Jl J mm mi 11 in iwm c CIS. THE INIUN." outlined in 1S14 WWe IS- BY 0. N. WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. At per Tear, always la Adsaace. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA, FRIDAY, OCT. 28, 1861 -CHROXICLE," esUblished in IS 13 WlwfrXo, 1,071. nauiatt wm-mLi fKidaj Moniog & Friday A Of moon! Abraham Lincoln MB thl rtniDCNT. Andrew Joliunou. ILICTORAL TirKtT WatSM WIlKaaaL Tata.. t.iaaAB k iw II. I. OkurM II sbriaal J4.a Wtev tal IT'-naaahj 11. .Ut ta StcoJa J.A. rati -a .a.ai R ! Birr.- Imiw J r Pmn. B'm.r M Ja.hia Jeba BiaLanl 0 Hmmry mnm m 4 Wlllta.. II Km Banna Jraka Owrlw M Kaa Bolton Part. WHhaa. Tartar . JaLa a llMaa IS tktaH II Oot.II II. aar llalltaaf ChariaarBaa Eleenoa oa Toetdar. No. 9. aaaT'Tba lletorn Jaigc meet to-day to toapate tha Soldiers' vote. As tbey are (till eoaviog ia, it is believed B iari miy djira frosa day to day, until ail those, kaavtt to b polled, arrif e. This aoroieg's Ilarribarg Teltgrsph pvt. lb Home vote as follows : For Uaioa Congressmen, 07 392 Fr Dem. Cocgreseaen- 197.U01 Ut.i-a mj. 391 Aop lUoitraU. Tb prioe of fa bo lute (.Es-p) wss Owe a slate, but bis Fables bare made bia famed for all lime. Who does sot remember, among tbe fitBrr aeeompaayiog most editiaoa of ki Voiee-Speakiag Aaimsls, that of lbs Coaatryaaa catting off lhe bead of tbe Carpewt t He bad found thee?rpnt per tsbisg with eold, and, ia mistakeo kind aaa, had laid him down by his on fire aid. Revived by tbi, tbe foul brute tvpaid all by bitiog tb wife and children f bis benefactor, who, ia just wrstb, with bis at eat off tbe bead of the ungrateful Header. 11 is some tiae stoee we ssw me pic ore, bat it seems to us the man who has tb axe raised to kill tbe snake has a fam- sly likeness to the Great IUil-Splitter. Uncle Saa took Slavery io, when be wboald have east it oat to die. It prom-, J n at tawh i trwe, to we ama inajui, aoa profitable, aad to gi away of itself. But, (growing insolent, aad wiling fat upon Uoel Saa' mistaken charity, be soon laiaed to be master, and has beco slay lag tb family is which be was tolerated. - Therefore it is that Father Abraham, with Ih Eaaoeipalioa Proclamation, is about .... r, .... ' m, . ..g afc. 1. of th. ,Bt,.t. K . I.luslratioa is a oat true and timely tbe 8rpatMWel, potaaoaa,treaehero off with his bead, and Esrth will reioiee though Hell will mourn 1 -7- ... - .,- Prwidential PreserraUon. Beading the life of Wasbingtoo, we are i wftea led to the reflection that God raised, filled acd preserved bia for the greet WMkof beco.iBg ,he F.ther of,leAcr- to. ..o.. Likt , Mc, b. wss from bayowth disciplined to become the deliv- r ef bis peopl . an ia asm laoagm recurs wneo re- i . . a . t a. t viewing lb artgio, early and varied train lag, Bbd prervatioas f oar present chief tgistrate ordained, ore trust, to be tbe Prwerver nf Union to oar people, nod to Uad at tb grat day with tbe shackles of th last of four million of clave is ki 11.,..' l i I,1' tMed,aome time aiaoe, that he was with a. -.n.. nf Mnan-..lnr. ir. V..k;.-, w ' f - -. . ' g, m ally, jast before la tiae of Mr. Lineolo' x pee led arrival, when on of them re aired a Bole, anooo.eing that "2..W. i, MOnod, btn- "d hw P I PV5inS Je w,'ft0. ' a. WaJur The Rebel jamp.d ,- J depniation. on th.. id We M f;L'e'.h i.- . . a i- . ..ti keep ng a sharp look out for bim, and, to of the war a general witboata vietory bis fet and exelaimed, "How did be J J ' .statesman without areeord, and if weare xr TBaoLOS Baltivobe T' He was JWP " th. more vigilant, oar C.p'n , fa fc M bu t doabtltsa on. of those engaged in the plot, j hM P""f t0 P"' to any man of his i tbmt te WM , Hndidat. for the Presiden wh bad hired villain, fo assassinate tbe con,B,"d b9 eP,nre ,he fir,t Rebe, ! ey without an electoral vote. Lei o all, Prasident elect ia bis passage through ! fir6 iMtn' nd fTOmolt hm t0 tbe fir8t I beref.ore. lbor witboat ceasing. Ioaem- thataobocratieeitv. Geo. Seott obtained I r.. -k. : " 1 juit knowledge of th plan ia time to van nr. tuineoia, wao, passing inroogn . . 1 , . in advance, uaanoaited, frustraud all : It wa. adaep-laid plan to a.rder the : IWM, the. to eat off Washington ily frwa tk. Nortk by Mixing B.ltiaor. D"a WD,CB " " 8ree0' "K (a. wa. .hortly done) wbeo the 30,000 w b,Te ' mn im 0Br troop, a.der arm. ia tb South eonid of D----) b b- Allowing Ma. and hold oor Capital, elaia fgreign ! ,rde : PadIer' erPen,. kotcb" ud rtogniti., poeg all tb. machinery of biker- bM,d ,or "J"- oerant, aad tha. effect di.anion, or", J0B Pnt kim H ettnpionitw, plao. U. kw-abiding and loyal peopl. io , 'Pie' " Tb Le"brU bV U. diadr.ougeoo, posuioo of Rebel, j ut wiA M M ml odUMdtheir-confedcratedesiga." j .. """V. Tk. Legislature of Vermont bs jast ... vested tb vote give for State officers Bt Booth. Th. result i aa follows : ' , Governor 1863. Eaifh,U. 20.613 aUdltld, D 1I.&02 Goveraor 1864. Smith, U. 22 654 Eeofleld, D, 12,6o7 ' 19 415 Smith, aj 17,DH Smith's mi 19.415 Tb Uaioa ot is inoressed 2.439 ; Jha Deaocrati. tot. is increased 675. Tb Union asjarity i 1,764 greater than ; -A. .Z:.,- n .. .:.u i w..ra..k s".T7r .7, " ii.""' ' - r' ' u" maa owe irg "iverxamiy, 1 . bas rj Jar an ritiee after Charlettoo aad ' many ctber Rebel pri.on.r. So paper. Hoblla anil . - a a . ' . . r. . .. n r .nil Kins ltd tk. lmm.m "Z:rr'V "7"'"-""rf0Va W di'eT O.Tlo,. hut I . ' ( W araUtiee to 00a froa lb. Rthel aid ' awa-Th. Ut act of tb. brav. Geo. , in, aad ant froa oar. ; Bibkbt wb t. be horn, to th. poll, and deport mo Union ticket. Ha last word, dsy to fnr Preaidcntit) r4elivlnu) were, ''kp (J)f eit eg lb -te-Borrffw, St , 0:t M lf'j.hot: ' Washington and Lincoln. la early habit of life, ia self training, . is tntoly simplicity, great beartcdoes, straight forwardness, bo J vise sagaeity, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln : bare many characteristics ia common Both lost parents at ao early age, and ib bear tbe moral and mental impress 4 Knrh har th fn.ip.1 an.1 menial iflinrtM i - ... - , . ,i. asmogtoo never set loot in a loirign eoa0r,-.a. oe.er molded or o,n..a,i- oa-el by She tice. and follies of uplendid er.nrta and minarehieal establisbmeots . . whnll. imipT A. m.riran. The , , . , sstne is true 01 uinooio. During tbe six ytart strogi;le or onr br.t war Ijr liOer'y, ueo. asnmgtou tj, Geo. asbiogtoo did not ooee visit Mount terona. He n-fer saw "borne" uatil be passed by it, nn bis victorious more, to orktown,wbicb fici.beJ' tbe s'rife. When Lioejln left his m Kiest dwelling, tt Springfi !J, nearly ' r'uur t(jr a20. Leaded bis neichbnrs to 1 r . ' ..I f. , .k.. J.. .I t. r J ' J nts not seen ibat aearest spot oo eartn bis U0M. In each, tbe ooiotcrmitted dtvotion of every hour to hit enuntry io at first did not contemplate Independence and p'edged themselves against it, but tbe progres of events e.mpeKel them, end r c r Washington became rounder of a canon of three millions of pnp!e. Line jlo acd ' tbe ltepablicsos of 'CO did not intend to touch Slavery io tbe South, but circum stances required i-', and Lincoln becomes tbe Eaancipator of four million people. ft iib were misrepresented, abused, and belied io the worst possible manner. Yet each went cilm'y, firm'y on with every duty, nutting to time and posterity to do jW'ev "ei' motive and their deeds. The f-ll'Jn of President Lioeoln, 'lh hirdlJ opposing electoral tote.we ,rat "? complete the parallel. icanexata or th ar a chroaieia . ! t,mp along Manassas It- U-, Oct. 21, loo.. j Tk. nni. :. tn ....4 ih. A ale .u.a, U W HEIUI.a W .....i. . , Manassas Railroad. Uar Lompany is divided into three equsd. The one (hat I am ifh 11 tfttinntf1 KtlDai ilX -BtlM above 5Ianaas .auction, and eommao- ded by oar Cepteio. We have a gay time I.: . , . ...o. w. arrived here, and h... ereefd a first rate log sbaoty, which will answer every purpose to shield as from th winter storms, should we remain here. There 'are 8 of as oceupyitg this shsti'y, four iof whom are from rncannon, Perry , ... nr . , . of . . .. j i u . .. ... -.. e meet before. Tbe other four are from I ..I., ,r.t tK mAmtt . .k. ill il htt;iIe In ! o( - f - ,f . pth a., 0r . m i vottog. mioa ana to parson was a master DUSIOO . anh trr.a in. and after it ia voted will he . ! .U.M-hin, a!I minnr aansideration, 1 red with the blood of enr brother, fbhtinr, i ?"dcn eP"'eed by fever patients, , .state are re .. . ... t f. . . . . . , . baa been pointed out by 31. Ontoo. It menu and thoi . " " Ft0 Bfy ne ,ur . 1a OM "l ! consist. simplT in rressnre extended over 1 ibe a are a .,( U-.thim.fnn and ih. Whir,, nf 'Tf. J?,r "'J DJ w"0" " oivtstons, sou ... - , . . properlv Botheot Day before yesterday, we beard heavy stant assiitaoee. cannonading which lasted the whola day. Grant' mareh of valor and of glory We were ignorant of the cause until tbii ' haR,Ji" 19 tbe ' "f w-m,e Jhe .... . .v 1 fto of the Kebelhon. Since then, &her- mornmg, when a dispatch came from the ; M tw .rne(. i( ,eft wj FutHU front, telling that Sheridan bsd gained ; u .osjn ilt 0f esespe. Sberiisn .L. :- ... P.U.I... . j :.:! j j auuiucr giurioua vicsosj iiih us iKw , 2-000 Priooer.. f " tri.. wi. .1,.. uua ,ul ouet.o.u. ua. . V.w . . tin oe to toe ops . .uoveoj outlaws are ajuiiG nsnieiiiui , vaeant Bergeaney that occurs, i'arties ot as have been on several foraging expedi- ' 1- ..j s. 1 i iiuoi. iau nare mi warn mei wild iDflceu. , I " 0 eapiarea any quanuiy 01 iresn ha - af nrnifsa hiatvaa annlat hn ( rap 1 C9f0 Be'' 4'i9 "S blTe "'0. b w, of f,rie' eor ke ine,ed of vis Washioton, D. C. Govxa.t mint Horses Some, toM heretofore, have proved valuable stock A. E Kspp. of Northumberland, purcbs- ' sed one a year or more sine, for $90, and i afterward .old bitn for ,)). H. proved to be one of tbe fares! trottar. bat be ! . wi(ri08t Mi .8itfe,,od Mr.Espp;b parted with him. His prctnt owner, understand, has refused $4,000 for bitn. .; J r h'v r?"' 0at. 13 -Tk ,e'" I Co.Uoent fro. New Orlean. 0. the on board tn. Kabel lien. race, aad ..L.. D.k.1 .......... V. ...... Dttm recoivea ny tu. tnunwi- , - I iJJrrbS of the Union Slate Central. Committee. To the ls-y-,1 M- of frnnhania: kMMt iii i'n srTB emu o tk. .m t. t t'tT?' .. loenDukot't me nrst eugsgemeot ts cleared am. and opoo tbe vote of her cm -us at borne Peniistlvsni stands by J"out of our fathers, wbi! her j ; brave obs io the field "ill - OITO im re inoaMna Bajinijior o l Tbo lat hope, therefore, of , CWJ1 lhe ..er. of General M'CIell.n bs. disappeared, and tbe only result of eon - HBOiog to (UitilQ bitn IS 10 Bite aid ana e imfuri la ths Itphcl inn bw lueri-adce tlie appearance of ditunion among ourselves. i 1 ; O.ottml gheriJln deaU , ,errible blow trei,on on , deejay, and evtry ta - trlot'a teart tbriiled witb j iy npoo near - mg it ; but a great mj ruy for Ababaa Lineoln in 1'eonylvania would be far more fatal to the armed conspir.c, against tbe Lmon and tbe Constitution, hrery vote for our tried aid faithful President nil pir.hii some arm raised to shoot duwn tbe fls. wLile erer vote for the h..n anrr.nHpr at I'hlnn inl tha mnn , a 6 ... - --6, e- S'jmo rebel to shoot aootber northern sol-1 aW-Anotner town rropeny 11 aaver-. deeti,tJ h,Te beea granted to '. Pn"'" wails are ol,d. and the cellar th , r rli. r Tha tirk.t nnminatixl h Vallan. : tised io to-dav's Diner. ! ,k. i. t.k. Cni.. r 1..,.. oocb'r rat-croof. Torre is a larie eisiern ' "" " "w'u", diehim. Wood and Sevmour is now black 77 ' ' ..... a Rnniinuir.ct! ifi-uaw M anieiw dw j n aia , : J. i.i : tbe aetivitv of tbe disunion party of the .u a i , .. ..- nnrth and ibe platform of its convention. While any hope renamed of tb election ' " of its csodidates, plausible excu-e might 1 ,. ... ' r j ., . - cun eompreaed th vessel tbe patient ei- be found by ait-guided men lor gtviog : . . . r .. r . . ' - 6 , . , i claimed, "How yoa relieve me I and tbem tneir suffrage ; bat after tbe Verdiei . . .. . . . j- ... .. : ., .- f. , thus tuateated tbe result produeed by di cf Maioe, ermoiit, en Usmpsbire. 0 .10, . ,. , . - , . - , . ' . ' , ii . li. minisbiog tbe supply of blood to the sur- Iudiaoa, and trubsilTanu, all sensible . ,.s rr ' . . , i , jersous sags mil lue cicc.iuo i attrauj decided by ibe peopie, and tbai it ooly re mii" to ascertain tbe m.jinties. It J- ijict, inerefure. eterjf rote jfor jt twi- lan an i l ' tmd'ttv it u eurttat mr.j'i to j.jw vav,. to tongue ,r,e jtoy tear, to TCtte m;rt f our treaiure and to ; mr,er othtr. cf our. ' . .i , - ... ., r j. . Tha tub ime toeetacle of a united north i will end tbe war. We invoke .11 patriot. 1 to lend their efforts unceastngly to produce . this teult. lis certeclint! Ibe ward aoa i township orgaoiiitiini ; by the eircula - I . - .. a- j ..l i : , "on oi oocumeuis ; ny puono auuressea, ( especially ny local speaaers ; oy carnesi wrsooal efforts with honest but mistaken ... . , . . j: : Us ,0 , . Matm. k tk .mtfia.ak f .rmannit ftf imnai.it , " - . clubs in every borough and community ; j by great meetings ot tha peopl by tfsy- 1 light and by torchlight, and by all tb ( of ,.,. b , .Ppal.D to tbo patriot. aaaL : .0d kmdiin th patriotie ealhuaia-a of great and loyal commonwealth, we can ( attest the fealty of our State to the flag of j L'nion by a mijority worthy of the historic cb.raeter of the contest and of the re1 iae, ePDnt npon it torwsra, men, every lover ot mi conn-; ' tr, to this good work ! Locking not lo lh...l h.l inlk. fnlnr. fnrn.illr,. .11 pers.n.I considerations, sod apWting ,be privilege of .ome s.cnfie. for Libert, nl he Union, let as relsx no effort until tbe polls are closed, ibe Committee will eootinae to do iu whole daty, and j rnl ina nann e Atif malinll nirnail anrl ana ' relief opoo your instant, earnest and eon- sens 11 vsogusra sgsio wairiicg govt :.onnd tbe charge along the whole line, i and. wrapping our ballot aronod oar - ; . , .., aft.uciB af.Bll.a, aaaiaa w .aav rsvi..j fiJ1j wbich twliu jB Stm. OtT. ory 01 our nunra ai.njr, ,h "O"""1' 01 oor '",B8 .ero-10 u,ra libeitv from lis deadly pril, and tbe Laioa from 1'. treasonable foes, in tbe interest - . . - - of reli-ion ,nd in the hope of ,bi rtpnb. 1 - a . 1. t 1 1 -a? f 1 nia, forward to victory ! In behalf of tbe Committee, SIMON CAMERON, Ctairtnm. A. W. Bxsedict, ) (-.,. How he was ConverteA Tbe Chattanooga Gazette, of 13th Oet, esy. that at a recent .octal gatbering.C.pt. Sotherland, formerly of Gen. 8teedman'e uff, captured during Stonemm's raid, and recently exchanged, was present : b was toasted, and made a b.ppy response. W. . .t... u:.. .L J regret sons every eoiuicr iu iss arwy, nui. every patriot in the land, could not bav. listened lo hi remark. Capt.'ntherland, before bis esnture. was well known as a d earnest M'ClelIan aia. In he fc j ... . , n "Me bf tt. partienlar.- He wm now for Liofolo, beesuse, duriog his imprisonment, bis guard it Charle- 0B, oi enerw Rebel he mut, with ea eg. oeption, S.g that b. wL a Pe.oewt, wfA kim M JfOrilan. That exeention stole an opoortoaitT to . - - . - ..... .1. 0 .1 'r. . an " a 7 holdig out l" kopt of UaenU dtftot, , , am, . - (Aa. ,yLimeoia n rar wWJ eai and aa tunaUy ctam, aa tb. ont woo hi un ee thai resittaoo was ao longer praenav kifc Cap. Sttbarland declare that b nvM .ntjld nor never wonld tot. for .nj Kts Uk tfii of vwi twiioia jrG.o. Frmei. Trio, who defended j ! 1 Amenetn toion to eloquently id "'. ' ; dislike to President Lineolo, anil had lb Negrophobia to bad at to lot. bin all bit o r iunaenn. ia ibis country. An ultra Dem- oeral always, bo tu a dslegato to tbe Chicago Cooveolion, for Ibo parpos of ' - - ..JM.nrin. Ia s.l ik.n lAIIAmillftl. UMi w otber real War and Ciiii!.M,-'''r.:rra Ho(1., , t vnn. . i atte will be diaed ofaceordiac in la. I no"' f"-" ,'"- ,rrJ 577 , ' '': ; bad to make op bis mind between Lin Cj.O ana L'Dlon. or 31 LleiitD S&a SOUtb- 1 ... II. ... 1. ,: : m aa Inn. timn in I " r e - - macing op nis mita, vat at last eoaes oat r... 1: j t-i ; 1 . ; j .v. tm-,. u 'a opening speecu id rnuaa , oai at y night, was a perfect surees', and be will f pt.k in Penn'a ..til E ectioo day. He . is to be at lsn?ilie, Saturday tbe 9ib Oct., acd at Williamsport, Monday, tbe olat (Xt He is a rasy, original, forcible sneaker, bit twrfectlv independent, and' ! ask. nn nn. tn hn ra.nnnathln f.ie him i l MAnother Town i. ... 1 j..'. ! . T: 1 T! : . . I A ttiathnn nr rnniiitna fhn imaku e ------- otezument covering tbe temper r. ... . j . . ,, . . .. . , . tally, in feeling the temple rather than , , . . . ,nB WIU"' " or"r 10 ine ire- nnin.1 nf tha nnl.n Ivhtia tha w.ha.i. lace VI sue ciau.uui. C, c. T a n ,i.suawr, isos,n i ocigct, .-. si. .t . 00D The St. Loots (Mo.) Democrat' ,,..,.m n.......n ,fi,., ... is respoositle for tbe following "At Winchester, when Emory, General 1 oi toe -sineieemn thorns, atsrvatcnea nia r 1. . .. , .. . 7 "X J , , f , , 'i16 eaem?! ,hekU"e.r, GA0od ! ,e!1 Kmtrl ha ia a hr.Aar " 1 a aatiH mIidi ' ' " . " V. - . ! ' ln"' (- T . l,"' I Sule' J00 " "ho1'' brltk k,In- t i .u.i:,- k.u .. ill :-- ' Bmev' Sbirpshootera' aeren hundred' J tate, 9ne paHetj : Union 650 50 Opposition . JT:J '"li Lvw . A Hn'fi-Pfinl' fm. kifls isf inimhl that ' i a n , 0 . , , ' Diurisbe id tbe Horder States) asked a , to.a er tl a wa lor iilanr -M - , Clollaa I th devil," replied the soldier ; s.No , t ,,,,, oj Mme directio j ! a." JUC&laCZZaia JLM B f ; Price is relreatiae with loss before . . .. . . ' the Union force io Missouri. Hood is again on tbe defensive, and ia ' ... . . e. u"euB," ,Da u clo'J prB-teO Oy -OermSO. I flhi Pl- Ih. wnie, i Gr.nt or Sh.rid.n t A base conspiracy baa been detected to defrsud tbe New York soldiers, by eabsli- .-.j-g M'ClelIan for Lincoln ballot, and ! by reiaroing vote for dead cr absent men Th talo far rrer-harrah. Sots I harrak Baa aim the Tratiar aa. ap all ta atarr UNION DEETINGS: Friday, Oct 28 New Berlin S.H Or wig, C Merrill. Simedsy Uoiootown G. F. Miller, Aiken. Stturday, (kt. 29 Goody's S.n.,Eut Bnffaloe Shorkley, G.B.Miller, Worden. Minday, OcL 31 Wehr's Hotel, Lime stone Twd. Rev. Bneher. CinL (irmi Same day Spott'. S. H , Kelly Ip -. ., . -, .,!,, J t coorairy, aisen, u. o. .Miner 7n Ann 1 W.nfi.M PnrS.a Worden. WedaetJay, Ao. 2 Farmersville S. H. Orwig, G. B. Miller. Thunday, X'jv. 3 New Columbia Porter.GB Miller, Sborklry. Same day Mifflin burg Worden, VsoGcxer. triJay, Xoe. 4 Forrest Hill G. B. Miller, Shorkley. Mass Meeting at Hartlelon, on Saturday, Xov. 5 G. F- 51iiler. S B. Orwig, VanGexer.C MerrillDixon. Same day Biehl' Hotel Shorkley, Aiken and' Otber. Jtljndoy, Aov. 7 Orwie". Ss 11.. IV Wig ; Twp Cspt.Orwig. Shriner. Same day : Union 8. H., Buffalo. TvnsmavAhfl4kIffW B. Miller. Wordea. - r " At Hartleton.diytime ; other plee,eve'g. Corrected Semi-WetMyly H'oiZi dv iSotUA. Wheat 12.15 Batter, prime $ 40 do common 25 Egg 20 Lard, fresh 20 Tallow 15 Potato 55 . Dried Apples.lb. 10 Wool Ih ! Corn 1 50 I a cn "7" w Qjtj 3 nmTej 901 00 Flaxseed 2.25 Him 15 K,g 6.3 Country Soap -fa0 MAR Corn new80na 25 i 1 ava aitniprs Hiniinmu, nr , Wr swi. asm im m,m rwvta arwniaaita mm Mia.sal.UB BCHLrf Lrsis. lava aaaalT- la katpital at Maralvta Cttr. asar Kaarkrra, sr. C, TBOBSI 9 OaitK, aral M nars. This t swsiassl voath aaiisSa Badar Caas. J. was koakir dihan. xa ut. aiw u ... U. ALW n ..IIm S. ,. lndr t. isa la JOBS eaorv. tVaalar. axai .1 ilttti Te um t will plena can at Cnmaissiesers'l Oftte for lb TrintBial Atsesaaest , Feohi, o8.;e?tut jujfcr. H94 1 OST.-Oo tbeMth InX. Wtweea Lev barC aad f-"T.ff V '- !;,... Ti.f.i TK.x.b sill ha iMkl reartd br appl;ia 10 Oct.S7.2l i. TAsEJ rP GAME to the White Dri ornne. oUne sobribr ia IWr ui(. u Co. lumbii, aboot fits wrats mtn. a Mailer : i rilrr cm, in. .fifl imm Iu.. Ik -jL Heller aboal S reof old, red, vita a law I j Oc7,..6,fi. e.yt - , i .. , . . ,,, . . ' I r f . I r . r . . . iween joaiaa uaker a Juaaiaan w are. tr fng mtne name ot an ondrr tn nrm 1 ! J. Bauer k Oa-uro aavan'v busmaas ; n dissolved dw the 6iby of Oct. losu Tne , DUVaa aoa acconnnvoi i 01a nrm wia o "j loJvi u mm ! 0cns-iu. jXVx WOLFK j CL 5' TIIAN VTOLrB. , The banners t the old stand bs contianel ry J Baiter J. BKEK. Estate of John Oroft; dee'd. !"0TICE IS hereby Siren, iblt Letters . Testamentary noon th , Estate of i Tnuv r.Pnrr k. i... r Br. . vi- I nion Co , deceased, have been gra: I countT.in doe form oWswi therefor all jr- . ions kDoariDF laemseivv isaeoiea 10 sia . .N . qoested to make iaacdiat pay- baTsne jaKxlais afamst '.so reenested lowrescat tbm tori rated for settlement to JOH' GROrr. it. Executor Brady Tp, Oct. XS. 1864 pd Anditor's Notice. THE oderieed. Aaditor. appointed by the Orphans' Court of I'nion county to dis'nbo-e the balance in tve hands ol 8 H Orwir. Esq, AJramistratcr of Mrs. Rtascca Dawsuk, oec'd, will atteni lo the duues of nis app-inimrnt ai nis ocice iu inc aToroazn of Le barr. oa Saturday, the !;b r-.y of per. A. is. uilu, Ausitor Lewishnrg Bank. rpne Aanoll E!ecliol frr Directort ' 1 ensnme year will be held at ihe B.n- ! & Hooe oV .Monday the list day cf Sot. . a - & . ne-. neiween me nasra ci a .1 ana a r And the Annual Meeting of the Slock hold era of this Bank will be held at the Basking House on Toesdav the 1st dav of Nov. next, at 10 o'clock, A M. DAVID KEBER. Lewisburg, Oct. If, 18(54 Cashier NOTICE. I HP HE labtcriber Ukes this m pi hod. to i -icinitw thai he baa sold bis Boot and Sbo establishment u Mr. LIlGam. u , . " . " T . 7 t tur 1 1 wt: i a i puaic vi (Biiua vcawaww n at i sa. : Wishmf to settle ap his aceo.nu. he asks all persons .adebied lo him to call aad se-.Ue. aad those karma; any si claims io present them at the Store lo JOHN URES ' ' -, . I SSs'SfiS BwllsKl HE undersigned bavin pureh.sed of I Mr. Jas fana.s the well kaows , Cneap Boot and Shoe Store, opposite ihe ! lwisbr Bank, will sell all the stock pnr - chafed from him 10 per cent leu than pres- ent prices. 1 ' 'Te artortment of HOME and CITy m4de c,';f ,n(1 I soJJr ..faf a'nd a .. GAITER. kTd lit E.V8 MOROCCO and other Shoes for LADIES and i CHILDREN Boots and Shoes MADE TO ORDER a reasonable irms. REPAIRING promptly attended to. t7Don'l forget ibe IwisbargCbep Bool Esq. or J. A. KELLY, General Agent. Lewis and !"hoe Store is opposite the Bank. j burg, Co ion Co. Pa 1064 10T0 R. M. COOPER Janurtiint fit thr (Tunnfrn? w ' i ' ; "ITTE invite the atteatioa of the cotnmnnity j S V to uar rurDsivt; B.aoriaieoi ot Fancy and Staple Pry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Queens ware, tc. ic .T,?' ?.f Tn.!lkIl,rel,'s'd,,?, ta. Ut 4n-Mna ia Ool. and artrt ar trllli 1 nee nr at lVoai IS to .SO per nrat carAvprr tbaa tb. sata. anla tl bar. hr.a bnht fcr. Ira aars av Pat-ha-r. anil So wll ta call as look throiuh car stnrk titfr.ra j parrhaaint ala.ab.ra. Wr will dI tklrlv vltb .ar ruAteaarm. aa will tin tbesv Xba baaelt OTShc Srrftar la Goods la r.rry parttralar. We keep on hand eoaitantly COAL, SALT, nsn, PLASTER, CEMEXT, Calcvud Platter, i. Ac The hiebest Market price paid ia Cash for all kinds of Grata aad teed. WALLS A SMITH. Lewisburg, Oct. 1864 Teachers Wssated. rriHE' School Directors of HARTLEY I township wish to emplov SEVEN Tea- eners. ine eooipentauon win oe iioerai.but accorame ,o me f raoe 01 Secretary of ihe Board mtiuri imvi luntiuu myyij ov SkV. w 41 .n.w vvlai Secretary of 1067 A'Ew T8 lh,t mnwy nvt b' iBri,,r th Cbeap Caah Storv. Cssinetts 75 ets wp, cloth 3.7 cp. Pots .a IP.r. a". "'l - " "'P"-"- f ' Li"''" "r'"rjrrr:'Ay: ': toarDD fi" inn viarTri. nuunuivviiii ei't 1 1 w.ir w A V..,. u..i.. I a a T. . ,r . T, T" , aad Hickory Cheek Shirm. Overshirt. and Cas. 1 mere Shirta. 8osadera. Stockiaga aad ! viorrs vrvuara 01 aSJl unEnpuiiai iiaiaraa buj paper, liaea and eotioa Pocket Baakerchiefs. Shirt Fronts, Ac . Call at the Fashtoaab! Clothing Store flnnntrtr Walla at Bnailh's of X. R ZUf MERMAX Lewisbwrg, Oct. 19. 1KM JfOtice t DnbtoTt. - rs.t r saw ,ati -i,kia ihreowweka isiwtli H acccoats, the win Insrie' : Red - Ji-R-iLMMERMAN i t- ' 1 - : "EJ am 1 feZCSTSITiA gfcMTTCl sWtJIIMIivS ! . - Vftlf F 4 Two STORET Tenement ' Xm. HUe. w Sooih Fuanh .r'.txl : :J"'" ' ". I..'-..:' , ""i"'"- I . " " ' ' ( . - -- " - M n a . . J Jf7 j,-: H'. i nr. s;abVad atl .'hy -et-,T r.wbu.1 - ;dini.ai j dim.a weirLf i'el'.t Wi: wnha fnp - .he corch. an rv.trn in summer . me no : he l, ,s s 1 . iaDrflT Frmi and Grspe Vines : .. .v.. .w....... : t.. -.r..J p...M.N. .;.. J.n. llt f,ll soob tr1o4 a barr-a. V I l0' O H r bHIVEJ.I ' j VALUABLE REAL ESTATE T PRIVATE S.I.E-ihe fine E-ideere cf Mrs. E. I'liauitn. oa !.'i.r,:y Arenoe. Tbe Hoae is bricc.lo aiorets. tudi and finished 10 the moat sob:ni aI manner. Ii eootains 12 rooms in all, melod ic kuchen is thoroorhlr h.ated br fomare. ' and has eas 6itias thri'Djhnot. The m n W"IB romp to Kiurben, and a never-tailing . (,r .,.r at tk. if... - ' - - l nere is a tine &:te and tramazt Hoos iib all other necessary oaibo Mias laclttd- in a fine Chicken bouse and Tool roeis. The Lot coniaini a boat three acres, a por tion of which is osed as a pastoie lot,hac a stream of sratei rnrjo nz thro it, and adjoins the Stable, which is a rery valuable conven ience. The lot is completely ducked with the best varieties of Frail trees and vines ia fall bear:n. and choice fhrobberr in abon)anee. 1 T3e situation is in eerr renect desirable, ; aaif hborbood ihe bni'm the p ace. Knt.3 h Lots eonid be so d i B u car half the Cvl. u parcnase, if desired, ; AL?U . Ttrtmtj Acre farm lJnd, itwatf in Kelly lownsnip, antoinin; nn's ot raal h. ..;,..,.. i.. ,.f P..I Geiie and others, aouul baif a mile from torn. For farther panieo'ars and terms atp'y lo ' (JKWIU H A1 Oct. 13 Agents Lewisbnr. Pa FARE. FOR SALE. I OFFER at priva:e sale mi Farm in Kelly township. It contains C3 Acre., more ; or leas, cleared and in a rood s'aie rf culti vation. A rood H. oe. Bank Barn, O.tbail I dines, good Water and an Orchard. AIo, j Timber I.anl near ih aToe tract For j terms inquire cf ice at M.ffl.Ebarg, or of I Isaac Moore, resi.iog cn the farm. I Oct 10 DAVID MOORE FARM FOR SALF. T OFFER at private aale the Farm wnoa i X which I reaide. ia White Deer lownsa p. i . fa ' wi m AfFfl ID or OT ICA C'tltT u ' j iB , foj ,7,,; f eaiUT,tioo a tod Ho0, Baak Barn.OutbaildiDe.. good water. d Orchard. Persons wishine lo see it i " ' f S j Al Acre of WOODLAND aear tbe above iraru DANIEL BE.'AUE D Tp. 8pt. 8. IM4 wipd ' BUFF ALOE HOUSE" for Sale. ' THE Trus'ees of the Caiversity at Lewit- 1 borg. offer for tale the !ar?e three storey hou.e, known as the buffaivt H-utt. ' situated in Lewisbnrs:, corner of Second and ft. Loo:t streets, opposite the Court House. Tbe entire boildici is of brick. Ki fret on Second Si snd 78 feet oa St. Lotus t anl finished with all the conveniences and modem improremeats for a first class Hotel. Tbe ' subline, sheds. At, are ample to accommo- ' date a large business. ! The above property will be disposed of at a modera'e price and on eass terms. For ' tnnber information, inquire of G.F.MTI.LER, I -c nir rrvrs c s t r 1 XAK.U Xlji. cALXi. . fTIHE snh.onhers offer fr aa the r Farm ' J near the Forest Iron Works containing about 130 Acres, with rood H mse and Barn, and other iseees- , sary Boildin-s, aa excellent Spnnr of Water j between the bue and barn. All cleared. ! and in a rood state of cultivation, ia a food ! neighborhood, and convenient to mark-ei, mill, school. Ac We consider i; eheao at $.00fl will take f5,.S00. SHE1.LER k SCHREYER. LrlAbarv. Ancart T., 1S64. House and Lot for Sale, SITUATED on Son.h Third street. k Lewisborz, formerly cccopiej brmmmW Jesse H. Warner. It is a half lot, haviac oa it a good brck Dwelling Hoo-e. Stable and Wat-B Shed, and some Fruit. For ' Terms, address HENRY WATTS. North'd P. O., or call oa JOSEPH ME1.XEI., Lewis bare. lt65 ' FOR SALE, V TAVERN STAND on Market St. in the borons h of Lewisburs is offered for sale oa reasonable terms. Tbe hcu-e is doable. and would conveniently aeeotcmoda'e two ,r r, ihe nohi.r.. rr no. ,0Id ia a reasonable lime, will be mortgaeed. Any person havinc money to loan, can have I it well secured. Interest paid promptly. Apj p'y to tent; J.Oi.it. ajinnrwr r nis a, tjrmcri ! FR tale tituated oa N.4ih St. one square ! from Market St. Lewisburs a fa'l Lot, j oa which are erected 1 two-storev brick fff ! dwelling house and kttehen.newSuble.aElJ. two-storey frame Weaver shop. Dye ho.se. a Well of never-failing water, aad some good Fruit trees. To suit purehasers,the Lot mav be divided Shop and Dye hooe ca one side tad Dwelling acd 8iable on tbe other. It is It.e property of Bsvj. AsarrT, dee'd. Es quire oa the premises or of 104 CYRL'S BROWN, Executor VJS. Tbe Shop half is told A TAVERN STAND a STORE ROOM fk and all the fixtaret readv for as d a dwelling aditcem er. . . . - . Posaessinaof Tsvern.lti of April next o Btor aad Dwellm. nn two davs aotice. ARBCCKLE. Sl.fer P.O. Ts. ix tws l is FOB CAI C run 9rLK. A DESIRABLE Bnildiae Lot. sitaarH ia a pleasant partjof Usvisbnrg. Terms lo sait the purchaser. For farther inform- tion taqaire of lost CD BREWER F0K RENT. rflWfsTrWET Brick rJOUS adri -OT ea Xorth Frrh strt. JbJ Kmn 1-, tn. - a- tan.t.vjt. ! curntrrc ttirrf ! . ' T)Y tirtoe 01 aiw7 wnn . ii sn , 11 Lr. rs. ioea vat 01 inr an ut ! f.rMw Pia of Laioa C P,a ' e. , xaTI RIMT. XOV. it. iM. . R,rrrt Hoo in Ihf borvarh of lw. . labor, econij awtrwia. . -.. - ; im timim mmm mm " - ' i Ii. r - 1- '' 1 I " ' S-.l.,- a m a. .P.tt,tort...: iit ii..tj. trMf-H .:r.-rri!.rtr : "lf,!? ",27 tZOZZ tb;rmn.T.n-w-v .f im iUt r.n. r f"- "r" fcw M4 mlmWW f, , trr mmt th bo . lc rvw .t4 a mm aa twa a. tar af.arri M l i,uu wti4. : al.s.i at iu same lima sad o'ace acertaiar half lot of jrroand ! ia imnhs aJditi.-a : 10 the borcoit Lewavoar. ei aaiy aiore- . a..1. bonnded ibe h by . Market atre,t. lhe 'S,' ?JlZ , a! Central Fuadrv. eoniaiainf ta rarhaa f an acre more or less, wnereoa ai tttti m twii-surey frame Dvellm Hoaae, a k.Kkea aiiaehed. ice honse, frame stable. well of r"o4 water and utber oDibailding, with lbs appar- tecances aa the property of Mint ;'. avals. A LSrt at ihe same lime aad place a esrtafa lol of rrnood sanatr in New Celambsa-Whit , Deer township, cnaoty aforesaid, buaadVd lhe east by Waier street, oa Ihe aowih by Civerry aley, on the west by Rivrr a iry, aad ' oa the n.-r.a by lol cf Lloyd O uter, be.ag 44 ' fret in fn.nt br 171 fret ia depth, the saa bein; marked -o. 2S) ia lhe general plan of , said lowa. together wi:h ike Tavern stuad. : aad all and singular the kailoia(. 4lc, wiih Ih appnrtenaaees, 4tc, as Us pro patty Mibtis Kiirria. ALSO, oa Mrdas, Nov. 14. 18C4. at tha pn'i'ie hon-e of Jic b IVckard. ia ibe boro' of Mita;nbrs. cooa'v aforesaid, at I 'clock P. M, a cena a Irlaf trnusd simate ia f.iase . aton introtOip aad roaarr aSurad, bnaa. I ed n ib- sfi bf Messr-. e.rsl and Perw, a . '"J1 e- " -i-i-joi ... j ua .ar aa puii r aJ, eoniainim Ote arre, n-ore or leas, wHereon are erected a twe-storrv Dwe!tic House. Biacksreitk Mhop, L" 8'ahle aad otneroBt-bjild.nc., with the apnaneaaocca. ; etc- as the prvpenr of Sab's, F. BvwaBaaaw.-. 1 ALtsO. ai ihe sane tun and place, a t r. tain kt or p ece of f ri.uai sitoaar us Lia. ' stone township, and c. amy airesait. boaad ed oa the north by a public road. ia tbe west by land cf Messrs- 8 weak and Derr, oa th south by lane of bejaaw Shi vely. aad om tbe east by 3. F. B graraif. coauuaiaf rnrw acres, m re rr less, whereaa : creeled Lo; Dweliisg Hoose. Leg huilwes Well with ponp. and other cnt-buildiaca, wuh (heap, r nnenance. etc- as ihe property ef . M. Boats a sir. L. F. ALBRIGHT, Vhevstf henlTs Office. Lewiahurg. Oct. 15. II PUBLIC SALE. . , Vt'Il.L he sold at psMic sale.oa natweaay lhe r-in, day of Boreas per. 164. the premises, a kwt mf Craaatl, li'aal 00 tbe coraerof Lairervnv Areaae and Bar ton street, ia ihe boroafk ol Lewiahrc.l." eooaty. on wdich are erected a cmraodioa two-siorrr Brick Dweiliac II wub a Brick Kitchra auacbed, aad other las pmremnt s. On said premises are a a a as her cf choice bearing Fran Trrrs. fid prnpi 1 ly is the late residence of Sam'l . Bartoa. aOa and very aesirasie lor a pr,n;e rendenca. Terms of sa e will be made ease. ALSO, will be sold ai the saw tins aasl p ace, a ranetr uf llouaclialal and, other Personal Properly. tfaie to cctansenc at I o'clock ia tbafsv nun of said dav. HANNAH E. BARTON. Widow aad lsevi.ee of Sam'l S. Barton. Lewisbarg. Ocu IT, IHtH. - - - Public Sale of REAL ESTATE. : . I WILL i.flrr ai Public Sale oa the premise oa FRIDAY, the S5ih day of November. lS6t.a trart of land innate Weal BaSshsw township, taion county, aijominc laada of James CcrneiicsohB Harbesoa. ha Miller. Praneis JadoB, aad oihers. ctTtaiaia 94 aii.iv. u.'ic af i' ... a. 'a: . 1 au vai. .lima acre., 5 acres of which are good Meadow. Tbe Improvements are a lo. Dweliia howae. Bam. Shop, and other onthaiMints, a well of rood Water eear lae house, also a sprtBg of Mineral Water known as the Sast Waatu, and also oa said premises a bearmc Orchard. I'poa the whole. said property is desirable aa a healthy eoaatrr residence. Sale mence ai eleven o'clock ia Ibe fore too of said dav, whea terms wilt he msie kaswa bw U. F. MILLER. Alton Oct. IS. 1S4. fcr tha Um sC Bxu Jims.Sa.tV ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 1)Y virtne of aa order of sale assaH out of ) the Orphans' Coart of I'aioa county w.It be exposed tn public aale at the Riviere Hoaao in Lrwisbare. on Satuwiay, Nov. 26, llS4. 1 o'clock, P M, all 1 bat car: aia Half Lot ( Grooad, sitaate cn B:b street, ia Smiih'a addi tion to the B vo'ot" Lewitharg. bf snde4 the sonh bv ha f same lot. ca im e.-l by aa. alley, oa the aoath bj a vtcaoi 1st. and ca the vei by Seventh street, oa whxh aro erected a two-storey Bock Dweliiae Host sax, Oa. buildings, kc, law th estate of RJUton. ler. dee'd. TERMS SO per cent Cash, bataec to b paid ai December Term of Coon. JOHN HUNTER, Ada'r. Oct. IS. 1864. TTJSBER LAND FOR SALE ! fT-HE sobseribers rffer at Priva: !! Svo X tracis of Timber Land, of about 3ttt3 ACRE, j tr,ei,ot aboot eqaal situ, aiiaatrd ia Kso riheast part of West BuiTslo towaifcift. I'nioa eonntr. It will be aoi4 io a bodv.o sinele trac-s. li snit pnrcbasers. It is well timbered principally with White and YeMosr Pine. U hii Oak. aad Poplar. For lanaoff pan.caiars, inquire of s -? wmrett,.rsf.- 4MU ulltMaL, mtrnm rrThe undersigned ofT-rv for sale a tract of's'ii Acre "f Land, ia While Deer to a-n, a-p. aii ei Timi-ered. except ahooi I. acr-s which are cleared aad cultivated. Tao improvem'Bts are a tiiod two-storey Loir H..a.e. ttaNe. and OatbaiMiara. a eon Orchard, and aa rtreileat Well nf tl'i n at the hoaae. 10Ct GEO. MEUEI.L rs c -ai rrt r . r ffAjSi IT l5 S 1 1 ) T OFFER at Private Sal ay Fans, siiooso IJ ia While Deer towah'0. adjoiaiag laa4o ' f Ju0a Baark Eq. Levi Raack. Edwaiw r Ranch. S- B. Pawlmt. aad Joel Raaek. eosv .' taiainz St Acrew asore or less. It ssaa rood Hovse. Ran Bars, aad lr Ooihauld-. m"s. A'mat 4 acres are well Tiaoertrd. tte. riai0Jr aoder ood cal'ivatio ioaiati BaVI-st- ' . T T 1 . - f iitaaia I J d Bar. J Lasno I lioaa I I r ia. ( 1 as ber ri