mm N ulfj I f H a-- t f v i - : i tMlttf BY 0. X. WOUDEN AND J. At fl.3 per Year, always riRUMma kemi-weeklt faesJiy Mitrnin; & Friday Afternoon. FOR PRMDIAT. Abu a ii a .M Lincoln FOU IKE rBEMDCW. Andrew Johnson. EI.ECTOBAL TCKFT. Ti4'.s Ci TTt;fijHl 13 Kiia V4 lll 1 KotoertP Kin k liaar) ttuaita 4 Wlllnm li Barton Jfnki harl M Kaarf l tv-b-rt l"rk I Viiiima T.vHt i .1.0 A aitr 1 fcVh&rd II Oryril II Rdaard H.-;il.y U Cliarica f H i:hr:e li Miior J hu ,-l-r IT tvil W frii laup- IS 1J Julia I'Mtj rieu.i b m k K"rard Kinr 21 ii Jntin TP IN-nto-a ht"-oT M'Junkiii Johm W lltasebard (Election on Tuesday, Xov. 8, 1864 va tahaai for rifr-ltirnh, tMirt BfTB fcawa wtta tkr Trailer ad up olik ike kurr A GOOD DAY'S WORK Pcniisti van ia, Ohio, 1 and Indiana CIVE MAJORITIES FOR tijt Union Ckkcts! They Insure the Nov. Election for ; LINCOLN & JOHNSON! 1T gain la '20 Congressmen. The Old Keystone ! 'At goct PtHntyh'a, to yoes the I'nion l'ne?day was a pleasant day, and j the Elections were generally cpiritcd ; but ord4?rly. j The l;nn?ylvania Home vote is close, but all parties a-rrec that the Union party has lo.tmij to 110,000 inaj. on the whole vole! i 'i'hc Cnior.ists have both branches or the Legislature ! PENNSYLVANIA CONGRESSMEN. I, cWl J. Randall, Dcm. H, Cbarlet O Neil', Union. 3, Ieonaid Myers, Union. 4, ' Wm. D. Kelley, Union. 6, M. Rusaell Thayer, Utiioo. 6, B. M. Beyer, Dem. 7, J- M. Broomall, Union. , S. K. Adcoos, Dem. 9, Tbad. Stevens, Union. 10, Myer Slroase, (prob ) Deaa. II, Pbilip Johnson, Dcm. 12, W. V. Ketcl.em, Union (prob ) gain. t3. L'lvstes Mercur, Uuion. I J4, Geo. F. Miller, Unioo (prob.) gain, j 15, Ad. J. Glofebrenner, Ci-p. gain. j f6, Wm H. Koootr. Union (prob) gain. tl, AO. A. tiarser, union ,pron; gain. : 18, Stephen F. Wilson, Union (prob ) 19, G. . fcec field, tuion (prob.) 90, Charles V. Cslver, Union. 21, John L. DawfOD, Dem. (prob ) 22, Jas K. Morebesd, Uoion. 123, Thomas Williams, Union. 24, Geo. V. Lawrence, Union gain. aPenosylva&u soldiers' vote ss far gs besrd from : Union. Orp Washington and Alexandria 130S 212 rhHtpr Hnanital f I S Baltimore District 350 65 Iarticeburg and Cumberland 1250 maj Camp Osdwallsder 3oi " 3140 270 ! nnifl ir?voo .in firm tn r.n tu.n cn union Mate te Ticket. The three iiierheads Cox, Long, , present Congressmen, notorious Copjierhead and 1 cndlcton are left at home, and Unionist will taka their seats. ODIO CONGRESSMEN. 1, Beo'j. Eggleston, Union gain. 2, R. B. Hays, Union gain. B, Robert C. ScheDck, Union. 4, Wm. Lawrence.l'uion (probably) gain. f, P. C. LeBlond, Democrat. 6, R. W. Clark, Union ( prob.) gain. ?, Sam'l Sbellabargcr, Union gain. , Jas. R. Hubbell, Union gain. 9, Ralph P. Buciland, Union (prob.) gain. 18, Jas. M. Ashley, Union. 11, Wells M. Hatching, Dem. (prob.) 12, Wm, E. Fink, Dm. T3,barles Follett, Dem. (prob) 11, Martin Welker, Union gain. 15, T. A. Plants, Unicn, (prob ) gain. 16, J. W. White, Dem. (prob) 17, E. R. Eckley, Union. 1?, R. P. Spaulding, Union. 19, Jas. A. Garfield, Union. INDIANA re elects that patriotic, toblo Governor, Olives 1. MoitTo.v, the CrRTix of the Wet. The Union Sl!ll Tlz-l-nl 1 e. (Illll II r(lft nnl tad the Legislature probably Union, j . . . i,V4JU IU V,V... UIUJ INDIANA CONOKE-SSMfcX. 1, Wm. E. Nibleck, Dem. 2, Michael C. Derr, Dew. 3, Ralph Hill, Union (pr ib ) gain. 4, John H. Farqubar, Union (prob ) gain. 5, Geo. W. Julian, Union gam. 6, Ebenz"r Dumont, Uuion gain. 7, Dan'l W. Vorbees, Dem. (prub) 8, Godlove S. Ortb. Union. . SchayU, Colfax Union. ' 10, Jo,pB H. Defrees, Union gaio. "im S. Stilweil, Uuion gain. Eclnrns indicate that Lincoln mav carry every .State in the Union, aud v-ontrress trill t . , , .. " wc VIKf l W l till US I twpnblicao. , Tn,o Z , 7: . , ' 1 hree weeks to the Frc-idential WeetI0n. Now ra,y to )jrjn!j Union vole in every Ward ..wuii. loa-nhm I .nMi. I - ' " " " 'M a vvuil I J i R. CORNELIUS. In Advance. UNION COUNTY. Tlic Return JiLf! met to-dav, counted the Howe vote, aud adjourned two weeks until 10, A.M., of FriJav, Oct. 2. WJ-F. comparer, w.tu'tWs Election, , .. , , ... ,, . we the fir, vote forjudge Wlls,snd the la.n also the last vote for Governor, I uud fur Courot-s, in Utiiou county: Jnd4 1S.'0 fnt tM Vi ,:. iMiiMuca. fsu-ii (licvr t-S 77 ISO 102 127 100 MS lJ 72 119 I. '.O 42 105 lul S4 117 Jl fill 8 20 27 7S (H 85 141 ill 7". CO y.i 9 t5 00 Sil 200 21(5 S40 111 b4 7S 5:1 1'2 f.4 01 02 lo:j ; 7s : 10 177 ll'J 17s ir.23 iaia 1207 i'h 1U13 12C7 207 313 rrnr 1T3 rngr.w lat 1, V4oodrd. Gto t.iltl.LMX. rt ai.ll M II. i 5 i?4 SI ro5 lis lot; 122 142 C4 1S3 50 114 ll'J M 117 13S HI (2 110 27 2S 25 ICS 40 141 S4 Mi hS 75 80 s7 40 73 54 4113 177 801 153 101 104 70 to; 72 02 03 02 7s so v7 2S 128 100 127 2024 1250 1C.53 Wjd 1250 1103 j Brad? j Ruftaloo East linff. j West Uuff. , Hart Ivy i Hart'.etoo. Kelly j Limestone MifninLurjj Nw lkrliu I n ion Maj. Cnidv Buffalo ' i est Huff. I Hartley i Hartleton Kelly LillJi.iMlIC i 1.4i j l.ewi-1 urj ' .MilPiinbiirir New lierliu V Maj. ; Union. 74 400 Maj. Oi.n. Maj. Orwig 1034 AVi!ou 1251 " Alh-mati Di27 Hyer 1217 Mauley lOOij 1'iatt 1211 Church 1032 Cox 1204 Kh-ckner 1021 Young 1200 Aiken 1041 Cro?scrovcl205 895 llaus 1027 Average Union maj 405 Snyder county, ISO average Union ma jority. Lycoming. iCJ the other side leaving the Union Ticket for Senate and ! As?mhly, in this district, in 300 or 500 mioority on the Home vote, lliere are lsiJO oldien assessed in the district, of w Loin we hoje enough will vote for SLri- ner, Orwig, Alleman, and .Mauley to give; . . . . J J Fer Congre-w, the Millet sre nearly even on the Home vote, but the Soldiers will give George F. the majority. "The decreased Union vote is accounted for by the fact that many tbe uiore of t rt , cn.oreJ iutl. the Armv ! r j v ! since the last Election. VNtON MAJ. Philadelphia S100 Allegheny CiJoO j Lanea-skr 4000 j I Muphin 00 : Luzerne COO gain orrc. jiaj. Berks C000 York 2S0O Northnm'd !50 Center bOO J uniuta 300 aha?Local elections show Union gains in Gnnecticut and .Aetc Jerteu. ! Maryland voted for the New CoBStittt- tioDJ Mira lri from- a.A laughable instance of erroneous, j blundering teal, was apparent last Wednes- dy - The first report was that Kelly Twp. bad given only 47 maj. for Shriner. nd 'hat Col SUfe. h.d fought him at tl,, poll, all day. The truth happens to be , that Kelly gave a full, round, even, noble j vote for every Union candidate gave 10G maj. for Shriner and that Col. Slifer did not stay st tbe poll, balf sn hour, but dur ing that time be voted sn open ticket for Sbrincr. So all that too hasty indigna tion was a waste ofjheramaterial. laarlt appears both parties appointed S meeting at Black Run, Buffaloe Tp, last Monday evening, and consequently there was a large crowd there. By agreement. each party bad three balf hour speeches, tbe Administration being snstained by Mtssrs.G B.Miller, Shorkley snd Worden, and the Opposition by Samuel Herman and Rev. Mr. Harvey. 'The best attention was paw, gooo timer prevauea, ana the . i , ... . .. ! conirmunn- to ourCo.uau. uvor mcgur , ture "A Dutch Farmer." He was one of . .. . . I ... I the truly good men of our land, ss is j shown by tbe fact that he was re-elected ss Magistrate of East Buffaloe until bis death, although the township was politi cally two to oneagainst bim. r....r. r- M.m. Tt,,1,rrt . Abr.nt a " . " , ,7 ZJ.Z a. .V" V,: J io.ii.ou oi young io.hi., w. a..U6c. . , this sort. To-morrow (Saturday) after noon, we will devote to printiog tbem,all of the same sise and pattern. Charge for printing 1 cent each those who hav'nt tbe money, we will wait npon until M'Clellan is olectcd. Read the advertisement of sn Iote- , . . , . . . ..I. . resting and important book, lor sale by C. M. King, st White Deer Mills. 6' , - . . in the Wbiie Deer friends their clab of 17 subscribers, (5 V audience ci ml to digest what j ,","7' J"7" " 7"6 ; Kosa It Frain, worsted they bad beard-all apparent pleued ' " ,. V I 7:1 . T.a a . Su" " Fr'o, with the turn the meeting took. T ,K Knmtin. 1 oo ' ? M .E H1' br,d : ---- V 4gie J Duncan, or John Gandy, Esq , was a former Geo Miller, bushel white wheat da .V iltiitd 00 EloCtlDO Dsj. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, i Another Victory by Sheridan. EIETIX crss AiiTiWBfstJEBS cirriBEO. : Rebels pursued 26 Miles. . . , Wauingto, Oct. 11. As facial dip-patch lias just been re- epjved by ,be u,pirtlDent) froID M,j Gen. Sheridan, at Strasburg, reporting tbat t ' great cavalry battle wis fought yesterday, between his cavalry, uodcr command of Gens. Turbut, Custer aud Merritt, and tbe eo'ire force of the Rebel cavalry ia the valley of tbe Shenandoah, under eora tanaui of Gen. llorsan, who bad receutly beea sect from Richmond with cavalry reinforcements. Tbe battle resulted ia a brilliant Union viatory. Tbe rebel farces wero driven from tbe field, pursued twenty-six miles and eleven pieces of artillery aud over three buudrtd prisoners captured by our fcrcea. E M. STAN TON, Secret ar j of War. Be7Tbe Commissioners to Sheridan's not reichcl there. Unless, therefore, ., .. . . , . .. those in tbe Army can set along with the 1 . 6 6 election without outside help, we shall ! lose several thousscd votes at thiselection. T. -- - .,. ateit'The elegant mansion built by Rev. i 11 th Fair of the Union ic Union County i,.tvisr.4 ! Agricultural iroc 1 Trottt'ny, tie. F Wilson, best walkiug bores Hiram Woife, bent draft horse 8 00 3 fiO Jes?e Cornelius, 21 best draft horses 2 00 A J WeidcDsau!,b't p'r carriage horses 3 00 ; C D C ji, hoc riding pony 2.00 Geo Ueng'er, best pair match horses 4 00 j do best single driving bore 3.00 , 1 J Lashells, one p'r tnatcb.3 jr old colt 3 00 : It J Wei'iensaul, one mare for style 2 00 ! J P Frederick, one pr b't d'fi horses 4 00 . C GemberliDg. 1st class bt trot g h se 10 00 j W N Baker, 21 di da 5 00 Hiram Wolf, riJios horse 2 00 I Cunimittce V C Dacean, Jacob Kre 42S J mer, Thos Church. 424 i iBlooJr.l n.nct. 43C John G Brown 1 blooded horse 2 CO Jacob Ziebach, 1 do h'se,5 yrs old 2 00 j W N Brown, 1 do 2 y r old colt 2 00; ! Natbao Sleir, 1 do mare,4 yr old 2.00 Committee M Kleckoer, Chairman. S Common llirtct. C C PurAle, 4 yr old horse 3 CO Jacob Brown, treed mare sod call 4. 00 n V Hattck, 2 yr old coit Ag. i J h any alzab, 4 yr old horse Ag A 1.00 J Jck. Cornelius, 2 yearling colt Ag 4 100 i ,, g,eV u Y j tin Jacob KodeDbaasb. aa do 1 50 I Levi 5-torocr, do do AtT. i Uich.r(1 jordan, 2 yr old stallion 3 00 DerrJLPhhgerpresi'dcoItsworthyofBitice. Committee Josiah GirtOD, Joo.KIicg, Juho Grove. 4 Durham, ALlcrnty and Dcon Cattle. Eiias Brown, durbam cow & 2 calves -3 00 do 2 yr old durbam heifer 2.00 Jno G Brown, darham bull calf 2 09 do darham heifer 2 00 Nathan SIcar,devon heifer,10 mosold 2.00 Committee Abraham Frederick, S S Barber, L'.its Brown. 5 GraJe and Cxmmon Cattle. R II Laird, 5 year'g grade heifer Ag & 2 00 Geo P Derr, breeding cow 2.00 Daniel Gephart, common bn'I 3 00 do common heifer 2 00 Jas F Linn, Jr, beifer ca'f,6 mos old 1 00 Geo Reogler, best 2 jr old grade bull 3 50 j do best bull calf 1 00 Geo Black lack.fine young grade cow, AgA 100; imittee R H Chamberlin, Jacob G 1 1, B V II Lincoln. I Comm Brown 6SIteep and Stcine. j Q 6 Jamb. Le j.ettr yf urowlJi c pigs, wn buck 2 50 Leicester breed 1 50 5 weeks old .00 ! Wm Stadden, buck, fine breed 2 50 : J & W Gundy, C ewe sheep 2 00 : Jacob Ztebaoh bad fine French Merino sheep, which were not entered ; are worthy of notice. Committee Wm Moore, Samuel Dun kle, F Ryers. 7 Poultry. Franklin Zenlmeyer, pair docks o ' J IV m r. lt.o.n lrtBra 1 SO i J lA-Sh.ln.r ii. hlaot Knaniah nMolrpra T.i Il j Scbrack,7 white Spanish cbicke's 1 00 Thos N Reber, 7 bantam chickens 50 G P Derr, pair odd chickens 29 Committee Gideon Biehl, C WSehaf- &, Robert Curry. 8 Grain and Fruit Crojn. o i r": i-. -r u .. . . k . - i nn m i og, iu. o. ...,.u..uv.TCU .vv Jm fje i v sh,io, i.nahal red wheat 75 1.00 1.00 AS As. 75 50 Ag 75 Ag. 1.00 75 1.00 do lot of winter squash II W Hauck, bushel oats Adam Gnody, lot field pumpkins James Kelly, bushel corn Jesse Corneliuf, bushel turnip", S M Shaffer, bushel white corn do bushel smoke corn F VanValsah lot of tobacco CAin... a Rlo,k. ,naar el0. W m Cochrane, bubel white corn - r 1 rj W II Slifer, best bus white wheat do bus poach blow potatoes 1 00 do bubel egg plants 50 do C heads cabbage Ag. do bushel tomatoes 50 j J .nartin ijuosie, dus swcei puiaiun nj. Wm Stiver, bu.-hel do 1 00 1 do 6 crook-necked winter sqa'h Ag- j o '"f " 1 do b seven yr paiopsius a DO; l.ltfl ' Jao Rodenbao h, bus eloverseed do do bus timothy seed bus ballej 5 j UV VHSUVI 4.IU4USVV. t ' I OHPSbively, 3 Calil'nis sw't pump. "5 Ab Mowry, bus yellow eorq 75 do 8 sweet pumpkins Ae - Ai . t,,.. t-t. 50 do 0 beads cabbage l uO n r t- v 1...4.J1 ! U.if nntaVa 1 00 do btt blue do 1.00 James lionet, bus redeol'd seed corn Ag. Committee Jacob Kodenbaugb, John Reogler, I) lieogler. 9 Fruit. FWilson.bstBelirriAd'sCo.p'dsp's 1 50 David Klack, bushel apples 75 David G inter. Concord grapes 75 do Cawtaba da 75 J A Hitter, fall pears 1 00 Abraban Mowry, basket quinces 75 C S Jauie, spcitnao of winter pears 1.00 uo 8 varieties of pears 1 00 do 5 bunches Delaware grapes 75 do 5 do Diana grapes 75 Committee Wat Moore, d i Stoliifuas, I S Sterner. 10 Diary Products. Mrs Mary Houck, beat roll batter 2 09 i . The Committee would report that the ! dir!y of butler was such as to do eredtt . ' ',. , . ., ! to any fair, and we are sorry that there : Bor e Drcn,iums to sward. Committee Martin Uudv. Mrs C Ster- ner. Mrs E Zellers. j ' hi- rut av s. it as sraiai iimiw, Gideon Cobe, best bbl. floor 1 50 Hannah Noll, best loaf bread, 1.00 Elizticbrack,2d do do do 75 ! , l?f',, "u lcr, Bet; Hauck. Committee 11 L M'Mahoa, Jao ReDg- VI litxufiutlJ Jlmvaclura. Rebecca J Ewing, coverlid 150 : J . V ' ----- i.ririi t . -. r -'n ana vnn pn 11 i.i. .1 ' 1:11 ... ..o , ll.l-.0rt 1 ,1 X nm Mfntra 3 1 r - a , r ... . ... ' v"'. 1'?' 2i be,il qU,U o fn ' Eva U olfe beet quilt 2 50 . Margaret Houck, best woo'en yarn 1 00 , L L t- V An Kao nnnl at a oca t Villi, , . -t. v.i ; i oe iOmmiitee wouia maae meniiou ui a Piana mvpp arhirh pvhibitftd aanerior GnUh and skill in working, presented by Mrs J M'Clure. Committee Jas M'C!ure,Jas Lashells, J A Owens. 13 .Vjnvu-cure.i' .IrficiV. L Sterner, J dos calf skins . do i dot kip skins 2 00 do i dos grain kips Ag i 1.00 JFredericliiCo.500 pinesbing's Ag& 1.00 do 500 hemlock, dry, good srtiole. Dsn'l Brown, wash machine - 1 00 do clothes wringer Diploma. C 3 Bill, ex'casioa table Diploma, do bedstead 3 00 do 2 chairs 1 00 Sam'l Baas, sewing machlns 2.00 OHPSbively.db'esett gilt m'd hero's 3 00 . , .. .. a. a r n do .inele sett silver mownl'd 2 00 -t "r 0 T m .( Uomroitfee la Sterner, J SI Mowry, Henry Gets. 14 Agricultural Implement!. JW Shrine,, 2d best farm wagon 1.00 do best expanding barrow 1.50 do best cider mill 1 00 Slifer.W's.Shc'jiCo.bst mo'r&res'r 3 00 do best mower 3 00 do best clover huller 2 00 Q W Hauck, best borse rake 2.00 do eorn planter Diploma. II A Weidensaul, best open baggy 2 50 WSBrewer.lever hay st'w & fod'r cat'r 1 00 C thresher k seperatcr 3 00 do best horse power 2.00 do best cultivator 1.00 do best farm wagon 2 00 Committee Sam'l B Young, S S Oakes, John C Dnnkle. 15 W7;te, Jcllitt, and Canned fnit. Carrie Strohecker, strawberry wine C F Lindie. bottle cider 75 60 25 25 75 75 Ljdia. Baker, jar quince preserves do jar pear preserves Mary E Bell, tumbler currant jelly Kate Krown, tumbler peach jelly do jar spiced peaches 25 do tumbler quince jelly 75 'OK orse, bottle grape wine 1 00 i Elisabeth A Sets, tumbler apple jolly 50 do Jr sanely pickles 2a J A bottles sherry wins to 7 mCUngan.speo. of sorg m molasses 1 00 : r uson, j gat currant wine,- yr o.a id Mrs J m .! 0 wry, apple i quiLcejelley 3 Mary A DieffeLdorfer, jar peaches 75 do 2 bottles grape wins 50 Bella Black, jar quince butter 25 do jar peach batter 25 Committee Andrew Hauck, Thomas ri;o. t ti l? 6 Ml " 16 XtedltttOrk. Mary E Deli, bead collar 50 do crochet collar 1.00 do knit collar 50 Carrie worsted Bow's 1 00 do wax flowers 75 do farmers wreath 60 60 1.00 50 60 wm ci do card embroidery Mrs Wm Strohecker, iofaotYdres. lamp mat crosbet collar eollar 25 tidy 60 ilet cushion 25 Committee Mrs JnoUBeale. MraWm, Leiscr, T G Evans. 17 Painting, Photngrapht, &-c r.itteriLindig.c'se Vj mar'ew'k D'p.2.00 C V Liudig, lead pencil drawing cav alry fight, and bey's head 75 John F N'.ce, lot of photographs Diploma. Mary W Laird, burr frame picture 1.00 H W Cro'ter, oriental . Diploma. Had tbe finest display of steel engrav ings and oil panting. Tba Committee would recommend a Dip a to Capl.Croter. Committee-.! A Owens, E U WeikeL J W Shriner. 18 Vnenmnieratfi Articles. Sam Ewiog, fine spec's Havana cigars 25 Frederick A Co, lot of plank & rails rails 1.00 ; rvate Miller, moss collage j C Gundy, pet goat liiabeth Sterner, pen wipers fO 25 15 IS oo pto eosnions do 2 needle books 20 Elisabeth Albright, 2 needle cushions 15 J !t k: o a . Harrison Holdril, lot Iriiit trees 1.00 OCT. U, 1861 i Mary It Frais, lot of mangoes j Miry Gsndy, jr f peppers 1 do jellaw sweet peppers : Satan Moore, bos made of ses shells 15! 10 10 69 ' r.:.ibein A uez, uisn maue lu i 8rah Guodv. onions 20 j Jjbo Aurand, best cost 50 J V Cornelius, wild duck 10 Griffith M Murphy, spring drill tootb 1 10 B i't N Angsiidt, homemade sbeetiog 50 do -tow cloth 75 Wm Clingan, fancy work boxes 1.00 Jas Temple, post-buriog machios 1.00 i .Mra S A Potter, monthly raspberries 20 ! ilr Urowo.Americanan i Aneieoi cams ou t ! Sbrlleri't and ornm'l trees 1 00 ; i B F & N Aotadt, homemade bagging 50 Bella Black, iigbt cakes 9 , Maggie Black, egg crackers 10 j do cakes of corn bra&d 25 j n W Crotzer bad on exhibition sn ex tensive and beautiful lot of phoihrgrapb Iknini rhr.inarna 'artia' at.he!s. eard b-kets, ie , all worthy of notice, ana we : riiannrr. It contains ia r.oms in al', mc!ul-rec-miuienda nremium on the whole of 0 00 r s kitchen is ihoroosWy hesied bv lurnace. Committee-A Anrand. E Straub. H Merix. Chu A Juvenile. Jno F M'Cormick, bull calf.l mo old 1 00 Nathan bteruer, pair ducks 2o do lot of chickens W U v lison, a varieties sweet pump -j do peck sweet corn 20 100 : 25 25 25 : 50 : 60 1 25' 25, 25 1 25 da 4 pigs do 6 citrons A L Rittsr, battle cherry wine T Newton Kcter, basket quinces James Haaek, bushel yellow eara Theodore Hauck, pair tnrkeya Charles It James, bushel carrots Charles R Shrioer, pair peacocks do patr pigeons . . . . . s,,m on p Urown, jar cocstnuts - . Susanna L Gephart, 2 sweet pumpkins 2a I''l L G'ph. i basbel potatoes 60 v gtah, g binUm chickeDS 25 Coma)l,teeE Kiaffi jM W Sim0B. . too, jno Nun. Clan B Juvenile. in, jar Siberian crab ; Eliz A Frain, jar Siberian crab pickles 25 Laura II Frain, lot of mangoes 25 25 do pr homemade stockings 25 Malinda A Brown, lot of mangoes 2o 25 j Kate P Brown, jar pickled cabbage ' Francis E Brown, basket pop earn 25 60 25 50 ; 50 ; 1.00 do fancy cup snl saucer do croup of flowers i carau a uca.t, tuai Ol uieaa c. L Tn.-I- I J Margaret Hoack, roll butter i Lottie E Kl!j, pair kait locks j Sarah Black, bunch cat fhveri j do pin eashion Sarah J Woife, jar of tomatoes EJwin E James, 4 lbs grapes Emma Merts. jar quinces 05 25 25 n- t MJam ... v. j .. ww.w.w n :.. v;..k..i. n;... as... 11 Louisa O Mens, jar morate "'.T I VWISll4ivSSi.v-AkS4aiTvvaj svsMww j avavav- kert aaaaavaavaavatawavawaavaavavavavaaavavavaw , I aOffU I r. ... Joe orxnr, A , - "f Th. fraaaalra, with hij locks of gray. Ilj baart w Rioi. kind, au Irucl Th. rraaJrhili, in bfT ariy day, Willi Li jol todliac, tread anS btti. God ealla tkrn both I ITii hot j trara S" M l.ri. to mortal l.n. UphtrS tj Ha4a'i mplfnd.Bt bias. WU1 be aU lijhl aai tnautj Ihea. W1I trn4 In God? We know nl aevar. Hi. wiJf)B, anJ hH bouadlr-4 leva, Can re-aaiu our wv.rvd heaisa In hi eternal llome ab'va. Thank. tr hi. merry la the pa-fT Ttaaak. fnr hi. m fr.1. gim Th.akp Hr that knp. tkroaih Christ aioaa Of frardon, boliaeaa and Ueavaol Baeelra thy tetaporarv tra.t, O f"areful. hrarra-acpoiDt tornht Tb. pr-i'm. m.anrT M th. j'lst. Loot aiaj it light oar earthly gtoatal Tha aard coan, th. prattling rbfli, We lay them aeotly aid. by inde, To rie airain, aa ro. tbeir Lord Who fur th worid'a rrdemptloa dleS. Ever aa. W asaaa. aad fhllS sswalS Bca It. NARRATIVE of Privation. w& SaiTerins. of United Slates Oificers ant Soldiers while Pnsonersf War in Ihe hands of the Rebel Authorities Being ihe sfeport of a Com mission of Iitnniry, aprasmted by the V. S. Sanitary Co i?V5sirn.Wi;h aa Appendix containing the 'I5tlo(ony.,, PRICE, 25 cents-peni, post-paid, to any addrns, on recVajt of price, by C. H. KJAG.HVhue Deer Mil. I'nron ;c Pa AUCTION ? T.T7ILL be offered at Pebltc Fale. enrnmen- V cine on SATLRDAT i VEXIXU.Ocl. 15th. at tiinichtm' Boot Sr.d Shoe More, a general and well stle:ted stock of Boots an4 Shoes, i of every description, Lasts, and Shoemakers' Goods generally. Call owrfVf Bargain ! Abso r lutely to sell ot t Ae vhV sti-ek. JAME,HOL"GHTON Lewisburr, Oct 11, 1861 wlpd zfflem,afls CLDTUiun r "iiiio T. i It J H Vt'Vyi ! SljlSJiiiJ jlldaw j 18 that money caa be savedlby boyiag at the Claeap Casta Store. 1 f. .... -,a 1 .... ,! .nd '."Tr?!! " yj'.t"!: ! f r-...,: .. .. 1 Lndershiris and Drawer. Roondabools all i wool or half cotton. Pants and Vests. Moslin and Hretory Check Shirts, Overshirls aad Cassirsere Shins. Suspenders, Stockings aad 'ores. Collars of all dessriptinns li.en and 8nir, rrPBts A(, Call at the Fashionable Clothing Sure opposue Wail A Smith's of . R ZIMMERMAIf Lewishurg, Oct. IS, I86 Notice tt Creditors. TkLE ASE call VitKia ih.M ar.a-e a4 5 X accJil3,'or ihev ' the Juaiire'l lwsdi. . N. R. Zi.MMERMA.1 4,TiIE UNION established in ISU Vliole Nit- -WJ. "CHRONICLE," established ia IS 13 Whole NX 1,069-. ' CjrrecteJ S.ini- Waf.'j ly WalU X Smlih Wheat Cum lite $2.00 1.50 1 50 75 Uo'ter. primi' I dj common Eggs LrJ, freh Talhw I'otatoes 3.1 25 20 20 15 Co i Oats, 32 lb yltey OOfol 00 Flaxseed i 25 ' li,,, gi J;i Shoulder 12 j do withliibslO Dried Arple,lb. 10 j Country Soap Sf' ?, 6i,S srasj J snaj jn S-TaTli VmZ.-t E.B-T- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! ..nFr.,vcn.eB: u .ru-cisss Ho.,;. . . T PRIVATE SALE-the fine Res.dence 'blin?. aheds, Ac , ere ampU to Kw A tf Mra. E. Caatatr-. on Lnirs.ty da ld1r?e buina. a Tk. iir.. ... h, ..,., The above proreriT will be js4sed of it i. :...u.j .. kK. ,... , "d ha. gas.f,:t n;s ihcrushrut. The ma:n partition wa! s are fun, anJ the ihur- I rmoli'tt l.nrn.if ThT4 i a larr4 n.Trfi Wlln p0mp in Kitch, and a uever-laiiiBj well of water at ihe .r r. There is a tine Stable and Carriage Hoota ) . n. ru;.t.. k n.4 'I',.. 1 ri,,,n . Xn, U)t Ci n;ain, at,oat lhref acres, a p .r- tiin of which is used as a pas'.uie lot. having a Mreatn of watei rusain; thro' it. and adjoins Ihe fiabl, which is a very valuable conven ience. The lot is completely stocked with the best varieties of Truit trets and vines in fu'1 bearing, and choice shrubbery ia al unanee. The tituatioa is in every raspeci desirable. ihe neiehtwrhood the best in me place. Ihe cost of purchase if desired.', . . ' - ' . Forty Acres of arm Land ..tuate m Kelly low. ship, s-ijo.n.ns lands t Paul Geddea and ethers, about half a mile frua ' V1' , i. ' i , , . For further particn'ars and terms arp y to OR WIG & HAYES. Oct 13 A;nt Lewiburz, Pa FARTI FOR SALE. I OFFER at private sale mv Farm in Kel'y : 1 township. It conuins C3 Acre,more ; or less, clearest and in a good sia.e ol colli- vauon. A rood House, Bank Barn. Outbutl - dines, good Walep and an Orchard. A'so, Timhrr Land near-ihe aSnv irarL For terms inquire of me al M.Slicburg, or cf Iaae. Moore, residing on she farm. Oct 10 DAVID MOORE ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Y rirtae of an orueroftheOrphani'Coar: ' public sale, oa the premises, oo 1 Moxpat, 2-Ith Oct. xext, t ?1 that messwse or lot of ground situate on bv Pine ailev.ekst by Blackberrv alry, south fc? Lot Xo. 162, ant west by Furtti street. .l - e COUUI1D10Z OOe-louno Ol II cir, v II . u l u - . . . .;.i. u I c ciPTJie-u m UUUtitJ iwwoi ic T ui : t ir-u.-r , ,ni,a!,!e for the occwpation i two families. 8lable. Waynnmalcer shop. Biacksmiih Sh( p ai other Oufbnildiiijs iate she eaute of' ""SZ J and where term, of sale ..II be made kno.n oy iiA..ta r.AKOnt.. Liecutru, SAML EL J. PARtOE, Execnttr Lewisbursr, Sept. 30, IH64 I OFFER at Private Sale my Farm, sitnate in White Deer township, adjoinin; lands of John ttanrlr Pen T w. Rar.-lr M9r.l Ranck, 8. B. Pawling, and Joel Ra'nck, con- taiuinj ST Acre more or less, ft has a good House, Bank Barn, and c ther Ouibnyd iocs. About 4 acres are well Timbered, ihe remainder under good cultivation. For terms inquire on the Oct. 7 pd6m JOslAH RANCH FARO at PRIVATE SALE, SITUATED in Buffaloe township, about a mile above Farmersvilie, on the Brush Valley road. There are T5 Acres more or , less. about 30 acres cleared and in use. The j improvement are a eood House. Barn, and 1 Outbuildings.well of Water al the porch, and Fruit trees also a Saw Mill on an unfailing stream. For terms, inquire on the premise pd3w!067 - ISAAC ROVER Honse an.i Small Farm frtr Sale. t BOUT t miles from t.ewisbnrs'.adijiDin? j lar.d5 of Je.Cornelios, Ua Henmng and Jos. MVixel, comprising 9 Acres more or less, all well improved, with Rail House and Shop and other outbuild. ngs. good Fruit and well of never-failing War. Persons desiring a quiet little home pleaie inquire on the pre mises, on Ihe Brush Vallev road, Buffaloe Tp. 1(166 ISAAC MILLER FARM FOR SALE, flHE subscribers offer for sale their Farm I near lhe Forest Iron Works, conumic abont 130 Acrcsi, with rood House and Barn, and other neees sary Buildings, an excellent Spring of Water 1 between fee hoe-e and barn. All cleared, and in a food :a:e of cultivation, in a ged , neitisorhooc and convenient 10 market, mill, school. &c 1 We consider it cheap at $6,000 will take f 5,500. SHEI.LER Sc. SCHREYEK. j Irttborf, Aogoat T., House and Lot for Sals, SITUATED oo South Third street, A Lewiburg. formerly occupied bvJ-. Jesse H. Wagner. It is a half lot, having on it a good brick Dwelling Hou-e. Stable and Wagin Shed, ant some FraiU Fur Terms, address I1E.RY WATTS, Xorihd P ( or ealYon JOSEPH MEITFl 1 ..ia! , P .jr., or call oa JOsEPH MtlXEI.. Lewia- j FOR SALE. : TAVERN STA.NU on Market St. in the ' - - - Doronchof Lewiburg isoiferedforsaie . oa reasonable terms. Toe hec-e is doeb'e, j 'ai woa'i conveniently aceenimo ta'e two I families if not desir?d for the public. If net sold m a reasonable time, wil' t asort-aged. I A"y perso. having men-y ,0 loan, ea have J f 11 secured. Inl-rest pa.2 promr.ily.Ap 91 ' J. Vi OLFE TOWN LOT k B0USS T?01 sale sitcated oa N.Sth St, one square j . . .ki.h . r. .-...'..f a Iviumr.. optf-h JbiaA. I ' 1 1 rum irwiiuurif m iuii lwi. dwelling boose and kitchen, new Stable. ta-o-suirey frame Weaver Shop, Dye b. o-e, a i Vtell : aever lailiBg water, and Mime gxKl. Fruit trees. To sail purchasers, the Lot rr.av , be divided Shop and Dye hooe tn cue vJe ' and Duelling ai d S;able en ihe oiher It is Ihe prr.pertr of Bar. A-jasTjur, dsc'i Ea-; qu rt nj uar pr-iaisa 4,1 104 CYRt'S BROWN, Ex-cutor TS. The Snoj a.lf as vU FARM m SALE. OFFER al priva- -le ihe Fario v r. which I fMide. in VVb4ie Iv low-? I U containa 4cres mcie tr '". t trnn and in a sx.l naie of cu'tmaitoa a t Hoose, Banlt Cars.UutbuiIdic;. ood waier an t an O.-chard. Feroai wiihig e it mar eaO a m. ' a iso -i t eres of wooDf. vi r,ke abnre Irart. lJilEL BS-NSAtiE White Iter Tp. pu SU, li64 wird nnnsfJ' fnrSa!a. , f , , lhr,.e m.rey hu.e, known as the Buffalo f ' Mluaici in L" isbors, corner of "ateesaif a si. Lou's strrei.. .p!siie the Coort Ho'r I The rntre buMms is ol hrira; he rrirre b'liMins is of brick. 43 feel ; Second St and 7 feel ca tju Lou. a PU,aaI I l"i. ;vli4:l u-i!h . rh nnnvtc!4ric? am( maia t 1 s moderate price and easv urmi r li luriher information, inroire of ITV.MiLL.i-k, t ij. or I K KELLY, Uecerai Af ci. Uu. (jure. tin. b fa ltl TIH3ER LAND FOR SALE ! rVHZ sib'.er.b'rs effer a! Privatt Sals 8v X Uacis of Timber Land, of about . 2,U3 ACRES, in tracts of a!ia! eijual siae, aiiaated in iw .onhea.t pan of VVrsi bufaioe Kwnabip. I'ni. n ruuiity. It wiil be old in a body, or smile trar', to suit purchasers. Ii is welt tiraoert-d principally with Whtte and TelloW fine. Whue Oair, and Poplar. For further 1 particulars, inquire rf UKU3S VEITSLU Clly. irTll. Mnrlrisit 1 . IT. f. . ' . . - iownh:p. a . well Timbered. except .bom Is ! acres which are cleared and fuliivaiid. Thw . ,mpf!,Teill.B!J area BBOd lW0.toTtJ u,r H ,Use ,bJ 0u.iM11l, J orchard, and an excellent Well of WatJral the boose. 106t CEO.MCUELL . THE south-west quarter of aeeiioa 17. town XT. itorih ranse . ea-l of lb 4 la Pr"C'fl icenu :.n. Th said Para, lies about two Illiks Xortll of th eitT of j Freeport, Stf ulfi.fon Co., 111.. j try " has aboet Ftry Acre tr.Vr enliivatinn.wfsi : L"S Hon and oiher Ou' t ui dint s; la watomt ' -e ef 'b m-v. beaut.i .l Sprmrs ia th , ccucty.a- d ie fa anceof tueuad is covered J b'''' taritiy crwth f umber. I H- erv acre of the farm is ueeptit!e of I "'nr,";. "i I'Z I. derfces in Ijl.n-is. j r,i I -. -bus. Pv.,S i 1 B. H ir-i, f Tree- f l:- or lhe "'v'"t7wr"' j ycV. 50 lP3 L H P n F " " FOR SALE. 1 a 1 r. K1K .f H,.,!d- l-r,- , , -m - - ...... . . ' t a ra-i of I . ,t. r. T,- r.- -a. - 1 ' " puichaer. For termer inf. -.r tie, i.qjire rf t 1 - -j f D SKSV "iil 3 D3 lilM Dl'i MM, 4 TATRR.X STtV,, .-rrPR snow and all the ,icre reatr for use I ani! a UWEi.l.l.Xti a.'.iceni t. fitore. j Pussesio ( TTrn.iM J Aoeil neat o riore an. iar4.:iir. 4.n im,, jst n. lire. I HO. ARIICfKLE. S'frr p.t. Cniontota, Bra,ly Tp, I a., n Co. Fa, Iw. Jl, ms FOR EFWT. STOREY EricW UOCSE aad . ! rT,W" j J . L' LOT en Xorth Fuiirth sireet. aJata! March 1. '62. H. P. SHELLKK. FOUNDRY & nACHTNE SHOP. rjHE ondrrsicned havir psrrtiased thw J. Machine tn?. Foundrv. Ac. foncrriy owned by F. Y. Bman-r. ri nnharv. pre pared to do al! kiads of Machine ' Work Steam Enjines, Saw and Fli-nrmiil Machin ery. Pumps, Mtnin? Machinery. iiC Repairing attended to promptry. Persona work done lmnie-ii.telT. will do welt to call and ftamia nor ' WILLIAM KE.VNYSOX. Sanbcrr, Pa, Oct. 6, IHfii Tearfaers Waalcrl. Seh. l Directors of H ART? TT nship wiih to ernplev SEVEN Tpa. 1 thers. The compensation wi";l be liberal. hut aceorlins to the erade of cenifiea'e. For furtherinf, rn:a:ion aply 10R.V.B.LIXCOLN. Secretary of the Board iot7 r F you wan a Pirn Rr srn mi' go to XICE;t Ptir.trranhic ( n.- j .utir mere ia a spieu na assor:!teDt of darir and g:U frames, for sale cheap. f v,r.For rhotoirraph llliam go to n MCE S (ja ierv. where vou can hare a splen ! di !asor!ment from which to s.itet Letrisburg, Sept. SS, 1S?4 p!3m Dissolution. J rPHE Per.nenhip in the MeretnuV baafnesv L between the snb'crihers SiKellv.XRoada was a;soiv4ni bv muloal con-em on ihe tJd alt. The Books and Acres".-are in th handsol Mr.K'me for aetilrmee. and busineaa continued by htm at the forier siand. A H HOCrT. D A KLI.NE Kelly Tp. ISept. , lsiJt pd Estate cf Joseph Y. Derr, dee'd. THEREAS. Letfra Trjtamemarv wpow lhe evate .f JOSEPH Y. DERR. sed. la e of I.ewisburg b4irr.orh, I a;oa toun'J'' hlve tr"tnred .0 the aubsenber. by he Kp,;rr of . y B fpfm . 1 T.. rop 11.1. 1 . 1-. - .. . . . ed :omai.e payment. d thee havintrla4ins ;ainst ihe same w.;i pre-rt them duly authenticated f4ir settment. to MARY JANE DERR, Executrix tewisburg, Sept !3, K61 flitfiit flSfciOBS. 18G1, '5. Just r-.-ei.-ed ihe la:et styiesof l-ir. aad manraa Fahio'ii f..r Fall and Wi;:ter "l.-sil.'i. a- ! w li co to ITT AXb VAKB 1 1 run; : io.r auo.1 Ml: factory mar f.?Tr;su': tf 1 er sh -p on ."rih J'hirri Mi. !.X 3 VIL'.EK a 1 01 -l : I' a .N ' :- aBfr.-,"' .'I - ' --' mi If si i '. f, 'A t I