance
tl.an "'-eacrallyestitriMcJ. He his
I icsiucai ...it..-....
That four Democratic Vice rresld
ti.ts Aaron Iiarr. JoLa C. Calhonn,
Jolin Tyler, and John C. ilrei-kia-rido
j'tovcJ traitors. The f:rU two
foinenteii rcljOilion, but failed the
la.-t two aided the present rebellion,
jierrouallv, to the Lloodlc-l cud.
IT is i;elievkd,
VC'nh nraarcrit rea.-oa.that thelonest
TT .uuoX. one month afu;r reaching
the l'resi Jener, wa-' i'ii.-oned to make
room for traitor Tyler to pave the
wav for Texas.
' Gea. Tavi.o?. resi.-ted the dematids
of the Siaveot'.-aey died suddenly
find, was ssseeeedcJ by Fillmore, who,
tho' elected a- an Abo!itionist,becaaic
a !iait tool of the South.
ErcHAXAX. v. iih scores cf others,
, . .. x-..: 1 li.... I
aa r"15"" Ul
and ever al'.erwards pcr.omed as Lis
Southern advisers directed.
The atteuipt ;o uiurder Lincoln, is
Now. admit that M'Ci.ELI.AX is
as patriotic and able as is claimed
for him. I'EStiLETOX is a mucli ciore
cauubie mati, l.aturaiiy ana in eapei-
ieisee. Sanposc jl .Icilan reieisea to
do as the'ViwlaniiL'hams, Fernaudo
Woods aud other Rebel Fvutpatuizers
. .tr.I ul.ii would M'Clcihin's life
be worth when his place could bo so
easily filled by Pendleton ?
In" voting for Asdt.E'.v Jonxsox as
Vice rresident.we vote for one whose
Unionism has been tested by persecu
tiou, bdt.i?h:aet.t and dansrtr to life.
jVLMkLU. lSe.
!' ! tVt ! rl !
lro it,- p j-i'-ri'f lirJ!
rai ' fr tn rhr e- uenin nJ tllley,
A r, J or T'T2 tbe tsto trni
Vf .a : & ttt A to- t l-il
frvia I'ri ri' r: u;i.ti lie
ir:f ftf nntr'! IW
V;fi.i iu -rir;-a.n l 1 eUrM
V- m-u f-t t!.w r:. ia Itcit t'wts
t'..aT. ' ' t' th" k.
fr-ns tli-r.i'.rci.ii xfj ti. it -fprJ
Th". in r ! iLj Crcnk.
t f-'-Iii-n' TM.:
Tj lb- Ucn-T' '1 -' Ntr;L!
Tfcrt.o.h tb ht-r-d l' r of te-Msg pcF
Uur -r:t If.-: ' - i rtb:
EvTttl-ki!. Tl?tTntl
Who r.ror4 u. d-a;:' -J J
T U : Ur i'sl.-e;i
Of TrwlosB K undt Ui-ttjr '.
OM o-o fc:' fffM Tib!lAt,
V Ma lb it '
Aral ! tev.-r. w.tl. M'.rfwJ r4
thit rit- will -f r .t!
Anl Ib litt. nHti rwl
li-r j. ii a -b het nala kclU
AH UCkat'-WU hsIX'" CwsV.
And tfc hw.rt c-fb-r-.;- m-t.rs
ti iL- .l-v-i- -t a t- !.
With thtr jywr I-- U- n
THa li - t.rT mho i trir it
Tr,- rich :la-MT r frnt-c sM-i Ue u.J
b-lp u i;b tl.eir f .-sj-l ;
A'.VZi Ufi UO-WlXe.
from tb Shilob
rr'-m ifr m;. M.U emji
fn-.m fr-arrifte-tunr. ml ttty;torf.
And ; m m Vt- r:.i U U ttt pws
Like l tic Cicuia ia -iw
fr-ra th w:lrT)i. VreHiKbw
T fV krlr B :
AnJ Ui tr-arb' f-f I --is !.';
Fr -ui the rru-'I. ;n-rtr-i.
Wi"T thir bMlr plB'd wt.
fr1 cr'm-inc d-ck. ir in ruas.ett .,
Tb-y ?ihcr .Ui t-Jy-
Ani th tf o. -IU!7y ? rml!y!
Th -rrk i fUmtv-t a.
T bt.r'-t-r : rmiiy trt.i mranUiO and TsUIry
AdI rm? th 5-tl e wo.
V- svarod f..r r.'l- .r c-f tr,
Oar-iviDf r tnv-urtM Me-li J
l?bvil ttry mb wiicrv lit ? fril .
And their brother !-ft tii--J tlea
Intri dtd rMr nwl rih
Of rDtKD saod fwrnH. by i -ft n-i fr-J.
Ani tht -rbto- qi.Tini fiAe-i
Bf t-- F--I nU M
Jo-t irmb5ii.f t itWI: ....
y rotM 0orn eiT. fre ra FlornU fcu.
for iu tin-y eii, lb1
Tbe lifi-blot4 f th tyrmol
Is et bmc Isvt y:
Ti'tAry t hr orniof gtte,
AnJ amil-oii our rry:
With oletBB th rBtrir
IV f .r c 'vb:iitmol.
An-1 It I- n it t.rry erowa
To bi the future laoi.
Ob nor ublime nJecrt
An-i lvh--.J th da f
Of - m"TV eJ-OT, taod WW fr.rvTeT
Ti.ruT'ut ibe Und Lil
Fet'f D'l rr th vnUbe4 power
ir 'T-rT i.U t it.n.
Ad4 Frr-4j rtW r.d truapM fiwf
fbli bIociB wh:t again!
Tti rmtWt rtH' rttyt
M.k.tmnioit io ti I.M!
T. rily trvm ninttis asa valwj,
T. uh-nB.Q from .b. ttr&Bd :
SrT. nm. of th Vt. A n.rv-. I btitl
V.w EnrLnS'f mm m'rht!
roa f run. wl rrs untvzi the &C
AB3 rmllv so en s.ni-
Titrtoa F5 Slonillll.in.
.truiui - j - .
This trentleman, born near Lewisbare,
1U1S geu.ieman, uu.u . 61 I
. . . . .
r. i.. rt.MM.. f le.
Z . . a
!. tba war broke out. He volunteered
taw a 1aw.1in9 llflDLTllI JJCLQIKIU IU JUIKJ '.
. i and bu risen to the rank of General, in .
: . ..
"' r A i
m rBce" CD,on '?mu'
c. j ... J l
Steadman aid-
"I must give yon little piece el bis. ,
. V .k. .I r f th ramnaiern of
mi v .1 rai ataaas liudv wa -
- r o- --
ie.m I ... t rieln-iit. to see Mr.
thwe u As 1 1
met bim, he said, 'It's all over with me,' .
0hio, do it, for I want an honorable ree-
ord ' I assured him I would do all I
caald, and on bis assariog me tbat Lin-
eoln would be elected, 1 saiJ, 'Juage,
,Bat kind cf a man is Mr.Lineola ? Yon 1
know bim, have praetisod law with bio,
4 ein UlL' 5,If- D3Bg,M rf'
. . 1 . r 7 nn.l A muntrv .
.KK- 7. 7 "7; , 7
the election of Lincoln and 3 obnson.So
KX - AB - N.nW oo-
inktyd for one u( th Dsawerktic Electors
6eehere t
. , , . .
JJaillC, .liiim J)Si II'C,
Orpron. Connecticut.
Oregon, Connecticut,
o ' 7
j - ? '
crmont, 31arylanil,
, . nl T
Ohio, Khode island,
Indiana, Pcnnsylv'nia
Are tLe only S'ates wtich have
voted this year and they a!! vole is
fdvor of the Supporters of LINCOLN
Jo. Hooker's Views!
Geo. llojktr made a speech at Spring
field, 111., ia which he predicts! that tee
re-election tf President Lincoln would be
tbe end cf tbe war. He sail :
'It will be more thaa a Waterloo defeat
to those who ara atrayed a-'aiLst cur
country. It will te a tta;g-riLg blew to
,he KtUli that we have been -h-ing in
tbe ja ,bich Jiur tr3tL(Ii xhi
' have been engaied for the last three yeirs
ttJi a tf ; na it will be worse to the
Copperheads. I would not, f or the world,
fij anything to eafite bep;i that miy cot
be realized; tat I sill sy this, that i: ii
tie cpiuiun cf those who have a much
better opportunity of knowing tbaa I
nave, tba?, ia tee cext etcctna, wo w.:i
achieve tbe greatest tiotcry that bis been
a from tbe beginning oi this Uebellioa
the present time. It will be a t-o
edged sw.rd, cuttitg both ways, North
and South. I state this cfnfiientiy, be
lieving, from those who have mach better
opportunities of knowirj thaa I have,
tbat every single State ia this I'ana will
cast lis vote lor Atniatn Linco.n.
(Load .pp!ue, and cries of -TUi'ss:.") ccr rris:t:3 fioa exj-osnra u fire, and
ihs Ucioa coiflraiiider tai dcae tbe f3m
Hear another Soldier! "j ,.7? n 0 fAn
eionange ci tne aicc and woucaeo. An
'Tuul'"3""! . 0,bcr tiockade rosner iu sunk Leir the
Pear Pasests-I will drop a few lines ' mt)l of tis Lirbor"
t? let yno know that we are well at this , pL ,Ktibn "c,eBt!
date. We started ia oa tbe fifth cf May :
last Spring, and done bard fijhticg all the '
way uown u.l we got cere, asa taere Las
not been oce day since tbat we could tot
bear the roar of cannon and the raitle of
mu-kstry. This Las been t bard surnser
on troops, bat the men are ail williog to
fi'ht and tri to ret this Rebellion atnnief
jlbeleaders of this war (the starters of
this Rebellion) deserte bell, if ever any
body should be put there for punishment,
And them Rebela tow have at home de -
..... .i . ti i m j
serve no better place. They are be.I-di-
serving rueala. We get both lbs news-
papers bere in our Company the Cn20X-
IPI ! ml IV. A T, :a . .1... f .
staae for
i . ...
tne county o: Union tj have paper like
! t Argas. It tells some cf the blackest
I Ues that were ever rrlntH nn It
I . . r .
pretends to know all about tbe army and
the soldiers, and it knows nothicj at all,
!. ...
j for men are -ry eearce who wculd write
I sheet far it to print and publish. I will
leii yon my opinion about tbe army at the
! Cext eleition
one ii iney a. I vote, iaers wero a rf
i . i ,
minv fh Iia AtA.tlnf All u... !
j .... . t . . " . . ui 4 u;i Ull
their tax receipts. I bcliero that the
people at boms done their duty in getlirg
n a?sid and sealing receipts. Cut
some were lost on the war : hjwever.it
;n .'i k :n .i. l .
Then we will show ths Copperheads
at tome tea! tbey are the ones that wanted
to deprive the poor soldier of the privilege
cf fotinz: and what for? whr. tb.it is
easy to tell because be is the one that
knows something about Slavery, which
bas always threatened tha Uaion. Eat
this war can not be settled aDy other way
oat by making this a free eonntry. No
more slaves and slave territory. All must
be Union, and true Union at that
I was glad this morning I got that 1st- j
ter John Bressler wrote at your bouse.)
He said I shoa'd be sore and give Abra
ham rote. I will do tbat, and will do
all to bare others ?ote for bim cot be
eaase he ia a Republican, bat becaasa be
is for tb: LVun, and a better man never
eat in tbe While Hons. He is strictly
honest and true bs bas been weighed in j
the balance and not found wasting.
q,, ... , ...
inere is SJmetbing s.raBg? about Dl - ,
Cleliao. The Rebs all cheered when ha I
.. 1 . , , t.1
.,, , ... . ,J .
Will do SOmethmi? forthem. Or whv Would
J '
ivi wuvw. v. v "
.1 . a . . mn, a . i m
,aeJ n'tttt "ve tlm n u.a as ;
. ... , . ;
. utile) is VUIUCIUIUE wrtOlT. xluowas3
, Father Abraham, it .nnld maka 1
trne " F,h Abraham, it would make
' , , ,
blCIl Of the tWO
o differene to them
won Id be President. Bat tbey want a
. u. fc
" " I
j. .... ... .... . . i
" ,J ,u'i ""at is aiuioai as gouvi
s to acknowledge the Southern Confedcr- i
icy a thing tbat can't never be done at
this time of day.
W e bare buried too .
many good men to give np all now. And
how many more will be laid low in Virgl
nia before this campaign is over ?
a a v . a- . r l . it. . j.Ka. .
a little more united, it woald have some
efreot on ta,e Rebel, &01,a ncre. jhey
5" o P-P. i b7 J read of a
b r r j
party ia the Xarth tbat npbold their doe-
Oiil lueir ttJC-
get whipped.
wora. All tats goes to snow taat taey .
aide with tbe Rebs, end io fact are worse !
1 l t v . ti . 1 1
tbao lb RebeU. Tbe, are set of eow-
. a . . v . . t
Uil V9.3 trj l) iit'aoj tbe peace ot tbil 1
a .0.0a u .uo prtio.B iu .oc . i.i.u -wB.icccMing to law says me above u corraxt te.
NOV, 4, 1SG1
' free and coble cantry. Why d .u't fuiue
I of lb-. a Copp ribeaj ami to lie Arn.j ?
! If they don't t'ks the cause we are fuht-
d for, tbcy cm j .ia tbe Ucbel trroy.
yLc' . " ,M c,-
I bere is a cbarc; frail f.r I
TL V :! " t"r.Kn-
There is a chare; trail f.r I tioo. or
t?, or .latevcr ny .y c-.n n,-
s-jlvji. Yoa ma?t eieu-c me if I am tea
birJ. ?AMI. lE0W., El., BBff.
j titry.'2eut'ct menuMt to
ni'.lmrj duty ia tbn fcrate, nowgoicjon,
is cuicr tbe M.i.tia Liw of i'cts'a,
(tshich wis so sTon'y dtemded by tbe
C.p.) aLl is de.igncd as tbe ba.-is for the
creation tf tbe State juard. Gov. Curtia
is arranging for the exemption of the
State Gu4rd, while on duty, from se,rv;j
ia L National armies.
latest; News
TLe recent advance of Gen. Grant wis
to giin correct knowledge of the wotks &a
tic Uoji-tou R-ad, and, although snoo's--fal
ia tt-it respect, cur forces fell bck to
thtir criminal positioa. They were then
ttticked by tbe '"..tels, who were trn
defeated. Oar whule los (including tie
m:s?in?, some of whom are coming in;
Wis 15u';), quite a Lumber of them colored
trocps. We bavs half that camber r,f
K.ltl prisoners, asd tbeir killed aud
wuunied Uiu,t t,j-;al oars.
LoiisviLLB, Nov. 2. All is right
along the whole litiS of Sbermao's army.
I'rica defeat relieves Missouri from
her recent dug-ir, although there are still
msraudiLg tanls la'csticg the dtate.
Oa the l7tb ult., Lieut. C-ishicg blew
up tbe lle-lcl rim Alberm&rie. The elj
struction :i eimplcte.
Tbe Rebels at Charleston have removed
uciekiea i.eue.a uuuit i urresi.
A party ia a boat undertook to cat oat
a L. a. cutter iyg iu tie harbor at tie
, fmit Main3,
; The gaerrii;t3 ,tUcied a clored fore
' near Alexandria, bat were routed,
Nathan A. Farwell, baa been appointed
U. S. Senator from Maine, io place of
VT. P. Feasenden both Union.
1 4 X'o.,,- Ctio
-lllulUL1 kJl"'"sBa .a j. .
j The President bu issued a proclamation i RfiaJ, sS mI8s
! admiitiog iva&a into tne cii.ow .
state, m accordance wita aci oi v.oaKrca.
. ' I
.Vor. 4 Forrest Llill G. B.
Alill.-r Sh
: Miller, Sborkley.
.... . .. .
.UdSS ileellllg at llartietOD, Oil
Sttr.iv, XvV. 5 G. F. Miller, S U.
Orwi. V.nGeier. C.Merrill. Dixon. Same
J.. 1;.I,1'. ifc.Vl- A it-.n
daJ ifiehl'si Ilotel-rShorklej, Aikea anl
, - o . c tt t
Jhn-tay, A v. Orwig s 5 U ., Lewis
Twp-Cant.Or.i. Shriner. Same day
Union S. fl , Buffaloe Twp Shotkley.G.
t. li ar, w er.len.
Corrected S-mi- Wetl'y ?y Wjlh L Smuh.
1 CO
Batter, prime S 45
do common 25
Eaes SO
Lard, fresh 20
Tallow 15
Potatoes 55
Pried Apples.lb. 10
Wool 75
. sJits, o- io. J
. . . n. il -
sor.i" l co
,1 o:
Hara 15
Rigs 6f7 S
Country Soap sf.O
r?A sermon n?on the Christian doty
at ihe preser.i Naiionat Cri.n wi!i be dei.T-
ered at the Chrisuaa Church to-mtirr. v,Saa
dar Tr.ornin?.
rrnrei in the Trinity P. E. Charcfa,
Chamler'-.n'i BaiMmsr, iiit Snnav afr
tir n at 3J. and ia the eveatng a: 7 o'clocit.
Ch;!-irens chtirvhatCj. Ail a.-e a&cuc na:e
lr invited to atiend.
fo Ta5'T.tsTi utt. in Si k!." B-rt.t: BraB-?i.i
P;tt--. SricT'J.Dril II .til.l- &.'txrN. .1 i.r 1' .l U
PI-illEK. ffCn. I, I, ji P. . 't;u A:i.n.e""rTZ3t.
iver rl Br b. dJ Jcha Q. Fit-r. Jim-. Heir, .nil
J ao It t:. c. mmm. fjrvu-jrj ,nr.M. ii. r.f
r-..-e . tfi.ir l brtbrr in arm. o.l ih.u vnj..
tt r ub tu rfiU aD4 frit. W. a:r. fa. i.
rr?a Tnir-a ecuatr, t!tiiuj!. it; j:at uj bif a;, am
ot neil I
The Lerisborj Deposicaatt has this day
rl.ared a divides Jtf flar per cent, for the
last :i moatn, i.rojii'm mc ujtriiiui-m
ux ptvtWe w the jt-cVblders on demaad. ,
Nov. 3. !-3. H.PiHELI.ER.Treas.
QTATEMIM of Lt-nhbiire Bank
r as renmred bv the second section ti tne
- . .....
& a i
a ,r ,1 1 eramb 'w tf trti: 1 .rnm.-.n.
... wCUC...
wealth, approved the 13:h Ocu A. D- lsoi.
n-.i s.rn.ate. -1 iw ,r
ta. tToihrr baut.' ,00 tS
Cit. .tJ Tt..v ft.tb-rtriaanaCASstea t- .' Jl
D-r-o-ii io tb. W.nt
S i.
l.'-jJO uo
i-el O g
i DitTU Se.i ' 14iei
p.n.,i...pc.. warLoa.
BuJ lceuaUvl
1 j.a
liieS a
lss.174 ns
15" ro
'tb-r Pman.
bu rju.
5H.TTT ii
i-4 . 01 I
Perttnnal! v aprn-arwd hefore rae Aadrew 1
Kennedy, '. P- David Retr. Cashiet of the '
above named Baatr. who bem; duly wwora
the best of hit knowledee. or. t, lfit-. .
a. kexxitit, r.
Lewialjarg Bank.
. . ,, t r , r..,k.
lTHEABB",E ee,T,frKKtbl
! J. eaains; year will ke he iu the il
Ma, at. e w v. iti . -
Ab,, ,be AnBnayeetm? of ihe m echo;,..
ers of this Bank be held at the Bai.k,n.
ll.mse oa Toesdiv ilae lsl day of Nov. neat,
w ,0 o.coclf v M DAviu EXBER. . j
Lewisburg Oct. 19. ltt
"HIE l'.lO-" toUinid a lsHwluie .
TMI.L ie otTWel at A'J
M.li ia Wa.; 1"T
FK'.LIAV. .Nuvjl.ti
U.-J'..ad at:2 t- !.:
l li lDkO.T.'
L'i'o. it:
:r.er H LeUe A at
r..w. ii on .r,. a. I L a.J oiiier ft.
Uei:..ii-s. V,e.a : . .her Ew .-rr.. h' 'i .. .
Ox Frame f -.TyAi. us V..H. t-?.ar .".:
a varieiv ofi-.eLjaieraiel art.t.e.
S it To yrr.rurr.r at to o'c: ta
whea l ertrii wi.i be raa :e In-'" 1 '
,N..ir.;.l-f 1. J.C. M Cl.l i- A. 1 O
"IT"""!!.!, be uT-i'2 at I'.-'lie fit i t.f
preasi of J B. "y
ItutWoe lp.cn TL'K.-'iJ W. S- 1".
J urkts? ill rre rx r.r a 'a'x. hlii.,
J vr o.d !,;... a a: e: f w'i.S -u-k t-i
L.!:i, i C. I, aEaiU yutjtf ft.:-. li -..
H .rJear.Pi.-w.Hrr-.Ctf:t..-at-r,.H
lUi.r, l'i ca:". ri., Viryditi.iie, a:.- oihrt lii
u. r fttn' .
A.o 4 B'dtaA.ats cf H vr.j.S Ta
l. 1 set! c ra:.- C..e:L; Suite aai
ci-rH et-ra-.i
it' -j c. ij:;-.e:.ce i .'c'c.elc.A M.wUea
the'ler.s wiii "te u'' 1V" t "
.Nor.I.l-'.l. I"i:KI):.'K .VOVEa
I tinUI-V ATTAttl-MtXT.
.a LvScir. t .-
r'.ll S r fintivi.-a-
e r.J e. a.d coat.:.
t. . ra-i.i i-i ite M
(J.--t:ir.- :
" We c -not aai joi tbat y-.j'aitath ta
r:'?at, tii'e, inters, t. an i rr t: fr is J.
Keane.f. in a certain uat of ui-a'.y. ln.t
si.ua-e i n the Sato Era'l f f Wn..e Peer
Creei now cr fc.rir.er v la W i.:te ll-.tr 1 p.
t"a." c ,ar.tv, cfc:.:a:ii-r ;n the . three
faiadred auJ ;ai.;v a res. ar J '-.! wa
sarvtyed n ihe :y of Au !-U !""". i-i rr-
a'jjr.te ci a -a.'raat srsL cU !.. i.ar..'. .-.J-
fd the 13 r ,f Jan.. if, in wh...
basis r rr-ses;.-. y?r-r ii;f sa.e tea? te.
.-j ti.at h- te ar.i anrar tef re lurl'tnrt ji'
Comme-u P;a t.' be h-M-n inLeaisiora io
and fur si i crcr.ty, i,n he ii' b div of Ue
eerr.tier r.rt. ere to ar..yr K. tfrt J. Ken
nedy ef a F.ea ia auuip-.t laai i t re ani
arpar tf re car Curt on r oy
c! Decrr,ier neit. 10 a-swrr a: sr-.a 1 t
cr;c el arainei him aid at ufe tae judjaieBt
ci the t': art ibere.a. Aad have )jaxere
an ! ihen ih.s wr.t. v
W';tie-i the H r.-ra1 'e S S. Waoi.Prei
deflt Jo.i? cf sa d 'onrt at Levriburj, lie
Zi dii cf 'c.vetrrer. 1-t.
J. W. SAN' !, Prthoa tary.
Auditor's notice.
THE nni-rsisne. A:! t. r. arpr if.tel by I
the OrrhanY Cesrt cf I'biencouLty o :
' ,i ,'rbay the balance in the han H cf t H
O-ar.z. E-q, Aim nitrat-r tf Mrs. Kincc
LUwaosr. iee'i, will atteoi to the dut.e tf
hi- a; p mtmeat al h.s office ia the bcrou:h
cf Lewi-barz.cn Saturday, tbe I2-h Cay i
Xovember. IsSl. at 10 o c). ck. A l.
ramea interes.ea taj ..r.i u ..ir-i ?-
j pfr. A. H- lH.i.. Aaincr
"W-fc V :r.n. r.f inn.tm wrtr r.f V.n Fr in!
' Lev. Fa. issned tui of the tVort of
tummoa P of Imra to. Pi. nl to oe
I o.rerte.'.Wi.: b eipsei rn-''-sa e rr cut-
: cry. on fATl'KDAY. XiV. i. isti.
Vhe R r,,re H;ase rVu f '
l'la'' ; 1 " p
e-rt.ii trst of Iarr--4 LM. 'ua In WSJ.
Urt u w Lathi?. r-TirstT n i i"'.r :" ra. . tB-id
i -tA1 to,-,,. Oa l.peuf ..fiir WrK"sr& .
UWtv-r u;h -ri d-crr -t vl larn-rsw) to ,
( a ID" ;d-; :r.et)rw ..uh "l"'-. irt wt sat wibi
If. :it COtr of ta W .1. A P X.vrr ."; V'W' ft ot
lla oo.-rcf il n-FMi- n- rts K? iL-trr-i W
p.rb tx iii-tie: taDte oortb ! . J-rr- t
..-.-). t--. fwt ; it- nr- s ith -' . U'r- luaj
prrfw ia r?t; tl-n- 1 . r .ftt- j". cr t It t'aa
jiy cu:b !T dk-rwe a-t IT f-'-'b' i ib r.w rf
iL.u --. c.Ma.u.zj ..v. il I T Fe-t- .-t
tl.rrvio"-i:swD--.tt iK'Tf . iil a :v urT s j !' sa.
(r-ci K;-.-fc-n. Frrna.' B-. 0.ri OiK. nU :iir --at-rai.
Hnr4. a .r-- irn rrr. ..s?to ..oarrr.
.; cfebwrJ ati I ctrwr fru.: tr-. a i r-.tii f f nrtf.
.OaT ter E-aT th- fc O. ' .-.- i ftfii lajkCIa ia)
risKJli aj tie j re jrty of L. Ci-vMl PaTj.
ALSO af ihe 5&xe time an ! p'ac? a ferio
hah" lut of err nnd fciinate in mi;h5 a ! M-'o
Th bornazh cf Lewrisbnr. renn'r aft r
sa;i. bour.Jei tn :he jn ii bv Mariel strert,
on ihe ty io: cf WiJow Sm-hecker, ra
tHe c:rh vr ai a''?r. ar. 1 on ihe ea?t tv ihe
Centra! F- onlrr. c-n:ajQ.ntj One e sh:h of
an are me -re cr !fs, whren are er-ce i a
twTj-storey fra:ne Dwe!!ina Hoase, a tttoheo
a tache J. 'ee hrne. fraxe r ; gnol-
i'.f-r anj oiner ooii-uii J;nr. ;h inr arpir-
lenarices as ihe prcptrtof Mar DaXj
Al 50 at the sane tirr an I r'aee a cerjni
lief sroand s.taate in New Ci t-.nbia.TVhi:
lie-, r t -Lh;p. e-urt-7 a:' rea. i. bonr..:e'i on
th? east hv V. a r -:rt on the o;h tv
t'h'tTv a'ler. cn ihe west br Rivera y,anl
on the n irta by f t of LUi i (i nter, l-e.nz 45
fei in fr. ni bv 171 feet in dp b. :h same
beins: marked o. 5't m"ih general p'aa of
tan town, tceether with ihe Tavern s.ar t.
and all and s.Ezniar the ba.: i Ac . w:.h
the apnnrenaiees, 4c, as the prcrerty of
MaBTitt Kltrria.
AT.SO. m M-r, lav. Nov. 11. If4. at tbe
pcS'ic h n-e o: Jac. b li.eitar4.io the b-r '
cf M.:S ubors, ceuntv aforesa.d. at 1 o'elocic
P. M.. a certain In cf rroond aitua-e ie Litne-
stone town-h n and ronciy af.-re.a d. b.'ond-
ti on the we,i b Mrsr?. Sn' and Dirrr. 1
rn ihe north by land c: ni. Barber, on Ihe
at by school lot, and on ihe socth by ('. x
r-.aj. coneaioin. inc acre, ini-rr or
whereon are ereced a two-n.r Pwellias
H.ase. B'a'V-rr.i h Shop. I.e. Patie anl
user eat-boit liess w"h tb apr irer.a-ifes.
ctner eat.hoi:
etc, as the property
of S. l F. Boeisaa.i'.
i sn a i ' h . e rr.
ALSO, at the same time and p ace, a cer
tain lot e rp rceof eraao t. siiaate in Lira
s'one towaship. acd county aforesaid. b..un.l
ed on the Bor.a by a puhtx read, on the west
ty land cf M-ssr. 8eo( and Derr. e n th
a- n h by larnl of Uenjamia Shivelv. a-.d. cn
the east by S. F. Bogenre.f. Cottainina Fire
acres, more or less, whereua are ere.-iej a
Dweiiin; House. Loe A:ab.e, WeJ wi.h
a pomp, aad other oat bnild.ngs. wrh theao
poneaances, etc as the property cf Wa. &
T F. AI.RRtr.HT. PhenfT
Sherirs Office. Lewisburp. 43el. IS, IMf.l.
'ILL te i-iTered at pabl.e aa'e oa the
premises ia White Leer iowc.h p.
Vuon e;3n,T't00 T.rasDav. 17 h .Nov aexti
,K. k a RM cf ,h. late J...a Ka.r... deed.
t uiljo li-jui, wu a
.,, iu: ar k.i e.t
which are itorroved. the remainder ia eooJ
White Oak limber.) bounded by lamia of
A oram Sypher. tieorje Schwartz, liavid I
naaisrT ina oineis. lucre ia e..uis .u:ir m
'"" Tne improvements are a xiiod,.,,
weaihev-tviardH Lc Hon.e. Frame
Bir - ,:.ai.theO.,ku,d,.s.telf.e:h.
Raosey and others. There u Linieaione ia :
h. use, and Orchard cf brariox ere. a.
k . 11 1 ft n .1 I ivC l irl a! Ka.3P:flw irMt
fale 10 commence at t o'clock, P M, whea
Bia-te knows bv
Kf.r. at.atO.W.T-.ra
Lt.Iit lroa0- IU.L1U-. " Tm
Oct. a, isfri. bnirn
al i tir Sar ; V
. J. .. !i ... ' 1
f articl'S: ;
i. fcfc 5t ee
.... ft- rv fftl
II.L fc so'.i pjhoc ." Saiar-tay
P-etises. a l.ol Of a.rtiuuu,
' corner 1 1 I Bier-, T Ai.utaoa .
,r. ..reet. m ihe be,r .rSh u Lf w JiaJ. I ioa
c in en wh.ch are erfe'fJ a c.-miwi.e
: .Tr ItrUk CwHI llM,
w,.h a Irek hiubea attaetr. a-4ot!ier iaa
rilltli,ri . Ho .i,jr"Ml'i
..etiw.ee tJjrns Fro tTrre. aj irfjj'r.
-3 tae f rr.intr el t-.m'l S. Batj, E.i,
in.1 ver d-i.-ablr f-r a private reiiUca
T-rmi cf wiii te o.arfe easv.
Al.O. .:i e '' at in 4 e uuie anj
,. a ar.-( of lluuot bolU oh
l'-rm:il trPrl.
i-,,e i- c.-nii-ra-e al t u cilt m tte a...
i,eea ci sa u ity-
AV.J aai Dtv;-e f v;ra l 5- Baruu,
I.ei.iLwr;:. )ct. 17, 161.
Pal lie Si!e cf REAL ESTATE.
T WIM. . rT-r at Pahiie Sa eta prn
I r.: FbZUA V. tn aith cay of Nevaaber.
a uacl i lai'i siioate m Viu &ntS.i.
J-WB-B.r, fuica e.-oh'v. af;i-i.iS SaaJ !
Jdn.e I'y n ..J- no Haroescc,!. ha M.lSe'r,
Fra jc.s J'i'. a and i.thn. cjlauf 21
4f rf at m"ri or all cltarr-1 aiu; t
arre. 5 acrr of which are eoel MeaJX .
Tar I:c?r..vea;enis are a 1. s bwelhn; houaa.
Bam. ap. aa-1 ether batbuiMiass, a well fcf
e i Wjier ear Lie h..ue. alv a spr.cj ,t
M neral Wifr knowa a uia it .av
sr.! a.eo on sail fen-.. set a ben me Orcha.-J.
I 'rx.n ;h w.v.ie, .d puiriy is (Jrtirabie a
a u-a ;r.r rtttry rc-..:eare. aie to ejg
n.cce a. e V.en e'cii'tk in ihe rcar'OD cf
i cav.fcbea trm w:' hr M kaswa
j. F. W1I.I.ER. AHeroef
:t. I'. 11-4. S r '.b U-.r, t t.-i JiMH
ccnaT SALE.
f.r of aale Usatd out Uf
1 )V virue i f an
" 1
t 'in.'e i in p'jtue sate ar in? rint'ie iroa
ia I.ewikl.srs. un Mituiiiav, u. Jo, Ira), a
1 u'cloc.-, P M. aJr tr.ai eel ..a Ha f Lpl uf
C.. iiii !. situate ! S'tifL ia mithS aJii
lu a u. the Bf.ro' of Lewi-bcr. beinaikd oa
ihe pr nh bv ba f tame lot, oa me east by a.
i :ti,i3 ifce sua a by a vacar.t lot. aad
th-we-i bv Peren.h a'reet. oa which ra
erected a two-tc,r-v BrirS pwilia Hoa,
ODbaild.Dgs.&c, u. Ji biiu ui aull4ib
ler. c't.
TERMS! per rent Osh, batanca to i
r .d a: Dccenofcer Term of Coon.
Oct. 19, 1 set.
rrHE sooseriHers i fer at Private fca-a Bl
X tracia tf T.mbcr Land, of about
in tracts of aboor equal ie, aitaaie4 In !
Ncr.ota.t ar. r.f W's-l BaJa'ce lownshipi
I'cu-n cconty. It will be cld i body. o
aini.e tracts, tn soil purchasers. It i well
l.mbereJ prine pa: y with White and Sfeliow
Pine. Vh!ie Oat. an! Purlar. Tat funts
rar.ica:ar loqaii
, 1
lire "r
i.T. 'Ett MrlULI. IT
rt-The nnder5;?red tffrrs fcr aala a ri
cf'.VJi 4cre cf Land, ia Whit lift
- townsh p, all wett TiSri.ip aboat If
acres wmch are c eareti aad cultivated, im
loicroreoi.nts are a f 'l iwo-auirev aat
U ... i..k.. . 1 i.,.K.,M.. . mfx.i
Orchard, aad aa nreiai W eil of Wa'rrai
ihe house. M061 GEO. MEIXCU.
TATEKX bTANU oi Market St im la
bvre'osa uf Lewisburg is cflered fural
oa reasoh.b.e tern.. Tne heoe is doobiet
an.t won .1 coKvanily acecaiaoda
lainri.es it aci desired tur the public. If 1(4
o: i in a reasmahie time, wiil t mtTtgigrd,
Anr person havin; wrs.v ic laa, eaa aava
it well sec o.-rd. Ini.rel pa.l prrminlr. A p.
ply to '.HI J. WOLFE
VT PRIVATE S.AI.E-1. line rtei.!enr
of Vn. E. aaaais. oa laivoratlw
Avenue. The H .ae is brick, two storeys,
t'Ut an 1 ti ii-heJ in the most toViantial
minvr. Ii cootains 13 roomv ia all. roc tad
ir r L 'rhen s th,.rcoghiy heated bv farwace,
and b'.s g.-s fiitmzs ihroairhc at. The asa.s
partition wa'j ar. m;.4. anl the ceVar IBor.
ouch'y rai proof. There is a !ar;e eiairw,
with pump in K.;che. tod iiever-faiUs
wtl wa er at the d .or.
There- jv a ne P:ab!e anl CaTis Tf"B-
'th aii ether necessary oaiboiiliat includ.
ib? a fire Chicicn fcase in& Tool room. -
The L. t r. n'airs atol ihrr acres a porv
li' n of wh-eti i oseJ as a panie ki. havtua;
a s-.r.a'n t f wa-.r racnic thro i'. and a-.fj-iBa
ihe Stab', wh'rh is a verv valnaMe eove.
irnre. The t.t is cmpleieiv strrlred wtfc iks
best va.-ieiifs of Frun liees aol vine in fall
besrins.and choice shrBhfcery ia a'can.taBra.
The situa ioa is in every respect iVstrab'e,
th n.ishhorhcKs; ihe best in the p'ar.
Enoasb Lot real j he rid fff to pay hllf
the ccat of purchase, if drairri.
Twenty trrri Farm Iand. si'ir
in K!!y t,wuh:p. a NoiBins ians f Paoi
Ce Idea and o.hera. ijvzl half a an.!; Ireat,
FeT far hcr parien'r ler-m Bnp'y fa
Oct 13 Ajents Lewishorj. Pa
lloue. on Si.u
T?ocmrnl f-
h Foarh 'rrei.iVll
a ; "rtns 'he Lra- ;cai chnrrh.l-.wishnr..
Inquire of l.ilC s W MlKRtf
A Nice Home oa north 3d street
KE Hon U a eo-1 iwo--.,rey
Fraroe It r Ji t.et. reren-lv rr-4
aiede e!. a SuirrnT H. use. m i.e Hoon".
B'w it. e. and a 1 other eeeerv cotba i.
d.nss, a wei! of ei-.'iint ater with a puma
on :he p. rch. ani Ci-iero la soxtner k'.eae.
1 he Let ia it fret Ir-nt. aad rs w!l ek.l
wto superior Fra:i Tre and Grape Viara
01" the che-tcct ar;e:ie.
Terms, moderate. Ptsirssu,a f .tea Jan.
1L fail aoon or late a brj.n.
!07o O H P iHIVELT
I OFFER at private mv Kari ia Kel'
towBship. It contains :$ Acres, or
or less, eieare.1 and in a food ataie of eabt.
vatioa. A e 'd H .ote. Bask Bara. Outboit.
d.ng."SPfJ Water and an OreharJ. A
Timber I.aad near th. ahc... iraeL For
i.rw.. in-n:r cf .. u m -kn,.. r sf
Isaac M.ore. resid.oe oa ihe farm.
House aad Lot for Sale,
SITUATED oa &oth Third irt-i.
l.ewisbsrg, forwrly ocrnpird 1 r .
Jej H. Wagner, li is a ha't lot ham(
on u a a brick Pwri.mJ Hun-. '
and Wkjia he.t, aio4 sone Ftwi- For
Term., atresa HE.NKV W' a. TT. NciA l
P. O., cr cat! c3 fOtl-rl MEISKI., ti;.
tarj ' U.J