Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, November 01, 1864, Image 1

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B ri V: 'J t: . ,
UUB i Hi if)
It t'l VK
at $1.50 per Year, aUtayi In Adsauee.
riKUtllLtt M.til UrtkU--
Taesiay Morniiu & Fri 'ay Anernona.
rcu rfiiMi'MT.
Abraham Lincoln
for u e ps-iiirM.
Andrew Johnson.
electoral iickit.
1 1: 'M V v?fniiCi!Ui
1 E.l.i t F Kitii
I tfwrp M IO..:.
S Meant Uusn
A iitism 11 tiara
-b.l. il llnoip
t llri t' ; t
llliaia T.U T
JLl A II... aT.J
1 Crkar ii r..T.-:l
II rari Ho.:,i.j
M Cbarir. I Kul
15 L la' II. .e
M ' : r! I Hirinvr
1-S J. ' o v, -T.r
'.6 lall VI DkniJ
1" Ii.i.J IV H.-.ij
1 I -.a? II. r.. a
: J l.ii l .t: n
1"' Mraj.i H
12 J Ln r i'-r-'
J l.u H B anc! nil
Cieci-on on Tur.Jay. Nov. H. !S64
Wa k e Up f
It U ascertaiiioJ tun; there wep- ai'M iit
from the A'.
this cc-uiitv, 3 l;h u'.:
snauh Uniun cn ii tJ lvive Can icl th. !r
(Vyitir ud Aoscmllymcn even ive-r thu
atteuiptel Lycoming C'pcrhcil I'.llury
fcf SolJicrs' votes '.
Jiow let every Lkction I:strict niakt;
riial atiJ th rou;h prtphratkiiia tu get out
. EVEUV VOTt. uest Tucs-hy, Stii inst.
Trust not to chsnr?. or '-iie-s we're i!I
right" but make -even lo-iy"s Lupines"
Soldi EEs' Votes. There are in our
armies vej.eiu.-ive U1 j.u.Lti.-j .u,cu
culil'.ed to vote in tlus.V-uate Histrut
cf thoe, 2Ai v.itt'l iu Vnin county. :ml
we have hear! of nearly l'.n) wlm did n"t
te for la-k of tiekets or rceeij t;,) i,"0
in Snyder, and 4'" i'l Lycoming HUM iu
all, or one half of the wh de.
The Presidential vote will Le larger.
The Elect oral Ticket H in this dy's
paper. If they d ' U"t h.i;.pen to get the
Llauks, ic, s.i! l:ers should nuke out the
lct they can, for any mere irregularity
would and should Le oi crl...keJ.
tS?"Au:hentie s'ldiers v.jtes, delsyed,
-f. :n
If ihp l',,..a ..mi..-l a T ..tit-.tt.- ,.,...1,..'
very legal vote will Le C jUiiUd. and we
Lave Senator as well as Aiscuiblvuica !
Union County Complete.
u m.voie. sJ;j...-i. T.eai. M.j.
r.co.K.Milkr,Al. 10..3
Wm Il.Miller,Op.HLi3
Chas II. Phriuc-r V)
John Walls 1207
Faui'l Il.Orwig 1034
Samuel Allcmaa 10-7
G. 1$. Manlcv 10' "5
Charles Wilson 1'"4
John Piatt 1217
Ianil S. Dover 1211
Thoma Church 10:. 2
C. I. Cox 1204
Michael Kleekner 1024
Adam Young 121'J
James Aiken 1041
James Crussgrove 120.5
Benjamin Hauj 1027
K,3Wtj 501
C2 U55
SI 1.4?
i.l .
172 177
t.5 I a in
r,:; j-o
02 l.d
l$l17tV 4J5
121-171"i 4;2
1.111772 517
5o 1255
1231750 ,
A .. I I e til
.. lli tlIlUlI IIIUJ. 7-ra
Whole vote for Governor, 1'':; 3.274 DJ CT f1" cf company, to vote, icvi'id.'e States, there vas, Le c intend J, co crime!
do Congress, 1-04 3:e71 , eiectioa which may be held under Sererr.l oth-r- are impiifo,. and
tLiS Ct. I , r r , , ,
- . . ... the confession of the above two leaves
Decreased vote, o.ing under d.5:alt.:S as they must Il0 JOIlbt lf t!i., truth an.j cnorr.,i,v
The natural increase of voters partly in the army, co honest, f.ie mm could of this abominable fffort to def. and
ttakes up for the Volunteers enlisted the fail to overlook any matter of detail when the so!d:fr in their choice of rulers '
fast year, (gome of whom voted.) There thesubiUtceof an honest election appears. I J-tri;.iIy. the dantrer is partially aver
inust have been 2i''t, at h iiii'-.who did not With the faets aid the law before us, tcJ, and s!i iuld stimulate every lion
take the trouble to VOTE f.r the cau-e we denounce the atiemp: as a base conspii e'";t :?J to I'Jt ,yjrn t'-a Xi1
bi whieh our braves suffer and fhtht !
Haw they Agree !
Monroe is the ''banner" DenioeratieY?
oounty ia PeonsyUaoia. The followm
are the cfiL-ial returns of the lift two
elections. They chow how similarly they
VOleyUr Democracy aad ajaUu Soldier.
aoLKXxj efmc, iro. r...r-. ner.
fialfriav( Johmmno,
9'.T. Aoi0.
10 .
as is!
e m
1 2
M. SauthDeia 17
Para4aa 14
. Pol 6
frtea a
Boa. 10
FtroaliJrf 12SJ
Ti4,TbaaD. 14
' laakaaaawak 0
Of 2,000 Dcm. rotei, only 90 were for
the Soldiers' right and privilege I
Utr I a w- a
iTiarvianii i hn I i
BALTiatoaa, Oct. 2S.Th. Conr, of 1
Aoneali eonfirmeJ .T.t-. m.:..
- fc. ...wu .reiusai
taaraal a mandamna c. r el
era or from prjclaiminir the adoption of
the New Constitution. , eontinne bis present "policy," for any , h
Oct. 29, Go?. Bradford issued tie proe- Pea short of breaking np the war spirit j t9- "e-re3 wil be taken to pre
Iu.itioB, statins that there were cast of. ,n rin will be "cTyiDe peace, peace, when ,ent their return into Canada. All per-
cee for the Xew Coj.ilu.tioo 30 174 t
6"Mt the same 29,719
There being therefore a majority in its
Xa-or, he declared that the New takes the
" i
Piee of the Oid Cotutitation, on Tue
"T. the 1st of Xo?eaber, 1864.
The slaveholders fought it to the last,
wth. State of Maryland ia now Free,
M aa ioob as the ItebeUioo ia inbdaed
Ml Ute a new start.
- t-.iOaa tote may ekot !
Aiiollicr Proof of It
It nil! be remrn.b"re 1 that the C rper
bcals first deprived "soldiers of any poster
to vote 1( it, tr!tri3 sll they dared to pre
vent the pv-saj-e t f the Act restoring to
Soldiers the r'it of fuffrae;. then, tt
Chifiji, es; refill thf-ir cr;c iiie'fjm
pitfcj" f r them, lih pmcr-uncm a!!
iht-ir lihori acl I nvery '-failyrf" ar.d
. do have the iapuucaca to ak them for
' their v.trs !
In id-Jition to U thi 'n? the S..il-
: (Tuts Lave puineJ the rieht to vite in
fpitp of them e?rfin New Voii Crp r-
' heii Live tr'u J ti che&t them wuh fa!f
ly librlifd tiiketn, n1 bv tikins out
f tbeir Liocalo ballots hi puTin M'OJel
lao Liik'-s ia their I.Cr.-, aui by frgii g
cm-3 "f reen, livicg iti tleaJ, tv ti e
th.uat,Ji !
Ia our JcDit ri; acl At?cir.h'j di'ri.-t,
the r-rturfiel Home aul SjiJitr' vote is
eoro;h to elect two if cot thrre tf cur
ciniiiditcs, by tnj ri'ies nf 10 to 53 escb.
This w wet! lofWD. Kur, on tie meet-
fagot ir.e return jaiet of Lyeimtag
county, FiiJy 0,- I'r-.thon-f-iry rc-
t'i'd tj ynf ru- I?-furn Juiln about onc
thii j vf lie S'Uirrt vi.ttt, ailfgiLg that
thtre wai some ir:f irniiliTr aS.-M-.t ilian
Tk;5 cat eff CO or 70 cf
oarm-jjrity, and,
if ,,,:.., j
cot r-cr;5od, would
elect ail the C fperhosl eatidi Jstt-3. This
auother tviicLC-' of the hatred cf that
fatty agaifc the etc who risk their lives
to f rc-trve to cs the righ: ts vote tt t!i '.
! Xl.w, ihe LruiL notary is Lot miJe the
j idge cf the validity of Election roiurns.
ii is duties ara purely clcric.l. The rc
luic j'tde., the Cur's, and th j Legisla
ture and Cocgrefs, pa-s upon the'r Itg.li
ty. That we sre autbor'z.d to chorr3 the
Proth cinotary with a monstrous uurpatijQ !
- potr, is clear, froai the foilomiag iec- '
,hn ,f ,V. I. .....:.- ... l
","' " "c-"'aS c'cc'JjUS eJ
ectiox!?. It si t. 1 le the duty of
iue i u.aonotary ot tne county to whom
! fuch returcs fhall be made to deliver to
f the return j iice.cf the s?me coutty a
cc-fy Cir:iC-.d utid-.r Lis haod and eal of
I the return cf votes so transmitted to him
by thej jdges of the ehctiua 19 aforesaid
I cr as official!? certified Le the
of the coaiuubweeltb. as afjresaid t3 said
- . . - j
He did h-jI give ia all the returns sent
him from the Army direct, (nor the certi
fied summary of ike returns in the cfliee
of the Secretary of the Commjuwealtb,
sent to him that tnoroicg.)
The fuHowins section shows. n!rr?,-tfir.
i that, even if there was aa "irjf jruiaiity,"
' i...,i . ... .
"""vuv.iry, cor rciaro j-iJea,
cu d te ta.trattd iu rsfusina to couat
tnem :
"Section- '17. Ni mere ir;f:rm!i!y in
the manner of carrying out or cxecutia
any of the prori-ious of this act, shall ic
va.idite aoy election held uader the same,
or auihoriz-the reta.-a thereof, to he re-
j-eted or fit ai de ; nor shall asy failure,
on the part of the corniais.i nerj, to reaca
or visit any reg;;n?n; r cmpaoy, or part
of compaty, or tbe fiiluro of an? cotrra-
'"J a di-'ranchise .olJh rs, and to return
attempt to trample on the will of the ;
people! The voice of ihe Soldiers must '
and will be respee'ed at last 1
-lij the following, it will be seen, ;
ihar : ' v. . j , . .
Conereasman h. tl-. "r .1
mtn to tiaoe with a iiiincritv of the r.t.j i . " ' " 4 J. I
' Let the S .ldicr, be warned bv this-Lt A Ji CW COB. IJCVICC I -Urillll IHJ US y.ll.i . , letter of MTlellau-
1 the r.err.!e at h.-.me ti' :. t ' - - - . I ,.rT7.Dro rinn ( last fall, t.hyooe
. nab. b r..:..,,,;.. ... t : wwi ne reraemDer-M mat iv-oets ana - return tte complim
o . . ' fc- j . r. .1 i i r : s..j. tr.y i -v.. f .e . v . n -
uai ui ue?pera:e iriCasters Wol elsre 10 . .-- , . . .... -c ( t5. r,iv3 .p
dishonest trick! " " mill be puaisbed. That venerable War drove the enemy out of some newly made j II. Orwig, G. H. Miller.
GETTTsncro O-t "3 j Democrat, Gen. John A. Tlx, thinks the works. The 2d, 5th and 9th corps were Tiun.hy, Ale. 3 New Columbia
Tie Democratic return judge," 'toV.T, f sine gang are tryicg a new game. They variously ecgased during the day, which ,
rejected eight soldiers' returns, for infor- ! hope, by polluting the ballot box, to gain was filled with skirmishes and soma sharp ' r , eBA ul'l r ?.
j mi,;'y h"e re;un-s gTeK.onlnioa
.v. vouKr, iao m.iariiy. i
The rejection of these returns, and the at
tempt to defeat bloonti, prodaces much
j indignation among fair minded people of
i all pirties. The Union judges protested.
aad refuted to tiga the returns.
Wm. C Jewett states that the reccct "
eonveatioD at Cincinciti "postponed ootn-
iaations with a vie to err., th. a.rer,-.!,
W P-ty to the support of Ahra- j
ham Lincoln, believinr, he. will. afW I,;. 1
. - ---- a -- - -
- etmn. i nn them in a nn lr tn aeenr. . I
it r-j
'peedy peaee." No doubt the President I
tDere " 80 Peieei" nd "daabing with on- i
tempered mortar." That
men are on the right trick.
niln id their Tnlea f,-, ll s ,1 i
r aui. -auuv
West Virginia !
This rich, young, new, free, and loyal
State, held its election Thursday, OeL 27.
aor. A.J Uobima.v u re-eleoted by aa
unimoas vote as far as heard from.
Nil eoantie near Wheeling give 1203
Sot. A.J.KORIMAV ia re.fileflted h, B -
rf cam
uniDimoas ?ote as far aa beird from.
- to Hobbard. Uoion. for Conirress. 1 -
The election was quiet, bat overwhelm- j
iogly far the Uoion aad Liccala. j
ISiuRy the ftiliut Boxes!
u iTi'tr:K5.
pm-ify fit t! ballot-l-ox i the
-.if 'j.ii.i (!' L:..;-itv awl Law.
'.'.'ii 1:1 : v
i'"!i).i.-iiiV, lm;i
In T ,.-,...... I r.P t.-..W.II lilt wlll'n ft
vo-.riV':l ""wi, vt jf ','!in;t ho cotirit.i
as it re.i ii. V; e Ki:!...; '0 a;i J I.o-
si' -s oi
Icli-.t. t-i.ieJ largely to
:ii-.' rovi.!i.;inn i f 1
Ni-vv Vcn li uive tii( rM;-rs
t':o p-iwt r ofvuli.'ig !:r l'lf'.W !.!:ut
is, ti. ,y M ini L'ii:iC ti; -ir y.:-s in v.
st'ukJ i:Vfipe. As ll.'y iuu?l 1 at
!;.i:i 1 1 v the N jv., ( iv. Soviii'iiir
sent !ii '"IVi t ) ";'
t tu? votes
in :i i v'ii'-i-. to ho i;i tvno.
N'jt lojsr ;s:co. Gov. Seymour's
private ?ocn-t'.!ry w-i ir.uL'ng a fi-tfU
in Han i-hiiru'. ISeinj o:i: ii.t ill
liq-J'.T. he Lo.i-tO.i :'.:.t li." Xk.vY.iI:K
.i.i.ik::.-, ::;:f. "ALL riXL'I)"' :;r
M'CLUaij n I.-.- wvs f.'p;.f;d iy
his fricini. 1 1 :s r.irs :i i tir. tuea, was
cot uuJei.tooJ as it iiow is.
Bv a
Ciihto'i coiii.iv -..'t o i tU tr'uT-k.
f-rrcr ! o-t a Will iLCSALC FL.IN
ornjAi'i'.-; ox soLi'ii:!;.-;. Two
men, na:;icl Furry ai Djauuue,vtro
at rtsteu.
It was cliarrcl. t'nt, ja Baltimore,
Washington, a:iJ cls'j'.vhero aaiong
Xew York Foi liors. ascot; having i:i
chartrc soldiers' Inllot-, La'l ou'-ned
t'.ie:n, taken oat llepul-lieau ticket
d put Ijn;o :-ati.: tic!: - ts ia their
i.icc-j. A:-o ti.ut tav
i i.iadi up
j: I or a'; eut
cr i;.:;t, 1 .-'.:..(:.-. -r !n:ttion
1 .-.i't. a a : kei. t : .-at I !y ll-.'titi.m? nr
f.r."-I !!ani3 of cTi-ers. .liVLX
Ii:V (it JOl DOXiiS of such o:c3
for Iv.i..0'.Ta'ic t-andi Jates Lad been
Sent furward by csprosi.
i::PCF;TAiJ sis VL ATIOM 3.
v-. .t.. e....i "i."' " .' i
l.-usle l.au-., uae U'CJ u.rc .cio,
; in this city and V.'a-hiLitt, d, or. ihe r-.r:
of some Oumtui-sioij: Bf N York State
to receive ar, J i rward sote of ihe s !di r?
J .Ferry of Cautoc, St.Lawresce eaoity,
w'd I) :iah oe of Airjiny, have bea
arrered. arid w.r hnut.Kt f r trial thin
evenicg, tef.r.- a military eootniua, of
whieh i.lri.A.l! .abled-y is prtsideat and
C1. John A. i.-ter, jude advocate.
The ch jTzz and p citieat-na were read.
the r iuelnsion of the r'a'lioj, Vtrry
. y
PLEAD GUILTY 10 n .ruon
"J ' "
chirr; ami ..'- he hud iyetl tiit nattiei
Ibree other New York amenta have
been arrested. Letters and djcurucfcta of
(treat importance have been fomd.
iue Citri'i.r.tK.ta 1 ottcits or o,.t:ii.r.v votks.
UOOill L .le:tN Gailtj !!!
JjALTIMoaE, Uet. 23
o"ida"v re -
The riii.itarv c jinrui-oa t
saajed i's ir.veiti?ati in of tho frauls ia
the vote of New York soldiers. E. 1Kb-
aLue was broajht itito cjurt about one
o'clock. He ha
id do counsel' but preceed-
ehaif to olj-ct to the ia-.
ca ia nic own beLs.I to ot 1 -ct to the ja-.
ri'dict-i-n ef the c-rt. Tb.- prisoner .
'" ' ' '" '.;' hit h in'" J ti-JHC 1 ( V.'ji'm
i '''?:.'- trt'A th n tmr r.f (,' .0'. .!4mi.
Cap'. l auy si s o,ne others, tr I ss it did
le ta9 so tff.ter of the
r-'( New York or rf tie Unifd
rortifiS to saca means.
seme Union vessels on Lake Erie. Lat
week, they entered the Northern part of
Vermont, robbed three Backs, shot ona
m,a dead, and wjuadel ethers. 5ome '.
iu.u ---.s- v.--.. .
of tbta h"3 bs c,0Sbt. frnaps
(by votes for M lienan) what Usj taald
Bat b- firca 0f aral,. ;
- . .W3 lORK.Uct-.S. :
Gen. Diz has issued an order sta'ing .
that satisfactory iafurmatioa has reached
him that Rebel agents in Canada are send-
. .-....!.. i
ci. .e.a-a- .
leg into the Lnitea dates urge numeers
refugees, deserters and enemies of tba.pa.tea. uur troop, auerwaras iea uvk (
. I n.n .... . w. n r, r inn f... n.nnu '
en., m vote . .
. " .u. u...:j..:.i .
,..,v, .u .. .- .--j , .
" .
"uS e
,.... . A., anh nersnni and th. 1
1,. . -
voters are recommended to take Measures
for ihe" 0wn security, and to aia ae u-
one from the rebel States are rf quired to
ort of "reaee" report to the military authorities here or!
k and let them ' ta ,D8 Pr3' marshals in other places, '
' . fr rcisterin" by the sixth of November,
ana Aniit ! 1. ....''
failing which they are to be treated at to
bel spies aad emissaries.
"Alraham L'n-dn it an honett, eapalle
man," was the frank admission of his great .
-ttnnnan. Isfa.lian A ll.int.la. I in the I
ff - - - ;"r- 6
pais or icoj.
' . , -. ,
his.opponenti aiviaea tne uemocratic
. L . a W-a
Pr,J 13 defeat him,aad are now striviag
ta divide the Uaba ly defeatism Lmcoia.
Nor. W. Confederacy;
When in Congress, Mr. Va!l.r.agaitn
pr-p"el, as a r ailia'ion for the S-u'hert.
threat, that the Union te diviLJ iut.
rota parts Northern, S?u'hiro, North
Weatern, acJ lc.6s--Mi to be che.i
up.a the wu.
His, like tie two ihirii
rule, wsi dt.'gcf il to givj the South the
C'Mi'r-1, f ra::ivMi!j, t ail. It t?u vatei
f,r hy Mr. LENULCroX, but mt iiitle
support, in i wis fovn f ifgo'.T".
I'.at i'a 1-iilvM i'i n t j'.clJ. Three
yfirn have thty boa mit'i:ia their j!.a
to ail the Ke'u:i.ioD by petting ia mcinD
a N Tih V.-ur3 (.' ilT U ncj. . To tU
fiia, a Secret 5ocie!y was fortael, which
D'jn:hred thnuiaods -f member, hound
t'lelutr ly oath. The Oove:ora:tit by
it igrt'.s had kr.oiclt r!gs of nri. !y every
ta-vcne:.t. Lut cheu this i'.h'Cil ai;d
r;ur.iu coT-rira'T boirin to 1'lT.CHAiS
-u...'c.v..a r.-t.a .... .-...
to i;e and uracca ths N jfia V eat in lie
LloiJ of her loyal psjp'thc 'Joverntnect
intcrpjseJ. It arreited il. II. DODD.the
head of the eonspiritorj ia tha State of
Indiini, a&d put tim oa trial. Pnofi
aeium'j'jled so fat, that D .1 1 ri c1,
clauJuilucty, ly ji'jlil viulating bis
par j.e el t ;nor ttui fnj,nj nui.t .
Tua tLTe
Ie:t of this exposure ku been
t. People who hxi got tired of
very greal. Peopl
hcarir.j about "secret CuO'piraeies," bad
here tsusible rniOP of cce most terrible
and ioifjuitcus ia its de-igo. Happily it
was exposed, and i; exposure W2
mav rob it of power to harm.
It product II TeVMUlim ill nfi'l'M
That State bad been the most doubtful,
to both parties, of acy in the North.' IJt
.t : .e : : l . c . .
, , 7 "
P'3'3 u g.te .ar at their very
tLresaha.di, starilea tne most ttieagntitss . ca. v;s yte for whichever ean ii
and careless. The Election followirg is dato Le s?es fit. I have Lear J it 6 ta-
rroof of the rower tf this fisosare. It
' . . ' . . .
produced the defeat oi 4 or D .uemhers
of I'ocEre.s uprooted the party sower ia
several counties, eaiaice the Legislature
,, lfc, Adr..initration-ar.d rivi.,- fioe.
Mi-OlUTl the largest ever gifea to a
Governor io aa tarccst contest.
i Thus, we hope, Gol has preserved
,j,e e.ctt yorlj, y,'e5, from tce jttecded
tilrtnde reiiin r,f atisrehv. whieh 1
was to
1 .... j .u. t. a., j: .: 1
H' 'd' tha va'ional armies
f I'J "2.
ttw? S- rr...-.l Hi
t I ICC IS. JLaCitaiLU . .
In the absence rf Union forces ia the
K-t, the Rebel leader, Sterlioz Price,
rslVpre t a l.rir. umr. int1e MU.onri
' and did eoDJau!t'daniige and caui.d
preit fears,
Fr. Loci?, O. t 2?.
Oen. Plcianton rives the fjllowinc
iLforma-ion in regard to Lis opntioB.
isMir.st Price:
He tr.'chrd 92 miles ia two da-s and
fonni-' 32 miles.
His f"tc ws less than 6,000, while
rrire bid fully '25 000.
Pr;ee has but ore pun left, and no am-
muni'ion. he bseine blown op his train. Lot and coi J. But we inter. 1 to IL'Lt
He aUo burned 100 wsgns to save them them at the ballot bos. by votintr for
from c'ptnr? : Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jchn-
Vk'e have 2 000 prisoners, with -veral gja and also ia the field, until the
thrmaanl 'rd of arms. Geteral Pagan star-spaiinlcd banner shall wave tri
ie repn'ted killed. uuit.hant in everv State, until Ibebcl-
'a? is eomnletely msorganiiaa,
and fiiog in ail oirecMons.
We r'pret to hear that Col.Ja's Moore
end Lis family lost much from the Rebels
daring this invasion.
nns, of Grant's army bad been sent;
back to City Point, and ihe men took six j
day'g ra'ions.
Gen. Hancock started, at 2 in the mor i
utn. iimra. iiiiioj, n- i ' '
with two divisions of his eTf. and
eneoanters. Gen.Waren, Eigan, Gregg,
,ni . ,..,. divisian .ls0 enarred. I
. ., Jiais aicttiiaz at naiirriuu, uu
The left wing gamed several mile, of; y p g n .
eountry, and is in position ta attaci the ; Qrwj, v1LG,2er, C.Merrill, Dixon. Same 1
..t. : ,v u.. ...-.ui-. rT..icv,.t-T. aii-...!
. D . . . , ... -
inrr t-irTsar ariin i . on ri nnrr nni wrrn r"T
. 1 i rr 1. L
- . ,
na.Mi .1,.,. n.iD.n r. . rnr.i mu .
.e---.s---.r- .-..i i....
c"er .ue.r o.a pOS,o0. our ,u
was a.ouv uo. a ue neuei ueo. u eariag, ,
S.X -SlO gu gST..
d7 "0t P .Sla 0e.D' 0r4Dt "-f"
i ce success ot t&e operation wis most
, T .
ueeioea. is e may BJOU iieil Ul Oilier
Baltimors. Oct 29.
Gov. Bradford has just proclaimed the
new Constitution of Marvland. The
friends of the measure are honoring the
event by a display of bunting. The
-ttnerican bag just put oat an immense
flg.' bearine the inscription. ''FIIEE
i.T-t.rA, 1
SOLDIERS : The M'Clellan party
would sacrifice all your viotones 1 Tbey: -
defraud yon in voting ! And when yon '
have voted, they throw
they do oot suit them !
naTO feu, luej (VN vui your ru
. f . t . T . . . : r
Geo. F. Miller gains 273 ia Dauphin
ana lot in union, on ooiaiers tae iuii,
, . j
yimnaij vino. r g ut.c uv vaw ig.iuud
Hear the Soldiers !
Jfcrs. Editors Tlittikin- a few
I't.;s from a mesiilicr of Co. 1., 2"- ill
!:., K.lzht Be iutmstii:? to so::.r- of
tho-e uho remain at home, I ak room
e Ivtt liarn-imr
sr. Sept. 13. nn
eame to Dilt-'inori : tucre. OTit ar;;
On I j'.iI'J t'ifcC StOaU.elr
H'tii--! e i. w!;ore we ! :!
t'.e I'":
f fil wrth. Th:i inivthrj to tiiis'
p'ici". a ii-t".!:-'"? of 0 ti'.iU-s ?nt:c!y
rri.-:ii:ip''"l r.nl arc low pcr!'jrn:: g
j.irkot f!n!y.
There h:is not I'C-en rr.u !i Ciing
aioii ti.:- Mm since e huve cotii'.
csc-ptinc t; f.-w5hots uo sn-l tleu I
Lv ihu Ii'-Uls itt their own tnc-u 1
v;,:i atfcn:
fi-nrn their
I' : s into ours. I hi- u i? !ecotue very
uLgerouj, a: the iii:i.i5 give to uny
n:ic 'aI'U i.jo!i a u..-;e;'!er,a Lrloiijh ;
fur Javs but. r-.jarJIosd of tit
' at (lar.i' -r.thcv tome daily.
1 u:-V !
. "'" ',
null o: ineir army wia ucscri, aaow
ili.j iaul. li.ry iu mji veei ut v .v
four veari loader : bat if il'CIellan
i' nnlrl h,f rlertr 1 then thev Will hOi J
O l! Lr their illdernder.ce, Or rpar -
ation. T!ie soiaiew. btio? scnsiile of
tins !aettcoriSi'.:er taat tsc election ci
M'CIcIHn would be the defeat of oar
i my.cs i-crhaps te mulit uauowuat
tLc RJ has already done. C doa t
Irii-l II. In. as we inia nu naj ru ou
t;:e wron' plattonn.
Vi 'tcrv i? H'O
wi'.liin our jrrap, and we consider it
too aeariv oought to tnrow away oy
vo:i::g fr 'little Mae."
In order to prove what I Lave jti - t
rtated, tak a view of the return of
our lato election, which was held at
the appointed time, very satisfactorily
to ail. I!epublican3 and Demoerat,
v J
here, each and every man who is a
;,g:..l vo.rr tt Voxe, has opportunity
tc-I Lv f cm?, that, ia case the sol tiers
' . , . - -M
were allowed to vote, all soldiers.
Lota uuite and black, (mi nor, too
would be lorcod tO TOtO for U. I Abe.
This attd frimilar Statements I find to
be false : whetker irade through itj-
Horace, or di-ho:iCSt principles, I
will leave for H im to judge who shall
jjdge each and every one accarumg
to their works.
: There is another cla3 of men who
live under tho protection of our gov-
eminent, wuo tiretena 10 oe luiou.
1 and at the daroe time Sm'118 at Our re-
I verses, and siuli over our victories.
llicr te tsof themanr trror.e'5 1 lat
jjD,:oia ia9 jonc an.fhow Lie has :
, broken the Constitution. Bat such
' raen never titter one word airain-t
Jell' 1'aVlS and Ills Cabinet. I, 3S a
-Uicr (and I know there are thou-!
. sands like mc) consider Each men to ;
j be t'reator and more dangerous cr.e-1
: uiics to our couatrr tcan those who
sow stand confrontir.? Its upon the
d.-:i':-v P't'.-iet lines tor tne latter
tnetr colors Ly ti e srlitter 0.
t!l 'ir bayonets or the sharp report cf
their rillcs ; but the former go as
.wolves 111 thcops clothiGZ or 03 a
snake in the c;ra.i. Ther blow both
yi0il ;.. cra:.i.eJ o;it. an j DOt a T05,
or ?lavcry is
eou of our liberties.
J. M. UARbEsos. Vest Buff.
"A mtrii after my oirn kart do vote
far Foottrori.'" was the impertinent
from New Jersev
oot Woodward now I
ent ?
aaeraa. t
. . T ksnsa
rttk ike bua:-
Dtiaa aua tae Traitor art up
-f lJ'
7 icit'j, .N'we. 1 -
Vri&field Porter, '
n mien. i
) ,7.,,,, Jj .. AV. 2 FarmcTsTille S. !
Mi; - er 0,iie..
-sr . TT....t.
.1... ' " .
MjnJny, A or. Orwig a il , I?wia
Twn - l'.nt Ori?. Shriaer. Same dav-
r , Duffaloe Twp-Shotklev.G. !
j, lm Vv'orden.
ouiuu c. n, uu...
Frnni Ravium iwlc in I nion
W 1 "ttb"
J. "Democracy vs Aristocracy.
A H.nleinn d.vtime- other tdaee s eveV
At ilartieton.cayiime , oioerp.ace ,eve g.
EtsUSLOiiurts XHsirivtta
Corrected &mi-Wctk'yly Wl!t tb Smith.
1 50
1 CO
lb. 75
Batter, prims 8 40
do common 25 .
Eggs 30
Lrd, fresh 20
Tallow 15
Potatoes 55
Oats, 82
Bartcy 901 00
' l
Dried Applcs.lb. 10
ii- i e
ta 6Q.
l out
i . Is.
Country Soap (T-,0
11 a ) -
mWO GOOD 8Plli-OLTS-oiie, a
hyap. Eoqaire
of l. . 1
"v . I r uriTrit .
KKEMER,Lewisburg or E. -MLIAELI,, inj
laciiy 1 wn. .13T. j, v
"T.IE I'M'JN." tai!iLeJ ia 1514 WSuIe No- 2,693.
"CiinoXIt'LE," etal -
4ctcilnitroti K '.llf.
X'DTH V. i iirrtt i tivea. ibn l.eiter-.
cf A '''j -. n i.p.'u K-;a r
D w:y .M.in:K. '-iM. f l.-.trj.
ln -n muriie, b-v L)n r-'' t the
:n le '.?: .f ia. 1 r.rr. -re, a- prr- u
i- 'f ''" to -'5 f-'a'.e are re to r.ii
lii'iei'Ve pi;. u"n:; ar.i ;h.ie liavn.r a' V
j jt c di u; art- a.-o t jp.m! if f r fd'. iueffl
rfjai.y a j.iirn;:.-. ! ;..r ; V i ,
BAHAH I. st.lKKil. ' ::: 'ri.
)- A- li. Uitt. h r A;:. ri,f
A -r
TTor.!.vs .v i -
i". f ! f r f. f
St. I.r . ! " . I rir.n
p i. i !.T Li' i i.
!'..-. a:, c. ti .-i.
xitiry auo F' -rn
.. . f. AS-i e j i A
M.r ..f P ri-. t-Ai
1 !! ci!i-r i - : .
7. '."rir 'j !
f.r '.hi
Adarea L. fji'iKK. I'r'-'i.
or JOH.N i uL-vL.:.! . See
WiLc.J P. O. It -J
i v. .... .-. ..
;r,e j ih use
a, ' '
jrt-. ai. 1 c.T.v.tS . i ;
Bcry. C- nieciinrrr an-i N !: m hT n"1,. !
at use vld siar.i, on Vamri :iei. fi r tnr re-
r.i. I tf or.r vear. lie rettvMiir
a'lemu'O :
' h :.ea'tj Ofr.t ihe ratr-aa;c hereufor
tltnUi lu lhis e!i':':;l'i 'lI'm-mahon
. i..w-bor-, Arri! s-. 1-3
, -UUnUh . .UlI(.t.
OTlvr. ii hereby f:re -hat the un 'er-
. I :sncu n?- ortn arr":n:eu .mn ut. r.
,f,e T'tini' ' crl f f i L.oa ceoii:)-. 'j u.ae
ti. s:r.beTi n T t.'ie Laiite m ir.e har.'ls
Jarres V. Lion.E,i'i, IJiTu'i'r ef
Osiuvv, ufera-e-J, an ! ifa .t he vi ni meet ihe
r-a.f mt-re-te !. a: tft t iii--e oi' A. H. 1) 1!.
in !.-w.oj;e. n V r 'r.e Jav. 'he 2r..J
itdv . oi N jveaibr. lscl. to attend lo l:.c
dubca cf h.s ap;. ittnt' t.
A. s'.VI.X'Torr), Au la t
JCSEPJI L. H IV.'X h&xhz taken at
J rooa, i.det we Te.car-rb au C.,r..B.ie
0!ii e,rened Laem,anu L.iea ia aa eleajiTf
var.ee tl
' '"" 83! p'9''d H'-cir THs
, Tli
ns:s. Jie preu.--.rea U, eieeuie ai work
eairasied u. c.re,io ihe aaaat'acuoa of ihe
x- B. Cottinr and Keriainr? r- d ne U
. tf yon wait a pit: XT re Fit t(E,
e la Ovlljt. fiioiosraphic Ualerv.
oere there 14 a pier. i i assortment of itar
and g .t Irames, fur sate cheap.
rrPviPhnioemnt. iih... r 10
Mt. t.ai.ety. woere y..u can nave asp.en-
d ; a.wri.neai from woVn 10 -eieei
Ire-; Ham, Woaiaa. asa II' i hol Lti lu
NARRATIVE of Pr.ra;ions and r-uiTrr in
01 lD,;t J ss-at-s OiScer aad 'td.ers m:e
Prisoners of War in the nan is ot ihe Rbl
Authorities. Ben; the Rer. r cf a IVm
missioo of Irxjairr. arp-otnteJ bv ihe I. S.
tvan;tarvConiiii'ss:ua. U iiti aa Appe&d.x '.
C'lnta-nm the Teorr.-inr.'' J
aJaresf. 1
ceci. !'n', ro-t-ra'd, to aa? '
on reeeiri 1 I price, bv
C. SI. KING, Wh.te De-r M :!. j
4t Uni.-.n Co, Pa .
FcuKDrt? k i-iAcnir;s seop.
THE UT,.iers!2r,eJ havio- rurchaseJ ihe
.Vach'tie s.T-p. Found.-v. &r. fnnerlv J
oanei v; 1.. . uutnBT, t'i arwiirv. is prs-
pare-1 to do an hiaus i.f Machine v
S:eam Kne.ns. .-.'aw an Fi; crm il JIach.3
err. Pu-np, Mitiin; Mach nerv. vc.
Kepa.rinz aneaiipj to pr.onr'.'v.
Pers.'tis wantior work t'Te ii.' j'e'r.
will do well to rati ae.) ru-'v rir laeili
t.es. WILLIAM LL.N.N 1 jJN.
i-arihory. Pa. Oct. fi, l ;
LAD I Z 3' FAHCY F"? 1
Jonx Kajjtt?; t's '
0:4 l-i..i,-lii4
Tur .Minufaeicrr
-V.7H AhS:.', ,
aV.- Tta. i'illl.AD. j
I ha,- n. w in j
- st, re of mr own iTi- i
' r Mst.oa and mansv- j
:!are. one of the t
-. L-:r..ft a:, t 7n tt
o' rant i riri.
t .r I. a . o- !?,..
drea's Wear, to the t::tr. A.-o. a f-eas-
sc rirneni 1 1 ue a :i r ur u . ves an 1 t : ars.
A irv Far we-e a'.! r - ha--,i when It id
was at a m-'eh 1 uer r'Tn jt. ihan at prea
etit, 1 am enaM.- i to li-r --e nf tbrn at very .
leas.'nab'e prices, ar. i 1 w u'd threiore so. !
licit a eall i'ram my t'.'ieads of Uuioa c. on'y
and vieTnity. f
t"w Remember the Narpe. IVaxtser aad j
st.-cet! JOHN l iHI Iltt. )
719 ASCII stt. abOTr Tth. e-oth
lev I have no partner, nor connection w h J
any oiher store in i'h ia ielphia lo4m5
What must bs raturned.
T"HE person wha borrower! the dmini.tra-
rf Kesmer'a office, ii re-aestei io retura
Ai.nthe person who borrowed the
and venJue list of David i-ees. dee'J.
i i... i . r t . i -
Also the person whn ri theWiil of rhars
G.nier, dee'd. E II W'EIKEL, Kes'r
Lewisbure. SepL 53, 1S
rer. - . - iil ... . .sva
Bed Burr, Ants) etc.
Use Eurt's Vermin Exterminator!
Is pnt up in Laree Boxes for Si c s. Is I
aU realty fir ue, wiihoqt tmsmir with oilier j
r-.T int.. I -at ,r nr arnrfntea '
k-epifir. H.e di. eti..r firrjri-i.as.
wr4i:an - .y IMi3 tT u. hL aD4 Murm-l oui --i ibnr
all .hi a.-, ic S-.M t-f aU Prusri-ti an.l r-aler.
tarAuboai te Tniiel ?t Cirn..a.h. .are aM
arf t r BIErS UtFliV,lMTtlPin lur- tx,IMu.:-s
iar. . s?iitt rsos. wfc-i.
1Aiil4C,)w .ivWAixi-
aaar U- tLAiAA aau.';s;u
!Lfce - J ia 1SI3 Wfenle Na, 1,'J72.
KRKMi:::, LOAti & CO.kavt jail
rec tl
A srea: varitiy i
rail as J 4' e.
' Jescr'Miora aJ prici
1 l" rrf,v1 a fice a'sonireni LildleV
rJH ;ooc!, Ln.bn.Uery, ! .
ea.i.n a.ao it.it1" "f tl"1
.if s
Jj e C'J
kivEMFJt. LNG ii CO S
"i r-e'd (June SO) t
KKLV.LK. LlJ.'Vla l-v
i)LATi.R, Salt ao Fib for ia
KUtlViltLUMi . CO
mH?; s--.rnt-roii t rrrtrfl'y farVriai
the : j' c :hai Be ; Bow enfael ia
V- maaa.ci-ire t!
', v. hit Tjnrn vii.Ls, i x:ns co., fA,
V.'b; re h r ! 'efp e in-iTH'y oa hand,
r r rr, r r.Vr. ail tir a of
huol: i wor.n clotuo
Part.cuiar al;enlira pa d lo the mnaafae.
tare of
Yarn Worked bj far FanaiUes oa
I EeascaaDle Ttrcu.
j Hivirj i-:e a improved cackincr a4
f irier.cr 1 wornmea. I raaraotee all Of
wjr- lo be r.juai ! oand-ma e (oodi, a4
r-ipecLullr sot.l aare of put-:: paifoaa(e.
c. n KING.
Aoi -. V. r. :e D-er Mii:. I nioc t;. Pa
Executor's Koiice.
fETTEti" Te-.a.r.f r.iary on ihe estate fit
i t:r;;:M N Vsr, ic-.-".t. iats of Lewis.
our i p.', 1'a'on i. iiair. bare beee craoiew
u. iue jort!.irr in cue form of law. All
p?rj'.s m.iee.ted to s'iJ estate are ouiified la
irske iacrj:'. payirent. and '.hosa baia(
c;aimt zaa.nsl ihe same Wi'l presrot lkcak
pi c -r y au h-ot ca ej f. r et:!emeni to
1-JTo V lli KEBER, Eaecovor
1 rr.KtJA."" are nerepy nun sea &
10 1 te 0.0 ci r-tUc. or drive wi'k
?cin on it acr. oiy t-.i. wa.crt 1 in lead to
i.reiipT as a feal Yr4, without ay cobicdu
It ! ate n unf J col iu i:e op ai my
W i.ar'. a ; r. .11; ii. -i c. :-j!t:t; me. Aey cae
vioiiir.i tr.e a--jve n.i'.ire wi!i te eocaidarevi
a lrepiser.-aaij prtsecated as ieh.
Le:bur. April . !sf4
Ihe Eye and tbe Ear.
kR. S. U. KM'iHT, of I.wiDur, htviu
hi, isvfuii tvf cars' praciice. effort
h s sprv-ic" !o ir e tnn are arHicied vuH
dnea-st?'! Eve- or K. The fullowitj Utt
' cf a nuuib-r jl i e.inoii-ir i
V .- -n b ; rTrit of V-ili t-i n Visit tf ms
M "nari -o ..f 1;-. ..t.-r. I baj f bT.lne-Bt atW&tflM
b:tzi. t r.or'V. lit 1:9. ih'. iU lrtOo ht cm. mj
f -jtv-1 in Jt mn r?rtt'-a. I wotj' J riias (1
.-f Art ctt i . ir bin -ftctuiv. r.AMl'KL VtsJU. j
lliri rl a. 7. J st ."Jalai,
Ao. .-20, Arch St,
Has a lar;e skxk of
?otri.-r P iie.t TEA -ETT$. SPOOAS.
FoKKs. Ac
O-t. 1, tSl 4a
ai:itn.-s rATE.vi
. G!ai Jam and Cilaa-i C'OTcrta
7'OU p'eservia.sr TKl ITS ia a perferiiy
1' freh s'ate. Thev req-vre so Wax Bala
dr. er te.a'.:. sea- instantly, and are aaors)
ea-t y sa r ) aol c p eaed than any cterr am
cie lor s:i- pirr-- ever invented. All kioda
cf trii ar1 ceoiet are eqaaiiy disairreable,
aad accer'ain :a sealing, itetre niaae eai.reir
of jia-s. tnee avoid itie rieciirns to olhae
jars where n i r o'.hr metal is used io the
c.rees. For a!e in l.ewtsbori. only bf
Union Ticket
Il-t!grd to lustala
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson.
Morton MeMicbacl,
Thomas Cunningham,
Kobert P. Kin?,
(i. Morrison Coates,
Henry Bumm.
William II. Kern,
Bartou II. J.-uks,
Charles M. Bank,
Kohcrl Pa ike,
Yili:a:a Taylor,
John A. HiestanJ,
Bichard II. Cor) ell,
Edward Halidav,
Charles F. Read,
Eliaa Uale,
Charles II. Shriner,
John Wister,
David M'Conanr.hy,
David W. Woods,
Isaac Benson,
John Patton,
Satnael B. Dii fc,
Everard Uierer,
John P. Penney.
Ebeue?er M'Junkin,
John W. Blanchard.
R.mrmU-r-tMre art TWESTT-SIJ t
- , .
U tM d torcompari tea tto about I
1 o .-v v- Qi .v-v W L