OT IP THE UNION," establkhd ia 1514 Whole Nu. 3,681... BY 0. N. WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA, TUESDAY, OCT. 18, 1564. ' CHRONICLE," estaMished ia 1813 W!i1e N I)70. At I-50 per Tear, altvaji In Advance 3"p"rlirr ; GREAT WQi.ll DOME Address of the Union State Central ; fj TgSfSgn Committee. .The SunVoiy & Erie R.R. finished ! Rooms of l Lira ute Cent. Oni. ) j ItOO, UDeslliUt !?t Ujl li.Itt ) The returns cf the late elrctioo, now in tk. ltnwtainn II f V J t'nn, m ir .... . .. - 1 . 1 . h.r,nnn. . .k.. t. l..- i. j contemplate o lni'.oitaot civil triumph, to announce tbat I const Iv.nia bis dt-ci- ' ded against ill armist ire. "and nn nu.. i Tbe shortest route between the Ocean .. ' 1 - Turn we aside moment from U the turmci! od excitement cf the Election, to tweco tbe Clarion and Tiuorsn, and is ! Fenn'a Soldiers' votes, tbe highest point on tbe road, beiog200i I When tbe informal battles for Presi- feet above tide water. At tbis point tbe ' dent took plaee recently, in our hospitals, Company intend erecting works similar to tbe Copperheads said it was all sham those at Keuova. ! 'bat the soldiers were cowardly sneak, -Had tbis road been pushed tbrot)eh "0 j ,hcir fi"rj or m" when first pr.j-eted, Krie would ere this " "quired," or lying scoundrels .bo have outstripped Buffalo, and Phila. riv- "te,J fr Lioeoln " 15 ,0 Get P5' .led New Yo.k. Tbe numerous towns m, !" As if the brave boys and men who have faced eannotsand muskets, die- , . . . i- . . . T ! I n l n: . . : v i i - j .!.. i . t... 1 an ii pi im i (ini ma line (ii lae.i. l . & di.tf.td. True toils ,.t history, the the m-t travel and transportation. S, Ee, would Lave been on the line of tie , . ., exhaustion and Keystone Stale array, ruref by .be side .rtou ,u Pennsylvania Vo, TO years ago, : Philadelphia and Erie, and the wilderness : '' "0l'fcs od Jf . hli n3t lh cf Ohio and Indian., and proclaim, to the 8he tbe Ulbcr of Er- which p.rt of our St.t. would have been cm-. fc. ' Ve , J World berm fiietce in an Admiais'r.tiun i r . . .- .;.. i,. ...a ..i.k Tk. manliness to vote for thecaue fur which er . .fe. . . .. , . , j: c. i;m nn.r.nkrr they figdt! These ehamelots xaik. i u 4k otiiu uiu uiuci ii ai yji . .vu -r r securioa Etie. our State not only obtained ou!d bare been reversed, and I'ennsyl- true to tbe Union of the !?'(, and intention to sustain that AduiaU'ratiun in power nntil the L'aiou is reatcrcd. The L'oion p.r'y bas carried tbe Stale, gained three members of Congress, and elected . mjirity of both b m-es of tbe Legislature, on tbe borne vt", and the eoldiera' ote, as received, im1ic'es the m safe, eomnodious, splendid harbor, but Iso one free from ice some weeks earlier and sjuie weeks later, than Dunkiik cr Uuffilo. It may therefore be claimed as vaoia might now be the equal of New imp s tions upon the coble sens cf America ia our Armies, are trvrthg on'y of the Cup- York Siate. The work is now done, and ! P"W. h-, tried to JrUe Mhr f .ltbough New Yoik bas IS to CO years ihtir tofea belied their honor when thty New Conslltalion of Qaryland. ExtrcTivF Mansion. ) Washington. Oct. 10, liCI j I 't. lUnry II. v'-n-i-i . My Dear Sir A ccventiiti of Mary land has fjraitJ . new Constitution f r tbe State; a piblic meeting U called f..r this evenioi, at lii'timire, to aid in freeur irz i:s ral G-atiQ by tbe rwpte, an 1 you ask a word from me for th occasion. 1 presume the only fejtnre of the itftru Oicrit about which there is serious e )Dtrr versy is that which provides for tbe ex tinction rf slavery. I : n-ed nol to te secret, and I presume it i-i no secret, that I wish smeess to this privision. I desire it on every consider a i in. I wish .11 men to It free. I wisb the mat. rial prosperity of the already free, wt.ich I feel sure the extinction of slavery will briti;. I wish to see in process of disappearing that only thing which ever I t Il.L hi IJ at public a. rn '.tnriav. Ihr prem'-'s,y Lot of t'roiind, '"a'e on :nr c.-rnerill nivc-t y A .f i.ue K.r t.'i sirret. in the T-'tich; l.e:bnri;, t'nh a uoiv, nil whi'-nVre 'ci'-t a Cunfu" li: A rrea' variety cf descrtt'.' - mi pr tall anj see. V'f f lwvsiirev via a Brick b.!i iyai!arn--J. an,'..;rirr jrorm nts. K'rui'CA are a aurir 1. 1 cit'vre beartfj f'ra iXev. s.ii! pr- prijr it ihe late ref!".re if n'l P. Bar't ti. E ;, an ' very tVirab' f-r a r va:e rei eiice. T'nnot rale wi'l t ni'e easr. At.Vl. w.il be sj' ' at ihs w tim af .l p'ace. a vaneti' if luUHfboItl ai 1 . :irr irroo.il l'roprrtj. taie io c rr.mince at 1 o'clock in ihe af.er noi u of saii dar H ANN All F. BAKT .N. Vr'iJow and l?iee nf Sam'l S. B.rc. I.ewisbnrr, fei. 17. sfj. l r received a liiie annMTit ad' llti' .tut!. Lie.'tvuii-ry, Vei .r-, ". Zi-.t hue.. Ac. Af.uHW t"l lh iir -i:.i a ti-e : t ' h. ir.ei.cs at Ju'.e i'l KKEVEK. l.G Sl CO9 r14ltlLlS in" re't (Jane SO) b , hKKVKR. !.(. A r J)t.Ar-TER. ft ar1 F.h Cr t sa e KREVttlR. LOMJ A CO J - ...1 : II. 1 ,...1. :,J ii. .. r-itil.t krir f Ki. nati. .n t jviril wt thi at.rt. it is mir now In mace amenda J r t . ih.. ...iJ .l!t ik.. ...nl.l attempt no argnanent. Argument upon wain cf two more members of Conpress, . tte be' Dff " te l.ikes. ; ior pis. negircr. uar iraucana travel vj ( - - - the ,,.,,,.,, ,, ,,re,Jy exhaasted by the nd .clear Union ru ij Tity of fifteen tb.-.u-; 1'iats were first mide to gain water , ""y o r..var can now mostly seek . , afairr, better informed and more iromedi and f-otes. This is a most gratifying rr- connection. The great mind of Nicholas shorter route, saving both time and mon- ' on rre81lleDl lte ,""!)1Ilg " 'he lte!y jLferted sons of Maryland herself, nit and .'ojld fill tbe heart of cvervloval i;,a., .;,.;., f .' e. The lamher. en,!. ir.in. and nil rp ! returns we have jet reccmd : I ooiy add that I shall begratifi-d excetd- tt.nwitbiiv. Its importance can not'be ' .onre of tk. ri .ill !. i - . .. U5''" Orp inily if the good people of the State shall, Drcrcstimated, in view of the fact that some -- p i 7 1 Washington and Alexaodn. .1S0S SI: thousand .old Pe, Mm. li"!J The ur'h Amcncan . "d in return Central Pennsylvania prod-, Cbester Hospital M borne last tear and foted fur t.ov Curtin. K" toe fjilowiog subsequent history : j uee will fiud . market, and cur surplus ; Baltimore District 3 50 rt now absent with the army and are yet I Another great enterprise is completed j Population . place for business nearer Martinsburgand Cumberland l JSOmsj to be beard from, liesides, it is cmpu- : a troJuct aud producer of wealth ia i borne. Our Lewishurg Schools will find ""UP t.aiaai.aaer o new stnaents, ana our manulactories near er fields for all houor.ble cffjrts. ?.. . 1 . . 1 I.I ' I . cucccas, .ocu, me , ni.aa. i t.ne C!.;rtil:e n0pi,.l, MJ. RaiUay! II onoribly and liberally eon-. -JOth l'a. Cav. Like Erie is j lined to ducted, it can hardly fail of beicg good Co. , 201st 1. V ted that under the last cail of the I'resi- : Pennsylvania, cq ialiy bemficial to the vJent, and within the past few months, : ftj, Dd tbe west ; full of value now, and twenty-three ihouacd of.onrci'ix ns have ure to make great returns to the section gone forth to tbe field. Tte-e men are , ,hieh it traverses, to the State nd all ecattered over the whole country, and.ow- piri8 0f the Stales, and to frreien States li g to ice ac'ive operations now in progress, it bas been impossible f r tbe cemmis kiooers appointed for that purpose to ob tain .11 tbeir votes. Thousands and thou sands of votes have ttus been lost to the Union party, which party can only be de pended on to feed the army with fighting material. Under these circumstances, the Committee regard tbe victory achieved as grand triumph, and congratulate the country upon it. The re-election of Mr. Lincoln is certain. In November, tbe State will gie . greatly increafed msj T ity. There will be but two tickets, and party lines will be more distinctly drann. No local jealousies or d fTerencs will di vide onr friends, and, ooittd on the great issue, Pennsylvania wiil poll a vote for Lincoln and Johnson which will prove that she is second to erne cf l.ir ci-tT State, in devotion to the Federal Govern ment. Simon Cameron, Chairman Union State Central Committee. I at no remote di?. the tides that pu'se in the Surqjhaiina , stock and .greatpublis blessing. and Delaware. The whole system of Lake commerce, .'retching from f.r down the St. Lawrence to till bead of Like Soper kt, is an st2.it nt as well as a market f r tbe business that enters the port of Phil adelphia, and for all that growing business of the interior which adds to the s.Zi and commercial importance of the true capital Uyund the ideas of tbe greater part. More than thirty years ago a railway was planned to unite the p'rt cf Erie with Sunbury. The same pr jictors proposed cooticuir the roa j to Philadel phia and, in 1SU7, obtained a charter, hieh was signed by Governor Ititner. Tbe route was partially surveyed in 1S3?, and continued and completed in HZ'J. The estimated cost was nine millions of dollars. Thirty thousand shares cf the stock, or about one third cf the rerpired sum were subscribed wben the financial TOE DISTRICT HOME VOTE. Ljpnrn. Tt.l. lost) 121" lGl'7 lu;4 lH'tO 1211 Walls over SliriniT Wilson over Orwij . Fbriner, Ad. Wall., Op. Alleman,Ad TSrwip Man ley Wilson, Op. Hover l'Uu 1 1S&2 l.tlW li-.ty 1211 1174 -5tw;i ir,.;.' r.igx 2721 .r740 27J:l 5721 , 2723-5.; 3('.14 n. i 2.-,4 10,072 S07-5 tiOoS 477 o o Co. E,G,H.K, Hist 24 12th Car. 12 M Tlellan Hospital 3 8 Scattering llorp. Ac. 5 C. , H2d 20 11 3 0 :4 11 - Oil 20 11 4 0 o 1 C4 '23 09 IS Nearly tbe name for other candidates', i Additional returns at Harrisbur, Sat urday evening, gave Shriner and Orwi bont 140 maj.out of somcthins like 20t Totes. Should all, or most of the IS 00 The road is divided into three sjfwisions, . as follows : K.iter.v Sunbury fo Inov, 92 miles', MilifLE llcnova to l.f M int, K'l W'EsrtnN La Mont to Erie, 61 , l)lsTANCrS AND STATIONS. ! MILES I Stinlcry Emporium N orthuaibcrland 2 West Creek Lwisburg S Beech Wood Milton 12K.tbbun WatsoDtown Ti Ilemlock Deaart l'J St Mary. Montgomery 23 Bilgway Money 27 Wi'e x Montoursvilla 31 La Mont Wi!!iamport S9 Wetmore Elniira Junction 40 Sheffield Newberry 41Tinesta Linden 41 lattonia Sj-qiehanna 45 0tts Jersey Saore 61 Warren Pine 57 Irvine Wayne f.9 Younesvillo Co 1'ittsfiild Cs Garland 70 Spring Creek 7 t'oluoibus bO Coj-ry So Lovel!. 89 Coneord 92 Union 90 Le Becuff 104 Waterfoid 109 Jackson. 114 Langdoos Sicnemahoniog 116 Belle Valley Driftwood 119 Outer Depot Sterling 129 Erio Cameron 132 (Save this table f;r future reference.) ! Co. I, 194th P. V. Co. B, 195 h P. V. Dauphin Co. Mattering 3440 VSIuS. 43 1S3 21 maj 20 21 130 r - I 270 1 0 1 90 Ss5 101 TaLTIJIiORE, Oct. 11. SHERIFF'S SALF..S. i TY riroe of sun !rv writs of a. Tit an-i 1 I-rv. Fa. i?qd out of ill ur: of' l" r.m .n Pas of l"Dion -'o-. Pa., a-. i if zee ire :ie J,wi;i h ?irTM ta pabtf ia or our- . cry. on I K V. V, NOV. li. I l, t a; ihe Ktnrre H"n? in th bcr ozh i f I.rw istor. county ztorrnd. a: 1 o'clock, P M, A ctu.d trm.t cf I i ; " . 4 Ir-sJ .:ut in U ' I i t .WDflil,". ffUL-tj if I Nit-i-T-V-4 r. J j dciylrfij v fi.l"W: u licr of Isni rf Ir i todvv, 1 lifn-c Kotti on bf i-T-m rt ? jw-rrhv-a f. ' en frim l:ur; tSfn-" -ar u 1 ' J-.rv. i 4 rx r;- t to th rwr.'-T of th W D a .V7i.ir--i ': : ih- a-- ft T e . tb t-etr cf ti-J taratHai- nrvrih . lrwi w-str i JT-ri'i u- a fc w; :n oortb I '-4 4' j f. j. j f-rrr.- tn a p t ; tb-ce a rtb is lgT -m-t ' t-r h U (-"f; thsn-r .l n- isn i- Pt ! I t .-r-vj-itaVT v lith IT 4iTr r-t 114 prrrb tn th fU.-er cf !!..?, o-nltubiXasT At- hoi a. 7- rrt;ii- or lS-ru.h-r-"u ar-cr- t- 1 twLVf- L- Ilr atw. i'rsm Kilrfa'-o. Frmut Para. C"ru CriS. 1 (.;h -r nt- ( bwi ilTf, ft i&Ta tarnj f fQ Of. llWaO'.'S' ivi.-r. ! r(-- rxhajri awii citiir fryit tr. m pimr rf -r- ; f.:itirf at?r r -avr U.- b"u-. s(ul ti,--a ia urtitk.a av t. f -pr: cf L. Clie Lu. :. 1 AlaVJ at ihe n.e naie and pr a c'rrva oa i iui oi grc qqj sitoa.e in Jvaim a! : 'n a Lfvriibjr?, C'-arf a'r- iito b? Marif-t irrtf. cn tfie wpil bv lol of Widow :robecLf r. rn , ihe north by an aiirr. abd on taf hv hs If tte guilty man ia this Ca9 wera a otra! Fuuc V5. coQ'aiG:n,)ne e n'h f f RoP'iblican. the Con. Raiwra wanU Lfl aQ acr m' re or lf5"i- are errc H a ' .-i ri by their votes, ratify tha new Constitution. Yuurs, truly, A. LincuLX. j McRDEB AT TUE Polij: Pavid 3rnve, a well known c per bead, killed a Mr. l4terline, at the polls in Landisbur, Perry county, on Tuesday last. It seems that these persons were discussing politics, during which Grove took oo a pocket k Life, and deliberately cut Mr. Easteriine's throat. lie died in less than fire minutes. This dastardly act created great ex.'ite-. " lhe he-'ouzn of Le cent, and Grove was arrested and com-; "aad,i cn ihe mitted to jail ti await bis trial. cried it out throusbaut the land as "ano- Vbea;bara Wyner : North Point K.-novo Westport Keating Round Island Grove JIII.F.S lo3 111 147 150 153 19 170 1S3 193 19 203 I 2P ! 215! 219 ; ioy j 230 233 237 243 2S 250 254 256 261 04 209 75 73 2i Col. Coltis cives the fo lowing as the . , , , , ,. . , , ' fc " . , 6 , taer of Ltncoin s hirchaz s oatrago rcsu t of the vote of the 4 Pennsylvania 6 6 regiments cocoectcd with the 2d aud 10. h Corps : 10th Regt 45th " llS b " 121st 149:h " 1121 1131 " 150 b " 155th " 110:h 76ih ' 97tu 2031 99ib Slst 531 145th 140;h 68rb " 184tb " 114 b " 21 Ith H9 b 207-b ?o 287 Base Impostures. crash of 1S41 blasted all tbe prospects upon which tbe original promoters relied, and tbe scheme fell .sleep. Some ssg- pinns men. However, saw toe inev laoie l.iinro nf thn Sni. and creserved the Lock Haven ""'-" 1 - - 7 - .x . charter by repealed renewals from tbe , jaec una Legislature, la 1?52 active work was i Karraudsville commenced under the admioistralioo of , "rney Preaident Fallon. Messrs. W. (j. and J. B. Morehead built thirty-nine miles of i tbe road, between Sunbury and Wiliiam- t sport, twice crossing the Susquehanna by loni? bridges. fur thesumof l,9sl,2G0 21, The Prothonotary of Uuiou county Las . completed tbeir contract with tbe teceived returns a. f.illows : j close of 1S55. Io that year the line from arin.7 wi!i- Or.:r wn trie to W atrcn was let. in ISM toe corporation purchased tbe State canals, and in December of the ensuing year the road was opened from Erie to Warren, fifty five miles. In 1SG1 the road was re named the Philadelphia and Erie, instead of the Erie and Sunbury, and permanent ly leased to tbe Pennsylvania Central Company for thirty per cent, of the reve nue, alter tbe completion oi toe roaa. The last rail was laid ia August of tbis .r and tha rrrpat rroieet. atlpr so manv i vieissitudes nd perplexities, is a'n aceom- ickei contests, week after week. Just so dished fact to adorn tbe annals of the ; the Copperheads seek to mislead tbeir aoldiers, vote, and in like proportion, our grfat cjvii W4r. That it bas been com- gullible masse, with respect to transpiring maj. would be large. Hut as many, it is pleted at all, considering the natural dif- ; elections. This Fall, the Lincoln tickets fjopposed, could not or did cot vote, the fieulties to be overcome, increased by the ' hm ieJ . g E!cction Jet . . w - wi.i 1 (riiK a "A I ani Ta 1 IS nfi WliIP fl f.f ' J result may txst De c;,n.,acrea et;,ut, tut. , r ""rer and wealth of "eld-Oregon, Vermont, Maine, Mary- J:or Congress I'aujhia 1M, I oion VA, nyde ito m;j. mr ueo.r ..Miller f of tbose who hlve hi4 itt mtBts,e. ixonnuuioeriani po.,duniaia ..i". ir . ment H. Miller S7 maj. for Geo. F. Jl-Her on ' to tbe tie Home Tote official. i 'he good , rjed, we Loss and Gaix. The crest contest in tifi.ble Union county was on Se-nator fir which brighter days in every department lie Opposition had their strongest man business. uu jui Trvuuui uivi NLI lliU'i mil uii'a ail . . , . j i c . f.n nni n Union Twr- Pvc Wm.H.Miller . V;: Vk.- fir,. , it ,ue "ens UTOr jU,neom " saeces9 ,0 lm0" i for them CS ION". 10 95 93 70 liiS 131 112 90 70 CO C7 SO SS7 91 SI 62 27 119 71 maj 152 140 maj 10 11 o9 5 JoS 31 CO 11 24 51 S 84 6 32 60 4 iwo-'i. rey .Tains liweiun: Hoa.. a kv.chea a lactist, ice boose, frame statue. .til oi fc-i water ao J eiiheroaibailoinys i'h the a?nar-' ter.ances as tbe propeny of .Mav liiNua- j MrC!ei:an says, in bis letter aeptBg a " ai"so ,h, sameiirae and Pis,e a cer.:n '. : noiainatioo for President, '-I am happy to lot of a-roood a.mate m S' w CViumbia Wnite knew teat wben the nomination n made, I'eer township, cnucty af.-rai-!, boun.i-d r n 1 the record cf my public life was kept in j view." Tbe priucipal parts of bis record, I mentioned in tbe convention, were bis ' orders for tbe arbitrary arrests of the Maryland Legislature, and reeommeod. i ti-.es ff a draft to fill up the armies! 2S0 133 300 maj 2d Corps h'd quarters 37 10th " 31 &G3 S354 Washington, Oct. 13. A dispatch from City Point says that six Pennsylvania regiments east 1071 rote., of which 121 were (or tbe Demo cratic ticket. TOTALS. the east by W ater siren;!, on ihe sr-u.a tv Cherry a'ity, cn the weaker R vera: v.ar.l ua tbe a rtb by lol cf Lluyd Cimter. beio t" feet ia front by 171 fen ia. de-,h. ihe sa-oe being marked 'o. 20 ui th; nral p!ao of kaii town, tcseiber wi h ih' Tavern f:ar. '. and a'l and j.nzo'ar lie boi!d sj, A.r, i:h j N ill the Cupperheals now approve of ar- lne apparenances, ate, as me pnpar. ti 1 bitr.ry arrests and of drafts to fill np the ( M??LK,l"- , v , . : w t -ii.i. . 1 ALSO, on Mondai, Nor. 14,1161. at th i ranks of our armies, or will they s.y L.ttie , pnVlc hoase of Jacob Ueeiard. i. the b ru' Mas is now opposed to such measare. ' of Miul.aburjj.couoti' .firc$.-d, at I o'ct.-.-W ' because tbeir platform denounce, them ? P. M, a cer.aia letcf groan i snaa-e m l.:m- : j They must now choose on which born they :ae tiwnsa:p and conaiy at'iresaid, hoan;. Will naDv. i " 1 " u .iirjjr. .-w7ra afia ler. 1 I on ihe norh by land cf W m. Barber, on the tt . rj t t .. m. . ' a by school lot, and on ihe ai uih by puimc non. Roger B. Taney, long time Chief ,,S(U conlainln? one acre, more .V le.a. Jastice of the United States, died on .bertoa are erected a t.o-iorev l)i.'!:ns Wednesday, after a abort illness, aged ' House. B.aekuh bhop,. Log S'aile and , upwards of eighty years. i 'tier ont-boilJiajs, wuh ih annrieainees, ' Wli is supposed fand hoped) that '"a" tl A" W"' o Sl'1 '' .' r, c v . """I ALs-O. at toe? same lime and p'acr, a cer- . lion. J-ALUOX f. CHASE will be his e- tain lot orp rce of proaad. suaaie in Lime- ' cator. ! s'one icwn'-aip. and county afuresai t, bound- i ed on the rrnnb by a public road, on the tresi JAL.lIJUUx. electa Chapman, Mayor, "aa c' -"essrs. oienir an.i irrr. cn ihe l ; . , ' ' s.'O'h br lani of Benjamin Shiveir, ao I on by an immense majmly over volunteer. th. e.s,br 8. r. B-;fnre:f. cataiais? Five fern, supported by the Seeesh. Chapman is an uncoDditioa Lincoln Union Emancipationist. The rote on the Constitution ia close. HOSIERY. , 'ItKE so!.rribr would resooMfiil'T iff..nn I the p iWic in i he ia euw crgagrd ia l.'ic ninii .c'iirr "f ',." p'v -r WHITE dhe: VILLS, r.V!0 ro, W'bere h' wiil keep rinioi r in ha&ti. r-r nii.e to r ier. ail kn of tiooi.i: imi:r i.otiu.g, Woulen, C t'. n aci L.aca hose, f rtry If ! i Sxia Ac, r9. rari.cn ar iitr ui:i n paid to lb aaunafao lure of IiaSIEUY FUli FACTORIES. Yarn Wsrkcd c? frr rarnllles on Reasonable Terms. HiT;r? the m--: itrpr . vtd roarh'aery an 1 exrr;nr'1 vr:ifB, I eoarantee ait my vrn t. be rqual ro b'mT-oiae .coda, and resrccil jlty solicit shate pi' pahe faivuBaa. O. in EL30, A ir SI. W h te D." M...i. Laioa Pa "hat must "be returned. ''HE p-rin who b .rr. mrr'i mr JT:nijtra X ti-r' i-c. sti t t'a'ab Kanke.det'd, cat n'. :he K-i'i-'er'j tiltf, .. re'-'eaiej la retura it ir, -n- i a e y. . A.r. ;he ; err.o wb.-. fcTrwJ ihe iaveatcry ani :.'.ooe iii oi I'avt dae'd. A No :he rroa nr. r ' mV itl rf rhar'et G.r. er, ,-:ec'J. E II V. ElKEL. Reg'r Lewiburs. Sippt- i3. lsk no v. to PKsrnor EATS, KICE, Jted ISeipi, tnt &c Dun's Yt-rni.ri Ex!frr:rator! I" a . r?a iy : t q?, ii.n d; n rue t :i H&e? ar .c l' .e ti&e r ;. jet cry r rr.Aiea l.T k- btcg li" 3- r-i r ' r--i' a. Trat a t trrsavic-r,.';? . -I t fc-a mt:A f-., e-.x ?fAis t i- 1 s a n;('.e t avii n -u it r-:t l-y k i r-ro, - i.r I fl;.:'.' x- 1": tl -i:! rr . VA rurm m4 i : r EIUT H'af.KKIMTfiR. m r --i."h r-1 "'l-i.&'l -it-j -y : l'ir-t.--r r--" " Xr. ". cir. T-n:h -:tv-: m iat V a . 1 Jtlt.t.l "atf-- r-t. ft r It auM.!, tytrtSrYS 7 aSVa4 ia I.- r-T nr.?TT It'" WaVaw acre. aaore or leas, whereon are ereci.d a 1 Lo? Dwellin? House. Lor SiabV, Well wi:a ' a parrjp. and other ont-buiMioss. wuh thean- j partenances, eu;n as the propeny of War. S. ' bti3.nr. ' lirxr.i' ii ah per, o. .v:o. 4rl St, r:.;!a.l..-!j..:a, I Emanuel Wilvert bas become the pub- i sher of tbe Sunbury J-nen'ctin. while ! L. F. ALBRIGHT, Sher IT Sheriff's Office, Lewisburf. Ocu 15. lr.t. j U. B. Masser Esq. still remains its Editor xLl ILJr.. i .uw . t .n ii . 1 1 . .'jr. ?t . ui, w I ii nia . The Rebel, dun. their coor soldiers ; 8139 r.;1li;n -A" t-.: : nositian worthilv. ha.ino h.n" .r.n. 1 . nion township school dis:rict I I i. . j j u.wu . . . 9 vr. 1 vu I. uiuu uij I S - ' .i.u.tiu i anted fur the with false impressions of suecess and hope, ! 0n . . n , . . . ; 5"S0 per cent, or S tnion to 1 Orp. to make them .tagger np to hopeless, 1 ' Camp in tbe Breastworks, ) j I and foreman in the same of5:e. I Address L. KOOKE. PreL c-r JOH-N" VOLNGMAX. ee Winfield P. O. io?9 tifws Or a BEvm RiTic S.HDIEC. i, pre3ijcnt Lincoln', representative in rroaath.'-Jell.rsoniaB.- Strcuaarg, Moan Co, tm. th arm. r.f th. r,f;nn h.,.;n.. . John S. Staples, of Monroe county. Pa. ! i President Lincoln', representative in t Notice to Trespassers. the army of the nation, bearing a musket ' ' L persons are hereby cautioned arainst as hi. recruit. I il i I believe there can be no doubt as to th rpanit nz th vritu inth irmi h .,n ..v .i . . r . ... - ' ; -'"riuumueriauu, is io oe usei ur toe i,ns to ia the steady growth in power and wealth of : u-u,r8 ' ', -7- f ,cl'"( 0Ter 1 establishment of a National Bank. . P?:er Newman, the State, and a durable tribute to the ' Ptnnsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana, j 100,000 M Clailanites of Pennsylv avoted . ; Abraham Shafer, ' agaiusi grauiing tue aoirier ine ireeman s '' .'a -Aiaruej, uaviug resiguea as j hn Mo-nmel, iropassin; opoa the premises rf the unuerstjoed. timated in Keliv tewnsh'n. fir The Copperheads bare lost 1 U. S i i np:iAfA r.f vvlinr TKia v n sninnaittlAn AuilFaflt Mftrafiil id tn.ifxul.,1 sS a fI : Trl.otTUt Bom t r . Now that it is completta.ana added ; tor Md 20 or 25 Congressman, and bave , r T- V r. ; ::n: ." "-"-- - J "') , f; " "" " Jong list of iron bands wan wnica . cwne nothin excent a few minor effices .:j u l. l i : John A low old commonwealth ts, being gir- . d . .... , - I Cpt Cox, of the 55tb P. Vols., ha, ; edi.a. 10 may all indulge in. lecnng or jus-, ..,.... , l.....,,:.. ... L" 'iastescaDed from Charleston. Il rer.,,rM ' " (.,.,. ... j rr.irri in ucteais oi .'i Viciianisoj, iney aeuy ur ; mis reoeuiou, or io relieve aue necessities -. , , . . ' T) t5t r 6tate pride, and looK nrwari to, ''..... , , , . . . the telow fever rarn hpr ::. i . !, r.f : mvstirv so as to convev ina impression ' m "v ucm, . "umo wuuio - - ' Tk. .14 v,.tkk.l. J n-.t v:u:. ' l!e purpose of bantini par nJces and r.iher , ju v.. .luiiuuiijuuitllll U1UA uui u . . . . .' I ...... O sua: f3m.. . In., will h. ii..n ...i. V i-.k.. V.T J ;. . L 1 . i ' - - fc ...a., wiiu .V I - J hn Shoct, 1) A Kline, (ieors- lnihrrEar, T.loma Ream. Jacob Rodenbaneh, Ji ba M ftlinser, A Jam U Haz e:t Geore Meixeil 4'pi itk.t ik.;. ..r... knr,fnl k. .....; course ba. bad a tendency only to g ve a ,.i.ki. k..i v :miiPn,.i...;...i k. v .v 9.UCS7. (ww.avaav,.Jvajwav-..v.a.wJw..j - . . . t J ' . I - " J -' aiskswh6 " af. a .ii.vjf no. lu; j o fl.uru tlir tlr The contest of Atlantic eitie. 1. fjr tne hnnt. intelliirent man mnst know that ' ,B lua . u' "uw t is offered for sale in to-dav'a naner. ' I pf th furniture. f.xtore and n-e nsils cf i.i.. ..... inA n..l...l. . . ' c. . .. . . . ; can put on Drass eoougti to asx us to vote . ' 1 Others. but t)7 Totes, instead ot .. t ...rrtctiu- h.. bee0 .,,, thll the iCeptre would fall "" " " " , " "om a .oiaier. cut trai- v),t,-.tp ln 1his, and assuming Congress as the Party t0 whatever port controlled it. With a i thought or a cans, which requires such j tors and eoppcrbeads can do almost any-1 g .. fe 1 . test, we have tbe following summary of foresight and enerey which does innnite aowongnt, aoominaoie wisenooas ana de-; ""'S- uKJu . nu 7 tU)lQUllPtt JHTruttS uvara a uiijui viiili wave i;cu ( w : Richmond. It is but the South-' . , ',. . . TT .. the war, without even the turr;tl -"- '. uiu A-Amult. Northern originality ; and Jeff. Truly, such men ought not look for a favor from a soldier. But trat- NEBRASKA Territory elects a Union IIa a ljr.-e tui.it of I r:s E crTu:nT. 1 solid siLrrn wjrr; j f ir-ri T P'a'.ed TEA SETT?'. PPOO.N;, 1 Fot;K. Ac On. I. 1SS.I Cmi'FlX S PA Tt T Clat Jar and (.) Covert, ' OR preserr ci FKL lTf in a rer:ec!' l"rrh s-'aie, Tti.y recu.re no V. bul- der. cr l fiti'O'. seal tn'ani -y. arl are acur easily ead an-1 rpened ihai ay.ih.r arti cle fir the pirpuae r.er invented. Ail kmoa cf wai and i ta-.-.i are (-'iil y r!;sjjreAii, and onrerain in s-a'srj. betr- ir,ade eaiirelv cf gias, hee avid tne objerfr-as to oiker jars wher- l:a n i ;hrr dm! :a ased ia ta corrri. For ka'e in ir. n; bv tCM KKF.UFR iJlNO ft CO Uniiei Slates Chim Agents. L1 E.NsE bar i.- bra rranted Io tha on ler so-t io rarer cn the t Dinesa ff I'nitrd Mates Claim A:nti in I'nii a eooaiy. th'v w-il a:tnt pn.iiip' y io the coi.eeUi-a cf b.ici. piy and b. oniie a;.d the prucnrjc if penau t for soldiers or ii:e,r lejal reprrseata-live-, and ihe rro.-ecaiioa ef claims azaiaal lhe LuneJ .'. HMES F A JHHX B. LI.N.1 Lewisburg. Varca ii. Ic. tbe whole result : crean ia oer cmzeus, i eeptiousi cucu cjitors wuiuuy misieaa . .. . ..... . I H.n.l.J m inMnnilim th kullrnf thi .1 t . t . i made al Vail, pains over W m. II. .MiIUt in f" -es- -i t--i--- - - i loose wan iooa to mem lor luiormauon. , , . ... . , Kntn... ..n. a rai ia ra ana leieprann i - - m.pit nf Mr. Kirv&aa .M. i.uiria. will conu&ue the Baier. Conieniunerv and .oiii n business. at lhe old stand, en Market slretl. for tbe re- ' THE EEST IK7EI5TIC1V OUT ! ri-J of uneyear. Hehopes by.'.nci atrenticn -rv.M PATPNT FIFFr!VO to business io ment lhe patr. na?e berekfore I 1 - ,Vp . . J a a . i. imt m w w 'iiciivi : tu anythin; cf Ihe kind io ihe markel. Aa eitended to ih.s es:abiishxent. H L. M'MAHO. Learisburr, April 20. 163 Jlartley 1, Hartleton 1, Kt-llv 1, Limestone 6, I cwtburg 52, New Berlin 2, Union 2 total, Shriner paina over Go. F. Miller in Wet Buffaloe IS.Mifiiinbnrg?, White Iteer 9 Utal, Si id. Four years aim, the Airlume miUt. Each city communicates .... . ... , . . ,0 Kepubliean v..a. With '.Kle b, five several roads, and Bl- t brave speech. The soldier, stood by j . of abu,e of the Maj-r timore connect, by two. Many of these b.m, when he wis on a gunboat, or some , l a. Walla' aggregate pain 52 tba JuJce onlv '-flanked" 52 more than tbe Major did. Judge had 501 I two weeks more of abuc of the Mai try the Cop. editors and orator, the Jud -e ' re '"nn'oa io tom P"tf' tn thej r9 would have had to be conteut with hL," Dfew"' riTl8 I'bi'.cl. having he nw.t Trtv vote onlv ,ural vantage., now improved to the party Tote oniy. . inereaa n shara of i tbe business mhicli come, by water and ' rail to Erie. lines. But no cunning can euoneu ue- A VlOUiea rromise. n it a; " .' '. . -'"' Wheat t 00 gree. of longitude, nor no skill overcome 0n tbe 19th of September, 1S61, Gen. ! i" Corn Mo n.tura advantage, ttt.y improvea. cos- jj.-,. Bld9 , epeeca ,0 hu ,oMier- . ZnZ.Z T" - ! 1 60 , ton is boring endless mountains to auam .......... ' " . ' .v .u-6. k... 6 v.. v,k i. i.rnin. ..er. in which he aid : I have nevnr, Mr. Editor, voted the . V.. corner for tbe whole. Baltimore has done I "SoldiersI He hat male our hut i Kepnbliean ticket in my life, and I am ! F ' , noblT. Bat the shortest route from New retreat Yoa .tand by me, and I will : no lottj-three yeara old; but when I see ( .. York to Erie, via Bethlehem and Mauch ; stand by you. Henceforth, victory will "aiiora, preaing 10 d. democrats, try- i hnnir i. innr naaarru iuu civuii-ufc crura oar cujn. i " : I id lies, wnne i .ifiut'iw Vj It () Oats, 32 lb. 75 Barley 90Q. 1 00 225 Ham 15 M'CIellan made a doxen retreat, after Cft.3 there are so many Democrats at the North Coontry S?ap tCr 0 to help them, 1 think it high time to TAKEN UP, the premises of tbe subscriber. aNorit lhe tih inst. TWO HEIFERS and tXE STEER, each about two years old. Toe steer is a hcht dan. One heiter is mostly hre. and has a bell on without a c apper the ciher ia red. wuh white bind lee an l rtAnlf. Th. nmrr i r.nneT..f l.. nr..t-. Dried ApplcSjIb. 10 property, pay charges, and lake thera away,! Ill OOi ti) , oi they a ill be diposel of accord. n to taw, I WM.WOLFINUER aaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaai I Kelly Tp. Sept. iX 161 pd.Jw Butter, prime 8 do eommoa Egg. Lard, fresh Tallow Potatoes 20 15 00 eiam'na.i. n cf thr J.ir will cunvinc. any in telligent pt-ron tr its meri's. Ii haa no wax to mel:, screws locrri.je. cr s?r.- ?. i.. brea' bet i. ma f . strie"!y philosophical princi ples. Cail and eij.n.'ie it. For sa c ahoieale an i retail kr T. ti. EVANS, Ageat Lwinr?, J'i'v tst. and try to .are oar beloved country. am perfectly well satisfied that the where else : be was oever with them under ! only .afa and sure way to accomplish bo Taavsday 9fornlnsa Sem. 216 Soldier, in Lycoming (V give Shriner 165, Wall. 51114 maj. f. Shrin. r. rolitical and Military Ifcws this morning is favorable. TURX fire, lie bas deserted them by accepting a Peace platform. And the Soldier, are now deserting bim just see hoar they vote, io camp and in hospital ! feg-Considering that tha tide generally OUT! TBE FORMAL OfESISO. Tuesday, Oct. 4, A. D. 1S04, a special is against ns thi. year, Northumberland train of seven car. left Pbila. at an early j county bas done well. The following are I hour, and tarried that night at Lock Ha-j (be Opposition majorities on tba Homo ven. .There iney were joinea uy uuv. vote, io do reuucea oj ma ojuiers . JOHN W.BAER.theoriirinal Buekeve Curtin, and on Wednesday reached Erie, j Wm O. Miller over Geo.F Miller for Blacksmith, cptal. in Indewndent Hail about 6, P. M., where they were formally Congresa 867 thi. (Tcesdav i cvenW 1 welcomed ani entertained. Thursday . T.U.Purdy over Jacob M.r ollmerfor WM. B. HAWES, Esq. of Wisconsin, ' tbey took an excursion beyond tbe harbor, ill address the pee.ple of Union county, : aod duly returned to Pbilad. without ac at Independent Hall, Lewisbunr. Thvrf- i cident. Tbi. wa. the first of the regular far Evesikg, 20th Oct. The ladies are excursion train on this thoroughfare. N-r V!fl:nburj. lilh hut, ROBERT CI1AMBER5, la Wbit lr Tp, tTth inrt. th. WIFE af Ueory Ia Milua. alkKOBEBT sTallOX.V. acM 41 .nr. an4 Io mooihu. good a work i. to re-elect honest Abe for another term. - Yotars truly. Elijah blowers. Adiulnlfttratrls.' -Vol Ice. alaere are .O.UUU to IIJU.OUU just , VOTH'E Is hereby given, lhat I.eilers such aoldier. a. Mr.Blowers.in tba Union tl?th?r?'VA !p"1 lrhT EMa:e of j U 1 . - ua. 1 , M V. 11. I.lv V. ITWilUJ T armies, as the return, .bow. I l oion county, ryve been granted to the ' undersianed, by lhe il"isiec of I'aion county. laaue'orm oi law. ajiereiore, all persons AUDITORS NOTICE. "VTOTICE is hereby fiea lhat the unler siaed ha been appoinied .Vj ' n r. by the Orphans Coon of I'oie.a ccnatv. to niai.e disiriboiioa of Ihe balauce is thr hands c James F. Linn, Esq, Executor of Attiatnia tii.aiv, deceased, and thit he will meet ihe parlies intereiej. ai Lhe cine; of . H. Dill. E-q., in Lewisbur, on Wedaesdr, thr 1- i day cf November. ls4, to attend to the duiies of his apptintment. A. SWINEFOKD. Ao! t r tk lnvited to autnd Jotts H. Lisa, Ch'a. At Kane," (or LamonlJ between Wilccx ai.4 Ebtffield, is the tuaisit b- CoLOsa-r. Wm. F. Wood, of Rockport. Indiana, formerly in command of one of ,ndcb'.edto aaidotaiea tbe negro regiments, ba. received informa tion that h baa fallen heir to th. vast es tate, of hi. father, lately deceased io Eog land, and .aid by tb. Colonel to bave been one of the wealthiest men in tbe dominions of her Majesty. New Manas-New Goods! requested to make TAcrBir I Tf 1 IT V iVirinir 11 an t i v i I., ii.i r. uai in .. luni u hi imiiiritair p.Tineni; ana vnose navins any i I . . i- i v. ...i. '....... i.. iivt claims are alo r.n,.w . ,kJ I O rooms oa.ler the Trlraraph and t hrtn ir le ! an J rut :iy irgally aatheat.caied for setiVmrnt io I "fi--reti,ted thcm.and filled .a an eaieasivs KARAH L. nl.lFER. Admin ri. "ety ot 1070 Or A. H. 1ill, her Attorney Uiti, Lops, tYeWewa t Cloihtr, rfr. LADIES' FAptGY FURS! AT Jii: FaKiaA's I..I k.u.ii!.cel Far 3i..Eiirac:ory X. 7 11 Arrk Sl . f-r a'T. ItO. MI1L.1U. Be w ia mr i'ta ina- nd sr-aa iif oi i!a tT'A I'-J-J Lr t. and xiM f- y-gT Rrau'Jf-J seleriicna . -v - for Laics'a.o Lnil drer. W"e-i r. ia the Citr. A So, a ae as srin rel rf Genis' Fur Gloves and tV.iars. As my Furs were all parchi- arhr n Ooil wa at a much L -er pttvuiiutj . n at p.'e rat. I am eaabitd to di-pcse of ' ry leasonabie pnc?, aid I wca'd 4 : l ea a ra I Ircm mv friends uf l aiui ui. y t ri-J .-r. :.-r? rf mv K-.ljL" -1 portatioo an ALBRIGHT & BREWER, i . TTOR.VCr at Law" O.nee earner cf ' i Market and FctKijhi. Lewisbar; I oion ' Asscmblv 599 Huvh Martin over Andrew Nve for Commissioner 876 Tbe morning passenger train over tha . - . t)kit.. ,.ki. a- v.;. n.. l..i :t : j.A J Lommings over Jonn j.omito i -....... a-..- .....c Co Pa AU) cl)luB A s fur Af nrLc,ire for Beg. 4 Bee. it rvm wwmmwg, comaaeociog aois weea, j men, f pfn.ioB, Bat k Par. ani! Bcnnurs, Peter W Gray over O B. Wearer for j at about 3 o'clock, aV. JI , iostead of a( 7 , and ail oth-r ciis aaihsi th. I'aitejj Auditor 917. u heretofore. Jixatca. Uwuburg ApuJ 7, iMy ipd ' 1 Keaiem.er ifi. . tii '' anl street! JOIIV rtREItl. 7.S A?.e .i SLT-.1. '.' ' I- . Tyi hav. .n .rirer - H" .. nc' Also a lare' aod spirndid siik of CI.OTHtf ,ny ihrr Mure i.i i'r.'i ip- ...ui L'AslMEREa.axe, which a will aaaie up to '. orJrr. s he iill e. ounars ihe TailonriK fcoi lU( tor tl. '. ST"fl1" aess. He is prepared lo eiecuie ail wu.-k entrusted to hi. care.io the aauafacjoa ut ihr cus'omrr. N. B. crdtr. II Canin and Kepainn.j d. ar ! ! I f-d at Wru lLwuburj,piU Itt, le61 Curfa! I f . 3 AVIV.: fjri ' ,r f I cat'd a BetT;' e Ala- . is pr. l.ii.;-3i servii.es i.ur Pn.vmw r i.o.s